Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, October 11, 1854, Image 2

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t-u. tef-ltVsMh . tat ,4c
V 5
NiLIlWASKA iu,.p;!':-i.
be i,.i;vii w ciTT, Kit.:: a
B. I'n'.n"
i. II 'J N
. S. M.
M, 1
l' I ' l I .
. C . C'i 1:1-
C. 1
li.'': Vi
iTro, 1'.. Vi
W". S. f-'Tyiiin
S . l.niM.
IV . .M,M i ' f i
:-. C
A :
a. n. jw . r. m.. o',ic;iv, N.:.'a.'.
J'r. M. H. ('! i ! i -'. r-..i.-.
I-'.-nh n Decatur, r. -j., l'do-v ii'VN I'.ty, ::
. .! thll.
I'. I). J la'iSiv,. 1 I'I. C ,1' -V,.,. Nr'v.i!.:..
.5. T. M L'.-litlt .s. Co., W inliv ,! nu n is, "
I . r i k.
I'. M.. TV. a nee. T..V1- e I'.mIj. NeVa-Vi.
"lij. H. I1. inc. in. .,!, i;.-L.i O'.ly, .i!n '
1,1. ' (Jjnu't. S. A.. l'i)iiiiiiiuii..T at l-'oi!
1 . :i r r- !'i ip. . 1 !v ' "Ua.
J.I. lleaih. V. S. A.. Cmi.ia.inder at Vert
K''a:'i'V, NeOn1. '.
1'. M'.. Main! T.'!:"-. ! i-'n-itit Co.. Iowa.
I .'1. 'ho. 1 .'! , itti ". y- K : !r ;:s liinvi', loe.VH.
'-il'-'i i (VT'P, Ini'I int'.oli, l"'.in.
il. ..m .':. .,... 1'. I'.-,' -.r I?-.pi:!i, Iowa.
i'y-; "V. I'mt J!j M.oae, l.svr.i.
A ' iru-ru-i 11.11. It j . Kfi "?vi in. lo-va.
lei. A . ('. I).' I! ir!ir..'... lown.
Hna"Th'iu;t hi! . Ma; yni.l?, Ohio.
I. hi'l Liinrird . t'n'; i.i'(.,ii, I ass.
J"!:!' C. I'ci i!. Ci imii'irto'i. Mass.
.'!. I'.. I!nih-t. r, U!li,i. VI.
'i'nus. Si - ii '. V.
.l-iif "rt, 'i '-. lnuii.
II. I'. i'.PMIir.', (tirvjk-omlf.low .
13. T.""''1 "''' St. M iry, Iowa.
aeeival 02 the G0VEr.:;cR.
His cllci.f y, F. II. llt HT, (i.ivcrn
r r i f Kcl.r. . rrivt-il at Ii ii.- i.-w. in
fi-iiijrfjy lis si .it. I.ti II. 1.
Dcwiis Ptiil J. Y. Pi j !p. r.-'j., rn p'ii
iliiy pvci.iiipr. Oct. 6 li. Ili-s crrivt! wui
lit l.eriJilrd ntij unos'P:i!i!ii.uv Lis dresi.
r'iip-'p-p, iniinncr, i.ii-I r pp?ri:t!ce. iini
ciiicd a ilisjxjsi'ion to rr-ipc:-! lhoip fuivl.i
inonlal priiu ijilcs of r"pn'.iiViii siinp'ici'y.
wliifh pons' it u! e t!:ecr;tiul-wovk,s! re-il:
ciid Lcim'y of our po'.i'ic;.! an I social sys
tem. The Governor is'.'v 11"; rl
iil'ly yearn of c :i liltle hIkjvij lln m.--lium
lu-iht, well jM'ojiorii.miv'. simple ;:ml
:.Fy iti ):v.nner an expression. His
coui.'ct:: nvf iiviieu'es tlio possession o'
tl.oso prruliar tr.-.i: of i;;rae:er nee'lct!
to sec ure t he oii-fi.lenre nn.l resprpl of ikp
jit'Op'e wli.t pome to buiM up tlic ins'il-i-tioiig
of KUcriy, hurtmuiy uul chiii;;ij:iiy
i.)0!i (l,t virgin soil, for so uur.v ig' j
jiat. lie'u! in li ti .li s put eI possession, I y i s
r.L-oi ijriniil the chiUien of the
The Governor was hoepiuibly cn'ertain
(1 y I. II. Bennett, I.sip, of this phire.
The Covernor lock losings r.t ihe oflice
of the I.nilian Ag-eiiry.
After the crganiza'ion of tiie ineeiing
lirheeu effected, A. V,'. JIollistfh, Estp.
oriV.Jevl-j,'f.ppearel in behalf of the
t.&vernor, nnd in a brief on! per'hient
eptch, fjpressej hi deep felt sorrow
tlat; the sf t6 of his hetikh was such as to
xc1ui!e Tam from the ojiporlnnity now
presented, of sj-pearin before the peo
ple of IS'i braska, which it would have
effortlcd him the greatest pleasure to have
done, if Ids health had permitted. Mr. II.
concluded his brief remarks in behalf of
the people, expressive of th-ir sympathy
with the Coventor in the. tinieiiuii wiih
which he had been visi'.ed, and which hud
deprived llicm of an opp jitimhy of hear
ing his voice and of giving him that heariy
welcome which hii presence and speech
would have called f..r:h. Mr. II. con
cluded wi-li a touching expression of hope
that the malady with which he had been
eized, would soon be removed, and that
his customary health would b restor
ed, und that lie would room become
fitted in body and mind (o attend to the
duties of the high station he has been ap
pointed lo fi'.J.
Cou Sha npr., of Iow.1, being called
upon, remarked: "Tint the du.y of mak
it:fr an introductory" speech, havir.; been
ussigned him, he felt somewhat emburras
ed under the unexpected ciicumslances
ii; which he found himself situated."
The Governor not being able to appear
before the people; he Wuiil I briefly jem irk,
that the organization of NcLiaskr , liad
long been rnxious'y sought for, by the
ci'izenj of Western Iowa, and he rejoiced
in the prospeel, that such an oigrtnizaiion
appeared to be near at hand.
Ilev. W'u. Hmiuoi, of the Otoe
lit! 0:n.. ha Mission, hcin clled for, came
ui ward and a brief, but cIo.pient
tpeech, refeirirg the unhappy disappoint
ment wiih which the people had been is
j'e l on this occasion, to an unco:. 'ridable
riovi lciice (o whose (leci-iions it was fi!-
Iin we hou!d manifest a cheerful resi-r-
Amor.j the (lu'ics which fis a citizen
I.e Ml il incumbent on him to ure upon
'hers, was the cultivation of a fo. b 'ariu.
hurmonious sjiiiii; a dispositiosi to respect
tach others riiWils, and to m dntain (lie au
thority of Uidveiid righteoiune.s, upon
w, every m:.n's j.eaeC; safely, and hap
piness' depends.
Mr. II. expfUise 1 hi j enn I.j!enee whh
the people on I'cco.iut of their n'fliciiun,
l rrarci'.e I they had thus Leeii t ut o;j
Jroiutie privih),-e Licit this occasion j
w oui l e liiiuroco, 10 nave iiear.l ironi
the Governor's own hp the policy Ly
n l.ti'h t.I mini'.!.' t if io'i w:. I.i t bur-
f, i.ii.i .i
I !-o' ripd, it th it i'i i' i il p
' over w l.i. li hi B.iiii' nisi ra'
'! Ju-1.:? II. 1' l'.Fv! r.
i . 1 cf i
, I 1 i i I ') "N ' I I I-
HVI. ll i'lL'
; ii.l !i n i'lii'T
Jut! (!' i-vi-v.'s
idled f,ir. O ll: fiTWM'.!
i -oner. 1( us it k' 1 I'll ll-i: '
i" ,ir 'Ti
. i 'k.'I
! :n r:v(- ;'!;. 'i! j. .r
f Jim li'l'i! ii:' n s' to i!;p
, j ; -.ciT ;H:'i n " I.-'V.i h.'.
; in w'li' :i. lii" wli.-'o niii' i y foil r. 1r-p
j i nl p i'c:.1 --t'o'ir r ;i rr
!?( i'.i"!it: 1 'Ik' 0"'l'ilrv
tern vv
.IS P i'"i' 1 i
1 r o u 1 i '.' i - . Mr! i:j 'il un-iiu):is-ii '-'y i ' -; i
miMtro lrl Ix-s'-nvPil i'-s .'!i:-nn n; ,- il. Invi'ily p-ofinc Ti e Jul,:-'
rpniM k.'.l. il. it tiiL' n '. tli iii' ii', of '.a .uin
Iry viu:tl jiro'T ;m i ii's'ii:, ililc ! miMf 1"
Il .! j;rn;.!o df Vcs'rr;i Inva, iiii.I fnMii-1.
iic'ilitfiil lidii-p lopuny ;i wr.-.rv, l.i'i.l-
I ?on of p.VIT! V Iiil 1 lui', II" A' In'!, !i: ,i
ilirir wr.'.rv s'pj'S l i . icr i'i crirr t.t !
piiro p.:i i j , ;r : ij i ii : v Id ;.n lnm"-t iiv
in for 1 1 1' n; -'.m ! an I tlioir flili.Ii'pii. in
'.lie I'.Jrri:c '.'on i in r,nv ( j i 11, lo ilirir
i'!. ..i-.- i.i N. !,.-(. . Vs. .
A otj'il fr.'iii il.p r.nilii'nr-p up .n M.ij.
(ii.otuii: Hi r FH, IVpm !pt;I if tin" UK el-i-r.
rtu'.i .1 f.n ;1 a few In ii.T r.ii.l rp'iro
jivli'p n:iTrVs. i:i ivlii' li r 'rcp iutcrc!
w: S III .1:1 fi'sl. i! ly ihe mi lil vi prrs
The M-.jor n ni.-.rko 1 iliiil saiisl'iicl.i.-v
r;itii,iiii'!i s ii.i.l uepn in uin ln:l'.', c
(ioei-iunent cn:l the Imli.-ms, lo
ihe iiilini'.'.i lie SO'.lll l:n 111 (if llio c;
t j)
I'V i.
I le luii no ibuV '
li e in Ji; rnu nv v,-
i.h ti
1 ii'.ii..i.s ;.( rc
1 1 . v were o'i'v
of tlio
of their s'.-.v, il'
"an fill to in ii rai l i'i
' '. iven.iDPti!. that ;.tri'
i.e c Xvhi Ir.l (r.i'ii the s
lis li-ri.irs .sin.. i
ill h'llR tl S piii'l
1 1 r:ii were list il in s.jie;iki:i;r of i!
nnd g-
t til
f those
J W.V.liil
of the
i-i'i.irs to
jpop.iruiZO li.O peni'C Mil Safe
eornmiiiii'v I v ui 'u-i' iihaiholic
in. Ir. lis. ii
li.piar vvi.s to be given to the
Iii'liciiis, then ivi one's peace wi:! iife wr.s
.secure no safe-f iar-1 exU'e I i''iusl
drunken rrvi-his, ;.h,l s::-. : ."! frro -i- ,
swiikenei to in i.-h,e-s. hv i'.e ' iii-e
waler'' which vouhl i-onsinn-! li." v p
an, I
b.neiy in ilio-e s lo
i: l.ei e.
r-xp 'in to ciij.iv
ican law.
ic sh.ihcr of
Ii K c i: P T I O X
Governor Hurt,
At Ee!lereiv.
Upon 1 he arrival of thii dislitnislieil
J vfWitlt-riii.n. on Fi id..v last, a mpeiirjj con
vened. lii;o. V.. Iiil.iiTtfl. Esl.i wns
cailel to the Chidr, ur.d STtriiLS DrcA-
j-reii. p.pp.i'm'ed Secrliiiy.
ieri-'!r.:in. Major Powns. I. II. Bn-
1 ,,.,K',,I. I, , .
iiel a f.U b, Uccalur, were rnrxunt -
., i ,, .
ed to want upon his Exi t .i.eney, and ten-
,1 t t-im ; ;c.r .i. t. . f .i ..
new and rrowii.-r TerrTorv. , ,..!" d.-mocrahe p-.r'y
mutual and cordLl welcome lo his 'VV-s!-
rn home. Aficr a short in'erview, the
eommit'ee reiurned, r. ji .rling his wiiiin
ness to mee t his fii-.-n ls, on Monday al
tcrnoou, at 2 o'clock, V. M., the D.h inst.
Monoa y, Oct. f) h.
Agreeable to the above ai"r; ii"i ;iienls,
the ci'izens of Nebraska assembled at this
place, to m"e! tnd greet him in a becomii''
The meeting being organized, M wu
Ilr.rsrn, was called to j. reside, and E. B.
Ids Ntr, appoinled Secretary.
A. W., Es.p, iii behalf of
the Governor, acknowledged his rratiiuJu
and tendered ids heart-felt thanks to those
of his friends, who had i.ssembled lo wel
come and receive him, upon thU occasion;
and it was wiih deep regret, he was pre
vented 1-y sickness, from personally pre
senting this token of regard. He sp.,1;.
hriefly of his short acipii'iii'i nee w hhhis
Excellency, in u manner that gme confi
dence, credit and abili'y to his character,
as a high-toned cnt'cman, nnd of his
'uabhealions for the risponsible jiosiiioti
he occupied as llieir Governor.
Co!. fJharp, Hon. II. 1 IJ.-nnct, Ilcv
Win. H..u.;:ton i.nd Major Jlepnir, beirn
called upon, responded in a brief, able and
intelligent manner, tdludim' to ihe pros
I , .
pec s an, i :iii.uiai aiiviiiiti i.f ') oi tl. e coun
try; the urgent r.ecessi'y of the irnmcdi--te
orgaiiizilioa of ihe Eiilafurc iht
adop'ion of sound laws, rn ( the acijuies
eence of every ciiiz-it, in ,'.. pr. 'Bu'ga
tion of those principles, hidi ccnsii u:es
the foun hi!ion of happiness an 1
IV. They idhidi'd lo ihe illness of the
Governor, as ion of IVo idence,
vho controls and watihes over theaffldrs
of men, r.n 1 orders nil things for the best.
We were very forcibly reminded by the
i.ppropri.ile rem tks, and ihe poo l fi ling
which prevailed, that each one present felt
the great responsibility eif acling in a wise
manner upon those important mailers that
are conncclel in (he formation of lavis
tojjoiein ihe people of a new country,
GEORGE IIEI'NEll, ( h'rn.
I., B. E'lstrtt, Sec'ry.
ZiTThe W.ithing'nis (JI. be, which is
usiii'iv c i'.'i
J3 in i s statement, ."ys
"Tiie Ire .ly anripxinj (he S-n Jivich j-
h-.ii is in the I' i. he I, we ired frmr
r-T i.i (ho
iite I):-
! vt.r'J tut n
Tli.: K:;
l Si " I'l'i In i'l' I
C vr'l, '' I l i
i'!' rv (. : y Vi'i 1 - i
riiiZi i;. n l i i i !i
i I'll (il llns n it y . If
i.Vl-v i 11 f U'i , Marl'
t i ' n.i! ivi' Imii !i
.;n, i.' :li y iti.u'1 1.;ii-
',,) .:.-( ! i'i.' 1'r.i r'.'iiiil f..i'!i. Till'
. , .'i,.'.' ..I r - x. i ;:i'i-lv.u;.li'-:ui
u r'. ,; ir.ii-. ! t.i ;il .riu ficiv l(;,.li(ul
:!!.l ( tl !l;c W.itrii T'lWlT of Afu.'l l
. ill lii'-'l! V.
Tin- i.'il'iA ( 'v...t. froi'j ll:? '. nici i-
n Criss ..!.t.' luniis'.i's i.n niitnis'.ikali'.f
!.('.! HI oi III' i.MlK I'I ill
s jiiiri) :
I'l.P I ! l! l-f all !) . ! '1! Ill illl ll'll -
N . r , i i' '
I 'II- ll.l I IP
lull ..-i i
, .. ' ' I r i.Jli.-c' A
.it- i.,".U";.r Hi"
i iv ;i,.it; -in "Al' '.! !' .in nisit-,f,..,i'i,-,--Tl.o
f.n.l....' l-.i'-l.
i'.j.'T- Inn 1- .i en cur --iinr.'i"--
i I. .1 II I. i W f 111.. I Aim I
t. nl I f.iri i!;ti il ll ip ti
ll eh J'1.!.'. -1 it low."
I licl I'j ill'ltif (if tin' K'lDW-
l-i: inn- ii ' i I - ;
i I' nil I.i i"-.;-i j
-.i'i. I ii-Mi:, .
I.i-t,-i.i!.iti.-ii. .".
(' V. I.-'l;.-r i'i
Sin li i-i :i
I II I I. Ill
M'i.'or.!i!! j to one oi Uii'ir
on n .
1 1 s .
Tiie first i;'i''S'.i,'ii thai pre?' n'.S i'sel!
1 . -
i- r potiM . pr.. .n.n, n
::is'. lo il totit
;ipV, t.' i'chv n in in
i tit w i h tnie ..' t
irni'r:''!': iid.'Hi.'j; i i.ti l ci'i-
ll.e rhh!s of iiii .:n-'ri,-an ciiizen.
h.-c. ne he was Imrn on ' i-h' of li"' liioiis
.if the Viii r.l S ....:? "'Ve '.''ii see ii'i
re:. inn why ii"'ii drivni v..y i'i".im other
. rn' i.i. I ics. I y p.'iveri ie. 1 j p.'i'sMi.n. may
1 , i ii
mil I1..1KP jiiSl i.S pi.'il -:IZ -I.S Will JejJIS-
s. i .ji. I he ,-s f -mn'ipli lit lo hi. hi nlli-'e,
:'s those wlio h ';'(!! lo he li ilive-Lmni.
It MTI11S to lis. i'i. it l'0!I!-:;"M .'-'''i'-e Wolil'l
lech, that is he l a in .ti is on
lice hv ihe perple, ii.r only p.". for of-
per frronnil
. Y W !
ls: Ih;
mi. nl;.
h i.i- h ::: !- is 1.
cf char... Icr- li
Mnl n
! ei iral on ilili rii.r.s of
a in ,iv
1 f a l'i..ii h; s ihe tie i;la 1 c'lidilieutions
to iridei s'l.tid I in- i.'.iiils of a c.miuiU.'hy
that isl; to !, repn seiitcd in a leiilalive
body , li.'liereiiee does it miiki; tolhat
eoiiiiit'ini y, where lie tut his cdueati
' hen we eieplc.y an : ;'.ti! to 1 o b'lsii.ess
for us. WKi-di :n o'her (jiiahlicaioas. li.
y.Ui I iho-e of c: p . i v j.nd liuia v'v. Win!. . he ioii-lit of a drew I.IU7
m in, siio il l re! use the ; i 1 of a mr.n .
u ho eiicred in i.uivre into the wa' r mid
rescue him from a wioerv jrnve. i.usc
he hajpened lo v a Catholic or a foreign
Tiie know-no'hit press, in orde r to
excite ihe preju lices of native born cili
zens ii'iiinst the Democr.iiia parly, arc
unwearied in their e'lhrls to misrpjire
nciit fads connected wiih the organization
U p.. - ..wu4.t ii i4M Ura ....!,...J
cd tli. t LirjiC Wiijoriiy of liie persons
li(di:iii under the U' Slules
Goi ti nmciil Mine foreign tj. The fid
I. .. i- . ... :'l l ' '
""Wii l.:c s will 11'. lillj o.-iijsion to
1 ,.. .... ,
I'i-''.' i'lld lilssi'.aie .I.e tilialilcei hv w hi '.
,u olivj.-.v.- in n i.nuii f-wiy tin..
The whole iiumher of ciripln-j n-s in
ihe I'osl-O.'hce depart ineut at H'u,!,ing'on
is ltO, of whom S.'S arc native, and 12
of fopij:n birth; in ihe dep .r:m ml of
lle InU-iior, the number of persons eir:
p!oed is 75H. of whom 7'M are of Amer-ic-ui,
and bX of foreign birii'i, and 10.J no',
known; in Ihe deparlment of Suite, whole
number i 14. of whem 1C4 are American.
. ...1 r i r i
..I .i Kii.-ig-i oorn, z.t not known; in
Ihe T
reasury department, whole number
"lui -.nooi w Horn urc ismertean, 2'Sa
o i n i t ,r i . -
foreign born, unknown 1:01 . Total of
Slate Treasury and Interior dcpar!m-r:t
41CG, of whom Jo are American bom,
foreigners -I. 'JO, unknown 3.'JU.
It appear from ihe above fi' ires.
that the o'he hoUers of American, out
number those of foreign bir.h, nearly in
proportion of ten to one. .
e contend that there i no good ground
f..r ihei xislince of jealousy on the jialt ol
the American people foreigners.
We are ae.piain'ed wiih lore.,, bom cil-iz-ns
wlio are us er.p.ble, and as honest,
and every way wcr.l.y 0r ofTu-e hs those
na'ive bom. What crime is d.crc in hav
ing been born in a Ln ig., land, and of
having ubti.ined an ediipciioi? abni id? We
are sMisHedthal a majori'y f cur forti-n-
pi'pii.alicn. are i s reallv i.atriii.: in
...... .
'Heir leeiings, and as sincere
in the sup-
port of our
ns'itu'ions, as our own ciii-
The Governor reach.-1 Jh-llev Jew
Friday, Ihe G h. i
i an en.'.-i bled rnndi' ion
or ho ly. His complaint b. ing a dc
rai g iop;il of tie bil'ious o m. After
his arrival Lis complaint coi.'inticd to in
crease in nadigiiMicy. unlil it was thought
advisable to call for medical ai l; nccord
in.'ly, n messpnger wan dhpa'che 1 to
Me ssrs. JIcMahon L Williams, of BlutT
t 'ily, who imrne diale ly $,-nt Pr. A. V.
M ah cinb, an reenmp'ishe 1 physician con
necled wi h them in his profession, toad r the necessary remedies in the
The Covernor is now convalescent and
it ii Loped, will soon recjve E'om Lis
We refer rjitr-rt'.iders to ihe Ldverlise-
incnt of J. C. Mitchell i'i Co., i.i anotln r
column. A!!en1 th irsjhs on the I'jih.j
...ii .... ...... . i I....... t. . 1'.jjWk.s,4.'l,l4..
srrr.t'KA kow crr.-i 10:1 fextli.hest.
Tiie li.dii.n .lepa: I unlit has made Sa'is
fiic' oi v in I ,.ii; ciiicn's v l'h the Indians, for
ihe iinniedi.ite au.l unresl ri.-lf d Sellh inciil
of t! is lerii'oiy. Il has been s;ipuhi'd,
ihi.t no Sj'iri'oiis lic'ict -s shali be inlro ble
ed hv the settlers, i-nd they shall nr-
ray lb. if inloii !:ce insl those who Ml
fool-hardy p'l'.'t 'h. lo peiil the piviee and i
. 1 . 1 . ,'.
sarclv .1 our tnl.iiit e-omniui'il , t-y l!,i'
inlr.vl.le' Mil use of ( '..-.. -nf. ) the
, . , , .
i e hre-w.iler wnich 1'i.liansare so ei-gp
lo obtain v ii.'iiev er nn ci.noiiiiiii1 y i- j.i i
senlch We I ope every in-n who comes id
lin e (o nl: V
LotO'1, and is to cons' it u ' .
a purlieu of the p
us.- his ialliU in e
.le o! rsi tr.isU:i, v i.i
to i M'lu.h: from ll.ii
e o!iim"'ii y, and from ihe torn'my, (h: t
whi li will burn up i's inh-.nlilc viiali'y,
and "plead il.,ikn-s nye-r i.s luiiire prus
p. e' s.
Il mi"d be tin Icrs'cod 1 v i' ery r-ali-'eini
min i, that f nrni-hi'i 'i Indians wi.'h sniiil-
r. :. .1 o..i ;.i.. ,.t
Oli II,. .1111 - .11," i, .'. L."l". , Hi' l" u I
mnoiif ss, i,s it would be to introduce fire
into a powder magazine.
IIKTrrtKAST H. r. U0V'S3.'
This genlhinni ariived at ibis place on
n Cl
any v i 'i his Excel-
b'ney , the Gov ennir
I.n e of l e-.-idpnee i
:.; .i'l'fasi:i. tils
Nc! r.,-k-i t'ily. ol
oi'I i oft Kearny, w
eic he h..s liVT I for
several years. He is a genuine specimen
of a jii .neer hilily soci il, open-he I led
and fii.'Til'v; a s i at per so. n feels at
home in hi- presi nee. His l.ibor and en
(eoics are directed wiih uu'ii iag devotion
lo ihe word y i n'crjirizc of building up
ihe beautiful place which he li..s had the
fortune to secure.
ZV'Vl.K foil. twine; extract oi' it lei Icr.
is iiom Win. Sawyer, formerly member
of Congrrss from Ohio.
Sr. Mahy, O., Aug. 11. l'l.
HJilors of Day Ion Jmirnnl : In ac
cordance with jour rcpics; and in fuli'd
input of tuy, 1 pro, cud to ','ive
joua brief ske- h of mi excui-im lu
N' braskm and Kansis, fr..n which I Lave
j'isi returned, in conneciion
VTI'.ll lliv
nervations in those tcrnlo. ies. now al-l
tractim? so muc'i attention. I i-;ve vou
some "inci ien.s of travel' thr.m-lt Illi-j
nois and Iowa, which I trust w ill be (oun 1
intcresiing. It is hardly i ccessary for me
lo stale ail the paiticiilars of my jourm y
through Illinois and Iowa: for the cjunlry
has been w ell described ly hundreds of
Irnvi lers, but in ail the iejcnj)lins that
ever have been given, jusiice has not been
done to the p rent lies and heau'y of the
emintry. All ileserip'.ions fail short ol
tlic rcidi y. To be properly npjireci.iled,
ihe e ocntty must be see n. These Siales
f-rfx'riit i ii J fcrliii y of soil, caniiol be
surp.svi d. .Ve Ihlckeys bo ast (and rigiit
iully to..) of our Sl.ile of O no, bul
we will at ; o distant day have to knock
under lo I.linois ; lid Iowa. I was often
reminded of the e-xe lamalion of the tjueen
of Slirbii. when she cume to view the
Temple. She heard of the wis hen of
King Solomon, but, the hulf had no'
been told.1' I Lad also he-ard much of
the Croat We-st, including Nebraska and
Ivans. .s, bul, ' the l.alf Las not been told."
I traveled in company w ith my "be': r
half1 in our own private conveyance
through the centre of Illinois, we siruck
ihe Mississippi nt the Cily of Naiivoo,
where we have a relative living. Wo
spent two days there uik1 visited the cur
iosities of the cily, and were much disap
pointed in the appearance and business of
'he once great Mormon c ily. We expect
ed lo find it a deserted j.ile or ruins, but
inslead of this, we found a very thriving
cily, inhabited by about two thousand in-r-liistriom,
en'erprisiier ei'izeiis, a large
portion f whom bre Germans. There
is blso, a community of French people
there, calling themselves (he Icarians,
they own and occupy the Mormon temple
sipiart ; they have a community cf in'.er-
esls, tnd are said to be very orderly an 1
moral, and live up to the rules of ihe i
commur.i'y; they number thrre or
hundred, rrd Lave a large Academy L"i!l
of ihe mateiiid from the "ruins of the first
Tern pie." They have also a newspaper
printed by and belonging to the kocioty,
and all i's concerns are under the manage
ment of Mr. Cbbet, a very worthy and
intelligent Fjench gen'lcmiiii. Wc were
surprised on eur arrival at Nauvoo, to
lerrn thtt Mrs. Smiih, the wife of the
lulo CWbrtd Joseph Smiih, the Mormon
Prophet, was living in Nauvoo, having
ee-.-ti in a late paper that she had lately
eiird cl Salt Lake. We raid a visit to the
residence of (he lady, whom we found
keeping the si me tave rn whic h was kept
by her former husband Joseph Smith.
We were very p.olilcly received by her
present husband, win is a very worthy
gentleman, j.n I by whom we were very
hospitably en'erlaiiicd; we were thawn
many t ui iosuic of which are the re m: ins
of the celebrated Timple. lis vvhile
front is all that is Mnv standing: it is of
co'i 1 stone, and t.r.giiificcnt const ruction
and workmanship, it stands on an tnii
nuuee and Can be seen or many miles up
and down the river. I could wish that
ih"!iiind of (he inctiidjary had spared that
l:ob!c edifice.
V. - A. O.V It 1 t.ii
1 l n'l.'d.P .). I; ti :'l i' V Inij l il or.
v.-hat in: roTin.;'. ir.r.Fj thiss cr
FI.AVtr.Y Ii 1.ANCA8.
'I'lie Columbus Slalc'inan mil Pi mo
cral. i'i speaking cf ihe irpeal of the Mis
s.'Uti Co'ii promise, nd n'.'-.liiu i s i!cire
lo -cp the Kansas i bill rrinain t.s
it n is j l-i'-l by Co'ijress. s-.s:
" A ear.I.ii'' t id! tin- licit ipli.i'.'i t' 'inc-
'.v. 1 1 ' i'.t"n 'v' t.l i
,.! -li cle l-f I ill 1 V
;v( t.l ni'-ii ' f all sp.' in. 'I . f
., .1 j), ,i Katies will nr.-ei.t lier-'i-if r Un
I'"" ,'h''Ur
! lie' n. i ' to (X of H'P .
U.r tiuciiiii n I i.i : m A f , I ' In"'
Ith Cia ir:."-. As a l r.
i 1 1 ' I
. 1 I':.- i.
a -tipti. tliii. iilii-.-lii.u' I'ip lulpr. ls ' I
we art fitm in t!ir ranvic'ui.i I'lat in
"it a- ret of tlic r.i-e, n rsi om I i d i of
" in ( ui:i.; rittusc to-liionow. roil!. I it
I,f i
vi.i'iel re. n!t in l ii ii'K lo slavery l
i.iM.i.p ir'ieitel. A'ilinli ii ,'.. in is Klin;.",
tiie i,-, eivl weir a Iiip.h li of laifli. .'a e,lv lo It
ipl'i el.'-il on a. Ton i-1 of l'- nan a! ell'.el. ili-.-oii-r-a'i
t "i fi"!n tin' .-I. hit) u'ip in vi 1 hale if. we
li.'liiii'.l II, at I'V it. i:.p.oitli lm caii'.'l pviry
tlil'i. aii'l'iy lias lic.'ii (l.-jll one of t.'if
1,' I li'iows tlial it lei evpr rrri'ivi'.l fnnu any
ii .r.-'.i'ivo rriactuiei.t siate tlic forieation of tiie
e never ugirded ihe bill organizing
I Kir?
sas and Nebraska, after the amend-
nv'iil rcp-'aliiv! ihe Mi.-ouri Compromise
wns tulop'c 1, in uov oih-T light than fork
ed tonetmd. The bill was advocated and
supported hv the Norih because slavery
wiis ' dealt I'll" of the heavies'. LIjws
it r er ) . ce iv ed fl cm any lerislnlive
eii.i?' input since th furmaiion of the
Cnioii." l,i ihe S i iili, i: Was suj.j) nte I
by the slavery prop 'grim hs! s, il
dealt A heavy biovv to frcesuilism, and es
tablished slavery where it had been pro
hibited fur ever thirty years, ihe North
nnd Souih suppr r'mg the bill for opposite'
reasons. Winnle r the free-'iil-'rs of the
Norlh or liu'.lifien of tiie South are cor
rect in their c in "bisiom inn1! alone will
determine. S'ioul l the Norihevn people
C;et up n "Self-defensive Association,"
and "assist in removing'1 cmigranls from
Kansas, who do n. think as they do, we
have no doubt butlhe people of the terri
tory wiii be left pi-rfe?. tly f n e lo b gc lal
for tln-ttiscl ve s--su' j'-ct lo the conl rol of
'he "Self-lcfci.'-nv e A "social ion of J'lalle
Cj'.i'.i'y." CALCULATION.
Th' number of languages spoken in Ui
l. .11 t.. . .
"on" "moul" lo " V'VJ '
)07 in F.iimp,
M'U in Asia, aril L'7") in Af.-ics, 1 .'-.'.() in
Au''r'CJ T1"' '"Ii''t-'! of the K!be
prulem more (ban I .K(J rtnlereiit religions.
The number of m-n is abo il eipii! to thai
of women. Fife's ever.'gp is 2H years.
One ipi irter dii previous lo the of 7
years; one-half before reiohin 17; end
end ll'.ose who piss (he latter enjoy e
fseiii y refused to one-half the huiniu
speiies. To every 1,000 persons, only one
tr.ciirs - itxj jnr f nge lo every 100
only six reach the ae of 03; s:vl not more
than one in LiOO lives In KO years of rge.
There are on the earih 1 ,0U) (id ).(.()) in
habiianls, and of .'Jli '.'..i'i die
every year; 01 ..'b' I every d iy ; ' 7) ev fry
hour; and (1() every minu'e, or one every
second. The los-.-s arc baEnee! by the
eipul number of births. Tiie marrie 1 are
longer lived than ihe single; an I, above
ad those who ob.-crv, a Sober and in his
tt iseoriduc'. Tall men live longer than
short one. Womm iisvc more chances of
life in th.eir favor previous to Leir.g tif.y
years of age lh;iu men have, but fewer uf
terwards. The number of marritje is in
the proportion of 73 to every 1,000 iuli.
vilu-ils. Marriages are more freipieti'
after ihe eipiinoxes; than is during the
months of June end Pecember. Those
born in the spring i re generally more ro
bust than olhers. Ihrlhs tnd deaths are
mote freepieut by right than by eh.y. The
number of bearing hum is
calculated at one-fourih the population.
Jtif The supp'y of paper is so inade
quate to the demand in England, that old
newspapers are used over agiin, the ink
being first extracted Ly a chemiej pru-ee-ss,
on 1 the paper reduced to a clean
TIk- K iaj is Eaigratioa.
A farm.-r from Schoharie couu'v in
1 .e prim.; of hfe h.c; j i( (J.sp-,se,l of
l,'' '.s'il,a J."r I'!"Tf'c of joining v.r
on ii.c l ariiesi cmirani p. .rin s lor Jvaii-
M , i i . I :. i . i , , J.hers in his ncihU'rhood, as tUe
'.vhert will -en follow his example.
We are glad to know that ihe Masuch
usp'Is Emigrant Ai l Soiie'y are daily re
ceiving applicants. It Was not d.-sinc (.,
slarl the sec i id irly uuiill the mid 11a of
SepleiubiT. But the applicants are so nu
minous and so nuny are ready to move
nt a moiii'-nls lio'ice and so impatient lo possession iif the lane!; that il is now
determined lo dcspidh a company on
Tuesday next, August 29. We hre no.
dv is' d of the number enrolled for this ex
pfdi'iou; but it whl iloub'l.-ss be iare
enough to show the interest which the
movement is exciliug among the Fiemnen
of ihn North.
'lhose wthat join this movement
mostly young men enterprising, skilful
and industrious farmers and mechanics.
Among the hitler are several iiou-wotk-ers
who are preparing m.ichi nery to cany
wiih I hem.
The inti rct which this movement has
(rXcited is on the increase. The jirojee.
is so clearly feasible, so eminently prucli
ed and promising such certidn success
thai it cannot fail to grow in favor as it
comes to be uiuU rsiood. While il will
uhimalely resul.
fi'0.11 the terri.orv ,
I.I 1(
: In Ji
iug siavtty
-',.. ;, ( .1 .....
assume the du' y uf canvassinij the views
....... j v wi HJI
of those who uni'e with them. It is an
oigaiiizaliotj of a purely business character
open Jo all whatever iri iy be their cpin-
...... .... .. t:.i- 1 . .1 i . .. ' t.
1)6 AT It ('f KENTON.
We. le., in licin the St. Eouis News, of
ihe 1,'S h, thai Mrs. Elizabeth lienlon,
wife of Col. IIpiiIoii. died in Washington
ity, on the lL'li ins!. The News fur
nishes the follow itig f ,icl in llio life of the
Mis. Ben'. m wns Miss Mi Powell,
diiU:;hlerof do laic Col. James MePow
el, i f 'hoi ry 'iil!cy, Rockbridge county,
;i.. a gen' h'iniiii noted for hit intelli
epiice, In oievoleiK e and worth. She wee
..iso sisier lo E- iov in, or McDowell of
it., nve of the inosl iicciitiipiisiied gentle
men and orators of the. nation.
Mrs. Benton was mai l ied (o Col. Ben.
bin about the year 1NU0, mnt she was, nl
the time of he r .e,ith, about i-ixly y e;.t s
of She was the mother of six chil
dren who grew lo the age of in oj n it v. to
wit: Mrs. Jones, nf Vashiui:ton, Mis.
Col. Fremont, .Mrs. Jai nb, Miss S trail
Benton and McDowell and Randolph, twn
sons, who have di-d within the last few
years, leaving the daughters the only mr
viving i hiidre n.
In the new I'liclion the sharpest nf
all yet received, because penetrating to
the heart of Lis domestic e irele, and run
ning back through the memories of all lim
scenes of his early hopes, amb ilions and
Iriiimphs, and the full noontide of his life,
and in the end, making ullerly desolate the
evening of Lis days Col. B.-nlon should
. . . i ... : i " . ,
;' win tce.'ive ine sympatl.y or every
(iti.en of the S -ale I hut he so long served,
wliosc liearl relains cnouL'h of natural
kindness and Iium .niiy to uiAv. his svm
palhy i's. iiniihle.
Toe funeral e.f Mrs. Bmton look j.lnen
on Tuisd.y. C,,. Beu'on wins at th .l
lime in (he Slate of Missouri. General
Hen b ison, General Jes-up. Hon. R. H.
j Man on, of Kenlu.-ky, Hon. Mr. Ashe,
Clonel f-eaioit, Commodore M '(.'.. uley,
j H m. Mr. Sit t;!ei(,M, and V. F. I'.lnir,
: ;" :,"1 i1" p: ll-bcr. rs. Among odici s w lm
jfoihvv.d She let.i. ins to Ihe pravc, w:
J 'he 1'nsi lent, of (he Foiled Slu'es.
; C.viiized in.l.a""s." "
Ev'r.-.ct e.f of u leiier wiiiten to iIia
P.yton (Ohio) Jo'iin.d, by Win. Siwyei;
I passed through the Wyandol , S!i iw
nee and Delaware tribes, and had much
conversation wiih the Indians i:i regird to
their fil'ure iiilcnlions. They tire desir
ous of becoming ci'izjns, and have midu
reservation of land lor each inember of
ihcir tribes. Tliey are now living en i re
ly by tigiicullural piiisuitsand I was high
ly gratified by ihe signs of prosperity I
imwcinryn-liciciiiiiiiiifj thorn. TJiey liiivn
line fin ms in a high slate of cultivation;
hey have an cbuiidatice of corn, wheat,
o.vs ;it,d hay; ileir furmsare well slinked
wi h hoises, callle nnd hogt. They all
diess in Am-rie.iii eos'.iiui':. have inmy
s. bools in which the voiiiii aro lau 'ht the
E' i.nd the English litem
lure, I pissed, un the last ubbalh day
I was in ll.cir eoitulry, two church,
one a frame, and the other a hewed los;
house; ihcie ; ppr ared lo be large congre'
g it ions prc.-on'. AH around (tie chtirchet
vv ere hilchc 1 fric horses wi h hamltuine
saddles and briddles; indeed, the entire
ri' would have been coiisilcrel superior
even am tng ihe civilized whiles. The
side-saddle' was frc.piently seen among
the equipments, whi h was a favor.iblo in
dica'iou of the progress of reliuemaiit
among the 'red men.'
" Nearly all ihe In lijns belonj; t ) iha
Methodist church; they, Lke the whiles
have 'Church North' and Church 8011111,
but whio'i is i.i ihe ascendency I had no',
the means of knowing.
" There are many inciden's which fell
under my observe ion. that I should l.kt
to inrr.iii; but 1 fer if I should under
take il J would beconi'j we irisom to yo.l
.11 d your reuK-rs. I will close by spying,
Liit (here is a vast amiii it of as gjol
coiiulry in (he-se Territories as cm La
found any w belt! 011 the earth, 1111 1 I won'. 1
heartily adviie persons of energy, jiisl
commencing in the world with a small
capital, to locate in ihe Great West, and
in a few yenrs th. y m .y re-v isit their
homes of chiUhool moro 'belter to do'
ihaii jour parents, or those you leave Is
land yoa." V on rs
HcAlpm's Estate.
Our reade rs are requested to taku n t
lice that the Sale of properly belong
ing to the estate of Alexander MeAlpin,
advertised in ano.her column, will take
plac e on Saturday, October 14 h, on the
premises. B-ar in mind that opportuni
ties wi'l be oTcrcil at that time to nuke
good L-i L'iiins !
Tue Cjc.i4v scjut t lo have covered
more ground Ibis summer, Lolh in Europe
and America, than it ever did before at
one time. ILrdly any quarter of Europe
is now entirely free from its ravages, eft 1
we learn of i's sjire .d Lolh in A'
X'tisT" Ten editors luv e Lee;i efeetel (o
the Canadian I'ai Lament. '
-Ii esiim.iled ihat 1,000,000 bushels j
jioiaiors will rot in CvSifornw Una s j I
. r t , T' f '
I )
I v. H s JI tliU (I UUS V
S f