Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, October 11, 1854, Image 1

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    "t I
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in h
formi y v e-"- -. """.-
rrniMtrr. wrrtf.T y
Editors and TYr; rir'nrt.
jritrTtivr ri-r. K'-m n ri.. vvpnum.
TI'I'MS.nnf rni- nrm v-r. Of em
cmw air month, $1 00 hvamai i.v m at
vaw. P?7" Tin pup"' w "11 h- o; 'mo
1hn ilirrrtion of t',o prrpr'itorr. u: 1:1 i;l "
renriifres tre paid.
rorfri i"ir of twelve litft or 1 :,
fl ret tnirtin!l.
Tlarh ulirrnMint ip"-!on,
One siptaro Hire' months,
OnTinr: month",
line 'tr( ivvt mini! .
On" fliinrlcr of a rn'"'n't fvl" monUn
One 1 lf pfil'-mn tvee'v months,
Ofj rolnmn 1w!i'e mnnf'ta,
Buninriti canta of pith! lin"". '""r'y.
i i r: x re-"-.' L
(". oe
J t,n
1 ?'0
pa po
n fin j
r, m j
1 no
" lb-re noti'l.'.?no
Adnrr.iftratori' ami l".xrnlor' no'.n i, .'00
Tiir. t. wv or r. w? a nr?.
T. Pnh'rrihTs wliniiii r'"' ""'v -ff "n''i"'
fn t!p rnplrnrr. nrn rnniito-.!! wishing to
Tontin'if thfir "ilirrirt'otn.
2. If lllMPritior n-i!ir t.p rllirnr.iln'innr-o o'
hfir psprr. Ili pnhl'vhrr tr"v rAiit r . ' : e to sn 1
hm until nil n'Trarw' uri rui'h
3. If miiiFrnlipM fin'Tl or ri' i n fi'i,c
V.rir rnprr from !. riTc to vh'c'i (! ' nm
rtirctil. tticV If" V.i!i rronnn''.' mlil Hicv
itri nottV 1 Dip bill m l or,lcr"J ',ic pr.-cr !ii
'contiti'icl. 4. If mih'rrir' rrniovoto o'Iit n'T"-i wit'i
nnt in f'T-ifi'ii!T th fiMIo'iPr. nml t'i" rmT !
Tnt 1 th! former Jiroction, they arc held rc
rponihif .
ft, Tb' rfrT hi v 'tr'ib" 1 th-t rnf ''r" Ii
lulc H finrrfrn'ri thi oT", rr r"iVi 1 1 !
lv:t,j iT,-:,Hr I f-r, is prlini f.'.cil cvi.i i",c "
of ir.tcnlioiil f r.'n!.
: ,V.n.r ivi'I t i irrt !i"'',t a'i :
I. Tblil Mii'l1" r'-nr 'M1 hn'o'ir..! y'.r-
11i xpirtipn of lb" 1 lie for which O.i'V pa'i!,
Me otliprwiixi rrVH.
5. Thnt no pr"" vv'" be r?"ronf in,!il nr'i! ,"!!
rrr?"r r( p;ii, I'D to I'lO Hri ''t iv'iVti Ihp
ftoficc i p'vn. i'"lr ( nre s:itisfii l tbt Hip
nfcncrbf r i vvor'!i,,".
3. Thnt wbn th f-i . ib'p,i?'ii ; f.i:V "t
9 lllbib',. bns 1tii .ir.-.i tr r'f i-nn ti
I'm. l!i i"i' nr'i rrri' rf'i;vrt':r:if 'riv 'i o
rmit one itol'ir f ir ri,ir,h-W i:i' t', iv'it;pi
Tt'ri;t:ons 1o ('iifit '-mr 1 'I c i-"' nf ''i' Vi".
rbi dirftion iv'I. ii flil rnir"i. brt i"'.--' rnn : ill
our 1'0A, a: 1 T r.r.t rUcr.ili-l to be onr '
r.' 11 1 '-i i . i
R. rC,!''i.
"Vf EGO fl ATOR, fo'li'f'n-, Crr.ort.'. r'nXtW..:
Afffn'. Coi'iiu'-.lor '. Law, A.c, J r, U
Itltvirw.N""n',iV'i. I C' l
IlaviniT " e no
icir.? i:
V .it'" i"'-
r'torv, w i;', p v itmo' I r(," 1 .i tn ; c n
mnnicn''oii'', 1. t j uiJ, in rc;y. 1! ti '!.c T -
fx"" OlTif" r.i-ir t', Cm -)-ii"nt bn'i 1 l.".
nH in ttntt-t l A. Sirpv bm ':.. I
Bi-1 lev iow Cite. Nebra J.:'.v IV V'M.
. . C. 1). JiOlil.NSU.N",
ii.. 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 r. .11-.
jug u rl 1 1 a 1'i'iiii'n; id if .ii i.nir. . ,
0I 11 . . , , . . . ,:
ror Ibo Ki-onnninitiitio'i of r"'i'." ninr-ii"". nril
ucciKlnnal vi.itors.w tn,. h.t veiil InUr pb avir 1
15!lfiew Cite, .1 a!y I i. rt-lv
. . I
r. 1:. wat -nv,
I.i 'id Aypnt, K'irvj'cr arid l-n.-irror. fi'Mc-
tirw, ict)raika. r. 1 -1 y
ST. M.WiY.
(iiiDitt.r. iii:i'Ni:;i,
Altorni" an.S Cii iaK-lior a! I.w, H'. M-i-y,
M.IU Co'intv. Iowa. ai", 31-lv
j.'.M J.ATll Tl7
AMo-nov mill Cum-;! r L1. .V, St Mir--.
M;li Cu.,' Idivj.
Physician and S irjri-on, rcspci If .!lr Im !."..
it prui'i'iiinndi sfrv'ive Ij tut' ti:.i.:in
Mary mn! vicinity. ).''i;e two nab 1 nciiii
wett of . Nai y, oil tlm .Mns'pi.l'J rr-n- :.
r TZscnFcKT-
Topocrnpl ic:d I'oii.rfr, tcriih 1 s 1,'s pr.ifrr:
iontl fei-viin to the citirens t S'.. M.n y an !
ficiiily tt Snrvevor -nd lii.tfii ei r in ill i;.-v.:-ittif.
Oflft in V. A. S.irj 'i sto: i. rnriiiT if
r"jrory irmt. i.'."l-lv
WATfcON.KINM'.Y k (,
fInHAl I.fii'l Ac'-'it", Ii;. Mi. v. .M.iln'o iri'y,
lov. . Will a'ti nd to t'.o iii'Si- in. I sab" of
real -sta', the peifectiiij of t.Uc-, payn;;; lax
till. &'i., Ac.
fif l-uruiinif tan 1 ana v,;:nt-? v; it s i.t
t)ii n3 5''!. on hum. i t pal rfinK nvl 01
itaeuiiable ITM.-. I'. VA 1 ?'-'.'.
I., h. hi .vi:v.
n-1f Josr.Ijl lilil.l'.V.
KK k, Mills C o , Iowa. 'I I, pi n;i. .1
tori of this raill intenii to kerp l un'iri' of ell
di'fcriptintii Cuiibt iiitly 0:1 b in. I ; ai o t nun
pty all apeciul oi'J.uj for lmii'iirut lio l no
tic, fur im-h. n t.' 3m
U.i.MKL FAl'aT,
Tin ir Ura . rt'..u,' to mari ifuc
t in e or fj J I li:i i"i.' of cv- ry : - .t: it 10a. at
ahort notici", a. id :l ihe 1 lo .1; 1 1 !. . i.'n
aliop ii aitiijinl or.c fo rib 1..1I1 injitii oi l'. A.
farjiy'a atnre. Miiu-kl,, ot. Maty.
June H. Jij-I. n'12-:ra
Drainage CcuiinUaioiier, (Jilire in Ct. Vry,
Iowa. aui; .'11-1
Who'fonla an. I C".:iiuiis:uii Mi-rchant, ih ab r
in Pry Coot", i 1 1 .".'. at - ) it 'n-. .'. r, i -vare,
Cirnref i 's, l)r Mi liii'inn, llouli mi.l
J'at!o:ieiy, corner of! Main a i l ir in v 1 in.
1, ' al-lv
C. E. AVAT.SC ),
CoBfyanci'r, r.'ntiir,- V'nU'.ic, nml tiurvevr.
riffite , t fV.-rt ot (. 1 e, Km-c", Co.,
It. V"V,.M;illco.,Iowa. Ai:2,'i,4.
Til n ,:i fiber liaa j'it oprt.e 1 this niw anil
e.i.'i3ioit:om h'linticj for inn r'rrntion of
. , txft-'inp nurilie, anil ii ilici'sa -.'i ire of pnb-
Itvos. i iumpt and efficient a'.lcntiou will
v Val t ail w ho niay fjvor hi ui vvi.'ii iht'.r Ijia 1 :S,u will hi 'ijip'.)P I wii'l the
e mail t Rr'.-ma. A fooi l .hl is al
io -U wiliii Yi'm. lULLU
' ,lar, In
dir. M, .)f ,-.".l-tf
W On - aiia wirti ta4 and Uiaf atcli
by J. wnirrim.
Wp c-ojj t'i p. .wi .o. as if oU
The i'I't'ii' c .' 1 ;!?
T.i n '.l.o 111- V- ', !!: r.,irt,
T.iP "i ra.i t 1 i- -r. ( .
We c;.) It :cr a w t'.i ? m- :i
On f '.! ;ii" i S- !t..r m iiiir,
Ar-1 t !iim' l''i' nv'ti j
Th? fij-'g 'J il.T'i ti'nol
A? Ii'ti f'-i ; iV-' -f :
T.i' .-1 ".' ! ! ' .. ' i
J'...,.. . i .: '.
V."'" fi 'n j'ltrl h"" r n -p n i.-!:ot'.s
O.i 'I ;t:i':l p ;i' r'c nr.'! ! i.
An I (t'v !'n; Q :S!)M!i nt t!:e wiM
Tii tii M i'f h'-r hi IU.
I'jioni'i K" t" ArV of oU,
Tlie I!!!.li' in i :r va'i,
We e t" i'"'t l!n' Iru'li of G5-!
A.siiui5it llu: Tiau.! of nm.
T . ' r.""1 1 t'l IC i i i 'i r.i'i.
iv w'i' o-ir '. ' in g:tf il-:i
Mia'.l Aojt tiie s-i:irar s'ni !
W.-'il svfff) ('ii? jir!ii!i"- ns of c'.il
Oi.r f..l!irra sw-fi f t ie .:,
An l nink'; tin1 Wet. as tY-y the T. it,
'I !i ) !ioi:i m'..'.ii1 i? t'i i fi'. i' !
In NV.v IIj'.L:;!, Lefuru a girl i fivrn
to her liii-o iiid. two o? her 1 rout ti eth
are knocked cu'; tl.e iiaj'j y lover then
In d'.v's a K. : 1 t rii-M.i lii-.T I:;T fi'i-xiid-or.:,
s in'iM' f .c: j: .1 'i. :..' .. In''-. I s
j It j).:;: el s-'rip' s o. niluiren; .: or,
. ..,
irre i: -4 v iv iMoii it to
hi hn', .ir.'i il'slif d-.i
j ij jiVvm' him. ?:vc iter i'w; ki.U i hy
!".' c v....
t . . '
c .,.!.' r'.:r:i a; at f.-:;.: vtsw. 1
! At(l V.'. ' 1.. V . . 1 ! --; . t.-...-. I..'."1! I.? 1. "
; a ' : 1.: . ' ',, ,..i-.'V a. I i. ,.'.'., a---i 1-1
I . I M i! .-.. , 1. ir I"!. 11 i " . i 1
1 ' 'I
I l' .'1 l'l J .11 :l In el.:.! . ", W It.l 1AM (ill.- ,
Ml I i l.,1 I'lIM", ,.' 1 'li'il, ,1 J I. 1,. I, ,
1 v. a i .ip, ui .:''it . y. j
1 (I i inn.ii-'ii. a c .! 1.1 .! . - nf I'i.-.v, v i.: M i a 1
I II ''...ft ,t, lij.v :i at lljlio.s iv, vv r.'' nn li iat t .
:i ri!i:nitT'', 'i",,'t pnin'i"- anil rcn iluli'ii'S.
. , 1 f ,. , ,
1 11 : coiiiiiiiii .' ? ri 1 o. l-il tm In lovviii;;, n in' 1
11 ' ;l" "' . , .. .
J ' " ,r "p"" .
lli'u iln I 1 1'.;.' o 1. 'I i'i to !r "il 1:1 .V li.rku J T-
iii). v, t or :i -.1- ' Hi i O.n-in i'tii is: '-In
i;.!o:i tli in is .:i: . .mrUi. ' O ir pi iii-i s a:c
I'.. I t.ility. 1'riil ': ..1' V ii.'iil Jus i ;.-. will I,.-
j .. Jv'M'vt Ii s i: I lid s ii'iii !.'-. il .tinns lis in.
n'.v, ot li'JiSa.t'T, ii! pi.'u'.-.'i . y liio a i.'Oi'l.i
llu 1.
1. Tliis Ass'it iit on ii !i lo' ho ivvit n nl () 1.
fTn r-1 r. I by la.' a..ii' aaj St) ci IP'; jh-iUiew
ti"r' I'll.!'.
Slid. Til Ol'icr s'l ill en-:iis! r,f On ' Tri si
i "it, tun ii-.- i'.-i .n.i -.ti.o.i- Ii v,i. r a:ul .1"
M : isl.ii'!. Alv'i. n eo'.iaiit - 01' hi.-. :i l.i.i ;
i!r!v it t'.iidl i 0 to 1! nil i!ipiil".l 1 hums
ti'ij'-c to an apn-'-il In th : 1 .ciaiii 1.
! 1!. It .'i;i 'i Ii '.h" ih ly n!" r:it !i rlniiniinl, tn
r",:ii!'r !m, i i ii a :!i si-, ipt.ja at ir:u
at in ' V l" iMt lli" ii .; nl r un i!l le"U bimli,
i :j iv I.; 1- 1 I..' 11 a'.l I i'i j. Hi iiiiMiiii"! it t'irf.iiii.
nil'f a ti.l I'd UJ 11 iation.onil cliail r' all
rhiiiai. a J b : al'.t'W ' il i).!-' dollar tor o;.cii tl.iiin
rfi s:
lib. T.if y. i-Oial' s'liii! f '.fo, . er tl,t il"t:'.Hi'iiis
of tii'" l'Vi'i:,ii : n : "'I rot appMie-d finnioa
this 1 in ! of in -i i.i :r. tn'Uvr wnii tic il -c.aio'.'i
of t ! "".i.'i'i . inn, 'J pr-s'ivf on'i'r J' cirii'ii i't tl. iiu'.'t.'i:';! of tliD A'noriii
tia is aa i r'cinii.i .
f.tii. W v. i.! r 'if .! t.o rlairn mud- Ic-fo-i;
!!: r.i if.-i'in 1 ' I-.- In'" friMtiei v :1U t'-.c
Oai'ih :. f;!-.i :i i'i M ixio iri liiit.iins.
H'll A ! i'tii : '.:.'..i I'n.s; of i.ol inorp tli '1 v
Tiiiur. i):.,.Mi.i ami Tivistv Arirsiit
I .Ai,..
ill. All fl an :n"! b" w't s ai.'il in ttie
pioi. i" aii't h!s.n t i.i Iii" lunUer, no that the
,.'i'--i ran If r 'Jiii ': ti at-' il. K
f"'.. A'.y -.'-i!ii Lot oeenpj i.-tr hin rlnim.
'tii'l, i Iii i pb' rin'i'hs I', ttii' t.iii--iif til'
rieiii oi' oi c ipttn y. ho ie pii'-'.l to have i!.i"
til y ilo'.i i.-n v ol li of, Htiil In" iir-'ili'ij;
tivi 1 .- i.i" it'is, .i i a i ii! i.i. ml rpi.intitv "f o.;
li'i'.i'pat il i!:i's; a ..I any cbj.m-mt f t'irK to
co.nj'ly wi'ti t'i n"ol iiions. daall h J.-mu.
eil lo t'ltv-t iiliniiio i il h;s (bin, pro no
pfr.ojn a 1 ill h i : !ln a : I to ho'.ii a rl.iltn, 1111
'..'Si Ii- -h ii! v. 1 1 1 1 ei 'ii! ' 1 liioc'l s, liecomi'
a:. Ri-tT'l r . A -,l of tl.'l '"r't i y,
th'i. T'i'.s Asi'iiriiiii'm v';!: no! reoeii'e fit'
r i ; ' ! . t of ncy iit.ihi ti it ii'l i i i; than i"i" ehtim
in N 'l.risnn 'P.'iri'.oi y. I'I or too n,;ht lo Imlil
l v Coin nan h 3.
10!h. Any p tsa.i lo n r"i ." th b-ncfit (.f th
fore'oine fp 'ii'i.tioni, must i.hsr.-ibn th-'roti).
e..vd I.V fn Ass-Kut..,.., lor a,m-
go M I'MiHon. And 1 in honor boainl, M l-:u
i.t . .. .. .1.. SI 1. ..11 :.. 11 ..
1 i l". on, 10 111111 1 11 , 1 iia.uii 111 ui" jn-r- 1
fii-iiLim" of bin tint tin. t
11th. AH rb.inri-i! liavicr.liflV'iitv, alu'l b '
roniri'i! In h .'..l a atat-nn '.ii of til i'' L" t"i i.r 'S
, io il. 1 t'o:i.''.' -, "I I nit a x iUs Ii ?..! ta- j
. r.-,' .! 1 r n !.!,(; el' tl.ii A o..-ial in 1.
' i 'li. To'" ti-'n' ir !)": i',"s of tliis Asnpia-
ti )", I'iti b-t ii- 'st SVur.lay i f carh l i.-mth,
o-i! i'i - 1': -si. Ii,t is iinit.n i. '. i to r ill
tnivti ir'. lioivr b" may t'u.s'i n"" 'ssaiy.
I'J ii. fies'ili. .!, That tii-p'o--"!i.:;s of tbil
m--tio'f b pnhli !! I in tit" N -brask 1 P.illa'ti
nm, M. Mi'V Caz-:tte, Oiiodia Arrow and
Co in"!! li' ifY Th";l.
T!i t f'l'.loA'i ( p -.boas vvi-ru elected OXcert
cf Hit Ass i:i'io
I'nrsi riL r. Vidln', Oiimiro.
Virc PatsitLwu. a.aa-l Alica and C. L.
Mmu.t.. -A. T.oci -ool.
I!tconiEa .C. T. IlilJo'-vay.
C'oMMiTnit. I. H. hun-if, L. B. Kinney,
P. Cook, J. I'htit.nia -A Jh..,ue Mlihil.
A I'iCiiii' Die r. L n d 1 'ii'.ii i'i i' M Din-
di-y i:t ; in, 1 v,'l,( i"j I.; dified r.nnjih.incil
ci y !nin.!i thai tl.e phi'i'n anl diihcs wire
v(iy dii';.". Tiie w.d . '" wi'.h a ); rf- of
iicr1 s n'"H"i".t ", l'l.'.:'"! is i,.'d ."."! V ".".'!
1:1ns! iv t j'll: of . 1 r' I ' '.edits.'
"Tim' 1: .; he '.1 "." -: il J.i'id ('i'r-
if,.:,' 1.',., i i ,.nu i.i ..' !;... I., ft it '.I i
j at ene me;:l.''
5 f l c 1 1 f & Yi a 1 1 1 r .
ASC'.EaT ru.lBfMST F0.i 8,0LDi:J3
In E'l' 1, iIhtc wis f.)rm"i'ly n ihm-
i vi i in ' l i f ..l .hi c'.i.n a .i'.;,li r.,nt
: ... i r i, , I ,, , ,i ' , T'
l..:0j n. .iV':,.i ilu-irt i i tn" valr. 1 i!..' i
.Mil !",,r
i i'.tcc,l a', ii-
:" n
ii" it s.iiin O' r
'Mill ()! II
f. !!.. iii' I'i:i
v,"i :'
i. un! t!.
II I 'l'l" 1 i'.l 111 S.l'llO
i ivcr or !. T.ii i j'li-ii !,:r..."il iti.".".:)
A t-i i!, 175. in !ho ....:.!.;.;' t,;.:i,i-M- i
, I
i-Vil t!.;:t ker;
4 hi
v'ii'u 1 1 T 1 ii'ihmi ., ot j nit; s on. in
S.ury, .was of.'crc.l l.y t!ic cjnrt li L
!i::;'.c t"l Tor SO'il li'lv ;in, WIS fl"!'.)! u I : I t :i
jil.-'.i': ' iii (lie c'l.iir i ni dnvlir 1 i,i ;l.e nv
er T!i mm. nivW Ki-.r-s'on briil-'?. in the ! (lc iY.i it tliro- ('',,111 .n,l i, I
VL . i (i'l-m in lor a l,ri Jj.'o l.i-il.i-
T . .-i r "W..R p;' in rally In !,! ly a jmllcy
f.i; ciic! to n I. .'.un. m, ! li; w..f.)-.iii thus!
r'n.v'l in n , iv i'i r I I r.ii. ....... .
i I
ry U c' t i:- tiios.; .-lu-i.-J with tus'e, and uM'i'e unconscious of the s.Umt lp?e c! the lucks of ihi.iii w ,h devils !
ljyin liohl cC Kv.-o'ds, Vi.rioiis ro-
ci.rds of woMiL-n j.i.ljii.!icj to llii.s nnni.sii
numt urc to lie foi'.n l ihs n'oi'mn!
i of thii conrij (if Jl;i;il. n'l. Tin
clmi oh-wi'.r.Vnf n ii r.inini ."t Kinstoii-u;)iii-T!i.iini
s, i'or the 1372, eont.iin
i hill I'm" the expcnsin or m ikiiiT (r,p of
: l.i-sc ( I'l lviiif-stoiiis, ijiihi) a cnriosiiy in
" s way. 'i'V .. w..i 23 4 i. st:rlin.
'I'll in i 'i; ii;-.;i.Mr to have hven ol
rc.n; Ii' orir'm. nn.i n known under the
i tipini' nl (i mhril, In'trich. iithui htt t nd
ilnw. It docs iiol sr. i so to have hoen con
lini'ii to Ilnl. in 1, hut wa3 J.raeiice I in
Sco' ul u very e..ily d.iv. ( f
(ei't iL li..d il;.i:i '-llio hliiinr-ni'iidod wo
ini'ir' 0!' l!iosi 1 i n 1 t , we cin h irdiy now
'l'.',e, hut i' Lpvcjis p ol ..Mc ihu! ii
w.i ijiii'e t ll'i e'ila!. The i'ul'owiiit; lines
v.I.icli urc tiiid to hern wri'.cn
l y Jiin jiindn Wi s', of 21 thainr.lons.hii c,
England, eoataiii the ot.'y poetical tlo
crt,itini of lh 'Ciu-ki'ff-stuof ' ptmtth
' n !i n ii i i.i.ii' 1 i UKiii,' j in
. ...... . ... I tl.Ail wl. f lraw
tf-rl to if in 1.1 : of . ...5'.oS ul!
' i'a :re J-tsV'.1'", n-y ft ;mH. in V "!,iU r p'il,
n 1 f: 'i
ii- ti a u n' :w! ii';-s.ool,
i'V !-.:! jinivi'i 0 u f 1. in :i 1 1 ! t-1 ihi.Vi.
'i .itf j V ami .' n n of tiiu tavvti.
llj.i.ii.iU t'lii.'-i kii.iii'' ri.'.Ir, I....' : :. .1, or I tiu "if
ii' ...I i.i H ...O ll'i 0!n 1! III),!!!
1 0 uir.c I'i -' Ii '.! ; vvi'iihoiiid a 01,
A I."' v 111 1" . . ' ou'.l ;r: a"" 'In1 stool!
v .. 'ii'ii ii. Ii y. hi i.n.v voji lu.' io to rue. 1'
Ta fun- oil 1.1I r i.i tn.,
i 1 v.i. i 1 p .mil j. - :. .iit.-l !y it at.
1) .a .1 in Hi rp ill ' til'iol ii 'srciuhs-
Jiiit li-.i', at li. -l, tt.j uii.-s Kii.eial-j
Sn a"... 1. mul rn,"'S m-Jie
'1 11 1.1 1 v T vi.vii it a! I) 1' i.e.
So, t.i.ovvii'g imiI i" on til ! lire
Ai.v .vs in m il Inn 11 up higliT.
11 vj," my f irinl, pi iiy l"l uer laii
A j 1 o.i'i ! 1: 11 i lia In ' Ii'!'",
Aral rntii'T di4i yon" puli 1o,
hue,1 ii..a .1:11 1 i- ji-mI tins lion.-.
1; b jvv.iatf vv.v .in f 11 iosia h 'iiche,
No li.' so I.ot, h it V. it'T qili'IlCln-8.
JJi-ii.h; thi.s, there vv; s uno lit T punis'i
rneiil for R-.d.h, known l y llie ti.'ims of
"' v.dihni ejiisislfd of 11 head-
jneee, en
;!ie h' -.d of l 'tie ofiVn ler,
nd ii shtii j) i: on lh;.t 1 tiii r. d the inrtth and
it str; incd tie tonfil'. Ii ws fastened oti
!:v meatis of a p.iihiek. toil w..s literally,
a In idle 011 'he ton-iie. The woir. ri f 011
deinned to this punishrooiit, were e' tiipe'.l
ed to promenade through the town, wear
inr Ihe i lKtriiment, atiende 1 by mi ofVieer,
anl il v. ii not taken oil' itnul they ex
hibited sics of Immiliilioii nn 1 aii:eu,.l
irietii. A". V. Sunday Titr.r.
SiVI..ntNO. Tl.e lolmUinT " :0'n! T.tlCC
.... ,v 1,' iti 1 1
i:o:i' b 'i..i 01 ji.nry .trj iK-edier, t'y
n New Yoik rorr.'SpouJetit of the !S':-vV-bur
, ort II. 1 ild : of the warmest .Shb,v.hs "f '''!
.'.iniitncr, after th-- ttiil d prclini .t y scrv iocs
he tirose lo run jiinre the S-l'.joct of hi
li.orni;:' disjoins"; und looked iirotind
upon ihe Lre cotyrefjuii on, pissed his
lirht lur.iJ t.eros !iis fothea l unj ihrn'iir'i
his In ir, an I in n eo il oir-han d manner
m ..!? iho remark -It it d d hoi."'
The e.i. oneoa'ion was s'lirile''. in!o wake
fulness; iiii 1 ni itiy jmt c 'inposiiiT them-
selves into a nap for Soma will tcip it in
, , , , ,
J ' '"irch, even tinder tic!, preaehin,; us
I 1 1.-nrv V..i d ll.teeher' Olieced their
L ' I
eyes in blank astonis'iirien'. After a brief
p.mstj the eccentric divine went on tosiy :
' S teli is the cxpriiiioii whi.-h I !.:..r..'
uied ' y no les lliuii lilteeu pcrso'is, fail
il.g themselves l;-i. h-men of re.pte!i:bi'i
,iii walking fi'oin my resi ten -e to church
this inoiiiiiiT. an the majority of these
fiftitn pcrs.'rs are now wilhiu the
sotiud ut my voice. Yho ere ye thai
have not heard the divine
" Sweat1 not at 1.11 ' " And he wriit on
io give them sach u lesson on jii'iii'a.iii)
thai few but hiin can give, and which
none who ltcird him will so.m forjre',
XrFttr Gel, ilojerii ai !ov
your wf.
Tiit Lrj;rs ah) the Ckisits. Tiir
relumi tit (hi rpr-s oT J.ulhi liavo piven
oitn? ( rouli'o, mul a oorrcci i-n Jis
!i"cn tioc"?ary. Thine wiio in I8i5l
were l;p'arpnL'0 nml '27. mnsl if ro'irsc
lliWP b-Ti; Im-?-(mi lO HH'1 13 Jlf lliu T
; '
i.)iis friisns: !)ii; i:n- miin jrr ol pir! i;c-twi-Pii
10 r.:;l 13 iri I Si 1 mil lir'jp
fwn'.'ii in ir tn'n ')o i:v rnnpviiv
' '
Mio III s,iy '.ii:,t. liny 1:10 !(; wfi.ti 1.U
xii.I 23. 'i'ii? rt'lurn, nli", l etwecn ','a)
ri 1 i5, in 1K21 is t - small. ji$ rompiii c'l
'2-S .i'owi..- f-.r i-mr.;.
! f. hi. - ..ij-M"vi.? ii r i.i. c'-v-rs n , J,
I ! Vise of inn, ii 1 ' e fi d I "r-( is'i'i-rnl tuiJ
w i . 1 1 ' I . . .
.ut'i'j i.;i who nnvp ir.criM tiiotn
sclvos cs lu twren 20 nl '10, rr.i'lv Lc
loiiff to tin; next rtre,10 &). t wlii.-h t1ir
llmi'y of (li'lh.qiirnls ire iriinsftiTod in the
'' i''',ll"-,",s s,vl woooriiin'.y.
The pini'.it.mcn wiio fvcl ilriven to this
fi'mchision, very hiinJsnMo'v finjrst thai
ll nst? whointdo tlicsn misri'iir'-i'iilations.
tt.-lf li'.i... i ,.nil OZ 4 . 1 ......I ii tlii... . - r.
3 - ""- """" ' cu
i n' ' or "-causB "ll lr "nnjinatiom stii
linjrered over the hours of tSo vietti'cr
if;i'," hut they were ehlicd to udj that it
may have keen, became they choose fool
ishly to represent themselves younger
i!mn they really were, at the acaiidahniK
risk ot bringing the statements of the
whole of their country women into dis
credit." English, Payer.
Lovf. or Flowers. In all countries,
vvomon love flowers; in all countries they
form noseg ays cf litem; hut it )s cniy in
ihe bosom or p'.etily thtitthey conceive the
idea of onibcliishiiii' their dwellings wi'h
them. The ftihiv.-aion of flowers iinioiipr
the f.easnntry. indicate, a revolution in
ail their feints. 1'. i,n tliiiicate pleasure
wli'udt rr".kes its way throii h ej:' or
irntts; it is a creature wh.ise eyes are rpen
e !; it is the sense of the bj-nttifiil, a f .c
td.y of this sou! which is; col
ors form1:, odotrr, tire perceive i lor the
firs! time, and those charming ohj -rri have
at 'enjr'h apieiatori. Thoso who h-,ve
t;r,V,:t:'.-.t 1;1 1T.0 '(".)(, v 1 j , t. ' ' T t'MV tTibi'
roe-tree no :er l!i J wiii lovv.t. l.aiiry-
0''i!o iiriiunl Vlie door of a eoitaire, is a
food omen to n weary traveller. The
hand ilin! e;i'i!i vales flowers is not c'osed
iiL'iinst the sttj'p'.ittati ft of '.he poor, r.or
nipainst the wants of the stranger. Flow
ers m.iy he failed the alphabet of Mitels,
wherewi-h they write 011 hills and jilains
of inytiriotts trn'h".
V..,.. .i. T;'....,
A I io'i:o ,
ays:There i many a juiirmdist now
langni.sliin in poverty, while dozens, to
whose success in life he gave the first im
pulse, roll by him in their lanii ge, ond
have forgotten his very existence. There
is nil eountrv save ours in the world,
where jotirnalis's nre expected to do so
much work for the benefit of oili
er without recompense, (it-nnrally 011!
of this country, editor, nre inaccessible,
if not iiiionymous they may let ymt know
what they think, but not who think, it.
Von cannot walk into mi editor' room in
London or Paris, and ask him to devote
his lime and his columns to your advance
ment and profit. Here this 1, dor.e every
day, even by utter st ranreri.
Learninu vs. is
the use of battering a tnan.s 'ora'ns full of
(Jrcok and Litin pot-'hnol;i, which he for
ircts before he (lulls hii last jjiekiil, orp:t!s
in his lor-tuiled blue; if ye don't teach
them the old Spartan virtue of obedience,
'turd iii:iT, early rising toil the n sort ol
ch'Snics? Vhere,s the use of ins: ruoiitij;
l.itn in hexameters cr p..n!ar!V:lci'S if yoti
would leave httn l'.'noratit of the va'ua of
i pcntiy jnecer v lint lie:,:it of stu-
'iupidiiy it is, to he filling a boy's brains
wi;h the wisdom of the aneicu's and then
'urn hint out liko an omadhovn, to pick
un his victuals among the moderns.
T!tc total amount of gold shipped from
California in wa, upwards of
H:iO OJObciii'r tonsideri-.bly more than one-
half of tins rxpgrts of other
S'aies for the year and scarcely
sb.r,!'. of the to'ul t.x;ort of eoUon.
In the Commission of evi', fear t o mm
so much a ihy own S' If. A'iolher is but
one wh r,es i.g:.iint thte; thou til t a thou
sand. Atu'.hur, thou lu'ijst avoid, but
thyself thou canst not. Wicked:ie,i ie its
own puniihnient.
A Coco Answik. An old peiitinnrr
ot lijisy nd iio!:,y, when u ji.riou jocu
luily deposed, abked Idm what he did for
a Vara? He replied Or.t he ".-ucked
bo'.tla part nf ih time, nn i. the l-nited j
S:m Trt jry ih ret '
OABOEtnNOa TK3 YOTT.VO. , MoM)4 ,-,rfs Avn W. (Jaair..-.
Un e.onmond the r!!owi,: hentttiful , f h, rr0ent nvm-.!an fire, in Vermont and
r.;m:..ks rr.-im n vidw-d eerrnondent. tiN,,w Yrk . lhe x'u.;nj.vof LnUe Omm
die :itlei,;,,,n r,r pren' nn 1 Kn,rdi.p:s : , p, h;.v(, (.riv(.n v!1., bm nn,j
" T1", S"r,:i:,i-T "I,,nli"n! "f 0 K;'rlpn o!'Vr ! if.'.tr. from their "locl hdiilatians," anJ
a niMMral 5,n n adily eemt. d atfroC ion j f,,.,,.,! ,h,.m V) seck ,,,.,v rf;rca!$) n(.arer
to l!ie yo.,tf, ,.d I , con-.ineed fr-.-.a ; ,18 -lliriir,n, ot the conntVy
n.noli r.xp..rictt,.-e, that no o:hcr Cr, H,e weal Mile of Lake, tl.
ivdl o;,cra!e S , Tavorahly on the yeii'liful ! f 19Vo swept from a short distance
mind ns the en!.., re of f.iwors. ..i1i:r.l!)0VC Whi.ehull up, alo the: lake shore
hi.i i;np!..i,ied ii every in'ar.t mi innate j f..r n viiitunee cf forty nik's. Mooh of
love ..f t!, end it is the bomd-n tiu- j thi-r l-irnt disM id awil.l res;;,,!! ubonnd
iy of nli who fire Pv.trusfed wi:h the car", j inor in ?.,me and wild nni.nali. whiclt haro
.11; 1 r. ; :.v!il.- tlY.y t,1, : ; a , j, nd f .k j.,-,-, r 1-, -,r.ori ry ,!,. ,1,
', ,., . - ,..'-,,,; ;:.) (,i ' ' . . : , .... v. wn 'l..,u'i i'ivi
-,r, ,., ,t , , . ... t
i.l"'.i pc.rsii: til :-;"e
;. ! .fi . .i.i '-, i-
. li'se'y to r i'i
'.nd i'liprove titern.
Whit oilier ii,lr,ni:,
I wouid paIc, ii so eti'.i.-ely ruiielesi d ' S..r.U bay about two mile: iiva Whi'e
iniaiioyi'd, nnd win.t i.i there i.i the v !,'. ! ,,..,:t. joine i0y$ M!.I a wontt htd U-.i
ran.i;e of ere t'io't so perfeelly in harm my j j.kkiti- hen i?i in the vieini.y. p-.ishej f
with the tiu'tinted tuni pore mind of f'he a l,,K,t i.ri ro-,vei ,(p to a large she l.u
child fresh fro'.n the hand of the Cr.?.!r whi.'h vv swimming in the lake with her
;.s t!:e enjoyment cf his most t! armi-.g. rs cu',8 when or.e cf tiitf par'y atruck the
it is the purest handiwork, r.s diiplayed in j bear with art oar-.
a flower r-"rd
n. Teach then, the child i
tiii!l and cultivate flowers they wid as
suredly win their way lo it,'j-ciion,
and you lay the foundation of a love for
tin: swedes! nnd purest ef all earthly pur
Mii', v. hich in idler life, wlien lhe allure
men! 3 of the world are gathered around
him, will win him from, and shelter him
a;r:ii:ir.t their ihmgornn blandishment.
I can S'V wi'h perfect tru'h, that the hap
piest hours I have ever spent, in a lor.j;
ut'.d chequered life have, been in lhe socie
ty of my flower gt.rdetl, and it has this
additional inlvan'.-.e, while nlmy of the
friyc'ics atid p'e.-isuros w'lich fasinate in
n early life, the flower garden loses not
one jot of its faeinaii.iti to 01: r latest hour."
Darss. Horace Mann, in bis lectures
on Woman, thus trebles the subject :
" Is the world a lunatic hospital, that
'.omeiintcs a lady'i d. ijss s'ao tLl b5 twice
her height, and runs but half of it;
that Homutimcs it should expand to the
orbit of a farthingale (when there was no
want of rrtplituda i:i 'woman's ppberc,')
a:::! thn he aliriiiiken in addiin ;-ba ids;
!'it f ort' e: it shivild be dovViv
wards to fivvep th eariii, and then I.miii
up tune'-i'Ve, on the top cf the hoad, so
that, n Adi'iscn s.iid rf the vVomuu of his
Lime. 1 ii ir ioces were in i:io mia.iid or
., 1 .1... 1. . . ,1. ,,;,! 1
1 1 is. Ill 01; 1 111a. 3ijiu--iiii: a ui" n. .- .k .i,,.i.- .
be-ru'Ld in the in the E.iz ibedwii ,'v!
nd then laid bare, with a vast anatomical j
misiiikcr, to iis nether boundary. This
last unseemliness happens to be the ahama
of d.'y. Vhcu that Turkish oflieer,
Atuiii B.:y, on hit la'e visit to this coun
try , fitten led some fashionable parlies ( t
Washington, he rennt ked thai he expeeled
lo see, 'as many' of American ladies, but
not bis much.' The more private f-.j o
ruits of the Model Artists were broken
up as a rcan ldl; but they hai e amply re
venged themselves by taking many other
spirit, worse than the firs', and going on
public exhibition at Carusi's and IVpanii'j
ul all assemblies and bull-rooms."
Immigration. Diring t!'C month of
August, there arrived r.t the port of Xew
York ii.'i(J7-' Orm:"js, 8 feDS
Irish, II C5S F.r.glish, e",d ah oti! 3 OOn from
other linropean countries. The returns
for the f'trht lr.orhs cominenaieg with
January and ending whh Augtut, show a
total cf trrivals of Irish 54,5 13, Germans
1 1G. 400, milking, with natives of oilier
countries, a grand total of 200,41 t. The
uiitisud'y large proportion of (ifrraae.s
which, i.i '".nvt by tho aluvc figures, at e
now thronging tmr shores, is the probable
result, cliher diree'.ly or indirectly, of the
troubled s'aie of alihir, that now exisl
tpion Ihe lhtrojiean conllneni of the hos
tilities waging upon the sott'hern and ex
treme western fiou'iers of Uusia, and
which threaten lo seriously af.'eet the
trarttiuihly of (ierm iny.
The best conundrum of tho season, is
lhe following: What is the dilfcrence be
tween an nllempied homicide ami a Cin
cinnati hog butchery? One Is assault
with intent to kill, and the other is kill
with intent lo salt.
The r.utlve place is iiol vvhete tlie n'.an
is l orn, but where he Likes root and
I rw I 1.1 .
ii Jui ! jilt1 J. i I.r.'.u. tio3 in ev ery luun nre
cmptllcd by the foreign influences of
I miii', to go abroad se. h :' g a naiice place
iitn.uii; s'rai'
Ovr mi lasi- wti.k, a gentlemanly
lookittT slrant'cr, called tinon a sexton ii.
Louiiviile.Ky., and wanted a child's grave
dug, oiTering a ien d illar 1 ill in reytnent
for tl.e service, receiving light dollar, in
return. No child' funeral i.ppc&riiig tt
the appointed time, the s.'X'oi, was led to
(amine his Ien do'.'sr blh, when he found
I it vent eoiin'erfeit.
VOL. 1. NO. 1J.
,.' n.tiv ', win. 't fiad beoti ton
r'tiven frv." ine ln-it i mii.a er ! -.veit
.'nr. of L-.krt Chaiptdaiti. e.r..d iK.
Tims molested, the V.r lorn,!
the altack-pariy, and. c'.tippiiig her fore
person the ty ie of the boat she cxhihite'
a hindaome row of ivory. and ntade an
eCort to jret inside lhe ski.T. Another
bear and cubs also catne to the rescue-.
After considerable manoevering on both
sides, a compromise was effected by wtiicti
the bear let go of the boat, and the boat
miue a "strait wake" for the fcjtore. The
boys and the womsn went on their way
rejoicing, and so did the bears. The for
mer had a narrow escape from being upset
in their boat and having a, fight in deep
water witli the bears, while the latter
were probably satisfied with being per
milted to escape in safety.
A CAi.1roa.s14 "Bon. Iici
Fight." The Auburn (Cal.) Herald
gives the following description of th
liidlerom termination of a "grand btt'd and
bear fight," which came oIT at "Iowa
hil!," in th presence of about two thou
pand spectator,:
" A large amphitheatre had been erected
wiih ampie r.c :.;miiod iiiofi foi th-; ,peCi
tVors, lo wr .iena the rare ert'eriainrqenir'
'J!"-"!"'."' of tot tiaj v w.i'tic.11 a, f , t-
c:o light; after whi.tA, the hull, O.ih-toi
hna, wa, iti'tei-ed -ioto ih rin. Tie
bear, a full grewn p.ciml cf the i-i ,rtv
I -
species, v -., Jed nsrf'ui r-ge, : .Jitri
',. .-..a.lii.l . !..r!n an 1 n .J...: 'I -i
hy a raw-iiiJ.' UriatanJ a eh
- .
. -in. ... - . "-.u, Vvli"iuas.
pih aurveved 's ant.,gronislf p-.tVvJ tp,
I flirt nvir bia bn. aeil nreoared to -o'l.-b
:n,0 Kritin, whrt, nc' lthiit stjotil sporty'
mtiw one bounds frr ea, .'.,.tStt.t 'Xrom. the which bound him, and cwfl-ntmee.i
ascending the soaJs on which ,.it the spec
tutors. A scrambling seLne ensued which
beggars descilption. Eruit, succeeded in
attaining to the fourth tier of seats, when
ho either fell through or leaped to tho ,
ground, on the heads of lhe dense mass
holow. One unfortunate gen'.ltsman rais
ed the canvas to elo'ct hi, escape, Uruin,
perceived the opening made in thendtivus, '
darted through, overiuniing tiie m in iii
his passage, and iflade for the deep canon
which runs by the foot of lhe 'own. In
r.seending the fill!, he overlook Mr. Cjurl
luy, of Mad Canon, and wiih one stroke
of his paw almost denuded him. Happi
ly, however, he susUiined no o'her injury
dian the loss of I.i, 'unmentionables.'
The gentleman who wrs upset in making
his through the canvas sn Sere J n
severe con'usion. an 1 had his head gashed
lo ihe akuil fro:a llm cen're of In fore,
head to the crown. M-'anwliils tho raga
of the I nil having reached boiling heat,
with a bound and bellow he dashed through
the crowd, overturning ail in his w;iy, and
in the opposhe direction frcn ilruin, dis
appeared in the woods.''
Lvur Ltwrcss. One of the female
speakers at ihe W otnan's Right, Couven
iij.'i, having ,'ated she wa, studying
law with a view lo practice, I he New
Ihdford Mercury treat, the subject thus"
h'.imorotis'y :
We wish the New Tortia all passible
success though we oantiot help ihinking
she would do better with a little 'un than
hyt'leton, with n cap than a cupsis. All
wamm tttie a uoelura'ion, tlioii'h most
pre It-r ano-.her kind than a writ. S.iil,
our Jlhiekstotie in skirl, ru-iy suceeod
wo.ifully well in courting, and win a silk
vrown iti advance of all her cumpeiiitort;
The iuju'itiec is liiul iho rhetoric may
be lieit,hteiicd nnd rendered irtore heavenly
by u j ie ij rotititenance, the present race)
oi lawyers being by no mean, beautiful
to tiie phi. In that case, a, Sappho filch
ed lhe laurels from l'iii.u-, not by the
force of herpoe'ry, but by the farlesof
,er Jice, so ranutre Xxney or l'oll iay
cairy oil det'siou from sofl-he irtei
jiid-jc, when I'u law and the evidence tre
In.t i on ihe side of roma long-noseJ, i il-f .
voied p'cader itl pau'ali'on,."
A T'ren' i.mac. is satisfied when he get, ig'i lo jiye on; an American never,
.V rreiichm.n mist know ect!y ho
nri-.i.-.ti in ilt. ti ii, r.:,4 lie regtitUie, ni
exper.sri ' .;..r.hi1.dy, wi'h iniutary pre
cision. A n .l-ne.-icen's habit, tre a, e!ac
lie s hi p ii e. vv'.'.'iont ry other tyi
tem ti'C"i : -tiin sp. l.-.f
f i
t -
1 1
- -pr