Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, September 13, 1854, Image 4

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    t.-o I I!,
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A a c i (.
ion .ml!
1 4 . ,.
rcii. i'i
iVrtiIi.i:v..r '' t h',: I.i
rvs iii'.u! v.ra 1 ii'ily
work over tin; rnfuv
""- I
not !
;i in.i
liiij.'n t!sr soil t ou;: t ) r,
it iV'cn; sun an.l iii'!
.1 I1 I
1 ,.
urn a
I'oil-, in t!l!.i';v a rich iViis r o'n'.'.t'ioiis. Nc;it . . 1 1 K
or l.orsp i'nl -t.irv i
;ipn;i t.i
Ir.sct ol s.uvly soil -vsncrn SiitM'p
liirlvi' ;in 1 l-iKon. whilst tiirv m ila
lain llio luivl ia con.tant progres
sion in vjhu! mi l fertility. 1 he
i . " r
ronunii'ii airi pinni! prLuu; 1,1
iheir feL't ronsoli.l ite-;. without I
pcnctr.iti't, t1i? iv.rlh. The lljit j
iiml tliliiised droppuv: 'l s.ieep
IVrtilizc tho soil when the ojuoih
oxiM-cnient-; of lunT Oo
troy vegetation an 1 r.ipklly ih'ter
iorate. pastures by tlie iutro;!tirtion
of and worthier herlap
In inv persoiiiil cxperienee I have
known pasture ranges oecupiej
i'or dairies become, from t!ii can-'1
. , . i wn.l.iAM r v; i i t . i.i .
opcmtin.i; a tew years, touu;y m- j A.;.,,,;, v ,,,, i ( ..,.;.. r i.,-v, in
fested by bushes, johnswert and j i'- i
i(!r iiiivions woods, rrnb of lit i ! J L. M. t.
practical value. Tlr inlrodnction
of sheep in two seasons has thor-
Oti.fhly subdued tin? rank veceia -
tion and dotted the earth with a ri. .1.Kf.-it. mi-.vll 1. : 1 1 i-i
lil U'.ttl.Ul ..l.-.tlM ... ...It... I
t Ions clover. When the reat
value of sandy lands in sheep Ims
la;idry becomes understood, vast
tracts of barren and desolate was
tes, which are. now unoccupied
and deform our country, will be
appropriated for sheep ranges and
with the most prolitable results.
Th (5 immense, and benciical in
fluence of this system not alone
on the wool-growing interest, but
but upon tho wealth and produc
ing capital of the nation can
scarcely be appreciated. Larli
class of these lands, specially ad-
anted to sheep, may now be pur-
f 1 1 .1 "1 t
n.l i nln,,,p .1 nmninul m.i..
v 1 1 ii o i-U i-.i. annual cv iiijnunai lilii;.
Sheep will nearly maintain them
selves during the winter whilst
they have access (o the oath, ror
rood opportunity of browning, and
Jiniformly long after other stock
have demanded vigilant care and
incurred heavy expense. They
have been known to subsist in i
por and health an entire winter
willi no food or protection other
than the boughs and limbs of the
pine. They cat greedily, and are
sufficiently nourished by the poor
est hay mingled with ferns and
bushes. A great proportion of
the winter fodder of hardy sheep
may consist of bean and pea straw,
with the refuse of the barn. No
animal known to the economy of
our agriculture can be maintained
with so much case and so little
expense. These remarks apply
to this branch of husbandry when
there in occupation of the lands I
have underrated, which are pecu
liarly adapted to sheep. Low and
damp loam or clay arc not conge
nial to their health. Lands of
great value, from their locality or
productiveness in tillage, can more
profitably bo appropriated to other
pmposes, Another prominent
fact must be regarded in an esti
mate of the advantages of sheep
Horses, as they become aqed,
grow worthless. The o and
swine can only be prepared for the
bhamblcs witli great toil and ex
penditure; but the sheep when
turned o.Tat his maturity, is ready
for markot with no other expense
or charge than his ordinary pas
turage. The summer grazing of
heep upon appropriate land? is a
trilling consideration in calculating
their disbursements. One ton of
hay, under ordinary circumstances
will keep ten sheep through a win
ter in the meridian of New Lng
land. The average value of hay
in that district ii $8 per ton.
The inciental expenses of the ten
fehcep, particularly if no credit is
given to their m. mure or fertil
izing cl'ect upon pat'iacs, cannot
exceed $2 in addition. With!
nroiK'r nintinc.tnf.iit nn,l !... in. !
I . . rs . ' '
ae, which siiuuM iinifurinily pre-
Viin, 01 lurni:i'' oil s!:ce) m u i;;o-r-jiH
;u:ituri!y that estimate will
cover t!iu usual contineikt lw?s
iVom disease an 1 c.tyidont.
(C-jiiiinuci iiiL Mtik.)
:.::" m n n i
( .
Km. - I i'i 'i ll -. -. ! v
' :; ": - ,-' 1 v-:." V "."
.-. i ... I !..' -t Ml- of i' j"
M I ..V I. a .i." -I'-
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.ml C."
! .i lir.-.-
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II. 1'. NI'.TT.
Att..t .,, v ! f.-.:. . :...! . i.-i .v.
!,r .11 ( "M..III . .:!! 1 -.W'l-.- I I l'
, . ;,d. .i i.i
y ,''
1 1 1 1 1.-- i i . t .il I.-
iWd'-ii, idVI.
. it; I i '
vm. :vnn:;vr.
v:-y- s, :r.v, . i,-,-.::. .-
. I..rnv! in ( ' , . i . - I , i ,M .
' li-o.niiMv ;i'.l'-:i 1 ! :1 . ..IN in It's
t i:,.'e 1.
i- J,. i 'i i i'i nl I
Wiilt-V- .f.::.-
1). il. MI.')M.)N,
At'nfi.-V Tit !.!-. (,'!. l:v.i. 1. 1. M ' I Co. 1
I'i .n-t.'-. -c I'i t' '- ( "" ' ' '
l...r ihcS LI r -; : I I'm T '' I
M.iv a I. i- ii.
li.'t'.i- 1 V.
I. I
! .piV,',; ! " y ii'l;' '"'.V.!
. OTI ',' 1
'vi. ;. 1
y-:m:.i. mh ;ci:.
j ).,: J.i.y. i
i i'.'.'-v;. :Vi! 7-"i-': "v'
-.1 i --f. . Tl M I - - I
v . . I"
viciiilv. J I 1 . 1 , :'. ; '"il i'i i .1 I'iii . .1'-
1 1 1 . 1 .
M- J.ri.l I.""i 1 1 , in rum..--;: 1 itli lli.' Si.
J,.i.i II'.-,'i;jl. Ii ; ti. I" i-.iiii j : , 1.1
t.i r.-irl'-r .,. '. i.i it.f !! 1". I tlif". w ii'J iii.i t
f.ifir h ill Willi Ihrir j.;. ' r.jii i ,r'--.
I'-J' 0:in i; nt llir 1 ) r . j; .!.
(.1 l .V. r.itl. Ml 1. 1. Co., 1-i.VA.
j.i.'c -j-:. i-'.'in. nif-i v.
"uiTmkiit c.v i:.M)i;i:.
U'lim i,M.t Dni.i.n mi W". ;i .ii, V:l'."i .
Ju l C. ' t'.n... No. "'-.. 1., I . I. .';;"-. '.! 1
.Mom in. ii'.'i-.., si. i,o;ii-, Mo. I
Sln-flieM st.-.-l w in i'mhik", iimiti'i. r 'J I .!. .1! . m !, si. I .-. -.M.,i .i ,.i I,-, 1, ('" ..,,-.!
Hof-toll. Iirii.'ll'.!.-; ircr- '.' 11. ..'!i!l,.. . t. "I -. I". I
cult iii Hint ilril ! Iim; nri.-lilin' -. I.-'.' Ac, . t
.jakla ki.i..
H... 12-ly .V.IM.
!'" 1 1 1 -s , c.l.;1 I.n.'.s,
I al
I - .
T M IV 1,17 I' I .. Ill
in,.,...,., 1.'. ',. 1 ,11, w
Smi-. '(,011 !d !'i lhr.i l A. Illi'lh -K. I
'".-ill i?. in 1 1 !'(.' t r, . -. i f-,1-.. i, i'i'-s i.ri.i j,'i)i:.i!;
Comiti.4-.inn mi l J-'rtvii!lin! AI-mcoi'iIs, Im
.Will Srroii.i -l,"t. M. i,. i.4. M ..
CtivRiti Tni.Mvv, Vm. I-'ii i Ai.rn,
i-'l-un HnI II. .1 H . -V.MI.Ill.k: li.iL 1 HOLD.
aiirl 2 I v
. . .
(i I'HV, M'-Cm!,!.' V C'O.,''' .V,-.'fl M I TO, 1 1 nii !
lip.'i ! n ; i . , oil .Vl-il'l Ulnl :-(-''. i 1 s . I .'.!" , . ' .
Lo ii.-., Mn ; U iil i"i uf m. 4t:i I Inii.. , I'.. in-,..
ami tirry ii.-:-criiiti'n of Mill ur..ii,i....rv,
Tl I," I J-l'.'l
WM. JI'iSSOl' S(IV4.
Sli.'f!':.'.l ..t.-cl, J I I M.iin, r.r:.-r
"f utri-ct, trt. Iiimis. M. i i ci a'l i'
.t'l 'litioii-i in utiiri., ir icin'i't"'l 1'. .ir '."". o.i tli..
Iiost l. rti... U-iini IUII, K i: Wl'.l.l.. A-'i.
j. r. CO.AI STOCK. &. CO.,
Wliiil.-'.jli. an 1 n-lnil iI-.iIit iti limit on. I
SIW, of all k. lull, . ). .Main st'r-.-t.M.
I,'i'ii4, Mn. ti t r I ' -! v
A f" a; i iif.i ctnn-rN of Coi ri H Tin an 1 Su k i: i -iVLiK'ix
wriKii, juii'li lis Co; i ii r I'i.i'4 I'm
Sli-i.m Iiti-;iiie4 ami Disliilei i.i, Hi.-.: lin.j; ami
CIiiiiiiu'V 4. Sii.ln i.MKM Ht'ira ami KoniiTaiiii. ',;:
winsr im 1 nil kil.'is of Co''cr K t irs. V cll tn l
Ci'.liTii I'limps dint tin y otiur rli..f in tli. ir
'liim of Ji.isiiicy-H tliev aU'i in a 1 1 . Tn : ( u ri! ami
kiN ji ciiistaiiUy on li iml till" St. I.n ii T.-rri i mi
Cook in"; Miivfis, KiiilaMofur Stpam Hnli-ls,
i oiirL'i- or otln-r siiniiiiir ,.4talilislniinil j nuiln
in a trooil a:,i n. .. k ti ti n Ii k iiiTinnr-r, an I 0'it of
Koo.j ami 4.iii4'aiiiil iii:i1itiii; ami of'roiit
si.'4. All kii .I nf Tinvvaie on liai.J, liuli.Ue
an l retail, No. a:U Main nlr-.t, sonlli-ciivt cr-ii'-r
of Ch! ry. St. I-oni-i, Mu. aprl-i-om
The Eriti-ih Ourrtcrliei anIBIackwosJ's
r.KnwAnn Scott It Co.. NVw V.nk, coiiliniio
to pnlili-li tl.e ollmvlnir Hnf ili lJ-n...:i.--i ) :
T.V Iiiiilnti q iartiTly i.-w ( Cnrmi'i i.iiivc.)
'i'hi. Inliiiliiii trli Hi vu-'u ( VViin.'.)
'i'tii .Voiili linti-li '.ci i,-.v (i Cl,.jr'li.)
T!ic V"ist.M,iit.r Ki'vi.-tv Cl.ilNfral.)
.'Jlai. k w O'.'i'a iM,i,birf li Mm'a.iiia' (Tory.)
The prcsfiit critical sial.; of I'. iro.,can air.iir'.
will I'.-r. ! -i-It,.--.-i.T,,-u m.i'isu.tIIv iiiIci-tilinn-
'im in- lli jfir Tlicy will or. -li-
ji y a itimI ,U. (.'rn uii. I lirUn-.-n ti,f t.!,.i i'y vv i it'c .
iipuii ,1- in., trii-ic si i i-'ihili. t,4 aii'l llvir.i; ru
mors of 'In1 ii. "i:l .i.-.ily , i .inal, an ! II.-- ji.jii-.U-ioM,
Tmii... i. Hi" I'n In : t !.'..;.. i ...,i, .. . ll. r, ..f
lrlliv hviii" u.t. irit ami f-.v.-i'du. i.t of Hie in.l.ii. ,;l ci ' t.i. f ll." lime Minll hnn-
.i- ( I 1.UV. It i.-i to 111.-.-! jjfi io iTi uli !!,,,!
reailcrs m i.-t lo"!: for tli ouiy it-allv i.iU-iiii-l.lean.l
rclial-1" history of ciin.-nt cv.-i.l4, ami
.14 ,ielj, in a lilit ion lo i h.-i,- vv,-l! e.-luhlisiicl lil
ciaiy, th'-oli ";.''.!, ai,. j, j,i-f.c h:ir Tt.-r, we
ur j,k I hem iij.oii li.e cjii.'i'lc.-aliou of the n-ajiii-j
Ariani mei.1i aie in jii . -r r-; s f..T the rcceij.t
nf early -l.i-ets lion ,lf J,iii,li i.l, i-,i ,y
vvhitli AeMnll l.eahlelu l..c a It irtr Ili-.. i.iin
in ihe hiii, m .t nih., r,!n rs ahont m 401,11 as
'.hey ran he i'm ni-hril willi the f,.rci;r i c.ii.c4.
A'lh.n.h lhi.-.niil i. .v.. Ilea v ci y h" ,;e out' iy
oil our jmi, tve shall c.intiiiiie Jo furnialt the .
1 io.litalii at ho ian.e low rat. , ai iieiclofoie,
J'u : I'i r ann.
I'or any one of the four Ilei icwi, 110
I'or any I a o of the f ir li.-vieAi, j
I'm- any tMeeof the f.nir Reviews. 7 IHI
Kur a! I fo'ir of I he Rev icv, S 111
Fur l;ij,.Lii.ii,.l'j Ahi.'jni.i., 3 ('i
l-oi lllji k .vo'.'l ami iirt e view, 11 nil
l or lilarkwoi.,1 ,,n. Hie fu n- ii,-v .eii, , ., u)
II U'l.VC ill-.-ohe I onr ei,M,., ti,,, at n.trt-
tiei 11, the -li.,i "ic," tin,--, ji.-ia,,,, iml.-.t.Hil
l i. or l.:..ii:LJ cl'iiii.s adii.-t ,e l..t f.rm of
! ' .' v 1 '.A..1, mil ca.l 011 1). K.
1-.--- I, VI li 1 it a.T'iorie.l to ..!
le liie niatltlS of
he ti li- ei ii.
i). i:. i:i:t:i),
J. "I. J. ATI I AM.
SI. Mirv. J .v- ,,, 1
C'lTCU I : vi! ,'... f,r 11'hir.h t!
I . ! . . - l
'. .: -l l ' ... . I Ll I.i. I l'l C.l ,li , .r .,,. . 1
i iji or j
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.-..IT-f'J' . I.I, "-ii ..!, on 'I... J'
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VATi'JN'AI. iroVll !!T.
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1 " """"" " ""'" -,l
j' -l'-
AVJ.'U;. i: I,'., ..-.'!, in;--, I :, j"-:r.
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i Uj '(uu:lwti'ul4, .(
i.U I HUH 4.'!' t.'.l 1.. .1 v
I 1 III'. Si ATI 4
!(. '-i-i. -r ... ill i.iH . ., i it
. "i tt!1 . i.i. lie im ,- .! ii ,,.
ii.-:ly itiim: t. u.'.i a., ! in,.
.-I'll. Cis- ( 1 II "I'i'iS
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I v' - ii i n., i -'.' Ci i v. .1 .Ij , 1
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tN'Af. lll.C'lMMKM) H i'.
V IN'. 1 iv. . 1 1 , ;.
V."". the i:u 1.-I -;.",.'., S- 1 it..; - .... 1 );. 1. -,,
tiil.l :- ill ' ,. C,l. -. .,( the I '. ' I s: . ...
..i li y t .i- m.iii tin; "Male Jl.u'll. .'o m
ati.l ."at:.iiiil'.t l'...M"i.nii'-t," vvrli th.- ...t..-;.
pUMiin l i anii'.uii''.- I in ! I e f . ; .in:
T'..4 ' 'ni. 1 1 lh" c 1:1 !i! m.'tc an I i;.j" .i 1.1 . n
t'.iii1 t'.'.i.'.-.
: 11 r.
s i. v i r..
C. C. I '!.,',.
II :!. Y:U;
A. T. Ihillcr,
i . J. Il
I i. O. . I I Tl '
I. Olirrv,
.lames SiliehN,
John 't ; ,
C. . J llil. 4
S. I.'. M illi.rv,
a. (;. r..v.-.v,-;.
. K. ', I " ' 1 : T
. J.m...v.:,,
not -i: nr m rn i m n v i i.
I. Inn lioyl. (.jn ikei t !i. . Cli.i il .. in,
ho--, fl. Il.iy.v, J. I.el' ht-.-,
f. I.. C!.i;. i.,a.'., (I. K. S,.v-lel ,n, Sew ini, ((ia.) Iluliiml ,lw:i, ,
1 . Wri-l,t.
r.Milni 1'o.V'm!,
liho . S. Il-ii-ork,
A. II IMiirin-l.iuii,
w. i'. ir.un-,,
. I.. Oir,
1'. S. Brook -i,
S. . I'.-.rnc
Colin M. l:i'Cl.s. ,
H. II. Stiiiitoi.,
J. l-. -k i-,
K. Ii. ( i: ec'ivvoo.l
John (i. Davis,
J'J-h'.ld V.ltiSTilit,
, A. I'.irh al 'Noil,
C. . I t i. t 1.1,
J'.I.M S. Ca kie,
I. a iv M ik'c .T. Kii it,
C. J. 1 a ilki.'jr,
J ihil ('. II:. rkmri.I.e
J.hll .Mi l'i 'Cli.
Jaliien A hcjcf mil !,;..
M. S. .Hham,
h'i h rick I'. Manti, li,
U M. .sii.ii,,
I'. M'Ji,4.
i'. ii. it. ir.
f. M..-M ll.,;,,.
W. A. -he,
J. C
J"h" s. M :..,,
A. !l. Cl.-ini.
li.J. liiil'y.
CootetiU of the 1st Vc' rv.t
fl... . .f ; . ;,; ',, ,.0,!Ui
the ol,..iii ii,n re-ti ' n,- ;f ., ;
The Virfinia re I'.InT ii . ; . . is,
A 1.1. -.)., t,w ' (.!. a. . '.,'. ij.anvin .,ir,e.
All4"l fo liie re.ionil.uiia m! ' -.1 - ' , U.c b'.ft . i of
J;-li.lVare, "... ii'-. if ,.,
M iS.TO hMni-.t ,, ,', 11., .,,'.. hil.-,
.e.v i ork, ,' -i n, , i, I.
Kentiirky ie..olntioin Cl.ii f J.tiee .M irIiaM
Ol "'"' OM ..,,,. B,evt.
ki-T.l' rcvi! ii,.. n 'J" !,. ,,,irii,e Court
,,' 'l.-l Ihi aihit'l.
-Ir. M i lison's rcjiort. Meli-'Mi am
Mr. CaMio.iti'i a.l.l.-s., Mr. J-11. i: ,.1,'s
.lr.!i4 ion, willi carefully
or K. i,t i. ky r. -.. i- r. i,-1 a it h o i t y
tioii. (on mal ) from ol her r-oiTiees.
.Mi. J. lh i.ion'i Idler Chief J i-tire Ml- Kean'i
to Mr. (i.Im. ojnnlnti:.
Jell. i..'ii .role-,t (for JmL-e a'H opinioni.
ii0'iiiu,e-iUt,,.t.) M-ijunt ami imnorily,
Ch'. f Jm.n, e Alai- I n,hl,i ami ilntie of.
hli.iir 4.e li in (lie (ijnmoai of On, .Suiii-
ce ot Jonathan ter.
J'-ohhimi. J-'i ee tri.le Dr. lYank-
S'atj ii.ter;i",tion. tin an I Dr. Ch inioi'i,'
Mr Cailionn'oiiinoii ,i, k. aar,ie.
Oi .fin of the lei m .,ul- D.n.-et i.nutn.n ,ictiw
I. lira' ion. c ! i! j ai.nlir ,t on. lo
Ojiinion of Chief Jus. (hij c.uiiliy, i.t.,
ii' r . iii- ii run n.
A ii iiiii-on-lit'iti'iiial
1.1.V Voi. I.
S'ate rifhtH re.i.lilioii in Malinn thereto hv
I'. i.,.,. haiua, .M. T-.J. h.i,. tu '
'".-.'ii'ia, Main,,
(.'eoi-,':a, (loin,
t" iHi Carolina, ., ,y Voik.
Norl!) Caiolili.i,
CiTThe al' of o jr.! -i.t unhides
l.....,i,1i-i,.-j t ... f, I y wortl, ten i:,u ln,. n;0l,,l!
r Mi'.-.'iiMinnl. r the ; "i.,i. i-.
CyS'il,,',',!,.-", ,,,,,, I s,., .( in !,(.r r,d,,-
an,- lo oil in, li,e uhove iloe.niienu i p.
wcviiij Jj..v liu cvlu liivi for ci
.i 1 1
: .
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hi. :.-..!, I t ,,,t 1) ., t.,,' i: : t.-. I -I I. -
' u-i::A t-.,'.-.i.-ir I! i - ..-.t Ai'.-ni ,iit .111 I
ii'- ! I' 11 I'i n.'.r 1:,.-, !i.-i.i.- . . r !.! .-. t-. tin-
II i - r !i .1 j 1 . 1 V 1 .it.Ii ;-, .111 I l ,tl T' ll -
. r...
.'", u 1
. I ' . 1 t j 1 ' 1 1 . 1 r t ' n '
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imi T'i.' . !.- I tl... in-..: .' r i 1. 11.. I,,
11 (. I.i.i- in si-"' I. . I .1 . I'i-! in ' "I II
'' .ihi:.. !i .11 1 i- ! ir.-.l u 'i'-ti i ii'1,1' ;!
r,.r ;-- in ,-. i;...'-. 1:; i'.-:,.'.. ' . i'i:..! -, v :,. I
.-.v.-U-i."., f 1. C ..!..; -. i".:.!.i vl (.h...:. '.
iiiii s :. . ..!.! ,-.ii-i..! ii, , - . 1 1 1 : - -. . I ' .
s.-;!!;.i....-. l.-.i...v. I'.i :- ' i". 'IVit.''. Sill I'
H i. ,11. i .. i i 1 i ! in. .-. . .1 - -i- ;. 1 1 1 . I '. - i.-i - I
U ' I I;:. ;i , ! 1. .it. ,-,;!, ,-..,.,.,( I,-. 1,,,, !,:..',. I
I-.- . .:; 1. it - ii.';,.-. u,,- .-. ,- ,,,; ,r i s
': " '' " ' "' -'' 1 ' !'-' I' ' ! 1
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- I-1. 1 111" i. Till S I ; - i y , : ; ! '! is t
' i'n. .1. '1 iii it,- .. ,'i"
''i" li'.l ;,:.. i I v .. . ,: ,m. i
i a ni.v""l' .1 ,'t.i-I ; "I I
i .i ,. ;' -.!.-, ','-.., i., i. I !i , : ." i
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" ' '! !.- . 1. u ,,l . Mm i:,.. vv.i -t ki-i ..:
"""''I 'I.-i , ii" f.rai.-r I. ,u .!... ... it
II. .V II H " . i !!,. t h, IVjiiin ,ii,. 1 ,t .1 ,,i .
1' li .11 li. IM" -it , ,.-s !!' .-.',, ;i !,i; V
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'""' I "' - '.l'-:i! f... ;t . In!" ..! i
I -V
i ' , " ' '' ' 1 r. '' " lor l Ii-i-m li. tl..- r.- lin-in...t .vrrMtiiiliT.j- I'.nns i ., ! .iV in,,,,, .j
in iit'.i n.i.t t,i." ,t, I.mI .. : iiMit i.f In., (i'.i.ii, ; . hi i I' it ia i I'aiw Kiiiih
l,,.'...t, ..,.,;,!',.'!, ,'.,t, I'v.i.i.'j N.,1'i,.,'..,.lv. ,,r jil.v-.-a:, .',.,.,1,1 -,!"'
"'' : '"' .I -i ' , I' ! , 1 ,nl".,:1 I,,,,,, j v. .. ,.. n ,.,, i i j.v ,,, ;, ,f n, ( I
v" r:;"'- "'Ii'' ) ! '").' ' ;"-"! i. -;. -t. ..-i., i;i. i
4 I -,.'.- .Ill V I'M'' ." ' .' Ill I ..-li- Ll. I., 1. ( 1 ,,- 11": - !.. . 1,. t II ... ,1 (I , ...I.. . I
1 . ..i . , . i 1 i . i t " ' . '.f ii.i: i ii !...r,-i, i..iit ,,
j 'in, : ..' -t.,t
a." in i v : li. i
I .TiiM. 1 the I ,!.
.' -r it i..,i
., I hen li ,y .ri ...
..., i:.I(....
i I:," 'I-
' 1' ' IT. I
.... I . 1 1 .
I a...! .' '!' a t
m :i.-. t
N .mi i.i... i
AT. TJ I I.I . v n ,
1 - II I
ol e.t:..; 4.t, .tl.tim ,,i,i . !.:, ,., '.., ,,' '.s I '.,1 , v iml , ., i. ' :;:,.,Jia, ,
I " I !' , !;. , ,"ia,. Sun, Tin -il, (i.a.:
- ' i- Till-. ..'i..:v. I'...i,.,i K j n, he, '
' " . !'' i-, I...V...I. I l'.U"'li).'i I') Till: PI'll u-
IV! R t 11.111'I.IIV I. li. vr l- K,.,.. .....
Dr i:,..'.,ivM!,...i,,,i KK.',.i.l,i!,
!,''-. ii . i 1 1 ' . I ; , i . - ( I . i p. , , : tj ; I j
.lie-.- oMM.M ,.',. ., t.,.4 Iui-'Iri:,'.. !.:. J.-.l -I
"' '' ' - '
No l..i."i.i;ni' .'.ni i:,.i,i''V ii'i t; !.' i .',. i ! i
the TIl.lTi -ilal" lilllio.! lliil-.i. m'i.m eliai,"
whii. hi., j,:-o..i,'.."l hy the 'i."of In. I i.-atm ' t '.
I I.f:'' .Til l S 11 ..lill, JlU, III till' llltl'. !, .':!. ili
la !. .1 1 -h it', i e,l in rv on .y-t-i't. W lie! her
iif'kf '1'iivn hy ev.'.-.i. v.'.il hy iiulirr.or i.ii'ci.
ie I hy M. kne.4. them, .'r in:' n'ml i.-!;,e. t'i';,i
in. .1,. iii i. ut i.'ii'i' reliraee i. revive. I ami , ill!
n;i. In a- of .im:i ihri.i, .ervo.i4 hea.,,i he,
I. o- of in, iii .iy. (.'.Miei-al l'ii,.'.i a! ion. N . ivi.i- -
II. '-,. Ve, 1 1 I'alil in the .eriC4 of tl,.. I'.,,-,.,
alii th" v a, ..i i, ti of iicivon al". Cli..i., i!
a . 1 1 o. I ire A tin, ... in an a,-.toni.h,ii,' s 1 1 . 1 1
limn. Tim elh-i. t of thi Hie.lieiiie i.i to .'ive !".-.
i.iiTK-'.t relief to the d'HT'-rer, ami to the
.ha!'! r. ! -iii-l ,h hihtali-i coiishlu' , ", it, j,. ..
t.l.t h"..!:h am! i.-lnr. '
I.a i it-.i of pal'! coinilexion ami r .tMiiintlve
h .hit,., ami fiicli an ni" th h l.talt. I f,om atiy- of
li.e urtloll.l inrnlrlit to til" w, mil li u,
..tru 'lon or iaii,f ul Ineniti na'io.'i, i-'lonr AM.I4
or Whi'..'", linen hit km o ; al.-o, exeesMVe th.-.v
of I li .iI'ti.4C4, liair. 'im-,-., e., can hei. -,lo,t '
liy the OM.' ol Inn or llnee lioll,;., 0f -,-. i;a,.
ai Iy 't lo'iine ami S.u -,a;.nrilla, to mil
vi-o'r. It n far the he .1 n-iii.-lv evei ilnro'.ei
e,l ftn weakly cliihlien, ami it j HJ ,JVl. i,, )
hnnior. iieinir ,ca..i,t Un-y if,,,.v take it.
It iinnii.-l.atel v re-tores the ap,-t,.- .Irri, 'tl,.
ami color. .Noinii.n; , ,r, ;C. ,,,,,lt. ,,,.,, ,
tii.tii ilnini ,.-.' i.-e:f. rt on ll- hnmuii IraMi.M
Person!, all ..'.,.. ami m le h. foi e tak
in Dr. La-T'erly' I.i' an, I n a.arill.i, at
..nee hnroini: ro'eiit ami full of entity in, !.,
itn iiill.iiMii e. It iiiiii',intfy co.;:itcii...-ts
nerv oiMne-.s of the f. in ile t, ;,ini.
Da. I'.ASI Klll.vN lolHVF. AXI. S.V li.HA P V M 1 1 . V IN
t IVllMIITHVII. I'iHlfl,;,,,,. lll.doli.
It Hveiy to the tat, ami it moie
r.,i,eei,'. , -.!, '.,!, ttioncr, h.-lt'T ami c!,,-aj -i
than any other tnciirine in n-.e. l a'tiiliev w,.,
hai e n.-.l thi-i a'tnlfi am h.-vi-r u.2iii, M i,.
vvi,ho.t it. Taken in tilt i-aily hl.i.c-., it i i a
lire j,iiVL! of alin'at any hm.-i.-n.--i of l!.
I.V"A4k for Dr. r.,si,.rlyN I,lie ami f-ai-ai
.u ilia Bil l take nothing ,..
1'rit e M it r hotlle, or ix hotlle. for ".
A lih.rial iii vie to w, hoea.e pur-cha-.'-r.
(i-iri'or mile al Dr. Ka.steilv'ii Family Meili-
ciiie olnri;, eorner of Thu il ami ( h.-ti-
inil -lrwt-., St. J,oiii Afo. ANo hy A. Si-rpy,
Si ."arv, Iowa, and hyileuleiT, in iiicJitnu. Leu.'
erally in Ihe V.T,t. b
DU. LAS'l T.ltLV'S Ki: Vlilt AND AGl'K
I arranlei! lo cure Ane ami I'ever, D nnh
Anne, Chills anil l-'e'cr, li,t rinilaiit ami ll. .
in. U nit i ev.ii-, ami all th vaiKiniliui, ol it
en Inci.lent to the We.t ! !
'lh j, "pnlar Un now leen Lcfott
Ihe he t ao yeaif.ami tl irir. that lime ahul
1 .MTV-HVt jllMLlVM, lioiJl.19
have b.-ei. .,,1, ami in no ii.slanee ha il faile I
to i ll, t l a j riiiiii.jut emeus fur an ke.n,l fioni
oi to nive tnlire mti.-fj, lion to the p n han i .
It is wurieiilr.l tonne all, or the mom y
Will he i. Inmie.l. 1.,.; ,, i,,;,, woman or i hihl
ilier Willi tins tl..-.trtT-.-jii.ij, when a Hire
reiiicjy i.s at han.l.
lieaj the If tiiiionv f,.,i,i J.J,,, Miller K Co.
I Aan,, ii i , T !.( ), . n j.J.
Dr. r..s!. rly s,r: W'c taU,. pleasme in .statin-.'
tnat we hue .'i....'i.,r,, ; ,t!,.,f y,,,,,
Kier ami A rue. ki!l-r. an I have ,..i tho aaiiin
lo pationi. ami th a j. i.m t-:!,-.-;, .1 ,.ej-ii,a.
m i.t cuicin evei v ti,r. v Lave ..).( i.cnily
i ll Ihe vaii'iioi ine.ln-ii,, f,,r amj --. v,,., ,'
I". HI. lias Kivei, ,.-h enllid s.Ui l4i-ll, ,, at Joi.I
l.eiel ami A,"ie K'iler. Ue belle. s It i-i' Ihr
oc.t lo'.'ll' :ne lio.v l.eloiij Ihe pi,h,r.
lie in-vhUo'ly, J.iui .M.IAj CV.
I ,
i I v.
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Mi i ! I, i,' I .
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I , .- it I
-M- h , !
r il I. T.n.i
. I . t. . .'--'
S. C MI'ljl.
Mill -.IrH T I y .
. .: i r n Ii.'
'. . till'-, -
I'I .1' f. 'l" V'
i.i. .,: i,
-I w II I.. I'I
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I'..- 1 , ii I I ... .. nT. ii,- -Il I II.-.-Til I I'M- IV I "
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Si.-. i'i- I 1 1 i 1 1 1 ! 1 1 , i . '..'i, 1. ij'Tlij. 1. -:!-.
Wii.-I i'i lli" St . 1 1 . : 1 - Ii :....( i'i -.
I'i ' t :i .1 'i I ( '1 v 11.' f r:t . .1 .-, ,11, 1 I m ,ii 1 11 -
I 1 T . ! IM.'.'.! I ! I' II" , I I T .
II I I' till' lll'.-l " il" ;.-'., tl'..'. .I'll', , I
r,;, :..i, ,,i, .vy ml :.. t. tl,.- j.t.I.Ii.- t",j
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I 11 i" 1 1 im"' ,'l.niit. ..'"I iiio .1. 1. in,:-
1 1 -r iii Ii - i' ":'i Im .:
p.. I
Iii H'i '1 :i i ;;. with f f-
.i '." "I' '!" in . 1 1 - I -1 1 ' ' 1 r . 11' v M.. Ii-
,. 1 l , T Ii...' H.'i.- I. ii "i'i" il .'I l ll'illi. S I' I
ii -t r-,..-. Ti liif 111 M. I. 1 il I. .iv.T 'i . I il
' In'. I l'l" h .:,"n-t I, -t,,i ..;V II, t 1 I ,M ,,i .
p. ;. .. , ,.,.r l...i:.-.
I'.., :! I)'. Ii irlrrltN I'.l.olv M ..!!,.;..
1 "i " i i I I , : I. .it, I 'i,.-.i,,ii .',,, I M.
'-.'v I'. A Sum-, .i. I I' i . m
1,. i...-- -.,. .iii',;.' 1:1 1 ';.' -.. I.
hi., r. -rr.i.iA Yi'.iiMii'ru:.
C : I. '.:.. j 1- r !.... i.i:, ; '.' 11.1. Lmn
I 'l im 1.1... 1 -nr.-. (! 1 -'.' !! i . ! 1 "i.- :;.!, 1 1
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Ihi 'Ii
I -':i i Mi " i.
I of V. ,ir;:..
. ' "" " ................ .1 .,
'Tli. f.lllv 1 1
I"..: 'Til- , ,
"' ' ' 1 1- ' '".'- 1 . i iTHTi..:". 1
M..iv ch.!.!.. 1 .In' I. IV.iii... lh. in nil ., (
. .,"i. ;.,,1 : 1.1 1 1 I' Jill '! .. 'ii,' f, I, !,.,: ,; M,
.-'- ' i. vii i ihi- i.i ii, i,ij,. .;. ii M--IT-
'lyl.i. lm.,-1- I tl.illl II !..!.. .1.1H'." i:..; U...I.-I
', , I I'll :, y I,f Will ! Tl . , I'.III'ItN. ih-.i K
i.i-i; Will vol i."t li!. urn. ii ii-.-!v i'-i. if imn
'itI.I.'" I ,ll". tl: it " I .li.l I..C. :i,. lr. :.-,-I. 'i !vV
'Min. f i;i. in Iiiii" '.' Tliis i-i ni;r.iL-.' mil r.'- j
hi iv. I'i'.'i v si iri.-.4(.( win in . i . , in rn.'-;
i In "'X "i- im',!i! h.i ir- Tiller I.i!,. m.
I'i ,. '.' '.'.I ri- ."i liiiltl...
I'or :,' I).-. r..i.l.', ' C.-imllv V.. I;.
, St.., ... ."it li-.. i .' ('..rii'ir (,f '1 h ii , n ml ( ii. - mm! i
!.y I'. A S,M v.S'. ;.f.i- j
I'UlV l'
I.i l;,.-, 1,-ii... ...'.,.,, ,,, I',.. ,. ...i
'.' '. ,
ii ni;. r. :.'r::iiiA -s i'Ai KH.f.i ii.
i I 1-'..'- !h.. 'IT'.1 i-i 11,'ii-i'-. S t.i'h.4, V.'i.;ni.t4. I
i ' i i ...i n '. i "lie. i i :::ii!i'. ". , inin, t iio-
l"-.i. I)-, simiIit'. , Kli. 'iiii.if i-'ii, I'jnu in lh.:
. . i . , n . , im. I N. a ml ni,r',iv ( : i . : j -
I' in. it ii n !,.-. J v .i-i-I ; t lin i .in.
T'.i-i Mr li'-ii.r h.'i- I ..P''Ml,' . '..' , ,.;,,-
ii, . , ,, . ,,i'i,.r i-wr in . ...,i,..l It i,...,.
J .:..-,. iiiv ,,i, I I A t.Mn 1 1 i . . in, I i', , ,..l, ,,- ,(.
!. ' 1 in. iii. .mil v I'd I !,v ti,,- . . , -. II...
i , .i , ", . i - . . ' I
i. i
I HI I . l-Tl.lil. V 4 l'l 1 '. !v I I I.I. II
i.i nil .Im .'it !:,. li1.4t'...rf.ii : mill- 1 ever
i- l,. i,
. . :i l i'.ir I'. ' H', t,n M,, ,.,;,, .,i, ,,,
II... ... Hrk l I. tl km
i.ilall.l.ii: 1, a;, .!.- I,,,- C,,t. tl . l'l...'.....
Th"i,i,lv,,.' ., ,,, I'.imi h.l! ' J,', 1
..,,,),., .1 ,.; w I y , , j, t,.Lle
r,..t,.r. , ..,.., , ., ., ';,, .
,' .ti4 a'.. 'i ' , : L. 4Mrc t-, a: !,!,., I),-
1 1 i , i-,i k. a-..: t.,k-! i,., i.;:,,., ami
I v i ' i I .
I'i " J . -llN J" - !n,'t. ; five 'i!!, f,,r ft, .
I'or Client li. I i ;t.l ' - Knlllilv Mn,l,
Si ne, ."nil,-, , i-l eo ri,.-i i,!' 'J'liir-I anil ( lin..:.i
-tr.-cK St. Lou-, ah " ,y J'. A. js.h .v ;;i. ..irv
iiii'l hy ih -.i I.-i .. in iM'-iieine .'i-iiei ally in tt.e vie.
I' ir I" ... e.,re f (.",.,!,,. C!I., A.ih,i. ('.,.
'i:ti,'t:' . IIi.ilirhllH, Sp. 1 1 n;-of Jilt,.,,!, ',
ni l.'ii- ST.'." ami il.eas!, l'l. ir..-v, '.Ti. .. .;,i ii;.
''..ell, ui..l all ij..".ta-ii of tiic ami
Ch' -I.
!inoti:.- !.!! the t-e't hralcl : me li. i t.iv Y..-.-s
of Hit; I.u N..? ami Cn in i', Hon., se. n ,, i.
nieetiii-r wilh s'leli Mirc,i aiul to 'iu-sni.h en-
ti:e ali-iittioii lo ail, us
lilt. C Mi'lT.ICs CiiL'CTI I! tl.S M.
Tin, V ill il T.i- isp.llely V . 'etuhle ii,
its iii'.'re.lieiil.s, ami pel f n-i I y hiiiin!es in all ji,
ti'... I.t. i s. an. I a.4 in.i l i.i-nt u.-. the ii,,,. i
th-liraie cn,-.i..l. It isviay sootliin' ami Ileal
it'U' I" the I.'iii"., Kiel I, .-i'-iv ' here ackno.vl-I'.L-i-lhy
Dn.;','ists. J'ln ,;,".,. ,,, ., wl(1
have 1 1 s.-il it o he tilt Jti.-ct'lal C oatlve
No t'.i.-ea-e im-nl Mit to our climate is hm in,i.
ver.-al, an l at the erne time so f.,l,.l, ;,,
iiionary Co!!..;":,t ..,,. Thi.
weeps over the I , ml an a D'-.liovn, Aiifi-f,
la !:' low t he ti unrest an, I I .i i i-.l i,i o'li la.-e.
M ilioti of tin-yo is,,; ami the oil urn aui.ii-'lv
hmi ".lto the toii.M.y this 'hva.,(',, national
i. ..
1 Nsi' vii t: . i; Kim. hi ! i;, w ire (,r j,.e,e
i.-.ll.aiiv. i,.. . I, rme,. The '.'.;. t:t of i rlv :
the Ine .e.i. -s nw ,,:l, i, ('.,; ,);.,,.,, ,,'r t,,.
I-'inrs, in to leh.-ve ami not lo cure. Sm h ii
li'.l tiie c.i-e w it j Dr. Cait. i's
In cohl-i at. 1 cm;;,,-!,,. j,,. , UI(. j. ,,, ,( hv,,,,.
toms of t ""i!iM.l;,,:,, ,'. id,,. , , pieaw-nt
an I etll.'ariotis leiiifly thai can pi.-..-il,y hen.,.,.
I.i coiilirmi-'l eon. si, in ph. ,ii il has hi . n ii.e.J w itli
I'.-ifert aid tl ininphaiit mit t f.,.,, when lht. ino.
iTiioi.i tit i!iv hiciaii i !iaj ", v. n up all hojw; a
vain. So eoi.ti ltMit , ti: i,i,,p,Htor of it? o-.v-ei
to r.,re '1 , ,;n ( oi,,-,:.inpt ion, Hut l.e
noliClt a tril in th': woi A of cases,
f l'ITl l(i UV 11 LOO 11.
1 Li f. rh'fnl sy mptoiu of ronsnifij.lii.ii is
" I c.iily checki''l ami prev etitcil by tho use (if
Dr. Caiter'i t'on-rh llaUam, which heain Hie
alh tnl iiiemhrane, n move-, ihe incipient tuber
cle, am! rcHtoics those vital iii-jr.iiia, the Im.jjs
to a no 11,-1 ami h.-allhy t:. .million.
Kiitiit,(r i f liloo l alway-i arises from a ten
'lent y lo liiherriiloim ijisi aM-, ami if not ch.-t ,-,
lit the ouln.-t, will Hooner or lali r le.innm!0 in
li-ii tli. A p.-iji'iii who tuisei blootl (iiiei will
lai .e blooil aj4;n imlm a prooer curative is im
liie.liately cmplove.l.
'I hnl dis'iehii.iia; yui.tiia lif Colis imjitioti .
rises fioin inllai.iatioii of ihe uiih or in.-iiih, ulie
ialle.1 th Mi 'ira, or fioin Inoiti liui utlet tioim
ol tne an pa-sajTeii. In e ther emu it n a veiy
.la i .roii . iii'lii atiou of ii-- i. It prevents,
f ill ami fie brealhiii'.', ami wear anay the
li al.iiu! i-liHi-'li of the sys t in. The cai.s of
thoi symptom shonhl be removctl at once, ami
"'. i'ali possibly ilfe-. t that i.t. jt-. t .ospenl
ily aid ti..j.pi!y as Dr. Cn tei ' Conh li
vi in. li i. al .ui s at.. ami salutary in itj eU'cLta
on tiie roii.-t'ii.tiiui.
I.l l it COMI'LAINT.
In east s of c.ii.siimpt,,,!, i;- Liver is i,!wm s
Iiioie or !. tt all. t (e.l, ami also ihe Kplem. i. im'. ,i
.iml Kimll intestine-, 'j'lit e.l. t t vf D; . (', ,,,',
v ..iii iijisai.i in .li-ea,.--, r the l.nrr. es:,.e- I
ially if it be. f an nlre,o,, i.a, j, ,1,,,-ct -ml
I'jvvc.fJ. -Iwc-iItU 1
111 1 .1! I
M I i M -i. i I M
:. "I I... .ill. 1
I I .'I.'. I.Vliv I ' ll' I I.V I'"' II-' 1 ! t.-. C;,''
I ' '' 1 " '! "- II, S I
i'i '"'- ' ' '' v. I"'-' ! ..Mm. : .' ri'.i. iil.n, ,. . .
. ., -I (.. I,,,- !.: I ' .,...' -" I
' ' - i 1 ric
"". '' 11 1.. . 1. -,!'. 1. ii, 1 ;. r j
'"' i 'I I'i" In m.-. ..ii I ti-.. , I
.'V I.I.' I.i Mi.' M..M 1111, 1 rin.'.iirnt,., KS, llu I
I'll'IM'lll I IS. !
I!... .Ihi.. iiiv 1 i,:,. .. i.,r I
r 1 1
I,'. '. ill, I
illii.i IIIV Ii. I'll',, 11 - I.,.. I.
1 :. 1. .1 ....!, u. .1 1. iv nil o,,.
)' '(' !'i " 1 ' "' I im I li- .iii HI,,...
'' ' '' '' ,;'': I'I" '.S ' In. Itly
ri.l nw ,i!'v ii.'..,-t.'.l .11, .J , m-.l In- !. H
..I' P.. ( ...1. -,'.(. i:;i I' .1 . .1.1. ' Tl,,, j, ,lv,v
'.!'ir.l, W . lll'T .111,1 iliJIM.iUI Ci.lli IIMl, .,,)
,i'r.i .! - I .1 . ,1 nm 1 1 1 11I 1,'ii.i, 111 v l. lull. 1 in,. ,,,)
- I . i t'i.' I. m,- ..!! ,.-r.-l. 111. 1' 11-.. (I. xv,,,,
I 1 .f "ili.i" . ii v til ' 1 II,' w ,ini,.. j,
1 1 1 1 1 . .
11 11" I
.Ti.l.. I.' I, 11 il l rnij.l'.y I.111 v.ilm,jB
i:i'i:c im; no
I'n .' I" x I '-t ' 1'iTl 1 . tin- in,,, I i im ;. im I.i n I ..1,.
1 tn :!: :n I i'i nil iill.'iiifiN In 1
' " ( '' ' Ii"-' il'l-l lll'U. i i n l. ii ,.j,
. --I .li-t.. - . ii;; 1 . 'i i;,' , 11 . 1,.. ,,; 1, ,1
I 1 v " . I'i' .i'. .11 1, 1 .1 : 1,,,,,' sin I on I 111 it .., rXit1
' "' i'-' : w ,11 .-..Hi mil.' ,i imui,
tin' 111' I., 1. 1 ..ii.- .11 I ,i 1 i ,1 ri,n:i. Cii.i'ni,,.
1 ,i 1 ii t 1 1'. 1 j , t 1 1 . I ! 1 , . ' , i'iI i!m , 1 1 1 i'ct .,, ij rv
',',-:i.i.i!i'-,i ti. kmI ii li.-r. In.i!i:,lv tn c.
. I till il! I in ITi," 1 .1
i-r .;:.u;r m' c.i:iniiiri!i,i,i
! I il.' t'illl .! .,f .j.'.il .
1 1 !!. ( ' A III' I ! Irs C I L'l . I ( II V I.S M
N 'I," '.-,"',! - s;.., I.'i.i.ij. i ,, ,-!,,., ,i.;,.r
,,i .in.l .1,... ;. ., , i ,tt,.r j tli...-,ir , ,..., ,',;,
c.. , ,t a tl.i.-k ulnlii'Ms M,..i.',. ),. ,
tlint Iiiinul.-.. tl ii.l, hi,,! li,i..rt i ..-r H'i Id
l-i. ,ii.--i 1,1 1',.. 1, .t;..i,i ti , ;
tiii'i !ini ml'-.. Il iiil, iin, , i ,,u ;t ,,.- ilh Ihr
irri ,.li--; i.i.,,.M,. I . i l'ii 1 1 t i f 1 1 f . Thru,
I.' i hi t'.T i:i...,i ii, in I,,.. ,,, , ,f il, rii v!y
I it II 1 'J "i .1 1 1 1 '. - ., I . .in- I .i run - i ll-T ..
M'AViiMC s (M .
I'.-I il.i(''!i' nr T.t',i-ni 'Iii li-:h;n.i tliiMP li m,i
!': 1. i- I .mi ,iy lli i.i .-. ( ';,i I,-1 's ( ' .;;, i;., I ,,,
I'll,! ,1,-t . ... .j., ; , M. , .,. !,., r,., Hl, :,irl,.t.
. .cry til l,;.' . !.., ', t I -1 : 1', t.i- ..II . .'.V.-ri'ill in.
iIti.ii... '!' Ih: ;.', r.-ir.- !,:, i iihiy ,n 41Jy
olip r I' n in i,' .c, ., ;i ,, ,.
i r.;;v i amilv
h..i;! I ... k ,.,,, , Wit, j,,. ',,,i,.,-, C,,!,..!
, ''''tin. ' 'i I . ir- t in th, , ,,i !v ;!,-., , fc,,,-;,,.
jC.l.i., S.f. ,f i , I .im in the Si'l.. iiti.l
H'on.liii,.. ni II ,.t l.i-illiiiii-
.;:!, t
" ' iiiTiin. i '. i. iv inn. . in:;
i. ;n.. , ,! Ci.i'ij., ii!,i ti.i ; i l.v I'.'liuliT
1 ...
i,,-l 1 ,
ii' ': '. j ' I I' ii l.'tn'v s ii is n i,it,.
i- i l ii -!.-; -1 .'ir n .Inn-it,..
'I'i in.l i in,. '.-, cmiU .i r I., ill Ir; l.iij;
I I-.'. I, ill V. nr ix !.!i!'!r-:. f..- S.l. 1
I Iv
I'.ir ,nl"...t lli. Ci-'nlv'-i I'.imilv M. 'h.-iin.
no, Mintli-1 .. ,t i-.i, j- ,.' T!,i,,t a,,, Chcsniif
.',,., -TS. M. I,., ins. n-. ,v I' s , c.
M n t. Ii ! I .- , m,. . ,.,,., , ',' i,:.
iii 1 1 1 U'';-1- iij.r K'-ly
J'.,- t,,. f , (
'ointil.ll.MH. Ilk nM,K,.t! In ", lili.,M-ii,-ns ( A).n llt.-,
II' t . I .i -:.. . Ilnhi'il il Cn l,i i nr-ii, (.rniM.-ll
Id '.il. t v, -Nei vnii-ii,--.i. ;n,, 1 1 .li-- is.m nii
I".' i .-i.i ,i ill. mil, i,-1 l.nrr, r I)ii;r.(i,) i j
I ,K-r- It I. to.,,., I..ti;ill,,ll,.l,vi4,)rrtir,.
Mm ,.;;!
I I.. ! "i ill i vp til nii.-i 1 ii-. u t,i,n.
.. . ,
1 1 . li.ll. v l-'i.c ... Tl... Fl ...... 1 h
m-i'.i- ts.i-i., ;l,v.,'i.wi.i,. f.,r
, :'!
I ni ii I "Hi'l.iiM-,'M'irv, vtt t.
.n i n:i . Kier .!isei., fionia , j ,., ai,u, ,
-tal of th- Htiiniaeh, l.,i, ,. i,i,i iv er wind
I. I.'l t.i .1.1,,!. lain ,,r weaken I l,e - I -I . , .
IK. Ill .N i i:i;-s l.hllMAN III I 1 )',t:i
Cannot he to hiijily reeommen le I Id ieroi
- i"iin- W illi a 'li-'.i .len.l I.I V Kit ..r Injures
to.ti. I.o.-s of ...,i;te, .r,... It i if . if mi
II .liliiche. Il,:hit:i,i Cnv'.M (,, ncial l)e,j.
I.t, ami a variety of t "Iiit'I.i.i,' s viliieli it it
iiiil.o.iihle to tle-i rihe.
ll t Inn . alt- ille en it. St. Loins, hey ato
aii.i-. 'l to 1 1 lh."... liii.T4.
I'rire fine, per hnii!.'. -ir-ix hn'tlcs f,.r r)0.
l'j s.ilo at Dr. I.a-ieih--. Iamilv Meiil'Tim
Store, nillHT i if Th 1 1, a li I Che m nl I reel 4. St."
Linux, Mu. Al.ohv 1'. A. Sail. v St. Marv.
.in I I y il aleis hi inn lie i in,, en'ciaily in thu
r l .-ly
.- ; ...
"" -i ; . .
A il'e hii I i-et tain cii'is for ('..norilitt , f,'!eel
Mricl.ire-. Seminal W' akiH ss. nil ih .easel
Of tllMli. Illi.,1 Oj.MU,!..
Tli. I'lipular i'n, I s'.c;!io r ii.c!v i.i now of
f' l-eil to Ihi. in ';, ,.,! I,,,,! i,,iiii.,,.',i,, rni,. a
I " of ('i ;,. (,!,,(. -.Irirliil. s. Sen, Ilia I
i Weak lit s'. am! .. '1 ,1,.,, ,,, ,,- ,1,,. (;,., it:, I IIiimik
iii IfH il.ii... 'It,.,, iii'allinlil.. r.'in.slv bus
s .i. .1 Iho.i.aml , ii,,, !,.,,.ls tin- Inml'i
of Meicile-. IJlllks, if It.t f.on, ;i pi n.l t HI o
k' '; I" cii-eof iiileetioii, Di. Hakti'a S.e.
cine is Ihe only s il'e an I en'-it'ini - Iy. II invert,
a;;i-eeah'e to the last.., rriatci li.i pr.'c. table o
'lor, ami may be nst .l by p-Ti nn,, ,,f cither hex
ith cut ire m i lecy w illnnit recitr.l t i .liet. liin
ili ance from bush,, s r M' AiUimt. a
lila in .Inectioins loi iisrair-otupany tin- im ilicmc
ll. inler have yoil ! private tli-tasiy Do tiot ne
Kljct it. Dt lay is tl:iii.;eroiiH. Will, Dr. I)a
k. rj Speei!,.. y on can cnie n ,n. Ih'll
pie-.ei.t nil evpo...,e. ,, .,. ,;,, w , Kj.f,.
lly urn! lib finally cure t,e virulent case
of S. t-iet Diseases. ;,i,, er.t'lirale eiery naitirlu
or infect toiiH mat te, from tliey, s, rn, ami , ei toro
the patient to a pelted .late ol health ami pin ily,
I'rice. ml ptr hotlie.
I'or -ale t D,. :,sieilv I'amily Mejiciii.t
S'oic. Mintli-oast coii cr of Thinl ii
-tre.-is, M. I.onis, M ,. Also by J'. A. H.iipy,
St. Mary, Io-aii, am) byilt-aleis in iiie.liciiiej
'nentlly in tJc. Wei-I. ,r .y
A valuable n inetly for utippression of the Men
us, Whiti", l'n'nl.,1 Mi iistrualion, Inipotei,.
try or l).iiieiii,c.s, S.,l,iw Coiniletoii, lleail.
a. he, Di..lli. m. Weakness of the m-rves, at,. 1
all tl.s.-:..,.., w I,, ariso fiom a Ueiaiij-eiiicnt
of the I urn I l.nis of natine,
'J'he most pei let 1, tafe ami ii.fallii.ble remel
for Ihe eiiie of all I io-e tliseisi"! of feiii iU ur
innjf from weakness or ilel.ilily, an.l ohsti ."ol
in '.lie. nii' ii.f;, am h s im-tr..1"' oi np of the .M.ns.'S, f'uir l(. ,3 or WbitCil.
I'ailii i; of the Worn'., ll"ii'!at he, 1'rinhtfiil
Dt t a iii.h V c., rainu'ii liy Cohl , elu eketl pei sp'n a
tionv, IHrl-ssl '.. ol ( I -Ck. ltenii nt, Vc, is
Mi. lloolM'.ii'S i-T. MALIC CORDIAL-
IS. .vera I holies in the csty who have milli iel
for inn ny . u s w i!h tiie above coinpla inls, ami
hi'V" t mi lie, e ti, .r pu'.'t cTiilni iit pi
with' nt mi t e-.i, hive use l Dr. oon,.,' 'e.
inula Coiilial. ami have been upeclily' ai'il r
nn.iiei'lly ctiieil by ilnnse. If .,e arc miler-
i s III St. Lo'iin, tl' ey can rely t;p.,n r. J l ioji
c, ' I Vmale as a a.'e, jilua-.cnt and irf
f. final
fuco !1 per bottle, or aia botllei for t,i.
1'omal al Dr. Lasteily'sT I'liiwly M.'Uitilit
Store, rortierof Thinl an.l Chi-mint ulreets, M.
Loins, M j. Also by 1'. A. .Sarpy, St. Mary,
ami by dtalen in mtilicinei gi-nnally in ti
West. apr 12-ly
Lr. Cook'i Magic liairOiT.
I'or tho preset valioii, beauty, gi owlli, anj
rcstoralioii i.f the Hair.
It bin loiii; bi ,TU the il.-sire of peiitomi tiouhletl
with at. il', harsh, niutily hair, to proenr an ar
ticle whii li woiibl at onre render Die hair aoft,
lively am! beautiful. Th moat peiii-cl am.
ail. mi able article i-ver ilis.'overej tut that jiur
poe id Dr. Cook'i Manic Hair till.
Thia Oil peiictratea the m.iiiitfst pores, iv
u Ihe il y ami Withei it." l.nlbt new hie am.
V '.(jor, opeiiiiii; Ihecapillai ii s, aoftens, preei i
be.iiili!i"s ami it I in ' I he lis the hair, J. .events it
from falling off, removes ihe .lantli nil, ami limit
ra-;L'eil ban into Ihut w hi. h ia (miootli, j.-loti,
an.l wavy. It is a.iiinttc.l by all to liu. the xieat
...I invention of the age for beautifying I1C hail
ami lemb i in-; if pi Miidiient.
Il amipeib ait.cle, ami thmil l Imfo I on (li
toilet of every wlii vali.e the kIos ai.'l
beaot.r.ll iipl.t al.iii.' f of " 1 1. (,- fl ij ,v in ' lu'ielcll
1'iicr, 5(1 cenU .er bolll.-.
) or al tt Dr. liasleily'i ramily f fetlicina
Mote, tonier or Jhiitl Chc.ui ttnets Ht M... U..l.eii i w t. t...
ami by diiU; M U.L 'gu.iAlly in'tf..
Wet, H'( I'.ij
V. ! I I i; ( ill cu.
'1 !l ' !m! i ,Il V W .I.-.-) . , vi ho !
ty .... .- .
-sjr"- '