4 , i f r i i ! , 5 iv U i'.,r inn.i ifitn. i sr. mauy I'onti.M WMJS-cr.ors, &-.. TiMio ti's Vim', Sept. 12, .")!. H(n. I'.i'i i on : I have l-ilily li.nl thr i:it i Tif.-.i i-m of viviiin;: ll''' u'ie; (r St. Mary, previous tu w lib-h, 1 had -up-poM-d In in hearsay, llial t!.; Krr:i1 iiiot'i;hl wl.it-h mn blighted v-v:"' i'io:i In v.iri "M pail nf country, li nl sMm'fil tin- ituisV Tni.in prowl Ii of this pi oiiiisin;' p'nr''. lm' 1 .1 iiSOtl to SIM- il WM b' plt:',IU.g tl lrac i'il eunsiih-rnlily simc j'LMIMONV HI' A l-IIYMCIA.'v. F.vtrar! ..f .i letter di'cd l'i ' --W ii :;ti, .latni ry I .Mb, 1 "-': 'T will v that y''ir Mi-it.in;: l.lnlir-ent is Ib-hi ' ' I- have n" ' n 1,1 ,,,v MiGCCLLANT.OUS ADV'G. .i. oW IT Willi enl t ever ,.cvn r . nlotig tin f,,r Mn il f i t . 1 i . 1 used it :t f'".v "'cV I,,"!, I wis jvrr.Tily rr..-.k.-l. ami f.y Lark i romldoto loltute. fp.HI the t "! WO'lbl rail (-i-:l."!'Hiio condition 1 Was 111 fiprnut up I'll' the late n fri-shitt" sli'iw t rs . As this western eliinVr aid soil stout vny favorable t" the t-rowih "'' ' !""! vilh.'gfH wlirtl ill' ' 'I'd ate pl.tll't'd in ihe vghr p'ac::, and i.s S'. Mry m)ii:s In 1"' .,i,l i.nl m ii vrrj t-'igihle site, nt sumo tbx-(.-ire from l ivtd towns, near Sarpy's ovand I'cvrv mi the MisMUiii l is T, ;unl oil a table in ill'' midst of tin' Folium Lands tin- richest soil in the woi lil, i's iuhiihil.int o rcM-ion to liojm for ' isMcs"' ilnlurn i.ol ''built in tin; rir." J'nit a sm.'ill )oriion of lliH ii!i llollom Ini'l i liml'T a stjitu of ciiliiv.itioii, mil tin- io.lui'cmi'iits pre so niiji ii iiiliii'il to ciil livatr tin' s.. mo, th.it tin' liivuviiiil Jiriii l i .v!. wV. noli Ik w in MibiiiisioM lo tin' t-" b,,i-!-woilJii j.i..ii'-r's .bv, aii'll.ir'' jrijisnf win at, rj, roril, n-iN. fv'i.. ol j.'i,;i,t rowlli, xvi'l ' i ) -v to (iii'l a in i U ft . i.m! . Iar-rl..s of l ii-li I'.u I U'ld will have lobe kiiili''! with tin' iK'i'fss.nii's ami luxuries of life, which lli.y uii"ot ro tl lie e lliniui 1 vet. Then it will be s c:i that S'. Miry i'"l 'tilher bottom lain! tow us were not built in vain. Their inrrehyiits will traib; willi the ii best, farmer in tin; country, an.l iho merry hum of uiechaiiii'S tools, will niiitf tin; well-iai.l t-on of iniluttry, from uioniiiir till i,i;;ht. Then, ye har.ly pioneers, who have fiju'tit your capital Mi l time in lay in cut 'hese towns, will he rejiai.l for your energy, ami about the time your tup o!' pro-pei by I ri n s to tieilk.w, your ihiMiui uillbe liaily to of t!f n 1 , t - . , ,i ...ii 'ij : i i in 'III il 1 '" -' , p.,xe i...ieiate r I f' aiiiliii til- l""l.i) I ro'iM lifinl I1'1 a 1 rr''' '' "i"! with ),lli .:iin. Tl"" ni"'.li'-il i.r.if.ii.1.. yo'i know, h:n" r .!! 1 :i ) "i. !! to l'i-' Ilia 1) of k tioiIm-i, lint fiol'l a li'iort I'-'L'e el Ilir ll,,'li-.-ii. nts ill' t'ie M i .!;ihl' l.i'iieif 'it. I Wo itil Ii.im" lio bf! i! ion ill iivnnum 1 1 1 ' i : 1 lT it, ' 1 1 1 I iT il irinr ly t'r.-!ife pain i iiiilit ;-t''.l. I Ii.tvw n- cnTiiitii.iili'. it in tl li'ilnl'iT of r ill lay ewn pi arliri-, iiinl a f.ir a I ean li ni-ii il lias aelril vt . i r 1 ri li'i itv aiiM eerl.iiiitv in my " nj,ii. tint il mat- l.c iit.I for ami ilii-.e ;nviv paia, Ihtiu. -r it r an.l tliat i" urn i' aiiinii .''ti' V mi well for your everfioiis J, II I M-'IIVI. 1'Y ii. 'D ainali'.e il ri-n.fiiy lirl'mf 1! puMo-. Truly yo'i's, (ii.n. ii. ki;yh:h, ri. H'Ui'rtr,' iiir-nt ill aunflirr rnliiinn. Dr. Easterly's Amcrlcnn Oil Liniment. Wit vain T.iioii"t. rnmli'.iir llm in-nt r,V,,.a,-i,,,H intirl.'i l.n ov. a for all the vanuu.i f..rm of ib-i-an-r'''iiiiiiS nu f t ii)'l ';-1 ie-;- tom. tl'i" of ll" priiH-ip.il aruvr in.rrr iith ifi' AN Dil (or I'rtrole.ua) w iniiviT-ulIv kaowil In pa.ii'is rave ai' t Cv ii ai iv 1. l'H'irt m 1 1 .s. riiaili'.ni'il with otlii-r talnatil f known ninl -l.i!.lMi'"lt Hi prins. -orr a T 1 I t!r ii k with on. This bot'om (l',ou''hl ol the iiro eil so tlesi 1 in .ive l.:l l lit 1 t:,rm:vli all the h ''; ii so; is i 1, ( w well in ai 1. us p'.rts ol thel'.S.) has mis'. illie. 1 looiit ill e sn lu- tieiit to liouii"!! an rm.Miious erop .l eorn in fact, a pi eat yieM of eveiythinp uulrsi il be poiaiors. Tiu'i e. i. a n r.il toinph int about the putatoe crop l iilim:, Mila.uh at lli.il part of T. a h r's lVmt ni. l-uam('.l 'T'ro- Town," I h.tvu eaten . . . . 1 .1 . ..11 iotato s ol 11. ix M'er Will llial. womo en cpii ure's mouth she.l tears o So .e .-.ielii:.il firm.'ii ;. y their 1" lnaue j".v- WOII Li he HO lolljr-faeiVt S'ril lrS liOIlt lie js.lrtloc cn.p if the nee4 b.vl l:"n plant-t-tl tleep nitinph. The eai.lt us me Well H'e. i:h everv ll.ilirf lb.t i" lta-L mmit lliem el.nt; in wttiW tiht lee! I'i'- ll.ixir lo aril so too. h bai.l .-;aii:t the 1 liL-ib'.li'N of St. M 11 as a low 11 siie, J tliooylit it a il l's to -iie my iiu j.resioiis til il while oil a visit iiiere, in the fnieo- l.ou. iv. A.C. a t) is 1 1 c A 1 I so Il K ( III . H il'''l n no'ilial agents ary. fin ia' a xil'e nr.. I mm rean'.ly for Kheainat isni. l.nosr, - .... S.ll Cuts. VdiiimN. It'tni". M'H'i", "i" fl.Tis. Si al.l IIimiI. i'-n.T, iuu- Wo: m, r.ryi;.. t is, Cai.nrs, S'iil .too, In Cak.-.l IIiimsIs, Paralyse. C'ontraeted 'I'.Tvh.'i" nr Ci.al), .V'-., ami 0U1 for Strains, Spavin. Si-ratilies. t'h.iri-, S.nMU' ami Collar (IiiIIk, Son--, Wo'iieb', 1'iKtiila, Sweeney and Polll'.vil in lirii'ies. This biiiiuieal li-n ailiroct ami pow erful action upon tlie tarn-lory anil alwoila-nl vcs.a l.M, t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 tin-in to a lit-altliy ac-tinn, thus f nablinir lln-m to tin ov ell' the 11101 liiil or Use ne;l inattr-r wliiell oli:'tritetn tli i-irrulalion, t'iris removing f'1 ilispaMs or injuries of Hi.) I'.i.mi-. luvilrs. Caiti!liii.'i-s. Nwioi ami Skin. Our iKiltle will r on vi 1 CO t lie laost hlo-ptiral of iU wonilerfiil rtlieaey in euriep; Iln-ii"-s , J'.'nin, Itla-uMial i an, rainrs. Sureiavs an 1 I V . il i'1" ol 11 1 1' Jo. los, ,V'-. I Dr. r.ai-terlv'n Aim i i-un Oil bin'onrnt is, 1 w-i t I10.il eiTp'i..i'. toe m..-t vnl'i.al.l.- I'-'anly liver roin;.i iiel.-l f r all i!i"-jrs of M.111 or I !i. i ,t. K.piirl an ') i ail a ji ! a-.ili ia. l'"i''5 rents prr t. it'.ii', or fin' ln)t!lr- t II oil' dollar. Q'-j1" A bli.Tal iliseiiiuit inlde to wholesale pin . h.ivi 1 who lu;y to m-II a (.',.! a. ELV" ''"r ' '',''' "'' l'.isteilyM'.iMtily M".l-i.-inc Sinre, southeast loraer of Third and Chest nut -d ' ei-t i. St. l.ou's. Also xold by 1'. A. Sarpy. St. Mary, Iowa, aad by ileab-rl in im-iln ine e;euerally, in llu; ves' . iJ" Ibad Dr. T" - t.rl j t aiU'frr.si.nient in another column of our pap.-r an.l (;iv him a rail. ... X'l''' ii'r pan iti J I s. More 1 oiirt; res!i e' I Hi TLLUCiKAPiiiC ITEM3. Hoxf-m.. .Itigust i'J. The lb publii an jiarly iii -l in eoiiveieion uinl fi.poiutel l.)0 h leatis to -ihe con eul ion. The !i le paltit were, in.striieteil to u.pe on (he eon- enliou the ia.ssiioe of it resolu! ion ealliupr uiioii the clergy to leu 1 all tin; influence in their pow er to seeiire tho eoliz.ilion o! the new ly nc'juirt'.l terriloi ies of K msas ami Mcbrasku hy ftei inen. A'fw York .lug. -!. Th! bullion lookers Iri.liMliitlCil .'.r)l.0.(iOO of (;ohl to Jloslmi for t-hipmeiilby the (.'uu.ir.l n't am in. ir.itmifoit, .'7.ir. .''). Tlie NatioiuJ Intelli-Mi-ieer says that the aim mneeinent i, f t x-Stnatnr Down's th alh was jneiiia turc that lie is s'ill livinf.'. The l'r Mileiit irave up his trip to Cape May heeause the boats in li iltimore had 'opji.J runnine;; lie win! to Capon sj. rings instead. The express (rain cu the New York Central railroad, which reiiheil Allen) last niht about 7 o'chiek, ran over two lailies ut Uoiiestepfi, 7 miles from Syrao Use) instantly killing them, '1 lie. lailies were ilcecinlin;; from tho mail train going west which wants for the express train tu pass; tin y jjnt on the) w I'oiijr til: tif ihe t!iri tunl were caught by the j.as kii tr..in iitul horribly inaiilcil. l'lt Had, I j,, in, Jug. :ii 1. Tim Went her f'lml, ( b ar uinl ih v. W'e have hail no lain fciuen the t,litl.t shower mi S itunlav. Dr. Car'.Dr' CmKh Baliam 1' li.e lnoi.l pli'fcMtl'.t aadeitieacioioi r. :ae b. lot CVlKli. Ct.lv.. .'.s'.ai.ja.. Vm iiliui '. -i.-i and 'i dis'-iitmof tti I-Dns, rvi-r offi t-d ( t : rtiihlir. Our fvrt arrin clitnitr.. nd tlir rold I. leak wlailt of the lioiili and wet pro.luii-i-oul.s ami rr.,N diiiv-n (.-old ,, whieh de mand of tin- w i- ,- pruib.-i.t, the earliest at!. -lit ion for 11.1 p-ii M. remedy has ever hi a diM-o-veied ui,r!i has ell'-t'lod ait many cures, and wblrli seemi t" frive s'leli universal satisfart-oti to all.as Dr.CAiiri n's Coei.ii Hai svm. K'-ad-rr. haie von :iri.'i'V Do not iiflet-t it. )- lav isilaii-i oih. 1'sc this lia'saai, ut once, and it w ill i d'ei dually cure yon. y I'l iee 25 renls Iter bo!l;, lire bnCle l.or six li'itt'-.t for St'. For fate at Dr. Kasteriy's Family Mi'dir-in' Stor, southeast eoraer of Third and C'licitinit tt.s., St. I.oiii i. .Mo. by 1'. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa, tnd l.y dc.iVis in irifilieiiici K!iiera!!y, in tl- Dr. tMlerly'i Iodine and S-irsaparilla. fjV" " 1S 'he-only preparation that it worthy of the least confidence of the piddle, for the .,f i)i,.. ilisen.;e arisiiiL' f.om an imiuiic stale of lie! blood, viz: Scrofula, or Kind's Fvil, White Swt-llinirf, F.nlarK'cJ Clan Is, Ft-vcr Sores, I'iniplen on the fare, old Sores and L'l cr i , Blolehes, llilcs, NervMis Alice! ions, Can cers, I'.rysielas, Hhcui.i.it ism, Syjiilitic easen, Pains in the Hone and Joints, Hint; Worm or Te'ter, Scald Head, dist-ayes of the Kidneys, M-reinial Di-.eises, 4c. Dr. I'as l.ili'i Iji.isr. and SAii.raHiLi.A, is com- piiuiideJ of tWc article which timultaiic- ously a.-t on the dillerei.t tireans or '.lie lioiiy. and posses the most ellicicnt clciising and he-il- injj properties. II imbeds of the ueitt Uitelli 'lit and reiectabl.! familit in St. Louis, Ii.n e use, I it, and speak of it in tin; Inkiest terms til i.iaise. hu millciii'; im( tun.- ut rou'er, cheaper and better than any other preparation in use. r V P'ice, )1 per Mottle, or six buttles lur ' ' !l C fi T'.iM&Co f' i 'A'A' Sueee.si.rs to M i'i'WAV' 1 1 t' C..rner ahovo V I II c: I M 1IOT1 1.. S I' !.o I S,MO. k .1 xJ imrorlers tS' Jfmf-tcfu em f Jri'iui) i.'tur illill Suukc. T.ni.v Twr.M v vi:ai;s rxi i'.iti i cure in the Mill luinishiiu; lei-dness in SI l.onis. ( roinine'ii iii at 111'- W'.i Lilian's tieiieh ) e.,al.. s us o '.l:-e i M.-.e.-lly id' the ip-iiih'y ol liurr best adapt-) to mi 1 1 1 fir 111 I lie West! ')'" nhl iiii I h it il' i ilit V. -a .' h i r 1 1 : i I it iiei. i" sn ry lo v i d the ti'i.i' ii. s in I'rani'e, and 1 hei e ma k s.declions. I I'll' stuck this year was si lee I ed at 1 he )'- i l ies by one of lie- In m, and s unples left W I Il tl." jili.pliel.ils. that ve laay. when we order, be certain "I' oMaiainir Ihe desiied ipialilv. lor Slice's d'ul inilliiclhepr.ictic.il miller'and iiiilKvri'.'lit can appiei i.ue tin- impor tance of this arrangement. Our siock is nlivays i.ii e, and any (h'sircd temper and texture of lou r can he old iio-d w ithout .li la v. r,(iriN; ci.nrns. Tu ol 'ain Die .piatityt.f ll.il'ii.. Cloth brst suil.-d ' ) mi'.'.iii.: in 'In' est. w , h iv" had the ri i atesl .! i in ' 'i 1 1 .'. Oi'i-r-b unlink holts l.y f ist ' Lr indoiL'. '."'d II.' laie .ptaii'nies i.f sjiriri; j n he ,1 a ad oafs ri! . .1 e.l so .h-.tru.-l i ve l.i (!. i.r I tllt.srv CloVl. that I'l'-'U.laril).' of In II owners i ami ii'iH.-rs l.er.one so f .-u a i.t. we f.i.in.l 1! in I r s.-ai y tu i dit a in la-iv r and s' roe Cloths, ! or nuliicet ourselves to a 'spieiii of m-II in?; an inferii-r ;-r!i' l". l.c laid hefme Die tnanut o-. tu ; "r our iihier I iotis to I heir Clot lis, nod oi der i '..nvier and strtniiTT to he made. T!i'-v nn il.t.. ok it with rei aelauce, fearing that they could not make tln-ir ('lotus hcaiierand ut- ! serve the uniformity ol me-nes so inilispensa j i.le for irmi.l Iililli'l-r! They h IK- sueeee led. Oca noi iiNn i i.oi ns a nr. now- m a pi: tt r -1 -i.v oit i s, ami for heauty of 'inih. nuil'ormi tyof inches, ien;r'h ami iluralulily, we refer to (he millers penerally in the country, and es pecially to the millers and mill owners in tins 'A' 'j'ORT.ULE GII.1LV MILK. Our atn-mtioa for many yean Ins lieen di rected to obtain the Ic-st plan f ir cons: rue' in.j; these mills. In many caes tliey are used by inexperienced liainls, and tin ri fore, ilmalli1y ai.t simplicity of construction wis the object io be jtltaincfT. In this we think we have sne- ( led. We believe .so, bee rise jn ; ,e jfreat number we have so'd, there lias red l.-en one re lumed, nor to our knowleie failcl to peifn-m cut i i el v to the -a! It ''act ion of Hi a- iisoi'4 thein. 'MteV are in extensile i: ;- in the e-t,:iinl many of Diem in .New M"ieo an ! California. O ir "it I's are know:-, a. TODD'S I .'I P.'IO VI. I) CHAIN Mll.b. Wein tti'ir.t'.'..:r. three kinds, to wil : t s r i hon ii ii K i. I" irriii l bv weicht of Ihe rui'iiri Mm K nn t. n vim -a i r.i.. the lower stone t ) rim, and tho raf'ssi'KU mill. Patent riveted, ceaie-i'e l and n.acliiac stretch- cl Li:.rnii:n ni:i:vLr;. Till" article is now made in the greatest per f .-i t mi., and In ciiuiiu: ei.-iis,vely u.a d in the liriliul'al't.u in estb'iii.-hliienls of the couiill'V. We keep on hand the largest usMU lmcnt in tin-We-!i.iu C'l'inlry, of our own, and I'.aslein man.'lacl lie. Yti i AM.i.ii m nnrn iik.itim; e.i:.ii patkini: ami iii'Mii.H iiosr. We are the only ajreuts of the li.e ton Company in this city for ihe sab- of these piods. Ili.istiiiC sciews, mill spimlb-'i. reulatin;' ,:-reiMi, d,im-al non i, patent iron proof safes, mi!! pn k, i-eii wiiB. nipper rive'K, lace lea- lb. i . en ti uieil masier, A.C., (to., 'a j, I v on tiat)J.A 3 l.ouis, A t l -o. s.i 1. GLENWOOD AD V tl Pv T 1 3 C M E N T S . (.jllorious News lor Ncbrasku. 'I'lic slciimcr Sjsr.inno lii-s j:t?t arnvctKlotnlcl lo gum'. with gooils fur Coll-islili ' "I r. b'ds n. 1 and Macke-il, 15 lib Is. Ilrffvn S'.trnr, 0 bhds. ("l.n i. 1 tl .. '.'U bids S. II. .Mol is-fs, lo bids. N. o. M,.1a. si s, 10 1-.' li!il. (i iiib-n Synip, .'."-'I sacks ;. .1. Salt," 1 Ml I.'. Is K maw h i do. O'l s:v ks dai) v do. '.''.) boxes do. I S.jlll. 1 ) bbls Cider Viio'.;.ii', 1)1 Y H Idds 'far. I '.'I hove- and halfboyes Slar C.uni .') b .xes Tallow caiidl-s j '.I' I l-:- ai!. assorted, i bosej Cm Fish. If I sacks io I'otf.e, I Imperial an I Youi' r J yson Ten , i Soda, Sab'rat.is, (au.lv. llaisii Sj ! Iln-iidi Walnuts. Almonds, f.inucr. Spice, Pejiper. & c, GOODS. oi'ii .ss;v.T.n:T is r.i:t;r, and coMn.r.rr,. Sidelines, fin- l.iown ; and bb-acln-l -lomeslie drilling-. t:- i.al m;s. Havens, ducks. S r. ki. I'-il." I 'he attention of tile bolus iscalleil to ear a'tii'iiunl of ilr- ,s oo.js, whicli ! ! i V will fmil, as regards price a., 1 ,p..aliH,l;) be iiikv pas-ed in Western low.,. Calico, pliuiliains, lawn:;. e.i;ies be: re: ! robe, nf liie lab'l fashion and style. I'.ni ti'oide.ed i-ij.s, eoibiis, rliiini sells. .es. silk and satin bonnets, linen and cotlou bandki 11 bief.-, hone, y, pal a.sols, all of which will be sold evece. U i 2 1 v low. , ''J: : f: Ja73 I 3 Cin, cut snvs, mill saus. ha rid saws. Iii-oinl uxes.eboppiii axes, ades, !o; and b-c't In ins, bench p'aiic-.au.l in (ad in iythiiur in the hard .van- lined rom a Jcw.di.U'p up I" a ci adl.n si'yllie. jJOOTS & SHOES. 41 eat.es direct from Ponton. Iloots of all sizes ami qualities. Shoe, bailies etm inelc 1 Jenny bind buskins, iriiter.i, slippers, ladies' goat, kip and calf boots, mi-ses Kboes all si.es. H, its and caps, books an d stationery, drills and medieines, .layne's eml boiidon' family meilicme.s, and all other popular patent medicines, for sale at a ho'.i sale prices. QUEENS WA I IK, Of M itm- p;,ttTn. (rlnsw.ir', IninMri.j-n-?. r., Uc. hi ii sUfUH war, c I.unir. j.iiF, iT'M'Ut, lit it U v rt-ffk tjo f rvncV, i;., FURNITURE. f.o bed.:ta !s of different I-al'crns. cherry ilin:a. and breakfast tables, walnut tlilto. ditto. llureans w ith irla-il, plain and fancy walnut p.. oi-s, eupboaiils. t:n sales, one or two iliawerl si amis, w ash s; amis, lounges ami nnlti'e.-ses double mattresses, slat bol tola chairs, c a in teat do., j rockinr ''.bail s, ci ibs. e. 15 cook stoves, assorted. Patters oi's, ready trimmed with tin or coopr bolters, bnxstoves, ; Crecaii parlor tiit lo.. .to e pipe, r'bnw s. e ' WOOD A !i u WiLLQW-WAR E. Pine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood buckets, w-'l buckets, wa'di tubs, wood boA'ls, Irays, doi:t;b pins, suff.ir boxes, brooms, zinc wash boards, clothes pins, e. SADDbl'.RY. lit idies inu tin;al.s, ru eiub's. cii lbs, lialleis, bviule reins, lil.ickawk sad tiles, ipiilt s-ents, and ditto I.adie. hide saddles, lumpy w hips, dr.- y whips, U. E. whips, cow-hides 4c., s.iddlo-b.iL's b-atli'.-r trunks, fcc. LEATHER. Sole-leather, kip. nml ealf akins, moroi-eo lininps:, poat skins, hair', &.rt. IRON AND CASTI N(iS. Plow S'eel, sheer Steel, oast Hlt'tl, plows, Jiiollhls &.C. Pols, ovens, skillets i.n.l lids. 0, S, 0 atal t wet-.iy pilion kettles. I'lM' DOOIIS S by Id and 10 by 12 fash, window blinds. CLOC KS i day and 311 hour clock:.) w anauted to run well. TOSACCO AND CIGARS. Virginia. Koannke N'crt.ir leaf tobacco. Regalia and lrincipe cigars of the finest flavor. Culm and Havana sixes, and various ol her a rt iciev. .ul ve deem it mini cr-sary to mention (hem as it is in trouble, to show e Is, and we w ill i c happy it all times to show our old customers, ami as many new- one I asinav favor us with tln-ir p.'.-roiia;re, our t'oods and prices. Our faciii t les for sel In.-.: C 1 1 1". A P,.ire be' ter than any ' her house i n weste' li ioiva, and we in tend to do so, ami an axaminal ion of our prices is all that is lueessary to convince yon of the fact.. Ole.iivood. July. li. t s.-.l. -Ui-Xiv. M'Clilll.hS CO. V R HSU S Pill N li o o b 5 , St. ' constant- i.in-ii II EV GOODS. Dr. l-aiVtriy' t'uvtst ajui Auo Killer. fjV" 's warranted to curt! all cases of Agu. and Fever, Chills and 1 'ever, Dumb A'ue, In tel initteiit ui.d Jteiriillrnt Fevei.aiid miy forio of Fever iiicidt nt to the west. If theie an-suf ftrer in St. Louis, Ue ay try it, and if it falls to t'HiH, Ihe money ahull he rt funded to I be pur chaser. Moid than TU rATV'lll I! TIIOI'MND llolllk bale been sold, and in no instance h.n it failed to elf. rt a pei maiit iit cure a far as hi aid from. f;V Piii-e $.1 par bottle, or six bottles, i CiT For sale at Dr. I'. istcrly's Family Med i int) Store, southeast Corner of Thiid aud C ieidaut slretdb-, SI. Louis. Also .; by P. A. Sarpy, St. Mary, Iowa, el by tlealtis in ine lit ine t nt rally, in the west. F ad Dr. Kasterly' adverti ..-nt-nt in anotutr column t f our pjj.tr and plvu him a rail. Ju'. 'V ki. Tlf Tor sale at Dr. L ASTF.Itk.VS Family Medicine Store, corner of Tliiul and Chestnut streets, fct. l.ouis. Also sold by P. A. SAKl'V, St. Mary, Iowa, ami by dealers in medicine generally, in the West. (";" Head Dr. F.asterly's advertisements in anotlior column of our paper, and give him a call. 1"'- TRADER'S POINT FERRY. 1JIF. hiibicriber havirr; leased of Clarke 4 Co.. the old Coiiin-il iilull lerry at Ira ilei's Point. Pol'.awotltimie County, Iowa. ll.i.iier 1. .id! a liew and substantial lioat, is now (.icpiieil to t-ro's iill who come. Ptrsoiii vi .iiliiu' Nebraska will feid this one of the be t Ke.iriesou the Itiver. Tr.ie, I have lio tUeaiu I'eiry boat, but I ham ftroiiL' ami tower w Inch will piop.dl a boat across tin, river at Dim i. ano'.v point without an. danger or blow up. tpnek I'l.o'ili to hau -ly the fasitst of this fa.st agu tint couati y ii.vi t t or- rr.KRiA.'iK : 1 Wagon, two horses or cattle, - S1 2 1 Hoist) and l.ui'i-.v, - 1 ,HI Horse and lidci , ". 1- nut in a ii. - - - 15 I'-'j' 1 weiity-five per t ent added to the above late. 111111111; liivJi water. J'? li-'Jliu 1IAXIKI. NOKTOX. CP. VATSOX, Lind Acent, 811 vt yef and 1 r.RiJit'er, Hell view, Xvbi- Im. lit-ly SPI.r.NDlDST'K K.lNr.W GOODS Jus! ariive l, Je s'i'iiii). T 1) -law. ire, at s.mi'Y s cm:. in tusu stork On Mam street, St. .Mary. (liii.ens an 1 tuuiratit w t-an imw fitnl n fui supply ol fr- s'i t.roceries. 1 ro isioiis. Dry (moil's ami IPnlware, wliiell they can buy cheap for cash. n.5-tf T- A. SARPY, 'hnh-'tk. li tail and Cummtusion .Vcr chnt, curittr of Main awl Gregory streets, St. .Mini. -) HAS just re.-L-'vcd ami now has for sale "q a l.ircv a,ioitiueut of selected ne-i ctiamlise J5 adap'ed to ttie wants of all classes in this new and thnvine; community, winch he can sell as clu-apas can beell'ered clh.-whereso Ihl'Ii upon the Missouri river, lbs Roods have been selec ted by an experienced purchaser, with special reil'eicnce to Ihe circunstai s ami wants of all classes of settlers in a n-w country. Ladies and 'cnllemcn. child-en and yo ith, all can be supplied. Call i"l see tor yoinscves. ins stock consists of the f.iilo-.vn.u', amon' a jrreal many other ui'idcs he cannot no'.v enumerate: Aiiiomr his dry iroods may be found woolen and sattinett chrlus, -as,iii.:ts, tweeds, t'.ish meies. linseys, llanuel, red, white, joey and blue, Caspian plaids. Cotton ptods, s.i.etinei and shirtings, bleached and unbl --acbed; blue and wli.ti. drillings, osnabiir, bcltitkin;, hick ory, chocks, 4c. kascv coons. A beautiful assortment of fancy pr'uds or every variety of style and pattei n. Oiii-hams. lawns, liirured hljiat.'ca, boiiib.i.inis, boiub.iy- ttes, shawl, scai f s, haiidKcrctiirf, ciaoe, la 111. cdiiiies. ribbons, &e. UlOlDiniJ. well s.-lecled utock of Siiiaiiier, Fall and W in ter Clothini;. consisting 111 p.nt ot line ilresj coats, nanla and vesli.; also -rood sa.-amei cloili- of all ilrseriptioiisj and heavy elolinaf,' loi fall and w inter use. Also shots, knit llinnil (liawers ami umier- hirts, socks, 4c. Meu'a anil boy .' hms and aim of varneis fashions, qualities, ami pi u . ioots ami shoes, tlnck ami iiiiti.poiisue.i nu iiiioolisrn-il or every nescrinuon, 101 men numu, and children's use. Orocerie. Crushed, clarified, loaf and brown ur :ir, 11. ms.-s, syrup molasses, golden syrup, u .;: nu i-a. Kio and Java colb-e, sassafras, L'ini,"'r. p.-p- icr, cloves, spice, cinnamon, ground tinker, iiiitines, suiill's, tobacco, riars, pipes, soap, caudles, vil.e-.tr, pickles, peppei -sauce, 4tc. Provisioin. A lartre sssort incut of Hour of virions qiiali ies and i.rices: corn ineul an t all the various products of the f irm ami canbn; scon ami tihh, kiln dried apples, peaches, curren 1, raisins. C. llVKUWARr.. StoVCS Ol Various jiallenis foreookinl and lieatintr rooms, Move-pipe and elbows. Luge and small iron kelll.s, fryiier pans, skilleis, hand-iions, shovels Bad t. !., manure forks, hay forks, scv tlit-s, shovels and spades, lo an t trace chains, ases, h iiniii. ;s, inreis, lion ami sieei, nans, iiorse.rasns, lues. i.1 u in m c r II. 11. TOWNSKNI), Dealer ill Dry (Jomls. (Iroceries. llai'd wnre, (Jueenswnre. Hiolsiuel Shoes, Hals. -dps, ll.mtie'.s, l-uney Gooils, Notions, e.;e. r. i.r.N wood, low t. riMin suiisrunir.H would rk- L speelfully Call tlic altctilioii of tho eit i.ens of Mills ntel the mlj. lining r-oim'i'ts. lo his laron nml varied assortment' ot (iOOIJS. 'whieli ho. is now reoe.iviii''. r-n-l whi.'h will be olFereil for srfb? to ( ASH PiUYl'.HS at reasoniUc prices. My stock t-o-viis t.f . 4tist every arti ;'e '.tf'!! fuiitivl u 0 count rv' s'ove. Dil? GOODs, Of every kind, variety an.l style. CLOTHS, Cassinn rr, VesliiiL's, satinet's. LA DHLS D1U:SS COODS, IaW'llS. I3arao;es:lehiiiies. Prints. ( i i Heliums. Alupaeial, lilaek Silk, Chimisetis, Worked Sleeves, .e., &r. HAKDWAiii: sl qlt:i:nswaui:, A pt-nerul iissortim tit. (;rockrh:s. Consist inp of Siiar.Coll'ee, Tobacco, Jliee. Molasses, Whisky, i.e. Il-JOTS SIIOF.S. (jeiils' l'ine Calf nml Jvip liools. Vo mens' Ii.iskins, J-'oiid. 11. 11. Parodi, Kid welt liuski'is. Child's and youth's luce Bonis. Jlonnet.s Ladies' Florence Jlrocia Homiets, Sin. Hats Palm, Leghorn and black wool II. lis. R. R. TOWNSPA'D. fllc-nwond.Mav 10, lS.jl. i.:7- f PW SARPV ft EXGLISII. Jz 0.p;v5citioit io toe MiSKS. S AKPYcV i: I'-ccviiur at (;enw s7 0..p;wcitii?:i to toe illic of (lvwc. MiblSIf AKK M)W nwoo.l, a wen sciecii-u stock of dry L'oo.is. fanry IT'inds, cloUiiiej, boots ami shoes, groceries, lial.lwarc, crockery, ih'US'i, li piors, stov es, linw are, tec, ill Western Iowa. The public are inviled to call aiul examine for themselves, and t.Vy will fiad the truth of the above slateiie ni. Also they will find that wc can s-ll as t-heapany other house in Jllills, Fre-m-i-it or i'ottawattariiie co'inlies. And in riviii'r notice lo the farming eninmn nity, we will jji've them tin; highest cash price for their le-nduet.-, surli as bee', pork, corn, wheat Slid heans. The store is on the west sitle of the I'uMfe. Hrjnare, Glenwood. nov 2.t-.ini ST. L0U13 ADVOiT ISEMENT3 IVJiX'irun JUnttailj Liniment. With a lleal.n;j Tnm we come to greet yv. ' M III-action of Ibis l.iniin.-t is one rf Ibt luo--! pe; I'.-.-t lemedn's ever otleri d to thr! alilicte.l. lis r.esiori 10.011 1 bp o 1 eamntion i 1 1 t:!y wombi f il. 1' s vol a I lie. pent-1 rai ii:e. st,'h itii; and he-aline; propel tie dul'nse tliemselves trl the very bones. It enters inlothe ciiculation of the blooil 1,'ivfi h p.-w iiujiulse to w hole nervous system to Hie v.-i v et 1 enot ies of the fingers -- and -.'M'lb-.t.'S loihe absoi bents atid secretin. al.l l!i ;s vs.i r N vri'HK to throw oil' and 1 id he; sell' ..iT any diseased section of Ihe iieivou fliordsor liauie'i'. inak-inv; it eipi..llv Ppplira hie to s'-ri s cT liny 1 uid, rlit-'iMii'in p:uti in every part of (be body, from a diseased actum oT any of the structural poitlons of the sysleai, While it is pe:f,'-ct!v harmless to healthy flesh, skin or hone, it has the pi 1. perl y of eii'eriiiij in. coiiibinat 0 a. and ii.s adv. nj any of the 01 -ir.'i'iie tisens when I In-v are dise.is.sl . or their vi' tality is de'tiovd. I 'ui' i an; ttu-se r iliar po.vi'rs. is the le-json wtiyit is e.pial I y ell:c icioifs in so many dilli'icit complaints. II nets upon "c.ieii! i!ic piiiiciides and lixed law s of the Crca-. tori The larre nunt1.'5r (f esses in which thislini. iti "tit has proved its value, in Iht'tdiort time il has b. en b. f.uc Ihe people oT Aiiier'.eu. is sutii' cienl to ive the rre ile .t coiili'leuce that its vir tues lire i'lcoaiparable in eiirein:; 1 heiimali.'iit, bruises, - l- aii.s. burns, v omuls, swellings, biok en or rincked breast, old sines 01 pains in any part of the body. Sr. Lot tSS Tl.STlMU.NY. Stite or Missnrm, ) County of St. Louis;. ) ' be it n'ln-iiib.'te.t. that 011 this fifth day er May, A. i). H :). bet.irt me, the tiiidersii.eit,-m-iyoi-t.f 1he city of St. bonis, in 1 lie ci nml y and S!at aforesaid, came personally David M. Sinv'hr. who. upon bis oath, says that the fos iiU vl.oi i,,e ,t i 1 1 1 in . In l.-tiiuouv vvhoreof I hereto set lr.y hand the day ami date last 11 fort said. JOHN HOW, Mayor.. Soc. Ntivins, Ileoistt-r. Sr. Loeis, Mo., May 1P.5.1. rr. A. (i. Ilii.vi;':, (In. (ie'uts: You will' probably recollect that I called into your estab lishment some three weeks since and purchased a fifty-rent bottle of your " Meicaa mustnii"; linn-fnl )" my object in so doinc was to try its merit? upon iny (lauu'hl.' r's arm, who has been-, siifl'i'i'ing from the clfcts of a severe, dislocation of the elbow for several years past. The eScruciiitiiiT pain consequent npnn false' seltintrid' Ihebiie hail (hviinlU'd and cont ract"l her arm to a puny size, and 1 consider it a duly devolving upon nieto acquaint the community of the beneficial elli-ct your liniment has paotlnced.. Her aim wasdrawii t"a rijibt anu'le, and was almost inert and useless, until your invaluable liniment was applied, since which time. 1 am. happy to state, she has enjoyed uninterrupted frond strenrr'h. and can use bur am liuai ly as pit anllv as before it Was dislocated. 1 Would state, however, that prior to try'mu your uneoualed liniment, I used several other "rc'iiediei, and amo.i;r them ''McLean's volcanic oil liniment-' but with llm least bent fn-ial result- J ). M. SMVTljir. We offer this liniment as a remedy in the vari ous distrase ami complaints for which it isie comiiiciuled with foil confidence of its sucrfsJ in etirin;; them. 'J'he folio win-; is a led of the numerous and r tracrdln-iry cases it has cared tlurin (lie lvi few month : li.7."ti r'ascs of rlie-'inatisin in nil its furm ; 4.'iiHI do sprains and bruises j fi. J'KI do barns am) scalds 1 fresh cuts and vv eMails ) SKINS W'AXTF.n All kiudsef skins wani edj for which tbe l.b'iiw t pricuwitl be mud ny - f - F.. Rlbi) i Kb IT f . sale hvr S.MU'Y- tt FXfiMSII, -)AISIS, FICS AM) GUN HANTS. IX sale ti V S.UU'Y &. FNGLISII. 1 CM A LAST Cloths for sale by SAUI'Y Av F.XCISIb AV'.NKS FATFAT M I ID I Cl N FS, for sale SARI'V & F.XGI.ISIt. 3. 1'K) do 4H tlo 7,7d(J do 5.210 do 7,rH0 do 4(11) do I I bv JOICN" and Oats wanted by L)R01)L'Ci: A.NDCASH wanted in pavme.nt in payment of debts. SAUI'Y F.NO. S. tl'.. U0RSF.S, woik oxen ami younstock, tiillo. SAUI'Y &. K.Vtil.lMI. IJ-KI.F A.D I'UUIv. wanted at (ho l'nhlic Sipiare by 8. Ai F ruNG LOOK Kl I-' UK, COME AT LAST. NCCK0f,I.j & CO. have jU l received one of the larrresl ami best selected stock of (jOOI)S tvm brfore exhibited ill the west. A" inong theii assortment may be found DRY GOODS, A variety of clothing of all sorts and sizes, hardware and cutlery, drus, medicines, funn lure, bedsteads, bureaus, t.ib'es, chairs, cook, box and Crec.iaii, parlor stoves, in short, everything you may call for. l'l'-rsuns need not be detained when they come tn the cheap corner, as til -y are w'.-ll supplied Willi nimble clerks on the'ir fust leirs, and al ways have sharp scissors and d ill conscience. I'.micraiits will had it to their advantage to call upon us before ptircti isineUewll..-re. Cb-nwood. Ap- il til), ,1 l "'' 'Jl I riiv 1. liS. liACO.N for ,.;.! al me cheap cash store of ,,;i.V!f NC(JvOl.f.S & C-0. i,i DlJTSiiaV and .)J lioui clocks, w in ai,ttt for sain at thechevp cash store of nl )-!f iNFKLOLbS & CO. V CAFS"'hoots am )t ii.l.i-tf shoes for s lie cheap at M'C'Klll.hS fc CD. SACKS salt for sale at the cheap cash BUOICS and Stationery for sale by SAlU'Y Jfc K.N'ULISH. SC1ETTIFIC AMERICAN. A new vol nine of the Scientific American com mences about the middle of September in each vear It is a journal of scientific, mechanical, ' . J . .. . ... .1.. ..1 ..r :.,.i,. ami oilier Hop. oveiui .lis , 110: auvo.au.- ui 10.0.. try Mi all i's various branches. It is published wl e'i' in a form suitable tor biiidiii'', and con stitutes, .it the end of each year, a splendid vol ume of over four tiumlreii paires, wil 11 an inuex, and from 5(1(1 to tit(l) original enirravms, tog.-.n-er with aere-'.t amountofiiractic.il ml ormat ion . . f : 1 a ; (ouceriiitr.; 111'.' progress 01 inv eiiiiun ami uu.. -er V ihronuho'it the world. The Scientific American is the most widely circulated and popular journal of the kind now l.ublislied. Its editors, contributor, ami corre spondent t are among the ablual piact.cal aClc-ii- tilic men in the worm. The patent claims are published weekly and are invaluable to Inventors and i'at telitees. We p'.y ticulaily warn the public against pay ing money to travel! iug agents, as we are not in thu habit ot furnishing certificates of agency to any one. Litter should e directed (post-paid) to Mi;. V i. Co., 1?8 Fulton st., New- York. cancers; scrofulous sores and ulcer that h id resisted all other treatment inflamed or swelled joints j piles ', lumbago, sciatica, cout and bard, bony imorsj C.2f)0 Ho chamied l.tmsfsf 3,0i tlo eickcl b.-casi, 4, 'ii HI lo loulh-ache ; I'l.lKI.) 4p, , VH--..-I .'Jir,t 1. 5? This must appear almosi mcrc.iii.-ie, but the-iiiimTo-as certilii ate and letters from d'.sim Cii'i'.ic-l physicians, citceu, agents and other" who have used the medicine, enable ns to sub stantiate the above facts; millionsof bottles of it are yearly consumed, and it has always given, satisfaction. ' To COONTKV MKBCM VNTS. FverV fOtho'd be supjilied with this valuable lin'imcut, as it irm.l i.t-,.lO ni..l raoiillvT. l'RICf S OK TH K MNI.M KNT. tt IS put lip !l bottles of three sizes, and relr.'os at -2.") t ents, 4i cents and 1 Jier hotilc. Tl fill cent ami one dollar bottles contain M and IK per cent nmr liniment, in proportion to their cost, so that money is saved by buying the lager sizes. A. (J. 15U.(i(i At CO., Sole Fr.qu it-tors.' Principal etlires, cor. Third and Market 9ts. St. Louis, and H lboadvvay. New York. Forsalo by 1'. A. S.vrpv.IsI. Miry, and Sar l'V ti Fnoi.isii, Clciiwood; and by dealer ilk medicine everywhere. Bug ot-'j iTiLyTvTbiugg's tonic and ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. The irreat popular medicine of the dny Vast amount used per nnnilli --The nu merous and woudfii'ul eiirt-s it etTee's lis magical died upon Miliums Fevers', and Fever f ti l. Agtie d'reat cxciieineiit mnonir the Doctors 1 .. . V, . L.L W. Iel VRF, now admitted on a.u hands to be a most extiaordinary and valuable medicine in general use. It not only acts as a specific upon the bilious ami typus fevers, chills and fever, nd fever and ague 0. tlie west ana rsnun oui . 11 ilisi-ases of debiiilv. weak stomach, imll- geslitm, loshof appetite, 'impurity of the blood, diseases prevalent III a western ami iiuh. 1 W I SA )f stoieof Nl'CK'OI.I.S ;CO j f i i I.ITTi.F. fancy noiions for saleas "i '-)' cheap as tin t.. at the cheap rash sloie of Mi.Vtf Nl.'CKOM.SA! (K) SARPY S Si'EAM FERSY BOAT N i: B II A SKA. coining saws, knives and forks, pocket knives razors hulls ami -cit-ws, dour handles, knobs, locks! i.e. TlMVAUK. A general as.M.I lill"l.l k'pl (or boost hold p up jm o. Wooiiw.vaF. Vi'ash- tubs. Shaker nails, wc-od and i-.mc vr.nlitioaras, '.l..-.Tl'1's vt.iLi'-)...,t).M l..u-6 ,.,i i iier.coW bide, kip skins, calf kins, liniii'.. and morocco. Saddles, lu lilies, halters, lari'ielts, cireiiigl.-s. belly-blinds, driving lines, collars, bat k-Mrapa, giiths, blilid-bl itlie, Jve. M r:n I c I m s. A gen ual assinl neiit of medicines Cor fevers, fever and ague, and the comi.ioti con.pl.ulitt of thr country. Cook's, Iv's, Sappenyton's, Bragg 1, and Jjtit's' pills, Qiiinine, Ionics, ami various kimU of stimulant t, anodynes, Iinimeuls and other articles ncersary for the sick and liu- in valid. -i 3Tly j i 1 1; S T I i A M F. 11 X F. II R ASIvA IS R L' A M.u b.-l iv een ST. MARY k CZLLEViEW CITY. M'lIK Nebra-ka is anew ami splen'lid boat. I. iiiMinetl bv experience I oilicers and crew, liellevn iv City, Nebraska, is opposite St. Mary, low a. F.MIGR.VNTl to Nebraska should conifl dncel.y to ST. MARY. Tbi-is the froid gateway to the most li'ipor! 111I I l.,(r...t ii,,' l.orlioil of Ncbia.-kil. lo ar 111 aie. ' ' ' o 1 ' hT. KAiY & KKLWIVIEW CITY Ho. Ivei. Ii.-1 1.. int (01 till" 1'llile.la'ioll to elder. ll. lleview City, July 1"), l'M. I'l-'f NOTICE, 11 AVINO ilissolved our connection a parl tiers in the "Ca.ette," those poisons indebted lo. or having t lanes against the late liimol Itl'.i;!) . LATHAM, will tail 0:1 1). F. Uced, who is authorised to settle the niulters of the concern. 1-'. F.. KF.t'.D, J. M. LATU.VM. s. Miry, J:'y 'i', 11' t. TF.mrS! T FILMS ! TF11MS! One coiiy for One Year fyl . Six Months 1 Five rnpies. for six Months !il Ten copiej for six .Months W ''.-ti rep;t.s for twelve months !il5 Fifteen copies for twelve month Tweu'y c.oaiei t ,r t ,v elve mon.hs, rslS f lutl'.ei n and W-stern ino iey taken at par f or subscriptions, or 1'o.tt Ollice stamps at thcr t' ili value. 'xiriVsTiiYV Till: underMgne 1 has oil hand and for sale a few tha-isaml select grafted apple ,1,-f.s, ready for traiistdai.tilig in otcliards the coming fall and spring. V A It I I T T . Ki-dJuue, biblwin, wiiite vvin'ei pamvn, fall ppiii, llalmont, wine sap, yellow belli -vver. Uhmle Island greening, sw.nr, prior? r-.-.., red iistrachan, ea--y haivesi, sweet June, s unnier rose, suMiner tr n. Kali's jaiiet, ramoo, wine apple, vhtle bfllcilower, Uoai.iii tcul and .iiiaern spy. or. puvoi.. The O.lalpa and I!1,.- !. !.oci,.. vhV.VMlVI.il.. The iUiovv ha' . Iaig!i-h and Aiii-'iiiaii Vilac, red iloivood. 1. 'i V St.ckle. rose, &c..AwC. A few of the Isabella and CaUvi 'jy f-ape fiom ( a v en ng. St. Mai'Y.Iowi, Aug. 31, 'oil. a.igSUly. (ibOKCF nCP-NLll. )U'lt'lT.K and i:,;'.'s wantc 1, for w l.icti aie by Sarpt ii. Lnglisli, on Ilia I'uoie s.pir 1 r j higiu-st price will be paid in rash or goods O TUN'J-S lor sa by 5 SATI'V k F..GL1SH. em climate. Their gte.it power consists III their peculiar ellt-ct upon all Ihe organs of U, .system ; ami the rapid formation of new ami nine blood they produce. In this In,- the great secret of their success. They are mild ami pleasant in their action but searching and per manent in their ell. ct pei.etrating the lem doat lecesesof thesysieiu by their rtaJy absorption into 1 he blood, thereby iiif using a new supply tit vital it v and nei v a. us pow.-r into all the machine ry of life. Toe extensive popularity tliey have acipiired all over the West and South ensures sales of at least oO.lhMl no- KS PER MOVTTI I And we find it iliilicult wilh our large force of hands, and the b.'h? iuioi ovemaiits in machinery vvnicli vvs' have adopt- I. lo m inufat-'ure them fast enough to supply the tlemaiid in thirtt't il wcs'erri -and south Slates! Due large 111,1. 111. factory is constantly engaged in pieparing the various coiic.-iitratcl i-xuncis or unit' 11 tiny e coiitpouiided. i'.oin the best information we ca-i obtain from our S.oliil selling a rents, and boos of atteiilive coii'.-.-)emleiils 111 ad nails of the countiy, our medicine cures per month not less 1 hall ltijiriti iMi.es of fevsr ami ague, o'le ttiousand or which have re-isted all other treatment 3,301) cases of we.ikiie.-s and general debility i.iVl) " ef various chronic diseases j 'Old " of w auk stoiunch and loss uf appe. tltc; Sill case of dyspepsia j I -J- h) of i hen mat isnl ; l.lloil of f. male complaints ) I ,Jik of aue .' ,ke, or f i.latged spleem Th'-s m tJt sppi ar almo.t i'ici.-.liljle. lull In ni .ro'is b'tt'-r from j.li. sicin, agent end tl-.o-e v bo use the mi dicine. fi-oat all the west uiiiaui'. .oatheri: Slates, satisfy u.t that this is a ma.h i ale est imate, nml licit our iu -.licin u tep idly takit.g tlie plaeeof the various eoililterl'a.t J vv lut-Ii are aiioat, and the riumt-'oes ionic mix ta, .-s made wholly of rpniii'ie.wiiicuaie uni. ed upon th9r,lt,lu! by luaiHifacttirera who bv nobodv knoww'ierej l'r-c'e cf Tome pills. 75 centit; and Ant'-hfi ious,;':ict"is. A. ii. llH.vtio.M. l.,solepr.if,t e!or, Si. Loui. For at by 1". A. frzart, H Miry, and Sasi-v - Emu is"- Ci.-nwooiU ami I.v - Mei.lt.. i.i inetlome )h :m ;h-'it III.' 1 itl'.-d . "i" " li u i i s 1 : . I 3 ! " S i i ii t- t ' I i . .' t i : 1 i i i .' i