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About Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1854)
ssammwTrzr s 'A .1 A I-.' 'J L4F j;v i). :. m:i:i, co. im:i,i.i: i i-;v city, i()n;L.s co., x vawi s; . v. kdnksday, skptkmihik i::. .-,). VOL XO. 7. IB If I 'I "i Ml k". 4t f - 4 0 id i P M ' 5 rt ktf. il I I i MIUK'ASKA PAI-I-ADU .M AMI ri.A'ru: ai.u'.v ai t. IT II I I - III II VV I I h I V II V D. L RCCD, &. COMPANY, I'.ililnrs cii'l I'i iith Im v. H I.I I VU W ( I I V. li.M V 1 11.. M "'.'k Tl'.HMS.- o i i n.-.ia!. . 11 ' . -.11 . -Si - ..V . 1 X H V I. I '. I S I - c-,r .. ,.M..-r-,.ll I,- .1 - I'll- .1 i -r-1 ,1 . 1 1 - - I'M I I I ! l.,-. ! i-x- I t .'I , ,i;tl .1 .ill ... I i',t i .i;: a ,i rr J 1 1 1 i . KATE") 0" ADVERTISING. ',.r r irli ' i'i:i!C .1 i im K ' III"-' "i 1- , , it,, mi. V'.alll S,l)..-1'M 1.1 il..-,l...l, ( In.- s,(n., i f t ir .'. li,, hi : !i , I Use -'i'i 'm-m I-,-';,;! -. (I,. v; ..Hi' t .. N" I' i.'ioa-. (. ,.,.,.',, ,.r -i . 1 v. 1 . - in. .i. Ill" l f l'.:l." . MMill 1 .V ' Im li-' i'i' ii -i ( li,,. (I'lliilt tvv '-i' ' H'"l';'' . i;-ii,. r. . .M-:-' i .,!.! I.;.-. ' , SI I ' ' ."..I I r. i .I ..:',j 111 !. 1 i -. '-' "" A'liiii'.i ' ' ' .'I I , I . II'. I. im i". I. vv it w: iim:;l. l. s , i . who - v ;"- t.i 1!n. i i , r i ,,ii . in.' i ."i-;. i.H'l a-, v. i-iiim; I" I ni,' I tel. 1 ! ,-tl -:i!-.'i i ' '.'II". I:' ..., r tin.- .!;- " 1 1 . t i - "I j , j. !li,' j - '.',;'',' I ,; ' '.! 1 !- I" Ilii'i.i iii, 111 all iiiii .i:;'.' .'i'" :"! a. II- MiLx-nliiTH i..--!..'I .'I i.'.' i-.' t.ik. l,-i- Tn-.i'is I'.tMii Hi !".--1 . u!m.1i Hiry an- .I.1.TI..I. l,l"V .'I'' 1 ''I' ' ' -I""'-1'1" '""V i,.- si Mi.-.i ;,.!! j'. i .:'' ' l''1! r on! i. Hi' .1. , , ,, . f .l,.(-Ml.. ri.-r.i..x"l""'li. i I'I'"'1"' . ... .-. ,- .. . .i i,;,. iii . .in.', 1!.' I i TMH 1 11 1 " l . ,1 ' IV ' ' M-nt In t'l.' 1 : I n -1 'li'i-i l'"", I. .11 i.'- ! -. T1...Y...-i-i t .iv.'.l. . i'i. I 'l..'t r-fini:: t ,ki. a "'i'i I i i'i-' i'-!i "' I-'". '"": In.: it 'i:,, .ill.' l f . i' J'. "-'-l l-H'i.i ' .! : f ii.U nt..,.i.n 1 ..!. ,'. , ,., , ,;i !.,. , i.,,Iii,-i-I .i!':. 1. '1 li .t i I!,.. rM'il. .!:)! .1 il.i' li"" I"' !.!. IITI.i'J i,.,.-i ivi . nr. ii I. j 'i'li-'l i.i. i'.-.-i u ii! I-.-' -'i'-'"'"' ' ""l1' :'" : r, i ., . an- (;,. I hj. '" '!," I in- ;.t v.ln.-h II.. I...! . . I- til. I,. iii.I.-s l' -'I I'" 1 ;l' '' :i u lt A (i,,. , I i.i-.ui: li..' I .mil .if a vil.-.n! r.' I,., - !" 1 1 .-.I! I '". i t'.. inn". In,' n-t an I i-."-t -.-'iv-.iii i,l vv.i;. ; - :. r, (r. ! t ., ir I'm- ai.'.Di ni'.'.'li-. "i'i" ill, ,..'t,..:i- I...'-."'liii -'; ';: 1 1 ' '' '"" ' T!,i'. ,Iiii-i-Ii..ii 'v ill. in ail ' -'" I"' I ! r.m Imm.U ', an I il !' "l 1 l" '''l11 1 '' " ,r I, i i BUSINESS DittF-CTGRY. .... 1;( j L( i . V. li. I. .(.I.!.-II, N' rx'iTi.vroi;. i'i.i:. ; A i'i. f..M..-i!..r ! I.... 1 1 1 .'. Jlrl li-; i. u , ." . til a - k i.'iU an . v; n. r 17;,. - U tl.' I'. rit.irv. Mill 'av .-"i,;.f Mfi-t.l.i.n I., nil r-.m 4niiaii'ii iu, pii't Jiai.l, m it .a. i! !o tiif I ! 1 il.'i v. A. . . . A r. . . j;, ll. vuw C ity. . u I . a U a . J . . yiM ' ( . I"- WATSON. C. Ji. liiiliiN-ON, 11- ..n.'ii.'.! a l..mi'1't.',' I "' 1,1 I i.".v. f..i ,., ,' ...l.'ili..i, i. ."Jar l.nanl.'i-. au.i (,ii, a-i. iial n-H"". "I"'- '"' 'V"1 ' ,k'' l,"MM" , ,.,L ii, - r,.ii,fi.ilnt,!.. an t s m I. i IiiiIVIT. 11,11,:. i.-u ( M v , J iily 1 '. Ill -1 V SI-. AIAHV. (.iioiiiii; ni'.r.N!:!!. .V(i,in y ail Chium llnr at SI. M ny. fcll'i. Ci'iiity, l.i'.va. an- Hl-ly .1. .M I. A I II M. Al'.iiin y an l (.' iii-.rll'i a'i.i.v, Mary. Willi L'..., In A j. l;."v! wai.i.aci:. 'liyii'i:in n'i'1 ir.;rii:i, I i- ' I f illy 1i-in!fi liis jii iiTi'-oi. i. : I .i-rvii'.'i In Hi,- ct.i-n nf Si. Mary aii'l Oiti.r Um Ih.Si'i!i ue., nl' S'. Mai) , on '.!.' M i-.M.itn i i. rm-.U-ty 1. TSCIIl ( K, 'rnin.'ra.tiii'al l.iiii.i .-r, t. n-l.-i !,ii iirnC-p-lional's to I in- cili.i'ii- nf Si. Maiyai..! vii' S in. v ill l.ii;'iiii. l Hi ail I'.i. v.i-fi.-in i." I Min i' Hi 1'. A. haijiy ?.t.irr. nunrr ft t.r..gmy !!. t. :in;':it-ty va'Isi.n,ki.n.m:v a. (.ivi.r.v, ti.'i.i'ial I i A.'n' SI. Mnv, Mill' Ci'iii' V, .. a. ill al'. il I I" Hi'' nrrlidM- au.i i.I J.-al .-.tali-, ti.f .,'.l'i"".l.0' l.f I'll' , J.i)'il'ii lat s. .'.. ..r. lI V l annin;' l.ii..! i..l lilb;:- L-t-, t. vit imi'i li i -I, en lnti.1, l'ir .--I.' i In '.. an. I mi!. tern,-,. (.'M AS. I". W A I'M . 1.. 11. Kl.N.N r.v. ull-ir JO.M-.Wl (.IM.KN. "vilxfx.M t WILSON'S SAW Mil. I.. Kr- I'riik, Mill Co.. I"va. Tin- ift: t..l. l.f lliis mill HitiTi'.l I'i kr.'jl I'lliil'l'l I I' all iI.m i ij.'inii roiihtaiitly mi lian.l ; al-n t i ,. 'ly all Ki.;"ial or.k'i .i' fur luuiln-r at im lire, f. i i-ai. '.J- I) MI I, KAl'ST, Tinvr and hr.-n.i na !y ! niaii ifai -ti.,e or Im k nJ -i. ry .Ir-.-i ij.lio.i, al flinit nutire, and at tli.: clira ;f.t la t.-. Ilii I.i nitu.ili- l out-fmirlli null' nmtll nl 1". A. isui p Mmc, M i;u-s(., tl. Mary. J H. 1-'-m "i AMi.s j ni:ai.. I)raiiia'.: 1'i.niiiii.iii.iiii'r, Olln'.' in i-'f. Mary. , a. " ' 1'. A. SAill'V, 'liiil. ah I ( 'iiiuiniiiiiei Mi-n liaat. ili-ali-r in l);y (am!-, liar. I are. Q .-n-vvai . , I .la---Hair, (iroia-i ie, JJi 'ia'i. .M.-'li'-ii'S Hooks an. I slalmii.-i y, col .id- ut .'.Ian. ainl (ii.-K. v --1 . - -t . I ' :n if' c. j:. WATSON, (iiivoy iiiii-i i , Nolaiy I'ul.lii', an. I Siiii .-n.r. lfti. f at tl."' S!nl of (ilt.-lie, Kit. in . 4- t o-, M. Mary, Mills r-;., lovva. A'.;. '-', ' '1. ASTOli llOl'Mh I t f ..,,.. . ,1 I: u I. l.f .f. I 1 t i ' If I ll' W ;i 111 r I Mil ',m' 1 1 1 i I .iiiniii.iihiiim Ii ll t.i 11 i'T f'r 111! r ' H'M ( e -tl-... V,. U panl to all ). l.ia y I'avi.r lum vnili ili.-o poll.. I, a'.'.-. He. , .1.1.' le; H:'i n. ' HI'll tl, M tli inaikit allium. A I'm' I -' n''" . "l" lailu l Iu Hi pii-miM'. U I-M.I.J.,. M. Miry, I'.ivi.. mar . l', '..1 ni-".'-!r I). W. l'KICi:, Att..r,,r-V at l.a, l "Mm. I .Mull ' . v, l.i.i, '''rVir, ,, v.-tstuii, M ,., M i Ll k ii'ie -, ( si. (,-t.-i I f Jonic! 1 1 c c I c u .Uu 1 r v 111". Ili!i;)Al. DAY 11 V I.. I . I. 1.1. in i.'mh I, i ii..,' 1 1 1 r f.'.i i i,s 1,. ii.!.' ii 'i'T nil r.. .-ii ! .im-'l I.H-I-. Vrl ' " lui.;r u hi.;,. f is on !i( i h i ly I. .(: s',' v ,i w r . :,,,'.., ,- ." ..I !l . ll !'! s',,. in r - n r : ll "ivi :' I . i' ii. ! !!., i !.ri k.'V. li 1-i i! I " Im-". Tin- :.i .i ! ;i r 't vc, a !h" ! .XV la'll.-Hi; y- t.-a. i :;'y :!.- in--. In 1-i i' r i!ii,!ni-!!'. u re...' !-.: I',-r nl lln- j !.,i.l .,- y, -I.i IS ;u.!, tlil.i:'.;!l ' I .ii- ii l.!.i- i !. : i ( !l..- I.i lia'li li :r,'i- In U i'iw I'M.'- j JV""i lln1'."' !r -c. 1 I );n n .,i'v m ,;i .1 vrt:..t!l M W"'l Hi ! i ll; i n.,!' m,i s'.' ral , Tl." ,.,!.' !:,'.'. vvr. a ' -'-! . r u i' ii'i I.' .' . i : i : : i ii;-;i The;, ueavn;,-!,!!;,',' s.'ll , , ihe r'.i. ..I,'..! eeni'-iin- M-.cis; T;m,i;i,',;l , ,'m, i, .,,.,,! 0 ; l,n,,,!,n.san.l lears. Av.l"! Jn ii..! .1. li-fnl ,, I,,,- ,),,,,- .Kv.-il, I lor in',,,. I -eii'ler sin- i ia!. -:l, her !',-,r,.wi'!l ;.!! , mill's TiemlM i'.'eii')'. if all l.i r !i-.!iti.-r -..u s. (): Ai, .S!ie Tin Tie 1 !..r ,, ,! -en n- s,.i 1, I- life, ', ,' . jll'l 11 11'. s. !. .v.-i !,.n- ,,i i fe u- .111 .il 1 ll1' la-alls ill. ! V. !,.M' In v!.i- ' 1 1 1 r . e.v : I -Iri-a-, 1., I V 1 e! a linn ; link a,.'.'. : : in ;ii al if.-- n ai ia r , !e . 1. ! , I 11 1 nil , lie r l-i'l s-,y -.-I . I, In her. Yet for ll. on ' si:-- in Is' I .-' i;'!i u inn: ll ill..! la mi ,, .,i'. l! is an anxious 1 i . 1 1 ;- t o. '.: i.-a l .a.r- lii! W ill II lii-st ihe inai,'.. -i's vmail wlii'e li ,i,.i j,i,t, .. n I !;- .... ; n-n inn-: I '! p.-ie '. en 1. -i- !..;ii- l' hau .1 i,n ., a , !.. , 's m e, An I win. n .- wl.,! tr-m' h.I ; v!,at s, rr.nvs t:-r tin i.:' ! A! 1 e,V.I a I. ! I ' J'-' lie ' A in t .-t il'V teaeh ihr ' ' ,, i l nl !ii .1 an l nine-..! t!,.-,,e trouM-.l Sweet in -t mu.h-n wii.,,- I..-" trnn .,".1 ., -ii.- i I,-.,,;,, tli.uin ii! s hr e!..l lai.t im s , .. ill mi', s! tlioii i)--n.iv" w , , . . 'l!l!l 1! pl.l-.s, i.lal !U1 II a-ide to U ll' THE PP.INTEE S TOIL. j j I'.'.iw e a!,y v. in Is of w inter, i .- Diiv.: lb" .hiiU, iliii'iiiinsi.owj Clnse'x housed oiir busy prin'ir I feels no' lue.v the winds may blow, i C'.iek, click, bis l pes '.' drnppm;, H.-re and (here up u llie ise, As lie stands si hlisk' p"J'j'in:; Y.s ci v h-tlcr in ils p'..u '. t leaven Send (be llsefu! prin'.-r J'.vcrv coin.orl inorlal-. need. F'ur niir nielli wen: d illiu wialer, 1 1 id we mjtth'i u :W to rea l. Sid would be the world's Condi! ion , I.' no prinlcr hoys were found; Ir' imr.r.iee an I Mipei st i' i-.n Sin and Mi.'l'elili would abroad. Vcs il is the bii- y pi inler U ilea the c.r of l.l.u'.v le,!;..; nl.; All'.! a loniuy lueii'el isin!er Soon would reion i.' lie were gone. Money's useful yet the luiuVrs l'lil lint half as hih l phu o As the bui-y tniiin-r priuli rs, l'inoerin t k; befeie Ihe cae. Vet whilr? type limy re busy silling. Oft Some thnnhdess popili jay Leaves the In.' cniiiilry, kin lly letting lViritii-'s "whisile lor there pay," O, ino-.i!i!!lde un'iai ions'. Are llicre on culihlcned Foil, Meiiwiih minds so in.-.ijiacinu-i As to slight the priuici 's toil. See him liow cxtre.-.ini !y busy. l'iii.-rin; Ij'pe before ihe ca;;c, Tnilia fil! he's almost dizzy, To exalt the hum. ai l-ce. Then lmi live Ihe art of pi inline-, lit re on happy fredoiii's soil, And wi:h joyes that know no sibling lleiivcn reward the printer's toil ! , 1 I ( ) K t. I ATI AM t. I.U.S. - 'have nee,, a spec.,:,.-,, of this cut l.HH, . I Will 11 .MnWli III Hie oia aiaui oi ,i. m oan. I i d I vv iii, i.f 1 his i i' Tiiere is ludis liiinilish.-d diil'eiiii.ce in the. taste he! ween ll.ii and ilie eoliii i lii li.i-d jli, but the rind p, i in oil, hke that of aorJi lliethick- I ui iur.crr. : , ,, - . , ,,,. I C'n'iinr 11. i I;,,,. i, . , ,, , , , ., .......... . - f, nl' rim! . 1 hi' i id I, i 1. 'M.'' t...r;:, Im.' ul'il,,. '','ri;:ni-v .,f ,i i j I . - k . l r I li ' ' Hi I.i III !.,' !l ii'ln will ill , H.T..1 l.lal Ha i' i 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 !!. S'iilf ill Nnv 1 1 1 L mil Inn' w i.h i f lln' i i nil,' ! ml I i.nis nl I ) -lew ar ii, I Al n 1 1 ml, mii! It' ( ' n :;ii.i,i: 1 i.n.J i'i.'! of t:,i. 'I'.-ri il.irv iii n ,'ii- 'i seltle- I . in nl : i e n 'v : !:,-!! 1o Ir m ,,! eni res- i j' mi Is il l.i'iln !e u i; J,. j...!!! I. , I i-.n. ! . . r 1 1 . -. r - i i" m ii' r. U ,. rt ! ; i- n i. I . !in- Iv 'in. i ,,. ; S' ' i .' n' I )'. I 'l-'i-il I J , i an I In s i.l. ' i t!v e.i -' ern I ...ri "f ''In' S a' e in Al .mi , l i. II. ii.- 1 1 ,e i i ni i.,' e nl N ' ' ii e- I.a . is n 1 ilii ; ai.'l il,"' Tel I i: nl '. i ev ell ,;..) ', , ,,'f l ,, e,,n, , earn:' "iL - 'ai;,e !i;,i- ' r a in ' i ; - 1 1 1 -e i ' . i ii :; I , i-.i il ,1 .', . 1 i -lT'.; !,'r"""; I ' ' ' "' ' W ' J.' ' ! A,- '." i"'71 ' n ' ' " ,!',r- I ":;;-;!" . v ' ...I a a ' a i s jii en; re: !i,:.;i, l.a.m-l.s. .'!. l 'lii'll til'1 si ' -'ll ! I.i t'l e !t!;'!i nl' . A'nil, I1-.')!, lie wri'i r i ;a -..ii.n. 'i (.!;'. ii;i .,;i !! ii'iea. ! iie; ln ;!. .,! :!;. 'e!,r..s !..; ii.l', ;.lt.l he ' n .' n iae I ". , 1. -h' .1 II l.n-l AI i I I , a ei's I ;,':'! i I I n i in on el,- i i n.,-.' :!,. e ' !. Tin' j-l'ahn . We,,- I i i,-li , , ere li Sil ' .ii',V i, il'. '-i -, ii! eull i all 1 lie- !: a.' !a .'iii- ,r:!i tiieir il ihe V i , ii ;ee; I .!,.' i.-N ! i' - ' - i - , tin- "l'..-i U-'.s 1 1 ' i 1 s s'.i.: " ;.:i-.l h:o !.s -n lar i'1'av. .1 as !n all'ii' ! s an ' ! ,o 1 lor ni..!. I'a! i! i-. not mill! aia.ii! il.e !;, !': r..s ..:' tii I . . I . M ... .1. . I I. I n:.l i n' !. ::.! Ill 1 I n.oi.i .i l.i-e. line siil!i' .-n ;.. .;i" n " ' nil ... i ,.zi r ea"le. a I. While !.:-' i'i:'.'' ,,' Siinw , -.1.1.': i.-; !he I ii.l.-r, " rr-",l,! l'i! ' :;.:; biinj.;s Vn!l il lues i r ,iu. A' time ihii'i 1 1 i . i ; ii. -I ine i.u j-. i'i - -i -i is. i.jc;- - v i niiii'i'c I i.L'raea'.le ... , ii "! I V 'jeni'..' bier s V.l.n h la.n! linn; dy cnilic " ' i .1 . -.1 .i :'A,'r ilu' l"''"", s- I f"l:1'-! !l; 1 . ' . i niii i'"ln Ilii' lin.!,,wts!, t-veii ,:i; ' i . i i. i ill .in. Villi 1 i, iwiiiii iM.umi i- : . ..... .. hroiinl.t hy a s. ii!!i win, I. J I ni.-ceiliii:- ., ,,- ,! ..i ,1.. r ti,. 1! Li l',.',"l t',,. (...,.;. 1,1 C i.7 e 13 has:: a ii . .' . i . - . i i . . : ,. ml an' I''1 m ;;icaler .-.vlnines tli.ui m j ihal I ni'iioi' '' 'Im Tcrrhory sl.i. li In s i ;,'o:i . ihe M . o-.'.ri river. Ihit the pr.u- I lies of Ii i l.l'aska ai e ,1 no iime S'.vep! hy n! as are tlin.m n Minnma. Wisenm.'ni M'n-lii'.Mii ainl ihe ; iini-'hcrn parts nl I! an 1 ludi na; r.uil I blows Irmii ihe ll.iel.V Al aiii'.nusaieiiuhl indeed, when compared i'.ii tl.-s-i W h'fl' ( nine nU'liniil '.he 'Tea' likes ,t ihe liorih. ,'i. The tract of coiiii'.ry h:e. , ii' nn the M riv er and ex!i i. hi a' west two hundred n.i'es i rinaie, and ; the Kalis; s liver up to ihe i'oit -: nn d .le-; erce of north l.ilitllde is to any land- mi the continent of America in lln- li r'n- i y of ils Mii!. J..t any person thread I he prcv li:e s. sli.lcs, mal Icnilniies ! in. I bet vv et ll the lu-i'l I'al.i'.e Inii: .Mniin ..I. en il.e i ,:ai :-. s e. me ... iiinsj,,,.-. . i ,a K ell I. V IniicU sun , lis, ii n.l oner p"i s'.u- l mm heal In cnl.l hecoine im.i e frceumi' i u h.o ininii the o'.-ansile .s!iur: of the ... ' in-; li.'l'l'.i nf the Si , Law rem c I IV cr, :!. ri'.; V- e'a.V nf a puo.l eilau'v for !..' Jilir Inc si inly slimes of ihe l.ulf n! .'.1 -xieo ,,! l,riek, can ,,e ob'.aine.h ill utmost and he shall find no lands as prodiiei iv c a- ,,.v ,, -sir;. hie ('li.n'.ilies. l.:iiii--s'oim ex-llio-c nl ihe caalcrn seeiion of the Tern i ;i' s v, i' l.ou! limit; and other vs.ri'ic of Inivcl' Ncbr..ska, cor lands mi! side nl I ,.,., !'.t for tl:.- purposes of l.uii.iinir, are wl.i.-h the means of Mihais'.anee can I., j p, he had in e at i.linosl every i.htaini d w i'.h so small ; n amuii:it of j ,,!,,, ,. wi'.hiu that iiorlion of the Territory, 'I'i -i ,- .1 . i.i. ... v i .... 1 .. u. 1 lie koii oi ine lanus in ;u-ni Jin - I 1.1 in i s pnnievu.1 state, was oi tanu n--i clav . At the present uay Uie eompoucii, 1.1 pails nl Il.e sen are sann, ci.iy, usin . .i -i i .,. i. . arboii, (or charcoal, which 'ives ll a black color,) and decomposed veiM-Iabl. matter; and these live iiioredieiil s cnin- pnse u soil whieh has a dep'h ineasiiiin" Iromlbiie to iiltecii icct a black ami lieh mould which covers every rondo! ihe hiijrtli and brcadlli of the eastern pail of ihe Territory. 7. Tlie bottom lands which he'aloii I'm: rivers, w ilh a level and plain like face, are alluviid, and in the comjiosh inn ol the soil there is n l.iroe amount of decomposed vi-oe!ah!e matter tliati whieh exists in ihe .s,,ii of ihe rolling prairie, and table 1 ,ii,!s; and u le'simiouut of matter haviiiL' the propcrilics cfale.i'.i is found i.i ihe sod of the botlom lands. S. At SeV.l.d J.oillis idoll; tin; Ni'oriis ku liver ihci e are vv hat is termed lirut unit seco!i 1 bottoms. These also ( .xisls in thc Mi"""" ,a,'r; I d ihey are prcvU-ont u!,n;. the (.r. ; I!!tl 1 i I'I '-. Tl.'" M I O'-l ii ni-ii'-n nl Lin:.: tli' I rmn j ! (' tin ri-r ainl run 1 )." !. Il T '''V : 1 1" i r. i';i''I inn' i.r im m 111.' f:r:.l I'T'.-n,. l.ii li I m in : ii-'t il,. v 1 l!" ir.i a.- a!c slim i- nl llirnv. l.'nr ' 1 1 mi s !..: ! - ii 1 1 : i i n i i i ' v ; "' " 1 y' lllllll illll'll III Mi li 1. ' If.- s'-i'. in I I ...I ; i lii-. i n i ii l . I ii ! ;.r:- ',i l!j.; i'i ..I i ..!. (!i 'i ". - ii -ti.ii v . ' ai'l il s nf wafer U': in , I wl. 1 ' : ',1 r ", ,(, UjV.ll S.mi ' l-l j i,' -mo i. s is ii ; :.;,,ii.r .,i,i.s. iim iv . : i ni s an '1 limlM-M-i ;:rc im! 1 .; ,i:i, l .! t ..; '1 i.'i'i i 'nry, 1 .in IVillT. v',. i i . '.Vi'ill j.l.l ihe i'em:,.r j i sm '.s iii'-u" in,,'.i, t 1 i.l'-vays j.;m ' i'i;. I 'lO sn.l oi v. , , ''I, ,, arc in''re..ieii, s. I nriuii": r . - ' nniiii": Iih ,v -'. . Jilei'i-r Ini' H, lnen: 1, I,n r U, Im :,'.ai;iej any wliere. ' '" U'V,- is s L i ,-r 1 : I . , -s , , i . I all in l,. . - -. 0 A ' Ill s' ia.!a an : , in, e i ; y.,,.n- sj,',.. 1 ;y m, - , iiial-r ,!k- su.l, wi:!i ...tia'.as .if! i-i.d ,.t!: na-l we, with Us b.-aun.'s, v-!;.'.: ai!, -,"M,invi'!,,,,l,,i,! ;....V.'.!sev,t!.,s unennseieiislv VA,l a way j ' a!, e , ,, ; .m,e Hie waU-r i, al- J fiI 0,, el. jnv ,n",;t nf it re! . esliin, wi, llm0 seiMetivo anrae:;,,,!. We 1 W r s;,:in-s an ! Lr n,s an .he '.Mmve Sj.n:,' mal fu...rc l i,,,wa'.r ,,l ,,,,:,;), Hers wi.t la.-, ic ,,, n-uin,!!;,, Vl "'V.liar ... H ;.-j '. liiiu. ,'v !0 (.;i!.uneil l.y O-nn- ;i ; few i-i-' l.,'.) ;i o i-arlh hih.w the :.i,,!. S !, h ; :.; W.e eu. '.lily of w.ili-r in n e'!r.i! i-y, cannnl lo'oi .l Mitral lie al.! , 10 u' i' t i'i;i i!.i!;..n an.! ll la.s ! een '.em n s, "1,-t siris'i it to he aemin'rv nie i in.; .- r!;ai:n: nf p.u 1 hea'nli hy j a ,u,i ? -.- '.' f n.iilii s wlio h;. c neeii .toni j, ii,',h aa ' einil" to rei.'i! near Mm mi i i,m arv hh-jjii.'i'-nt ni 11, e i el l I'.m v. j 11 'II,- ..:(:.! ri-soir.'. -.-."( in1' .n-lir..-.- i ' U - ,. ahtim-J. nofyot .Wuilojiml, are .-sli-! I .,.. ....:. ..... r (.xk.ll . Imn.ire h kn.wn to xi- ,,.,:,. i '!.,,.,.,: . ,.n tl. iiortlis,.!.. .,r ,!.c N,-!.ras- - it ... i :. : , i ..!: i.l,.., ,l... ::'.,! I ..J tllio 11 IS ncn, ina in'. ,,m i k . i .i .i i . . may ht fi itint in the s eiiheim an ! .vtai'.crn ii. , . .i : i: r. i. ... j,.. - me s. an-; i, naioa ms ij.e-.i . - , - .a.m.;..' wr,u ,Hji,.: -n '"'r :":,' UlC lnu'1 1"' l"" a f Hie N.hrasU mmtvadl1" ;"'I,:,y. " lU J"u'' wh' . , '- i.i n. .a ,,s ' en iruinwl iy i.c d..'i in ife nj ; ml'. 1 ,1,1 . ,u i ..... . i 1 eoal his !i. m i nene ! i.aar r o. . ;. , r , 1 i Lenvenvorill, no the AT i -.nun I':'.,'!', f..r V i ... .i ...i t i.- n no a, i." h ef K..:.s.;s I .... . , , , , , ... j 1 .us elil has hi e:i Wo! I.e.! lo e v- , . .rill km ii: it; in ui' ,nm n .i.iii;m . . . 1 .. " . ;he slatioa. lJelwe. n tlie two i-m-.:,a I ,..! i-.... ; .,,..,,,,,,.;!,; i'i .li i 1 1 - nil 1 1 u i ' i 1 1 i . i i -.i . . i i . l . . - . . . . . . AI issoiin river. A vein of coal also cxliihill i'scll hi j.. hlu!',', nt a i!'n'aneo of about lil'leen mil.. -s below Table (.'reek. This wins dis- cow-red by (he wriler, who look from i' J in small ipianM'y, whi'h be hunici! anl fuiind to hi! of noa.o l f : ' l .lily. ems o! "oiii ba e also been d;.-a ed at dhe ren! ' imnls on lllue nver a.,-! !. re are ey- . . .1 Iices Ui oii w hn. h to o-lii l ll.e In .n'l 1 ilMi eoal deposit; exist in the T ll'o! V norih of ,). Nebraska river. In the siui-, ees fm med ah n,; the a.ior, K of ihe Nehraa- l.:i mil Mrso'.lil nvrs, v!len 1!.e w,.i.-i ' is in a low s(a;-e, speeimeiis of coal an , often found, and the hk been 'i. ked. s , I i ', l,e fan.;. : of the l'.'.k-h. ril i.ial Nc- ,a rivers. 11 In i.'nmst everv !(.,!. ,ti ..f tbe i , I. ... a i t. ... a ... ... I i i , i . , :.uii ni.i o.; mioji-c,i-.i hi i.oiy mim . . . . .1 ' 1 . I" , 1 V- I 1. . meiit. tin ini: norui hiue ni ine .eiiras...i I .1 11 T , .. : nu r, tt.ere nas i.eeii iiisc-ovi rci veins oi ,i'r, t s of S.ili.l sloiie very similar in quality l the sand stone futind ill tin) valley u! !! O1 in. I."). At several places abiiitr tin f ri Ifs i,:i '.! e Mi-sniiri river, there are shown ..,a,.i,!,'rahle cUi.iilitics of the same ilc- I', , ;.,'To:i nf . lav which is found iu lb" hills a'...;,.' the 'bi' river, :i!id which is there . , ... i- . r .. e, ) i;., ,1 ,r ine juanuiae-.ui u iil juauj uuu I'.n-lai. !.. llj. The oppo.'.ile shores of the Alissoil- ri rivr, inchided will. in the States of Iowa and Alii'iiii, a:e without limesloi.e, cr sloiie of any o'.lu r kind, in uny cniasi-h.-ra-1 it.. ,...:,t ... c tlie tllim.lliei, i.ii.i unit, i...... ' .. i i , u, cor s'.i'i. as i.l (old are known t 'i - ' ...;.i 1'i.nn tliese facts it is c'aiiueil lor -1. i ihe T'.-ii'ii'-'iy of Nebrai.k:, that ils miner al resource arc far greater ttian those of the northwest part of the State of MiaSu'l ti i.nd the wtatcin vsrt of Iowa. . Uxtiud fiu'ii "Unjuul's Journal' of ' I i I ! ii n . n I 'l-r. '. ;.a;.!-;A 11 1 i;t n' I! s -. 1 1 !-'.,; i . ,-,r a '!. lii ii ,m il a ' i. i i -r. '-ai'i;.-. Hint an,! ! '.i' ! '"i i n'.!i . ; ir! ; ni' i'i ' !;i .;!in: r' - ; 1 " M i' i:i.i;,: ,1 I1," : S1 i is'. i ll,l'-- , I n i In' ;,i',- i Af r. I ', a nil i' i . -.,', i i l ll i' l,.ll- )i,jv ll i At J7 ) ml! 1' '1 , I'-ri, -i '.. i., i i ! 1 1 ; in i , n.' .ir ;, i , , ..;',, .n-.iis ,-'.'. -i i:i.. I'i- ir r.-iui, u !',,;;-il a S..r : ij"'i f .. ' !' ;.S -,,i ! ,r,. ;.s jf j' j,,,,) ji ,, , , v.( IV'.iu :-, l! -u!,. ,'. r,,i kj, w r : i.i. an,', i.i.' h .-. ivci in'.i a l.asin li::.: in I. r. ti :i ::. i(j ' i. ,., 1 In n, j,:li. A' Jw.c.i iiis l.aian. fr..l'! v;!.i. i-....;. J " ' ; ii l'.,i.s a I.. ,.;..,; :, ;:a e n unei . sum ; ,i ... .. , . '. i '.. ,,l n .il . ia sum il i.r twelve feel. u iu, h laui.'.i' i n - .i ! .,.,-v, ' (! rale as! x erniire, aial sni'vniiii- ; ,., , , , y sin.U I i --siii-,, I i i ,,A , l; .. i M s s ; , f .-, n.-.nn ...... , ,--ks ;,n 1 w 111.: U-i'.l' w i'lr '.;(. ,. uraiixe i. .e. i.-iji o... ";,"!'",!" ' , ,, , , l-is Ikmvv I'.rtill.irv lio r.-s.-rvt-.s r.roccus;oii- l hi n, U:i i"),er small l.raneh. '''" 1,1 'l. ' ,. ' i lfr.. ,,- - hn' in' se'.Ioin Ji-ies Inei.SiU- whiel. eiiili'ie-i inlo the li'me nvT r, lint lar '' "'' ' . ' , , ...... nJ,mn wherca 1 uilet wul do tin; woik. l.-r is ahiiii lan!, ainl nf the finest 'jinni'v ;i,.,l lln; mm-iii ry tin' mo-', pietureslie." ( 'niilinue.l next weck.J j We cxtraeMl.o follnwin- tn'iiii'iful par- I ., .1 1)1 .l.l.-. c... rraj.'.i I'rmu the !" I.V MiM-n-A U-Uw the i. nii'mg Class of lllltni.TS Cull.-e, hy . Mali. Tt,,,..!.. Frelinohny sen, an l to, .,nm,J t Hc rm, .r the young - - Ilesolve to do snnic'hin ' l ; fill, im,.- j ... im-ihie ehi.ifiil. i.iiJ lln it hear . y. Kei'tl I li'"1'-"- '" ,', .. il ,',,( i! -.,n nan. :.r.l !l:er-'.,ire 1 oil inav, Ine al.nve ivoin wlui lias li-aine 1 .nw I. 1,,, 'sw-WiT'."";!!! . '" , iheM.' llnln" fHeilUH'S Hi, l. . I H'lJ pl'0" .v . . ' . n.iii-e.1 fur a honorable acU ' i''n..lay ,v . . . , r'1'1'1''1 '"r 11 honorable acU . :, iiinbi) m!s dnw!i to do ,.o' h'..,. and t, na, lo M1 u h , ' j(s , , , w ji h m, i nl'ma, . - ov er '.lie ;...l.vii!l, t.r. ii!erL-.-,t mthe con- I" " .. . ei-ms ,,!' hi oouiiirv, or even las nab-.r- '.' " " ' ,1,ie, t cr c! -ae!er. wi'.h no lialid lo iiii .. , f '! t 1 '' tb'' , 1 t"' 01 ' ' . 1 i.i.i., ,., .!,',! i,e w-roiii'. ho can l i- lit i ,r di feat the wruliL'. v.idi any ei.lmiiess of such n miser uhleciiiecr'. And, however, il may be ae!ive cnlcrpi ise, never p. I -1 v i.h von in ,:"! nil!' lllhllelu" e lo io in ho.s'.llhy the cause of the truth and vertue. So live, that wi'.h the ChrUtiali 1-'t, you may irulhfudv sav that ..If ll.l Hill l(V (I'll eHMl, , not wmaaU, fail a" C lo'.V X A NO OTH I " I X- Sic, -. I I 11 V I I OX' f'l . N ,-AMrs. Mr. I.eClaire, of DaVeli- j .,,., ml!. M.l.,:i ' 111.' Indian I n' er jil'e'.or of tin (I'ovcrniiu nl, at a lale interview ;;.ive lne . . . loll, , win.' iiileri.rela'.ion of ueveral Indian J,,-,va means liUrrallv ",.t i'j.- i'n !ii, : Driven, as were the lovvas and i-r-k.,.. l',-,,u, Wl,.., i ;u 1 hlliois, bev on as, ui-v inn , .. - the AI r.Mppi, .;- , isthepU-e ior iwf, hye ,,,!.. e,t.-n, ...., soi! measuri.bly proved lor many yens. - This el Vino' ma'i.L'V ilillers some vvo.n j. ihe Kie-!,.n ;;ivi-!l I'V Sel.a'.or IJ'J'.!' whieh is nuiie i m .'i"as We.! a ir.nn tnal of Vashiii-'lon Irving, or some rom.aitii n -.-, ' , r . w-bo renri s-ii's i n Indian on n i ....... i i i .. . I ... . I., 1 l.'.IUnlS l.lil.l OV . 1 .O.II..1I'. I"H a, ...... .. , , i. hcal.ti:..!. 'ihe Idea couvcycl ,,y ..X,'., I.eClaire. iilhit of al, lace n! retrial, el' apply refuse from cneiiues. a Jv'ioiii'k. incus toe - ul.iij ul Keokuk bein;r for a l'nx Indian, or 7,r tht .joe ed ''if i''n" e." lnwu S!j!i' Jour. (ierrit Smith is rich. Tin oito'iout the vs.. ami he received nothing of his pay id- ihoilh the lnciuliers M.-neri.l'y Lceji pret- hi whieh cas.d tl . . . , , . .i.i...... . , .,1 . . .. !y tiieli even w i'.ii tiieir iie'-outus cv u.avv-in- sums of a hundred, Inly, or twenty live iloliai stit a time. W in u he ladled the Sereeaiit-at-Anos for a set'.h li!e"t ttii-.t of-I'n-er nii:ip",'cd an amount of nearly live loe.,!red dollars for mile, ee. Mr. Siuilii , i , . nr.. 'need a luemnra.'i -uni ol c nenst ! I r ' ' l'.,.'i'.I:j t A a:-h.;:.'!nll, W Mi ll in 'elnci' wi'.h i ie'it dollars a day lor th-j time, r-i" up t i b ss than !',o ly-live .h-Hai s. He doubled 'his umoiiiit to ji-.iy for liis return an 1 reluseil 1u veceive more, thus turiiinjf back in the pocket i'f 1'nehi Win a i about lour huu Ire 1 Jib L C:or;; ;:n.-.n's Ojiinian cf tb i IJowsji -pof fr-!-. I'll'' I' -v. Afr. V, ir,, !, i.i :i ; v nil in n'l '! ' ''iii;;;', ;.t i j'i'c'i nf i!n Mi's-. ;, l'!;, ijiln.i. ).-.i'i ii a.'" I iii.. nrwi' i;'i' as mv... I nn'y i'.' IJ.b'i! in h n- - i'1 i i s ' ;V'i .'Vn.-ir. !'.! ;;' a liVn'ai I'm '"'. V' i;s l- '-n 1 1 1 1 1 , i . 1 1 1 s 1 1 Ili-'IM . -1 .... 1 a 1 1 in i a ' i ', . 1 1 i-,i in i rales c crv nmi'-i' n 1 1 1 a. la s (", irv l .'a I 'i'. I f I lie Teai-li r, wi:li lii. liir.i Is i f liea.a'i s, lias a enlii'ii"!! .in.!; l;.!l:fl. '' or ni i 1 iinmi Im iiiti ;' a' i, ,n,'.ii.'i"; llmir im lers'au- ; i en ri !. ,! '.; ;.; Im s in n . '. e vi : 1 --r m ,ii. t-e. ll.e m loii'i if l!ie I ti'ieiH'i; i n.l in sji, iii-ii.ilily of tl'.e jn'ess, I fne!. i! s .- ! V.'':i"!i lail.'s ii. ily In iii f.l'ly m' a lillinlri-'l m'tviiiil n a 1. 'iy li is a jni'i l si:.' n In sm) '.)): nr.'aeni'i' i e . Mi.Z (i , ;, . - ... . ...i.I , lev, s nl I, s use . ll ; ness, iii.iui' .uj....' .,.... :' l. .s.-fi I'S 111 'irOfll.H ! Z UIC a l ..!- . . . , .1 . .. i ..... . . ,.;.i,i win!; o! iivnizalmn, an! ..nni.ui li;.-,Us ,, . ,- ., ,., , -in i innra,",'-. ine " iowin KS 1 "1 t , , I ;... i f . , 1 . ... ... V,-. M !,,i. 1 11'. I . ' ' - o of .. ;,ula,;b,. -, JZlZ "i1.;,! vl'.;",; . atle - - - fi 1 ' - ;ip:ls, ,,,,, - J cXOi'l.- i'i 1 irarupiis, wll.i;!, ' ., , , ., , . ,.:;i,..n..u ; is nor i.' lo Jay aside his c.!i!..n.l -Hitler to make, room for news. 1 1 -j knows mr-n. and iiol dee Is. iiis bng'iago pos-J-esses a -.loar nt.-.l com isc utterance. F.v eiy wriler and jmhti'.- spenkor ti.igtit find nio-lel of style io ttic proiucUjiia .! Oa'-' Amei-ieall editor. The jmlj'it must, first labor foi-Tect nn mi.iovcrn.Mit i:i the -1i;iracter tlie re Unions press. The relioioi'' newspapers arc far behind the seenh.' press in breadth of views and corny i ehousiveni-ss and 1,' nmUw -T-'ein. mi 1 he m'.r'-.t venlureto in s: V in re aiail i -?.':''. T.n'V ke. liiosl , ii,. ir ii.-w ; .;iL--' ''p ", 'rri;;'"t'.; 'rs' .-U.'.i it. is im. ' "' - i ' "" '" 'a turn arouiiil mi l chaiv-e the repmters v. i'rr irrelii.m. The religious press is to o.'e.. narrow-minded--ii. dues uut si't to Uti- dersia-id its Hue ,,i,l,(y ai.d dines, u. - . , r.-rvade d.e v mleiiee and amniosH y that pcr a u. . ( . . ... ..,,lms are even w:.ieUan llial oi " ' P ..i,,..;,,,, ....loWl .-.litors ou evo of an c-lccwu. KANSAS. IMraet from a letu-r d-tcd Wiikaroosa Settlement, Kansas Territory, Aug. 5. Here we are, in the most beautiful (.ollllrv I have ever seen, Mid the Soil ... .i ... ...i r.,,,,,,1 . n.ial lo ihe ol tlie most sun ouineof our paly. In St. Louis and wi ihe boat, a certain class of pol'nieal liaeks, who tnaniVsied a ''ic-d interest in our welfare, told us that we would not be per mitted to land at K uis ii; that the p ' ip'.J ,,f jlissoiiri wire (htcrmined at all haz ards to prevent the setl'.inj,' of Kuisai Terrhoiv hv ci,,i'aii!s from the Nor'.iieni States. " Tiny told us horrible stories nbuut the hi.n-eiine...s of the. soil; the scarc ity of vvoodkiiils au.1 Wilier; tliatvene inoiis reptiles crawled ever the hud; min uet,,, I'.kcil the air (we each of Ui . .i . i ..i .i 1, il-niie,!it a liius.l'ieio u.u, um l. i- - , . , ;i...! no use h.r taem) m I in ihy s- mi,! u . , , ,,, Jic. T rri.ory w, n,,ul .i... ..... who were 1 ' , ' . i I, ' I '..HI 1, ...... ,, . v. i e .1 l, reiiiV ai. i l ..l.:i i-i .... in., .v.......... n up and si t any aiioi.i i loxisr who mi'ot dare to set his fool on any pari of L neh: Sam's I arm Kin;; vvi'.hi.i the boundaries ,! K iiisiis Tei-n'.orv . Nebratka wits set , - ,, , ,1 i. ',:,rl f..r tl. iii ;.n 1 hi v m,,' it L'- Hun. , , , - . e , o si:K on huiiiiiiv'. AI vl i V of the besteiii- ens met us, exleiidin;,- to in a hearty wel come, ( xpiess'ii' ihe wish that thi lh'.l s.uids yet to lloni ilea free Slates would oiue. iniui -di a ly. l'.. c!i 11. M. M.-Cee, a Slav . holder, wim f, jil, ed some what collMiiei -ills''- i'i l'.e We port Iie'et- he f..:u.iU1 l eso! l.iaiis, heariii' thai- ihn pu'iy vvislu'd to p iri li.eo O.X'.'lld.ol-S'.-;.. W.iail.-i. .Va., Called at ihe Hotel with Im p " of I...J and e .rrife;.) 1 look tw.. of our p'.rly to his h.ian and s:iliem properly to t!t" i.mam't 3'JQ. Sii.l 1 Wi.u'd not i nv. y the i'lca', ihat there is no ill lii ;ri f''f here iv hut it . i.ies from th ' i . n.n'aiit Tua m. j .ri! V, compos. 1 d Mi; soin i's besi (ili.L-iis, I lu'.ly bibe.eare in favor of in.; -.ration Ui ivvinnnvc iiotii t!n Nji'theru .'..'..filis fi.Si.-iti.'t.:r...-i'V VvU- u ; nil. . - - - t &1 3 mi anl H'.i- .rt dsiurt 'niS 'fiJni' S r. i tlie iuel.' i ' : 1 i i hi? i i Hi .V Loai.M .-vi 'I. V ,551