if- T 1 ;l ; I VI I 1 1 .,1 JL ViJ 4 -- ?L. , J -;. DV i). i:. i:i:t), & co. ui:ll!:vii:v city, dofcjlas co., nj:!!;ias::a, v'j:dnj:si)ay, Arcrsr :;, v--. T-i '-r -; .v-l m nil o J ft ill I. 1 I I; i-i fi 1 1 NKUliASKA PALLADIUM AN'U ri.ATTi: vAM.r.v advocate. ,,.,,.,!, XVIIK1V l. D. E. HEED, ?v COWrANY, J'lhtors " rryri ,'o'-y, ,.i.i.m-ii.w "v, '- N1";'A1'KV " TKHMS.-n,,..,., n- .. .-.-r. "S" "'-" ,., MX HI ,N..-,.NA...tM.V N .11- J: i'...1 -f ... "'' 1 ' ' :-' RATES OF ADVERTISING. rorr.-.rli R...n.o.f tUU f-r I-.-s In it insi-i li" . s r..rli sul..-"!'i'i.t heei'i'i', n,n ),,,. ..r 14' II I ' '.' 1 'i I, ,,,. .,,,,: r m in. "!' ,,,, Mm. violate te1ven"i' , One ..ar'erof rc. i. t . h e moil ,h, One mlmim tv.'He 0"";lf- ,,,, liii.issr.r.U.f. -.sli lie-. '"''' it ' MX in. mill'. I' 1 ,, i4 ll.rre MiMitiK.V'H' Adinhii-trator,' an.V.v-:U' .."tn.-, Tim i. w m; wsi'ait.i;s. I. S.ili.erihei.s who ilo I"' I nn.M'vpt.i-imiir.. io t!io cont i in y. in o i-oiisnloieil as v-. lsl'in,' to 'miilin-ic their Kiil sriiili"w. v'. If snleo-ril.eisoi.ler the .1 is-'oH uimmre .-r iheir papers, Ih.- piihli.ho! may i-"ii nine to semi II. em in. til all nrica';ur.- are paid. a. If mil.scril.ci m-eject or 'J'";0, " lK' Ueir papers from the olliri' to li ic-li "iv nr.. ilirrcl.-il tIlOV B"' "'-I'' 1 J""'"''"- "'' ": have srttle.1 th lull u (Ml onuriu h.v - lorititiu.Kl. , ,, 4. If ulisi:ri!i4-ri remove tnplliiT!-l.u..s , i. i- r:,.t infi.nnii..,' Hi" V"l.lisli'-r, i-n.l tl.c r ! " i pitIIo the former ilirrctioii, lli'-y are lu'l.l r.-- f. Tlie VrRTs 1:hvp .I.tiiUm. tlmt refoMiu: to t ike a p:.i4-i f.om the oilier, or rmiovin- ;i:i.l l,..,vi;iu' it Mirtlli-I for, i prima facia rvulvio c.f iiitciitiotial liauil. Suh-rriliern I!! '-.(. r i'- tni.U--.Un : 1. That thnr papevi i I f . ..ol inn.; 1 aftri Hie. i xj.ii uIkjii of tlic t'.me for vlucli tli' .V I'.m', niil.. otherwise mill n-l. 2. That no paper v. ill he .lieoiit iihhM on! il all aireai.. aie .n l "1' to Ihu lin.e at ul.i.-li the li!.(... I.-, uiv.-n, nnh- we a-u Ji-I'. -I that t!.r loih.M-iihi-r i- voilh'e--". r - 3. Tl,i.l wh-n the paper, ll.ro. uh t,ier i :!l ol u!iM-nher, h.ic lie. u i-nm-ii-l I" ' u" , tio).-. Iho i""t ami mo .1 '""v -;u. -i:t :. H t. r.-mil one ilolhn Tor iuioh.-r .ix ni'.iilhs wit.i .i.--. .. . .. i.. i; 4-. . - A tl.n i.ii I of 1 t I IO!'". J - Oli te 1 IOII 1" 11-' i.. ... . (if Hi ilirertion in all a-. lie imt.-.i upon (1 y mrI'N!, ami if n-t utt-itl.l lo Loom BUSINESS DIRECTORY. li-li" V I.'H I 1 1 V . 4 if. ('. 1). HOIUNM.IN, Has opeiieil 11 In .a r.i i 1 f hen-e a t J'-lh foi the nceoir.inoilatioi. of 1 e-r liar ho.ir.U-.K f.roiioiial vniloi s, ho. he will tahe phn in mal.lnir an ':oin..i lahle lib ii-:1 in ho. po JU ih vi4 v City, July !. ll'lv', . al.,1 .-I'll I IT. lv c. j:. v vi min, I.jih1 A.'ent. Smuyer uial I'm, 1 il i.', jN. hiii .l,a. ' il.i er, II i.l- Iv ST. M UV. (;i:t)it(.i: ni-.i'.Niiii, Altirri-v ami t'ounseilur at I. a-.v, St. Mary MilU (..eii.lv. I.m-a. a 'I r.'l-lv J. M 1. A i ll AM. A'.torney an l t'.. innell ir a'. I. j .V, St Mills Co.. Iowa, Mary, !. W. tt'ALL YCi:, I'livsiei tn H.el S 11 -1 on, ri --!.. I'tfally leinl-r- hi-. Jilol'e4i,i!,., eri II I-.; to Il.i' I'llie.l of S! . M.uy ii.nl vrinity. Oi'iee t:vo tiiil'1 noitli- of St. Mil V, OH tlif .M.li.pllt" 4' 1 41'. 1 . i ' '"':iiiL - j;. 'J t:iTl (:K, T'opora phiral lii.,;ii,i..., , len.lert his piof.s (1441,11 m'i l lies to the i.!i..ih of SI. 31 oy a lei viriiiity ioi h.irveyor itfrl linirin.-er in ull ilsvu iielies. (Jiiicv ill i'. A. Sarpy '3 ktoie, corner cf tireory Jtriet. Hoe :U -1 y U'ATS;. K I . . Ii V it hii K Ii V, (M i.eial I. ami Air.-iiti, Si. M uy, "I.li (.'onii'y , Io a. Will ut!. ml to tin: p,n h ne ami .-ale of IthI mIiiU1, tiio ptM fi'itili!; 4.1 lo leu, payiiiji tux- ... 411'., i c. Iplf I'lirmii' I'li'l ml villa-'1 tii, lj suit pun ha.-o rs, on hum), for pale i-!i. -i., ami on reasonable luniii. t'ilAS. Ih VA'hU.. 1.. II. KI.VXKV. n4:t-tf JlisJWIjSlll.fA. HII.I.IAMS ft WILSON'S 13 AW Mil. I.. Hex CreeL, .M.IU Co., ..nn. I lo1 propim tor of Ihia mill iiitenil to kreti lumhei- ( ii ai l ii.tioiu const. 11. 1 ly on hau l ) i.hu to n. ply all upri ial Oiilen for Inmlier ut .short lio lunp, foi ea-.li. I. I'i-y.ii Tinier anl Hiasim- is n-.i.ty to inaioif.ir t'ire or repair tin win U of every .leM-ri.t;uii, h ! hort iioti. f, ami at the c In aju l 1 it. ,, il . hoi h ei'. : i!i. ion. lonrtli mile imitli of I'. A, Ki7.' hto.e, Malli-st., St. Mary. Joan II. 1 )1. 1. t.'-.'ltn JArTlTsTTiNllAir, Dralnaa Cuuiutissiuiivr, t 'llice in St. Mary, Iowa. loiL' 1 -1 v 1'. A. NAKI'Y, Whol4--..ih an ! (.'oa.n.i uiuii M -icl.aii', .t nih i ill I J 1 y ..!, JIirilAnie, H..WI.I,-, (.1.,,, ui4, (tiiiii'iu-i, Jir.iirs Mv.Iiciih"', iiookti anl Stalio.iery, coiuui- of itiulu an. I l.i. '.i s n're. s. a 11' -ii-iy c;, 1:. VAr.sch, f 'onveymiriT, No'ary I'nhlie. Mel KnrM-y..r. Oilier ut ll.e Storu of I.ki la-, Kinni y, t'u., M. M-ny, MilUco., lov a. Ai.;-. V."). ASTOlt 1IOCSI1. T IIIK subiciiii-r lias jnt i.peneil Ihi.-: i.f iv r.n.l coinino.ianis liiiil lin ' for the ii:,.( pt!iu, i f lh tiavt'liii pi.t'lif, ami i;":Ua.-haiof j.n!. I ii- fnvoi. I'minpt ai.'l i llii-'a i.t iilti-i.tioii w ill he pai.l to all '. ho may favor l.iin witli iln ir Iialronajjc. Ilin tul. Iu will l' i'ippliii'1 w nil the nt Ihu mailvtt 1. Il-ins. A v n..l ' il le i ut tamr.l lo the piemi.ci. ll.M.I I.L. St. Maiy, Iowa, mar. 1 i.J-tf- T. t. Toi'i 11-1 m. w. i.i EM TDOTMl .i ClUiiiMl. Denier in Dry (ioinl, (Iroferies, lf.if l-.viirr, (j.KttlllhViaiC, S: .114 IV .11 11, f l., inline, 11 ..J tl hUow, Mat--. V. I'apv.an.l la a.'v Ma.ic tl o'.ii.;;. Loe'jtl slli.it, CitUiVovl,' K a a. 1.-1 ,li 1 1 f t 1 f b ) OttXV. LE:13 GO!) FOil RAIN', p, i i n i' on." i he i.-oo ! in io ii '. Ami ip. I ' ! a irt.it. r :l t -- "Id 1 1 we in i '.' hn 1 .1 Illy hi . .1 I, I!.' lin.p. a kli.mrr np-'H ih here. ( I, ii !'.i:!i..r. Tlr.o ho i!a ,!' I in If. a-, e, v i'm , ri r p -') '...-, P'.e hh i ' .-"-'.t Th ' I h ' ' -'.' I To I , . , .... ! h -i ht ! .o. I ih.-i. . I !. ,.. ' . u:'.. -i:i I.; I. I... ,,!,,..! up :,. i.- i II- I ei .- h ..f i'-.i'i-, A ' H i.:' ;h a piaver niei- fro-, ', Iictit I'or r itn t" I-."..!' ; an-! It; it .u.ie. '1 i- in'!...:i i 1. ,; MCtei, ii.r,e, A -4 1 :l .v. : s w i'!, 1 :i; v .:'. i i I'.' I I, :-: n: ;; '. -i, f ; . i " . ' r pi..;, i.. -In.,. I'.- -I.oi !i I. -i.iK-1. 'J'li" tiii"h -l !";;h4 ii f.eih an. I cr-'"'i Tin- h:-e..'!J. 1 -w -Ms in ' :( .in, M -l!ii..' -' " -i iii.f I iii-r i : '"'i In e n y e.. -. Ihit .n:r" n'. r-.in. There is n i ainl-T.v in Icy. I'l'ini the in-h v! i -re l".--ij. li.' l ; (J.el Mole Il eie !hc .ii-hl V-.H ili y It :i th1' a i' .i;i -ap!i of (,o 1. I'p where the heivy Ihnil ler-I rollel, An. I ilo : !'! on foe weio swept ahnr:. Tin' iiii ri l ;.i in a car of J?..!.., An 1 soaring l.iiks iliv.ilw in juil'. The rilN that rtnh from m i ni' iii'i rmlr, ri"' 1 rii-k 1 i:i :r to the ver.l in t h.,.-e J Ht lihe IliP lean of j;i litn h. Th at uf tali s(.ii;i .1 u..n t i iii'tf fare. (Irinf Khi-jof I'e 1C". ir'i no tn hie ; i, Th" wimlmvi -f ttiy 'kv imhai ; Showr ih'. ii thurai.'i of ri.:'iti ...hio' i A ml v. a h aJ) I i'e st i in of ir ; An. I 1. 1 ih; r:. I'-int l- v f I il In-.1 it '." I , it1; ir.i Ii. oi 1 1 J' y . I.il.e that fail r'4'l nlr.- il!-I o'-ive. lint ii it lil.e it, t,, f.olo hi,.! i!ii(. .clulU Vi.titcv. "Y Ai "l'M uVlTV". laws cf i:rz ui;iri:D static. AN ACT In rs'al.lnli tin- ol!', -n of S'tr vo or ( i.-iii r-.I ol' N ov -W'-M.-i, lv. n- Sus 'in 1 ?.i-l.r iska, (o ;.r..lit il..ii;;!i..i;: to in-tii-l s.-tiK-is tlo rMii, i ii ! I'or o'lu-r '.:i'-;m).s. w !..!' -.: i-r, ..I . , ho iho s- loo i.-i i!i...' j.tmi.li-i !.v I. the Sun 1 or 'i.-taTal of On-jMi!,; h have proper a'!..ivaii.:os f.jr i !m!w W I in s t ..: lire, v.h.-t how is or lii-'e-llt r 111 y Lo i.llnwe1! l.v law lo liie said .'j.ir i'J or (.einT.il of Ore 4?it; aii'l lie ti'.ii.ll ljoali; Lis clii.-e from 'inn1 I.) tini(!at Kiioh pl.tec as .may lie .li reoto.l l.-y the lVesi I. tit of the I'ni'eil Stati s. '2. Ami 1 it ft' (I ri,ac 1 Tliat, lo e 1 ry while in le li.izui of the tuitcl ,'-'t t; S, or e 1 1 y wl.i'e hi..li uh o tbu .".o of I wi-n'y-one oars v. lio jias c!e clareil liiu inti-iitioii Li e, ino a i i !: n ami vli ws-s rei-Hiiio; in sail Tenit.ry prior to ll.e lift ilay of Jamiary, 1 i-htei-n hutolrciT ami fifiy-lhn e, i.n.l v.ho limy In still vesiiiiiijf (here, iliere islmll Lo, ami here' y is, (h iiiiloj one fju.irttT sre'.ion, 01 line liuiiilre 1 mh! sily ueios of Ian 1. And o every wl.iie m..!i! ci: vs.uh of the Uniii- Stales, orc vuy w hite male i.Love i!i; ; .i of t vvt-iit -uii.i years who lias ilecL.rid hi.i intent ion to Li-coiei! a eiiiz.'ii, anl who sluill Lave ri'rnove.l or iiliall rem ve to inel Hi-ttle ill .sa'uJ Terrihiry Li l Wei ll the first 'l.y of January, cipLlerii Luiiiln l m,i liliy-tLrt-c, rial tLe lirst ilay of J.um.iiy, eililc-tii Liiiulrid iiiul f.fly-eifjlit, iLeri sluill in like manner Le ilouafe.l one quar ter Motion, or one Liinilrin! ainl sixty ai res, on eon.lilion of i.e!ual set tU-me ut .iii.l cuLh atioii lor net Ii li.al! four j ears: i'liuviiiti), 110 vv 1. v 1. n , That i-aeli of naiJ (loll. ..tio!,s Snail im lil le the lie'lial M-!tlo-metit an. I iifipruX rinen! i f the ilonoe, mi ! tlia'.l Le i-i li-eli-.l Ly Lv-! suh.liv inons, within three iimn'.L.s aflir the survey of the Ian. I u here the .si t'.h iin nt was m ale hefore the survey; innl w L. re tint hett!. lueiit was m.alo alter the Mirvey, then i'hin ihu e iiion'hs i.! r ti e n ti !i iiH-n'i lia.s been ui.'ah ; mi l ail j,erso.,s f.ii;ii.i to designate tho LouiuIm ii : of tluir e!. iin within thi'.l lime, hhall forl.it ail liht to the ra.ine. Sie. ii. And hi; it l'.irthcr enacted. That r,n j.rocf of the retth-mt'!:: Ltid eul '..iio!i r( 'inired Ly this m t. to the Kalis fac iioiiof tiio Smvcyor (ii-iier.-.l, or o'.l.i r iil!ii-ei designated Ly law for that jiiirjmse sul j. i t to K,lier Isioll of the S. i reh.iy ol the ln!i ii..r, a certificr fe shall Leinel to the j any entitle 1, 0.1 th .rrs; h' i')o:i i.-f whi.ll, if lii jriAi. 1 ly the Srri-.!;,-y of tl r Interior, a jvi'i-nt (dial! Le i-.sued li.tiioii: I'iiovi.'ji :. lto-.vcvr.a, Th; the d.y.U of t-t.v ft-.H sl-'.'.'kt before on 'die ',-1 f-oie liHion o!' 1 !,.' (uiir c:rs' o-(-1 : l -:i ih v .... . .. . .. . . .. . ' 1 1 .4 " ... ... . - an i i no,-, .i.ioii i..i:iiic!. iv l,,;si:(" I . .' l ii-lit s!; 11 (!,..,-.-;,.! I, hU I,,.,-, , .n'.h.v1 w ho Mini ! In; r::'i: h- ! la a r t ; 1 1 - -. ' i ; . i p itftit, i:s s.f.ir. !; -!. .-a iiv-f, ; -. !n I'-n j,iv i.!i . ti, ol (..ft i . ,n .! o i-i; m'i" y iur ril! i -rioti 1 .1 ..I!, : ''i.a s '.' :.. r to t n I ho . i ;. -111. in . v I. I ii . '1','n H i !. i ' in, i.i h - ;.-y ,. i) 'iH ; , 1 U ;. : - i.w nr i v. i.iM ;..ii.. . lio' i l 1.-. :.- o!' the l. il ll.it H .1 H-Oll It ! or llllt il I'lfV I'.' I'll: J S. . . I. Ar.' i., it r!:u-r :,:,.!, , Timt i . i .. . i i i. o. ui i-.-j I .i.. , ; . . 1. 1 i - .; v ; -h-!. ( Mi i ' ', s;.!i'ii s, mi!;!..: v i- i . T i.r ,m in i ... ' i.or I-. s.'i..i-no- i.r :in i.i :!. ! .oi Mill in-oi.',. .1 , i- pun. .-is i o Ir:,. o ; II .,,n,o i 1:, iu-l m.t hr ; !T- (ui i.ri'. a;; ! 1 .! I--" .1 , ;i H' .r ;!: ,,- ! , ..... . on Mill i.-o!i fi.-.I. hi no!,, or n v r!, f'.r ' I . s i l liml 'i.til i on,. i, .vi e. m. 1 lio' , , 1 11 1 1. , 'or I';" I' ' 1 1 1 l , snail lit! Ml'.p-ct to tl,o o r .1 , ,. . ,' ., , . pi o imo;,1-, ol iPo ,('. ( I W-to v-'i'l.'.l of 1 ,. 1 . ,1 , 1 ,',. . M ., (i-oo ii! I,, mm, f..r.v-,..i!r. ;:i r.-l.;.!,-,, 1 lu siuiiHi,,, i.uiiiio 1 whoih.T ,, 8,.!(i,.. o,o,n,i,..l r,,.,.r nfiiT ll.e snm-y of v.i.! LimiL, .xoriit thai s i 1 l.ui.ls :-haii be iloii,.!--.! i,.t;.. t Lr- mo j,,,), ., , , . !.o. r. An.I In; it f.n-ioiv :'!'(, I. - riiri W ..! : tiio lnli.ls 1,1 l!,o s.-ilT. lire V , nil llii.' '.'o ( l! 1 1 : 1 1 -,t ("f , ilo I i, I ' i 1 I !;!, s , I ri - ' 1 ' ;i'ir,-o! v !. !.ri'--!:-.' Iho :-;:!:.., ii. hi):..., ki:', ' m 1 : i . . ' , s 11;;:;. o: 1 ml i A!( , 11 Mil ll. illy. six 1 in !:.. 1 li.rti..-!;ip, io ..i ! Ti iii;..,! v, ol,.,'; i.-iop, 10 '..i : I .. v, ol,.,'; au i tl m.iiio m'i1 l.i-i'i hy. 1 i-a i i-,l 'r j tin: J.l'rj.. ...0 I.i I., in;- M-'i'o ! 0 J., !,; o's il. too lO'r:.. l.-l' Li m;- r-i.;.!.! . ! K-ui-ojs hi . ' ,, 1 , 1,1 : I I J -I 1 i'"!' , Mil 1. 1 I !e I'.',, ' is ;, ; 'J',.;-- 1 . .I'M 10 11 in: ,.i r i1.!:M(,i. I Tlii.t whin t!.f I:;..!; in f,i,l T. iji'on, j :'.;!! !( Mir,,y,:, , h i, ! ,1 11 !, ;i ijnai.'.i'v o'.' I. .11 I I'.aii.ii io two towiish'.i -i ,o. ! M'-. t. .i'i! to il In:',1. ir o;.;.M( ,1, 1 j'l.ii lo two towiish'.i -i s!,,.!! ,o. i .1... U li.:;-i.ov. r- .o,- t: I . l.o s-.i .. i.s li.:r...y, ! ;o! :: 1 for :!..-, I'slai iisl.iii' iil (if 11 iii,.m rs: y 111 tsai.l 1 1 :.. .1 .. 1-. . 1 . i jjii'inlii-r, in-hi, .-1 luiii.in 1 01.1 in . j 1. I'v.-n ..:;u- tl.. Milt . whei!n-r solih I 11 !.urvey: :.i. 1. in ; .iiMi' w: s I ia.!o 1, :i before or 1 win 1 1 re the s'ir- v. th.- M-'lh r shall file I.i. i!..il,,rati,.i.i il hin I hl i ;er t! '.' survey is l any pi rson laiti:- in.. Me I i otmiiei: !...:; I'.ll ll! tl.ii ; h;.!l Le n. i- mi'li'd to i liUr ti;e h i,.! el..iuud Lv him M any time jii.r to the IVtir m ,.r.s' oi-i-u-vin-i y and l Uiiiv i.'.oii ii- uire,!, Lv ji; yinj1; lio iefor at il.e r-le of one oolh.r am1 I win!y-f,ve iii '.i n r in-ie, and provinn-i.e- t.paia y an. I .;!' iv..' ion tip to Uic time of r IK L jivmenl. Si:e. X. And Le it lonLcr (-naeleti That it shall be Iho da y i.i t!:e Surviyor. ' ii in r;., 1111I1T sui h in1 : r;i.-' ions as may b! given ly iho Seerc'aiy id the ln'.eiior, to ascertain the 01 dfin, in. 'ere, 1 L .r;.- r, an.! c.v'ent of a!! claims to h.n.l ii.i lor the laws, us .o.-s, nijil ciistoiiH of S in : 3lei.-.ij and, lor this purpose, May i-sui. i.otii-.'s, sniniiions v. i1 ncses, rdioiniiit-r oa'.hs. Mid doiiiid perfoi in all iber l,eecs sary aelji in the pruinUes. lie ihall make a l:i!l r.'pori on till su.-h cla'uu., i.s cii.jiua icd !n fore 'l e cc-:o!i 'if the ton i'..ry to !he l.'ni'e.l States by lhe tiea.'y i,f tiu.i,!;. lii.e IIi! !;oi, of m-I.Umi hundred em! lorty-ei-lit, lienotiiio- the v an. ..'.is I ille, wi h Lis di eis't'-t! as to the V idiiy invalidity of ench of the same inuhr the laws, iiiapcs, and ttisloms of ll.e country 1 .....:. . . . .1 1 . . . ... lent i.s cession 10 i,:: l m!cil ;-lai. si 1 1 I t III re;-aid I ail j'uchlos t-xistiu;' in tlie Tcrritoie s'now the extent an 1 loridi'y of ci eh iiiimber of iiiliaLili.nts in the , ropeotiv cly, and t!,c j.alure s led pile!.!. of ihcir li'los lo the, L.ial. , 1 , .. . in H recoi-l J to Le io-a',0 aeeoi d.in tn the form which may be jn cs. ri'ocl l y lhe Secretary of t! ltiteri..v, which rip n! sh..l! L.; Iid L -iore Coan : s for tie h aeii.ni thereon vs u:-.-be i!i l ined just Mid pl ojn r, w il Ii a view o ( iiifii iu no:. J inl: pi an!:'1, Ma! give ril ili'eetto the Ir.-aty of eighteen hinniied Mid f..lty-l.;aht L. '.Wi Mil!.;: I'ni'.. .1 Stales and ..JiM.-uj ii..!, 'in ti i.'.i- i.n.l .iii..!i ol Colijrl enS oil sueh c hums, ali lends oViTi J I hereby hhall be reserved from sale or disposal by thi- g.iven, !;(:. I, and shall 110I Le Mlbjcct lo tl,.' ih.lialiens pi'M.ted Ly the previous rovisio; of this att. '?P:.o'. '.V Vil bt: it furih.r '-..(.!, TJi-i; full jowt-r ami jyd:o.i'y ure heie!. given the Scci e!..ry '. .-.I l.h.iv liof lo ijoitc i IM.I-T u.4n-'itjJ UY r..i t if. : i : il ; ( l!'v.-! i!:e i V : . 1 i-M-lii.' . . f . I I Mo, h i I 1 : . I s Sf-. o. Arel in- it fur!!. or n.:.. lo.l Tint ;';.( I'r. iil.-nt ol' t) ri,i...J S ti v I '.;', :i.:l l.o ,!: ,1 y. ii::t!i..i ;:ol !o:.f: -iir i !-y 'I:.' mUW !.!;! i oii-..fl i.r il.i' '--a iif. j '.r (.'.:.:. 1 i .r '!. 'J. .-. i'- :i. ..' i i:i . . .'I :! s:; i l!:i. l';ii-i- ! S -. ': I'-'i-i ti"" (., :i: ; 1 I't 1 1 !',.-. : 't ' . , i : 1 'o1' s o. - r.. --.I:.:: 1 1 . . . ,, If,--:- : - n ,1 i' s ..!. ! i r in: 1 1 oi1 ! ." o i' o nn ' ; t in1 .- i: or ( ! (; , , . : V, i'i-.o llisill Mill I ., v :i, ::!! ! Il , '. . I '.. i;.1!1!.' : !!.!'t ',,iv l-'.A'-i ' , i ... . . .. '! I .';.-, 1. 1 ;. ;r. i ;,;! ..vi-.l I.. 1 I S.iim-m.i- C. i- , ..; ; ( WiM-or.iu ; :i i I. v,. ,. ...... Th ' f.i.I Kun or (.'.:, or.l ..!! 1 -iw. , "... ihi- 1: --4 ry s-ttrvi-y to i o inn !.- in 1'.:!'!". ii ios ol shnifh.r.l i.ien ii.au I.,t-o , ..ti'I !' ..nolo! linos, Jiii-l of toV). !..) aiul , . , S lT. 'iviioii:il Iilirs llinlor Kll'.'l roll S Mil "'':-i';!'s ,,& lo l,,v'",r:!a;1 f'i' (-""i';"",,"'r "f ""'(-"'ra! l.n 1 Oil,,-,. '''' 32- An.l 1.: it furtI..T .-iu.ct-'l. TIl''t l'111''8 '!;i.;!i llie Li lian till.' h;ii la . -a or :,!i;m1 Lo . ' : n ;r ' ' ' 1 n i'.'.n: s..i,l 'I'.-n ilorit-s 1.!" 'i Lr;i!--;i i.ivl K-n-;..1-, ,. r ,-. ' 'sha.i !.; foi:oi-.:t I ) too opora' 1 :tis iu loo 1 . 1, ,. ,, k. , , . ,,,; t, ,,nr!li optor:!!."!-, (!;!,- I If iii::i:!i-o'l ;i:i. fori y-ono, i'.:, I I'o; I-r t. ' ... 1 .- 1 I'o'-.rii.us, vi sir: .'.lot. i sn.-i sttj.'i. twn . 11. l.u.l Lill t'.'l-i! I.'lu-.l : J i.o niCIi, 1! JM k. L, ;., . . 111 1 1 i,;;t wi.i i f ui;Mir 03 oil l.ui.ls ;.rc t i..n,i.- , . . . ... . ,. .v l.rc-( u.li'joii, ia,;ii c ol th" Siii.-cito Ir. (.- 1 !; ;o u ,l s!a 11 la- (i!-1 w i.l.in t!in: 11 1 iia,:,:.;s .:!i r t,..' poi vi v In.s ,. i-:i la.vili! in I . , , ,, 1 - ' , . t!l:S 1 Ci.I, llll'l (ill li.llll.-l! lo 1.4; MH- 1 r.l.K'f ' ' 1 "' 11 " '-",:-! I .1 -. . . . 1 r ... 1 ... 1 1 1 ..r. 1. .. 1 ... ' 1 .l .. 1-. . .1 r .. il .. . M !;.. . !.. . r ,1... I ... '' ' - "'" 11 1 " ,;" ' i ; !i o j.vorti.n;: ot l'r-r...i 1 1 ' !o ii 01:;. in ,;..n 1.1 irr...,i ;,; in t' l.'tiiti'.l i.h.lis, 1I.0 i''ni's .-l. :-la h I .11. is .shall i iilYit all rt;'!i! ll.crcto ; r..0V '.IJl.l' sail !;-j'.i'jo ; 1-j lia'l will. r..ov '.IJl.l' sail i;-j'. ioo .y 1"J Ilo 1 will, ' .-. S. n vo or ( i-n. -ral a::-: lo l-e i-j'cl lv .-. 11 vcvnr :: -ral ;;;:: lo t-e i.j'c 1 1. the lov.-'.rl.r, j, !..'.-., ui,:i! ii'r ::v- ... .i. 1, ..,, ,0 ii;. :i mo ) n 'i'lf shall l,;,io Lei n e.!i:i;rui.s'.ie-.l .s'.ial! e .-iH'.it-li'e a lio-.v l.-.M-l dis'iiet to L- e-dh-1 the i'.'Wiu e ili.-'rio'. ; the oili.-.-s for e.nh ol i.,- i.. - i 1 the lVesi-loul ..m csj. oi- n'j Mid In: h Ltiil y iiiithoriz d lo a; i,oin!, Ly and with the advice, and eoti.-tMi! of lhe .S. na'.e, a 1 f i.. U r and rei ei.tr 1 : puoUe m 1 u ho shall ca .-Ii Le rirjuired to j ,1 e ol tin .r re: .-.iv e 1 il.i.ed, an ! '.hi y J.iiW'e; .1, jn f! inn s'ltdi Lav e the sain s am: Until n, ..ml Le 1 0 1 to the. :;nu (.'i'i1) ion i-s iii'c .r n-.y ho prescribed Ly law i:i riialioii to od.er iai.d t!ne' s id li e Vniti I S'...!es. And the lVesi.hi.li-. In.-r.niy M.l'iorized to cause, the sari' yen land.; to Le t-. pined fur i;.!o i'li .'n lime lo time, in the isMi'ie manner .uid upon lhe saiiol L-rms and ten. lil iuns as the other puLiir; lands of lhe I'niiod Sla'ts. Appruvnl 22 July, T.e Halt am. W ::,-. The !ai '-loses Ml l.L'.e inlio'ii,.! : ih-stil. ielu as I.oston miller.'.:.".!!.. I..C iv;; 'S of il.e , and !t the 1 . t l.me.v the s'lp:, !j ! u;r ? cw Ih-dan. 1 ii.iti..o'ds p o. . ii;d ve are ceulidenl that this bu- itiTMiii-su wi.! iiicri-ea', am! these iVpor.Ioii-i of c.ir cott'i'rv v.-i I! Le I i " ast'y imi'ed, haih Ly the h. ,::s ol ss and Lv social inti rccursi1. Thcr.: J";.!'-!, a i-ouiniiinity of iidii .1.!, and 1 n -I Lai a-'i:-.;l li'.ereo-.i'.'se H wan'cl !., r-re'ite a Pfinimi'.-ii'y of feeling. New J'.i,. n-l sen. Ii out a large siiare of bar ly , ,;h 1 -I, and sla) blmuld aim lo keep then, sujiph.-ii with wlia'.ever vail reliev e their w;,i,t. UllLrts slie-uh! ho m.-ale to fcnire (ha Western trade, Mid when it is bfte.re.! it i.i';'. 'n- lotm 1 more a!:i:.L'.s lo vis than i... :',,',:liii-r:i. Tliu Wtad arc b;:!'er :) i,' im tha-i lie: So'i'.h; aii-1 our Mew rVi :i' 1 pi'.id'ioes are het!.'-r tid.ap'ed lo the Vt T'TA th n: to il.e Scathc-m m.:r- ?' .IM-'ClM-.i I.".' OrniT. Th'.' Alh-iav Ki.ii keijo.-ki r L-ar:.'i th .t 1 -ut . r -i.tif.'i eiliz iia' lioldin.j mu.h: !IhL.t the United SV.cs Lj.iveriiiiie.iit, '01 are f. rc ne.rii i'AA l: "'stoiii-iiollSe, U5 ill lhe e. p art-iiH-i.! ' Vuj'.is.liiii, r-ml C' as ?.!:-iiis'.T 1 . or C ' '; I.i Mevv Yo:U '!:e'i ; (W A luci lialiJ, el ' tho 'lU '' Jl l ; t I.AKn )N K.VSSA5 AM) A l'.iLt from CcvJ!is-icji- r IT -'5. I i .'iHi.i.,-: V., ,. ;,; f r , ',s:. .',,. ;,,.;' i i ... i , . i t .. ... i I I i'-i "MM' . J.--r,l ! J. -:r oi'.:! in 11;. s '. s- ; i , . i V 1 I .1,1 i -.1 i.:-.-h.i,,1.1J;,-,ri,,;;,;:,:Cl'!;;1'' '( -oir-inf.-ifcii 'v;'t.i,iU' rr, .t...i , ,-. i ;.c':'i:! ! lit -.-r !.-:;;t u; vcr, ui fe, , :,', 1 i.-. i i; i- : -' . k ... ,.'v--:-"'V'iN;ivr ih JiiMtuii!' mnnnt. Xtt . . . '. .' .' I '.;. '1 ..' '"i l-'u-Ui: i-r ..:,.,,.. 1 I- Ill, .0,0 ( : ii i: ,."s ; ri ! )' .- r. I. -n'oi) - y-'.-:i ':: Iio i.-.i! l,'.. '.-. it s :-; i!. il . 1 1' ii.M 1 -,! i,:. 1 .iii'lii.ri'y, to .ri, i,-. i.ii.l s.:,;',..) in l!io ln .:i .n ton it. ry, lTi-lon..', it o!r. :.!;. ; -ltjiiVf::! v.-':: !. r ::: y tir- t;, s w..:;i. !. :-..-f'.'l.io,!, Mi I for ll.U r, :.!- II tl ! .;-i,i,.!.. win- ii. i'i I 'ui X. ..''i.'.i.u. i i.:' i:r:i, io ..i!i: !-.! to, S':;trs t!:a! tiio !ro.il)l 4 '.nil .nil l.o, n so f!-,oi)".l :S ! j:!'o- vi-nt poor linn Ir. :n solliin the coiinliy, i:c, that nil 1 :!n!s arc I-,) l.o jmt uj, !'uf :,a!i' ui ;he Iii-iies! I,i.!.li;r, aii'l llii's tliu rioli, ol' j.r-i.in4ii:i i. to Lo ilLiiic ! lo Uftuul suil.-rs. All llio Ivcifl. s n nolo I.-.l v.nii t!a l.'il.o:'. liorlli ol' I Ik; Kansas Jlirr li;,vr hci-n nitilioil I.y (!io Stnalijiiiil .'ii'ira'.-i1 .la: ( hii:.!i: s, (;'.!,-. os Miil Missouri", l-'ao.-t alul 1'nM-S of A I i ssoil! i, Ijwiis, Kiu!i.a-J.-oos. Mai U an .-,. 'i'iic .c?.m m:h of l.-.r. l Id tin; Unitoil S:. .!! hy ilo.' tr.-;'tit'.i sn-mitii! lo alioir :h' i-n l!.i!i;..ll J'.v i- hlllel; in! tli'.l'S;;liil aoia-s i ,,p .. 1; i, ; , U'""! S .1 r. r , .., c,.l ; ..!,..lt six )..,,n.ti- mi- -'nli'i.. iii.i'y cc lij.l, Mi l et to iro-o-.ji'io!i: cxoojii ........ 1 .. 1. . . 4 1 ... . 1 iO'''ll MA I . I I 1 1 E I '.' J il il I I O 1 I 1 -: 01 1 , l : iO ll- . . . . . " smvl livo liiindr.'il ar-ri-o. win- Ii is to !n i s-.'.l i. il.- ir.ri.'-j ol' ll.o I ail,-, I Siatos arc i sol,!, Willi i'.iis i'i'oIcU lioo, tliot Co'.::;i c:..S m:'V, 4.1 U r a ;.i:.:U-d ti.'.i.j, irrreinalc1 Mai icilu. 0 the ; 1 R-e, Mai the iiroooi-ils o! the ' s:.!.-s jsvc to in; i.-.i-J t l!i. ri'-es, ;;r it c!c- .iite :tn' therclonn tl.c est ol suvveyni J n I may, j.fltr a IlialU-d ti.'.i.j, gr.luutc titu! e So llllt L.nd coded I t t' cm is a!. 1. ut two miii'oi'.M and twenty- si.t Ihi iHaiid aeres all cf which, vitii I ho i'Vi. .-;, -11 ,,(' nl, .of lie., 1 . . 1 1,. I I " " . iL-ht ,0. I'i s, . Ill 1 1-iii.l one Inrili-ed ai.i six y ' , ., .,. .,, . 1 i.f)li: 11 uic neas, i e., vv ill in ..ihjeol lo pre.-eliiptiiill the pl'o i-iotl it roiaiioti lo the Wens, dscc1., land, hcin-.r; tia-:.-io' i s :!,nl lor the Delaware Mid Liwas. The II t! iUS j.-.i .a :.t- L 1 . 1 ; , .I ma i-n Li ai.d ilcvui ;!,.,-s..,.l i.d:t hundred aladii:1 tol'y aor.'s. Ja.nds ti'.ibieet to s.de u.- 1'niu-d Slates lands, with the power in Cn.rcss after a li 1 line: id. Mil I e.-.uco toe j.riee, six humb-cd am! isaii.i six hundred and six'y It will thus lie seen l hat the statement of the Missouri Donioerat, i s almost ev ery art:, lo that : j pears in that :heet in rela-u--.':i to Indian mailers, i.s a bundle of false hoods and mis! epic stnta'.ii, i.s, manufae turi d for a purpose. Til l! I di I not obtain an mien;: liliomd cession i f the Iuu as, D. !;. wares, ami Yi'oas. tee., is in my opinion, to lie attri buted to tia: veiy icprchcnsiblc coialne of the Missouri Deinoen-.t, and th'-se w. the frontier and in this uty who have !:(;'.ed W'j'dl it. - I i:a y here rcni.ii'lc, that I saw Judge AtcLis.m very seldam during the pen dency of my m go' iai i.-:is wiihthe Iaa'ians oi' Mehr :ska Mid K.'IISIS, and i.lvva)? foti'i 1 J I'M a'lxiotts and solieiti MS t'ei: tli.i'.!..-S should be colleduhd widi the uif- K-ieiii tiihes, on tii-li conditions ;s te open ilj) spmal. ly those, leiriiories to set tlers; while on the o'her hand, ev ery cm barra':' nn-nl was thrown in my way l. those) who '.ro rat.kej as tnu i'r.i'i.ds cf C ih Ih :;:. n. Aj i(.!i ::3 the remain:".' treaties are -!iliei! aii.l the in-co-M-y ppnp: ia1 ier.f made, the livli-.m Ohiee will tahe enlly i'ees lo havf tlie Iia'.i-n n-serv nl ions and fi.L-etioiis io ide, to the ci.d l':c fit'.lus may avail tin. mv.Iw.a if die full hem !;t o! t'i la tn. se n -;ti. (il'.OUUr. W. r.IANlilNMV, ( 'onmisiouer. Hie in 1. tseh ton of ihe iilant.xioit dug tig, r at M.wliug, ITevv Y.ik, a f.-vv yi si.h , Lr n 111 i.M'Hbion -; Ih: lumn of il.,u. (., w l.o b:.s ere tcj a I-re-priKif buiaUn .01 ! i's pr. si rv atioii, an t xjmjiisj . -.! u'i I ii r, i', 1,1 .and ilo...r. h. is . "Oi: I-c-t O! and WtJ..'b. tww-:v-t.-- i!i.'Ua..i-.i i pU i I.i. ' ' n lie Dcu'3cl;rtt i.nvino.irjcu tunuoicutc. IV , - , . -''I'i'.-In Utfn Kit oi'iirii ruint ;iitfi in ... . . ' i-.-.i-.'rrp.vn.u-u i ,1,71; He n 1 i.i. ' i--.t: ffi.I icrtiiv.ii vrroititfl, H$ )t, n-cifen n-.i-tnilun-it 'iH-r-.or i.cr ti Vi'r. .-;ia,-.;ru e'eer ;-:trr jociscit n.triidji.-ij .pcvu-jt tie t.-.i fio;,r t. 4f r I'cuHMynt nub M-cuit. 01,.,, . . . , .... , ' . , . . . Cs . , , , v ... . , vt .. . . . ..l.,.v itnh ii, ,t,i. ..,,.'f, .rt 4,,4,.ft,.(lvl' ..uui . i-. i(oi Ui iii; ir,.".ii Vl'ieeu'iiiu.IiiV ficit f;.''':vn. "t.ic Cfiuta i,t ttitfctm tctttfdjin rtnt ah'i'.dMTcti, fc? n'c tier L.ntpt tn;? II ,l ti-s? littrc iuijoo' O. -'t eo-oi'.e!T n - l.v,.,l C-ioor.'II See? ..... ...... v.. O'n.oa 11 1 4 .oofl'V 11 1 . r rociitulu'ii vinior;fiti? nuTtcn imti:. S'.'-.tr Vrutnt, ivchd-e xi.v.i) Jll'jit. tcr Zicv'rf often red) mintcftfn ca. tjvto iniitvith.fit feiitHMi, ,A-rbe.';)vU nnv bitrrf) shTcvl'iHi five luLitc nub f.tttc linffcitt iiitil.-ie.-iM ct'.vr t;'r fir 'ctctt .v.Wii'btPrr fev ir.'f .Te-'T i'lrl-circr W-fdhifti'iMti'i I'l Wett Xxicn i'li'.O ,i it,! S'J.'r c:;l!'a!tr:t itncv cMcr llctyxcu fi;:t;,c't ttr.b jt'-.tb nrr-.tc rrl-eit.v tntfirit Vaiiteh'i'tctt, lvdrbf btrcdt it ad) bier rVuiiiu'it. fvliron, tie net! ;e:t Cutftriuftts vitni t; n : it t c 1 1 I i rh 511 flctcit. Ci- iu.'.vn- liiwa. ii. T'SCJIUCIC. S. IdtA'llS. D. MIIVKR. (.'. siaxinu. W.'v rs V.vm 1 n.- IMari i: g.-blo girls are ipii.de in iho Minnt sola market. Vc igi ilo from a letter i-i the IJjs'on Daily Adv erlis.-r : leadi'i.! id weahhy ei izens of S; int IV. ill have avtrried Indian HipiWS : bo) i.,ii;.d holies, poihajis I ought lo say. These matches are e ;l!ed !(:!? L', romain-S than Ly the nee.e..sity of L..v ii g a vw.U, an I the searei y of wLi'e wotiH-ll. d en tin te is mi i;np:irti:io!l of thelat-u-r '-nninio !i' y from the 1 V-' , it is i-;-.f'g'i ly .a:;..h I beard of a gi.-ntl-imni from our part of the. eiounuy vvli.i eamj out (u nel l!e vv idl his lint l.! dai-d.'.eis. I'i twin weeks lie was aha. e, but Lis family wu i:.i Tc.uad ly the uddii-n of 1wi S'.Ufiu laws." A W'oiiii to liuvs. -You wrro waJo to be kind Mid g. ncroiis. If theie is a ley h t Si i.e..! V. iio n; s it vniti HUH, 4J0I1 I .1 I 1 . .. , 1 ..1 4" . , . Ilo l.l.o'.V that you c- er saw' !'.. If re is a my mi' 11 v L.d as, J .-'i't r o k about 1 U l.ta I'tMlli IX Ihtle is a hum! boy, m-MTii him lo some pai 1 (if, rami: whiell 1! 't's InA re 'lire V' urdier . ,1.,.. ;s H htmgiiry one, give. 1 im pt-tf. XoiAf j;,u.,., 'if i u ,!u!l oee, : t-M lo ,lt, jrf,s.i,s. If '. roi ; .T m 1 hit iiijilf'-l ), lovj'Mi'. I.i:,. All tl. mLooI wi!! ,uW Il,.l. ',i .iW IX. ' ., Lv llu-ir -tu....c.'u.it. ;'IV-t ti fin 'J f.:f ',,f cxlUixt I at, i-i.r,u'r tcr -a'. ot.-.iUn: crl:t ju y.-d'.ar,. ttcr Wiidc in Icff.fifeji (oilictr;; x uiu fv-fen Zcoc tec? ilvt6 ir;..- frvccHt u-t, tin ncci) jm tni'-i itpimn uti-.n, fd( liatunl) 1 2extien iter u.o Jkrrg Vai t i c )d c 11 f t fVi.t; rl'f,i fo jctrmvrl' fi'ti tiii'iinilirl'rii X'cx Ut Scr.' i.iatnt t'nr i.-ta- irciprit iiiaiiiij lol'cit ycrfc-tt 1 tad) jittViTiicUvtli'iii I'oit 21 Zilftn, tic bvt ;5(l ftVlit, t-ror :.u U'ertcr, rrfiavl !af, I'nb H-i'l'tuT tn Icpfj'cn frrirtcrit'u c-:-hnt, 1 ti r vuh ta! tit jiVI-ck, unb . fi'Jt tovt jii.'h'thufrcii jtrt-cn tent iThi'it 'Ziior fl 3,ti:rrt5 lC..r:i iti.'o im rrfiui Xir,e tic Sdim i;hVt, felt in fifctcl'cr iitVifc Q.(.ts JU'ii obtr !'.: t-Ure 'ant if - f ill C It f t f; i:t, 1! lifer I; - ui n .-jl .'I'ctinr,;;:!; t,tj tcv $hn ..-.fcrrr tii' Viiut) lt-cuit-iKCit? 4'.' ,,,t l,-a.;j a ! i i if i !. , V ' f M f i .... . , f nfjm.Vi iimwmrw?2&mvt