ii The signer oflhe Declaration nf mde yendtnce Wo will c liorish llir-ir mi inorii s ami rmu'.itc their Wight iul glorious cx (Uiiplc". ; The Spartan mo.us if the .Imrricun Jlti'olutioh. The L'niuii It must .unl shall be jit crv oil. .YJnnk,i -The future Kryslon of ! lYdeial A nil. Come out ( llio West ; no longer remain In tli'- land where nl. I M uninnn doth reign. OlwCome L .Nebraska, Ihe haven nf rest. Wheie the pour and the needy shall nrVr be oppiesscd. ).ir soil it it rich, and lir prairies arc ide ; The lati-h-stringi "f our cabins bale; always outside. A right luaitv welcome n ti.nigcr will Tin. I, Per tin- "'" of Nebr sk i arc social u n I kin. I. Knowledge Tin' principle that sustnii.s lie public. Uur friends crossing the I'tain May they enjoy (his day as happily as we h ive. Yet we regret their iihsome. esteem tlicir friendship, mid wish them prosperity thro' life. Tht Preu Thereal lever that prompts human action may they who conduct it always he W favor of union. JUUvicirTh''. Hello of tlie West the l.CHU(yof r.den, and tho ecnler of our Union. The Ladies Se greet them wi'h their happy smiles-, upon the vir-gin soil of Ne braska, and thrice welcome them to the .pure, free and glorious land of the West. VOL UNI ti n TOASTS. J'v f. DlXAl l n The friends uf.Yebraikit in Congress Men of keen political foresight posterity will honor them, and their names will not he lost in the history vf political events. JIV I. If. IIOMTT- Our (!oecrnnieat'$l.y .lioncst men, pure principles, and progressive action, govern her Councils. A M I Nthri.sk : ' hist, NK- JIUASKA 1 i ' JJy S. A i I Iihvc . "1 .:'l I" ' lnj on her beiiutilui . . ? tivc American Lrei'- 1 '. ..- pend twenty year i ' . to see lier pri-at in- Ur L. 11. Ki!m: Tht Star of .Ycbrasha 'Thc glorious iu lilrm or greatness the illicitly sword of. inr Union miy it break the bonds of op pression, and open U fountain of know ledge. 11t Maj. (jatiwood Tht Sj'ii' of .V' Kratka -May i: con tinue to flivv nnd eipand, until the great temple of Liberty, ih;Jl,from one entrance to tho other, feel lite t fleet of it exhilcra ling itillueiice. Ur 1). I'. IUid Tht Ladies The purest and richest of CJod'i blessings may their smiles enliven, their heard appreciate, and (heir hands extend, t receive a worthy friend, when h hll be found--want ivg. lir C. K. Waisos Education The basin of all sound in stitutions May the time come- when il khall be j hued witliiu ihn reach of every Iniin. 11 M. P. H. cl- Fwflh of Julj Miy happiness prevail in Nebraska in the future', as it has this day. .iii i. . .Mrs. C. T). Robin-cm f Mrs. J. U llanuti May they be, rewarded for thai Kcnerusity by which they were prompted to the toilsom : i-tcrifi.je required in pro- iding so rich and elegant a repast us tha' which mi have now enjoyed. Sam i; AfaJ. Gaff u"W The efficient Indian Agent he w ho has obtained in the minds of the penile, a strong hold may he prove s tffceti e in the settlement of Nebraska, as )e i.M in pitrchasiug it. Tlie Utter toast was responded to by Mij. Gutewood in a brief but happy mn if, And all were received with prolong ed apjdause, and firing of guns. On luotion, it was Hekolved, That Uie meeting adjourn , to meet at this plane on Tuesday, July Iv.h, ut 9 oclotk, A. M. J tod speakers are expected, and re frekhorjits will be prepared. I), i;. KKKD, Pres't. M. P. Ik l t, Secretary. Vsbrtska ao4 Xansai 0eil AppolntmemU- . ' AS II S, July 1st. 'i he Union officially anno'l'i'v-s the fol I'lwii.g eoulirmatious by the Senate: (icneral Wm.O. Uutler, of Kentucky, Governor of Nebra.sku. Mr. Kurgeson, of Michigan, Chief Jus lire of Nebraska. - JC. Harding, of Tieorin, and J. Uradley, f Indiana, Afiate Judges. K. 1 last brook, of Wisconsin, District Attorney of Ncbiaska. Mark W. JcruJ, of Arkansas, Marsha) of Nebrsnka. 11. Reader, of Pennsylvania, (Jovcrnor ct KnisaS. U. Woodsoi', of Virginia, Secretary ol Kansas. Mditon Itmn, of Mississippi, Chief J u i ire of Kansas. A. Jjhnari, of Alabama, and S. W. John aon, if Ohio, Aso i itc Justices. A. J. Isaacs, of Louisiana, District At torney of Kansas. J. ii. Donaldson, of Illinois, Marslial of iiLiWia. feiue tho tibove wss in type; weIearn t.k'.i. Hi'.Ut :. dvth'acj. Newspaper Publishing. It is w iih et rcme reluctance that we are conpcllcd occasionally to refer to nril lei s connected with our business. I!.it there are so many (juror idcis prevalent in nil communities, on the subject of news paper publishing, that we feel const rained to s.ty " word now and then by way of explanation. )".e bea which irets hnled in it pteat many lieads. is, thai it is only necessary to 7rf a paper, and then by some inherent: invisible power of propul sion, it will force itself along through mountain f expense, swamps of ilis-eour:,"-eiii',nt , end dismal caves of toil and trniihfc, w ithoiil any further nssisinnce on the part of those who have beguiled the poor pvinler into the hazardous business. This idea is so utterly foolish perhaps we might say selfish that we shall take no lurlher notice of il than this allusion toils existence. Another common idea about newspapers, i, that they have no immediate or essen tial connection w ith the prosperity of the places in which they are published. To he sure, their services are required to chronicle every event that may conduce to the general good they must ndv oe,ile the construction of railroads, and show (heir feasibility and importance, ,o that the public confidence m iy be reposed in the enterprise, audthe stock subscribed; I hey must notice every steamship or vessel that appears on the waters, by going into mi nute descriptions of their construction, nnd expatiating upon their superior ac commodation, thus giving important inTor to the public, and doing a nice job ol" ad vertising for the owners ; they must hold up beloie the world, constantly, and "keep it before the people,-' at home and ahroai I, the fact that the lowns and cities in which they are locate I, (and w e may not uutrcipicutly add in wnich they are starved,) are just the places to invest in real csleate, and for this service the own ers of corner lots will subscribe for ihe paper and shell out liberally to support it orcr the hjl ; they must speak of every improvement made, every new branch ol industry introduced, every additional fa cility lor the transaction ol business which may turn up in ihe course of human events; they must defend ihe character of their town when assailed; they must defend her public men, her merchants, her me . end all who dwell within her in be defended ; I tack-hot ; ' ; expect U ride, on the low-fare system. We might extend this list of iicw spi'.jH'r duties, performed for the public, without remuneru.ioii much further, but we forbear. We submit iheipiesiion without lurlher argument whether u newspaper is, or is not, i:rimaieiy connected with the general prospcriiy of ihe ph ec w here it is pub lished 'f If it be decided that tlie paper docs posses h public chaiuuter, and u n valuable auxiliary in the promotion of every good work, let it be esteemed rhd treated accordingly. This is ail w e ask. Hcliows Fall Artrus. Willi Wori.l Ht WlTIIOfT A NfcWsTA- pek '? A man eats up a pound of sugar and the pleasure he bus enjoyed is ended, but the information he gels I rum a newspa per is treasured up in the mind, to be used w lu'iiever occasion or inclination calls for it. A newspaper is not the wisdom of a man or two men; it is the wisdom of the age of past ages too. A fumi'v wi houl a ncvvsjtfper is always half ati age behind the times in general information; besides they never think much, nor find much to think about. And there are ihe lit'lu ones grow ing up in ignorance w ithout u taslc for reading. liesides all these evils, the wile, who, when her work is done, has to sit down with her hand in her lap, and r.olhiug to imuae her mind from the toils and cares of the domes' ic t irole. Who would be without a newspaper. Si.nuvlah l)i:AT)i.-Mr. John II. More head living riear Paris, Mo., died last week under singular circumstances. He arose in the morning apparently in his usual health, and after walking about for a short time and partaking of his breakfast, he ordered hi negro nun to Wing a long bench into the house, say ing he expected to die soon and wihed lo I hud out on lh wune. He then ordered him to fire off a gun, as he wauied to see whether he couhi hear the report. Vfter this, his wife asked him if she should send the negro to work in tho field lie replied not, that he w as going to die und w ished the negro to stay and help lay hint out. He then laid down and expired hooii after. SAEPY'3 STEAM FEHEY BOAT MnX NEBRASKA. k Tift SI t AM Lit .NT. Ml ASK. A IS Kl'.VM.MJ ST. MARY &. DELLEVIEW CITY. ' I II I'. N'elii anka is anew and sileiiiii bot, X iiinin.i .l by enpericnreii olticnr ainf rrew. helleuew City, .V-li; nka, is uppunili; hi, .Mary, lua. KMUili.WrS cumins to Nebraska stmulil dime (iirttetly to ST. MARY. Tli'u it the fiohl gateway to this most important aaj int.M irtn.g jiortioii of Nebraska, lirar in iniml ih.ir- HI. Hky 4 BELLtVIEW CITY ar Hie two Ix'l luinlk for the eiuigi ation to center. it.-llevirw (My, July IS, ls.,. ftl-tf w. u. i;t;i,isii, NI'.fJOI'IATOU, Cullecior, General I.i,J Ai-nt, ('un,..ur at Law, i-c, lk.e. Ui lbivien, .N'ebia-ka. JIjvhijC an ovjierieiii' i.t 11 vmi ia th Ter ritory. vl puy croinpt attmilinn to all rnin iniiniC4'.oiis, post panl, in tub'urd to tlie Ter ril.irv. i-.'., &.c. i Oiliee near ti (;ovriui,eiit liiiililut , ana m iraro p. A. S.irpy' bnknij; Iioumi. m i i at. si i. Hun. ll-nry Iu.le, t'nituj Mates benate. " A. t'. 1xIl', " " IWnlimt lfrnn, Hons HeprcM-ntativt. " A. A. hr.tfora. Ju.Sr fltt JudiealUiat.la. Oil. Hi" K.fl, AaiUi.t I". M. (i.iirl. I'.'l...;. ti', Srsk,., Jj'v n l-'f GLENWOOD ADV'S. V H lis II s P It I N l CTV ti b 9 ii m m t r v! o o b 3 . r. n. rowssi vn, Dealer in Dry (J;i ids. ' irooeries. I ird Waie, (ileensware, llii'sati l Shoes, Hals. C-aps. Ilitiliets. l ancy (Jools, N i'ions. s.r, . i.ks vvonii, low . rpiir. sruscHiiir.ii wori.D ui;- 1 .speclfully call the attention o!' the cit izens or Mills and the adjoining coun'ies. lo his large and varied assoil locnl ol (JOOI)S. which Ik is now reccu injr. an ' which will he nlfered lor sale to CASH IirV".RS al reasonable prices. My stork consists oT most every ai".ii:b: usu.i'ly found in a e unl ry store. DRV t.OOD-i, Of every kind, variety and style. CI) ITI, Cassiuu res. Yeslinis. satinells. LADir.S Diirss (JOODS, Law ns, liaragcsdelaines. Prints. ( J in.rhnms, Alap.icca, H.aek Silk, i'himi.o'liij, Worked Sleeves. .c. HAitDWAUi: & Qrri:xsVAiu;, A general assorlment. (jitocr.Rir.s. (onsisling of Su.ir.C'j.'Iee, Tobacco, Rice. Molasses, WiiisUy. vv.:. iiooi's Si. snar.s. (Jeuls' Pine Calf and Kip l'ni's. Wo men' Huskins, Pon. I. II. R. Parodi, Kid well lhiskins. Child's nnd you'h's hoc ll.iols. P'iniiets Ladies' I'loriMice 1'r.n ia Moiuiets, Hals Palm, Leghorn and black wool 1 1, its. R. 11. TOWNSP.ND. (Jlcnwn.id. M iy Ut. 1. i.:',7-tl' L 6 x ( 7 l a ) o k k i ft ) i: , COME AT L.3T. NT'CKOLLS & CO. havejlft rivcivp I one of the largest an 1 w,X selectei st n k of GOODS ever Inl'.ire exluhiti-.l in tlie tvet. A inong their aoi'tmeiil may bv foun 1 DRY GOODS, A variety of clothing nf all aort and sim, liardware and cutlery, drinf. mudieini's, funii tilre, heil.ste'Ails, bnreaiis, t.ih'es, chairs, cook, lion and Grecian, parlor stoves, .c; in slurl, everything you m;iy call for. Persons need not be leUin.l wh.Mi they roine to thi! cheap corner, as they me well s'ii;ilie. with liiinldo clerks on ttn-ir lirt le, and al wjys have sliarp sci.-snrs and d ill c.in.seieiiee.s ..inirant vv ill find it to llii-ir adv uit.ig lo call iipnn us lielore inri li.isingcUL..v!ieri. GlniHood. Annl M. is;,). nJ.'i-tf i ,"r jTi V JTF; T ii . co.S'i ii"r"ar"u7e M' cheaii c.ish store of jv cciv'oi.r.s jtro. j . '"'oui, warranted, i . 1 S v . store of niln-li IN PEACE PRfciu. WAR! FOR JP, S.M Kf-'l . gniismiih, corner of Cool- Iige and Vine streets, (ileiivvood, Iowa, lnl jn-t i .C"ivl lare as(,rlmeiit of all Winds nf gull niiitei ials. tie u piepaie j to iiiiinufai -tnre pium of any de-cription wan -atI. ZV ttcpaii. of all kin. I, iaoII and promptly exe. n.ed. dee 21-tf .MKD1C.VL MOTICi:. n.ictor Jiiuiesi Donelun, vvoul.l respect fully inform the ciii.ens of (ilcnwood. .Mills Co., low a, that lit; lias pcriiiiineut ly looulCil in tlii.s place, and (enil.Jr.s his IVo fessinal Si-rvices, in all of its various branches, to the citizens tin, I vicinily. Having; iittctldcd u full I'oui'si: id' .Mcilh.'.il I.eot ni ts, in c. meet ion vviili the Si. Louis II ipitals, fljtlers hiinseir competent to ren der general sa'.isiWioti lo those who in iy favor l.i hi willi their patronage. 27- Olfi .'e nt Ihe Drug S.ore. (ii.ii.Nwooi), Mills Co., Iowa, Di:o. 22, lSj.'I. iio'O-Iy s.uu'v & i:nLisn. fa tPfi3ottio:t is tlie Life of ilraOi.'. MICSSRii. SAKl'Y i. KMil.lSIf ARK NOW . receiving at (jleiivvond, a well selected iloi li of dry goods, fuiicv goods, clotning, boots and s!ioen,. groceries, bardware, eroekirry, di ngs, liquors, stoves, tinwire, in Western Iowa. Tlie public uru invited to ( all and examine for themselves, and they will iii..l the truth of the above statement. Also they will find that we can itdl as cheap any other hon.e in Mill", I''r Inont or l'uttiiwaltttinio roiinties. And in giving notice lo the farming commu nity, wa will pivetbem the big'ie-t Casli price for their produce, sneli as beef, pork, corn, vv heat and beans. The slore 19 on the we-t nli, of the I'nblic. K juare, (ilenwood. nov Jil-'llil UiLDl'KLIT tor al..' l,y SARI'V fc HNGMStr, RAISINS, ntif AND CL' UK A NTS, fur aleby HAKHY Ii. KNtil.lSH. UMALAST Clot lu for sale by J SAKl'Y P.NntSlT. I AYNKS PATENT M I.DICINKS, for Ral JJJ SARIMTJi. KMiLISU MKODL't K AMiCASli w"s;itr in payVn-n't J. in payment cf debts. SAIU'Y I..SU. H'OUSKy-, woi k oxen and yo'ingstoi k, dillo. - hAUl'V sv, KMil.lSII. J OOICS and Stationery for.ale by J saki'Y a. K.c;r.isir. c 1UKN and Oal wanted by S. K. (ilLL i. lUlDTHLIt. Impirter of Meii's Furmsh-.nj Oaili. We beg leave to call yo ir attention to our Sioi k of shirts, bosoms, collar and neck stocks, winch we manufacture and keep con tantly on hand together Willi a l uge assort ment of Men's I'm nistiing (ion, Is of every i ari ri y and .Iy le, wlueli we are now op 'tiing for tlie Spring tia.lu eoiisii.ling of: Shuts, boso.'us, rollars, .carfs, rraiats, neck tien, slocks, liand kerchiefs, siispeudt'i s, slio.ibler braces, 'idiui belts, money U'lti, hosieiy, gl.ivi t, uiidcr sbu t drawers, uintoeh js, p f ini ny, i..c. We are sole A if. its lor Hie S.ile of (Jood year's Gelebrated 111 liau II ibbiii tilopes, tlau ritlctts and M.tt, for I.idies and l.eutleinen, ludUn It i!, bcr ro ils, jionelirs, blankets, leg gings, taps, Jte. l)r Hartb-tl's I'ateni l.lastic Sboiilder llraees and S i.ip"ii.crs, vv iiir iivve oiler at liianufactors pi ices. We ara deleriuine l to ollei our goods at the lowest pojsible rales to good and respoiHablu parties. It will allord us pleasure to reeuive a visit from yo, i, at No. 12.', Main Slreet, opposite l.i in, Kimr i Co., St.Jona, api K'. Im (j'ILK it UKOTIIKK " Tit L M UN T lit iJfi h7 J. W. SML'LL hatopwiMl a HoU l on the Cor. of I'imt anil (ioodw in htiei-ts. la Salie, Mmois. 1'Aai.i.a. alwayi net upon the arrival of the Cam, and Hap?r; taken care off thai there miy he n a tlelention to p"rniia wisbing to oa ny Train, and TneWm wishing to reonin p-til tifs' j;IK a. .'ibim laird, ap.' I. ''i J. W. 'si!, p,rricf. ST. LOUIS ADVEHTI3ZMZNTC. I roni the N.-vnii A I W. 6 tVIKRA, i. I I. s A I. M ILL ITKM'-mN'; BY 0. &. C. TODD fv CO. (v;.,,.,.,.,.,, ( ! tdoI) , SON.) .W. 'J) .Wii Shirt, i'nnur n''urc tlir Virgini'l o,'.'. Sd. I.'i'iiw .Mi.. lMPo!;i i;i;s .s, jim i'.t"ii iii:its or itciul) Uuvr ill i I Gioiu'o. 'V LA HI A' l'WI'.M'V VLAI'S l'.IM'.!:l . X p.,.,. in iIip ,Miil f.n ni Iio.i li e i!i....n m I.-i'ii. (i.inr.i ':iriic; at the w i ... :u i i s li..;t-!i) i ii;il.!-; in I i iielg." eorn-'llv !' the f'i. lm ol' Ii iri ,....t adap'ied to mi Mm - III lh" U'e.l.'' I'l ..'it ;iin t Im! ij 1 1 1 it y, vv.' in v f.em I it n.-ei'-'i i y to vi t t'e.. ij't.i ' i e s in I- r;i nr-.-. ;i ri I I lie: - ei ti..; teli.i'; i on -4. 1 1 ir vt.t.-k t'c vc.i r w ,i s'-lerti-.i .i I ll-e trries by of (tie fu in, and sample li'Ttrtitli tic proprietors, that we i-ny. wlici order. I... c.Tl.nn of o!i!. iodic' the de-on-l .pi.ility. for iaeeesrnl m 1 1 1 in:;. 1 lie pr jc! i' al miller ai 1 niilhvriht cm iippn'ci.ne the iutpor lami' of ! .irranjerii -fit . t l.ir stork is a I e. a is large, and any il.-oe l li'inp'T and lev! i;o of liuiri.iti be obtained ui'ho.il del-iv. P,()LIIN(J CLOTHS. To obtain Ihe ipiulity of i dim,' (.'loth hut sillied to milling in the Wrv!, c bal e bad I be great.-,! ilillienlly. ( h f.-r-lna.hrig bolts ,y ',,,; grinding, a id (he large if -lanl it ics of s;n ii.g wb'.at and nats proved s'i iies!i-iirt i e to the or dinary Cloth, tint r'linpl a hits of mill owners" and millers bi.eame so l'iei lent, we fo ind il ne essary tooh'ain hesvier and stronger Clolbs, or Mibi'et onrselves lo h :''ipicion ol selling an inferior article. We laid before the inainil.ie. t'lier.oar oliieetions to ti.eir (Jlolhs. an. I oriter e.lliei.vier and stronger to be made. '1 bey un derlie. k it with reluctance, tearing thai they eon'.! not in ike their Cloths he hot an I pre serve tie; nmfonnit v of luetics so in !i-;i.'ifa -die for good milling. Tle'V hale s.i.'eee. led. Di's ion i so ci or ii , hi: sow ii i n kx nn;s,. i.v I'm vs. 3i.il for beauty ot linwh. inifoi mi ty of in".fi, stie'igib an.l dnraliihtv. we h-i'-t to I hi- Millers grnci ally in the eonntrv. and es-p.-rially to flic millers and mill owner in this cilv. 'rOIlT.lliU: CR.1LY MILL. . O.ir ;.l ! c; 1 1 in :j for m niv j -ars h :v been dl recle.l to obl.un the b.--! pl.-..;, f..r eoii.s'r.ieting I lie .e mills. In many r.n's tb.-v are used by i:iepi ;-,enr.d bands, and t'n nTon-, ilnrabilil'v and .simplicity of eonst me' ion wis the object to lie attained. In tins we think we have i.ie. r.ee.bd. We believe so beeau-e in Ihe gre.i! nam 'i' webave sold, there h. is no! been one i" tni ne I, nor to i.'ir knowledge failc I to perforin enti.eU tiie Mitls 'action of tboo- .isinj (hein. , Tiiey are in extensive up in the We.t, manv of them in New M.-sie.. and C.i ! i f. t-1 1 ,: .i . Our mill i are known as 'J ODIVS I M I'llOV K) tiltAl.N .Mil l.. We inaniif ictnir three kin. 1 , to wit: cast ihon iiickii. to grind by weigh! of tin? runner; sto( k an'ii i.hmn mill, fie lo ver stone tornn. and tic em ssciii: .Mil i.. J'j'ei.l riveted; ceiiii'iited and machine siretch- el A:. 7 rilEll BI'A.TLVG. This article is now made in the greatest per fection, and becoming extensively Used in the m inora, luring e-eh.iiisiiinents of llui country. "' leep on band the largest ast.ntinenl in the "v. of our own. and l..is!ern ly no .... . St. l.ouis, Api o - - UirlZ."S OF ST. MAE 7 AND v...- MA V' of you will b visiting St. l.uiis this Spring, and undoubtedly you will Ii.mv.iii 1 1 'if many articles in Ihe Dry Loods line. It is foi your interest tiiereforc to go to that house thai will show you the be-t a-sortin 'tit and sell vol goods ut tbe lowest rates. Wo a-kyon lo i'mrus i!b a cull an i satisfy youi-elvcs '.vli.her o.ir eahlisiiment presenis s icli indiiee meits or not. We hue now in store over two huidre.l tiionsand dollar worth of DKV-COOD.S. conpri.sing the useful, the fasliionahle and the sta;le. Kvery article in o ir imiii 'iiee stork is pl.uily inarKed at the low est Cash price and no sabimau is allowed lo deviate f-out il. t'on seij i 'ill Iy strangers can buy any article in our establishment as low as regular riisbuu'-i . Tins ystm Iijs given iiuiierxal sal is act ion and presentsi un induceinent ov er any oilier Dry oo, Is House in St. I.ouis. for strangers to do huso i'-ss w t'l us. Tho ;e vv bo do not vi-it S'. Louis, ran order any thing in the Dry (.' ods line from in with perfect conti lenee that they can obluineny article as low as if I hey selected it thems. Ivei, and all goods sent on order not giv ing i!, -faction can hi: le'.u n -d and ni.incy le fuude.l. Ml fillLL- II I' N'T, Imp. ii lers, Jobbers and Uet iilei s of I). V (ioods. I'.iinil Mrees, ru. Louis. M,i. apr l.'-y pattkhn i;oi:rs7 nfiiBn.fc it Aumt, ov Sr. Locis, Call at tention of Milliners who wish for pa! lorn bonnets of the lali-sl slyles, can obtain them by ord'M ing cf the sub.sci ibcrs. Thin 'millinery department is under the n prrilitc.eiice of Mis. Wilson, who Will be piep.iii-tl to fiM onieisto uny eslenl. '1 heir Dress M ikii.K Dernii linent is si ill under the superiuiendeiire of .M.ulam Augusten, vv ho has so lung given general satisfaction. Ilotb the Millinery and Dress M iking D.-partm, mis are IiirsneU Willi the latest J rench Ameilcan styles. api I y Jit' ft It I'.I.L V 1 1 TNT. 1 I'L'KTAIX (iOtlDS. t Jt lave now in store Curtain Damasks of Y i lei y color, Satin lie i,ma iioluni'tt Lace, Misliu CurUiins hi an endless variety. Purciiasiss Wishrng the latest tyea ut New York n. .i s, are invited to va.nn.e our lunrjni ticeut a5 liuent aprlJ.y lit'BRfCLL k. HUNT. -i .i.ia. .tu .1, A val.iaMe rcinedy for suppi I'ssiou of ilii' Men hk, Whiles, ',tuiful .M.-uslriiation, Iinpoten cj or B. iriciiue.su, S.illi c.v t'oii.pievi.in. U.-ad-a. Im, L'f iness, Weakness of the iiei in. nml alt .1. siiases which arise frou, a dora.uicu.cul nl the Fuiici ions of ii a 1 1 1 1 . . '1'lic ii. ust perfect, safeand infallialde leiie'dv for lie' i uie of all Ihine diseases of fe.n lUs.ai ismg Ii'1 Ii weakness or debilit j , and ob.-l i m I nil in l ..' - vial oi-g.ing, such a-i ii regnlar oi ,uj-pre-n l of the .Menses, l'iuor Allcis or Whiles Kill, i. g 'f the Wo nb, Headache, I'l eiil'ul Dreaiii.s Kc. c msed by CobN, chi cked p-i s.ina. lio'is, t-ivssi s, over-exciti ini lit, c, is DK. IIOOPKII'S I'KMALK CORDIAL- Si-iei. I ladies in the city vv ho have solci.il foi' Hi xii V years with the ub'ive complaints, and lia.e i :ii'to e I our most eminent phi,iciiu wilho it el.-, ess, have used Dr. Hooper's l'e m.il.1 I'.i'dial, and have hccii pee.iy ami per in in.- ,!')' eared bv it, use. It' I,,..-,, are i,ii'.-r-eis in s'. Louis, they can rely upon Ii.-. II iop er's f- em lie Uonhal ai a safe, pluasi'nt and tf feelii.il remedy. Pric" 1 p i b'i'th'. or sin bo'lles for "ji'i. l or -ile at Dr. Ii ist.-rly'a l auiily .I.-diciiie Sio. c, i',."iiei' or Tnird and Chesuut stre.Os. M. Lous, V.i. Also by P. A. Sarpy, St. Man. and bv il'alers in incdicines generally in tbe West.' a pi l .'-ly nYENl'V-l iT. I iFk'SANI) 1K)L LA Its. Ti Ciliforuiaui. Inlia Rubbc;- ChoK Wb vvill ue in an additional receipt of twen-U-livn tlionnanit dollars wo, tli of rubbei Ifooda, ol every itcseriptiol. . of iblf rent uiaaiU f.u-ure , bich will be nolj t New York prictk lOJ Mail, slreet, coiner of tVaabingtiHi tvenuf ai,53.ly P. I- k II. V i D K V i X I I. . I'HANKI IN 1101 SK. Ftate f 'r..'c, Alton, I!l'moi, 11. bliss. Pre. .r Cot. vt l Iv ST- LOUlsS ADVERTISEMENTS. j Utaicdit iUuotdita Liniment. j VV.th a Iliul'nj Baitu we co:ue to jiret y) t. i 'Mill: ae'i.KI nf tin. I.i:, ;.; 1 i.. I .,..-l .e .',l I JlOl. te I. I - a. "nil, !-!il l..e Lit. h- :) ! I, I. i ij. an. i nca:i,ig pr ,t,. :'.! .,:i tlie'.ery li,.ti.-s. II i i.i.'.., in ..l.'ic e ,,, the hi,., i i es , -.V ,;;, ,.,. w ' ' - 'Hi !. '.' ei i",: ren, tie . ,,f ;,, (,, and s' na.ila!.' . lo i ii" .!., t, ., .) . ,., a-'d 'hi- i- o- r j.in ai. tb... s el 'f ef ...'V d.-ej i I . i i;..., , v , ! I. .'el. ii V p'Ut !' In.' h.-.l .'. Ci i I . I .,. - "I'ji.C Sim.- I 1 . 'l ;, .Wioils . :l !': si.., ,. it ii i" i i'e.-:; v i..,, I,, i ,. ,i I,., .i W klil or done, it j, l,e j. , ,, e ,., iiur.ii'iiiiii,n, j ,i ..;v:a ,',. ,.f ,, . I'll.' l,-.i. w hen 1 1 a , e ib ,.. ,.:.( . in- ! ii.', r - t llitV mi . I. i' .-., . .... i ',, .,. i , . , j p,ilc, s. is Ihe ie,i ..in iv i; 1 ie , ,.i;,,. ! m mi in ii.v ,liii'e.'."it ci'.,.,! ,;;.i,. 'l ni id,' ir, n ci j n, m an. I I I.im s i.r the Cie.i- tor 'i'lie large ii'ii;i!i"r id r.ise.- in vvh!ct, IliU Ihe- ; llli-lil ims pr.ll'e.l i's Value, ill I be sh.nt iiri' i i has b-:i !, f ne the ,....,(.'. ,.f , ,, j, . ,,. j ,,, give t.'ii' gr-Ml'..! ."i'ltl, ': :n'.. :',,,! ; , i fu". an' ineo.npai'.ible in r i.-eln ; ,' i" i i, , In nises. strains. Inn us, vv. mm Is, s ivl 1 1 1," s, I in-,, j .1 i.i.i. i. i in ,ei j oi'j sores oi pains in an. i... i i. ... i i pai i ol inc nun , . S r. I .oi i s Ti:Vi im j St Air. or ."v T i - o i w. I I ('nlllltv III' St. I.i.oiq I lie it ri.'iiernlier.'.l. tlnl on t lii n fu'lli day of ! M.iv. . l. In f .re i". the en.le.s. I iintvorof the eily of M. I.oeis. ; i mlvimd I 11 III II. 1 HI. e. per.,... tiiy 1-lVii! A. I S:nvtl.e. w ho. n; on his oath, says thul the I d- i j Ion in;: -I ni.-nt is li ne. ' j 'S.li,, f ' II 4I,, jM In testimony wnere.it' I beret y e! :i:y b ill I i l!ie davanndaie last ;,f, res ,1,1. ' l(lll' MOW r-.,-. I c v , , - " Soc. cvvmvn, IC-ims!,.,.. j Sr. Lol is. M., .M:y fi. 1...i.'t. I I)r. A. ii. B ii vi:'i. V. Co. tJ-'nlsi Vn i w III I prohabiy reeoile.-t that ealled inlo oi' e- ah- Il.hli.en't s...ni; Ihu-e ,-'., silif " il!!il piir. l.a- l' j a iil'iy-eent bolile of your Mexican m isiaiiL" j 1 1 . i . nii'ii i ; in v onjeei in so iloiiig was to try it - I ! inerils uj.'i'i m v daughter's arm, who has f , 1 1 I s i lie, ing from the riled s of a seiei u ilisioc::tion of Ihe elbow forsever.il years Tlie e."i'uciii(iiig pain C'in-ei.ei, niinn t iNe settingof Hie bone bad (I ,v ne lied ami conlracie I her ann to a prmy and 1 consider it a 'bit) devolving upon in to aciu.. in! lie' cmnnciiiii y of I lh lien.-lici.il elfeet your liniin.'nl has paoduced. II. r arm vvasiira'.vii ton rignt iinirle. and vvas aliuo.,1 inert nnd useless, nnlil y..i',r invaluable I I in iii.i-'it was applied, sine whic'i liiiii'. I an; appv to slate, she has en joyed un i ulci r. i nt .-d ! good stri iiiTili, and ran Use Inn arm m-ai ly a - pli ant I y as In t in- it iv as dislocate !. I vvo ild sla'e. b. , never. Ihat i.ribr to frvin" l our unci i.ile I 1, linn, ml, I iis... sev eral o; he;- j remedies, a, ill anion- ibem Ate Lean's volcano- ! oil linilnenl,'-' bat vv p.b id- h cd bem-licial n suit, I). M. S.MVTHi:. W otPer tills linillieiit a a ,r !y hi t':f i'! ons diseases nnd eoiiiil.iiiils fo.- ..;,:). il i.- , - eomuieiided with full f-inlii-j.. . f i-s i-n.-coss ill -n,g thi-m. Tiiel'oll.ivvingisalist of tin- vonr. a,.t,., traoidinary cases it has crcd duimg tbe I,., .. ".nuili- -.' '-'leuiuaiism in allilsfc-ms; i..,;(.s. ' fi -i.MI do ' H.iHSl d.) d.iitl'l il.-i lO.IHKI ,.) Tnis must ''Ha,., ' caked hreasls, toolb-iii-iie ; various clii- -. leases, ppear almosi incr iible, but Ihe iiuiuerotis i'erl,l ales mid leltiis from i'i'iii- guisbed physician Clti...s. Hg"n1s imd oiiiei'S win) have used (be n lie im-. enable us to s-ib. slant cite the aboi e fa millioi.sor boltb-s oi il - e early cons. lmi'il. and it h.u always ('iv-n sal isfaction. '1'u i ocn'TIiv M Klir il vs-t.i. P.verv "'.are sh.j'd he supplied vviUi this valuable liniment, un il pays a good proht and sells rapidly. Pku'ks ok tiik i.is'imkm'. It is pi.: -p in bottles of ibreesies. and retaiis nt v.") -1 i.'s. no cents and )il per b .!.'!e. 'I'he ,r., emit i..d one dollar bottles coii'ain j:) n.ij li'i) j.er i . more liniment, i:i pi op ,,i i,.,i to tb.nr c- .so lb.it luoii.-y is sv.-cii bv I. ov iug the lager si "s. "A. il. Illl (iO I'M . Sob: I'm;. ;e'nrs. Principal olliees, cor. 'J'.iird and M iiel .it.,., St. Loois, and .'lol IJ.oailwav. New Vo;-. I'orsale by P. A. Sahiv. St. Mm. and Sn py .V livi.i isu. (.'i-iihoimI ; and by ib-al-rs in iilediciiie ei ery a hei e. nog ii'-lv' oiLv7.riia'(j(j .STONIC.A.VD AXTJ-inUOU.S PILLS. TIi (grciit pojiul.ir iinvliciiie of tJie d;iv Wis! amount used- per month Tlie nu merous itii'l woii leil'iil cures it e'fei'ls lis mimical i'l!', c-t upon liilioiiiS IVvcrs, nnd J''fver iiii l Ague Gre.-.t eM i fiacii! .UllOll ihe I) Ic'tll'S i i j L now -Him Ite.l on ill. banns to be a uu.sl et.i-.ioriin,i,y and valuable n,r-,liei,ie in reneral Use. It liotoioy a. 's Hi a :.,i.H-:t",.' to. on the bilious Mi.it tviiiis levers, rb .IK and fev and lever and ague of the West and South bui ill all di-ev-ei of debility, urak stomach, indi- geslis.ii, of apjielile, iiutiurilv of Uie tdoo l. :..,A U .li-....... : u I. .1 ... . ...I i. wrn eliienl.. a'in.ir ir. f nou-. r 1,,,,.,,. i.. their (x cu'iiar. rib cl 'i,.iyi. 1! llo. ..r..:i- of ri syileuij and tbe rapid fount' ion of lie.v and pure blood they produce. In this lies Ihe gn-at secret of their succc.-,.. They are mild and pleasant 'At their art ion !ul sea, chin,; and p r ni.ii.ei,; in their i II'- p.-i..-!i a'.ing th - rem 't' st i ci c is,., of tli." s;, ..!, ni by their r..-1 I v ab .-n .' ion ill'o l!.e blood, lln-' eby ,nf isil,.' new s'. .l V of .... ' i v italii v a i ul in i v it i s poll e.' itilo ;tll 111,- m.n btiit- . i . -in . i :. . ,i .. l. i I y or i"e. j ne e ..n-nsi v e i iini a. 1 1 v nov nil .ic.iio en un oit'i my nt'si aim -njiii t-us.iibsii . ..... i. . . . K sales oi ai ii .oi .illlll'l mivM n il vi.iv ru ! I And we find il il.flicti!! with o ir huge force of ha, el-, an I Ibe 1. ite iniin'oloilc'iits til in i. ii..ei , , which we hue a l.ipte.l. to niaioil' aetin e Ib.-m i fast eu'i.igh to ripply Ihe item ivl in thii i.-i n em an. I so itlie, -i si'a'es : Uiir I i".-.; m m:i. faciin v is con c.ant Iy ige( 'm in-i-iiari'i j' llo. j various rnneetili aie.l rlrae1s tif vv hicll lliov a e coi:i'""itidi d. fnuu tile b.-s.l info; ,.i .lioii , 'Vi'H'i i.V.iiii I "Ml "'il' K.ootl wiling ..-..)-.. I and boOs ,,l at'.enlivi, coiresp,.,, , nls in all I ij.ut.s ol tb ini.ii'V , our liieilicniy i urcs pel i 1 mo I, III Hot le-s ill HI 10,00:1 case, of ft n-r and ague, on-' iboi.s in of I which Ii ive resisted a i I nl her ! reel ;: nt ; i.a.U'l'l c.i-.cs of w-'.tkiies.'. and general ilebi III v ; j.'i.") " of V ai ions i bronic ii,se.4st s j I .'.liUJ " of weak stom ieii ar.d lo-ii of appo. ti'e, j S'HI c jse ; of il v -peps, i ; 1 .'.'oil " ' f i beamal is.n j l.o.KI of fe. ile roinplaiuts ; l,MU of aue cake, or eiilaue.l spleen t Tiiis m isl appear aim is', i ieu-dible. I.u! the nuinei'ous loiters I'iniii pb ysn i.tn.s, u.-iils and Ihme who Use tho midicii e. Horn all ti e west f. ii and .southern States, sati ny us ihul this is a model ate ediuiate. and that o ir ii..-lit'iii. is ra;i- idly tlkili); the plan-of Ibe Vli'lo .is ,'oiililerfe Is I . .. i.i .. l a .... .. . i . i . . . - . i ' won ii uie an. t.ii , n.i.t me nnui'Mtcoi toiiie llltn tnre made w holly of uuii.iue. m bich are 111)00 r.l upon the publia I'V Hiaiiuf iclioeis who live uobo.ly know s w here ! P.i'-e of T.niic pilU.70 r lit" 1 Mid Anti.bi. ious, '.'.) cents. A. (j. RAi.u.m. ... sole p . . Hor, Ht. .o ii. I or sale by P. A. K.ir.rr. S Mai v, anil Start a. I.s .i imi. (il nvv tod ; Mia by ilenlcu in acliciuc turoughout tlia I oiled! I OH W t il! K done with :iy.''..n -a'.ti. au;ai-ly , J all... ...I , MISCELLANEOUS ADV'S. DiM JAY-L j :. fiXlLY kj.iiti!,i.3 ''"'.i J.'.rnc r vyct Iciiirt. I'HIS i i.. i.i'-le i . -. I ic i n- it daily ' i.r 'lie of tie incst uton.shilu; i I U...I b-l'.il r l,,s ih.it lii,.f rviii. ber,, ,. All v V. have i! r as'hiiiK, J' liic- "f I,!,, , . , ,,, lri. i .,'' . "i. eh. .i ,,c p! i irwv Ii .is. . ... ... "-..( i h st.',!;;ii,. if ..- ''' '.' o'b'-r .l,s. , f !,.. !.1.. ' I . ' . o .,iM. t I" '!. iisi I i,i i .,. : " " . : . ' e V. hied j- .iiitiii.tilv .vv-et.. i e ..!..!, :, .. J.I. I'ltl ii.' j. i ;, e ,,1,.',- I t- ' 1( I ' if i ;i s.i i'i, 1 , is ' I IV : V s cm - ' !; e " " I'l :n;-:, ins of iliis i. 'II.' '- ) I , CO",;!,". Ol el,-s . ,' t I.:,::s .. . ''".I, ...:,"s'. ,i ,v.,.y ,. h.e.i'l,,. e. ,i ""'' ' ' ,'':t: i "'' ..I'l or l.i -t - - '. ' ! '' Ji i- ' Hi' HL.t'oa I' '" - - 'Il w hi'-:, l.i,,-, i. f !,. '' ' "" W.el .! s . ' i r V . vv'1 i-'ii ' ' '"" 1 " I i f 'ihe Inn -v p.: . :'':'' o-'i-i" I.,.'. U ...ij.pM s... t! ro".'i, and ' - ; i" in ii H'cii it .i n. a: 1 1 . i e . ' '"' :''l'''"llt V (,'' In . ,: i hi'i- '. ;.: line ' " '' '''' ' V esjii eltna.ion, . lln, u ci , . ; II.:' - ' Wo or t 'i ee a o in or l.lv.'i i.f i hi'.i .t' i-n: :.-!:.!ti !y :'. l ,.-s l . .'' n- 'l. a iid'ed'eeis i .ii . ne :. a f "v , ,'. "I'"l. ol' I,;; r I ' ' ' v e Ii": ii i:i I. .-i s i.t, a ve In-en iv vn no !s t It' s :. i , . .' i i ': :i i . , i ' i . I e vv il b r i isioii n- '"I., ha. i I,. , i, r, .t,.,, , io rfeet ea.lfi bv It. lilnt..'J A i. , i. .-.!'. ,., p .iiii'w-irv iliseosrs, '!" "' ' ":" !"' 1 ' 1 '"'' '! ' i !i. i .jr i r uioic j no m !: ;., ..-.' e i ,' , ' ' !' '' '' '' ;f ' 1 f':' ' ' rr-.menre- i '' I '"'i-y. intlumii.i'i , : . mngs, ur ! '''' "" ';" ' ' ''"'' "' "" "r '-'' '' . . ' 11 "' -'" r'A ":'"'- "! ' ''-") vi!l prodnee )..; - "'""'' '' '"; ,i i? or ii lionri. will a it:,, e l (c-'.ing . '- '. ' '"-'ns " "i.e. "'' i reet.. is. also, .lav's M",!;,.'! t- 'ni,,,- ai n I, i,. t,, Ib-.lil,. , !,:.!, villi U '"!., l a I--:' aloee oi ,;i.. ..s,.s. vvdli ih reel ions I... -t,,,-, ,r,, a, ,,1 atso certilis..!.- of ivnvs "t the i.".-! .i-j-a ;:,!.- hop, b-ss r.om !"'-'' 'r 'ie- !iieli.i ie el.iliilily. .Iivm.'s J'. i , i i- , a i f i ,:. -1 C"r!..i,i aii-i ph .. :,, ie,,i -,- '.,r vvorm-, "h--l"T..i. Hour stnniaeli. vv.iiit' of appeiite, I"" " ' " a:; ie, ami an diseases oi liclnl- il.V, e-pi eially ,,f (In- -t i.'nai b and l,ose,. i.n.l organ-: i. ilui..s!ii,, le-snles many otber il, e.is"i tins is a very m:, but r.-nicicnr tonic, and n-i-.l in ronjuiiiSum willi tin, sanative pills, verv-i'ben I'.i.l.', in n "nov ing ilv'spepsia (,' Scf direclio.is, and also llr. Jayne's iiieiin al almanac, to Le b.td gratis of the aj;ciit. It'i. I). Jivvi:'! Al.Tfit.vTlvi;. 'fins vah i-b!e t'lepiral ion combines nil (be me. heir,,, virlu.-j of Hi is., nrlieies which long expi-rieiie,. ,,-,,v,.. (,, ,,,,M ,llost sa( and eliiciei,. aheiativ e and ih olisi rue, it propcr-lic- for Ibe cure of , cro!'.i!ii , king's evil, w'rte vv e .ngs, nbeis. .eri,'.i!oii!i. ca!ii'eri, iv ni indo le, it tumor--, iic-icii i;i i.nd s, philiile all' (( ions, ' l.e'iiu-it i.ua, trout. -I'nuj', n.-ui ralgi.i. or tic dolci.mv. i sneer, "oil re. or in oncl.ocele. svvelei j neck, enlei-gement ot tbe bones, joints, gland. or li'.;i';i"ii!s, or f ti,e ova rics, 'lu e. splee , I 'V',' ''''., ''''"Cs ;" ',.'i I "" ' r" !: ' t (.-, i,i.tm i:i.. ' u , . .. .b -V-e.. i.e:,r,.-u a.l i., .,- , nopl.a.-il, I.e.,,;s allecto;,,s. dio"-,. . ! .'..-. .:',:; J 1,11 "u.i uise.'.--s oi ten. iiu.w ! '' ! !Vv-. or ,' ,te . ; it,,, ..... , or -11,- j er b !' ' o" 11i.-t , ., ni. mae.v an.-rHtm p- I riiliar to i'emalrs. ' s t,!i-! melon, irregularity, lem ''lirra or n lutes, sterility, &;. Kx. Ot' l''r ev idences of the great snperiorit .' ' 'f l,i.s altera 1 1 ovf,- every o''.- ; , ,,. - .bin e d - - 1 '.Us u. . . I and may be il - a fiim'U', generally coin, i.i. ut wouht . as they -. isnld not .l ran s, 'nit vvo'ihi iiif-1'...h-ill of tbe iso, i ny j,.,. a.c.a.is. au ; 1 1 1 t I ne ,;.) oi' it.--j.o-ro! lose on.- pai :....( j., tive biiml, pe: form . . li'eel nai cure in , t rie pi ,'eil i.v II,,. ns,,,, mollio i-. t-, atllielit .- . c'n.-if ; t bills as ii is f.,r chribii-eti. S.-e Jirivfi.in ; a;,.! medical almanac. JwNl.'s SVVVTIVK I'lil.s. l.v.-i- coinplaiii'-. ja 'Ui 1 ids, liyspepsl.i, iiervijjsne-s. i i'yof Hie blood, in. l:o is. co-:.., ,. , j.aiurt in ih" Lead, side. bick. a . limbs, female. ;i.iiM.a ..and vvbaV. .r, an iiin-rient. Uja'i've. ,t - . Tor fevers, lb. mtlia brea.!. .tc. or purg il ,v e i , i. .1 , ,-i : io m iy be ,.- uin.-. ; . v ., y s,if" fu.l valuable farndy mediri.ie. xOy.ix'e ilirc.-'iions, ami rviuaiks 'on U-.-.-r complaint. - Javsk's If in. To- ic. Ill IS Vlil'iablt! pi ci,,' a'id'i '-e;t,.s the fen!;, to a iu-.v an I lii al'.bv .'.-i-on. r't-.,- it J'.rt;, s,-:Jr iii.1 dan.iru.r, p, vents II, e ba,,' ;', i,i fnUii,-; olf. .-ires .l!o-ier'.ip:r.r' (Iimus.-s u l,:oli of; upon 'hi- head, and in a i;i.i,ori!v ,,(' l appear cases pro also filVri unci's a line grow !'i of ne.v hair j it ill.- hair a ricli, ''los.yand bi autitul a u.ie.p -al. d jy any is'lf.er ai to' of .i0 kind. Jj" l or proof ; see Jayne" almanac. Javvi.'i Av.kuii vs IIv k Dvk. iirrai.teil. ii -i.n-lly aiu, . .;., oie- lu the ilireet . to chaugi-the li-i'o- i'roai JliV o'.h- er c dj'i. to a li.-autif'ii a black, w itb.cil s.a'nii .1 .1 V N I . s , I , , I'l.-'.e are a p.jotlve c i tlie p. lis. when the di.v. biii-ii.-or p".lccl.v '' I ' -1 . ft c 1 II I . c ! ir fev ri and nfi.'t ; I mi. s a '.'p si , .c ,' I v ad- heir I In will not fail one i uie i-i 0 'bin o'-ixia io-, it cue t'f Acer aiid al.d, 6-'v,' to r dec I a eh, Ma ,. fe.er. Kf. j. v Sec medic il jfmau-ic. . J.n.ui. t A 1 1 (he al.oi e M-.f l.-i i. 'l.ined nil' ..!- 'I .ii " w'e a. I .V. At . vs o t .'11 . J.'. 'I W. HAN s()t unit a.-'.,.rei s ,,- ( i kk IV). vv n ii . s h us ( ' ID. 'J i ai 1 Su l i r r J'ipe:, l'.,r . Ii, e-'co;::g niol i .ihi t'.ngiii. s a.' I !;-.;'! . i. Ollltl"-, i. S I ! i lo l.i ,,: - a., I', iliis. 1!; i . . ' i ii . a . , (, ' -s t.ll I n : a i Kin..'.- o,' i. ..in,, i I le.., Well and p. an! cvi'i'v O'lie. ai't'l'le till I,' I lo.e i t II a So in in !' .i-',.r" i.i, 1 1 il.e St. I i.u.h iri . o i ii ni 1 ! keen co:.. , . . . . -1 i j . , - '.I. I, t'.e.kii.g' -.- u.l.iblefio S-e i,.i ; ,:. Mote!- . n l s.I.i il.ii est I'di-i me, 'I -; .'n.nl '. km ii,l,Kc ma ion! . ..it.' oil of Co . I g ' 'I .111 I 1 ,1, ,! in':, 1 1 111 1 1 IS! i.i' ; in,, Ol .i . li.-rfn. M -a s. .Ml 1.1,1,1 I t I'lllWU.'H Oil liBHll. Wl.l'l'al an I ri iad. No. '-'1H if tin -t . et t . s i .t b . a -t en., in-, of I 'i:. .-, y. Si. I.i.,, i,. M. a ., 1 J. 'mi Dl: CenkV JUj.e U.r Oil. or tilt: lire ,i -v :.i i. ill l.ei'.l. o i it,, n ..A 10,.ti: at i.i-i ,,i tti,- 'in' ' ' 1 1 In,, long been ibe ,1,-s' of rer-ons ti o iblcd al' il ll wi ,i. i, .',- i III le vvhieli would at on, -e lend. : Ihe hair noli, lively and b. a.,1 . fnl . h" mist peifccl I-l.i ad. 'il ,,'al.le ii : I ie,' ev er ,i ,s. oie, ed for Ibat will . p .se is tlr. Cook's Magic Hair Oil. 'I'bis Oil pe.ii I. ate; !h'- iionult'sl poi'i.s. fil ing lhatliv and w ,liei ie bu'ba new Jile 1. nl v ,y oi , opt iiing the i'; j.d 1. 11 ics. s. .f .en-, pi t: serves be:, it lies a a I -'.i t 1. .' bens I tie liaii , (u .-i eu'a il f , 0111 I a I i in 1. I. .-e.'i :i e - I a-, 1 1. neb 11 li. an, I Lies i"..gg-il h i, 1 o.'oliiat v. bieli is siuonlti. i l..s. an I wavy, f is a. In. tin I by n'l lo be ibe ;,.!. csl inv, 1. lion of 'be age for be itif v ing l!:t- bair and rendering ll Ja-i in inent. DR. Cook'S MAt.lt' II 1U OIL. Is a s ipe.i b ait cle. i-n I ,bo il.l b t i iio! oa the kt.lelisi' eve.y lady who value tlie glossy arij lesuorul apK'ai ance of ( lie Buvs iug Iiarlel jiui Ihe w il. ii inf.; 1:1 1 1 . '' Piiee, otl renlv, per bottle. I ui wleat tli l". ,s' nl Paii.il Mulii-'i.e Sit.ne. corner of T'n . I a' -t CI . 'not i'leets M. !).iis, Mo. Al.gl'i I'. A. harpy, Si. M i' I '. I bv ilea ;eri in ne ilicifn j;e..iei ty in tbr ifi-vt- i !ls