Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, July 15, 1854, Image 1

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TXinm or 'St
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id. VJ
1. 1
j$v ki:i:d, I.xTIIAM & CO.
Hi:r.Li:vn;i; cm, nkhkaska, jily id, lte-i.
VOL. 1. NO. I,
Stlftttii y o 1 1 r e .
a lady nrr sktiex
k .T T. P. CV1H.
p. h. f Mandimr ft the "rs.e,-'
I.oukir.vei t mi l Mxnd i
Hl'aci fully iliu morn her hea I,
ll:ii11y her Intel,
I .eking "p the .tlei'der t y ,
1'utlmH them in the .tn k
Jl'iir tli'-in r it'lo .tirainit the !
I'll' k click r lick 1
When the totteriiu: 'ine is "Met,"
She "spac"" it even and " ,
Nimbly the "laid"' it" j'".
The "n.le" i drawn in a fiice i
'l liiii her ejet tli' copy dt.iouu,
Ami firm ha holds her ".tlirk"
From box lo box her fingers t!,
I'ii k -jiii-k y'irh !
When "distribution" time has enine,
She handle w i ll th? "mailer ;"
The type f.i! I in the empty "cat'-,"
Scatter seatter catier 1
A rid steadily and dreamily
She flir,g th' letter round,
With visions d-itiriTi tlim her brain
To the music of the sound
Ami thui it proving in her miml
Sweet fruit forcomiuK )ean,
Unit she in bitterness no long
lias watere J with li( r tears
"ur thought is bursting into bloom
Beneath the rays of Itieht, .
And Iuy U wking from tbeciti'.l ';
Of long vi.J-divX'E'il: .'. , ,
Ta Wlfl4 tu Billow's, BraaU.
Z,nri $uggtsttd by parting wiifi below i
friend, v."i!t'-n on hoar me
The wiml haihcivcl tho 1. illow's breaM i
Th hii in rocliin o:i the ivi ;
Ami timi! anJ tide, iicvr rent,
r Ilive broutit the .1- .itim'.l hour t m-.
I Ur th", Mary ! Oh, how .-nr
None but thyielt can ever know,
Jl'ide Troin my heart that scalding tear,
Unfold thy arms', an J let mc gn.
Oft mi lha dark ami rngitifC ae.i,
Or when In dihtant laudi I roam j
My aehinp hear Mi all think of thee,
Think ofour ih-ar and cheriihe.l home.
I, ! -
, r- r t.i
. v
; 1 1 ll' Itr.
.. r. 1 C' '
ud ;
n j
A great many prelty things have been
raid of pretty women and flowers, but the
real uses of Loth arc often overlooked.
Kl'iwers und women seem to us the sun
hiue of Ihe world, nd one of the strong
est arguments lo prove lhat (Jod is wise
good, is the fuel that lie neither forgot the
one or the other in the multiform work of
creation. How the flowers spangle over
and beautify the bard, rough earth! Their
meek and quitt l.-uu!y steals into all hearts
young and old. They' ar'o welcome eve
rywhere. Go into the cuiintrj and bring
home roses', i,i pj.ic!,'is ' !j.!c veil! ?s'
you, and chiidryrt in the street will follow
you the nicely drfc:d chi!'l 5 the
ragged mm dirly-Iw'eJ- little one, whose
rmther has to wnsli for ethers, ami fhcre
forc can't wash him all throng your path
saying in words, or long looks, "please
yive mo a flower."
Flowers never disappoint us, as the no-
men (heaven Ll them!) do sometimes,
tut Afy would not if we did not expect
lop much of them. Of tlie flowers we ak
rnly beuuty uinl f lag rancc. We do not
look to them for u future. Knough that
they fill the present with an odorous
blfsirg. !
We nave always a thrill when we see
flowers in a window, and we like lo see
a man who wears a pink, or a rose in his
button-hole. There is a pleasant associa
tion with the flower, if riot w ith hirn, for
w ar certain fairylands placed it there.
Then when we see the plants in the win
dow of a house, be it ever so humble, we
are sure there is no scolding there, and if
from ad experience we find that the fair
cultivators of the roses Jo scold, we com
fort ourselves how much worse they
would scold without the fljvvers.
A pot of roses, a pink, a geranium, he
liotrope, how they brighten the home of
poverty! How wo forget the cheap, ugly
j.-he tit of drs wers,and the thread-bare, poverty-struck
carpet, when we see these
unfolding their beauty and sweetness in
the windows. A well mended frock, and
clean pinafore are sure to keep them
company on a child who, though poor.may
be as pretty as any peetry.
We bespea flowers. e want our
((athway literally strewed with them.
They are a necessary of life here. In an-
! wther and Letter world, they may be a lux-
WawTru A fif;ht at the little end of
Steamships flnl Locomotivej.
Tin-si; two ureal Vrrmf pron luivc
elloc'ril ;rrntrr it-vnlulicins in l!ic regions
of ()-u!niiil.ii cni's williiii tlie liiisl liiilf
rentury, th;iii nil tho jiowcri c'ouKl luive
hrouolil ntioiil in n tliotisaiiil yars. Dur
injr tfie p:ist lil'iy yriirs, stt'i.m ct'mrs (Mnl
dirty firemen liavc almost unniliilate.l limr
;.inl ai:iec.
Now a nmn of Lusines takes liis lruk-
fiifit in l'.oslnM ami an early lea in Miilii
dc!ilii:i, liming in ten hours ncruiu jdisl,ei!
w iial, in tKfl iKiJ old st:ij;in timesf would
have occupied leu tlays. He pursues liis
juiirnry, ami, Willi the speeit almo'.l ol
lightning, is borne far Ij yond what then
were the limits of civilized habitation, over
wil '.l W.iS w i'.d'.riiusi, hut tiow i- ' b.lil.liiij,'
and hlossomi: as this rose'' beneath the
hand of ari'.ultnrisls, and throiioli towns
villages and proii J cities reared when-
then the Indian built his wiirwain, and tile
bcas!s of tin.- forests roamed in nndi-iiui j-
. t t 1 IT
ii treetloin. tloauiti' palaces liear nun
along our noble rivers, or across the bio d
Atlan'ic, and the miliiy power of ieu
hai brought almost wilhiii a week's jour
ney, the two woilJs- the Kastein and
Western Hemispheres.' Now a trip to
Kifrlavl, and then scrosf the Straits of
ij'c'.'V-or a" fw 'bys sojourn i t I'aris
oji If- ftaljf to Home to Naples a v iew
of'tsuvius, tlie tiaturombe, Mid tlio ru
tus'of the Imperial City, and hrime are ul!
O'.'rf-prehi'iided in Biunuier'a pleasure
travel. Thousands go to 1'uropt! now,
where oi-.e went fi'ly year ago. Ve have
be.'ome laiiiiliar with foreign countries
willi their people, their habits and peculi
arities, which. Jifly years og-, yc heard
of and knew of us only strange and singu
lar tal-s. Nations all over the world are
duly Kr"w'"rj more and more with
each other. The brazen gates and lofty
walls of the Culcs'ial 1 ImpirCjhave broken
down before the. onward progress, und
here, on these western shores, the M.ino-
'lull iniiii'b- io
in I i ..lie w i
v.- . !, . HI.
:tX,.,, .....
'" l'lilO(L.
I . i
i 'rr,
. h' iw.iy uii tiiiioiiinig liMU, that we are
the common children of a common lV.her,
has been more powerfully impressed upon
us by this union, than it could have ever
been by a century of sermonizing. The
prophetic eye may now look into the fu
ture with the. hope that our children's
children will see the day when AuTlty and
l'eace shall prevail even where might v ar
mies arc now contending; for eai h other's
life blood, and that enchained together in
the easy bond of acknowledged brother
hood, "the nalions shall learn war no more.1'
N. Y. Du'chman.
vitr ui ivviuiiKii, !
Lien. F. M-uiry read pupcr on the h
ain of the Atlantic, lie liaj long been
trying to learn he depth of thu aca. The
only way that occurred for prosecuting the
inquiry t'.irccMy, was 'by dropping lead
attached to a Butiicient leng'h of line. t
was Loped if tlie line wrro made long
enough to reach bottom by letting it run
as fast (s a lead would lake it out, (hut we
might learn what we sought, lint soon
found that we were experimenting with
loo light leads and loo slender lines. Lieut,
had spent liO miles of twin, and seven
teen days before he could obtain one good
yotindii'g. J'he line-will always run out
whether l' lead is on the bottom or not.
The force of the undercurrents is suffi
cient to make a perpetual demand for more
twine. Lieut. Parker, of the Congress
in sounding gave out ten miles of line,
and yet he was where the sea was not
2:GU0 fathoms deep.
We soon found that we must havo hea
vier le ids and aloutcr lines. We at las'
adopt' ,d Ivvo thirty-two pound shut as the
siid.iT. The heavier it is. ihe faster it
il ru;.s out, and the less likely it is to let
the line stray out with tho currents.
It was noted, loo, thut though a lead
made in the form of a common sinker
would run fastest at fu st, the same weight
in the form of a round lull would soon
overtake and puss it. We concluded lha'
it was because, after descending a certain
distance, the current dragged the top of
the b ad out of the perpendicular line, so
thut it had to descend w ith one side fore
most, while a spherical body would al
whjs present the same face.
The first soundings were carefully'tnade
from ihe ship. This was deemed neces
sary, it was irom the ship that we got
ihe soundings in the CJulf ef Mexico,
which reado the. deepest part 1,000 fa'h-
"tis. NV.v, .H the l.-u'rnr-it, I i m in -
dined to think that we ir vrre.iter (!i'p:h
than the true otu s. I'or it is found lies'
'o in.ikc the soundings from a boa' the
men sitting with oars in hand, puliin ihe
boat inlnsii'jli a po;ition as always to stand
directly over (lie line.
W lieu w e are sure that we toU' li the
bottom we note the length piven out, and
cut lf line it is cheaper to do that than
oaltiiiipt. to draw up the lead, which
never L.ils, of course, to part the line on
the w.iy. Hut latterly we have adopted
another plan. to attach the weight to the
line by a small iron rod, bent Im 'ow in the
form of u hook , &ud so put on that when the
weight strikes the bottom it frees itself
from the hook. The line being drawn up
brings with it substances from the bottom.
Prof. H iiiy has i X.iinineil. liin roscopienily ,
several npe iincns so brought up, and
an 1 found themrnaiine shells, wi.houl the
impurity of any sand. The bottom, then
in these, deep soundings is nf rent.
If from u point midway of the An'Ln
lic and on tlie I', pi itor yon siil N. N. V.
you follow the channel of deepest water
uu'il you srike tlu s'j.iiluvestcrii part oi
i lie Newfoundland slu.ds. These shoals
liku those of II itteras, slope otrvery gr tdu
ally tow ard the north, but on the south the"
descent is precipitous, while a plateau
stretches from the upper parl-oi the 'north
eastern portion oT these s'houls, following
the curve of ihe great circle to the coast of
Ireland. The average depth of water on the
plateau is about twro miles, which is com
paratively shoal water. This has a bear
ing upon tlx practicability of layby down
telegraphic wires from continent to cont'-
' nent , and indicates the place w here it h to
be attempted if at all.
Superintendent JJ..clie said that the sound
ings by Lieut. D.iis, showed that the de
positions at ihe bottom of the deep sea
were a kind of infusorial mud show ing
that the sea being ul list deposit en its
slime like a sediment.
I.!.'." ' ! ;
;: .i "i.l .,: ''' , ..'. ' :. -
KL -
't I-.- i l '.' .j.., (j..--,i-i U q.iccll, allil
only one. Mie is larger tnan Ihe other
bets, her vvins arc much shorter, and lu-r
abdomen tapers to a point, somewhat like
ihe small end of u sugar-loaf. She is dis
tinguished by the yellow, orange color of
the lower side of her body. The queen
is constantly 1-at home," and never leaves
her tenement except on the issue of a
swarm., however, sho ven
tures down upon the floor-board of the
hive, where she is soon surrounded by a
cluster of her subjects, that hold her a
prisoner till evening, when she retreats to
the interior of the hive. When such clus
ters' of bres exist, that f ru not caused by
the hett of the weather, if tluileather end
of a quill I uc 1 to separate the bees, thev
will re-form wiui much eagerness, by
which we may know .that the queen is
aiaoig them. The- worker Lees oidy pay
any regard for the sutety of their queen,
and it is only by the sense of touch that
they can recognise her. Indeed, the bee
does but very little from the sense of see
ing. Her antenae, or feelers, that she
throws out when anything is placed before
her, that attract her attention, are her on
ly medium of recognising her fiiends from
her enemies. The queen possesses a
curved sling, which she seldom Uses, ex
cept in combats with 'rival queens, and
then with the most dcadlylcL-et. Il some
times happen that several young queens
sally forth with a swarm, uiid in such ca
ses it is remarkable to see the jealousy und
deadly stiife that takes place between
ihein. It these combats the strongest kills
the rest, and death ensues the instant that
one queen is stung by another.
There ure three classes of Lees in ev e
ry family the queen, the worker, und the
drone. Tho woikers are neither nulc
nor female, but neuters. They are Ihe
smallest btcs in the family. This class
arc the laborers of the family. They con
struct the ccmbs, gather the honey, pollen
or bee-bread, nurse and feed the bees, mid
perforin all .other labor pertaining to the
association. They have a hoiiey-bag, or
vesicle, which is expressly provided for
the stores gathered in the fu Ids, and this
sack is filled and emptied in a very short
time. They aUo have cavities in the
ilc.iin ..f u ttxuin mi the loner side, of their
v. . ..j , - -
hind legs, to hold pollen und propolis, the
little jillow pellets that arc seen attached
lo tin in.
The dronos are the bees. They
gather l.o honey at all, and are allowed to
exiit, generally, but a few weeks during
; ihe sv, rrnii eenn, tvkui they tre m-ts-
sacred by th- worker.. The drones liave
t,.i stinirs, ntel are (piite liann'i ss mi 1 iiiof
fi n-ive in thrir habits. Detween the hours
of 1 1 and 2 they daily take th' ir llioht in
pleasant we: ther, high in tin; regions of
space. The render has, pel haps, ril leii
heard the peculiar tn j t of their wings in
sailying fort i, i nd liiaiiy people, w ho are
i, "I acquainted w iih ihcii m.tiirr, sujiposc
on such occasions that the bees are swarm
ing. It is ni this lime that nalure lias
taught tlie J oting (jueens to ci rne foi 'h also
lo meet the dioi -s.
drc",-s is tnke'i
This liur'it cf tl
"'.', i ue'lo'i- i .ii re t.e
or not, us ik i? the in-
, arid cannot be omit-
any ,t ' us i. .
slinct oi
led. It ;
iliousnnl (
that they ascend a
r, end continue to ;
(lit lo and Ire ." oui ;i hour, w hetv i hey
leturn. Tii ( t." I'Kt will note lhat they
arise in uontv-tf d circles, and coniiuuetr)
rise till Ids' in ihe distance. Not s) with
die worker. They, u'. reaching n con
venient hi mht, always dart ofl" horizon
taliy. The fecundation of the (jneen, says Mr.
Malier, is a vthject that has puzzled more
uai uiaiist s tl ii any otln r pertaining to this
insect. It'js now, however, pretty well
undcrsioMil (nd a.hnitted llmt her fecunda
tion takes' J ace in the air, far above the
reach of hitman vision. The proof of this
was arrived at by many years being devo
ted to the iiAestigation of the subject, by
Umber, the German naturalist who Hour- i
ished in tha eighteenth century. His ex
periments "to show lhat when a ipieen is
impregnate I it is operative for life, and
that on the. Irst or second day after enter
ing her tenement, wi'.h a swarm, she sal
lies out to meet the J rones in the air.
This is the. only occasion that a queen ever
leaves her hive, eveept at the head of a
swarm. S'ic comes to the entrance of the
hive, walk about, then arises on thawing,
takes a circular flight, do'"'!! near the hive,
to mark its position, and returns. This is
- . ( .
a t
' ' ' ' ...' i:-
better, aid iic forget that every wrong
againsl woman recoils upon man. We
narrow ur thoughts lo present comforts,
und lind fault if uil our anitical wants are
not grat lied. A woman may fall to us
in this lattery world who is able lo minis
ter to tht highest wants of the soul. She
may have the pencil of a Titian--we want
a cook; s'ie may have the pen of a de Stael,
or a Ileii.uis we want a nurse for illness
caused bj our cook. She may breathe the
sweetest melody her husband likes hol
ier the lrrse brawl of politic?, or the
music of silv er ind gold. I'ut this woman
must havu u home, and she must give an
equivalent. If she cannot bring herself
lan level ith her owner, she must be
content to: be reproached and misunder
stood; fiviLer minister may tell her thut
thai it is jsad thing foi tvumui. i ,rv
out of hersphere: and coxcombs may say
when hfjiJea comes before ihem, "I hale
sensible vjoiiian."'' " ' ' .
f"r"Th Scotch are probably as robust
as any nation dow on the globe. Tlicir
intellect it clear, their morals are lirm.
They batlie their infants from tirih iucold
water dai'jy, and their' food consists mostly
ol oatmei.J potatoes and buttermilk. Child
ren ure carried to the christening the S.h
day ufiy.l heir birth amity Ihe mvthtr.
The un'aersal use of the liiblc and cald
bath, w venture to assert, gives Scotland
the inorA and material health she so fully
Misr.u nios. These hairy decorations
are rapidly growing into general favor.
They ure. lwt, as in other days, conlini'd to
any particular class, nor lo people, of any
particular age. Such a rage for hair ing
is certainly u fact worthy of notice. Some
phihisophrr has advanced the theory that
ihe extent uf beard is the measure of civ
ilization ; and as there never was a theory
loo absurd to lind disciples, ibis capillary
standard :as been geliei Jly adopted. A
recent article in -Household Words,"
seems til have increased ihe mania, ua it
recommended mustachios as conducive to
health. Tin y ure now worn as lung pre
servers, ii well as ornaments, We have
ihem of ull colors, from a m. giiiiicent glos
sy black lo " IW'I hgln drab ; of all
shapes and sizes, exquisitely curled, or
rigidly a.raight i covering tlie mouth to
serve as tillers, or ranged along the deli
cate line n! the lip. Some of thou ure ex-
I II..... . I'.,r the ex nressioll Wlllch
i . I. 1 1 1. 1 1 1,
w iil i.!:.v around the mouth I others serve
as agreeable ri lid's when that orifice h..p
i,i.ii.i i.. I... limisu.illv halve. Wo might
ilil.Uff main llm udviiiit aires and dis;idvau
t aires or mustachios but it is sulVi ueut
here lo n mark that they form ileci.le.nj
the most lashic.mihle feaiure, at a lime wueu
fashi in ei i:ii lo hsve "f'tic a li'tr:
S. i.r-d'ovt HNML'.r i t C' s. 1 j - Tnr Hi iil.r. How comes it that this lit
know no'hinp more loiiching than the if-1 He volume, composed by humble men in n
forts of self-government of which htile j rudu age, when r! and science were in
children ste capable, when the best part of j (heir childhood, hns excrte I more influ
thcir natures are grovi:ig viiroroiisiy un- ciu e on the human mind, an Ion the social
dcr the light and warm'h of paruital love. s;,stem, than nil oth.-r hooks put together?
How lieautili.'l is the scli-cnnirni of
liitle creature who stiller his subs of pain,
because his mother's pi'yiiar eye is up.jii
him in lender sorrow, or that of the babe
who abstains from play, and sits rpiicMy
on tlie 1'oor, because soineb n!y is ill. J
have known a very young ehi'u slip ever
lo the. cold bide of the bed on a winter's
night, that a grown up'.cr in'ht find a
warm one. I have known a litile giri ;ib
uut sjiont!!!e"s'y to hours of irksoms re-
s'raint und disagreeable employment :utrc-
iv because it v! va.;M. Wvj'i -.i .'. i i
these S'j strong, and y et so humble, so
p.-.tienl, and so digt:if:ed were !iev.;r im
paired by fear, but flourished thus under
the inll'icuce of love, with its sweet ex
citements and holy supports.
Qc iiikioss. The Ouadroon Indies of
New Orleans excite botii a feeliiiij of ad
miration and of pity admiration ior ineir
accomplishments and beauij cominiscra
tion for tho condition entailed .upon them
by the laws of Louisiana. A man cannot
legally nnrry n Quadroon worn; n, unless
he is able to swear that he has black blood
if. his veins. As many of these women
are no! only very white, but very beauti-
jfui, and highly accomplished, resistanc to
their charms is no easy matter; and as
ove is not opt to be controlled by statute
limitations, the. consequence of ibis absurd
state of things is readily anticipated. They
marry, or place, as they call it, without
the sanction of ihe State, or the benedic
tions of the Church. The mother of the
Quadroon girl consents to a temporary ar
rangement, provided her daughter is fur
nished with comfortable quarters and a
couple of slaves, with a promise on the
part of the mock husband to give his little
quadroons a good education. It is nr.t A
very uncommon tldng for Northern Tl eh- i
elors, to say nothing of Northern Jfctib
diets, lobe under the necessity of sunpojt?!
,. ', ' 0" . ' i ': '
ense ir. TrV:Vh a
' i.v.j io m:i mat
! 'J'e 1;idy had a down of three hundred
uisanu miliars, jjui in mis acre cr trold
the inercer.avy spirit is an element not to
be overlooked ; and here in ihe South the
bachelor in tho b til-room is asked tOjJ.,'
I n! n,.!iw, 1., vniitirv I'..!,. ...ill, ,.1KW'
hogsheads of sugar or so many bales ol
nottuii ur so many well-conditioned ne
groes. A young lady with more charms
or purse than person, overheard an ungal fellow remarking, the other evening,
upon the number of freckles on her face,
when she returned with a sharp retort
..... u..t. .. w u J"".,B ,...ij 0" Hi... j
that her father had a negro for every
To Vou .o Mi:j. It is easier to be a
genius in sorm? tilings than others, and, as
a general ru e, it is more practicable when
men are Jiben paid and generously hon
ored. Archiiecttiring', civil engineering,
inventive art ure now rising into the first
rank 'of professions. The thrifty world
USedS MiC 'fic'p oiT sucaV iJ.i', il 'ii
glad lo pay for them, because thereby il
ministers to its own pride, luxury, gratifi
cation. Men'are determined to multiply
great and gorgeous buildings: Fine houses
were never so popular, lhidges-viaduets,
churches, are in the asccndantXrurinels
and railway wonders fill the eyes. The
literature cf solid masonry is the up
permost charm, and magnificent poems are
spanning rivers. iUechanio arts rule the
lay and adorns the night.- And m, younp.
men, if you want to take y aiir place among
sun, moon, and stars, go lo work at once,
and bravely, too, and convert granite and
marble into the practical 1'eglish language j
of the year '51 ; and thus do your own
printing and publishing for the benefit of
society and your empty pockets. N. Y.
A Djsl as is a Dosr. The . following
iccotinl of a very remarkable cfTcct pro
duced by electricity, we copy from the
Courier de 1 Ltirope :
A gentleman employed in one of the
telegraph olliees in France, accidental!
irought his arm in contact with one ol
he wires while the elect rie current was
passing through it. So violent was the
hock, that he was raised lroni his chair
and thrown with great force through on
open window into the adjoining garden.
"What's whiskey bringing "f" inquired
a dealer in that article.
'lli inging mi ll lothe gallows," w as the
reply. p. S. Hnuourat.
S imehod has. sai I tln.t il is us hard to
till where, moderate drinking ends and
. 1 1 i
Idpiukenniss ucgin-, as it is lo tell vnen a
j pij e"ii.s lo V n rig en I becomes r ' i.
i lurm-f! (.fitnev it t1.f lliijt
veu such marvellous chances m the opi
nion of mankind has liboli-.hed infanti
cide u,s pUt (i(lwn j1(,lygi;niy and divorce
created fi;r famibi s that blessed thing,
a Christian home ; and caused its olhcr
Iriuinphs by can-dug benevolent instiiu
lions, open Mid expansive, to spring up 8
with the wnnd of enchant merit '( Whet
sort of n book is this, thai cvni the. wiuil
and waves and human passi m obey it Y
hat other engine of social improvement
A r.-ri'ivil '.f;;v-. nml vol hwt Iiouu uf
lis virtue? Cilice it ajipe.ired, many '.joi-ti-(ed
plans of amelioration have ta-cn tricj
and failed many codes of jurispudciu c
hi ve arisen, and run their course und expired-
empire after empire have launch-
led into the trip of lime, and gone down
leaving no trace on the waters; but thi
book is still going hbottt iloni;? good, lead,
ing'society with its holy principles-cheer,
ingthe sorrowful with its cousolition- -strengthening
the temp!ed-enrouragiiiir
thfl penitent---calmii;g the troubled spirit,
and soothing the pillow of death.
27" A lidle girl had een her brother
playing with hi burning glas., and LaJ
heard him talk ubout the ufocus." Not
knowing what the word focus meant, she
consulted the dictionary, nnd found that
the focus was the place where tlie rays
meet. At dinner, when the family were
assembled, hhc announced, grand b
could be, that she knew the moaning of ou
hard word. ' "' ''
Hei- father" nikcl her vyhui it was ; sLe
suJ it w'n4 the vvrdvl 'v-fctis.
''Vel.i'IaVVsal it',1 "whrt ilacs it
1 '.) i ;r. t !' ' ' "
:'k''',-, ,
-v.becu xhv? v..e .:; f f
sue si n-. "
-t-i: x liv
s. a I'
'i.e..' . j i. .... uittui, iftey rasse
calves ; Mid so I h;i right." V
,,IKL IUK 1 1(11 1 A SI I 1. .Vil ILIlur,
sas the San Ftancisco Christian ?Ji0-
iie the shuddering frequoncy wi:h which
profanity mingles in lh conversation of
numbers in nur midst. Little child rea
catch the habit in spile of paternal effort,
and l a ihe great grief of ull dclilc their lit
tle speech with enormous o.ilhs am' vul
gar phrases. Dil'icult and ' responsible;
in ! .d, ia the lot of a parent n Californ!
ri inteirigenl lady of our eeq'iainU'
wl ec little boy vv.uv beginnlr thi '':!!"
ud'-. anxious to cfve.' ri ; ' V-
i,o -yrryf-';
pr'ocessf- 'M,i,u'- 1.'in.wtli ......
s.p-suds iv..ry tii..e'Le "W'.o, -.:
an eiTectiaV'.-we..'iTlAj .mUid
his mothers vmm m( 'thovj.-pi-plioa of an
,S .Mv !i e of suds', which to cih
r produced Ihe desired result.
Realm rvli.u ovtu hv Poets avd
Wkuebs. More than the influence of
kings, or rulers, or statesmen th"U it
were multiplied, tenfold is that of ihe
w liters.' whose winged words pass thru
all lands, tingle in all ears.toueh all hearts,
and in all circumstances arc remembered
and come humming around us in the
hours or labor, in the iulcrvaU of business,
in trouble, and sorrow, and sickness, ir.d
on the bed of dc-lb itself ; wdio enjoy, in
fuel a kind of omnipresence, whose llio'll
have over us the three-fold grasp of beau
ty, language and music and to whom at
Utiles 'ait power is given U, u.e -iircaiuiii
triun e' of their genius, to move our beings
to their foundations, and to make us bfrtitr
or worse, lower or higher men, according
lo their pleasure.
"Pompey, did o'i take the Lillet to Mr.
Junes ?" -
"J'v Msu." - -
"Did you see him?" f
"Yes, sar, me just did. (
"How he r"
"Why, masv.i, he looked pooty well,
'sideriug he'a so blind!"
"Riii I! what do you mean by thai 9"
"Why, inassa, when I was in de rooiu,
g'bbing him de paper, he axed le whal
was my Imt ; and in issa, perhaps yo.. '
won't bi lieve me, but lie wur ou dc top uf
my liou'l do bull time."
We talk of Adam and Le as havhu,
been, be fere the fll, in a very happy e.nv
ditioli, but one tldng they missed they
never were cmoiren.
He who imirriesu preVy fuec only, i
It!.-., ii Inner of furniture -ihe vur
n'ijh that 'caught the eye wiil lul endurd
jl c fireside Inaiee. i
' Choos.' nut j our wive as yon Jo rrj.eJ
from the biootn on ibviti. ,
V . .. J
) i