Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, May 04, 1860, Image 3

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jpahola (Sitfi Derail).
i' Mclaughlin, Editor
Krltar MtritiBf, May 4lh, 1 Sf-4.
iruiertl Ccuiral Uiumlltil Mir!-
11 member of the Territorial Uemorre.lic Central
Vmaiitti, ere riuted Wi meet e.l the Hi-m l. o
1I 'U". In Oinaba. on TurfrUr th litli iter of Judo.
A. P. 1""0, to teaaeucli aetl..n a mar 1-e d.-eraej o-o-i
wr; t r the orKmilaet'o-n of the liouiocratlc rartr.
anj to fit rtf-on, the llm anj jlaoe i.f hliiit C"ii
virtli to noalnata a Eiatnorrall..' Cand'.late ft r IMe
to Oongreef, aud IVRmacl tucU ether tiuf-lnru im
iaT l ileeuKd neewary el thiit t'tne.
E. 1'. UANKIN, Ch'n.
H C. IUirtn. Seey.
By The HfirH ie rather short of news
(t work, owine to the il!nea if the editor.
He hft't an ettsok of the Artie but la tearly
rigbr again.
Without any Ifs or ens we say at Dakota
City. Uood ami sufficient reasons why ihia
ahould be the place, the central ooDimittco
onght to name for holding the ocnvoulion,
con bo readily ndduoed. If it wan for noth
ing e'b'e hut to compliment the sterling De
mocracy of the country north cf tho roscrvo,
who polled -74 of the "00 democratic mnjori-
tf in the Teriltury. Inslfail. Iiut Iwcntv-pix
; -re cf tho party to ccutider this well, nnd
, i. loose by neglect or slight what they can
. ' t.ain elsowhore.
' . .hern Nebraska has boon eoandalously
fu ,: -eted by democrats in power, and will not
stand it quietly much longer. If everything
is to bo centered at Omaha, Plattstnonth nnd
Net.ra-k't City, there will bo homo kicking
nainst tho pricks. We know how hard it
was to 6C' Bosno cf thoso democratiu gentle
men who figured in the lift legislature, to
nppropriato a pittance to bridgo Blaukbird
Creek. When election day rolls round they
expect ns to elect their man. Maybe wc wi
do it.
The Charleston Contention hnj dom! noth
ing of coy importance, at onr latest ndvioea
Flournoy of Arkansis was ohosen temporary
chairman, and Caleb Cushlng was elected per
macent obairman. The Bougies delegates
from Illinois, New York and Maryland were
admitted. No Platform had been agreed ou
up U Friday night a week ago and the
convention edionrncd over until Monday. No
ballotfl had been taken on President.
This hotel is bouni to sustain the name it
hears. It already has the reputation of being
equal, if not superior to any other house in
Kebrngkn. Commodious and airy, and laid
out with an eye to comfort and neatness, it
has elicited frequent flattering notices from
all its guests, while its architectural beauty
has Cot failed to attract due attention.
Recently Col. Dates has beco me tho land
lurdof It, and the styljke keeps It in warrants
us in saying he can ''keep kotel." Determines
that it shall maintain iu reputation, and bo
unsarpasscd by any other house in Nebraska,
he has spared no pains in fitting it up tj ac
commodate his guests In tip-top etylc. Those
acquainted with the Col will tuaks no lack of
patronixing him ; while the traveling pub'.io
Will find him courteous, obliging, entertaining,
and an excellent caterer to the wants cftho
Loner man.
The bar U amply supplied with fluids of the
best quality, and imbibers of the invigora
ting, If disposed to p,rtafce for "the stomach's
sake," or to "drive dull care away," will find
something tboro to take thut is good, without
tabjoeting them to fcuet head afterwards
. UOOUtt &.VO.
This enterprising firm in Sioux City, have
net exactly cpened a menagerie on Pearl
Street, bat they have opened the largest stock
of brj GouuV groceries and provisions ever
st eo in this section of the Globe. People are
rushing in, in crowds, every day, and rushing
out again with armful?. It costs nothing to
go in, but -it costs something to get out. We
advise those going ir-.re tj go armeJ with the
aeoeaeery "spondulicks' ani l they do not
r ZZ?mwj- wu J SIB OCI JJlgQ CD
oU!tif iu Vklnc.
This tfiablhibment is now willing and able
to eeuipito with any ether in northwestern
Iowa cr Nebraska, in selling goods. Their
etock of merchandise is largo and varied, und
elected with especial eare ia suit tho wants
cf thoir customers. They will be sold as low
seen bo bought elsewhere, and parties buy
ing of them are sure to save forryage at leiut.
Cull and see their stook.
n to do tip Wir Ilommt. We often hoar
ladies express adesiro to know how the gloss
Is produced on new linen bosoms, eet., and
In order to gratify them we subjoin the fol
lowing receipt :
"Take two ounces of white gnm aradlo
powder, put in a pitcher and pour on a pint
or more cr boning water aceominz to the do
gree of strength yoa may desire ; let it stand
all night, and in the morning pour it care
fully from the dregs into a clean bottle and
cork it for use. A tablefposnful cf this gum
water, stirred iuto a pint of staroh, will give
lawns, either white tr printed, a look f new
iiM ofwbioh nothing else can restore them af
let U bave been wai.be 1"
demooratio majority was pulled ia Ce balance ,l'r clect n 1'reeident prehably tho prcset,t
.... . provi-ional incumbent. Mora was in falv-
cf the Territory. inclnJing the Fort Kearney I T rt he had bought an estate, and w.ll
rote. With judioioua n.aoagement cn tho pmbably make trouble yet for Costa IUca.
r rt cf tho comuiittee, and tho selection of a In Chilli aGnirs were moving tmoothly nr.d
.oper icao as candidate, we will poll hard , prosperously. Mr. Whoelwnght Lad recent
; . , , . . , i . . ... I arrived nt Vblparaiso the United State. This
..Cie hundred demoer.tia majonty, in the , Bcnt,emftn ua(We of Newburj.porti Mm ,
r counties up hero, this coming fall. It nnd ha epont forty years on the west c.'::??,
1 ooves thoee who liave an eyo to tho wcl-1 and by his intelligence and cntcrrrine has
The arrival cf the Ariel at New York brings
Isthmus date to the 10th Ins?., and later news
from South America.
linn. Hcverly L. Clark of Kentucky, United
States Ministci Keeidcnt to Guatemala, and
Honduras, who baa been futforini several
months from diabetes, died ou the 17th of
March. Ilia fuueial ceremonies were con-
iii.le.l wiih gret pomp by the Catholic Cler-
sy, an I cf course meet of the (ji.Tcrtirurut
officers and fvreigti diplomatic struts aneisied
iu the ritef. Mr. Clari s wife mid fumi'.y
came psssoi KCis oa the Oialeu.hla and Win
Tor home tn Uay. 1 he repoit is Rtneta'ly
credited in Uuateinnlt that be was nt solved
fiouj bis marri:i:e vows by the (fxireh, two
Inja before bif deuth, thut he might join the
Krunoinan Monks. Mr. Cijik inmle u nl lio
profefMon t f CallKilioitn in thut city on the
14ih of Ilccembrr last, nniwss br. tierd by
the lli-h' p of NirnrigiinunJ took the bnp
tim;il name of Augostio. Jlis rinmin were
depo-itcd in JiiQ pantheon cf the '.butch cf
Hun Frtmcieco. Mr Chirk is tt e ll.ii d I'niti l
fclt';p3 Mlni'-tor who has died in Guatemala,
within the Iftft fonr jeuis Me-rrs Venalfie
and Molin h'xte preceeded him to the ti oib.
Salvador, cne of the Pouth American State?,
shows signs of improvement in the increase rf
agricultural industry. The cultivation of
frogar had been stimulated by tho opening if
stenm navigation with 1'anniaa, but tho pres
ident of the ocuotry, Jtarrios, waa adding so
largely to the military as to diminish the
number cf hands. He is another of tho pests
of that part of the world a mi.itary chief
who i aiming to make himself dictator.
The only news cf importance from Nicara
f aa la that the congress had approved the
trcnty with Great liritnin.
Co.-t Hies, under its provisional president,
Joee Maria Montcalegre, is quiet at present.
Thcro is to be an eleotion of deputies next
month; aud the deputiesw.il immediately af-
(.... ...
been extremely servicabla to that country
The Mercunn of that place fays that this in-
defatigahle advocate of internal improvements
has almost as many iu hand os ever. A tun eg hes ruot with a mibfortu ic, cr ma lo a tromen
his latest schemes is a plan for furnishing ' JoU'i lorgain; when a person has quarrelled;
supply of water for purposes of l,riRKliou, In wbpn ft Mconcillt.on bn9 ,uUt:U r,ttCe vhrn
a country where it never rains; and a nu.- I 1
road enterprise which proposes to connect 14 Vra 18 on n ,H'a toynR0. r goes out be
the east nnd west coast of South America by t ween the acts of a five not tragedy; r on
a road across the Andes. The Etoam linoii cn 1 ceiiJiiicr in n balloon : or uftor comini? ctT the
tho South Pacific and tho linos cf railroad in
Chili wore originated by Mr. Wheelwright.
Chili is tho most tlouiishing and lenst dis
till bed of tho South American States. The
following is a Vulporaido iU'L :
" In Eucador, two vhiefs, Moreno an i Fran
co, nro heading conienJieg l'.icl':..ii' which
keep that stato in its usual turu.u.l.
In l'etn President Castiila has resume 1 the
presidential chuir, filled by Lr. Mar dui.tij
hi absence in Eucador, nud issued a proc
lamation, bragiing cf his exploits in that
country, in which nobody was killed and th;
same number wounded, nud concludes by
threatening to undertake au equally brilliant
campaign against Bolivia.
In llolivia President Lenarex had to keen a
larp;e force lo guard against tho desipns of
his envions neighbor. DoI'via is well cuougli
ordered just now, and has sent Commission
ers to the United States to borrow a million.
A rather bootless business, one would think,
on the the faith of that Government"
Effect of the Cenaui of l0O. I
The New York Timet makes an elaborate
nnd candid showing of tho etf ct ot the census
of this year on the representation of the sev
eral StatoB in Coogres;. It figures that the
States which will lose representatives are Al
abama, 1 ; Connecticut, 1 ; Georgia, ; Ken
tucky, 8; Msachustts, 1; North Carolina, J
1; New York, 8; Ohio, 1 ; Pennsylvania, 2;
Rhodo Island, 1 ; South Carolina, 2; Tenn-
a-tAD i Virginia, v.: iptmnnt. l. 'ihn
States which will gain re; rescntatives are 111- j
inois, o; Indiana, i; lowa, e; jncnigan, i ;
I .
Missouri, 1; Texas, 8; Wisconsin, 2. Tho
other States stand os they are. She Timet
sums up tho remarkable facts as follows.
1. All the old and InrgeStntes of the Union,
without exception, lose ground relatively, and
most cf thera positively
2. Tho South loses ground largely ; the new
State of Texas, haviug five-fold the territory
of tho old States, and lying west of the Miss
issippi, is the only one gains.
8. The only part of the Union which poni
thcly gains is tho Northwest Missouri being
property included in that.
4. The Northwest positively gains 15 rep
resentatives and two Senators in Minnesota.
D. The slave Statea lose 11 representatives
and gain 4, a positive loss of 7. Tho freo
States gain 14 and lose 10, being a positive
gain of 4, with 4 Senators in Minnesota and
Oregen. The admission of Kcnsas and Ne
braska, which will spedily happen, will add
z representatives ana a benators to the same
Miss Harriet N. Austin, editor of the reform
papor in Danville, N. Y., devotes a long ar
ticle to the subject of her making op. Hero
! 3 u . iii r1 o r itctn i 1 ' p u u 1 1. ! -i u it a mi e. ul
Clit ut ttiC LCuCTTl iluC gol,iiviU(li s. I like
them better than straight enes; and those
which some ladies have worn, full aud gath
ered at the bottom, ore 'unmentionable.' My
pattern was cut by a tailor, hit u-it takinj the
mcatute." The epiutcrg precaution, as stated
in the last sentence, was doubtless Intended
to show that what she was after at the tailor's
M VJ, M ' MTWMimi, StV IM0U. Pltf glllll
Iiarriet; not youna enough, to be gid ly, cer
tainly ; but rather lunar on p.'.u'al'j oa
t .1
Souio years tiuoe, Warrick Martin, a Lou
isiana plauter, placed dO.tiOO in tho bunds
of a brother-in-law, nr.med lirooks, of Ileloit,
Wisconsin, for investment iu lands, nnd sub-,
frequently reoeived buck the prinoiplo uuder
the prttens-o by Brooks that the investments
were failures and that Martin might oouider
himself lucky in gettin'; out so well. Martin
having fouu l thst Brocks made nud pocketed
two or three hundic 1 thousand dollars by the
operation, broupht tuit in Oip U S. Court,
and ou Monday lust, got n vie.liot f r the full
In New Orleuns, a few dajn slnee, Mr. P.,
who has a salary of 2,600 i t r annum, was
sued for $fc4S, the ain ;nnt of a bill of dre.4
goods sol 1 to his wife wuhia ten days, in No
vemher lust. The articles were not riee
ries under the most llheril use of the t. iin,
and it apf eared in the evidence thut tl.r h in
banj ha i foroid len the plainiiif to trust ,ie
wife. The Court decided thut thj plnintiil
could not recover.
The Post OSco at Porast City, r' .rpv can
ty h been discontinued hy or Jr of tn P. O
T'.i y':v if '... 'Viite ii-
v!y exi'ts among the applicant throughout
the Western Histea, especially la Ohio, fur the
office of deputies im ( t L'uitrd rilatea Mar
shals to Ink tho ci dmi c f lrit'.O. The pay
cf these deputies, by tho law, is liberal, an I
handsomely coinprnnte for the time ai I
'abor required. It ia fixed at two eents per
bend of the population, with ten cents per
n,'' 'l,r " f.eoesfary travel, ten conta for ilia
flat'sMcs of each farm, fifteen cents for evh
entublii-hmenl ol productive industry, and two
c'nl fee each death reported. The Marshal
i rolnbitoJ from leceivinj any prt cf the
fees of the assistants, under a peualty ef 1,
( 00 for each o-l, nee. The a-iitantg have five
month in which to perfi rm their duties, an.l,
as ne districts are resli icted to a population
rn t exceeJiusr. twenty llioumn.l, an I, for util
ity, may be divi-led into smaller areas, ainpls
tin e is given for the wcrk to te sesouably Hud
throughly done.
A Ji tl.MvOAD iSl'KlXll.
Ti e b'.o bird si's oo a swinging limb
Jii gin jnj folly sin in
All u-.tur jmes in the torus louj
To the Hprii.g which are a SUringin.
1 he giaps are prowin. the tl urs is blowin
The peach tree buds is swel.m big.
The ladies is Jiessiuin their finestfiititn,
Aud tho trees is j ut' in ru their biuu-
How i wish i v at a suing! a hur l
Una grate big bine ja, limb ;
I'd sing the praises (iu lie sweetes lnyi.ee)
Of Spring, if i busted wiih the Viui.
1UE l;KM.
lien A Drink
limy be Inktu
AI r d I e I n
After a goof, or duck, cr perk, Irich Mew,
or any delicacy cf the season into which on
nn may Lave seasoning'y entered; invariably
ni'er foltr.on; when there ia any washing be
irg uYua at koine ; when puiutirs ro in the
hcupo; wlur, a pcreou feels faint, oad doceu't
know what is the matter rwthhitn; when o
fiinod tuiLS up after en abteuoe of eevenal
years, or when you ure parting with a friend
whom ;ni iln rm rsnect to see fnr crvrrat
veuvs ; when a person bus tho toothache : when
hw ,()st , cr , yr fc n
, l'a;' Cimo l9rK rrcperly ; when a person
jury of a coroners inquest; or when you are
silting up for jour wife; or when n fi'cnd
drops in to ruiokeu segar; and, in fae', upon
nil sUitahlfl oi-vaei.ins ol sn.lr.o.-.' or tnerriniei t;
when a person f'-e!" rather l'.'Vf. tr lulls iu very
high tpirits.
A Y.iluntile lleltr.
We notice in the elSco of Governor I'owney
the roliening whioh is an idonticle juij t r scut
hy ' U!d Hickory" to the government organ of
the period when it was written:
"The lurt survivor cf,lhe eigners cf the
Declaration of Independence ho who for
many yours has been tho last preolous relio of
tho band of July 4th 177g is no more. The
death of Charles Carroll, of Currollton, is an
nounced to us. The triumph of tho grave
over this living monument of our national
birthday, around which the gratitude and af
fection loved to gather, will be tho slo.il for a
cation's mourning. As a mark of respect duo
to the occasion, the offices of tho Uuitod States
government will be closed to-morrow 10th
inst. Audrew Jnokeon.
WAsmsoros, Nov. loth, mi."
At the bottom of the communication is the
following direction, in tho same handwriting,
"" tuis in conspicuous at the head of a ool-
V .nor. . t f I . f .1 r ll "
UUIU. UMl f fnutiw wiuir.t.1 1 .
Tho Cleavclund Plaindcaler, in speaking of
ths celebrated amalgamation ItcpuLlicui.
stronghold in that Btato (Obcrlin), says there
are so many colored persons that the streets
constantly wear a dark appearance, and gas
has to be burned ou cloudy days to enable
white people to get around-
John Mead, E-'i-, of Wh te Plaiacs, cut down
an applctrce, a fow days tlnco, nnd on sj lit
ting it found about five inches from tho heart
of it three crosses, a large ere in tho centre
and a smaller ono on either tide, whilo the
three lottcrs, I- II. 8. handsomely carve J, em
brced the width of tho crosses. Tho whole
shows us clearly as if done but yesterday.
Jiuotlinj Lower and Luuer. Four years
ago the Democrats had over 7.C00 majority
against them in Connecticut.
Two years ago, they had but 8,000 ogalas'
Last year the Abolition figures wore cat
down to 1,870.
This year (on a poll cf bi,(A)V votes !) they
are reduced to COO.
Iy ere bow re i-ting en ie lowest brunch,
izi their next dcocut mat bo to the gort-nd I
On Thursday evening last, Mr. Henry Pst,
Deputy U. fa". Marshal was brought to hie
homo in this city, with ono of his huudd in a
eadly mutilated condition, caused by lh burs
ting of aguu while bunting buffalo on Wood
riwr. We aro sorry ti bear thai tho los of
tome of his fiagers inevitahle Xfoiu)uan.
Cthcl'il Voh . The following is tho oflioiol
ceunt of the voto for (Jovernor in CoLuecticut :
Hiickinuhnrn. rer.ublloau. 41,458
fcjeymour, democrat.
Republican majority.
.V.-prn H itn h bit ly die 1 cm the p' .ntut.
of Wr. Iti'ling.y, i. J in; i couuty, Georgia, i.
I ,'bevtij lo lu.vo b.i ver I -10 years oi l. It
in 6"rtaiu that he !it( I .. , u 100 yei.i i in this
c i intry, aul ho nil h . . i i'j yeirs old
when c.pturcl in Africa.
K. i:. Camjhcll, a b '.r, eowiuiitttd
t ,i 1 1 Je at liaveuport, Iowa, on Jut ti li.y, by
sjootiug Li n elf tlirmijii ths heal wi'h a
1 istol
i he Abolitionists of Msssacbosett are de
cidedly to e classtid amongst the most rabid
'f the fsiiatics rf th history cf popular delu
sinns records. 1 here are no lengths to which
they will not go to c.iriy out their insane and
minrhicvious theories. From the encourage
ment of treason and rebellion, they pass na.
turly to Hiiilnigtit mitrsges sn if,ocodiriMn
Here Is an example ef one cf the last i tplnit
In this way, copied from a llostou juV...,.; :
Mr. luvis, the rostmaster at Concord,
Ma-s., has been eutjrt to the lo-s ofhisharit,
with bsy, unchiiiery, tools and ag.n, by tli
act of an incen I'.nry. Tho Concur J fanatlia
esteem it a suflicivM justittoatioa for the act
that Mr. lutis wis suspected of ii. forming the
United Statos (officers whete Siuhorn was to
bo found. Bo lhat in Concord, to be suspected
of a disposition to obey the laws cf the IVited
States, is sutTi.detit ground for burning np a
man's proj erty why not f r h!igi:ig him,
Mav l' i r. A p irtv o! . ..i.es and gentle-
fn from this city, !. 1 i pid nia on l'lk Crrek
On the 1st iu."t. T' ' iis iiui I ami en
joyed them-elves l.y m ,,'ung for trout in tho
s ream, and succeeded in hooking a number
cf the fiuny Ir.b
rresoKAi. rVs had the pleasure of becom
ing nciiuaintc Mining the revk with C. t. IK
Crochwe'.l Us., of Annmosa, low:k. lie for
merly edited the Auair.oea KuitH i and for au
c editor looks cety uud com fort uhle.
Mat I'bstiyal -Miss J. O'Brien pars n
handsome Hay party In her pupils, on Weds
nseday the 2d i:.et , ai ''t J,.l,n
generatb'ii" over wh . !. sh" ; i
theinHoivos -! ' . , .. , ...
eliiio-l, 11 w i . I in.; ! i !
res, for tub. lu. u of i i. !.,
Miss O'llricn l.ua u luij,. s-.i:-under
her charge, uud i ; s a
orderly tehee!. .Mio has ih-.- it
of pupils and parents.
1 Ic
...t I
I cr
: I X'
J 4 i ,
Therei wltl lie a fuMis. ful nl lh) liiroi m I'l'l,-.', In
iMiilnla City, on til. I.tli ilny i I llivnol. ..I nl .ili
whli-ll here not heeu ilee.liil. nnl n'ri- i..il..iif,Ml in th
entry Inn. In liy me. nl l!i" I I.ioi 1 (.Mm-n, - li U.o li lli
ol Auuiot, A . li. ls;o. T iiik I n I..
liy o, ler i;l II. It A i l '.
Minnrn! lb'.i I . I V
A tt,rncr ' i '.-niiei.ll.r nt l.nw, et I 'on- ( ,ilv. III x n
Canity, Ni -! 'I Inrrili.ry W ill 'rnui(il !y llnii I In
liy I. ii I lio-- - :o ' t ml In Ii If enre ; Ini-nl.- li,i;., -i :n
lue til ln, i .. . Inr reiiti-nt n. iiuioiii.iatii,
nil eollii t not reio.t nionej lth iII-ikIiIl tf
STATEMENT if the Fimmcuil Comiithn of
IJiikotii Ciuiitu, ydraskn Ttrritoiy.
. '-V.( 00
. .711 i'H
To Amount of Wnrrnnta lue.l f i
.tfinunry I't, lhiO
V j A no un I of Ti r.r yr 1S.VJ
Hnlnniv Uun
, iMIiil) 74
JAMKi W. VIBl'tlt:,
Ciiunly Clerk.
lt woiiilerfiil effeet au.l eonaeqiu-nt pnpularlty
peril no urtlele In the htntory of the Mxteria Mnli
c.l, ere r rquiied tlie miiiie rtrmin", mljiii t tu
tho Mine nuuilior of envero anil iHlfurant teete, suit
met with eo few failures o the Muttnug Liniment. II
his jimllr lieen flyl.sl rmiaeea fur ail est anal
womitli, t-uti), HwellltiM, prnliiR, lrutH'H,or ltriitloiu
on Mitnor lleaet. Itlseo far a uieilielne of suriirlstcg
virtue, ttiat riiyeti-lane are cnmiulled to riierltHi It,
anil frnm some reiiiarkat'h.ruri'a of f 'ArofiiV? anil Viiltii
Ud llhiumatit ivij.i It han linturuly attrarU-i niurh
attention from ttie flret ei-lentiile nilmln oftlie aa. No
finally can alforil to lie without abottlnof the Mustang
Liniment In tt:e hnuso. lkwart tf imititti ut.
The jreiiulne is roll I y resttiljle di-alere tn all parte
of the world.
llAUNK.s A I'Alia, Tivjirh t ie, New Vurk.
Ncltraik a.
All business entrusted to bis care will be
attcuded to with promptness and dinpatob
Particular attention trill be paid to Ihe Collec
tion ofolulms; end to Real Pstute uiutter-s.
0. 0. IHKAllWAT.
Atlorntk't (if
-a inn 'zZL'i - -M li""l l"j i l..ir... o,
' to their care, la western Iowa and eurt
em Nebraska.
Nov. 7. '61). m
J'lumber and Out t'ttlir. '
- t-. uf ) y f IT aTMVWT, Pf .,l', )
I ill promptly attend to uU buaineie in Liu
line, and all work executed laliU i.ioi
uess aud dmiiatoh. Wfli give special i ". r , c
to any work that may to eutiue" '
aud satiefiiUtiou warrnute J.
Chattel ,yjtt iW--
ii. i. 1. 1 (..(, :
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iptly attend ui! i,.. '.l
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ens door ful
' N. T.
C. F. ECK ' ; T & CO.,
'! 1 I.f. I rr.irH r,:i,i. au 1
T" .'' "itt- nr luf prtf atiialit
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uil ling', an I ' u'l 't e r ( r o I erui Uill 1
..we Any IM r.m'i n aaniJ, iu jmr-
.nil till.' tl.
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w if tt a
IS tl KTI t II IT III V RM M.t I llt eff.r t pMl.llo Mis
Hi. hlrheil M.I lor. en I lie tlh r of Magr nesit
linn n,a hours of f n'etoek, A. M Milt p'rlirk P,
M,l lhA.Hnfil,eOmt Hkim. In lkntCllr, N
T , f.t Uis BinotHtt nl Ihe Iftl Ihereoll eetjiiln, S-r
II. e rear ISM), I lie I.JIcalnt nre.sll.,! tisi-ts 4 Unit
Itus.eln IsImU t'onnlj Ttrliorf , N i hr
I i s ? If 5
l'rt of .Velloes. t jj a, ''. f.
wlifoinsir 1 V" mi )ll
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ll. PINKlllti'ON
County treUHurer.
b-kota City, April 7th lV).
To Jobu Williamson : Tako notice of a pe
tition in chancery, filed against you iu tho
District Court, for the third judicial district
within aud for the County of Dakota, nnd
Territory of Nebraska, ou tho 7th day of
April, A. 1). 1P(10, by Joseph N. Fleldn, t
which petition you aro hereby required to
plead, answer or demurr, on or bolero the
14lh duy of May, A. 11. 1B0,
Haid petition set forth
in substance that you did, on tu 17th day of
Peru nary A. V. lH&'J, eieouto and deliver to
said fields, as trastee, a certain I)ooi of
Trust of tho following lands, to wit ; The north
east quarter of south east quarter, aoid south
cast quarter ef north etmt quarter, of Hection
uuuihcr tweutv five, in Township number
twcuty-iiiuo, of llunge seven east, and lots U
and 8 of Hection 2ii, of Uango eight, cast of
tho Hixth piiucipal MoriJiuu in Nebraska
Territory, lo seoure the payment, to one
Ocorgo Watson, of a ocrtain No'e of the date
of euid deed, for the sum of $2ttO,UO, puyabiu
to said WaUuu iu twelve mouths after duto,
with iutciest at 4 per ccut n mouth after dun.
and the prayer of said petition is that the tu: J
Holds may be decreed to diautrarge uiiid trust
for the benefit of said Wataou, by a sale of
said luiid lo tiefy said note, and fur gvumul
Solicitor for Couipluinuut.
April 7th lBliO-lw-Pr's fees, 8 &0
Jsl O T I C t
IN C H A T J C ii K Y .
V i v : Tut.. .
. 'i. 1 r
f a
' .ill,
.r, I l'...,l. i i i Coi li.i;, I I i I 1 ; J i f '
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' ' h- I hi li j i-iii.r U i f i '.o I a ,,
i ' . .1 i ".l , Li iv it ; 'l l.i i., .I...'. il -
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'..''' !'.: ' i, -'io hi i- ;i, . t i r' i.' .) v.. i; li
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' ' ! i : ! ioUVcltl io , . '. I , .,,1.
i t u .'lefence Iu ro . y ei . n.tJ lo
you, upou your payment ot Si.id nolo, nud
the pryer of said petitioii is thai kuij convey
btidu uuy be decreed a uioitgno, and the
euid bin I tol J for the pavu.oi,i cf sail note,
au J I vl general rcii' f
Wn. F LDCKWO'in.
fc' dioitor fr Con plaica.il
J .". iw -Pr's f..i )4-4 fcO
Apr:! 7-h
i Tf I.' ri .x
l. OViel I'm,;.
I pIihN prjllieh tl,.. !. . t . ,
(infffalWMlJ ti l" . .. . .;-.
the iioxl ne,!i.ii t ,
Hlobe w ill vdii '.. i ' s ii . , 4 i ,,. i .
both braiiohee i ! -, ; ,, ,. 4 , ,
reporters, eiiial at i. t. : . , .
hand wrilors in this or i.y . ,
When the dehitea of a 4n? .
more than forty-five eeluintif, iVict hi
pear in the, lUily Qlnbe of the net wnrn i y,
wbieh will eontain, alo, tho re of His .In,
together with evch editorial artiolcM as miy
be riiggestcd by pirg ev Is.
The Cotigririal (Jlohe nnd Appandiw,
will eotitin a report cf all the rirhatos fn
OoURreiNi, revised hy tha epeakern, lb Men
irtKofthe Pridelil of lh I'ulled ftlnl,.,
Ike Annae.1 K.i orU of Ihn Hoad i of Um Hun'
wtlvvi iH'pattinrnt, the Kvpoi (n ol t ,iiii nil( c
of Congress on Important sul J-uU of g.-neral
i4i'revti, the pnMW l .ImiIIik il.o n-?4oii.
and copious iu.lmo i l i il i ,, (, r a
pilote l ou a doiiliie mjnl iici,i, Ui bo ikf uu
royal iiirlo nl, ench n umber nontuibluf! six
IC4 4J pajieit, MVLraftiiiK 2.ISV. mmli r fiRifc.
T!iP nholtf will Uiahe bet won l.Vtl and K.Ubil
pfijii. It la Im IuvhI that lui hnuk h is ever
bi'iw. pnb'.ieho't at no low a rale. Last j,.ur
iW. Illmd ii, lliu l,iily (llohe Im N n.oti'fn,
k.4. 1 iu about ouo houJieil i llin n, . , r.
tu tl. I'uiteil ituitee, a rewiud " lo
aid tn nny prsnoia who " c
pn mi r I ii . i '
!' ' '' . . "i i ,1 . r.
e l f.u ty Co. , ,'. . , ,,.c (,. , , , ; . . ,
dot. itoM 10 Hl!-.UI loiHI-J ii.
The Cuugrrssioul Ulube ari't Aj, . ' , t ,
free thmiiirh the maiU of the Culled tn.,. .,
as Will be f eon i f reading the tollowiru J n; '
KooluH.in pns rl bj Ootmroi the Bth of Aa
gust isriji
Jo-vl li :-; :n 1 .jw'tfuv fvr (Ae L trllutian
if tU I.nnn qf VoHffTft and tXt Ihb-rrt
t With a view to the olip tiiieuUlIon of th
; f v of OngrewH, and the dobaies oontrtbat
ii. i to the true ii.teipreutloo thereof, an Iti
; io'tl'0 fico cornuiiinicaticn hetr.tcn Iho rer.ro-
i i tulirn nnd coiietitiienl bodlcni
I lie t r." rd by the Nomim nrJ Houso el
j Hiinwi!i;i,,i ..' the I'nifed Ktntesof AQier
I i. r. in C ., . v. " m eniWiii", Tal from uud al'
I ii r Re vi " ' eciisi.in of Conirretis, the Ooo
! " Ui' bu end Apprndu, nhioh eontuJa
j il." liii-i.i ui.J th,i Pebatrs theroou, shall pans
li.- tl'iniij!, the ninlle, "o long nt the mmu
i l.iul Im imloishv.! bv i iu'er of Congress: Pro-
nl -, iliut tt..!l.!i:;: hereio I'utll tin oiMt'trtnvt
to noUo iia the iiirculttti'.ii of th Drtlly
Ul.il.o, fi :o i I poi liq'.r.
Appiuud, .MiMi.,t, t'i i ;
b'or n i "py of tl..' t'niiy tjlo'.o 1 moil'is f ,1 CO
l i ii i!oiy for n Vnuimo (per month) I t0
l'n a o. py of ih' (.'oiiftco ionul Ulobu
nud Appendix during ihe session. II OJ
Hank u ites current in the section nf tho
country where n MiWiibrr re idoe will be ro
ceivod at par. The whole or any part of a
subscription may bo remitted in postage
btnuips, which are profurahle tn any currency
except gold and silver. Where Ituuk notes
under !?.ri ean not be proourcd I will send two
cobies for ir
A paper 111 not be cent ui.liss the uiuaiy
accompanic.1 Iho or Ji r lor it.
I can not ufiiir.l t.j rxoliaups w'th r!l tl -i
neWHpupi-is Unit d unite dm fil I , bull ri'l
end the 1'ni'y til.il.o ilm ;: t'i. ; , ..,., at)
whu tllilil lll.ll-,. . i ,. ; ,.r I in ti,t, I, in c;i
bt'r I tin In i .'I noliv in .no I1., o.i ;.
TuoSMWlliI pt;tiiet h!i..i, :i.- I t;.i j . , 1-,,
COIiIhIIIIII 1. In I I", 111 I I Ki.- I Villi ll pi
Utreut ull' . .1-.. ii t il I l.o
(iloliii uiol A In :.,:! x v.ni lout'
liiereloio, I i'lu.11 I n : ,'. t i
I o:.;'f.'
rooij i
tiuiiibers I t H.m n"o.i ..i t-. ul; i
seiilm ufi-i ,-i-.i...i ...,
llie lir-.t eliio'ii sliuil b.vi !
before tho s.il'S, I iptr.n in'.','
shall chaise .no . I r nil I.
lo pay the rit..'..i i f iiluii
tho preus. hiiii .fi i;.i i ,n i.ro o'.
ot.ily a.-i the In st v. . . i. in ....ii..
y tii1
I ut ii
i U I
. :, l
L.l,.- .
ii inu
lo lo.-u
. ! .,..
ki v;:s
coujplute copies ut tbe j r.i
WuxhinioQ, tlcloi.. ; .
n I.
For twenty yearn the Ck-.clui, I 1 rj Ocu!
cr has been ownerl and cuilrolle I, fuliinheii
and Kdiled by the same imiivi )ul. It tu
never minaod a Publlouliou Uay iiurrorufcln.il
a temocratii) Ticket. It bus fouiibl rts mv
single-handed nguiiiHt all oppoeiiioti, until it
has galued a National Circulation nnd u Na
tional Keptrlatiou. From Mitin to Culit'oruu
the Plain 1'euJer is known anil reu ), and it
never was in so good a condition pocoiiiurily
or lu bolter pluck politically, tn f-gl.t the but
ties of Jieniocraey than now. tor the oexu
lngyeor it will be purtioulai ly dtvi.led lo
POPULAR &jVliiriKlllNir A.VfM lHi HUH,l.iLr
Tl baa arrainat hlj'h aulhnrlly, '!ir- j tjo'j
voonlo the rif l.t of "Ui people of u leinioty
as well us a BUiv, ia legululo ther douioauu
(u.ititutions in thoir owu way," aaid it wtii
continue to da so against aWd high auiuoiily
"the world, the fldsb aod the dovil." Agaioat
all Lecoiupton (Jooshluliuas, 6lo Codes, aud
the ro opening of the Hlava Trade, this Paper
lit devotedly dejioatoj from Uil tiaae, fcnuoe
forth forevej
"Cotue one' come all I 7 I'm rci .l-.ll Gy
Prom its firm I'Uf o as eoou aa I !"
lieaides tho eurrtnt News of lhy, 0 t
Plain I'cater will ct ntuin in each i uuibir i
TALK, Corruspuudente from n ItittH of Coatn
bulem, and Telegraph o Uoport freia M uti
r uie ii orid.
Tho Coonnereiul Ie,iurtin;iit will ba un'lar
tl er.lo charge of Jas. Xroken-hire , who
'. . , k no evicted lo bo oue of tho best Mark I
; . ornrs in tho country.
'i Lckl Uepa, iiuetit will be presided m i
I . i.ott 'irii'iinil iiid litughter provoking g"J
. - i.i-i Wrd K. , whose Letters, Juke,
i ' ' c' 1 nr..! ty i iill.,-i, are aloae worth the
. . I i. e n.., i i in ohort, weave prepm-.ii
,',.;,.'. 11.0 of IUO
ll: A.'lL.f 1i.a. CV.-. j.., 'li-ii.'j Ut I
T ii Is. 1 f.
b.:i;vi.i.ij. y.( cu.c $1 J
' tol u.Jk tUOitUJ, 1 Cd
Clubj cf ton, pir)ta,', 1J0 )
All ovir leu Oopit s U OUe loat OIL a 1 I J
To each gullet' up of a Club, ou C,y -Ira.
i'OSr UiS'ftKrf ate icqv.-tteJ to at
as Af aix
F. '
I 1 I
a .
,f::: L
If -..
- aaa-a r