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About Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1860)
Vu ,nu'. ' 1 1 1 "' ." 11 " J 1 " ' tMB I.OTCJHT IKMU TH I IOM. Cvrre.-nl:i f It .ft! Slm.o. WAmiofiiii, D 0., April T, i W bad a c n Hi I ti o II' u-1 J ''i t It , f"' lh fDil of II gsrtY U foil of to Uvqiae Cumplicty. V -t li. Uuai'lit tic lare., tr wn a a. r.o'is 'ilfivJn m I ni' rn id Mtfjr dilltira't' ti. After the H' ii e iffu U to pss McClemsrd a I'll) lT c ui.11 throll! polj gamy by divid.t.g L'iih Utwr-et, th ald territory Jeff.t". 11 and H Mlvei ten Uory of N f Tad 1 ; ifu r they Lad p' 11 1 11 )y full J In" i" allow Muitnont 10 j "iiii-L polygamy by M r nnn grand and elit ji.ncs it was fit that another f.-.rce of lower sijlt .hould nd tb dy's drama. AfOtdtiig'j, Mr. thrritnu. preeecd. to nc coraTiodat l.ovejuy. I.cvejoy la 1 ( e ahidiiiun Jder, who an Giddiugs' Hu?i p.aa move to ft luto the cnmmince I I'm whole, on of th Washburno r f M itur (fit bid family titber) was callcJ lo t f chtir. lit il the mis! out of the !ami v, bin but th eldest Ha i lh tumi le.-t ; tut l.e talk to much tlmt touie c!l it dinner llenc bit name, Jocko. K.nd.r 1: e 1, to dia tioiuih lii in from b'e bro urie, end tiiu"oi.e tor Washburn." II gives Hi' fljor to T- Lovejoy 1 fall bodied tu .11 He 's pot fat, but ba tmlor.pvtiit. II is nctk is bo io. Mia voire, ditto. I! ,lhi rt.', he has b.i n led about by hurt man, like r i Durham, with ring in bU no. and r 'pe in the injt. hheinian had 1ml I of tbc lip ni l nf tin' nqe during li. e contest f' r 8 e.,kerh:.p. SVbvi (U ftkiuiHl got ug'y j wbeu his Inir m,iu-I 10 kltill lin e smii ier ; whin I111 pounds 1I1 lld j when nin r thread of dcl.eiiie U h hung pendant frnm hltrtiops, Stn.rmin kipt hit distance at the full li iih 1 f the tiliii r. Ouly onoe during til tbn t 1 : 1 i t -t on tbe llvl per hook U1 iura did In In II. iw. It Tas littit noiHt, nuch 1 ke n : Imn !' 4 rttnMoi uioj lino mi i'ii. 1 (i Djiniiiii, ne 1 eo hn entici lu the Hull, llio )xir r-m-tDce of t ielutie of hi, in a cliinn t b , t bo circuiuMatice cunipiired tu his Id tu Hall. Lot' j'y i oiiiethii:g of it 1 lie inteDded, nepublinin ruember told in, fo get up a ruiift. Me lucked enme prrnuntit erecuiion in 1 abuen la make him run well t boDi. to he took hit etntid ou the l. fl rf the reekcr, nmorig the eeivtH. As he l r ui o reeuh the climax of abuse on elaTeholdni y TlcnilOU1 OF TIIK PAPAL. AKMOItV. Our Kurcprun adelree muke frriaent re'rr -r.?r to the tbrf fit of t innrinnnii-eticn denoun r.) ,nitji Yictur Kmitiiurl. It h' len lati'.l that the ertiter'-e would he eie uti'd ne 0"n x the Kmr ln ul.l aiiti .unre bin ric ept .mo. r,f ), j.nli,n j roTinre. Tlmt arci-i t bi hui e'(inifml, hut it dooi nut arptfcr :bnt the m mrnre bi yet b ' n f "rmnliy pto lu uiiof I, alilmiisb ni-ri'inn i made if" in"n itmy " In wbii li the Km? n itiioriMf I ib it l.e it lo f -cl eirriiiinuirc a c.l. In the li (f niu-t jie-ti n in cur '! . H e b!c ..I 1 x i-m- mniiiratinn eii ilei tut l'.'i f lb'' ' with w'uii-h i u r 1 en c tn t ' e riiiti !. The f xrii.Mi nir ni ' 11 1.1. . I Inii'tdint, we need 11! t in if i 11 .! ' f 1 it re-ideia, are nillririit 11, V i f 1 in 1 -l,ii ' 1.1 bv wliirb Ibe Hi 11 . 1 1 I the ( 11 ni nli t,. 11 il -1 'ensil'P, a, id, iTi i'ii f ti ihif Cniloi! rin-d, 1he dis (Ifi'iiieil i I i"i v i ti , 11 t-uo'i h i .: 'yiif s to i-c t iiitn'i i 1 11 of I i.e " I'lii'.'iee. 'lie iiiiii T -'11111, mil. ii :n !'. i t ie (Tender li inn 1. 1 r 1 1 i 11I.' h in 'li 1. 1 l' L-n( vr. Ibi) in.ij.-l' cm . -inn 11 .i nl mi t - 1 . i 1 m b'. 111 ft union i'i tti.y t'liiii-i'... 1 lie ?i d 1'! t'l.Mti'in n inci. Il m not 1 i.:i I'le c.i '"irn ! li ' 1.1 I'm" Suti 11, rut. ...t 1. '11 1 1 01 1 1, o . (be bowe of (i.i I. N', ( ! I. rt I .11 I'-:' 1 I .'' I I" Hill 1 if (TO. Hit --, ;! I r no t :..;-'..-o in rotitfe- ir.ti'.l 1311.., in 1 i nn ti.e t I 1 :--.i'.u t'Ui i ll M'r T.eo br r:'i.l over litem. H be U n ill oil it rr ti , win) is ibui tl out I, I.'m mil j'-ci.) are a Wived fnuil tl.e i- n:leyinii''n to bun. N I ( bliftiull (nil f( 1 1 k to bun ; 1 1 r 'be mem e.-il Cbl ifitinu I'm bun, 1 feu in 1 1 r 1 : i t , , th"ivb be wne )'' If'nl K f,.,l!l ( ..hli.r h U lie. -r. lie il ll li (ill nti. I i-'t'il (hi'. i and Kci uiftj be 11 .1 fj,uj .n o',.4 The In'ei'li. I U a foitn i f ei C'li.iiiiiiiii' iili'in i''i.'l In a wluiltf U .I. pd.. in. In a kitipd' 111 Ijii j; under nn lotetdict, Ibe whole re.ii.i ii.-. ii' iii'ii i l poeiity U brmiirlit Id H ill : 1 I 'nil I. 1 li" i:lll. i 1.1.1 I.I 0 till l 'J l tbo Inuir i i i.e. , ,i: il.i'r li vurs, in. l the l"'i t M V u i' ;.t tbc j. : . r. With the cei--i.t:oii ftl li iif ii'Ui wi.i -Ir there U a cen-fttii u of nil th- ii.tT ..It;.-, m ni !'!(( hureb. There is i.o I'ii gi r iiiiirriwe, born.l or h bum. The dead am cai-iied wiihunt eereinmi y by to pn nij'l init ble.i-ed of pi list. The liiiibful put on thu embiem "I muni iiing at thu di'utll if tlli'T Inil.iii.; " till! IIMilllbtie BU uluut Iho htroel" " T ho i ficot of n Interdiot wan ill KfilOI. Ii..l.i,,-i.j I. (vim John of charging thim with lung niurderert, poll pa- i;,!,,,,,! Wltlf , -,,( l Ime it. The execution UU, and all the itst ot the womt ol oume! f hfVei. f ,,,e t.n, ,.,.,., hue per- Dd ituulu; defeiul'mg Helper end his f(Cl ,,,.,,, rHtl., ...iehty eovcreiRt.a. Kmpe- wor-ldetiKnt-aftfr KloiiOl'igJulinKtideiil- ri hBT0 KoM1)) fts Bunplie.u:tii to Img the Uemoci ate devils inciiriiBle. i.i.d pil- ,,ri(l)i,iute the Knter ol the l'opc, and have only iug up many other tit bits of Cliriftum and .....jj.j ,ljuai,iu t,f ,he tuobt abjoot clerloul rhelorio, in order to renoli the tlimita li uiiitlintn ti Of hi. theatrical ..Mngeiuent of ttylo, .,, r v-Mliolj!lU'(,,v ,,, lPn ,;, Cu,lre:, WSH t and malter-h. hepnn will, upraue 1 Hr,, ,r (hii t j( jt el.nol.iog and l.aku.K h.H fl.-t, and mnny bo- , , , ,. , ny ui not whirh it leveled them, hnd much nidi) w.tli tbo (tk'Ot Uiey proilmeJ. 110 I'npa lahotii (till) derail). r -vrrm : j -r-.-r i. r D. MoLAl'OHLIN, KJIlnr- aturilfijr Morning, April Nili I 00. m ' 11 '" 1 " - lruoratl Central ('tnlttee Meet ing. 1 bt mnih"ri of tht T'TTli'rifil Pinort'lc ("entrtl C. in : ii i i arts rei ii at t..I to meet at tht llnolon It' u. to I'nmbft, ou Tu'ft'lftj th litb daj of June, A. I'. 1-t-n, to latifiefh acM'-n aw inay La deemH rir fi-arr f- r lb orK'iiiatl''n cf the Ienieeratlc .art, ami to f,i u; on th tiuio an.l ) tart of hol.linfi a t'on Trntl .ii to n- ii.lfiale a l emo, ralii? C'aii'llilf.te f..r Dfh (rata in O.nfriTir, anit traDfact aurll other buiilDaaa ti tuy bv deeuid acevtkary at that tinia. B. r. RANKI.V, CU'n. !!. C. IlLicmn, Ptc'y. viue deuioimtruiiDiis ol bead ami coiit-tnil to walk QUt of his pliiru, into the n i in n in trout' . m .1. - ... . 1. . -!.! 11 .. II I .. 1. 01 lu poeuatr a i;afiiir. i u vitinuu iat iu1 i i- t i i l. .. i ..i..,n ,i T , i'i. i , ' cnabl li'oa'rulo Kinii Jnliu of l.nKlnud, when tAlliil a uhiiiik Inn cla im lim tito..etieil 1 . n . . . little fliw about, Deinncratio niefnbers put without uuibrelUs. Cvf the Ucuiooi alio buuouer wluii he wus ::ie ha ibned nut nlienii.l th ffatnv denunciation I '..i, ,...., tl... I'li.iliwU lhr,,m.. 0erUeotiit,wit:.iureneb .... t. '.,:.. ,.,., iiiiiiiiiiinir ill, n, culled on l'liriinineiit, und Unit body fi - I Ihe fiiiinu.i i'.ttuuntrf ar.t, wh'i'h piini In d liny atteinpt in introduce ft forei:u pnwi i Mel o il n y 0' Hie iihk a riui, nun am aimed ill the ao-utiiptii'ii of petting the I ope n With defiant uud dera te lli'init) and emu of t'acsro thief," "pcilurtd villnm,'' a;: I cither delicate reminder ot hi original atdf. Hot ou came thla elt oliirul bovine, until ali t te hut blood of the South wis up. lied tl 'i'.i we-a tlouribhed IU thick pruluai.iu. Tli.i mis ohul he wauled. He then tbrii hnuu lf into mi attitude put his !mul l urk uul urillid scr- triil oubia feet of hot nlmusi Ui u I l'rvor. McOuveii, ll.u k . Unlu, and i tbirs, nf tho "Sweet Wuuib," K" ' o him tiutice. kimiUl gc sturmg and uproariuu hubhub tu go kick to hie OWU aide. M lulu It culle i ou eigei tit ott Arui. At lmiiilU ULhuiiiuu U uMiuut hi failed on that olhcer. It t 113 like ct.lanj; ou 11 pit it from ibe v .aiy deep. 11 0 iiIimuI lilt aailaul wku loukankc the jolly Iiitb. y if4 )'iokii.k ru he.) out with l.uiron end iui.j with the iiniou lu biin l The eualu 011 it tlm terred aiioul in utiur ilimiiiy. Tie hou.-io all ou ita tt at. l'bo urea was a j mi of elisor der, tioii-e and l.tllii iM'tiie. Ketlogir, if llli jm, cuiui doa u iiii.l r ii ed ia purely tupathy . II d-.d not know what he was roaring about. turoeli, in it lu luiifs but lit above in ability roared in d tl nice. Members pui on overcoats ' " ' I.iieii.lly ndei nti waa to pay. ho luck of hot pitch, tm'x'r to dtnehargo tho obligation. At length Unnli burui) desei led the clmir. l'eniiiugtuu oi k it. tjuiet wat restored. T!io olernml bully wai allowed to go to 'bo clerk'tf atuud ecourd mg to the 1 uIok to finish his perl'01 niiince, aud iba Houee edjourue l wiili uiore bad fee! ing ihau 1 ever rniw uianlfeetod hero before. t waa a deliberate aud picineditttte attempt tu bring ou a fatal and tearful collision, for lb pertoual grati(ication of Lovejoy. arealett Iue 011 Iteconl- Anold Mlaelteippiauurn'ahee the following to Ibe Woodvllle (Miss.) Hfj'ublwan. The fuinou duel iu which forty or more gentlemen were engaged, iu l'-D, is Kill re pieiuht red in Natcbvi. Col. Jiu. Howie, the farnou fighter aud inveutor of Ihe knife which bear hi Dame, used to ep.ul a greitt duul of hU time iu Natohtt. He wa ubaltened by a leuileiuau fruiu A'.eianiria, I.u., vhose friouda tu the uumber of tweuty or more, ac companied him to fintcbei to bio fair pluy, knowing that 13uwie was a desperate in'', aad had bis own friends about bnu. ,-ll piirlies ieut upsa the ftsld. Ttse combat.-iu-s toyk their placet iu the oenler, aeperalcd from llieir friend in the fear, lreiiQ igt not to cudsngir tbein with their balls. Heboid the t iutle iiiniy Ibua: Twenty aru,J Lou;iuui,.us ti;tyynrda bahmd their ct)a:;( iou pd iis iccuutU aud furgeuu, audoppusite ihent, a.s far behind How it aud his eeOuuJ aud euigeoti, and twehty armed Miaiai( piau. Hehuld the heights ol tVaioutl turunad wiih rprulttloi', aud a aieaiurr iu tb river round 1 tu, its deika Ida a with pitf.ter.gerr, watching with deep iu leiel the bene t'be plao to fight w it too exolintige thots (wioe Willi Lifdntr, uud then clone 111 with Vu;tcs, Vowie testigaroieJ with bis awn terri ble weupou. At the flret bolb pat ties eecuprd. At the e.'iij the Li uisuutau was to qrick and took auiautage of, who wuiied ibe wrd. At this linwie's eecoud cried "foul V'oy I" acd hot the i.ou mnimii dnsd. The tecood of the latter inrtantiy killed .he blayer Of his pnuoipie. lljaie drove his kuifo into ihla Uiau. The surgeons now crvtfed blades, while With loud battle cries, came i u the two par net ol frtuda, ihe 1 gbt if buttle iu their ey la a uiumint tbo whole number who ugagtd iu a fearleaa ceLtiiot. Hirks, pittidt aud kuivet wei used ai.h fatal tileel. uulil (jue parly drove the olker from the held. 1 do Dot knot bow many were killed uud'aoun dud tu all, but it wit a dreadful daughter Koaie fought like a lion, but fell coveted w lib. unds. Kir uoiitht b lingeied at ibe Mau ! iou lioui btlor he fully rtuoteied. 1 111. CAM. OF TIIK 'I KKHI I OIUAL, ( (l.'I.MI I TKK. Hy rcfirrnce to II e bend of this column, it will be eeen tlmt the cbiiirman of the dtm,--rrutio ceiitrul ceiiir.iittie 1ms ishued a call for that body 1 1 meet i n Ihe lliih of June next. Tim following iiunied piror.s, we leiitve, con alitute the cou.iniUt'ti : H. V. HiinLiu of r-'iirpy, A. 1. link of Uii h ardson, R. VY. I'lirnas of Naiuaha, II. C li'aik in mi of li.,e, S. A. Stiickluud of Sarpy, T. H. IlubeitM.n 1 1 Uotifilas, E. A. Allen of Wui-h-iupton, lj. o. W. Mason of Hurt li Cunuiiing, V. 8 1i nov.'in of I.niicaiiter, Hurunbas Hutes of II ,!;oi.i, A. A. Patrldgv of Hixou, G. V. 'lhiU'.!"U of l i'i'ai', J. Shuw Gregory ol L' au ij ii couil, J. W. ratiieou of Hodge, Jobu Uitkliy of 1'ittte, C. A. Ilonry of Monroe & llali, L.10. I'. Hobit of Tawuee, W. R Epear Of JoilllHOtl. Thine are koine vacancies iu the above that will need to be filled. Goo. Vi. Mason has removed from the Territory, aud so hue A A. 1'ulride. The former has moved to OLio uul Ibe lutitr to Dakota Tcrrritory. We have a word lo Buy to the committee, which we bore they Will not tiike tunhs. When they meet tj " tranmct such other bus iness as may bo deemed ticcrniary," wo hope their actiou mny not be chui rcIii i-e I by tuch an utter d .sregnrd for deriLcratic Ufngos as their last meeting, at the Ilernd jii. We are j not apprehciihive Hint the coiiimitli'O will go on and tuuke tho uomintitiou for Holegiite in ; (.'ntigreKH, uud then fall buck aud iutrtucli I tbtm.ielves bthiud the decliiratiuu that " the step whs not tukeu without duo coiunlt-ilion ' with proiiiiuent Hemocruts from all puts of ! tho Tuniloiy." We euiigcft ttat they tsko . into cuiisid. riitiuti the interest of the arty, this liuie, ami allow ii''ir:iiiti to culuvuti! in iu lute over au net of I'.irliiiuieut or Ihe King's ( their aspirations iu nil humble, iudividu il The Hi-hops throughout Hug- , lnanuer, uutil the party grows strong enough liunl acre I'm ewiirncd thM the hmg would out law them if lliry broke Ibis sliitue. If Victor Emaiiucl is to be t'xc.minunli 'ed, we air told the sentence will be prcuouucc l at St. reter', t ilher by the Hope or n Cardi nal. The whole body of Cardinal will be pres ent The interior ol the Church will lie dra ped in l.!..i)k, the cm. . lis will bo vi ilt.l, nnd t rrhet lighted and extinguished one afier ou nt Ui r. Other solemn ceremonies nt ft funeral east will limine in the great art of ill nunciu tion. 'Iho Hhilad-lphia Ubzielte, referring to the decree,, rays Hint the form of cscoiu iiiiiuieHiiou is one of Hie arrona, secrets known ouly to the blithest authorities in the Church. I . ' ... .. 1. ........ I "I' to allow such things to bo done, by central committees, witli impunity. w liiese deiiuncmiii.ns are aometiines Iriimed fro hue tnv, tlioiiih in acooid'ince w'th the deoiees ut the Councils and Willi the practice of Ibe Colleges. Ihe published riiuul of the Cliui 1 h oiiiiu 111 iny forms besides Hint of the ex.:. .iiiiiiiiiiic.ili.ui, Mich, for inswiice, 11s that used on tho coronation, und on the depiibitiun of u King; ou tho reception of penitent wo mmi in the bosom of the Church, and Ihe like. Thee tuny be found in Ihe fruits' College, at Ycuuu, which i-, ae believe, the deposit my of u r i'iij,- also 111 tbo library i f tho Valio'iu; but tley are sealed books to the milium, le, und to nil hut those t ) w'.oiu the rulers of the Cliuieh open the seal. Whether or nul tl;eie will be 11 foi uni'i c.eoni munioatiou cimnot be determined by the ae- Our rol .tion8 with Mexico are e till un-etlled. The state of excitement in the City cf Mexico , was great, when tho news of the capture of j tho two Mexicau steaiuers, by Copt Jnivis of ' the Cuitid States Navy, was announced. A liiorec, banishing Americans and confiscating their properly, wus published, and a few days erwards revuked, Inx sevenths of tho Mexican people ere of ludiau, Negro, or mixed color; one-seventh ouly being pure Casliliou. At tho head of the mongrel miijurity, as leader, stands Jua rn. himself a full-blooded ludiau of the Zone too ilcuz tribe. Ue is a mail of fine abili Jt, an nccmnplished hcholnr, and an eminent ju rist. Under Comiiioiifci t he was Cnivf Jus tice of the liepubiic of Mexico, and Was e 1 aud respected for the purity cf his charac ter, aud the wisdom of his judgment. Py the Constitution he became tx oArio I'lesidcut, when, from any cause, whatever, the Execu- oouuts we have. Tho probability is lb it, if ' live chiiir became vacant t'ommoufort hav ventured 01 it will noi eer.ou-ly damage tbo 1 , banished from the countrv. Juarex. in uecordance with the couKiitution, took the King of Sardinia or the cause ol ltaliuu unity. l. Leun UryuHii .in. HOW A ID'U'IM IVAI SAVK.I). Wc hnvo been iuf .rtr.e 1 by au eiricer of the United ?titis Army of a u.Ost rci.iai ki.hi ' iiistiince ol in.'i'iiuitv and presence of ni'ndiii . a sergeant of too army, which occurred a few , weeks eg 1, by which he cfived his own life aud 1 party, acknowledged the aliraiuoii rotfrn that ol ins pnrty. nient ; while VeraCiux, tb United States, .1 srrgeaii w 11 11 a oil'! I twenty uve snijters, reius of (l.iveruiuout into his hauds. Jealousy impelled the Castillians to deny hi uuthority, And tho congiess ordered a new election, by V bioli Zu'ioaga first and Miramon afterwards, were chnseD Presidents. The City of Mexico aud the European powcis, und ihe Church A atiapp'm nine pound toy wai hero on tb I.oiiii, ilt"0.t Cbiragu KailroaJ a few nights aiuce, whili the 1: u whs running at tweotv-tW miles aa hour, fign of good raacagemei.t tine ibe Kt eaiverahip. Noione pereou killed and oue a ided to t ie populntiou ol lbs Siale I'Airoyo '" ' TnOuni. hud been sent out tonne Dailua from Fort He fiiucii, .New Mexi. o, In gum 1 si'ioe ttoik which were sent logiaiu, wheu unexpeoteiiiy they found tlmt ihe pi rty was surroun led by about four Imu li ed host lo Navsj ie lud'nins. The brave and tkdful sergeant took position on an eminence, and by a volley the long shooting riiJi'H of bis party ut tirr-l drove off Ihe savages, who however roou rnlied and prepired to etotin tht paity on all side. Tbo sctgetiiit, in tin uis; his bruin lor au cxpt Ji. eut by which to convey intell'geue ot 1 no desperate peril in at.u h l-i party was pla.-ed took a single dog which aecuuipauied the party, fastening to his collnr a nolo written with a pencil, infoiming the commander at the fort cf hi situutimi, took a tin cup. ill w hu h be put eouie pebbles, w hi. li w as confin ed W ith a piece of eb th over ihe t p, fasli it .1 with a string to the do,;'a iml, ep.t toiud lolmo CO juice into his fundament, mi l started t'.n dug loose, lujuiuif. that he i.u'l, in Irs aflright, ruu to the lort. lie da.-lTl wnn In gi fuie.-t -pe d tu Ken Hiflnne; the note was I discovert d and 1 ia I hlriltghtway s party was 1 seut to tho rescue, and atriyed just iu tiuie to I rave the w hi le party. The an geaut, justly, I minis a 'Oiniun.isMon, which we will La awards 1 by the I'reaidrut AiiiuiXy Ptuj. und the Constitutional party, acknowledged Juirei, His ia the larger of the two factions t ut the biobt ifii.liio!eii ; he has a motley and mongrel miijority, while tho other has wealth aud intelligence. The latest news from that rebellious aud distracted quarter is, that tho foreign iniuis ters, iu order to effect a union of the two par ties, have proposi'J a uew election the result r.f which both patties sre to abide by. The Juutj p .rty souseuted to this arrsngeincnt, but the other tide would uot. Whereupon, they threatened to leave tbe-oity of Mexico, go to Vera Crut and recogtiixe tho authority of tl.O Indian. DAKOTA TEnniTonr. We know of no Rood reason why th Terri tory of Dakota fh'.u'd not be attar hed to Ne brak4. Many vrft nl ones could he asaipned why (he phould le. Persons living th?r hive no protection for their crsons or prop-, erty, which is a serious preventative against parties going there. The chief aettletnente are ou tb Misfou.i, and the chief towns are Vcimiiliou and Strike-the Ilee. The popula ia somewhat limited, numbering less than several t'.iousaud souls. There Is no necessity f..r the General Government to establish a Tetriloiial Government, at an eipcnse of fifty tboutand dollars a year, or more, when they can be gathered uuder th wings cf Nebraska, as easy as not. FLt Ml TIMES. Tiere sr certainly, a we stated in ons of the Taie course a few dsyt a n, (lush times iu this city. A plethora of money, au epidemlo of extravagance, and a tendency to luxury, prevail among the people. The one hundred million of dollars' worth of cotton received In this city, he fin to be diffused through all clas- 1 res. Our planters are all nut of debt, all at j least who want to be ; have balances to their j credit with our mei chi tits, and the latter with ! their commissions, and interests and insur ance dividends, tire in the tasie.'t sort of cir , i'iimstuncr9. The ccnrM iiiicnces of this ptate , of things are an enormous advance in rent estate and iu tnc price cf ar'icles of use and 1 onsuiiiption. A great deal of property has doubled in value in this city, in the hist eight een mouths ; very little indeed ia known that h"8 nut inrrciiscd fifty per cent in msrket value. Ho el the prices of living. The pur veyors and tradesmen have taken advantage of this tide, aud are nddiug largely to their profits. Our numerous wholesale grocers, es pecially, have their hauds full, t-o of other trades. The grand fancy and dry goods stores, on Canal and Chartres streets, at all hours of the day, aud some distance into the night, are thronged with purchasers, cbieSy of the fair sex, whote liberal expenditure aud magnificent array present, afier all, the most agreeable and cbeciingcvidcncos of the general prosperity of our country. Hut we aro Icing tempted into an illimita ble field of graduation uud jubilation, aud must diuw in our reins ; not, however, until we have noted oue proof of tho nbouuding wealth and luxury iu our midst, which came under mr nutice yesteid iy, We refer to the high jiices askvd and giveu for rarities and delicacies lor the table. W e saw a small lot of strawberries, ubout two ijtiaits iu quan tity, nil lor ijil-J, mid a pair of j ompanoes for ijl, and cauliflowers lor $- 00 a piece. These nro higher rates thru were given iu the grand limes of 1 Deli, rnd what is Oetter, they are lutes which .-01110 J eople can't stand with out being jus.iy chairtctible with prodinlity und extrnvsgauce. 'Iheu they were paid for in paper inonej, winch vusily exceeded iu amount the real ciipital and wealth of the country ; now pnyuieuts are made in gold and rilver, and from the 1 gitiniate proJuets of capital and industry. Ant' UUans Delia. Tub HirntUAKCK. Jones was travelling with Uis wile, uud ( for a freak ) was eo gal lant in his behavior lo his eura tnosa, that mad a 1110 grow uneasy and remonstrated ag.inat his attentions, us too marked for pub lic observation. " Tho d 1!" cuid Jones, "we are mar ried, 1 suppose t" Ves," sai l the lady, " but judging by your deportment, folks will think tee ninl!" " Well, what of it t" mid Jones. "Why, not much, certainly, for yon" said tho careful dume, "yo.i ure a man ; but we wunieu have our characters to take care of." J-.'ues was tb(.cki..i inu. propriety for the rest of tho j lurney. ,'l'j:i l ;. (Irrmnua Cuming Wctt. The HulTaio Express of a la'e dato says : We understand that to'iie six hundred cf tho Germans citiiens of I'ull.ilo are interest ed in the nourishing settlement, to which tba name of Arago has been fiven, 011 the Mis souri river, in the Southern pait of Nebraska Territory. A sort of a league or association it teems, was formed, and about four thous and Bores of land purchased for a rcttlcment. In the town of Arago, which has boon laid out on thu river, there nre now about two hund red inhabitants, nn 1 it promises to heoouie a thriving place. A considerable company of new settlers are going up this spring. The Newburyport Mi. Ilerad, alluding to the spring elections, thinks it wo ild be fair to say, looking forward to the Presidential rou est, that New Hampshire is safe for the Republicans; Uhode 1-1 ind is mfo for the Democrats, and Cenneeiicut is tale for noboby ..fur a inaj n ity of five hundred, or twioe that number, in eighty-six thins ml, is nothing to rely upon." . . A'. one. the St. Eouis correspondent of the Ft. Chillies Kaleiiliwpi, narralea the follow ing : The other day a lad nf some cipl.t surrreers was called to tho staud i:i one of our Courts to testify in a certain case then and there pending. Doubts being aised s to his com petency as a witness by not properly under standing the nature and oniigation of au oath, tri question was put to him, "are you the sun of the piainiiiT ?" The lilila fellow, crossing his legs, and deliberately putting about half a paper of tobacco into his mouth, with the utmost sang froid replieJ ; "Well it is so re ported." He testified. TIIK 1IOIV11C.KMI U blKL, Latest accounts from Washington t-poil all A Frenchman who had traveled a good deal in ibe Uuittd ftates. being asked how be lik ed the eountry, answered: "0 I like xee cnur.tree vcr mooch, mais it eex very fonny. In my countree sits is vuu religion and great many soap ; mail iu t is eontre xer is onlc vuu soap and vcr many religiou ! ' prospect of a fight between Potter uud Pry or for the preseut. Roth bive been arrested aud placed uuder bunds. Pry or, however, bus protested Hgaint the action of his sec ond, Mr. Chismau, in refusiuj the wenpous of Polter. Alter lbs refusal to accept I.,r? Jor's offer, he wrot a note to Potter accepting the Per several yurs past J bowie kuives, but before it reached him, he was arrerted. The friojda cf earn, party are spprebeu.iv. or a street hgut between theni. j ,enc(,i af,er wu'ii;h till, ,Uall be given. Jt . nan lto limit lands to those ouly suljvfct to pri- The postage between the Toiled Sla'es and the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, bv the Br man nisi', has been reduced from 22 to 16o, pre payment rpticnal. so as tht the ouiform rate of the latter amount Is chargabl on all letters oonveyed ia the Premna raail between the Coiled States and States belonging to the Oorman and Austrian Postal Colon. On Ihe night of April 2, the house of Mrs. Rsgan, in Uiohland County, Wisconsin, while she was absent over night at a neighbor's, was burned to ihe grond, and six children perished in the flames. The largest was 11 years of age. They wer all th children she had. Mrs. R. lost her husband about three months sgo. As numbvr of the Opposition will pair off with Democratic members who are going to Charleston and will avail themselves of this arrangement to visit their is probable that scarcely a quorum, if so many, will bb lett to attend to the public bti!iies. 1 he Methodist Episcopal Conference had sn exciting time on the igi discussing the slavery questiou. Resolutions ratling on the General Conference to change th discipline, so that slnveholding should be cause for ex communication, were negatived by a vole of 123 to 43 nearly five to one. It required two-thirds to pass it. Tb Democrats if Providtnos, on the news of Epragu's election, carried a swivel to tho roof of the new post office, and fired nation al salute, which was heard for miles around. At the election in Louisville, Ky., two weeks siuc, the Democrats elected their city ticket by sn average majority of 184. The Boston roil says, th capitalists bar secured neatly every available piece of marsh cr upland on Cape Cod, and have transformed them Into valuablo cranberry meadows. The French Government has invoked the ar tides of the ooncordat that no full or brief re script, mandate or provision, or other docu ment from the Court of Rome," even regarding private persons, can be received, published( or otherwise put into execution without the authorization of the GoTcrntneBt. It was understood that warrants against Heccan and aycig will bo executed at ence, and the parties required to find securities to a heavy auiiunt, as the magistrates are deter mined, if possible, to prevent the fight from coming effof IlartfordEbire. Parson Brownlow, of the Knoxville, Tenn essee, Whig, says he will sot support Mr. Bates, of Missouri, if "nominate at Charleston, Bal timore and Chicago." A firo occurred at Woodstock, New Bruns wick on the night of the 15th, destroying up wards of ono hundred buildings. Tho loss is estimated at $300,000. The Uin. Vim. Preston, Amban.iador to Spaiu, returned on the Baltia and is now at Washington It is thought he has effected a very favorable treaty with the Q ieen's Gov ernment. A Washington dispatch says that the Presi dent has decided to remove George N. Riiun ders from tho post of Navy Agent at Iew York. Sauuders is a Douglas itnn. The office of the city collector of Chicago was broken open on the night of the 17th, and robbed of $3,000 in money, and $17,nfl0 iu checks ard Treasury Warrants. Theodore Parker writes from Pome ;hal . during the four months he hna. been in that oity, he has not seen a drunlii j man. Ho does not beliove there is a bar in all Italy. The reports of the condition of the grow ing whetvt, from nearly all parts of the coun try, are very fnvoreble, aud the jield prom ises 1 0 be very large. Tbo Madion( Wis. ) Jrym snystbnt Booth th leader of the Republicans ia Wiscontic, aud who seduoed a young girl living iu his bouse, his paid his victim $2,000 to 1. ave the State, aud abandon the prosecution commcuo 0 1 against him. Youn- Hrownljw who killed a college male a short tim.i siuee, and who is a son cf Par son Brownlow of the Kuoxville JiV.i'y, was acquitted ou the 14ih. The A Iminlstriition adheres to to the San Juan Island, and in response to tho proposi tion of the British Government, has informed it of its determination. notice: IS n Fit BT OlVI.f thttt will t.,ti lo tUhlgtiwl Udder, on tit Tth day ef M ' b( twHa tht horn 1 of 'elk, 4. , ,4 , M.,at tht door of tbt Cowrt IIonM, la !-, Co T., for Hit amount of tb taiM Iberoon aocrrdi' tht year ls, tb follow! anua trelt tltua,i in DaUU County and T.rrttory ,f K,"4 Tartu of fell"ii. I ? r St w hf of n qr t hi of n w qr n qr of 1 t qr ind 1 qr of a qr and Ixite 'i and 8 n hf of a a c,r aud w bf of 1 v qr I w qr of n e qr tod o w qrof 1 e i,r Lot 1 aud t bf of n qr of a a qr a w qr of 1 1 qr, lot t 4 tear cf d or acd r hi of s t qr w bf of n qr and t bf or n w qr t qr Lota 3 and t tad i bf f a w qr n w qr n bf of t w qr and 1 bf of a w qr w qr of n w qr tnd t bf of n tqr w qr of d w qr, w hf of 1 w qr anil u w qr of a w qr at qr ot t qr. e bf of a a qr and lot 1 Lot 1 A 1 and a lif and 1 w a w qr of tw qr Lot 2 tsd 4, tnd n w qr iT t w qr n w qr Isits 1, 1 3 t. t nf of 11 a qr and n bf life qr e hi ot u w qr 11 w ir of 1 w q,, w hf and t t ir 01 u w qr t w qr t bf of 11 t qr tod w hf of n w qr hf of s e qr and w hf of s w qr n w qr w Lf a w qr and n bf of n c qr n hf of e qr and a w qr of n e qr 6 hf und n w qr 01 n w qr w hf of n w qr and e hf of n c qr w hf of a e qr and n hf of n e qr t c qr w hf g w qr and e hf of s e qr W hf of s e qr aud e lif of s w qr n hf of s e qr and s w qr of n e qr Lots U, 8, aud s e qr of n w qr s r qr s e qr w qr of n e qr, s e qr of nw qr, n qr of a w qr and n w qr of b e qr n w qr s e qr of s e qr and n hf of n e qr n hf and 8 w qr of s w qr e hf of 8 w qr and w bf c f a e qr n 0 qr Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 n e qr s e qr n w qr of u w qr, a e qr of s e ur.and e hf of n e o,r 11 1 f of u e qr and s w qr of s e qr Lots i 6 and 11 w qr of a e qr s Lf of aw qr, n e qr of 11 w or, find u w qr of n w qr 3 hf of u w qr, a e qr of u e i4t. and n e qr of s e qr JS l f it it, Jo St 19 M So 1J 1 IS SC. 12 17 H EO 30 20 8 li 'iS HI 59 s T 21 ?4 2,1 29 Sb SI n U it M 17 r 2, 1 is .4 -S l) 2 : : !M 11 il 20 83 Si 2d 15 28 25 20 2S 1 27 27 27 1 2 29 CO 31 3 18 2S 12 11 27 S 3. 29 1 2 0 29 4 28 10 29 6 27 23 28 Si 29 1 23 7 23 83 29 4 23 19 3D 8 27 2 23 16 H 17 31 6 29 3d U 14 SO 21 22 29 0 9 8 8 8 6 9 9 8 9 8 7 9 7 Its 1M i;s st 1M W Ir 1M i'A ICO 1M I!) M UI 1'0 141 1M 60 Iffl HO 160 100 U'3 1G9 120 120 155 160 100 160 160 120 150 100 180 H50 1(50 120 120 180 IbO 120 IbO 100 160 122 136 IJ4 ,J l,"t '.'4 1 4 l f-6 II : 4 ty Hfl s,7 1!,(J ,7 , 1".M 91 e,u 6,84 8,68 6,BI 7,07 6,13 6,50 8,76 C,89 8,76 8,76 6.CS 8,21 8.78 8,76 10.63 8,70 7,: 6,75 A 84 6.84 8,5w 8 78 C,8l 8,75 6,22 5,82 7 160 6,S- 28 8 160 10,8a STA TEMEXT of the Financial Cunditian of V.ikuta County, Xelraslca Territory. To Amount of Warrsuts lrau;..l to Jannary 1st, UtO hy Amouu' of Tax for yaar rtatnr dua.. Da. .. $;.7: co Cb. 714 28 j:oaj T2 JA1U.S W. VIHTfK, County Clurk. II INS AX II .ui have s rut a few weeks i f ihe lutter part of August i n ihe Kenet nek river, in .l uue J he lady w ith w boiu I Iists stop) ed, is a highly accomplished and intelligent housewife. .She tuppnris a 'hennery," uul froiu her I deriv ed my infuiu.aii 11 iu tbe matter, tho told me that for mauy ytais the bad beeu iu th habit of a lmiuirlf ring to her heus, wuh their coinuiou food, at the rale of a iiaspoouful of After the executive session ou the 17lh, the Sruate considered the Ilometead Bill. Mr. Johnsou reported it iu a modified form, limitiug the class of jciscns provided for, to heads of families, and requiring payuieut of tweuty-five ceuta per acre, aud five years res- MEXICAN MUSTANQ L.INIMENT Its wonderful effaott and eontrquent popularity rrtiij no arti' lt to thahlntory of tba Vxttria 31. U en. err r arquirad the sama Patrontitt, waa tut-Ject to tht aaiin. number of severe and dilforant tofts, and mat with to fLw f.illurri m tbt ilaetang Liniment. It bat justly breu ityld a Panacea for til external Wfuiidr, Cuts, swellings, rprilns, brul,or Kruptlont on Man or Prist. It It to far a medit'lnt of aurpritlng virtue, Phyilrlaut trt C"ui ile J to prturrlbt it, and fi-eiQ tome remarkable rurei of fArettic nod Zhilor f.J lllitLvtattc cai'f It bat naturaly attracted much a.irutioo from tha flrat teluntlno miudt of the te. No firully can afford to ba without bottit 01 tbt MuslaDg Linlnmut ia tht bouna. lkwart 0 imif aliont. Tbt genuine it eold by resectable dealers lu all part of tba world. bARNKB k I' AUK, Pr. prletort, New York. M PINKRKl'ON County Treasurtr. l'skota City, April 7ih l'iO." NOTICE IN CHANCERY. To John Williamson : Tako notice of apt tition iu chancery, filed against you iu lue District Court, for the third judicial district, within and for the County of Dakota, and Territory of Nebraska, on the 7th day of Apul, A. D. luO, by Joseph N. Fields, lo which pclitioa you are hereby nquircd lo plead, answer or deuiurr, on or bei'ere tha 11th day of May, A, D. lHO, the same beirjg the first, day of the ueU term of said Court io and for said county. Said petition sets forth in substauce that you di, on th 17th day of Felutmry A. D. 1839. execute and deliver to said Fields, as trustee, a certain "Jeed of Trust of tbe following lands, tu wit ; The north cast quarter of south east quarter, amd toufi east quarter of north east quarter, of Section number twcntv-Dve, in Township number twenty-nine, of Kange seven east, and lots 2 and 3 of Section 29, of Kange eight, eaBt of tho Sixth pi-iucipal Meridian in Nebratka Territory, to secure the payment to one George Watson, of ft certain No'e of the date of eaii deed, for the sum of $280,00, payable to faid Watson in twelve months after date, with interest at 4 per ceuta month after du, and the prayer of said petition is that the said Fields may "be decreed to discharge said tfi" for the benefit of said Watson, hy c;!e of said land to satisfy said cote, aud for general relief, Wm P. LOCKWOOD, Solicitor for Compluinaut. Apill 7ih 1860-4w-Pr's fees, $3 60 TW pilot oa 'h Upper Mistiarippl ba t airuok for watiji. TVy received tirs hundred aud Ifty djIUrs per u outh, for tu3 , oi5g fcsat, pj now d,uls'. biititov' Ncbraakta I'.t.trt. vat eutry. The bill provide that the land Nearly all of our journal tie vu about the shall pot b sold for the debt of th settler, Plult are swearing vigorously at each other until the United States parts wi'h the title. about tb (jest road to Pike Peak; the most Also, alieus must file declarations of intention cayeuue pepper each ithrr day, to a doteu 1 j,,ect rullj tj the mine; air hue road to th to Lecom citizens before they can avail them 1 lo.u. tiasim, when 1 ...with her, If they w.u'J ouly eou.uit selves cf the Lencfits of the bill, each uioruiiig the brought in fruiu twelve to , , ' louueeu i lics. having but aixteeu hem iu all. ; ue ital interefts of tt tangraul,aud exhibit 1 tue aaiu aud sgaiu expcriiuenled in th a litl'o houeaty, they wuuld tell them thai the iiiaiitr, by oiii.uii g U lmd wiiU lb 1 i,t (J uia t0 j,et rjcn comforUbly, ior iwo or ;i.iiti9 uaja. lie cousequrucca I mvariitiU was, that ihe pioduet if e.-gs fell 'ft five or six per day. Tbe tamo etlect it I loduot I 13 K0TJCE. !Ur Well li 4UU. wouU be the military road flout Umaha, ooith, to Dakota Couutyj where they rau el taiuib j fiiit.t ftrios lu the world Adams Eiprcss neusengar wa robbed oa the night cf the tiiteentU iust., on th train from Boston tc Biidgepor t of f 100,000. Th tafe coataiuiug the roouey was thrown from the r ijcaje cr Thert will be Puhlla SU al the Mayor's Offl-, la fiat. ita I Hy, ou the 6th day of slay Lett, of all Lett whlrb haia not beeu da.), d, and ara embraced iu tht tnlry mailt by uie, at the U. k. Land Otlloe, ou tba ldtU of Auguat, A. D. ljK. lerun taib. ily order of B. BATK9, Mayor of Uakot city. ?- . . .x - Jl JAMES BARRETT. Attorney aod Couumllor tt Ltw, at Pour City, IHioo l'UDly, Nebruta Territory W ill jrumptly attend t auy fcuieluuet entrusted to hie oare locate leu. is. eae in lae titles, bay taie ter residiit aud aon-realdeiiit, ill w.lect tnd remit aiT.".' e'.'b 1--pafb ' ''. NOTICE IN CHANCERY, T W'jlliatu M Viney: Take notice ef a. petition lu chanoery, filed against you, in lbs District Court for the the third judicial dm-. trict, within and for the- County of Xei, and Territory of Nebraska, on tbo 7th 'lay c' April A. D. 18(J0 by V.'illinni B. Cohiu, la which petition vou arc u nuired to plead, an swer or deuiurr, ou or tl,e 14th da.v of May A. D. lcVO, bointr the first day of the next term of said court in and 1. t t .il county- Said petition sets forth ia sm.-i .uoe thai r't did, n the 23 J day of Februaiy, A. D. for the purpose of seeuriioj (he psyuieut to said Coffin of your certa n t of bsud of t date, for Ihe sum of jjJ-jO U'l, in on yJr from its date, execute and deliver to the raid , Coilim a deed in fee eiipls ef the following . deacribrd lands, to wit ; Tbe south east quar ter of Se. tiuu number 20, ia, Township t nj eight, Kange number, 0, list of th oi111 principal Meridian, in :ebratka Territory, and that the said Ccin. then and there exe cuted aud delivered to you a bond ia the na ture of a Defence to re convey Sfiid laud to you, upon your payment of said note, and tbe fryer cf said pernio is that said eul"l' anoa inay te dspreed a mortgage, and to said land sold for tbe payment of said ue". auj for general relief. Wm. P. LOCK WOOD, 8olioitor for Complainant, April 7:h 1 Pfi 4w Pr's fe f A? .rsn wiiiuwumi. pw . seeue. s smw,-r- , -"'t(, ' 4 - r I .-A a.. ' v f