Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, April 28, 1860, Image 4
r---r i . . i Pmi.t rt K-TABRA'-r On i e 'th ;n-f . Mr Can.'bel' ol Fennav' "'. fr tu I' c c n utiif of Cnlit R'.eeli ns in ih" Hou tl 11 ;,re-entiitivM reported, in th Nebraska ccnti!1'' . 1" favor of attiiiel (J. I))t!v' rigni Ii ot ' Wate n (rum Ibis Territoiy.- i-ri Kihrok will now tie required take proof. It establish his rlht totktseethe bow hoi is. We hope 1, will 4a so at one. an that this mattrr may hp er Jl. If be is entitled to the scat, there wilt i, no difficult in -lif' itn k it. If he is not it I, pat right he ikg'J vc.ie in favor of Dai ly. We bof e to j tho mt'or p'it to test f-Hi,)ii, "O thai it Kill uut he drugged iuto our Terr tori il i lection next full. IIOM K MATTERS."' Vmv FA.T. One Hut-bell of Sioux City we thiuk tli 't Is tho n.kmo of small staturo, hut hn f pretmitiolie, accompanied by some body who pit 1 L he nameless eo fur as this uar-rhtio'-i . ten Is, fce'ing Uko performing docJs of bald (Jnr inif, armed himself with au un phiMicalei tor. w-driver, hiiJ directed hi course toward Dakota City. Towering high 0 ve f urrounding o'jwo's he be held the Biu i'tio proportions i f our own F.ates Home. Jle resolved to knock all the prodiiou.ues out of the celebrated feats of Hoi cult-, nnd Hauipson, by tUin it to piece, piling the jki l piece together iuto a bundle, aud plac ing the Aforesaid bundle on bis thuuldcr, and walking over to Sioux City. Whether small beta wire pcuditig on the accomp'i.h fnent of the f".t, or i it ac.oidt'iice with Prof. Win-hip's t''nch in f, he wtt desirous of cul tWiiting bin mu.culur powers, we wot not of. Suffice, he came, he saw, but did not conquer. Concluding the doors would be easiest to dis locstr, be lushed up Ftair. end onhii gnd No. 4. He n'it attacked No. 5. (the editor's quarters,) when be was eeixed by the nnp of the neck a' d scat of hia breechet, and ejected into the street. He protested ngainFt this .style of inviting a muu Into the open air, na beii g nriueual among gentlemen. Threats if tiavmg leatheied extremities applied to hia po.trriur induced him to become Buldculy icarce. -, II 'mi: S ti.kn ! Ou U-t Saturday night, Mr. rrt.l.aid of t i i county, placed one cf bis I.ct.ci in the etui le and allowed the oilier tn r" in r.ut.ide. Oil the following morning the anin:al le!t cutsiilc, was gone. Me at onco instituted a r'.g.rou.-i starch, in which he was as etcJ by several of his neighbors, nud eoui -ed the t ottoin itt wholo length and bre idth, but found no tiack of t ho mi'iiing animal. Tho probability is, t at the horse was t lo'.en by the man rnvntiaacd a couple cr three w etko Og". If he bus succeeded iu carrying eff this horse, our cit'i m may reel o tun d I.Awill try agiiii, before I-ng, to get another. It would be well to ad' pt eoir.c ni.nns to cither oMire t)e li'irte-, cr watch the vi'.hiin, and bis acoom p i. i. - - - - - - - - Km Chi & .ii,-r-'.Vp arc gt.il t-j b. 1'j'e to ni'TiMin.i'c, 1 1. at w- ai e i.i a. g'm.1 wy i.o haw a 1,- ii n l.vuiu lcj I, Kinr.in Ch'iroti eierled on the corner ul Fifinenih nnd Hickory b'reeU, .liis iuiunH'r. The timber and lujuber are l -ing hauled on tho ground, nl the pree.it time, and everything indica'es it will be no halfway job, but will be finished at once. This fact argues Well for lbs spirit and liber ality cf our citizens ; and surely they can o u Iributo to no more lmla'o!1. cntcrpii-io th'in t ic flection oi hiuses of worship. Wh"re the churoh Hpirc is wanting, there indeod has oiv i.intio:i uiado tiow pi ogress, .ud it strongly i.rgues a laxity of morals. Churches ui1 rehoo! houses we tnu.t have. A Hkw FsTABI.miU..NT. A Bu-pioious luoking rig was eucainped on the verge of our town for a few days during tho week. The male accompaniment was a "rough." The female was a 'ooman reported as "no better than bhe ought to bo." Some of our citizens who took an iutercM in the conceru, kiudly invited ihim to abr-'iuitulate without farther c'elny, as another deputation intcudud to pre fent them wi h a Coat of tar and feathers. They departed in abort older but camped 'Again this side of ft. Johns, where they pro jots to .ci ew lb !. exults to til.o people iu " out of the wet." Neabit a conflaobation. On Wednesday morning la.t, about eight o'cloch, cur effi.e took fire in proiiinity to the tuve J ipe, and the flames commenced spreading rapidly. Before they faiily got under way a "honk nnd ladder " turn was taken on tho Ignited parts, and they wer furiously wreuched from contact with the burrounding combustibles. A bucket of water soon changed tho lurid flames into blackened and chat red remains ; tnl deprived us of a very choice local item. Liriaiob's. Thin disease has attacked our fellow citizens of Covington, so that tho dig. tinctien between mrum and luum, is closely observed. Two of them called in a couple of Coks's disciples from Sioux City, to pre scribe" for a c'epsauimia for logs aud trees, the other day. .The prescription, of course, ws to Grt relieve thepatients' pockets of any financial plethora, they might be buffering Minder, and thea CIl them with legal acid gae. We hope the disease may spread. Niw Pai-eu. W e are iu rect.) t f tho Mia "ouri Register p,ubiisWcd at I.Hcled, Linn Coujty Missouri, h haa jut ttartei ond Las & JoLo.ou at tlx niiibt head for Editor. If otstne.s is u$ credit la paper it certainly can arrogate a good daal to itself, ou that coro, for it maVes a Cni display of mechiu leal .kill. Politically it is independent, as- tnd of a played out hobby j in fact, foroinst "self. Come out cf that Mr. J .hueon ! come otlt of that ! Ouienoiii.-Wo owittal list week to ca'.l intention to the Card o.' Dr. Graff, Potntooi Sale, and Mayor Batei nolire tu I ot yscyi P.ead ttm this f ik. W'ui is" I' . rt - - W.. .,.... ,., ,,, tlt the i ,riy R v, ,.t Mr Willi.- r, i .. i c hi Tti'.r liv.v.i. in. hwis a fine HQ'a.rfiom 'iitue have leu i e !, a;.d r fl-'tts credit on ui tas'o mi, i j'idg:icnt. Tlie ir'.s wt:e well plen-ed wuh the boys, And the bo; s " danoid all night, till broad day light," Jlo. VlsiTOl.3 Mrs Dr O. II Ointr, Mis. C.l. E. F. Ms n, Ami Mr. Col. IS. I!utes viv;ieJ our Annot'iii cm Saturdny list. This institu feels itself complimented by thce calls Inm tho ladies, and In pes to merit their frtv pai nt friendly visits. MfMtrirAt. Fustics. We observed a no tice posts 1 iu two coLspicous places in town, notifying clectsrs of this muniripality that au election is to bo held on tho tub of next month for city ttuccrs. Who are the candi dates T tiKO. U. CUIAKK, M. 11. riiTii'in S"l't urireon. Pi 'e iu ttio P:ts It mil, I'AkOtACttV, N. T. ' POTATOES 10 Jl SALE. T hrrc on Itircl Kur Tfnr ln-J PnOr'Ts of tti t m-cifj frHl.iM Tiny will U) IJinw tuij lu quitu tii iff ti nuit pun li it f. tr cilia, it. citAvr. THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN. Th dUrrhift viiU which arc Hurt to niftVt m 'tn ih aile tli- vHr lOt--tin1 rwum-rru vf the el-t ti .n- . f rrii'isnt nii1 ) t. t of tlm Unit.d fit n tlit vuir the xtrnoritit)Ki y tlvfrin v iTtUr iu tltnt wlccii'iii. Pectin id in chm-Hrti , hm tnr no nttn ft tht m Is C(Htrtroe'(, Bial K')kiitnl Kl'd ' lr vki i v, t Him l.-mt'oritic purty mut l-, f -r it li -1 t !m!t pijuii! twuy villi tttf It K iiuMirjiia li tlm Nor h. find 1h triumielivtil id tt c ouih atut the nlnvr.iolvlinir tHU f nil tl lIMnv'" PX'ttt i'i up U'ir tn cJUcpm 1 1 1 I r culaticn of tli Ji j v'lh tun UteTry fit y whh b itl;)en uu ivttt li, W ilh th w n'w Fn(i rut thw Prfiortut If In th courw of pot 1 1 ! &1 ftvei,.!. (or the lunt tliruu or ff.ur iiir?. w w h.tiu liiiU-J lo ink out jii'.i.n 'Mfct'v un'ltTPtr-.i. we lifire Iwn pocullhrlr iinforUuiHtit Wu d.i not think wo Iia o, hwn vr.. W hnve upp'f 'I ilitfk Kfu Liica uia )u every nl.H'e niiii form in whVh it .kh Ulh pioreiitftl to tlm country, nud wo inttui'l t ' J m In Ihn r..ifiiii(( li i lontial clei:ti'.'U. H intitt rs Tiry littlu wliotticr Witt. 11' Hew -ard shall he iMiunne of Iho prty in piiKifit.Um to th? lemorrntir party, ir t at - me mmur i utt-J rHn'liJnt'V eh ft 11 he prcHttntt'd In hin stead, wu gha he u;i si.tten t mid untiring in our elTtn-l lu defeat cucli iinnitniMv We are U p the jiren'rvation t' Hie I'nlon, arni helip. !n; thrit ttu; elerthm if the li fu lt I'.epuhticau CHiidt 1h(i will eiidaiifcrT( il it din's iit.t eiiMurn. it m dif-.iolutiou, w regard thin aKrt-aaun naugU lu ja.itiiy our ocuriu lu Io the tuntter o th.P Rtntrt iUtlfF, wt chfi1! tnko nur vitiuu on al qui)iit.iin ,t tbi-y uinymipH. Wu are fT rHiiiinn ani In the Kailn.r N yet untinl -h d, and oonHtiit tint; the grnnd cy-tfin inni uratfd uiiuy y fur tj'. W I'-lifVi.' tti'-y i-t.p All !' rtnitltied l.v the exereisp of no mid jivltreiiMMit and the npmm tnn il" ip-j.tn.'.ii'ility h n ii L- ii lit mid rn. r t. h - e fhall T'':',r-t i-Xft-fUinly tn "f; Uiom- (.ent intMresti l Hiidontd. or work upou tliein r'taid'. Uy il.ir, L' ifia tti:e, and hhrvll hold th-wu v ho nr iii.truine.'lu iu hr:nii)K U tihml. il uiit 'nnnitt.-iy find .-h"iild ht thn CHce, to a ju!t afeuiit hefurL- the ytn j ail defends, upon tliH n inpli'ti'n ot these r ad, hikI wu ,-hKll ind 1 u diovv in hriuniriK down coijtU'iuuutioo vyon thoc who fail In th'-ir iluty on this vital 4iuMi)ir Of Hin People, and for tho People Mistiiinrd hv 1he.ni, and havim? no oilier anibilivn tliau tj adYimce the in trtniL ot Die Kiilr, aud of ih City inwhiih we lta.o livid all Mir liviM nuil e'liially WbMl.fiiil for tlie j r trvadou id the V ni'm and tlo: nH ei t t'.ue to, and n) knuwl.Mii.mcDt of. thu fpnt!tutlnn' und. r all eircuai a'dncealho JirjmUican will pvi x.ni ju uvi iiuoto, and aapport " f, lhfe uhiuctn" Asa iKWiwp-r, w fha;l lahor, n wa hat e 1 iW?J, to inr.kt it ul t) any In t'ie cmulry. We h.we tor respondents at all pinti ftoui whir i new of imn h In lert tny eiipwted, nd tin y hve alwaja lin i. nind tftii'hfiil and ludu.-triouf iu thu ed!ection A fm-t. VVb ,-htill add to t his nuuil .T w henever the occH.sioii d--umnd H. J'h Tehvph will al-u he put int. rf'.unt iiion t eveiy pi'int whi re it tan be u.ied. nrrit u!ai ly iioui Vi Hitiiii trtfU hud Jcwor.ivi. I tr.-ii..in; tf-n t i i:i...rtr.ut i . .L-P:.-:i'r:'-e. o af k ourltitMids to n-e lomn e-rtion tnadd to our nl.e.idy hire uud erery.day lurrem-in rucii'ati'tu. tor n v-r to rome, uo mun nor family In tlie L'ninii stjoulj he I7tthjiita nev.-.piipfjr. iNuBiaPer Pr.fff Ih tho (rreat Anto-rn-t in thiswm try. More than tho rulpit, or tho ltm.or the hulU ot tho lejialatiuti, tlwy wui e intrumei)t(tl in tt riimig Puhlic 0 awnt and It n highly important that tliati piiii-tn nhnuld he enntrollei end kept in proper channels no u to aeri.ru the perpetu ity of our iuMituii'HiB, and the pro pent y of the P piea 'iij.s it ttie greut uiif.-it.u of ihu ntwpper pn-s , tmd iu ail ttjiniirt wo Mhail wuderor hj nil t C'nduct the Ac jmlu-ari as tu make It conduce to that end. T F.N MM OT Til li It EITULICAN. Paily I copy r ue y ? r i' '0 1m tWcki) I copy one year h "d I poj -a one year uo Wot-klj I copy uii' w .r - 3 e-pi"f (me ypar 6 ' ft copies one year H Od ' 10 ropn-t. one y ur 1 ' :d 14 i: pies o'.p yeiir " ilo cupies one year t'" " IJ0 ci'j.ies one year -10 4o cupit one j ear id 00 AS nn indurinants to n? r frindfi to a?lt In extend iu the circulation of th tirjiublwan ,wtulhjf tlie follow ing preiaioliot: i'or a luh vf f -urteen Wcoklied, one copy ond year of the Wet-kly. Ki-r a riuh id' thlry Weeklies, one ropy one year cf th Tri-Weekly, or ihren e pies ot the U t eUly. In ad lit inn w i w.l v u pr--. n u. in niuNK 1HTMKKD DoiXAh.S f r the larfc. n emt. ad I 1 1' IHihlf.Vhd Ijr the iittxl tuitst ''tuh. mmiI to ui ht-iore the hrt of M t rcti luxt. Alt ij tunes teul iu hulore that tin e to lu CrJUUt' d. tlEOKGE K.N APP 4 CO. fr t. ioui, rHcmber , lai IIARl'Elt'S MAGAZINE. MO K V. T If A 0 V K 1 1 V K) l V D A NPSKTKMVTIIO U nand t t'phu are row i oii-d o! t-at-lj number ol H un pt-r's .Nt-w Monthly Ma.'tiiue. 'I hia mifiji towhn h thu iiift.:y of per iodical Lit erature nilordrt no piruliel, ha.- tKd heeu achieve t aud !f i::-l i:;;t,i.ni: 1. v.pti..ut a lih. rl t-X.it.iii un ol la hor a nd money. 'I he ample remuneitit iou oth-rt d h ttie PuhiUers t-na'-leg the:u Lu eecure the hi-st pr due li.. ltd of tiie in-st uiT'iinpiiahe 1 A uthora nnd Ai Li -1 c tttw -..utilty. h huL al If-it I'hre- ih-Ufand l'"llai aie pui't fr t tin MnLlt-r and lilur traiitu ut -m h uutnU' ( t the Makin.. by cr lu: in.d hiU-ri"n fl"Cii'n from the ahui da t u.a'criAip liins pjL':eii at tiieir iii-jo4ti. the Punii-n-f -vt- fby hnvi pn.rtuc. d nnd run cuuiii'uh 1.. product a more utirjctUu ar.d un nl Marftziiie th 4 il'U. f irr te'i re, I ten ilhfdl" tin- tTnil in'if'ft , Ainfrumi lenoinx ni)lf. A mun ( t tie r u' ttr ri t u f.r tlie M Ha.iTie art nn m I t-red Mo mtift di.-tiiij.' ui-h AiU'-iii-wu iiulhcrH. hut the 1'uh irh'T rt-tmin ti m no nouin intf a ltt ot eunt 1 i ut (,., ht i h minuf t Uut 1 lit artitlcs ohituld he eUniU.l by thir own iulr '.t luerila rather than hy the iimum of tho Author. f tn' l'-py nne Year 4 o U ')) 'ILreo or more cplud f r vim y uv ( n h( 'i.d 1,'ltOM rlchl'i.J . nor, t.' ii'l n l f , nil ml r-, jira lf ant ('"iKlilimii, ol 11 f,-, wi? i.ti.r lii. taum ii.i.h I i, r ii"i awar 1,-J tt.ln "n-Lr-'til arll' li S'.rrs nn I., 'tirl jiainrt r-lif vc-.l. I;?!- cav'l, vulua' to aniiiiula nift'l' useful uiul Ulit"! 1 ill.- ui.Puu-'i t y tli'.i griMtt lln-'Iicinti Li'li i. iiiir rii-ln Ui tlie ju'ir'i'iiifit nffu.ii. i.at fuuiily ilt'.a iii.t ri juirt' a, etnii'larl I.inln.cut. Who evrT he ol'll.H banKM-iriM-t.i j r ,lu.:, 4 ''V any (lli',r arti."!-? rula, llruiata, ,ciraiim, Kin uiiintisiu, fcwelllu', f 'raiii 1 H'T-or. Ac , ltti;ino e'lunl- 1 U'3r( n i rti;, (,.,)i . Tin p'iiu,iii MiHtaiig l.luiu.t'Ut a .old hv ll r, .frthl'!M liruj'i.-t au'l LUiry Mt-n In every tuwn, . k ii.li anl bunilet Ihrou.tjout N r f 1 1 an.) Si.utn Aun i.fA, lluri i'B auj tho lalanda if tbe Ocean Buy at om-o. 1! Wl'.'V? k Sif;- rf I'TietiTi', Vw Y(.r. NOTICE. Cf,I.r'IFrtL', 7a :itrrt .j:--,'r t'r.f-'.r ividfj.t r.r V""r;.i,.rt r .i.' rm,1 o , rr. J In a;.r war. cr tuf.Ui, llh.r ta tanlernla or tiirwtr.rt, ; ruvr lo .,ir . 16.1, " r tti'-tr tn c'i.i uitrt yaUr 2 yenrt fi at I'lil d,U. ft failuia lio rl cu ctl ol Cal Ifcrula In tbo llmium wr, do ii tu ni-nw u. C'lainii thai t.aia breu ri.,ict-l tilth, hamla of nther aruta, La ou Mia -a.fi i; oMainwl bv u. cu. uc'h f'T u. Iltrliy att. I.ab'l VI arr.uta t(.Lbt ar wil I t . nr Jr, an . all b-iiu.. rb(UU my ao agt-nl r W a"Mn. tfn. attK Jrd t". I.. Il 1 I.hYD l . Atlnrr'v. f,.r ri.ini. . T'r,.i' n' , t"nn J -I'M,. 4' l'-i'ir''ttt rfler,:D' lo ,nf I 1,1 I t--l- - f li-. M i ifiniKr tf V r DAKOTA CITY. K. K. IMA HO si Prolror, Tl c"almttll' tt.'iMf now V'fi r p nr.1 nor linn ini yi-Ar. lh I'n i-M-tor stit'i ln In aiftilu H A FIRST CLASS HOTl'L. ""M'. Iii mti.firil'ofi of lh rpitirtfrn of Prolii lurti nnd Trnifiit ('npt in, will b chfcr thun nnf Hr-t ld'ivt in tl lrrrt iy KTrT nttot tfon wilt h pHi t (V rmfcit (fifiilenp t t U ouitu r vt thi H ut. rnkftn City Aumi-t "C K. V. M.WN No. I. - - - - - - . - - - I'l'Pl.ll) I.ANI1IN11. Sioux Ctt,v, Ion .1 JOHN H AG Y, PftOPPJETOrt. THE rrrpruor lakrs piemr iu Httnouno ing tu the j'uhlio that ho uvw !mn ft hout-e in whicli he enn aocmmoUrtio inom, id hh (too.. : Ktjlo as can he fuunJ on the M.MiiMir. i't. t Ky strict attcutiuo to the URiita of guests, he I hof ea U merit, aui receive UbviiU share of ralrouaKe, Jvot. 7. 1 fitt" tf IIKRNI10N IIOUSK, Ornr $f f'arnftim atttl Xirlh -rvl, OMAHA CITY, N. T. RICHARDSON JUDfSON, .'HOPIUKIOl.S. OencrAl ftnge au! Livery OiTico. Fo t. . tsw. 4u9i.fi. is Kuiltr. Herman A',mi'. lt'W.im h -un!:' liOl'MZIi IIUOTllKKH, BANKERS AND REAL EST TB A'iKNTS, And Ucalcra In Kxcliange V Coin. Exthangt 10U un the rrincij'al Cities in I'ltrryi; j-Euy, m il nnd lornto Lniui TA'nrVuntii'i H OMAnA CITY, U. T. - - - DAKOTA CITY, S. T. SVK''I AL attention KtT,n to ttip pollcrtltin nf il. l,f . nnd to tlie pfivin'-nt el taxi's tn Nfl'rul; Rift U w;i Mnni'v loiin,'il fur Ka.tUr.i t'Kpitallti. liitm'itt pni I on time ilrffiil. I.atui aii't town prnpertv liou'zht nrnl n l.t. l-uii'If iM'-tfT' it on tiitn f',r nri u al (n-ttl'T. UcT'Tnincnt liit;'ti , lerli-d and lornti'.l ilh wiTi-nnt nr rnf h. nn c"miv.i,.ii'in, or for h t'nr,' "t j r"tt., j ti Iho M Wt . I'AKOl A, NLIIIIA..KA l-'l 1 V A I'.lt'iv.N- VII. I. K lUtrlM. In Vi'lTn-'K.'l. atui 1 1 (ul Mil. Ill-UKKS and SHU'X Ct I Dit' i'lf tn I" n. LhikIii in OiuahA, N'lir.kft ri( y arul lirou nvillc ,11 trirtK.wilt be in in a, kcl on i n-I au.l !tu r .i p! - a i !"-r ' rt Th u" in (' ini' ll Mu'.U uiul M-u. City IhKtrMa an n,w in nmrkflt. UikhI ri-forencs given At all tUn pi jii'.-ij'al i-'in tf in Ih.Smt.ii. n.i'.nf. i.ir hoot f shoe siior. IN SIOUX ClTif - - IOWA. 1 1 lit an o prh.ihlc, i corri inp on the huiiiii"-, ou his own Account, in the litiil.lmir on IVsrl H.reet. jopt below the Sioux (.'ity Ilotiie. 11b in now i-Hrrvinjr on the linot nnj Hiion bnci in nil its iirnncliei. Work warinuted to be ijutie in gonj etyle and on as reas' uablo terms ah nt Any otlirr (-hop. A call from oU CMt( nem is reHrectfully policited. Reph'uiDg neatly done. JOHN 8CHA!III Iv. Nov. 7. 1 .fid , tf SIOUX CITY, BOOT ASD siot: stouv:. -IIY KRUM M ANN. SAMUEL "J hc tin(?rifnc'l hun remote'! hin estnlilih 1 meat to hin new huihli.-E, on pent. Street lew iLhts went of Tootle's ttoie, where he s now prepared with u lurgft nm! superior tork cf .either, etc., etc., to execute all vork in his line, in a .superior Hjleofthe rt. Kiuployiiig none but the let of work t en, ami (riving hi pcrsoiiul Httentiou to the ' Urtines, lie cun sifuly warrant uli hii work. Kejiairing done on short notice SAMl'iiL K UUM11 ANM. Nov. 7. 153. tf J. P. M. CUUCK1VELL, M. D., Member of th uie.r &.t,' Mt d, nl ouJ (J.'ii' ur- "11 TOVLl) say to his friend and tho p.iblir, iu (jeni-i al, ihnt hu wilt ntlenl vniln in the line of his profe.Fion; and that he plcdgns to nil alilioted with r.heutnntism, Liver Cumpliiint, f emale Weakness, Latent -''!)k,'in,pt!An, And other aecrot ducn-os, An amelioration of tho corrplniut, nr no chtirift but the retainer fee, and no constitutional in jury, oa he practice, ou the l'llll nSOPlllC IS DIC A TIOXA I. ri. A X. WOOMVORTir.S BOOK" STORK. 1 f T HKChtVKIh A WKl.t. FKI.KCTKI STOCK ( V IwiukH Statinnnrv and Paper Haniivi. Man hltt raiure, (. liil Ireu'H lit.okd, Hit.h-,, lryi r H.kf it-d SCHOOL I'.OOKfl Ih trrrat tj.iV'v. Stationery of every d''icriUon. and th hft rju jl'T A purtieuiar.y rhtdce yr-urt un.;it fl.;ir an l I'jiper'". Knvidi'pe and KcineerV S'ntittnery Ioi U'-A I'apnr, Trarintr t'lm h, Mathematti-al In-trurneut-, a'--er Cuiorn, p) lug i'r.vm'K, tJop:in I n Is, :. A1. l'AI'KR HAN'tiINO r.DltPKKS A!l, WIM.W l.t'KTAlNP, The nrn.1 h.'autlf'il .!, av.f off'TnJ Ih tin- W M11V l b i-lhti. l Ouiat.a . n-l R T. lit: all. li A. Ai-i.K!. Clerk U.S. l'it. Court. Notary Public JiE.VLh .& ALLEX, AtbiTuou nt .ii ', ami h'eut Ettate A,;t''- 'ILL pay tixei i,n nil Land in the (Vun V Iji-h of Wil.-lii.i''tnn Hurt llnkiiti. an I JJlluu, l, i. , inu 'i . il aiy ui'ou liio irtuj , . ul money for tlie 8i;e. Office on Main htt'.et ' De H ito; 'ebraka. .tIA.l letters of inquiry promptly imnt- I ed. RCIZREXCE3: Hon E M'tMicly, Juie 3id Iiti id, ttbras- j k.l i't "10, N. T. i Hoa. K. Ljtut,r"'A, Omaha, N. T. j fifo. lij j,'l.ty, r.,nneil Hlutl's, L,wa. ' Ki n L K rti'iijn: i.lir i. Ohi" I Hin l.-v, Hut HI''. V''.tf, ':. flT.lT ' 'I' . 1 .1 .. .... L . I ; it t. u hi i i ."'1. tii. M.v J. II M"Wt Clif , I a UCADQVAKTERS FOU BAHGAIXS J. K. BOOBK, & CO., KKtfrFCTKn.l.Y nnnounAt to thu eitiieon of Sinu City nnd lie ighborlnn towns, that the? riftye jint reeeivet! per ateaiubont nnd hav cponed one of the f.iryftt and Hm Aittrtnfnti (i ROC E R 1 E S Kvor bronnKt tin the Mi.Motiri. (Mir (looJ ore nil frei-li, ami were bought by otiB of the firm at the lowcbt cutb pvu-c.i. Wo onn there fore S K L I V E 11 I'. . 0 II-! U'e invite tho intention of bit to our nvsorl mciit of C!T.'', fuRivr, iiiolnssci, riff, H.mr, liquors, Yotmocn, cipnrs, hnron, lnril, tras, Fruits of nil kind, soup, funk. tiles, candies, In a woril everything nniiUy kept in n flrri cIuhh prorery nnd provision liotim-. Those i!c siring to purchaso ' 0 R V A S II , nre rrfpect fully invitej to give us cU bcfuio m.ikipg their puchnses. 11 I D E S A JV 1 F U R S . The highest price paid for nil kimh of Furs fihI Skiim. We will nlso pay caah for beef cuttle ni:d country produce. IXTEMSTINfi.FACTS ron the rEOPLE. II. I IIOOtJK CO., VKAIlLBTriltKT, '"' CiVy, - - ' loua SIOLJ; mtlCEUir.g AND PROVISIONS, flltorERIFS AND PROVISIONS, (iliOCKKlES AND PROVISIONS, CAHAl'KIt THAN ANY OTIIKIt KOl'SB I'OSSIIiLr CAS'!! Sipux City, Iowa, Nov. Jth 'l9. riMio whole entintrv is unused, a:id nwiiken 1 e l to itM REST interers, a do termined to buy its drociries nnd rovons of II. U, LtJOiJE i CO. H. D. BOOGE & CO. A Till continue to Htip.-'-'y the CASH RL'V- KRS, wholexiilo and retail, at their usu ally low prices. H. D. BOOQE &. CO. nvr tint laruvat H llll.'K ofllrocnriM ami I'r inU 1 ,.v, r I'i'iMifi iu Minis Lily. i! I FEW I be-t brand of Flour at the extreiniy i' w ; i,iice of 3 60 per Sack, by ! ZU.fl.LR Si ECKHAUJ. S'()T1C K. f p the farmini? cnmmtinity ilei-iriiin prind X. ipp, we wi;ld say that every Friday is tet apart for grii;dinj; corn, but parties coming viith a hundred or more hu--heM, can the same prnuiid on tiny day mve Sunday. Wo will be reudy by tho iiml of Au-t for makinn Hour. Ltiuiber, fliingles and lath run be had at the saw mill of Said curupanv, on inint reanor.ablc temiH J J lit At V k MKoTlli'JiS (JHEEN'E, WEAUE AM) BE XT OX, Uaiikria, DcnJrra In 1'. it li !; mi. I ( n l.aurl eJita POUNCIL LUfFS IOWA, V i it KM and iiii.ls nn,ntiii and KKMirrtn i'N I" any j.Hrt "f thfl t Hlii"l Stnl. a. It'iuej' ra-Wv"! bu ilivit au'l li.t,-.t alluwmj. K.1-rti or 'Ulbrrn Lraltii turiiiMbt'd lu auina tniuil ,nr'"l,haTa. I.iiiil util-ti fun'll aid f'TCurroo'-j cr Hills nf Fi- .llHIIKi. Loaiin ''lift nil K(l amurlty 'I.xh i. titlra riaiuiiifi, aiil Ileal Frtat. b',ubl au'l MiM nil C-.uilliui. lull. I.nii. nut. K'J ..r aottlerl auj liutx lvu h -r pay- Ulfllt. i'fy ( n''ita IVifl. Iu., iu tl low.rl'.nn LanJ tMftl KKKtltKMIs F H ,t.up, rv . 1 VV. J ll.ri.r t A I'n , f llan)i " l'nl"1"- t" (i"jk A Baritelit. Datikrr., 1. i"i , l"a Cuila-rtmi i Krii'i- h.ii'i'r.. I "a City, I a I'aoi'l.'a Hank, Nw .oral itv. brl'-liaui. I.".:r. H l.'i'l, H.nar-, N'-w V'.ik "n. H ill,. r All., V.n-1 'UK'"". I il'.u Lha. ia, ..iu. "I ruml", Wa.hiBg'uti, il' it. A.C I !, ,J I'. . I'liilii'irt''!', Ii a. " It -.V. , 1 !.. -i -- l"a. W l''ir, f r ' lif. luv.lp" I-... .. -(' K. . t GUM EXCITEMENT I DAKOTA CITV, CAUSED BY THE ()NN OF A laurk am) sri.onrn STOCK OF lf (IlKlIM, I'HV UiiOI'S, l( V (IlKII,'. U' l lilMU, t.uix Knir. IW.KTIIIMI, lIHiH'l III M. I I ITU I Ml. liKilt KUI KM, IMUH'S AM) Kll.'l... liiliiT' AM) SDiic llil.iV ASH MID) K, OtIKhN!)W AMK, u., r , a t.'l FkN.-W A II K, Ac, An, An. yill.l N. Allh, , , A.i,. AT THE PIQNEEft 8TQfE ZIKKLKR & KCKHAHT. s our H'oik of floods is now open and ready for the TRADR. w refpeiitflly call the attention of the oitiiens of Dakota and adjoining nouotlos to onr splendid FALL AND WINTEH STOCK o' GOODS whioh have been seleoted with great care, especially for this country, and will be sold "CIIEAI'KR THAN TUB niK-AHW." Wo are bound not to be undersold by our neighbors. We .Kk our old Customers and the Public generally, to call and examine for themselves and ba convinced cf the above facte. OUR ST0C1 CONSISTS OF Dry (ioods, Dress Goods Muslins hleachad and unbleached, DeluinoM, (.'a-hmeros, Ginghams, Lineey, Prints of all kinds, Meriiios, Checks, liinh Liriiiens, Table Cloths, Crash, io , &0. Ladies Shawls of all sires, Cloths, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds, C h imercs, Flannels of all colur", Women a Children's Hoods. Woollen Iloso, Half I f.iKo ol'en Vain and Men's (Jountry-kiiit Sue . hildren's Hose fcc, &0. Abottlnrge STOC CLOlTIIXa. shcU tlvercnuts, Uundero Vests, Pants, thirts, L'udershirta, Drawer. &. Also a tplei.il id Stock of Contnmo-1 Boots and Shoes, fur Mun, Woman and Children. We are able in this line to fit the Biiiallcpt as well as tho lU'geMt Foot. A Iho Hats and Caps of all Bort and Rizes, i ii ' a heavy stock of Groceries, in which will i f'uu 1 the following tdlicls: Sogftr, Hpices, I ntfee, Cloves, Mulank?, Ciiiuauinn, Kyiup, Uinger, lli.-o, Moip of !! kii Dried Fiuit, f-'alt. Canned Pea'-hes, Flour, Ilotlled Pi Rope, Trag of all kinds, Sai-h, Tobacco, unoking tilass, and chewing, Nails, Nuts, Doors, ic , &. ALSO Powder, Leal, Shot, t 'ups. Our Stor.it will be sold to suit th tiun.s, at very low figures, bi we are doing a atriot CASH bii.ti-iexH, and can allord to keJl at small profits. We w.ll aleo tuke iu ibsn(. for tjoods Corn, Oats, l'eiis, ,1'otaties, Uutter, Ac , &e. Give us u Bull and ! rouyioced that Da kota, City :.a the piaoe So iiAV viii u wmm. li: 'il.HI ., l. a II .', i. I I .! i i' i i ) NOTICE. - . - - To SHAREHOLDERS Prf V (Sly, and There hstt len soveral iesnifnt) mad from lima to time. t4 dtffrsy th eifntroaf the aompany, a large i fopot tion f.f which baa not bsrn paid i and iu rasa the m la net paid the resolutions cf th cn-I"T ' mfnrc.d against all vrtiw hva not, or 1U noloon'ply Inline liatfly. 1 h t"ok of th aompany inn been krtt lt urh amee, that vnu.-hsrs will hat to bo presented by tbo wha lavs paid ; that their .haras iy be properly audited, ' On asfeaainMit iim tnadc, OctoV'Or n'h, 1 6. for $5.00. on Ootnlivr ih.' 1R . or i'Mi. no Juts th 167, Lr $15, 0, on aiy iTtli, 1 o7 , fur V2,t). t, Sepoi"r .Ttli IftT. $10,00, one Jan. 12lu 15 fn JH.IH). Total, $ 10.00, Thu whole nmoitnt of anes-wunt ' a each share of slot k tl th lnkot City Company, and the hsn htitier will remember, that in the artielcs of Inijnrprirat'on, nil the private priipeity of the Btnokholders Is bound for tha a.sersiiietitx made against the share regnter id in Mi nnuie, or mat he aisy hold. At a meeting of the Panel City Compa. held Juno litli, l?'')f, there was a resnlutiuirt passed ordering the l'resldeut to glvi ftntlpa tn nil the Shareholders tn ny the nmouDl due wilMii ai sty days, or In def mlt of pay mailt all tha stock on birh tli aaesatnenli were not paid in aiity Jays, tioru I no dattf thereof, should ha sold to the h'ghe. t Udder, and the assessment paid ; and tbe overplus if any, to ba subject U 'he order uf the Shnf.. holders. ', On tha S8J day of Aug uut It'.'. the- wat another rosolitlioD paswd, iiiving ttio I'r.ai dsnt power to do what was m-.t riprdient mi hit judgment with the property and aet nf tha Company, lo meet the liabilities uf the samp. I AND NOW, Ihj order cf the Vrmdent, T. HI. WOO I) i CLARK , ltd givi Avttct . That if the above is not complied with in sla ty days, tha resolutions of the company wilt ho enforced, aud ail tho stock of the compa ny that the assessment nre not paid on, will I e rLl to pay the liabilities of the company ; as all the property of the city withtn the hounds, lo wit : from Elm St'ret to Vino Street nnd from and frrm f'.h street to 2(tJ street, has b. en entered by the Mnyor, and all outside that by Trusted j and tho lima fur prcnrlng warrantee-deeds of these parties closes withtn six months from (ha data of their entry j and all the property not deeded va ill be forfeited. 811 ARLHOLDER3 AND CREDITORS wlil tke warninn last an tha tttti day r f Jainifcry, A. p. lft-f, ail he stock with nllho property not then covered by dc'td in Dakota City, will be sold to the biph.st bidder, nnd the debt of the company aettfed up, if out dividend is declared. N. R. Wa would further say that those who havs not obtained deeds to the lots drawn on their shares, can obtain tha tame by ,'! lug upon the Secretary ami paying tha as seof uieut due. W. II. 8. HUGHES J. P. M. Chock win., Secretary. Agent Dakota City, N. T. Nor. (un 1 69. u ie ful nr.d iift)ttte -fii.s rf litis f the yni.rg people, t mb.nciiig t vrnts eon nectud with the hiatory of the couutry, and lives of distinguished men, written with min h care aud iu un ent.i luiuiLg iiniiour. and beautifully lllu'trated litle-psges: Contdiiiittg tbe life of Duuiel Webster, the great American Statesman, with numerou anecdotes, illustrative of his character, and the following Illustrations : Young Daniel in the saw mill j Webster fishing at Uasburg ; Webster denliuing tha clerkship j Webster expounding the CoontitUi tion at the L'nuker Hill celebration ; Wcbeter at Fauuell Hall ; Mansfield tho residence of Webster ; Webster on hia farm. The lire of Henry Clay, the miU-boy of slpskes, with tilr.e Illustrattoos : tha jifa of Oeneral Washiufton with nine Illustrations; the life of Lnyfayctle, with nine illustrations ; the life of Penn with nine Illustrations; Ilia life of General la) lor with nine illustrations i tbe life of Napoleon Bonaparte with niue il lustrations ; fae Old Bell of Independence or Philadtlphia !n 177C, With blue in'uairaiions ; the Yankee Vea Paifj.', and other stories of tbe Revolution, containiiig in all over one hundred illustrations. Kseh vo'ume is well written, possessing a high moral tone, and can safely ' be placed in tne namia or tlie youii j(inje. They cou laiu numerous anecdotes Hluatratlva of the j history of our country. ' j li..fi pfi' j.-tt handsomely fcouud in el'itti, j with gi'.t backs, and neatly put up in boxes, .f i. j. rricejer volume, olojn, git, 0'.. ctb. Colporteurs, egenti and school lihrariea will l,e supplied ut a liberal diecount. ('o.)los tent by mnij postage free, upou re ceipt of the price of tjie sett or any volume. L.IKLuSAY Jit BLACKSTONK. Publishers. . :,r, South 6tb Street, PhiJadvlphia. (.01.1) J EXS REPAIRED. )rioefi(l ceuts. F.nc1ose pen in a J.tter 1 with raih or postage stamps, and by re turn of ninil you vt.il rece.va the pen as gdod as new. Address K. Eilliot, Syracus., K. Y. Any person giving the above three inser tions and tending me marked eopy, shall receive one of my beat pens hy mail. Ut DAKOTA CITY POTTEftY. MESSRS IKGLER k ECKHART, of tha Dakota City Pottery, tnka tha ptesent opportnuily tl taying lo tha Merchants and the public generally, that they will continue In tha outlines, a heretofore, and having in liicaatd t;eir facihties are able lo mabvtao tu;e a larger mount of atoca ware acd nf the test q-ulitj. l'.ttaru:.tc tfcabks for tit libera, patrooatt b towed up n the e.d flrru they retpeclfuily solic! . a coc,auaice of th I same, aud they will endeavor tntaui it bv ; prompt ex?ci lion of ' tUw.r cp''cr, t. whnoli j 'i"y will c. rLi!y otfjnd at all t'mes. 0vf 1 1. .-:n re!! e '- '- ' l'- '') '..' , if