Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, April 28, 1860, Image 2
-e mire t.' n V'. r-. T'S cf tl" . . f r.e I I it.-! 1 1 th' .t.ifial p I ft1" "" K. 1. . i tl.- lii : I" N"r h. and la u'i it I 'i'"t ol lin ' Mn - ,. ,n us s in K ' eTei'.l the "Ir- -Jiii.it loe.cry IV l- m-'n ii r's .ni"1 . Viii, tt.ii ?ii-w we n 1 out una re .. ... xmracof milt I. 1 ev.u (or tli -iu. . have lailrl to uiak. out ,., ilir ' an.rrrtoni. w. have been peculiarly " I", ,, , ,i not think w. b. e. however.. W . .I ll.aok iu Mlranisil lurinj ! and i." h il h been presented to th. rminf rjr, in i' .in ao In th. roniintr i rr.i.iein i l- I.I'M"."' III II. f " ''I'l" thiit M'l11 (uttTir f,t'J mniti intm ,rij. ahall b. iwislstent ,H'.,"'''"'."in"our .tturti. to defeat fu-ta nomine ...I t.n ..fill fnl'-n, and l-H-vHm- i ii..n of H" u f l'.''Phllen ean.li.lit. "" ' r It it .!- II. A cnMir.. tt. .IIMot,.tl1, W 1 ;.'; ,V,',",'.r.M"u ii..kU W justify c- ursa In th. it.le w "n'! r,lr Iter 0 nil iuvnlfii tff mBy "f1'". M ,,( ni 'J I' tllfl liAlimPIIP Tri iini.iiirii.n, t.i.j tin crund fjulmi innugurmt.d nmnr VV thpy run ll b" romiilpts.! liy 'f viutid j" Ixni'lit nit thr amuaiptii-n "f .ll.lllt j. ui iit the rjmt InUmnln l ' ' , , r .t "!"" "" f--tr.l.-.t, l.y tin. Um'I """" i .hull )l th"" bo " !'""'"" ' """I"! , uunt l-for. tb. p...le--ll dor.u.l. r... t.- J" ' ot ,.. ril.. and '" .'".-il nt lw u,. n """i"' ,'MliI j r,i,.iuimti.m 1'pon thine wbo f" . . ml t tl tM TI1HI a'.i:i"i"n "', '.' ,1. Uutr s."nltl"n thn to .i.lv.nr. th. In- t..r." in.-. i ,r lift'! RIJQ "'""v " ' k ,,r 1 .. , - 'i it... f.ihl ilnn Ln. Ki:d III 4r'.u(on ot vut of. Ihf confiHumni , 7 .t.ll.VH Hi ....I llll'll ,rt f. IhHHC OhliTIM . ...u.imi. r. ".. 1 -i ... in th. country .DKll mm r, fin n.i.c i... , U. nik. . "I''"' , 't- frrIn whrr, of murh in. "",1, .rt.l. nn.Itb.y have lwy. heon uU"1 II Jd . tl.lf mlr wl..n.y..r th. ooc.hIou dc '. it lh. T.lPtiniph will b. put Into ro.ul !?r .ti'ym nt whir. It n bo u.l. p.rtU-ultly nZ T"u-1 .d ."f" ty, for lb. tr.nSnii " 'Sr.. wX!" .x-rtloo to.,,, to our ?,r-d!...1:"" '"T '.Bw'tallJ 1" th. tni no mn nor family In tb I nion or a yr' houl l If Wltn"'"- new.papnr. Tin Newnpaper i rur-u V ,"m SS inr th. hall, of th. Ienl.lail.rn, th.y i ulp, , or ho B". "r Oliiniou. and ill. -m ' . i- iki.wh, i.-- Morn man in. . J. . ...Vi v.,...l,l I,.. nnntrollFd l.iuhlv Uipirunit n.iivopi. - Ind kwt to propw cb.noel. m a. to .eour. the pj-rp.tu. UU K'i" ..., iv.. r.i,.rlt of til. I'.OUl.. "f.'''""""!:".'!.!.-, of tl.. n.W.ialr pre. , ..d rnflMiui.io. r" ' 0 all thlu hl eod.Tor . an to conduct lb. iit I uM-:a .to uik it oondup. U lhat end. fi:r.MS OK TUB BEPUBLICAN luilT I ff'py on. yr Trl-WreUj-l t"Py "e Ie o & Qo).ii-fl oil. year lY..k'y . y"r i. 3 copbi. on. year i 6 w-pifii oi.e ar - 10 oo.i'j. one yt-ar o J. cpi".- oimi year " -H cu im una ftsar 3u popii.. on. yuar . 4i.ioi;lt. ojio year T0 00 b 00 !W 00 1 0) 6 00 8 00 ".i 00 10 00 if, (HI 40 00 60 00 A an iii!uMwnt Ui one frlnil- to a.sift In extend luK the rtn-JlaO-m Q.'tl HuMca.! ,w.l.fi.- Uk foliow inf ilui i ii mm Ir a dub uf f.iurteon Wc.l:Uea, one cr one year of fur a club nf thiry Wcelille., on. e-py one year of tba lri Wwklv, .it tin e.i?!ortbWe.-klT. ;,.ilit"lunww-: Kl- a woiiilooi of i h "J-'; lor t!"- n.-t Ur.'. t ( llkb, .nt to u. Imforo tb. first or V.rrh next. AU nwntw aunt Ui Ukir. that time lo bu JU"U'1- IKOIKIB KKA1P 100. t. Zuiui, Imceiuber S, lSi'J HAUPEll'S MAGAZLVG. H t OKK Til AN ON K II U .-'TiIlF.D AXPf.KTENTY THOU M --n.i I'ojli a are row l.-in-d of each nunilwr ot I'un p.T a New .tuiiiihljr la j7.in.. 'llui auaci". to wli rli tbu hi..t.:ry of Perloilial Lit waiure airorda no purallnl, lia not Im. n arhwvi. I and i n.i in l. itiiiit..t, without a libc-rl i-Xiidit ui . ot lnlT.nii mmipy. Tb" aiuoln rinunprnou otior. tl b) 1 1 Puliobiv una lib thmu to .ucur. the btfit pr. dui lJ.l of tllr! UWl aO.'iUiJlliluu. AUth lT. Slid Artl'tC the ii imtrT, to whom at len.t Tbwl Jhoiianil KnlLu arMid lor'ib. Matter and Uluattalitci of euth uumb- u$ Hie MaKaaine. lly ear;lul an- laborioua .eleellon from the aW um I uialeri..! thn. plarml at tb.ir dicuoual. the Publi be' e llii vn that they have produced, and pan continue t : pneliu-e a mor. attractive and UHeful Maazlnu tti t ima ever be'or' bc-eo rliered lo tin preat Diaesol" t l Amerienn re.llur public. AtnoDfr th. rn:uir rit u tor th. Maia-ine at. numl)erl ,h mot dialiiiKulibn. AiniTican autbnrKbut th. i'uhliabera iwfrain I'n.m r nounciug a list of eontribubire, beinu de.iruua that thi article, ahmila be .allniated by tlwir own Intnosl aierlu raUie.r IIiam by tb. uauts of tbe Author. One Copy one Year .JS0" Two ' " 6,0) Tbroe or more ooriei. one year (eai-b( 2,0 l.MluM rich aud noor. bond and free, all colors, irvnde. J ami ooMiiitlona of life, we bear tbo ni loved o praif. awarded tbia wonil.rful ankle For- s arebnaled palna relieved, Uvea aaved, vi.lual le aulsoalu made, useful and untold 111 aa.unged by this grunt medicine w hich la surprising to the judgement of man. Whst family d.x-a not rei;i:ire a standard Liniment. Who ever hea of tba rani, effects prod.icfl by any other aitli'l.' Fo ruts, Kruinua, sprains, Kh.umatism, rwpl'.lnira, strained Iloraaa. A. , It bad no equal' lit-ii-are nf i.iltii"n.. Th. genuine Muftang Liniment a iold by aU respeetable DrunitUt akd Livery Men In crtry town, parish and hamlet throughout North and jth Amtncb, Kurope and the Islands of th. Ocean Uuy at once. BAP.NE3 i TAHK Proprietors, N.w York. NOTICE. SOLPIKIl?, Travuirr; Ai.i.Ti (or th.ir uiu..j cr r.nrpnnn rAi'Mrea,) who served In any wara or txitilri, ei'.Siw ta Cs!!'""ia or tlitwhrrt, prior U March 3d 1.'..'i, i, r thrT clnltlren icho wrre unner Z jo-irj rf 23 nt thai duts, or hailora who aervud on me roni 01 i hi iforuia iu tbe Mealcan war, will do well to address us. C,ilui that have boon rejected in the bauda of other aicenm. bar. buen iux!.iieli lly obtained b) ur. Asi.nts actlnn for na. liberally paid. Laud Warrant, bought and aold to order, and all business lequlrln i an agent at Waidilncton. attendl to. H B. LUiYDACO . Att'jioeya for Claims, Pen.l .ns, Houo Ijvud, Ar, liefurouc to any ot ll.e beads of IiSrtnota. jia.7I0w NOTICE.- TS hereby piven to all tax payers in Dakota county N. T. that I will be at Dakota City Oil Saturday Nov. 2 th, and every 8aturdi.y thereu ter until farther notico, to rceive tnetr h are now due. All are therefore tuxes, wh. 11 and settle forthwith. Office leojue.ted to hours fryni 0 A to 4 P. M. M. P1NKEKT0N "j"inty Treasurer. Nov, 13th . lOlh ' o'J w pnVota eity K' t. 10ST! 1 N the 21st iiyV July. 1850 a Mi!1"? . ' bounty Land Wurrant Number S43i ..' ,;60 acres, issued under the fcU iif March o. 1855 to Wiuthrop Llake. Asy persju finding ihe Slid Warruiit will be libeniily'rowarde by 'leaving the same at my office in DskoU C,ty, 'plebtaake Territory. Thomas T. Collier. DukotaCity Aog. lOtli 153 iw no" ui': ti vreji'V vm nil I'l iy nr n -utrel lo tile -vniMyttfrh t hrtt'f. In tbe o td muniy, in tt T- rrt tftu firl 4uy of JutUto-y I -iiil Oaj JtI"7 Laf kiim Ul 4 o. -Itu e!ioi suainat r.tu eouuly, d.cea.s.-ii, ibbt p taioe lr ireOi.r itb tbe e ol 111. Pri.baU.' tHrt lor , of Nel iai'vu, ou or I1.I01. 0 -I ). ui (r u) ol iVtaieit by iicuur , T r !!. i f ' i' .--.Tuly htes Bouse, OTA. C1T . I 'r-'i.rlet.vr. 'Imirfiw been o- it. ! m'i r' -t r Mill mn i ii. mi. hi; tbrn ( a. ri-t r. "i I i . A m-5T CLASS UOTKI.. tt li 1 T . In rmtniiipriitHin of t!i. n-'liictifiTl of rnHliip.. nn'l f ni'Vli'1 In thin i'tprn t'miptrT ht h. rilnI th. v'tlr. nrrrr litiKty: .nd hirrattor l-t r-riiT. for Itnr htkI Tr.nipnt t 'unti ni. will l che?;.T than iny f'irt ( Ikm llotpl In th. Ifrrttory. liT.ry .ttwitloo will t. paid k th. oiufoit nd oiiTPnUnc i f th. pu.U ui.r. of tlit. Houm. lkot. Illy AimuKt 13, 'Mt K. K. MA9H.N No. 1. ----- - Tvolio Lasiinq. Sioux CHy, I'utrit. JOHN HAQY, PROPftlETOR. THE Troprietor nVe pftfc-ure in nnoano iiig to the public thui lie now has it hntinc in which he Cn icrommo'lale thrm, in its good Myle ft can be found on Iho Missouri Slop. It; ulrict fttlciition to the wiints of gtipvi, he hopes to murit nuJ rcccivo a liberal ehare ff pstrnnsKf. Not. 7. 1 f3- tf IIEUNDOX HOUSE, Orrvtrof fhrr hnm ttn'l Sir.lh sfr-'!, OMAHA CITY, N. T. RICHARDSON JUDSION, PllOl'RtUTOHB. Oenernl Singe ttnJ Litcry Office. gl t. S. 18;. AitguH.it Kutz. Jlrrtnnn Knuntr. TPiii'iim Konnlz KOVXTZR nnOTIIKHi CANKERS AND REAL EST VTK AGENTS, And Uenler In Kxeliange Coin. Ezcliangt to!J on the Priittijwl Cities in Europe. 4i"P.uy, .oil aud locale Laud Warrant... OMAHA CITT, N. T. - - - DAKOTA CITT, H. T. nPKCIAI, attnntion clv.n to th. enllncMoo of debt. and to iii. pavment of tax., in N.braeka and Iowa Money loaned for Kaetorn CapitaliaU. Jnteroet paid on time deiionite. Lands and tiwn property bouifhtand anld.' l.nn.la entiired on time for actual aettlel. (lovernmcnt land, selected and loc.led with warrant. or ra."h, on cotuoilil.n, or for a .bar. of th. profit., in th.ilMAII DAKOTA. NKilltASKA CITY A MKOWN- VII.I.K tltrlete. In Nebea.ka, and the COUNCIL IILLFFiJ and SIOUX CITY Ditrlct In loaa. Ijinrt. Ir. ilmaba. Nebraska eity llrownville dia trie's. will be in market on An l ami after September flrat 1S5M. Thoae In Couacll lilutta and Moux Cily WatrlcU ar. now in market. Good reference. Im at all the principal point. In the 8t-te.ii. "-" XEW HOOT iWDi KUOF. IN SIOUX CITV ------ IOWA. The undersiirned, late of the Crm of Krum- I niun & Bchniblo, is carrying on the bu-iness on his own account, in the bmlding on I earl Street, just below the Sionx City House. He is now carrvine on the Hoot ana onoe dubi- ne3 in all its branches Work warranted to be done in as good style and on as reasonable terms as at auy other ehop. A call from old customers is respectfully solicited. Kepairing neatly done JOHN SCIIAIBLE. 159 bf SIOUX CITY, BOOT AKD SHOE STORE. nv SAMUEL KRUMMANN. Tbe undersigned has removed his estublish- I ment to his new building, on i'earl btrnct, i few doors went of Tootle's store, where he s now nreDnrcd with a laree and superior tock of leather, eto , etc., to execute all ork in his line, in a superior btyle of the it. Emrtlovine none but the beat of work- otn, and giving his persoiial attention to the i usitiesj, be can ssteiy warrant an 111.1 worn. Repairing done on short notice SAMUEL KRUMMANN. Nov. 7. 1800. tf J. D. M. CROCKWELL, M. D., her of ihe fotva State M' iii;al and Chirur- gical bociety, VTfOCLD sny to his friends and the public V V i generul, that ho will attend calls in the line of bis profession; aud that he pledgos to all nfllicted with Rheumatism, Liver Complaint, Femalo Weakness, Latent Consumption, And other secret diseases, iii auiciisr&licscr th complaint, or no charge but the retainer fee, aud no couslwutiocal in jury, as he practices on the PHILOSOPHIC 1XDICATIOKAL PLAN. WOOLWORTII'S BOOK STORF. TUST RECKTVKT), A WFTX PVl.rrTKTj TCR OF rf Hook, Mticnjry nd I'aper Hanfingn, huo tuM LlU)7lure, Cliildreu'i Ikujk.ij liltt I'rac Books. aud SCHOOL COOKS la great varl.ty. tftatlonvry of every deee.r1pt.loii, anil th. baatqu llty, A particularly choioe aimortment of Letter anil Nolo Paper., Knvekip. and Keineer'a Ptution.ry lra tini Paper, Traclrur Cloth, Matbeuiatical laKtruniente, Wat er Colors, Copying Pretisua, Copying Ink, Ac. ice. Ac. PAPER HANGING nt.UDEUS Asnwisroow crsniNj, The moat beautiful styles over bfl.rhd in the West or auy where sum,. 1)1 Oiuuha not R T. Beau. Clerk V. S. Dibt Court K. A. Alms. Notary public. UEALL & ALLEN, rufit at Law, and Real Ettate AgnU. .In. " taxes on all Land in the Coun- 7ILL p. Mngton, Burt, Dakota and ....... ,., n, r...;i pixon, W, 'i'.; free ofcw. w: of money for, iija aitia. tw Vtd Soto; Nel.ra.ka. . UcT All letter of iu'iuUy J romj VJ Dt" ed. REFERENCES: Hon. E. Wakely, Judge Sid District, "cUrji- k Ie Solo, N. T. Hon. K. kstabrouk, Omaha. N. T. Geo. Doughty, Cuuuoil I'.lut's, Iowa. l!..n. P. P. Chapman; Klyria, Ohio. Hon. Levi Hjhbvll, .Milwaukee. Ww. U lj , K. HO-Hi l;, 01 T, Ifwa IV 1 irar.uiTKus mi bargains J. K. HOUGE, liO., IV of Sioux CitT and Bfiihtioriiig town. that they have J mil receiTcd per eieaniboat and bae pporcu one of the Lartfftt and L'tit Jutortmrntt of GR 0 C E 11 1 E S1 Ever brottpht up the Missouri. r OnodH are all frenh, and were bought b one of the firm at the lowest cnuh priotia. e oan there fore SELL VF.RT.LOW We in-ite tho attention of all to onr asuorU merit of Colo?, sugar, molaitse-, noc, flour, luinars, Yobaoeo, cmars, bacon, lard, lean, Fruits of all klr"., soap, care dies, candies, &o. In a word everything usually kept in e. iir-t nlaas orocer and rroTision Loose. Those de an ing to purchase FOR C A S U , ire respectfully invited to give us a cell before making their pucbases. HIDES AND FURS. The hinhcot price paid for all kinds of Furs end Skins. We will also pny cash for beef cattle and country produce. INTERESTIiNG.FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. II. D.HOOCE &.C0. PEAHL 8TRICHT, loua; Cilij, SELL GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES AND AND AND rr.ovisiON8. PROVISIONS, PROVISIONS, CAEAVKIl THAN ANY OTHKR HOt'PK rOSSIULT CAN!! Bioux City, Iowa, Nov. 7h '59. rPhe whole country is abused, and awaken X ed to its BEST interers, a de termined to buy its Groceries and rovong of il. 1). BOOGE & CO. H. D. BOOGE St CO. TJill continue to supy the CASH BUT- KRS, wholesale and retail, at their usu ally low prices. M. D. BOOGE eV CO. II are th. largest CTOCK of Orocrloa and PmvuW 1 ever opened In Sioux City. X FEW MORE SACKS OF THE VKUY j best brand of Flour at the cxtreiuly lrw j.iicc cf 3 60 per Suck. b7 ZIEGLER & Kt'MiAST. NOTICE. r pO the farming community deviling grmd 1 ing, we would say that every Friday is set Bpart for grinding corn, but parties coming with a hundred or more bushels, can thesume ground or any dy ES7C 8nl;. We will be ready by the 6rst cf Agust lor making flour. Lumber, shingles and lath can be hau at the saw mill of eaid cumpany, on most reasonable terms J J TKACY ft BROTH U GREENE, WEARE AND BENTON, Baukirn, Dealers In Exchange ami Land g.uts. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. TiyiK AND 11ILL8 COLLKCTKO AND UL.MITTKD IN U. anv part of th. l ulled blac. Money reoelvedon deposit, and llit-.e't allowed. Kalei a or 8outbe.ru bntit lurnlabed 1 emu" U suit pnrrbaaera. I nd um. funds paid for Currency lillia of Ki lib ugu. Loan. .T. cta.1 on good a.vHrrltv. , Ta. p. d. tiUea emiuiiied, aul Ktl Kstab- t"U,:ht and sold on Couimlaeioo. , Lands enured lor settler, aud tbu. glv.u iur pay ment. ottlca ( ppo.lt. Paeibr Iloua., In twl lower h tut Lai. 3 Oltl". JiLr LLKNCLS : V. B. Jf np, A Co., ) W.J. Iiarn.y A Co., J Hanker., Tiubuque, Iowa. t'imk A harsenl, banker., Lav.ii.rt, lo... f-uMet" A Mono, Itankar.. lowat'lty, Ioaa. v;w.... K.. vorknt. (.nti'ii. nvtpi- iCi nvniiiui'iAjii, v v. Jl'iu CI hJ ..:.., Coin, of Vi iwii ih'lutlt Uin. A. C AuUf'! V..-. nurhiiTtiii,Ioj.. fl VL' Im, li'liUlUt. InWeV ni iv r. P.00.1K. Giu-at j:xriTr,);::?;T l ntUIITA CITY, CAl'SKDBYTKEOPENIKUOrA LA11GE AND SN.ENDll) STOCK OF Tint 'imtii, PHT lUH'iUU, IHY llOllliel, Bf!iruiM, t.Kin fiinvus tHiOTIIIMI, liMiK'1- III KK, OUlTIIINti, IIIIOI KII1K.-, I. KITH AND eililH!, IWIor.H AMI MlillH, lUXVI'S AMI HIOKH, (IVKKNHMi AHK, . , w, Ae. IJVKrNHWitHK. Ac., tf. (t KKNgWAKK, Ac, Ac, A. AT THE PIONEER STOR5 or ZIEGLER & ECKHAHT. 4 s our Stock of Goods is bow open and .' ready for the TRADIi. we respectfully coll the attention of the oitiiens of Dakota and adjoining counties to eur splendid FALL AND WINTER STOCK 0 Hi OODS which have been selected with great care, especially for thia oouulry, and will be sold ciiKA run than thk oik a fust." We ere bound not to he undersold by enr licit :Mmr. We Hsk onr old tluHtoincra and the Public penerally, to call and examine for themselves and be convinced of th above facts. OUR STOCX CONSISTS OF Pry Goods, Press Goods Muslins blenched and unbleached, Delaines, Cashmeres, Gir.fihums, Lincey, Prints of all kinds, Merino, Checks, Irinh Linncns, Table l.lttns, t ri h, &fl , &o. Ladies Shawls ef all s'uch, Clothn, Satiueta, Jeans, Tweeds, Oa-imeres, Flannels of all oolors, Women a l liiblren s Hoods, woollen ollen Yarn aud Meu's hildren's Hono &c, &o. CLOTHING, such as Hose, Half Hoeo Country-knit Hook Also a large STOO Overcoats, Uundcro Vests, Pants, Shirts, L'udershirta, Drawer. &. AUo n splend id Stock of Costume-. Boot i and Shoes, for Men, Woman and Children. We are ab!u iu this lino to fit the einaUett us well as the la-gest Foot. Also Hats and Cap of all Sorts and Bites, i ii i a heavy fctock of Groceries, iu which will ntundthe following ti'llides. Sugar, Moiasee.-., Syrup, Rice, Dried Fruit, Canned Peavhex, Bullied F.uit, Teas of all kinds. Tobacco, suiokiug and chewing, 5u', P pices, Cloves, Cinnamon, Ginger, Soap of all kinds, Halt, Flour, Rope, Hubli, Glass, N Ili'lB, Doors, &c-, ft. ALSO Powder, Lead, Shot, Caps. Our Stock will be sold to suit the times, at very low figures, as we aro doing a strict CASH business, and can afford to sell at smull profits. We will also lake iu exchange for Gobds Coru. Jat, Pennfl, l'olstoc.., Putter, &0., Ae. Give on a eol1 and be kola City is ihu flavoe tu convinced that Da LAY IN YOUR GOODS. ZIEGLER A ECKHAP.T. DaVotu City Oi t. 1 "' NOTK i-i t.tr.'.:;riror.7:::;f : ..-..ny t vv- ( Vv, n.i -,.e : llieve Imye be ei verni a.-r-etnetite nia !i frtim lioie t'tue, to i! i f lh expense of tin vriitpuiiy, a lnie prop, i lion of whiuli has .... . , . I . fi.l In raa lha mini la r.nt in-. 1'iri, 'ii.., " - - - . i.i .... . l.. .( Ilia j.Amrinv alll h. Gioh. I., i .'.:.. .ii a,4... b..a ni. nr will i both not comply ini.i.e.ilalely. The book of the ' :T - . . . company bn.e been ki pt tu pu. ii a innnnrr, n I ' ! ,-t .1.. I . M I knn In n ntp.t'llll'U I.T 1 Ihoe "ho hate palt! ; that thrlr Kl.aiea may be pri.pi'r!v ciedite.l Ona aare-amrnt m nutde. October l'h, 1 ft for $5 IK), one Oriohcr 7th K , for ,r.,(Ki. cm. June lh Ui7, for $U'.l'. " July 27lh. l.'7. for fc'J.OO, otm bi'tU inber th 167, J. 10, Oil, on June lill) lj 'ur M.dO. Total, $10, Oil. The whole anionnt of as-rs-nieiit n rnrli aliare of etoik of the Pnkt.ta City CuinpiHiy, and Ilia aharelialdera will renirmber, lhat in tho arlmlo. of ineorpor.illon, nil lha piitnte I in property of the Slookholdrr i boon I tor lh RNfOKHiuciili nifi.le agnii'-t the eiinie re(t.nT ed iu his mime, or thnt he nifty hold. Anil fitill.rr . At a meeting tfthe liiV.et City Company held June Viih, 1S0H. there wits a resolution paesril ordering lh President to piye r.oitoe In all the Hharehnldera tn lay !." nniount due witaln aixly day, or in (lefntilt of pay ment ell Ihe .took on erhlrh the aH.e.vmenls were not paid la alx'y day, from the tbito thereof, ehould be sold to the highest bidder, and the aseeasmrnl paid j and the overplus if eny, to be rubjiKit te the order ef tho Slinro holdera. On tho 2Hd day of Aug nut 1 tf!, there wa another resolution passed, giving the Presi dent power to do what wan most expedient in hi judgment with the property and asaels of the Coin puny, to meet the liabilities of the tittup. AM) NOW, D'J oruVr o" the I'rniiltnt. T. I'DVOOD CLA A'A", tee fir A'otice, That if the above Is not compiled with lu six ty days, tho resolutions of the company will be enforced, and nil the slock of the compa ny that the esse summit are not paid on, will be sold to pay the liabilities of the oompany ; as all the property of the city within the hounds, to wit : from Elm Htfcct to Vine Street and from and from (1th street to 20th etrcrt, has been entered by tho Mayor, and all outside that by Trustees; and the lime for prouring warrantee-deeds cf these parties closes within six months from the date of their entry; and all the property not deeded will he forfeited. SHAREHOLDERS AND CREDITORS rill take warning that en the 9th day tf Jauuary, A. D. 1800, all the stock with all,the property not then covered by di ed in Dakota City, will be eold to the highest bidder, and thu debt of the company settled up, if only a dividend is declared. N. B. We would further say thrat those who have not ohlaiced ducds to the lots drawn on their shares, can obtain the same by call ing upon the Scerclury and paying the as- si'sNtiitnt duo. W. 11. 3. HUGHES J. D. M. Cbookw kll, Secretary. Agent Dakota City, N. T. Nov. O.h 1 69. A u icfiil and Mti active ueries of bet ki f l he young people, embaoiDg event con nectod with the .'itatory of the oonr.try, ana lives of distinguished men, written with much care and iu an entoriaiuir.2 niunnur, and beautifully illuilrr.ted title panes : ('uniainirig the life of Dmiiel Webster, tho great Amcnoan Statesmau, with uumerous iitiecdotes, illustrative of his character, and the f.-lio winH illustrations: Younc Duniol in the saw mill ; Webt-ter n-diiniz at Pasbura : Wbbster declining the olerkship ; Webster expounding the C.mstitu lion at the Bunker 11 ill celebration; Webster at ranueil Hall : Manetluld the residence of Webster; Webster on his farm. Tho life of Henry Cluy, the null-boy of sliiskos, with nine illuMraiions ; the life of General Wanhiiifi ton with nine illustrations ; the lifu of Lnyfiiyetle, with nine illustrations; tho life tit Penn with nine illostrations ; the lifo of General Taylor with niue illustrations ; tbe lifo of Napoleon Bonaparte with uiuo il lustrations ; the Old Bell of JtiJejU'ii lonce or Philadelphia in 17(3, with nine illimtretious ; the Yankee Tea Party, and other stories ol the Revoluliou, containing In all over cue hundred illustrations. Each volume is well written, possessing a high moral tone, and can safely be placed in the hands of tho young .people They cou luiii uuil.rrr.us RBe?'J"!vi illustrative of the history of our country. Price per sett handsomely bound in c'Mh, with gi'.t backs, and neatly put up ir, l,sci, JO 75. I'ricepi r volume, ololh, gilt, 60 j cts. Col,.ortcirs, nrrcnts an'i school libruiiea will be supplied ut . liber'.l discount. Copies sent iy mail j.ostnee free, upon re ceipt of the pi ice of tho sett or any volume. LIND.'JAY & BLACK-MK. PublieliiiS. . 25, South 6th Street, Philadelphia. O OL O PENS n EPA IR ED. I)rice60 oents. Enclose pen in a setter I with caeh or postage stumps, und by re- tarn of mail j-a will receive the pen as good as new. Addre-s E. Eilliot, Syracnse, N. Y. Any person giving tho above three inser tions and rending me a vnarked copy, hIh.11 receive one of my best pens by mail. 3t DAKOTA CITY POTTERY. MESSRS. ZIEGLER & ECKHART, of the Dakota City Pottery, ti ke the pitbeut opportunity of saying to the Merchant and the public genera'ly, that tl.ey i!l continue in the busiue. heretofore, and bavire in creased the r tin 1 e are able lo manufuc- I ture a larger aiiioutii of stone ware and of', the best quality. Returning thanks for tho ' liberal patronage bestow.-,! upon ihe old firm tl.ey rcspec ttnlly solii it a continuaiiro of tbe ' same, and thry will b.leor lo retain it by ' prompt execution of their order, to which tl.ey will carefully attend nt nil limes. them a cull. I'aVi'tu City, K T , Vof 7. W -'f Give THK It L U B K ,1 I ah nil pnMUh the PiHy fl'ote, end flift rortcTfa-loual filiibe, anil Appendix during the mil pene'on M I otigren-. in. vtuij will ennlaln reror: rf tha clebateain l.rknrhea of Congrena, aa taken dawn hy reporter., nt te W, t any ''"T .f short . I I. II.!. in ntb.r r illlltrt w...-r ... .- i .. .1 w .... . t ,u. tut, mnLa 1111.11 IUW unoiri .1 w - - m. n thiu fotly-Be column., they .hall ap pear in th Di.ily (Hobs of the next innrniiig, whioh i';l oontnin, lo, the ttewa nf the d-, t. g. Iber wiih aui h editorial ariiiOea as may be lancle I by pn-sing ern t. Too 1'otnm.Miiniil Olobe and AppanJix, Knilaiu a irpnrt nf nil the debut". In CouRti e. rei-e.l by the speaker, the Mm mgi of llie I'rcNldenl nf the I'nited Pml'j,, tin. Amiu.il rtepoits nf lha lliadi of Hie T'-ro-ulie i ie nrlnient, the lleport-of (.'oinmlii.cn of t'oiigre.'ia on important .u' jvo.l of goneial ei e -ih, the Laws paused during the .elon, iiiul rTioii iudexee In all. lhesa w.ll h tin!.' I on a double roynl heet, in bd 'k lorn, li;;s! rjiiiit to aixo, each nnnihor contultdng s'v I , en iTes, aver.'ing 2.8U7 words per pnffc. Tho whole will uiake between I.7HA and 'i isiii pages. I', is believed that no book hmetir been published at ao low a rate. Last je.tr I B.lverii;.l ii. the Daily Glubc lor ait month, and in about one hunt!;.! other newspnp.-r'., iu the United tjite, a reward of X- l e pnl l lo auy persoa who would produce a book published at so low a rate, and none wns J ro liiieed. The large number of oopies subsc. i'. e I for by Confres enable me tu sIloi liHo lebiites to sub.'ci ibcrs to rlieap. Thn CotigreHsionl Globe aid Appetidn p.s free through the mnils ot the Uuin .1 Si no-, as will be seen by reading the l. ll iwirit .1 . 1 1 Resolution passed by I uuimcss IIiu Ltli ol Au gust 1H52: Joint R filiation providing fur the it tir-'l-i'.'i-n of the J.nu-I oj I iinr) mi-i th JJi -tutiM thi-non l With a view tJ the rhrsp cii lailon cf I no Lawr of Congro, and Ihe iM coiiiribul lug to the true Interpretnttoti lliiTi nf, hii.I to make free comiuunicalieu bctweou Hie rcptu eentative and ooustiltieut bcul.e.1 Be It reold by the Hctmic mid lln.i-e of Representatives of tha United Htmea nf Amer ica in Congress assembled. That fioiu n.nl f- lor the present session of t'miwr ess, llie Con grestdonnl Globe and Appendix, wlii.li en, in in the Laws and the Debutes thn . on, sli .ll par free through the mails, ao long as the aame shall bo published by order ef Cmigrea : Pro vided, That nothing herein shall be cnu-truel to authnrixe the ciroulatiou of llui LuLy Globe, free of pottage Approved, August, tb 1!. TERMS: Foraoopy of the Daliy Globe 4 months f l 00 For a copy for a less nine (per month) 1 UU For a copy of the Congressional Globe and Appendix during the cession. 3 00 Bank notes current in the section of the country whore a subscriber reddes will be ro ccived at par. The whole or si y part of a subscription may be remi'.ted in postage stamps, which aro preferable to any ourreuoy except gold and silver. Where Punk note under $.1 can not be procured I will send two cobies for $5 A paper will not be sent uulc.iS the money accompanies the order for it. 1 can not afford tc exchange with all the newspapers that desire the Globe, but I will send the Daily Globe daring the scteiou to all who shall publish thi pruspuntu three times before the first Monday In next Decomber. Those who publish should send their papers containing it to me, marked with a peu, to direct attention to it. Tho Congressional Globe and Appendix will bo stereotype J, ami therefore, I shall be able to send tbo biu K numbers f ir this eessiou to all who may tub. scribe after the session commences ; but if the first edition shall have boen rxhaustod before the subscription meney is receive, I, I shall chargu one dollar additional per copy, to pay tho exp use of pulling the plates on the press. Subscriptions should rea'.;h me as early as the first week lu Dejcmber, to Intiuro complete copies at the prices advertised ahove. ' Kill V ! II I Vf J JOHN U. RIVES Washington, October, 1 OU. THE DOLLAR DEALER FOR NEW VOLUME NEW TYTE. For twenty years the Cleveland Plain DeJ cr has been owned and controlled, Published and K.I i tod by the same individual. It has never missed a Publication Day nor scratched a Dcmoeratio Ticket. It has fought its way single-handed against all opposition, until it has gained a National Circulation and a Na tional Reputation. From Main to California tho Plain Dealer is known and lend, and it never was in so good a condition pecuniarily or In hotter pluck politically, t, v'it tli" bat tles of Democracy than now. For thu coiu i'lgJ'eur it will be partieularly devoted to I'OPL'LAH 80VEP.K1UN1TY AND THli I'RBSIUKXCY It has agaiust high authority, dare 1 to r.d vocato tbe right of "Ihe people of a Terril. ry 11a w. 'i as a State, to regulate their thuuestiu 'Bstitutiou in their own way," aud it :!! continue to do so ag',:nst said high authority "the world, tbe flh and the devil." A;; unit all Lecomptou Coastitutiou., Slav Code-., aul the re-oneiiini of the KUve Tr in, thi i'.DT is dovoiedly dedicated from, thij time, heuoo f.utli forever "Onie one' come ul! ! This rock fcliMll lly I'i.jiii its firm base as soon as I !" Biiti.icj tho current Ne.wa nf the Day, lb.1 Plain Dealer will contain in each 1 um'n r a TALE, Corr.vJpon leini from a host of (Amlri Lutors, and Telegraphic Report fr oai ail p .it of the World. The Commercial Department will ha undci the sole chaige of Js. Pr.,keu-hire K-. , wK is aeluowle.lged to be one of the bust .Maik.t Reporters iu the country. The Local Depart uimit will be presided ov T by Ihst original and laughter proVoUin ge.i Arlemus Wuril Ehq., whose Lt tiers, Joke?. Od. lilies and Quidilies, ure aloue worlli t.10 price of the paper, lu alioit, wtuie prepar.'.1 to present one of the Th piwttit and TERM S. Sinpla Kubei iLers. iier vear i I " for f ix month'', I Clubn of tee, f.er year, lr' All over ten coj.ieo tu one Poist Ollico 1 To each gsiu r up of a Club, one Copy r ' Ua- vjf POST MASTER'S arc requited to 1 as Agents. A'lilresi J. W. f.EAY. ("Lyc'dMl, OV.J . 0 I ) . )