Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, April 21, 1860, Image 1

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    K . 'Sao
iliiliola $trato
y S-i'W 1 .'ornry, af Ihikita City, X 7.
"FlMS-t CO a year In alrn'"n; l Oil for i
.t. i lli'n i.utsliT three nifutlif.
, prrT,-f T . site TUB Bat. HocE't3
j . nt (' " '" luiertloa f J (VI
," I, M,l.l-lfl t i.Ttiu
,, .,oir- m..th. 3 Oil
,i ,. ,,,,ir. dip-n '"'"", "
..iu .r a' in-'it., 0"
, , .. hiitv. one v ii. M W
....a-u-s. ''
c-'". W
f n.1 inn. "m yr, 4ft 00
1 r,,rth .-..linim. .in, W 00
, hxii c . Lima. i i'"tii, a oo
,.. . hi th flu !' 16 "J
,, , i, ,if . i.iiini. (tire uu-i'th. 1 eo
.,. t"iir ti ilo do d
i .,, ,.- Car I". " " rn J'hr.
1 .l, in n'i vauei- ellt In ri-.ji.irrt hh all advar!!-...
.., ,,i, i-ii" ut whre a anselal contract bus been mad
',. :li" ii.nl.ery.
H ai-HTi (pTERTtS HO. O-O1T1MSS10 AXT1 CnLl.til 1 M
nlt,a " nrw tlx Apenta ft Mil paper lu th rltia of
'".ili.li lj tun, r., Wltwiuittun, Del , aud Ihiltittiore
iloWtVy, - A'rbraih.
11 1 u iDt entrusted to his care Bill be
i.tiui ili J l'i villi prou.)toe-s and tlifpntch
I'm sicnlar uttentii n will be paid to the Cullec
t: ii t-f claim; and to Real E.-tate matters.
J on rrnuB
Atturneijt nt Xav,
Kl'itX -IT,
1 l ''Hi attend to nil legal business intrusted
to their cure, in western Iowa and cait
crn Nebraska).
'u. 7. 'M. m
1'tumbfr and Vat-Fitter.
,,). 13, cT. CIlAULra PTEKKT, ST. 1 On, WO
ri!i prnni'.itl.v Httcnd to all businesa in his
l:ni'. ii nj ull work eivcuted willi mat
ii - ili-)iitrh. V iii give it piul Htti'iitinit
in nnv wurk II. ..t 1 1 . i k ' bw Ltru.-K'J to bid rd
:m,. putifl'iiclioii nairanloJ.
t;.it. t "f .-f. 1'i.trut Mlvrntu f-.r At'-rjtt-a
1 1 rl l.(. utt'-fii promptly any lK:kl butinod Intr
l u-i I" biiu in liie I urt? of rli" Ti-rrlmry.
niHCl. I iniiui r 111' ok, uiiinba t ity, .V T.
Auur t, ' O'J
J 0 II N T A F F E ,
.ri:i,-.i:r ,c cii'."f:tr.uu at lah;
03IAUI, .MCllllASKl.
U-1 1 b pr miitly iitt.'ml nil liu.incps cntrni
t".l '' b!m. tirj" on (.rnvoH ulret't,
' 'I r ctvt of the "Amorionu Jlouso;" 0mi-
rm: nr. i. r.riA rs
V' I' ' 7 1 1 tl i v-n !lr thiit (tny boiliio'flnlru"tri
H t-ti-ir rr( will iu"'t with prompt tttiticn :
fi !i J Irtyii. .'Ut Inml" info IiiUkm Hrwrif or utMiffciis
ti. t- ' ; II;.. i-'ijin, .'!!; i kr, ientini; nr Ifa-in? of ral
- if.;. . I ,,r I'rtf: t.v ti nrlJinor lorntin nf
ii- i :.rriitii. on tnu i-r fr rh; ru:king Poiltrt'lomi,
I 'i-1' f L.', ttx'tuiiiix J rwcoT In as to jn-rft etnesa !
' ! tar. U r lutiitJi rity Piork ; thn oUfilnit.fr ol
! ' !: hh tiio lMkotnoit v ni any for Ur:iw.j on
; R-i-
T. ..! i..ij , I)Ji, JhJs and rre-L'mp
tmn Foyers, und the r- rt-oj nf
i'n i-li(',lhiii clulmn, 1'. r ii.j-t uf tl,o lanj.
H '': hi. now on li.in l n lures uti.rk of Irv 0('J
I : i'-i.s". l.umUr Kml rliiiii'liK, ll.y ul.t mil
i' .'! i- tii lli.nr fti k.HiHl sny ti tlm (.ul'lictliHt tLvy
- ' ! r'; ;iri i t.i ri--i ivt- Kll kil il nf dry kihmIm, nn K-iTifn,
I ' - ' I i- it i.1 liiiuN r mi ii'rmiiin.ii'ili, tur prit at, (ir war
i n -i.i. . or to i.x. Imnu t,r utbiir prnptjriy. CUiiri-4
ii. ai ftLorhm; Ir.'U.
M O N K Y O N D K I' 0 B I T ,
..irniitt-lfK It " l"ld 'J5 j-er rut nut prtflt, jur an
man, if llt on 4ji-oiiit over fc)o duvM.
N K r. rmn(i lhlnpr tn luviift hr uM not fall to rait
iy il. -ir f;i.-". an tiny ham a liirye amount o raluublu
p' p. r v (it i ill. low f r rah or on lline.
1:.. ti.i i. ri't r.'tnv KiTvii It ri'.mtri'it.
J L. SI. ('KuCKWKl.I., I'rcfldi'nt.
1'it.i tu t-lt v. Autul 11, 'a 4iily.
C F. EC K H ART & CO.,
. II. I. tiri-pi.- pinna aad Hpurttl.'BMoiiK for prUaleani
I'lltlic IjuiSani, auil fontract t.r or ii jiuiriliU-n'
' Uiik Ilia H.im. Any tiiforilmtinn wnntrl, tll'iuirr
i -I ,.. ... i. . .... .. ' 1
TTOKNEY anaCounecilorat Luw( Omabo
V Ncbnickti.
FlKU.FIi IN KrML KSTATR anl Oennrnl Hurfm.
Am-nt. 4tnvcvafirr nn.l Nnw MhIiH'- Hti
i"'r!!,t,lf thft -'U4itjr Uuoordor'iotfiiw.ou i'uiulian
t, Oiuttha, N T via
larnn&iii ulruet. A
I HKKKBY IlIVI'N, that rVl.d rrnPo,al will tie
1 '- i iinl t t In- olr.. e of IIib t'oiii.tv t.lurli, of bakota
"''.. at i'ak'.ta City, until the at day of Vrbruary
'l until Oocl.ifk of fahl day, for tliavrertioa of a
f' '1 I '.urt Hour" for uiJ t:.n.uly nt I nk. In City.
1 u pi.-m and ij. -n. 'ulii.ua for tni 1 LutMing can ba
' n at 11,., ,,m.H) of Ilia County ('i,Tk.
0..I I:a ni 1, raiiuirrd to HtMte In their prop. hIm
in- rrrl:y,t ttuiw at wln.'h thy will c.m.;..w .Hid
" notf ; the tuna nut to exti-J twu y:ari Irom ttu
'"H In .1,,, f i,i.ra,v, A. l. 1 10.
1 oni)iri.Kati in for aiii. 1 work to la-In County t'Mn-a,
l l Our Thouaa.ul l)..ln lu iniiiti Jual ui . r ; j tu u,
'"I I t I ...in i kot i t v
, ' 1 l.t wilt dat, h iw, (i.d at what timna, tliry
a,. r..uiosai..n.
I:. a Ii uiuiiii,,,,,,,,, ,,f j (..uiity in awni'liue a
!'t.a-t. aa il,,,,, roa.r.u tlie n;M ota.b.InK tu. u
Tt'ii 1.11I r. tolili im t,, iuvh c-i.ir ii-t, an tin y may
. 11. i- .Khnry t , h. i ur.ia r .11.1 t i . iaf.l auatt hnTa
'!' ' "' ' "o-..M-lunt 1,1, 11, H .rui, ,rfLi. O'.llf..
11. 1, nun- 1 1 llltl c,ti, .(!,, uf ,Ml. n.miart.auil lha
I "i'-t 1 ro...,.l 1 y .;dJeTii, v lil tu r". I
" "I liu .. iiino 1.
'' Jtjir ol III! O'Ur.ly Cai.Mr.Ks.il
J am v . 1 1; 1 r H.
J'-o'. Cl'f, .1(0. Ol'.. a"
D A K OTA C I T Y H E E A L I) .
VOL. 2.
I'h wl.y thm c nnfftTi I' ngtng
l ifim ti,t h wt iih( hrr t
i h vorl'i 'i,l t ov, h"w oIJ
Ail'l cvn If v'rn t r .if flo.
lurb tlicuLts liavt l 04 lofn toli.
H r thought to nif ru, : li;;,
Afk mo it Tun ur t ,
IV hope It'BVfB bti-tiii ain l lujj,
la fiuuiiiKT time tniott U
ClftJ In inch nt-Ti'l r'.-lliitof.
Vrtil W(Ml!4 liOt hllt-W l" lfJlTPtf,
1'Ult pu llli UlOl'M in lnHShtng
W iiO lit' t till. g 1M J l -1'.ti r ?
Tly If bir-ln in Pii.irtnj
hh'Hil'I YBry i'vry mtirf.
Nor l.-t ilio not in 1 rlnw;ii.g
Uittl rt..'Ullii W'Vf ItPRTit (0 I 'tt; f
Or If th vnrtrim flower
W Ui-.-li bifsutily tUavAr.ti,
In h.vf of t-r.aiif li!vl. nun
WouM prurtf 1 f Knitter u th
If to th Tlnlrt'i Mnj-aiin
W t-r ivu a kn ud rt J,
J, l.l from tin liiiitihU lM.-tmi
It ra-fttii a liaulii j LiaU f
If ro'i'.i all gi-aw Tt llw
Ari l Rfarlct ( r- ttn t'rio,
Tu lt'Kf Mine rarpintr Tcjiotr,
Yi hu wuuli ty vi tlilus i-dr" '
Woal-i enrth rerivi cu.-h liyter
At tier tru lUt-rv briBi;n
" Old at O 0 " up u bur.
Lv-tti t'r iu ctu;iuj springs.
ibf thought woul'i Fcarr be t.-tftur, d,
Whlrh met no A,iiwrlntf thuuKlit.
AC'l eio b umu'i tliuuirht Is tntanurt t
Iiy rules r.xporiinKo bought.
As fitc to he rfipon Jim,
In uitrrorn true and clear,
i iud ariHeiii tU iiiUtt at Itr ,
Jinii;iiiirfr(i trftntoit.t
olay etai tie tor attuUe,
TliMir Uriwiittnn 8ccioH raxplu dent
d uutanUiar tt lo j
But when, futitruo'i with murvlug.
Wa liuii in 'l.tily litH,
It? ulil, oM thciiiwd tnfuHlnK
Bw:t Uioulit. devoid of striln.
Lat Qf dfirt chut) nT. r.
tfir o.ii tir molliar tongue.
And with thf tiirdB foruver
Lut Natura'i toogi te mug.
The following U paxags from tl: rich f.r
tioien which are nibrncej in tbo literary rr
tnuiti of Willis Oajlord Clark. It is only
necessary to premiM that the witter is a l'hil
aduiphia elude nt, who aftur .1 toltu furtuiglt
among the gayetics of ft Watdmgron 'i-rasou'
finds hiniDclf, (through tha renjis?t)us of
ehum) at B iliimore on hU way home, without
a cent iu his pocket. Ho Etopfl kt a fuuhion
ble hotel, ufliritheles", afttr tarrying a day
or two, ho finally, at the heal of aprnid din
11 .-r, f;ttu. mlui In Ida jriTate apartment,
fliiiked with nbundant Chnuiptgcc and Vat
guti'y, resoltr-9 to d'mobi e all to tha land
lord. Summoning a sfevatit, he mys :
" .llt tlie litndlor I to (tfp up t my room
and brij his bill."
He claUercd downstair! giggling, and Bbert
ly there-after bis tnast r appeared.
He n terf ! with a gentiova aia'de that made
mn h ipe fur tha be.-t the home nffordnl, and
that, jut then, Hat erfdit. "How much do
I enu you!" paid I. He banded me the bill
with all the grace of polite expectancy.
"Let ma ee etcDteen dcllara. How
Tory rtasuualle But, tny dear air, tho mol
disagreeable part remains to be disoloeed. I
griuNe to inform you that I am at present oat
of mi ney ; but I kn5w by your philanthropio
looks, f;at you will be BAti.fiei when I tell
you that if I Im I it, I would gtTe it to you
with unqualified pleasure. But you eee my
not having it with me ia the reason why 1 don't
doit; and I am sure you will let the matter
stand, and say nothing about it. I am a
stranger to you, that's a fact, but ia the place
where I eatna from, all ruy acr)uaintineei
know me a easy as can be."
The landlord turned all color.
"Whre do you lire, anyhow ! "
" In Washing 1 thould eay Philadel
phia." His eye fHibf ) with angry disappointment.
'lute how it is, Mi. tor; my opinion is
that you are a blackleg. Tom dou'l know
whare your Louia in. Tou begin with Wath
ingtoa q 1 then drop it fr Philadelphia.
You must pay tha bill."
"liut I can't."
"Theul'll take jour alothee : If I den't,
Il'JW til ngul.
" Scoundrel !" anifl t, rininj bolt nprigh, ;
'do it. if you dure! do itl and leave tha rebt 1
with me."
ILere was no more wot J. lie rao d
liberately, i-e!;ed my only inexpressibles, and j
walked ?own etaira.
PbytUians say that no two exoite'nents can j
niat at the Fame time in the eyatein. Exter
11 al circuinatances drove away ulmost inime-
diately (he coufu.-iou of my hi ain. j
I arose and looked out of the window. Tha
snow was descending, as I Jrun.nud on the
pane. What was I to do ? A'i unhappy
wight, 1 ir j culvlti, in a prangs city ; no !:ion-
ey, and slightly inebriated. A.thoughtstruek '
me. I had a large cloak, Which, with my
other npj.ui ikmiiici ts, Nuve thuie he took, the
laaJiurd 1. 1 1 spired. I drsss i immediately ;
di i- y 0:1 E:y bould over my fair wbiio drawers,
not ul!.1i a;ii!ii: t'oih' 8 ; put on 1117 cravat,'
VP-1 and coat ; laid a (raveling cip from lay
tt ut.k jiiintily oyer iiy fort bead, und tlloging
t"7 t'l-'Btlo (rt ae.efu'.'y about ue, u.aJo ay
w .y t!.ro'.:?U ti.u bull i ito t'uetti. Ll.
Alti ac'ei ky bhit.uig Uupa iu the pnrlioo
t" a new hotel, a few Hiiumea from my 1. dg
iugn, I enter I, reoorJe l rny mine en tha
buuki, aul Le po'..e a b"H Iverything wJ
I f. e-h and neat ; etery servant was at'eutite;
' a'.l arjucd wa'l. I kept myself tdtely clonk
j ed, pullid a tig'ir and retired to bad to ii.ft-
tutc my pK t.
' Waiter, jut brn-lt my c' itb' wrll, my
I line fellow," said I in (be itiprnicp as be rn.
I tt re 1 thf rjOTi : nit d the a'lt.il 'ons dnu't
j tpill anjihira; from the pooVta j tliTe ia
I money in but It "
" I uou t see no partiiiuoii".
" The devil you dt u't. V hern nre (hey V
' Can't tell, I'm .im. I don't knaw, so
help me Cod."
"Go down, eirralt, and fell rr.itr master (0
fometip h(r innneditilely "
Thu ptiblioiin was villi me In a mninftit. I
la. I icen nrd woiked my face before the
glan into a fiendich look of paiwion, "Land
lotdl " fxclair ed I, with a brief gesture, "I
have been robbed iu ycur bouse 1 robbtd itr,
lohlx'd! My pBiitulootii and a purse c in
toning tin r hundred and fifty dollars nre
gi.r.e. This is a protfy hotel I I this the
j nay you fulfill tha irjnnolb ns of the Heiip'
(urn ? I am a itranger, and find ty'ilf (1
itn in with a vengeaneo. I will ryposo you
at once, if I am not reooir.pened."
'Trsy keep yr-nr temper," suid tha agita
ted publican, " I have jut-1 opened this huue
and it is gotting good run would you rain
its reputation for at accident? I will send
for a tailor to measure you for the udshiig
garment. Your money eh all be refunded.
Do you not eee that your temper is uel.w t ''
"My dear sir," I replied, "I thank you
for your klnJuefS. I did not mean to re
proach you. If theso trowser oan bo doev
to-day 1 shall b Batisliod, for time is mere
procloue than money. Vou may keep the
others if yon find them, and in exchonge for
the hundred and fifty dollars which you gie
me, their eoutente are yours."
The next evening, with new iut x; rsfil.les
and one hundred and forty dollais iu niui-ty,
I callod on my guardian Rt l'liiifi lvlj liia for
tdxly dollar. Ho gave me a inium on col
lege desertion 1 shall not toon loi gt t. 1 en
closed the money back to l.jy hoziotable lund
lord by the first post, eettkd my bill w.ih old
Crusty, tho rst publican, and ,01 my trunk
by mail.
fill V.
We find in the Sandusky (0.) Rtyitrik Pjn
Of sis of an interesting lecture on Cuba, de
livered in that city by Mrs. Gage, of St. Lou
is. TVe append a few extiuctm
"KheleftHt. Louie fur Cuba February 11th
"59. In two and a half day a'ier leaving
)iew Orleans, the inland of Cuba appeared in
view. Of tha beauties of tho inland, as seen
from the sea nio spoke ia glowius tenuB. A
gun wn-t fired from the ship which wart an
wered by a gun from Cui-tle Moro, granting
permission to enter tho harbor of Havana.
Opposita Castle Moro, which frowns upon the
eutranoe to the bay, is the ancient cathedra)
in which tho bones of Christopher Columbus
lie entombed. His body was firyt intoned in
Spain, was afterwards taken to 8 l. Domingo,
and then removed to Havana, where it now
"Hong in front of the cathedral, overlook
ing the bay, are fortifications and barrauke for
tha soldiers, built in eolid rock, at imuien.e
expense. The Day of Havana is in the form
of the letter T, the tail of the Y forming Ihe
entrance. Ita width at the cnttance is only
about ona quarter of a mi'.o. They urrittu
b late in- the afternoon that they oould not
land till morning. JS ioh one who Jandd must
pay $4 to the Spanish Consul, and produce a
paper signed by a justice of ihe pea ie er oth
er magistrate, certifying to his or her idtnti
ty hIho denoting the purpose of tha vi'iit.
Mrs. G. eaidshe certified that it was onlr to
please herself that aha viriteJ Cuba. There
is an antlre absence of twilight in thnso lati
tudes. Almost immediately with th disap
pearance of the sun, gaa is lit in the city, and
as the town Is situated open a plane inclined
from lb water. innaiuiZ h'ur.o.t every hcuia
visible, she desctibed the appearance of il 0
many ligbte as very pleasing when viewed
frcra tha fhip. There are very few nights in
the year amid tie tropies that are not per
fectly cloar, and the atmosphere frco frem im
purities. Ia th evening niuBit leats to your
6ir from the ships, ths barracks, the hemes,
the little boat! upon the lay ! abort, the
air is full of musio.
"Sbe spoke of the splendid appearance of
the flit flirs whieh abound at night ; ou of
thorn plaoed under a glass caso will give light
sufficient to read by eat dark aight. Men
sometimes place theua in the buttonholes of
their shirt bosoms to light them es they go ;
young ladies at evening parliea wear them in
their bead d: sines ; and at t. Doininiro she
had seen them sUucing gayly at a ball with
inuutnerablo tie il.es sparkling in their
"Ou the inorninj after their arrival they
wtie pennitted to land. Lhe describe J the
appearance of the Coolicd, wh uctcJ us por
ters to their baggage. Many of tLe ladit
of the paity fieni (he ahip stood in great fear
tf the Custom House, but she said they had
nothing to complain of, u-i no part of their
wardrobe was dittuiUd by the Hirers. Thu
streets were euly twenty fue feet wide, covered
with awnin,;s wl.ieh fietjuently HretcU en
tirely across. These ttreets wsie built over
three huulied yeais ago. Tho ti Jewulke ai e
only two leet wide. Tho wiuduaa to the
houses are mire openings without glL:s, pro
tected by iron grates which atuod cnt styer
Hi'.i AM MI X.
itKlies from (!,r i.ie of Ihe hou-i (n allow oc .
, en; it :is to !o. k tip an I down the street. A
, 1 He puteway. which i l!ie 1 uly e.1!:u!u to
a lu.'-ie, air,, 1, (,u itl) nio'uod ooiirl
! r. utrntii .-bit ,y baieony wh.ch leads 11. U
1. 10 van -us tpni tint ti'.t f tlm hou es. 1 lie
II ..1 -t u-11 illy eoiii .t i.f i-i.tui. 'Hi ruote
w en 1 Hi y bays m.u i io llm t. 1 1 on bl.n.lt r en
u.'r I lie a iu, lews neuic f t.u-t Hoimi, ami
1 1. ) olhei I .iinds ate krt nti. (I'd j auieli cua
, tonis have jie'.de I l.ule tj luo.Uiu iunova-
, t : 1.I1 3 .
" li e I est families tnlio tlieir fo'.Tos hi bed
at sum isi. In Spunisli ci'nking garlifi forms
nn ingreilient in vt rytl.ing, not cxaapiin;
leo. 7wo meal a day are only tuken. In
rrgutdlo tnnking bread slie thinks we might
'l well take lc-sons of tho Cub. tis, ana sho nev
I er tvstej so good bread any w hire elpo. Wins
is ae l nt till ntnK After derert the ludirt
Bil l pentl.nieu ull drink wine and smoke to
gether. I.ndies never walk iu the Hrects.
They do not appear ia the streets at all mitiil
afierm.cn, otnllbt n ri.le, doitig their shopping
eveu without alight ng. Their conveyance is
a two-wheeie l vehicle, sometimes enperl ly
mounted, cuilcd a valutite, diawu by one, (wo
or ihreo horees, accoidiug to the wealili of
(he vwuer. Tho driver lides a horse, and if
thiee hoibea are alUchc.l, tatulv.o. it is hi
pride to make the lir.-t gallop, li e aei i u i rou
ter, and the thiiJ tint. Lu'.terivs t.re con
ducted by the governments. You are Impor
tuned to buy a ticket nt every corner, tinJ u
ticket is by your pinto at meals nenrly ns rg
ularly as the bil of fuio. These lyiteiirs u.e
a souroo of great profit to lb, (tnv. rnn:ent
Tho Sabbath ie devoied to cock-figbi ng and
hull-baiiiug. In the evening military bauds
play in the publie sijuar. On every Suudny
inght the Cnpsaiu Genernl gives grand ball
at his palace. The cathedrals are slinily at
tetnled. Thu police regulations of Havana
are of the most pe feot description. She de
scribed a trip into the interior, aud th sugar
and crfl'ee plantations. Sugar nine being
moro rrofUahle to raise than entire, the latter
plantations are fast giving Wuy to (he farmer.
" The tyranny of the Spanish Uovernmeut
towards Cuba she described as very oppress
ive. No native Cuban can hold ctSc cither
in the j udiciary or military. He tannot eveu
be a polioo ollioer. Taxation ou all native
products is excessive, except on sugar, whiob
Is tuied 2 pur cent- A Cubau cannot g'.ve a
parly to bis Mends, move from one homo to
another, or do anything else hardly, without
special licetice from the Government, lohools
aie under ihe. coutiol of th military. In
regard to the eomparative condition of slave
iu t.'u'iu an I th Southern flisti s of the Uulsn(
thu O'lnsidt'rs I t.Lat slavery fciid ce redeeming
feature any h .
Iu Cuba, however, eljve was permitted by
Goveit uient to buy bliiclf ; appraiser being
appointed to decide upon bis value, and frim
appra sal tho master of a slave has no ap
peal. Pome of thsao slavev who have pur
chased their freedom hay become immvusely
rich, aud purchased nominal title from
Spain. She desoribed tho Coolies whe are
hired to work eight your for$l per month
and two auits of lolhes. They ar etrong,
patient, quiet and submissive.
A blow inflicted on a Coeloy, however,
must be atoned fur either by the death f the
mflictor or the one wh is struck.
Th Ohio Igislitture hrs passed tome laws
on this subject, and if erp half is true that
has been alliriued in regard to the effects of
cousins intermarrying, it would seem a if It
weie th duty of parents and gtiaidiaua to
interfere, aud aven of all State Legislatures to
do what ean well be dona to prevent so ii j'l
rious a cutom. It is Sft'd that iu Massachu
setts, out of seventein families formed by th
tuairiuge f cuUiins, there were niae'y ttve
children, and in Ohio, in eight hundred and
event taree such families, there were throe
thousand nine hiKidred children. It would
thus teem that the average number of child
ren irt notdimioijhed by aU'jk intei mart iages,
the Msa-acliuee' s atalintioa fciviug five and a
naif ch'i'iuiou to ssch each riisriisge. But
out of thee ninjty-fiyo children, forty-lour
were idiots. twelve scrofulous, and euiy thitly
feven iu tolerable health, while in Ohio, two
thousand for.r hundred aud niuety out of th
thrt thouuand tine hundred were either in
(e'leetually tr pbyticnlly dofcotiva. In all
families somtif th children will b iuoi or
less defictive, and, wer ercful records pre--served,
the proportion of perfeetly healthy
children would ba found smaller than most
imagine. But forty four idiotd oat of ninety,
live children, Is a praportion, if true, u(!i
cieot to r'.inlle anyone, and ditnr.nd anie
vigorous remedy. The lecor is m l iiKpirita
ofin-atie and idiolio rkvIuui might throw
e.ret further light upon C.is aul.jeot. Iu one
cute of doul.U thvt'.zt, nine children all
there ie war iJ.ol.s of a luW pra ie.
Enough then may bo aaid to ho demonstrated
to umke all sensible cousins abetaiu from toar
ryi,ig. i'auiilies, I ke th open lives of a
flower, ar f "ji, not lo grow together, b'it
apart. Parobt aud guardians, aul ail who
Lave the conf, letic of th young; tiiiuitur
an I ins Lea! attendants sheuld hear such fac's
iu mini, aud eiert th full mea-ur of iheir
intelligence and luflueuj to preyent iuuIi
X!. Oliio rtiate Treaouiy has 00 money in j
il c tier . It ij no wonder 1
2i. ui).
IN'O. ..il.
'I ; Mi 1, liar 1. wtv Illnairi'iaJ.
M.', S V. '.' k, r. epn !.'!.' 1 11. Im n.a l in
the II "T 4 an enl a 1 1 i-i t l.u r .n.' '. ' f re it' e
f'jl! of l.'sn-r eal pa t ri ni n at,.) h'i h"i '.a w i"i.,
ar. I t!..'tpi!rMy w,i ni.a((;i;.'... lis talk
Uf ( II I i I. jllat hill,!, Ml, r H ',11.' I1 .-alia,
Vin t'.l"tl;'J thry nriv .i,n.!''u In 1 bei.ii-a,
talk of Job n l'r , .1 Hnia is i-io-iji w'ek's nt)
'f his pnlilUs! tjvn :
'not this 11 mi. prit'e '.iv .' ir-. "'ill.
(rulhfiii. j i' t I. in ii !i,..v; ' In, w u-.o 'v. I 1.1.1
ti be pill dnwt , mvthi r by N. tth m r South ;
and th.' tiv u'l a ia I':. ill ln h. l-l pi"'i'.
the ft t-1 r-.'.'nl'cr of whl. Ii I bold in mv lno.1
in hii'h he ai to'i red bis erred. I nnt, be
aid. in i"H east. I will tt e ir,ir.u'iite. 1
will not rsi umi. I not vetitvitfi wiiilf
inch, and I will and ninat bo hi i .l. Tni.l
1 ll.e fii t tiiinibi-r i.f tho I.il...r.tt..r, pub
li.'hed in If !l, I y Win. M,.l (linl.rti. It
rrios to tne as if that loan (! .rr'. n ba I been
suit by 11.-, vi'. 1. in au. r in inn piiHioi.ai f
lhi cp;ie- ve I one" npo-i . n' th."
This is th way thi I'spuld'enn Cnngritas-n-an
ilbttt nlst what Iii party tneon ylien
tl.ry any they at only a, ii'ii-.( nn etlenalon of
slavery :
" The system was at war wi .h evrry set il
ment of honor : was nt war with erety prln
tiple of that higher law who sit U lu the
besom tf Uod. and whose voice is the harmo
ny fT the world. I tnta eini ba'.lenlly her
iUj. j.aj f.tj tf nnut'itutiiintil law, hnwuvae
folsmnlv Bfreed to, however lilah insy I its
claim to authority, intending to recognla" or
authors sunk a syatetn of outran upon bu
man tlirhis. is of any iff"'1 'n b'1'1' "'"
si i.'nre or enntrol the induct of any clliien
of any gnveMiment under Heaven.'
That's plain talk. Thi patent Rpubligan
takes an oath to support lb Constitution,
and by doing he cn take his pay and
emolument under (his Coti'titutioR ; but iu
the net tnomnnt be d'V.iea that th oalh Is of
sny Iff rt 1 1 bind Ms cnniclino or coutrnl
bis anion If ha an thu renounce one ob
ligation, ho wonll find no ?'.2r,,,y lu re
nonnc'nn any otbar Ii nt does not suit him
In a ward, (bis fanalio would no mere hesi
tate to aholNh slavery by foro lhan he would
hesitat to eat n breakfast.
Hu-h a fa 11 at'" as Ibis Is fit for a oelportrur
to Helpoi's book; and hia, words supply a
fih illustration lo iho American peopl that
the vita! rjus.ition of 130 is, will you stand
by lb Con'-litntioh of your fathers! or will
you ,.!!ov such fanaticism as this to overturn
It f -JJoifon rut-
A Kri.iia.i Slot lkii. In the Government t f
Taruoff, a rich propriftor, Mr. R -- y,
who bad seduced 0110 of bis female serfs, was
Vi!!c-1 by hir bclrctli'!, who s'o hi
property, by tin axo. Tho murderff will
doubtless be eondrmnrd to hard labor lu th
mine for life. But, says th Uusslan report
r, an independent Jury would probably have
discharged lil.ii. At Last iu a case ncaily
Imii r the Emperor Nicholas no Gael. It. A
proi rUfor.vna entering tho forest with his
hoard's for a day's bunting. Mealing a llltl
boy wboe father was cutting wood at a (lis
tares, the hound barked at him, and th lit
tle fellow, picking up a stick, trid to defend
himself. Tho proprietor, enraged that this
imp of a slave should threatou bis dogs, set
them upon him, and iu inatant the boy was
torn In pieces. The father, who had seen (his
horrible scene, while running to tba help of
hi son, foonel nothing remaining but shreds
ef fleah ; h rushed upon th proprietor nnJ
killed him with a blow of h'a nx. Th mat
ter was carried before l!io Emperor Nicholas.
He wrote with his own baud Across the re
port, "iubakt tnhutrhiii tm.vt to a dog the
death of a dog " And be I t in'.d to have ad -added
verbally to the Mini 'ter. "In his place
I wonld have done tho a.auiu thing." Ia not
th assassin f.f Mr. K y very nearly in
Ibe una ca 0 ?
A Word dftVaralai,
No v.n man aught to believe that th way
for the emancipation of the American elave
lies through iusorroctioti or civil war. Yet
... . a. VI T.
we may nun uiaa vups 01 ma auuu uiv.u
euhool, who do not hesitate t declare that
oibsr pal t.es like thot which Hrown led will
be otf'Rii'ii d in fact are beiuj organized
f... t,..u.l,,. tka Anutb and rayiriuk! the hor
rcrs that a liNiug of th" slave must provoke,
iuine llbdpatlt, than whom a nio;e fanatical
. ) j . . .. A .. .. ,Hn ti,A 0 , 1 , a r
Wll-i M ' ll, "l vw I...... o - -
day, dJiiu a pwwoi7 at Ashtabula, Ohio,
usel tli following in the course cf a
speech uj-oti tho futo of Hu-lett ntil Stevens,
veiiB, the last of lirowu'a u.eu who tuflercd
the penalty ef the law i
"To those f you ara frioti-ln tf the
slave driver, I have nothing to buy. My duty
is with men whose hearts ar too Iar;e to be
siitlocatel by thedu.it raised 1 y pat ly mou niu
bdtilts, and whf.ae y xe ia too ate u ly to be Ui.i
a'e I by t j glaro of tho falne und fatal splen
dor cftlie teapot's Court. Tu I tu-ie cf k".".
v to ,11 r.fij t imit-fr ''., '" ""V -'
,;.(: "Ie j,rr jnd; lid ytur ttme ; ere
itnj I"' u-itt I emlltl-'' For I tt.i yu, mrs
i f Ath'-i'1", at th I'rithyliny vf Jvn
llrw n, '' ( ti dialh uf hi titut-; anJ th-it
ere 11117 triors ftvo;n iicolir, lht s'.uil be
1 ?. tinker ayu.'fi. Six monihs Infoio the
blow at Harper'H i'.rry, I stated that It would
be iiial.', and even indicate 1 ly whom; ai.d
a.iu, J f.i the tiait i'iiaV a ..' . 11 Mdrmiij
tu t t on hui.te in vri t, f .r hit do-itn U ln-nnuiti-e
d "As tlall the, and rn t tivr." Money
will bo f.uele.i U execute theie plana of 1b-
ration. 7'iioco of yt,o. Lo pI rov it may aid
it I y j ooi n.n ,. '
l.ultirrw IMmn I'l-ally Klecierl.
Lhe M .! ludrs Sews anil Wot-on. in bntli
ihink 1I11I the a-prol 1 f lbs retiitns rrteiyed
Iruiii the 51 e, iu.li.-i.'e the e'e.tii.n of Lu
thsr S li v 011. In M Iwinilise be ran ahead
of h a li. ki l, an I in M tdiJoti and other local
1 1 . -a I i . 5 1 hsy I .- 11 in Ihe hnliit of going
litt'i-lv lieit.oi 1 atui, he teoeived unexampled
in J 1; :-. lu MioiOi-u hit lusj tity f xceedv-l
e ghi Im. nli e I At all rvutila, if bo is defi-at-t-l,
it Willie by a lnt;;-ly riductd majority.
Uise'noinu w.il ir J:i-sln a wholesome i'hatiin
in Ihe 1 0:11 1,1 , tie w t of I ha peaj.l ef Wi.-con-a
n. Ii.i. 1.1 n, .ial. ly I Ki-ws, and
d lei'i'y mi Ie (Ir rnophent (h canvass, was
' .nun Ins Constitution wuh Jadg Ibx-
0. 1 : a ihe .-tHi d .r t hearer, on (he one hall. I,
an I N il Ho:., t.pre-oeted by JadgwS own,
.11 the flln r " W at pi-epatel, (hen, (
'K rami its WiBO-insin tip,,,, a Ieinnorli.i
' 1 no I'h - for t'e triumph i.f ;), Union an I
h ( ou'tiiutmti r r bo nothing but a Ii. tnoo
lah.i lnu!i. h- iin l hope for (Le beat 111 No
vell.!. i' C. Ii' I;,.) 7'.'1r1.
O-i l'oi -l'y In t tut aleclion wa? brl I -
i'itM'iisiu for Chief 'ustieo. Mr. Moan was
ib I!, pit ill. an dud., late, find Lulhrr S. I'!t:
ti was ihe caiuliilato of the Heinoeraey , Tun
Milwaukee Setiliiiel of Jester. lay conduit s
-hat Iliioti 1 t-leeUd, while Ibe New of the
same day says ;
"Judging teem the returns already rreelvtd
I'ioiii this Stute, in our ppinlon, Lixoti isei.ct
ed C 11 if Jusiico of iheSuprrin Coort of W is
coniiin by al least fi.dotl tn.j irtty. Largo
lemo( ratio gains ate shown all over the. Hint,
while It id bet In very f w Insiuiiee that tba
Republican Vo( Iks I eeu nuns ie d " Sr
1. uuii li.yuldit.in 100.
T h B ii n i- H ii p ij A ,
t a kiieettug of an asoeis,tmii 1 rsi t'y In-1 1
la Liverpool, it was ai ed, fin 11 ot'i.iu r -ISmus,
that prior to 1IJ Iho Hi r.igw ep.nt
uf sugitr from Jainaioa to liof. m l v.ia a x , -it
vsn llu u mud tons, and now il h i ll) li
ed thirty thousand tons. In Cutoi n.i . -1 0. is
forth fame period, from l.uai.a a 10 1 M.
latuisonlf, had iuereased Irom 01 hty-( t
(housand ! two hundred and forty (housin I
tons, and from Rraz'.l theeXpurts for the sitioo
period had augmented from Hixty-ilirve ilto.t
sand to one hundred and twenty ibnuMitid tons.
Ilaytl, whioh formerly exporl-d a large ijuau.
tity, now exports nene, aud imports a small
pnanlity f r its own eouiumption. Tho sup
ply from Mauritius and Ihe East Iudic I
slly Increasing.
Naw Ohlxans, April Oth
Tho mails from from sloop Savannah have
urrived. The email pox was raging among
Mitainon's troop nt Medil.itt, aud it wa
doubled whether he would purest much long
er. Thebatijue enplurd by (lie Iudinnobt
was the .Maria Conception, t f Ihe marine ex
peditton, from Havana. A Mexlnn.-i aohooner
was abo taktin, A deottr banishing Auitri
caos and coctl-esling their property, hud been
piihlished nt Ike Cnpitid.
(Jnlte a iiumlsr of impcrtar.t workj ar iu
pi ogrcta rf iir.tie by the Uulverslty Oxford
fress. Among them ara th aUolaaUaiiosl
Histery of John of Iphesas, translated from
the original Byrlae , the Aeglo-Norniutt
Psaitcr of William the (,'onquerer, a aew Cat
ena ou the It. Paul' Kpistle'a, from th worki
of th father of the Mediaeval Churohes, and
th Philcbusof Tlato, artvised ext and com
meutary. Information from Southern Kansas givtt
rls to apprhitisUus of aoriou troubl lu
Lio and llourbon counties, growing out 0.'
alleged violation of th nmotsty act. An ut
teiupt rtoanlly trade by tho Deputy Marshal
tJ nrrtat Cup ain M ju' joinery, w is tUoulu -1 -ly
Tweuty thousand A aede and Morwegiai:
ar reported to be getting in rudinss lo em
bark for the United (til a tea early in the coming
summer. They will biiug much wealth with
them, and what i better, they will bring con
firmed habits of morality, Industry and econo
my. Tho black Republicans of lb New York
Li datura have a bll! before Uiem to "remove
tbo rocks nt thn entruno of Hellgate." This
shows which way the parly intend to travel
rtainly not towaids tha White Hun-
TheLitidou Times, in an editorial, admit 11
that the aunaxnt'ou of t-'avoy must bequbt'y
allowed, but at tho uamo time announces tha
avt as 0110 of spoliation aud wrong, and in
principle as bad as a march upon tho Rhine,
or a sudlcu attempt en Antwerp.
Gea. John Levereax died lately in London.
He raise 1 the Irish Legion, an lar Bolivar,
engaged In the lacecsuful etrugglo for tu im
pendence Ir. Cclnnihta.
It is MtiJ that Forr-.t the tragediau, I. as
expended over one hundred thousand doll'.rs
iu hi frniile ailonipt to free himself from
his wifo.
Can. Conch. Iut Captain Gcuoral of CubK.,
ba been killed in Bpuiu in a dual with tin)
M 114'. l'i ruula.
"Tbelidut f emigration has again set in
Htrongly, toward the lienver City gold mii.es,
this spring." Ho says i.ufirly every exuhsnf'
e take up.
TI T.iird district of flew Orletrti ia trouv
( 1 with xiio ral id canine. Ucarcely a o'a
pusses without the tcrribleory of "mad dog!"
There at on bundrd and eixty-flvsj sol
dier of the I'.evolation atill living. TL
yoiiugest vt them I e:ghl-uiuti year (' L
Tho Prince tf V.Ve intends to marry the
Prince Alexandria, of ltu-.i t, hi couaiu
These (luolj hs cannot luavo th family.
Old Mi. LivAti ; muling a good thing
out of the (niit(yr Jout uf her huabaiid. liesi.b-a
the matctial aid t.t'esdy advuneed by the fa -natio
of Nt (Jngl tnd, the eijuully fooliah ue
gtoea of Hayti hay now contribute 1 a th"i
end dollii j f.'f ber benefit.
1 it
TWJarvT 'SP(
5 '