Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, April 07, 1860, Image 3

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    ahot;u6itn XUi.ifo.
0t .-r-nvrcL".-i.:.f: " - ". -' : -- "-" ' -'
(Kt..-1a Matraataaaj, A,. .11 Hh l'
W have ju-l BnUhed rrJ:i (T ll !
;-,P, f M l.'.! It NefcrkA r f'.-r
f i K ec V .in "
I p.-. t :
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lli-cily "U 'l.v (-. 1 . ' , i. I'.
!' )!, tn bi in, kt : " . or ' C ' ''
..f littler li.f t. at. I ' ""
tolt 1 aft' r hi ! . '
i.p to the poKi nil I r .'i' i '
1 was wniip ;';!
allowed Id : ut :. t-
lllUI.Ulie Mr. I I ! V !' ' '
Mr. l.i'; '' ' " ' '
I e- '.. lllC c ..' H
r l.H J r.r;i: r.:i I) i ; . ".
d.-mountraic l.'a I i T ' 1 "' ' a; '" r-lvr' " ,J
th 1 gai- t.-l f : . -
I. nyiiig aside I ni J j njmtu v "- .
ciiilor, tab? .n i.t : 'no i ' tab- I't. t
Fort Kearney, and who vi.ie ivinl. I wmIi
the voters Ihero, pro'lm-i 'l nnd sworn i.. i r
lation to the alleged frauds as will rn Ilia
Ohio abolitionist. Of the two hund-tl ami
liinety-two votors in Monroe, II ill fcnl Puf
not ona wan brG-gbt forward 10 prove Ike
charge offrsod. Z with L'Kau qui Court,
hot a single person who wn ae arw tb m one
kunJrotl milea to Ik poll., in elm t on day
in th,t county, is produced and f'"'i
For ona wo tbluk h oan do u l. iUi- thitu
pocket hid defeat like a man, an ! oonie home.
If bla party laailera think ht in an Injured and
aggrieved man, let him be put on the track
next fall. Thia would be a tnuoh haudnonu'r
way cf doing thing, than for him to lie bung
ing around fourth rate boarding b 'iuhus and
ubtuiiiiun soup shope in Wasl.!r.g!on city,
and ub';:.ting on the gem na'.ty of a few po
litical tyinpulliidors ; and ana.'j Ug our Uc!c
ftnie and diTf i tins liia aiu-utiuu tvm muttrrii
f itiiporituicn In j:ir y uvf rv.i & uri'hing
',; f,nl ry.
I . k, M Dii j ; do!
O l t i,iin ff .(..Irgnlix, nJ "for"
vr iinniil" ftit Gjirnincnt, party Hues
weie drawn in liitoti County. The 6ght wa a
fair oiu', and it in now ilctnonitiatcd that Dix
on It l)iiii.eritio by nearly three to ene. L
T. Hill "ai rfulaily iinininated by the Ke
jiullioain af th. t Ci.unty, and raeriTrd VI
ots;. while 8. II fltough the XEtcovrntie
Qiuin,e got 00. Dixon may be relied oh, in
any emergency, to vote fretsoeratle. Both
Janv Tnfteaad Michael Jonei were toted for
lu the eouuty through eome mintake. Neither
rf these gentlemen were eandidHtei.
i.fcc rtoN in divo.v ov?ei.
We undrretaed t:iui il.rvr if thv conuty of
i,-re of Pixou ruin.T- Killer, XurTeyor
di, I (lie Oi.iiimi-M.'in'i --l,ue re igue.l, or are
4,.:mit t - ';: !t'i: .. -:...nto fii' the
x a.-n i ' ! . iV.' in Vitfintl
' i- i Puiea i" a cainli-
r ' fi i i. ic mtmioj. lie in a
,i , i.J un aooooiiuo-
1 1 ' gctii'vma'i, and if elected
i.'.'. .i: ' Hint dllioer Hie only
. ii; t; iqing ttriprd d. w.t th baek, puiiiioaly.
of Mi.lrid, of i! e 2Mb of
f..!!wio)t:--"Mr. Ptettoa,
! .'! .- r the tni.ed lattsin
! . this oily with hi
v : r.-iio.Ti iii r.-i until hi
,, r c.k "-'ii'in in the cit
rrta. ii ..
epiing. It
! l aiicom ' :
i t i: v of (he
1 :n to the
. ..I iti'!'i;f
U . HI .
-.1 )
.. aiii 1. .'
' '.'i Ii.MH.r
: '.ii.M.!.
i ' ' i,i.t ou
in i.'ti i i i,r ..nj.uvt-
f a mi r: . i i
. ' i' i n. i;. i !
'I ,r .ii. .i i! Di
li.! .''til 'III-! , t- ' I
Two tr. !' h ,,i iiki'ii i.'Xj'i-liu 1 f.oni Keu-
loi l:y, in account of being abolitionist, re
turned on t'ie 'Jitlt ult . when they were coti
ted agi!a to leave by the cuTtuiit tee. One nf
theta n.uicd Hamuli, collected twenty-finer
thirty oonfederatee, aeuied w-th rill, and
i red upon the eonun'ttee. A military force
ya ordered from Lexington to ,,,11 the dis
tut bnnca.
The low Lejinlai t' h n conferred tipi.ti
the Cedar Rapid aud Mmrouri river Kail
road eoiapeuy, a land griul ot.00.OtlO acre
recently. rervd for the !yw Cetiii cotn
I ny Tbi it the iyr't tuluat'e grant in the
?it, and isure tb pedy tijeuaiuti f
r m t'. Ortre-i I'n tuii. JTl tt't .
j kkiv.4 r, or tiif or.y siiaa mox.
The U.S. prie eti-amer Oenera'l Viramon,
1 'cut Minor comma. ling, eatne ud to the city
je.n!y tnnrning endanrhored olTthe Mirise
lloopiial, where ehe now lies Phe wat Corn.
Marin' flifelrp, aud coniif quently fitted np
with mi re of an eye t.i rnmfort and elegance
than bee contort, the M ar.jun de la llabana.
lt-r c i! ;n n p rt'cuUr, i eery neatly and
' i-teul'y arieugid Ainngit rrtannnta are
ve-.at vi it i -rlty diw!ng .f the Ciinn-.-..ri.'e
i. ' I., w l.o wri r tkt n en I oar I with
I : u-
in lii ifin, thet thry formed
r ; e .Mi. n ii, f. Tiny bad jnt
" ,; r "
- ; i , i i
it. i I t they
i. i . K't (,i.'i(H ut Jlarnna
,rini. i i.ine e puMrnpers. No
c titillated t!'tn:iKt lurtunate
in tUi pevti!
r i pi I m iiy. I tit tin y ran in
nmi 'i p I f ii u-i lirt I t . ( - r il.lo fir the
( i, e.'i i f 1 l ey n li. n. rnteeu to twenty
j i i - i f g . tn ' ieft,i-e. j'liille inniiiiei
' . I urii. I u, .i n. I i ! i .i n i '1 lie enhoi'l
ton , li.iiiu 1 an I m p mi if I i.i the caliin,
with ll.e rmttiial m i f h futher, teetify
k ,un 1 n i',. tSi r pr fi ii nry in drawing.
t,)ne r' , r fir..'r I.eu'I. Hi'olinra wittfa
.. ! : fme fi; ri rintiou of gentleness
" i i . .. y
. . Ii- ll.e Mil t. in n ri'iiit howoeer things
i.i '.. !' 'ti.i't.t llie HMti deck upper
t, - i i t-.d n,l rf-ve ei,tn.-e f the
' i ' .' . i. i" t n a in. 1 be murk
if ft: i. .u. I !'-, Vi' iiir it.uket Inille.
i : i. i i ;.'(' "ti", itr etery where to le
i ii ,...:g the limit iiot'rraMe is the
i,i:, ,1 i cmiiHin il.nt on n Urge mounted
i . i : ' in tl i i n t r nf ti e vernel. It U
i . . .. ,r . ii-1 .u i:i iliw that the irou hu
.' . ii, ; i ,.r .in e n! I.i lnir tuvlted,' rather than
i. ! i.- I 1 he urn .i' ntark aUa, eurioua
e!:...!!;, !;-. n clran ransnn abet through
i' He wheel and hetlhouite, coin) an,
v.titilitir, Ac, lire completely hmnnhed up,
while the ei'loi of tte ftoavier are riddled in
I'vtry direction, and the rigg'ng tery badly
rut up.
The Miramnn receieed three broadsidce from
the Saratoga, t'Ct-ldre en iniiuincrable num
ber of rifle phot from the Indianola, during
the engapemont nnd it i eurprieing that the
Ion of life, in any eaue great, was not even
greater. Krerythtng beam witoeiui to the
liraei ry nnd iji'terminrd rei-istanco of her com
iuiii'ler. He yield'', however, Tory
gtaj-fnllv to a leerte fortune Ketireing at
onee tn hi oabin he divtitea kitnelf of every
portion of hi uniform, except a richly
tiBiclfd coniruodure'e fonrf, and attired
himaelf In a pi tin but elegant euit of black,
whioh he haa worn everaince.
Cotu. Marin ia about fifty yean of age,
bnt appear eomewhat younger. He if very
ahpbt built, not more than flee feet five or
aix iuohea in bright, and, perhapi, one hun
d ml ni d twitity pound In Welht. He ie
very firmly knit together however, particu
larly in the ehoulder. ilanda an 1 walk pir-fe-tlyrrent,
and, altogether, baa com man!
ii'g appeariuee. A very dark eoriplexion aid
jet black eje, pr Jii a'ffl lomewiat fiery
aopeiiramie, or what would be lean, were It
u it for Cjuiet and tiocdiugly gentle ananner. j
Thi) Miiumon, like the Hivbatia, has not yet
brckeh enrgo. Her mngmine, indeed iseealod
up redely a it waa when the lift Havana,
and the key to the name itlll bang where it
wa found in the cubln. Nor bts the perch-
cri'll, couiiiiuiiig a lint of He content, been
ear. .lied It in certain, however, that the
etemner i na a large quantity of powder on
board, unit probably shot, ehell aud other nu-
uitioiiH of war ia ahundunoo.
A!o were found in the Miramon'i cabin, a
iiit of ht r t itoera, her Bg, ppr, g bock,
.V.e., containing a complete reoord from the
data of her departure from Havaua to .he
hour of her enpture, tinned in each case by the
ofliaer of the .lay ; alto a largo quantity f
hat bandit, tearing the name of General Mi
rumon. The Miramon is a haudnome modek'd te .tit
er of about gOO tuna but t'len. She was built
at Orennook, Suotlan I, a indianled by hor
engine, and ia probably five or aix year old.
Her history, before he cmr.e into the ponee
, eioD of the Cube.n government at mail boat,
. i uot known. Nor, iu.iceJ, id anything pos
I itively known of her recent tr:infer to th
UKimtof ll,-mon' govirnmeal. We hav
ouly a ru nor (hat her purchase money wa
eomewhere drtweou (;50,U( and (,0,0(10, and
thit it ! tianamitted to Havana through
the Freuch Torjutilnte at Vera Cru;.
The Miramon b,i'oii(;ht np thirty five pris
oner, and has a prixe crew of seventeen.
The offioer in charge are Lieut. R. 1. Minor,
commanding, Lu-ut. John Irwin, JJ. ltray
. ton. HMilmakrr. a.n.1 .. H J,iee. Kif At.tig-
Tlio tvo prixe are probably north roiu:4
1 ei a!i'y more than watt ut firet estimated. If
, the ctM'goea turn out to be a rich us we have
r.uion to expect, their total valuation in mo
ney Ciitir.pt be leu than $.!UO,ut ).
The Albany .1-7H any that on Sunday
moruing gieat ex'lemrnt was caiuid iu tL
Baptist Church, I'itttiown, Renaaelaer Co., by
a man wal ling in Ih tnii'it of the rongrea
tion, stark naked. II wan led oukHnaoou s
pottible, and decided to be iinane u; the sub
jei t of dree.
The be.t arrangemetit that the New Yuri;
de'.rgiite to ("bi l. ton could tuak for eighty
prou, at th hotels there, wi live dollars
per day, to comtnenoe on the 15th iust., one
week before the Convention. That it extort
ing nbout tin dollar a day.
A ttroug feeling exitta in Washington against
Spain for lar connivance and ai-ilitance toMi
ramon. aud for her interference in Mexican
politic. It a Ppniiiflt aid which f.tle l out
,he veiicli which the ."'fi((.' tcoV.
Two of Jdlraaton'e taar wa captured
J the aether of Vara Osi, by Commodore
Jarv' of lb V. I tamr. Paratga. T t
teee Meieani were killed and forty woim !
e l. Oa Anerieaa kjllad and two wounded.
The veiaels wat kreoght lo New Orleans. I
John Marlnett, fteretary of L'lak, died ia '
St. Leais ltt month. I
K Iwtrd Mat nf Miteonri ba aanonned
himself in a Utter te II Orati Bri an, to be ,
a gecd Z'.epnbliean. He hold the deetrine
that Congress has the right to legislate le i
prohibit alavsry in th territoti, and that h
i apposed to it f ithr rpietd.
lu the recent election in Italy, Tuscany de
cided by a vote of three hundred and sixty
Ix thousand, against Sfteen tnomnn I, to be
eome attached to Surdwiia.
Gov. Stewart of Missouri vetoed the bill
tee l by the Legislature granting ail lo
It is not improbable that the National, Dem
ocratic Ceinmttea may change the place of
holding the Convention, to Daltiiuore or New
The I' rtxident entered a protest against the
action of Mr. Colfax s committee. He con
eiders the executive an equal branch of one
government with the legislative and judical
departments, and denies the right of one to
t.-rutinirt the other, unlets iu ft met of im
peaehnii ut.
Th eelsbrated case of farntiing r. Uhaw,
for Hreach of promise hae c1""ed at 8t. Leuis.
"e verdict reudered at laleet accounts.
Hum Wish We have often beard, at ia -erval
dut ing our existence, of the prodigious,
aud calumitoiis fvate of siroccos, monsoons,
typhoons, hurricanes and barryennes, and
other motions of the air for which we remem
ber no particular appellution, but wc bad a
blow of wind on Wednesday last that took nil
the originality and terror out of them, entirely.
It commenced the evening previous and blew,
as never wind blew bifere, for twmty consec
utive hours; slamming do ore and shutters in
a most vehement manner ; burling clouds of
dust and sond into the eyes, up the nostrils,
and down the throats of all who ventured in
the streets; whistling around bou.te comers,
through every crevice and down thecliimneys ;
bending lightning rods and smashing things
of a b itt'.e nature into "imithereetis ;" uncer
emouiouHly Jerking hats off the heads of
males; unpolitely playing th dijkens with
tho skirts of Icmales ; and other pranks too
numerous or to tedious to mention After
the gutt abated we observed one gentleman
dlpcutuiikle a eand-unr, and heard another
c implain of having an alluvial formation in
hi stomach about the size, of a hou.entead.
Groat is Wind I
Dklmcosk. A difference of opinion be
tween two gentleman of Logan, with rrgard
to tome rails, reunited In a diffe ranoe of ex
pression of each ethers Tiewsand the latter
resulted in blowa. One party to cse pngillstin
parlance- "let In" on the ether, but he soc
co'led la warding off the blow with bis heavi;
then the other party "let fly" his mauls, and
dexterously inserted his dexter thumb between
the teeth of hit opponent, when the latter
"closed " aud commenced a masticating pro
cess. The masticated man laid bold of a bil
let of wood and foiled tho other to earth. A
cessation of hostilities ensued.
A oitiien of Covington agreed te disagree
with a Siuux City man, so they mutually dec
lared a detirmination to annihilate each other
"Filching in" the Covington man was bally
" Wiif.n Rollout kc." It ia with melan
choly feelings of deepest sorrow, intermin
gled with profound regret, that we are com
pelled as a correct chronicler of passing vent9,
to aniicunc that a couple of limbt of the law
of the Orcely persuasion, had a tinreup at
Omadi not many days s'jce. Komiuiseiu et were
provoked, and criuiinatiou and recrimination
followed. Very ugly things were said en both
sides, and soubriquets nppllicd that are c.-in-mon
in fishmongers vocabulary. It fellehrrl
of A "pbight."
We regret such thin gs ; we do. M'e regret
tho necessity for such ehulitious of ill feeling
among the legal fratenity, because Lord Coke
soys, somewhere in hi voluminous eessy on
harmony among 15. R's:
"I'blMren of one family should lot
out, nj pcrtti'h, iyi.1 liiti. "
Nxr Pavib. The Sioux City Iwa Ttm,t it
the title of a bran tew F.eoublicau Taper,
st tried ia Sioex City, and edited by Mesers.
fendleten and Hwiggit. We noticed no new
feature about It, save that U Uckt the JanaU
icistn cotqnton to tlieeit cf that ilk. We
think the proprietors have raaJe one grand
mistake In that respect, as a pap" i3 Re
publican and be supported by the adhertate
of that party, must be rabbid, unreasonahle,
and iucousistaut with every thing right
f hoinakr. John Poltaihle of sioux City
is an excellent ami jmical shoemaker, if we
rn-ty judge from appearuace cf a pair of bot
he paesented us wilk. As a eordwaiaer he ean
not be dtiaeeed by any disciple of St. Cris
pin thit tigh up the river, batrin' be does
uot lie. tiive 8chulble a cull; and ae soon as
we can borrow a pair ofapur,3 w will wear
Ike boats.
Bats House. This popaiar Hotel is
about to change "Host." Col Mason will
move out on or before tb Itt ef May, and
Cel. Batee will move in. Masou La made a
very popular landlord, and the house under
hi supervision was tecoad to none in th'.i
Rr.TTtaru. -Dr. 0. B. Or.9, Receiver of
the Land Office at this place, his returned
frnm Washington. He represente things at
the Capitol as being sovaawwhat Unie and quiet,
and time rather dull.
a -
Fitte Last week Mr. James M. Oarnr,
of Logau, lot all his wheat, cats, corn tnd
besne by fire, and came very near losing bis
dwelling. A large portion of his fence was
destroyed. Loss about $75.00,
Subaasi FiBMta. We have received
tho Nebraska Ftrrui" for April, published
menthly at Brownvllle in t'lis Territory by
f urnas ft Lyanna at one dollar a year. Every
Farmer in the County shoeld subscribe for it
at once, as It is fi led with matters of interest
to them.
Tat School. If out citliens da not take
Immediate steps towanh establishing a summer
school bre in Dakota City, wi have to do
as menagerie men do with the animals, etir
thm np with a long pole. Let n have a school
and give th young Idea a chance to shoot..
Tiiasks. We return thanks to Dr. 0. B.
draff, for a package of late New York paperp,
nitil fir a lnlccopy of the Richmond Knquirtr.
Wc ore also under obligations te Martin II.
Piver, of St. Lottif, forf-t. Louis and Boston
Dakota city markets'.
Crretu4 HViw by ZIKtiLER &ECKHART,
l7,'1,'r.'..c unil lut'itl Jialrrt in Dry
(Jovih, Groctrii.f,
DAKOTA Citv, Ajril, Ttulou .
WIIFATFhOUn T,6Ost'.',03 r"brrl
(titN MKAL-!,ooi,oo
fSlKN Mle nr
itKANSV-fl.0-.Hitl,26 per buihel
HAM ltl6epr lb
BA(V)N l'aiae P"r lb
I.AKIl- Umlie per lb
hliTTltK WMrtfi Jiet lb
KHOS Ifte per 'linen
nttlKD AITI.KS IM per Ih
Iillli 1) I'KAi'HKS '.'nltte per lb
ft'UAR tmliwper lb
t'OKtKeV i.le per lb
TKA T.'.e:.$l,t.O -e Ih
MnLAKSK.x ".'(eJl,( 0 per fc-nllon
KKa'V Jitliir pr lb
rtiltK ti'.;Cpi rib
OMONft-i l,llper luehol
t.U.M BKM Mittonwooit$ Uper M
l'LNH ' 6 per M
f HI MILKS Plne7, erttonwonn $1 per M
L.tftl-ft pur M.
N0T1CK is hi rehy given to all persons having
claims against the epttito of John Pilgrim,
late of Dakota county deceased, that they are
required to file the enmo together with the
vouchors thereof, in the office of the Probate
Judge for Dakota county Territory of Nebras
ka, on or before. Iho let day of May, I860
Uiven under my hand ( no eeal being pro
vided by the ceuutj ) this L'gtb day of March
A. D. 1860.
Probate Judge.
Te William M. Winey : Take notice of a
petition In chancery, filed against ". in the
Histriot Court for the the third judioTaJTlis
triol, wiiniw rad for the Couaty of Dakota,
and Territory, of Nebraa'iA, oa th Tth day of
April A. D. lf5t) by William B. Collin, to
which petition yon are required to plead, an
swer or demurr, on or before the 1 1th day of
May A. D. lfO, boing the first day of the next
term of eaid court iu and fur said eeunty
Said petition sets forth iu substance that you
did, on the 23d day of February, A. D. 18&'.),
for the purpose of securing the payment to
said Colli u, of your certain note of baud of that
date, for (he sum of $280 00, in. one yiur
from its date, execute aad deliver to the suid
Colunt a deed in fee simple of the following
described lands, to wit ; The south east quar
ter of Section number IU, in Township twen
eight, Range number 'J, east of the Sixth
principal Meridian, in Nehra'-ka Territory,
and that the said Coffin, then and there exe
cuted and delivered to you a bond iu the na
ture of a Defence to re o invey said land to
you, upon your ptynient of said note, and
the pryor of said petition is that said convey
ance may he decreed a mortgage, and tUe
said land sold for the payment of said note,
and for general relit f.
Solicitor for Complainant.
April "th l?r,0- 4-I'r's feis $3 uO
To John Williamson : Take notice of a pe
tition iu chancery, filed aifsinst you in the
Dietrict Court, fur the third judicial dietriot.
withiu and for the County of Dakota, and
Tjrritnry of Nebraska, on the 7th day of
April, A. D. lJO. by Joseph N. Fields, to
which petition joa are borejiy required to
piead, answer or demurr, on or befere the
Hth day cfMay, A. D. 1 the same being
tho first day of the next term of eaid Court ia
and for saii oounty. Sai l petition sets forth
iu subetftiicc that yotl did, on tlx 17th day of
Kebjuary A D. ISO1.1, execute and deliver to
said rictdi, as trustee, a certain Deed of
Trust cf tkt following lauds, tu wit ( Tu
eust quarter of south east quarter, n'md south
east quarter of north cast quarter, of Section
number twenty-five, in Township number
twenty-nine, of Range seven east, and lota 2
and 3 of Section 20, of Rang eight, eaat of
the bixth principal Meridian in rebraska
lerritory, to secure the payment to one
George Watson, of a certain Nu'.e of the date
of said deed, f..r the sum of 230,00, payable
to said Watson i twelve month after date,
with iuterest at i per cent a month after due,
and tb,e prayer of said petition is that the said
Fields mav be dedree I to discharge eaid trust
for the benefit pf eaid Watson, by a Bale of
said land te eatisfy said note, and for general
Wm F. L0C5W003,
Solicitor for Complainant
April 7th. ISQO-lw.pr't fees, $8 60
There being toase dlmatlrftetlou tm-iiiK tl.n monitor
ef tlx Pomocrali Party, an to the poliry of nouiiiittiuK
dsleatea to th CouMltuliounl Convention by Uolegtte
County Couventlun, th liemorratj of 1'akota county
srt requeitad to meat lo Mvi Conveotloo, at Dakota
City, on Mooday, the '7th of February l. '. oat
i.' lock P. M. for tli purpoae of nominating then del
gal.tf t tb CcnallttlUontI osuvtuitlyn to t upp.tfid
t v thf party.
All Jvuuvrata ar Invited toaiund,
OOD wanted ia exchange for eubtricp
t.ou, and other dues, at this office.
13 IIKItlBVOIVKW tbtt I off.-rat pnhlle le,
to h hlhet bidder, e the Tth dJ nf Mr Mat,
IIhi the hours of o elrrk, A. U slid S o'el. ck T,
M tt the Snor of the ("nrt floine, In 0- "ta CHy, N.
T., f.r the smsunt rt tht tuxes thfrnm eerulnu, f.r
the yr li.'O, th f .llr-wln; eVeeriN-1 truet of lucd,
ltua.l lu IktU County and Terrlterr i f .Nehraeks:
Tartu nf liM-llont.
I' S 5 a. :
c z
3 2 "so 5.1
i I 148 8,0J
38 IS 8 W 6,4
19 IS lfO 8,4
15 si) 7
n so e V) s,82
13 .10 0 84 6, P.'
1J IT I K'O t,f.7
8 3 eo e. 4
20 10 Q I'iO 8.S4
8 I B 1M 6.15
14 28 1(4 7,00
?l U! 0 lf0 8,70
; Jt 0 K9 C,T5
29 8 1 50 8 8
a :7 9 ii e,f
ir. IT 158 f,6
ii 1 t W S.10
10 JS I I'D 8,7 1;
D -l'i 143 12.C8
11 '.8 0 1CJ 6.7n
V 80 OH
29 2S Irtt) IOCS
3H 160 6,4
fi 29 9 VD 0,84
Si 29 9 ICO 6,81
16 2S 3 lo8 8,CB
20 2 8 1G0 6,81
1 27 8 120 7,07
27 27 8 120 6,13
2 20 6 105 6,50
31 3 0 ICO 8,76
10 2S 0 180 6,80
11 27 8 ICO 6,76
33 29 9 1-50 8,76
1 2 3 120 6,63
9 29 7 150 1,28
4 28 9 160 8,76
10 20 T 100 8,76
6 27 9 1G0 10.C9
23 23 8 160 8,76
31 2'J
3 28 8 120 7,29
5 28 9 120 C,75
33 29 7 ICO 6,81
4 29 0 mo a, 84
19 30 fi liU 8,50
8 27 9 1G0 ,78
21 29 7 ICO 8.70
2 29 7 ICO C,81
17 30 6 KO 8,74
5 29
30 0 122 6,22
11 30 6 136 6,82
21 .
22 29 7 ICO 6,84
4 2S 8 1C0 10,8f3
w href n e -r
a I.f of n w 'ir
n ir "f a a .r and a e
qr ef ti t fjr
an1 lita 'i and -1
a lif of a qr bd-I hf
of a w qr
i w v n( n l qr snd n
w of a a qr
L"t 1 and a hf cf e
4r of a e ut
n w ir nf a e qr. let 3 i
iir ef a qr and n
hf of a e qr
w hf of n qr snd e hf
nf a w qr
a a qr
Lota 3 and 4 and hf
f n w qr
n w or
n hf f s w qr and s hf
of n w qr
s w qr nf n w rr and e
hf of n e qr
s w qr of n w qr, w Uf
nf w qr and n w qr
of a w qr
ti qr nl a a qr. e l.f of
n e qr and lot I
Lot 4 and n hf, and a 'V
a w qrnf aw qr
Lot 2 and 4, and u w
qr nf a w qr
n w qr
Lota 1, 2, .1, 4,
s bf of n qr aud n l.f
ef a qr
a hf nf n n qr
' n w qr of a w qr, w hf
and tqrofn w qr
s w qr
e hf nf n e.qr and w hf
of u w qr
e hf ef s e qr and w
hf of a w qr
n w qr
w hf a w qr and n
hf ef n e qr
n bf of e e qr and
W IT of n qr
I bf and n w qr of
n w qr
w hf of n w qr and
e hf of n e qr
w hf of s e qr andn
hf of n e qr
e e qr
w hf s w qr and
hf of t e qr
w hf of t e qr and
e hf of 8 w qr
n bf of s e qr and s
w qr of n e qr
Lots lit, 3, and a e
qr of n w qr
8 w qr
8 e qr
t w qr of n e qr, s
qr of nw qr, n e
qr of 8 w qr and
n w qr of a e qr
n w qr
8 e qr of s e qr and
a hf of n e qr
n hf and e tr qr of
w qr
e bf of a w qr a ad
w hf of a e u,
n e qr
Lots 1, 2, 3, aud 4
a qr
w bf of n e qr and
w hf of s qr
8 e qr
d w qr of n w qr, 8
e qr of 8 e qr.und
e hf of n e qr
n bf of n e qr aud 8
w qr of s e qr
Lots 4 5 fiuj n v? i,e
of s e qr
8 hf of b w qr, n e
qr of n w qr, and
u w qr of u w qr
s hf of ii or, g i
qr of n e qT, nnd
n e qr of a e qr
County Treasurer.
7th iroo.
Dakota City, April
Ii A y XERS L A y D A G E ,V T S,
TliriNKI.l. A 00., Wll.l, ATTKND TO TIIK COLI.KC
11 tier, f del.te and payment of taxes in tile enetern
.states, Iowa, NetiraeKa and Kan?aa : Land, entered for
caah or on time. Land Warrant bought aud sold.
Money hireafeil on Iteal Katate Security.
Reliable information will be. furniehisl to any InveKt
Injr through ua, in regard to Weateru Luoda, conleuj
plated Hailn.aita, Yillat;e Hitoa, Ac
Any huemeaa eutruete.l to our care, wTl ba altendiMl
towliti prouipttieaa aud accuracy.
Chaa. A. Maej-, Prei,l, nt Inrk Hank, New York,
lieorit O.ruHoll, i'reilvut Highland lliuik New
K. W. l'arrlngton, rvl'ient Quaaalck Hank, New
Vv. A. ltavlea, I'realdent Mrehan Itank Pokeep .
. J. Oakley, Caahler Merchant. Exchange Rank, N-iw
ork r
A. V. Ilalaey, VI- PreiMent, Hank nf New York.
J. M. Warren, Prealdent Hank of Troy.
II l.ama,i. ll, l'real.luut N. Y. A Krie Hallrnad.
ll'.n.l yrua p. Smith, Itrooklyn, New York.
Allen A to , Ha i!n.ia. Fort le. Moines.
.1. li Wnivlover, M. Lnais.
Mark IV. liard, lloveriM.r i f Nehraaka.
A It. llilliuor.., Itiwviver of Land l lltlre, Omaha
ti. A. 1'arke.r. lt..utMe of f .mi,. ilrtte. ije-l
Lowe, Miiviir of Omaha.
J. S. Morton, K.Jiior Nenraeka City Newn.
Hamnh TAKry a n-Mi:.(fTii.(Mvi:.-'n:r. i
II. A W. 11,-nnett, to convey tLe (J. rt. mall from Ida i
Hiver, near to I'latte. fn Dakota, r ;
now prej.-sreil toeuri y paaonirera on tlila root...
Persona traveling through ttiln rei. t, viV f'hl ti.i?
line a cheap aud pinaeauv oud. lluuniu. a- I d i. in
connection with the .M.-aera. ltennett. ,o .. In,,.
tonda from the Platte river, via Ncbrueka City, re -nlnr
aad direct coinniiinl. atlon is thus opened fmni Minne
anta to Kaneaa, throuuli tile fairest portion of Nebraaka.
Thia lathe neareat, eheancat and Ihw route, from iMA
The pofuti tsbracd ta tbut rout, are as follow., to
wit :
Omaha City via Dellevu. to Tlatt river, and aaa
harat"k'a. Floreuce, r'nrt Calhoun, Ha SUo, Cuming
City, Tekaira, Decatur, biarkbird, Omadl to Dakota.
From Omaha tin Itellerue to l'latta river, (thene. by
lleunetts' Una to Nebraaka City) every Thuralay aud
fuu-tny ninwiluK. aeturnlnif aaina Jay a.
Krjiu Omaha i-ia sarat. ya, Hor. uc and Kort Calhoun
to I'i.s,(,, Monday and Kriday mornings, reluming
ne.lnea.iay and Maturdata.
Kn.m iiiualia m Saratoga, Florence, Port Calhoun,
IieS to, (.'uminit City, Tekamh, Decatur, ltlackblrd'
I'uiu li to Dakota, Monday moruinga, retumlug imma-dl"t")'-
nl it. D. JOHNSON.
It. n .l.-ae n ' ht, )
lion. Jobu'I ..man, I Waahlnr-tup, B. a
llyaaeutli l.aaella, Kaq. J
Me.ara. Walker A Karlv, 202 Rmadway, N. Y.
" II. lmuKla A Co., Phila lelphia.
"on. Niuimd htrleklaml. Weal Cheater, r.
Dr. 1. Z. Ci.tfnian. Phoenix, Pa.
1 1 a.aadv A Teat, Council lllutta, Iowa.
Vaach.ll Windward, Hanker, Chicago.
lion. Jama. Bradley, Laporut, led.
" W. II. tirown, Indiauani.lla, lud.
fi,, U. VY. Hard, Os.ha, N. T.
Kt.len A Whlta, Nebraaka City, N. T.
mined, and aval .t. to bought and aoldnneoinniieelon.
ihl r ". eu"-1' and remlttej to any part .f
the I i ,dbtatea.M,y, i,i de,..,t, i.id In
tereel allow ad. l.m.il, ed on good urltv. Land
warrant, bought. .l l ,.rt. Choice aeie'lioua of
.-vi-rnm.Dt I kt. r .u- :,. -),,
g.tliolii (till) Strait,
AWjr Satvr.Joy k rnmf, iu(a y
CO a year In alrao.. ,
niantha; slfty cents for three month,,.' '''' '
tiJ-Ornra-OiTPSiToTwi, Ratm Hc-ft-
rax-h aulmeqnnt ina, -rtioa n
Una aqitara one month,
On aquar, three monllia,
Ona aquari), aix bi. ntlK,
tl v,
I c,
iiw F.iuirr'., on yi'ar. i
Two squares, nna yur, -'
One e.ininn, one yar, t-0
One-half column,' one year, r-r'
do fourth e'lum. do,
di h!f e. liimn, six month, -' "
do fourth do di 4 i
do half eolum, thre mntttha, :
lin fo.irlh rf.. .4.. a . i . I
Itn.inaa Cr t, of aix llnea fir lera. ona jrnr
Caah in a.lian.-e will he required en mi',
menta, eae.-pt where a aprlal eoutraet baa I
in to
"M;rcnANTS Aevtavis-we. CiniMiei!t j)n Cottsri-ia-ir".r.tl,.Aent.
fo, thi. paper lo th. ,pt
ri-.lladelrUa, Ta, WiUnlnKton rj, . nn., h,v
lkMo .'aV, y(!ira,u
i 11 l-osineo, entrusted to his care will t
i ri'i-i tcl t- with promptness and dirillc,
I'm ;,- .n.r ii'ii-niion will be paid to thet'ollec-ti-i.
o'... ne; au.l lo Real, Estate matters
Allorneyi nl .aw,
VTlll attend to all letl bueiaess intrusted
W to their care, in western Iowa and east
ern Nebraska.
Nov. 7. '69.
Number and Gat Filler.
NO. 1, ST. CnAltLfS 8TRF.1T, tt. 1.01 1.-, y,,
A 1 7"ill promptly attend to all busiiie?s in l.m
line, and all work extyM'ted with mm
nese and dispatch. Will give special attention
to any work that may bo entrusted to bio curt
and satisfaction warranted.
I'hittd FUttn Dittriri Atttrixy for A.fo.ij'u
Tll.l. attend promptly to any leiriil huainea iulc
te-t to nun In the Courtaof tin. Territory.
-l'l'.ni.-r niiek, OUir.hn i it v. N.
AuKuit, 6V
" I JILL promptly attend all btiMnees cn'ru-:
ted to him. Office en Ornves Htreot,
one door east of the "American Hous;1;" Om
di, N. T.
Bankeri and Dcctrri in Katttrn Efhw',
lTiTOfbD i-ay I 'S nuliiiethnti ny ImiduiieaantruatiA
Y to their care ail. ..et with j.roini t at-i.t i.-n :
eiirb aa laying out I ami.' into Uta aa t'.Mii - or i, l.ti'i.ii -i
thereto; tho buyilH'. aellinjr, reliLinif m '. 'in.; ol r.-al
eatate, housea or tea) tbe buyitu", aeiiiiiu't i loraL.ti: rt'
land warrant., on time or for eitali; mnkioir co i...-tio ne.
paying uf taxea, exajnin; of re. nr.te aa o p. rfeelne.-.-- af
titlea to landa or DeUota city atock ; ti.e or t"ininir of
deeds from the Dakota city company for lots drawn r :.
Thf malting out cf Ileedr, Burnt nnd Vrt-l'.r,,
lion Fuj'ert, mil the . .'h'..-,.;'
On ellib!e clehne, f. r piirt of the Uud.
TlavUnr aleo now on buiol a Ihto at'-. 1; of Itv ii
and Nollo'ie, l.umt-er and . hltiKlei. r t..-v e-.u! I 'u
attention to thair elo. k.iu.d any to ll.e i iii-lli- rb.-it tl --i.'
are prepared to re.'eive all klndscf-Jry footl.. procero ,
priiu.- and luutl-er on coml:;i ;on, tor i.rivnle or l'i:"
tl.in mlea, or to ext-haiigH fi-r o;hor pri p. rty. Chainp.
low and atorage fr.-e.
UiiAranteeltt.; it to yi -lil '2l per cent net pr.-f. t; pur Btt
nuui, if left on deposit over Q0 du a.
N. B. Fcrw.lia wi-hing to Invent shiuld notfi.il Infill
at llnfir otn.-e, an tliey have a 1'irve amount ol laltiat-ie
pr. 'pert;- ft-r aV low f.r cah or on time.
'liie beet of reft renee friveu If reouire-i.
J D. M CHOCK WKLI., Pre'i t. nt.
Dakota city, .'.uust IU, 'ii 4i..ly.
1 I.I, prepare ptnna and aiwcitlcatlona fir n-ivate nn-i
pul.li.- building.', and contract b.r aupr.it'r I
lii i: the .nine. Anr Intorination wanted, in-j mr
. ii.aea, agent of Dakota city company,
oy Jo 6 JUt
J o y A $ si: ELY,
TTORSEV aud Counsellor a'. Law, Omr.br
Nebraska. A
DKM.KR IN HKAI, KSTATK and Ot.Hernl Itunln.''
Atfeot. Oiiiv.-yaneer and Notary Public: lillif
.lo. r w.t of the County Recorder. otire,iu 1'artil.a
trai t, Omaha, N T ' In-'
Ii k'arnham .t.-eet. '
TS Ilr.RHBY OIVI'V, ttiat !'
Jreceuod at the olln of the Count
County, at Diik. ta City, until th..
nU, until o o'clock of aaid duv, -. .
n1- wi'I
. f I-..I.
, t.-l r
. r. e' i- o
Itrlck CV.urt Kouae for Mtii County bi 1 aW'-ti I n '
I'b. plan and .pea.-a'ioii. for eij buiiillig . an :
een at the otn.-e of the Count . ' i .
Hldiler. wrll be require.1 ti.'r a.e I" tlieir propi
th. earlieat time at vMil.h tn. y I1 coinplete
building; the time net to exree.J tivoyeari lr. iu tli--ri
lat day of tebruarv, A. D. 1 bo.
Conipenaatioii tor Hul l work to be In County derler',
and One Thniieand Dollara in liniivilual aubuni'.i' n
aad loftv Lota in aald Dakota I it.
Hidden a III aiao atate how, and at what tiuna.l.i-
deaira eaid couipenealioo.
Tlia CiHODiiaetouera of .aid (" unty In awarlir a
c.ulraot. aa tlxiw, rtvarv. the rl.'M of attix'ng f..h
toriiiri aud eoudltiona to aucb eoutraet. aa tl '-y u.ar
aaein naeeaaary to aacnr. a prompl e. lupliau.-a ineia
wttb ; not kiconeiatant with tiie terma of thie to tii-.-
Xiie time of the oolnpli-tlou of faid eoutraet, a u.t lt'
twin, of payment propoaad by l-'.JJi ra, will ba rei-t
ed in awarding a coulia. t.
hj vrdar id tb. County rToauniiaalon.ra
JA1fr.! VY. VIltTf.
'""iinfv t
P-Vi 'a fl f Ja l . K
-'Vr'a'" ewa
1 .