,1 -, I. 6 I 1 Salinh (&fa $ era to I .1 PUBLISHED ffrs-p Slitravf Kvrir, a iVjoa ("Vy. .V. f. IT DAXriL M'LAUGUMW T E PI M S f 7" aJve; $1 , fcr tujottt; IOj e-i4e for thm mnitii. oi j-fTio--i' ';iTt T H atsii IT, rK-a ATrC? OF ADVERTISINGS O' .''r ! tel' lies W tt"A ti.-sl iM'Ttiou (2 00 '-.:Ji uV"Vi' I Insertion 50 Oa- ,e m-'oib. A Ot- in Hir tl r noitb, eXi Imo eg Hire. hi iiiorvl.s, ("0 ilno m-r.. "' ' r-ar. H (XI T ' wiuir v. WJ0 4- oo.lvnn. rwi )er, . MOO 1 1', I nilamii. oue veer, ' (ki d- fvjr'h column, On, lit 0 Se he f n au, six mouths, 44 HI Jn f.o-lh Oo do HI 00 lu te.f fjiu, ttr raimlha, ) 00 ilij Icnr'.h do do n 0. fcaelite rv.le, of i Hiim or Ian. one jr, IB 00 t4ii 'n advance iil n required in ejl adverti. mint, exc-pt where a f 1-.lr.t ountracl bin been nieV.e in it contrary. "Mtncaaire Apvaant . Omuunos Qoixreyise Aas'CT " are tbe Agents t-fthle pepw Id the rtrliw of Ibtlwt.lpbla, re., Wilmington, DnI , anJ Baltimore Md. DANIEL M'LAUQMLIN, ATToHSkY A COOSKLl.Olt At J-AV VII tmsitiMi entrusted to bi euro will he attended U wub promptness an, Jit-patch. Particular attention will tie pnid to the Collec tion ofolaiins; and to teal Estate matters. O. C. TaSADTVT. JOHN CCtlRl I TfllAOWAY tt CUfXRIER, Altcmmt at Law, BIOUX CITT. IOWA llTi'.l attend to all Ugil boyine? iiiiruatrd Jt attfl arn Nebraal a. W-t. 7. '49 fun MARTIN H. DEVER, rimberand Gat F.tler. NO. 1. ST. CHA E1.I8 ETRItT, IT. 10 CIS, S10 "Vlill promptly attend to all btisiaein hie W line, aud ail work executed with neat hen Hiui iliitttob. Will gite epeoial attention to an; work tbat may be entrnrtd to bin care aad fatiafiujtioa. warranted. LEAVITT L. BIWEN, UHii StiiLm IHitriet lUnmy for Nubnu'm tTTILl. tMl 1 p-O'.aT'tiy tnany hMlaM Intr Tf UA to hun In tb tburti of tb Terrllorj. urriC&-tVuevr Ul.ck, omha City. N.T. JOHN TAFFE, jlTTOllSZr CVUXSSUOX AT LAW, OMADI, NEBRASKA. " JWj promptly at!i l all ba tines entrus ' ti J to him. OSce on UrnTi-8 nircet, cru1 djvrea.:tof lii "Amcricua Ko'Jse:" Oma Hi, H T. TUB St A.!. XIIMX Vu.kerl oii Dttltrt in Satitrn Eichj'tye, LAND WAHkANTa A REAL K6T A7B, WOtl I D mj to the vul.Ilc lbt aar tialnMitmtil to their cam wt.l artt with r-rnipt altmtk.u: i h m liyltin oat laiiitu tmo lota aa Uiwm or addttluna tb.-n.toi th l.ufitii, aellluir, rnntlne or laarlnz uf raal utata. kuuwa or lotm tha buying, aullln or locaUnn of tmu warraoia. on tinia or rT canh; maKinff rotlactiona, if to i ft, pmnlnft of rerartlaai tn parf.-elnxM of t i to In. J or Pakoia ottr atook ; tha obtniniug t.f H.in frua Uim li.Uota city oaioauy f..r lots drawu on tiarafl 7'U making out of DeuU, BonJt and rrt-Errp lion raftii, anl Oil receiving of Co aMgib't t'"'rri, fur part or Uia land. ttarlne aiao now on baud a !ro atook of Dry Ooodi and NoHont, l.umlwr aud Hitng!, they wuuld eall tittentlon tn thalr nUk.aiid tay to tha public that thay am preparHt to rw-viva all kinds of dry goodi. Kroowriva, I r.Miura mtii lumber on eouiiuinaiou, lor prtrala or aua tlou raU,or t aJcchauK fur uthor property. Chargaa lo and atrag frra. MOKBV N D IPO 3 IT, Uaarantaatnir It tn jl. ld s rx estit uat pt, per an cum, If lift on uopoait over 60 day. N. B Paraooa wishing tn Inira.t ph julrt not fall to call at their rfne, ar th.y br a lare amount ot valuable r pertv tbr a.lx I. w f r ra-h cr ou lln.o. lbt btof rvfcxuct gl.n If rniialrnt. J I) M UROCKSVKLl., ProaUotit. Ckota city, Aiui 11, 'f Auly. C. F. ECKHART & CO., ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, PAKOTA C.'TT, XI.3RA2KA, ILf.. prepare plane and eperlttoaltone for private am puhiio building, and anotract for or uperinln J'tlng the aiuna. any Information wanted, luijulr ii. B.U-. agent of Dakut ally ettupauy. May 6 'ftat)5r JO.VAS SEEL T, A TTOESEV and Csansellorat Law, Oaiab Xx. Nbreka. WILLIAM . DYEIH, D BALER JN RIAL Hr-TATE and Oeaeral Biwiniv Agent, Conwyaooer aud Notary Pablla; (HUof xw waatof Uia County Kaouraer'iofnre.oa einb rat, Osaaha, K T Tint. T AXD AQlifT, CM AU A, I luubui atraot. KKHaAHKA. OUsa nl NOTICE. 1 8 DF.RKBY 01VKN, tliat f;.ld fropnaala will ba J Jeealved at lha oftica of the Cout.ty l l.i k, ,,f l ..km a .Vuot', at Dakota l.'lty, until t;,e In day of Kel.ru.rr nut, until 1U o'clock of .ild lor the .rei-il'a of a - alrlt-k Court Houae for l l l ount) l'tk b Ciy. :i. The plan and i'.n''iooa tor buJM'.u tan be j aaen at the otki.e of the County ( lj ; MJJere will ba r'ulrd to utaM I i thalr jr, U earltant lime at wh.ch th-y will u.n.plHt. r.id r uimini , mi nmi not w fjfwl li)eer. Irwui tn aii tat uy or ret.ruary A. Ii. WJ Uompenaatloo tut aal.l Work to tt Iu Couutv m l.n, :ad'0..'1D;jM;;.'d'''1 'u'rr,l"' I Hid tare will also etaU hiw, and at wh.ttiui.a th y I dalra nU coinpnalon. I lha ComuiU,oiier. of ld Coonly Iu aw. Ming a I oontraci.aa U,i., reeivs tha rlnt of aillilng such e un .nt r..dlil,ne to tucu o,u :r. aa they may i"i tl' iiMi!) t, ! core, prompt i.nnuraro'-flh.r. itOi n jt l,iit,,ii.lMi:t wltli the trnj ol thl. notice. Tha Mine of Ike auipl,-tlun of ,,ld ooolraot. 0 I the " ' ' T-"rt' Pn,p,iaJ by LldJa, el,, pa rierd 4 la olHt . contraia. By vtUt ul the County rvoinla:nnnrf . jAlihtl w. Mill p. etala 4 I. a are. 1X.S .DAKOTA CITS TT-L TV VOL. 2. r'i ;.n 1 ... . l. Ol)VEllOI(' NMUliK, Turonu I1IK HklYBKY TILL. VUl I'TIVI ClIAMRKR. 1 Oxauk. Jn. . To (li JTvnoraLU, (It Owaii Srlratkn Territory : 1 areUh rtrn to jou ' An Aft to prj bihi.t -S!nTorr," un:g , J auJ nl;h w-y ejc tictn. Thii AC, mccosa.ily, iDv.,l,e, tie vhol queslion of pnwiT T juriailictioD ever the Rutjtot matter. If tlaTary ex'mta hero In law or ia fact, to prohibit ia to atmlieb it. If it does cot exiat, whare is tke r.eeJ for legis lation! But I do not stop lo meanare t he? reiklife Telne f mere wai.1", wt.ioii any be ned, iudifTert ntly, aud for the catue olj'Cl. .This bill, I au p fo, ia intended to iuler dict tJarnrr, or involuntary tanitu le, wllli ia the Territory and, 1 aaj po.-e, ia likewise ifiteaJcd to H.Ue the tjuei-tlou nhtlher the Territorial Legiulature cuu do it. At ail Tents it does a. For the purpose of considering the qucstlnn eilh eSiftiooine m. I willflrFt eianiiua it, as it nay or niay not be iffeoted by the treaty with France. This Territory was part ef Loalei nns, and all agree tlint when we acq'iiraa I.uuiaiaoa in 1808, it was flare Territory and slarca were proporty. The third artiole of the treaty by which Louiriana bennme acquir ed to tbe Unitei 8utu, is iuipnrtaut at this point. It is a part of tht treaty compact that " the Inhabitants of tbe ceded territory ball be incorporated iu trie United flutes, aid aJmiiUa aa coon as ( opMh'e, scornlinir to the p'oritions of the Federal Co'iatitution, li the enjny ment of all tbe lights, privileges an 1 imiuuuities of cittsnns of the United States; aud in the mean time they eh all bo protected in the free enjoyment of their lib erty, property, and the religion wl.iah they profes1,." Ai I bare hud occasion to remark in an other oannmuniontion addressed to yon, Ne braska, as a part of tho Louisiana purchase, was acquired to become a Slate, and for no other purpose. For tbh purpose, and this alone ia there any power under the Constitu tion to acquire foreign territory I do not enlarge upon this, haying already discussed it at length. It il a stipulation in tha treaty " tbat the inhabitants of the ceded territory ahall be In corporuted in the Union of the United S'ates." aud it is e?eiy whit as strong a stipulation that " in the inenn time" they shall be pro tected in "tht free enjoyment of their lib any, property and the religion which they pr.ifes " The faith of the country is pledged to it, and it is Just as good to the inhabit ants of Niitratka Tairitory to-day, or any day, as it was to tbe first Inhabitants in 1608. Mr. John Quincy Adiuns understood this per fectly, and disposed of the q-aostion ery brief ly and eoncluHively, when Arkau.ias was be. for Congress fur admission, in 1S36. " Ehe is entitled to admismn as a cUe 8tate, as Louibitwia and Missouri have been admitu J," by virtue of " that artio!o ia ihe trenty for the purchase of Lnuisi-tun, wh.ch secures to the people) of the ceded t rrituriej, all the rights, privileges and immunities of the orig inal oitiiene of tbe United States, and ttipu latee for their admission, ooiif.irmah'.o t tbat principle, iuto tho Union. Arkansas therefore, comes and hns a right to come into the Union with her alaves and her slave laws. Il is written in tba bond, and however I tuny Inment that it was ever so written, I fount fiiithfully perform its obliga tions." N w what wui written in tko bond? as it i,ol that the people y the cedej -ritorlea arc to be sccored iu their rights of property, pornon and religion, ns well as tbat they ebould e admitted into tha Union, on an equal footing with tb original States? Iu tha Died Soott oase Mr. Justice Oitrou j says, Lou!.. una was a province, when slar- ery was not only !ro!, but where preperty in slaves was the mot valuable of all peraonai property. The Province was ceded us a unit, with an eiial right pertaining to n!! its in habitants, in every part thereof, to ewn .lave-, . To enable the United States to fu'fil tbe Treaty, additional population was indispensable aad obviously driired, with anx iety, en both sides, so that the whole conutry i'ieuld, as 830U at possible, beenme States of tke Coion. Anl far thii contemplated future population, the treaty as eipresaly proviJed as It did for tbe Inhabitant residing ju the Provinoe. All thene were to be protected, in the mean time," that ii to say, at all lime "butween the date of tbe treuty, and the time when the portion of the Tetritory where tbe inhabitants re.-lioj aliaitied into the Union as a State." " At the dte af the rety," he further renrki, eaoh iuhabii- ut bad the right to the free ei jojtunnt of his property, alike with his liberty and his relig ion, in any part of Louiaiaua." To urui(iunt the treaty diS'uuhy, im eon sidered worth a labored effort by Mr Jut tie C'artu, in the lired Scott caae. hoe. ci.pieo f jur f ill pages of his able diseenting epmiou. II .a effort was to show, that Con gress might prohibit slavery in the Territory p.t. o ct. ur.ne.b ' K-oio and Nelliou, 'J Peters 114, and liar ,. t., ,., , ,, ' " L"' ' 1 aUr 6)8 he argues that the ipulalioa in the treat a l Ira.ara iia.ll t,i tha ' . . J ' "" S1I Iu the Politioal or Z,egielative power, and Is not a law for the government ,f lui Court Ilia enough to siy that the oanaa are ea.ts of diepnlod bouudariea between nations ; auel of eouree, fsr the Political 'lepartiueut of tha (terasasal aa ael far Ike jM'n! Tte nKjtocn,itv-iT DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, SATUMUY MORNING, YY.W. J1.cii m, i U)l d nrtiiirnt i f thv Unv- rainnf to wfcieh tlm xtrtion nf i Intfrig-, a .'t!t fircij;o powers l ecit.fl.f t " Hut an. durt'itthiiJ mtioU', lndil,lal riUtn of pur on, pri'i'vrt;, kill religion r (tuirnn. te.r, an'l roity nt tie w.rt iwi; by legl,!a- ,ICW- It la a!sohilJ Uit, "lha nlpulatlon m Uwporarr, ami f catf l H aiva any afftat i wh thB thKt, Inhabitant, of lha T.nltory .f LoiaA, In hoa kb1f thatlpu1t.lioa wm raadf, a.e inoorporataj iota tba ColoB." Id other worda. tbat tba 3Ula of Uul.tana, onhralmia.ionnolbaU0v,o,aa11i.fJop all K..arant.c4 by tha treaty to tbe ra.t of the t.rtitory, it.cluiii. of aourse, AraBIaV MiMourl, Iowa auJ MinaaaoU, hil in Territorial condition, au.1 K.braka new - Thie tUrtling d.oWlon tl mdi on ib atrength of CLief J-.tioe Marnhaira opinlau o V I'elers to kicb Mr. J untie Curtis refers a follows "iu the oae of New Orleans vt De Armas iCal , (9 Peters 223) theqiieatio was, whether a title to property which existed at the date of the treaty, continued to be pro tected by the treaty after the State of Louis iana was aeVn ltted into the Union. The third article of the treaty was relied on Mr Chief Justice ManrUnll said: This artlola obviously contemplates twe objects. One that Louisiana' shall be admitted Iuto tha Union as soon as possible, ou an equal footing with the other States-; aad the other, tbat till snob adniisxlon. the inhabitants ef the ceded Territory, eball be protected la tbe free enjiyment of their libarty, property, and religion. Had any one ef these rights been vi'id white theae ttipulaticns continued in f roe the individual snppei-ing hlroe!f to be iujured, niight bare Iroeght hiseaa U.to thie oonrt, the 25th section of the Judicial act. f!ut this stipulation ceased to operate when Lo'JifiBna became a member of the Cuion, and its inhabitants were "admitted to the enjoyment of all the rights, advantage and immunities of the eitiicns of the United 8tates." And yet, what docs this opinion amount to, except, aa so far as the tute cf Louisiana itself was concerned, tt stipulation ceased to operate, because the state had pasted beyond the mean time" mentioned ia tbe third arti cle of tbs treaty; and its inhabitant were -tuitled to the "enjoyment of all the rights, ad vantages and immunities of the cititeii. of tha Unit ed States." , t It is then a fair and irreslstable conclusion, that the third articlo of tbe treaty did it -olodethe wholo of tho Louielan pnruha and it iB an undeniable truth, that the citizens of the several Slates might go into any of tbe Territories carved out of the acqnlniiirri, and carry with - tbem their property. "The whole territory" eaye the Supreme Court of the United States "was acquired by the gen oral Government, as the representative e"! trustee of the people of the Cuit- d State ; end it must therefore be beld in that chiu-noter, for their common and eq'ial benelt; for it w the people of the several States, acting through thmr ngeut and repraanneiiliva, tha Federal Government, who, in fact, acquired the territory in question, and the Government holds it for their common use, until it shall be associated with tbe other, Btatei, as a member of the iioion." And this Is in perfect harmony with our whole system. Tho Federal Governnent Is a government of Stales, and not of individuals or of ma.'ees People make op tho 8uteeanri States make the Confederacy. Though thegineral Gov ernment acts on individuals, within and with cat the States, it ia only in the exercise of powers, delegated by theStstes and cotiftied, in the Constitntion. In the Brat American Congress of 1771, ooloules came together, through their repre sentatives, and by a union of colonies, tbe wrongs of Kf aseacbastts Bay, were made tke wrnnge of Pennsylvania and Virginia. The revolution was not a social revolution it was politioal. It was a revolutiou ef colouiea by cams. Tha Ccsgrees cf !7"6 was a Con gress of ooionics, aud the Declaration wan alive with '.ha one great truth, "that these United Colonies art, and of right ought to be, free and Independent States." Tbey maJe good their Declaration, said became not eu'.y free, bat sovereign each onetuvcieiga and ii. dependent within itself. Tbe articles of confederation were entered into by Stales ! the Constitution wna formed by a convention of Sulci, each State adopting the Constitution lor itself, thus making it, as far as applicable 'a law Unto itself." i' All territory is acquired to become a State; but it is likewir.e acquired for the ommon benetlt of the existing Stated it is theirs, and the Federal Uuvrroaient boMa II as their trnitee. Consequently, tveiy cil im of every Stale has a there In it. It is hij iu tbs Bret instance, U-caure heist ct'.ziui.' some one of th" I'ni'ed f'ates. an I be Las a right to enter into li e Inritoiy, clothed with bis rights aa a ciiin n r f the Slate, lie takes his properly with. Liu, froia his owu (itatot an 1 if be rusy hot ,.o an ihu ihe lerriioiy i not aeqaired for tbe oouicca and equul bene fit of tbe sevrral rute. Dora the Coiiitita lion of the United rttatrsthen earry slaver into the Ttriitorios? Nu; but on J or llir Cob tiiutiou, and by villus of it, the rVier 1 tiovtriiiuenl acquire territory, for the eesi. won and equal teueflt of everal Slates slave-holding aad nun slave holding alike. f eiug aoqnired, all may go into it, with their property, of whateter kind, aud if they may sot, tlsre 'i at terns'!". TV.' iV t ''teif u MRvirnr? ami mr.-' t "il l iliiu' t. An I thoi(th It rrinl lf try t,,mcri, It ninntiniM f ilttiwi it.A held by Ihn laws nf KontiK'Vr, e-onpes Into Ohio; nnder the Connltntloo, re i Hill as much property an h watl tfort. Tht U of Rrrlnrky (!.' not rl!ow bint, nor tB It hoM bitn witbln lbo.tt wbere alaTer ia nrohibilrd : but tba nonntltatlnn fan. acJ doM, Sa ,hfr, nn c.r, frc ,ha f.er tbat oatt of Stata limit, tbe Conatltotlon d aanert tbe Tgbt ef tbe mauh r t bU Ut proD,rty, anJ It raaopniiea tbs relation ,ript,,"g twn tbn at lawful. It l ,pfoui proton. 1 .lmm but it mnut ba korna U mind tbat It la not tbs -prolal pro- wUol. mkas blm property. Ilreoog- ,,,,, ,h, rl(,hl 0f properly a already )g wb.n thla Territory aa nrM org.DliifJ Ull ,h, chIleoa 0f n tbaRlattb rlRtit fo oomt Into it with their families and their flocks? Uad the rititena of m!iirl tht same right to enter into the enjoyment of their csnimon estate, as the ottlunt of Iowa and had both the right to bring wl'h them any properly which they taw St? If tbey might not, by what taw wera they restrained or forbidden? Surely not by tht treaty, for it it tealad to tho protection tf property, per sons and rellgien altke. With It these three are equally sacred. Not by tbe prohibition of 1820, called In awful moae,ry the Missouri compromise, for that was repealed, and Is now pronounced unconstitutional m d void- I esinme then that the oitUent of the frtste.s owning tlavet bad tbe right te come here with their property when the territorial Govern ment wts ergautted. Soma few persons did oomt with their slaves, and still fewer re mained; fur the overruleiug reason that Nebraska is no place for tlavo labor. Wore the slaves of those few set free, by tht faol of their having been brought into (his Terrl tory ; Sorat wtre tnticed or stolen away hut noprooeps ef law was ever invoked, or could have been invoked, lo have them propanneed free. This brings os to the question of power in the Territorial Legislature. Uavt wa tha power to manage our demutio affairs In our own way, ar.d exercise the rights of legislation as a free people) I answer we bava, beyond pr)letitiire or doubt Dut communities, like individual!, have relative duties, aa well a absolute asid relative rights; we must use onrewu rights, so that we do not injure or tska awny the rights of othere. This is good morals aivi ffoeJ law. The doctrino of tha right cf thsS:a:t, litis at the very feuodation nf ourpolitio.il fabric. To legislate against the r'ghts cf airy one 5late, is to ttrik a mot tsj blow at the t'glils of all. ' la this atiempttu prohibit slavery by an act eftlie Territorial Assembly, I am constrained to my you have overlooked tha tiueiuloni tad inclining of tht orgauic law. It should be remembered tbat tha restrict ive line agaiust slavery, know at 80 80", was designed, not only to control the Terri tories north of that line but te exoluda slavery f'.verer frca all Stit.s to be formed between that lire and the tdhdegtce; thus making the net ef Cengreet to operate on Suttee te well as Territories. I say tbit was the dtslgn n the act ut 1820, and Mr, Clayton proved it in the Senate. Indeed tha great oMset was, "to have no mora tlavt 8ta!a." At the orgauitation of Ksnras and Kobrst ka, the Miesoarl retiicltn was blotted out and declared inoperative and void : -'it being tbs tas Intent and meaning of this tot not te legitlate Slavery into any Territory; or St&te, nor to exclude it therefrom ; but to leave the people thereof perfeotly free to form and regulate their domestic institutions In their own way, f a' ject only lo tbe Constite'iun cf the Uuited Slates." This was triumph of Pcputsr Sovereignty i;t"? Congressional emutic-n : The right of tbe people to form aa 1 regulate their domestic inalitotioai in their on way, ul.jenl only to tht Constitution of the Uuited Stales. Surely you eea.net think that this meant tht Trrrit.-.r;.l Legirielure created is tht same lav aud by tha same Cougress. Is that Popular Sovereignty? Let us look. "And fes it further anaeted that the Legislative fewer aud authority of of id Territory shall be vested iu the Gov- i eroor aud Lgiels'ia Assembly." Aod Ihe ( Governor, er Executive has a vuiue equal to ' more than a mnjoiiiy ef each Houre. I need hardly my he is ejpi inud by the Preei. ! dvnt, and may .vrr be aeu of "the T pie'' ' before his appointment llowevrT agreeable j it might be hi yon and to me to suppoit lost at are "the Ptnjf.!' in the Sonne uf thl organic ' act, I fear Ibal we n.ut surrender tie soft delusion. It ia true y,,u ate !ted l,y the pei, pie, but they did not form tbs njt-t:n uuJer nliich you are elected. Cni?rin nu I the 1'ierdiiit dl 1 all that, nay n ore, t ie ' ii ped tbss system in all its details, even la the number of rai I, Hnu, an l tho very ilayl that the Lvgiaiature msy co-wuth in eaoh sersiou I liitih1 Ihe uten o.-t lei-ocl, bat I uiusl say "tht people" iiieotsoued it the llib seclii.u tf the orguic act, never did mean and never was int, u JeJ lo uieaa ' the ftrritorinl .laiiin. b'y It was te people of the Terntory, in their ordinal aud ervei'gu capacity and they rn'y which onud hare hern intended. The sovereignty of a rtlnle" (-ays Judge MeLean.) "doea notr'tilu in the pereom who fill tht d ffeieot Leparttnenhi e f its Hovornment; bit iu tbe peiple frooi Lotu the Government tuns -t-f, ec-f vhv tiis-'hian tf their d.'t- EE A L D . 4 15C0. aNO. 20. -rrr cretion." Tl.ia is lu. When the pmpU a thie Territory meet in 0wntl"n tofia'i e a ConMtttition far a 8ta(e. the will then. ; for Ihe ftrt time, form their doiaeelie Inmli ' lions. Tbi l.a crentiTfl r'. nd tnirl e permnnency. Thev will )ikwl-e form en I regulate Ihe'r ilomeMio ineiis-e. Sathnr own way, sat jct rn'y to the Oifr.ttitution ef the Unlt 'd 8t.ta. Speaking of your pew rs which are temporary, becaus the TMrritniinl Government itself Is but tempiarary, (Leer gau'.e set says, they "shall attend to all rightful subjects of legislation eoDnl.t'nt with the Constitution of tha United States, and Ihe provisions efthls art." Cut hot so when "fAs Tenyt's" are referrd to. They are euljrc! only to tke Constitution cf tbe United States " In creating their own Constituted, anJ thus preparing to form and regnlste their domestic inetlloalone. In their own way, (not the way prescribed by Copgieas for the mere Territorial Government,) tbey ate not subject to tbe "prevlalvma of this a t," but enly to the Constitution of the UMiteJ 8talea" n l ia thus forming their own iuxtltuticos, iu their awn way, and entetlng the Union, with or without slavery, as they thrmtelvoa may determine, fAs 7 ' ' vlndluate the grtal doctrines ofState Sevsreignty and li pular Sovereignty together, and illustrate the har monious workings of a perfect and complete system. SAMUEL W. BLACK, r.xitvma CiAMitn, Jen y 0, 1800. A BILL FOR AN ACT. TO NUMB A Constitntion ana Mate Ooverev mini I, OUT UK tTATICUr KkUUllU A. Hn'Tioa 1, I't it enai trd Ay tSt Council and llwtt of RrprnntoUrtt tif (As Territory ef Xt Ir.uhi, That an election shall be beld on the first Monday in Maroh, A. D. 18G0, in the Territory of Nebraska, for ielegates to a con veation to frjme a Constitution and Itats Government for the Slate of Nebraska, fro. 2, At such election ewery elector ,uall Bed aa defined by this Aot, nref vtte by ballot "For State Goveraiuenf," or "Againet Slake Oiiwruaien ;" and may also vote by ballot fur such number of persons, te be delegates lo a oonstltntlotial convention, at the county or delegate district in which he votes msy be en titled to, Sxo. 8, Separata ballot boice or apartments of ballot-box shall be provided, in onaof whlob thallbt deposited ihe ballots "For" or'Mgalnai , State Government, aid in tbe other the bet lots for delegates to tht institutional conven tion. Sio. 4, Tht Skid convention shall bt oom- posoJ of fifty two members, te ba appartlontl amvng tht several districts of the Territory at follows: Thecoautyof Richardson shall constitute the Bitt district, aud shall elect t four delt gates. The county cf Nomaha shall eoaiUtnte tht second district, aoa shall elect fits deli gates. Tht county of Otoe shall ooaatltntt tha third district, and shall elect eight delegates. The ennn'y of Csesshall constitute tht tilth d .trict, ai.d sV 1 a e l t'x delegate". Thtcounty of Sarpy ahall coostltulsths fifth dielrict mid shall elect four dultgattt. Tht oounty ef Douglat shall constitute tht riitb district aud shall elect eight djlegtles. The county of Washington shall oosslitute tha levrnth district and Wtll rleel three dele- gQti'l. The counties ef Hurt, Coining and Iitrd shall constitute the oight die'rict, aad shall eleot twe delegates. The oounty ef Dakota shall constitute tht ninth dittriot, and shall elect three delegates. The cnumis of Dixon, Cedar aad L tin quj court shall ermatityita tht teeth district aa4 shall eleot two delegates. Tht oounty of Dodge shall constitute the eleventh distriet, and tbtll tleat one able gate. The counilee ofl'latte, Monroe, rloffaloatd Ual! shall con.tllule tho twelfth district, shall , elect two delegates. The county nf Bi-arney aud tbs cnonliss west eball constitute the thirtuenlh district, aud shall el.-ct on delegste. The comity of ('awnrerfcall er.ns'l'utt the foorterutb district anJ shall elect one d!e gate. Tbe rous.tiee of John-ou, 0 ige on I Jties shall const tot the fifteen, th district, aud shall 1, ot one di legale Tke enu.-iitt-a of Clay, Valine, I.at.citltr Green. Cilhoun ai:J Motler thai! roii,i,iuir the fcix'eeotb rlietrlot, ondshall eleol out Ju gate. ,Sc 5 If it shall appear a;ioo tha ci.ri.i b- reinafter provided for that a tin inly -j ail the voles on tho question of Slate Goverernui.t hive l,e-u given "For Statu 0 iverutrent," the J, '., 'gates eleoted ebiill urel at the capital t-f tha Tarrif ry. on tl.e seror, 1 Mnndiy in A r. I A. L. UdO an I thereupon ahali have poaea- anl nnihor.ty, and proceed to prepare and frame u Ci.ti! jlioii for the Ihe Slate of hi-brevka te be euhwilttd to tke electors of thie Terriiory, for a lopiinn aad approval by tbaia. And unlets ii shall be so submitted, adopted an I npj rove I, at aa tlsotwui tu be ap- pointed by Ibu Cotktitutional Ionian tlou, it shall not for any urpoe a haaevor, tstaeemei or beld t- be fke act of lha paopla ef Kebra- ka. Vt" J rf ! tba l n-.t aptwur, unoa rack oaov, that a m.J irity of alt tba Ue pu tho q'itetlon of State Covernnieal have ltu gl von iu favor tt s. so'. It si ail be 4 enil and 'in-l lered that As people of ibis territory 4 ' lint d' aire lb a In lurrt af tebtaaka aa a VUi at thi li.a and tio furl iar pi ... , urvjrr ai j siiljo f . : ' . bai. bao 7 The eiiui of th' e thoi r huehy ajfrop Utid (t t'..v Treasury to pay the memberr ,i tutioHal coin, in, on, and Hie I- -pens f eaut iwdy whicb- . ei'l uder of tbe aenventien MkO 8 Rvery whita trial., ; or- m ..: S(ie of twi titv -one yearn w i -h'.!! 1 '' ,' '; qualiueiitiiins of vn a twgnr i i ii :. . 4 -.'.1. ; . ihe eUil i. :,',. ...,,ui I,,. . ; . v., , aurh persi'it wim -i nil h i v i vi 1 . s ,,,... Iu this Ti I i'i., i r. . ' , ,. , Cuu-tiy or i2lyi ' '.t . , l, : !, msy he tu"eaj for, stall t e ai eit ie es aJaignia from such county er ili-trict prsvltsl iu no erson who la by say statuU of thlt ?rrl tory rliaqualifiad to vote or hold tfQ ie thsreia In eaasrquenee tf having been eoevlolet cf eilme, or having violated auy law of tle Ter ritory, shall be entitled to vote or be fligikle aa a deVgata ao ier r kit) act Sxc. 0 Tht returns of eaoh prestcral or flee -lldt ttlstrint shall be made to the Clerk of tha County In which It It situated, if there be each a Clerk or if not, then to the Cletk of the ooanty fret named ia the clause of this not rntklng tuoh urgah'usd coanty a dslegate dletrist or a pari theriof. Sid. 10 Tha Coenty olerk to wboa such rsturns shall be mvte, ahall forthwith land by mail tbe attract of tht total "for" or ' against" State Government directed to tha Secretary of the Territory olNbrai ka and l-i any such clerk shall fail to tranmult such ab slrajt by the earliest mull between tha county aeatcf such county aud Omsha, Lathall to Jeoinod gnilty of tnisdvmtan.nr, and shall, on couvlotlon thereof, be punished by a fine not eicesdiug five bundreddol'ars, orhy Ijiprlsnn uieut Iu ffie county Jail not exceeding six: months, or by btth tanb fine aad irrrj rinonment at tht discretiou of tbt Court. Sic. 11 The vote of which abstntet shall be received by the Secretary, shall be imme diately canvassed by the Governor, Cheif Justice and Secretary, and if it shall ba found tbat a majority at all tbt votes cant shall bt In fnvur of a State 0 ,vernment, the Governor shall forthwith mako known by prsclamstinn in at least two newspapers la the Territory, one whlob shall be published ia Omaha, tha renu.lt of the vtte on the qaestloo of State Government, and ai soon at tht proclamation shall bcooma known te tbe vsriooa oounty clerks, they shall proceed toeanvaat tha vote for members of said oonvtntiun, at d shall is sue certificates ofelcotton to tbt pertont hav iog rerpeoltvely tht hightet a jmber of votes fur delegates from (he several district", and lucasa of a lie between two persons who have a tulSoltat number of votes to make it neceae ary lha oontestau's shall in tha preaanct o tht cauva-tere, determine by lot whlob o them thall ba Mia delegate, aud tha eouot) clirk shall Issue aocrt ulorte of eleoiion ao oordlngly. - y Bi. 13 All tht pro vWloel of tht Act, ooo aernlng elaotiona, approved Janaary 28,. A I' 18d, and of the act tniitltd an act W tmtn ao act la relation to election! approved Jar: 28th, 1814 whicth are not lnconnUtt t wii tbit act rball apply to the hoi hug of ti,e le tion, making returns aud pro. dying r uur when they shall not bt duly reoeived uoj the provisions of thii act, and tht Jadget ao Clorks of tha laat geoeral election, thall co dual the tlectloa herein provide for, prcvid that thtcounty clerk la each of tht oocnt of tha Territory, thall bavt powtr, In tha as vaeauolee to appoint one or mora tlsoton act at Judges cf tht election, at providt l in (hit act whs, whsoso appoiated, thall a power to appoint lo east ef vacancy, Clt of tuth elecUctii Sxo. 1 Th t act ahull takotfTeol and h forc from and aftor iu paisago. Approve J Jai.'y 11 JF-fiO. UOt. ROUE la I) T.UMY' The Wasblngtun crrp'iadeut uf Phlladslphia Qnttilt, referlng to tht re iiiaeat of.Jutige I -a jr sayi: ''At hlr traaced age every eash a t ak ia att B led trr oai apprsheotioua, thoegh ht was hith revival wkto hop w -t almoat abandons For many yeara pat h's bavltb ku fct firm and aometliaet critical. Tet ha has formed great labor, and hat bean a re atten Jaui uf ihe terms of tba Huprtaaa C Hit powert of enlnranse and reeopti have excited lurprlin with oaaoal obaer who have only notieti his fstblt and fiarue, ibdicaling anything bat tha rtfit to disea't wbich ha his exhibited." Do t' riire i.fCook ft Sargent, at 1 port, lnwa, tome six bundreJ labortr The l'iititjrgh yw Prut, wat ao I v tl.o Sher, If uf thalCwuaty uoleitTu for iiM) Li, "t CI. May, nnial fr hit bra' il-e Mriiuan War, AUi in Waihirg'oo, , h mat. Col Johnton't Utah toam.olis to bt , e-1 to Arixonla in tha apriag. To judge of tho tpetchet in Congres a,a'e. Which teem every day to grow vinbl er, If Inngor the choice of tbe Hoast ita TaUlbe harder to fiud, tbsn eleot, fytik'T. .V. Y. L A mart n tiling of (ht Sont of Mai 1-e tieid in V'jffalo, lo retpuud to that , of the I'resrteai t'a Ueaaage reoorameno aaquiaitiun of the l.laud uf Cuba. There are in tbe Uuited States for Catholio Arcbpi-hepa aud Ulshops, tan , Abbuts, and tao hundred and twent; eavcular and religious priests. What! bust this glorious country i Accursed be iby tuaguel Her sure aud siripee shall float t' Loog after you art b jag '.' i"- if (I .it -I i" V