o il 11 f t Ptf hi , i; II S M I) l U LIT A. Al-T ASSOCIATION ' J ' 'I " ' 1 ? , - f iln- f ni'TT mirrl it ; 11 ,r Art !tililuti-ii,(ti.iw if U .- m . ft'wp rrreit, I in a ratio n:i -- ,. i - '. i ; I i.ry f re vii a j sar. ii mi ' mac mr..vr vkvitfH i Y fit, I. ll. I Ml i III. l.i. !' l.l.AHS Which w'jl entit- him receive .t,77e Kiu'iul S'nl ''.'''".' -j i iil'i h t frntt'lt." . i rjt c Ihr th g,n.:'ij iVnntnit, J Art a' nt yir. i .1 t'rtr S-ifnn Aii'tittSm In the ' . j, bH liroaju-ay Xrw I'i rk. i ii i Miinn to which several htinlre I valuable V tk- i f At t re given to subscribers a I're !."'iiii, comprising choice Paintings, Soulp--s. Outlines Ac , hy the first American on 1 I'.-rrign Artistit. Tim superb engraving, which every suh f.Tiiwr will rcocivo Immediately on receipt of ut.-.-i i.t ii.n. entitled SlUKSi'KAK'i AND IIH FRIENDS " i i( a character t ti uniiualified pleasuro uinl aatt.daction. N ork of eual value w is i r before f laced wifllu reach nftbe people Ht snch a pine. The engraving lsof very ' . g ir . bc.ng prinli J on heavy plato paper ' I ,- - niche-, making a most suticrh orna- i I i -.it ibis for fhe walls of either tho libra- . ; t ! r, or t Mice. I: bo scut to any j'firt of the country by 0 i,., null ty, being packed iu a cylinder 1 i.'c prepaid. ..I k u( H ! f-'uih a wotk, delivered free b .?:, and tho Art Journal, cue year, for l ! . ' ii i ! .a i .w Hli'TION will he re-eived until tho i i I.-- f Tics lay the 31st of Jnnunry, leit'iO i.; hii.ii t i :ii u tho books w ill close and the p.c aiuma begiveti tu ubseribera. N i erst n is restricted to a tingle subscrip tion Those remitting $15 are entitled to hit li'lllSTllipB. .MjiW.'tptiorH freta rlifroU lln rann.ias mid nil Furrin pro? ince, munt he 3 '0 dol'ra in-ira I of :i dol'M in o:dT to ilefrny txtra p tup ..f, rto l'i'rrrin i-li itn to furm c'ulis will npply f.ir dircul ir of terniM -to. Tlic hvnutifulljr iilutrnted Ait ,'o iniiJ pv ini; full piirticulurK, nil! Iu i'Ut on roci ij t uf 1H cnitu, in MHinp or coin. AMre.-(! I.. I'DKHV, Aotucry C. A. A , 61'i & .r)l l'.roadnny. New York. Fubftcription also received by Hi. (JKO. It. (5KAFF, Hon. Sen.. J-'or Dakota und vicinity. NOT I OK- To WIM.IAM K. rAHNKLU Sin. Ynu are hcrvhy nutiflid to appeiirht fi rr tho Hi-pint er and Heoiever of tlie Land oitice at Dakota city on Saturday leo. 17th I ) o'clock A. M. lit hloh time and phu e I will l-rove niy rinht to cntor hy pre-emption the II tth half of Iho north wext quarter of neetion r;.;!it H Tuwnhip twenty-riptit 'JH Range n n,i (it) Kai-t JAfDil VAN Al'KIi Dikutati'y Not. 20 W . n !(. 1 .l.U .1 ly : -t. v:.- f.hd t y 1. 1 , i- ct the 1 . 1 1 itrry ol' Nr t-'.r 1., I . .-..i.t. I 1 '-''i r, .ii t:,r r 1 .'v. iei'il 1'1-lnct ol - It n. , for the county ) i it, i-ri'.iit your it - it AmnH r-'. l'arkt r, ht :linir i -oh - tutice t .. i-1 on ttii! 'iUt Uy of July lbo'.t I purrhaaed if fii i Amoi S 1'arki-T a certain Militury ; intv La ml Warrant, Nuiubor (Si, 371, for 1 ) . rn, insufd under the act of Congress of ; - h ! !f', to paid .WintUrcp Plke, and v.-i-i I ri: l i--: jrn-'-l hy said Rlake to said .. r 1 1 S I'aikii.nul thut Baid warrant waa i -l .: -i iu id aabini-J hy taul I'niker to mfl, thr mA Thomas T. ('oilier; iind thnt on the ill t 'liyof July lSO'J 1 loi-tthf anid Lnnd Wiirreiit, tl'i-t 1 l ave not in any maimer fold or n-t-ined tho aid warrant to liny person or j e snii.i ; thnt 1 hnTo not received a conitidera lu.ii f r iin i aid warrant of any discription; - nd ih it I inn now the Irpnl owner of Haid : ii t, ni, 'li.it i he lepal title and ownership i ,i -.1 i warrant l.e adjudged to t in mo. And y i ii are hi n t y re jiiirr i to appear and answer or demur t-i mid petition on tho first tiny of i'ie next trim of the District court, fors.id i-.iui.ty to he held at Dakota city outheTtii il ty uf November, A. D. 1S.VJ. THOMAS T. COLLI I-n, r.kota City October 1st V. V. 8w NOTICE. TO It. II. CHAFFK, ti-if tr.V ma concern Pin You are hereby notified thit I shall appear before It. Hates, Mayor of Dakota i ity, on the 8th dny of Novembur, lW.t, and demand of him, an Mayor, a conveyance ol Lot No. 12, iu IlUick 171, as 1 tlaiiu title to the raw. At which time and place you cau uppcar and content niy riuht so to do. ANDRKW bTKWAUT. DukotaCity, Nov. 4. 1S59. :'.w NOTICE. IS hen hy Ivru to all tax payors in Dakota county N. T. that I will t c at Dakota City tm yfjrd:iy Nv. 2'.!th, and tviry taturday thercaftrr ur-til further notico, toroceive their tAi-i, w ii 'nil are now due. All are therefore ii-ijuested to call and settle forthwith. Otlkc 1.. urn fr. m ! A. M. to 1 P. M. M. riNKF.UTON County Treasurer. Dakota city N- T. Nor, l'.'tU 1 XoJ Jw LOST I OS theCl-t Jay of July. 18.V Military P.ntinty Lan ! Warrant Number 8 I 17 1. f. r tiO acres, i 'nurd under the act of March lhj3 to U itiilirop R!ake. Any person find up the Slid Warrant .U be liberally r.-vt i r-( I l.j !- in-r the same at my o:;,cc in )' .. i i Citv, lbrBsla Terriloty. To-h-T Cillirr. Dskoi City Aug - iii 1 - Noun:. ,I.,r.'l yl. n t. sll -i-r. rp lailn -l,.lii. a.-nlii.t J irli .-I ti -Ii r 1- I f il .-tu r-.iinl . .C , . km -I li.at ,..y arr Ir-tultr I to Mr H'r in-Ill- l-.-rllir villi Iho ... I..t lti..i-f In tl.. ! to- I't ' ml l..t tiiilt. in lir- T..-..il-.rv i f .Ni l tiiKa, nn rr I- ti u- I.. Ilt.l ill., !( tt!UMI J l ir.n ;... r tor Mil l n ni I-lr r n i l . I I., M.I v-.'. -, I I II I. i lli..) II VMIi il t. I I. .- P '' f. -:l I.I H' ' I.. I 1 -X -. . - l'AKOTA CITY. l: . IV MAHIX rtoirlrlir. T i r. i-.tn- .tii wi II. itp I. vi tv w I .-.'ii '( n.-l'" I 'in li f rir ir. 1 1f f ri li-r f li!l kiii in Mill i".' i'- A I HIST fl-ArJS IIDTKu. W l.i'o. In " n. l, rtti n r.f I) r r liri"n "I I'rMu. . r,'l K"'lilli In II K H .-l. rn C unirt h" ' rr In l, V'lr' ' t llui'lr; rJ li.rflT )nr-f'.r l'i.i. t I'mnnl.iil (Si.i.im. hi 1 I rn'"r Umti uj ),r.1 1 ,h'ii II. t.. in tl 'I r i i r v ( v-tt mirnti-.il i.l I.- i ' I ! it- i- f"it n-l i T-f. mi- ii'--- I tin- rift- m- r i ( '.1. ii- II 'ii- I k l,. lily A...-U.-I 1.1. K- MA-"N !. I'f II Lie Lamus'1. Fiiutt Ci'w, ! i, JOHN HAGY, PROPRIETOrt. Til I' I'rt prietor takes pleauro in announc ing to the ublic that he now has a houfe in which he can acootnmodato them, in ns good stylo as can bo found on the Mi-ouri f-'loj e. Ily strict nttt titii.n to the want of guetts, he hopet to tiierit and receive a liboral thare of patrmiag'-. Nov. 7. 1- VJ tf nKHNHON HOUSE, I ' r i r (f yinit.nm ami Xir.lh tvfrtil, )I,IIA MTV, X. T. RICHAHDSON JUDSON, I'litu iili- rul'. Cieneriil Stago and Li wry Oi'.ice. P.-i-t. .1. t-MI, Awjiitttu A'-'M-itf. Ifrrm.in K"Hnfjf. Itv.'imm A"Kn(n' RANKERS AND IIRVL LSTVTE AGENTS, And Dealers In Exchange A. Coin. Ei' h.iinjt tolj on the Principal Citirn in Europr. tfV.ur, II I 1,-ati Lawl VVarrantt'6 I CM MM 1 11 V,. N. T. - - - DAKOTA nrv, N. T. C tfM ! At. n i-if-'ti t' ttii- rnl!i-i-ti..n ff ili-Ms l mil l . tin- pHvm.-iit ni ln--s in Ni-Witi'-kn an I luwn t.rf l-'an-l I r r.asti-rn ( itsll-tn. luterest I on t in. i. ili-p. ir i. I i.iijs no I tf-tn froprly Inuu-M nn-I ...U. l-ands pulrrr.l .m ttiu.- t. r nmnl m-ltirr li.'V.-rnnirnt Ismls -ti-rt.-il mi, l,.i nli-l nilh ttnrnints iit -Hh. nn rnninilsln, or tor a -l.ttrr -f thr prrflts. In tin. i)M AH A. 1 1 MM 1 1 A, N Kllll A.SK A 11 TV h HKDVA N VII. I, K liitrliN. in N,. rai-kn. an-l tint I tit NCI I. III.ITI S ami Slut CI I V liirlrl.-tun !-. I.aiol. in llninlm. N. -Iirni.ka riljr an.l III. wiitIII.. iIi lrii-ts,will lr in nmrk"! nn aikI hikI su-r Si-pl-tulirr first Thiw In Ci. mo il lllullrt iiiiil ,-inul Lit; LiHtrk t ar now in niarttrt. (livi.l rrr- ri'iii-rs i-iri-Q at all thu pilnrli-al i.it In t lie Ml !-. n..wr. .vi.ir noor j xiiov suor. IN BIOUX CITY - - - IOWA. 'P he undersigned, late of the firm of Krum 1 man & Sohaihlo, is currying on the business on his own account, in tho building on Pearl Street, just below tho Sioux City Houso. He is now carrying on tho Root and t'hoo busi ness lu all its branchoi. Work warranted to bo done iu ad good stlo nnd on as reasonable terms as at any other shop. A cull from old customers ia respectfully solicited. Repairing neatly done. JOHN SC1IAIRLE. Nov. 7. 1"5'.. tf SIOUX CITY, HOOT AM Si.Oi: STOli:. II Y SAMUEL KAUMMANN, 'Phe undersigned has removed bis establish I tncut to hia new building, on Pearl Street, ifew doors west of Tootle'B store, where ho s now prepaicd with a large, and superior took of leather, tto , cto., to exocuta all ork in his lmo, in a superior style of the rt. Employing none but the best of work nen, nnd giving his personal attention to the I usiuoM.'t, ho cau sifily warrant all his work. Repairing dmio on short imtieo SAMUEL K HUM II ANN. Nor. 7. ISM. tf .f. p. 51. iTiOCkv;i:ll, ji. d., X.-mher . iht Lu;i Sn'r .,; . f irur- yii-ul Socit'.y, A A ;rOL'LI say to his frien is and tho public in general, that he will attend calls iu tho line of hia profession; aud thut ho pledgoa to all nlllicted with Rhcu matism, Liver Complaint, Female Wcnkress, Latent Consumption, And other neoiot diieases, An amelioration of the oomphiint, or no charge but the rt tainer foe, and no constitutional in jury, as he pructicrs uu tho rnii.osor:ua ixicatioxal tlax. WO0LVOP.Tir.S li(!()k' STORF. Jl'ST liPOMVKI). A WKI.I, FKI KCTVn ST.TK OK il Iksikt, Slatirnrrv nil J I'aj.r llmit-ilnr-, ,-li.n ar. l-l'-raturr, CSiiliiri,'. iun, it; tl. , I rj..r Om.k. nut SCHOOL P.t.tiMC'3 la irrrat Tarivtr. Matiiairrv of rvi-ry d-p,-ri-.tlon, an t tin- t,.-.t in 'Ity. A I'arll.-iilarly rhoi.a u-ottcuriit nl 1 -tt-r m l V, !,! I'srrs, Knti kipt-a and nor' Mriirn, rv ir tlni Taprr, Tra. inn Cloth, Mathruiali.-al ln.truui,.nt-, it at r CilDr,Oo.ing I'rinura, Co.jin li,k, a ,-. . a. TAPER HANGINO RORDER3 AtD fri.NrK-ltf CI'KTllM, The m.i.t b-iu!liil stt lnt i-tit eib-rrj in th W t or Djr lr . Ll iu;ha not R T. l'.a-M.t,. E. A. Ailsn. Clerk C S. D.-t Court. Notary Public. MIMA. & ALLE.V, .1" I.w, anj ;, ;,.,,, J Jm 1111. pty tuxes on a'.l Laud in the Coun- ties i f Washington, Hurt, Dakota aud Diiou. N, T i free of cliatgr upon the reonipt ot money for toe unit, Oil'.co ou Main street Do i-oio; Nehia-kt. tO "Ail I. ti, r of lu iuiry promptly auawer- e I i;t:n:ti:xct:. II. m V.. Wakrly, Ju Ige 3rd Di.-ti ict, Nebras ka i' .-mill, r. i. Hun. K K.-tutirook, Omaha, N. T. li.o i 1 1 1 : 1 1 v , Council l'.lull i, I iwa. "'ti R R t'hspmaii: I'.'vria, Ohio. M. .i L-t. K-aVi-ell. M vik. '. . 17 ly J. k no- i.r, 'Ui i.'itj, r.wn HEADQUARTERS FOR KAIU.AIN'S I. K. IIOOGK, & GO., Rr.SI'r.CTf'L'LLY announce to the citizens of Sioux ("ity and neighboring towns, that they have just received per steamboat and have opened one tf the Lnryrif an,! JUnt Annrtmrnta rj G II () C E R I s Ever brought up the Minouri. Our floods arc r.il fre.-h, nnd were bought bv one of the firm at the lowest cash prices,. Wo cun there fore 5 : i, l v : t r . o ir ; We invite tho attention of all to our assort ment of Cic", sngar, molasses, rice, flour, lhiuors, Vobaeeo, ciirars, bacon, Inrd, teas, Fruitsof all kind, soap, cau dies, candies, &c. In a word everything usually kept in a tirst class grocery and provisiou house. Those do siting to purchase ' O II C A S II , aro respectfully invited to give us a cull hefuro making their puchnscs. HIDES A X 1) F V R S . The highest price paid for all kinds of Furs snd Skins. Wo will also pay cash for beef cattle and country produce. I X T JK 11 E S TI N H ) V A (IT S FOR THE TLOPLE. II. it. HOOliK .V 0., t'KAlil, .-rtKIT, Swui Ci'if, ;,, SELL GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, (IROCER1ES AND PROVISIONS, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, CAKAPKH THAN ANY OTIIKlt UOltK rossiHEr cax:: Sioux City, lona, Nov. 7th 'CO. 'Phe whole country is iiVued, nnd awaken 1 ed to its REST intorrrs & to buy its Groceries and rovons " of H. D. H. D. BOO AV CO. "T7ill continue to supply the CASH CUY- V F.RS, wholesale and retail, at their usu ally low prices. H. O. BOOQE & CO. avc til lrir,-t HTDCK of Groceries anil TrovI.tK 1 rer ohiubJ In Xloui City. II A FEW MORE SACKS OF THE VERY best brand of Flour at the extrcmly low price of $3 60 per Sack, by ZiEULEK 4 ECKIIART. NOTICE. FPO the farming oommunity desiring grind I ing, we would say that every Friday is set apart for grinding corn, but parties coming ilh a hundred or more bunhcls, cu theaame gr iind on any day save Sunday. We will bo reaJy by the first of Agust for making Hour. Lumber, shingles and lath can be had at the saw mill of said cumpanv. on most reasonable terms J J TRACY & BROTHERS UUEEXE, WE A HE AND KENTOX. llankeis, Ucalrri In l.xi haiific anil I. and Afiritla. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. VOTM AND BILLS (MI.LWTKD AND KKMITTKD if to any part i f tlic I nurd Mt. . Money rmttvrd on di-l-iiit, and Inti-rrnt allowed. Kantrra or Soulliiiru drain tu.ruii.hrd la luml to suit pnrrhaarrn. Land onl. funda paid tor Currani-y or Dill of ti tiiticr. l.i. ana a-f-rtrd on g.xd ai-urity. Talaapa d, litlra iulnd, and Rral Ktate brulit and arid on CoiiMiiianion. I.anda aul.-rrd tor arttlwra itid tiuia i;ivrn Air psy- Ull-llt. I'ttl. a rppoalw Pacific Ilouna, In vwi lorr l rm Lnd om. . KKFliKKNCKi1 : . 8 1 tup, k Co.. 1 W. J. Unruly a Or., I Taiikera. riiilm iia, loaa, tVnA A f-aricnt, tlaiikrra, LavviiMrt, lima Cuii.rtin a Kt-no, hatikrra. Iowa City, lot, a. I'rpla-j liana, Nrw Vurs CIlT. K.trhum. KiiK-rra A llrlilirl, HanVr.. Nrw York lifr. f-l I 11. ft llli. r, A l . ., l liliit..n, l C. I' '.Iha... flHjsin, Cmn. of 1'atrnta, VH4tinli.u, II . A. '. ln.lin, b I S , Kurlli.rft. in, !.. tt. W Jnuwi, ' liahuiila, Ifwa. " .1 ft lllmuia, Chirl Ju.ll.--, M u-.-atiur. Ini. t-' uL U 'iiuBa, 1 h 4. 1. 1 II. I'. H' -1 ft. Illl, Mr,. (iKKAT ;('Iti;mi;ni I II A KOTA CIT , ( AI SED BY THE OPEMNC! OF A LAllGj; AND SPLENDID TOCK OF Iltl V ll'XMM, liKV tl.HHiS, Ml Y liisiliS, . n.oriiiMi, t.ius KitiK-', l.t'TlliSH. UltuCKHU.-, t l.tlTMI.NH, (llltX'Kltll., llilllTS AMI MI'IKS, IlilnlS AM) f-IKlKS, H'SIT AM) SllDKS, (Jt'KKNSlf A11K, Ar, c. 1)1 t I-V-M'A UK, Ac, Ac, Ac. IJL'l-il.N.HV AUK, Ac, Ac, An. at Tin: PIONEER STORE ZIEGLKIl & ECKIIART. As our Stock of Goods is now oprn and ready for the TRADE, we respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Dakota and adjoining oountios to our t-plcuJil FALL AND WINTER STOCK o"(i nous which have been selected with great care, especially f.ir this Coiiulry, aud will ho sold "CIILAI'KU THAN Till-: CHKAPKST." We nre bound nt to be undersold by our neiehbors. We iijk our old (Customers and the Publio gcnerilly, to call and examine for themselves and be convinced "f the above facts. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF Dry Oonds, Dress Goods MusEna bleached and unbleached, Delaines, Cashmores, Ginehams, Lincey, Prints of all kinds, Merinos, Checks, Irish Linnens, Table Cloths, Crash, &o , &o. Ladies Shawls of all files, Cloths, Satinets, Jeans, Twectls, C-s-imeres, Flannels of all colors, Women a ' hihlren's Hoods. Woollen Ho80, Half Hose. ollen Yarn and Men's Country knit Sons hildren's Hose &o., &o. Alsoalarge STOC CLOTHING, such as Overcoats, Uundero Vests, Pants, Shirts, Undershirts, Drawor. &. Also a splend id Stock of CoBtumo-t Boots and Shoes, for Men, Woman and Children. We are able in this line to fit the smallest aa well as the largest Foot. Also Hats and Caps ef all Sorts r.nd Sizes, 1 11 1 a heavy stock of Groceries, in which will tfeuud the following adticles. Sugar, ' otl'ee, Molasses, Syrup, Rice, Dried Fruit, Canned Peaches, Bottled Fruit, Teas of all kinds, Xvb&CCO, (-'.nuking and chewing, Nuts, Spioes, Cloves, Cinnamon, Ginger, Soap of all kinds, Salt, Flour, Rope, Sash, Glass, Nails, Doors, &c, &. ALSO Powder, Lead, Shot, Caps. Our Stock w ill be sold to suit t ie times, at very low figures, as we are doiug a strict CASH business, and can afford o sell at small profits. We full ulo take iu exchange fur Gjods Corn, Oct. Reims, Potatoes, Flutter, &c , Sic. (ive us a call and be convinced that Da kota City is the place to LAV IN YOUR GOODS. ZIEGLF.K d F.CK'.IART. l'.tVf!J Cite I'M. notk'j:. To SlAREIfO.HERS vt'rry m Dj".. ft't, an-l r.lhert : There have been sevrnj as? en;TM ma b from lime to time, to delray the en nse of the company, a large proportion ni which has not been paid ; and in case the same is tot ps.'.d the resolutions of the company will be enfnrcrd against all who have not. or wiil not comply immediately. The books of the company have been kept in such a tn-ini.er, that vnuchsrs will have to be prej, it 1 by those who have paid ; that thi ir tlmres may be proper'y credited. One as-e-sment tsna made, October C h, ISM, for $ 5, M, one October "th. IKoO, for r),00. one June 8th lf-07, f , r $15,iJ0, ote July 27th, 1857, for $-,00, one September 8ih 1867, $10,00, one June 12th lfcOtt, for J.3,00. Total, $10,00. The whole amount of ns'ieemerit rn each share of stock of the Dakota City Company, and tho shareholders will remember, that in the articles of incorporation, all the privRto property of the Stockholders is bound for the asfessmcnts made against the share register ed in hia Dame, or that he vany hold. Ami further : At a meeting of the Dakota City Company held Juno 12th, 1858, there was a resolution passed ordering the President to give notice to all the Shareholders to pay the amount duo within Bixty days, or iu default cf pay ment all the stock on which the assessments were not paid in sixty days, from the date thereof, should be sold to the highest M-lder. nnd th assessment paid ; and the overplus if any, to be subject tu the order of tho Share holders. On the 23d day of Auguut 1 8-5D, thero was another resolution passed, giving the Presi dent power to do what was most expedient in his judgment with the property and a.-sets cf the Company, to meet the liabilities of the tamo. AND NOW, Ri) onler of the 2'rttiJtnt, T. F.LWOOD CLARK, ue give Xoticf, That if the above i9 not complied with in six ty days, tho resolutions of the company will be enforced, aud all tho stock of the compa ny that th assessment nre not paid on, will be sold to pay the liabilities of the company ; ns nil ti e property of the city within the bounds, to wit : from Elm Stfeot to Vine Street and from and from (ith Btreet to 20th street, has been entered by the Mayor, and all outside that by Trustees ; aud the time for prcuritier warrantee deeds cf these parties cIofos within six tu inths from the date of their entry ; ai.d nil the property not deeded will be fondled. SHAREHOLDERS AND CREDITORS will tr.ke warning that on the 9th day of Juntmry, A. D. 18110, all tho stock with alljthe property not then covered by deed iu Dakota City, will bo sold to the highest bidder, nnd thu deht of the company set'.Icd up, if only a dividend is declared. N. B. We would further say that those who have not obtained deeds to the lots drawn on their fcharei, can obtain the paruo by ca'l ing upon the Secretary n:i 1 paying the as sestment due. W. H. S. HUGHES J. D. M. Crockwfli., Secretary. Agent D Acta City, N. T. Nov. Pth lo. u 1 1 ' 1 1 i.rd Rtti i.ct'e ((j'hb cf lti kf f the yoi ng people, md racirg tvtnts con meted with tho history of tho country, and lives of diatinguiuht d men, wrilten with much cure and in an entertaining tmiiiut.r. und beautifully illo'itrate-d title pages: Containing the life of D iuii-1 Webster, the great American Statesman, with litimt-roui anecdotes, illustrative of his diameter, aid the following illustrations : Y'oung Daniel iu tho savr mill ; W ehster fishing nt Basbuig : We'ister tle.i'.ii.i lg the clerkship ; Webster expounding the Constitu tion at the Rui'ker Hill i-rkbratiou ; t't,l.-icr at Fanueil Hall ; Manttield tiie le-iJt lcu ol Wehster ; Webster on his farm. The life of Henry Clay, ti.e ini'l 1 oy ..f slaskes, with nine iilu.-tra im s : thr life of j General Washington with nine, illustrations ; the life of Layfayette, with nine il'ustrations; the lifeofl'eun with nine illustrations; the life of General Taylor with nine illustrations ; the life of Napoleon Bonaparte with nine il lustrations ; the Old Bell of Independence or Philadelphia in 177G, with nine illustrations; the Yankee Tea Party, and other stories of the Revolution, containing iu ull over one hnndred illustrations. Each volume is well written, pcssrs.-ir.g a high moral tone, and can safely be placed in the hands of the young people. They con tain numerous anecdotes illustrative of the history of our country. Price per sett huuddoinely bound in oloth. with gilt backs, and neotly put up in boxes, I $(i "6 Price per volume, cloth, gilt. G(U r.ts : Colporteuis, itgents and school libnuies ' will be supplied at hbcrai discouul. Copies sent by mail postage free, upon re ceipt of the price of tho sett or any volume LINDSAY & RLACK8TONE. Publishers. No. 25, South Cth Street, Philadelphia. (OLD 1'EXS REPAIRED. 1)rice 50 cents. Frtr.en pen a letter with tah or postage stamps, and by re turn of mail you will receive the pen as good as new. Address E. Eilliot, Syracuse, N. Y. Any person giving the above three inser tions and rendiug me a uiarkud copy, shall receive one of my boat pens by mail. Ht DAKOTA CITY POTTERY. MESSRS. ZIEGLER & ECKIIART, of the Dakota City Pottery, take the present opportunity of saying lo the Merchants and the public generally, that they will contiuue in the business us heretofore, and having in creased their facilities aro able to manufac ture a larger amount of stone-ware and of the best quality. Returning thanks fur the liberal patronage bestowed upon the old firm they respectfully solicit a coiitinuauco of Iho same, aud they will dv'cavor lo leiain it by prompt execution of their orders, to which they will carefully tit tend at all tuns, tiivo theni 11 call DaV.uia City, N. T , Nov. 7. lVJlf THE IJLUBK. TV Ojicial rvrr ; I shaM publish the D..i!y fil0,,, , ! Congressional (Vubn .,,! a- .' ' t' ti v p : n pttiuix j ru it : c.-c.-.,,li vi 1 1 nm .e a - - . i.t- lmii VA-.f-'t' w in vimpuii 11 rpnnr .f .1 K .11 . . . 1 ' 1 both branches of Cingre.-s, as taken 'il 'i- 'l" reporters, e vial at least, to m,T corns f,fl ' handwrilirsintliisoraay i,T " Wbra the .lob. tea cf a da, ,l , . TJ ( more than fiirtv-five columr.i thry 'l ; pear iu the Dai'y O'.ol e of ti e r,r-t ',' "r I which wiil e. :.tain, al- a, the news of thlT'' i together with such c l.turial nrr:,:c, ' . SJ I be Fuggeste 1 by pas.-ing eve da. "'" I The Con; rt-ss.nnal Globe and Apr-emli, ; wih contain a report of all the debLt,. j Congress, rtviM .l by the fpenkers the v sages of tho Pit?:i-;nt of tho VnuA o,' the Annual Ri, e.-ts of the Heads of the F ' utive Dcpartm. i.tii, the Reports of Commit of Congress ou important subjects of P,.nrro interests, the Ln 1 pa-ed d iring the and copious iudcxes to all. Tht-e , , printed on a doubie royal theet, in b , k royal quarto she, each number contaii i,'',' teen pages, avrr:i;rr, g 2,307 words , ( r The whole will r; ah, bf twecn 1,700 and tl ..ages. ltUbcli.., tut , bobk b ' been published at so low a rate. Lust tear I advertised in the Daily Globe for six moi,;',B and in about ono hundred other newpai cr-i' in the United States, a reward of $213 J0 , ' paid to any person who would produce a hoo'v published at so low a rate, and none was rro. duced. Tho large number of copies subscrib ed for by Congress enables mo to afford tho debates to subscribers so cheap The Conpn ,Hi,iL,i uiobe and Appendix pas, free thr.'t.oi, tne mails of the United States as m l be st en by reading tho following Joint Resolution pucetj l.y Congress the Cth of Au.. J"i''tl.JC"';!u'1 rroiH.lnj for the dhtrihution OJ lilt J.m. v .V'... Uliu Hit AJ.lt, tJicrcon ; With a view to the cheap circulation of iht Laws of Congress, and the debates contribut ing to the true interpolation thereof, and to make free communication between tho repre sentative and constituent bodies: Be it rosolvcd by the Sennte and IIoueof Representatives of the United States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That from aud af ter the present session of Congress, the Con gressional Globe and Appendix, which contain the Laws and the Debutes thereon, shall pass fiee through tho mails, so long as the same shall be published by order ef Congress: Pro vidod, That nothing heroin shall be construed in niithoiize tho circulation cf the Daily Globe, free of pottage. Approved, August, Cth 1852. TERMS: For a copy of the Daily Globe 4 months $3 00 For a copy for a less time (per month) 1 00 For a copy of the Congressional Globe and Appendix during the Bcssion. 3 00 Bank notes current in the section of the country where a subscriber le ides will be re ceived at par. Tho wholo or any part of a Bubtcriptiou may be remitted in postogo stamps, which are preferable to any curreucy except gold nnd silvor. Where Banknotes under $5 can not be procured I will send two cobics for ; 3 A paper w ill not be sent unless the money accompanies thr order for it. I can not i-l! it I to exchange with all tho newspapes that de-ire Iho Globe, but I will tieud the Daily tii re .laiiug the session to all who shall publish this prospectus tl rce tiruei before the first M m lay in next December. Those who jiibH.-h fhouht t-f ml their papers cotituiuiu; it to me, m-i j,-iih a pen, to direct nt;-nti." to it. The Congressional Globe a. id Aj pintiix will be rcc-yped, ar.i therefore, I sb-iil I e abb.) to fu nd the back numbers f. r this Ho-.-ion to all who may ub senhd after the tesiion coiiu-kt.v ; but if the first editiou bhall have recti ejiiau.ittd before the subscription meney id received, I shall charge one dollar Additiun.nl per copy, to poy the exp use of puttirgtho plates i"i tho pres?. Subscriptions should reach me as early as the first week in December, to insure complete copies at the prices advertised abovo. JOHN C. RIVES, Washington, October, ISO'J. TIIE DOLLAR DEALER FOR 1860. NKW VOI.niE NEW TVPE. Fi.r twenty vi-.tj the Cleveland Plain Deal or Ins been .-.wr.t-l tad controlled, Published .ii; I Liitci l y the F-ittie individual. It 1ms t.evi-r !.;'.-o.l a Publication Day nor scratched a Dt-mocr-ttk! Ticket. It has foiiybt its way silicic- ban. led iii"t:nst all pppooition, until it has gained a Jii-tinual Ciroulation and a Na tional R, putatioti. i rnm Main to Cahforniiv the Plain Dealer is known and read, and it never was in 10 rj a condition pecuniarily or in better pluck politically, to fight the bat tle of Democracy than now. For tho com ingVeur it wi'.l be particularly dovotei to 1'01'CLAK (UlVi-'rh-.i V ANCTZIS l EKaiiifcNCY It has agvnst hih authority, dared to ad vocate the rljiht nf the people of a Territory as well as a Star-, to regulate their domestiu institution:! in thoir own way," and it will continue to do so against said high authority "the world, the fl )-h and the devil." Against all Lccomptou Cinsiitutions, Slave Codes, an 1 the re opening of the Slave Trade, this Pi poi is devotediy dolicatcj from this time, hence forth forever "Ceroe 'no' rome all ! This rock shall ny From its firm base as soon as I 1" Besides the current News of the Day, t! Plain Denier will contain in each number 1 TALE, Correspondence from a host of Coutr butors, nd Teiegraphio Reports from all pan of the World. The Commercial Department will b ur- ' -v the sole chaige of Jus. Rn kenshire V. - t , v. i 1 is acknowledged to be on- of the beol Reporters in tho country. The Local Department will bo presided r by that original and laughter r o-i; -ArtcrctH W,-.rl Esq , whose 1. 1 , . J 1 Oddities and Quidities, arc 1.. wortii 1 -c price of the papt r. Iu short, i ,.. 0 j rep f ' to prc-ent one of the The Attiut iikiI ileajHgt l-u,-i.j -ii ''' - TERMS. Single Subscribers, pi r yeaf S, ' " for Six ui-jutus, 1 Clubs of ten, per jear, 1'" ' All over tun cm ios to one Tost Office I I To each getter up of a Club, ono Cop tra. f'jy- POST MASTERS are requested to :t as Agents. A i irvta J. W. GRA' i : v. ;...i, . ,. . , i . r ' t - -