Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, January 07, 1860, Image 4

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... ,
. 3 ?"M M P HI. IT AN
v i . i ;
1 V-"p l'. ,f( - ft). f U- rj uhtrrihrl
t-t tv u'r Art ;ti!-.i"r.iij'w iu i'
j.r ) t T.ii.r ree red in tM:n un-
.aittr1 i'ti K..t if auy ptevo us ;r.
v v; r Mf' Mf A VPMllVRPTflB
I H a. I.I.A KS
;l f n : i ie b!ra to rectivj
.. P.t tttiitiul Slrel F'ljrurir.-. " Sh-il --Tt
tthd In! fritniit "
?d. A t 'jy cf On f.Vnnf.'y iV'i'r.i,'i . .41
Journal on' prur.
3d ,4 Pre AdmUiUn l"lr iltiV tr
im, ftlS llroaJtrny S' Yo-k. j
in uMi'v n to whiih sf veral hnintr 1 'ilul 1 !
vV of Am il'vcn to null- -ti. rs i J'rr
' inrnv p-no r t ; .iiig cboirtt Pn-nti'i,:, H'ii!p
t'i - d ill n' ii" , by the fitl A i. menu und
t i'T " 1
Ta- -up-trw rtgrn:og. which erry rub
dvi'l ir -.1 i .'.!t; inline Lately on I etfi t nf
iit 1 i title 1
l-,f ch arm li r t.i g'vo tutuiaMCiid ileu-nre
at 1 nt.:.f.iMiMi. N work 111 fjnnl value wis
fr- ore ! f J hl,in rnnh cf tlie ppop'e
' -rich a prirt. The i- graving isof veiy
v mi i, b iijf r i! t fl on henry pla'c npi r
') b- 81 IupIios, ukiu,r a movi subcrb om
riiiii suitable for the Willi of e'.tln r the l,b,
rr. pat lor, or offi-a.
It om be nt to any part tf the Ciuntry 1 y
nmil, with rot' If, tiring j icke i in A cliii'.r
joi rpiil.
Think cl It ! fu uWjik, ui'IircrrJ free
rf rh irrr. nci ;!io Art Xmi-unl, ouu ymr, fr
IhfO (1'i.lnrn !
tLllNruil'TIUN will rfrfioJ until the
Kreiilnf! "t TncH.Uy tho Slit i f January, 1 KV.)
nl whiuti tiiiiu lli b hi'oki w ill dope and the
j uiuiui I giveu to lutmciihera.
?r rrson ii rctri.'t'.l t n muIo PiiVaotip
t'o'i Th'.m rtmittin; .ire outitinl tj hi
P'llw ijitiotii from t'ulifornid the nniii'liti
nil rH Pjiho proinrin, inuct be 8 dU ilol'rn
lii.lmj of 8 i!o'i'r iu orliT to tlifmy cvr
pjittigm, no.
l'l-rn'tiH wii-liiiin to f irm cIuIjS will npply for
oirculur nf tertiis i'ti. .
The lnHulifully illnitrntfil Art Journnl, (riv
n'n full pHrtn uInrM, wi!l he .? lit m rtciij't of
U ceotw, in M.iinp" er poiifc '
AJ IrrusC 1.. l K K II T. Aintiry C. A. A ,
f.41 X MS tr.'t.T, Now V. rk.
6 ihnnripih'ii iiln roei iri'il hy
D. UKO. It. (ill IFF, Hon. fee,
Fur PnkoU nJ viomity.
i' , Vi ii 'o Lrrrly nutiflcd to nppmrt;(
f : i;, !'.("..; i r nril II 'infriT of thi! I. und
('fi.-n -i P i v t , . ,. t ' ' '.turilHT I10" 17th
I'l p'rl.il A y. ti ir'.'l:!, ti.tii- Mid pUi I will
i r tn i:iy i lii t . n'l r by : emptn n t i,e
l ..; t ,i ) a t' tl 'i hn i, . ih ri ; ( lin t, r f .i'f l'ro
i -i'll Si T.iti--!.ip to'titr-tiiibt f'Jfi llnnne
a m. (, d )' Cat JACOll VANAUKR
D-ikUciiy Kof i-fl io.'.
ill WlNTHnnp 11LVKK :
. Ti i w .11 inU.i i ohi'p, that on thelih Jy
il k'p.ii'lrr l.'), pH'iiir.n w flP'l ty
'lh.'.nmiT I'd1!, pi. in thr tlrtk ( ft tbt
t ;r 1 Jn i in! Ii'Mrii-t nf ihp Tprritm y i f N
I i k. trr lit" o,. in. ly Dilii.'s, pp'litml your
t ' 1: mil A li. in, tv I it i hi- r, Hut in IH f uh-tiineP
I. j t i n Hip Vlul iliy i l'July I pnrplnifptl
if rV.il .Mm k S l'urkir ci rl un Militnry
( O' ty Luii'l Vriiiii', Numhrr h4.H74, for
Iftitppfro, m-iioil timlrr Hip upc cf ( ohhici.i i f
M ni h 8 I !'),. to a d Witithrnp lllke, ntul
UMiii hii'I rip iipiI by Hiiiil fllakr to rn'nl
Aiuus t. I''k' r, hu I tliiitcniJ rrmil n!
rol l mill kiiiI iiHsijiiiPil by in'.l PurUi-r tn me,
tiie aahl Thi.tnin T. Culiipri rml (hut on ti c
!l I Jtty ot Jul, I lolthe ani,i I.-nnl
Wairnnl, lint 1 imro ritt in nny ninliniT Fool
rn- M(iii l t' p Haul niimii.t to nuy piTHn.i or
',ii- ; thnt I he not reopircii r, vointiili'ra
luu fur iho T'I wurrunt of ny ili-cription;
Hii'.l ll it I r. in n-" tho Ical owtirr of mid
a'p'il'!, nn, I ihnt 'In' lppnl title ami owuprnliip
' 1 1. v I arvin.f he H'lju.lg, il to l e in tup. Ai.d
y i n lire lorrhv rij'urpl to nppu'.r and answer
nr di .p'ir t"S,ii petition en the tirst day of
i Le neat iriH f tlui l'intriot rourt, for aaid
fMintv lobe held at Dnkota oily vutli7tli
day of Norewbcr, A. I). 18S.
Dakota City Octobor lut I". T. Cw
TO II. II. CI1AFFE, mil' all Llhtr, uho, ,(
fioy tf-.'liVft,,
St Ton ro herphy imtifiiid thut I shall
appnir hi f on H. Iliiip, l iynr ot Pukoiii
Cry, I'D the '.'bill day of Nuvrmbrr, Wt'J, nml
deuiiiiot af him, an Mnvor, a puiinyauee of
l ot IW 12, iu Hunk 171, as I chii'ii tnlo to
tiix nHUir. M whieh limp und l u-p you cau
i j puur ti i f ont.'dt tiiv rlclit o to in.
Ial;ota City, Not, 4 IK). Z
18 birr! y pirrti to a'l (ax payors in PiiknU
coonly N. T. that I will be ut llakota City
on StittirJ.iy Not. l;iUh, au I every Mutui.lay
thereafter until farther notice, torjeriro their
raim, whi;h aro now due. All are therefore
requested to call and tettlo forthwith. O'.Xicv
hour from 0 A. M. to 4 I'. M.
m riNKrr.TON
C. t. try Tien-urcr.
Palota eiiy N- T. Not, l'jtli lbj'.i !
'iN th21-t Jny rf July, 1.VJ a Military
I Bounty I.an i Wan ant Number F FIT 1 f,.r
160 acres, issued utoler the act of March 0. 1
IKS ft to VUnthrop V.:.,ke. Any person fin. Imp
U aaid Warrant will be Uheral'y rewnti d br
leaving the itmt at my omeo in P.ik. t i Citv,
ittbraaka Trrnti ry.
Tloonai T Cul'.ier
Dakota C y Aug 2"t!i ls5'J
T lil. tltm in all rr Ut.tr r'.ln.p i.-i.t
Win rl 'i 'trr l.t I l'k, la r u Mr, rt. , ,
, in' m.ini.i i.i r.i ti'r ratt-r .
l.rr 111. I,
t lr l'..it fi
, v , ... ., , , ,,,, ,., ,,,, P, ,,,, (,,,, f,,r
i r u"i. . 111 mr Jrrrio r) I
tut da- 1! J.i u.i, n,
-La, im or t.ili ta
il.r.n ut.it-r ll.i,IHowlv,i,,, rvtl.tt t.f
ii j..Pit It 1 l.a ,4i . ; till . lb av of Orli.trt.
T'I T f't.i it
B. F. IltKU.t rrprlr.
Tbti i: V- t V i n-i h'.n (.prnM mort'
tk-m ) mt 1 ! " f ' ' 'i 1 f
a rnisT ci.t;s HoitL.
n 'M'. In r n-i .!r en rf !! i.1nrli..n if Pr ' .
t Mij ill tn IMi W i-l. rn fv.nn'rT h lifc" ru-'.
tM prir. rr.T linfiv: 11 14 h'-ri-ni'r I.U riHi U
Hol ft'"t 1 1 nt.otit f ut' i, w I't lt thniH.r lU'vo ny
llrt 1 !' HoiM i t' lirni.Tl.
Kf-t wttnli it mil I j.iii-l t i tlt ixn-fot iHt
. r cnffli'' ' f 1 1. Plit' ll'i-n of till M nv
l'kt I lly A.iunl U, .i t.. i MK'i'H
No. 1. - - - - ri:tl'.' Ij A MI Ml
Ci'.'i,', oiin.
THE l'roprirtfir tnkrx .1p-nrn in unrn n.'
irjl to th puMio 'lint h now h n k hi life in
whiuli ho onn dcO'innnuiNt tin-in, in ii ""i
tjle ni cn lie foun-1 en Ihn M m,ri .s' ()"
Ily d'rict Bttptitiim to tho .nti i t im'"1p, hi"
hiipM to r.iilt mil rec-ire i. iii -inl "liirc
( f
Nur. 7. lr.Vi- tf
I f.rnr of 1'in-h.mx a " ,s '.re I,
j OM AH A ( I I I , IV. T.
j ritdi'ttlK.Tul'S.
(Irnersl f.tnyo U'l Lirvry (ii!i;o.
KOI V'1".K Illllllllh US
And Deolera In f'irliaiiga A rnln
F.xehitvtjr ti-,1,1 on tit J'r":c:j.'(ll Citif.i in .';vyp.
r!luv, : J lucatv Lniid tVuriiiiiU'b S
(i MA II A l.'TY, T. - - lUk'OTA t'ITt', V. T.
i ril'H'MI :i hli..!i i.lv . t'i th.- (v,l!nii,.n f
j , n. t lli- t til' lit il IiItms iii ..ii nyA Ri).t liiWft
M v l'titit..i l ir I h'imi l'ii).itnii.t. J uli-rivt yni4
' in tinn- 'ti-p. -I'-.
J I hii Im I t.'u n finsn-rty l.nit;lit mi ,1 t M.
I t nil. I a i:!it. i! oil liin Fth.IiiiI 1 1 1 r
I tl'.i i'i niri-ii t Inr.l- -".Ii.'-t-'l aii'l .1 wi'.li Mirnititi
rr m-li. i.ri r. miiit'-i. n, i r . r i -I.. n- . tin- j.mM. in
i i ti " IM , II K 1 1 A . N nil! .- K A ( H i A Hll.iW A
i ll.t.K l'1-trn-t-i. In v. l rt-k.1. iiii.l H i, O'tM IL
II I t i KH an'l M"l I I I V I i-t ri. l j:,
I.iiimIii in iiumlia. Si-l-rii-ka i v n.l I'.i ..wnvUIr il ln
t i-l-u. will In' In uiirVi-t mi AH I up, I nl itS, j,t, inl.iT lirit
j 1".,. 'Mk.-i' in I'.mui, il IIIuiVh mi, I .m.ih .Ay Instill H
f ai n n f In li.m kill .
; lln.-'t ritcrum-fi -flvt'ii at all llm iii;rii,al ju liili In
.vtir iiaor ;( ; aim:
j'lit uii'liTHijinpil, l ile of the firm of Knnu-
I n mi HolriiMp, i.i carrying on the hui-incpH
ou Ins own tii'coiiiit. in the boihlinp on l'cnrl
Street, j sint below the Sioux City :ioiif. lie
in now carrying mi Iho lliot ami Shnu lmi-i-M'.a
in all its bianehei. Work warrunle ) In
li dim in lit) good M.ylo und on ti roiis i,u!,)i
Iprms ni at any other i-hop. A rail fioai old
ouat.otnnr. in re iperlfully s.iliniio I.
Htpairin;; tu atly done.
John ncii.vim.K.
Nor. 7. Ial9. tf
sinux niTV,
poor am snot: stom:.
IMjp undorrlpnrd has reiiioved hi ptal lich
tiient to hit new binM'iin, on Prnrl Mlieet,
i if w il ii r vi:i of Tiiotte'a More, nitric lip
8 now prepHi-d Willi a large und superior
tick of 1pMmi , rto , eto ., (o cxpontp nil
U'l'li in liii 1 u - ipeiiur Htyle of the
i t. I'.mplni i-i; none l.ul Hie be.-l of Wi,rk
i.rn, ii'.il uiv., 4 I, i -i -.ci -ju.iul attention to tlie
I Uiine-i-i, he nm mlVly wniT.-mt lill hii work.
Kipairin June on i-liort nulioe
Nor. 7. Wi'.l. if
J. D. ill. CKOCKWEU, M. I).,
ilemhrr 0 the .ik-.i Staff Mt.Vcil and Chiw
i'l'ci iS, ',
A OL'I.P diiy to Lii fiie.id-i an I tho public
in peneral, that ho will attend calls in
the lino of liia profc-in'ioti; und that bo plcdgoa
to all alllioted with
l.irer Corrpl.iiut,
1'i'inale VVeiiknei-K,
I.utviit Contiinptioii,
And other fccrit discn-va,
An ann iioriiiion of the complaint, or nocharpe
but the rclaiiier foe, mid no constitutional in
jury, be pr u'tioe!! on the
ruiiAisormc i.vprcATiox.ir. r.-i.v.
I 1ST KKOKIVHV, A Wt'l.!. hKLKt'TKIl S T' H "h F
l iMM'ka, station, rv and I'm.r ll.,i..!i ... . ,. .r
l.it-iaiui.', l Lti.li. n' li,,.,k, lull,,., 1 Mj,.r'iti,.i . ,,, j
cri'at varuty.
istiti'tti-rv of ,
""'n") i'l rTfrv UttTliiIloil. 111 1 irid ... i
,1 : "" --.Ti-.i.rai 11 1 .-it. r 111,1 ,i,i
l'l'.'ri.. I. ut. I, .... atiJ I in-, , s,,,,, ,,,..rs. ,,, . 1
rfpr. TWiiuOI.'tli. latt..iiia'le! I., ,r.; t t. j
,-r 'ior.C.)')!ug IT.'.-si., l',,, a.,- ..k, ,1 ' t .'a' j
PAl'EK HANtilNG I.tiUlil liS
ami window n ni-, i
Pta beautiful ntvln rr.-r 0.7. r, I in tin. IV .tor 1
n ali' i. r.. til
I'ail.a lii,J
K T. I'.XAI.L. ; ,,, ,.
Cluk C. S. D.st Court. N. t .ry public.
'.. .., at .,! ,; tn 1 A'.-? K'l,:tt Aj'lt.
', pay I ilea 011 ull I.und InthrCouo-
ti '- of W .4-1 : inj.-1 on. Hurt, iftkoU and
I'.x.-ii, N, T ; ft ol oht upon toe rcevipt
I It ;o:u-v f, r the fame. (Illico ull Miiurtreit
I'p sv,,' N'.'iiii kii
t-Jt'. li ttt-rt of in joiry promptly answer
ed. lion U. IVjl'ilv, Jtilge Urd District, Nebras
ka I'd Swio. N. T.
Hou. L. tnuiiri.ok, Omaha. N. T.
lieo. D'inirhtv, Council Muds, Iowa.
II, 11 II. P (1ih man; F. ri, (h o.
It -a l.cti KvVhV t"-1wR ir. r f lT r
J. E. Bitlf,
fafhi ttij, 1 a
Hi. laala, Mo.
J. E. HUUfiK, & no.,
1)CurlXTFtLT.Tftnnoance to Ike citix-,t
V of ioux City and neighboring town", that
they haecjn.it received per ulrnnibuat and Late
1 1 ' t.e I one 1 f tho
l.-irg'it and Jl.tl A uortrnnti of
(! H 0 C E R T K S
liver brought up the Mlg-onri. 'It ti.id.
ate nil frp-h, nt, I win; bought ly one of the
firm nt the lowest cash pi ices'. We ciiti tl.ete
fol t
; 1. 1. v t; n r i n ir :
IV c invite the attetitinn tf all to our afsort
tiient of
C'U"', iurar, tnulnst'P, lice, C ,ur, l. juorii,
Vobnei o, cis'ir", buean, lard, teiis,
F'ru 1 1 of all kind, cmp, cun
d'.ef, candii'i, ,'io.
In a word everything iiumMy kept in a Crst
cluaa f ropery mid pi ovi-iion iioue.'. Tiioto du-.
siiitig to puichaso
o n c ash,
p.re rmreelf'nlly Invite J to j:ivo us a call befoie
luakiu their j uohaie!'.
11 1 1 K S A -V n f i 1: s .
The hihcM price piid for kin Id i f Furs
nd Skim. Vi will aNo pay cn:li tor beef
cuttle und ci uiitry pro isiee.
for tiii: piiopli:.
11. n. nnoun a co., r-KAin. street.
s or c-
lux a
rnssnr.r cax::
Sioux City, Iowa, Nov. 7th 'I9.
f Pho whole country is aused. and awaken
1 ed to its UET intcrets, a dew termicej
to huy its Oroctries and rorons 2 nf " V.
H. D. BOO Si CO.
" T7" continue to supply the CASH BUY-
PRS, wholesale aud retail, at their usu
ally low prices.
riTc th Urifo-t PT-VCK of Urooeriwi aui PfJ?.il
cvtT otnt'l in Molik City.
l best bran I of Flour at the eilremly lew
priee of f3 60 per Sack, bv
M'O tho farming- coniinunity de.-iring grinj
1 in;;, we would say that every Fiiday is set
ap'trt for grin. bin corn, but parties coining
;Ii n hiin irrd or niore l u-heln, can thtsumc
i:i'' 111. 1 on nt j day save Sunday.
V.'i- will ba icily by the first of Agudt for
ii'tli i ti . 11 oir
1, uiil er, sliii;:',ei and lath csu 1 e hud attho
s-.vi- tu ll of , ii t cii'iipmiv, on inii-t roasonabltf
tenon J J 1 It ACV & P.UOTlli.liS
lUnkrra, llralrrt In Karltanyr nml
I. nml A,riila.
-V-nl'l S A
11 s Avn nil.l s 1 nl l.t i'l 1 I) AND ltKHUTLP
. o. ai,t I'srt i f ll.e I'tittfl Slat
irt i f 11. e 1 otti-'l stati-a.
Mi'in'v r"..'lt.t .-,ii 'I' i----.it, an,! iLltrrtt all ,Mri.
1 Mi'rn or s.-ulhrro Itialia luimaLril Iu iujur toanlt
o r. lian'a.
I.aii'i niln a f.m ! IJ fir CurraQ.-y cr Li I a cf Ex-
1 "ail e'O rta.t oil r"t"i r.-nrit
Ta'. l'. it. liH. i rxaoniirJ, auj K..l T.tata t.ou,'bt
an-1 ' I I ou I'otutiiisrii.n.
Lauda anti n'J f"r avttlrrs and tto.n r'urn r iv
mrni. '
t'th e ril ra.-:c-Hou, In we.t lot.-:. .1,1
OtU a.
F.I.FI'Kr.N'Cr? :
F. .1. mp. t C 1 , t
W.J. lo.ru.-y A i'ii, l'sttkiT., Iui'mi jur, lc.a,
1'ooti A sark'.'lit. H.tnhi'ra. 1 r n rt , I, ...a,
l oltvrli'ii A K.'ii", It-i'ik-,-a. l,'t'Hv. 1, a.
tiXri? v - !
1 - r 11,11 r, .,,w 1 era t it ?
II t . I'har Ma-.,D. I'out.of I'aO'ltt.. VlraMnii,
ll. . . 1 ' (y .......' i i
... . . n. . i-.i,,, i 1 .1--. nui 1 lllal.'ll, l.'W .
' O .li'ii-, " l'ul'ii jiif, I
" J. a. l,oan.. (t.itt Jutttf.,. V j,-i-,, .
C -es l; ''luri.
IiHT il mi!
liltY OIKll',
MIY umil.
n.onuxti, niita tfif?,
( l.(ll'lli.Ml, ilH.HTIUM,
CKiriHNll. liR'K KltlhS,
ll'Hll'S AM) SII11KH,
Itoil'l'-I AM) MI'ILS,
lliKif AND MIOK-4,
I't'KtNMlVAKK, Ac, At, Ac.
(j I I I NWAItK, Ac, Ac-., Ao.
lil.hl.NsWAI;., Ac, Ac, Ac.
s our S'ock of Goods is now opeu and
rea.ly for the TR.ADH. we 1 Ctpertftilly
cull the attention of tho citizens of Pakota
and Biljt'iiirj ooiint'ei to our eph'tidij
V. o
which have been, selected with great care,
especially fur this couutry, and will be sold
We are bound not to be unders-old by our
neighbors. We ask our old Cnstom.rs and
the Publio generally, to call and examine for
themselves aul be convinced of the above
Dry Goods, piross Gooils Aluslins blenched and
unbloaclietl, IM-tines. Cithmei es, OiDghauis,
Linccv, Prints of all kinds, Merinos, Checks,
Irish Linnens, Tablo Cloths, Crash, &o , &.O.
Ladies Shawls ef all niies, Cloths, Satinets,
Jeans, Tweeds, 0 s-imeres, F'lanncla of all
colors. Women a ' hiblreu's Hoods. Woollen
Hose, Half Hose
ollen Yarn and Men's
Couotry-knit Sooh
Also a largo SiTOO
Overcoats, Uundero
Uudershirts, Drawer
id Slock of Costumo
bililren's Hoso &o., &o.
CLOIIIINO, mich as
csts, Pants, ShirtH,
&. Also a splend
Boots and Shoes,
for Men, Woman and Coil. lien. Wo are able
in this line to fit the smallest as well aB the
latpest F'oot,
o Hats and Caps ef all Sorts and Sites,
1 ti a heavy stock of (Iraceriej, in which will
if und the following ad'icles.
t effee,
Dried F'mit,
Canued Peaches,
Pottlod F'uit,
Teas of all kinds,
Tobaoco. smokiug
and chewing,
Sop of all kinds,
Duors, ke., k.
Tow !er,
Our ft.'i-k will be .-old to suit t ic times, at
ei v l. w figure, ui wp are doing a strict
CASil t usiuess. 11 u i can ml ird to soil at
lor li
pro"'!:'. He will a Imi lake iu AcLaime
Plans, i
Potatoes, j
Butler, j
E(tg. j
Lo , &c. i
liive us a call and be convinced that Da
ota Ci;y is the plocn to
U Sn.XKEIIOI.Dl KS nf Vtcytriy in Dain
dip, "t.i olhtrt :
There bare been eevernl a-.e"mcrits made
from time to tiire, to defray the expenses of
the aoDipacy, a large propoitioa of which has
not been jaid; acd iu caie tu same ip r.ot
pad the resolutitns of tho company will b
enforced agaiaet all who bare riot, cr will
Dot comply immediately. The books of the
company bare been kept in mi:b a manner,
that Touchera will have to be pre'cuted by
thofe wb bare paid ; that their (bares may
be properly credited.
Ooe as'ponmcnt was made, October f h,
1 861. for $i,00, one October 7th. WO, lor
oiio June Nth 1 607, for $15,00, one
July 27th, 1877. for $2.00, one cptrmher
8th 18S7, $10,(K), one June 12tb for
f3,0. Total, $10,00.
The whole amount of onscment 'n each
share of stock of the Dakota City Company,
und the sharebelders will remember, that in
the articles of incorporation, nil the privr-te
property of the Stockholders is bound for the
afsetiflmcnts made against the share register
ed in Ins mi trie, or that he may hold.
-4lif fuTlhrr :
At a meeting of the Dakota City Company
held June 12ib, IS08, there was a resolution
passed ordering tlie President to give notioe
to all the Phareholdeis to pay the amount
due wltbin sixty days, or in default of pay
ment all the stock on which the assessments
were not paid in sixty days, from the dale
thereof, should be sold to tho b ghost bidder,
and the assessment paid ; and the orerplus if
any, to be subject tw the order of the Share
holders. On the 23d day of Anguut 1S&9, there was
another resolution pushed, giving the Presi
dent power to do what wag moat expedient in
hit) judgment with the property and Heta of
the Couipnuy, to meet the litibilitiii of the
by order of tht l'retiJht, T. ELWOOD
CLARK, ut yivt Kviu.e,
That if the abeve in nut complied with in six
ty days, t he resolutions of the company will
be enforced, and all the stock of the compa
ny thut the assessment nre not paid on, will
be sold to pay the liabilities of the company ;
as all tho property of tho oiv within the
buiiti'l-t, to nit : from Kim Sifect to Vine
Street find from ami from Cth street to liOth
street, hm been entered by tho Mayor, and
h'.I outside that by Trustee? ; ami the time
for prctiring warrantee deeds of these parties
closes within six months from tho date of
their entry ! and fill the pn perty not deeded
will be fortCLted. SI! AnilHOLDEUS AND
CIlEDiTOltS will take warning that ou the
9th day rf Jnminiy, A. D. 1(W0, all the stock
with allthe properly not thi n covered by deed
in Dakota City, will be sold to the highest
bidder, and tho debt cf the company nettled
up, if only a dividend is declared.
N. U. We would further Bay tout those
who have not obtained deeds to the lots drawn
on their shares, can obtain the same by call
ing upon the Secretary and paying the as
sessment due.
J D. M. Crock well, Secretary.
Dakota City, N. T. Nov. Uth 1859.
An tilil nt! ittir. iIm m 1 1 s (,M 1 1 i s t
the joiig jnp'r, mbinn.g ut nts con
nicttd wiili the history of the country, aud
lives of distinguished men, written with much
c.i-e ami in an entertaining muuncr. uud
beautifully ilia tinted title pages :
Containing the life of Daniel Webster, the
great American Statesman, with numerous
anecdote, illustrative of his character, und
the following illustrations :
Young Daniel in the s;w mill ; Webster
fithing at Hasburg ; Webster declining the
clorksliip ; Webster expounding tho Constitu
tion at tho Bunker Hill celebration : Wcbhtcr
at Fanuidl Hull ; Mimsiield tho residence of
Webster ; Webster on his farm.
The lit'o of Henry Clay, the mill-boy of
elaskes. with nine illustraiious ; the life of
General Washington with nine illustrations ;
the life ,jf Layfayette, with nine illustrations;
the life of Penn with nine illustrations ; the
life of General Taylor with nine illusiiations ;
the life of Napoleon Bonaparte with nine il
lustrations ; the Old Bell of Independence or
Philadelphia in 1776, with nine illustrations;
the Yankee Tea Party, and other stories o!
tho Revolution, containing in aii ev;- cn6
hundred illustrations.
Each volume is well written, possessing a '
high moral tone, snd cau saft ly be placed iu j
tho hands tf the yoeujt people. They con- !
tain numerous uuectlotes illustrative of tbo j
hiaiory of our couutry.
rrice per sett hacdjomely bound in cloth, I
with gilt backs, and neatly put up in boxes,
$8 76. Price per volumo, cloth, gilt, 504 eta.
Colporteurs, agents and school libraiies1
will bo supplied at a liberal di.-couut. I
Copies sent by mail postage froe, upon re- j
ceipt of the price of thn sett or any volume.
C5, South 6th Street, Philadelphia.
COLD I'LWS iltTAllifV.
1)rice fill cents. Ficloso pen in n U tter
with cash or pi oslagu slumps, aud by re
turn of mail you will receive the pen as good
as new.
AdiressE. Eilliot, Syracuse, N. Y.
Any person giving the above three inser
tion and rending li e a inarkrd n y, FhV.l
receive one of my beat peus by mail. .".t
Dakota City Pottery, take the pieseut
opportunity of saying to tlie Merchants audi
th public geni rally, that they will continue
in the buiiuess as heretofore, and having in
creased their facilities are able to mauufac-i
fire a larger amount of stone ware and of
the best quality. Hemming thanks tor the
uoera: patronage beatuwed upon the old fi
tuey rerpeeiiully solicit a coutinuaiu of tbo
Fame, and they will en 'eavor to retain it by
prompt execuiion of their orders, to which
they will carefully atttud at all times. One
tbemacall. j
Takata City. K. T.. NbV. 7. I? j? tf.
Thf Ctfkud raj.
I (-hall f nblish the 1)
r:"v.- .
Conpn-sMonal O'obe, at,, I Af prU, '
ti e next e-Hfiou cf Corgrs. ri.'
(.lobe wtil c 'tita n a report of tl, .i.v
boihbrarKbos of Conn.sa ...i.. V
reporters tal at least, to ctrp,
banJ writers in this or any ctbtr 0 .., '
Wb... the debttes of ,Vi, ;, ,
more than fotty-Bve column", thtv aVar
p-'ar in the Daily Globe of the next uon'h
wiiii.b ni.I tint tun aUn tKa . . 't
toeither with such editorial .nt..'..
be suggested by passing ere ts. "
ilie Lon-rcM'onal Globe and Apr,f.,t
will contain a report of all the debat.V w
Congress, rensed by the speakers the y
sages of the President of rt,e Unit.Js,',.4
the Annual Kcports of ti e Heads of the V,'
utire I ci art me nt.-, the P.eportsof Conmi,,
of Congress on important tuljcoi, 0f
in'ere-ts, the Laws pa-sed during the r-J';"''
and copious iudexts to all. These ci t
printed on a double royal sheet, in b., ,,,
royal quarto sixe, each nnniber cont i r'n.
teen psgp., areraging 2,837 words ,,-,. t '
The whole will make between l,7uu ami , i
page. It is believed that no bonk has r
been published at so low a rate. Last 5
advertised in the Daily Olobe fur ix mm,
aod in abont one htiu Ircd other nerfpntfr
in the United 8tates, a reward of $215, L ,
paid to any person who would produce', b",
published ut so low a rate, and mm w,
duced. Tho large number of copies euhn-
cd for by Congress enables me to alf,irj(
debates to subsrril'i.t.i so cheap. ,
The Congresv-iutil Globe and Append,! p,i
froe through the mi!s tf the Umtid Su:e,
s will be s. 111 by 1 lading the following J ,K ;"
P.i-sib foti pafsed t.y Cougreas theCihofAiv
putt jS52: ;
Jniit Jits-'liiUoii roi-i,aij for tht ii'iitij,.,;.,'
on l,uut 0 Cancers and the Vrhutl
thereon : !
V.'itha vio to the cheap circulation of Us""
i vouKiisst, 1,1111 iiiu ueDates cuntribut
iug to thu true iuterpretntion thereof, ioJu'
muke free cominunicatien betweeu the retro-"
tentative and constituent bodies:
Be it resolved by the Heuate at.J lim-ocf
Kepicsentalivee ot the L'nited .States of Aim-,
i. a in Congress assembled, That from aud v..'1
ter the preseut sessiou of Congress, tlie Ciii
giessional Globe and Appendii, which cnauitil
the Laws aud the Debates thereon, bbt.ll p.,!
fiee through the mails, so lonir as thennm?! "
shall be publi.-hed by ord. r ef Corgresi : Pr , I
vi led, Thut nothiug here D shall be cnn.-trurl ?
tu nuthoriza the circulation of th) Dai ; j
Gio be, fi ..-c of po-tage. j
Appruvud, August, Gth lbu2. i
For a copy of the Daily Globe 4 m. ntiis $3 w '
For q copy for a less time (per month) 1 (i ;
l'tra copy of the Congressional Globo I
and Appendix iluriug the setsion. 3 Ci
Banknotes current in tha section of tha I
couutry where a subscriber le ides will he re- j
ceived nt pur. The whole or any part of t
subscription uioy be riartte 1 in posUje
ttmj-s, T.hicli aie preferable to tiny currcn.'j )
except redd and silver. Where Baik non-j i
under $j can not be pioouicd I aill send tvo ;
oobies for 5 . I
A paper will not be sent uuless the moiioj I
accompnt.ies the order for it.
1 can not nffoid to exchange with all tU
newspapers that desire the Globe, but I will f
send the Daily Globe daring the se-sioa to s!!
who shall publish this prospectus three tiircs
before the first Mond.iy iu next December f
Those who publish should send thuir pipers (
coutniniug it to me, marked with a pin, to
direct attention t9 it. The Congressional j.
Globe and Appemlix will be stereotyped, mil
therefore, I shall be able to send tue buck
numbers f r this Bcssiou to all who may sui-
scribe after tho session commences; but it 'j.
the first edition shall have been raliaufti-d k
before the aubocriptinn meney is received, I
shall charge one ilo.bir edditiomil per copy, i
to pay the exp use of putting the plate- es
the press. Subscript ions should reicb i;.e 111 !
early as the first week iu December, to itistiie
ooiaplcte copies at the prices adveriised i.ltuvc. '
John c. PivKs :
Washington, October, 1.8 5 U.
For tweuty yc irs the Cleveland PI iin Deal
r has been ovine J and controlled, PuUi-lfd
luid Edited by the H.it;.e individual. It hii'
never mi-sed a Publication Day ii .r c.t.tcbo 1
a Df'iiioetatio Ticket It lias f oifht its w.'
single-handed cgainst all opposiuon, until it
h is guine I a National Circulation and a Nn
liuinil Ilt-putatiou. From Main to Caiiioruin
tho Plaiu Dealer is knowu and read, and it
ncvir was in so good a condition pecuniarily
cr ill better pluck politically, to fight tho bat
tle of Democracy than now. For the com
rcJj " " rr-rt'ca'ai ucvoiea 10
It lias againat high authority, dared to ad
vocate tho right of ' the people of 0 Territory
us well as a .Stats, to regulate .heir domestic
institutions in their own vsy," and it will
continuu to do so against sai l high authority
"the world, the fl t-h and tho d-vil." Acting
nil Lecompton Conitituticn", Slave C dii, an I
the rc-opeuiug of iho Sl ivo Trade, this P P 'r
la devotedly dedicated frau, tail tinif, UeULe
forth forever
'Come oue' como all ! This rock shall fly
From its firm base rn t ocn r.a I I"
Betides the current News of the Day, th
Plain Derler will contain in each cumber a
TALE, Correijiun leunp frjtn a ho it of (,'ontr:
butors, 1 ndT-.tli'traphic llcports fro.n all J "irti
of the World.
The Commi icial D .p-irtini tit it ill La ui-!"f
Iho sole chaige t fJ..-. Ih', keil-Iiirc E"l '
is ackuowU'ued lo be oin ' t'jc bi st ! 1 11 1
Ileporteis in the country.
The Local Departin.ut will be pre idt d over
by thatcrigit.nl and 1-iu-hter pr. l:t T gen
Artenius Ward l.- , whose I.. t ; 'e"'
O I, lilies and ynidiiies, are i.loi .- . 1 1 1 1 1 e
price of the paper. In their, '.'a.o pepuud
to present one of the
T'U Stutitl and Chcart t fumi I, i it" '
T E R M 3.
Sirglo Subicfi'-.trs, per ye.r
t jt Six nionit', 1 ' 0
Clubs of ten, per year,
All over ten coi ics to one Post Office UJ
Toe ich getter up of a Club, ooe Copy
jj- POST MUTITt! are r;ntcd ti
3 Agents.
r, tr. r.fcAT,
(Uvt'.aad, Ok.-
, t.
- '
1 th-
1 . v
V '
i I!
f l:
1 1 T