Of THE C 0 S M 0 P 0 L I T A N Al'T ASSOCIATION. 1v,m )) sections of the country subscribers ' to (bin popular Art institution, (now in its ,uth .'.) r being received in a ratio un paralleled with that if any p revioua jear. .,ni VAT mrnM.M MVMRER BTPIB SCK1BI.NOTHKKKPOLI.AKS Which will entitle him to receivo t.7. t'WHtiful Sleel Engraving, ' SJtaka j, an aid ha fritndi." 2i A t .fy oj the elegantly illuttrated Art Journal one year. g"j ,4 fn Stnm Admittian to the tfu.W-- iVj, ttS ISrvadwy Xcte Vork. In addition lo which several huudred valuable Works of Art are given to subscribers at Tre tuiunis. oompri-ing choice Paintings, Scolp ,. Outline" , bjr the first American and Foreign Artis). Tbe super engraving, which every sub scriber will receive immediately on receipt of aurmeription entitled eHAKSl EAR'S AND HIS FRIENDS" , uf a character t give utiriuali8ed pleasure and satisfaction. No work of equal Talue was over In-fore pla-.ed wiihiu reach of the people at ftich a price. The engraving isof very largo fit', being printed ou heavy plate paper ;K) by .13 ioche., making a most suherb orna ment suitable for the walls of either the libra ry. parlor, or office. ' Ii can be sent to any part of the couotry by mail, with safety, being packed in a cylinder po?ta prepaid. Think of ir t 8a;h a work, delivered free rf chare, and the Art Journal, ono year, for three du.Iars ! SUBSCRIPTION will he received until the Evet iiiR"! Tuesday the 31ft of Jsnuary, 1800 st which 'ime the buokK w ill close aud the p:e oiun.3 be givcu to subscribers. No person if restricted to a single subsorip tion Those romittin.5 $16 are entitled to six memberships. Subi-Ciiptionf from California the cnnada9 snl all Foreign provinces, must be 8 60 dol'rs instead of 3 dol'rf in order to defray exira pustnges, etc. Fereoti9 wishing to form clubs will apply for a circular of terms eto. Tbe beautifully illustrated Att Journal, giv ug full particulars, will be smt on receipt of ib cents, in stHtnp" or coin. Address 0 L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A., 640 & 648 Broadway, New York. Stib'!ripti'n also received by hv.. GEO. B. UKAFF, lion. Sec, Fur Dakota and vicinity. NOTICE- To WILLIAM E. PARNELL. Sis. '-You are hereby notified to appctir be fore the Register and Reciever of tho Land 'Mfice at Dukota city on Saturday Dec. 17th 1 ) o'clock A. M at wtich time and pla- t will prove my right to enter by pre-emption the n il th la'.f of the north west quarter of section eight H Towiirjhip twenty-eight 28 Range l no '.)) t.t. JACOU VAN AUKE D .kotaoi'y Nov. 26 180P. LEGAL NOTICE. to w;ni nr.nr el. Mir . You will take ro'ice, ti.st en t'uc 11 b .L'y f Kepteinber If1,';'.', a pe.ilitn vns filed I'J Tln ni!tr Collier, in the clerks office id the tliiiu Judicial District of the Territory of Ne hrafka, for the county Dukots, against your sdl'ai.d Anioe 8. I'm k i r. slating in nibt-tance t'it in the 21st dny of July 1869 I purcbst-ed ( f Aid Air.os S Tarker a certain Militury '' nnty Lund Wariant, Number 8i,37d, lor ICO acies, issued under the act of Congress of M-ircb SJ lSGri, totaid Winthrop Bluke, and wus bold r.nd ofjined by ail Bluke to sitid Amos 9. I'liik'r, nu I that said warrant was r.. ' i ;jtul nod asidgtird by Faid Turker to me, t'mssil Thoniiis T. Collier; and that on tl.e -l't day i.f July 1S.VJ I lotttho said Land V arrniit, tbat 1 bare not in any manner sold r K.iM'.uied tho sai I tvnmint to any persoa or ) t .l itis ; that 1 have not received a considera tion fir tho said wrrut of any di-cription; 'it.d that 1 am now tbo lepul owner of eaid wnrrHut, aud that the legal title and ownership to s'ii'1 wsriant be adjudged to be iu me. And you are heretiy rcqu're i to appear and answer or demur t said petition ou the firft day of 'be ncit term of the District court, for said county to be held f Dakota city on the 7th "day of November, A. D. 13VJ. THOMAS T COLLIER, Dakota City October 1st P. V. 3w NOTICE. TO H. II CHAFFE, "nd all other) vhnm it trtny concern. Sib Yon aro hereby notifiod th. I shall r.p; ei.r before B. Bates, Mayor of Dakota t'i't, on the "28th day of November, 1869, and u.tji.''ii oT Inui, an olayui, m vt'tiTCy&ncS cf Lot No 12, iu Block 17t, as I claim title to the same. At which tinio and place you cau ppeur and contest niv riht so to do. ANDREW SIEtVAKT. Dakota City, Nov. 4. 1859. 3w NOTICE. IS herehy given to ail tax payers in Dakota county N. T. that I will be at Dakota City on Saturday Nov 2fitb, and every Saturday thereafter until lorthi-r notico, to receive their taxes, which are now due. All are therefore requetted to call and settlo forthwith. Offioe hours from 8 A M. to 4 P. M. M PINKKRTON Comity Tieiifurer. Dakota city N- T. Nov, 10th 1869 2w LOST! . ,N tbe21et day of July. !Kfj9 a Military I Bounty Land Warrant Number 84474 for 160 acres, ipeutd under the act of March 3d 18.rj5 to Wiutbrop Rlake. Any pereou finding the stid Warrant will he lil.eially rewarded b tek.inj tho same at my oltiie iu D..kola City, !;e"ora;.;,i Territory. ' Thomas T Collier Dakota City Auz COth 1859 -2 - NPTICE. ft hereby (riven to all rwraoni ha'lnc elalim airalnel Mljihool KoJer IftU of )aaj rouuty, (leoeeel. tnal iey ae ri'ilnl lo file tha aama t..(i thr lthtLe oucl.jrt tlieri,r,in Ibe . of 'h ITuhala f'linlt Sir aid e,,unty. In toe Teiritif y of Nel.raaka, on ut hxloia It., 0rat day of January lsbo "ive nnd.r y band (no el teln frrnltr1 bt lt nr i.nty f t ILU uOlce,) Uiia i6(b day of lirtober TH T. fOJ,UJ3, jfrr-e "f t'W S-ua'y Pr- DAKOTA CITY. i B. F. tlASON Proprietor. This flriFP,"llfil rimme ha now texen oin! nu te til on one y.r. Iht Proprietor mill urn titnmkinit U A FIRST CLAPS HOTEL. W hl. In ronlrierat(e-n of lb rerfiiMb'n if rr",!u,-e. and Sutellea tn lhi Western Onntrv b t . rwt.v.: tli prifn nrror limit: m a h. r-l'r hi i ttici tur Hnard nl T-innipnt fHntmt. wtll b ibe nr lhu my ,rt Cl lldtrl In tli Tmrltnrv. Krfrjr Itrnti'in will l iial I to lh eBifait n,t (,nTpiiln"f the cut. mT of tliU lt Itluta Cltj Auast If, 't4 K. '. MAoN I) oust No. I. - - - Ti'BLio Las iu no. Sioux Oily, Iowa. JOHN HAQY, PROPRIETOR. THE Proprietor takce pleasure in annonno ing to the public tbat be now has a houce in which he onn arootninodat; them, iu u godd ptjle as ean be found on the Missouri Slope. Dy strict attrution to the wants nf guests, lie lopes to merit and receive a liberal share cf patronage. Nov. 7. IfftO- tf IIEUNDON HOUSE, OMAHA CITY, K. T. RICHARDSON J U D S O PHOrKlKTOli.4. Oonernl Stage and Livery Oiiioo. Ppt. 8. W. N, August, u K'mvlit. Hn mnn Krmnlrr. WiUintn K"inttt KOl'STZK I1KOTIIKK1, D ANKERS AND REAI EST VTE AOENTS, And Dealer In Kxehange A Coin. Exchamje told on the Principal Citiet in Earnpt flj-ltuy, nil and lix-itU Land Warreotn'tTt OMAHA CITT, If. T. - - - DAKOTA CITT, !. T. SPKCTAI, attntion glTn t i tbr collettl m of .lel.le and tc the pnymrut of Uxce lu 'elnii) nn lows Money lonnnd for fcasteru Cupitalits. Int rest iail on tint itefiuhitH. Lnuds ami towp property Imorrht and e'll. l.Midn euterfd mi time tor netual ai-ttierp. UoTerniDuut lar. 1 milerted snd located itli wnrrants or es-li. on cuumii. inn, or f' T a ptmre if the rofit. In the OMAHA. HAIUTA, NKIIItASKA CITV Hlt'lWV VII. LK UHtrti-t". In Nelrak, and the COUNCIL HI I FKS and ClnUX CI TV Dir.lrl.-lii In Iowa. Landit in Oinntia, Ni'lraka eity aid ItrownTille dig Iri 'la. will t'.o i:i rnnrhet on And and after S T-t.-ml.er tlrbt 1!.''.H. i hnee in Council liluHe aud Moux City iJielrictfl are ntw in market. (Iml rifreucB gireu at all tUe principal point" in tbeSutua. u'iUif. Air BOOT S1IOK .11101'. IN SIOUX CITY - - IOWA. I' he undersigned, lute of the firm of Krum j man & Scbuihlp, is carrying on the business on bi9 own accout.t. in the bnildtng on l'earl Street, iust below the Sioux City House. He is now carrying on the Boot and Shoo busi ness in nil its brnnchei. Work warrnnted to be done iu as good style and oa as reasonable terms as nt any other shop. A call from old customers is respeotfully solicited. Repairing neatly doue. JOHN ECIIAin.E. Nov. 7. tf SIOUX CITY, LOOT AXD SHOE MOKE. nv SAMUEL KRUMMANN. IMie undersigned has removed bis ctnblish mcnt to his new building, on Pearl Street, i lew doors west of Tootle's store, where he H now prepared with a large ami superior lock of leather, etc. eto.. to execute all lork in l.is line, in a superior style of the rt. Kinploying noue but the bebt of worn i.en, and giving hH persooal bttintion to tin uniness, be can enfely warrant all Lij work Repairing done on short luiticn SA.ML'EL KRUMMANN. Nov. 7. 1859. tf J. I. M. CROCKWET.L, M. D., Member of the Iowa Slate. Medical and Chirur jical Society, A "I 70t 'LD say to his friends nnd the public in geuoral, that he will attend calls in the lino of bid profession; nnd that he pledgoB to all afflicted with Rheumatism, Liver Complaint, Female Weakness, Latent Consumption, And other secret diteascs, An amelioration of the oomplaiot, or no charge but the retainer fee, and no constitutional iu- jury, as be practices ou the rmi. osornic ixpica tioxa l n.A .v. WOOLWORTU'S BOOK STOUT. JUPT RKCMVKIl, A WKI.l. EKI.KOTKn Tt "f'K OK Itoo'na, Httlouury and I'a.er llaiirfiutfn, Stan nl Litoraturo, L'lilldron a liuoka lilti,, I injur id,,,),. SCHOOL BOOKS la (mat TarUtr. biAtlonory of every d"Scr1tion. and the het,u ity. A nartlenlarly choiea ww.rtuient of ltLnr hii,1 Note Fulcra, KnYelopea ami Kfineer'e Stiiiiont-ry irt, ()lff Tafier, Trat'lnK TIolli, Malheuiatieal I n -Iruiiieiitf, ll ao er Colore, Cjoiinj Pr-jsca, CVj y inj luk, A. ,;. TAPER IIANUINQ BORDERS A.V6 wixnuw CI RTAl.Na, Tha mnet heautiful alylci aver tin-rod In tha W soy wberu alee. Ouiaha uol rt or R T I'.EALt Clerk V. H. Dist K A AttKN. Cimrt. N ,'ary I'uhl.o BEAM. & ALLEN", Atloruiti ut J.uir, and Ileal Estate Aj-nLt. JILL pay taxes on all Land in the Coun ties of WacLiuxioii, Burt, Dukotn and Dixon, N, T ; fiee ot cbaifz upon the leotipt ol mouey for tha same. Uthou on Maiu utrcel Do .nio; Nehra-ka. C"f A'.l letters of inquiry promptly answer ed II EFEH ES'CES: lloo K Wakely. Ju ge 8rd District, Nebras ka Do Hoto, NT.'' II jn. K Estaur .ok, Omaha, N. T. Oro. Doughty, Couocil Bluifi, Iriwa. H iO. B. B. Chapman; Elyria, Ohio. Ron. Ltvl Hubbell, .Milwaukee, Wl. M Jy iin Ainu U K.J-' J. E. tUVXlK, K'lmn City, ! HKADaUARTERS I'OIl RAIUJMS J. K. KOUGE, & GO., "Tl ESrECTFL'LLT anneunce to die citiitns I V of Sionit'ity and neiphborir.g towna, tbat they have just n-ceivedper steamboat and hate eponed one of the f.arynt an'! pot Awrtrntni cf G 11 0 G E R I E S Kver brotipht up the Missouri. Our Gondii are all fronh, and were bought by one of the firm at tho lowest cub pt ioea. We can there fore SE I L V ER Y L 0 IV! We Invito the attention of all to our essorU mont of Cvffoo, fugar, molasses, rice, flour, liquors, Tobacco, cigars, bacon, lard, tens, Fruita of all kind, soap, ran dies, caudica, c. In a word everything usually kept in n first class erocery and provision house. Those do- eiriug to purchase FOR CASH, are respectfully invited to giveua a call fcoforo making their puchases. hides a y D F U R S . The highest price paid for all kinds of Furs snd Skins. We will also pay cash for beef cattle and country produce. INTERESTING FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. II. D UOOtiE A. CO. Sioux Cilij, r'EAKL STHKF.T. Iouj SKI.L GROCERIES (iROCERIKS GROCERIES AND AND AND PROVISIONS. PROVISIONS, PROVISIONS, CAEAPKH THAN ANY 0TIIi:U HOI'IfK rOSSMLY CA.V!.' Sioux City, Idw.i, Nov. 7th '0. mho ''he whole country is auscd, and awaken I ed to its BB.ST intereis, a doi tcrmined to buy its Groceries' au J imv BOOGE & CO. .j 2 of II. D. H. D. BOO Si CO. "TTill continue to supply the CASH BCV- V ERS, wholesale aud retail, at their usu ally low prices. H. D. BOOQE &. CO. are the larK"t STOCK of ilroccrioa aud Pr'Ti' ' II over openud in Sioux City. " FEW MORK SACKS OK TllE vr'n i best brand of Flour at the extromly lew price of $3 60 per Sack, bv ZiEGLER Si ECKHART. NOTICE. i() the fnrmin eomiuunity de-irinR ptind inK. we would bay taut every Friday is nt 'i upiirt for jrrln .rug cora, nut puiue-i eomni-r with a hundred or more busbels, c.iu the same ground on any day save Sunday We wiil ho ready by the first i,f Ajiist fo making Hour. Lumber, shingles and lath can ro had at the saw mill of raid cumpanv on mo. I reouatile terms J J TRACY & BROTH i.US GKEENK, UEAIIE AND BENTON, Banker, Dealers In Kxeliange ami Land Aaenta. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. OTI S AND Illl. 1.8 I'Ol.l.l Ti:i AND M. Mm .i ii any I net ul Ilia t'nlied stel,.. ti. a w , Mi.eey rei'i'leed on depoett, and Inn-re.t ell, "l. ( KasUi u or southern Iirafle furuish'd In aunoi ton'i.' juiri haet-re. I. nd ( i!!t, a funda paid for Currency or Hills ' I t-lmlii-e. Iiaus a t. etel ou n'-m! aerurily. 'inxe.p d, lillea eianiin,,!, ai.J Ileal betatv l" Ui;l,t and Mild nn cniiiileelno. j.n.a euterd for antilera and tima elven ,r liy Uienl. (isi.e i ,sila Tariff Ili.oee, in weel lowr b ;'in bbo 1 0111. e. hbFKKK.NTK.s : K f J.aup A (V. 1 U . J. Harney A Co., llnnkera. fiul'ii'jtie, Iowa. IVaik A harmnit, Banaera, iaveii,rl, b.aa. ( iill-ru.n A Keno. Ilankere. Iowa City, b.n. i'eia'a bans. Kw VorS Otv. Kel'-buni, lieere Hennel, llanliera. N w Vurk iMj. helilnn. W jlb. ra A Co., W aelillnf Km, Il (! Ili.y. I'hae. MnM.n. Com ul l'L.-nle, W aaldntou, llmi. A.t'. le-lirw, S C. r.. Hut ilio'i'.n, Iowa. ' (i. a J'iiii ., ' bnl'U,UH, b'wa. .low WJIhari, I'.li f Jurtli. , MotHloe, b w. C' uurll 'Jlulli. J. a. 1.1 (ill. -AT KXCITEMKIXT ISf DAKOTA CITV, n (A USED I5Y THE DPRMXG OF A LAKGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF tlRT ll'MI'S, I . It V (liKlXS, UHV UH1S, , Ct.OrillMI, (1K(M KIUKS CI.OTIIINII, UHOCKKIKS. CI.OTIIIM), 1IK.H KKlrS, losiT.H AMI CIU'M, HOOTS AND HIIOKS, HOOTS AM) HIOIS, Ut'KKNSM AKi:, la , ta. (Jt'KKNSVt'AKK. At. Ac, A. 141'EKNaWAIIK, t i, Ac, AO. at Tin: PIONEER STORE ZIECLEU & ECivIIAl.T. a our Stock of Omuls is now open nnd j j ready for the TRADE, we ro-pectfully call the atteution of the citizens of Dakota i and adjdning oour.ties to our ipleudid FALL AND WINTER STOCK " F GOODS which Inrc been ."electeil erpecially fir this country, with preat care, and will be sold ' CIIi:Al i:Jt THAN TUB I'llKAI'lfT." We are bound not to be undersold by our iieinl hors. We usk nur old Customers and the I'uhlio generilly, to call and examine for themsciveti aud be convinced of the above fuoU. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF Dry Goods, Di ess Goods Muslins bleached and unbleached, Delaines, Cashmeres, Gitmhams, Lincev, Prints of all kinds. Merinos, Checks, Irish Binnens, Table) Clothe, Crash, &" , Ladies Hhswls of all sixes. Cloths. Satinets. Jeans, Tweeds, s inures. Flannels of all colors. Women i hiblren's Hood-i Woollm Hose, rialf iloso Country knit Soc Also a large STOC Overooats, Uondcro Uudersliirls, Drawer idleo ) arn uti 1 Men a hildreu's Hose &c, Sio. OLOIIIINO, such as Vests, Pauls, rShirts, k. Also a splend Boots ana Shoes, Id Stock of Costume- for Men, Woman and l.Uildtcri. We are able in this line to fit the vmailcst as well as the U pest Foot. Also Hats and Caps of all SurtB and fiixes, l, a Iiay Mock of Groceries, iu w hich will : uud the folluwiujc ud'.icka. Fi par, tffi'e, Molasses, Sytup, Rice, Dried Fruit, Canned Peaches, ll.ittltd F uit, Teas of all kinds, Tobacco sniokii'i; and otcaiiiiJ. No's, Hpicns, Cloves, ( 'iiiroiiiion, tiinj:er. Ko ii of all kindd, Si.! t, I I iur, Rope, :i.:di, li'.aaa, Niils, !), ;,, C , '. At. SO Powder, Lead, hot. Caps. Our Stock will be sold to su t t ,.' t mes, very low figures, as wi. aie ibuug a nn it ( ASH bu-.iiiess, and can nil'ild to eel -n-ill profits. We aill n'au Uke iu axel. nt f,T ( ls Corn. ts. Beans, l'olui Butter, Er-fcV. Ac, A", bj cotuueed that !' Give us a rail and kotu City is thu place lay i vnun uouiiai. ZIl.GLt'R ECKHART. Dakota City 0t. -J':. iMvrii'E. i SUA KFHOt li:iiS pi lor,r p I iVtf. (It.V, n',4 othtri ; ThM bsve hren several as-esnmralu mad Tht from time to time, to defray th expenses of the rotiipsty, a large pr port na ul whWh lias not been a'd ; and iu rm Hi eaine is i.ot paiil tli Te-u!uli''U o( th rtm p.oiy will he enforced se'tinst all who li n..l, or will I comply iinn.Cdlatrly. lb books of th eompn Imve tien k t m tucn msiinrr, that voarhera will have le b pretited by thoe who bsve pniil ; tiitt their rhai tf may be properly in due J. On as-eminent fte made, October ft h, 1KM1 for Jf) I'D, on OelolnrTih 1 I'" $"itt. one Joi.e bill 1-o7, I r 4-lf,(".l ie Jnly 27th. 18..7. for l 0I, on C irn,rr 8th 18,r7, $IO,t), one Jim l-'th 18, "' f3,P0 Tola), $1(1,00. Th wliol are mi nt f a-( suvent n en. h share f stock of the 5 iki tit t ily Com iiJ , and the sbmeli!di rs will reim mber, that in tho artioles of incoi poralion, nil the piivata property of tho Siockholdi rs is bound lor tlio assvsaments ms io nguiiiHt tli sbnr register- yr Cd lu name, or that ha tuny houi. A-i f firt'i-r : At a meeting rf 11. Dakota City Company held June l.'ih. 18.'iM, there was a ropoij in passed order njt the President to gi noMoe to all the Shareholders t i pny the nmotinl litiK wit bin sixtv duyi, or In ilefitult if pny- n.ent nil the stock on whit.h the ns esments ! were not pnid in sity day", from the duto ! thereol'. ehmild he sol, I t: llm highest bidder, ! and the aFs-mi nt paid ; sod tl e nvei pbis if ( any, to bo aubject t tliO order of the Share holders. I On the day of Auguut IK.', j, there w ' ntwttltMr r,.i..iliiiiiii Imveid. l-ivillir ll S t'rr-l- , diMit power to do what wr.s n oil eipe.Hint in 1 bis judgment with the procrty nnd usants of ! the C'-mpany, lo meet lhe liubililief of the i anie. AND NOW, y.' or,.V o tht Ficsidrnt, T. KI.W001) CA.IA'A", tre givt Ao.'tVs, That if the al l vo is not comtilicd with in six ty d.ijs, thu icnohitions of the company will be enforced, end nil the stock of the compa ny (hat the assessment aro not paid ou, will be sold to pay (he liabilities of the company ; as all the inoneity of the city within tha Illinois, to wit: from Elm Htfeet to Vino Street aud from aud from Cth street to 20tli (.treef, bas been entered by the Mayor, and all outside (hat hy Trusties; and th lime for prcurin warrantee deeds of these parties cloaca within six months from the dale of their entry j and nil tho property not deeded will be forfeited. SHAREHOLDERS AND CREDITORS will take warning that on the 9th day of January, A. D. 1 800, all tho stock with allthe properly not then covered by deed in Dakota 6'ity, will be fold to the hibest bidder, and the debt of the company Bcttled up, if only a dividend is declared. N. B. We would further say that 'hose who havo not obtained deeds to the lots drawn on their shares, can obtain the same by call iug upon the Secretary and paying the as sessment due W. II S. HUGHES J. D. M. Cbockwxll, decretory. Agent Dukota City, N. T. Nov. JUL 1H69. teltil r,rd nlttrrlixe urief ol In Is i the jonrg J rnple, i Dibracing ivi nts con necled with lhe .nstory or the Country, anil lives of distinguished men, written with much rare aud in au entertaining manner, and beautifully illu trated title paxes : Containing lhe life of Daniel Webster, the gieat American Statesman, with numerous anecdotes, illustrative of bis character, and the following illustrations : Youn;r Daniel in the sew mill ; Wob-ter fi lling lit Banburg ; Webster ilool'i.ing tho clerkship ; Wol.ater expounding lhe (Jolistitu ti n at the Bunker J 1 ill eelebridion j Webster .., tr.,:i hii . 1.,... ,',,.. I il. r.wi.b iieo ,,( W ebster j Wei.ste'r u.l l.i. I'attn. mi .. i:.. f ii i" i. ....II . . slilres, with iiino i.'liiHtru ious : thu life cf General V aihdigti.u with nine illustrations; the iife of Lay fayctte, with nine illustrations; i t ,ic life of 1'i iin with nine illuslratimia ; the life of General Taylor with nine illustratioua ; j tho life cf Napulcon Bonaparte with nine il lustrations ; the Old Bell of Independence or Philadelphia in 1770, wi'h nin'J illustrations; the Yankee Tea Party, aud oilier stories ot the Revolution, containing in all over one hundred i!'.t!:1rt!e!. Eitcb volume is well written, possessing a hih moral tone, and can safely bo placed in the ban, la "f the ynung popli. They eon tuin numerous anecdote illustrative of the hietoiy of our countty. Price per sett handsomely bound in cloth, will) Kill backs, nnd really put up i:i l uxes, jti 7j Pi'lt per vnliiinu, eb-th, gilt. fiCJ jts. C.,:i,.',r:."i.in, nzct.trf and iieboi.l l.lnaiies will bn suppl'.i J Kt a lil I '. i, s hi nt l,y mad i oj, ,i l -t iri 1 1 " , , no, hi l tl.e pin ,,1 ;!. '! or hio vi bune. LI.M'SAV A 111,1' r l'i 'V I . I'ut.i. .hen . "6, C'.:. '''roet, PhilaJ. dpbiii (iOl.li FEXS REVMUV.l'. )i ice I Willi ,0 ciot.' (,i .li i,i l.i pen iu n Utter p..st:i;ii lumps, and by re- Illl II i I In: Hi y ,n will ri ceive tin; en aa no v. A lliissE. Eii!!oi, '; rarn-, U. V. A:.y I ci coii C i vir g thu Hoove lliieo t ; ,i, -i ii ii . I rending me a u.i.rke I eory, I, ri'ivM one of my best pen, bv i..n, 11,'C-- i.a.l DAKOTA CITY POTTERY, 1 ESFP.S jriF.GI.FI i J Dakota Ci'; I'. I .Fit K ECKHART, of the II. j I le ti piesent o poriumly ol e) ii.u; to lhe Mi'cbmta and I the public (;em r.ly, t b ' t thiy ill eoi.liuno in tbe I u.nirii us hi retof nu, nu I having lu- (M Ksed ihe:r lucilities are ablo lo uiatiulao I ire a larger amount ( f stuim waro aud of tbo btt iiualily. Ki turning (hunks for tho liberal patronagn I estowed upou the dd fiiui Ihny respectt'.'lly Siolii-it a conlisuaiK of the mine, uud they will em eavor lo retain il by prompt exei unou of iliior orders, to which I hey will carefully attend at all times. Give f b v in a cull. Dakota Ciry, K. T , Kov. 7. 1369-tf, THE liLiiiiK. I shall poMi-h th D.il . Ul.do., an I M Coiipresi-ioi al (llohe, and Appind't i( trfr the next session of Cotigre.. liio bi iy (Hol e wiii nmitain a report id toe debates In both branches of Congrcn, as l.iUru doanli, reporters, 'iial at least, ! any turpi ol shott hntid writer in this or any other tounirv -When tho i.b to of day )K a't in.). tu ore than fi.rty-flvn co'umu, they elia'i p r in tin Dilly Oiol ol t!i " it Dnitiin win, t I.. - otiin, abo, th" n s of tre dar, I -o h edit. nnl r irle as nmy ' Mig l't C tit. 0' -1 an I Aopen.li'. . a , p ' 1 1 of n ih dehates i i " I th i -alt. rs, the Mes i '' t ' Hi Cuited St4s. C, It. ads of the Kxho nil. nt t ;,.t o: laid' ('onmitUM .1 i u i is of geii.-i ,.1 I 0 '.milK lilt ei.., ii. , nil The will b. , il beet, in bo k form In . i o; ! i i . ' i i.1"' er eotitainlun six tee ii i ,. ' ,. .!:.; . l!.:'t7 woid par p. I 1 h : . '.! - m i'.vevo 1,'nKl and 2,tlt I ,. i: i,...i , . i il I fu.t mi honk him ever liri-n p'On ',, i ul so lo a rats. I.astyi'ar I hdvertiard in ilia Daily Cllohe for fix tuui.tb, and In h, ul o.in b.iudied other newspaper, tu th United M'.nus. a ronsr.l tf 1 i bs pa d to any poi ou who wuuid roduee a bo ,X pul lii-hod hI ro low a la;, nuil nuiin vu prj dueed. Tho lrj.e nu tuber bf copies subsci l't ed for by Conarssa enables mo tu aff ird th i ilebatef to subscribers ,) cheap The Cotigre'sioid Glob" and Appendix pass free thri ti nil the mails of the Lulled Stales, as will be eeu by rend ru the Inilnwing Joiut Resolution paused b Cuiil ess the bill of Au gnat lMfil: Jnrtt Kcnolulivn Tneii.a fur the dtilit'miion if the y.uiej i t Co ori and the Uelaltt therion : Withavlertn J,.;ip clrmilslion of the LW (if (" ' i -'- 1 'lie l.imfa oontrlhii itijr to the t: no tbteipretatinn thereof, mid to make free coir.oiiii;.'-mem between the reiire- senlalivn ami Oini-'itneut bodiif: Be it resolved by tli Si-nne and IIone of RepiTseuUlives of the Uo.te 1 t tnti s of Aiiiri l a in Congress assembled, 1 1 1 - t liuui uud a.' ter lhe priwent sesi-ion of t'oores, the ('i n fiessioiial Globe and Appendix, which oootsia the Laws and th Debut thereon, shall pas free thteofih lite uiuiis, so long as tun a--.it shall be f-ajbtiahed by wider rf Congress: Pru tided, That unthtnft horein shall be oou trued to authorjr.it tho cirou!uf;on of the Daily Globe, free ol poking. Apiiroviid, August, 6th 12. TERMS: For a copy of th - Daily Gluho 4 monthf t1 Ot) For a copy lor i ls tiuie (par month) J 10 For a copy of th C',bgrssioual Globe nnd Appendix iluriug the session. 8 00 Dank notes current iu the section of the country where a subscriimr ie ides will be re ceived at par. The whole er any totrt of a subscription may ho remittal in postage stamps, which tire preferublu I i any currency except iroij uud e lior. Wl.ete Rank nutes under $6 can not be ;.io"ni , d I i!l send two C 'bies for f j A paper will not bo aent ui.loss the money accompanies (be oed. r 'or i'. 1 cau not film d 1. ixebi.nn with all the tiewnpapera that d is.ie thu li .i'. e, but I will send the Diily Gi.i'.i d. . i..n tu f'l who shall pit il i i . - j , i . " , re l tiuoM : ' ' 'r ,.,'! ' , l if r p. re i : . -i , i ' . ' . . ' , o before me br' Those who i.u' o ' I coutainiug il 'o : . i direct attention to ' Globe and Appendix ' therofore, I shall bo nbi uumber f ,r ibis aesslon . .0 II 1 ueli . ul - soribe after the m-sm If the firnt editi'.u shall li !".(! before the subscription uie,.e, i r. -.ue I, I shall charge one dollar add. tu i.i.t i: i rJ, to pay the exp ase of putting tbe p:a:e eo. the press. Subsori tious should rrvuh me a.' eurly aB the first week In Pejemher, to ineii.i. complete oopies at the prices advertised atn.vs JtlllN C. RIVEi Washington, October, 1809. TUB DOLLAR IIKALKR FOR I860. NEW VOLUME NEW i VI'E. F)e twenty ye lb. levebiu.l Plui.i ilea; and . .i.tr. llc,'. Puhl sh ' l individual. It ha t c Day nor scratched , r "l ' 7'" e , III. it E 1 1 by t?' never misled a P i a Demoi i itii. T.ri ii bilile-illii led e. . i , ' line gali.e I e N tiniial R pir r i thu Plain I r uevrr was in nr in butler ),' ' tlis of Deinooi .. . i inp'ynar it will I lairttiaE euVEui.iu I ' i t' mln its way ; ..e :.,n. until it . N i .i.ifoinia i . a.t, and it i pecuniarily , , fight the bal For the com . I .voted to i ii. i Kbail'r'.iC'i" If has against hi;(h ; ,i .1 i, ay, dare 1 to ad- voeato the right or' '.lie people o.'a Teri:ory ns well as a Hutu, tu icu'iiio their doino-ii i iii.ilitutions intb'ir own '.y," au I :t ..l eo tilin ue t ) dj an uga n ii e u 1 t:iiS ji-thorny 'the world, ihn I1d.Ii .,fid t: e! L ' Ag iinfi! all Lecoi.' ptou (;.)UHtil i: ij.-,S.vi C id an I the re fpetiiujr, u( th-f rtl tu i'rudc, l.'in !' p it in del I'm th "C ledi. dcdicaied f.- 1.1 time, lieiiDj i, vi , o one' come) all ! 1 i.ia r'uk slnill fiy III ittl flMIl biJSH Hi soon Ui4 I !" -r On t'lrntt New t.f li e -av ti ' 1 rtf W.U J llll ,'l. il, in :!, I lll;.t:.-r e Fi i-ci' n 1 P 1 Al l', i orrui,..uliM buiurs. i nd Tib grapn of the World. The Commercial Di ti e h,.le ebuia" ul J i" 'ii V:ii( wledge I t ) I Ir-i i l.e-p i h t ,-t., !': ii el 1 ir. t; p irt'iieiit will bo un l; . Ii.' i tubue. K.5i , i 1 i bi ol the In bl Mark t l.epi i torn in the i hii'i y. The Li eiil Dci.Hi mi. t ) tl. ul m l.;lij'il mid i i ti teii ui ird fcmi . ( i iiiii'u - and (J iiui'iiK s. wi'l be pi esi ld ov -i i H i prTiik!ug ge.l : I . Ceri. J 'ikes. hi i - n , ' worth t:.i ricu of lh pa .'c, . In ehi lo nreseut oi.o ' thu rt. u t prepsr. i Aeufat unit (Atuj't't H'. ln'j .N'.w. .ir it 1 K M S Siugle Subsci Ki ri, p' r year Jl 1 I r S i mouth, I . Clubs c,f ten, pel ; ( .1 , D' i' All over tou nuMv i" : l'oi 'i'li' I i To each gtr no d a Club, on Copy ' tia Hejf I'OH i M ' i b Ivo ure t ii .stai to aa Ageuto. Address ) W. GRAV, s,.velulrd, OUlJ.