Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, January 07, 1860, Image 2

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    Slahota (tilnincralb
D. VIoLAOjIILI. E litor
Watnidav- Mll, Jaaaary 7. 160.
Hi waut a first rate practical printer, on
who uodrtands th printing bosln teth.ir-
'fihly, a partner in th F.raM oflije .
To out who eau com well recommended for
itduatry, integrity and vohrirty ;ood induce
asents are off'rd. No larja outly ef r.pital
trill t required,.
Tub cii ARLnsTo dklfxatm
The eloctlnn of Delegates to at'cod t!.e
National Drsaorritic Convention t Charlt-Moit
t J the Domocratlo Central Committee of iMn
Territory, wee a very nowise movement. Ee
'Jre this the selection f rfniature. If
Nrra.ka 1 admitted a a Statu, into the l'n
iu lute to jwt ber tot at tbe tut Prea
Hential election, It la but proper thnt li e
Psinirretio party should have an opportunity
f aelecling lr own delegates, and give an
prrtsloa of preference for some one of the
number who are known to be candidate fi r
(he nomlnatloo. Nearly all the delegat-a
Oeeted In the elates, time fnr, both Nortli and
South, bare been Instructed to vole fur eomo
partlonlar man, or were chosen on account of
their well known preference tor lome one of
tlii Preeidrntial candidates. We have no ob
Je tun to the jtenllemtn (circle 1 ae dclegatea
fraio tbia Territory, other llian the manner of
their selection. To that we do 1 Jeot. We
lor one, w tub to hate an opportunity of ex
.i easing a choice by the selection of dclrgatra
who e proclivities are known, or who may be
be i ii -1 1 nctod for whom to vote. To have a
fow a. en kK''tu lo at the llerodon Uoune, in
t'n i.lin, and do the aaleotion of delegate to
i o t ilu .uira.vH, a4id ihauiselves only, end
t ape i-1 the Democracy to endorse their acts,
ly Totiug fur eomebody who might chance to
t ooiuinstol ly the.e dlertm, in placing
too hgh nu estimate upon tLeoviilves and too
low a one upon the party, Thia matter can
lie fettled when rucuiUin of the CunMitutioiial
Convention are cboieu if we are to bavo any
and an expression of the sentiment of the
Pumnoralio party obtained. To prevent a
mvunderrtandiii( arid the (election of twi
,,U. of delegate-, wo counsol auother mtet
i g if she Committee tul the undoing of
what they have ione. The acloctiolt of dele
gates belong! of right to the party auJ we nre
disposed to teethe party exoraiso all itsrigl.ta
iu thin respect.
At one o'clock, prrnisly, on Wednesday the
88th day of lust month, we straddled a nngof
the Mustang order, And wrro torm jolting
westward, on our way to a town that boasts
of the reverential nnme if 8t. John'B. It
etug the first time we had ventured outside
the corporate limits of Iakota City, uulees to
cross over iuio Iowa, we dntertniu-) 1 to nj
tiee things 00 oor way. We were purtiaular
ly impresxed with tha lieauty, of the country,
the richuena of the suit, tho abundance of
timber, aud the evident nvtiks of thrift and
Industry, everywhere discernahlo. At a dis
tance of three miles, lrng measure, aud an
hours'e leisure jogging, we reached the town
jf Logsn.
Logan is situated oa the Missouri bottom
alongside the river, lias a good hotel, a saw
and grist mill, and hears unmiHtakable sins
of hiving been knocked lu tho head There
was time when Logun was thejjt.iwn of this
county; but bid times operato 1 on it woefully
Leaving this place we bore to tho Northwest,
for a mile or in ire, aud were soon in the
rjeiijhboihoo I of the Logan Timber. Hero a
taw mill was ruling and blowing at a furious
ra'.o, and men were .busying themselves in
ivigeting logs intuit arid lumber out of it
There we altered onr course and went aa Bear
)y west as the curves and angles in the road
would permit. On either Ide were au'ig
h.iusaa on every llf mile of ground, up and
down the bottom, aa far as the e"e could
reach. Standing in the rear, or oil lo one side
of eearly al', ware stacks f hay and grain ;
and each houae had ts rrib of coru hun ly la
whiih Ibe bujhols Oi.uld be caiintod by the
hundred. Hre was the first wheut we saw
in the Te rrltoty we took (mius rains ta in
quire Into tho renult of the erop nn 1 found
that spring wheat does exceedingly well
The lowekt average yield we heard of was
furty buthcls to the tors, and lh hi'umi,
I ft y three. We heard of but one man that
raised winter wheat, but wore unable to learn
what eureeaa he had. The current opinion
Is tba winter wheat would not thrive Well, in
cooeiijooe of the bard frosts, and the land
being stripped of snow by the wild winda of
a Nebraska winter. Nevertheless, we think
good crops of winter wheat can be raised, If
the seed grain ia plowed into the ground to
the depth of four or fire inches. Thia wou i
protect the roots of Ibe wheat from exposure
(0 the frosts and air, when the ground up
heaves in the spring.-
In due time tit. John's hove in eight and va
hove ia tiyht of 8t Johu'a. The town is not
atartliuglj large, but what it laoke ia immens
ity lame re than wade up ia beauty of location
From the llliiffs wbioh evtrhang the town, and
Which alto foi m part of the town limits, the
eyaeau samltr ovr a large portion of Dakota
Territory, Nebraska Territory, aud the tfiut
of Us. Sioux City, Dakota City, Logan,
endOuia li en be eeen very plainly from the
plaee. We visited the mill uf the Traey Broth
ers, aal found it b a 'arge new building, ia
which there ia a circular taw four f-et in
diameter, a ruu of atone, and a machine to
(iv shingles. It being a holiday Week there
ti uo ..ppjrtuuity of ju.ining of its mar
iu. . ue mi.l has a good n pu'an on and sd la
p.atenal'y t the eppearana rf t' a e
There i but one More to niaiaier to the wants
f the emumuoity, while more are nee I d
Si. John's lean Irish Catholic settlement and
wae founded by the "St. Petri. Va Colony,"
iu 1357. Ret J. F. Trary in tl.e resident
. pator, and his mission Is an attentive ere,
reaching to lb liliclfett nation on the IPest,
. an far North ioto Nebraska and 1'iikota Ter
I ritories, as the J ale of oiviliiilion extends,
Into all Northwestern l..wa, and to below the
On aha rteverve in Nct.raaka We have only
a liniilrj ac'j'iairilance Wi'h hii.l yet, hut he
I ohm the rv me ef an ernuiir an I acrumpli-iie 1
i erhoUr nd an agreeat.lc peri?le'iri A
j t'athnllo Churcli waa t rocte 1 in the pacela-t
fpiir n bur it m n't entirely tui-livd j t We
j ha 1 not t ir.r f.. viit iLi entire beltlt inent, at
!r a prrtry lnrj;e one, nun.!-rinu upward of
1 cirhty f'itr,:,!ie. It ie al.out iuuc ii i lei from
I' lVr-t City, in thia county.
While theie, we were the purt of Juhn
! Ileffeinon, T.k., aud Jol.u J. Ti ai y, 1N , aud
I e'jo;rd the ftenuine Iriah hospitality of b. th
the? rrntlemen, to an alarming m ut
We (I i want a HurnetiUad liiempiic n Law,
nn I hope to ace our Legielutut pats one be-
! lore it a'j itir ns. The noci ity fur eiempting
a reasotiaMo au.i unt of propeitv tny five
hundrej dollars worth is growing, daily,
mora nppiirent. Tho failure of the oor man
to nivet his agreements now usually results la
his being stripped of l,'n houi-e ami home, and
turned out to the tender mercies uf a cold
uncharitahlo worM. Aciident, dUet.ne, or
death frequently places it out of the power of
of mauy to Instantly comply with the condi-
lions ''nominated lu the boud," aud modern
Bhylocka will insist on having the " pound of
flesh." An inebriate, or reckless bead of a
family, can make contracts, the Don fulfil
ment tit whicS ensures hardships and misery
to his family. These cases occur too often,
and in a majority of them innocent parties
suffer. IU'sidea, the Innumerable reasons that
might be given as humane Arguments, for the
a J.)p;im of such a law, it is, undoubtedly,
the duty if the Territory to protect itself from
Ibe rapt ure of supporting taupcrs; aud many
can Lo made such, when there is no protco
liuu thrown uroiiul I lie f.unily hearth.
We feo thiitLir H'ykln. tliroiijh hisener
lies, Ims gyt his joint menioiial an 1 resolutionH
throuvb tliu Council, asking Congrens to make
immediate appropriation to build a l'eni-
tenliary for this Territory, nnd that the eninu
bo located at lHllevne. We nincerely hope
that thia sul ject will receive an early nnd fa
vorable action from CongreMS, aHRi'otiiti'htiary
at this time in very much uoedod, nnd Bollevue
from its oeutrr.l positiou in the Territory, its
proiimity to pleuly of gravel, stone and tim
ber, nnd other reasons not neoepsary to enum
erate, in the very place for it. Daily AViros
A n.
We think otherwise, and hopo TelleTUO will
not he selected as the site of the Penitentia
ry if an appropriation is made by Congress
for that purpose. It is not a fair shake to
have all the edifices erected and appropria
tions squandered in the immediate vicinity of
the Platte. Properly speaking. Dakota City
is more centrally located than Itellevtie, and
justioe to Northern Nebraska de.nan Is that
thia should be the point selected aa the site
N e have plenty atone, and plenty timber
hard wood timber, too, and since not one
dollar haa ever been appropriated for the
benefit cf this upper country, or rather it has
never received a dnllar'a benefit from appro
priations made to the Territory, we demand
thia thing r.s a right llollovue, from its prox
imity to tlmaha, n:u-t have been the recipi
ent of many a dollar of the foO.OOO, appro
priated to build a Cnpitol at Omaha. Betides
this, it most be benefited annually, by the
disbursement of twenty or thirty thou-and
dollars at the Capital.
What are our men. hers doing in the Legis
lature that Dakota City could not have her
claims urged ? Gents, bestir yourselvos I
A week ago last Wednesday, Frank West
shot an Indian in the streets of Niobrara,
killiij hi 111 inetantly. The Indian had engag
ed to sole a pair of moccasins for him by a
oertain day, and coming to town the day ap
pointed, cicused b'msoir 011 the ground of
having tio siuewa to woik with. West laid
hold of the re I man's b'auket, saving, as ho
endeavore 1 to take it from his shoulders, he
would keep that until the moccassics were
returned. The ludiaa hold on tn his black' t
and while tliey were tunneling got hold of a
stick, with which he threatened West if he did
not release his hold on tho hlanket. We t
d.d tcltire hio luMii Imi at the same instant
drew hie revolver arid luvnliUtt it at the breast
of the ludiau, fired, and killed him on the apct
r. . - .. .A . ...
i oiici ierable excitement prevailed among the
Indiaae and it was lh.iujhl they would tako
Vf.st'a scalp in revenge.
The eitisena north of here, need the eatab
liahment of a tri-weekly mail from thia City
to Ponca. There is now a tri weekly mail
from Sioux City t Logan that benefits no one
We doubt very much whether the route av
erager one letter a month. An tfforl shnuM
be made to have that route ahollaheJ, a.i
one createi from here to Poooa that will p(
through Ligan and St. John'e. We also need
a mail, weekly at least, between here and
R -rgcaiita llliifj.
r ABino.ia.
Silk dresses mad with a high plain cort
ege, aod rounied k xly and waistband, ara In
fashion iu I'a'is. Tha aleevag are tight, aud
r muiiiiriiiCT at in ..p Dj a Jockey, whloh
is fcl it up ta h iwid lie aud ornamented with
a ruche of rtbOoa to match the colore of the
Ia diees, there is system eetablishad at
Couapeigo, that eretue "rushing the fa kion."
Four toilvta a t'ay are about the geuerl re
qiirernent, thoagn there are days wkea only
three are necessary ; the invitations are for
eight dy, an I no lady is expected to be ice a
tw ce wa.inj the same flmu.
ii w i'ii i hi 1 1 i nin i .a
A Richmond (Va ) eorre"pondeti! of the
New Vork Iltrnld ay:
' I waw present, to day, at a eonv;rtion
between Gov Wine and aeveml rnemhera f'f
the Legiilature, on arjects relating to the
Harper'e Ferry outbreak. One of the mem-
her asked the Governor what he thourht of
the Union row. The Qovernnr'a rrjjiy wan,
thaf A hrlifttd it to it at tiri ng it tver. The
metuher, in utter urprine. aked him to Hate
bi rcaxons f r the etranga belief. The Gov.
uid that thre were elementa enough etill ei
ii ti-jgto bold the Union tgather; that the
relation of these elements to each other were
of a character ao etrong and abiding aa to
render their feverance next to impooiib'a
The Union was, he enid, prowlng too faet r n I
a temporary check or difficulty, iucb aa the
reent agitation aeemsto present, won iot
table ; hut he heieved that, in ten yeara, the
Union woeld he stronger and more cr.ilda
ted than it ever hat been.
Gov. Magoffin, of Kentucky, reoommende
the legislature of that State to prohibit by
hiw. under nevere pcualticfi, the marriage of
c MLS. lie aays that the iuiheoiles, insane,
deaf niutss, aud blind, in the aiiit-n nt a iy
lume of that State, who are the offsprings of
coumns, constitute sixteen twentieths i f the
whole number. IIj olnims it the right and
duty of a atate to protect itself eguiimt the
evil and expense, by forbidding euoh unions.
i-rrcaident Tierce intends to puss the
winter at the Iiahauia Inlands. The place hat
teco recotneaded by the best medical author
ty in Vorton, ae proniirlrg by its olimate and
. ofier surroundings, trneficial remits to the
health uf Mrs. Tierce, which it is found can
not sustain the severity of the New EogUud
Mexico has bad fifty-oix presidents since
the establishment of the republio in 1322.
That'a about one for each eight months.
A Southern paper aays: " llelpor'a boek
is nothing in itself, but its endi nement by
eiiry-elght members of Congress ia by no
means a trifle," Sixty-eight members of Con
gress, then, eaa make eomething out of noth
ing. Qerrit Smith is recovering. Ilia wife was
, p-r netted to visit VP a few days aro, and it
is thought he will goon be able to retura to
his home The family look to a re-union of
all its Bicmbaraxt Peterbore' on Christmas
The O'.d fl . nth Church, in Beston hue an
annual iiionmo from its real estate of nearly
J0,()(K). It ).as two ministers, and pays
eaoh or them a salary of $4, 000. It nls
supports a fieo chapel, and oontributee lib
erally to city rniasiotis and other cuaritalbe
A dippatob to aCiiictiinnti paper announces
tbo death of lion. Linn Boyd, Lieutenant
Governor of Kentucky. He has been in fee
ble honlth for twelve months and had become
so exhausted by suturing, that his life, 11 sev
eral occasions, was despaired of. He ii
o'joscd Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky,
I ii it summer on the tioket with Beriah Mago
ffin. Previously he had served twleve conse
outive aa a member ef Congress from Ken
tucky, and for two years of the time was
Mpeaker of that body.
tlT Would it not be well for the County Com-
Diiesionere to authorize the publication of
their proceedings in the Tltrlnd. The citizenB
of the county would like to be informed in
respect to thiogs that oorne under the com
miHtlouers consideration. The cost to tho
county would be ouly trifling compared te the
satisfaction that would be given. Llgh
should not he hid under a bushot.
"18 HKRKBY OIVKX, that P..I.1I Propo.ala tie
I r-coll at lha ofltea of th County Clerk, of Pakota
lounty, i paxma city, until tli tat day of Knhrutry
DHXt, unlit lo o'olork ofaal.t dy, foa the emotion of a
nnm court tiuua tor rli Couvtrat Dakota Cltr.
Tha plan and ape! -atinna fur aat'l buliainu c'aa k
.u w tu oai 01 in oounty Clnra.
HidJera will be re-iulnj to atato In thulr proponal
ni arlisa tuna at which th.y will nunpUta an Id
kulUlii.K ; tb ilu, not to od twoyoara from tha
aIJ Ut day of Phruary, A. D. lMtO.
Compraatlin a.r aald work to b In County (Vtm,
- .m'.uwuu ... m r. id inaviau4 auoacnpiiou,
.uu wi'nj 1;. mmia naaaia i;ny,
lllddara will also atat how, and at what tlaica. they
daalr said cmiualicn.
Th Comniialonra of aald County In awarding a
eontract, as alior. reeerv th right of arVilug aui-h
i.riua ana conuiuoua 10 such aontnet. aa tln m..
uv.Mii nrrr-wniry to stienra a prompt oouipnauc tiir.
wim ; nut iuriiiiio wim in t.rma of thia notlo.
1 l.a time uf Hi. completion of nkt eootraet, and tha
i.roia 1 1 payment propoaed by rodders, will b rsgard
d iu awarding a aouti-,-t.
tiy ordur if th C.-ointy CnnrniUplonera.
, . County Clerk
rketa City, Jan. Cili, lsoo.
Cm.nirxs, Tnmslrrt, tnil.n(oT their trUourt or
t m rin childrtn.t who arvd In an. vara or l.,nl,.
etth.r In California or tU'whm, ;nor to Murck 3,1,
low. r rir thMrm who m under t ymrt qaft
..i.r. . .in.r. Him inn on in ouaat or t al-
lfrni in tha Uiir.i, w.r. will do well to ad.lrt u.
lamia mat nar D.an rvjeetod la lb bands of olhar
t"it.-., ha bean ur Kri lly obtained by 11a. Aganta
a. ilng Ar na. Ilaraily paid. Ijind WarraaU bought
1 .1 aoia tonrdor, aud all baalnaa requiring an agent
at waahiiigtoa. attmded to.
It a LLOYD A CO.. Altoruava for Claima. rnalona.
B. unty Land, Ae, Rrfer.nc to any of tb liaada of
He, artmauaa. Jaul-K'w
IS hrhy glca thai a t4al alai-tloa will ba h.ld on
'alnr.lay Ilia With day of January. A li. ISM at th
uaual flr of holdlnii .Iwtlon, In 111. nuiiiv l rlr
a oiiuly lurvviw. that cat. h.lna n ..Riit. l'tioa
rint J jluilt.""" " Urt
bf urdvf Ol tla fount, nvimii'adoti.ra
J MUi w- viktck.
tfeuuty C lark
A I.I. prana Ind.ntad to Androw J. Stan-art, fey not
or b-oa kwiiml, ara hanihy noUAn) tMltls th
a am.. lthr by paying up bn.r tlmlatof Marob A
! lAoO, or gWIng g.wd aarurily lor iba aaui., or th
aoaranu will put In propar hand f t eoll'otloa
W- Virtual aT aiilhoHaad ag.ut, aud aatila-
ca baci4 with him
A N Dirvr J ST V W ART.
Pakota City, Jaw. T.
(JtaTln m.mlari of th PakoiaHty onipaty ill
rtaianUr tha notio ol aalaa of f b aih loat. and Ii
pr.ft.nt aatber will b olhsr bu-loaaa u. aiuud to.
Tb mwlhig will ka h.ld al th "Sr. of )r. rr.vknall
t(bm aarly at o'.UkA 1b U.. uorulng aa tkiaarly tU4
ale ho Ik woro1.
rat UAlt, Dakcta City.
A rrirals.
Fonthera anil Psstra Ma.Ha Tuedsy, Tbnrsday,
an. I Pmiuflnv. t P M.
Northern Min'tsy. Wihlneeilsv. aad Prt.lsv. t A. M
M.hran(li. (MonthlvV leaven 1st of eai-h month, at
7 AM. Arrive 7th. sit J;. fi.-r. 10 V. M.
Nliihrrah, (WesKlyl LeaTns MoaJftJ, 9 A. M. Ar
rl Siturlay. 10 P. M.
Maila arv cltl one hour befi r tis tims of npnr
turn B. H ATMd, l. M.
Dakota Cltjr, July 9, '59.
700D wanted in exchange for siibsricp-
ticn, anil other .lues, at this office).
On last Monday evening the caucna called
for to Dominate a "City Tickat," met, and the
fallowing Ticket was nominated:
Far ifjyor.
23 3. D. M. CROCKWELL.
For Trmturer,
For A trf tnr,
J 'f Frrordcr,
For MarihuU,
For KlJmnrn,
J. 11 Z1KGLER,
The abjve ticket makes a strong team, and
will be elected. They are all energetic bus
iness men, and will give an impetus to mai
lers, and things in Dakota City, that is very
much needed, just now. What we want ia
that tbey will push matturs through. There
ia great room for improvement during the
coming aummer, and an enterprising set of
city officers can do much towards improving
the p'ace, if they would only try. We pledge
ourself to support that retire ticket aud tee it
Love's Fkiaks Jaet before the Cbristntaa
days the little blind god let fly one of his ar
rows rind it pierced, throng'i and through, a
couplu of youthful, and admiring hearts, and
mnds n hole
" You eoulj aii!!j- roll a calibag In,"
The twain no l.mer desired to be two but
sue floi-h. Aoooidingly tlicy made a mst.li,
thus disproving; tho correotncig r.f the old
adage that mat hos are made in heaven," as
our couple made their match over in Siotu ''ity.
On New Year's mom tl.e male party lo the
arrangement, cro-i-ed over to this city to get
tbo nesesary documents from our County
Clerk, to enable him to olfer himself a viotim
at tho matrimouiol shrine. Leander nwaru
aerons the Hellespont in days of yore to his
lady love, bot our man juHt slid aoro the
Missouri on the ice, as any stBMble man
would. Repairing to the houne of the lady's
friends, iu thisoounty, thoy mado known their
determination. The fricuils Hew into n pa
ion, grw furious, nnd threatened to break
the match thort oil', in two pieces ; as they
already bad selectod a man to he tho partner
of her joys. Here tbe dutnstl demurred, and
distinctly wanted it understood that she was
going to wed the man f hr choice. Her
Wovyer" admiring her pluok as well as lik
ing her in other respeot, determined on mak
ing her ' his'n" at all hazard ,
"niit spirit vu trrmandou.iaml fWe to brhoM,"
nnd he announced himself ready to die iu her
About eight o'clock in the event igoandidote
No. 2. thinking he had a dead thing of it, on
a hasty survey of matters, bestrode the
fleetest charger thia county affords and flew
ovtr ten long miles of ttrra firma to UiU oity,
in forty seven minutes, to get certificate No.
. He was perspiring at every pore but seem
ed to be annimated by that most powerful in
centive love, interested lore. Having eooured
the papers he felt relieved of a wagon load of
doubt and said he would marry tbe woman
before -'twolve at night." He apaiu mounted
hia charger, and turned lis head homeward
struck his heeN into its flanks and waa of
like a shot. Whatever hopes he had at eight,
had vanished into thin air at twelve, and
candidate no. 2, was a sad, ui-o-juiiitd Diaii.
A day spent with the friends of the lady made
a'l things right and on last Tuesday morning
candidate No, 1 waa maid tjje happiest man
in the world, by receiving the band and heart
of her he bved dear. Fuint heart Lc.
Dead Drunk, Cotlee is good to drink, we
do not mean Rio Java, nor Malaga, nor burnt
horse beans that w hen pulverised par. as such,
but a real, live "broth of a boy" named
Co flea Coffee, as we said before, is good to
drink, but a week ago last Wednesday. Coffee
libtik too much and was found in the vioioity
of the Logan Timber, in a i-tate that would
better befit him in bed. He waa accompanied
h7 ajug of whiskey, and afl ink of whiskey.
and whonf. uudby Henry Grim and another
gentleman, was perfectly senfleiis, and could
not apeak. Grim, like a true comrr.iaxerafor
of human depravity, took Coffee home to bis
house, not to drink, tut to keep him from
freegiog or dnukiog himself, i e Coffee, to
death, aud when he again became sober sent
him on his way rjoioing. Coffrel bowsr of
whiskey !
$2. 8ome pl.ilanthrophic, fellow bo will
ultimately be aaved, sent us two dollars for
one years nubsoriptiou to the Jltrall, said
Ueruld 10 ba tent to bis paltrnul relaiioos
leoun ea.it." Thanks to fortune for taissu,ile
We aro again Suah and feel like a proBirfalo
or a spend thrift. If we do not c ioaa lora
d uiean tanglefoot may we never Jr qk an-
othtr drip ! Hw g (
I Has the Dakota City r.iJ 'dried up?'
i We Lava't received a copy for several week".
What a "up" Mao ? 5iomz Ci'y R'jiU'r.
j We dry rpt No Sir-re! While we are
' f vored with the benign miles of a kind Prov
idence and an extensive credit we will never
dry up. The Herald is not of the dry kind
either practically, theoretical, morally, social
ly, physically or prospectively. We send a
TTtrald to the firyiittr grfrtitg, eaoh week and
it goea aa far as the post office in that city tl
, wiys. What becamos of it after it reaches
j thero we cannot divine. We will erapl.iy a
1 medium, a epiritual medium, to nnravel tbe
j mystery if another complaint is nttered.
I Several of our sitbnoribsrs are also complain
ing of the non receipt of the Herald, at tba'
Christmas Dixxxk On Christmas day we
wers invited ont Iodine and w nt eut and
dined aoeordingly. The invitor was Dr.
Crockweli and the invito Wm. Curl, Jacob
Van Auken, Willian H Oglesby, and our
significant self, The voracity displayed by
the guesta waa rather remarkable on that hos
pitable occasion, but can ouly be accounted
for on the ground of having rich, tetapti ng,
and palatable viands spread before them.
If tbey did not do justice to tbe generosity
of the host, tbey at least done justice to the -dinner.
TnAREi. We were preieote with an in
terest in Pooea City, thecoonty seat of L'ixon
county, aud which ia represented as the most
beautiful town site in Nebraska, by II. A
Fuller Esq., for which we return our thanks
We intend visiting that place whenever we
can command forty-eight hours leisure, and
see for ourself.
Mail Bao Orxa The stage arrived lure
on Tuesday of last week, with the Omaha
Mail bag unlocked. Whethor it was owing to
carelessness or some ether oaune we are una
bio to my. The lock was fastened to the
ataple, but tha strap that confines the mouth
of the bag was dangling eround loose. Mora
caation in such matturs is needed ia order to
prevent a game of growl.
Bklmoosc. Nicholas Ryan and John Barry
denizens ef St. Johu's ptecinct, were in town,
last week, and did a talennfold. They both
worw unmistakble signs of having been particl
pants in a ekrimmage, melee, or "frea fight.'
Kyan's head waa badly battered and had a
I gish out on the right side abont three inches
long. As legal proceedings are about to le
instituted we refrain from commenting on the
matter. Cad blond nnd too much whiskey
was the oauae of it.
Saor. The first snow of the pcasan fell rn
the 27th nit. It rn nbout two inohee doep
and all blew away bofnre it had time to melt
We had a Iittlu shower of enow once before
but it melted aa fact as it touohed Mother
Earth. At this rate we predict spring about
the 1st of February, and corn planting in
April. We can beat tho world on wcath
Cold. The weather turned suddenly cold,
last week. Oa Saturday morning lust, the
Mercury foil to thiity-four degress below JCoro
and 00 Sunday morning, New Toar's day,
was down to forty. This is what we oall cold
weather, very oo'd weather, if vra may
be permitted d d ool i weather.
Posies stolin. The Sioux Indiana atolo
t'lirty.flve ponies, from their copper color d
brothers, the Omaha, about two weeks since.
A band of Omabes went in pursuit of the
aboriginal horse thieves but brought back only
an account of having cent five Sioux's
to settle their account in Kingdom Come.
?ao4i Rev. J p. Tracy left here cn
Wednesday last, to epend the winter In the
east and South He will return in the spring
bnt will visit Washington City, Baltimore,
Charleston, and other points, while he ia
Look at the Cosmopolitan Art Association
notice in another column. Only a few days
remain in whiob to subscribe.
See notice
of proposal to build a Court
Read the notioe of R.B, Loyd &Co of Wa
Ugton City,
See notice of an election to elect a County
Pee notice of Andrew
J. Stewart to dolia-
8a notice of ' a member of tb compa ¬
By virtue of an execution to me directed
from th District Court of the third ludi-
cial district of the Territory of Nebraska, sit
ting iu and for thi"County of Dixon I have
levied upon, and will off. rst Publio aale be
tween the hours of 9 o'ciook A M and 4 o'cl'k
f. M at the door of tlio punea House
lonca in said eoiimv. nu Wei'iedav the!2.rnh
day of January A i) lgol), tie following de
seribd real estate, to wit; th North J of'the
it. l. i -1 01 riBoiion .iu an I the N W 1 4 of
me :v iv. 1 L,f ctlon Z4 in township 31 in
range 6 east situated in the county of Dixon
Terrritory of Nebra-ka tak. u as the proper
ty of Peter Malone o .atisfy an execution in
favor of Michel McCue
K. H WILBUR Sheriff.
Dated Deosmber 16th ISM.
:itr. l
a ri'BLisnsD
Eery S,lurd.y .V.rmf,,, Dj,0ln f
si ''
TERM 9-fJ 00 a jr la al,,
months; Fifty tenia ti t three m ...,. '
tsaS-OrricB OiTostTtTHxBATn un
Ooo Pleura ofta-alra Unas or ls.j a... ,
Kwhsuoaetjiumt Insertion ' " lnrti, .
Onaaquar one month.
n xinaro, thrt nnuth,
Ho a.Uftrs, six iomiIus,
Ono Sonars, one vesr.
Two square, nns yer.
One column, ona jrsar.
una nMi column, oue yaar,
un niurm column, do,
do halfrnlumji, six months,
do fourth do do
do half eolum. throa innntha
do fourth do do 1I0
llusllifiKa fitnla nfila lit... I
, - - ui OTIS f-r
taah In adr.no. U b, rrquirM
menta. ere,,i wbcra a apm-ial conlr.rt hi. .
to lb contrary. '"i.
" Jlcu!vs AovaaTU'we. CoMMisdi.- Hl, ?
AoasoT " sr. the Agents Hrla paper lo n,,
PVIU.IAI..).I. I- lx-ni. .. . ' ' ' I
' 'I IfUAIUllin, L..
Ddh'll Cilf, V ii I I
11 bu-iness mlrut-ted to Us c,re
i attended to with promptness and ip,p,. iX 4
Partioular attention will be paidto th(!o'-
liou ofoluims; and to Real E-Uts n.lttr 1
roasciii'n .
Attornryt al
etirx ciry, . . .
0 "Till attend to all legal lUFinr6 int- .-.f ;
. to their care, ia western Iowa aci
cm Nelirsska I
Nov. 7. '63.
Flumlr and dan Fit -r.
NO 19, ST. CMA K1K8 SIRII.T, ST. Lol
V7"iU promptly attend to ail bniriee in 1
V line, and all work executed with Cfi
nose and dinpstch. Will give spec' .1 atfmi
to any work that may be entrubtcj to ti- -.-and
satisfaction warranted.
VhiuU SUtct Vutrict AtUrij) r Xtbrai t
1TTII.L attend promptly ti any h jful kuflnia ia
I ted to him In tb Court of th Twrln.
ori'KJIi Monevr block, Ouiabn City, N T.
August, 19,' 3
T7L promptly Httond all busineeii ea rn
ted to him. Office on liriiven erect,
one doorcattof the "Americau House;"lJn
di, N. T.
Banker and Deltrt in fJutturn i'.-i'm
lTTAULt) iay toth puhllctLatitny bimliiwBtfi'.tni.t.
l to tliair cam wH inurt with prompt atlr'ti.L
auch a Isyiug out landa into louaa towns ur a.l-iiti .
tbortA; tb Lnyinir. lling, renting or laaiDZ M m
estat. hoaaM or lota: the buying, s.lllr.f .r KKnti'i
land varranU. on time or for caah; maaiui; rclli-;. r..
paying of taxoa, .laming of rocoMa aa to p.'rf.-f;u.' '
tltlo 10 landa or bakola city M; tbe 1 M.ii.ln;
deeda frora th lhakota oaly eonpany t i lou Jrnt :
77ii making out of Dtrdt, Boa!s an d Tu h
Uon Faperi, c.nj thi ririnj f
On ellll.! claims, for part of 111. land.
Having also now on band a lark-e atork of Hry C -:.
and Notions, Lumber and t-bikKlta, tl.i-y mil .
attuntion to thair stock. aud aay to tin uluk 1...:
or prparad to reoaira all kinds of dry goo !a. ;r .r.i
produo and lumbar on oommiaaion, for private ' -(
Mon aalet, or to axohanga for other jircpi-riy. CLa: :
low and atoragt fre.
Qaaranteaing it to yHd 24 pr cnt netprrCt, u
turn, 11 left on drpo.it over 90 da)f.
N. B. P.raona wiabinr to inv.atahonld nflt fal! trri
at thsir ofmi, aa they bar a large amount ot ra!nt
pr prty tor a.le low f, t rash or on lime.
Xhtf boat of ruforann given If required.
J I. M CKuCKH'KLL, rrcaiian'..
Pakoaa tty, Anguat 11, 't8 101 .
ILL prepar pians and speclbcatlona forpriTaumi
t public bulldingp, and coatrwt f..r or supni"
u.ullnK th aama. All. joformi,li..M i.-ipj iri.iiiira
jl B. Halo, agent of Dakota city company.
A TTORNCV and Counsellor at Law, OejU
j Nebraska.
DKALKIt IN REAL E5TATP1 anl Oeaeral Tim"
Agent. CotiTeyaowr and Notarv l'bi: (ito01
door aunt of th (Viuoly keeorder'aofijta.oD iarnh
rro.t, unwha, N T liu'.'
T AND A0K?tT, OJIAH.t, N?Hli-V3!l.A'-C1' "
1 J faruham atn .t.
It linU Tit AN ONE lit; Milt KUAN t M !. . I T'
(n1 ( oiiit Art rum i.iHiifil t,f ,-t.cU i, uuiU.r o
ti MS 'ur fJ WItli'n IMaS fl laf 1 T II roriUUItai "
Kftiuiv iilrt. rd ,( purallel, l.i ' a rhlf d vi
iut imiintniiiH, without ! : r- l tJ,p)'j'..tur'' "
lh)r and muuiy. Th mw ie n t..i.i.;iitti ,n o!It r- d
lb Fabiinbajrai rt M ih.-m U) 5--ur tLa btat rMJ
tl'afu i.f tivt int nr3n'rhiLiM Au-fc"ri aud Artit J
tL emintry, tn hnu. 1'hreti 'i buuiMiUil lvl w
mrm ptitii for ti p Mailer auJ llluotr!luiu ot och nun M
f tU M"Vfiuft.
Hv okr'i.' l.''rl''UP t"vlb.-l.n frntu lb fcbur'1
DiaVfrmt ti ii pinctwl at thnir Jih(tvitl, Lh I'uMi ' 1
tawiivtu tliat ttit-y have 1'IX'IumJ im! cm a oouIjd- f
prtHlDi iur atirtfK-livi hud uful Magtuuf f,'B
Iim ftr b rt I wt flrni to tin uTvt iiiaA." 1 ' ,b
Auor) nn rvn-it n lie. ADioCK thw rvuUr w ''J
fbr lit Mactut t fttiikibtTHil tb luur tlultittfii,,',J
Air.ifrionti miih rt; lut tint ruh!.nbor rvifrulu fru' n
uuuntinir list '.f nihtrltiuturn, beinc airca tli'
fcrffl- ahoulJ rttuikUwl by thor uu intriu'i'
airln rtl r tt.ta by Uj tiu uf ib iibi-r.
4n Git 01. Yvamr t .
To - , 6.'"'
ytirfe er tr r ert iti fit uu yut (farbf . "'
Wax. r"H.
aa,Btr a a -t am-.