Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, January 07, 1860, Image 1

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i . r v 13 i i s n k d
i . v .. : y .v : '-' ' -v-r
J fifty a' tr" ",uoU,-
e,c(it'P,-slTI.TIla IUTSJIotE-tai
....easier. 20 IK,
,r,u rolamo. do. V"
...i, column. -IX month.. M
J,, ,irth do do ,7
, , ...,1, ,i do di w
.'" .ranis o( IW or lf.. on. year. 10 00
""'I'."; .uIm. -HI - required o all advertl...
menu. , where wll contract boa bom made
I lh contrary-
" Fir M -
Ausscv " " l,'e A'',nl, f,prt ld th f
1-SlUdfljbl, ! WUmingtuu, fei iu""p
ijr.i i'i'..,
V .ttinesa tntru-ted t his far will be
attended to with promptness and dihpatch.
Particular Bitouii..u will be pat I to 'hc Collec
tion of clniics; and to Real Estate matters.
.lt'.n.-ljt (it Loir,
10W A
W'iil attend to a'l legal busine. intrusted
totbi-ir care, in western Iowa buJ east
ern Nebraska.
Nov. 7. '.
Tlainlrr and Gm Filter.
NO. 19, ST. LUARI.U9 gTRkr.T, T. L011S, MO
T Till promptly intend to all business in bis
lino, n.ud ail work executed with neat-m-'
and dispatch. Will give special atteutrou
u any work that may be entrust! J to his core
uul satisfaction warranted.
D'Oad .Voif-ea i'ulnr Attorney far Jfrl..ii'i
TT'ILL Mt'-rJ promptly to ny l?al bnilwn Inlr
IT tl to him In lh Ojurtu of tin Terrltorj.
ifTlClS fl'inwr kllvcli, ouiaL City, N. T.
AuKutt, IK,'
1)5111)1, KItrt ASKA.
"ILL promptly nttond all bunincps entrus
ted lo liim. tMlice on Orates street,
oif duor cntt of the "A'nerican House;" Oma-
di, N. T.
VI i: in: a i. estate
lititilm imi Dtd'rri in liasirrn Ejc uh;j',
VI '1'I.P to the puMte that an; hiKtncHantru.Ud
lr In llirlr car m..t with prjiapt attwntk.n:
nr h n l .y'.nu nut laud into lol.n tuwua or aildltlort
'.ij"r.-ln; the l uyin. Rtllinp. rrntiug or Utthiu of ran.)
lK'U-t' or lut; Ilia bu'iit, .uliioif ur locatiiK of
l.'i'i wiirrr.nt.. ou tnue (r fir cunh; Uiakit. rotlotiunp,
ptir'ir(pf t.ixt ., pxniuii) J of re-r'tp a? to prf. ctm ol
l'ti-i. to lurnlh or rku.a city atook ; tlio oi't'tii'tn of
tl i! iro:u ih l'ttkcla atty coaipauy fr loU drawn on
Tin innimg ot f Ditds, Bonis and T'rt Emf
ti n Papiri, and 1ht refitting of
On eligible claim., for part of tba land.
TUriu b'po now on hatol a large atock of Dry Aoid
an! iNutloi,a Lumlr and hiiiKlva, tby wotilrt rail
&:oti;u to tUu.r bto-k,alid ray to tbt nuhlic that tboy
nn. yrt-j rt to r'iva all kind of dry giMxla. grocrlca,
i rodU'-a a. d luinir on ooronii.Hon, for priat or aue
IV'U aloa, or to ext haiige fur otbur property. Cbarge
K m aud aUiragc fr.e.
Cuarautadni It to ylclit Vt per raat nat profit, par an
uuui, if Ion ou drpoait 0Tr 90 daya.
N. II. Tarsoiu wl'hing to li.Tit should not fall to call
at thoir ntti, an they have a lurir... amount o TaluaUa
JT pertv ftir B ile 1(W f'T rah ur on lilna.
'1 be betit of Icfvliure giveu If rt.iuirMl.
J l. SI. CKOCKWlihl,, Trcaldent.
Dakota rttj, Auiaat 11, '18 101 y.
IIX prejor ilana and anocincatlona fbrprivattand
puoiio M!di:.gis and oontract for or auuerii.txnd
u'.lit.g tba .ntue. rti.y iuf.trination wanted, io'iuire
j u. ijiaiit or yimoia city company.
TTORSEY and Counsellor at Law, Oruaba
il Nebraska.
1HALKR IN REAL KriTATR and O.a.r.l Burinma
J' AKcnt, LonTeTaLepr and Notary I'Hblie: l.ftlwnne
d.-r wratr.f I cuuty Kecordar eorcMgOO tarnhaio
it ... f 11 ' Ml- ....
JESSE lowi;,
X4 farbhatt atrett. 0
and Co). Ira are row in.ud ot n.h numlatr u liar
pwreNaw oloalhly Maaine.
T 111. aunrfe to wh.rh tbr bit ry of rrloill.al Lit.
rature artorda no jn.rallel. bar. i:', . n acr.i. . . An
le not mainuined, without a liUrl .xpeoduui. ot
labor and ranu.y. The aui le ruu uiteiai.uu it,.,, ,j ..v
tha 1'ubll-h.ra t'nablce lh.-ui to eecute t bw t..t r.iijp
tione of the most aooup!iibl Author, und Ariii.uf
tba eruntry. tj whom at eif 1 1'tiraM i hou.ai.u t'thsri.
are paid for the Matter and Ill'.'.atra'.o.un o! u u uui ber
of the Magaiiuv.
Hy earffu' and latiftri'jtH rlrti"n trori :t.w a)'i.n,iai,t
n Knrml. Uiua plaxwl at tl..-ir di-j. Umj i uon.lv h
liM.t, mat th. y have irvducd. and cu cvi.i.no. i.
ro.iuo a mora all ttlva aud iu! Viavariu tl..n
' b' re t.wn 'fiar.itu the (r..i mux lib.
Aui.rt .n rr.Jia public. Among lliu r-Uiar wrlUra
for tba Magaiine are nuiaVred tb. u. j-t oiflli vu,J.d
Anirirn author, t ut the I'ubli-lt. refraiu noui an
nouonng a liat (4 coniribuu ra, belun J.irou. mat tba
eno-lea alir.ubl .a ml.i.alo.1 by tb.ir o.u lulrin.ie
merlla ralbet than by Ik. neaua of tbe Author.
ne Off ona Tear 1 1 ik)
L"." " "
" nic' e"iir tr one ytr (ea. b(
VOL t.
We f I will tell thee tit II la t.-.kel
It It to build with human th. uitbU a .brio.
Where br.pe altt brooding like a heantpoua il'ir;
Where time aaenn young, and like a thing divine.
All tartra, all pleaauraa all dialrea e mblim,
To ronaerrat hla mnrtuarycf bllrn,
Abora, tha atari In elotidleaa twenty ehlue :
Around the atraama their dowry murine kl a ;
And If there'a beaveu on earth, U.at bearen I. aura-
Tea, thla la lore, the atradfnFt and Ihe true,
Tba Immortal glory which bath never act I
Tba beat, the hrlghleet baon the baart e'-e knew
Of alt life'e aweeta the very eweeteat yet I
V' who rati but recall the eye they tm t.
To brt-ath. tn avm green walk, their Ar t young
(tow f
WLr summer fl. wcr.i, wl.h noonilabl d.-ee, wore
At'd w!n'!a filjhel aoft arruud the trountiilu brow.
And all wa rupture then, ablch ie but memory
(now .
Sit down, m J aoiil. and count
Tho moiiirnle ll.tirg :
(.Vmo It'll the sweet amount
Thnt's lost by sighing !
How ninny (miles? a sooro.
lipri laugh aud count no more, f
For day is dyibS-
Lie lown, s.id roul, and sleep,
And uo n ore measure
The (light of Time or weep
The lues of leisure :
But here, by this luue Htieam,
Lie down nithuauud dream
Of sturry trcueute '.
We dream: da thou the same s
We It re forever;
We laugh : yet few we shame
The gentle, uerer,
S'.ay, then, till Sorrow dies :
Theu hoj e and happy skies
Ar thine forever !
Still to be nent, elill to be drest
As you were goingto a feast j
Still tube powdered, still perfumed,
Lady it is to be presumrd,
Tliongh art's hid causes aro not found,
All is noteweet, &U i not sound.
n ...
Give me a look giro rue n, face,
That makes simplicity a gi ace ,
Hobcs loscly flowing, hair as free,
Such sweet neglect more taketh uie,
Than all the adultriea of art ;
They tstrike miue eyes, but not mine
The Bates county Plandar l f the 18th, pub
lished in I' utl.T, Missouri and reoeivsd laet
tight, has a lengthy account of another foray,
made by a gang of some forty u rn from
Kansas, led by one Snyder, who figured large
ly under the notorious thief and cut throat
Capt Montgomery, during the 'sainted' Old
Brown' time in that Territory. Ve con
dene tho .let ' ilej but give the eciEo fucts.
Three men of Missouri, Messrs, Bennett,
of Tarksville, Browu of Wett Toiat, and Bell
of Lafayette county, started over into Kansas
on the evening of the 8tU inst.. after a fugi
tive slave, who was understooi to be in' th
vicinity of 0.-watomie. Night drove them
into bhelter, and they ebtaii.ed it witit a far
mer named Taylor. When all had retired,
and the weary traveler were about giving
themselves up to sleep, voices were heard
without, uud the tiamp of many feel betrayed
the presence of a lrge oompany of men, who
anon rlamftrtdifd adrpiwHiorf into the houss, C"
that the btruiigtre be gent or brought out to
To save the house and property of their
boHt from ashes, and probably their own
lives, the Missourian surrendered, an 1 dress
ed and went out. tmoeiu the bauds of the
Briguuds, they were compelled to anlTer on... -erous
pcronal Indignities- They brought the
very negro whom -their irieontrs wer iu
search of, and made him confront thtui, and
CHHt the lie iu their teeth; their bale and cuat-i
were taken olTaud given to hiu., and cue ol
the men was compelled to wear the black ras
cal's hat ; ti.eu (uo uufo. 'uuat uieu wai de-
; riveil of their arms a Irate of Cult't revol
vers each aud a levy of fifty doiUr was as
sessed to pay ihe i.egro expenses to Canada.
The horse of one of them was given the negro
and those of the other two tukeu to be sold,
and the proceeds, we suppose, applied to
the "Jujbawk" lund. About seven or eig'it
hundred dollars worth of property was
Tkeu a CbUS was held us to what ihoiiM
he uYijo wilh Ihe prisoners, part of th baud !
being in tuvor ufhanxiug; indeed some violent
threat ud loud talking took j,Uce between
rtnydrr aud onu or two of the most blood-
t-iie'y ofhismeu. auto whfiber tr.e prison,
j o-s ihouia be hung ur liberate J bnyder's
j ojui.cn-boater pieva.lcd Ler.l nu hl
, g n hi wo.j ,U), ,ht.y holll l bM be lui(
a .u he would "U d d if he a.d nt ,ik
to it. 8o they w'Jr marched oU before th
ninnies of twenty loaded r.Qea fuurlull,.,
from the ecune of outran. i.,i.. . ,
I " ' - ' - II '1 V L I . I 1
t thdLf Me. They walkei that a. got u lufli
ti" ' ' - rrr I
DVtnOCRAl T 1T Jt 1C
iniiteioii, kii.I th'"e pioiuiei n'tivtj anon to
West t'oint, glad enounhto l e aliro si.d be
yond the reuch ofthuir lalo caplors.
On three occasions before the present, in
the history of this oonntry, a Mtnilnr dilbcul-
ty bus occurred in the fleet ion of Spcakir of
the lU'tise of Reprrwei.talives. They have
all tukeu plase within the bint twei ty years.
When no party ha-t a clear majority this diili
culty in unavoidable nr. J ihe urgniittiou
may l e delayed a long period.
The Congrexs which met in December 18o0,
w.is so nearly babmced that no orgauiiation 1
was eflscted uulil the first of January, 1810,
when the choice fell upon Robert M. T. lluut
er, then a lYhig, but before the session was
over he joined the Democratic party, nud sup-
potted Mr. Van Biircn for rre.-iilent, in the ,
election of that ye.ir. j
Ten years afterward", in 1819, no parly j
bad a mj irity. Robert C. Wintbrop was the
Whig, nnd Howell Cobb, the present ab'.o
Secretary of tho Treasury, the Democrat i,
candidate. After balloting three winks It
wai found impossible Jo elect by a majority,
iil iu plurality rule waa adopted, which
declares that the person receiving the highest
Dumber of Votes shall be deemed elected
whether he has the) ninjority or not. , Under
this rule Mr. Cobb was elected, h having on
hundred and two votes, to Mr. Wialbtop'a
Iu ISOu the UnUuoo of power between tlio
DemofliaU and , Ki publioans was held by the
Kuow Nothiug-i. The balloting continued
for eleven or twelve weeks, and no choice was
effected until February, 1850, when the pit.
rality was again adopted, and N. P. Bunks
was elected by ft vote of one hundred and
three to one hundred for William Aiken, Dem
ocrat of South Carolina.
th present delay in the e'.oction of Speak
er will probably be terminated as the last two
ar, by the adoption of the plurality rule,
unless, inJeed, Messrs. SchwarU, Hickman,
Haskins, Reynolds, Stratton, and H. F. Chirk
ihould Tote direotly for Sherman, which
would be sufficient ta elect him. The adop
tion of the plurality rule would, necessarily,
put the Black Republican nominee in the
chair, nnd a vote cast iu iu favor would be
nothing viae tlnn a vote cast lo elect bin .
Tittilurg I'uit-
We find th following in th Wahiiirton
dtate. The firm of wbioh tho ei-Oove ruur
spciiks is an extensive one, though we do not
recollect of ever before seeing tho name iu
pi iat :
Ex Governor Seymour, of New York, re
cently made a specob in St. Paul Minneota.
Speaking of slavery, he truthfully Fui 1 : "It
is sustained by tho firm of Weaver, Wearer
4t Planter, aud two of the partners live up
North. Every one knows V'ut for the looms
of N Vf Fnigland and Old Enghin 1 it nou'd no',
live a day. The loudest denuucUtioun HguicM
slavery are ru le by mro nl'ii cotton ehlrta
on their backa. The most fervent pulpil ex
hortations against slavery come from men who
wrap themselves for repose at night iu cotton
beets; who lay their beads upon c t ton 1
lows, and go to sleep thanking J I t nt ;!: y
are better than the man down Sou'li."
Mr. John Bceson a noted 8(iritulist cf
Boston, is about to start a paper to adrnucc
tho interests of tho Savago tribes. It is to be
called The Calu.net, Ha lays that ft id Jack
et fully endorses his project.
A Dr. Randolph, a spiritual medium, has
given notice that on some future occasion be
will appear in five different plaoes, 400 miles
apart at the same instant of time. If he suc
ceeds, the matter will be btougbt before the
leading scientifio bodies of Europe aud this
country lor investigation and , solution. We
believe It is related of Houdiu. the great ucc
romnncer, (lint lie appeared and passed out of
eight gates, at fit. Petersburg, at tbe same
moment, aud was keen by the different guards
on duty.
Upon the nutUoiity of tha Charleston cor
respondent of the Baltimore Ai'ricun, it is
stated that S idler, the undertaker, a day i.r
two before the ni-omiuii, sent a uiesx'jf" to
Brown, teilitg Liiu be hud teller have
a melulio colliu in wh'cli his reiusiiiH migot
be taken to l.ij home iu New York His
reply was that be did not thiuk a met .lie
co!T.u a.' eeb.-ary, as the weather would be
cool, and he thought Le would koi p in a com -
; nion Walhllt colli u a sufCoieut length of t ine
. for the purpobo suggettau by Mr. e .id
ler. '
A Quartz Miuing Cuinpany, with a opital
stock of $160,00'', has been organoid in lhi
cily for th fnrpMt of prosecuting mining
operal'. us in the Gold District of Wostirn
Hebrahka. Wilh proper machinery aril it
competent force of hands, this rompuny nil!
douht'e- realiio not I.sb than ',(ihii( i),
d iring tho O iiiiiM tell ) I. 1 1 the ...--i t
of the company are loirty i-ig .t tftl.i- he t
leads W'Ji kod the past seimou, and seven g . 1
wter0rs. Tin company u.w uwn-to
gojl ,air;i mi Is, nd eipact to purchaee
tni iflgxlny t mere D '' ; .V-'r k'oi
Al HK1 A .Ma HUM,"
The U t,.tl-t Church is completed, and ti e
first service whs bel l therein on Sunday, the
-olh inst. Much tredit is due Uev. tl. TV.
1! irncs Wtor of the 11 ipiUt Church, for his
snerjiy and pH -sevui anee, in erecting this tdt-ri-'o,
in tho luce of obstacles almost insur
luountnl.le. Wei!l here add, that the Bap
tist Church building is located on Douglas
street, Ju-t a'uivo the corner of Fourteenth
'oVy N.Aruiti'.in 28'A i.'f.
Dr. John Brry the Cutholio Il'm'-op of tlm
diocoss t,f Oeorgia, died a few daya ago In
Paris, wbiiber be ha 1 gone for the benefit
of his health. The Angusta Constitution,
Dr. Barry was born in T'ati-U Olgnte, ooun
ty of Wexford, Iielaud, In July, 17'J'J, and
emigrated to the United Plates about the
year 1 822 llo was educated in St. Teter's
College in Wexford, nnd rrmplctd his studies
onlcr Bishop l'nglstid. in Charleston. H
was ordained to the priesthood in 1S21, and
Consecrated as the Bishop of the diooese of
tjeorgia in August, 18'j7.
Dr. Burry was well Rud favorably known
throughout South Carolina, Georgia urn 1 Flon.
dn, as having.bcen luder.tified with the Catho
lic church thirty-four years as pastor, vicar
genoral and bishop. He was well educated'
and bighly regarded as a pious and worthy
minister by Dibhopv. England, llnyuolil and
Grtlnd, aud by th Catholio congregations
gsncrally, but outiido of the teligious associ
ations, Dr. Barry was iiuiversally lovod as a
man. - Many a Protestant heart will be sa l,
and many an eje be bathed Iu tears, when it
is known Dr. Barry is dead. Ills charity
was proverbial- lie knew no sect or oreed, o
color, or condition, when an appeal was made
to bint for assistance, aud he knew no four of
di.scabe where he could assuage its rigors or
contribute consolation aud help. His kiuJuoss
nas unbounded.
Uu Saturday bight last, at about half past
teu o'o'uck a ire broke out in the store of
Mr Joseph Gravel, on Pearl etreet, which was
soon communicate 1 to tho storo of of Mr F.
Buchrocki r, ao'juiuii.g on the north, and both
l.uildiiig i, w in a largo proportion of their
co-i . i,t were entirely destroyed. Tba pro
, ie-s tn' : tire wii rapid, aud it wai wilh
exirauro.uoiy exertions lust a very email
itautii.' uf the goods iu Mr. Gravel's More
w.io;--vo. He had an insurance of lr 1,600
ou his Block, The building was owued
by Dr. Cook, and we believe was not insur
ed. Mr. i'oichruvkor in a heavy loser by this
ciJv'riy. He bad about $8,000 worth of
goods iu his store, iusured for $3,000 j $1,272
wo nh w.re saved, making big lose on stock
alone .!,7-3. The building waa Insured for
Futunately tho evcuiog on whioh tin fire
occnied was very calm, otherwise tba onsi
tiucbcM would have bceh disastrous in the
extreme. Hud th wind been from th berth,
which i-i uiii ii at this season of the c:r, ibs
. fate of that part of ou city Ooulwiuing 'Jtarly
all the business houses would have been ine
vi'able. Stuui Ctt'j Reyitttr, 3Uth ult.
H, a. iy a fortnight has bun consumed in
the taking ol testiuiony m this city, to be used
by Daily in bis pretended contest with O n,
Entahro 'k. One fiaud, aul only ono, ha
been proven, and tu..t Was perpetrated by the
friends of Mr. Dully. It ban been cleaiiy
enown, by unimpeachtMa testimony, that th
returns from one ol the counties tbut gave
Daily a majority, were vi utnj'iclurtd in lliitnty
And although the nvnt slreunous eflerts bav
been made to discover even a suspicion of
frau 1 on tho purt of lh Democracy, th id.
iTico ou.y K'vr1 ltv " 'u l,lc 'uai.y .nana
htateu cuts pub!i(.hfcd IU the etoiij eran Of
thu -ty. lespsciing frauds in ICau qui Court
Bu3...o, lurd aud Calhoun. K j &iie whi
has teeu present at the examination of wit
uessea auiipucuaenJ on ihe part cf Mr
Daily in rtlutiiuto th elcotiousiu thus
Ctilltllie-, a ..k. v ...w
eieouuus in !loe cosi;ie", were conducted
z tl.o movl liouit ai.d atr .ightforward buan-
A Cort spio.K tit of an exchange paper says
lie bus Hied the receipt of horse-radish to the
fice for neuralgia, as well as tolhaohe. As
nenralgia and the tooihschn sre bot'i netfoug
di-.-ses, Le thoiiubt tho remedy for the unu
wi uld l e likely to give r l.t f to the other, so
Uc made the i.pplicotioti (f hoi sc-radieh bruis-
e 1, a; plied to the eide of ihe body where th
ill-euss v-as seated: it K'ive ulmost invlaut
relief lo lliu severe attack of neuralgia
Since thi n be I. in apliu l it several titues
a lb th same gratifying result.
HOW TO "TOP nl.OLtl).
Tike the Knest dnat of tea or the scraping
of the insi l t tanned loathe, ami bind it
close upin Ihe wound and blood will Soon
i-ea-e to fl iw. 1 hf ortieUs are ajeetsible
!,t u'l t;,i es t I, 1 eu y to be ob'.aiueJ. After th
t.- hi oi t. .a en o.l to liw, Inudttiiuui may
be a v o'a '.'i.ue'y nj p!:. ( to the wound. Du
rejar I '" ti.ee.- lue'i u lions a ,! save ae;:tikl.ou
of m, o i an! running lor the to.'eofl, who
would roba'dy inaa' 10 hitler J raicr'ptiun
,f -rs' a'
7. m.
IVO. .
Sj'KW flltl(....M.M)ir A It HIT.
OuThiirMl-iy i veiling th 'JSnii tf I nt month
about two thoussnd persona nhiteand black
asieiulib d in the Cooper Institute to lender
their sympathies t,i ihe families of John lire at it
iid hi associates. In order that this sjnipii
thy might be of a subst intial form, tl.i '.e
a cbargs of tam'y five rents tor a dim" !"ii,
bnt notwithstanding this is app us iu'nypr
sous, mostly young men, wcra present, wh
did not sympathise with (bn meeting. Speech
es were ma le by R..V. Dr. Cl eurr, W. ndell
Phllilp", Rev. Hiram Maltisoii lev, J. K
Sloan, all of which wero eiibv.i lie of J -lin
Brown aud bis nuaucoeesful iiiNuriciiti.-oi
The proceedlngt, howover were very ah rmy,
aud at one tun: a riot seemed ioevit! ! i.
Such was Ilia confusion that Dr. Cheevsr v
obliged to cease speaking before he bid b ilf
floishod his a I Irons. Hu spreuk w.isoftb
violeat cli-tracter, against Houthora. rs and
Union nieu of the V'jrth, an t was rcoeivrl
with cotiliiiasl hissing na I othur marks ct
disapprobation. The Herald thus di,. inl.es
the snen In tho lower end of the 1UU wln u
Choever took bis a.-at t
Charles H. Haswe',1, ,e x -ft t'sblei.t' nf th
Board of Couiicilm.'n," uiour.toJ one of Ihe
catl and proposed '-throe cheers for th Con-
gtlttition of the Uuitvl Htatos," hich wero
given with great enthusiasm by about B'lO
persons. At tbe conclusion of this cltmcn
ttratlon auothor respootable looking man aa
cended a a 'ftt evidently laboring under great
excitement 1 at the treasonable teutlmcnti
a Ivunrcd by Choever at tbe other end of the
ro on, aud na! I, "I am not going to have my
country tun dowu iu this soundulous manner.
I am a wurkiug man ; I have shoveled coal
all dy ; bud I will not bear my oountry rpok
eu of iu this way. I did not oome here lo
preaoh trcaeou'" This sentiment wai re
ceived with tremeudo is applause. Still an
other man exclaimed, " Amcrioam ! I have
uever hoard anything like this In my lifo I"
' Buperiiiteudaut Pills'oury advanced from
t ie front of the platform ta 'he eceue of dis
turb., nee and stated thai order must be main
tained " We don't want to lUten to treason,"
was the universal cry of tbe multitude in tho
biok part of tin edifice, whereupon three
ohoers wero proposed and given fur " the Un
ion and Constitution." Pillnbury'i v. ice
was distinctly beard begging the crowd to be
quiot " Will ytu be quiet? YTiU you be
quiet P vociferated Pillsbury ; but the indig nation
ef the lovers of their country was so
great that they would not be pacified.
A strong desire was manifested by the oo-
cupanU of the lower pait of the hall to crgau
lio a"Uuion meeting," but ai Dr. Cheevcr
was about proceeding with his remarks, the
purpose eould not Le carried into effect
Besides, as some of tbe cool lovers of their
couutry wisely observed, tho revolutionists
had hired the haH and bad a right to bold
their meeting; but, added be, as eoon as the
meeting adjourns, we can held our meeting.
This speech bad a tendency to allay th ticit
uient, but ouly for a few moments, for the
exoited multitude called for cheeri for tbe
Southern Htates, amid counter dsntonetrations
ontbipart of lh eympathixur with Juhu
Browu. "Three groans for Abolitionism,"
W tc proposed I y a juvci ile patriot, and the
response as heal lily complied with. " Tnrte
cheers for Gov nor Vi'i.-e," was Ihe l.ext de
lu.nd, which was met ss promptly, " Three
cheers for General Wurhiuytun," wai th last
proposition, which via net i vol with deafen
ing upi lnuse.
After remonstrating with tho excitsd audit
ors occupying this portion of lb ball, fluatr
int'-udanl Pillabury induced thsut t take fheir
seats and listen tj the speukers, end save an
oeoasional lulerruptioo, the request was com
plied with. But for the presence of the po
lice there would have been a serious disturb
ance. a- iiOffi Si eu a iCvj).
Hk-vr Ohliaws, Dto. 0 . The U.S. it. am
sloop of war Brooklyn, from Yera Crux arriv
ed lieistlna atlernooii.
Tbe l'.iuok'yu bungs as paasenets, Minis
ter Ho Lane a family; also Mr. H. I'.. Do
I.arcintriw, Mr. Mo Lane's private secretary of
Legation, bearing Ihe r-tifie l treaty with tin
Jaaret tioveruiunt.
Tho treaty was ratiged on December Mih,
and conla ns Iho fo'.loaii.g rovi.-.ions wh.ch
ueo reliable.
It provides for a perpetual right of tvay
aoross tnu lslbmua of Tobuanlepeo, trout the
Kiu Cliand to MaialLun, nui from Guaymis
to Ar Xjuii, aitU warehou sea at toimiui tfoacb
All (.' .mis between the Atlantic nud
Piteifio States are to pass free f duty.
(J juds ubi' ed from t!ie traon.t auiib.u os
ti foreign cuuutne.1, are mo lo !e duly
Our Vroops and military stores and muni
tiouii, tr 3 to pass Tehuaiitepeu and Minora,
the same us Ibe Miiioau troops aud sup
The neu ra'.ily of tbe transits is to b guard
ed by bolu UoverumeuW.
Tbe United Wtales, with orwithotil the
consent of Mexico, is to pose.ts tbe r ghl to
protect the transit and properly by fore.
Perfect ri l gbus fieidoiu' in lo be allow
ed. No foroed loans is to bo levied on our citi
zens. A erjpp'lmentul eouvshtiou permits int. r
vmliou in Mexico ti protHol uur cilueu.-, aud
enforc the treaty stipulations.
In compensation far th rele is cf duties
on good passing over the transits, the United
Blaies is to p-iy 1 1,000,000, ou half of
which is to bo rocivei for the ajincut of
Ntw liMb'.sis, Dee. ii'l 0 f 'clock I. M
Mr. Do l.ireiiitne. M a ster Mo Lane's secre
t iy t f 1.' k':cu s'ailid for V'sfbiogtoo tbil
tvviL.t;2 -
1 h retnotyati tamp la Reatueky Uring
li g sitlt preparation far Ihe eouiing contest.
Demon (lie, piireary wreting. bav Ivven held
i a fl'iy-lwo eoowtiae for the purpose f tppeint
Ing iloles-ven t the Bute Convention at Ft auk -fi.rt.
Of thvse, Iblrty kv inrtrurted thnr
, 4elegaie to propf)" Mr. (luthrie as tks Ken
, lucky ran liiUle al ('lisr'eston, ane baa declar
ed for Mr. Bieekinri 'ge, twn.y one bavs e
preaae 1 no pri-faranee.
Jmlga Arnar J Pirksr, wav appointed bt
tl.e l'r aidt-ui, and eoiifirme.l by the) Senate
as I'uitcd ritates Duir lit Attorney for th
Houtbern Disiricl nf New York, in plies f
Theo li.re Sedgwick, R'q., deoea,srd.
A Jlrest fiau.l has just bei rliseovai I i t
the municipal affairs of New York eitf. For
bin.i'ng 7SoO voluni! tl city uoer.W
A 100,000 hud been expeude I.
Tho Secretary of llio Tieasury lias an
liMi.'iped that prop.ila Would receiv-d un
til tl.e Cat It ult , for thu l-iaUC of any partim
of the Hire million of d .llari in Ttesmny
iiotes in exchange fur pold coiu nf tho Unile t
Stales sai l Trrasury note to I i icbang.-.t
I at tl.e lowest rt of interest, and not to ex
ec. I six per cent, per aununi.
A dispatch from Washington In th N. Y.
H.'iald nf the 21st ult., state that a row ting
cf about forty Artie rirt,ns was beld th j mi
nus evening at the room of F, Tl. Walker.
All the American member of Congreis wer
present aud Senator Crittenden presided. A
r 'soluilnn was adnpted recommending the ap
pointment of a committee to report to an a 1-
journod meeting a plan of organisation, where
by the entir opposition to the present Ad
ministration, can be united for the eontetl of
1P00. '
l ive man and on girl wer killed In th
City of New York 01 tho 20th of last month
by th filling of a store on Broadway. A
policeman named Stewart was taken from tb
ruins fatftly Injured. Tbe firemen continued
the labor of removing th ruin forievetal
hours, nnd finally cam upon th horrlblo
mangled tnmains of a Mr. Fly, a win mer
chant, who must bav been instant'y killo.'
Tba lV-publiran National Committee met
at the istur House la New York, ou the I'M
ult., and decided that the Republican eenven
tion to nominate a candidate for tbe Pre-i-deney,
should assemble at Chicago cn tbe 13
of Jons next,
A fire occurred at Rockland. Me , ou do
21st of last month, by which the Ccmmriciiil
House was consumed, and on man name 1
James Hears wa inMnntly killed and 19
others seriously Injured. Th loss amounted
to twelve thousand dollars.
Tie nil m her tf Cubgriss have bsfO oblig
ed to go through iha bolidaya without mueli
loose change iu llieir pocktU-. Tbe law au
thorises tho liieuitein lo drasr three quartns
of their salary, or about Iweuly-lwo hundred
dollars caub, and their inileag, on tbe first
day vt the soesion. But it also provides that
their chocks ahou d be signed by lb Hpeaktr.
Tbe Siirgeant-at-Ariu has advanced tbe most
needy about furiy thousand dollars. Tb
whole amount due to the members is a million,
of dollars. i
The fuse factry of Joseph Troy, In Sim
bury, C.nn., was deslroyed by lire on lha
COUl of last mouth, bevea of tb female op
era ives weie burned lo death, aud twa eth
ers, together with a boy, th bun of tbe own
er of the fuctury, were so badly Injured that
it is believed they canuot survive.
The Uuion meeting iu New York on the 1
of last month was a tremeudoits blluir. BO,
000 persons vu-ro present, tr.d a resolution,
nominating (Jeueral Scott for tho pre: ids icy,
was passed.
The health of Senator Douglas is slit of a
character to need great care. In a few doji
be will depart for tbe Sou'h.
A gang of Iudians iu Minnesota got posses
ion of a keg of whiskey lately, and bad A
drunken, aboriginal carouse. A couple of
them got into a fight when one of them cut the
throat of the other aud took his scalp.
The surprising information is brought from
Han Francisot) thst large quaulities of very
rich silver ore hav began to come in from
the eastern slope of tb Sierra Nevada, where
it abonud apparently in inexhaustible qtian.
titles. Tbe ore is desnribed ai far supenor
in richness to auy ever obtained from Meii.i i
or Terd, and improving in cjuaUty as it is dun
from a greater depth. Tho pluce is only
thtee or four Jays j-iurm-y eastward fioni
San Franci-co, at Washoe ; sr-d a gieat ticit
meut is e xpectui to be the roju'.t of tbe dis
covery. I h exports to fereign coontries of domes
tio produoo during tbe past year aav been
$27f,8yi',OfiO, of wbioh more than $200,000,
000 whs the product of Have states. , Tho
gieater part of tbil product of th slave
a'ates was cxperted through Hoithero Lou e
and by orthrn ships, Noribern Ditrcbauta
aud shippers realixing the rod's of such st
p .rt, ai. 1 mukiug also a rofit on goods sold
to tho South in exobang for Soulbum pro
duce. Albert Pike, tb poet, lawyer, soldier end
orator. Ldjj applied to the Chootaw bation, it
is Hated, to be natarallxed.
Mr. Charles M. Htebbins and bil associated
of the Wes'em Union Telegraph Company,
have climenced Ihe th ouitrnotlon of a
ttlejfrnpa, from St. Louis to San Francisco
Tbe lin en Ibe Eastern end Las been coinj le
tod for nearly thre hundred miles west of
Bt. Louis, and on tb Western about two hun
dred fr om fiaa Francisco. This enterprise is
under tbe patronage of the New York Aso-
ate I Presi, together with o'her prssi ia
the AlUutie 8t!s, and sums on the Paoiflj
A oarmaa killed a eon pinion in Cincin
nati, in a fit of passion, on the 3d ol April,
lb68. With hi wife and child hi fled to Aus
trklia, aud a few day sine returned lo Cin
cinnati, with the sole view cf giving hlinult
up t tb authoi-it.es. Heist that suo
cess attend! his busijejs iu M -Ibourns, but
a phantom follow-! kirn, iu I bshii rem.