Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, November 19, 1859, Image 1

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    U r- W vYV
4 I.,. 4 , '!
1 .-4 p V 15 L I 3 il K D
1 Y
w,BMi; nJ - for thr.-. n.oc
I-Orrid OrioiiTiTUK Hates IKe-Vv)S
0,,c Kqiy.ru eMWWlT. "" "
on month.
a oo
a mi
.iiur, moaU.e,
on- nuimrt. Vr, I
T.u .j.mrt. on. 7-r, t"
tin. half wiiuinn. on 7 , v
J fourth B.lumn, du, J ' ' '
J,, h.lf oJumn, U ouRm, 4.. i
4t fourth d.) do j-' "
d Mlf mluni, thr monthf, 1.. I")
,ln tour'.h Uo do Jn " !
,lu,lm. Crt. of tli l!n or le.. on Tur, . .
In iJmnw will t rwjulr.ti oa all tilvoti:...
mnif, npt wlir tpm-lal .ouotr.ct bat bora m .;
V, Ui iDtrry.
business Marts'.
Dk--Ul C'tjl, --- - AiLratXu.
t 11 business entrusted to Mi care Hi l"
attended to with promptm'!" rn.l di; atil!.
Particular attention will be pall t the Collcr
tioD ofclalinl; and to Kei.l Et-tato tiiattsi).
e. n.
jl!lcrnt at Late,
it Till attend to all )?til I u-iEces iutruB'-i '
to their cro, i i '-:-iera Iowa ac-l esjt
rn Nebraska
Nov. 7. 'IW Cm
B T. BaiLb.
Clerk U. B. Diet. Cuurt.
B. A. Allri.
k i... iktu I
notary ruoue. ,
i.'lormyi at Lav. and Rtal Estatt Agmlt.
IT TILL py taies cu all Land lnth Conn-
ti-. of Waehing'en, Burt, Dakota and
D'on, N, T ; free of charge upon the roceipt
i montr for the same. Office oo Main street
D tMio; Nebraska.
Srjr All letters of Inquiry promptly answer
i . f. Wivkuly, Juiijie 8rd Distriot, Kebras-
i lie Sto. K. X.
:1... '. stahrook, Omaha. N. T.
G-? i;oujrhty, Couucil Hi Ca,
Hurt !. li.Cbuproan; E'yria, Ohio.
"n Levi Hubtiell, MilwHukeo, Win. 17 ly
flun,.3r and (fat-Fitter.
1 'ill promptly attend to nil bnnlnejs in hi
li:i, uu.i uil work executed with neat-iiv',.-:
!,p it'.k. V. i'lpirn upcew! attention
in i.lj M..rli tt.iii hut l.e riitru.lt; i to hit care
:-J (-fLirnrtH wmrtillU'd.
hits )ottscf
L i K 0 T A CITY,
r. MA0.i Proprietor.
TS ',
cwntD."!!' tin TViiurt hns npw ttip.n npPO'd mor.
A riil-'T t'LAHS KDTI-.L.
in 1 r. - .,, ,. .
i. of Tr-An, ,
.fi- l b. rii. . I 'X j
c ill' .rr tlmu il.? ;
: J:ri . . m-i .ii t...
iviati.ii a- i
i fnwnVrwi'i'f tho cu4' .j
l'akotu Cify August 13,
' I Ut (.illf. I tin
j So. 1. ----- - Pobi.ioL.aiiu:"
Siou-Jt City, Iowa.
Tilii Proprietor takes pleasure in iiiHiminr
ing to toe puoiio tbat ue uow nan a iiou.'ip
v. hich he oan aepotmnodate tbtiui, in ax
" ftyle can be found on the Missouri f'r
' Py edict attention to the wants of g
1 hopes to mait and rsot'ivf lihi i ii
4 cf jiatronkge.
Nov. 7. lBfifl-
" !
( irn..i' iiirhm ant S'ijith .'.
i OMAHA CITY, ft, T.
ri t I C n 4 n n 3 o m J U D 3
J GBCTftl ?;i7e anl L.tciy Offi-'s
xsrr poor t noE suor.
I'he undcrmneii, laie ( f t'n? firm of Krum
inan ft Schaihle, is oarr ing on the buHinesM
on his own account, in the bnildiug on Pearl
Street, just below the Siout Oiiy Houho. He
i now carrying on the Boot and Shoe buei-
.... L .11 v in .
, oo iu u us uriiunue. mora warranted to
; h Hnn. in ...,.,H ml. . .... . i
, turmii as at any other i-hop. a call from oi l
' eiintomers is reuptctfully nolioited.
1 ilpp&irirg neatly done.
Nov 7 lHo. If
I'he undersigned hat remove ' !
nisnt to hi new building, on
bis eetahliith
n Pearl Street.
door ant of Tootle's store, where he
now prepared with a. Urge uoJ superior
j 'ock or leather, eto., cto., to exeonte all
prk In his line, In a superior tyln ' 1 -
j rt Employing none but the beet ot .
n, and giving his personal attention in ii
H iuea. h- ean (afelv warrant ail ki .
ppv 1
on -hr notice
i j.'. tf
i ri. Ii
w t ( lihMiA'l
Cr'h-.-. ;,v tbo opening of a LAME and
St Lb.J!D STOCK ef
Dry Goods,
( '1 o tiling. Grocer
i"", Boot and Shoes,
Qiteeneware, Ao , Ao., Ao.,
i'l'l'lWTi X Ii1 P TT 1 1 A Ti HP i
itl 'UAjiMl X I'llllVUilU 1 .
mir Stock of Oeode li now open and
i.l- for the TRADK, we reipeotfully i
' attention of the oititeus of Dako;
;joiu!ng oounties to our eplendld
which l.ve br'i
fi'poo.allT for '
If.Mc 1
wilb frost rare,
Hiv: will he auld
cn Kirr.n than
We are bound imt to ho r.nli r.so:.l t j our
neighbor?. AVa fk our "11 Cmiomeri and
tho Tulilio genorally. to chII anl examine for
themsolve" anl be convinced of the above
DryGoodi, DiceOooda Maslius bleached and
unMi .ched, Delaines, Cai-hmeres, Oinghame,
Lincey, Prints of all kinds, Merinos, Check,
Irish Liiinenn, Table Cloths, Craeh, &o , Ao,
Ladies Shawl ef all eises, Cloths, Batlneta,
J Tireds, Cae-lmeree. .flannel of all
o,or Women and Children' Hood. Woollen
Country-knit Bocks, Children' Hose o., Ao.
AUo a Urge STOCK of CLOrHINQ, such a
Overcoats, Uundcreoats, Vests, Pants, Shirts,
Uudurohirts. Drawers fta., A. Also a spleud
id S.uck of CoHtum made Boots and 8hoes,
for Men, Woman aod Children. We are able
In tl.'" 'ir.e to fit the smallest veil as lb
larged i .
Also lu.f . m; tpi f all Sorts and 8'ijm,
nnd a i , .. of Qroceriep, in which will
be fouud ti.t io'lowiug adlioles :
Sugar, Spioes,
Cojee, Cloves,
MotaiisM, Cinnamon,
Byrnp, Oinger,
Rjoe, 8aip of all kinds,
Dried Fruit, Bait,
Canned Peaches, Vlour,
Bottled Fruit, Ropo,
Tea of all kinds, Banh,
Tobaoeo. smoking Qlass,
and chewing, Nails,
Kuta, Doors, fia., dt.
Powder, Shot,
I. m I, Cap.
Our Stock will b sold to suit the time, nt
very low Smr?, n we are doing a strict
CASn r.Bt.::;e. and can afford to sell at
Kirin.II f ioPt. lve wil! aluo take In exchange
for GoodH
It .1 rr,
Ac , Ao.
()'.v iia n. call and bf convineed that Da
uniiL C.'iy IB the place t4
Dnkotn City Oct. ?2. 1869.
; oect brand of Flour at the extremly low
jiriji- ..f $3 60 per Sack, by
1 Dakota City pottery, tttke the present
. pportunity of sayic 3 to the MerohaaU and
lui public generally, that they will continue
fi.e budincss as heretofore, and having in-
! their facilities are able to manufao-
1 lai-gar arucur.t of stone-ware and of
' ipt quality. Returp:,pg thank for the
' - l patronage bestowed upon the old firm
ti. r -aipptfully solicit a continuance of the
. .",. 'hey will endeavor to retain it by
; ii ! i'.:--ir iu of their ordera, to which
!..; C' -efully attend at all time. Giv
thtr,i a 1. ul'..
D-k i City, X. T., Nov. 7. 1859 tf.
U. D, Ik"
tt, Loula,
i, E. DOOflK,
:-).tia ciij, iuwa
tiwM Ctty,
II" Urif.t CTitCll of lirueMU and ProvUios
M. n. r r n tr . . rs r
1 T. 7ill rontinu to supply (he CASH BUY- !
ERS, wholesale and retail, t their utq- i
ally low jrioe.
' . lu country I arouned, end awaken
HK8T intereata, and detcrmioed
, . , 1 - Groceries and Provision of H. D.
i.OOUl i CO.
For twenty years the Cleveland Plain Deal
er has been owned and controlled, Published
and Edited by the name. Individual. It haa
never indeed a Publication Day nor scrctobed
Deraooretlo Ticket. It Ut fought it way
single-handed against all opposition, until it
""A"'"""! National Circulation and N
Sional Reputation. From Main to Californ
luuai ncpTiiaiiou. r rum niHin to vaiuorrtka
I the Plain Dealer is known and read, and It
never wai In eo good a condition peonnlarU
or In better plnok volitloallT, to fight the bt-
tle or Drmooraoy than now. For the com
ingjaar It Will be partiealarly devoted to
It ha against V.gh aathority, dared to a4
vooate the right of "the people of a Territory
as well as a State, to regulate their domesUe
institution in their own way," and II will
continue to do to againt said high authority
"tho world, the flash and the devil." Against
ell Leoomptou Constitution., 81av Codes, aod
the re-opeuiug of the Slave Trade, this Paper
is devotedly dedtoated from th' Mine, hence
forth forever
Come one1 oome all I This rock shall fly
From it firm base a soon a I I"
Bceidea the aurrent New of the Day, the
Plain Dealer will contain la each number a
TALE, Correupja lcaoe from boat ef Contri
butors, and Telegraphic Reports from all part
of the World.
The Commercial Department will be under
the sole charge of Ja. Brokennhlr Bq., who
is acknowledged to be on of lb beat Market
Reporter In the country.
The Local Department will be presided over
by that original and laughter provoking gen
Artemus Ward Esq., whose Latter, jokes,
Oddities and Quiditles, are alone worth the
price of the paper. In abort, wear prepared
to present one of the
Single Sebseribers, per year $1 60
" for Six months, I 00
Clubs of Wo, per year, 10 00
Ail over ten ooples to on Pott Offloe 1 00
To each getter np of a Club, on Copy Bx
tra. HjT POST MaSTSES art requested (a act
a Agent,
m. ft trfm - -f.r, .
I ahall publlHh the Daily Globe, and the
Congressional Glube, and Appendix during
the next session of Cupgress. The Dally
Qlobe will contain a report of the debates In
Lota branches of Congress, a taken down by
reporters, equal at least, to. any corps of short
hand writer in this or any ether onuntry
When the debates of a day do not make
more than forty-five columns, they Khali ap
pear in the Daily Globe of the next morning,
wkiab will contain, also, the news of the day,
tngether with such editorial article as may
be xaggvHtcd by pastting eve- ta.
Tho Congressional Slobe &nd Appendix,
will eoutaiu a report of il th debates in
Cougrere, revised by the speakers, the Mes
sages of the President of the United Staten,
the Annual Reports of the Heads of the Exec
utive rJspftrtraents, the Reports of Committees
of Congress on important subject of general
interests, the Law passed during th sanolon,
and copiou iudrxrs to all. These will be
printed op a double royal rheet, in book form
royal quarto lite, each nnmbcr containing tix
teen pages, averaging 2.SU7 words per page.
The whole will makebetween 1,700 and 2,000
pages. It is believed that no book has ever
been published at so low a rate. Last year
advertised in th Daily Globe for six months,
and in about one hundred other newspapers,
in the United States, a reward of 2-ii, to be
paid to any person who would produce a book
published at so low a rate, and none was pro
duced, ine utrgo numuer o. uop.ee euo.ori- , orU(,j nBtromHut f Doul(1 rft.
ed for by Congrens enable mo to afford the 1 " 11 , ,., . 1 . .. 1 , .
debates to subueribcr. so cheap. moved lo the "I'luoe flt. Antoiue." in front ol
The Cocgressiocl Globe end Appendix pass ! the ruius of the Batle. It stood In this new
free through the mails of the United States, ' position, however, but five days, the shop
as will be seen by reading the tollow.ug Joint J Jk tll,lfniw nHgbbor, and
Resolution passd by Congress the 6tb, of Au- , r . L . V , - , , ,
gii.t IB6.1 having In those brief five day executed nine-
Jvint Rtsolution proving for th, J,.trittn ty-six j erxens, It was removed to th Br-
othe Lv Cangru ami tit lthate
MtTfOa :
With a view to the eheap circulation of the
Laws of Congress, aod the debates contribut
ing to the true interpretation thereof, and to
make free eommouicatten between the ripre
sentativa and constituent bodies)
Be it resglved by the Senate and Uoune of
neprceeniuuves o. tno wuiteu o. A.r- ,j kiD(1 of MwW-rt to wtJ cg ,u,
tea 10 Congress sseembled, That from aud f- 7 "
ter the pr.-.eut ayseiop of Congrea, th Con- ! treats of blood; and on th very day when Re
grrsional Globe and Appendix, whieh contain 1 besplerre fell even when the slightest inter
file Law and th Debates thereon, ahall pas rut)ti0B weuld have su(Crd to have stopped the
free through the mails, ao long a th cam
shaJl be published by order ef UM'gi ' r'
vided, That nothing herein t)aJ b eontrned
to author! the circulation of th Dally
Qlobe, free of poeUg.
Approved, Augqst, fiih 1861,
Foracepy of th Dally Qlobe 4 month ft 00
feraeopy tar a iea ume tper monini uv
for a copy of th L'opgreastunal Qlott
and Apprudix during the tension. I
Bank no tee cqrrent in the section of tn
ouotry where a (ubseriber riJe will be re
ceived at par. The whole or aoy part of a
eubtoriptlon may be remitted in postage
stamps, whiob ar preferable lo aoy earreuey
except gold aod silver. Where 'tank note
uader 6 ean not be proeured I will send tvo
fohie for $6
A pl'r al'l hot b eot unless the money
accompanies th order for it.
I ean not afford to exchange with all the
newspaper that deair th Globe, bat I will
end th Dally Globe daring th sion to all
who shall publish this prospectus three times
befor th first Monday ia next December.
Those who publitk h.ouli send tfceir rsper
MRtllRm A!D MRU.
containing U t me, marked wlrh a pen, 'o
direct att -Minn te It. The Congressional
Globe and Appendlt will be etereotyped, and
therefore, I shall be able to send the bark
numbers fr this session te all who may sub
scribe after the ets.ien eemmeneee bat if
the A rut edition rhall have been exhausted
before the tabseriptioa tnenry Is received, I
shall charge ene dollar additional per copy,
to pay the mp ate of putting the plate on
the presv gubteriptiona ehould rech me at
early as the first week In December, to Insnre
oomplete copies at the prices advertised ebov.
Waaliingtoa, Ootober, 18M.
AH'i for the best ! b sanguine and chaerful,
Trouble and sorrow are friends la dltgulee,
Nothlag but folly goes faithless and fearful,
Courage forever i happy and wise.
Jll'l ( Um Ut If a nit woold tint kavw It,
rrTM.n wluku ue alt to he klwrt I
ThU I of tk pandit er )md,
Ileavoa le rfVu tad All's It the W.
All's for the bet I Mt thl. en your standard,
toldior ctlaitnwa, M rllgrtaa eriav
Wha t tha tbemofdl.patrwiaj have waodcrsd,
Awaf arld .wallow or bMrWtrlokoa dare.
All's ft an Ut I be a mis, bat naa.tiog,
ProvldaDee tn4rl; governs the net,
And ke frslt tark f lit rrvoturx Is (aiding,
vTuwIy and wv"T. all Ibr the twl.
All's far th bent I then fling awa, tvrrrert.
Meet all year foe and your fan la the van,
lad In the nldit of your dangers ot rrrorn,
Treat like 11 child, while 70a atrlrs Ilk an.n,
All's for the M-ejibataHl, unbouaded,
Prat tdenw rolgas form the Kut to the wfit
Aad by both wUdoaa anl nry surrwundMl,
Hope and be happy theft all lor the bt I
Vhs Gmllletlaie
It ha not nnfrequently been stated tbat the
inventor of th Guillotine beoaine a victim to
hit owa invention, and the impression is gener
al tbat luoh wi s th fact. This is Incorreot
JST was indeed ingariseued during the Jacobin
Reign of Terror hi oritu being, It Is said by
Ouyot, that he testified an indiscretion indig
nation at a proposition made to him by Danton
to superintend th construction ef a triple
fluillotine. There i no doubt tbat a deublt
instrument wa thought of, and it il said that
such a machine was made and intended to be
erected In the great (mil of the Palais de Jus
tloe, but it was certainly never used ; and w
should very muah, and for many reasons doubt
wbeiberlteould bare been a design of Danton.
iiie genera i Jan unlivery of the Uth Tbermldor
release J Guillotloeand be afterwerds lived in
a deceut mediocrity of fortune at Paris, estoem,
ed, it is said, by a snail circle of f.isnds bat
orerwlnlmed by a deep se&sihility to th
great, though we cannot say wholly undew
served, mi-fnrtur. wlioh had rendered his
name ignominious, and hi very existenoe a
subject of fearful ouriostty. He just lived to
ire the restoration, and died in bis bed in
Paris, on the 26th of May, 1H, at the age of
The Guillotine, there i reason to believe,
was nut originally designed with any view to
what turacd out to be it meet Important
characteristics tb gteat number of victim
that it oould extent in a short epaoe of tlm t
but this bloody Instrument wa at first pro
posed on a oomblned principle of juntloe
nod mercy, the inventor contending that
hanging was a lingering aud cruel punish
ment; while death by decaption must be im
mediate. The Guillotin regained In pernianenoe Iq
the celebrated "Plaoe de la Revolution," un
til Juue 8th 191, when the inhabitant of th
e 1 recta through which the eufjerers had to pat
being waaiy of th heart rending fdftht, re-
; rire au iron, - waere 11 stoo i rrotn me ym
of June to the fail of Robetpierre, 27 lb July,
In th forty-nine days in which it it said te
have stood at the "H-irriere da Trene," it die-r
patcbtd 1270 persons, of both sexes, aad of
nil airs and ranks, and it beeame necessarv to
fatal proeesslon--fiirty nine pernons passsd to
the place of exooetiou! On tilt 27tb of July, al
abevt half patt three in the afternoon, just a
the lt batch of victims wer absut to leave
the Conoierglerie, a considerable sonnnotion
iu the place took pluc, oattset by th revolt
against Robespierre-
JItre an eveut oocarred which rescind
great credit qpoq aju-mi, theuhief exci
li'iner. He was ooudttetitig the prisooers, but
uhterving th dmturbfciii.e, and feing Fau
quier, th Actusatur I'uults, patting the court
vhere the prisoners were ascending th lat il
carts, 00 hi way to dinner, be vetitured to
stop fauquler, and represented to hint that
there were rumors of a commotion, Utfgl'
iug briber it would not be prudent to post-
pone th axaouiiou, at least ontil th next
morDut Fauquirr roughly replied that the
aw mqit ui iirc .nr.e- He went to dinner
AD(J the fortr nine oolia west to th af-
fold whither, in 4t time, bo followed
19. 1X59.
NO. 19.
Th next day the Guillotine was removed
back t the scene of Its longest triumphs the
riaee de 1 Revolution "where, en th 38fh
day of July, Il avenged humanity oa Robes
plerre and twnty- cf hi fellowerej th
next day, sixty-nine, and th day after, thlr
teen tnr ef hi ateooiale,
naptt.t Btatlellea ef Kit.
Th New York Frtminn sajs tbat there at
in th United States A00 IUptt-t a.Ktoia'ions,
12,103 churehet, 7,690 ordained mininters.
1,035 lloenliates, vSa.Hit oommanic ant", and
and that tin nunibrr haptiioil iu lHfifi was "8,-
COH nearly on hundurod thousand baptlKtns
and a little Wss than a million of members!
Th are figures for which tMlr aocuraey
oaanot be claimed, but they may be aooppted
the closest practical approximation t ae
euraey, and a nor likely to b too low than
too high. Th largest number f Bii lictn
reperted from any en Stat is Virginia 11
lit. Th largest number baptised in any euo
Stat Is Ssw York 10,802, and the neat lar
gest, Georgia 7,044. Tker are fid college
14 thtologloal temlnarres, 29 weekly newspa
per, 16 ansatbllet, and 1 quarterlies, Is th
United Btatsa, that depend on Baptists for
support, 64 aew ohurohes were erected In 1 80S;
288 new churches were coattltulid, and 804
ministers ordained.
S3r TheTerento airrtayt it it ruatortd
that Bishop Charbonael, Roman Cathollo Bit
hop of Montreal, baa resigned bit Set, and
that fee will be tuooeeded by Rev. Mr. Lynoh
at present a sltnpl Irish Priett; who bat
charge of a oongrrgatlor. at Niagara.
Cgr Judg Terry gar bail In San Francis
co the 24 Innt.lo $10,000 to answer the kill
ing of Una. D C. Uroderirk lu a dni'l.
tiT The Demooratio State Convention ef
Kannas ha nominated Sam. Medary for Oev-
A MUtaka.
Th Jackson MUnnij'pian )p speaking of
the Western election, say t
"Niw, what is the result f Th Republlo-
ans havo carried everyone of them by large
ly increased majorities."
Not by a good deal, Mr. Miuutijpin The
Republican have Ohio by 18,000 majority
when they had 20,000 in 1868. Tbey have
Iowa, probably by about 1,000, when they
bad 8,003 in 1858. Their strength is rapid
ly uiminlshlng in th Wee), instead of la.
JttrJames G. Hendriokson, whoelalmeJ te
have invented frpttual molten, died at Free
hold, Hew Jersey, 03 last Saturday. A small
maehina, on of the earliest made by him ia
said to be now running ia Brooklyn, N. Y.,
where it ha kept up it oesseleis ticking for
nearly six years.
B3u"I and Dan Webster put up at the
same tavern last nlghJ,"suid a rough looking
fellow. "It must have been house of ao-
cominodatlon for both man and beast," replied
a bystander.
BtuFive hundred sets of aoooutrementihave
just been ordered from th Allegheny arsenal,
to be sent to Harper's Ferry. At Harper's
Ferry arm" are mapufautuied, but not the ac
coutrement. 5rri,8chaDiyl is likely to be far better treat
ed by tha Russian Govrnmeut than Napole
on was by the British. He will probably be
sstigoed we see stated, a residenoe at Kulea
ga, in tha eastlo ecoupied by th widow of
Alexandur the First, after ber return from
Tognrog, and will have a pension of $8,000
a year. Besides this he will be permitted to
indulge in the luxury of throe wWua enough
we should think, to ttliefy any reafiouublo
SJA call has been issued for the aorn
blluf of tli Nationul Icsocratiu h'oout!e
Committee at Washington eity on the 7:h of
Pepember, lo deigiitth lime of hoiJIu
th Bemoc1o National convention lur nom.
tnatitig a pandldata for th Presidency at Char
lestou. Th Dak of Nassau reocires yearly
the sum of 43,000 fl jrlui for t license uf lb
giioiboling saloon of Wiefbad'n, but at the
same time prohibit by very severe peutltiee
any of his suhjeots from betting at the bank
ing games of Wiefbaden He invites all for
eigner to oome and bet and spend their mon
ey freely, but wilt not permit hi own peupl
to doth same. Wis man tbat duke!
Julm Tjlur.n futfitivH i.Ue, mhosoped
from Catiij lil! rounty, V.rg.niu, in 1J'4. wa
a-retted at 0 iurii.ii.in, Oolo, on tiit: 27th ult ,
brought t'tfore a, Unite t'umniisioner
and remanded to hi owner.
gUjrWithiu a fortnight Peterson's Counter
feit Deteoter has noticed th issue of fifty one
new counterfeits. Surely in this cgc of new
inventlou sums mean ought te bt devised of
I preventing these wqc'eeale fraud upon the
Th Rosnian gnvrrnment hat u.t
eoninienatda railroad Irom Kley to 0ltwa It
Will take fifteen year t) i.tul.t it nti4 will
iavelv more diffiooitie and a heavier i u' :y
than woeld a read from St .Loui to F;'
gsJT Th latejan.e Crown, of Ibtrvil't
boiiUtaa. ha died a few day ago, atll.s
age of fifty-fonv', lft an estate which ii rri
ensly estlmatnl at fiPni $;m), ('. "rl.O it'
000, all aactimulateil in sixteen nr.-, from
a small Investment in togitr plunting
Dati'hmtn "Ceot moier, rtiik,hijw yeu .
IrUhrnan "The tup 0' th morning till ye
ft in t tt, P;e think v..!'!! get rsiti t!i dy ."
Itnti'hman "Kee uu, ve iiawr bus mifh
rain la vary dry time."
Irishman "Faith, and yer rlhl firrp,
flniitt, and tbin whinaver it git In tin any n'
ralniu' the divll a bit of dhry will we git u
long as th wet spell howlds.''
The Prlne of Wavte Coming tn thla
( tuuli) Tli. Victoria UrMg.
Th Mont.e! I'i!rtM it oil auilmrrty, flat
His Royal Iiishncss the 1'rlnco of Wale, ki
ciimpnuled by th (Colonial Hearclary and oth
er ilistlngaliihij personaBCH, will visit Cataiv
Irs the end cf May vt tha beginning r.f.I.ii.
next. Th formal opening f th Victoria
bridge will then takt plaoe , The corporation
having appoluted a ooinmiltee te meet the
Qrnnd Trunk direotojt, aud oo-operate with
thaiu on the eelehratina, wa UBiUrt'ind thaV
Mr. Blaokwall at an Interview with th ehtir
man (Couuoillor Bristow,) expressed the great
felioity he would have In doing all in the power
of the oompany to make the oelebration
worthy of the oexAslon and of the illuttrlaua
visitor from England txpeoted to be preseni
at It. Th brldg will be open for trafto early
n xt month, but no publlo or general demon
stration wjll be made.
fSrWe Uarn, from th Boeton rost that
th Amerlnans of Massachusetts wh are op-,
posed to the re-eleotioa of Gov. Hunks, have
held a convention at Fancull flail, In whloh
107 towns were representtd 470 dulegates.
Ex-Qoveroer Brig was nominated fer Govern
or. The address and resolutions amlgn the
dominant party severely for its vanttn wast
of tho publlo money, and beoaase, 11 It Is a
part and paroel of a party whloh Is so oppos
ed to the principles of oar constitution that
it nonot &xlt at all In nearly one half of tho
rebuttiio," and they eall upon nil puid eitittn
to'unit and put a stop to th editing abuses
This arraignment of the Republican Is
sever in It truth. Itttburgk Putt.
IIasd. An agont wrote from th Wdt :
"Gents t You will never get nr.y epondulice
from Bill Johnson. Th uoiiii-Nigiied culk i
npon him yesterday, and found hhn with na
ry tile, hi feet upon the naked earth -, an l
net olotb.es enough upon hint to imI 1
jfiti" We oall that an expressive sim
ile. BVQuTher i a oompany new fornving in
St. Louis, under the name and style of the
"St. Louis 8ilvr Mining Company," with a
oapttal of $160,000, to mine for lilver in An
ion a. $26,000, th first assessment, hasbeiiu
paid in and tbin is considered a sufli...oLt
amount to cotnmenoe operation (11 a l.li m'
and profitable oal. The orgiioi.' itn,n is
under the general act of Incorporation oft',..
8, The Bishop of St. Helena repeat!
left London for the oelebrstel island, whrrt
he will have hi cntheiliul. Iiis dioccto
will also luolmlo oertuin urlH of Mouth Amvt-
Our Minister at Pthlu,
Tha lust news from (,'!m:a contradicts Ibe
tanard ol Iho French, papers, that Mr. T'ur t
was taken to Pelt in sh'it up in a box, fi'Hi
whloH heoouiii nothing i t'i. l ouniri, m. t
after arrivipgat l'f'.ia, was kepi oonfiuu i like
prisoner- Our misister lis J bi'D.'i rro .'.
Courteously received at rk!:i, tho oajii'-a!
Chinsto Rmpirw, and exr.i'ati d to l. ar!e r i
forward tb ratiflcstiou 01 tbo Amr.iinari
trcbtv with China by thu uert Mail Thin
iieas cotifiruis the accuracy of tho Intrligrnci
tii,n.imlttad t the I,--Jyff ly onr fhin csr
rosf nndent.
PjjfThe Lrndon Tdrjrfh gravsl? s!a!!t
that, in the Uuited States, " among the can
didate of the Demooratio party for the Pr"i
idency, the most premlneot I Stephen A. D01
glas, a black man, who formasy yearthm
eondui t d an Abolition and Eraaoelpation papir
with signal succses."
Th offtcn of th Frtt Stuth, a paperpr 1
at Newport, Kentucky, of etrong R'- i:. .
can proolivitles, was mobbed on the uvi I r'.
the l!th ult., and the forms scattered iir. ;
the street,
The State Normal School building, at
lantl, Mich., witb two libraries, furnitur
labratory, were consumed by fire the ni
th 2?th ult, Loss, $26,000 ; insured I .
toFTke Indian Bureau has a war. .
oontrtot for Northwest guns at- i
boms, to H. . (.emaa, of Lances
BfJuThe Pot;i M-r General ci
removing the PjH rT.c Fiu;f nr
Philadelphia to Wsebtf ton,