Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, November 12, 1859, Image 1

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    i 5 r v n l 1 8 ii t d
yrr,h.:,at DriK lit Vi.y, X. 7'.
TERMS-2 CO a jsir U e,lnre: fl 00 f r Sil
ni nil i fifty oenl ft three month a.
j.-Ornri OrfoMTt th Paths IIu.n:i?l
I w '
riumhttr and Gai-Fitttr.
v. li. T. CHARLES STREET. T. 1,'iL'tS, I0
1 I Till prompt'? attend to nil business in his
AY l'-n m' w"r'L 'sec-nted vrith neat
ii rm and dispatch. Will give special atlentirn
tn ny work that may be entrtcd to hie cure
and satiaCacti'.n warranted.
c. r. TtrAT. Jons cirri n
Atlornriit ai l.cir.
"11 Till attend to all lrgal business intrusted
' to their euro, in weelern Iowa and east
ern Nebraska.
Not. 7. 'M. Cm
Tl T !.. E. A. Anns.
Clerk U. 8. Dist Court. Notary Public
AVorV'f.1 at Law, and Real
i'.ntu'f Ag'iilt
"I T pl.L pay l1 on " Land in tbe Conn-
Ucb of ' Washington, Burt, Dakota and
Dixon, N, T ; free of charge upon tho receipt
of money for the e ame. Office on Main Btrcot
lie Soto; Ncuia.-ka. -
gtlj-All letters of nquiry promptly answer
lion E Wakcly, JuJge 3rd Disttict, Ntbras
kft be Soto, N. T.
Hon. E Estabrnnk, Omaha. N. T.
Geo Doughty, Council Kind's, Iowa
Una. B. B. Chapman; Eljria. Ohio
lion. Levi Hubbell, Milwaukee, Wis. 2 lr
frhe undersigned has removed bis v-tnblisli-
sueot to bis new building, ou Pearl Street,
few doors west of Tootle's store, where he
is now prepared with a large nnd superior
Mock of leather, eto , etc., to exeeute all
work in bis line, in a superior style of tbe
art. Employing none but tie best of work
men, and giving his personal attention to the
inisiness, be ean safoly warrant all bin work.
Impairing done on short notice.
Nov. 7. 1839. tf
-Sates 0it$et ,
F. F. Hl.O.V Froprltlor.
Th'-t cJlire'"J.1- ri ll'v.h now hven npdnwl mcri'
ll.su tui i4tr. 'lint It c jrii'lir rtiil nlir. In mmklug U
hi:. In 'lult'r ht'f.n ('f t!i.i ttuUi tltui o rrnrfn. :
fttsi upjill.- In lliin W ert'-i f I 'ii;riirv h hn rfdu'V:
!! I'tic T lluelVi id hir.'f'ir hi prl.-cp ifr
)o.ra kud Trnriileut Cuioqi, wl'i U' cioat" lUa miv
Urst (.'i.n lloll In i4i IV: .lUTJ.
ttrtry Rtivntlaii will U plit r. Ih i is mAnt aoJ
(inuliiMi flu untf nir of tlilJ IIouih.
1M.I Ulf AUfUnl I a. t. MACON
N. 1.
S!ciz C'y, Imca.
TIIK Proprietor takes pleasure in annonno
iop to the publio that he now has a house in
whioh be can accommodate tbcm, in as good
rtjlc as can be found on the Missouri Slope,
liy atrict attention to the wants of (rucsts, be
hopes to merit and receive a liberal share
uf fiatronaire.
Nov. 7. lhftO- tf
V"rnr of frham ! Mnih fT(,
fieoeral Stage and Livery Offioe.
L. II. PA IM. Kit
IS new prepared to sell Dry Goods ant
Groceries, at
Wbalesale or Retail,
Aa low ai any House Id Stoux City, Iowa
Xee Boot and So Shnp
- - IOWA.
Tha undersigned, late of the firm of Krum
i E-.12 L. Schaiblc, ia Cirrjing ca the business
u his own account, in the bnildmg on Pearl
Street, Just below tbe Sious City House. He
ia now earrying on the Boot and Shue buoi
ness in all its brancbu. Work warranted to
l a dona in as good atyla and on aa reasonable
term as at any other i-hop. A oall from old
cnptoniiira ia repictfal!y solicited.
Itepairiug neat!y done.
Nov. . 1S59. tf
AT aatUs ant V'k Onm. uiW .
I CA.-II. uJ the hliihwt uiatket price.
Kr m)i U I will puy
DnUl.lty, Aut 1:1, '19 CTRL
J nd alt whnm it way ormvrn
Sir You are hereby notified tlmt I rial appnr Iwfnre
the RyUter end Uuclver of the l.ni uiiue, lor the
Dakota, land limtrlet, Oebra-ka Tarrin ry, at ekiu
eliT nn M.tiidar the lTth ilar ef lieu her tt at 10
VolcK-k . , to piore my rlvbt tn eutei h; pre-eminn
Die m uili half of the eoutli ml iiuarler f 1 4. ,t,
uajt.fr IhrIT lour, (W) lowai-hlp twenty fig! t if)
and the r.-r'.b half of the north wot qunrl-r of niU.ut
nnmr-er tUrre, (4) townftrp leenlT Be.en. 'Jt) raue
iUt, ifi) cut of the aUth l'rilii1 Hl nld an l f
J.iii:s I'Kh.-TJx
rakot BepUaber M 1AV. 'dm
I a hereh; (lien to all peiwni.t t ailn c'ulu a . jan.11
alkhael Hoder. late of Iakota roili.l v. '! ri-a-i-l. that
hey are required l file the aaine tok-cthtr ulthtn
uvetiemhereof.lo the ofili-e r.f the frobate (curt fur
11 eeuniy, in Ihe Terrt'cry if Nebra.k. ou or hetoie
Ont day of January ISt'J
l)tfO unli-r my han! (00 -al Wwiij jr-itilrdhy
r.-iinty frr thie ifnoe,) lhl !iti day tf 0t"tiw,
I. UiK.
THUS T, CnM-ira,
Trthita Jujfr . I i'. ia todiiy.
i Th HP ! A
3l 1
VOL 2.
1M DAKOTA t ill,
Canwvl by tan nponhg of a LAF.OK and
I'ry (5"o,I,
Cljthing, Orjefr
ics, Boots nil' Phoe,
Quecnsware, Ao , io., Ac,
i r
e onr Stock of (1ond in now opm, and !
ready for the TRADB, we respectfully
call tha atH'ntion of the citizona of Dakota ::
and adjoining counties to our splendid
wblch hare been ieleoted with grent rare,
cppeoially for this country, and will be sold
We are boon I not to be undersold hy our
neighbors. We a-k our old Custnniei h and ,
the Public geiieri'ly. tn nil nnd nanni'inn for i
tlii-mi-elvcj nnl b cunrnoi t of tho iihuve '
tnct. '
Dry Good Dres flood-, Mnliun b'e iehe I and
uriMr ohd. Dflnine. Oh -l-.iniv e, Oinphfims,
Iiincfi, Printn of all kinde, Merinos, Cbei-ks,
Irifh Linncns, TMe Olothii, Crah, &e , Sc.
La-lie." Shawls M' all sir.ep, rio'.hK, Satinets,
Jean", Tweeds, Cat itnerec. Flannels of all
color.-. Women and Children's Hoods. Woollen
Hose Half Hose, Woollen Yarn nnl Men'a
C 'lintry-knit Socks. Children's Uo-e &c, &c.
AK-o a large SIOCK of CLOI'HING, eiich s
Overcoats, Uundercoats, Vests, Pants, Shirt,
Undershirts, Drawers & ; , &. Also a spluil
id Stock of CoBtume-mada Bootj and IShoos,
for Men, Woman and Children. We are able
in this line to fit the Btnallert as well as the
largest Foot.
Also Huts anil Cups ef all Sorts and Sizes,
and a heavy htock of Groceries, in which will
be found the following adlicle9 :
Dried Fruit,
Canned Peaches,
Bottled Fruit,
Teas or all kind?,
Tobacco Miioking
and chewing,
Soap of all kinds,
Door., Lo., &.
Oiii Stock will he fold to tuit tbe times, at
vory low figures, mh we are d ling a striot
CASn business, aud can afford to sell at
small profits. We will alto ti.ke in exchange
for Goods
4o., &o.
Give ns a cull and be eonviooed that Da
kota City ia the pluoe to
Dakota City Oct. 22. 159.
best brand of Flour at the extrn-.ly Iuh
price of 3 50 per Sack, by
MSK3 Zifcljf.tft ECKiiAiU', ol lh.-
Ill llaWolA I'llv iJiltltV l.kd t In a r. .........
upportunuy hi eaying to me weronanta and
the public generally, that they will aontinuo
in tbe business as herutofore. Hnd having in
crc3cd tbeir facilities are able to manuf'ae
ture a larger amount of ttmis ware and of
the best quality. Returning thanks for the
liberal pkironage beetowed uj on the old firm
they respeotrully solicit a ooutinuanea of the
same, and they will endeavor to retain it by
prompt eiecution of their orders, to which
they will carefully attend at all times. Give
them a cull.
Dakota City, N. T., Nov. 7. lfo9 tf.
St. I aula, Mu.
J. K. IlVifi K,
Sioux City . Iowa
Fi- Tn: l-Liil'I.E
II. U. BOOCIK V 4VO., f r. tr.I. r lUSt T,
Stoui City, - lotea
rossinir cAxa
H. thi l.rn.-.t S I'iM KniUrorenea ui J'r-rl.lona
e-r kinturd In hloux City.
H. D. BOOQE &c CO.
1 1 Til cniinue to rut.p'y the CASH BL'Y-
F.Ki, wliu'.ala ua ictail, at their uau
ally low piiuee.
'he whole cjv ntry ia arou-ad, aud awaken
I loit-I.XSr iiileresiM ,,rl il.u.n.;...!
lo bnv ita Orocerita and Proviaii.ns ol H. D,
1 1 ' .IS
"iiKvoftm r-tr iirvm iiks am sir:;.
For twenty yers thi Clev-dun I Pliio T'-al-r
hue been nwned and r.otitrnllej, Pohll'-heA
and Edited by the sa'ne individual. It bus
ninor missed a Publication Day nnr rrntn)iel
a Demooratio Ticket. It baa fought its wav
i.umf-hatided agaitrat all opposition, until it
u iim .l a National Circulatinu and n N 1
fi.un: Ri putntiou Fro'ii Main to Calitornia
th- PlMiri Dialer is known and read, and it
iii'nr was in co gfod a condition pecuniarily
r in better pluck politically, to fight the bat
tles of Democracy than now. - For the com
ingyear it will be particularly devoted to
It has sjainst high authority, dared to ad
vocate the right of "the people of a Territory
as well as a State, to regulate their douiostio
institutions in their own way," anil it will
continue to do so against said high authority
"the world, the flesh and tha de-il." Against
all Lccompton Conititutions, Slav Codes, and
the re opt-niug of the Slave Trade, tbia Paper
is devotedly dodioate J from this time, hence
fot Mi forever
Come one' come all I This rock shall fly
From its firm base aa soon as I 1"
Besides the current News of tbe Day, tha
Plain Doalcr will contain in each number a
TALE, Cor-espondi n je from a bo9t of Contri
butors. and Telegraphic Reports froai all parts
of the Wovli.
The Coninicroial Department will be under
the sole charge of Jas. Brokensblre Esq., who
Is acknowledged to bo one ot tbe boat Market
Reporters in the country. - - -
The Local Department will be presided over
by that original and laughter provoking gen
Artemus Ward Esq., whose Letters, jokes,
Oddities and Qulditiee, are alone worth the
price of tbe paper. In short, we are prepared
to present oue of tb9
Single Subseribriis, per year $1 60
" ' for Six months, 1 00
dobs of ten, per year, 10 00
All over ten copies to one Post Office 1 00
To eaoh getter np of a Club, one Copy Ul
tra. TOST MASTERS are requested to act
as Agents. "
Offieiul rjtr of Congrnt.
1 shall pulilisli the Daily Globe, and the
Congressional Clcbe, and Appendix duriug
the next session of Congress. The Daily
Globe will contain a report of the debates iu
both brauobes of Congress, as taken down by
reporters, equal at least, to any corps of short
hand writers in this or any other country
When tbe deb'tca of a day do not make
more than forty-five columns, they shall ap
pear in tbe Daily Globe of tbe next morning,
which will contain, also, the news of tbe day,
together with such editorial articles as may
be suggested by passing eve tn.
The Congressional Globe and Appendix,
will coutain a report of all the debates in
Congress, revised by tbe speakers, the Mes
sages of the President of the United States,
the Anruaal Reports of the Heads of the Exeo
utive Departments, tbe Reports of Committees
of Congress on important subjects of general
ia'crests, the Lawa passed during tbe session,
and copious iudexes to all. These will be
printed ou a double royal shvet, iu bo 'k form
royal quarto aito, each nnmhi-r containing sir
teen poges, averaging 2,307 word j or page.
The whole will mukein twuen l.ToO aud 2,000
pages. It is believed that tin book has ever
beou pu'.l'shed at B" low a rate. Last year I
:l'i r i .i: the Duily Globe fur six monies,
.. -, ; . ut on - In. in Ire I other newspapers,
i ; ,. Ui'i'.y Stiitis, u rvwar-i tf $245, I" he
i , i.y piTSiui who Would prod -:c a book
pui,.ieiei s j low a rate, and Dune was pru
.itl,'i.l. fl.ii litig nutiiber of copies subscrib
ed for by Congress enables me to afford tint
dotiHti s I'j subscribers so cheap
Tl.u Corrrcr:i:unl Globe end Appends ps
fice through tbo mails of the United States,
as will be seen by reading the following Joiut
Resolution passed by Congress tho Oth of Au
gust 1852:
Jvir.i Rftoluticn providing for the distribution
of the Lauit of CongrtiM and the lrbttt
With a view to the cbvap circulation of tho
Laws of Congress, and the debates contribut
ing to the true interpretation thereof, and to'
make free cnmuiunicatieii between the repru
sentative and constituent bodies:
lie it resolved by the Sonata and Houo of
Representatives of tbe United States of Amer
ica in Congress assembled, That from aud af
ter the preseut session of Congress, the Con
gressional Globe and Appendix, which contain
the Laws and the Debates thereon, shall puss
fie.- through toe mails, so long as the sumo
oh, I le published by order ef Congress : Pro
vnied, That nothing herein shall bo construed
to uuthnrixe the oiruulatiou of Ihu Daily
; he, free f j 0 t ig.
Approved, August, C.tb 1802.
For a copy of the Daily Globu 4 months f 1 00
For a copy for a less time (per inonlli) 1 fO
For a copy of the Congressional Globe
and Appendix during tho session. &
Bunk nutes current in the section of the
country where a subscriber resides will be re
ceived at par. The whole or any part of a
subscription may be remitted iu postage
Uaips, which are preferable to any currency
except gold and silver. Where Bank notes
un lt-r o inu not be procured i will aeud two
Cohit-e f-' t i
A paper wni uot t.S eut t:."la the money
accompanioH the order fnr il.
1 cau not allurd In eichange with all the
tirw srs that desire the Globe, but I will
scud tbo Dully Globe dnriug the senuiou to all
who shall puulb this proapectue tbrea limes
lirlwiu (oe lirat Monday in next Doceiuber
I'no.e who publish should send their papers
eonui&Iag' it te sue, niikad with a pen, to
i . 11 ii i:
: 1 .1 .' r
'linct nttention to It. The Conrrrsii.?il
Gl'.lni and Appnidii will be Htereotrped. and
tSep-Vri', I sb.'ill 1(. n',. to send thi burk
lunntinri f r tins trMin to '! who nnf sub.
font's aflrr tbt eat'ti commences; but if
the first edition ahaU hsso 1'Ci'n cahaustr'
bef.'re the su'jsci iptt n ineney Is received, I
shall elinrga m ibiltar ad litmnnl per copy,
to pny the nti ei ff putting the plates on
the prc-ti Sul.;-iM lions rbntild reach ma aa
eHj ns tbefir-t werk in I'e.-omher, to insura
f cmp'ete cnpiin at the juices advertised above.
Washington, Coluber, b 0 V .
A useful and attractive series of books for
i , the young people, embracing events con
I iioctod with the bistnry of tha Country, and
lites of (iielingiiitilied men, written with much
rare and lo an entertaining manner, aud
beautifully Illustrated tille-psgea :
Containing the life of Daniel Webster, the
great Amerioan Statesman, with numerous
anecdotes, Illustrative of bis charsater, and
the following illustrations :
Young Daniel In tbe saw mill ; Webster
fi-hing at Baabnrg j Webster declining tha
clerkship I Weheter eipnundin tha Constltu.
tion at tbe Banker Hill relobratiun Webster
at Fanueil Hall ; Mansfield the residence of
Webster ; Webster on bis farm.
Tha life of Henry Clay, tbe mill-boy of
slaakea, with nine illustrations ; the life of
General Washington with nine Illustrations ;
tha lira of Layfayette, with nine illustrations j
tha lifo of Penn with nine illustrations ; the
ll."a of General Taylor with nine illustrations ;
tha life of Napoleon Bonaparte with nine il
lustrations ; the Old Bell of Independence or
Philadelphia In 177S, with nine illustrations ;
tbe Yankee Tea Party, and other atoriea ol
the Revolution, containing in all over ops
hundred illustrations.
Each volume it well written, possessing .
high moral ton, and can safely be plaae.d in
the banda of the young people. They con
tain numerous anecdotes Illustrative of the
history of our country.
Price per eett handsomely bound in cloth,
with gilt back, and neatly nt np in boien,
$0 76. Pride per volume, clotb, gilt, 6? cts.
Colporteurs, agents and school libraiius
will be supplied at a liberal discount
Copies sent by mall postage free, npon re
ceipt of the price) of the sett or any volume.
No. 25, South fiih Street, Philadelphia.;
Price 60 cenU. Enolose pen in a letter
with cash or postBgo stamps, and by re
turn of mail yon will roeelvo the peu as good
as new.
Addre?sE. Eilliot, Syracnss, N. Y.
Any person giving ihe above thrao inser
tions and rending roe a markod copy, shall
receive one of ray best pons by mail. 8t
A most important job, that of shaeing a
horse, la very frequently performed by a care
less ignorant luiiib, whereby valuable borsea
are often l imed or injured. Dr. W. Piarae,
V 8., ia a note to the Ohio Cultivator, in al
luding tn this fact, remarks that horaea aoma
timss siaiid sjuiet atlll, wlhla one foot Is np
they strut's until it is released, and frequently
the slioer baits, speaks sharply, awears, and
friglitcns the horse, so that he must be bold
by force or abandoned. Another takes
the tools end acts Lis shoes without any
Tli Dr. gives some of tha reasons for this.
He fiys: Coder certain circumstances the
muscles cramp, oausing severe pain. Almost
at any time a horse's bind leg may be raised
ao high, or in such a position, aa te oame
aever cramping, not to be endured. When
a home has had all tho miolcs relaxed by ex-,
eroise, and stanie and ooola quick, an unusu
al position will most oertainly produce oramp
ing, and at the same time make him Irritable.
A h'Tse that has steed for same time in the 1
eold, uneasy, and suffering with anxiety to .
gi?t horns, ii ia a bad cnditiou ti stand the i
b'iB), aod ofleu paiufiil position, of shoeing, '
aud to often fretted to that degree that be '
nevrr f'N over il too often forced to stand
and endure the pain of severe cramping, prick- j
inir, ate, until he wiil never forget it, and of- ,
ten pefuses toenter tha shop again.
S ime horse-shoer have a habit of raising i
the foot and leg sn high tkut ao ootumon horse !
cm stand it, and taos l.o willaboa horses balf i
bis life time before he knows that the fsolt. is
in himself. The awkwardness and ill-teiap'-r
of some Bhocrs ia sufliiient reason to withdraw
ytvir patronage, although they may do their
work well. The danuges ilone by foroing the
horse to atnnd in paia, and the injury to his ,
disposition, ia infinitely more injury than to
go if a miles, and spend a day and pay
double tbe price to oue who has some sympa
thy, and shoes bin without pain one who
exercises some raason and judgement and
patitnoe, and seams to tyaipatbise with the
snlfering ansmal has little or n trouble, and
dors ns damage,
I oaca knew a horse tht if be was minus
ashoa, would gobyhimself te a particular
smithy, and thara stand until the shoe was
sat. I once owned ahorse that was shod
tbrea or four years without any trouble; at
last he Was eent to a shin to be shot, e
shoer being a little iutoxiaateJ, fr'ga'n '
bim, beat aud abuse I, i'j ao tli a to tuoor tiiat
he uver after feared to approach a ilack-mit'i
ah. p, iiud if forced t' euter one, would trm
ble wiih fear. I think I ehill be justified In
faying that ane-baff of tbe horse aboAri ore .
ioc'impeteht to lbs tak saj ing nothing about .
tu.lr W'irkuianabip of setting shoes. I Wave
no doubt but B'.miib I'lin J euoom 11
eause of splints, bogs An I 'iiba, aa wait
ai kicking, oi ingiug, puiliug at tha baiter eto ,
Reader, if you ara tbe owner of a geod
horse, gi youiaelf an tea him shod, unless
1 A
U is;,!).
iNO. IS.
you ate well M'.juam e I w.ih lbs s'loer, an I
Vaew M n to be carrTul, patival, mil I Irmpi.r
and hum 'lie, W ilh Jr w your pstroge
fvauiell tfvrrr cbarsiwer-', bif ire y 'ii sus
tain a less. Ni't-r ''.lShiU to, or employ a
slioer whose rharioter and intellect ie Inf
rlor to that of your bor-e 1 f yen d . you my
have bim lame. I, abuvd, an I pmle 1.
. . -. . -
iviikat srii.it run miiiiiht
Mr. C. M. Kces, Calbnun cuTte, Miobigsn
wiilitig to tbe Aiicuiivrn'.ul, j;ites tho f.il
lawing arcoimt of a method Isti ly fullnwed by
bim In aawim Winter whest, which be aaya
Is Incoming qaile euiamnn in that semlon',
Tha ground Is lowed deeply and tbwrmiglily
la the Rpring for the coin erop. Tbia is
saarcely tilled throngbout the .Sninnier, prin
alpally wilh th cultivator, au ocrsiona
plowing and booing being alao given, if nec
essary, to keep tha weeds down. Whim the
time romes for Bowing the wheat, If ihe ecrn
ss ripe enough and helo is plenty, tbieo sr four
rowa are cut np, the atalks set nn. one eiilo,
and tba atrip thus cleared :id sows. I an. I
harrowed in. Tke Btalk are Mbeti set back
upoB the opan space, and another land "
cleared, tha atalks being put on the " ism) "
already tor. e-J, and So ou until the field 1
finiahad. If tbe Oorn Is not fit to cut, or help
Is lea roe, tbe wheat la jiut In with a oultivator
going twice In a row each way. One man will
anw ns fust aa two con cultivate it In. About
lw bushels of seed to the sor are used. Mr.
K. aaya tba average yield of wheat ia not
qaiteeo large, but lbs labor invelved Is much
less, . . , . .
This method maybe expedient in rare
cases; but Is hsrdl to bo commended for gen.
eral introduction. The mors mellow ami
thoroughly prepared tbo. aeai bed, the better
will be tbe yield. Tbo spaoa left where tha
rows of corn stoo l will be Infested with weeds
tvbii h will grow up with wheat tba fullowing
"kw Sn.vttoa im 1111 Kkxt CnoRsse
The fu!!oiug uaiuud guutjomati wllltak tbair
sea's fur lh,) Ursttiiae in the United States
Senate en the first dey in Dsoembar nest,, ou
wbiih ilny the C at session of tha thirty sixth
Congress will commence:
Hon. Wlllard Paulsbnry, of Delaware.
Bon. Jamos W. Grimes, of Iowa.
Hon. Lazarus W. Powel, of Kentucky.
Hon. Kiiigslry S. Bingham, of Michigan.
Hon. John C. Ten Xyok, of Ifew Jersey,
non. Thomas Brogg, of North Carolina.
Hon. Henry B. Anthony, of Rhode Island,
non. A. 0. P. Nicholson, of Tennessee.
Hon. J. W. HamphiU, of Texas
ST John Randolph, was one of the most
sarcastio men that ever ived. One time a
young Uien attempted to maka his acquaint
nnce. He obtained an introduction, and
among the first remarks said.
"I passed by yoar house lately, Mr. Ran
"I hope that you always will," was the ro-
Anothor nne twitted bim on Lis "want of
education." t t
"The gentleman reminds ma," said Ran
dolph "of Ik lauas at the head f the Mont
gomery which are poor by nature, but rulntd
by cultivation."
Tile Ceuona wf 1110,
In little lees (ban a yuar the e'ght cncus of
th United Stales will have been taken. The
first ceucua was had in 1791), aa I it showed a
population little exceeding tbrea millions.-
TLer is little or ui doubt that of next year
will foot np a total of mar than thirty mil
liens! Inleei than a lifetime tha population ef
lue United aits tee oan now, by virtu of popu
lation i.ior.0, Uks rask with tba greit posf'.'rs
of Europe. Tbe eeanpariaoa ia this:
Russia, 70 millions-
Austria, 13
France, 89 !
Great Britain, 80 "
Piaseia, 17 "
United Siales, 21 "
Our population ia greater than tba British
Isles, and is nearly equal to that of Franoe or
Austria. It la newly double that of 1'iusbi
The men who made our Constitution, wise
as they were, they little thought that in etveu
ty years the population of ibis country would
be equal to that of tba Empire front which it
separated I In less than forty year lis
I'uimd States will Lava one hundred million nl
RTF The House of Reprearntatives of Mas
sachusetts bare expunged tbo word " wliitc "
from the militia lawa, by a vote of 1 UI lo 81 .
This given colored man a ohauoe to train win n
they have a uiiud to, and allows thorn to orgaa
leo u. Hilary cotnpanias, a well aa their white
bi tbvrn, provided tba .aotion of the bouse Is
concurred In by th eeuiite, aud not nullified
by a veto from Gov. Bauka
ljtrii,l T. Luit Sunday moraiug tba
F.r-t tlabii t Church of Chicago was in debt
1 1,000. In foriy-fu minute after th fact
was stated lb eengrt gution wiped out $12
:'latid was pre) rtd to ceooel th remain-.
ing 9i,ruo, but tbe pastor bepged them not
to lo so, as several frieuda wer unavoidably
atjsfnt who would n'.t b pUattd if nothing
was left for than) t do.
rqt are nl !? I'n f o, flrat i o
K It 1 'n-i Mao t lsartl.
ns are ei e nn-inth,
;tte inere, 1 1, r r-a reonthfc
One oqnarw, stx monthA,
itie aqnar, wis fear,
ta nare, an y.
I on
S Ow
II 00
411 on
f 0
4A l
It Is)
tt '
is au
Lay ne eninmw, one yer,
i Woe Vta'f ASltima
Jo f'nett, ft-lnnta, di,
On lialfmlnmn, alt month,
do fsn-fh ilo (i,,
ill half rntnm, tl rne m'ntha,
(to ft'itr'h do da ,1,,
luielns f'arda, ef ni Urn. , nre yeer,
f's.li In ltaii all! u tnul,,i ea aJI ailvert!.e.
ntsnt eieepl wh.re a ie,'UI ,. iwilmii ha lfe maJe
ti Ihe mntrary.
. ; . m
lVliat anrl ef a Ittaa I. ,
The Nrw Yot'a ."si' snswers iae n'lestinn
in t'lts amaew bat ptrsonal dcesi i ; t mi 1
"lis smokes rather too nisny oigara, but
tl.ry ate i f lbs ruost fiagr. nt tobacon, and
0. irre-pmid roiwt admirably with the urnma
from tbo cut glass, out of which 'n ilrmka
sni ceas lo lee-tntalism and the dona of Tem
po snoe, There are vary fstfiofonr statesmen
more dc -orom, staid and resprctiiS :haa Mr.
.Seward. He neither Cgbta, gambles, nor la
Rildieiid lii debauchery. Ha lit model ef
piiia villus. M a du not believe he swears
tiiuob. His Jrcss i propriety Itself a com
bination ef aeml-eocleslaatlat pravity wilh an
every day buainens laoV, wblch instantly In
splms ronfi l nre. He la Oie avowed repre
"f n'f' tempered by
nveiflowing Indulgence for every failing and
I ecce.liilo on the 1 art of bit fellow cr tit ores,
and etpeclally of the niggers. What a pity
that Mirh an idea, fur a future President
should be gnrgrtned with the harecy of "irra
piessablo eot.flict !' Mr. Coward docs not
wear a white cravat. If La did, tie weald hs
taken for a Protesler.l mlnhter. lit might,
as It is, pass vaty wall fur a J ileit. Noon
can question that he la a pious man, and a
member of the church. Ws ars cot sure U
what eburcb he belongs, but ha la 'a bnrnlng
and ablnlng light, aomcwh re. II may b
a Methodist, and be would b an excellent
class leader ef that persuasion." Mr. Seward
In short, Is at present, the favorite racer In
lbs Black P.epuHicaa stud but La will gst
lamed In Africa.
11 In
WUtiwwt Preaelaa:.
Without Crapra,
A recent latter frm a gentleman la
Paiktrsburgb, V., ba )u auhatane tie fol
lowing :
An old Dutchman In that city has anoval
uiAlbod of making cider. Ue has praotleod It
or tevaral years with suoeats. Ut pnrahaaes
Urge quantities of apples and grinds them In
the ordinary way. Ho has a number of large
raska prtpared, standing on aa end and opan
at lb top. At th bottom of eaoh cask Is a
f-tuoei, whoaf mouth Is protected by sticks
plaoed srasswls, and clean ry atraw a f)t
deep, luto the seeks and open this straff
atrainar th pernio is shoveled a soon ns
grsaiid. WLin tb casks ara full! abool a
much water la poored Into each aa the pomace
each coutaiota hbould yield gallon of para
cider. Th caaks and pomace tken remain
uadiatorbad for two ar thra days, when the
faucet being opened tha cider rani out. Cider
i( heavier than water, and In Its first itv.gft
does r.ot sail. The pomao having a greater
affinity for water than older, absorbatb wattr
and cenacqucntly ejects its own uic without
the aid of a pros. If too much water baa
accidentally been penred on the pomite, it
will remala on the of ths cider, asd net ran
from the cstk till all the cider is ont. Tha
fauott Hboald be closed aa seen aa the drip
pings look pal. On preatlng pieces of tha
pomace aftsr thla preeese, they will b tatta
Ie: . SuaK 1 tb fjeraian tktary.
The sain eold DuUhman BDanufaeturcs wbfit
he oalla "NtlSna Pare Amarloan Win;" as
follows; lie takes a 00m toolbox ofraiaius,
chops them up Ilk mlnse meat, aud after lh
older cease to foment, puts thaa Into a barrel
of thi s liquid, together with a small bsg of
eharcoal. After a few tnentha the elder by
some bocua poena process becomes "Pure
American wlao." It Is then ready for bottl
ing, and if tightly corked will keep forvr.
Sem thirty bartelicf this liquid brooght at
auction recently from $7 t $11 per barrel
Asy lsdividuala trying th bv eiptrl
menta, aad bating success, may sesd ns
samples for exauiiaatiop. Ws are dry
sometimes, w e ar. tyr in yfiei Republican.
SjThe Belly Kicsrsgw entarnrla ia aow
entirely given up, and th men employed left
there in great distress, without payment ef
their dues, or tnenns of support. Th affair
coat its projectors $160,000 total loss. '
lT Tha trade carried on betwetn th Ter
ritory of Mrxioi, and the Northtrn States ef
th Mexican Republio, aad the United State
through Kan a, is now vary large, amount
lag to nearly ten mitllena annually and la
yearly Increasing. Formerly that trade waa
exclu-itely confined to Independence Mis
r-y!r. C'orooran, In view of th profits and
fort inn amassed by tha proprietor of th
Washington "hotel;" has almost concluded ti
build a tavern as larga as tha Capitol apon
the soutneaet corner of Jaokaon Square, to be
conducted on the Eoropean plan- So aaya
a eoi roeqondenl of tha Nw.
53. Tl whole amonut of publio land
M.-rtei, as returned to the General Land Of
fice, for the year ending with th present
month, la nearly 63 008 Biiles, or about IS
000.000 aoroa.
fsy A noble tree, known a Toem Moore'
Oak, aituated in tha midJleofthe road be
tween Niagara and fueeustown, has gone to
daoay. It te tke looal tradition that under this
tree tbe minttral ef Iiin aircprttl "ft
Wnndpeck: Tapping"