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About Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1859)
i m - -.- gf i 2 n r i T - I 1 1 ill ) i I ?: t j T H t ' r. i C i : ) rt f. U 11 I: N K Hi' is A III. T re- j rr "i H !! -r t ' V f 1. 1 i u 1 1 . ! i . c . ' r . :. a ifh- .! A ea.iti.lnui V'.io in I ' ' ' t nr if P;ypt, f tl.s I ir "' A '-ti insi Ji , vf As ln ii i j. i. r ' r in in the tit . : ; i .- 1 7 - "' "ii-K '" 1 e.'i'ii. ill Ihr l;f u' J , ' ' -j I e . It ! j W a., i. ..i. i J ,,f M J i. '.ii i hutch, j . ..i-1 . ,(; 1 -' inc. , U. ' ii . J s l! (Ji ii.iiii.l t. r !'.' . "it, L'M.V '. .m , I w , . . t.r I i .1. 'I 'ii ; ...ulj a.-iii mi'. ili.'.l'ili'.l'tv. gout n:c It- ..'! ,. . : (Mrs t- ell Ihu ii .. iUiIlc Tl"iils wil1 i r i- V" M jr ft Hn-. I!, i n ' : i jl I rM n I lie. i ! t , '. '.. " j J h ii :r',"t V '.! o"! ;f H i? ri i" ' ' - -i ' iwi iriM I: in ' i - " ;.i i.l ( re j, -ii 1. ' ' o .... 1:1 : II, ru tho 'i :n u I, v .1 tfcrnnnjt roinnrm.t f ili irw -ptn'l i i'f, I I TI0U'..i ll.ilt I . TV I'l , , I Kl n( irt t'ur fi ii 4 i ,i! ti. i.iii (.i,ii:i-a i'oinin with ft !in Jr d or more Ini-tn-N. run 0 Miin gn unJ nil miy dy pi e Sj;, I..,. V rih h lenlv 1 M.c Cr- ' f .'.,-ut for inik il ii tlour Linn . ..I.mvI.. . , I ml, ( ., i ,. ) ,. ) ,. afr ' n i . I ni'i ..m h, im,u:i;.- 'ei J 4 HM V o ..!.(. m.iuS NOTICK. Tha "liara HoMora an4 own'ira rf Ut In fita I1I, w T, ar hrhr n-.tli a.l d i Hi i ran now ol.- iLn laa-ia m fra ,n, I. il,rn.r, i,-.n .iinaiinu H. tha un l.r.ln. l, Hi. alta of aai l oliy lialng b.n an- tarail at U I . K OflliM, ai. I li'la okliluail jlrmuiait lba aspauaa if antarloft tad Timn. ami laaklog tJt to Ibt let therein, nil! be fe it-Ur per Int. fhn. T. l.liJ'i, l'ruU. taata Cliy, Aniinit in, 'M NOTICE. Tha Khnre bnMera an4 ownpr t.r irftfa, In Uaknta, "Ht, n. T, ara haral.y n.,tlli., tlmt lliy i-an now ob tain tlrlKr, In IWala., !;, I'.ai.f -.p. tfl t! I,it Inrlufl. hI lu lhaS2o irwi, vlili-li rnirrrl by nia anrorrl 1BA to law, on til a loth of J itly, bv atrlua of aiv nfllra aa Mavor ol ltakota City, ao4 tba tllla obtarnai) from tha tiovcrnmaiit f.r tha antra. Thaaiioaa of tba Uanli to Lola will I a .-i- d ilr. All Lota rot ralJ f. r at Ilia expiration of ,x monlha, from the time nf en'ry. will la 1. 1.1 at pub lie aurtloa, to the blubaat kldJar. II. BATLJ Mavnr- Dakota City. Fapf 17, 1H49. ' f w ault of lcl)rtslta. OMAIZ4 AVkrosfc.. 11. II. rJiOKAM I D. 0. DoKOiXKSV, 1'resident. Casl.ier. rilAKTBUKU AbD TAL!Hl:n I IMA 1 hn Ifultainata Hanklnji buainara irnnHiute4 In all It- t'Tani-hn, oo tha in-if Oavorabla ti-rma. Aporlal atlvntloa (lean to millantmna, and throuah it raipondania. will aulia.ii a . puluii lu Neureeka. fl'Wf lK, I,a1) W AKn A iil'I', AKO rx c v k A' a a t ' a x k r l.o, 4l and said al bael Jrtal ratal. win, DKr'n I. UY A 1. D SELL EXCHANGE Fifnvnt Xi -i t fry:, ui Cur rut Ki'ft. i v 1 1. I. h i H r .1 f ii. t.,; ;li-.J.e 1 ollr,, ' - La .-II II ; !-,! : CAKOT,' Ci i v , N. T- ii'.i.i.r.tvrstiit'rTA1 r l, i, - in.-aa piilrrai..,: i i'STI' - w Ti) ,iv Y A'll.M.'Y l tl.'r I'll-, an. h Kjilul.... ii n. rt-.'i;, -aim ri-i ,...ti: . -H, tha l.-raiii.y of , laiti'e in V. .at., n hivuka, anrt lti. trout r,n t;, r a .., i-rtv tliay hayaon haml tor aai.-. , i knol..liv ol tba ba al i t . i t latkrtlnn. 'I In- ho lo'.'inii aiol . the Mnui l lw, lliuiN. Omaha . "trirta. Ii.l tha ala.-tiiiK 1.11 I l-li!,Tl... .ami. il atrit. elyinn a .t.a.-i iptt. n ,t( r Hiiaran'.-.!:..- il i-i ha rorr.'i t r-..i -.'lln tW la. rln.aaoj .!.in..n ! : f-. of titlra It Inn le an. I c'rUii ., t inoiioi at a-. at. ra rl ..t liila.m, .o4 Nlrruke Ai-t:..- ni u.-ente flir ?ta.iin: r. , -. ranri, ;iDl, a. of n en .l-r -'I f.-t j I .r uao a l!l;a, ut. i ,, , ; .'j .. '-. Il' if i-uij :. n. i.l.f, I' I - i i " ll ii l-i', t-i ' ' " ' V ' I'll I-.-' iia-a. j; . - -' - J. IV M. l-i i. l- 'is, ha. r t.k V t a n I t-. jw ii ii in 1 ,N a ii' I ).p : r.l . . .'.'I I i , ! 1 .-tf, j o-tit. .inf. ' HEFtREtt; .an. I'raii.ili'Ht i. I i. ; it V". If- r, a) I. .. I'm It. W. ( i.t , it. ana .- i' I-., v.., It ,. ,i ,, li. .1 IK : t O'l ''.iyvful lu., vt U J , - n.e TLoa. ll. ' a .'. t w an.l t'outiril I'.nnlicra i;,l tl ,iv'a, l..a. 1' Knii re, Ite-I.t.ira.ul llaralri-r : v .! i. it i . . .i ii - of tha l.anj IMn c. . '.,u,im .iiiii- aa, lluiwlia. HVB I. u- iiioi a m. s hi too. .al-r s.lii I'll, M. .MiiWj, K. II I'o. III. 1. I a it.-... . h a - ..i T.l .. A f.. -- --- -''" - I'l.iiur", lowa. ' ' uiikor iu ifeuu, iubu.u, v,"!U .P.-.?I;.C"..',Ii'' "':n " Walker. Ilea. I. 0. - .., -e af nir, itiWei. Iowa" l' C'r0""'ll, Kllt"r of ';"'. Araruo.a. K.B Laltere to reoaiTa l.ron,,,t attention niual be JI. raalod to "be i'raeidaiit, I'ak -lal Itr, N. T iirfi,. at 1 1. a ".'''.T' eumirol lirvadaay aul Kiih atiaeta. a m.j , aaai CIIKUILAU TO : OJ!:m Ct (A Tcrritoritl cf Umnut- " sofa, A'untut atd Xtlrjik. 1V .joint resolution of Congress, approved ..i March, lKf,7, valid pre-emption claim mi the 16th and Sttth sections, heretofore i r -m r. I for schools in the Tcnitnriee of Min nesota, Kana and Nebrarka, will 1 e recoji niied. ln..e i a ktilrmen.t has bttu or may i-i.i I." ' the tiurvry. la. 'n chs where the apprcvel pl; nf ''.' b's nut yet ten, returned, tl Jc!nr - atatrnirnl mual h fllel within Mirer . it - 1h .i. tei., i t of aiifh u prova! plat at tlxtDistriet (iffl.'e. 'ud. When th . plat ia now in the r.e. Mer'a i!vi.i. ,! .' .-Uraiion miiat ha. : 1 I fh), t.i' r tTii-o',-. r' ,'i ti.i- brat I'lililionti in of tMi C ii. 'nr in jtur land diatriot; A failure lo o. 'i ply wii.h 1 1. In r. ij'.'ui ui-i.t, '.'f! m 1 1 fr fiitny ' f tb .ciaiii. alao mnilsioner ' lhe TKiW ,v jli'.NMlirK't ( l and eprroprlntad by la f..r tie uae of, mil Ikn , aud puxpuaea. wilt Ir. lu It. a aalra. Trie .UlarW.g r-f th aViva li 1 will tw njoii n-. rn lb aNye :nl l I pr-.a n I lia r rr In wbl-b they are ditl. I, ... n I' .. . .i." ,,a laaea l.ller.i.1. and I be aAi. . . -i , I l ,i, be kert open l..oa.-r two wevka, a"d lao ro i.ala an. ley fl aujr .f tba laada wili Le rdraitlid aa.lU alt. r tba .lr.uef it,. Iwwwre.a. :S OTIC K i :;m .-;.7 asd vlack or holviso the lUSTRWr (Vl'h'TS. li t. Jn.l'"i (.f t!i 5 Uvri.m (Vurl nf th TurHUirf cf ' 'r.l.l. lng puni.t-'fl ! Ib prt r fovro p i-v'. : i,"T" f. (1 h.rH fl a I -m t'rw mil . n of hol-l-In t:( ' i tirt 1. 1 ffl j.mirul di-ftW . f. r hr 1?. an I drirMriilillit' n mu)l lltvtiltb IbA Ltllt) ? : M 't . Ixll' ! Iv - K)ri Jn ii- ll H-tni-r al Om.l rit. In T-m f'- .p-f on li- Ihirl 1v:Uy In Mnnb .nJ (b ,i 1ft. Ill ' -rti In-r. In rh .r. . . ..-! Jil.lMml Mlr. t. ' NItwW rltT. In , . ib lrt TufM In Juix dnil An flrotv - . . t i I n l r. I h ).-nr i " '-I- i .1 i I il la ri.-t. l In th mn- . i ' ""ti'l I in- it? in May .i i-n Ilia ' "Is. In pinili In i h ur. "'.Vi In! i.-.p. 11. . U fr.l In 1'ir- t i. :t ll tir.t IM'lil. I. II, rat. r. in In ' t i t) wet-in in 1 1;. I '" ' ' XU " 4iT .f Ant-nt. A. P. i l HTI ! II tl.l, H.KtIlK KMihUV, lA M W. IH.Ai K I i i L' I . .iiniiT. Clrrk i.f tl,a - i .rma ( i ur . ' th- l-rnt"r nf Nbralm, .o liarehv ctiI't HikI In I ,!., l. a 'rue d.i.I nrra t .py of ilia oil jlnak urja ,i "u C m In mv tn In t'nw.a wliiirc.T I tiav hruiM pt my hi.n.1 an-l : nl aail n.iin'j tlilii f urti.'lith Any of A'itnt ( ai;:.k i. ?Ai.inriir, tirii i.f lha hui.rrina Turt. Ihrmiprhoot h. itariu.rT thla ihr In - ' - i"l ""inl I heir I III tiil'liik of tiiiiniia mil. ' -f . ri i ( Ity, Uh cl t' i y of Ilia ar ..i;litMi p r.i.. alt JAMES W. V I FT U E, .) AGETAn SOTARY PUBLIC Da la-ota Iff, N. T. nl ' I i-30 111 NEW STORE! mv GOODS ! AND NEW PRICES ! L. D. PAR HE II Would Inform the clllins ef Iforth-rTretern 0Wli Upper ;K-i.ka and Dakota Territorr i t'Tr vaaoia i-erruory, that he Is now opening la the Store Heaie ef frost Todd & Co, MOUX CITT, lOITA, 820,000 WORTH o t BtafU anaf artay Dry OttJ; litott ni 5A, lull tnJ Cufi, RtaJy MaJ$ Chtkinp, Quitnutart, Yattit Jfotim, KaxU, OUu, Qrttrui ana FrvUm. All of which he offers At l.M'lt'AL LOW PRIOEI TorCnch or Country Produce. Call and ex ntninemy btook before purchasing elsewhere, No trouble to hbow goods. .My Motto is "Quiok Suits and Smaii Proflts." rotirivtly no CrUt. Auf i, 'AO-ly. L. D. PAUAIKR Una for Pb a QcnerAl Asnortmcnt of GrOQtrir mmtj J'ropuitnt, lioolt ami She4 Hals and Cap, AnJ J'taJy Mod Clothinp, '::: v foi cash. Aug 6, y lr CiiiA or Product. L. D. PARMER Invites all who winh to got Ilarj.iint ,,r Cat To como and see li is New Ooods. THE RE A I, ESTATE (bvcljancjc Company Tliirtlirrt fin ri" Dtaleri in Eattfrn Eztangitt LAND WARRANTS A REAL ESTATH, At 'Ol'LP ay to the rubllc that nny hu-lnaP ntriintal tl to th.-lr rlr will maat with prompt atlantlon: ii 'h at layin out Into l.ila a tnwiii or a.t lltlooa; ttia huvlnit. e.llliiir, routine or laaair.j; of real .'etaie, Koiiaea or Iota; tha buylnir. eolllti,ror li..atfnie of lami wnrranta, on time or for raali; uiakiiia; i'..llo.-tione, I nvliift of tax.-a, alamlnir of rei-onle aa to iirrr.-cliiaaa of titio to Uiula or liakoia city atock ; tlia ol.tiiliiinjr of tl - - l Iroru tha Lakota eity rouipeny for lota drawn on ,l..r 7'f.r j.i.i.Vi'jij cut of Dtth, I'cnJt and Prf-Emp fw 1'nyert, on,f iht rictivinj , On r'ijr'Ke c"ainia. f. r j -,rt of lite land. Hat In? a'ao now on har-il a lame et.x-k of nr. d, . and .'i.i, Lurolr and rhinirlva, f y i r n attanlloii to th. tr (tout, ami any to the , I , ', la. or to evrhauna for olber ir..ii,-ri rt"..,r."' low aud aloreca frte. berl!..a They will aim recelea MO.VKI ON PITOJIT, tiuarautiHiiog H to l!d Vi per rent oat pr. fit, per au- uuui, ii ivii rn uapoeu OT.r v tla)a. N. B. rfraone wl.hlna to tureet aboulj not fail to rail at tl.air ..flifa. aa tbav have a lara I .., . pr - 'perty for aal. low for raah or ou lima. 1 he beet of rrtarenen sleen It re iilr... J H. M. VHiM'KVt al.L, Prcali. nt. Pakota city, Aufuet 1), 'im ttly. VALUABLE TOWN FOR SALE. trllK IIKAI. kTATK HXCHAMIK COMPANY, 0 I Pakola l IIT, N. T. would aay to the public thai they ba a on band, and III .all low for aeah, or ou time ! - ,Aa m raricaani a mtiire tTiy, lowa. no tie .In the Oeleehur aJdlllon. la .mm 100 l.'.? M ll b O.i do llo do liaaota l ll v, i'ak. la IViunty, .V T. .1 I fa.Ul'. Ajjltli.y IJ do Uii do .lo l uura l ily A A.i.lltion do do Io the baat Aita'n to U.antdo do do l rVito. VVeabluglnu CO. do it. Omaia ety ,t0 do Taoama d uo vyia.jiij.a Uo i do i Mi f bar.w In Pakula City ilo acri-aoi ilul ,a Ui J. a Claim lu Tako'eco , N. T l.lHil uo II aalet trd Un.l In IL. ytciiuly .V S. n yakl bluff. I. a. IKli. uiadi- by lb,. I'raa : an l ha. a oo ban I, aud are enuetalilly re'aUiij( lot. a-ul lo '" '"Lei a, huu ili a..- ure IL i ubi.c cau aell on f,-i uia to eult. ffloe at tba Chiwawa Ht uae, 1'eV.ta City. . T. J. P. II. I KOi. Kl 1.1. 1., pr.alui iit. . LEAVITT L. BOW EN, r,.a,A Suan Putrxei ah.,., ,v,6.a.''a "ly1"- aiiand promptly to any l- .1 I mimi lotrua t I td to Inui la the tl.nrn of i... t..i ui .t:i l l. net hbek, ctualaa lily, N. I. il.u.l la se f . THE MINKS A HILMUUGI Waallla far a I In Uakata Cai r I t g o o i) n i: y s to isxcnirxfi r rrBtiAfKA trxrtrritr Wall libft TalMliaT llarall NEW STORE AND NEW Q00D8. ZEIGLEH & KCKHAUT, nAVB jot opined a fin adJ eomplot forluicut of DRY GOODS, GKOCHtlES, rjlOVISIOXS iC L 0 T H I N G DOOTS AND SHOES, Aa I everything that le usually kept la variety tores lu Dakota oily We are prepared to offer Inducements to the oltitena of Dakota City, Omadl, Logao, St. Johns, Ponci City, Covlogtta, sad all Nebraska, aertk ef the Omaha rtserve. We have vuek Ooods at yon want avid more cemimg on every beat, and we will tell at prl oet as lew If not lnwsr than the same Goods etn be bought for la Siooi City. We have now on band nuly a part ef our stook, and will have Ike balanue by the suit Doat. It will when full oar.uiu a full supply Tea, CulTeo, Uolastes, Floor, Baem, n.Mtr, . Csadlet, Bosp, Biirek. Balera at, Blee, I.tige, V adder, Towder, Shot Lead, Oapt, AltO $1"!! (Snobs l, L T 1 T t HARDWARE, QUEENtWARI, Together with everything that the needs of tke eilitene sf Nebrs.Va demniid. Try fi lends, and you will at otiiv i.rme ciuviu. cd that at cau sell jou (,JOfJs as clirap aud cheaper than any other eriabli.Ltueul Kortb i f Datba. J lMESfY VIRTUE SC0LUM3. R K A Ii E S T A T K ASD COLLECTION OFFICE v Q TllTT ir JilO. V J ll J. U XJ, DEALER J X EXCIIAN'GK k LAND WARRANTS DAKOTA CITY, 5. T. EXCHANGE nd Uod Warrnnlti bought And I .old. LadJ Wurrsnti Iol-hIcJ on time In tbnOmn ha and Dakota Lund IXstrlots, Nabrka. I.tuil oarrful'j aaleotod anJ Fsrrantf loca- tadlntk. Pioux City And Council Bluffs Dis trlcU, Iowa. Buys and sells farms, Town and City proper- Invest and loaa money f..r ealwa capita! i.lj. Partloular attention given to the collection of debts and paying of uifs in Nebruka anJ wetern Iowa, and all business pertaining to a general agency i filer, trauraoted PUBLIC LAND SALKS. HB will psy particular aMontin to thepup-chai-e find entry or land in the Dakota District, at the Mle at the Land Office in this pta.e, on the 16th of July neit, baring had a Urge body of the fluent lands in the District selected with a view to this rile. ro PRE-EM PTROS. HAVH constantly on hand Land Warrants of all denominations, for loan on time entries and foreaeh sales. All Wan ;s guaranteed. Attention given to the preparation of pa pers for Pre-emptors, and all business con nected nlth the Land Offiee. NOTARY PUBLIC. He Is also a Notary TuLlio for Dakota coun ty, N. T. Will alto pay attention to conveyancing and the drafting of papers generally. Has Blank Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, io., always on hand. Office on corner of Hrh street and Broad, way. J. . VIBTl'K. 1IVXTIXQT0X J- PITER'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE. riUIK subafTlberi would reepectfully call tha attention 1 taut dealera. for caahor on time. Taios paid titlesax A of thacitlaen. of Nrfbraaka and tba public ganorally nilmd, and real eatate bought and aoldon oolnmlaiilou te tbetr new .took of Not", and hill, collected, and remitted to any part of BOOTS AND SHOES, Wrn'riSt.''t,,;-M,mXJ r'--,"1 n and In- tvreat allowed. Loan, effected on ipwd security. i,Dd tiut rveaired, per laat boat, for tha Kail and Winter I wrr,"1,( bousht, a;!j and located. Choice selectlou. of Trade, otyanprlainac all tha latent .tylei. and eeery yarlaly 1 ""'"""lent ,lsia kept po.ted todatu. of alaea for Ladiea, tienui, Mianje, lluvij, Youths uud Olinaren. Wa bare also remlyad and will oomtantlr kaaaon ' baud a full supply of LEATHER, and Shoemaker rinding., togpther with a full amort- I meiit ofAtapla DRY OOODS AND GROCERIES, will. will sal! at the vary low-al pi;,, fur r,h. A ;io HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, &o. &o. Ithankful for pant fayora we .till solicit a .hare of the patronage of the cltlina of Nebraska any the public neaae can ana see our tJtock bafora purchaeln,t aleewhere. A Pry Hides and eountry pcnluee bouiiht by .,, , , HLNTINiiMN A P.'PKR CounoilBloffs, July 22 n2tf JOHN TAFFE, ATTOBKKl- t CVCXSZLLOH if LAW, OSIADI, KElJHAsKA, 1 "T XTT T. a..y.ra. n.l ...... I 1 . . 1 a aa ,...,., ,7 I I O U ' I H I I I U H I n e a f I, t P U 1 V roor In;-! one door eitat of the "Ahum ican .,U. dl, N. T. DR. M. C. EN RIGHT, 0"rr in th, Utlilary Dutrict, oj Wiiierford and Limerick, Inland, . ,EH8 to oft-r bl. prof,.a...D, .arrlca to tha Joh,:: ' mkl" W'Un,Jr- 0tt" J Mes at M. Iuii'au. i"nr m'Uau" P'' to dl,,.,,. of the o,iUJuiuu.,UoU..lJ,otiy Zdu uyVJ ""'W.-.., Ail N.ll. Paul- totf C. F. EC K H ART Si CO. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, DAKOIA Cm; yxHASKA, uUrb,u'riF,W,"'.,,',fl""n,b'Priv.t..nd ..if, . , i !""" t"' r euplmwul irl liaaaa l",?' ,u '"tloB wanUd, Inquire JOXA S SEEL T, A TJ0UNEV nd Counsellor at Law, Omaha il Nehra-ka. JRIIG LOWk. IKalk..lT:t0MAUA- ".A-t-- nt HEADQUARTERS FOR BAPOAKVS J. E. BOOGK, Sl CO., RESrECTFDLLT anoouno t b cilitKnt of Sioai Cif j and naajshborlin fnwnt. lbt they hwTejMtrM'iTeJper atmhat and ht cponed one of tti Larfttt and Bett At-trtmmti G It 0 C E KIES Kr brought up the HI.onH 1 1 ' ,re a11 fr"1'. "d l"""!? bv one of the i firm the lowcot cnh piiotn. Wa ran tnrre- fore SK L I. VER ' L OWl We Inriteth altction of all to our a.orf. lucnt cf Ca(Tee, nu(rnr, b.d'ukeim, rior, tour, liquori. Tubacoo, eienra, bacon, lard, (eat, Fruits nt 11 kind, aoap, co dlen, candies, So. I a word drerjthinr uauAlly kept in a Aral cln prooory and proTuion house. Tbof de tiiiug to purolima F 0 Ji c u r , are reHprctfutly invited to glr ui a oall before making their j uohat a. HIDES A X D rCRS. - ! The l.iK?iet price paid for all kinds of Far nu, bkiua. We will aldo py cash fr beef rtlilennd oouiitry produce. Sioiii City, Iowa. I -j MOKI,L tv CO., D ANKERS .j- LAXD AOBNTS OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. C. Mi)NKLL. J.J. MONK LL, i ON. J. W. VAS ..STASn, ATTORHH AT tAW. M'lNKLLACO.. W.H.I. ATTKXD TO TFIH COLI.Ra tlon of U-htf aud payment mum In tha (uutarn eiatt. Iowa, Nahraaka and Kanau: Lands utrrd f.r i-iuh ..r on tini. Land Warrants bought and aold. iin.v l . i K al Katal. Hax-orlta :a In.Tru.aiion will be furniahed to an; Inyaat in(UirciiKh u, In rard to Waatern Lende. oor.lem- ..1. ,a.l UuUu.l. Vlll I wwa.M I ' . a, vuiaiaoiMia, CC Any ; buelneeaantraetod to ojir eaee, will be attended to with proaiptneae and eaiQrary, BVraRC.tCCS: Ch. A. Mary, PreaMent Park Rank, Now York Oeorge Coruwell, rreai.liiut LllirhUnd Bauk New dnrfli. It. r. Partington, rre-ldapt Quas!ck Bank, New 'urirh. W. A.ParW, PruldMit MamhanU Bank I-oJaepe. H. J. Oakley, Caehler MerffhaoU Kjchauge Bank, New A. P. Haleey, Vl.-a Preeldont, Bank of New York. J. M. Warren, President Hank of Troy. H. Hamadell, Prealdent N. Y. A Krle Kallroad. Hon. Cvrue P. rimlth, llro.iklyn, New York. Allen A Co., Ba-ikaie, ort Ilea Moiues. J. K. WendoTer, u Louis. Mark W. laard, (Myemorof NehraeVa. A H. Ollimore. Keoelyer of Ijind OtTire, Omaha O. A. Parker, ReirUtar of Land Offloa, Omaha, aa Lowa, Mayor of Omaha. J. 8. Morton, Editor Nebraska Cltj News J. D. M. CROCKWELL, M. D Member of th Iowa Stat Medical and CKirur fical Society, WOULD gay to his friends and the public in general, that he will attend calls In the line of his profession; and that he pldfa tr. ftt - .Tl I - J !.. . w.i Buiiuievi wiia Rheumatism, Liver Complaint, Female Weaknega, Latent Consutaptlon, And other teoret diseases, An amelioration of the complaint, or no charge but the retainer fee, and no constitutional in jury, aa he practices on the PBJL OSOPBIO 1NDICA TIOXA L PL A X. W. L. CARNAII AN, L. AND AXD OESK11AL AGBKT, AMD NOTARY PUBLIC, Dakota Cltr, N. T BUYS and telle Land Warrants, locates War runts on time, prrpares pre-emption pa pers, selects and enters land, and will prompt ly attend to all business entrusted to him. LtVl kta-l. I. H. eLTBX SIMB aW CLARK, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW AI) V fleneral Land Airenta. fort rwil.nnn H..a. i-... ritory. Will praclloe In tha aereral oourls of Wentr.rn lowa and Nebraaka. Lanita.nt.p. r.. .u,n.... ..a ai.. -- .jmuM naouia. run. ijaionnn. atut.aaaa. r . . RKFKHENCKS: !Io .leaae D. Bright. . Hon. John Hickman, llyaeenth l.aaella Kan Warnirgton, D. C. Uoeera Walker A Karly, 3oJ Broauway, N. Y. ,, "- ''0Hl A Co., Philadelphia. Hon. Nlmrod Bulckland, W'eet Cheater, Pa. Dr. I Z. CoPrmim, Pboenli, Pa. IWady t Tent, Council biufr,, Iowa, "aecball Woodward. !... Chicaja. tlon. Jauiea Hradlry', Laporte. llid. " W. 11. brown, lu'tienepolle, Ind. "OT- 11- W. Lard, Omaha. N. T. Riden A White, JyehraekkOtiy, N. T. " ""LIMAII. WILLIAM o OPAWfctD. nwilMAN StCRAWFORD, Attorney at Law and General Land Agent, DAKOTA CITV, N. T lyiLL le atrh-t atteutb.n lu aii imainaaa antrujt.d t to them In the Court of the Territory, and lu the omitles of llarrl.on, W, Jhury, and Mouona, lowa .vatinti ol ll, ..riiiio iit i.nniln lu the Pionx City and "unci p.lufr l.q,i;,.rte,Iw.: buy and ll Land "arraiit,, p., in... maa I vcmieiit. at Weatern ratea or i,,u.r,.,t ,i., . ,.kt, tii. and atteud to all ainar buluaaa pur 'aii.ln j to a 1 and hrukerage. l. ; raa ro M in A. II..I1, Ke..aan.;iia. lowa. K t Col. h. Ii. if ,nte. Alabama, r. Kli.nrv. N .-hruka City, s riiiiirler, Alanauia, ' J C Hall, Hurllnnfon, Iowa, ' T. A W .lkor, Ilea Moiutal. lowa, rin.-h A Crocker, " Htslo A H.-atou. . CtveaaJy A Clark, Hloux City, " 1 NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTORS. l 8. Ln Ofpicb, Dakota City May 63, 1869. I beeu received at this office. .,,d ,be 0ffi is now open for pre-emptions on the same. Townsipi2.aud27 Range 10 east. 24, 27, 2. 29. g .. 24. 27, 28, 29, .. g .. " 27, 28, a 3, 0, .. 7 .. " 27, 28, 29, 80, J, .. 26. 27, 2, 2t, 8... - 8 " 21. 25. 27. an, 29, 811, ;ti 4 " 27, 2rt, 29, 30. 81, 81, 3 .. 27, M, 30, 81, 32, S3 2 - 2T, 28, 24, 80. 81, 82 .. " nl 68, W' 3' "g W.HI. 27, 28, 29, 80 3 .. " 27, 28, 29, 8D, 8 .. 2-. 25, 27. 28, 29, 80, 4 " 1 " 2I, and 80. .. 6 " 1 J N H PATRICK, fteirleter. j UKll At. UHAVIf, keoetrof. ' KETf STAGE Lirg IVaxnatt, UroaT.TU. u y . KUlt.RIr, toPlil. I OaT Una a enaaa and iMwanl nna RUm5I' ' n '"i. frr Ui. Halt. , Tta n-Si-.. h 1U. ' 01' onmilumkiaHoii K U,r l?1' "r., atu to Rr.aa, thn.oah tba IW-i .'TT 1 . Till" FMalllBj aftmW4J laa IL I . U i r "" rnUM " - AWWii imiaha Otr via nn. aral.. ,rar, rort tkJhooa. ",!' 1,4 T1MI rrmr, Onuha , F.ll0, to Piatt, rt l ami-tia iM.ato N.braa.a Olty) ' fu;i.lM murnliw. i,r,.,i.. ....TT7 1"JiJ Fr .in Omaha,,, arat.v. Toraiioa ai,a. to I.,,. Mnd.r aiiArWa, tTiiZ Wa,lnijar and Hatunlaf . """""Ht, rta,, Inraoinaba ma Aamtnja, Taranoa 1.-. Unl to Uko. ktodaj .omilUi.7:1:- GREENE, WEARE AND BENToJ in Bieeiaaw,... ! At.t,. M COUNCIL BLUFF8 I0VVA "V-OTBi AND BILLS COLHeCTED A.D Bru 'e. H to any part of the Lnld HUtas Money reeelaed on AVBoelt, and It, term .n. l--ura or bouthetn brtfu ruxnlalvTlB anrohaeeri. " ""ail lea,,, ebin...fl,"fa,,U'M 0T or Loauj elated on good temrlty. Taaaa pai.1, titles e.amlned, ao4 U-l fctauv and anld oo Oouralealcn ' J-d. ent.rl ,o, w)tI a.4 time , fc 0: ' U H. In - lew kw u,, KBIUXSOM : t. 8. Jeeap, A On. I 1 --r Co., f Bantera, PwVoaaa. T... took Barest, Bank.'re, ITpoTtn?,!.. t ulberton A B,no, Banka. lowaOltv. faVa, People's Bank, New York Olt. ' Ketnbem, Roirara A Hennet LaVn. ,. . Seldoj , M ithlfr. A c", wLlinTt) 0 ' " Hon. ( has. Mnaon, Oom. of PaianU, WathlneV. " 0. W. Jonas, S..,r,a,.5 'ow- " Jos. W illiam., Chler JaeMoe', MtuijsUa. !.. Coanotl TlutTs, lowa. '" DAKOTA CITY. A Ll wboro this may concern take m'iM XL the itock that was ie,,ed CAl!iD,fo; ten(10)Jota la Dakol. City, N. T.. total Bhare, has drawn nine (9), and, on prewtis. tion of said stcck to the President or A-t at Dakota City, the deed for the laid nine lot, can be obtained at any time, and the stoak that was Issued to me, the undrreiuai if ' presented wiihiu three 8 inonthn frt-x en I will make a deed for the lot lacking i(. rtai up (J,e ten 101; and retain lh oclii oate after the f0 otl have been nVikl and endorsed thereon, aa evidence tin said certificate hag l.een eRt'rfeJ, as br nr honor I am holden to t-a.h bjiJ (yery r.r,'a th holds certifloales that have beeo i!p,w or backed by mo. that the aald atook h. fled in full : but if not presented h.'cr. ,v. expiration of said time, I will not hold tern ( responsible for any loss that maybe or rur have btien sustained by the donations ef let, to others by the Company, wltjoh doosiim were bona tide transaction", by vote of Ui oompauy, J. D. M. CttOCKVTKfX. . . Dakuta City, K. T. April 1st, 1859. N. B. Persons wlshlsg their deeds of tLs Company, If they will forward their eerii! oates to me, I will obtain them craft. no28:3m. Jufuttui KoutiUt. lltman KohOm. WiMam A"ewl KOl'STIB HHOTMEItt, BANKERS AND REAL K3T VTE AOtSIS, Atl Denlers In Exchange A Coin Exchange told tlx Principal Citiu ta Terif . jr-Huy, aall and local Land WaxranUISl CM AH A CITY, . T. PAEOTA CITT, . f. STKOIAL attention given to th r.lotlon of l.bti and to the payment ofUxoe In rbrka an! lor. Money loaned fur eastern Cer.iteiuia i, i.t.i .oj on thne dcporltB. lands and town property boucht and I ..Id. Land entered on time tot actual scttl-ra. Gorernment leads aolrrted and l,nt..i .ah a.rr.i . or cash, on commbialon, or for a ebare of the pro.,i. In v .. . ; ' a, ry null AaHA CITY A PBOH.t- ILI.K Platrlcte. In Nehraafea an '.um ru;nt. BLUPPS aud 8I0UX CITY Pi.trldsin Iowa Land, in Omaha, Nebraska sity and Hrowntlll. ii. trlct,wlll be In market ou And and after September fa lsts. Tboa In Coanc.i Bluff, and Bloux City Diitrtl are now in market. Uood reft-rrsoes irlven at all k. .rit. .1 ,jtM t. thaButes. ' rZM IMPORTANT INFOIUIATISN. DR. W HITS HA VINO remnred bl. offlos feora Si Tine .ureet w tl Pine street. Saint Louia. tla.nH oon.lnuaa mt k. consulted ou all dieeaaea of a PRIVATE OR DELICATE NATUEB. By a loni sours of study and nractlcal aincrisaeOl t unlimited extent, Dr. W. baa now tb g rati fine Hon ll I preaecJnir tha unfortunsta with remadle that be' oeter laueu tooure the most alarming oaaat of GONORRHOEA AND 8YPI1ILII. Under bis treatment sll the horror of Venerel o Impure Blood, Kororuia, (touurruona. Uleer., Pains, sad Platress In tb K-ylou. of Prooreauon, Inflammauiuacf he Bladder and Kidneys, Abscetif . Iluiuui., rilgbtfcl Swcllinga, and ths l.Un truln of horrible symptoms at tending tbla class of Uiseaees, are mad to beoome as narmjtse as tb simplest allluu. of a child. SEMIXAL WEAKNESS. Dt W devotot a great part of bis tlmt to lbs rrver inent of tboM raaea eaused by a seeret and eoiitery habit which ruin, the body end mind, unfltting th fortunate Individual fer either bnslueaa or society, torn of tbaaad ami ineleuoholy ATecU produosd bf tae early baoiti of youth, arm, WKAKXKSSIO? TUB BACK AND L1WBI, Palpitation of th Heart,, N.rrouaneee. t rniiK'ment of tbe llgeatlT fuucilons, 8yaip!osM Oousiunptlon, Ac, Ac. Th Ftarful Kfett on tht Mind are ranch to be dreaded, vis : Low of Meaory,Oi.iifnsai ol ideas. Depression of spirits, Kvll . relaxliri., Arer Ion to Society, e:f Ihitrunt, Timidity, Ae, an aaoal tbe evils produced tueh peraona, before oontoanplsUtuj oiarrta., should eou.ult a physician of perl wire ai. skill, aud be stance mstorad to health sad baivtues. rtVEU JtGVM CCKKOI WARKAXTBl) I All letters containing a fix, eddraaaed lo 0 P Wllirf , li D, Valut Louie, Jdlaaonrl, will meet with proaar1 'v Untloa, and Dadtclns forwarded seour from oei ' tlon. The strictest secracw nlasrvej In all osae A'-IKin't f' rjettb. place No ;s line ureet, between fourth and fifth street. 8lut Loula Mo. rlnlAly WOOLWORTII'.S BOOK STORE. Jl'HT RKCKIVEP, A WB LL KLaTiD iTOCK OF Books, blatloaery aod Paper llankig., huniUed Literature, Children's Books, iilbles, I r.y.r BtKjfc, SCHOOL B00I8 ia great variety, roatlnaiape nt ., d.iaoH irtlnb. and the heatasalttv ' A partlculaj-ly cbole aaeortmaut ui letter sod r.4 Parer;, a.nveiopaa aud Lec,lueer'a eiUoa.Tj Praftlng Paper, Traolug Cloin, All tie..'" uma iU. V sv v. i....w- ', . i T'Oi; u'l jia iua, c. PAPER HANU1NG l-OKLir-KS ASP WINDOW Ct- STAI-MS, The miyet beautiful stales ever uttered la the V'-er auy where Clui.ha nol williav in. urum, ritiLKB IN BBAL kSTATB aoA weaerai XI Afrut. txiiieayanwr and Notary ..r.fTa: "SJ u..r ..t ..f tb. Co joiy I .a-rar eaVee e FpklW treat, Ouaba, N X iHw a f r "f a. " 0 ' -i r "IS?-- Aaa.