Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, November 05, 1859, Image 4
vrf I ! - - il fART. -"Pecife-p, of D.v..,; J'-- "i-i.j t Cirs, 1 by or end krnine fur io above, or nerl nd Checkj, &., 4c. "tiaeti, of til I Meo' to., 4e. ucb ii Shirt.., 1 Shoes, ire tble I ei llis 1 flizei, ch will I f L:uJ, ill, at trict '11 it bange !Dl- Dill' I'.ir tie lint and nue ; m fc- 1 of till irifl tie ;by icb lite '5 r ti: b i A V 0 . , ,..11 'i lot- ' v it ..a; .1 I 111. 1 .lit . . ..... I ,1 the le'ei . I ' . "' f ! ibdr"i evuLoy J. .''i,'', J.fnl for (Li- wc.kwll - very r' , u-..ilfr- who 1!,h fUfl'' of ,u" I i .end al -de their order im- Sri -!" " 1 '.'fT wanted In H parts of,he United .' ' .., ... hT work, to whom liberal r"b":. All order- i hr.Ui-i ion. Duvton, General '. u ivinir the above with this K 11 ' ? Ol I ' I ' c " . , r' . ... s...,iin restive n c rv ot tl.e I -lift- t . , ,t by wail prepan'. iiYI -he farming community .le-iring grind ing ir P0!d sy (hat every Friti", is et 1 . . ,1,1. ? rmn. hut parties comiutt Vih & I'oo'lrod or more hti-hel, can thesanie ,...udJu ar.y iay bi euuUj. u. will be retiJy hy the brut of Agust lur , f.kiDK flour. lath tan be had at the . l,JIIl" K ' . of B,iid onropimv. on ino.t reanonable flWDUii . . , V . 11 tl ITU r. ri a lrKie J " J',",-4 biiuiiii.o NOTICE. Th, fhara UMor a-.d owner, of loU In Dakota Ciir N T.ar. hrrrb, nolitaJ that th.y can now ob 'i L.li in lea almpla theretor. upon application 6 I nT,r.il-n. i?th..lt.uf .ia clly b.Ting b.n an- 'T,.0O.;;rn Toi antcrh,,, .aU Town and making ..,1. to t-e -eti Ibarclu, will be ''""ar fur lot. rwula Clty.Augmt 13, '6. NOTICE. Thaghiraholitare and owners of Lota, In Dakota, City N T , ara heraby notified that they ean now oh tla ilKKD. In FaMlmple, tber.f r. to all LoU Includ ri In tbeSi) acrw. which w .ntered by ma aernrd lnltola, on lha loth of July, by Tlrtue of my offloe aa Mayorot Uaknta Olty, and the title obtained from the GoTfrnmrnt for the nama. Th. aipauai of tha Det-di to Lo will be one dollar, 'Ali Lota not railed for at the eiplratton of all month", frum tha time of entry, will be told at pub lio auctiin, to tUablghaot bidder. B. BATES. Mayor J)aX(i!t Cl'y, Jopt. 17, 1853. auli of t(h-;tslin. OU AH A Kdiratka. B n. I'EQRAM I D. C. DeFOREST, Treeidant. Caabiar. ' lARTiiltED AND ESTABLISHED IN 1S5. ih. icitmata liaiihloa bnilnem transacted In all : tr nolioa, on the moal fa.orahla t.rtna. t'i'iial Minntloa firm to oollactloua, and tlirough t pODdenta. will eollect all point in N.braaka. "VtCIE, iJijilj" WAKKAKTS, A?8D CXCUHRENT MONliY I '.,'it and Did at b itt m.irkat rate. A n go It '8 ,6(1 Iy WILL RECEIVE DEPOSITS, tJY A Is D SELL EXCHANGE ' .win .,' JVi- and Vrnfif at Cur Ttr.t liJtd. IT WILL ALSO II u) ami Mull Coin and Blake Collectioua, At t!ie lowest ra'e of rhariret, en all polnti rf the Unltad Stat. J W. TikTji CHiL'.ir. Viu. F. Lockwood, Prag't s Jetf DAKOTA CITY, N. T It'IM.r.lVESTUICT ATTENTION TO ANT AOENCY I? I'lieiioaa eiitrneted to their rara, each an tha buy )nir. milling auct rentiuK of real aatata and town prop, rty. the loeatinn of claims In Weatarn Iowa and Na bracka, and they truat from tha large amount of prop, erty thy hara on hand for aale, and their general knowledge ot tha weat, to La able to render perfoct eat la faction. Tha tiuylnir, relllnj? and loratlnit of land-warrants In tha Mom Cibr Coimrll IllurTfl, Omaha and Dakota land dltrirta, and the eolc-tloic and antarln of lauds In the me district.. Riving a cjnxoription of the aaine, and gtiaranU-eliw it to be corrwt. OnllectliiR dehta, dnaaana demands; the eiamlnatlon of titles to Innila and iM .imp, paiiotr taxes, lorestlng money at weatern rate, of lutereat, In western Iowa and N shrank a. Actios aa aante for Steamboat, Periodicals and Iv uranca Co-npaniea. Taking of money on dpolt for use or ni keeping, when for uea a liberal lntereat allowed. The procuring of employment, the furnlahlng of hands, and girlng Information to any that wish to set tle In the went, a. to the beet localities and hualnnas to enter Into. J. I). M. CRlJOKWELL, President. W. U.f. llnuuta, ikoreUry. REFEREES: Jamea Buchanan, President of United Btatea. lohnC. llreckan ridge, Vlca President of United Rtatea. Hon. A. Hall. Hon. K. vV'. Cobb, Hon K. M. t-horter, llau. Henry and A.C. Iloilgn, ll.ni. H. U. Chapman nieui lirsand ex-meniliera of Couirreas, Howell A hlribbllug. ieori:.town, D. C. Baldwin, Dodge i Co., P. J. McMahan, T.. V. w and Thos. II. Bunion, Jr., Bankers and dealers Council Bluffs, Towa. Ool. Parker and Manr Oiltnore, Register and r.ocalrer nf tha Land Office at Omaha, (Jot. Mark W, lsard, II ou. 8. K. HogMrs, Augustus Kountaa, Omaiia. Hon. I. I,. Oil.lw and M. VI . Hidcn. NehrukaCity M. Mobly, K. II. Booth, L. Ln. worth A Bnitliara, Iorall, Taylor A Uo., luuikues and asent. Dubuqua, Iowa. Hon P. M Cuwidr. Hon F. A Walker, lien. D. n FIneh. Fnrt flee Melons. Iowa. O. L. D. Crockwull, Editor of the Kureka, Anamosa, Iowa. N. B Letters to rerelre prom.'t attnr'lon most ha dl. TM-tsd to the President, Dakota City, N. T HMca at the C..w.w ilAiiaa, corner of Broadway and UOtb straata. July It, 187. Dl CIRCULAR To Lam' OJ!cer V Terriloriet of ifinnui iota, Tii.V" a"d Ntlraika. BY joint reFolntion of ConCe". apprmed 3.1 March, 1 857. valid pre-em't n claims on tha 16lb and 36lh epotions, hemtufor re ereed for schools in the Territories of Min nciota, Kan-u and Nehrafka, will be recog nized, where the eettlcinent has been or may , be made prior to the surrey. 1st. In cafes where the approve. plat of snrrey his not J ot hten re tnr:u d. tf.t iltclnr atory atateuieut mukt be loi wiiliin tl rci toionih- nttor the r.v'cii t of em h approval plat at the Diitriot Office. 2nd. When th rlat is now in the Itrpitei's Ofjoe the Hoi lMiatmn muet be filed wttlitii three ninthe fr' m the firet puhlii nlion nf thle eireular io youv li'U'l ditrit't: A fiilure to eoropiy ytit'i this rsquirem'tit, will wmk a for feiture of the claim. ThOS. A HEtt'IiRICKS, Cnmmiesioner I.ars arp.-nrrlated lylsw r the '' "f S'h'. !. mil lirr. ai l otl.r purjiof.s, will t .iclu'le-i fr-m ll Tlia tf.rinj of tba abn.a Undi a III tw eew o'.d on Ih. d a p;-. 1.1,1 in'l .1,1 pr, f-. d lu ILc- Ol'ter lu loali ihev a.-a alrarliaed, Ul.tll th. ab'ile .hail fava --a otf i.-d. and ibcaalna tins rlo.-l : l ilt noaiil. al.a'l I.. ke(,l (,.n ..i,r than two weeks, and do rii ate .n trr of any nf tha lands w( 1 t. cUu.ltl.d antll sfti r Vl. iTra'(on of tuet , J imho as an eve-withe's ail the ' f T ' .tie !.( c-f Jesus cf Nsrareth, from "' n in the J Ji Jo 1,14 crucifixion, ou h f'!'"",- 1!(.u by J II. lug-am, K-for "f"' ,h'' church. Mobi'e. One volume, vj. jjr.nn ....... i. ...... f..ii tl. ..in, r, tin i'lck or uoivisa rnr if vi at n Tr. i'i-1-mi' r. ur' ..f t, .. V rr,,,.rv ( ' ' ....: .t I n p4t , f r.ni 'tiUl'L isi.i wi'rt p n . , h,,n In in Mil. iii mo ..mrt )itMi aittMii. ftr hir ii j n If'.p-iiilmi'K til ruM-t In Ul li lbs VniUd' it''- nr n f utti. m Ml, In Ihr I Irnt J nit. il Htlr'. I, l (Tnnb Ci(, In T iMinl. on thii tliir.1 Tim-lur in Mnrrh anil tbo tlnrU Tuea In iMnW. In mrh jnftr. la tha x-.ind Jn ll-iiil l 'iii,t,l Mel.iatVa rltr. In Oliw county, on tin flrt Tlltav in Jutif an4 tllr trat Tu 'aT lit l.-'.tiil'r, in ah ji-ar. In li tilr I J nrti. Inl Il'lrt, at PiV tv In lh mini. if nf l'k,n i-n h Kfnti Tuia,laT In Mx and n thu Hitirl luoatlai In Hcjit, nil,ir, In i a, b vr. Ac l F'lf'i tnrin ahall rrr"-llvi v x- ai In rtnrn li'n. f'Hr ,-,t In i,a limt Hiti -l. thi pa nrrKi In tlia A -rrj rwtllrt, uJ to,. nr. k In Hip Tliinl inn I tri-t. Wlturaiour tiaadi U.l twrlflh dar nr Annual, A. 1. 1 AVUIV-n H II M l,, i M.KAZKK WAKKI.KY, W III.At'K. I. rmnua I,. SiuJ.P.raT. Clrrk of Ilia 8'j)r. nia Tour of til TVrritnri of N, hraj-ka, do her- I'l f"rM!"T trnt th f .riolnn ia a trna ami cnrroi't oi, of thonrlnlual orila now on file In my offl.u In wltna whiTi'"f I liara hnralliito art mi a,i and tha anl of taij couutv lh!a fmrti'onth tlay of Auiiuat A I) lM. cihiilks i. sAi.i.-iirnv. t Inrk. of tha Supiomo Court. TiV'tTa thro.iirh'Mlt tha Tarrilory eIti. tlila Hirer In portlona ar.il aanj ihair hill to t;fra of iipn-iii tv iirt, nt Omaha rlty, with ona copy of tha piMr ooutainloK ' tba pxuie. n.4H JAMES W. VIRTUE, LASD AOEXTAh'D NOTARY PV BUC Dakota It)-, S. T. nlltf. 1S59. 1890 NEW STOKE! WCO r,S!ANP WPRIC S! L . D. PARMER Would inform the oitiiens cf North -Weptei-D Iowa Upper Neliraska, and Dakota Territory, that he ii now opening In the Store House of Frost, Todd & Co, BIOl'X CITY, IOWA, 820,000 WORTH O F Staple and Fancy Dry Gosdt, Pooti and 8ot$, fluti and Cap, Ready Made Clothing, Tlardvart, Queentuare, Yankee Netiom, Nailt, GltM, Otcttrite uni Provuione. All of which he offers at V 31(791 VAL LOW PRICES Forl'ui-h or Country Produce. Call and es amineuiy etock before purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. My Motto is "Quick Sales and Small TrcSls." Positivtly no Credit. Aog. 6, 'CIMy. L. . PARMER Ua for Sale a General Assortment of Groctrits and Previtiom, Booti and Shoe Ilati and Cap, And ttcaiy Hade Clothing, CHEAP FOR CAS IT. Aug C, 1 for Cask or Produce. h. D. PARMER Invites all who wish to get Bargain fur Cuth To come and see his New Qoods. THE REAL ESTATE Banker and Dealer in Eattern Exchange, LAND WARRANTS A REAL KbTATK, WOULD say to the rojh'!- that any hu.lnossei. trinted to their earn will meet with prompt attention -furh as liylog out landu Into lot. as towns or additions thereto; the buying, selling, renting or Inai-lng of real estate, lu.uaea or lot.; the buying, selling r locating of land warrants, on time or for rash: making collections alug of tuxes, eiamlng of rerordsas to perf. rtm-aa .,f ' deeds from tho Dakota city oompaiy f.r lota ' trim nan sharus , The making nut of Dftdf, Bend and Pre-Emp j fron Paper, and the receivinj rf i On eligible clalma, for part of the land. Having also now on hand a lnjy. stock of f)rv n and Noilons, Liimler and rbingies. they , i attention lo their etock.and lay to tha ,,uj,,.. ,, ' , are pr. pare.1 torecdieall klml-f of dry g,K),ts . proiiuro and liiinlr on commission, far i.rui "'''"'"' ti..a .&!, or to c"-hnE. fr ,(,r ,,rr.nf " ;'r luw and storage free. ' " 1 "ib Thy will alan receive MONET ON DEPOSIT, Gcareste!". It In iltild 2ft per cent not profit, por an num, If left on deposit orer tto oae. N, B. Persons wishing to Inieat aliould not fall to call at tb.lr office, a tbey hare a large amount ot valuable property for aile low for i-eb or on time. The beat of reference given If re'utn-l. J V m. CliwCKWKLL, Prt-Fidrct. Dakota city, August 11, 'tS it,ly. VALUABLE TOWN FOR SALE. rpilR 'tJ!At. ESTATE KXCII AWR CoMPAr, OF 1 ll.kota :i', S. T would say lo the public that tin y hare on band, and will sell low for each, or on tilne : lino Choice Lota In Sergeant e Illuna Illy, Iowa. i:o 100 l'Hl no 111 1" o is I da a j llo tliti iJate- burg a lditi'oi. to ditto. (1) to do Uo do III do Mo o , JUkota t'Hr, Dakota County, N T do no do do do do lu lo Kill's Addlll ou lo do do do do do Uo io do d Puura titv A Addition do tin Kant Add'ti to l.,inini'sdo l'e S'-to, .mIiIiixI.'U co. Oinal I'i'y licioa Vloodlln lllull 'l .ibans il ))ak la l ily, '.'in acres of va'iii.1 1. 11,1 ii. a Cl.oui in Dkkotuco , V. T. 'l.i'iai do wi ll selected l-,n l in the yirniHv of ro-r-i-'xanl PI off. Iif t nit, tuaij, by t lie- President : and i.vu Hl.o mi band, aud aie col,. tnl 1 iy r,'.tlllig l.la and lfi'da.lo sell for ol l.ri a, a 1. n n tLe ..suiw llf- .nb,lc .!,e i an SW1 ' n tt-rrue lo suit. itlo-e at the Cl.l.aoa lloiiuf, Dakota Citv. V. T. J. II. at. Crlin fc.V el.L,'t-Mt.lelit. LEAVITT L. BOW E N, f'aifeel M.ii'l iKnct 4Lsrru.g fur S-Wai a "ILL ait nd p nmptly to any .1 l ust ieu lLtrus ted to him Ii. tb. f urt. of ti, 'Ii-rrl- ry ol T .CI l ioo.'r til", ,nnQMiv. . I la IH -V If TllK MINKS A HII Mill U! -0 Wtaltlt for all In Uaknta t om lf t I C, 0 0 D N E w s TO TUKCI1IKXS OF MUKASKA IhKMWKr XVhat kai Iiren U"al-il la now Hrrcll NEW STORE AND NEW QOOD3. ZKir.l.EK & 1XK1IAKT, II AVE ju-t opene l a fine and complete as- I i l l II, I'tlt of DRY GwUDS, (HlOCKilKS, l'UOVISlONS C I. T II 1 N G . BOOTS AND S HO S, And everything that is usually kept iu variety stores ia Uukota city We are prepared to offer inducements to the citiiene of Dakota, City, Omadl, Logan, St. Johns, Ponca City, Covington, : and all Nebraska, north of the Omaha reserve. We have suoh Goods as you want and more comimg on overy boat, and we will Bull at pri ces as low if not lower than the eanie Quods can be bought for in Sioux City. We have now on hand only a part of our stock, and will have the balanoe by the oext Doat. It will when full contain ft fi!i supply Tea, Couee, Molasses, Flour, Bsoon, Butter, Eg?'. Candles, Soap, Starch. Saleratue, Rice, Iudigo, Madler, sun i.,r, Shot Lead, Cnpi, ALSO D rii S o 0 jb s , l I. T f G , II A R I) W A It E , I QUEEN8WAAE, i i j Together vtitli ererythirg that the nci -N of I j ihC Citi'-'n1 "f Nelraaka demib 1. Try J frierida, &d you a ill at ouce become conv.o. j oi-4 tba vt ciiu eK you Goods as cheap and eheai-er thin any . ther tatiiishtnent North of . flri.t'iu JAM A'.s' If. Ylh'TfK SCOI.I WX. E A I. K S T A T K C0LLKCTI0N OITICI' OF IAS. W. VIRTUK. I A A I. K R I X EXCHANGE L LAND WARRANTS DAKOTA cirv, N. T. I 'XCH ANGB and Land Warrants boiilit and l i eulil. Laud Warrants located on time in the Oma ha and Dakota Land Districts, Nebraaka. Lands carefully selected and warrants loca ted In the Siotu City and Council iiliiffs Dis. triute, Iowa. Iiuys and sella f,trtim, Town ami City propers- Invest aud loan money for eastern capital ist. Particular attention given to the colleot'mu of debts and paying of taxes in Nebraska and we.stern Iowa, and all business portaluing to a general agency offloe, transaeted. PUBLIC LAND SALES. II E will pay particular attention to the pur chase anil entry of laud iu the Dakuta Distriot, at the sale at the Laud Offloe In this place, on the 15:1: vf July next, having bad s large body of the finest lands in the District aeleoted with view to this sale. TO PRE-EMPT ft OS. I I AVE constantly on hand Land Warrunte i XL f all uenomiualioos, for louu on time entries and foroash sales. Ail Wm tn guaranteed. Attention given to ifcs preparation of p- pen for Pi o-emptors, and all bnbioese oou ntvtud with the Lind Office. NOTARY PUB LI G. Ho if i!o Notary Public for Dakota couo . N. T. ; Will also pay attention to oonveyanoing and the drafting of papera generally. lias CUuk Deeds, Donds, Mortgages, 4o., always on hand. OIEie on corner of 14rh street and Droad. way. J. . VII1TI7E. BUNTING TON & PYPER S BOOT AND SHOE STORE. TllK subscribers would respectfully call the attention nf tliecillsi'lis of Nebraska and tile public geur.rally tu tbelr ow sun k of IIOOT3 AND 8IIOE3, Just rewlTfd, per last boat, for the Kali and Winter Trade coa.prisli g all the latest styles, and every varlely of sum Sir l.sdioa, tlenls, Mlaeoe, Hoys, Youth and C vvVhaveaiso rerlved and will oonstantly keep on baud a full supply of L K A T II E R, end rbnemakar inJl"g. logethw with a full assort- ruertofSlapiv DKV HOODS AND OUOCEIUKS, "which w. will sell at the very lowest plica fbrc-aeh. Also H iTM, CAPS, tJl.OIHINO, Arc io. ITimilcfiil f r past favors we still solic it a share of thii patronage of His elti.-n. of Nebraska aup the pul.l.o t'laaae call and see our H -ck l,efi,re porchaain tvi w tjcrtt- a- brv llldea and country pro. ice boilit hy " ' 111 M IS.il A l-YPKil. CouiioiiCinC'e, Jo'y 2-trtt' , j 0 II S T A r F E , A TTO It SKY a C". OVI 4DI fi.-tLI.fi!; AT :.a ; Ti K It It A a K A . I J ILL promptly attnit-J all bneiness emrtis- tol to him. Ulli o on (iravi s uri-et, one dooreaetof the "A 'net icatl House;" Oina. rli. N. T. DR. M, C. ENRICiMT, I Mrdical Offirer in Me Muttary Dinirir.te oj Waterford und I.imeri k, Ireland, ..KOI" lo offer bia pmf...ei.ual a-rvli-o- lo tlia inhabit J) antiol Dakota county, ottiee and realdi uce at et. Jobns. N. H. Particular attention pld t" diseases nf tha Lungs, also of tlia En-s and bars f.vaale .li.ea.es real I according to tbe id net spir-,e I nio lp All ivimuiuulcHiiona sUictiy oouUdcutlal. Holf I C. F. ECKHART &. CO., AltCillTKOTH AND BUILDERS, DAKOTA CITY, VMHAZKA. ILL pr.per. plans and speclfl-alLns for prii ala.nd : public bullilms. .nd cfwitiact f.,r ' 'Ol'erln tend i , Log the Mibi Any infiiruisiion wauled, lii-tAiira f h Salei, agent of Dekota cily couiyauy. iy id m-m.tt J O X A S S F. K L Y , TTOP.NEV and Couiiaeliorat Lnw, Omaha Neiirii-li A JKHK LOW IT, D JriEV'T. OMAHA. NEim.KA- fSi aa nl i Fi-wltfc. ,f.,.t J. V.. BIUIRR, & (iO., RKrKi'TH'l Of tNI Mil f'l 'TU'l.t.Y annoiitien It tl.e .it;t..,, ty an l tu-iclil r.-'i'ir towt.a , , tney hive J it reeeieed per steamboat and hart I rpotied uue . the t.atjrel and Bret Aunrtmt tf ;G H 0 C K R I K . Fror brought up the Missouri O ,r Uood are all Ireah, ami were bnti;ht by one M fh- In in at the luwe.t caab piloc iVe ran tifie tore 5 R I. I. VP R Y I. O W I We invite the attention of all tit our useiiri. tuenl of CeflVe, sugar, molassew, rioe, flour, I .nois, Tohaenu, ci((ra, tiaecn, lard, tens, Fruits or all klml.suup, can dles, camlios, .to. la a word everything usually kept in a drat claaa groocry and proviaion liou?r. TLuett .le aliing tu poroliase POR C A H U , are respectfully invited tu giveus a cell b.-Urn iniikitig Iheir pu. hases. i7 J I) K S A N 1 P U R S The highest price paid for all kiuds of Furs and Hktns. Wo will also pay cacti fer beef cattle and country produce. Sioux City, Iowa. MOKKI.I. dk. CO., B A N K F. R S 4 LAND AG K X T S, OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. C. MDNk'LL. J J. MOM hi. I., JUN. i. W. VAV KnTI'A!Vn, AVTnaaiT it LAW MilNKLLACll.. WJI.LATTKNn 111 TllK Oil.l Kll tlon ot dal.ta and payment ol taifis In tiie cntorn Slates. Iowa. Nebraafia anil Kanaaa: l.anda entered t ;r caali or on lime, l.aud larranls txiualil and add. Mnn.y Invested nn R.iel Kstata Pat-tirlty. II. liable liinTinatinn will la furnlabe.l lo any invest ing through us. In r-anl to W.sUirn l.anda, coutain plated ltallroala, Vlllag. Hltes, Ae. Any busliiMM entrusted li our care, will tie attended to with promptness and aeauracy. hkiKHENCKSi Oia. A. Many, President Park Hank, New York. Ueorge Cornwall, Preaid.ut Highland Bauk New lurgb. K. W. Parrlnglon, President Qussalrk Bank, New urgh V . A. Iavles, Preeldent Merchants Rank Pnkeepsle. K J. iiakley, Cashier Merchant Kichange Hank, New ork -1 A. P. Ilalser, Vice President, Bank of Mew York. J. M. Warren, President Hank of Troy. II I,.i.om1,.I. I're.l l-nl N. V. A Erie Railroad. llon.Cvrus P. Mtnlth, llronklvn, New York. Allen A Co , lla-ika. Fort Del Melnes. J. It W.-udover, Ml. Louis. Mark V. laart, llovertinr of Nebraska. A K. tllllmore, Kecelve: nf ltnd OIHce, Omaha ft. A. Parker, Iteglster nf Land (UAoa, Omaha. Jesse Isiwe, Mavnr of f Imaha. J. B. Mortou, kdibir Nahraaka City News. J. P. M. CROCKWELL, M. I)., Mtmbtt of the li'wa State Medical and Chirur jical Society, , VOCI.D 'iy to hl:i friends find the public I V peneral, that he will a tic ml calls in the line of his profession; aud that he pludgos to all afllioted with Rheumatism, Liver Complaint, Female Weakness, Latent Consumption, And olhsr secret dineaaes. An amelioration of ibe ooirip't ic ', , i . . i k. but the reiaiin-r fnn, au I nu const '. j'-ir", ae he praoricei sa the PHIL 0S0PUIC IN PIC A TT0NA I PL 4 , W. L. CARNAHAN, LAND AKD GKNKRtVL AGKHT, AMD NOTARY PUBLIC, Dakota rttr, M. 1 BUVS and hcIIb Land Warrants, locate. War rants on timo. prepares pro ompltmi pit pers, selects end enters land, and will , rotnpt ly attend to all business entrusted to bun KIM IS eV CI. ARK, ITrnllNKYH Aim CullNHKI.LOPS AT I. A IV .I (iri.er-il Land Agents, p.irt Celiouin. Nebraaka f - r rltory. vt 111 pc-ti.-e In flic sever,.! courts -if el. m Iowa sod Nebraska. Lnlrlseiiterf-ii for aottlera and o. tiint d-slers. for caahor on time. 'I asa paid. Illle atiiinnd, and real eatale Uiu'.-bt and aol.lon moniiii-i. .. Notes and Idila eollt-eti-d, ard remitted to any pari,,, the I'ulted states. Money recelvfel ou deposit, and ti -torest allowed. Lomis elfected nn go,l security. Lai. 1 warrants bought, sold sud In'-atcd. Choice selection. ,,f government plats kept iosled tndate. REFERENCES: lion Jess li. Ilrigbl ;bt, ) an, Esq. J lion, John HlcUiiian, Washington, D. 0. HvsMiniii Lawlle. Messrs M'alkor A Early, 'i Broadway, N. Y. " II. Douglaas A Co , I lilla lelphla. Hon. Miori-I Utrii-kland, West CUesler; Pa. Dr. I .. CofTniau, Plneoiii, Pa. Caesady A Teat. t:inuicll Bluffs, Iowa. asrbs'll Y Iward, Hanker, Chicago. ilon. Jauiee llrailtey, Latmrie, Ind. " W. II. brown. Indianapolis, lud. Iiov. M. W. liaid. Omaha, N. T. Kideu A Willie, Nebraeka City, N. T. nl JoSKI'll iliiLLl.AR. VTILLIAM O. CRAWKOBD HOLLMAN 8c CRAWFORD, Attorney at Late and Gtniral Land Agent, DAKOTA CITY. N. T. TI-! LL five strict attention to all business entrusted fr to llicrn In tbe Com ts of tbe Territory, and in tb. nonlo-s of liarri-on, Wim'lbury, and Moiiutia, J.iea; ivtlon of Ib.vernnienl I. ends In tb. Hiolix City and I'otincll 1 1 u f Land Dfelriela, Iowa; boy ard a.il Land Warrants, pay luse, Innkc li-voaini.nLa at Vt.al-rn rates ,.f intnruat. il.veallM.te ll'.le., emt Attcli'i to el 'itb-r bur.iu.aa periauiin. to a I and Hi. ki rage. LblaH To Hon A. Hall. Ker.ainii. Iowa. " W It. W Ciibb. Ilelfi.ote. Alabama. " .1 V. Klnnev, Nebraska City, ' E H. Miorter, Alabama, J II Hall. llurlllillLnfl, Iowa, o 1'. A. Halker, Ilea 1oinea, Iowa, fiio h A docker, lied. A lleatnii. " ;asei.dy A f lurk, Hloug City, ' NOTICE TO I'UE-E.MI'TOIiS. V. H. Lasu Ofhi g. I Dakota t ity My M lSr0 f 'HE plats for the following tnwrhip- hive j been recon cj at this oUice, an. I Ibr oliioc is now open for pre-emptions on the eume. Townsips2l ami 27 Range lOea-i. 'Ji, 27, V!8, 29, tl " 24. 27, 2K, iw, H 27, 2't, 30, 7 " 27. 2H, 20, 80, HI, ' fl 2.'). 27, 2, 2U. 81. 82. fi " 21 2,r, 27. 2S, 2'J. Hi i, :il A " 27, 21, 2'J. SO, il,, 31. n 27. 2K, 2'., 80, 31, 82, DM. 2 ' 27. 2H. 2'. XO. 31, tl, 1 " 27, ftH, 2!l, 30, Kunge 1 27, 28, 2'J, HO " a 27. 2H, 29, 80, " " 26. 26. 27, 2H, 2'.', 80, 4 2", und 80. S J. N II P.TK! h e i. a. (jitAiif, u. -i iv n .4 I . . vi"i v'tiv eti? . i " n i v frvrr I' A V lli-net b. er - 'be I' nail f,..m the I tl I tf , ti.r le I'UIM n lllt.ol, I n we .....1 tfw -f pa-ian)r'ra an ttvis rmive 1 ,. .o. tra-lie- tnrouuH 't, isyv'S will felt' le 't.a - e aoH fiteia.,.1 or. Kit'rwtag, w 1 rl'i, an i ..-I n wtfh tb. Meaar IWnaeft whoe line .-ip i a '.ei lb. Plel e rle, vie N.l,ra.ha tilt e.-no.Ur at-.t ll-cl ei.raieunlCwilon Is lvn opmiKl froni Mliiea a.i lo a, .,i-aa, thcegh l. ire (x rti.o of Ni.braaa. Ihitain. n.eieea. ckMate-st and hit f-oite iVmii 1 1 X - II at, I ii li s. II, bl t tTS U DAAOTA anil rlllH "i 1 V "iip aiil. hra.-esl In this mute are aa Muwa, to wit t Omaha ' n'i ItaHe.wa o Piatt, rlvee, and rv Saraiora Pi., ei,-. . r.r Oelhonn. P. "W"tn, I fi,lng ttty, l.ka a ti, ainr. tilaek bird, "hpadl lo Pake I. riVlltTArllH . I' ll-vtie to Plait river (thee -. I r Penwntte' lira to ..ttt. iiti.very 1 hues Ih j a u I eun lav wi, tuing. rrt nr ,a ,. lata Fr mb Omaba tin erat .... . 1 1,, .-. an I I Si I i'Jl ..o.J I lo iiel.t.. ' ida r. i rn.iav cornli.gs, riumliii . Vi.li,,., -i a I rioui tui.t,, .! 1. a. rl..e, f.mi CelU.ill;. , las.,!-, Im -na 'Vt, 1, kanoib. l-.lr, Hbu-liMf IIHnad. to Drtk, i. Moudnj BMotniiiga, lelnrolio- tin dli'-l II IV JIHS.-)S (iKKKNi:. VK-UE AND liKNTO.V, llaivlieri, Desists tu Kietieaga fcnj I Land Agcaita. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. V iiTM AMI III LI .a iMLIKlTICn AND KrlstlTTKn i to any p-rt of tlie l l.lted ftatea lonv reelvd on deposit, and Inter- I allcwecl. Kastein or .-onttieru Drali furnUhea m soma ti suit pim-ba.-re. j lai-i onV . funds paid for Currency or Rills of Fa ! change. Iiaua a' rl.d on s-aiA se.-lirllf. l ase. p. d, titles esamuied, end lt.nl F.stata bnughl and sold on tVinmtasion. Ijind. enter. t e.r aelll.rs and time given lr pay niet,t util, s t prosit. Pacific Tloaae, lu west lowar form Lan i OUIce. HLKfiRKrvrriii F. B Jwp, A (V, I W.J. hartiev A Co , ) Dnnkera Dwbtaqna, lewa. Cook A r argent. Hankers, Dav.nporf, Iowa. Cul..rtoTi A tleiii.. Hanlier.. Tnwa Cite. Iowa. I Pmple'a liana, ,, w Vnrk lty. Ket-'hetii. Itoere A Henn.t jlankeae, N.w York OI' heidnn. Wlln r A l o., V'aslilngtoii, Il C. ' Hon. ( l,a. M,. tv.ni of Patents, Washington, i lion. A.I- H..ie 8 tl. P.iir!!os!-H, ! ' tl .Lines. " lliiloimie, Iowa, o ,1,,. UHains, lhlef Justine, Milscailne, lovta. 'i.i -i '..iifls, Iowa. at DAKOTA CITY. LL whom this may concern lake unliue, that the stock that was isuml o.lilr.g f..r "'i, ( 10) lot.a in Dakota City. N T., to eaoh etoiri-, Una tlrawn nine (9), and, on prcrctita tioii of euid stock to the Preetoloi t tr A.-.-nt, nl Dakota City, the ilerd tor die ho-,-, i, n. lot ,,n he nhtalneil at any lime, urnl the aloe 1a tluit wos Issued to me, the tiLiiiTilntio,!, if pre-eutod within three 3 months from ila'e, I will mnke a (Iced fur the lot lacking in make up the ten 101; and retain the certill oale aftor the 10 lots have been deeded and endorsed thereon, a- evidence that -ul, I certificate has been sutMle l, as by tny honor I ant holden to eaoh aud every person that holds oertiHoates that have hern slgnod or backed by me. I lint the a ii I e'..-.,i bo aRtlH tt d in lull : Ion j mil prceeiiied liefnrn the -xpttiiion of said tune, I will m i bold myself -ii,ilili- lor any lo-s li ! umy he or may have. I. eon nustikiui'il l) - lie id oHllnns of lots to ethers by the Company, whtcli d iniitiotiM weiti lioua nils trau-aoiinn-, by v le of the company. J. D. M. CHOCKWKLL, Dakota OUy, N. T. April 1st. 18&8. N. D. Persons wishing their Jeo.l.i of the Company, If they will forwa.-d their certifi cates to me, I will obtain them gratis. unZH.oiu. Aitptittus Kounttt. Iltrman KtnUr. IKLHam Kmtntn jo .1 fUsii-rii t'i i .ossiirt 4 l' lr.ijl ti d on (As 'fiac' . i li and liRa I t v. h,(v , en s K. T. -ti utii n given to I lie coi.-, il ,;. , iiiiliiii lit of teles In Mtbi isha nn '. i lor Kaeleru t iiiiitaila'a. Intin I fail i M vt n protertv Imiiiiht and sold. n'-i -d on tlni. eir actual n-lln rs. , . i .oi .- I laeds selected and Incaieil with warrants or ot-an, on commission, or for a share nf th. profits, in II,,. .,! All A. DAKtrl'A, NKIIIIASRA CITY AIIKllVtS VII.LK DlstrlrU, In Neliraaka, and tba COUNCIL 111 I Urt and .HIuUX CITY Dlatrlctsln Iowa. l ands In Omaha, Nebraska city and llmwnvllle ills trlcts.wlll lie In market on and and after Heptemlmr first n:,i. i lii.e In Council Bluffs aud rluui City Dlstrwls are now In market. ibe d refi reuona given at all tb prtnolpel polut In th. f'.a'es. nivif. IMPORTANT ! :r FORM ATI SN I) K v n I T K ( i (I rfHHTfd li' rrfrlom frum M flrtu rtrt to ? t ; tt-1 1. Hint L-uu, MiMourl, ouulliiutM tu I fl ,,'itll 1 If, -.ii tilete.'l) Of ft 1 1 iv 1 1 1: tut DELICATE NATURE. Hi a . i, -e of Hto-lr and priutlc.l aKner1ci,aa f . , , j J i.. i. .1,1. li-. tv. I ns uow tba gratincatia i i..- oe oi l rm.-aU witti remeiller thai ftai i la.O-.i t i. I.DXIII'.lt ,t : l.'t ircf j iiioat alnrmllig caews of lIK.I AND HVrillLIH. : I,! i :ri-t--i cut. a I the horrora of Vennral a' in.) 1 11,' I -crolola, li .i, rrl te-i. Ulcers, Pains, at Dial r i s , '!. I., g. . ii si if t ro'T'-a ' ion, Inftamueilioj tlo l.:rt,'d -r ai, I M liicya, Altai eis-s, Dnmi.rs, rrigbtf i ew lllii.--. ,...1 I ,e b uu train or borrllile S)mptoliisi ti-ij il, 'Im. ass of tliscares. are ma-la to become t Intnl. 1 1 r a -imples allins of a child. s t: hi l S A L W tiA KNES3. )r V I'-iT'itAw a trTHut part of til time tu tb trw tut nt - f it; it (Trt-i' rnuev-d bf orrt itU mU li i .it ti hi -ii ruin ttm Uniy ami uiintl, utifltUnn Uitt i r f-t nn .' ! ii 1 1 1 s ;t Uii i .-r Alihir )-ui.ntcj or jirty. (ni ti. t H'"' iiiirfho.y vtt-l jiro-iucej by Ua., i Mri i i-ni jpuih, are, ttKvK'.rH. iK TH F. HACK AND LIMB, ' m - f tl;t ll. iftrt (yi4.fila, NTTOr.aaa. i r. ti' iii'H. t ( tba I'lCH(lva Kuuctiom, f'TOipWiiia Th$ Fearful Eyt-ci cn the i.m liiu ii to ijA ilt'ra'li''!, fii; rrf Mmuory,! onfui ol ( liMri I fi-r.ti-.MU ut Hpirtta, Kvll VoruUMliux-. A ui. sslnilv, .-Il I'lHLruil. T1iui Illy, i fcrw in! V.m efl s ir -In ' uri, ti&m-. l-cft.r fn!jDI -laM inarriBt-, uliou1 i 1.1 u t a ( hvucian of xriu- o a uki l, ii l b k . tvnU'tmX to hraltt ftna bini"- rvv:K A(jvie rrnicht wahhams ' t m f !ttlniiK a ft, 1lfwtti ui ' I r r?f I M 1, ritit Istul. MlMMuri. will mt "tth r mi I tKi.tioa. ai4 iiAd)clu fufWuruM k urn Uu obr i Lltjii, T tic atrirtftt wrmf iHvfrv-J In all raar inm't riirttl'ln T '' trt. bwtfi FttU ami Ktitb iirwu, rall l'Uia. Mu litth . UOOLWOHTH'S BOOK STORE. ic- CT ItK' l-.il K'l. A W K1.L ri.l.OTmi el'.CK f ., rtiatioiierv and Paper llangiiiirs, -isiudri I LiUi .lure, t.blldren'. Bouka, Bible, Pr.jer Hoks, at I bcHOOL HOOKS la great variety. 1 hn.'.li-iiery of ev.ry descrtptlon, and tb. bretqet.' ( A ;arie-ularly rhoe-a Miriiaaint of Lett.r N : Pai-r-, fe.tiveioMr auit rfrUier'a rlt.llonery - In art. 1 Paper, 1'i.o in I tolh, .tlaliieiuatloal lutruui.t.t VT, it -dors. I oplot I'roKeea, Copyiu Ink, Ac. Ac. i ! I'AI'kK. If A Nil I Nil IoIKIiIlRR NU WlNSOW C'Ctl.ISS, TWa iwait lieaaiiful siAe era? udirwJ la tha Wast eel a err. elaa. (Weka not ul WILLIAM N. HYHUl, rKALv.H IN KRIL kTATF and Oeatal Hnliii 1 f -4iuvi.efturafr sol aetasar Putiii w 'f-Siimi c - l i'j (viuniy baaura.-. uMev, w i". IrV t, iai Ji V v I'o.o ii ; ie7i r " A I u4. , .