Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, November 05, 1859, Image 2

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    fi 1 1; ota (into 3f)cra!b
2',f.j .ifurrf.'y Uurnint;, at D jtcto CiW, X. T. ,
TERMS-1 Mtjtu l 'lTnrj l 00 fcr ill
tSg-Ornca OrroiiTiTii Batks IIopsi-J,
e ' -u-ui -i 1
Attorni'ji at Lav,
iM-xrnv. Jowa-
l """ill at e n I to all "PR' oumdms intrusted
in i heir care, In western Iowa and east-
nit v
6 m
J tumler and Hat f'ttier.
f, IK, BT. riIAH1.ES STREET, ST. tons, MO I
Till promptly Attend to all business In his
VI line, bo J all work rxeouted with neat
i e i and dbpatch. Will give special atention
to any work that may bo entrusted to his care
ail satisfaction warranted.
E. r. MA SOS.
TV.f rarotncJIoti Foum hu now been opened mera
Ihio in yar. The Proprietor still alma In making It
While, to eoolderetlon of the reduction of Proflaa,
a - . - i ,lu Y ...... .. rAinir. tiA ejtduaaA
aeeoritnilv: an hereafter bia price foe
Board and Itanatent fuitom, will be ebeapr than aT
, UnLal la thf Territorr.
ery (tteuUoo will be paid to the eomfat ana
Paketa IS If Aug Ml IB, ' . F. MAIOX
Ce )agu Douse.
y-j i. . - . - - Tcblic Lahpino.
5,6 ux City, loua.
THE Proprietor taaea. pleasure in Anonuao
ing to tbe publio that be now has a honpn in
which ho oq accotuuiodate them, in na good
ft)!e aa can be fuund on tba MifaoJri B!ope
strict attention to tbe wants of guent, bo
L , ei to merit and receite a liberal sbart
f patronage.
Not. 7. 19- tf
turner UrnAom and ninth gtrtet,
General Stage and LiTery OSe.
fopt a.B3.
All portonp hnfln claim anlnat tha Poaraa Iiidl
mii for dfbta centractad or cttipredaiiona eomaiHi!L
, -;cr hi lh 1 tih nf April IRta, .- tierabjr notlOMt that
bv oritur of the Don. tmratailo0ar of Indian ACalra, a
c uiioll milra wiliba bald at tba Ponoaa oamp, ami
Muhrarab, . T.. for tha furpoae of ini;!ntlng tba
commencing on tha 8let day nf Oc-ibr, laiu,
C'Unua will ha takaa up Ip lobular ordar aa praaonlad,
i "?rtlnaud aud furwardrd with tits raport of tba
Ant . tha Hun. Hee'y of tha Interior. Any farther
luf'irniatiin dealred caa ba obtalnaa vy aouroulug kba
U- S- Ind'n Ag't for tba Ponaaa
1 "iirai Sp.rli,! kfimrj, P. o., Nlobrarab, X. T.
If hnlrv glrrn to all partnna baring rlaima analaat
I Michael Koder. lata of Dakota cnuotr. decaaaed, that
tbar crara iairai to file tha aama together ltb tba
Tourhrre I hereof. In the ofnre nf tba Probata Court for
paid county, iu the Territory of Nebraaka, on or before
tlm first day of January I860
Ulren under my band ( no aeal being prorided by
aid county lor tbia oll.ee.) tbla U&tb day of October,
A. I). 1SW.
THOB. T. C'lt.LIItR,
Trobata Jnite of lakota couuty.
II. P. B(VK!K,
St. 1 a ilf. Mo.
j. x. noooe,
S;oua City, Iowa
F.ouz City, -
u I i
rossrnr.7 cjxr
Tare tha largrat fTilCK of (iroiciiee and ProTlaiona,
I trcr oofaedi n nioui City,
17''1 cantinuo to sunp'y ihe t'AS'l llt'V
N KR.S, wholesale onl retail, ti their usu
ally low prion.
'Phe whole covtry Is aroused, and swaken
X el to it BE8T interests, and determi.ed
o buy Us Groceries find Provisions of II. D
IS now prepared to sell Dry floodt aaa
Giuceries, at
Wholtiale or Rttail,
A low at any Iloote In Flaag Oily, lewt
And a.l wwm H auif -urn
ir Von ere Ir t'bj uo'in-d Ih .1 I a; rj.r t e-
" e kefi.tMr Kcelver of thM o.ue lor t t.e
l'k' i ie...1 lM-'! t, ,-.li-,.aa l-ir1"-"rr, at la-i
' f Mi Mot ley the 17tli ,e ef ortober iv. at Jo
" "fl M ', to prore niv rli'hl to eni.r b fTtT,t-'l
le .'ulb lel tile aoll'-Ji Hril qcrter if Iwll n
uumWr thirty lour, ( e) towu.liip ewauty .Ul.t ri
and the rar-.b blf of the north t ,iurir' f wfltlou
""mW three, ( I) towu.b p toeiity aevea. I C) ranjta
''fbt, (i saatof tba aixth Pnuri) Umd an U. C.
I'k e S;t. OiUr U J&iO.
n ia. 1 vut4 i- Jl .
I J! t. ,., ...k,, r
- li J". I . .
-Jit ?ry
VOL. 2.
Tht Official Fnptr of Ccng-ru.
I sha'.l publish the Daily Globe, and
CoDgrvHuioual Glebe, and Appendix iltniig
the next session of Congrcs. Tbe Daily
Globe -will contain a report cf the debute in
both branches of Congiess, as taken down b
reporters, equal at leant, to any corps of abort
band writers in thia or miy ether country
When tbe debates of a day do Hot make
wore than forty-five eolurnus, they shall hi -pear
In the Daily Ulobe of tbe next morning,
Which will oontain, alto, the newt of tbe day,
together with such editorial articles as tuny
bo suggested by passisg eve .t.
The Congrtssional Globe and Appendix,
Will contain a report of all the debates in
longroes, rented by the speaker, tbe mis
Sages ef the President of the L'utted States,
tbe Annual Reports of the Heads of tba Kxeo
tttive epartmonts, the Reports nf Comtnitteca
Of Congrect on important aubjeotn of geuvral
In'ereatfl, the Laws passoa during tbe action,
and ooplous iudeiet to all Tbexe will be
printed on a doable royal bect, in bo k forai
royal quarto site, eauk number containing six
teen pages, areragiag 2,8'J7 words per page.
Tbe whole will make between 1,700 aud
pages. It In believed tuat no book baa ever
been published at so lew a rate. Last year i
advertised in the Daily Globe for tlx moalh",
and in about one hundred other newspapers,
iu the United SUiei, uwar i cf $215, to be
paid to any person who would produce a book
published at no lo n rate, and nouu was pro
duoed. The lai je um!er nl copies subporib
ed lor by Cu':gre eu:iijiaa tuo to allord the
debated t ub?.i:i iboris a,i cheap
Tbe CoDgresKiunl Ulobe aud Appi0nx pass
free through Ibe mails (f the I'niua BlaloH,
as will be seta by reading tho following JoiuL
Resolution passed bv CougreHS the tith af Au
guht 1862:
Joint RctoluHon providing for the dittrxhution
of the Lau i of Congrett an t tht lrbats
With a. view ti tbe cheap circulation of tbo
Lawn nf (jonpraM-, ati'.i the dtbatHa contribut
ing to the true iulerpretuti,'ii tht-re'-f, and to
make free ct tr.miiiiioAtiea baiT-rn t!i reprc
fuDtativj aod cretituont bndn:
13e it re.o'.vd bv tb' ft".,ati u."i ilii'jge of j
Reprorintitiv- f tba Uii'ta i .Slati'S ol' Amur- j
l.,ii in Ootiiitri. ascei'it)!! d, That from aud lif
ter tae j rratut calon ol t i';i, Ce leu- I
gresbional Giobe and Aypeodix whicij citiWiin
the Laws anal tba Debates tbe.con. hi: all pass ;
free through the mails, so Uog m tho i":ui i
shall be pobluhed by order af Congrett : 1'ro- I
vldod. That nothing herein shall be co:. t: u.: t
to authooiie tha oiroulation of the iA i.y
Globe, free of postage. j
Approved, August, 6th 1852. j
For a copy ef tbe Doily Globe 4 months S 00 I
For a oopy far a lest time (per month) 1 t" .
for a copy of the Congressional Globe j
and Appendix during tbe session. a v j
Bank notes torrent in the section of the
country where a subscriber resides will be re
ceived at par. The whole or any part of a
subscription may bo remitted in postage
stamps, whioh are preferable to any ourrenty
except gold and silver. Where Bank notes
under $5 can not be proourtd I will send two
oobies for $&.
A paper will not be tent uultss the monoy
aocoapanles the ordtir Cut It.
I can not afford to exohaage with all the
newspapers that desire the Olobe, bat I will
send the Daily Globe during the aesHioft to all
who shall publish this prespeotus three timet
before the first Monday in next December.
Those who publish should send their papers
containing it to me, marked with a pea,
direot attention to it. 'J he Congressional
Globe and Appendix will be stereotyped, and
therefore, I shall bo able to send tbe back
numbers f r this steuicn to all who may tub
toribe after tbe eassion commences ; but if
the first edition shall have been exhausted
before ibe suasuripviuu mfcuf j ie reaciTcd, 1
shall oharge ene dollar additional per copy,
to pay the expeasa of putting the pistes on
the press. eubseeition ahoulj rtath me as
early as the firat week iu December, ta inaure
complete copies at tbe prices advertised above.
joa o. uivia
Washington, Ootober, 1869.
useful and attractive) axrias of books for
theyonng people, embracing events con
nected with the history ef the country, ar j
livti of distinguished men, written with much
care and in an entertaining manner, anal
beautifully ill antra red title pagci :
Containing the life of Daniel Webtter. the
great Arainoao Statesman, with numerous
anecdotes, illustrative of bis cbaraeter, and
the following Illustrations :
oiina Daniel in tbe saw mill : Webster
Sabine- at RaaVinr Wabatar r!nl!nln v.
olrHahip i Wtuater expoundiag the Constlta
tion at tb Bunker flill celebration ; Webster
at Fakoeil Hall ; Mansfield the residenoe of
Tebtter ; Wtbater c-n his farm.
Tho lu or Henry Clay, the mill-be ef
slasktt, with nine Illustrations ; the life of
Ueneral Wasbtogton with nine illustrations ;
the life ef Layfayette, with nine illustrations;
Ibe life of Penn with nine illustrations ; the
life of Qtneral Taylor with nine illustrations ;
the life of Napoleon Bonaparte with nine il
lustrations ; tbe Old Bell of Independence or
Philadelphia in 1770, with nine illustrations ;
the Yankee Tea Party, aod other stories of
the Revolution, containing in all ever one
hundred illustrations.
Eaob volume is well written, pnpaesBing a
high moral tone, and oan safely be placed in
the bands of the young people. Tbey con
tain numerous anecdotes illustrative of the
history of our oountry.
Price per sett handsomely bound iu cloth,
with gilt baoks. and neatly put up in boxes,
$0 7 j Prioe per velumo, oloth, gilt, f0J cts.
Colporteurs, ngonts nod school libraries
will be btirplisd at a libtral discount
f'.ipies sent by ma-1 postage free, upon re
ceipt of the pri.ie nf the aett or any volume.
No. 25, HeUi 6th Street, Philadelphia
6 vt) cautf Enc'.uci- Lta in a letter
with ah er i, imi,s. aud bv re
una ua intii yi.u . : receive the pea at good
i i . w
A ' sreisa K. Filhot, r.Traoiita, N. i.
I.- son g.siiig ihetbjTe iLr inter
l, . a 1. 1 ir t.i.j: i.;e a ii.arkid rcfy, ahall
rttuto (r,o C'. ror Lint ftbj b ar.a.1. li
DKsiocn ur..iT
A t T.'JiHri. ZIKQI.KR A ECKHAHT. of tbe
. I 1 1 . i ... : . 1 . . . . . L - , V. & i. ...... I
ill I'lliril UII Hillary, " f
t'! (ortviilty of saying t. the Merthaat and
lbs pul l genira iy, tbst tbey will eontinue
In tii j I ui'uiai a liaraiofure, aud hatiug ,n-
?rf4,t,i. th r f!tC!iit;V V" -.f:
t uoa InrrT an, unt cf atoiu ware iri of
Uio bi'Kt qualitv. Hctnrniug thanka fur tbe
l.beial atrvanitc bellowed npi.n the old firm
(hey rif pertfuiiy i" lie 1 1 a rnnl, niiaiire of tba
Same, and thev w 11 iMidearor In to'nitt it by
rompt exec I'ion ef their crdcia, to wh'ru
tbey will carefully attend ai all tiuirs. the
tbaru a e .11.
lakota City, N. T., Not. 7. 1869 tf.
Xtw Loot fid Shot Ship
INUOCXCITV - - - - - - IOWA.
The undersigned, late of the firm ef Krum
t'.i.u A Scbaible, is carrying on tbe business
en bis own aaoount, in tbe Wiuldinj cs Var!
Street, jiml below .h Sinn, f.'ity Hnnae. lie
is now carrying on tbo Boot and Shoe buni
neaa in all its brasohej. Work warranted to
be uone in as good stylo and on as reasonable
terms as at any other shop. A eall from old
customers is rewpectfully solicited.
Repairing neatly dont.
Not 7. 1859. tf
f Phe undersigned has removtd bis establish
1 tuent to bia new building, on Pearl Street,
a lew duor wtat of Tottlt's It pre, where he
Is now prepared with a large and superior
tttnek of laaihar, eto , etc, to execute all
work in his line. In a superior style of the
art. Employing noue but tbe best of work
men, and giving his personal attention to the
t.usi'.if , he ean aafely warrant ull hii work.
Hejalrirg done on chort notice
Not. 7 ISM. tf
Cased by the opening of a LA RGB aad
Dry Goods,
Clothing, Groier
i : s , Forts and Phsoa,
Qiiei-iisware, kz., to., &.,
s onr Ptook of Gaodt it new open and
ready for the TRAD1, we reiprctfully
call the attention of the citiiene of Dakota
anil adjoining eountles to . our splendid
whioh have been selected with great oare,
enpeoiully for this country, and will be told
Wo are bound not to be undersold by oor
neighbors. We ask our old Customers and
the Publio generilly, to call and examine fir
themselves and be convinced of the above
Pry Goods, Drea Gtedt Muslins bleached end
unbleached, Dilaiues, Cashmeres, Ginghams,
Lincey, Prints nf all kinds, Mcriuei, Checkt,
Irish Linnens, Table Cloths, Crash, Ac , Ac
Ladies Shawls of all aiies, Cloths, Hatinete,
Jeans, Twteds, Cas-dmeree, Flanntlt ef all
colors, Women and Children'! Hoodt. Woollea
Hose, Half Hose, Woollen Tarn and Men's
Country-knit Hocks, Children's Hote to., Ao.
Also a large STOCK of CLOTHING, inch at
Ortrooats, Uunderooats, Testa, Pantt, Ihlrts,
Undershirts, Drawers Ac, A. Also a spieaa
Id Brock of Gostumw-made Boots and She,
for Men, Woman and Children. We art able
in this line to Ct the tmalleet at well at the
lara-Aat Font.
Also Hats and Caps of all Sorts and Sites,
and a heavy stook of Groceries, in wbieb will
be foond tbe following adtieles:
sugar, Fp'ces,
Coll'ee, Clovet,
Molasses, Cinnamon,
Syrup, Ginger,
Rtoe, Soap of all kinds,
Dried Fruit, fait.
Canned Peaches, Flour,
Bottled Fruit, Rope,
Teat of all kinds, Baeh,
Tobacco, tiDoklng Oissi,
and chewing, Kails,
Nut, Doers, te , k.
Powder, Shol,
Lead, Cspt.
Our Ftork will be sold te tuit tbe tines, at
vary low figures, at we are doing a itrlot
CASH business, and ean afford lo sail at
ema'l profit. We will also take iu exchange
for Goods
t.t , Ac
Give nt a call and be convinced tbst Da
kota City It tbe place to
Tako'.a Ciff 0l. 2J. Ie69.
wrm4jthm sjeu.Tji iismtjeisBM ps.pi
H E It
MKiunHj mdmrx."
In aeoordanee with Ui antielpatlont Of
... .. ...
" o"""n7, tnt espeeted duel
tiwctt tbe Ilea. David C. Broderiek, Vultao
ptatrs r'enatar from Califarnia, and tha Row.
Dld 8. Terry, Judga ef lb Supreme Cowrl,
. , , . '
ycaiaroay morning at a small uel!
or valley seme tan miles diaiant from MereeJ
Lake. In our iaau of yesterday we inform-
ed our revlem of the challenge from Jedge
Terry, the attain taj ,'nel, the Interrnptl.iA by
Ibe police, the aiaminatina before Polloe
Jud(;e Coou, and the discharge ef tbe partial
on the ground thai no ofiisce bad yet been
committe i.
Wt Dowprepote to detail the lubsrifiient
olroumstaueet. The partiet went out of town
Immediately after the deolslon, and pasted
tbe night in tiparate looalitiet, each prepar
lag for tbe ioiTitable event of the morrow.
Mr. Broderiek wat at fhi Lake Ilouie, an I
sltpt there. Meantime, the town bad been
greatly txcitad RH through Monday veiling,
and at an ea.ly hour yesterday tnorulug buod
reds were on tht qui vivt, anxloue lo wltnest
tbe ressonntre. For a dutl bttween United
8 tat as Senator and a State Supreme Jaigl
wat bo ordinary oooarreaoe and indsp indent
cf this fast, tha largt number of personal
and party frlaadi and adhertntt of eaob,
made It a matttr of ualvarial Importance
Since tht days of the Vigilance Committee,
nothing equaling this in Its effect upon all mind"
has transpired in San Francino.
77i Dueling Ground.
Vehicles of all klndt were chartered to bear
the curiout to tbe grtund. That ground, It
seams, was not generally known : to many
chan get bad bten reads that few if aay were
aware of Ha location. Thi Instinct, hiwtver
which draws the vulturet te the fiatt led each
and all te tbe place. This wat In a imull val
let tome two buedrad yards In extent.
Arrival of tht Duelhtt
At a qaarter past 6 o'clock Mauri. Brodt
rlok and Terr arrived on the ground, In tbelr
reipectivi earriages, and attended by their it-
' enndi and phyaiciant Ttiise wire tbe ears
ss at tbe pmious meeting, Tig: Tion. J. 0.
MeRlbbln and Mr. Coulter, (formerly Sheriff
of Srkiyou conoty) as seooads for Mr. Brod
j erick, and Calhoun Benbatn and Tbetaas May
as, Kjqrs. of thii city, seconds forjudge Ter
I ry. Dri Hammond aelAvlett were in at-
tandance as liirgeons for Judgt Tarry, and
I)r Loehr for Mr. I'roJeriek.
Preparation for tht duel.
Ota detctndiag front tbelr earrlagei the par
tiet itemed to be In tbe belt of ipirits, ntitber
appearing at all aniioui or ntrvous as to tbt
result. The armorer proceeded te load the
wiapons whioh were elgbt-lncb Belgium pis
ton, uodsr tbe Inspection of the respeotiTC
siconJi. Pinding these preliminary opera
tion" tki spectators were directed to withdraw
from ;ht Immediate icon of tht duel, whioh
they did, posting tkamielvis upea tbe two
billooki akoit four hundrtl yards distant,
where they anxioutly awaittd the isiuo.
Marking out tht Ground The dwl.
About half an hour was occupied lu theao
arrangimintc- Tin paces were marled elf
and tested by the seconds, (that besng tbe dis
tance sgretd upon,) and the principals placed
In their relative potlttent. Their seconds bad
already d! rested thtm of their outiiJt coats,
whitt eollare, and other artioles which might
present prominent targets upon whioh to take
aim. Tbe choice of ground now belonged to
Mr. Bre lerick, in purmanee to tbe arrangt
mtnts of Monday't meeting. The two princi
pals wtrtdiTistid ef their watcbee and tbe
coin In their pockets. The ooia taken from
Mr. Broderiek, hi; tecend Mr. MlKibbin,
placid In hit own Test pocket j Judge Terry
threw his carelessly upon the tod. Tbe
teotnds thin proottded to examine each other's
man, with the Tiew of ascertaining whether
either bad underneath bit clothing ooy artii
tie talculattd to afford protection from a bul
let. Tli'i ie tu'-a'y rather a matter of form
thaa othirwiie. Mr. lieuham, who examiaod
Mr. liruucriik, felt his breast, abdomen and
tidit with scrupulous oare. Mr. McKibbin on
the contrary, but foraatrly toutbtd tbe Ttst
of Judge Terry with hii band, bowed aud
Om of tbt tecondt then read aloud the codt
dnrih from a written Manuacipt which occu
pied but a short time. Mr. Coulter thon ad
dressel the two gentlemia, saying iu effect
that he wished to be nnderstood that he tbonld
eouut "One, two," after the word ' Fire,"
sftcr which he should lay "Slop." No ihot
murt bo find after that. During Ihrs time,
tbe two principals maintained their poiitioos,
aod listened with mu b composure to tbeac
I detatls. Jadge Terry stood with bit bead
throw slightly back, looking towards bis
antagonist. Stick htld bit pistol in hit bin d
pointed to tbe ground. Each was dresael In
black clothes, and wore a slouched Palo, Alto
hat. Mr. Broderiok tteod erect, but with hit
head rathtr down. Ha pulled therluofbit
hat down about bit eyes, ai if t) abvls tbm
from tbt ligi.t.
Tbe poiition of tUa two were roai-jwaat dif
ferent. Judge Terry maiuiaiued that of a
praotioed duelist, preseating only the cJga of
bn person to bit aotugoolst, and keeping bit
left hand and tbsulder wall behiud h.ui. Mr.
liroderlck, on the contrary, tboigh at firil
a.auuiiog a poiitioo tomewhat eiujtiar to that
tf the otbar, aeemed to prefer a more eare
led and last coiatraintd out, and gradually
p rmmtel tu ,rs of Lis body 1 1 the fire of bie
opp-iceut. n.t p.ltbl hi h';M in .t bmd
P narjiwtw i st, .' ' "U ' ' ' ' w
t 1859,.
NO. 17.
rW .wWwMl and .e. nl.,,, t. fe,l tbia
I k'D'lf ne onoe or. twice turned the wrist of
III. .1.. . .1
"" l "i arm in tue right wnti bit iert bana
i tboogh eaJai ing t ejnipy with eoma
' fe'eribed diraetivna preb-u-ly gWen him
tl Uok oae o I 1. t h,s a..taE,ni.t, ran
I.. " ;
'V repmiy aiong uie grotij iruto nun lu
' position, at If, drawing a bre-litt
belwet-n them. roi that time he Jid not
ri!"' hl ,T ontil tht word was gitan to fire
1 "1IC bis right foot got a fraotioo beyonJ the
! ' beo Mr. McKibbin atapped forward and
teplnced it.
Tht rumor of Mr Brodtrick't nerTousnest
it bused upon hit otoaa'.oaal motioni to obstrTt
those prescribid positions of band and arm,
which hii seeondt bad enjoined upon him..
The blaring of Judge Terry, thcegh bo esnunv
td a in lie praotioed and uiotlouleae attitude,
was not one Jot more that of an iron-nerved
man limn was that of Mr. Broderiok. At a
quarter before seven o'clock, Mr. CouHan pro
nounoed tbe words
"Are you ready t"
" Ready," responded Judgo. Terry, , and
Ready," wat uttered by Mr. Broderiek iui
mediately after.
Fire! One! Two I pronounced iu mod
erately quick time.
At the seeondt stepped baok and Mc CouS
ton gavo the word, the principal! raised their
pistols, whioh they bold pointed pointed to
the ground. Ou the rise, Mr. BroaVrlok'i
weapon want off, striking tbt ground a few
feet thort of bit opponent The next indent.
Judge Terry, who bad fully raised bis weapon
discharged It, and exclaimed, The shot it
not mortal ; I bare alrack two inthet to the
right." Mr. Broderiok luJJeuly turned a
few Inchee aad bractd himself for a moment ;
then gradually lowered kimtelf down to a rt.
cllnipg position on the ground, and then fel
over at (ull length. He did not apeak a word
during tbia time. While Mr. Hrodorlck tbut
foil still graspiug ht plrtol, Judge Tirry stood
with his arms folded till hieseeoada, advauoed
and with them he left the fluid unharmed. It
it supposed that be bas gone to some un
known place, to await the news of tbe mult
of tbe shot.
Tha surgoeni wbo were preunt, Drt. Loehr
Hammond and Aylett, together with Mr. Brod-
eriok'd seconds, advanoed Immediately upon
bia fall, and tearing open his coat, examined
tbe wound, whioh was foand te be In tbe
bremt. The ball bad entered near the r!ai(
nipple, passed aorots the front part of tbe
body, and lodged in tbe left eide. Itieemi
to have entered the cavity of the ohctt, or at
ltait tcored aod cut the breast bones and
though subsequently extracted bad produo
d a wound which it It supposed will prove
A mattrcm Utter was brought to the plaeo,
and the wounded man placed upon tt. lie
was placed iu a wagon, and oerrled around tbe
hills until the main San Jose road was reached;
aud eoon afterwards be was transferred to an
express wagon, wLiob bad gone out at hit re
quest. In this be wat broagbt Into the city,
aud conveyed to the resideoot of Ltonidas H al
kali, at Black Point. Wbilo coming in he sat
up a portion of the wuy ; but, net i thelcs,
suffered tnuih paiu.
Upon reaching Mr. Uaskc.H a residence, he
wai carried into the bouse and placed on a bed
where he wat propptd up wlibholilcrs 'and
pillows, lie was fully oonsoloutand oomplaln
ed of the great wilght 1,000 poundt oi hi ex
prestcd it, weighing upon bit breast. This
foelinfwss caused by theiateraalbtujoi)rrage
wblob bad become very great, and dissolution
was expected to take place every law moments,
Drs. Loehr.Sawyer and Rowell, wire present,
And afforded all the aid iu their power ; hut
Mr. Broderiok continued to link, and mouitu
tarily beoome weaker. At half pait two
o'clock be wat ttill living.
Jow Mr. liroderich Lost hit that.
Tbe oircumitanoes of Mr. Broderiok toting
lit shot is Missstsd for in tho fasi that tbe
eheictof weapont fell to Judge Terry, who
elected hit own dueling pistols. Those have
the hair trigger to sensitively tot that a sud
den jerk of the weapon would serve te ejauic
itt discharge. Mr. Broderiek had never tee a
or used than weapons, and by the tllghtett
touch of his 6gr produced the discharge.- j
A similar cause produced tho a:s!Jr.-ct which ,
oecured to Henry ClfiJ la his famous duel with j
Jobu Randolph. j
Judjt Terry' t Flijht.
Judge Terry with his friends, Infl the field
driving rapidly luto tou and started at nee
from North Buaoh where a b ut wat in Halt.
log and proeet.it a1 to Oakland where be took
private ennvr-yaace to Mart ion. A tele
gewphic dispatch, received late last night from
thai point states that Jadge Terry, oa bit ar
rival at .Martinet, be found tome difficulty in
gettiag ferried aoruas to Denieia. Both in
Martinet aa I tht latlfcr place flags were raised
at half ni-t cauied by the false report of Mr.
Drodei Ick't death. On bit arrival at IinuloU,
Judge Terry took OTtrland cooveyaaee to Sac
ramento. (Fruit tha Alta Calif-ruUa-Death
of Senator IIroterlr.
Tbe miii I of tbe wouo ltd man wai wander
ing aftur tbo afHiCtioa of tbt fatal shot, an 1
at tiiri'is he wa not himself. Toe effect of
ibe eliloroforin given I, I in dead?nJ the excro
ciatingagooy by effecting his nerveowi system
which balbun etruug to the greatest Uuiiou
by the thrtw days of barrassiog anxiety pre
ae.iing (he duel Iiefjre tbe fight be uapis
eu Srm dolerrnitiatioo net to tboot Terry
above tbo hipa, a be did not ceoniiler be bad
any oiarrjl with bia ail afttr bo was tbo
W w-.r.aia ef twelve l!ne or lees, fit '. 1; ,--:v-. 1
ach t 4.li.l loeertlmi f ;
One )uara one lllanth,
Oca t'iara, tbaae avoatba, a t
Hot ettaere, en atealhe. t ttt
cine a-i'iem, eae year,- 1 1 to
Tiie e,uera. one yr, ito oo
One eulunm, one veer, So oo
Due half rnluaiB, one ver, ' iw
do IburU epluian, da, V- n
Co keif e.,I,,,n, eli a, nba, j oo
do foaith da d,i if r co
do beif mlua, tl.re. o-,ei,tl,e, M IKI
da fourth do da a I? I'd
Tuelne.e Car le, aa eta Upea nt leea, one year, 10 on
Caeh ! tdvanei ll U r,ulrM ua e't e lverllea.
wietitl, ere) t vbenji a .il J .mtrt has Mm p ,Je
t Ibe C4nt!ry.
bia Wandertn niln l esllo f ht up as ala the
lnipreclon of the cnnvlutio'i ti-at be w t ,-, ta
hunted by the hungry erew win t!,l.tl f r
b!f blood until he tbonld ba killed Ha ia li
ed of the defeat lo this ttate or the great prln
elcl for which he bad done tattle that be
had been deserted by tbe people be bad taken
the field for.ani no the peculiar clan ef pol
Itltlant who had Jotaed agalntt him weald le
encouraged te bunt after tilm to put Lira oui
ef the way. He felt be wat lo It elleooe J, ted
In Is now tilrneed forever. ''
I'arHcutiiri of hit Iltnvt. .
Oa Tueiday laet after bit fall ojn the fiild,
Mr. Brolcrb k was carefully removid to tbe
retidence ef Lrooldas Uaikoll, rbj!j , on Slack
Point, whtrehe ws attended by sevrysl of tbe
moat skillful surgeint nf tbe city, and bis bed,
ahlo watched by devote ! Mende who noted
ovary change In tbe beating of Lit palte eve y
dillicult breath, OTery mariner of bit Hps. At
we have already stated tbe tympttms at a
late hour en Thursday night rvtre regarded
as mors favorable, and Lis frltnds wire filled
with hope.
A thtngt fr tht none.
Tbe wounded man eontltued in about the
earns condition wltbont any noticeable cbaags
until about 11 e'olook to-night when be wat
roused from tbe state of semi-eomolousneas
In which be bad lala for severe! boars and was
teited with a succession of convulsions caus
ed by I u tense pain, wblob prostrated bit Ut
ile remaining strength end left Mm utterly
Jit V'Jth.
After the oonvolsious passed off, Mr. Broder
iek was'oomparitiTely free from pain snj sank
back Into a lethargic stale, which proved to be
the preouVtor of his dissolution. He retuiued
hit oentcloutnois until about 2 o'clock yester
day morning, when hit reason failed, and be
no longer recognised bis attendants. Tbe
band of death was resting upon him ; the
watchers at bit bodslde saw and felt that It
was so, and with tearful eyes tbey loukod at
eaob other and at tba (bin pale face of Ibe dy
legman. The minutes movsd slowly In thai
breathless suspenoo. His life-stream ubbed
slowly away, and at SO aiiuutrspast 0 o'clock
yosterday morning the "golden bowl wm bro
ken." Ths soul of one of earth's honored
sons had been oalled by the hand wbo gave It
and the form whlah it had once animated with
tbe fires of hope and oouruge, and manly am
bition was left upon tho couch a lump of oold
animate clay Broderiek was dead.
!rt,Tht Raleigh (N. C.) Standard, lu an
article upon the PreiiJtuoy, says: Wt North
Carol iaa Democrats are not affected to any ex
tent by tbe feeling which prevails iu the otbar
States with regard te men. We agree on prln
olple, and will not fall out with each other co
men. Seme are for Douglas, some for Bretk
iorldge, some for Wise, gome for Hunt, ai.ine
for Lane, soma for Diokenion, and tome fur
Dallas but ice art all for tht nominee.
(7ri Jarhnn a Sthiilmn'rr. Who would
hare thought it? It Is oevertbelesi true tbtt
Old Hickory began bit career aiateaoher
of an 'Old Field School," In South Carolina,
and In that voeatiou earned the money which
eupported him wbRe he studied law- Tbit is
among tho many cmioui and unexpected fauts
presented In Mr. Parttcb's fortbcuruinp lifo
cf Gen Jackson, the first voluipo of which is
now in the hen is f the ;riner. Many em.
inent Americans Lave begun life as W-aol vit
but we hardly expected to find the m t jin. ta
ble here of New Orleans added te the llet. A.
O. Bulletin.
Flovt $210 a Da art At the last aooonntt
flour wat telling on the island of Haytljaltw
hundred and forty dollars psr barrsL That
looks like a Ugh price, bat the money was
llaytian currency, whioh is like our eld Coo
tinental money. About $20 of It are worth
one silver dollar.
A a'rosiosltlost.
$ 4,000 On Dwgltt in Ktn'.uhyComt vpt
the Mark.
An article having appeared In tile Loelt
ville Courier, indorsing a statsment made by
a Blaok Repnblioan paper, the Cincinnati Com
mercial, to the effvot that If Senator Poaglaa
should be the nomiyee of the Democratic par
ty, he could not carry Keutueky. We are
authorised te make tbe following proposi
tions: First A wcger of $1,000 that if Penstor
Douglas is so nominated be will carry Ken
tucky. Seooudly A waiyer of $1,000 that be will
e it ry it by Ave thousand majority.
Thirdly A wager or $1,000 that be will
carry it by tea thousand majority.
Fourthly A wsger of $1,CC' tua be will
carry it by fifteen thooteod ruajor'ty
AU conditioned upcuLU nominal. ou, aui
a II tbe bets to be takeu together
Let the oppctitiobisu, by r
titker Democrat or Oppot . i r
back their judgouiaut. Lj ' "
Mtm Four court J ins
Viabbuigusn, N t' . oa a. ;-
slave. Tbey a; tivic
tbe jitnaliy for t'-.
ae 11