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About Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1859)
ts,';l,f!!,I"ta!l I i i; r v Saturday Vurnirig, at D'tkctJ City, -V. T, tt PAN I EL M'LAVGnLlN. TEAMS'2 Uiu In alvenc; l 00 tut tlx BonUi; rift, emu for Mireo oB.tka, IOlTICI Ol POilTiTBi BaTKS Il0CI"3it i t Ullll u c IIH.AI-WAT. dllCCUIII. TREADWAY tt CURRIER, Attorntyt at Law, MUfXCMV. IOWA- 1 Till t en I ta all legal business Intrusted t ' f hr-ir care, In wettorn lowe aud east- t, N nil. . ; '6 en MARTIN H. DEVER, i tuinler and ('i fitter. n IB. BT. CII4HI.ES ITREKT, ST. L0CI9, MO iTTiUrromrtly attend to all hii-ine-a in his line sod nil work exeouted with neat i ep aud difpstch. Will give special a'.tention to any work that nit be entrusted to mi care sl patisfuction warranted. -Bates "OlSt, DAKOTA r. Hiioi CITY. Proprietor, Tb'.a rammoJtofi IToum ku now been opened mere thus in Jer. Tn Proprietor tUll alms In sitting It A riRST CLASS HOTEL. Whiie, la eooilderstlon of tbe red ua tie of Prod, .nd tvotttf In thta WwUtn Country be bee redueed the pricri eMorllDflr; end herrafteT hl prlee for Board end ITauslent Caatom, will be bex then enf lirrt Cnie HoUl In the Territory. tTtrr etlwiiUoo will be peU to the eounoil n rBnUnr.of tbe en.kiniM of Uill Houee. i,.k.t. (Jer Auruet . 'ft B. f . MAM 5 Cfec )agw Douse. j ji0i i, . . . - - Tcilic Lasmno. ": Sicuz City, Iou. ) JOHN HAGY, PROPRIETOR, THE Trorrietor takes pleasure in anonuao ing lo the publio that he now bns a bon?r in which hu oun accommodate then, in an good , !-n us can be found on tbe Mi-nouri 8'ope Kj strict attention to tbe wants of gueMc, ho . L ; ei to merit and receite a liberal lhare ' tf patrouape. Not. 7. 1KS9- tf HERNDON HOUSE, Corner e Furnham and Ninth gtrtt, OMAHA CITY, N. T. RICHARD80N JUDOON, I'ROFRIKTOnS. General Stage and Liter, 02i. Si-fi. 8.1859. NOTICE TO FOXCA9 CLAIXASTI All parson. h..lni eUlma enlnet tbe Pomrea Indl tip fr dt-bUi roDtrctfld or dnpredatlom eommltUd. rnnr to the I Uh ol April 16t. ere hrby notlOM tbiil lii ontrrof the Don (.VnimluUDer of Indlen AOaln. c unall uf CltWtt will be bslil el the Podom enmp, neu .iiinrjraD, . r., tor the rurpoce or lnixaiitmc tne .nm; commencing on tbe filet dey of October, lh69 ClHiiuN win he teken up Ip ragular ordar m preeefiled. i, .Fujiauu aud rorwerava wna (tie report ol uu rttil ,o th lion. Sari of tbi Iultriur. AbV IWtlirt H,f'.rniU ,u desired ce be obtained bjr ecMreealug tbe J 8IIAW OltBOOIlT, U- S- InJ'o Aft. far tbe Pouu fnurei SpfrUI At-Miry, P.O., NIbrub,N. T. lici traiUr :ttb, HW. NOTICE. T. Ii'tcVt glvrn to '! pvrrooe beelnK rlelmi Klnt I Mlrhftel Kodnr. lete or Dakota enuDty, dpcead, tbat thar are reja1r1 to file the pame tcttcthar ultb tbe orhfr tbereof.ln the ofltre of tbe frobete Court for ',! county, In tb Ti-rrltory of Nobraaka, on or before ina nrat aj or January OI..B undi-r rnjr band (no al brine; provldud by aid county for tbia ofliee,) tbla abth da, of October, a. it. ico'j. THOB. T. COLLIER, Probate Jndi;e of liekote county, II. P.BtXlR, St. I e lie, Mo. J. K. BOOOB, Sioux City, Iowa INTERESTING FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE II. D. DOOUE V CO. S ouz Citij, PEARL BTRIKT, SELL LJ I J 0R0CRIE3 AND TROVISIOXS CAEATIR THAN ANT OTHER HOI'S E POSSIBLY CAX!! H. D. BOOR E Sl CO. Hare the larjcrat 8TOCK of (iroceriee ssd arer ojmned Id Slom City. rroTlaione, H. D. BOOGE Si CO. " 1 7'" fntinue) to pimply the CASH DL'V- KRS, wholesale an J rrtil, at their uo ally low prices. f jbe whole country Is aroused, and awaken JL cl to ite ISLST interests, and dotermiaed to buy its Groceries and rrorisions of II. D L'OOGE & CO. L. D. FARMER S now prepared t sell Dry flood tea 1 Giuceries, at Wholeial er Rtiail, Ai low ai any Ilonee la rTIeoi Oily, lew fcOTICB TirnAKLES, c oim And all whum tt nay totwrn Sr VmU iirc ll..rtt,jr i,,,t iti.., tb .t I .hail a,p r t, lim kiaiiw lUAttvnr of ih I-mJ jitia for ti,a l k' 'ia..,1 IH-'ri-i, J-m'rr, ai lli , ' f "n Mut lay Hi. 17ili ,Uv of irt'.b.r at ls rk 1 " ' u prora my tight to bi.i .f bf r,ranr4 'fa a.,uib tattnf i'i5-,,i'Ji vrxt acutir f a'U n uamlr ID rtv iunr, ( tovuikip eautyUi.t , zT) '! tl.e panh b'f of ma north ..t iiuarif r aawtlou numlw tlirvo, ( l) Wwnahip twanty wan, ( 9) ranj( "S'ACJ aaatuf the alxtb rnu,itl Mrrid,n a), f. t . A . JAiXtS I'KleWN. I)iik t ?tjt. oiU Zt 'f VA X iajf) -HI iy I i'i r. -: m I r- a "" ' " - -: -."!- 1 '"!. "T"mr 1 "L "' " " 11 ' " -' '"...J . -. . .' -. L I . '- .?"". I ,', I'JIII!, a' ) - DAKOTA CITY HERALD. VOL. 2. THE Tht Ofcittl CLUNK. Paper of Ccnyreu. I eha',1 publish Ibe Daily Globe, and l'ie Congroeaioual Globe, ft n J Appendix duiiig III next session of Congress. Tbe Laily Glob will contain a report cf ths ilr-oatw id both branches of Congress, Kg taken down by reporters, at least, to any corps of short bud writers in tbia or any ether cour.trj 1 When the dcb-ties if a day do ti .t, u.uko l more (Lao forty-fivt columns, the, phiUi y i pear la the Daily Globe of the nit morning. which, will ouatain, also, tbe css or tie uay, together with euch editorial articles as tunj I bo aoiro-pslerl 1t trAjminor ifA .til. - v r - f , ' Tbo CongrtMioiial Globe And Appeud.x Will cotitain a report cf all the debate in Cob greet, retited by the epeakere, .be Mee (ago sf the Preeiuentof the tutted i?ito, the Annual Reports of the Heads of tbe Exi-o Utl atepartmont!", the Reports of (.'orntniitece Cf Congrues on ieportant eubjeotn of general iniereetH, the Law paysod during the eciMuu, and ooflous iudeie to all Thee will be printed on a doable royul ibect, in ho 'k foraa royal quarto site, eaoU camber contntning six teen page, areragiag 2,8'J7 word per page. Tbe whole will u.aUe between 1,700 and 2,WQ pages. It is beiieved that no book has eer been publiabed at so lew a rate. Lnet year I advertised in the Daily Globe for six moaths, and in about one hundred other newspaper, in the United States, n reward uf $-, to bo paid to any person who would produce a book published at ho low a rate, and none was pro duued. The laige uarn!fr of copies subeoiib J tor l, Cungrris tinin iue to atToid the debatex tonubticnbere so cbeaj. The CongreMioiil Ulob aud Appendix puss free through tbe maiio of Hie L'niteil Btates, t wili be eeea by reading tho following Joint Ueolotion paised bv Cougrw the Gth ef Au gust 1862: o:'nf Reivlution providing for the d.ttnbutiun cf the Laxvt of Congrett and tht Jlrbatcs i,',(reon : With a vie to the cheap eircnlahou of tb'.' Lawn rf OonPr'r, and ti.o debaiea ounlrtbut' ingto the true interpretation thereof, and to niake fret1 cur.inuiiiiiaiiee beiTeeu the rep; tuDtatite kd i roiihtitUHOt bodu : ie it re.o!ved by tbe St,nt Hr.ri House of Repi"3Pnntitiv.- f the Utj't i .-'ihIi's o! Ainor loa in Ciiinie ai.-emt)!i i, That from aud ff ter the priBtnt es1on of f.t.g. oo.-t. Uhe Ccu greHbiecal Globe and Appendix ahiru couanin the Law aud tbe Debates tbeiron. el aU pais free through the mails, so long ae tao im-jte shall be pabruhed bf order ef Congree. : 1'ro Tided, That cetblng herein shall be co.v-t: no i to authoeixe the oirou'.atioa of the i,.i,y Globe, frue of p oiUgs. Approved, August, fith 1852. TERMS: For a copy ef tbe Daily Globe 4 months $1 00 For a oopy fr a less time (per month) 1 For a copy of the Congressiocal Globe and Appendix during the session. 3 00 Bank notes current in tke section of the country where a ubseriber reside will be rt oeited at par. The whole or any part a: a subscriptien may bo remitted in postage stamps, whioh are preferable to any ourrenay xcpt rold and siltr. Where Rank notes under $6 can not be procured I will send two cobles for $. A paper will not be sent unless the monoy aoooaapanln the order for It. I can not afford to exobaage with all tbe newspapers that desire the Globe, but 1 will end the Daily Globe daring the aesnioo to ail who shall pukliih this prespeotu three time before the first Monday in next December. Those whe publish should send their papers containing it to m, marked with a pea, e direot attention to it. 'ibe Congressional Globe and Appendix will be stereotyped, and therefore, 1 shall bo able to send tbe back numbers fir this betoii n to all who may sub. scribe after the session commences ; but if the first edition shall bate been exhausted Bat ore the subsariptiou meucy is resolved, 1 shall aharge ene dollar odditinmil per copy, to pay the oxpesse of putting tbe plates on the press, ubeeeiptiou should rtasli m as early as tbe first week iu December, t insure complete copie at tb price advertised above. JOU 0. KIVI3 Washington, Ootober, 1869. A useful and attractive series of books for l the tonne people, embracing events con nected with the history ef the country, and lit of distinguished men, written with tauoh car and in an entertaining manner, and beautifully Illustrated title page: Containing the life of Daniel Webster, the great Aruerioan ritateiman, with numerous anecdotes, illustrative of hi character, and tbe following illustrations: louce Daniel in the saw mill ; Webster fishing at Bsshurg ; Wbtr declining the c!rkblp ; Webater einoundiaj the Constitu tion at tk Bunker Bill celebration ; Webetor at f aaueil Hall ; Mansndd the residence of Webster ; Webster on hi farm. The life of Henry Clay, the mill-kor ef t'ask, "lib cine Illustrations ; the life of General Washington with cine illustration ; the life ef Layfayette, with nine illustration; the life of Penn with nine illustrations : the life of flsneral Taylor with nine illustrations ; tbe life of Napoleon Bonaparte with nine il lustrations; the Old Bell of Indepecdonoe or Philadelphia in 1770, with nine illustrations ; tbe Yankee Tea Party, aad other stories of the Revolution, eoutnlning in all eter one hundred illustrations. Eaoh tolume is well written, possessing a high moral tone, and oan safely be placed in tht bands of the young people. Tbey con tain numerous anecdotes illustrative of tbe history of our ooontry. Price per sett handsomely bound iu cloth, with gilt backs, and neatly put up in boxes, $1 7 j I'rioe per tolumo, olotb, gilt, 66 cts. Colportesrs, agents and school libraries w'.'l be tiiippliad at a libtral discount fip,es sent by mail postage free, npou r r.eipt of Ibe pri.a of the sett r,r ant volume. LIKDSAY 4 RLACKSTONE Publisher . No. 25, Boeth 6th Street, Philadelphia ,0 oautf. Eac'.otc utu io A letter L with lb an erp-Pthsre iiaoai. md bf r- mtn vi ion! you w.'l rocoite the pea a good A ' irrrti; K. Filiit-t tvrai.s, N. Y. s,:i;v.og thet-'ujte three loaer ir l.i'c ii. e a narked cot t. shall rtcuio tr.e cl rut b-;ti! rtL by it 'DKMOCn u r-ITS M --irr J- 1 -. - DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, SATUKDAY MORNING, NOV. DAKOTA CITY POTTERY. MESSRS. Z1K0I.ER & ECblHART. of tk ll.L .la, S I 1Aa. taaLsk t Vl Itrflllhi rT.!. on, ..I., f ..,l t. tb. Mer.baata and tl pubi! thl the, will eontinue In t'., I ut't' a liertfur. aud battue in- ercaiod ti e r fo:i t;H ro able to taauufae t ive a Inrr-r anMitnt rf etotie wire and of '.iitt best ((iialitv. Het'iroi'H thiinka for the bberal patroeiiKe t e.itowed n the old firm they rtepeetfuii, tlioit a onutiuuauee of tbe June, and Ihev w.ll eiiib-atur to re'nia it by irouipt excr.iuon fcT their ordna, to which tbey will carefully attend a: ail liuies. trite them a e .11. liitkutiCity, N. T., Not. 7. 18u9 if. Xtw Boot gnd Shoe Sli'j INUIOCXCITY - IOWA. rTh urderpigned, late of the firm ef Krn J. lurtii & Hchalble, In carrying on tbe business on hip own aecount, in the kiuMiug oa Pearl Street, just below the Sloux City House. He is now carrying cs tbo I! ant and Shoe busi ness in all it branch. Work warranted to be Uon in as good stylo and on as reasonable term as at any other shop. A call from eld customers is rtvpectfullj solicited. Repairing neatly doc. JOHN SCIIAIBI.E. Not 7. 1359. tf SIOUX CITY, SOOT AND SHOE STOR11. BY SAMUEL KRU M MANN. o ri Phe undersigned has remotd his establish I uient to bis new building, on Pearl Street, a tew duorx west ef Toetle's ttore, where he U cow prepared with a large and superior ntnk of learther, eto , eta, to erooute ail work in bin line, in a superior style of the art. Employing none but the best of work men, and giving his personal attention to the i bupi-.icsi, bo sun safely warrant all hi-, work. Re; lrg done on short notice SAMUEL KRCMMANN. NY.t. 7 lfifiSl. tf GREAT EXCITEMENT IV DAKOTA CIT1, Cved by ths opening SPLuN'DID PTOCK ef of a LA RGB aad Pry Goods, Clothing, Groser ieti, Poets and Phics, QueeiiHWAte, Ac, &9.t &., AT THE PICNECR e? TORE Z1EGLER & EGKIIART. s our Ptook of Good is new open and ready for the TRADI. w reipeclfully call the attention of the citiaens of Dakota and adjoining eountle to . our splendid FALL AND WINTER STOCK o, GOODS which hate been sclented with great oare, espeeially for this oouutry, and will be sold " CU KAFIR THAN TM rrjEAPlMT." We are bound not to be undersold by onr neighbor. We ask our old Customer and the Publia generally, to call end examine for themselves aud be coorinoed of the above facts. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OT. Pry Goods, Dress Gd Muslins bUachtd and unbleached, Delaiues, C,-hmers, Ginghiots, Lincey, Print of all kinds, Merin, Check, Irish Linnens, Table Cloths, Crisb, o , Ac Ladies Shawls of all sises, Cioihs, Satinets, Jean, Tweedu, Cashmeres, Flannei ef all colors, Women and Chlldreu' Hoods. Woollen Hose, Half Hose, Woollen Tarn and Mto'i Coeatry-knit Socka, Children' Hose Ao., Ao. Also a large ITOCK of CLOTHING, ino'u Ovsrcoatp, Uundereotts, Yests, Pants, ihlrts, Uudrshirt, Drawer ato., c. Aiso a pie) id Si oak of OoBtume-made Beot and She, for Men, Woman and Children. We are able In this line to fit the smallest a well ai tbe largext Foot, Also Hat and Cap of all Sorts and Sites, and a heavy (took of Groceries, in wbiaa will be found the following adiieles: "gar, Collee, Molasses, Syrup, Rice, Dried Fruit, Canned Peaches, Bottled Fruit, Tea of all kind, Tobacco, iraoklDg and chewing, Nute, rpicr, Clote, Cinnamon, Ginger, Soap of all kinds, Salt, Flour, Rope, lash, Glai, fails, Doert, te , k. ALSO Powder, Shot, Lead, Cap. Our Ftork will be sold te suit the time, at very low figures, a w are doing a trlot CASH bmines. nd can afford ta sU at small profits. W will also take iu itLni.-e for Goods Corn, OMe, Hesnp, Pctatcen, Butter, Egg". & , Ao. Git as oall and be convinced that Da kota City I the place to j LAY IN YOUR GOODS. ZIPGIP.R If ECKHART. Tiko'.a City Cel. 22. Jb6U. KiUllBI ASO . I.UATII P IIRODKIUCK. eoordanc with U anticipation Cf In most lno', r Comojenlty, the eireeted duel iweB ike Ueo. DatlJ U. Brodarlet, Vult4 Htal' renaler from California, and the Horn, Datld 8. Terry, Judge ef the Buprem Coart, took lac ystrday mornlpg at a mall dell Or a',',.y sib ten mlloe diataot from Mereed Lake In ni,r ippue of yetrday w inform- d our mdera of the cballeng from Jade Terrv, il atUaii UJ t'uel, tbe lattrruptlua by tbe 1'o'ice. tLe liannnalinn hafora Vi.llna Judne Coou, aud tl, discbaig ef Ike partiei on the grouud Ikat ne ofTiece had yet been committed. W now propose te detail the ubsr(iient olreuniataoee. The parties went out of town Immediately after the dsolslon, and passed tb night In separate localities, each prtpar lag for the inevitable event of the morrow. Mr. Brodorlekwa at fh Lake lloui, sn l slept there. Meantime, the town bad been greatly excited nil through Monday evening, and at an early hour yesterday morulng bund reds were on th jui vive, anxious to witness tbe renoountr. Far a dual between a United State Senator and a Stat Biiprsui Jadg wa ae ordinary oeotirnao aad independent of thl fet, to large number of personal and party mnd and adhertnt of eaoh, made tt a matter of universal Importance Sinoe th day ofthe Vlgilanc Committee, nothing equaling this in Its efleet upon all mind" kits transpired iu San Franoio. 77i Dueling Ground. Vehicle of all kind were ohartered to bear tbe curioo to tk grsnnd. That greaad, It sotma, was not generally known : to many obaago bad bn made that few If any were aware of its location. ThInttinct, hewtver which draws tb vulture t the feast ltd each and all te tke place Tbi a In a (mull val let tome tw hundred yards In extent. Arrival of tht DiteUtt At a qiarter past 8 o'clock Mesr. Brode rlok and Terry arrl Td on th ground, In tblr respective carriages, and attended by tbilr entid and physician Tt were th sane as at the previous meeting, v!i: Hon. J. 0. MeRlbbln and Mr. Coulter, (formerly Sheriff ! of Si'kiyou county) as soaoads for Mr. Brod- ori.'.k, aad Cidhoun Benham and Thomas flay ts, Eaqrs. of this city, snud forjudge Ter ry. Drs Hamaiond snl Aylett were in at tendauce as surreal) for Ju lge Terry, and Dr. Loehr for Mr. 1'roderick. Preparation for the duel. On descendiig from tbelr earrlage th par tie teemed to be In the best of spirits, neither arpetriag at all sellout or nervous a to th result. Th armorer proceeded te load the weapons which were eight-Inch Belgium pis toll, uodtr the laspectitn of the respective seconds. Pending these preliminary opera tions tktspeotators were dirtotd to withdraw frsia lilt iinioediite icon ofth duel, which they did, posting thmtelvs upon th two hillock aboit f-r hundrd yard distant, whtr tbty anxioutly awaittd tb isaue. Marking out the Ground The dwl. About half an hour was eceupied In thete arrangimtDtt' Ten paces were marled etf and tested by th etoonds, (that being the dis tance ngrotd upon,) and th principal placed in their relative poeltiens. Their seconds lad already divesitd them of their outside coals, whit collar, and otktr artioles whith might presort prominent targtts upon whioh to take aim. Tbehoiccf ground DOW bolongod to Mr. Brtderlck, in purtuaooe to tbe arraegt mtDts of Monday' meeting. Tbe two princi pals wtrt divteted ef their watchei aad the coin in their pockets. The ooln taken from Mr. Broderiek, his second Mr. MKibbin, placed la bin own test pechet ; Judge Terry threw bis carelessly upon the sod. Tbe stotods thin procttded to tiamine each other's man; rltb tbe view of ascertaining whttker either had underneath hi clothiug any artit ele calculated to tford proteotlon from a bul let. Tbis is uiua'y rather a matter of form than otbsrwiio. Mr. Benham, who examined Mr. Broderiok, fell his breast, abdomen and iuaa wit- ssxtipnlavw" ear. Mr. Mcliibbin on tbe contrary, but formerly toubd lh vest of Ju li Terry with hi hand, bowed and withdraw, On of th seconds then rad aloud th code duello from a written Manuacipt which eu niad but a short time. Mr. Coulter thou ad- i dreaded the two gentlcmta, saying in tffect tbat he witbed lo be understood that be should eouut "Ob, two," after tb word ' Fir," after which he should say "Slop." No ihot oi lift bo fired after that. During thru time, tbe two principals maintained their positions, sod llntened with nil Ii composure to thee details. Judge Terry siood with his head thrown slightly back, looking toward! bis BUtagooiuC. Sttch held his pistoi iu his ban d pointed to the ground. L'acb waa dressel lo black clothes, and wur a slouched Palo, Alto bat. Mr. Broderiik steod erect, but with Li head rathtr down. He pulled lb rim of hit bat duwn about hi eyes, ai if t) nh i htbam from tb light. Tb position of tUo two were sejiew'it d.f fertnt. Judge Terry maiutaiued tbat of a practioed duelist, preaenting only tb Jge cf hi person to hi aotagooiet, and keeoiog hit left hand and shoulder well bshmd b.ui. Mr. Kroderltk, on tbe contrary, tbo Jgii at first a.suuiiog a position somewhat aiujiiar to tbat tf ib other, seemed te pref' a more ear' I lect and ls coaatrainti on, ani gradually p rorstei to ire of bis body to tb fir of hi oppvir.eut. IT. I pistol L b!;li io h s haad 6 1859,. NO. 17. , r,th.r ,wkwlllT( Mj .,,. ,hU ! b'tnself he once or. twice turned the wrist of hi plstool arm t.i lb rifbt with hi left hand i "o el"enng te eomi 1 with some pfcu'tihe I direction pretloufly Riteu blm n d lo at hi titg,.iiit, ran j li J pidly along the grouJ from him to ' poe'uion, a If, drawing a bee-lit between them. lom tbat time he did not r'" n eyes until tb word was giten to Br. ' 11C igbl foot got a fraotion beyond the i lino. When Mr. MrKibbin tai,ro,l fnraiar.l ami icploced it Tb rumor of Mr Brodrlok's nertousntss It based upon hit otoastonal motion to obsrt those prescribed positions of hand and arm, which hi seconds had enjoined npon him. The I taring uf Judge Terry, thoegh be assum ed a in ne practioed and motionless attitude, wa not on jot nior that of an iron-nerved man than wa that of Mr. Broderiok. At a quarter btfur seven o'olook, Mr. Conlten pro nounced tb words "Are you resdy t" " Ready," respobdtd Judge. Terry, , and "Ready," wa uttered by Mr. Broderiek iui mediately after. Fire I One 1 Two I pronounced iu mod erately quick time. A th seconds stepped baok and Mr. Cou'. ton gavo the word, the principals raised their pistols, which they held pointed pointed to the ground. Ou the rise, Mr. Broderlck's weapon wti.t off, striking th ground a ftw feet abort of bis opponent The next Ltttant, Judge Terry, who bad fully rtUed bis wtapon discharged It, and exclaimed, "The shot is not mortal ; I have struck two inches to tbe right." Mr. Broderiok suddenly turned a few Inches aad braced himself for a moment ; then gradually lowered himself down to a rs. cllning position on tbe ground, and then fel oter at full length. He did not speak a word during tbi time. While Mr. Broderiek thus fd-ll still grasping hta pletol, Judge Trry stood with his arms folded till hie seconds, advanced and with them he left th Aold unharmed. It 1 supposed that bs has gone te tome uu known place, to await the news of the rttult of the shot. The surgeons who were prettnt, Drs. Loehr Hammond and Aylett, together with Mr. Brod eriok' eeonnds, advanced immediately upon bis fall, and leering open his eoat, examinsd the wund, whioh wa found t be in the bread. The ball bad entered near the rltflit nipple, passed serots the frent part of the body, and lodged in tbe left side. It teens to hate entered the cavity of the chest, or at leatt scored asd cat the breeet bone and though subsequently extraotod bad proJuo cd a wound wbioh It Ss ouppojod will prove fatal. A mnttrsat littec was brought to ths plaeo, and the wounded man placed upon tt, lie w&s placed in a wagon, and tarried aroaud tbe hills until Ihe main Ban Jose road was reached; aud eoon afterwards be wa transferred to an express wagon, wblob bad goes out at his rs quest. In this be was brongkt into the eily, aud ceutoyed to the residence of Leonids Ha kell, atLIack Point. While coming in he sat up a portion of the way ; but, uevsi tLels.s, suffered muh paiu. Upon reaching Mr. Haskell resident, be was carried into the house and placed on a bed where Lew propped up with bolster asd pillows. He was fully oonsolom and oomplsln ed ofthe great wtlght 1,000 pounds at be ex pressed it, weighing upon his breast. Tbis fueling was caused by tbe interna! beiumirroge which bad become very great, and dissolution was expected to lake place every few moments, Dr. Lehr,Swyr and Rowell, wtre present, end afforded all the aid iu their power; but Mr. Broderiok continacd to (Ink, acd moinin tarily beoome weaker. At half past two o'clock b wa (till living. How Mr. Broderiek Lost Me shot. The circumttancc of Mr. Broderiok lotiog hi shut is ikOajuiiutod for in ths fa-it th&t tbe theiceof weapou fell to Judge Terry, who ttlectti his own dueling pistol. The hv the bair trigger so sensitively set tbat a sud den jrk of the weapon would serve te us it diocharge. Mr. Jlrsdcnct bad never e?es or used ilieie weanuut, bud br th sHzhteii toucb of his ficgnr produced the di-charg. I A similar causo produced the acoi'h'nt which , oecured to Henry CUy in his famous duel with Johu Randolph. j Ju ljt Terry't Flijht. Judge Terry wilh his friends, loft tbe field driving rapidly Into lowu and startsd at one from North Bcanh a bur a b al wa In wait- log aud proteelcd to Oakland where be took private conveyano to Marl inn. A tela gewpbic dispatch, received late last eight from thai point states tbat Jndge Terry, oa bl ar rival at Martinet, b foond lorn difficulty In getting ferried aoroa to Beniaia, Beth In ' Martinet ta I th latskr place flag wtr rained at half nia-t caused by tbe false report of Mr. Orodei ick's death. On bis arrival at Ilenlobt, Judge Terry took overland cooteytsce to Sac raineuto. (Trim lha Alta Calif"rolaa. Death of Senator Iirodarlt. Tbe mind of the wounded man wa wandrr it.g af'or i bo a(3 ctioa of the fatal shot, aal at I In oi he wa, not himself. Tb eafsnt of ibe chloroform ;iven biin dzadertd lb exorn oiating agony by effeoting his nerveous syatoin which had boon strung to the grtateal tontiou by lb thr--e day of bairaasiug anxitty pre ediag tbe duel lief or tb fight he oepreas ed bi. hrm doiornjinaiioo not te (hoot Trry abot the bips, aa b did not cetifcider be bad any o-iarr j1 h,ail efttr Lo waitho hates or AOVf.riTriNji Cpt P-inpr ef twalv line, or I. , f.-'t - : : Karb atp)tttit Ina'rtloi, f One .utr oe laenth, j On aijoara, tbM axootta, Oj nare, pit Beatl.a, t (tt On s,nare, yvar,- 11 tj T ikiuaraa, una yrar, Itu ou One suIuvmi, una yaar, So uv Oua balf voluair., but yaar, a-', iw do foiirtb .luiaa, 4, Kin 4 kalf.,lun,n, all aaontba, - wi 4 rioartb da d y do balf mluaa, lt,r mentba, IJ iw drt fltrth do ita tu ' 12 bualeca, of alt llpae nc k.a, on yaar, 1(1 l Caab tak.Jvana win U r,,nl oa all alvrMU. m.nta, arrt t whaoa a p.1l ; .,i,tr.,t ht lo Pr ,J lo Ibv contrary. , , ' i t 1. i his Wau lerii i plirl ,!'., t t(.,,l up ai al.o li t impression of the convloi-oi that be wa I l a bunted by the hungry arew win 1 1 . 1 i f r bis blood unlit he should be killed. IU ia fe ed of the defeat In this ktate of th great prln atet for which he had done tattle that he ba l been deserted by th people he had taken th field for, an J no tht peculiar elan ef pol itiiian whd bad joined against him wenli b enootirsgsd te bunt after blm ta pat Lies out ef the way. lie felthewasto beallenoeJ, tod be Is now silenced forever. PartienUre ef Ate JHnete. . Oa Tuetday last after hi fall r.pon ths ftldf Mr Bre lorlck wS carefully remottd I the rotidence of Lrontdsa Hatkoll, Hq , on Black Point, where he was attended byeetiyal ofth most skillful rurgtini rf tb city, and blsbed sldo watohed bj devote I Mend who noted overy change In th beating of Lit pals eve y dilUcult breath, every marmtr bf bit lips, As we have already stated tho tymptcms at a late hour en Thuredsy eight wr rajat.u t as mors favnrabls, and bis MtnJs were tilled with hope. A thangtfer thl Worn. Tb woundod man eontlsntd ia about the aarae condition wltbont any noticeable change until about 11 e'olook to-night when be was roused from tb state of semt-eontolousness In whioh be had lain for everal hours and was seited with a succession of oonTuls'ons caos ed by Intense pain, whioh prostrated hi lit tle remaining ctrsngth and left him utterly helpless. Hit VfjtK. After tbsoonvuisions passed off, Mr. Broder iek wa",oompntivly fre from pain and sank baok Into a lethargio stale, which proved to b th precursor of hi dissolution. IU rsluiui d hit oensclousnoss until about 2 o'clock ytater day morning, when hi reason failed, and b ne longer recognised his attendants. Tb band of death was resting upon Lira ; th watchers at hi bedside saw and felt that It was so, aud with tearful eyes they looked at eaoh other and at tbe tbln pal face of tbe dy ing man. The minutes moved slowly in that breathlsss suspense His life-stream ebhei slowly away, and at 20 minutes past 0 o'clock yesterday morning th "golden bowl was bro ken." Ths) oul of on of earth' honored Bon had been oallsd by tbe band who gov it and the form which it had once animated with the fires of hope and oourage, and manly m bit Ion wa left upon tbe coucb a lump of oeld animal clay Broderiek wa dead. asi.Tb Raleigh (N. 0.) Standard, in an artiul upon the PretlJtnoy, says: W Norh Carolina Lemoorata are not effected to any ex tent by the feeling which prevails iu the o-her State with regard te men. H agree on prln oiple, and will not fall out with eaoh other ca men. Sm r for Douglas, sum for BreiA luridfce, some for Wise, gome for Iluut, siuie for Lace, ome for Dickenson, and some tur Dalian but tr are all for tht nominee. Gen Jaekton SeMr!mit'T.Ylk9 would have thought it ? It is nevertheless true that Old Hiukory began his career at teacher of an "Old Field School," In South Carolina, and In that vocaliou earned th money wuloli supported him wbRe be studied law- Tbis I among tho many curious and unexpected faots presented in Mr. PurtUn'a furtbcniin lifo of Gen Jackson, tbe first volumo of which is now in the hands f tbe j rin'er. Many em inent Americans Lava beg in life as k::tert but we hardly xpcled to And the iodom,U bieher ef Now Orleans added ttb list. A. O. Bulletin. Flovt $249 a Ban At the last aocounts flour was selling on th island of Haytijattw hundred and forty dollars per barrL That loots like a high prie?, but the c;ooiy was Ilaytian currency, whioh is Ilk our eld Con tineotal money. About $29 of it arc werlh one silver dollar. A Vropoaltlua. $ 4,000 On Dovglt in Kentucky -Cvmt tip t tht Marl. An article having appeared In tHe Lowls ville Courier, indorsing a tattmnt mad by a Blaok Republican paper, the Cinoibnatl Tom merciil, to the effect that if Senator Doogla hould be th nomigee of the Democratic par ty, he could not carry Keutueky. We are authorised t make Ibe following proposi tion : First A wtger of $1,000 that if Senator Dougls I to nominated be will carry Eeu tucky. Secondly A wer of $1,000 tbsl b wilt ejfry It by It thousand majority. Thirdly A wager of $1,000 tbat be will carry it by ten thousand majority. Fourthly A wager of $1,000 the he will carry it by fifteen thousand uajorii, All conditioned upon Lis nominal. ou, aud a 11 th bets to be takeu logaher Let the oppositionist, ty v . n. cpjio, liter Demoorat or Opput .i, r ,'! ba;k Ibeir judgouieut. Lo j i Xfm Four ojioret uie Vtabbtugusu, N C cs a, : slave. Tbey ai to tbe penalty for -