Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, October 08, 1859, Image 4
local. .4, rrrU. f.-.,era.,A v.-t.ra H.,,.-T.eI.T, Thursday, VJ Arry..Tth.tt fa.aa'jr "P . "j'.ijT? T.i!...lm.M dep., BiiAir.-r.il. .. . i ', Tiki r in rnAln.r Wa hive lir.ti.-id frr l' U't fpi or tae'.te days tin- prairies on , .iocs of ii" ha" 1 eon on fire. Tim "i;!.t at eifht 'it pee iliarly (r m! Sa reft ft ' I-rn that eoveral persons have, h I tli-ir hsy nls 'k a bnrnd Mr t'hriafeneen let abort eighteen i t .on end h.i t. bam c-.n-ifn'd t-i. Mr. Tirdau loit Lit ptaUe an 1 about thirty lone f lay Mr Fiai.et lost Ins Ma' ! ami all b!i h ty. Mr. T.'ifli loft all h bay. About 'ltty tons iflf larpa rpm'ity cff-nrfun l eeternl ' atables were do-troyed in and around tho vie- j Ui'.v ef ! "(nr. SMeriil ..o" nmnn we hove f jrn&ttrn bad f'l T h'ar'y a'l "f leir bay wl leu tntir stoca ';; u i"i " winter Consumed by t e devouring element. WiATixa Tl n'her I delightful, ami r i.j..ik(r a bcanflf.il Indian Sammy . To n caphit l a lit;' ht-a-y or rm.ky, tbo air Id OuDtinunl u ,t!i ri n o Irrate tl.Odth. and th climate both ii.')( rutin,!, and delimit ful. If the ton-Una, thlrn, and hob-noba of the Eaet and South, mily kaa what it Riid for renovating f t phynloal man orwo an. they would Ignore Cuba, esMiew Italy and runny FftliflA, pack up ihrir lia Jf, start fur Helen? ka, and spend a season at Dakota City. r.lTC.tri) A uumbar of paraytis who bc erue m IJcuiy iinittpn with h ilelre to grow dmguitiiifcly rich, If ft thin fair pjrtinn of tlis world Uat H'r.uf, iiud went to Tlkra 1'mk. Tby returned a few dy aitioe e a t i p fl e t tliat t'ld exist! ol!nif.in(.'y in ginnll fj'inntitioB at l ik't Peak or there&hootK, and tlmt it oio be 'h!inel by gno l rl"il of dignirg andwniih isg an 1 a great deal of patii,nei. For reaanna t'tat may b cou-iidord onent they o moln ! I t wlater In Duk U initia 1 of thn aurifuroija yiljn. Vi't have b eard no particular! aa to tba amouEt of ' rw mati-rinl" thuy hmught with tbtro bjt ro.b gncia it, at $00 ,(K)0,UU0 X)0. Oiaa0iot i ft'n undfrafnnd tbtt Jm;n MiOion E'i , our candidate for BherilT, and hi fcruthar, ware aanlli-d by three Oarmarii, who ifire i i. r 1 'ih iid a aa I KCooi:rnn.!a 1 by thar cl. k ao 1 were baiteu mid turn la a ibocklojt n-annar' Wa did not baru the par lltulara f the difficulty, bat uadaratand that the yuiiog-r una is in i oritlcal unnditl in from a Mow nn th baa. J!ii" Mo li'iu bal bit lr h-r: U-'y la-Tia'ed b tbaib ga . QfAi a I C'1"rtr - Putiuel nnibln K1) , rai a jii'iii'n ' I. at ln'nt any I n injr in r.M-(a'le linn e bna.ir win It in fl(:ir I"' i'''ba in I. ii li mi 1 t'.mr Icul lj diaiiieier V U rn beat u ? wrju'iiiaglr A K 'khiirt bayn ,tue,r utore fille'l witb all niiiunui r nf n erehantahl ware. Tbfy ara anxinua to gat rid of tlieiretiK'k end ronnequenlty ara aellitigtWinga rh.-ap f,r caab and iwapplng tbem ofJ fr ptoduae. Now in tin fcr tboe who ha?e a little of tha "apelter" to ioyest. Zl V.i"KAL. Cell Tatariiok, J:i'!j; Kinney, Oulga Wakrly, Juga Toftn, Col. Clregory O. W. IVana. 0. S.-olt 0. W. Maeon, and d;yem otUn t nf uinor noto were in town during tbo week. rPO tha farming eommnnity (leiring grind l Idu we would aay that every Friday is et apart for grinding cm, but parties coming witb a bamtred or omr 1 n-holR, can theamna ground on any day eae Sunday. Wa will be ready by the flret of Aguat for making fl'ur. Lumbar, bbir.g'e nnd lath can be hnd at the euw null of aivv l euiroany. on mmt yeanniab'.a tarn.a J J 1 F.ACY fi l l'.DTI't U8 NOTICE. Tka hara Ilntdwra ai.J ownara ef tnia In Taanta Ctty, If. T. am tartoby notified that tsy aau now atn taln Deadi la ta aiinpta thraftir, upon avlttk& ab tra4 tha L. 8. Land LUTloa. aud una .kil4 I Uvt CwVMiaibaut. f lea vspvn vi iuwiu v.i !''. mttn liiBaiii daada tu IL kite thatalu, wilt ha na iiimt par !". Tlma. T. IbUlai, lraata. ax City, Auua 15, 'ill. NOTICE. Tka Sna'a hildr and twnara of lita. In Caknta, ,!. T , ar- hrr ;:if.i.i shit ti,.T , po tato Oaetn. la ra-almila, thanH. Hi alt Ih.i iidn,t. d la th8l aoraa. mhli h rnti-rd t.y ma accord ia( to law, on tha loth nf July, bv lrtua ..f u otflrw aa Mayor of Dakota City, and tha Mile ohlahirt ficia tkf UoTuromint Aw tlta aama. Tha aipanaa of tha lad to Lola will ba ona J-.ilar, each. All Lata not rallait fur at tha aiplrattan if iu nontha. from tha tinia of atitry, will i ld at p no lle auettoa, lo Uia hlliaat tlddrr. t) BUM dlaynr- PakoU City, Bapt. IT, ew anli of ltbrasluu OMAHA Jftwraaaa. B. R. PEQRAM I D. C. De FOREST, rraeident. Cabhiar. OIAETKttaD AXD KSTABLKOKD IN lla Tha laitai. ata Baoklun bminaaa tran-aclad la ail fta braaohaa, a tha innal tamraiila taraia. apaolai atltioa iu t oullaatloaa, and ttvroah otraapondanta, will oolia"l a.l autuu la N.l.raika IPKC1K, l't:u'''WtNKii'ilT, AMD UXCl'KKEXT tlOXkr BanJgtal aiij aotd at awat atarkat rataa. Aufurt 9 M ly WILL BBCL1VI BKIHWlTil, BUY Ah D SELL EXCHANGE DUfOunt Nfitt and OrfH at Cur rent Rati. IT Will ALIO Bay avad Salt Colaaad Make rot I art Ian a. At tha towMt rata of rbarree, no a! I poluta of ID L'BlUd Btatoa. J.W. Trari'a CaaAlar. Wa. F. Locawoep, Praa't N 0 T I C E of 77 r.vj? ,v rr ak or iwinixo tux Ji.'yrfrr cnrsT' j"S .!iW" nf tb Puprr pi" C'ttirt nf th TfrHrrr f.f 1 I .Ni.lim.lin tini r..T"'i-tl nt th wit nf ( l-ni lilnt l(irrfif. An liorrl't fl tti "in "ml i .r. r !?'.! li K lb" .--iit In thp M' r(l j'l.li'Hi rti-i-iclfl. f. ,r h. r 4mi kit I d'"!r r-1 ii ml r.U'M in wl.lrh th V.oj'-1 tiif. irin iir'r H' r. ,i.( w Iji frr (T"' Jil'll I'' i't-lrii t. t Omrln t ilr, In f ill t'. hit. t n ll. tl.lr t 1. city In llirrb n.l Ilia ' ll. -ri 7 u' in r in 1 1" ' 11 1 r. In enr-h yr. In 11'" " J" 'l"l IH'Irirt, l Nfirfl" !, In O'.m- f univ, i n tt s l.rl Tlsy la Jud ind the tmt l'ui. iy ti iT'-fi'itT' tn fill h jrr. In u. thir'l J'.ilif i"l liiBtrirt, at HaW. In tVit roun 1 r i.r I'uK 'tn. on tr" -ii)J Tuuty in My and on tin i.r I 1 ii-ii'U In f rj.i.-ml"T, In tm h year. An ! nnr t'-lr" al'411 l"t Tr p"rl Iti-I y rt'-mrd In llura t'.ii. .nr W"ik" l.i lh lint Il"!rrt, tlir" mi.a ! th- Cct.ii.l Imfi-lrt, u1 two wiwkt In tlit Tliira Dip lrl". itiirm our t:andii t!jl twrlflh dT rf AukikI, A. D. At!(lltrH IMI.I., . h.T.r;A 'Al'.H WAhKLKr, HAM W. IM.ACK. T. riiicii" t.. !'Jk"riiT. rirk of th Sii.rmn O ur "f th" I rrr'iUiTf nf Nrl.-B-ltn, io h"ri-WT r: Iff tht tn f.-rt rnnii l a riin ad furract in f.y of Iht orlloai ora n'-w en f! a In my i-nVn 1 n wiii' whi-rn f I hava har"antn pt my hanil ani lb" pal of aal t rounty tiiia fjurtraulh day Aunaat A I). lhOt. CHARLFS Ii. PAI.ISMfRT. t'liTa if tha Hupram Tnnrt. rprp throiM'hciit. tha Territory jrlfa thla tiir"a In partiona and phi d lhilr hill tn ('lark of 8uprma Co art, at I'rnihn cliy. wlih una c of tha papar conutnlnir tha aamw. JAMES W. VIRTUE, LAM) AG FXTAXD XOTARY rVDUQ !)kala Itv. Tt. T. ntatf. rs. NEW STORE ! NEWC00DS! AND NEW PRICES ! l. n. Farmer Would Inform tha citiiena of North. Weatera Iowa, Vppar Nabraaka, and Dakota Territory, that be ia now opening la tha Stora Hoaae of Froat, Todd & Co, MOfX CITY, IOWA, S20.000 WOltTII o r Slflt and? Fancy Dry Q$tsU, lltott ana Shtu, Hati and Cyt, - Jtiady ifjJi CUtkinf, IIrdiart, QuitntHtrt, Jan Xotitnt, Aaii, Glui, Ortttritt and Prctisioni. All of wkfah ha offera at I'K ll'Ab LOW PRITK For('a-b or Country Trudaoa. Call and ex amine my Hock befora purcbaaio( alfewhera. No troubla to ahow gondi. My Motto ia "Quirk Salea and Small Proflla." roiittvily n Crtdil. Au(. , 'alr-ly. It. I). PARMER M m f ir ale a General Aanortment of Grcctntf and Frovitioni, Hot! and Shoei Halt and Capt, And Rtatly HfjJt Clothing, CJiKAP fOll CAS If. Aug 6, 1 For Cji or Frodurt. h. II. PARMEU Inyitos all who winh to got i.fryaini for C"-tS To come and ace bin New UooJh. THE REAL ESTATE (bvcljange Campann Ban rrt and DtaJert in FutUrtx Fxchanr LAND WAUKANTS A REAL KTATS, tt 'IT'l D ray to tha puhiir that anr bmlnaM ant mate 1 t tntlmlr par. wl, nir.t with primiyl all-ntlnn-mi. h aa lvlrK cut lan.tK Ir.in lolnaa . wiia or a.l III I,. n, th-mlo; th" t.uviiK. llii1r. ri.illn( or talini f r6, f"ila. liouwa or h.ta. tha uvIi:k. a. I:ln,,r l.vallnc ,f land warrama. on lima ir for imu.Ii; makliiK riillwrtluna I'a.itnic of taii't, i-kainlui; of rurordan" tn wrfiiitiai f lltl 1,1 l.iuts , ),kl. cy aua-k ; 111,. ,.l.t,,luK ,.f .Wa ' C"r Cl mvny " ku drawn oa TA mukmj out of Dttds. Bomb an.l .-"--fun Fa"r.i, and the rtctitiny of Oa aiik-lh;o elaloii, f..r part of tha land. Ilarlnj !,o now oa hand a UrK-a .l.k of Drr rwi, atl.ntl.... t th.lr ,t-k ad .ay t , , ha, ara prepa.ad to ra-,,,. all kind, of dry I " "UJ pnli. a and Inuilwr on eomuilaaxm .r , lion raiaa. or in . 1,.,,, for .a,.., , r..p,r-!y." (' (TaJ low and etnraa. mag. i nargva Thv 1U a'an ri'rrlva MONKY ON DEPOSIT, Uuira.aH.ln It in h.ld !i par cant rot profit, par an num, 11 hd ou dvpttatl ovar 10 da) a. V B 1'araniia wUhlna tn liivaaat "hruld not fail to rail at Ihalr i.fltca. aa thry haYa a liu-na atuiuut ol yaluabla pr i"rt for a, In 1,'W f t fah nr on tuna. Tha biat of ri'fwrr nv. ,(iyrn If o- iilr..l. J 1. M I'Kill'riw Kl.L, rrral.tant. tUkotarliy, Auguat 11, 't& It'.'ly. VALUABLE TOWN FOR SALE. rtMIr! ItKAI. VSTATK IXOIIAMlr: rnMPAST, OK I Dakota t'lly, N. T. wmn.l aay U lha pul.llo thai tliry haaeon hand, ami will ai f,,r rJw.,, or on Ume . V" t holra Lota la rjaraaara Hluita l llv, l,,wa ITd do do Ilia ilali-l'urir a.l lnion, lo dllto. tlh d d. Dnaola i'llv, liaaota 11,'uuty. N T l,"t do d.i r-rolt'a A 1 lit i"ii l ,1., u.. ' d" 0' d.i I'uni-a iMn A Ad illion ,i,i ,o lo do do Ilia I aal M n Ui l.'jan do do HI do do Da !i"U, V Miigt,u ro. do o tin d'i I'niahat'lty j0 6 do do Taoama do do do Woodvilla do do do uuia.it do !ti Hharva la l'a". ta Ota. ;o ai-raaof taluat'la laxd. a Claim In Dakntaen . N. T 1 oiH) do wall aalactd land 111 tha Muliy ,.f Srr aaut HlufT.l"a, tit'a uiadi ty the l'raaH."iit. moi haaa aUn on I kiiI. aod ara eoiiatanlly rH,,.llr. Uu and laiuda to .all l,.r vihara, a hi. V. they aaaure tha ubilr tbav ,-au ami ou truia to autt. 'IB' a at tha CUwawa ll"io-, DaLola Cltv, T. J. D. M. fK,K. KVKl L. Prraidrnt. LEAVITT L. BOW EN, rnifl SuiUt r.Unct Aftnrway for X,lirti tIrILL alUod prooiptly to any Ural huaiuaaa Intrua II tad u blai In iba (liatu of tha Tarrliory. , OiflCIC-l'lonaar ir-ak, lAaaaaUty, N. t. I TOE M.WKSAIUJMDUd! o- Waallh f.r ell la Uah Countf I GOOD NEWS TO IBf L1T1LX1 Or MBKAikA 1 iR MTORT What hat bttn nanlad la now Ilartt! NEW TORE AND NEW QOOD8. ZEIGLEIt & ECK1IAHT, UAVK junt opened a fina and oomplets an. aorttuent of DRY GOODS, GR0C1-31IES, PKOVISIONS C L 0 T II I N G . BOOTS AND SHOES, And everything that It mually kept la tarlety torea Id Dakota city Wa ara prepared to offer iuduoeroer.ta to tie oltiiena of Dakota City, Oisadl, Logan, St. Jobua, Touea City, Coylngton, and all Nabraaka, north of tha Omaha rarerea. Wa baye anoh Gooda as yon want sad mire comimg on avery boat, and wa will aal! at pri ces ai law If not lower than tha satna Goods oan be bought for la Bloug City. We bava now on band only a part of our tock, and will bava tha balance by tha next float. It will when full contain a full aupply Tea, Coffea, Moiai?ai, Flour, Uaoon, Kttttar, Candlaa, Boap, 8larah. Saleratua, Rlaa, ynji.. Madder, Powder, Shot LaJ, Capi, ALSO b L 0 T I! I N G , II A R I) W A U E , QUEEN SWARE, Tegelher with aerytbing that tha need ct tka a::!:er.l af Kolraaka dfaiaui. Try as, fr'.ende, and you w'.II at once become c?nin. eed that wa can tell you Qootla aa cheap and ehaper than any other atUbliahuient 5orth of 'Oaala. j. mas co:. r.v.v n I.' a r. r: m Tr A T E AND-- COLLECTION OFFICE Of jas. w. vmiui; DEALER IS EXCHANGE L LAND WARRANTS DAKOTA C1TV, V. T. TXCilANQE and Laud Waranta bought and LJ nol i. Land Warraati loriitcj cn time in thu Oma- and Dakota Land Sietrlct, Nebraska. Lands oarefu'.ly aeleoted and warrant loca ted In Ike fliuox City and Council BluJa Dis tricts, Iowa. Buys and sells farm?, Town and City proper Invest and loan money for eastern capital" ibtS. I'artioular attention glren to tha collection of debts and pr.jir.g cf taxes in Nebraska and wey tern Iowa, and all businosa pertaining to ft general agency office, transacted. PUBLIC LAND SALES. HC will pay particular aMentien to the pur chase and ertry cf land in the Dakota District, at tbe sale at tho Land Office in this plaee, on the 18th of July next, havinj; had a large body of tha finest lands iu the District itjlectad with a view to this Bale. TO PRE-EMPTROS. HAVE constantly on hand Land Warrants of all denominations, for loan on time entries and forcaeh sales. All Wan .s guaranteed. Attention given to tha preparation vf pa pers for I're-emptor", asrd' all business con nected with the Land Office. NOTARY PUBLIC. He Is also a Notary Publio forDakot coun ty, .V. T. Will also pay attention to conveyauoing nd the drafting of papers generally. Has Iilank Deeds, Bonds, Mortgigos, Ac, always on hand. Office on comer of lath street and Broad, way. I. . VirtTUB. HUNTINGTON d; Fl'PER-S BOOT AND SHOE STORE. fpIIR aubiirribvrs would rprffwtfjHy call thn nwonticn X f th itinfiij of Nt-brnka auc. tbo public t$nnvrmiiy to lilt it DttW Pt.H'W Of I500T3 AND 6UOES, jui-t rKvlft?J, ht l"t bofit, fnc th 'I1 rni't WlnTtr 1 r.tw), yrtt)rfpinx !! lh lBtt ityl-s, ru1 fiwv.ry TrJ"Ty f tM fur LHli'it, OfuU, MthMrs, liujs, VtrnttiB uJ W hurt? ft!) rwelTfJ anil will cooBtautly kup on liaviij a fnU iupttly cf L E A T II E R, nd ft'.-.kuakt.r STiudiiiN, iuKalitir with a full aaaori- u1a.11 1 m frtavia DRV GOODS AND GROCERIES, ahli-h w yfiil sell at tho y wry low tat ptioa f..r oah. Also II ATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, &. ia. Thankrnl f'T pai.t raynra yn atlll a.r.lc'.t a rht rn rif tha palronaa of tha clli.ta of c0ra.aaaup tua putdic gtmaral.y. -I'laaaa call and ag j our Stek bofnre purchasing ataawhMTA. ar- Dry Uidas and country pri-lnr-a boiigM iv HC.MIN'ir A fYPEIt. Counoll Bluffs, July 2 ul'tf JOHN T A F F E , ATTORXSr t COVSSELLOR AT LAW, OMADI, .NKHltAa.tA. "ITTILL promptly attend all businecj entrus- ted tn bim. Office cn Oravia a-roi-t, one door ca? t of toe "A'ueiit.m llous; ;" O.na dl, N. T. D Ft. M. C. ENRIGHT, ft MtMcjl Oti'ar in tht Military IhttrU'i rf Wattrford and 'irnr.l, irr,,i i, , Kl)H to offer his prof,-..l"Ual . rvl. aa to ll: lubai.lt Jl aula of Dakota oounty. t ni' e and reriJ,iu- at Pt. Johns. N. It. Particular a't 'iil.r n pal l to rti.ea'ea of Luna, also of Lba K.. ea an.l r,.rs. l-',iai.t ilieaes raatavl aocirdlim to tin in Mi'ir.ne 1 rin. 'p'.es All eoiuuiuuiistioot akiictly n ul kr.n.i, ,-(, if C. F. EC K H A RT & CO., ARCHITECTS AND II V I 1, 1K R S, VAKOT.i CITT, SI UK A SKA, ILL prepar- plana ao I ..;..-i''.?-ati.im for private, I, d public l ulidi.lgs. an.t entra.-l tor . aiii rrlnr.".! ultnft Ilia aame Any 1 , , f. -r 3. .a 1 1 . .it wauiej, iu.,ulre . 1 :1. bales, aveiit of Dakota cliy u, u.oaiir. UjW't-)flf J O N AS S F. K 1. 1' , A TTORXEV and Counsellor at Ln. Ou.ata atbraf kt. JESIE LOWtC, T kip AilFVT, 01Atlt. .IFItll tw A isffl-a aa I I fall . i. I nl ,j. e. ikjomi:, a r.o., j r-F.l'BOrFCI.LT at m-n-o . ii c:t:iir.s I nf biout City ' : !''(...4- t tt-;ii. tlmt they ta jwat fee iy oil ; er ' -j t.rat sr. 1 bato C""nd osa of ti.a Ld'rtt ai H tt A .--' im'Ttin cf G Ii 0 0 1 11 I E S Kcr broii'n on tiio !!"janrii. (My Goods are all fra-h, at. l yi ro b i ;nt bv one of the firm at t jr hant '.'.."h piict. li e can ti.cn -fore sell vi: r r l o ir: We Invite th attention of all to our i,snrt mti.t of Caffee, eugar, niolasea, ric, flour, liquor1, Tobaccos cijara, haron. Ird, tea, Fruits of all kind, ?onp, can dles, ennd'u i, aa. In a word everything usually kept in a fiit cIhhb grocery and provision houBC. Tbnee do airing to purcliHPO FOP. c A s n , are respectfully invited to give us a tV) heforp making their puchaiex. . HIDES A y D FURS. The higbest price paid for all kindu of Furs and Skins. We will alao pay cash far bef cattle and country produce. Sioux City, Iowa. MO.VELL aft. CO., BANKERS (V LAND AGENTS, OMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. C.MONELL. J.J. M0NEI.L. JTN. t. w. vs wnsTaA-in. ATToaaky at law. M ON ILL A CO., WILL ATTEND TO THK COM F.O tlon of dcMa aud payuiont uftaxp. In th omtrrn rJtau, Iowa, Nabruha and Kanaka: Land" enti-nd rr oaah or on time. Land Warmnta bouqht and aold. Monay lnaeata.1 on Hoal Katata Hocnrlty. Kallable information will be fiirnJuhod to any Invent ing throujth n. In n'iard to W oalrrn Lan In, cootiim plaUd llailmada, Villare Fit, Ac. Any buflnoaaontruaU'd to our rare, will ba attended to with r.romptneaa and aacurary. RKriKIXCRS: Chaa. A. Macy, Prealtant Pnrh Bank, Naw Tnrk. ilnnrgs Coruwall, I'realdrnt Highland I'.ault New .urirh. K. W. Parrlnnton, Pranld"ut Quvalck Hank, Naw urirh. W. A. Dayla", Proaidcnt Mi r'mnt Bank Poka-pala. B. J. Lakle, Caahii-r Merchanta KxchanK. Hank, N. ork. A. P. Flalaay, Vlco Proaldrnt, lhvnk of Naw Vork. J. M. Warrn, Proald.-nt I'ank of Troy. - H. ltammWI. f-rnaiiicnt . Y. ft Krle BMlron.L Hon.Cyrua r. Hmtttt, llroiikiyn. New Vork. Allen A Co., I)a-iki, Fort Una Moiiiaa. J. R. Wendoypr, Ht. linla. Mark W. liar t. Iloynrnor of Sa'nraaka. A K.tiillinore. Koooiyar of Land Dffl-a. lmaha (. A. Parkin-, Hntilpteruf Land Offlca, iJniaha. Jaaaa Ixiwa, Mayor of Omaha. J. t). Morton, tiiltor Nahranka City New. J. D. M. CROCKWELL, M. D.f ilembrr of thi Intra S!nfi Miir,;I and Chirur yiral Society, TTOCLD -ny to bis friends and the puMic W in gpnerral, that he will attend calls in the line of his profession; and that he pledgog to all afflicted with Rheumatism, Liver Complaint, Female Wcukness, Latent Consumption, And other eecrat diseases. j An amnliora tiori of tho complaint, or no charge but the retainer fee, and no constitutional in jury, as he practices on the PIIILOSOPTIIH INDICA TIONAL FLAN. W. L . C A It N A II A N , LAXD A.VD CENiCRAL AOli.VT, AKTt NOTARY PUDLIC, Dakota City, IV. T- B GTS and i-ells Land Warrnnt-, locates War rants on tiu.u, prepares pre emi t'n pa pers, selects aud eutern land, and will prompt ly attend to all bUBinens entrnstd to him. iivi Kiai. a. h. oivax Ii 151 K at;. CLAKK, ATTOrtNETS Al) CoUNSKFLOItS AT LAW AND (li-ueral Land Aironts, Fort Calhoun. Nebrnaka Tor rltory. V III prncllc In tha scTtral cnurta of Wi-at, rn Iowa and Nebraska. Land. ntar.'d for sotlV rs am) .Mu tant dealers, for oaah or on time. l inea pal, I, titliia hk Amineu, and real eaur.e huuht and sol:lc;:; CCUinilnioll. Notea and hill, .v llecteil, an 1 remitted to any part nf tha Coiled Htatea. Money reretred on deposit, an.l tn twrast allowed. Lottos a;Tected on iriK-t aeourity. Land warrant, houuht, sold and In.-atM. Choice Heteclioiis of rroyeruuient plats k.-pt iK.sted to ditto. H ! KKK K V "FS : Hon .l"B-ie Ti. r.rlyht, " Hon. John Hickman. V Waahlni tou, D O llvneenth l.aaellu, Ni-j. Mosf-rs. Wallier A r.nrly. -Pron-lway, N. Y. H. Dmi,flAa A Co . Phlladnlphia. Hoi,, Niuini-i triekiami. Veal Chester, F's. Dr. I aXnfTman, I'hoenit. Prt. Caeeaily A Tel.t, l'nun-11 lllufta, Iowa. uaachall VVondward, iinnker. Cliiea- ilou. Jamae Itrailley. Lnpnrte, lnd. W. II. Lrown, Iioiiiin.ipolis, li.d. Ooy. M. W. Hard, Omaha. t . Hideo a WHIM, aorBsk(!ly, N. T ci JOStnt FIOLLM A?f. WILLIAM 0 CBA WFOED HOLLMAN fiiCaAWFORD, Attorney! at Law and General Land Ajent. DAKOTA CITV, N. T. XTrILL elva atrit t a.ttanllon to all l.nalnasa enir.i- ; I? to them In the Courts of the Territory, and I i ;.-i--lountlea of HariiHon, Womlhury, ami Monona, cation of Cuyi-rmui-nt I. an is lu the ,-u.uk City ... i Council 1, luff Lanu Dl.trirta, Iowa ; buy and soil I. ai d Warrants, pay tales, make investments at li .-at'-i-it ratea of Intrrest. luiaetiKaU. titles, and altatid lo all olher buainesl perlaiuuu- to a I and Urol;. -iae. imrtaTo Hun. A. Hall. Keosamii.t. Iowa, " W K. W. a.hb. Ileif into. Alahama. ' J. K. Kluney, NelTacka Oitv, " K. K. Shorter. Alabaiua, " .1 C. lisll. Ilnrlinirt. u. I..wa. " T. A. VAalker, lira M-lines, Iowa. ?li:rb AOroc.er, " finite A Ileal, hi. " '"'a-iady A Coirk. Sioux City, nl NOTICE TO PKE-E.MPTOItS. V. 8. L.xr OrncK, Dakoti. City My M, 1.-.f. 'PHF. l-'..'.ti for the foi"H,i,e t..y 1 is I., W ii yen fur fire-i'ni.ii"ii- neipa "t mid 21 Riti.. IU it- . 1. -7, iM, 'J'.' 'a H 7, .X, 311, 8 ' -'7. LN, 'l, 30 7 .. -S. f '' I (I U". 'J7, ;s .) A ;',, hz .' -'l 'J'. -J7 -Jv .''. 4 . 27. ; v'.t. So, h., 3 ' h .. 21, -.'h. 'ji 8o, 3!, a 2 t.i 27 2".. !. CO, 31, c'l 1 27. V..I, ao, lUn-o 1 West. 27. , 2 . SO .. 2 .. 27, IN, 2 A, 80, 8 " " 2"), 2'., H7. as. 2i), 20, 4 " " 2", ana 80. 6 " J f. II f ATitO'K, Raiatar tari It ORAff, Katn-ar .'.i':.irfra aa-ap.$ wi xrrr st;;;h lvtz. IfATl!"J T'Kt A CAM rJUt , li B VJ . a- nti.ll, U. m-t'iT ii.t 1 iwi " , C lllte t! lr, rn-ar tai Plana. n WVa ,' in waaavrnd toanrry prnwral aai UJarunt M r,r-...i, Ir.r.iJinJ lhroiiU u.b. ia,li, .. a.,,, Una ai-hrap a-d plaawit ona tutmV- u ii, f'ii.,r'v.n Miihtlia Mwm. HatiavCt n- I and d!" 't miminkallon la tjii" oiat .r in Vi- - f"'! " r -.r-aa, i;r.rch thn faJrw-t o-.rtl.p ,,l Tlta latH. itMirawa, rhaainat and ha-l m, f , II a .J (Vil.M. iL liLLlia to S Ajt (71 a and cn V Tho p1uU ainhrm-rd In th!a roota ara ai Sh;-. Wit ! a, vs Omaha t-Vi IlnTna tn Tlatla Hi-a P 1 a-a(ia. Kaora-ni-a, lnr llalhonn, i a. N ' , , City, T. kama, I-. ....r. lOakhtrd, iiai, ik i.'j?' T.MM TAf.t F.. From i Imar a to B. Uyon to l':a--e rl-ar (hn w ti.r. .fa-line to N.ii.mak. flly, TharM.U tolto. ll.tn.UT r,. KHai, mr.rnln.r,. nT' Wt-iii''li rvl H.ttirvUTii. -4 Krt'iu 'mull t ri-m!-y, Klr,rMn'. r .rt r.i ; !-H..trt, ( u'mnkt lV T Ji null, pe- ,Vi .a,...; (JREENE, WE A RE AM) l&w Unnkera, Daalera In I'.llianCr an4 Laiirl j(at, COUNCIL BLUFF8 IOWA. "VOTE AM BILLS CVI.LPVTEU ifb 11 j yy.-v is to any pan nf tha I nliJ Ktafa. Mouot rv. iard on d-.'i. ad ntai r. ai j . I'.aMrrn or H-mthcro I ra-.in.a.wi n i pnr, hnaoia. w LAi.d Ullii a fundi paLI for Currruey or r, Kv riuiiu-a. 7 1. ana ai' ctavl on ffn. aarnrtta. ik p. d. Utla Tamlned, and Baal Eat 14 V1 and aoid 00 1 VvfumtaiMm. I.an.lf euUraal for Uttlait and iiu al-ea rrv r mrnt. " 1 OnWn"9 ' rr!! Vmr'f-' D'"" ,P "'' ;" " ''I - F. t. Jr.-o.u .. . 1 W.J. (f.r.in A r.,ik t-- 1.. H ;:.-t ., , "iilia r- . A .'. :. Ji-sh.,., t t('. fr pi, . a -t ,r', ,. Ket.-i.air::. r.... m i ) ,. ii,,r i, . ew.ili.n. ".i!,,... 1 , ', . a fc.i.i. . ,. r. j Hon. c.l.a. M,w,n. (ii.of l' 7nii. vVa.hlngion. lion. A. f). Di,r, s. r. Biirllnnton, Iowa " It. W. Join,., ii Bnhaqoe. If.wa. I ' J"" Vt illlnn,., Ohlaf JuUo, Muaratlw : Council '(luffs, lnwa. ' DAKOTA CITV. VLL whom this may oonccr tuk notice, that the Block that was Issued oallin f-, teu(10)lots In Dakota City, N. T., to each share, has drawn nine (5)), and. on praentii tion of uaid stock to tbe Presidfnt or a j.-nt at Dnkota City, the deed for the eii I n'ne "ln- can be obtained at any time, nnd thi S:.-1S tlmt was i-5-.ued to m. the nndpraluai, i( pro-ented wiihin three S months fr n riv, 1 will make a dee-il f,)p itie lot Inckirg tn mr.te up the ten Hi : and rotnin the cerig. cute after the 10 lots have hetn dse.id ind endorse! tliereon, as eTijace that -aid oortiflcat has been nitisfie.1, as hy ray honor I am hnldcn to each and every person that hobU certificates that have been signed or backed hy mo, thiit the uaid stock be satis fiod in full ; but if not presented befure tbe i xpirntion if uaid time, I will not hold toys;' rt-ponsible for any los that may b or my have been sustained by the donations of iota to others by tb.9 Company, whioh donaflon" were bona Cdn transactions, by vo't of tha company. J. D. M. CROCKWELL, Dakota. City, (f. T. April 1st, 1858. V. B. Persons wishinr; their deeds f tha Compnny, If they will forward their certiS cates to me, I will obtain them gratis, no28:3in. AugtittuM Kouvtte. ITermcn Kounim. WUrUmK'tuKlH KOl'NTEK BrtOTHF.n, BANKERS AND REAL EST VTB AG2XI3, And Dealar In Kienaosre 4k Coin. Fxehanfft told on th Principal Ciiiu in Burtf A J-tiuy, soil and locata Land H arranta-v OJIAnt CITT, . t. DAKOTA CITT, K. T. SPKHIAL attontlon clvcn to th collection of J.U and to thn payment of tases In Vubviwika and Iowa, Money loaned l'..r lastfrn Capitaliaia. luvrli-t cn time il, p.islti.. Lamli r.ii'l town property non:.-ht ar d aol.!. I aii'l. oiiterej on time fi r actu-il sett'o it tioyerninent lands 8i-loti-d rvud lia-att.l with w-r- or on-li. on cominl-iaii-n. or fi r a tbare ri th- V--' -- ' the iiMAHA. DAKOTA. NKIIRA-HA CITY i. ! . N VII.I.K Districts, In Ve'raska. an t tl,. - ; ', I1LL FFS !?lllCX CT1 Y Dlalrii tiiti lo"k Iinds In Oiualia, ehri.-.ka city ai-.i o;o7-m ..i ::i triota,wlll bo In market on and nn-j af it o ;r- tr.' r- .V?t lxjh. Ibius In Coanrll niu.f and e: - ut C:j liUr n ara now Li market. Good reloronoes lyeu at a'l t:ia pr!Dci,ial p-a' . iai tha Stale. IMPORTANT IN FORM AT, I I AVIN'O roiucTr-il ): -ff p fr i- " VI' f. JJ I lilt- rr.tt HfcjTit f oniri, Vt- .ir!, nnfit'.f.iit. V )UF'i'f..: on ntj U-tiV-i .f 1 rt unlmnlt-.i t:itMr, I; w t tvi i .- (rtfs(jiiUui; lliu x" t" ' i:t-Tr isii.J ; r :r !".' nihr'M .tO. U I i Aa v r t l.'mler hi- trcMMi.'n' a ! il- V Ifiit -uru liic S-rfli, i' (ji r- Ifja.1 r"Ji hi ihf i.t'tri 'Ur !( i'j - if -i : i t;e i ;I'trr 8 Di Kl.i;.' v AtnF Kwfl!!.".. naj '!.b l'i.a tuiu of .. . ttuJirj thin crr of tiui'..M m Lariiiirtvi an ( ne i i--' ':'( Va'I-t . i CoufuuipM A I Tht Fe'irful Fj".iid OU ii." j). .on" are much to h-i ,1 .en : y! : '. s o' . y-.Co. "c, op ol I e'reai"0 f ; l. l'a, r. . ! F -re - Sinn to cm-ieiv. .-i-ir ill -' ' li"' . liiui 'i- t ' . "i-'i1-tlo- , v:s pi . ..1 ,1 . I j i-; , r a t, i , , . -i - . . i a - .;. niar-U.ti', elo'iil-i r'.:-at: n a 1 h, -i -a-i - f 1 'en . i ; - kill, aud lie at un,a roal"r"it to hraliti au i U voi'' fs.ver at jar it cuiiEi t w auk ami: All l.'tt-rs c ntati liirf a fee. .vj.W-'i'eil o D M i'. ran t l.i ui", .isiiri, will uin I o'i p""U'.t"1 te .il .u.auii uiy.l.'in fnrwardei -rure ft. iu ' J''- tU.-i i 'o' :r, t - e t a "'ri cv o'. -rT'-.t 1n a.l ca'.n i :.,.n'l li-j.-t toa i In. - - No 7 ) flrie rret, h-.t"i- ' F jrlh aud Fifth sli-eels, a!ut Ix'l'a. S'o- VtnlS y v.'iii3.wu:n,:r'! rook stoim:. IIS." i.U'l.i VI !. . MT:M. SKI.C"TBi rT'i'Tt nl tl II .oka. Ma' .,'i,..i r rrn I'ap.-r naiijiva. ,-lai I.IUr.iiul.'. I iiiolren s In ,. II, ulo... I ial'f " fit-L. l;'.i'i:CS in Rieat va'lete. , f.all-u.e.y 'I e eT d- r,,".,m, and the teit A .nr ! ulnrlv el. if" aa.. ift. .."lit of Ix-lter and : . I. in-:- ;' a an J r.. aiue r'i M tl'mury I-raTllit . r-i.'lra. iini'i.. .tlamvuiaucal liiatrulliants v - . i-i.i - i i' i; I i-i-Mis, Copying I"i, Ao. au. l'.un II AN til NO BOKUKHS atiwiaiNiw tn-BTAiaa, Tha moat hwautUul alla at.r adtrad In Ilia Will any whara aiae. a Omaha riry nol WILLI.UI -. BVHItS, KALFIl IN liFAl. k-TATE and "l.aarat I.l"' i. l "Hi'fi w 1 V la . Pehilr: .r ',.i ol to iau.i; BaaMTdart lam, aw aaa. tre Omaha, U L i i 9 t r I fj I f V- 1 t 1 I . Ma:i-'