Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, October 08, 1859, Image 3
I I Th wn. at rn p r t ..-- fit- rrn-;t . urn V iirtlfu .H. k. . wheat ron f r-t ' ' ' ' i... x; . i . i II 'Jllll II I'd1' ll ,'fir "inviiv if T'TJ gOO -.tli t ' I 'I HI ;BrC -.-'! i '"'' -; 1 . .. t i"'i ViO VA C t ., ,. t Of r -. i ' - v '. , )0,0.i0 N'i h-!, ff f-' yi'la';'"' tor cs; rt. .i I, .it I . u u I. to V" '' ' It !. f"r 'eel , K' O'l l'" '!T ban 1 '" T' " it l all U pri'dut.' " ' Itor Die eonsumi tien of th V i.,, il.i..n I ut'-m On U " I f-'f "I '" r t i t t , k v -l .: 'l i .' i s r . io !l,n till' ll' fii'lff- H"-''' '"''- - j J. 1W ,-ii..'i wu i- iio in Ai 't ci. it. Iiii'-i i.w tii r.ntini '"t ii- ! ii ,iie ....'i "l'"l ". OM hii-h.1-. J ,i ,.i in ili vt,,i i' i.l k-i .in i r !l mr- 1 Li..iu tui'i th" I it !' .v;"HU Amrrh-a 4 i' i .-, nil .. I i.iM Mi a j which nl l.tKt Irmn '. ' a U.l.1.'' 11 -' .',.'.. 1 J J:"" J hnin ht.il Mo liiorrnti'iin entiufrir." . inilm, I li1.." r ..n.'O, ntm inna-, i n..;t, . - 1.. , ( taT .i-f.ip4iirrr'ii I' . Hl.lUU ."!'.- ' " s "' ' " 1 nil may l a. -own consumer ,Ot' J SuKI IiukIiiIm. J 4. (rtitl fl.it-i'n Th cviT.ige -io Lie' of iv.li.iat iuUittt tiriuiu iu g..ed e...i uun i'nl'" fhort of tbe veiie cm.'UJil.ou :,out 4 vW.Oi'O bu h.K wLioU U Bui'jilit'l lythc ITnite.i St.tics . Fiitiicc. Raisin, Fopft. ti J hc B'tiiicnuiilrie. Tin; pi ..pnviiuii in which iaiiMUi.t ie supplit-fi by tlie.-u vuiiuu.i coniitrics ,'ilq.eiiJd un tho quality ol ti crops in e.n:h . S.wue veins the Unimt Si.tu Mi(.(ili'S lin'.l' -tlio whole quiio y ; in o:ir y. iri. tlm .rn portion nt hy tbi counTry ik li-n t'.inn a tuird For tlm pmttu yoam France lift !,n the larg'"! eiporter of wheat ti Eng- Tim French hHiiftB hnro been ninitlly Vmntiful, the m. plus larfrn, Rmi tl.e qunluy of the Fnui li flour xocedtnir!y fine, vr'.:ilc the pmxiuiit,y of the to countiies hn pivon the F reach ' uiurkea a.iitnl.'e itit tnoie tlioUnt uv.i'i. f he fiiiftllest export rf whsui " lrom thii country to England s nen 1818 wui ia 1857-8 hcn we only shipped $11, 600,000 iworth ; we have whipped over $J0,(KIO,(iOO. 4f the aiuontit of wheat grown in Englatd ;ihi yrnr, and of the amount which can be jrniaheJ by Kraniie and Uusi-ia. it ia yet too oun to epe:ik. Jtiiliring lrom tli re orts which appr in the pHi'ers and from private ,l:iformation, it appears thut tint Uriiish crop will be barely an aferage, and tbut the qual ity of the grain ia poorer thauJant year ; while the crop iu Fran' . seems to be decidedly be low an average of the South. Kusmh crop, the only tiling thai hit been heard, ia that jmuie weeka ago the fields wera reported an ' suffering severely from want of rain. ? From the ab ive fuels the reader Cim form his own opinion an to the prospect of the tradu in wheat this tail. If ttie luiiuru of tin French crop has b.en so general at to threw the businebH which they last year into our .hand, it in probable that yome rit-e mav take place in win at. If England takes j-2 ),ii:0 ( 00 worih fiom us, thd whole f our available Riirplurt will go abroad ax fast an it reitehes tho evalu.ard, and prices will be maiitaiue J. or V'lily "ii- L'lj l-'r any circum st iticos ttie 'above facta nbourtlio that it ia ii.spre pustenms 1 1 co.npUiii that the W-t lias no maiket fo; .fc.ir grain, as it is to pi eti ti J that the farmer Will iii8(j"iise Willi ilry goods, groceries, iuni tco'c ; co ih t they may hold it bacK. Third pre English erderi in tovn for wliitc tsheat nhii.b are liuiitc I to about 4-s, or say $1 0j.it I In bu-licl ; thnt qua ity cf grain U ow held at Jil SOflt I lJ. As tlio fipason ad Vanoei und Hie enoruious stock now ptnred at the Hi iln-h heaports is dispoH.J of it is like Jy that the B.iti-ih dealers will bid higher; while on the other baud, the increased supply k'-re,' will proi'aMy induce holders to relax their iewi. Ti.ushyttie end of Septom'rer, ; bajeri un.i sellers wi.l be ready to me.'t each other, and the export will be ready t botin. Hythatiijadinorjw.il be kuuwu of tho yro eaot of grain in England nud Frnce, and tnetliiL,! Hkc a rcdr.Ve estimate of the pro bable txj.ori may be l'unued. (Jermrii Urfi rl inn In luroiislii- No niancin 1 e fx.led tind used as a tool fclw.iya And an important, intelligent and r.e'ive clam f men such as the Germans of thi6 country nre cm not be held in bondage ti imy oli! oil party or i atioan leader, a t'.r.,. !. v ti. t it l.ns f. und out that it is only 1 ii ... hu .1 and u-iMwed That Meenis to be ti.p poin; i '. th" game mi icache I in Wisoon a n The i 'ii. 'ic is a'r. a ly a.:rj in n cd wit i loineoft.e ( i.i'.s of the O.-rnian ij.-alf oi i . u there, but its extiut can not t.o ao'-utielv ttttcl '.t will not he kaolin ti':l nfter lLo i 'e aio i. (r t'ue defect wi tiiay l,o sen -tral and !nt '.rf. 0 !i 'il out nl tii.- Iie..oiil"tii'i p-.r-iv, where 'iuyi'ti not li iu.v, tuO Oei 'li:in i I. m '.'l'l 'i'O' !lC J.' ii ' t!ii ntlnriiU s'loui I aoi l.i tn 1 mill n.e nil- T ii fiiu'ii.'" I .a " bu for '.ti li no -eeuie I to the Republicans' hieU wi:i elet tlieir ticket lo'wiilHt iu ling lid: !, sv ! nil u.l'm...l lh.it r....u.ju'.l ex peots to Re e'.-ete 1 by Know .y-u"a vo-es i he boin , hioiscll a Kn .w N od ir.tz. W are 'old 'i'tt il is the c . to. lion boii-t on ii.e Mitels ill I Milwaukee, of tiie llcpub ic io- mat for evo ry iiciniau they ! they 1 !'i'n a Know H 'thing ; an I tn Uf they eiptC t Keep una i.ecret oi'gani"f.ion. We have no I,. lu-f that MI' h i. likely to be the Cu -uui lenc;. I!' lb" ru'c of R public tni 'm I t Vk isi'.uin.i:t li as been eo b;td that the ij.-rninns ail J. a-U the Reuu'ilican party, wo do n it Hen what eiii-onr-ag "lueut there is to I ipc that the K i iw No'h- "uu llHrj ill Jl UOViiiV :onil in' no.ui I .7 . r . -t Ship in tiiatpait;', ttioul'i do leucw lioull do te new. It is ; t'.' " .'."s si-1 s.. u ... j ,. ..j 1 I hut port llo'iart. Democrat, uud ihe. col - 1 rupt miiim it v remiiia in the pupi nrt of R iu ... 1 da 1. I One fast in particular we desire, to direct ( eeial atient1 on 10, nod thai is tka: out nf live liotlUhliC'lU Ueliuall ue papers in Wi c n.niu ibree of the U have huw ilei ioi e I uii .111-1 the Heiiilldle iu UoHiiuation.- If tie to t Ih" Ice! lug ut ttie muss Republican (ierm.iii-. l y Ihis li..;. it eili ai'l.e.il' t nit tine,! fiftii i of u'.l ihat Cuts iu itio tsiaie bolt Ihe lU'pubiienu-i. And m biv leneuii to b.liuvt that a much larger proportion party in loo uluef ciiy of the .Male Milwa iKee, unu ail tuner populous localities. We din it rtj .ice tuoi e in the pronpeot i f j hviii-; tho po earful aid in the future of a lurgo body of Herman voters, until now 1 a iiiu-t us, th in we do on aoount nftlu (jor niHns ilii!ins. ivej un -.r IUu aivakene I 1,1 ti.eriine,,n,-o"ahep,.Hi I uiiiidrouHedtojiii, , f,..co.n. . ,l -ure... he victorieus hosts ot tn-,, t. nis Tie Democracy are tns ouiy l..-lr by frieuds of uaiuml i zed cii....ir,, ,-,7 i J,'rj. I hum ' t-'J The t.1. lit of money paid ly the C ') i. N. Y ii. i out Jauuiry to !ept.'tn- . b i- ,,l ih. ...... f,,r iii.em,i-s in inn .uctii.sT 1 1 iT III ,1'tikt'S I " government is I i bV't (niu, being ono Ih liiou more tl au tho cvpi-udit ires if the I e l-n I (1 vei iifi.t ot aii r Pre-.id.nt Joi.a 'J nn jy Adauia. t& P the Oovti xor'i Proclamation . ti, r ". luo.n It r tii lit Un ii k tit . 1 ' '' e : ' hi : d's-rye vie w (' teh f ". . ' .i.-'. . Ill fu:ii the J , '.,-,n' .-;i, inn) Hi o.'u I it ti ti e r rc'ul i'mii.letntMv,i t( h . ri.re'tsi i riiv ,i r " it i don1 tn i.l . - a . I 1 'i I.' ii i'f that part : lu : s i, t r.!i 1. 1' fr m I'', ir j '! 1 1. Is tl'Ht 1 am ill - .r'ii Ii pu'dicait nil i'i! oi lor i.' i", . . 1 ' h e t i ' i I 'i it i . I. Liter I Oil t. I H V . let ' I -I S. iio Un -e I. .en t .' ,i . ll i t . o'll O'lVe a pr. lilii.eut Itepii' I'i ii. i 1. ii - 11.' tid : 1 .'in ra.-L with ploa ture this pprinr'nnitv to dc:uro n.v iltapprohnt'ou -.lli lh-it ira i .i in tiie l on -t 1 1 uli in which .leni -s to a turn on .1 'tli.- t'o'.oted l't'oj !.j tin- I.-,. t it's.il a; ' Ag.T5 1 e d: "Tli u i .ii iif t;.. fto-Ti t:.i t'j.'ionN is i i my iiii'r-;!!.;.ii ' i f i f : he I' . t.'l-j bi-e-i. 'i of tr J -t." n'or. d ehil li en oeot a i ! nr n . n 1 a r .; u- And f till n;-ii:;: "1 want to Kee "livery cverihroK n; an. I I iMend to help to iver'nrn i'i-- p. -iter." 1 wii t it ackninle !,:' J that C 'l 'ied peo ple ti'ite. rh'd and pr:i.b;os vihich lliey do not i.o ' i.j ;,'." AuJ now let the AJix of the party, Jo .bun U. Old lings, di-e'a-e 'himsel . In the last II - publicau Couvculion of Ohio Mr. Uiddings m il : "The negro is a Heavenly Institution, nnd it ii Cod like iu man tn elevate him tj an equality with the white." Mr. did. lings tbua delivers hiiusiiif through the A-litabuU Ssntrtfl. This is choice nn r a t w. and deserves attention: "Soma ni.Tjrern arn superior to forao Pern-ocrut-. Indeed 'hey are pnperinr to the gref.t m is- i f the D.'inoeratio party; While some- Democrats are niperior to tome nig ger?, and perhaps to the greater portion of the Africuo race. Yet a'.i llemrorats, howev er iiiH-1. ecu ally inferior they may be to the niggers, nre entitled to live, and to enjoy their liberty and thn fruiis if iheir labor And while we are emtenvoiing to anptain tliesc eq..ul and universal rights, we nU:ht tint In drawn into any diseiihsiou of the moral or pociai superiority of tho ntftfers over the Democrat.-' Mr. Giiblings, he it rcmetnbored is the Chairman of the republican (.'oMiinittn for the State at large, in Ohio. Sueh (entiments he has uttered during his whole life, and lie has time and again tinee their uiteranoii been honored with high oflici.il position by his lie publican brethren. I.rt u l ear riei jimin F Wad? D! irk re publican Unitid States Senator from Ohio, who in a fpeoch at Columbus said: "I loath from the bottom of my foul any in in who refuses to give anything in li'innui shape, nil tho lights, and privileges he claims for hinise f. I kii"W no high no low no black no white all r.re created by one tiod mil ali arc entitled to tho saiiie privileges." Mr. Wa-dil-.ura a llepuhlican member of Congress said at a Ilepublican meeting: "If because I stand up for tho equality of the negro socially nnd politically with the white man, I n in called a negro worshipper, let thcin do it, I !-iiu!l persevere to the end " Tho republican members of a committee in the Ohio So tiato, conclude 1 a report to th:tt body as follows : "The CommitU'O cnu:'u !e their labors by submitting two resolutions, recommending an aiuen.inieiit to the Constitution, by which tha elective frunchi-c i-hnll be extended to color ed men." And now finally lotus hear the State J,,nr nal tho omoial ilepublican organ of Ohio: "As far as tho right of mUragc or any other iij:ut of citizenship is concerned, lie. the negro should be placed mi uu equality with the rest of mankind " Ilarr son Q. Iliake, a prominent Republic an iu Ohio, and at presvut the Republican nuiuitii-o for Congress in the llih Congress ional District ot I hat .State, in a !ae speech in l.oraiu county used thu following lacg iiague: Then) are some who wi-h uh to lower o ir man lai d, but we the ilepublican par ty will nis" it higher an I higher and high er, until Ac biiug iho negro ou a level null thn whit.; nr. ii In times past we have used tiio buliot b u, hot Ood knows how eonn wo dial! have to u-o the cartii Ige box." William A Nerll Iv"puiilicau (iovcrnor r.f New Jersey, in his ai.uutl ini'bsago ti I'm l.-g's' itur- of taat 8ute, Janua-y 1 iltla ISo'J, made u' C of the iulionruig muicli , It is plain that an ignorant foreigner who bus j.jt received bis uiituralixitt.-iu papeis, m not a voter ia any intelligent eense. To ml 1 to the diiruit v of our elections it is important ' n my ;,u Jgeir.eut, that su li a eh ango rhntibl be made in our Mate (Jooiditutiou, us will d tar liirdgners fium exercising hu rlpht of so (f. litre,'! or some fixed j.eiicd beyond iheit iitturaiaation r.oTEire f-;r Pslf's'.' " Congreta, from this Torritory, and a Inife tniijority of Lis uppiii ters, endorse thi doc- ii'.ne mnl lumeir coonei.s ni iuieu iul;:t. r . , e . . ni'iiiini int.nTifl or tn use their fpounl 1 , . , , ' , cotsi-icitl iaftiu Jfli no 1I1UI n lib luicu till i . I,.:., .. ........... it a ipnrn 11 irum it, finv Hoiiri.a r-,,,.. j v.hicha party's creed can bo learnel from , the (tei'iaratious 01 its recoguneo lead its ni. I the t'.eliincs nf its iournals. Th bilif,n . negro cjuaiity Is uow confined to certi'n .i. , ciitiiii s, but is r.ipidiy Rprcadiug. Even here iu Nebraska, thf Reptiliems h tvj coui:ii"n i-edprin-hing their iiifamous doctrine The .i.'..'ic. of Ihis city and Daily mi the fttt.ip avow tlicmselves iu favor of giving no ,.'r" s the right to testify in (.ur Courts in ad c i i s iu favor of tut j (aching wui'e lu-ii v. uii u.-gi j i iaiony. The Aiu-.rlru,n t itllt iv at Ztotu-. Cinl r tie .( i i-.-c i n of l'r . a ein 1 1. .rk ul e n ...ni' i,ri v. i .' i ' i 1 1 , i . -' l v i y i:i 1'ie ., i i .. t . . ,. H 0jU t , ., , , , , ,. , ;it ,h. Q,ii;miJi u ,.)( mR tee b.U)(U t , ,.,.., ,,. ttIJ j 'a lie: litir'i as u t; ,i il Ke I r . , . . U A uteri can e.'clesiu-tical rii-l.i.i,. 'J oe bi. haps of the L'uiled rtt-ttt' wlio e H.ut filly Hi nu'u ,er, have ra.:ei(l;y mh,! .i.iiOU to toe ',p- for ihe bvoee-ary works ; uud ln-f-.re the t-ul ''.is year toe ,,, .i, llrt ,., raii-ed, in. i will te able to reuivooi.e hu'i,!, c I ni nb-iiis. The French Coliego bus r." ei.iiy nb'.ilt the t'h'jrch of tit CiliatH, nut lylcsdjc i f i I l. large e-laid-bh j.i-nl Contain i i 'y oiuiei.t- fp.UU lldH t-e 111 V'o' ks for 11 I, ,' i ,11 i le;. b si uiti a1 ia u ti y. The S .utlt Ann-.- cu (' .1 l-i upon.' Ut year eih tl.'niy- live etu lent. il;ihot;t(!;iti) )cr;ilb. f,i;0 1. t'.K UT, V '..! r .v. 1'r m ' UrI ii i it a ?lmntiii:, I'f i"li r t i H. DEM OCaATIG TKillirnJULU. TIIJIvKT. p. r II I... in t'- n-. l i". 1 X!'l.KH.( U F.KI AHliih'k. l',.r Ti-i i ii i il Ti i' i - ii r i ' i! I I ' I Vi VM N, V.-T.' K"Pi. I'lioriiit Aiiiiif ir ;V (' JHU1HN, ,i I'f. i - tot i ii Coni'ii'- - i i per W. I. li UlYhY, K-.r Ti-t riif-.ri.il l.i' rsi iau .-M.oN.-i P. I.l 'r'E, ..: .. -t .T i t-. m1 Hi.-tiiet Gi oi'.iii; w. m:.s-'N. r 1' corMVjicK r;r. Tor Coiii'C tni'in 'fllo.MAS T. I Ol.l l rr, For Representative r HN.s n tf.s. t oi;.m;i.h's v onnop.. OEORUE L. Rur.l'.KTS, l. Float,) por RegisTr and I! ecrder V 1 1.1. 1 AM E. CAUNAIIAN. I'.-.r Trr.tMirrr ZiBA M1LLAGE, For Probate Judge A. 11. HA K Ell, Tor Commissinnor JOHN J. TRACY, ' ForPrifrifT JAMES Mi-GINN, ForCtmntv Clerk JAMES W. VIRIL E For Survevor ROBERT O. ALEXANbER CANDIDATE'S DEPARTMENT. We nre aultiiTlzP't mi t ri'')u.- 1 to Rnnouir" tli name of Dr. J. II. M 'It-it'll W hit.b.nn h C'liihli l..!.. to ri-i.r.siiiit the Coui.ty ..I' Iikot iu the next Territoii nl LiyiMalure. . fiiiiifp nunoliiii-e the iiftaienf I.Kilh'ili IV luiAM'. Hf C'ttli'll.l-.te for Mftrli t Altoni.-.i-. of the Third .In dl. lal IM-trti-t. vmuu spkakixi;. GEN ESTAIlllUOK, JEiHiE K I N.N FY, U'tH. Ii. Vi'akklv, ntid other -cakei s, fill . AliDRKSS THE CITIZENS OF Dixon, Friday, Oct. 7th, rt If M St Helena, Saturday, " 8th, '10 A.M. St. Jnn:i-, " " " ' V. M. Pouca, Monday, " 10 " 1 " St. John's, Tuesday, " 11 " 10 A.M. Unkota, Tuesday, " " " 1 I. M. Tt'ltN OUT 1 I : ONK AND ALL. ACAP.D. ! Sine! the Deinoei-Htiij (.'onrcntioii many1 flic:. ds have urged me to I.e.'., me a candidate for Register a;,. I R colder, und tun h'red me their imp mi. After ciri tiilly and d-.spas-tsiuuately coii-idering the matter, I irivn cin-J to the concliisioii that I ill not snlfer my name to go before the voter, id' the couu'y, i for that i luce. ! I do this not in in'.-'oi ..'.-nice with the dicta- i tion or request of any man or men, lm ! contraiv to ttie nishfi of ni.iiiy a arm person ; nl friends, but becnusn I am a Democrat und will not sutler toy name to be used to the detriment of the party. 1 niu Kr tuo ticket, and tho whole tjket. JOHN M. HAVE?. Oct, 3. lr -3. It wiil be seen by tho above that our pres ent worthy llecerdor is too ti uc a Dcu.ocn.t tosullcr his name to be um-J to the dctiiuicnt of the pat ly, or to build i.p ili-aff ctivn or nssi.-t others iu doing so. We have liltC'U riueiii that if Me. liuic choald n-ei 0:1 the con".ciuoficis cf being a candidate: that he would pursue the high n.itied 1 iiiuor (iblo r.ourbO he hus done; und that after nil' fcring bis name to go before the llcmceratii Coliventi-.n and net receiving the hou.iiiu- tion, mat uis uiti --usc uu 1 a ilciii' ernt, would not let him bo a c-iti-did.-.'e iu -i 1 ... .1 on to the regular m luinec. i'or nr.t.t.g in the way he has dune In' de m-ivi's the eoinnn'.'. dation l"d hen a! n r the suj pnil nf the 1 arty, which will doubtl. .- be P'ea .it in. io no ii Pit is- This gentleman from Ctd '.i county is the candidate a ltd the only Democratic ' f ,r the counties of Dakota, Dixon, Cc lar and L'Eau ijui Coiiit. Judgo Roberts reM le-at .s,t. Jaines, id a good uud rt-Lubltf democrat, a u.iii of fcujici ior ubtlity, highly educated, a eiod lawyer und will make us just neh ft lli'ini'SHiitative at Ouiaha. us the 1 d hie nf ih'S dintrict i-hould bare ; and v.o h j. l l will be t-lectc ). Every Iieio'.erat throughout tl:" entiie o; trict thould vote for au i use ull his i f1 -rt- t" to tee bim tlectid. Oaing to circiini-' 'i.ee not necc-s-.ry to ti.eiitinn, h. iln not d.-, .de to become it cm I. J it u..t:l ufesr d..ys a , , aff the ib-c:;iittio-i of .'d.jir (ir,;-o ('.l inn a l.i. I i'-i, bit.) in") 1'in lie'd, ili-r im tuuro tii.ci-!Bity f.r e tr .t- t a .. I i. .,ir . ted b.b. r for on sue .ess i n i-.e i irl ..f t.. p ai I) ; and tvu I t I rvrli J.-ut tti it t t.-iy mi ' illi" l.ii dole M.I fl.at pibiits v ill le i-K-rlfd. V t i o I 1 1 , ' a t a, ; ! 1 1 n - I i' v : jour -'y t t ,li - ,m r i e T t i ,., , ,, h; i - tj j!,,,. . ("hum l..n ll ia I n i it ji y i or tin i r-1 t . . M ' shall -.1 I . T T: e i Ml I. M. s Hie ' i i: i 1 1; 1 ; ! ' r -. 1, t i 1 S . 'OI. I I I 1' . I ; ' ' . 'I I l.i.. r , ,, ,;, , ... "i I -I...I-. lake 'I CO', i'i, I look lit t'..''. -? s k i,.i.., - v,. in , i., ;,,, w he' ( it t . i' , s t the a I,, l; t.,l,i ,.,.i, m ho r.e o .lu c m hi i p po is a .ei't! :i Hn, isi ( "a ninnn- i; t wlon tioi.li v e-ui le Mi.l;" ur f. r 0. . v, vilia is braii le I and deiiouuci d I v his ll - oio e in l ei Ir iv s a- a d mil, a a .'. h id I H I m ii I'i-,-, a -,.-,n ef drei it rn I a timtftr t " c 'i 1 1 ci co, 1 he-c rliat ces nro finf inn it i- tun-, 1 i:t im ilu-v c. me fi, m thoi. ho lii' I'ii iy are immrrtsly l i n k is 11 .' nlilie m, there ci t taiiily must l e seme loiin latioii iu trut'i l.,r tin i,i. Even ri ttnttting the Hinge to he i.,,li in sp-.te nud '-lo-'y rxnge.t i atrd, lie far tri :n l i'u-g a man tt;('i'jit whuut nulliiiiij can be utid. Abl' tiHir-eiiei wl,o would n !'.et nin.t credit rn the Tiiiit. ry, personally ill, I pi.tliieuliv ; who jios-i-m-s l!.e met tibilities and would te 1 Uily In dis ch -.Ti' the diiliea of the i I'i.-e in n maimer at i nee rreditablj to hiiosell', and to the iutcr ests of his coniitiluiiit.s. llrmiimlit Ainnsi-M I. ft all who nrf riti.e'l to lln- ndimis don trine of negro equ-jbty vote the Denied alio tii-l.et. I Let a 1 who ate ( J pt e l to tin intidi ius j Republican doctrine id ilv'.ui ing the foreigner I and elevutiug the uigro, Vote the leuiocrat ' i.i ticket. I i ..... n . i. :r . . ... i'ii an Tion are in i ivrir nl ireervi:ig 110 time.hoiiored ounces of the Democratic parly, vote the whole Democratic ticket. Let all who are in favor of 1'npulnr Sov ereignity in the Teriitories as will as iu tho i St ile, voto for Estabrook and Iho Deniecrnt- iificke. j Let nil who ate iq pnsed to the dncioa of j Congressiniial intervention iu tho Territories vole for Ehtubrook and the Deinncratio ticket, Litnil w ho would see every portion of this I Empire Territory properly represented in tho (hngiess cf the tinted States vote for E-ta- brook. j l et ull who really desire the aat-e of a ! Iloiiestead bill v . . t for Enlahroolt. L' t all who arc in favor i f t ie I'n il'.o Railroad up the valley cf the Piatt-, v te I for Ei-tubrook. Let nil who desire the biili;:ig ei" the , Platte mid Lou.i Fork, vote for E .! al-n ( k. Let all who nre in favor of the extension of the wagon mad from the Ituriuing Water to the Kansas line, vote f'.r E-tabr.a.k I Let all who uie 'r f nuri.t the con tniet ion of a wagou i"al tin , l-'oit Keiiri.ey ti seme poiut in the M.-sotiii riicr, vule for E slab rook. JVt lirn.-K ia n Whit the l.iiisil Ion lia lloiir. riii- opp i-it on of ih" IViu i," i y.iico the nrgitii y.olion of the g ,vei i.t h -.ve (a-sed the f illoil i ng 1 I A s : Tim " l;i n la.v.'' 1 T'.1 "b: 'he i'i-i.si.ieet - .l-.iiii ..hiuiH - ttio pnm'r to order frr.tn the country any unnaturalize I foreigner he lii'gjit il.'i-ui a hi p .mm person The Sedition liw," pafel iilH'J-), by aiiii-h any peis. ,n v. lm wr.i '.r publu hid any thing against the President or members i f tVi-';re-s, w is liable t i be heavily lined nil I i iq i isone 1 uu conviction iu the l.'uited ."tatet t'oiirts. An a 't pus-e I i.. 170S i xumiiing the trim ff nut ii rn! i : ition of foieigneis I mm four lo foi.rteen e:i n. Toey is.-e I thn gen -ral Rsnkrupt law iu S 1 1 , w l.i eh enable I t u. h pet - i n J ho liosii ed to .in mi, to repudiate ail l.n-ir nl I deh.s. I'i.ei Iiv. red the b.g-i t n.li' ..I ' l t i.e I iLe In o.i I iii'.-cli 'Hiies. en I I i'iiii mg i.oi. an I lii i .e i'i.:a;.'"'l ,n coii.iiiei i c, Inn i Iy ' r tfc hein-lit ot a lew Inaoulai.l ui 1 1 1 in N"W Fog I md Tin. -e are all the inipoi t ml I . ws t h .- oj i .- ill oi evi l p.is.-e i. I.vuy mi" t t !:-: " I I ale 1 in le-s than four year i.l li r its p i- - '.'.'c The i')iponlion to Ib'iiiocrocy was i:etr Ciiiitiu'iel in j.ower 1 y the peu le m.nc th in ohi- ler a, . 4M -- l'r h"r Point, Se; t. :1V Tl." K-.m-tiip N -ilh Aiiierii-a, l. oui Javurp ml, wiili il.it" W, do --.my '.!..; Pith in t., has 1 I. lie on Li i n.-.y to '.t-iel.e.' 1 . am-hip" ii from Niv Ymk, cud j l!.iy.1,.n.,'su.t.,ebtf,h..!,r,,vt..l..t, J ' 'JLeoverianl mail bti.gs i'i.) um..' 1 A I I f Clrii-i : thu war wttti ! he l-ngl '-ii an 1 1 , is 1.. i-"eAe I. 1 j'hC A,1!""! s. .,.., i, -,. ri (,,.1'IHT attl lll)ll '.' 1 tl . I... I'..!!.,. U'lltl tl,.. I'll, llHll 1,11 I I I', llllil l-lll. 1 in.; I An.! bus. 'Iho CI. .he 0 u fill i d 1 il I j en ,t nr. n-th and il l'.-.ite I th" ! vPrl I, vu h'in-licd lii iti !i m,. l ii-o Ir 1 kiliJ'l n. 1 It on tide I, 1, ', I )'n e lit I hi 11 C'l. I I. out W"ie duulK J to 11 tie;. I. 1. The Aliu s . re hii i.iy t , ( t .ni.iiir 1 1 1... 1 I I.M A 1 il l, II lias reaohed i'i kin unmolested. ..n ii'-i ideiit has ootiiredon hoard the sti kliiji j 1 1 ;;t Pa.-'-iM which will pit ii I rum bta i img ( u her triji to I'm il.i a I f'.r n thrie weeks. The feel p!eei ng iu : l.i r I ni ii' l.t en. In led ditr.i,-' il.c n.-il iivj am -i er ! i, lit ," ' f V I! ll tel l ihe foi (.". 1 ii e ,1 the hr -iiieii v. . r in cd so as to r.uiho ili-n ii an 1 ll.i' c oil el i very n-riou-ly won n I'd. The d..m ige' to her lilting ar" lie fcl.ip olid in a chi ue ry it-:'-'.v d'thilige. , .ef OU I no . ; e War w 1 1 It C li I rt ia John Lull and John Cbinamt.ii, aicut-g-gorhe ul i eg .in. R-ill ceneluded t-i t1 l!i' t-1 Pckin en t he Pf'.ho, ni.'J ( hit Bti nn ei.t.'-lo 1' 1 tbpt ifl.u did, I.e Would have In do a if."ii -H share ol tightioj fuet. JWng natui.t' y ". 'i stublioirj and irnl thlo nuture, au I vury in u: i plven to rjuarrel ptrliotilar y if he eeusijsia b'.llsclt he ST. I ger l.lty l o d. term In 1 t't ani.i'.l.te hO.h W'jesh ; n.n i.t f as ihiU utte;n; tt ) th rt hi. d igof. 1 h rrf r , I.e pa, l.el iu Vj tii o t.'i u. t-te ' f thf P i.' o, an I alter a hstd day fc.ht iu tt.i.cu live gfi.. g m bo lt lit I'll s an J tii.sl a tt.0 Is .11 -o' -i Libe l and Kli'liei'-'1 Tro i s i a . u I i 'ii h s 'i oi.i . ' o - , u i r. . . ui'jif 1 1. n i ; In .,,1 l 1 . I, 1 ill. I ll.uk , (lot I .1 it.u.itl '.T i'i ' k'H'l- t (' lie.r , il. , hi -iiv ill J ii - , e Km-,y i.l V..-iK'y, 5 t. d i in h. r i n I-.' t W'r ii"-.! iy rt.'t. t. ! , I III'''. t f ' I ' I ' t I r -I . -'I. e .1 I 'i 1. r ,il I I I I V V CI e 1 I ft.l I H i ti r i , -i, . , .i I 'n.r ,.y lii'-i iu" o ' t ' a-1 , t , , i i ,.i . i , , e, ii'. t iii i-r: the 1 1 '-rn i s i i ihe i . . . a hi-, o and i e e. ts' I Mini tn of ti riiiiant of Ihe county Hit fin bird to 1 enr ih. m Etal ro. k 1-1 tll in a sprfcVt of an ho ir's length, p!ti iiiniJ the pnMtl.UI of lit Dill,., la'l i ait.' , Mi l l.i nun v. ens of the 11 u.f to id HI ; utt.-rly rs filling Ihe s-i'itn.i if Mi. Dully, lnadr Inn lisi e. Ih ,t it was a P,pul lii nn hit i' ui n and that 1 rni. ei nt.. Wei f i on J to it He lilso p 1'i.rJ c'.eiiily and luily. Ins principles and pucitn u na all othi r issues of the cimi D0n. Thrie wm no dndfiLg cr consi alii g ; be was straiyht I iritaid mi l IioIkdI in nbat Fit laid ; t od the r le what be thtuld tiy to do fur them, and that he wmi'd ipeiesent the intar-CM-. of the N miIi I'laite anil Nmthnf the l'.eee t . to ti e be: t f l.iv rbi'.ity. Ttu c in not eonii-iva bow auy tm. after l,oi.i ii.g and ii einj the two ramlidatis, can vte for D.nly at leait in Dakota county. The ooa Is a man ef ability, integrity, Mid oceupiri a premluent positlou hrf -re th country, tbt other It. a ibid rite county pol 1 i.iioiau, t'utinly uueducatrd, (gnotaiit of the coiiiui.ii, m'es cf gtamntar and proniiciulieii, a mau given to intMi-pi . e aaj mtally un fit te irpresiiat ft itsjeotabla community in any capacity whatever The one la a friend of the ptople aud the counties north of the Eisctte, and thu other ia a frieaJ if the South riutlt oenutry an 1 ef ' Neuinh emuiiv in particular. One will I (present Hv-breske aud Ihe other Nemaha county. Oae will bu an honor to the people ef the Tei titoiy, aud the other a lasting and burulog shame. No friend of Nebraska or of Duootit oouuiy or of hie own intercut will vote for Daily. After Estabrool:, Judge Klnnry of Nebraa City addressed the audience iu au able rprech, proving conclusively to all ii partial hearers that thn pre rent Hrpublleau or i ppoti tion paity, was the saini party of the elder Adams and the kno Nothing pariy, and he fully eipoi'd its inaonsisteu ies end its ridleulout lUctrines. lie was lollewed by Ju lg H" nkely, the presiding Judge of this dinliict, iu a telling speech. Me took the kiulii'iicii by eurpiise, evrry ei.e who knew him, ruppt'eed from his iniet diguiGed de portment, that hie iflort would bu a clear log ical aud conclusive argument upon the facts and isbiics ef the campaign aud thai alone Put whilo il was eo, it was interspersed wuh bitter, witheriog) -sarcasm, quaint humor md geauine fuu, and amusement. Tin r-pe.ch told on the people and will tell at the ball, t box. Tke eamo evening Judgo Kinney ad.ln "s i the citizone of St. Johns' There va ; '! a larne turn ei't, Aud the bent of fei jog pre vailed, lsiabteok will net loee any vii' iu that fercinot, and lm will Lave ie hutidrrd and fifty nifjority in the roneiy Judge Klnuey returned on Friday muruiog to fill appointment below and Eitabrook and Judge Wakely have gone mirth as far i.e St Helena. They wiil return and be here on tho isy of election. They epeak in Ft. Jehu'" on Tkursday (.oraing, and here at nieo'eK.i k. KIT K It Kill T I I'efore onolher lsue of the I! rat i th po litical ooutest w ill be fought and : tiot-.r y tv. u It h is been the misfortune nl the Ilema.i lai-y t i fri'i'iiently leme, its sway by a want i f v ;il,n-e in the party. The enemy are al iva) wiry and watchful, nud are ready at at.)- iiioiiii-nt lo a-sail an ungiiarde l paint, tv,- .Mi not be too well )irepitied for them. K"it has Nsbraskik bean iu lue iofa good t.-iie, Ii d'ieiitial and substantial man, inure than at the pre-eot tin;e. The Teriitory is s i lly in need ul liberal aj proprlations, fur op'tiiug up a rtad from Ihe Ranuing Water, to the Kvie'ie line, building bridgnif, erecting a IVmtrMUry, and other improvements, which we ate fain In cblaiu if lUUbrook is elected Hid .is sure tu loose If Daily luccteds. There is no danger t be tijipreheiided it you all turn , -ee -u this importaat et. p. te hat ' '"' n5,t 1 t'il" out ,,n' tbat J'our "'8"'"" out t , j. Toto tli straight ticket j let there be ito fccra U hiu: l.tiic of tha nionurrl ti.-k: ta that yro ufli'at, and in our natit we , ....... ..... ... C... 1,. "i'"sii"'aii;'.u iu. .1... vvw ( rutin Victi rv iu Kehra.-.. I m -. ti :.. k,.....t ik.. .l. n:-. ti. ..i.n... I"'"" .' ..i.n.uu.. .iili.- au that riot Use than eO thousand pcnuiis uUenl d tL fair in that city, oa the er"id day. A Kentucky bell was awarded $100U I-ri -o.i', la, Keveral nctidente occurcil on the U r ground as well as several email fights. Puw.itt were picked promiscusly, und vulua b'e jnnelry firo'.hly taken frem Ladie. Only ( ni'.n was ruur lireJ ou th ground the lirtt 1 day, I; r..a bad dy for "killings." ,r"Thu 1 opo is danger jutly ill. Tho ery. , . in that niado its apptarance on Lii 1 i l u.ibioken out all over bis body. According; J l i piiiale letters Lie recovery U ri ti i mi iy : (lollii I Col. DAKOTA CITV. '. . F. MIIOI I'r(ll-tr . , Ii iVALStlni1 llr.it ha in bti fpjl usr kau ib jrr. Ib l'rt.riict lull alu. ta ailn- it A HP8T CLASS HOTEL. " idi, ia maUttru of th rfSvcttV o ff fr Iu. .s i-uppll la iiu Vtij (ouiitrv (. bast iHear: i-, l ai-'l aoe'trli&slfi au4 kHraflr I.U tirux for ,u . i i ,ne i iint c.i.a, wUI k ofiur tlsaa any I il l.iaa tlxlaj Ul tb Iwiltstry 1 ,r. altaotluai VIU t aW t l. a.ful nl i -.nvt..lmcri tb ul. aiM of Ikit Km j ail Utf Acfiut It, S B. F. Mlt iM E:.ni' 01... -a N.hr..iA r!:(H'.A.Mii(i.. ii i ti - ' f? tniy Inn. hi i 'ii 1 in t V.- 'm i -.1 .?,. I iilT;.-'ri.-- a if tl,s t -,-u i ; uu nl l,i i vil!.TIa.M '.-ii of ,Ss n v (.' e ;i . ' -""I n ctTi. v Pa "i:'iH In 4iie.sia i-oiiii-i I by tin' i "lei.iition i r ill' -Vn O t?r iwt.ird f f I' lU'itt lb. ii, it) ; t!,. 'i'S .III'.-' I . . i tors ff -,. I "int. Ins Hbii,.,i, w.i ,,.;,.Uy 4t,- i... I th it nlu.ele, tu o i. I,, i , be I t !, i. d ( flii ''I -viie.icey uu-.ite I by tl... i j-,, , -1 1 1 of l.'Mnit L. I'olrli II, loelnl i i ,.( 1,,. ,. ii,-il !l,r S'.iV l-oiliily -;d n'.e.'i,,,, tot il;e ,1 n-r on t'ie 1 1 I u div i.l'O. l.ibir I ' . ' at th.- I. mn aud phi. oi' h .1 ling ihf ilecli.iii this Jo it j nud uSilhat. an e 1 1 .t t on it hen 'iy oi ., ie,l to till v.H'ai.oy ciialed by the re-i nation ef V liiiam O. Cnta lord men. In r of th" i-u it.'il (u.m i;,!i.,ta 0. nl 1,1 1 aid ilei'linn lo taUa pi ii e un I he I I th day nf Ootober livi.l, hi i Ii i I la.e uii.t j,'..u ,i f..r holding the j;enei i.l e'o eh n ' i.-s vi- , i i T .."....- : f. liel -cunt o .-el in v ti.nl n , cails.-d to ti" nllited t!n ,;r ll teal nl the Tim i hi ry , S,. hi B'.lia Ih he a: t; ... ' i h L.S '-"'III ilny i t S. ptcc-i-i i A D 1SV.I. SAM I'LL W. PL M'K Governor of i r iska T.-i i ilor-, Py the ti hi i in.r J S'eilin' Morion Se. r. t ,ry of Ni hrasl a Te-r to-t MY ADVKKTISM KNiis MVIICK 'I'tt I'OMAS t I. AIM.V. IH AU pmnlii. liNtilll rlnllH lleHb sT 1, I'on R I n.1 ( An for it. I.t riitr.rf.-t ep tlijii.lull,iiii isaiiiitll tt, i rli.r In tli llth ot pill i hi-nt'i u .lili'il llu.1 I f erilr il Ih II.. i. ( eirmin.k-i.nr nl li illun airlr. a. .'Uiirtl i f f'l.lel will lm tn-l I ut tl.f l-oii.. oiiu p, nm.r Miilatiali, s I'., lor Ih .... ii ,-f .i..l irfl in ia turns: eiiiiutirn. bu mi ih lilt dv nf iii'lol.sr, )riii. f 1 nl in 111 ! I W up tn i iv o irtr i" l.-r i priii-ali I. In..-!!.!...! . f..riir.t.Hl villi tl" r.-poit of i), Aaf'.it te !!;- s.rVi.f tin. I,,i,.,i,,r. Aayturitier llifi.ruikll.al ddtlled i I.J ohUllli d hy sd ll shIiik ll ,' Asnt. .1 MIA'.T 0 It Ml. ill V, It- S. Ini li An I. lor Ih I'. In. Pi.nr. ripH Au-n.-j, P. II., Mi,.'rr,ii, h.T. . f .tinwr iHLli, liiwi. NII'IKIti. TOCIIARI K-t, t HUH .4 ir! 1,'l.o.n f M.'V HHlirl - fir Yoti rn h-t y nntlii.t I itmt 1 ha'i ; ....r lt.o Ih Ri;lUir Had hfsivr uf Hi I.hh.i i-tu i..r ti :knt lnd lll-lil'l, Nl-ll lunlo ri, l P'li.il fill i.n ln...l IIih 1111. .la f lH..lrf.p IkAUat Iu J idiom ., in i..i mj rikiiu nti l.y pr i.tau n linmlM-r tiilrti l.itir, (i 4i tewrttiln tttrtitT rlirl.t U'A uiii iih'1 i'i uir vim il wi ij.iw.ipr ..." r . nnd thr ti'Tili hif nl lii north ni'rl qiurur "f .-1l..u itiimtr Ihrt. ill) e ri i Ii i i iruiv mimii iU jiRn.i' lhl, j; M of tli l t : i l rlio-il tirn.l n N I JAMKf riil-sT'i.ii. Itkot S.) UuihT U IS It. ! TK1 KM UT, Showing (.timnnititertt f tlx' I'm" VaUiy .lat:, .a ; limhrr l't, I Kit. A ,s: r I S, Hl r,tt. (li V i 4- l "lii i.n Imnd In nilt, e V- 0 i . Oil of otl,r if.o.l l!lik, -i..o'J I- linn 1-U.cli. !.'' mo 'l Mill li".-. lTl,r. 76.0ru 4 Amount due finui ntik f a I othr, tl,J. no lli.'idi lill eliui 'JurJ ' VihoUmii'tor Afit ;.i) ',, J 1. 'ABU. Illtg (1i.-i, i,r n A. I- Jdisi io H.,,0.1 Sl.s-li. in. W inl i o 'r. M and l."S 1 1 a;l riil". '.tsii eo I a I u,- .ill r, oi -- IIS', J -.. 3 II l I'hiTiI, ' iin'.l-r Fwrrri ti t1 tah-r ll-' ' "-' m., .va ) , In uii fn ti. .nit of ii.., N l'i - 1 1 ri ' -. till, th il'l dy i'f Pll"nilr S:S .r " ui. tut litu.1 as I mI f.f t IV". l ' i fi. T. J.lli- ll HA'IN fi.e r ,' -., ' (iff, '. Territ- ill Airll".r, dim l.. K. ; ' k. i .' 1 It.'!.-! ri.ri'.lv thl Ih l-.v I Un St', -i el fl fiiruiiit in, ai.J uii fn In ia. "ti l.iliii'll r C J' !H' (i.llTS 1.rriiorii .nf HRUNOliN 1HU1SK, Cdrnir n irtAiv fia-I .Vial', ,i.'':, OMAHA, t J TV, . T. RICHARDSON v J'JDOON, I'iltll'KIM't!!-!! General SJlaje and i.r- - m OHi B,..,t. 3 ISle. VOW SALK. Flrt rt " hw.di.lll fur l on Teruit. Kiniuh at tli baud U:fi WANK I). MAT mill and t'or linen, for wlilr' I tll f'J I l ASH. and Hi hili'.l luurh-.t .n.s liakntatlly, Aa;ml 11, "re Wm. ' PAINTING! V. JENSEN. House, Rigti. ana Ortiumeutsl peituter. (.raining, (Ruling, and paper hauging likenesses Dr .wn on paper. -Dakota City N T nn .1 vki. Jaix jJ U UlMl i Jt lias just rtceivrd, and will reie p fltcemei Omaha, the remainder ol ti STOCK OF GOOi Cousiet'.ng ot Oroctrtti, Ilooti ar,d Skoti, 1! ni nr.l dpi. And a Great Vnrir'y -t DHV GOOD IS t Which (.Lull be sold for cab, or its eiu'.v,. in trade, at VERY LOW FIGURES, P.ron wiil do !! m iiKit'im a ' litor 4 Furtktm) KUtviurt aP-No Troubla to hhua Quou Pearl Siret, Sioux City, loaa. joaetpit sRAVitt. Aog6, ly L. D. PAHMKH 13 u prepare i t still Dry tuu (ii-iH'vrire, at W bjii -aie or Petail, At low as try Pi.e it. '. ca - i i Is .