t ) t I IMS), .,, l!.V-, V,- t.l Ir i ., i...- i-i Ma.H - . 'J. IUf.' : r ,ri j I aat o '" '" v,..,.i.,.pt,ri'.i !,"''I""V re '. ''ii ' "'I'"' ''' -.' ..:,J. f. W P. M- t.f.r.tt-ti of .l-,-.r. V,lJ, . "' H I. A 1 . I M ' t . ... '"' U- 'rl , Hoi ft; T-V. '1"V. L'-ohlcd'on to a lot of lumber in, '.teri.ii'.j . .ii- 1 ,hi"K on U' ' ""n" 8 ' " 0 , M,ty jirirt of tin wook. It it. .cUer.l .unJ promWuou.lv. ami noe.l- taking c..o , lm.J it m inton.loa for sthool b,ut Howal-out tUH? W'0 knows! A iclhoPlhou i much noe.lo.l in plut-o, nu.l the ii.tt.rml Uonh-vni, will not th,o . ivnJ know FomOll.'u.F l"-t LI y i - , ,l. 1 ruih tb. matttr fM-tUr in.u ; T;.,r.itrMt for tb.prt.mt. I'p '" .hoo'hob7 r.U m.an,! Tb. young..!. ri.,ts r1l' tJ Uo"t' . . .i ..,t i n u:i io TnA,.W. run,W cWifatioii?. to , f,,r tbecrsutof mguitV-'f nt ln-U ,n,V- Uisoflbe R.uuh.e pipo -t .t.p, h 'i .ml InUM. rr4 witbal the fiuo.-t .r"" ,, of the kinJ hve Moa lD tl" I or -n.y h. to pweut n wl-b I"?. , ,,y we Ut lorgfr to emoke th-m ! CincKJiKS.-O-ir fportHiiion urn liTint makBbly clevor time in l-rKi..(J prftirie Wiiekeni, nith which this locality abound y;, bate heard of notao remarkable abotii being nmlo, fu.h as "winging" one, ir.V out etc., hut refrain from pa. tiouh.'iiing r.s tba'ftata are f uch common occurrence as to loot allintcrct for those who scan the h,eal column. Dttn City roiiKBT.-We TinitoJ this r-terpri-ii." e'taVinhment during the e.irly Prt of tb. week. It is the mo8t extei.P.TC .Um-wm. manufactory on tba MiMouri riv er, and the qunU'y of ware turned ont, ia iU'o.!Tior to any manufactured went of St. I.oui. Mesr. Ziegler & Eokbart have now yu hand between eight and ten thousand galls., rJy to nbip below, at the Crst opportunity. TLcy intend enlarging the establishment next dimmer, and employing more bauds. At rre,eut they are unable to fill the numerous urlori they receivo for tl.'dr ware, lu one riu.nce of not havlug wore room and more liIp. Blhnso The Shnigl inanufaoto-y of R. E. Kirkpatrick near Covington, was bniiied to the ground on Sunday morning last. How the tire originated in not known, bat tho pre sumption ia, it was occidental. Wo under hand the 1on to Mr. Kirkpatrick ia between jCOO and 11)0. Tui rc was uo insuriince on tho huildli.j- jrp-Motlier Xarth roioivd a drenching on Thni'ibij tip and r.iflit. The road, were i a-, mad impa- i'.'o, b.'.t pe U-tri'.n locomo r. .ii f.,r a .ii.'it t;i.i", rai u bad i :i-I'.i n tii n U:h!!. ftl t-' i ill j!Mltl. itTl'll'l, ii.diu 1..1-J.-.-, or ut. ?u II". 1-. An f.ki'.'i t n-'uti!!:'.' and airoit -n.-iper might n-ivial. sboi t dist-inces, but ti .iltciupt hiiytbing liki; a "walk" wilh- it a pr: erver w.ul I re I'l'ra the aquatic iwledg-i of a nturgeon. . ; -Th x'lCiimer Omaha whic',1 ; i'. 'ir ! vi'o yesttrday ev.nins, lis- t'nrjJ abect a thousand boxes of dry goods, i-U.iii;-, proceria, boots, oboea, hat'., caps, urui"' lye fmlVi, books and stationary, eto etc , coi. signed to M.sms. Ziegl.r & Kckbart of this city. There nra now about a doz.n men engaged in taring things apart, sorting out, piling up, and measuring on, and weigti ins out. AU 'iirticulara next week. (iROtrniKS. J. K. ISooge & Co., of Sioux City, have the largest, ch.apiint and best stock of pjroceri.u that can be found above St. Jo teph. They will receive nn extensivo nddi tion to their utotV', hy tho Omaha. Give thum a .'ail ! LViT.S'i NKW:-:. IIll I'JVl S ... (.'ilicf, i'"'opt. lb. i lis pr'.u.;p( I otij. ;.. 01 inir.. .r il.e ?ir nnitr !;lv r.oi f, i-;ir was ii. ii,n of imiiiii i. i.iw-;. iV.tii i!;e I'link's I ; r.ud Water's arc attrucnr.g tuo kttijjt.on id i...i..,a ri.kixilri ie. fc'-t l-ll i IE ;;i'0. The niiuesr of vii-'.tcis i. I.u.h;. ti at f, iin :j." to ..iJ.t'OO. Venter u-ceipU v i' ovtr ij-IO f'UO. : i -i trvt ih.j af.ei .'.(. "vcr thi ti udi n ( ty C'-urer, b.t'.i: u ili-.a TcluJ . and 1': ;-i.-hi. vraa vr jll 1. V Liu. i r .yl 1" till Tl H'i4i.;l.t ht-nta. Time -j ! . i: -.it, the i.i'i-t di'Sttucti.e bie t!i;.t ttl osiursi in tt.at city Kitioo ln-W, to: a p.uoo in i.i.ie.i or- thtt I5ih. iS'i tva! ui nu ai iy u. i Do ,tt.n 4 6.Hi.i U .. wnue.ue .' w not tso.ed Sod.UUI'. tb. crcater part oi rt.ioh islu riow Vork, Pi ovi b-ni".-, Hartfsrd iUid fprinatield Companies. A .irk number ot tfiu r.ir.i.ungs ujsuuytu . ... . .... I-..: 1... TU. iserj dwt'lhn;' lioubia ui i,ui iiiuevuiuo. n.o orin of the hie bus u t j t t bueu usee, taiued Ti timucu wei .li!;tly inured by the' fulling walls. Kr tn Washington -- liV. '....'" Sii-Umhtr IU -OKoiat tiiforinu.iutt from Utah bto.es , that the troops p iuoip .i'.y ouployed in pro- Ucting tho ovei land emigrants from Iudin atucks. The 1'iesidont has recognized Fronts Augus tus Hirseh as Consul for the Kingdom of Ua.i ov.r ut It. stun. Tlie iilate Departmsut Lad rsoeivod lniorin atinn from our minister at I'.erlin, that Chris tian F.rnst, an American naturalised citiien, who bad be-n compelltd by force to anttr thg . ilanovavinn army, has, upon tho romonstrancs ; of the gov.rnn.ent, been discharged froti the lnd.pendei.ee, :-'ept. ls.-The New Mexican , mall, with P.i.ita Fe dates to the 2'.Hu n.t., arrived hero t.-day. Tia,. ir...... eTo'ilemer.t throutfbo'it the territory In r.latioil to tho t'l prok--..i.s .lection for L.d.iat. to Coi.reos. Tl.e,..i.y o.r, 1 tha A.r.eikvia uc t-'tnoit ail in f. vor (i of: he t lectin of OtPii. but it w-i .bougl il,... ,1.. mniMi would be very dunbtf-1. Thbr. wa n c .n.p'iny of troops D"a.nr . 1 at th. or. -mo ef the Atksn-ju. an i ono kt '! i I'.tf i Tiil. S- mli, ..r. ;i- -' - ' ' A- clinr!'' I "' ; 'i 1 'I " '' '" '(i i' f.-nm S u'hr-e Ui , I nit-, in , A; r.l 1 t w c 'n ire 1 t -.!..? and --.t 't-t-.-e.l ' t I. rs 01 1 " in the )" 'i ' .Vw . r-rk. S-'pt I I i-.o to'v i .':.!:., in t'.n f-.-in It I'liinr.t : m' "; t ! etm. I v'.th o iu-.i ! iv i1"' ' li. m-t. lht HuVj. I ' 1 1 " : 1 1 nri it- it at .on'.linm ' i'r :-! N i - rV . Th n tvi.-- fciu th .'. ir: 'h Omr"...: .i l--t ii"! whrn nl A .oe.tu R ! Hit i Hi nT,.;iilii.riiK bunts rt tho l.. i.l . . i I fc.i ! frontiers nn the Civil and boolcani-";.-.'. i .1 ut i- .diol.epiily ri;,.;.o.r,,,i';, ... .fth. thm- r.iwfrs was also n.i I en me i-i- It ii repotted that Au-dna r.ten.n to .it- cour.i tho portion ' ino riusiriau hh ..... .. will t;e train.; ere ! to Lombindj. i.n t t sell tho public, domains. i Tin.' Emp.tor .f Vrunr' hoo intimate.. t. t.ie Porto tho. ho win miH'Oit the ,T!00t uf tho iSur,-. CanM for n ,iir.-m1 pui pom.'. It-ily. Tl First National Assembly at K.n,og.,-i w: ,n u. 1 on Cue l.-t of Sept' nb'T .y thettovernm Uenerii., wnu in T-y, '7 ,l,c ' w 1 . - 0,1!plluuWli tUo i.fple a me uieu- .. ,..i.ik. h.winp.i it mt f.K'.'i.. tri. t. to rcooril tkrir vote. Uchml bfmU provi.lori forlheiioronoot tl.e country briUuM Eit-tioi.K on U i'le l.y ioimii'B l",,?u A ln(tr ,.l0iU n;,!o(rtl!l th.t n'. tl.e i .... w, tlm orif ts di'i'ociti'd t:i.r 1 voten aa freely as the eitueim and that the re- .ult w lathat an iu.ui.ns. uiiij.iri.y had R".e iuiHv..roftl,eUb.Malt;clt.t,Vhiohs..Mir....a , tb re etablitnr..nton i.j oi.ndidmon of t.io ; JZ:' ; The tinanc.s sf Roniagna were in txc.l.ut condidticn and th.r. wus no doubt the new government would be nhl.tn go on w.uiou... . ..an. (jinccth0oe.throwofthetemponlow. ; er of the Tope. ! Tb. bandits ami smugglers ; th Ilomagna had .nt.r.ly disnppeare 1. Advices from Haiy Kiaio ... . i were beooaing impatient at th .ua.tivity of th. Zurich confor.uc, and the no.n cuu- t.adlolry reports toucking their d-inys. i. :.. i .i,i li.t I'i.dmont ilf.nanJi from Austria the session of Mantua and Fes- ehierra, a Paris letter K.ys tnai.o.r , ... . .. .. .i.. ',,,.,.!, .ftience ihstiireo IIOUOI liil.V II" ... - , about manpoh.ts to.ud.ing the r-' ' Franca, aud t'.'.e opinion i .-..-e-- cxery d,.y that u congrtu of tho great power niUHt b. bebl. . , , New York, Hopt. llb-iue iwmi. , Liv.rpool ou the odarriv.d Sho broke her .rank pin ou the 5lb and lay to for repairs. . The Zurich conference was .xpect.d ,o come to an abrupt close. ,.M....i-a. Tho PontiUoiuto troops n - the L.gatioi-s. At latest r.ceeunis .ro... their mlvanoe in'. U' . ..v,n,,l, tlm Maniteur contradicts ! limiiuiivm - ( the rumored aggression ine i.' t Tho aailine ot llio urcai w"i postponed to the 1'Jth. France. A lener n-uiu xn..a .ic.u V...I ...nt tn the various Courts of Kurore a protest ngninKt the expulsion of I,u' I . t, hor Honrb.n cousin nom i aim... nnrl llarbl'S T. fuSC tO reC.IVS ttl. VHiv-uauuu w benifit.s of tb. Emperor's araB.ty. The form- r has written a icutr m m'i ftgainst Napoleon. , . Th. arrival oi nic iiuuiiuii" ....... Paris had brought tho auuouncemeut of tho full triumph of tho French Admiralty over the Knglsh in the question concerning the fcsher-ii-. NOTICE. TI,. Hi-.ru Hol.tt.ro iwl own.M of Intg In B.koU t in, k. l' , t"r oMrd t!l,,t th,', "!i ".0.w "t liiin 1J...1. la ! ''""I'l. tlo rofor, upon uprll-.tinB to tho nii.ler.lKn.it; tli. site of .nt.t elly b-tii. b..n tn t. red at th. U. S. L-nd Olflc, and title obuln.s Tim .x,.HHof ...t.rlng Town, and i.Wt deed, to toe IMS th.r.l.i, -lit b. -n Tho.. T. Clillier, Iru.tt. Dacota tit)-, Au.u.t IS, 'in. NOTICE. Tbe";ini!i'.lt.r. and f.'i;r of I.nts, In Balr-ta, CUv, N. T . r- h.rl.v ni.tit' 1 that t:.y .n now mi tiiii.'l'Kl'I.N in r. "iii.ll", tl..-r.f. r. to a I Loti Inrlud ...1 In tli-3-iu .-ri, flilli wa iit.r.-l by ina arc. 1 1 tnu to l:iw, on Iho loth uf July, l,y virt u, of mv offl as Mayor ot Dakota City, and the UlU obtain. J from tli Hot. rnim-nt for the faun. Thtf.Tjfi.r. ul tlia Do.ds to Loin will lw ona dollar, " Ali Lots no'. raM.d for at th .xolration of Mi months, r...u. tlin of tniry, will b old at jmb lie auction, to tbe l.tiiliat bl.ld.r. B. BATK3, Mayor D .kota City, Scot. 17, 1869. Bw OUi.UA .Yr.s. U. H. PEUHAM D. C. UeFORreT, 1 rcsidvnt. Cashi.r. I1AH10RID JOfD Kt'TAlUiHttn jm ism. Tl.e l.fltamata Hanking b.i.in.M trorart4 In Ml ''v ' y iia.... ..- ,. ii. I r-insi.M, on the moit faorahla l.rm.. ati.ntiua (teen to tidleotlone, and tbrough I corrweiondenti. will culle.it all "ioti In Kebia.ka. (1'k.CllC, Llllll nannan-ri, ASH lACUKKEXT it Of 7 !!eii;til and eold at bsit narket rate". Aaron s ,m iy lies NEW STORE! N tW COODS ! AND NEW PRICES I, . H . P A Ii M K n Would inform tb oitizen; or JNorin-n est.rn v.v.,a.Wa a..,l Dakota T.rritorr. w.a, ir' "-"---. th , . ow oroninj; iB the Store llouso of . im., . HIOVIX CIXT, IOWA, 20,000 WORTH o t onJ ;-'m.v Pry 0vJ, J!ict! ami .SVtffi, N.tit and Coj), litaely Madt Clothing, llardvarr, Quetniaurr, Yanltr A'utioHi, A'n.L-, G'ai', Vcu'it.'-n j. All t vvhuU I. & Son at iM d Aii i.n'., i .;; t. j ,. . I or Curl, br Country Produce. Cail and ex gruinumy stock before parchasirj oloewbete. No troublo to show poods. My Motto is "fjuiek Bale and fimu'.l Profits." ' p . r, Cr.-!.'. j - v.; . 0 - Wf.liii fjr H t tW.-i Ir.UHlf t ! (j o o i) ii v: x y Ybt ! Vntt.l In now Hiifil NV ITOP.E AND NEW GOODS. Zi:iGLKH & KdKHAKT, J . YW j n"t ..'..'lie I a fme and ooiuplelo as j r.-rt i-.Kiil ( f ! O () j W ) ) ) J J tJ I) , GltOGlXUES, PROVISIONS ,, m tt l T (A . . ) III U , J i ft i U U 1 O A ii if o ii v " A j yjtfiiui that is ttsoai'.y tepi " varie.y , D k,)U ... . .to. e ... Uak ita . y We are p,(,,Rrr.J to offer tiiduofriuots to the :,:,..J ,.r UL.tui . vall,0tft city, - Oir..iui, Logan, at. Johns, Ponoa City, Covitton, and all Ntbr&aka, north of theOmnha reei ve. Wj haM uoh Qooll &e j,ou wsnt anJ oro .,, ! nn ivtri bout, aad we will so.l at rn- i u.......c osa as low if not lower than tho same Goods can be bought for in Sioux City. Wo bav. now on band only a part of our stock, and will hov. the talanoe by tho next Heat. It will wh.n full contain a full supply T.l, CoCe, Molasses, Flour, r.v.n:i, Putter, Candlvs, Eoap, tftaroh. Saloratui, Illco. Indigo, Ms t lur, Tvwder, '.'hot Lead, Caps, ALSO h-j) C)0fll) L I. (J T II 1 N (1 H A R J) W A n i: ,y QUEENSW ARE, T. gelhsr with everything that the n' 'f ', tlie ciliJi'ns of Nebraska demiind. Try i fni. li'! Hi' I ":;! will i-t i ii' i.' bec.viO . .v.,- r eati j ' - te . l..a - i i , !i !. i r.ic-, 3!) ch. ap. r tin., any other o.d.'ibli.d.n.er t ''or'h u'. , .ot J . : V i a i; a i, k s t a 'V C0LLKGT10N Ol'tHT. i j Ii , 1)(1 I'' Y J Y 1 (' Yj, i) a i. v. a i .v DAKOTA t il V, N. T. I.VM'HANUl', and ban J Warrants bought and 1J sold. Land Warrants l.u.atej on ti.no in tho Oma ha ami Dakota I.nnd District.!, Ni-1 r.i.'.a. 1. finds carefully solcoU'J aud warrant a loi a ted in t!i 3iix City aud Counr'.l l'.'uil's U.s triclii, Iop ... F.iys and n lln farnu, Town and City proper Iuvcnt v. 1 loun monry fi r cm torn capital" Fftitioulur ttUcnticu given to the collection of debts Bnd paying of taxes in Nebraska and veutorn Iowa, an I all business pej-taiuing to a general agjncy otHop, tranraoted. .(.-- , POBLIII LAND SALKS. r T F. trltl rtav tiarlienlnr attention to thenur- U ..... , r - , chaso atid entry of laud iu tho Dakota District, at tho Bale at the Land t)!iico in this place, on the lSth of July next, having had a largo body of th. flneot lauds in the District Delected with ft view to this sale. TO P11K-K1.I PTUOS. HAVE constantly on hand Land V.'arrtints of all denominations, for losn on time cntri.d aud fur oash bales. All Wan s guarantved. Attention given to tho preparation of pa pers for rro-rmptorp, and all buuincbs oon neoted Tfith thp Land Office. NOTARY PUBLIC. lit is also a Notary Public for Dakota oouit ty, X T. Will al.'O pay attention ta couvoyauoiug and tiiaiwiij of papcr i genoriiily. Huh Flunk Deed.1, P.onds, Mortgages, &o., f.lnj (Hi baud. O.iioo on oarm-r of Hth street and P.road. way. J. . VIIITVI3. iiuktixutox , rrrvivs BOOTAND SHOE STORK. II.' ,ul,irrib.r would r,li. tf.illv fall th.. all 'i.IIod . . . .. ' n""N"l,rarka,idt'b. tiul.llf k -mlly T ii ,r n.w eliie k ot lWruilliiiii B0OT3 AND HMUIa.-', " ' . i , . .... -i... i,vtr.-.iv.d. !'' i't yy" ,".,:: of.Sr..rl'"r Dedb'S, lieuts, Misses, ttvy, Voutbs and ' 'wThate also r".ived and will constantly k-.i on handalull.ufl'lyof ' LEATHER, ami .'lio.-n.ak-r Finding totf.tln r with a lull asmrt lii.nl offtai'le i DRV OOODS3 AND OROCERIta, hl b we will U t ttvry lowert pih-eA-r-s-r. Ai... IIAT3, CAPS, CLOTH iNu, ftc. Ac. Thankful for i.ast fi.vora vru .till eolh-It a nlo.r. "f I b" r,.Irmi" ol tbe cl.lA.as ot .'''.bracks ouy tb" I'..'. 4"It-",1,o-'.' ""our u"kl'"f r'J t-ur-'b-'!. "Da Hid.-, and XWXt. Councillllufrs, July 'SI ntf 7(HI N T A F F E . ATTOHSKV dl C0ry.-SKLl.0U Ji i La n. ,.,...nil,rl.'intr an uio "j- - OMADI, NKUHASKA. TILLprernptly attend all bn.ine.s enlrus- ted to L;m. Oliico on liraves Mreet, ono door east of tha "Amoiicau l! )u,..';" (m- di. N. T. , " DR. M. C. ENRIQHT, M UMical Of,' f ' .'... '. h'atim l "'' ."'" 'o-'' i i'i'i". ', 15' m to ofT-r 1.1." I f M-innd ,!'.. '", , " il -l ants ot DnU'.t". ' mi. '.'...-'. N. II. Particular atlc-.nlo I a'd t . .1 1- o-s of t , .. I.u.i.alw, of .1..' Kv" :.nl Car". 1 , in . .llr.u... - acorillnK to. a-.t i.,V. ....d ril.-'ij b . (.'iiiniiinl -hii .i." .1 .o ily .soii.d. i.tl.!. C. P. EC KM ART &' CO., A P C II IT E C T H AND P. I-' I L P E 1' DAKOTA fin: .'; I. 'Ad, ... i .,...;';c-i. o- ..r.rlv.i..nd 1 I.a. epai I' ' i . ii.il. I,. lin ... no I ill.CI. 1 i; t!l t tin. ...rr " A i V If t . r..'-, a .- :.' . : 1 . ,v n. i .r.y. ;. . l , 1 " r -a l.n-.T, Omiha 1 1 1 t TTonxi:i , NoUm-I. . ,1 :. i.o-.v;-', r AM. A'iKVT, ''!!! t 1 .'.ri V-r - i i -i - ' ! . I ; II ' . ' ' . til c'tii 1'1 .; in 1 1 " ' ' -iff .!' Unit i ' . I'm" j . f I r"('f io) per ti'inntx H t nii.l Im i '! ii I . i ( ti o I 1 I:, i: ! i ui ,'"i '.i t u ii o c i-; u i i: s I'vi.r t.rniii'ht no lhi .'f.url. Our do.' I ft" f'oi'lw "O'l oi l'OUf,llt tlV 0110 of t ) linn Rt tlio K.wei-t cni-li pi ii (f. V-'o oral tin . .v . v r i: i j. o : Wo Invite tho iittcnti 'ii of r.'.l to OUT ft'r- U nii'iit (if 0. ;!''.', "i. ,'r, Widi!"..':', li.'o. (!.nr, li'V' T.'ba.'i"i. I'i. iT. I n '.r, l-ii. t....', Fruits 1. 1 ii i . kiui, s I...., i .... - illes, OHinliri, i, In a word cTrrvtliinir, n-unlly kept In A lli'.t class groce.y and proYti-iuu bnti'ii'. Tho"o .1,". ririi'. to I'Uieliiiso o i; v A s u , nro re peetf.illy invited to gius a ci-il before makiiijr tlu'ir pueli is.. r i: s a x n r ,v .n . Tho highest piitO paid fur all hind i of t'urn ti... h.ghiv.tp.uo paid r.,r an kiioM oi ..; : end h kuis. Wo will also pay carli i.r beef : ...I a,... .....I ...... rattle and country produce. Minus City, I iff... MOv;i.t, a. ro., a a- A" a- a s a r. a a a a 1: x r s, OMAHA CITY, NEBRAEKA. C. MONKIX. J.J. MONKl.U .'l-N. J.W.VA1lfWTlllT.n, kTTOHnr. T l.!. 1 1 iN 1:1,1. CO.. WJI.I. ATTKSrt TO Til K (."I ! r.C- J'l tt.'ll ef .l.l.tii mil yni.nt lit tn.- In tli. .Htnrn ! HlMes, N. l.raki ni Kunssn: I.n.l nnti.ro.1 f..r i mi.li or on llui... Lmot Vrrntii O.iu'.vt ai.,1 I M .""V liiT.wti.il on ll.nl 1'Mnt. Hwiirlty. J. W. VA1 n.T.a. kTTOHWin T l.! II...I-.III, lltl.,1 Kin...',. "... .inninu.. ""J I.... ll.v,.,..-l, ... I,, m.,..,l tn ViiHt,.r,i I.ai.,l.. (S.n:.,i,. pletnd Hatlrtiaile, VIUK" IM'e", Any li ui. n..r nil iri.ri.'.i ui our (im. , win in, fiiei-nu-.i ton Hh ironiitnrt an.1 amur.rj. UKtT.UaNUKSl Oi. A. Maey. rresidunt Dark llanV, New V.alt. iloore Coruviell,. l're.ldeiit Highland Hauk N" turttti. K. IV. rarrlngtnn, Prealdent Quawlik Uauk, Now 1 urith. W. A. DstI., I'ri'.l.bmt M.iMianta I'lmk re 1 ;' -I... Ii. .1. Oakley, Cashier MiTuhanta Kju liann" l.ank, New rK. 'U -'u A. P. ITelwv, Vli-o Proald.nt, Hunk of Now Vu.k. J. M. Warr.n, Priialdent HanV of Troy. II. Italilsil.il, t'r.nlilent N. V..i Mrla llallroad. lion. Ovrus P. 1'inlth, Hrookhn, New Vork. AU"ll . On., Ila-ikms, Knit 1.' Molli".. J. H. V..ii,l.iv.r, ot. Don).. Mark V. I.arit, Oovi'l-lior of Nsl r.il' a. A lHllllmoro, ll..olvi,r of t.nnd "Itlra, Omaha O. A. T'lrUev, ILitlntor of Land Ofll.s', Ouial.a, Jhmo lrfiwe, Mayor ot Diaaha. J. S. Morton, Mltor Nubraska City Nnw.. . . m. ii , n ... t- . v nr rv J. U. HI. LAUOJUYleLL, i. V., Mtmbrr of lht o.cn Fi,tt?- MaUral and Chirur ;iciii Soch ty, A 70UI.D say to l.ia friends snd th publio VV in general, that ha will nttend oils In the line of Ioh profession; and that bo pledges to oil alilictod with P.bcumatiuni, Liver Complaint., F.uialo Weakneos, Latent Consumption, Ani other ort dineap.s, An aineliorotiou of the complaint, or no charge but tho retainer fee, and no ooustitutioui.1 in jury, as he practice1! on tho ruiLosorurc lsdicational flax. W. L. C ARN A II AN, LA.VO ANU UKNKK A U At.iCN T, A HI) HOTAfiV PUBLIC, IJakotn t'tlj't J)Ul.'iond oolli. I. and Warrant", loeatnn Vnr ) runts on time, proparos pro otnijttoti pa pera, tifli.ctM Mill ti.tora land, and wiiKproinpt- t.i-i k.i.i It tTIK A. til, AUK, i -.t-.'.i: .j..-.- li -'i ,i ' v r I I . .11 AT 1. ..V AVi. ;t ii.. ' '. i....t 1-..I1 ... ,. V..1., nl.. '' r rlb.ry W lit ,r.'tr.i tn .I.n . Torul eoiirta ' I ''t--rn Iowa and Nnhraeka. I..iii.l.iiti-rnl lor ". fi-i. aii-l .11.. ti.nl il. al.irw. f..r r.ihor on tilil". 'I'n!t"H (.Ml I, tltt.'ri...- I .iiiilni .l. uiol r-al oHtat. n.n. flit and ..,,lon .. niiiilsdon Notes and bill. -.U o. ..1, and r...ill...i to ,.,. . of ! "i. I.'nll."! rilal.... .1 y r. o.'ir... o,i , . .... ,,-., -il,.. ,.,i Loans .W..d nil iomsI .,,.-url. Land warrant. I iimlil, aol.liiii.il.,. '.'n.l. Choice eulnelir.ui. of I a-iivnrnuient plats k'-ut iinsti-d to date. i-i.vi. i:i.:-:i lis: ItKFF.KKS'tKS: Hon .l".i D llrlk'M, an D llrlk'M, 1 hn lllrkinan, Washington, U. O :h l.ne.'ll", K... t Hon. J..:n n ,,. Meiers. Walk.-r k Curly, i!i Ilroadway, V. Y ' II. Ihiiurlaaa CO., I'hllad.lphia. lion Ntinro.l Htrlcsl.ni!, W.it Ufri -r, la. J'r. .'. Coirman, li'..ot. I'a. .laesady fi nvt. Cn tell lllura, Iowa. Vaachatl '.f ooilward, llauK.r, ChicaK-. lion ..Mtn.a llradky, Deport., lnd. " V.'. 1!. Ilro.,... :idU35-rr.!!r, lai. i.v. M. W. Ixar.l. Oinaiia. N. T. lit 1. n it y- hit,., ;. I r .klCity, M. T. nl JOSI'.I'II IIObLI-tAN. WIM.IAM " iiw.weoiu.. MOLLMAN Si CflAWrOrtfJ, AlUrnriji nl l.M" and Unitrnl I.nnd Aj-nlt, DAKOTA CITY, N. T. yni.I. it 1 v ii .ti'-t attention to all udn.. en. no t. d r i .. i ii-'iii i "i lo - C., l. ... t..s . .'.rr...r-, r .n . :? .llntli-s of I'.arrbon, W'nndbury, and Monona, Iowa; M-all'iii of (l..T.rnni"iil Lands in tho .' I. ux IV" and Council Illulf Laud Dbtricte, Iowa; buy an 1 a.ol I and Warrants, pay tx, liiaka liiTtlii"lils at M, ...rn rate, of lnt..,r.,rt, inT.ihtlat.i titles, and atl.nl to all uthor l.uUiiof. (i.trttli-lnx to a I and I.n Sca.. rsrua to IIou. A. Hail, KooHauniia. Iowa, " W. H. W. ts.i'b. Keif. nt, Alabama, " J. V. Kii.n.y, N.'bra.ka City, " L. H. Hhorl-r, Alabama, " J C. II. II, tiurlliil .n. Iowa. " T. A. Walker, ln- M.iiw, l"wa. Hindi A Cr.-S. r, " " )'.cli. X it .a!, ii. " " .'assa ly a lai k, t-lnus City, " .1 NOTICE TO PRE EMl'TORiS. U. f . Lakh Oi yici?, l Dakubi City, May fif.. P'.'j'i. )' ' 1 ; P, pb'.s for Ui.) follow ili to '.: t.:; ! .' I t.i. on ri ; i iv" l nt this oilier. R.l 1 th'! i i 0 . , is lio n' ( '.in f..r pre i-iuptiiiiis on tho rami'. ; 9 2 1 and 87 'il, 'i7, i'.t, lUngc 10 or b 1. 'SU i!d. 3', il, v.n, 'S.i, :, 'SI, '.', i t, :'. 31, " -jt, :".. si, 'i S, 21, '- ', 'S, "A, Si, i, 'S. ", J7 -j ;;., "!, .t '. dl, r .1 57. 'Si, 2 ), :'), ;! i , " '. i-i, :,, I'.ar 1 Wo-t. J'. (! M'. ' ' b o'.ifr V . --' I - .... to .. 4 NTVV ST. KUl LINT. H , iiMurirCVr C H . : r ..!..'. ii' .i 1 el'. r''l ; I :,ti t- i" er, n f I ' '. i..' . " I !.. a vn j;.;: i1'-;'--' .,,..,,,,,,,.,,,.:.... i .... ::.n. ... I '-. ,-. n .i n r.i. Ii Hi" V.'.t . I'i " ". !- ' l.-t,.'- fi l: I' . I'l..".' n '". 'I" N.-'-' or .' .!- i.,i.i,n -i ....,.-... -."T.--; ."!..'. , i ... t... ,...'! I.i. ir.-t . t,..i ."! 14 I'M. IB ll ... , ,., ,..., Il'l I . l' I- ''I" II . .ii.l im.iNi II. Bl.t'H'.' to l.ANi'l'A '' ' - I I. '! 0 ii ..ml rn.v l In thi. ri.U r M f "". v lt i i.'.l-'. I y ,.'., l.'.rT.I'. t'l Vinlt" llrr, Kill J. ,o .. h , ,.,. rr, (tl,.,(i.,, I miil'U I'll i , T- ...Ml'i, 1-. v.i'i. Ill, k1 t'uK-li . . '. nN TAT.I.r. r. i ' i'r' !. i i !-.!".- n V.aiu rlr.-r flh.n". t-.f I'. ' l!n.. i - M- ...i.i cilri ,tf lliilr. Ur ! i-.. . ..1; I., .n I . I H! nil,.; u. til .v. i ' ..' .1 1 1. ! . "i '.!. I ! I. i.i Ml 1 r M-l Hl "l I t . iv.. i... -I i .v .p I l.i.rr u. ..urn..., T.lutnl. I,,... In .ii.l r Mi-I ,i ... I I ut I 'i-i l"l ' " I S-ii 1... 1 I. I .:. -rt, r.l. '"a,1. I'l, I s. t... (,.,i... r.l. . T i.m nil, I'... ntui, -...(,' ..,..,. i i,. 1 .. . .i. i;..i, 1 ,t in -' n it'.. r. in- i. n- u " .'I. ..f 1,1 I. 11 J HIV'". ic.ii'i'A'i'. wK'.iiK anu nr.r;Tv;N. I. mi ."!-, i'i.,i!iij In I uhrnr i Lin.. A ii hi s . COUfCIL HLUFF3 IOWA. '..ri uniii.iii.i r.!.t.uTi.i anu nr.itiTi:. l t.. n. ,' pfrt .1 tir.lt ...1 tlrl- u T r. ''-I i "-I .'II -IP t-lt, ftn.l l.l llf ' I 1 . i ii or ..iit.rn lmt: nn n1',"J In "i." .'' ' I 'lt-'l.t. lo.l el l. ii fun 1 tor Cnrr..n.' er M!l( ( It R,..i .nl.. i m ..mmi-ii. !.. I .. I.. ...I.....I l..r III.,. ... tin.. ,lrrl rr . ft t ! nn. .11. rttl ! f'H piMv. ..'.'ll'-tt f . 1 hi. .,- nt..,r."l l..t tlleu mi l t!m jt'"'! e'r T"! r. i a. 1 1 1. . 'it;, a . i j !.!! I'k Id.' Hi iu i., in l.'w t !.-:-! f.'i- 0!'i.'... i:w;r.!;rtfrs . r. : i..i;.i, . f , i W. .1. rrn"jr ('.' , f Pnnh.rii, !lul'iiq.i, 1 . ..'... li.nl..... I ... r .... ....rt I . (''.il....rt.ii A Hon". lU'il.i'. fliy, bm. I'.ii.oli.V lim.k, N"W oi h Cltv. I w ... . . . ....... -j..- r .. . r" .. K"t. Ii.-lll. Iln,."rs II. I , lUok,.". N" UIH! H.I.I.M.. Wtih.-'r. .'.. W -.l..ti..i.. I. O. Iln.l'li.n M.11,,.11. Cm. of I'.'.'liH. V H"t,liig,...ii, ln n. A . r, ..kIr., .'. 1'. r1 , ltiitll..i:l.in, bin a. (1. v Jmm, ' Hul'ii.in, I "r. j,w Willlnnm, Clilel Ju.lliw, Muwintlup, I.iltl In. Vl,iii-,a Cl,t.,i Juiilori. M n.jiatMiift I..?. CtjiMitni 'siniTn. iowo,. cl 1K0TA CITY. LL whom thlt may concern Inks noti.-e, that the stock that was Issued ealiiug for ton (10) lots In Dakota City, N. T., to enoh sharo, hsa drawn niin (01, and, on proe.it tioii of s;iid stock to tho President or Agrnt, at Dakota City, the deed for tho said nine lot cuu bo obtained at aoy time, and thn stock that was lvnuo.1 to mo, tho undorc Ignol, il presented althin thi'" PJ tuontlis from dt, 1 will mako a deed fur tho lot Inciting to tn!. o nji tho ton 10 ; and retain tho o.-nifl. cato after tho Jo lots htivo I ran do., led und ondi.tiod thereon, as rvi.loncs that suid coiClicnto bus born aatii 'ficd, as by my honor I am holden to each and every person th:t holds certificates that bavo been igm d . . -i. . i i. - i. . .i. - ....:.i ... .i- i... ....i. ur imi ueti i'y iui-, nun iu hhi'i run n in: run-' 0....1 l,t full lint if nor l.fonnnt ... liefri lh ext,lriltl()I1 Hflia ,! wiU , ,,,idr.rvf V-rt.- ........ .- , - ...... j rcspori'.iiblo for any Lisa that may be or r i y have beon sustained by the dons , ions of b.t i toothers by the Company, which ibinnto.ni were bona fida trausuction.1, by vola of ths comp nny. j. p. m. cnocuwia.:,, Dakota City, ti. 7. April I'd, N. B. Persons wir.hlng their dseds of tho Company, if they will forward their certifi cates to me, I will obtain them giati.i. no". 3:3111. Atij;ttM.s . on'.'. .fi i it A.iM;ifn. ll'.'.i.im K-iunttt UOl'XTZK IiH)TIt K.JIS, BANKKUJ AWi IVSM, J1CTITJ. AOHN'TS, Aud )rn!iln Kx r'tniig's eV. Coin .'.uidiiy lo 0)1 (' I'l iitn'jutl Citift in f'O'oJ. Ow'liuy, sell an ! l.ats I..1..J Warraota-taO li'iIAUA C1TT, V. t. - - - DAKOTA CUT, 8. T. ril'O.HAl, all..ntlon flv.n tn the cot an 1 t. t'i rnym-'n. .1 tet.r in N.-I.i Ileal Ion of itul-M ...I,. ....I I.,., M. .a. .v I i - - t jr Kaetern Carltall.ta. Intt-re.. aid on t in-. .1. o . it". Lands ii. I tov. n vro.KMlr Imtia-ht end sold. 1,.-. U .HliT. 1 oil tlm. t.-r a-'t'inl a.ttl.r.. Ii,,, in, ,,t In" 't- s.-l.t- d and o.ti,.t with tl.nan'e or r m'!i. . n ci. miio.. or f. r a -ban. ot tha profUs, in tl.e ii-.IAIIA, DAK.'TA. M'..UtasKA I H V A l.itlN ' 1 1 .1 K l i-'-l I', ' . N.l.r.., and Oil Cijl'NClC III. I H i and clni.'X . I ! V !,itil-l lu Iowa. Land. ii. ihnal.a f.i.l ra.!. ri.v and l.n.wnvil'.. il'a' trci,wltl Ii. In loarki-ton An I and e U..r ri.pt.in i . tli-t I-.-. '1 h.. , in (.; nn. il liiuils and .sii.ni City Dl. im it ar" ir it In iom1..'1. 0 .i I r.i'. iiin-.-s U".i at all tlu I-r ll. I (ml poio1' 'a thi,S:al.s. oi": IMPORT A N T I INFORMATION. n u . w n i t r. HAVIMl rmT".t hU o.n--trnm ?'l V1n. , . 1 1 7- Jin nir-ft, r-nlut Loulrt, iiifnouri, en.un.r " ( iinuUni r a Hit 'tifA-" of a IKIVoTli Oil M'.LiCATK KATLTl--. ISv ft Inn yr roiirne, fif itn'l (.rHI il .t y- r'.-h- r ' tmluiiUM "..nt, I'r. W. ,ni- iv w th. vruir'. .. n '.f i l."-....si ...... .......... " ... , ni.ycr tail- 'I to rurn tlm iiit-Ht ulnript'i - t-1 (.o.voiuuiaiA AM) Hiriurts. l ii'l'T hip trfutu. nt nil tho linrn-r- f V "r.l liispur-i .(!.)-..., K'-r-f.rulft, i..iri ll'J H, li'lr--i K Ceil..-., Mi ' lUntfi'i.H 111 tJiU Krui'intA li i'TOAtr...!!"!!. lieiittUIIIlfetf'-fi f ihtt I'lrtiJ 1 r Hit.l Ui-Iiif.eJ, AI.Mr. rH, HuiiM'f. Jf'rl U -l r-tTrliloii' mi i ii u iofiK I'tii'i ii (1'ijri- it r m r ' im t). I ;'?-' '' ti;.' :t t-n, r. n.n.J ' j. : t v- iinrnil'T'i n- th.' -iii.ii -t nili.r;-. k( to i i.i! 1. .s-;.; A' .t . w i:a a'.v llr IV it.-vit 11; a ir.et part ifhiaiioi" I. ii. ! -" in. nt of llo . 0 raus.-d by a -. .u-.r bciill. ev 1 . 1 b rolna lha l..ijy and nil'ol, iinlitllon tl' "! I. r unci" Individual ler nl.h.r l"i-l '.. -" r e-e-t. I . .u .... ol'lb..il and no -liai- holy ,-if.cts t-r-'i'.' '. lyll.J onrir l.ai.il. ol y .iith. arc wzakni Hs-iir-Tin: n'.".: ami; i'a.j it.iti. 11 .1 tha il'"irt, li',p- j.-la, N.i coii-ii"... Te r... -.-in. -ut of tt..- H!ii,e.llvi) l-ueiLlor-', tHfii.io.iii 0 ut nuii'ti'in. '. Ac I'tiirjiil .Mff r on f'.r A'.o aro n u i to !,,. d-. . !. d. 1 ; M t ot Id. ax, !.' .r-- I n ' f spli I la, Kvil b'. ., 1 ...J n - . A . -... n l.i rW.c...i i, r. ! f ill' Inn.., Tlniiluv, A.-, al-'at : L tt.e evil" rod .1.'. I r llch M-raona, he i .. ....... ei ;i 1 t tn n.ir, laK' , cl."i.i I con. ill a .l j -l. "a I . I . ' e-!-i! - to 1 .kill, au I I- a.' i..o re o ".'I I' b.al ti a- 1 ' i : '-s. fKVfif e .t'.'Tf c rfi rtuu.t :. Ml .'-I ' rs . ...f '.' '"". Id.' "I '' '' " W .. i. a.m.. .1 ...il in . el alio ori l.-oli'. II II. ent i... ' : I-. . f .i s li .1" I avi urc ho n . ! ..;.,. ., , i 1, r fv '1 irt . 1 1 rr i Wo;UVUuT!rs j;-)i:' J I ooi. Mi.tioio ry and I'ao -r i I. ' l l."i'atiun, t'hll '.r.u's 11' ". J.l' .. 1 . SCHOOL !'')()'; J In v r,-i.t varU-t ". r.lnll..ii..iy i f ev. ry d. a-.1 'o r. ' i. A i.,.t li. ni rlv ili I... ...... no -nt . , I .' j l'.'i ', Ko i. loi..-a and K- elni. ' ' ' .. , I l' .'r, 'I i a'iuir I lot h, N; al I,, nia.i' i a, .',.!.. ,u l! .-I', ...... I.,.,.!!' il. . . pap;:u m tN'T .; . :' . TI..- in t : mi. . h . . . . n. 1. 1 a. . :.. tt i ' iir..i .i i i .Mil. ).. , ' ) v.-,.; . . 1 a, 1 i wasoMi'