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About Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1859)
, f I. ( i i ft f: 11 t i . "3 U , - i -f i -J j ::, i 4 . 1 - i 'I 1 Mf 4 r I f .it a t t-rt f t 1 '"e rivnt' itM riorl'y rerUn. If I' lat Vi.lin 11. Pert will I f h Oppoeitien r n Ii : r,r t'.r Trs-i lir in If- '. i ''r. Cwnr, other. I r hep. flit Gey lit de'lntd It i!i-t mlnt'lit The elents rf to Opf ruliion are entangled llfiri, Hod ('fur I prrs t.i be the "il.v mnn who can r on! iu enough of I '.I'm tOHstlier ti make a r er '!)! !( In the Convention- Iliitc rition aM lit p"litlo! belief are woil known. Iff tttee ri-"t'"l that, between the North a-ii the South, en irrrprea-iitl conflict i'xi?t, wMili rn ii t eetitinu nd inereria until the 1 niin in rnmpied cither wbn'ly cf fr, or rloMy "'slave states. Heplsce tl.o North ntd th 8 nth In direct ants g inifm, and t ( or tht other mit la tht end, I f'rcnttih. l.miaian sugar m l Georgia cotton i lott be produced by tree labor, or slavery "ill somtim ewallow n New Fnglaod. with liir manufactories Pennsylvania, with her Iran andonal, find tlhie and tlie'Vrtst W-t, vitli their rich agricultural products. He ps no ruble for th South, litis wiiilng i3 MTifie everything e ten tht Vnion to (7sin hie ends He acknowledges no miM ,-rmnd. lie boldly declares that the frft ir titutlrp of our country, and African slavery i nnot exist ia the seme govern rrent, nnd ! Tom entire n t uocofniitiot.! !HritMjition, l y fuir tntne, if possihle, foroil'lt if itrsnnct I e done i"K7 other wy. lo ttfrct, ht Wuie the ri.?ht of each ett'e to ntlie Its own lw, direct ite own dr,inotie inttitutimit, protided t"f tl't CVntitition of tht I sited ,"it If he. or hrif ent like him ie elect I, effie-kiont upon the rifcht of soTere i jn Sltei m II : oore he onu.ienoed. . Hie euectM will he eijiiikl for inrerd end rtti'iUHl ruin. The i ..ofllutiou will he dieri purled, and tlie r:.)i(:t tn cnnttdl their own Inetitutlons will be dunh' I to Hit tiuteg. Iho Anti-f'1try element will he made tn pervade ftety deprtifnt tf the poreromerl fmm Iho Huprelnt Otirt clown. J.ewt will ht altered to euit the politionl vlewt efthepftrly. I'onjcrct will bt empowered to intrrfere in lb ti-rriiiwiue. The ITuiou will I e weakened, end ptirbapi uieserred. Upon enoh Inure i. Ihtee, tho Hepuhllcan party, with "ewurd at their btrad. end hie Roobthter rpec oh for their political lead hook, will en rieaver to conduct the next aipaiK On luoh a p.latfrm, they cannot carry half ttatei In the L'uion. Th Lemocratio element of the ooantry tht lev of unim and eoooerd will defeat all enoh unholy oheina. With Mr. l'oulae, the Oni-titution au ther i?hte of the pecpie under it, the lemoc!iacy n.ay go Into the couirt-t urc oftuoatet. r.Ki.i- IT BEKOKE T11K l'EOPI.K: I'.'-j ublionn Mpiul-rrfl cf Conpr.. to tf & uitiht tht admission of On gon ft m a fret Al rlral f 111 Kx iree from t he Mint INDIAN OUTRAGES. " LiAvikwotmi Sep. P. l.enrer City Jaltl to the 2d lnfU Itilt ii rr hrlti(t nearly three thoue.nd dollar ia dust. Quit a nuiiiher of prepotiin par tits hate returned from th Sulh l latt dift hinva duriaft thtlait fw day, aid although U"t denjinp th ilteuce of (told In that region ity d.Ly tli practicability of tuvoful i.laiiiS. txtereiv lediu outras bar tca report ed t'y them. The crcae of many tuulen nnd heree. piers 1 Vy bull'. and arrow, bare bn f'ind, th owner of whioli ar suppoced t hart t c murdurtd and thvir hodie con t ald. The prprtatore of tht slaughter are i.-mhrif the Utah tribe. On tbeerenlcg of the of the 26th, a Germau hutehr, of th nam of Frederick Millry, formerly tf Chioego, was fatally etahbsd it A or aria by a outitryman, a barber by the name of Phillip Sehwergshart, formerly of Qtiney, Illinoia. Tht aflray tooV pUoe tn a bar-room and jealouey it aeaigaad ae ite Immediate oaue. Mllley reaelfed thtrteen ntalu, end died, after Intenee uttrln(r, on tb itooa t day. 8i)kwrf rhart flrat eudeaeored to neape '.h couutry, but Sually returned, anS li now Lavinjt a iirelimlnnry trial befute a .Hetice of the peace. Heery thuutler etorui hnv prcruiled during Ihfjifooenllug week ; stroke of linht nieg did cmpi l;rble dumegB in Denver C:'y. Th fiiet horee rae took pleee on t)e "JCth l.ietant, a ehort dietanoe from I'enver City, aad wa largely attended by Hi oitUim. tin the evoninjf of the piorediin( Tri ly a Urge and tiithudistio Mrrting was held t tht l)uver Kou, John H. Jont'H, the prr.erel luptrictendeut of th Eiprese Co., pretidod. Many epeech wer made, aula oominlttce appolntn l to prepare uieiaorl.ile to tho l'refi rientofthe Dntted rttatee aud Congress, in which the preeent coudilina of th gold rt filoc i to bt davoihtd iu detail, and the want of their iuhehituiiU exprenet'd. An ludlan ifeney, a military poit, a wagon road from J)euvr t'lty to alt Luke City, will he taaluly prayt far. Henlutiou approving f th tue,iy and uterjiric diplyd hy the Jxpree O, wrt paeed. That npuUicn iiicnit en of Congress ve nd against th t!rieii'U tf Miiuiesot as a Fr Mute ! Uell llernt-litviil Lives I.t. Nw Vokk, Sept. C. Tk Uarmonie ilitel at Iiohokeu wt dos Irwjed by tre to diij. Mr. taeee, the propii Ur, and thre of hi daughter pel ihi 1 iu th iiHoise. Mr. Bat was never'.y injured by leaping frees a window- Th aldest daughter i leo leaped f rota a window, but ana caught by a r. '.tiling lu bU ura. Thi peiecn vtes on a ladder eudeavoring to eiet th iouii.tfo of the building to escape. Gold m Mm.iot'Rt. The Alexandria I'r'i ravt u pie. e of quai li, very rich with gold ha leci'Utly been fiiuud near Waterloo, Clark county. Th' is als gold bearing Hand iu honth-rait Miiwmi, that will pay 1 to $2 a day for washing, we aie Im'oiuied. It lenot n dej ' drive from Irontoii, hut w are not at liberty to lanke public the location. The Bt. Beuia New received a letter fioiu a tuheoriher in Texas toat.v, rtatii.g that g' Id had been found ther iu tonldrah'.a imautitieu. Irfn'.on J't.rHTf. . - . '.;-. i!' 1'itTHS. A Chicago paper under th hci'iiiig f 'Births,' tunouncee "Ou 2Dih Vim the w.r or Oeorpe Tinker, J'.n , of a 'tmu female Tinker ; the lady of Hon. Jam,, f "enaon of a pair of vmall Camion tbe wife of fai l Jo'l Uarttif a little ewtel-Hart hi. 1 lh wife of Geo. W. Bull of a f.mals l'.ull I" k Jw WnrT A new wheut is noticed as ir.-ewing iu Yirgiu!, PM'fd the Boughleu 7 beat which rij -in,two tji ek. earlier thai b.,at u.ually grown luthl. vicii.ity. lh H'Krcftkti An.rie.n Fariaer, .alttmore, Md. ,v"it erlv quality l uudoubted. ..ii JJll wa..Utcd it VK'uMJ !. o cut the )st irtta lo ' " ilrfiriMi inlnm t ItM Krvll- " V' -t.-i'i Y: w II r t !,.,; fru':." ' F TV - 1 trt l i!i,(:i f r. c i f.-. " A tw.rril t tf t rill . h f r;l, It fr ..;! " .r, ('!.! II P c 1 1 1 I Allltj.UHlt1ll .1 II , . i i r 'i; i'V i. n't 'I -V., One dey Ut wck a e;rj pir.g e! ,--rf tni a Hue locikii.g, Vffll dre.4 white wn.iian, eitne twenty tws yeet of e pne e 1 thrMijr.ii thl piece in rotrpanT. at h oarrj log a car j tt jk TLey ca'Ifd at Mr. ftein'i a tni'.e or lei emiih ef lewn, fir vine brrsJ, ri,hi. giveathem The woaeu twrk it ax I wM;pvl It up ia a c py f the Arktahuia Pi aLuv! whii k eh liJ with her. Mrt. Oowen tttade eomein juiry of the weruan ae to where hf w from and whilkcr l.tund, but ceuij gft r.o eatiefaetion f. 'in hrr. (n the next day a ye'isg man, the I rr.:!.rr of th young It !j. cime ia i.h cf the preoiou eoup'i. We learned f:o:n hm that the nipger n a fugitive eiavefrm T. n vtn't, that he arrived in JeUer'a At'ituh-iU ci'Utitr, eom two year ago. H hud hctn pcttid by the ebnlitina fanatic ef that luwn and the father T tke anfor'.unate girlhai made hie houeo the home of the darkey, nni taught hi thildren tk doctrine of tie R'ptihlican party cf th lteivrra, ifarvt no diliuc t:on ihoel l b mad on r.ccnant cf ooier is I that tht nvgro ii enf.tlsd to ail the civil and political rlgkt.1 enjoyed by a white man. I'" ler thre tcaohirg the girl, hn herelo foi hnrne a gno l eliaraoter, became ititiointe withthi iilpucr, an I an el'ipruent was the roult or that intimacy The young ninn ; threatoiied tLe life of th li i tf g r If he ihou'.d ! eucceed in cntjljin Li in. The ditching ueual-! ly coniee It I'ti e the kliiieg. Hn waj j urticu- j lmly eever ou Caffy. and leteutHeme pratty tig out). about hi always voting tht Hepek lica.ii ticket and (tanding up for black tuen, &ud hkS wctc-ruiiiaatiun tv d h that party for the balsact cf hitaatural lift. Uultum (O.) fur mrt, Ciiaiment are UBnereeary wt oloee with another quotation from tht Ortat Teacher. 'Kvr trn.lLt trlnlli not f rtli f'i,U ult i Ltru iIm. n en J mat Into tliu vTene truer. ' JiYIIlKtR FKt'IT SHALL YK KNOW TltKU." A una A rreated fur a anurtler Comiult trrt K1tm reare a(a On Saturday laet, William Edward, of Ray t&ond, wa arrented for the alleged murder of' a female named Barah J. Verril, aheut tleven I yearetgo. Th ncenstd at that timt rteided in that tewn, and Kdward Is said to hav hen tamiliar with her. Uue morning both of them were mining, l.dwarde bad been teen with the girl on the previou evening lit return te hi family in iihnut four weeVe, but donied all knowledge ef the girl, and ah bus never been beard of elune. Lent week Joahu&E Jwarde, a brother cf the aoou"J, made a onnfemiion, stating ha aud William murdore 1 the girl by tying or ohain lug her on to a pile of hruth aud netting fire to It, and burning her alive. Upon this con fession William wa arrested, and th cure will come oil' for examination before Thome. Johnson, F:q., ia New (llouoe(r, on Wednee dny Hon John J. Berry and Charle W. Ooddard have been employed mi oouneel fur the Boomed. We pre-mme Mr. Butler County Attorney, will attend the examination on the pnrt of the elate. I'vrtland Aritut. KKBI IT BI1FORK THIl I'L'OrLK! That the Republican paseod a law Uit win ter, in tho state of MPMachuett, compol foreigners to remain iu the country seveu year hfur theycn vote! I'jit timt Ly (i fatt A'j7- It is reaordca1, In the latent annal' of the turf, tht Klura Tem ple, the celebrated racer, who with her equally celebrated ocmpetltor, BrincenH, pneeed through otr city on nor way Went ward, on Monday, made the tntent time known uu Sunday bight, having accomplished theHlinont intredililo feat of running a mile on the trick in one minut and thirteen teoondn Thin verne aatoniuhing, but it is iievurthaUi true, as w havo our information from aoonnuctor on tht l'eims) Ivauia Railroad, by which elm was brought hoV, who actually eaw th feat performed, end timed nor by bin chronometer. I'itttbuiifh 1'usl, MOK1C KHAl l Th e litottof th itj'iiblii-nn In this city, brought vrith them acveral thousand euvelo pee, with tht frank of Hon. K R. Hptuldlng. member of Congres from the Buffalo district New York, and while Hpauldiug 1 more than fifteen hundred milts distaat, have repeated ly attempted to load down our mail with Black Republican documents, rnolosed in those franked ravslopea. Mr- Hitohoook, another bright ihiulng light in the Repnhlican party, and at preent a oandidat for District Attor ney, ha also barn busily engaged In seudiog off Black Brpuhlioan document for eleotloa eering purposes in this Territory, franked by the liou. John Ccvode, M. C. from l'etuuyl vanta. liStirusimn. That speaks for itself The editor of the ftyuUican, and liv Hilhcook, ooioiaenoid oa rather a larger soule than Daiiy. He un lertook to operate on fifteen dollare. That t right A'eliruthiai ; fxpos the rascals, and whu they cry " fraud " tell th op!e to otap heir h&nds rn their pocket and Keep a sharp j l u x out. What mey win uot ao in ibe way of defrauding the Government is not worth trying. Missisciin. Tht following is the Oppe titiou ticket In Mieisnlppl : For Governor II. W. Walter ef Marshall, For Hecietury tf State U. H. Southworlh of Huiiflowf r- For Auditor of Bublio Aocountt A. Ii. Beyueld of Tisheiuingo. For Treaaurer Jeneph Began of Clailorn. Bc" 1r- I'ttU Bait Owen, now engug d in tht gcologicnl survey of Arkansas, hue pnh lishcd a letter In whiuh h states that dia monds wny be found in that state. TKUMOXT KLKCTIOX. Th whole lUpublioaa tlokt U !e -td 3,000 mjority. Iu 21 town th tot stand : for Governor Hail, 5,22o; Saxe, 2, o7 Republican major ity. 2,650. Last year tl rteult iu th earn towu was a follow : Hall, i.Wl ; Keye, 2,KJ. In UO town the Itipublican have e'.eoted hi ef thtir ruudidatea egainat K Heme jrutti, aud tn no choice. Last year th earn towns elected 1J Republican and 10 Demo crat. The Tt. Monroe, jr , ll. editor of th I ex 1 lgl iu S'j'ri"uin, in to tie Se.relsrv to -iAv- GEO D CRttf, RJ.t r A I i;,r,iut alwrrSay Meralng, Irwlembcr Wt till. lltltlll nil It' NOHIMAl l'.llM. ttr I' ie rittii, Y,. KSTABROOK. Y-.t T. rri'rit Trn'..rr, V.! I, I.I AM W. ffiMAN. Trritorial Auditor, KOI5KRT C. JORDAX. 'r Terriioriil CnmLn'ni'.caer, T. H HiKTZV. I ur Tri!toiiI uibrMiaa, AL(ii') I). Luci;. (JOiN'TVTICKET. For Pepref iiit;ve BAUSABAS B ATKfl' CORSKLIU9 O'CONNOR, for l'.ej;;etr m d Recorder WILMAM CARNAHAN, For Trinrer ZIBAM1LI.AGK, For Judge A. H. BAKER, Ft?r Cotnt-IPlAaer JOHN J. TRACY, Tor Sheriff JAMF.3 McQlN, For County Cieik JAMES W. VIRTUU. CANDIDATE'S DEPART WENT. YTt r mthcrii'! b 1 rjuf to iiiiun- !ie iinrat rf Dr. J. D, M. CRiiCKWKLt. a Ca tl.UU to rprent th Count of Dkot la th rt Terrlt' rt al bvftelatur. j titMt ,UBr,UBP, u,. )M rf iieuik.k w ivank ! ,, , can,1IJi.t. r.r Mtrlct Attorney, of thTlilrda j urttX Pttrlct AITOISIMKJtTS. General E. Bitahrook will nieet and address the citiini of northern Nebrnka, at th fol lowing placer, aud time. At Dakota City, Monday, Oat. 31, at 4 P. M. " Bonca City, T ienday, " 4th, " 2 " " ft. Jamoe, Wednesday, " Dth, " 2 " " St. Helena, Weiln'day, " Dixon, Thursday,, " 5 " tith, " 4 " 7th, " 3 " " Hi. John', Friday, " Gov. S. W. Black and othir dUtinguiehcd gentlimen have been invited end nr confl dat ly expected to be prnt aud address the people. Citii'jni turn out ami nnd hear far jourelvs. Hjt. 2(1, 1H09. Marllia Btavrell. This grntles.&n las visited our city, uu annrnnoed himself an Indepn4nt Ptnplo'e Candidate for Ddegate In Congress. Flo die" not deliver htielf ef a epeech, hut visited la persen many cf ur oitiien. Those who hav been prooiiasnt in th bolting movement In Dakota, reeeivid him kindly, anil looked complaisant at ths idea ef having a candidate of their ewu, Democrat? wer not material ly txeited, while Rcpsblieant were ohop-fal-len, aud ectmed ind!gasiit that anyone ihould dar to oppose thsir own canjidnta. As w saw bias, heppeared a p'ei'iaut, iThle and ititalligeut geutlcmaa. Ia personal appear anse he has luuoH the advantago of Daily, and moreover, claims to he a consistent tem perance in mi. II U a oit'-en of Nemaha oounty, and a near neighbor tf tit Republic an enudldatt. lit ha issued a modest, well written clroular, which tf we had epaoe, wo would insert entire but we let tht follow ing in relation, to Mr. Daily. Being bis fel low citizeu and former puritan, we auppost he speaks of hiu habits and foibles, from an adaquatt knowledge of fact". "A rebukt to any man who teek3 our votes, for tht purpose of enablis him the bttler ta eeonre fer hiinsotf rohnol Laada, previously entered by fraud, thereby robbing our ohildren of ons of their ruest eacrod right Let the people throw every politician over board who lava bts hauls u our rchooi lands. " A rebuke to one who made a fi-ir pilrat ooutiuot with another pty for pnbllo j.iiiii ing, thn basely exposed him to government vongenoe for eel fish purposes and against th interest of Nebraska ; tur.eby showing a I ehunifful waut of good fulfil, both public and private. " A rebuke to on Who secured hH own neininaliou by uning his eftioiai inCuence to prrfat i uklio meetings of hi own party, to elrot iteiegiilra to Beilevu, while privately nH-uiin tlelegates fur himself, thu forelug Ir.msrif upon in aud thereby insuring his own defeat. " A rebuke ti party wire puilere for at tempting So force a tncUish, whiskey politi e'uiii tloni) (he peoplea'a throate, A'cltm t'u Ui, willing or uot willing. W have had too many i!ijrueeiul drunken broil in Congrt'S a'rei. ly." 1 1 o ditrerent from the above i tk testi mony cf Fui na, n'..u a titizen of thi os-j.s Keiiiah.t county, who epeaking of Gen. Enta biooH, hivo " lio is a man against whom nuiliiig can he fail." A for ourself, we would rather hav this voluntary tribute, from a cornibt and venal editor, fereed for I one. to speak tke truth, than spend a life in Congree branded as a robber of School Lands a pot home politioiun, and abandon- i ed drunkard. The voter of Dakota County ! know Gen. Fstahreok too well, ti threw him ; asi le for uch a man 1 I The vol which Mr. rUowe'.l will recrite . mey not be very large, but will e mpe'ie the ftrsHfc-th ef the pai ty whose candidate he is. It will howevtr greatly reduce Daily' vote nerth of the Reserve, and well th tea jority for I'.A .I rook. Ki" Th lu.iuranc Agent in Loudon, re-fiii-e to injure the nionsttr .Stramshin, Great Fsstaru. u her tuul ir p acroM th Allantu un!ps at an rricc 1 i'il. t I "1 . H Mi i ri. 'i e i , "ff r :i Mi i Ho t'. t h::i i Uf-U a ii. ore s.i ai 'Hch;vii ! li.U'l h AsaUrref l'l h.uHy TrlrV ! "he Kiliiepiait oaiililiita for De'.eja; to Coutrce, lis l eu, iCttiug hiuis f out io h s'vienot warrsoted by tb faots, in Dfteto, dimming Ci'y and other towns not th cf th r'at'.e. In tho places l:e rot only .Kuied hsvirg any partieipation, with those ho at -tsnfUl to difuetr.ner the Territory, 1 ul slit el h wa a.i ai asst cppeKer ef the , t:ne. We eori.msNiJ tut .'o'.lsWiLg lsCs; s to the pe rusal of th duhious. Omahs, ?spt. lbth B-oO. T. J. Mackey, Ksq. Dsar t'.r: Knowing yen to hav brn an acliv friend of the late movement to annev th Psulbfr aertion of Ibis Territory to Raise;, and learniag that yeu were a partiipant in the Convention of those favorab'i lo that measure who assem ble! at Brownville on th 6th of Jtutary last, I tak th liberty ef enquiring f yeu wheth er tho Hon, iSainuel G. Dnily was a meiaber of th C'nuvsatioa, and whether he captains I by voic or vote, any of its measures; ind if so what the' msasur were? 1 do this for th r arisen that it i claimed for aud by Mr. Daily that h never favoid or countenanced any of thole measure. I hav tht honor to bt, sir, Viy Respectfully, Your Ob't IServ't B. L3TABROOK. Jirt'ly. Omaha, N. T. Sept. IP, 1039. Hon. J5. F.tahrok .Sir: Yoti tf this Jat La beta reeivd and catnts cstrd. la reply to your enquiries as to "whether th lion. Samuel G. Dally was a member cf the Seuth Matte Ccnveatlea that asemble4 at I'.rewavill oa th 6ih of January la.jt, aad whtbr he taiard by voic or vote, aay f It miuirii, a t.4 what thus aieaiurss wsrs," I hav thebtntr to etate, that the Hen. fium'l G. Daily wa a tnmber of that Convsntion, and that b S'lstainrd it lueasnr by bis vol. These tneasuie were in itriet aecord anc with It oigsnic charaottr as an : blag tf dlgt irons tb ceuaties south of tb BUG favorable t aantxi ig thit por tion of Nebraska ta th pri pvstd Stat f Kan sas, to ttcurt thereby the advantage :' an early Htatt trganisatien, aad embracsl, 1st. Rtetlutions fortifying aad vindicating ttie policy tt annexation. 2d. A oiemorial to tb Senatt and Ilonnt of Krpreatative ef tnt United states in Congres anssmblsd. Braying that that per- tion of Ntbrnska Territory, bonndstt on the north by the 41st parallel of latitad. touth by tht 40tb parallel, tast by th IT.mourl river, aal on th wst by th 101st meriJian of longitad, might be embraced within tht limit of the proponed 8tat of Kansan. 3d. An addre? to th popl of Kama asking thir aid and co-epsi a ion in furthsr ane of ta ebjtst ef th Convention. As n metaherof the Brownville Annexation Convection, and th author and framer ef th "memorial" ui "address, " I am fully ad Tiro l of all lit prcoetdings f th it bdy as attested by tho writtta rtoordfl, It nirs. nre were all adopted unanimously, and the Tote of Ntmaha oounty was ast in favor of uunrxatien, by Hon. bamael G. Ditily ll. W. Faraas and others. I am, sir, yours, ko , T. J. MACKEY. KB. BP IT BEFORE RHB TKOFLKI That th Rpuhliean candidato for De! gat iu ConiiT was in favor of dismember ing th Territory, by annxiug th Sonth Platte (iintriotto Kansas ! Let Hi em Howl I ! I The tw journals that have abjured Democ racy and now swear by Dily, one ou ac count of local, the other tn nooonnt of pecu niary reanons hav set up a piteous howl, because people who have been in the habit of oalling thingi by their right nam!?, now call them Abolitienidts. If thoir eeuiiitivencss Is wounded It la entirely owing to the position they hav taken, and the penchant tb publio has for looking at thingn an they ar. It i but a reasonable presume that any one who would support ae rank an Abaiitioniet as Mr. Daily, for an offiae so important an that of Delegate to Congress, in an Abolitionist body and soul. Th spectaole of them returning frsm Democraoy to AbolitioniHm, strongly re sembles the dog that returned to bis vomit or tht saw that wut back to the mire. It wan a favorite maxim of Fenelon's, that you could alwa)Kti.'ll what a man was by th oompany he kept. 1. O fl I V U , Tl KM OVT I ! ! By rfernce to another column it will 1 seen that Gen. Cstabrook, and other distia guiel i personsgee, will addr tb citi.-.ens of th Nations towns, corlkVf the Re;iT, btwu the U and 7th ef thi month. Let there he a general attendance ef ail who hav rorm for mre than one idea in tht ir beads- !V The sUiur of tht IsUoJ of Pan Juan, by Gontral Harny, was entirely upon his own responsibility, aud witbsut any instruu tions from Wsehingtou. No doubt is enter tained by th Administration that the mutter will be immediately au l amicably adjuuti t, as the quest! of th Oregon boundary is now with tho Commixaionerf appointed for its determination. Tho a.nion of eur troop i considered of no importance as ejecting the result. fcF Poitmaster-tieiurnl Holtdid not begin hi Reform mortmit on Republican docu ments. months ago, fifteen thousand Democrat io dofiment, bearing the frank of Senator Iiios'i, rf Miasi... ippi, eee rsfosed I transmission tiroi-gh the mnile, t' frank not having been written hy the Senator himself The lie will herigid'y and impartially enforo el. Leigh Hjnt tl.e brilliant, sparlt'ini; Eng lish anthor is dead. Tie new cf hie demit was brought by the Ang'o Huxon. Kr.E' i? Bi.l'ORF. The M'O'Ll'. That San.'! C. V iWy is, branded by his nel,:hb. r.i a; awhi-ky pili'i-ian, snhool Land p'un B rer en I a r:ia 'f Vs. ! 't.ih VTIJtdrsvvsl of M.J drttsrf i A CARD. Iier:t end i;.rreiiig iB.T.m'tie cerate'' 1 vi'h the it'.s.'barge rf my effloial rfiitiea, in duce me .rirn:!ly ti i'cl;no the nrix.inr'.;''n ti;dr4 m by the ?i ion Cci; t'.y Convrntio!' Ii do'.rg to I r-tut: tuy fjra'.fa! .tcuowt t'.'g' uif nt t'i thoe whose p''rnce cnLjrl fie for tl pos.tioo. aad !y to the n tiiy 'r.s'i.l" who hfi.e so kindly tinderil n:e their support. J. r.IATT OBKGOUV. Vi'e insert abv the eard of Msjor Gi-egtry, withdrwin,t bis nam as a candidate for the Legislatur, to rsp.'tsput the ctunlies cf D.i kta, Dixon, C !nr and L.Cau qui Conrt Hi rcasou fjr to Join j ar of as olUoial rharao ter, and it will b a sourc of dsp regret tw his many I'risuJ that they cunuot manifeBt their atta;htnut ta hiiu, by casting their voles fer him for the ot'.ioe for whioh he is so emiaently fitted. We make no Buggetion a to a oncctiilate for th position. Th Demo crats f Dakota county, will tnbniit the qtes tion of a choice to the upper couitiis, and will vote for any good emorat thy nisy designate. We hav heard of the n&uie of Judge Robert of St. James, epoktn tf, nni we know no one whom we woali inert cheer fully fijjprrt, or wht would tarry with him a larger ninjority at the coming election. j KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE. That Gea. Estabreolt, the Demoorati nom iuee and iext delegate from this territory will bt eleeted by a triumphant mjity. Th) Krest. The c?cct cf th frsst of 4th ult., has beeu moet elisastreus en the farmers of Northern Nebraska. It was so intern tt to amount to a friexe, and th destruction consequently, so eomplct that growiug-cora was llterully kiiled. It wa abont tk uenal period f its development, tnd oa cartful inquiry we find that only a email proportion of th growing rop, was in snck a state ef forwardness, as to he bejend th reach of injury from frett ing. The tuiouEt cf a merchantable arlict will tbrfnre, be lucordidarable. Of bucl - wheat ther was a complete drstructioa not a bushel wilt b Larvntl north of the Re serve. We bat Li co scared in the lotu cf gardoa crept, melons, beans, etc. The ca lamity whioh has fallen ca as, baa been gen erally east of bre, end much farther south than the lalitade of forty two degrees, which is the southern Nebraska limit of its rava ges. Potatoes eitepad with tho destruction of their tops, aud ar new trndicg up gren leaves, end proiai-e an abuuilant yield. Oar farmer should not t diaoaaregd. Ko frost s early as thie ban evtr been known in this region. We hav yet a soil and climats lift whioh in ordinary seasons, renders thiti en ond to no other a a t'esirabl ferrying or grazing country. Potatoes There is a general complaint of the failure of the potatoe crop in the Bust. North of this plaoe the dry weather has cut the crop very ehort, while in Dakota and Dixon coun 'iee the premise of a good yield was never better. Let farmers dig svery bushel and s:fely house then for aext year. The pri muKt b paid, tnd nr faraasrs must be satis fied that It i the most enrtaia and prcfituble crop that tbey caa turn their attention te, in this eouety. 854711041 Thos. A. Hendricks, Cemnt.M'.on er of the Land OHic at TTaehiugtou, has re. signed bis ponitien, ant! the President has in cepted his ieignatin. II i a prcnineiit caydidate for nomination as Gevernor before the Indiana Democratic Bute Convention. Ex Cei grepsmaft Hughs cf Indiana, h., it in rumored, been tendcrud the oiKge, mad vacant by Her.drick's reignation- Cas.! Cot .vtv. We hav reoeifed a private ltter from a weii-known, and reliable oit'utn of Cas oounty, in whioh he B.'tys : " I now hav no foam of Case oounty giving General Ktnbrook, a handaam majority." Po it goe ! By clectien day, nearly every county in the territory will h ready to poll "a hand some majority" for our nomine. KF.KP IT BF.FORK THE 7'EOXR. Thai rm'u'i G. Daiiy, th tnagamb!an candidate, will i"i uji lh spent on tke 11th int. The Frankfort, Ky., Commonwealth, the lending American piper in that btate, suya that Mr. Brewn, Democratio CoEgreanman elect ffeui the Fifih Diflrict, and who is net jet tereutyfive years of age, i in point of cenersl ability, the first man in the Btute an or .tor he las n superior in the beauty ef his Ungusge, chastity of thought um I grHceful action. rv..Gii !: Eatabrook, firmrly Attis;y General of this Btute, aud nT a citizen of Nebraiicu. ha been nominated by the Dsuij triil of that Territory a thoir candidate fir Delegate to Coogrtss. Weenufim per-cnal knewle J(.e ismre our i aityfiieudn lu.'icl .ii ka that they hav made a good and u itioilg selection. Gea. Betabrooh, iH a high-uiiaJed intelligent genilemuii, deoidcd in politics, and a luau f ability and Integrity. He will of course he elected. When be ran iu we r him betwoia ',t((Xl andliiimO ui.i- ojrity. We hepe he will t-e in etron.'ly ef, Jori de iu his utiv hoait. ;u,t f U',.., ..,. -,. (nit. New Vork. The tiaocri;y of the Ein pir St ite arc ut li.t uuited. Tbty laid nei lo tkeir choticiiiogiL'al diiTsrsuce, met at Syra cuse on the l .ih f but mouth, t omia.tted deleg t the Charleston cinveutioti sad aljnurntd ami 1 chetr-i. Thirf looks well for, the cans iu that St its and sfc .i ni'iy nosr b put down a-' being in the ,:un"ra!ii: lie. in I Kill A mimler of prrs'.ni in M.'w Yorlt are tik'HtU f l jietit (ieneral McMnb.-.a, th duVo tf Mtgfiit. w't'i a nl teoani'i',.' Not m im M ,v The L.livir, r..,-, tb. Mnj. A J. IWIsm, whre'. cr.'.Iy ,li.d in Lnu'i.n., wat not Andrew Jackson Donelson, tbp a!crtel ,, ,r , , - v, new v..ns a--", e'ii ci: !i!a! lert n th Filimeie ticket. f r Vice l'ie,i. Lord Ra I.te.k publishes a letter from Kiohard II. Dana of Bo-tou, ou the subject of balloiies; in the Unit-jd States. Mr. Dsn-i nhoas the btneCt ef this lyetern tn thU coun. try, and to prtvuut fraud it is r.cctsaiy to dcpiiv it of tccresy. I E )V A D YYA I T I SMIi N T H Mi i ick io iMT'AlTclTiMAitr All persons havin claims annltiMt ths P ,ne n,i. sns f,.r iI-Mh cuntrsrt'it or deprivations o lumi't, ' , ' .' "' """".v notl-. J tl., ... ........ ...III". II ll,( . (onii.iisslnncr of lmllan A.lairs a I b.' bi b! nt tbe I'on.-iu eRi.. ., .' '"'unril cf Cbl.'ls will 1 N rsrab. ,l. T., for ths pnrpossfif ln..tl1Ml'1,' men. ten on H :Nt itr.r i f i i. tobr, 1 . .'!. tn; rornUH . nil... Wliru up III H.-'lltir OrjIT BS pll'lcnt.' ( tiiTfslat.'. Biol f..rwarle.t Willi tint repoit o (i, Au-eni lo tbn lion. Hee'v of th Interior. Any tur'b- -ltif..rmUu iln-irel tau bo 14.t1.l1.eJ l y ail.tressine Uii T SHAW liRKdOKY V- In.'ii Air't. f r tl.o , .'K,. Poncas i'perlnl Air.'ii-y, p. o , M..lrrali, ii. 'i. bftpNuibt r 'Ub, i: .jj. TO t ilARI.K.-t, C. OH.'t Ani t!l wm if m.iy conrrn Sir You are hereby nil in. that I "hull appsar bfn- the Kexinfer ana Hmln-r of Die tiau.l i-ffiee for t ' I'sUota liin.i I'lstrl.-t, brsls Territory, at bsknu e.iy on Monilay tbs 17th ilsy ef Octobsr ls;,u at la o'clock A. m , lo pro ay right to snter by pri"inpt!r n the south bifof the south west quarter of rectii u number thirty-four, (;) towimblp twsutv rltrbt (V , an 1 th north ltn'.f of the north wept iiuarter o! se..tlu nuuibsr tlusr, (,'i; lownfh.p m nlr-srvn, (li,') rant si'ut, (i.) osftcf th sixth 1'rlrjcipal Jlerl'l aii N 'I JAMM PHKS1VJX. ' EsVota SnpteieW 24 3W R TAT KM EJfT, vutiv Vie aon'litin afthr i'la'tt Vu'Uy Ifun ttMitr lit, li, . . Astii'ia, Coin on liana In vault, Jj'I i I c ot othsr good Hunks, Ksnk bto.-!l, Hills Rvcnivable, Amount ilue from Bunks tni utherr, luci'li ntl exj-sust s ,Ac, y ho'.e ain't of Arsi Its L!A3iLlTlE Hreulstion A?. Capital tlock, Ac, Pr'Tt anil i ohM, Ac, Hills III.' I siojII' ra, .i'i) oo ii.WO 00 v.ihK wj M.o.'O :t S,'Ji Oo a.u;i i s tit 0,175 79 ?2 050 r.o li.O.OOJ no 4.74A II (. 14.554 M V) J 1A1:?1DK, Oi.-bb'r Kworn to r-n.l pui.."rli-.i before me. a Notary l':iM' In and for the sf oto-, .Nsnraks Teritorv, cn lbl, tht lu ..y of H. 1H.'1. as' sit.. Den. iay band and s.sli.f, st Nebraska City. N. X. JOHN II. UAXo.V, Notsry l'ublir Office of Territojial Auditor. Omahs, Kspt. 14 p.5? 1 bsTnliy rwrtify that the above i n true e'.V. inn rut ss lurnihs 1 ins, and on n.e hi thlii RDliKKl' C, JORDAN' t-'pl7 3w Territorial Audll r. DAKOTA CITY. E. r. tlACO.t I'rojrrluler. Tki rim inodiov.s House Lax now bpn ow& '.k.a ens year, lbs Proprietor still alms lninn.l U A TIRST CI.AHS HOTEL. WM's. in rcnriserstlon of tb redu-tloo of Project, siid (uppllet In tb'.a Wusttrn ( ountry be tin r4ocn! th aoeorllnirH; and Lerrsfisr bit prlees fsr Hoard end Translsnt C u-tctn. will bs tkaa ay Jlret CIsks Hotel In the Territory. Ivtry attention will 1 pel to thi ct.uifoit a-a eavtaieneecf the curt 'niers of tail Flenst.. l akota City Au(,ust ;t, ' Jl. I. MAtOf HERNBON IJOUSE, Orarr o fu-'iAam and X,nth trtrl, OXAIIA. CITY, V. T. MCHAFIDSON JUDtC ritorniKTOPS. General Ktae and Llvory Offise. asj't. .1. is. N, FOR SALE. A Flrnt raU Thtt.tlolit for (!, o th 4M lmiti Trma. Kit quirt t tht Lnd Oitlot. WANTED. HAT caltl and Work Oin. for vkLh I wilt r'T CAt-H. and the hliiheit msi ket erine JjsKotaCUy, August 43, 'n. Win. ( AKh. AINTING F. JENSEN. IIoiii-o, Bi.J'.n, and Oruament;.l painler. Qniininp, Glazing, r.nd paper hanging Uo Likenesics Drawn on paper. Dakota City N T. JOSEPH GftAYEI. Has just received, and will receive pti Steamer Oaaha, th rtmaindti ef ki STOCK OF GOODS, Conxittinr of (rtvetrm, Kooti tnd ISM, And e. Great Variety of DRY GOODS. Whioh shall b sold for tash, or ite erpiivo in trade, at VEUY LOW FIGURES. I-ersctl will do wtll te examine toy (too EeVrt I'vrehaimf CUtvhtrt. fe-,N Trouble t j Show Goods. Pearl Sirt, 9iox City, low. josarn wHAVitii Aug ti, ly. Y, PAHMKU to fell Dry Cdo 1 t 1 now piepuri ro-.'rlt.?. ut V'h'.l. -a'.e or Re t..i:, anv lliuec in 1 I'X ' f ,'v r "WV r