Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, October 01, 1859, Image 1
Mr. lYto.V l-'irsl Wife. ' I'ii-' JiM"' "" tou--f. rri: bo'tied as hnr l m brickbat, rind the ''oOi-c s!ni:e cold," and i, i',.!. r-i r i c fr on ihe breakfast table in ; . , r hv '',ri '.n'lfis amiable, and ranp thij . .;,,;! '.v. 'J In-re uhs ni answer! lie r , i - ;i.'in, third, a foui Ui I. nip, ati II ho isrr. Out of vniet.c, he went to the J.r mil c:'Ii I "Miirin! M.ria!" slb'ht, preltf lull'' woman, tli-i'meil in ft , ,;),.,) tumbled wrapper, with liai r in n stale ,,f .brefi.l confti-i"". answered his ;minons. Hi,,. I, it. I I'HP of tli' "" ruind. bright lam hi h ti-i'ure intended should bedecked with t.,,iilinii!i! smiles, but now, with ft!! iti; rm-s 111 i,. i, it was ilrawn out to us iu.i ictiptti, I t!ic birp" blue serious, or hii'I t.thiT II ,.ili;''ti', pvpi ' tion, totally nt Mil-. -h their usual i.ynnslunk. Her voice. Co, lilt ! lost ill Melodious. ..id was subdued to a d.s'lla rn.pinp foiiinl, whine. 'Wlir.t is it, Joseph"' ' Where ' liridpet? ' (i me oiit for me. I want uii ru whit" rib Ion for mj inc.ois',o;rnbe. ' Mi. IVt.TS ai ! a very nanilitr word, and then , ..!,!,.;!, ' C -U foffc,-, hard PrS. hrr-uk- f,.nt ll'it fit to Pt." 'I wish," win" li ctl his wife, ''von would think p.. of trin j oral tnat'pi'd, and turn your at t. iiiioti to tlir prnit end of hfr." "Haiip it all. madam. I would like to enjoy inv lit'.- while I ill) lmv it. 1 1 ere Wii I, tilt J,-,ppio-t niiiii in the United Sii.ies, with a ,!;;! -ui.t home, a chatty, cheerful, loving wife, H n 1 ' ! . quiet cliil'lren; uii.! now, since ynu have join",! lite Milleritcl, wh.lt mil If "Ob, .Joseph, if vju wo !! only come into tii.it iJi'5 ; .! ciri !r !" ' Oh. M . riti, if ymi wmihl only coine out of it. '.Vli.-rr an" t!i." hoys?'' ' I am sin-.; I don't know." "Am tli.-v tfiiiiij! to M-hou! ti-dny'.'" "Mv Jrar. tlicir trfirlor has gvii up thr f. i.o.il, and i.H tiirnins !:!'r inlnd to more e iilt.-d .liiji '-l.-i Oh, .'o.sepli, turn while th-,- is limr You have, still a v.eek for pivparu tion inn! repentiinep." Itrpriitnnre! 'ei!, wlion I take up thr mbj. rt. it will lake, rai'irr more than a !. t-i pat it llirouli." And Mr Pi ters put on lii.-i rout and took r.j, his hut. ".I.ieph," (.aid his wife, "you nrrd not i"il liimie anv dinner I shall lie out, and I i! t ike the boys over to their uue'e's to i " J'..- made no answer, nnh-ss llie violently f-.'i li.it i o niannrr in whirli In- closed the door was on.-. Mulirrin with aner. he 'trode ii.to a rr.'iiurH'it o tnake a h: .'a!.!'.!:-!. !J--rr li" v:is tiinli-.J uv one ot Ins liarhelor tr:rrv:s, j l-'rrd. S.i.iierg "lio looked tip ij he Iward i Jr.- s o: J-r i!ai!o!' he cried, "Voii lifre? ''Why. what .ire y im Join hero ut breakfast time ? IVif:- si.kV' No:'' " I !a ! a ijuarri-I '.''' "N.,' ' "(io'ii- uiif of town ? ' 'No'" ' 1 ii'T v. ay don't you lirpaKfast at ho'.ie ? t'lou y on f.re?" ' v., '" ants !1 ,!. N "Children jdck ? ' ' No! " '.tell, wlint la i!iii'ioei is to T'av "Marias joined ib 'd ii lerites ! ' I-'re, ,-,vo a Ion.' w liisilo, and H,e;i h,i ''(ioin to ascend next week?" " es, and if 1 don't commit suicide in i he meantime, you may cityraluhitc me. I am :ilnio-t d srract.-d Can't p.. '. a tje.-ent in.-ah iliildien rnnninp riot, servants naucv house hi! in ((iiifi.sj .n, ifi; in il.u b'.-.u .s, either ipiotiiijj the speeches (,f ((k aiders at me, or peiviiiif on a white robe, and pronniii -r every third stitt h Haiij; it all 1'" red, I've h grtat tnind to tiske poison or join the army'" II ui! h m! von L'ive an ench.-i ynu pive an enchanting pic- t-rr, th i "oiik i can tiuir.'st a cuie. A cure ! ' en, if ynu wijl promise to follow If tee I will male your h. itip joelihUll!, your wite cheeiful. and your chihiren loippv." ' lh it," cried doe "I II follow vour word hue a sohb-ir uiub-r his olhcer. What !iall 1 to?" At ("alime Mr Ih terN entered his home. ' vbihthnp. Matin wan neatcd al the table, (" win;, on her ivhitH robes, an 1 there were In) sipns of prej ni-.nion f..r the evei,i(,v mcah "Maria my dear," J M.-. 1'eter.. cheer ' fu!lv, "is ten ready ?" I "I tion I I not-.- " was th" aus-ver ' have b- en 1 Out all day, iit'eiidinp iti.-rtir.(-r " "()h, very ivell, never mind Atietidln" '""-' 't? f Vou .;ie resolved, then, t , ,lVe Ir- II, -Xt Weeli ?" ' Oh ! Joe, I inu.it po when lam calh-d." ' Yes, inv ib-ar, of course Well, mm-i resipn nn.teif, I suppose I'y the wav, mv 'hair, ban it ever occurrd to you that I shall he a widower with three ( hildren ? I think I fin a handsome man vet, my love," hiid Joe wa'ked over to the jjIiim, assed his finpers through nH lHir and pulled up hi collar , M.iria loi kej up, rather hurprist d. I "l ui see, my dear, it is. rather a rcib f f ,r , , ?"u to a,, 4uict!y, jiju knew. It in m w. ar . on the nerves to ha- ea lonp il!ne., and I f-id s, my ,lHar there will h- no funeral ex- I l"'usv.s, an J ih.it is oiiite a eaMii'-" ! M'S l'-terV lip ipiiven-d, and her lnr'e blue rjf.s ',1.'L. :, ,,. J,1(, ;r,i t) fl"i' hii Ls-arthss s,,"cch and com foil her. 1 ut , ''" le.nl.,1 ib.. dr.inj itT, tl ivt ! , 1 J-'ar'' be "faiti'ied, '-if you tnu.-.t , K 0 i j j ()fi i i r., I but? luM-n t Ul II U 1 II l'i petlllia , wife." j ' What ?" nied Mri I. ti i I ''Anothrr wife, inv love, 'llie lionse uiut I be kept in order, iind the bovs i nr.'d tor " The prirf was "one fn ni Marin's f.u-r. l.i-t I her trri'i n-nri' . t with a I. ink of fierce wru'.h. I "A- .tlo-r w fr. .J.v! Another wife!" ! "Y.-ii. I think I have seln t-d a iroo I mio ' eeior. il"lil'Vri:!rd a loiiir ti:ii ', wli"ii I was j a'r.iVi lor, be'.wc.n ni-r and j will like her, for she is your Vnui-self You .iMini (i ii-nd." Mv o.i.i friend !" "Ye", mv dear. I thiii.t on th" da' taut yon nsoend. 1 will marry Sarah Ingrain: "What! t!:at p:ood for tiui hiiiir. .silly, rua-'r hea.h"! ib! maid, the toother of my iloidn-nl What !" "Well, mv dr-i.-. it p.-enis to he the he-t 1 ran do! I ibm t want, to leave my business to bo a rouri in;', iiiel f!i" will have, n.e, I know." 'No doiibi ! Oil! yon ?r ill 'nr.. tal, ha'e f 1 ' Stop, my dear, don't .tl v into a fur;. ! Ve will trv I-) spend our h'M v.rek in liHppnn s ()l, t.v tiie wr.v, 1 have n propiilioii to Make." ' (io on. nil ! I' )o l pare i:ir!" "Ah. ves, that is the Very thill? I wish ti dn I know Miur niiud is entirely enyrossid wiiti otir asren-inn, ;o J wiidi to Hj.urn you thr rare of lie- house. iMippoM' you invite iiinh hr.- io morrow, to ipond a wnk! ' Wlint? ' "Then 1 ran arraiirr- our niafi i nionial pre-par-,!iotiM in the em.-ninj;, while yon meat the lecture " What i " 'And V-'U r.n '"a v e 'l-.e h oiS I !o her rhnf; a!': day. l'n.it will ('ie ton pbi tycl ihii-.-io o out, and she can leat ti the miy :ihi:ut the lio'iue " I "What?" I "Ai'.d, mv dear, .vr little faviir. It may I he the hist I shall e 'er ask. Suiy at home I one nr two da n mm t yon, and show her round, where ou keep things, and so on, so that si"' won't have the trouble of keejiier i order after von j?'-' w''' ' t'"!' 10 """ 1 lip" nie, won t yon ? ' I Mrs Peters, tor iiiis'.vit. rolled up the I B I eenlioii robe into a okiI met iire.1 it nt .lor. Tne cut!. in, m:,oi s. u; k basket, ami table- I cloth followed tl.i.s missile in such rapid uc- cession, thai, h' was unalde e en to lly. Thru Maria's rnre found vent in words. "So! You and Sarah! That's the reason Von whittled when you ranie! You will be VI I V rlad to luive llie tn tell villi t'( L'O liti.l j in a i rV her, won t you ? No doubt of it ' lint von tdiun't marry hi r. sir! Yo : shun t have ! I hut ria:iii.;i.iioii ! I wil' s"i. if it is oi ly Io spite vou : I wont. ;r' i i ii-n you, .nr. l'i lers, 1 won I 'o ! ' Hat, in v deal, yo'j 'Jiust ;ro if V oo are eoitie , lor?' "I won't jo ' ' I ' IJ.it couso! r, my .Icnr!" I "I won't po ! ' ' - !J it, hat will S.n ah think '.'" ".S.ir.ih '. 1 'on t dare to iiientiuii S irah to ill" iijfain ! J- 1 1' 1 am fairiy choli'lie I" i and the btlle woman Itnew lit l.self into u t hair, in it tit ol hvsti-ric Next iiiorui.ip Mr. 1'. if-rs met Fred in the I .-I n et I "Well, old hov, how pries il ?" I ' Fred." was tl:r teplv, ''1 am !'ie hai.i.ie- j man in the world I i have repaitn.! ir.v uit'. I and dome-tic pence, i.i.d ;o,t rid t.f a i,i.-i. I tattlii.p old runid, who under the pit ten-c i l' ' lovitip rr j y Wd'e, was ev . In.-l i np inleil i,n- in ! all our hoii.-el..i!d arraopeiioo.t- '' " I b. li Mii. I. tt-ii- iim not wseeiKI '! "No. Il Surah is t be mv uniinl wil., and step viothtr to (.y . lu.'.Jii n, Mi-.. 1' lias concluded that -he won't p !" 'U- Slioultl Anj I.'.mI y tiiitai-. I can conceive no reason way in: ah til!, but len thousand reasons why lie shiiu'd not. 1 ll is )i.t..z. A nian of hiph iiiootl amini' inp would bhuobt UK toon bU-ul a &hce niii r. u '1 It is vulvar; ftkopf-ther too mean for a J i r-. . . decent man. 3 It ib O'iraidly ; imply inp a fear either heinp bebevi-d or ohe-.. 4 H 'H tiiiyrn U mun !'j A p'entlcrnan, ar- col do p to N ebter, is u yeutt'i in. Well bred r.-tiued. Such a one will no more swear, than to po in the htrrts to throw mud lib a clod hopper. .V It is imb i i ut ; offensive to delicacy, and extremely unfit for human ears. C. It Uj'tiulUh. "Wutit of decency, is want of sense." I'o,e. 7. It is aluiaii e To hi. mini) whleh con- ceiven ho oatk, to the tonjfue v Inch utters it, umj to ihe person t whom it is aimed. s 'l '" vrnomnus ; showinp a man's heart '"t' u M'-t of vipers, and every time lie '". "' th.-ui nick, out his bead. H il li fulnnftiile . forfeitiiiji the us- I" ''1 "' "" ' "- and pood. 10 Jt 18 l"'''"'.' ' 'ohitii, ihe divine l . (roiohiup il.r d is,leasure u Him who will not take loin yuiUk-ia who take! hi fame in vain. L'J- S..ra r- s.l.n.p m 1'. t, rcbur' for :'J 11 ,' z"" -J''; '" AVyrcM. Aid -slat tire, o.a?' A T A C I T XO UI l H' T J01-.MO lOtlll't 11 1 T tit K JUIL Or HI t ui,(iji,.i DAKOTA CITY, M" UK A SKA, MTTKMAY .MnilM Nil, Ul'.l'. 1, V Vbi h Li limn My I.iSo. it v p cite t v l.an; re ut lia-.i' pn. d m l pnne since !a'. I rr a--".! the 'lire !i!.-!l (T my native !. --da: ho.'ie of icy eha bco 1 What . 'i-ii,'e !,:ir been xvronhi w 'I '.in tbut time. 1 i ir io! s have a r ! fi o ,u a i t .a' 1 ai ;h a :i v, rt.-ii."l:!iates rar.Mi up I Teat e ,-, ' -. and nr! s.-.i! trr. d over the v. -1 i ' '. i i o r n bn o to lie necti ,-iea. . .. ! -1 1 j v . -a r haw II o w n into n vast t. t- i nit V i i a ill its in: -ontii uf p 1 and e.'tl, iuee a hold . t'i'm'h indn!- fit' 1 ! -iti;; I a-, e hi i a he. o'rr n.e, I' nd a '.r.-itn t a I o" a d '.s't-r's a'l -et i unit e pin s ii'a have i i.rt .rd in m. 1 -,v.is n.v l.i'b.o ft pi ; !'. li; V an I 'i r r's i IV T V " if -. hi .'hel s 1 1 -v liol-l p. I . i, .,! t hi v i a r, t in u ' as ,-,! I ',.. k '-..., p. I ' ;!; . r.nd l!i"V nil' :n a .j nit mi' in ri v-'!t'l-i '; . An I . I li J .' i yea'-, lieu W.-l . flie, I a- 1 sidil Ul- f,i t!n- trni; 1111:1 chli v ; r i, , , i In., win III lip II i t s one t li" v love i so wi ll, a I tl-UO roll ' t- r with !! of persona! harms tl..-.t. I be bestowed i!u!i Ice- ii vl crnceful ptiipn tie, with that lepilitnate ui'eil. ct that wias the (ibjerl ill which il is in pursuit, and rarri"d hwiiv t!o househohl p,rt. How we moure.i 1 tiie day ve part d, n father's last 'nb-s-inp was poureil on mv he.id; n mother's fervent pravrr was br. athi'd t h. r.vi-ri (or that proie. ' ie ru,,. to w It h Hid SUM 1 ovi r mi, it brother a nd si - ter's hist tond t iii't a :e was th"' ultimate reipii.site tl-.ev fiivi' ui" at that part.;'-: r.v I thus w" :."pavat d. I was poon f..r n way ia a southern rliai". nn-i il.ev r.t li.mi.. in an ta'itcm c,;ie ; and t!i'-re i: n been mv li 1 1 1 - for year-, with a compabhui ly in V s;. llee ot it- r.-H'ms a1 a le autili.l linv, tne e.n I Oil r, hut ha so 01 went l;...n" to f.'t he was to mo tie'rc'v an li It SO in r'ii:l" 111 V till' 1 in cus di'iea-'e roiisui:-,j tion .--eon i f fin of ie v ever r uet-H.t I he was hii I in a d'liet r"lreat f.ttin tinpe I it. vet a!: that v. listed 'ii fi.trt-inii I am! a wl i low droops rest . up phien. f nd wh a n 1 111 - rks his last .re those me. .ical witrh. ui o r his entve as tin V lers si i then- nap win j their nav ovi r tie sacred spot; there for months spent mv solitarv iilehls, iind when in the inoinin" I she 1 tears not id sor row hut of eratitii'le to Hint whocaliid him hence to 1 1 1 1, t Kr.-hun of Hnc"-IH, that le is restin . . I o . . I in those realms ocyoiel ihesi.v 1 hreiilhid my hist J layer or. the sarn-d spot and then r.-tiirmd to the cily to niratipe du ties wlilch ib-voKed upon me, and th' n turn tiiv -tens to 'h" home of mv .-hil liioo , foul lis I . i.n-r 10" t-bice where n,icr biissl'i.l .o"o's with brother" hi li' ai '.-!v k III.'I. 1 I p t li e outer do -r vh'-t-r in v f.ltli v :;t u:e on !;-.. knee, an I 1 h.-ar not i t I I i pent (ii v d sii-t. f, is ft.ot. ?-v thrt a t o- I an.; t.'-tio.o Iind no! i i.e i. oh here b ll e h dd your f o priievard, and marl; the pi-.iv.- vm amy. I -a -I -'.., me a. I I lie V L'OI.e' Si . r. I . tlier. ii! a s" i of nr.' in I W1.. II I ; l: ale. Sp t I tin,; pare'its: I. -he I tears at. the thoiieht tn..t I am in m r to h-hold tiieir Io 'cd forms ;i n, while hi re and there, sub' by side lay th" ., tcir. iiir of brothers and sislcru After spciebf a few boar- ill the ;e,iet ?tMVeMild, 1 retraced , .ii ru si. -'is Io tue inn-s on ot mv youiu. i.uo here r-tiiect to nii the ;.,.!"i ot mv of I'lV tbtVs in fj'lli'Mie.-s ..lid pel youth I (in I v -rv scarce ret.ii." f i' v'l toy ''-' ib a It v ' -" wi : ' ui". and l' vet why should I li !i" has le. t .v li s ni l I hop.- to I i v" 'nr !' dn s s-o ib il I can join Close i .i hi -i '.'" si i -,; v . wle-re I. II .'! tears rnibil' Si . I,. i. dolh ii-.t r. IV V!. . ..f . ... S.ii. I.i.i.ii'. A Cirrm i n I ..i ' a' I r riven "oi-.r tabb s tl .it t rove that lb 'l;Oa. . " bet v. i en th. .; , ,,, ,, .ol i t .,. uiin I - j ..er.ei-i 'o. i.iiiaili ! I r, -old arpio i; t'li-m t ti-ai l'i" increali'iif humid. ly uf . nr summers, and the loss of fertility in , . . . or , ! , .ni l. i r to i" t t ii oli t ed sob iv to this i iiciiiii-lai ce. No i re !.t i i . r i .', .,. ! ',; .-, f jlrt! I,, .M. tot. re la-en pivtoi to tile t run . t ion io the ntici.-i-i Kpvptinris nie'I Chiriefe, nprordiop to which tle-e people f irm'o Iv nil I thr si. f s dl.-e was nlnio-t four limes as h.rpe tia '" now rpe i, (or the,- p-tiinat"d the apparent diatiieler of the sun as double of what il ii n.-eu in our day Jl however, wu pav ntt. ti tion to the continued d I mi nu.ioii of theapp.i rent d.Hineter til the sun, a.cordinp to tie' bf"t lbn-l Vations of SCVlli,! !( ut lilies, M e suppose that the ft ri 1. 1 s were In t tnistal.'-i. ill the t-siirtiiiie.H that we have tra usn.-' ted to us. In the course of six tkeiiRaii'i w ar- fr-'iil the .resent time, they assumed lhi; tii-tata e will be ni (Treat (hat only Hn eiphth of th ' warmth we now enjoy fro ia the run vvill i e t'omiiiiii.it'Mtc I I i the earth, audit !il le cover' (h t I ti a I i.e. ia ti,,. tauil. manM r Ii we tn k"i- phi ,:' ut the north, where the i-i. pi h i t f.n ii. 1 1 ly ilO d, hi. t i inp nor niiiumer have iitili.tr f'J" TI g- oil int.-i f--.--'I L iau who a lit i I l.imsrlf on !, ..in has not yet hprou'i- i. roo.'ii In re the inntrluioi.ial hull lie.-u i, kept i : 1 the ' I i lUie c h ui I ,er. ' t--lb-eovcr;,,,: tl."r,Hi,l,., wa., ,iui p, ; ,(;,, ru . ,l;ai3 Wiilt !!7I ITJ K ! IM U .A -!i iill .tt'e in. I I,, e on at inai.ti hi -i t rie ,!! the t 't'l ' tvr t-BI-f-il ill-.. s the l 1 1 ran r i i l.e , l a ti ' s r Vi s - ;t s i n.e Iv.t, : .! li;.. n :i - 1! I i i ' re ,.- I neb w n e lib i a- I i ,n 'inp j .'.. the stub i' cl am i I soul i ...... ,!',. - s n s . .i' UK tin ' the. o-ird W. I ..' is i..''e , to ,.,, boll ..lit lloon tiie I". i I W I . ' ! n ! . .. ii ,- ;,'.s n .i i.s it,. Ik i h l! h. i s I- s Co ,'est e!,f I " ' " a r I ; a 'i , to ,r .hi ji A nd a i o n i.iu- purp i-r c-dd. e. f n ' l,e lioio-M v. e love s i . ur, o e, tor tiie f.. ,,,ir 't)iers won, M.- t b.i'i'c's fi.ii.t, iii'hiMit a bar; Ib-ncatl, tbis u-iii t urn i i . . ur mi uii rs i ,.iii t 1 1-. 'ir. .,'-- ,11 r .r .i, I'.-aili to the w t i.. his horde. llell stoo.l a p' opt.. t',- the li.'ht, Hut with thi f . , 1 1 : i . 1 out '.he wav? March ! Tr.iih a id b.,i,r 1", the li,;!.t March I Ours .-hall i e the il.iv; I'ttwn p. i the ho! Is Thr Kinp of II -Is ui a ir I.e A ;-i i!!H ;tlc. "I' litor i!'..," c uriv I s.i it I n;r li.'trk in mir t'liair. ilrcaiiiiK I : t i ! I i 1 1 ir ("i-'!iis oii tho "ni.-ntiiuit:.? ImVh" ofoiit! ,'J'Uiiou liair tlyo. J ttccivltMit (i.ollar l.i!l,wiiirli.lv'liiiM,n.ciil hut :ll' h ,;U-11 your hivi-nra'cr, laiina il in n s in-art to pay in, in tli.lt c ::i i' 'i'tali'e state- of mind Ij 'Wecn ''a wa! Oar i'.-i-i wei' 1 1 i 1 1 a d ;:c." .' e!''ca'eil upwii th ' i M'.unise of another ffiii'i', ai "iv.inn meal 'tiirin "IMitorsirV" 'Ves sir." ! I ic; weeiv. "Well you want Io -en. a l'i l'i; (lie fellow 1 I'lMf. (iia.-k hi ille Meilikal cm. ol tne .vitiastiv u li.stitoot, the iiivei.t"!' and sole pn 'I'letor ot . 1 ... ' II .. .. ....-.... I ' ., 1 1 , I 1 II. ' I i I i . I 1 I I . 1 .-M 1 I t It t i . I i I I " .... I'lllO, "I' i)ai' 1 1M I .LV"a t e p. J,Ver I I i I ..I... .. C 1" III .1 I II Oil l. liL .11 Civil- .llOi C i "Have not." 'Wall, I han't hut ju-t found it nut myself, lmt it '"'s like o'ili'pv!. It lieVM fails. I'm fei: d.ii' of it to all parts of the I'omeiojnt: lieides .South Auicri k y ami o! h"'" j'arts of the un known world. Vo.-t of our fain il 1. is keen liald fro m o.ir l it I h ov iii- to ea "ly t I'oit I 'ies; "Ufo usii p the in iterator kivi n-d our he, i 1 wiih a t Mise .yrnvvt II of hare. 0;r friend are a 1 1 astonish ed. Had the prophet known of this he w.aild Hot. have keen c lll' d old ha Id head hy fort s lit t e opes, and f u fy a nd t wo of tiie litile liopefuls torn into sliv ers hv the I cars. '; let tin.' l'rof.' vsoi" speak for hiim-elf. "The w;iy 1 il;-kivercd thi-? tvoieivifut me'lieii.e, wu.s iu this wise: J'.l keen out hiiekk hui'-) in. and w hen jLi'oin' lioiut thiotih the liu-U pasture, where I kept old hriudlo and I .', my tew miikin' aiii'oals, 1 e..t tired o' like, ai d sot dow n on a hunch ,.' w eed ; '.ley fed. oueer a. '.id I rulihed home of 'em between my tiii.-'ers. In less than tew min utes my tore fiitnvr and thunih was kiic red with bar, full out. an inch long! 1 tried the weed on t'other hand, and bar there tan! J jumped up from w here 1 ivas settin', and w hat a si-hl! My new drab doeskin panU looked like .a rump of buffalo w:th bar three in. lies loi 1 make for home about then. Ihit an idea struck me. I tried the weed next day on the corner ofthohoiise, ami it was soon kivered w ith har. Tried it ou the door stone with the sained- feet, iir-jdueing n thick mat of mouse coiond har iu thirty mimis. In plowing up tie.' W cell , the 1 1 lo 1 1 i d ltuil'd ot the plow looked like a steel gray mash rat, w ith handles to him: In digging out a woodchuck 1 accidentally hud my iron baron the weed ; the iii-M morning it was ki Ven d with a thick coat of irui gray har. I. t-.iunned he A L 1) Im:). l'IMf, Mllil lv!t 1 1 1 1 i 3 l'' tli- Si.!t 't '''!I10 of till! 'vv. Ill til:1 -'":ii.i.:r Hi'.' c.iiv.'i w; l.'w ry. C'l uil!i h;.,-. Ami h,.v, v er ir. 'i''''li!'!" it in iv stviu, I U.'pt the .vii... i cinir;v M.'cral tl.i ;::nl tillv oli'twv i--t"tu l.il Ul'OVv li a hill Ws-iulcll Ili-lv ,sl! Coaf t,f hap ,,,, ;, l'0:io uf oar l'i cl 1 a ih'-t ti n tin' ; A til'' W t't'v's. Kivcrcl -a llh h i S Jillil I .f Vm! t-baiti;'!) v I III! Ji r, . t lll'lls i L j M '. ".TS , a '.a It t 1 v civ k - I iiar oii ' '!!:. faitif mil w ii ! hi o; fill! I v;is SUP Ui'h a b'lTil lilllst l,f Jl.lUrl lllH, mill ?l r, down. 11,,. tlisli IJttlo ill !cil willi l.UiL' . ji t. U:t k bar. 1 li'pt on v i rinu'iit ui;:, and 1'V kl'li'.'ik;;! ini!il!.M',;ition, pn,. tliivcil th( 1 n iucrator, jiut'eh 't'm'talik', a:i'l jilways Miro. I liavo si-ca'v tliuiis.unl ftrtilU ki.s I'n m tin- lia! 1 Immi!-.! of nil foaiitric;;, but, w ill rca'l voiionlv ;i il'w. 1J.VNG .'. I.!., .TtlTH- 11. Qnackoin : Tl'is may (vi'tify tkal- I ii.ni' always ln'i'ii tali!, a:i'l h.i o u.- 1 up a kam l aiiO pun n i-t'o. ;i boiiif, aim car- rietl il m my coat poeket; tin . . , , . . , I ' 1 " " "l" "l ""l " II I -of 1 Uii- ! I took the Lottie aiii tin' d ft 111 till' Silll, SO that shadoW' Vo'iJd fall Ml Hi V icatl. A t hick llC.ld of cll'.mit- c uorci mintiti 1 hail' "TeW out in tllTtV 'V the waleb. all curl, il .and pepfniiied. Send metwenlv l"'il'vs by return mail. The de mand for the Invieorater is tin pl'ecedeiiled. A neighbor 'J-ciise us, rrofi.sjur, to-day, and call aain. "Will dew if. sir. You'll t'md the I it ieoratir .'preat on har." "I'lldoubtedlv!'' l'lktrfis. j Cisterns am built wry ch vp j in many Im-alit ies u here the i earth is of a emopaet eh tractor. I oy tli'p'-iu:;' a lioii; ;u;d pia-aer-i : i ur the walls of it with cement. It is nee' .-.-aiy that the ci.-lei n should lie so coicred as to .. Clin; theet liient fioiii the at tion of frest. A cistern ten fei t decj) and si feet wide will hold wo eiity liarri'ls of w.iter. A gooti form is to di;p a hole tin.' sliapeof an t"'Lr, with the biv; crid clown. ; Such ;i ( ..-tern, nine feet h ileep .iiidce ht in diameter, w ii! bol.l l one hundred barrels of water. J.venwliere it is necessary to bri'-k them up befort; phi. tc iuu', cisterns are generally cheaper than U'cale, ;ilid, if of good size aiid W ell made, are much s'Uper i u liccau-'e they afford a sulli cient supply of water from any ordinary sized j'eof,iiinl of great ly superior ipiabty. for I'amily use, it is well to diitie the cistern into i.vo comi parlnients by a p.wliiion, with liltering materials in the button: of one side the water to be ilis (hirged from the roof into one side, and drawn for use from the other. J!"-jM is roi; ri :. i i are like j thunder and 'tormy clouds in j the distance they appear bl.;e; i but when over our heads they ! s'"ivei; Iv ura w hen i .ireai.is oeiiotp an aepe,..-,!,!,. f. tiil'c, so w ill it hi; u ith the often painful dreams of life when it i.- past. All our stror.:;' feelings, like ghosts, hue their influence AO. 12. tiinit'il li:ni tor a certain period only; a nd if ; ollV;,.Mt.r oi'the ti.it u..u iiu.nei!!i,No,i3J . i .......... a man wi re to sav him. -elf this passion, this pain, this rapture, is sure after three da s to lose its effect on the lui'td, then would he alsvays In; more com posed and (juict. L-3)" All et hui;,e javs, thr bint . lire for .rtij.iiiit oii 1. 1 me ii.-iiri is, io n-ave i. ii tnip j.np -.1,1 k.M'i.p ihe pirl.t. It this is ihe duly It medy that i an le iroduttd, wo t ir olio iy. "iot'i-r 5 a'pauti " A I tmoai Sjtllli Mutch. A i;eiitleniat: in Xorlh Chcs t M,rm.Jit two or thn.c wi't-k.'i iiico oPlnal as t priz:, a copy i i t W ol" Awn " Unabnil-cil Die ! ti'T.ary" to t!i? or.e ol' tiie H-hoU I fi'; in all th'. pvililio M-iiOola iu ; t . x-1 1 wa.i sh-miii ".-pi'll all tlu j others ilitwii." cvcii jvfhooli wi.-r.' act t.i.iip.'ly r'.-pi'csciitctl, ' .11.. I a. r.il a il.iz.'u tra-'lii l.s ai'd ja !"' cvi.wvl ,,f spa-tutors I w( it' ply;;, i,t whrn tin; trial l-'"!v pi w on tl'.ij -J.'ith tilt. Only oiu trir.l was to In? oU j a wt'!!,ai,.l the mt'ot tuiiate who liii.-sod must take l.i-i t.r ln-r srat 10 i ip lit y .''hnl.irs contcH t t-i I ("ir the lioniT alal tiie prize, ainl altM' lit c li Mir.,' trial, liw pupils rcuiaiiu'd .vtan.litiv;, and tin entliu -i.-o-tii' nutliciirc ycon l'.r..- d th.- tn idliil to jMircka.so ' '' ci'pv of the -rd'eat I'r.a !.r;.k.:.'d:' - Two on iri;s. S ,i 'inn i'oud man lias waul: i wo t iiiis mailer ol' daily ic-tolii.'!'inio)it, to me Tin' rcailine.-j ol" t.'hrist to cunio IVoiu Icavnti to ( iita tor me, and my lurk ward ies , to rise from earth to he.ivpu fur him." N-., Doriir.Th,; Ncw-Or-loaii.s l'ieayiinn say.s that, alonnf the railroads completed in Ti x as, lands have hcen enhanced in valim HH) icr cent., while pro tliu timi has ln'i'ii stiimil itcd tt ;i still greater incre.i.-c. i Nut I'u I'll t n O eiti: Tint ciitei prisiup publisher fjeiitpi! (, J I-ivans, No -i;:1! Chrstn'it direct, riiihidelphiii. ' I i . i ' . . I n I- j'lrs IIO.O .1 li- Ills ,-Metf --0 . t, t1M ,,. t ' ,W1. , ,.,.. p. ,.,u 'I in. I.'t i; of I'm.. l)vin t. . hiui .i II. Coinpi isinp ' ,-,., i,lV)i ,vril.,.n ! his .ailv lile, HatiCnp A; lai'vtile, llaiitiTip Adviitiires, paiini? ' ',"'l'i 111 "' 1 Indian Wartaro, S:.r- j vlo,'s r ,;;'""r ' '" k?ni in the Creek 1 1V;"- '''"',l'"ir",:"" '',.!",',''e', Career inCon. u ":iAl:- '' "' :i"' s-a.e.. i.i"i . ii-asVi'1 i to .nr ir.'.iiN ii 111 (. ( iiltlt-pp4 tleiicr, ti i,,t wiih an i.c'.oiirit of Ins ;!o rloits peatli at the .!.uio. In oik: lUum. v. I.iu.e. Il.iiid.-i nn iy hound, l'rici! Jl.Olh v- e -pv ih.. foil, ivinj fnui, ih ri,ia,;,. phi. i N ..I Ui A iio't icait Cob ;, t. Codftt in. a ilaraeter. II m I S. I . . . 1 . . 1 II ... T 1 I autohiopiiiplo' Inn hee: ;,' out of pnt.l, his rep'ttiitiori loi cecent i icily has been pro- Mi 111 ii u p: jo in on" piiiuit ilium ot nil Boris (it on I rarouiia aiai onsctoni nonsensi., in i.-o'ime 1 1 1 1 ii i . s , t-.i.d other vehicles ,ir hut hioimr, I his vo'.nm.. ih a : epuhlicMtlnn i.f the jicnuii.M .ui.. '-i li tii-ces.iatv iiddiiieun ; nnd will b,, li "V to ihe pre.ent pei e. ;.ti.vi of readers Jt I- nt-ii ked and ehiti ucter-.si j,. h i Ui-' riibject, w.i-.: bis poririiii f.ii-'i!'-i"y i.'.nwu, and noiiii ti lest f.i that it i- .-.it ti f oi efl'orf. and j,,.r. leciy niiiiv" uii. I so, -e i V, r vv.-II retneir,-e.-r i he a e. u: hi so n il i a hl.i ten ,'ln rn tour. ill ma n v nl t 1 1,, ..' , to whii !i on ,ii. e! . to wl.ii !i In.i i.ve looUeil lip. in r j ace in t'.iai ri piihlu a 'i"e, t r. Jrii'V- mi (joiii'Kt ill IO-- I.U II- an I i 1 1 in v i "r ioi-.reprc Ullllll A (.. '. of the Hook ad a hnudsoiue pre- eci we ti - n-ct j.v ilia-', s.ott i a. !. u-mh I r ijtofi-l (,'() fur tue b ii i , ami '21 cent po.-.'apr. A tie-. Ch.'sifi.-tl C.:t',!".:,i- ,,f n,,ukfl nr. I p.,-, i,j1J( I ITU lit t.l ..t n I 1 1 e, en n po , I dr. .-'I. li. (1 A I !r. (J. d M -s, )'ui,'i..hri-. i.i.J l'i-h-iphi. , iv Tl.nt V.-r t nl "Intuit, Or tin. V ri'.'- . ., ,, a Win nie p tr, i.oii.p M.-i-, ny t 'Ion h-.-, Liarnrti, autlioi' i f "Si".-., tul Ma.-; la .'," ' I ib, ill I '.jinilv." "V: rioii ). seiond.' ".Never too J.stp," L:,6.i (l ie vol. I.'lllil ll.r'i 'i-o.. l. I. I I, i I. ,, I .1 . I , . , ' -.- " no i io-1 en nut nr. 'I i nol.-d as a. oi . ti e n.ar.v not-,.i t, ,i,., ur ' pnhln bed. I' rh ia O;...-:-.: rial style it is "ill. .1 to Mo- nan.. ,.! no ii is n 1 ah- ot Jmtn.-i.tie I. If", reh, . a," t!n! ii.trrwnv.-u biftoro. . ol a round ot pveri- day charactrr lll'd iH llilll j., to sh.. t!,ii ,,( tin- too many, so cnil ;, t iisaiouis and t.!r-i.iir of l.i duo i.ililr liic. loi. i liie.jj in no purl upon pi-inn I tit i pifip.co.y Uelclip.s t i tlm vust do maul '' rotnumv. Tim li.icheior M d i i r.u a I ro I'ticle tiVoipe, is a t haraeler reinin.liiip us of tho Itrotheri C'lieervlie, and ahliouai, ho teachfs th -Af et llsr of A Iverilv' with ieypro rfincil" i I it bririps in! C, loin bi-Huty of charae- I or, a i.. J show hov lew t h.-rt are who -an g I tin one I. tin- i r I. . I.; of i very day hfr, and to ihn , i i.-l prove their cu: 0,1 n y --CP. .;.,.V. Copies i.C eill.r r :C i.'n- above hookl with a I hand... in. e C,,('. woith from 50 cents to $100, ' L.I! I... '-:...! I i 1.1. V ...ro.M itt .l,u f. .;..! I ' ". ...W V. ..IV. .4 Stale-! -. p.,!, rc cipt ( f H CO, and 2t cenH to pay i y ad in s-inp Ihe l'u1,b-!i..r. .1 no." ooi .. '' Cut il-.jucj' Lttlt iu (.very (le in lin.-nt of J.i'.ei ulnre, tupethcr with a lint of (I t'ts, ana m-.y information relative to the e tiab'.ishti.eiif of ap.-i.cies ih.. Uil'i HiH'k h lainess will be nailed free to any one by ,.,rp.) ('. Tuf ,s, l'o 1. ! i.'n L r, and Chi slri.it Strr.-t, 1'hlbid. i'-x 1 he r a-' tl pi oj in Il -ru instead .,' through, ro'.i, 1 the i-. u ..s" tin y are ufiui I of "eoinitip out at the httoi end " IO' I'l l th'j unit) who i...u' t! e sea, ami aUerw.ir.l planted his l,el on loi native toil, ever harvest Oo- crot s ? Cit' I he republic. vi. i of Wt.-cniisln havo noiniuutc I a man nuuu 1 Siiurtz for Lieut (iovprnor We supf i-e thia may he regarded i their l...t S '-r r ..JrT - ( ir'irii n " -.N' -s- fJJJ-"' ". j -v, ' - 'i '