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About Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1859)
Uemoerattc n vrtitlnn- A mating of the Democracy of IV, ion C ud ty N. T. wo held c the reid'tiei of KlwurJ Perry, in tikiJ county on Saturday, the 10th int. for the purpose of neruiniting County vIErers fto. On motion 3. V. Mulholland M unanimous ly ohoien Chairman, end W. W. Benedict was chosen Secretary. Ou motion a committee of three was appoint ed to draft reso'utions, eipressive f tlie sense of tbe eonventioo, Mr. A. W. Tu'lt was op pointed chairman of tie ei,uimiltue. The committee retired ft few minutes and returued, when tho following resolutions iro submit ted. Wniasts, Yfe the Pemoorscy cf Dlion count N. T , deem the organiration of the Democratic Tarty In this Terrifry in a mens u e complete, and wbei e is we are to day assem bled in conformity with a call of the Deino emtio Central Committee, for the purpose o' nominating candidates to (111 the several oOioee in the county, and to make known our choice at to who shall represent as in the next Leg islative assembly, we therefore deem it nee cessary on Ibis occasion it distinctly, avow therlatformof prlnciplosupou which we stand, Therefore. 1st. Tbtt aliform of voting shall he by ballot, unlsss otherwise directed by the con vention, and the person receiving a majority of all the votes oast, shall be declared the nominee. 2d. That we endorse and affirm the Plat form adopted by the Territorial Demooratio Convention held at Platsmouth N. T. on the 18th day of Augvut, A. D. 1830, and that we roeogniie in its prinoiples the true basis of the Democratic party. 3d. That ws cherish an abiding faith and eon&denoe in the great dootrine of Popular Sovereignty, asset forth In the Kansas, Ne braska act, and that we regard it as a vital element of Democracy and as embracing the fundamental principles of all free Govern ment' 4th. That we recognlie in our able and ef ficient candidate for Congress Gen. . Esta- brook, a true exponant of the Democratic party, and if elected will reflect credit to the Democratic party throughout the Territory, and pledge him our united Support. 6th- That wc support the regular nominees of thisconvoutl.m and use all honorable means to secure their election. Cth. That the Doniocrney of Dixon county V.iOTno distinction between naturalised for eigners and native born citizens, and that wc know no issue but the common issuo with their political opponents, and upon that they will be a unite. On motion the above resolutions was unan imously adoptee'. The oonvontinn then proceed ed to make nominations. The following ticket was unanimously nominated by the convention. For Probate Juilgo A. W. PUETT, For County Comissioners W. W. 1; EN EDICT, U. II. WILDER, JAMES ALEXANDER, For County Clerk EDWARD BERRY, For County Register t'. D. STOUail, For Sheriff K. I'.AGQIN, For Treasurer JOHN MA LONE, Tor Surveyor JOHN STOl'GII, Juatioes of the Fcaco Constables On motion the following resolutions was un animously adopted. 1st. That this convention rG Omul end to the Democracy of Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and L'eau qul Court counties, J. Shaw Gregory aj the candidate for representative from the District composed of the counties above named, and James Tufts as the candidate for representa tive from Dixou, Cedar and L'eau qui Cour t, counties and that we recognize in the above named gentlemen able men who will ileal oat fairly the Jnstioe due their constituents, 2d. That tho Si. llltm CcxiUt asd ths Dikota City Ihrald, be requested to publish the prooedingse of this convention. On morion the conventiol adjourned tint die 8. Oy MULHOLLAND Ch'n W. W- BxKauictSeo'y. Iloa. W.O. Crawford, We see by the Dakota City lltrald thai the gentleman whose came heade this paragraph, and who filled the effloe of Coanoilmsn in our Territorial Legislature from the Dakota Dis trict, has removed with his family, to Connoil Uluffs, Iowa. This removal creates a vacancy in the office of Connollman from the Northern District. Ae a proclamation for tiling the vaeanoy will soon Issue, we take this occasion to remind our Dakota friends of the iaipartaoce f electing a good Demecrat ae Mr. Crawford ueoessor. We trie! they will see to it. A's- We will that I For fear that it would not be enough to elect a Cennollmsn alone, we wlU end you two Representatives whose Deiuo araey Is worth a million. 1L IUisimo. The Democrats of this oity raised a htokory pole on the evening of the 10th lost., and a maguifloient flag eontalnlcg the stars aud stripes aud the name of Oca. K. Kstabeook, new floats preudly to the breese from Us top. tfdraikiani. Good! The Democracy ef Daketa will raise poll of about four hundred on the 11th of next month in this Oounty, fr the chap whose nam floats to the breeze' in Omaha. Tb' Skisma are disgusted with yolet peri sodioular or prospective and have eeoerdir.gly drawn lin. Seme cf them up here are rivaling E'.slIIu in pedestrian 1 comotion on what is mathematically known ad ths shertsst distance hetwota two points. Tie tr p is a dangerous f tbe v, h tr i TheConnlr tomlm.. I e have refrained fr m saying much a' yet, in reference to County Nominees. They only E t a peali,g notice in cur is-ue of two w ks since. As all our Candidates are wall knowu fi the citlseos of thie county, un I are mrr ovir known to be oompetent and boo est men, any bolstering the IttraU might give Would effect nothing. We eball advocate their elec tion by large figures, as Dakota County should do, in view ef the Immense credit she will reflect en herself by the selection of such men to 111 her ofiiees, as are nominated en the Democratic Ticket. From Col. Bates, who Leads ths ticket dewn to Mr. Virtoe are men ef known ability, we might add stability who know h(w Kid who will AH the respec tive ofbeee for which they havs been selected Ws could add nothing that would make their election mere certain than It Is. The peop's ef this county know them all, knovathe worth and true valae of such men to advance ths interest of the county, and as a consequence their intereets, by making improvmoiits at home and gaining respect abroad. We could if we ohose, exhibit the useful qualities of the dlforeat men, but since they are better known to the county than to us, we merely say that for capability, Industrious and tem perate habits, lutclligeaoe, as peaceful and conservative oitixens, men ef sound, reliable Democracy, our ticket oaa not be surpassed or equaled in this or any other seorlon. In this rerptot we defy opposition come from what source it may, and challenge competi tion. The Kdltcfr at bis Post. The Editor of the Unroll, is again at his post, after an absenoe of several weeks. Business of a private and domestic ns.tara oalled bim to bis old borne, in, and he now hourly awaits the arilrai of the Oma ha, with his family aboard. lie is now in ev ery sense, a citixen at Nebraska. lie oasts In his lot witb all ha has, aud all ha loves, and will ds evory thing in his power to furth er ths Interests cf the Territory to advanoe her character In every particular. Whilst he will speak and write of her fertile soil and glorious climate, to Invite emigration from abroad, he will be an earnest advocate of ed noation and enlightenment of that society with which be has permanently aeseciaWd himself. No regret Is deeper, than that at the commencement of Lis editorial career, be finds himself in the midst of a bitter politic al election. Old friends and neighbors are arraignod agsinst each other, aspiring to fill the various County oflicrs. His position hat been often defined, aud will remain as here tofore, "to adhere to party usages." He is S Demoorat from conviction. He believes that the Dakota County Convention was reg alarly called and honestly ferried out. The nominees are such as we can voto for com bining aB they do, the requisites cf "honesty and competency." A "mixed" opposition convention was likewise held subsequently, aud a full ticket nominated. With these gen tlemen last mentioned, neither do wo denire, nor will we have any dillioaliy. God knows life is sufliclrntly short and bitter, to learo as to cvoid unnecessary quarrels and biokor iug? Our gr. at objection to these gentlemen is either, that they are Republicans, or be ing Democrats, they Lave refused to cast in their lot with that party and await its call for their services. la addition to these objections should they lack the requisites to constitute good and faith ful ifficcrs, the people can eas ily discern it, and we have every confidence that the masses are honest uud will do righ. iooo we were last in cor editorial chair, we have mado a tour of tLe whole length of Ne braska. We have noted men and things on our journey, end design speaking at length of the soil, crope and advantages of our Territo ty, iu the succeeding numbers of the Herald. Dixon Couutjr. , The citizens ef. Dixon County met la general Convention on Saturday, Sept. 17th, A. D. 1850, agreeable to tho appointment, at the store cf J. W. Bramble, in l'onca city, for the purpose of nominating Connty officers. On motif u H. II. Wilber was eleotel Pre: iicnt and C. W.Todd chosen Eeorutary. Mr. Cummlogs ruule a motion that we proceed to nominute officers by ballot, Car ried. On motion the President appointed E. M. ksisfcee, Mr. Chue. F. Putuam a&d Mr. Eiorrsan as tellers of the Convention. The following candidates wore unanimous ly ohosen : Fur Probate Judge, Lranucr Davis: for County Register, C. W. Tod I; for County Olerk, Edward Serry; for County Sher iff, R. II. Wilber; for County Treasurer V. W. Smith; for county Surveyor Bernard Cavn augh; for County Commissioners, L. T. Hill for thePooca and Galea precinots; John Rus sell for the Dixon precinct; and II. S. Grove for l'onca precinct. The motion was made and seoonded, that we use all honorable means, both individually and collectively, to eleot our several candid ates. Carried. Mr. Logan made a mo'ion that the Secre tary of this meeting furnish the Editor of the fiioux City Eagle the St. Helena Gazette aud the Daketa City Herald, with a oopy of our proceedings, with a request that tbey may be published. Carried. Oa motion of Mr. Logan the Convention adjourned tin die. R. U. WILBBR, Pres. C. W. Tonn, Seo'y. Caattldala The Hon. William G. Crawford having re signed Lis position as meirbsr ( the Territo rial Council, the Governor has irsued a 1 re clamation for an eleetion to be held to fill Ike vaeanoy. We to day, announoe the oume of Hon. T. T. Tor that cflioe, and we are as certaiu of his election as that ho will un charge. thj duties of the po-iitiou, will, crusil to Liiae!f and fur the Lest iut- rests of th e territory. ilahola (biti) J)tx. GEO. R GRAFT, Editor A Proprietor tiirtr M Amine, fleptemtier v) I I Sft9, " II R HOI KATIO NIMIVT)()VS. t;i;x.E. ESTAimooic. For Territorial Treasurer, WILLIAM W. W MAN. Fit Torritorial AuJilor, lUJl'.K.HT C. JORDAN. For Territorial Commissioner, W. E. HARVEY. For Territorial Librarian, ALOXi'.O D. LICE. For Representatives BARNABAS BATES' CORNELIUS O'CONNOR, Fofftegister and Recorder WILLIAM CARNAHAN, For Treasurer ZIBAMILLAOE, FerProbaoJudce A. n. BAKER, for Commissioner JOHN J.TRACY, For Sheiiff JAMK3 McGINN, For County Clerk JAMES W. VIRTUE. CANDIDATE'S DEPARTMENT. Ws ars sulliortr.M snl reqwutsj to snnounrs tbs name of IT J. D, M. CB()CKWKU.,f s OundlJuts to rspresent ths County of Dli.t In the next Trrltoit at L(lslsturs. Tinas announce ths nsuirof UKOROR W. UOAKR, ss a Csiiitldstiifor District Attorney, of th TIiItJ Ja dltUl IHtrl. t. Is It a Jako 1 In the name of all that Is comio since the days of the Greek cotnediuus, we ask con servative and sensible Ropublieans, if the noraioatiou of Daily was not Intended os a joket Their certainly, could have been no serious earnestness in nominating such a man for such an ofEoe, and one that is so import ant to the people of this Territory as Delegate to Coagrss. We again ask if this thiig was not intended as a joke, and if so, where the laugh oouioe iu ! We are fond of a good one, and can hugely enjoy a lsi'ffh, but for the life of us can not see the point in this one yet Nor can we disoover any widoin or sed.ite ness in putting up a man for that offioo who stands a better chanoe cf being struck by lightning than elected. Iftho Bullsvue con vention was troubled with any serious appre hension of electing its man, why did it not foUt tho name of Geu. Thayer, Judge Tulle, Dr. Monell, or Judge Bennett Instead cf this man Daily, who is dofioient innbil ty, honesty and me think, in intelligence. It is no fault of Lis' that he docs not possess mere ability and intelligence. Nature and eJtoation ere to blame for his failings in these respects. But we do hold him responsible for Lis dis honest acts. It may be esid that wo ought to be magnanimous enough to overlook aud for give his short-comings because he had hon or enough to acknowledge bis error. We take no such view of the matter. His sense of honor did not induce him to make a o!un breast of Lie contemptible effort to swindlo the Government, with any view to a confess ion, but in order to malign and abuse Secre tary Morton, whom Le suoceeded in proving to be an honoet, capable aud careful officer He aimed not at doing this, but iu his own peculiar, bungliug way managed to lot the truth out. He has no ingenuity worth ob serving, while his discretion is shookingly deficient- If he was a fanatic we would ored it biei with honest enthusiasm, but as it is he Is a eilly, dabbling politician, possessing ungovernable avaiioe, aud not cautiJi enough to koep it well covered. We will suppose an uusupposablo case gnposebe should beeleetedto Congress. How long would it be before Nebraska would have her Delegate oharged, like his yoke-mte, Mattesou, of New York, witb hribery and corruption! Suppose he Ud get under the fosttririg wings of Seward, Oiddins, Doolit tle It Co., and with their assistance he would manage tu cover up his traoks, wht houor'.d he n fl -et or service be to the pioneers of eiviliz.tiin in Nebraska t Would ha not te a poor specimen of this Territory's talent I lis is not equal to a school-boy iu oiitory, and O .d knows his judgment and intelligence are very inferior, if we are to Judge Mr. Dai ly by uliit we have seen aud heard from Lim. Whi'e. on his Northern tour electioneering, be was guilty of disgusting deception aud false. hood. He may think that all is iair iu you tics, so far as he ii concerned If be does he ;. i.k ....I..- . mistake. The oiti- leueof this portion of Nebraska, are as well informed, Republicans as well as Democrats, In regard to the political affairs cf the country, as these of any other section j and "hen he undertook te insult and outrage iIist intelli gence by piesuining ou their ignorance of the American Government, its policy, he Administration snd its policy, he oomuntted an offenoe that tbey will punish hnu for, iu tlie of thirty day. We do not propose to revert to Mspaiti zan views, in this artiole. We propose to view him not as a Repub.icau, but as a man a public man however. W'e do this because we think Lis nomination, by able, capable, and intelligent Republicans, whs intended as a ioke. It :.iLt have b'.-ia a f I j ke oa h j are ll.ii' 1 i;i prcliHl ihotil I he Sicorad, would be too j rartioak on the eu'n.'iis oflb'S emt ryo (tits. To them til I I cf $o0,('(M or f''D,tiO) of rTif riHtions, w'.ii.-U tli'y will otherwise obtain, would bo too r"n:.Te a otip, undeioul l f iil tn iuue. It wcuid be quilly as bad o tho K"nii ;iv ana, as their tislf v. ;tod man would be r esv-Lltred ' abi.-md. t.i be to Nobra'ka abst Seward is t ) New York, or Sumner to Massaehu'r-M their ablest exponent and brightest luminary. Weknjw this phase of things would be very uncreditable to tuem. It is a l nice enough for Imu to Larrargue the peoplo bef.ire the election, of Nebrni-ka having n right to these appropriations, and that he would demand them with spirit aud energy. Ho might demand them it is true, tut with spirit and ea rgy never. He might inform the congiegated wisdom ef the nstisn, that we have a right to them, but he would Uarn in the cour-o of events, th? whlls be was wasting himself on e.bslraet rights, tbey would be enpaged in giving their con sideration, to prsciical matters. To thow Mr. Daily that the question of " right " does not always cuter into the cciir.'.Jcruiion, and shape the action cf members of Congress, we refer him to the voto on the admission of Or egon into tkc Union, wheu fhe demanded ad mittance as a right. Policy and influence Las always had more to do in all legislative oouncils, then the abstruse questions that il luminate and puzito little minds, aud hie friends can boast that Le possesses those qual ities in no very remarkable degree. He may be a kind husband, a a affectionate father and an exoellent neighbor, but what matters tt ta the public, if his private life is adorned with model virtues, so long as they are wanting iu his public career T How is it with tl.e Demoeratio Candidate, General Ettahrook? The ablet supporter Duily has, the Jlrpulliean, says he " is a gen tleman and pvebNea many elements of strength outbiJo of Lis party limits." The Brownsville AJvtrtifr, the newt ablest organ on thet side says "he is a man against whom nothing oau be said." Thcte admissions from political opponents could not Lave been drawu foith by any ordinary man. It is only when superior abilities and noble characteristic Stand out 111 bold relief, without defeot or blemish, t k) sat admissions of this kind are made. General Estabreok Is no wild, political theorist He la a man of the world find deals in practical facts. He will go ts Washington as eur delegate, make known our want and the need of appropriations fer making roads, building bridges, etn., etc, without frightening Congress out of its wits, by declarations loud and bold, of Nebraska's abstraot rights. If needs be that they should require his attention, we surmise Le will nt tend to tliem. We need not blush for shame, at his being Nebrnka'd dklegst, and many who will vote for Lis opponent vhrough mis taken motives, will yet feel proud of the dis tinguished pioneer, us he attoir.U to their in terests at Wtthhiiig'in lie is no neapbyte that will Lave to undergo preparation and a course of instruction before he can assume his duties. We felt somewhat indignant at the oppesition, for putting in noiainuiiou agititist the General, ft man who Las unde such despicable use of himself, but grew moderately mellified at the thought that the whole tbiug was a Joke. We ask in all earn estness, was Daily's nomination inteuded as a joket W'e have a big laugh rciwlyl A Few Plain Uwesllons. Dsmscrats! cut this out noil ask your Know Nothing and Republican neighbors the folbiwiag simple questions. Who are in favor of giv;ng negroes the right of suffrage which they refute te foreign, hern oi'bens ? The Knew Nothings add Republicans. Who passed the law in Massaehusttts pre vootlng foreign bornoitisens from voting when duly naturaliied aeoording te tke Constitution of the United NtateeT Tho Know Nothingeeud Republicans. Who reoommeuded the same law tu be pass ed in New Jersey ? The Know Nothings and Espuhlicens. Who recommended the same law to bopass sd In New York. The Know Nothings and Republicans. Who sauotioned and approved that odious measure in Pennsylvania, by givisg silent oomeut in their late ajtato Ci uvenlien ? The Know Nothings and lUpublioena. Who !n'r,rIiioed a bill iu the Legislature of Ohio to strike nut the word "white" from trie Coustitutiot in order to give usuraee ths 1 i$.ht of suffregeT Ths Kuow NoUiiogs d Republieai.s Who are iu fovor ef fore foers not voting until they ate twenty one jeare in this coun try? The Know Nothings and Republioane. Who voted egaiuet aJfiitiug Minnesota as a Free State? The Kuow Nothings and Republicans. Who voted against admitting Oregea as a t- . - u. 1 V The Know Nothings and Republicans. Who carried bannere In upon which only thirteen Statee appeared wLen there should have been thirty-two? The Kosw No'hings and Republicans. Who were iu favor of lolling the Union ti. Know Ketones and R( publTcins AlUnU,vn (Pa.) Vtmocrat. NxsaS(a G01.U. Mr McCeaihs has shown us ths report of the assayer, in New York, i n a ssall quantity of Nebraska Gold ftirnisbu I fj assay, ine ri.newieg m i"" .......... Fin. eess, ciiats ; value per pwt weight afier u.ait.t-g, 21 I wts , total $2U,U1. A'e'Tsiun. r-7,25, vaiue Rowptism The oiti?.eus of Baltimore are n-arly tired of rowdyism, that hae run riot in that place for a pumber of yeais ou eleotioo, an 1 other days. The Thugs, Plug Ugliss and Rip Rape, Lave ruled and rained long enough. The jeople have determined to kave a change in previous arrargments, and are holding publio meetings and pasiivg resolutions that are awt very expressive of their admiralisn ef Plugs and Thuge. V e hope they n.ey suo-ceid. Miirj-liv. Hi per, (.r Roy cue uf kh pi'pubir'y ni-poel, t tnke suih f ' 1 liu..i.o-, but it is eutuely too iuits bearings on tho jk-re, an I has tsken posse- ilon of the Mmi. I Ju n hi ihe 1 'o,h(i lying betesen Vsn.'Onveis hUntl and V m .in Ui', and Is eloin-el by the I!rtib snd American Govern inen'a. Gov. Douglas had Issued a prwla na tion protolipg ar-viiiHt In oecapaiwy by U fl Troupe lbs adininisfation has d'neolol llnrusy, to bold bis posit'.cs ftrss'.y T Rooti at k Indians bad killed a number ef ir,lrni in the northern r of I'tah, who were g iing 0 California, and Gsn Johnston had Jispetek ed a diitachment against them. A fight ensued in which 2ti Indians were killsd A Conven tion In Careon Valley had framed a Coiistilu Tton for a Piovisional lovsrament, declaring Carina Valley, under the name or ivevada, Independent of t'lali. Fifty Indians bad beta kills 1 in a battle betweet the Mohave Indians and soius United States troops. The Brooklyn Post cfnoe has been robbed A WrS fire oce erred In' tt. Louis by which 000 worth of properly was dsslrsyed Vice President Breckinridge deprecates the use of Lis name as a candidate for the Tred dency. Twenty thousand persons assembled at (iuclnnatl, to Lear Judge Douglae. Gnat excitement In Ohio, and the Democracy going to win. The Republicane are presamed to have carried Vermont I A favorable treaty has been concluded with the Liberal Govern ment ef Mexloo. Daily's prospects In the South Platte Dis trict are small and duily growing lets! Juilgo Kinney 00 the stump, and skloolg the aui mult F.otabrook all right! Nlswerlsm flat tened out I Whoop de douden dot Whsepl agalu 1 1 HCT Gov. A. W. Randall of Wisconsin has been re nominated by the Republicans. lie is the only man it would be possible fur them to elect. He was electee'! by a alim figure, about one heodred and fifty, over Mayor Cross of Milwaukee. Personally end politically ke is very papular. We predict Harrison C. will leave Alexander W. a good way behind in the present Gubernatorial race. " It le openly boasted that Fort Kearny will give, at least, two hundred majority fer Eeta brook, and the Inference is plainly le be drawn tLos as muoh more will be famished to order as required. W ealsolsarn that an extensive eyelesa of siaiilar frauds is oontemplated at Dakota, hi jiiMiran. W-h-e-wl Olad yeu told us. We know there was some "fraad" up hr at Ike Skisms' Convention. We will take a "hand" at the election, and pledge our word that the "young lion," nliat "giant," alms "ass," ,'.' lltrald alim Daily, will gst no ssors vjtes at election than there are Aon.i fiih Ab ollkleulst In thie vioiuity. What woald yen say to uiae hundred majority for Kstabrook, aud as many more "as is required " north at tbo Omaha Reservaliauf Would it be frawd or froad or phraughed or phroad or phrawd or fraug bed or fraud f DeleRtto from atebrwakw Taking the tone of the Nobraska papers as an index, the popular feeling Las eet strongly in favor or Samuel G. Daily for Delegate if Cougrcss. As proof of this we may mentloL that the Brownsville Advertiser, the oldest and the ablest Democratio papur in the Ter ritory, takes open gruund In favor of Mr. Dai ly; and the Nebraska Keqnirer, heretofoieac Independent paper' with Btrong domooratit proclivities, has openly avowed the oause ol Mr. D. It seems that Ertahroo'k is announced as the Administration candidate, whilst Mr Daily is the representative of Popular Sover eiiruity and the right of the people te rule. If such be the issue, we oertaioly hope to tee victory perch upon the banuer of Mr. Dally, and this will be the case, unless we are muoh mistaken in public sentiment, in our neigh horine Territory. From preseut indications Dakota ccunty alii alve itlr. Daily a hand some uiojorily. Sioux City Ei$lc, On reading tbe above, we ooncludod that seme wag hae been "ranolng saw" on our good natured neighbor of the Eagle. Why, frieud Swlgget, this same Daily Issuoh an in teoso Black Rapu blioan, that to ontl Lim an " Abolitionist," rather Improves hie oelor. His claims to Popular Sovereignity are based en, 1st, He was supporter of Martin Van Boren in '4S, wben he advocated Ibe powe. and propriety ef Congress to pas the Wllmot Proviso. 2d, lie was a member of the Lib erty party, and a warm supporter of John P. Hule iu '62. He was for Fremont iu 'od, and among these Isms we eanoot see how he esuld lesrn any single sentiment of Popular Hhvun.iiniiy. Furnas, of the Brownsville A-ti trti.;rr, tupperls Daily only because, be ie from Nemaha Connty, and because eaid county L" r"vr enjoyed any of the "spoils," aud candidly tells his readers, that Gen. Eta biook "is a man against whom nolLlcg oo be eaid," and afterwards edda that " Daily ie nst our choice." So far from it being the ablest democratio paper in tbe territory, It never wag considered a thoroughly reliable organ. Its editor is said to Lave turned po litical sommersBuiisbcfuis. As to tbe spectacle of Daily talking Popu lar Sovereignity, history has bet a atogle in stance, in presumption aud audaoity, for we read that tbe Evil One, once quoted Soriptere. Ike Piatforni of the Democracy in Nebras ka on which Gen. Estabrook stands is quot ed verbatim from the Iowa Resolutions and ths same on which the Eoylt ie to day, sup porting Dodge for Governor. ' But the richest part of the above friend Swigget, ie where you claim foryour man of isms ae I "sklsms," a majority in Dakota County. Surely, eome or.o imagined April was at baud, sad essayed to victimise joo! This Couuty will not give him one fourth of her whole vote, and North o.' here, he will fare still worse. Several of the opposition candidates to their credit be it epoksn opeuly avow Ibeir determination to support the Democratio Nominee. Ne braska is n't ready yet, to wheel into the lino of Republoiaulsu. The Governor cf l'koi Territory, was fuuiid dsal in bis house, at or near Ssoux P-i!!s Hie name was Masters. Un llarue UtrtSLiOAS Tiiurr 1 he fallowing is lb. County Ticket, tn., t ir I ty !l"pub!io nsA Co., at their niinuf. tori. 1.1 .0. -tt d ant Convention, on Broadway ; Fin- Representatives Uen. . H ntrals, Bdward McDonald, Pste- srd reorder Franeie II. Vir l-u ; Tts iter - llci. 1 1 r.ukertea ; Probate Jo Hiil orl: Kdtfsid Nsh 1 t'oni'iiissiscr-r Pstrick Msran; Clerk C. ! Merlia. The fate of lemo-jn awaits li! K-p it before I li . pi I TLat KepaViUean CtmgresfYasn voted egsius the adaiitsion of Mtiinota, eel Orsgen, as Free States SthraAum. Yes! end kesp It bsfre the people, they Will he very liis'y to vote against Nebraska iu the same way ! SlKi)t l.a It strikes us as very eioga'ar tht the numerous iuitial eotrepoulee f tke last Nebraska KyuHit tn, writing from '.'. oornere of the Territory, write very tnurh alike, use the same words, the same Uses, ao 1 the same style of composition. Is it uaing 1 1 their "brought'u up," or Is it owing tt Later frcm Kurope, Br Jenas, N. F., Aug. t!!. The Oalwav steamship Jason, which left Gdway on "slur day, 20th Inst., arrived at this pert to day en-route to New York. The edvltcee by the Jason are by mail from Liverpool and London of tho l'Jiu, and by telegraph to Galwty to the 20 inst. The news Is gsnerally unimportant. The peaoe conference at Zurich appears to be doing nothing. Austrian matters of eh quette relating le Lombardy are being discuss ed. Tke steamship Great Eastern Karee the river Thames 00 the 81 September, fer PorUatnl, Dot setshire; from thence a trial trip will be made, and Dually deperte on the 18th from Holyhead for Portland, Me. English potUioal news IS dull. Mr. Cnhdon bad been honored witb a grand demonstration by his eonstituents at Rochdale. A deoree has been Issued by Imporor N poleon that all waruiage le newspapers are to be eonsidered as non-iasusd, and the Min isterial deportments are oharged with ituinsd late axeoution of thb annesty Numerous military eentsacee have been commuted. The emuesty created eoneiderabie surprise but general salisfaetion Is expressed. Louts 111 ano refuses to plaue b.rasulf ags.n uader the Fieuoh yoke. It is rmnercd that the Empress Eugtuie is tneuiti'. The proposition before the National Assm, bly of Tusoaay, Uei'Uriug that the dynasiy ': Florence ouuld uot be ru alls I, bas Leon v Copied. The Modinese National Assembly Is Vs taking strong ground-i for uational jU uri l'arini bus aocrpted the Dietnlorslsip r l' ma. The King of 1'riiNiia Las rallie I, B' J 'i pected to survive for a conxiilei abb t - ' The Prunsiaa fortiMoatioas at Ao,, , . , which were suspended on the announco 1 ui ' peace, are being vigorously ivuewed. Cardinal Actonelii has retiiedfroia ll ' 1 1 sideiiry of the Council ut Rome, but the fecretarysbip of S la to. The Calcutta mail of July l'Uh bss telegraph. Tbe King of Oude h id been relea; l Five thuussn I local bu'Opoiin tr ; s u 1 eervice of the East India Company, i. i- opted their disobiirge, aod fiil is'.m ' Koi'luoJ. Inoreased duties oa stamps bavu lr. -o ;i posed in the India Council. Lmibt. By Telegraph to Gel way Liverpool, Saturday noon. Ths doubif"! rumore iu regard to the duel bstws.u tlsos. Cenrobrt ami Neil uro not confirms 1 i be Modrna Assembly receivsd sntbiiaias ticaWy ire proposition to baaish turevsr ths House of llapsburg and Lorraine At the Zurich banquet, tl.e Austrian l'lsu ipotentlary anuutiuved he had strong hopes ot the early success of t ie ( 0 ilitcncs. Tbe bullion of the Hank if England las decreased 22,000. A Paris correspondent of the Londo" A'. as says of the Euiporor's speech- ' Tbe Emperor's si eeoh to the i the dinner be gav them at the Tuilleri'S ws. appropriate to the oocasion, and U wnl Urob ably be the general opinion, that it oonta ns nothing meuaoing to Europe. In slating that a part of tbe army of Italy is to be re leasod from duty. Lis Majesty shows that be persists in the idea of a partial disaru anient, which he announced a lew duje ago iu ths Alomtcur. The only expression that cau rise to oavil Is the following : " If Trance has gone so much for a friendly power, what would she uot do for her Indepoudencs t" Standing alone and apart from the eiruuiu stanees of tbe hour, this phrase would lie ecu sidered uotbing wore than the enunciation of ft truism. But la the mouth of a sovereign rather notorious lor using words in a differ ent from thai In which they are unduisloud by ordinary men, it may perhspe, bo under stood to imply, uot that France intends tu ie main at peace except in the altogether otiliks ly case of her independence being aiiaskrd, but that an alleged infringoieiil ol her inde pendence, will bo put forward as the pretext for tbe war next eoming." WTATHMF.NT, H.nting On andil"n hi Of i'M'is Iu fry Itm't, Un b,r 1 I, A.-mi'Tj, Hskl Kitats. ( I, In un had In vault. fTtlls of otbvr sooa iMMs, ' -:o in J.I HI 00 I.U.Vl t l.J--! l'oT i 1 S II ink Sl'a, ii , ftolvahls. Amount dus fruiu BsnVs snd otbvrs, lncidsutal ip'BMi ,c, tVbols aiu't of Assttts 1.0, LIAOlhl'JlkS nreulstloa , liOUI Mock, X', l'r"Ut and Ja, vr, lull! I'lyahls, L uu rtoeiiors, 4.t 1 0 , 1 is 11, $ ltd',!- iJ J. fUItSIDK, CVhi-r Sworn te and subarrlbad r ui, a N -i.r ''' "' la aud for ths county of (Ilon. .Nee in. 1- no-ij. IDIS, lim lilU Hay t,l Ssjluilwr I " J as ' ot-sa iuy band and sual of onw-s. al or.-ka C K. X. JoU.N H Ms."'. V'taiy i ou Offli-s ofTsrrltulal Auliior. (injl .s'- ' 1 hsrfliy cartify that Ilia aliu.a l tm.i sla'U ' i t as lurbkhsd wa, aod ou ti c la it" on l.ulli.ll . ( l"i ! 1 (j, ,,17 3W , ;ttt "l-i I ! ' soTice TO CIlAltirH, ('.''lilt AHllu-lh ' t "' Fit You r hrhy no l Hist I s - ' . ; lbs Kenirter Slot Hrrei. r ol I lkota land MMii.-t, hi ", 1 sly on lloailaf th li t ' nYiock A. m , to r.r,v 10 11 -r 0 ' 1 the sx'Utb l.a.'l ol .1 ' . ! uuiuImt thirty f. ., I. ! ' and thit U"llh ht.iroi i' . ' .- ' thrtM. I'll u.ii- ' ,' olbl, () rsal vf tbs : i . '',..','! Pkot Solou:b.-r :i 11 J. " -