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About Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1859)
- .-...I- t iioii.vcE gui:i:li:y, BRIGHAM YOUNG, ... ... j t.ctfrs ..f r. " it,-: ...n., J-ui tcy," fir ' " t!i Tsihun.'. ' T. I! " l"-'-"VM YOIVU. slirUK C.rv. lTAii.4i.lvl;.lV.3.-M i , ,Vr. Ilerohisei, M. C. took mi tlii s .. rl..)n. by j.poii)tmtnt. l.) meet Uric, ham y .. Tf-i i.'i.i of ''"' Mormon Church, , i had expressed a'?.-.t tn receive af " T M. Wo "ere cordially welcomed ft, ,i ,. j.,r by the I'ff! dent, who l.,l in int.) ,,' . .,,,.,) st .ii v fiirlor of the largest of Lis , ,, Mic has tliri'f .) win re I win i n t rn 1 : 1 0 --r C. KimWil. (bm We!-. On. p.a-m, Albert Cirrirt-.r. F.lias Snvth, , ,,vrr"d other bndity m-n in the C!."Ph.. :, two full frown -f I'"' 1 r-.! ! ' Ai-...r ,.,, unimportant conversation on :'n - .1 top!' f. I s'n'ed tll:lt 1 Colllt 'I'"'"'1 , . , ,",..r know 'milan rr I'tll; ti.' U"t'fllli. Vet-of t'.ii' Mormon t 'l.nrji, un.l wouM 1 ... .., -i-k --v.o ''no'i.iit I'-nnng uiretiy ,,. if there tvrro tin oi.jeetioil. I'lt.-M , ,i ,,. Y,.nti.' nvotvfj liin illiniie.j to rt.p.ind , I, , ', pi rir.ent iniplil'o'J. niol ;ha.W):Mi.- t :..! tlp..l sn'.siiuitin'.ly as loilows: ! It r.-Amlt) n i-r-p. M, ru.rni.-m (.0 ' i us o r.e.v mi nion, or Hi diu.p.t u imw T ;st,..P ol' ,1,,.. rhnii-h lia.i ni , proper calling uyi uli j.'ii.:uii.iicii iicti.r.wy. t ,-,.! e no -lit of flu istiai.ity I ' tv v, iiich l.e i i.t lis ii;-, hp ;il oi' ir.-'v, , nu iij.i iniiHit' of l.c'.h,li.)ii or re fl t e, mil i; Y..-WV h.'M t'i:it tlit-ro itm h" m-. tru. ' j)S w!, ,..,, ,. w;n , ,) , the l :;nu i. .s : v'.J, no itppi iiicnt desire D toneeul unj ihii e, o i Jinn f'h-jreli without a pi ie-'hond d.pjct- wr)rj( ,,,,,1,,,, j. , ;inie.l in her service; nor d.J he p pel nny uf my iie..U(i!is m nn . onitn'.si(,tiV,l by find in itumc.ii.i'e com- ! pv,.n out u At ( i s ( noiinif ' to lien reionson pertip.ent. lis .v very phr.nly drcS:i:J in 1'iitoin with I lie .tun oi '.m n'i .-.ivmh ' imkir.d Such ft Chundi i.s tlm! ol ti'e J Pay Siiiut), calo'd by their ct.emifH ! ; we know re) other that even pro- j . ..... j i: .t.i i ;. ... i . ; . have prr eui nun iiiito .. il i .Is will. I jl t; --Th 'ii I am tn nr.'!.'" 'i'id t'.nt ynn ' ul other churches prof.'sni;: to be ' t r r i I 'ii is' us the Church of Koine r-?nr.l.s ' ni ni with its. If I not in column i s, -hi - ni -.tie, heretical, ati'l of tl.e way . . !'..,!n:r,..i? i i: Y - 1! (! - ii i t 'T y.-s, c..b-tii iti ai IV. i -A pnrt !'i orn this, in v l.u! I'i sj.ect r ess ii t : n 1 v !ro;n lho;:(t .f om i :;': !o. l'lotintanL Ci.ut i hes tne , i: 0 ..r M. tlcdi-t, f r exnmplu ? I! We ho'. I the l . t lin.-s of Christ i:u,o v. as r veal'-'l I'l tint 1 'CI ;i t : ' 1 slil a!-o in l he Boo,, ,,i in. l. lm , lo s the . -ame inrdiiial turn-;, and those j ''. i !! i; 10 rou believe in '." i.elnne of : l uity? i ' I V -Vl'(. .In ; hut rot - exaciv n.". it is I ' v . I'ler cbur, V.V l."i',v l i the , . the Son, tied the ilolv t ho-', as i.ii. ,ut not nieiilieal loHufi on- p rson ico We believe in all th Riblo tCHtd.eH j ' ': ' - i''l""l. " ' it !., yon believe in ft V" -n -itv:. j a 'i: ; nu t, conscious, f't i ritual be.i.if who-e af! s a i e e.--, 1 ti.!!, ll V --We 11 r, -p,, von 1, 1 'h" loe'ri '." 1' oodom nt 7 ,' ';" I; Y -We d : b"t perioips II..I e a o:l.. I . ;,;:ol,,sd .. ','u believe i as th : 1 , t il - I .itider-'tniid rhnt y '' nr-j , . i - ir, , i n m "t i 'j n a.; c fit. .n. ; Y '"e .).,. , -. . ! I ( i -- 1 :.. . mi iTii'-tici; it U:. '' t ti".! It V No. Jyi - II i;--ll, n.'i n, :'.ke r.'inov;,! lo mese . . I ! " o'.llomorv ,.,.) your coiiver!.-? .. ".. Y - Th-y w .aid c ::: u.ier thci:;-'.'. r j "'- u' v a.r !.',:l-r :ti:dif liO-v we:,; Hot. Ilivit I j - :. h a rralhiT r. ...'. i t -'i.. rof Co l - people us the Ibtde f. -retell -j li: d that this is the place and now is ti : trie 1 ;.; 1 ''or its eoiis 'ii.',. .tion. 11 i; .' -,e prediction.- to which yo-t .'er ',, ,,,,. ,., ,;!Vi J iliii.h. I,, ni uiui. o 1 to r.1,,,1, .1, r,,s ileal (,.r.Ie. !." ) as th-? , hire i.i' ,. h :-i.:l,,..iii,' ; i- j! Y --Y.--. for 'h Je-rs not f r mh.-i ii ; i vt na; is i m- pos - ,ui: ... on . i . it . - i r . ., ;tn ri peet to Mavcrv r . Y W- co-i ,T it : I'i-ine r,,.t t,, be nbob-hed i.i. ill I'm f lies on n.'i'ii shall have h,-. it .in th,. H (i. n da nt - Ar. any shi nil ; ll 'i There ap.. !! (! -Do y "oil Tv. r!t U: -:;.urv ? 1 . ',', : I IJ. Y. Th la-.r, are print ci! yo'i can r.o.,1 f.,r .-,,, !C Il'sh.ees nre l.r.-.ui?bi here i 1 v those who (,'.ti...l !o in in the S'ales, tie j i i i. ot favor their : front tho service o tie e owi.ers il C, V ... r ',, i e" r that I' t.ih. If n !mll- i I as a in. it. her of the I dob-rul L'ltioti, .'.! a Slav.- .-t.i'.- .' V, Y No; -he w.ll he a ir." tverv lo-re w- I prove u-a l. -i en ucpro- 1 rtyard it --i,. rally iii ft cm -'-' to m i-ti-rs I my,, if hire iiiany l.ihorer iiy ti. ni t or vi a- "s; I could not a:l 't'i t . ..All tin-ill I can do hi tler than su'd". t I ays.-if t ) up o . -atioii to f,-i-(l and ido'be th. ir f.imio, n, to I rot-ide nr.d car- f.,r lie in in sit klie-s and health. Utah is not a In, ted i. -lav,- Labor. M C. me now be euli 'htene I wdh re- i more especially to v Chur. h p-.'iey ; 1 in. b-r.t.ind th it v. Hire each me tuner you re t . ,iy ov.-r one tenth cf all he pro-b.ii.-e o: et ns to the C lurch ? II i li, it is the reipnremei.t of our f'.th. Th. re n no roni u'.-ioii as tolhn pay- "' '-I K.ieh member a. W in the pr.-m..-iai "' "'rdii,f to his pleasure, under the dictate.-) 1 '" I own coi.-cienee. ll 0 What i. d wbh tie pro'uedsof th, '.!-, hit b. D AKOTA. CITY HEB.ALD. VOL .2 l; Y. - idm 1. 1" it i- do I t f. i ti ;.;-- n:i nth. r pines -j I' worship pm t to ! tdc -( n r and aiivei nn t', ir way to t!i' .-.rtntry ; and tin: I'lV"-! tti 10 tli" s u t 1 1 of ill" poor :i1'"il' the- S i.iits II ("; I,, nmir dC it paid to U,. shops nil. I 0,l r ..r.r.itarHM of tJ-o Thur.'h ? U y .X ,, ,.,,,. So IV-' .p. '. r.i.irr. no p.'iieoii, or oilier Cluir.-li ri.'.-r, receive any roiiipenvvtimi f.u liis ml I t vic, A IS 'li"'.i is (if! 1 ;l rr i t. I 10 t ,.!,., I, I,. ' n. .. . . 1 1 r.o.i.1,. tlx roi i-.irn tor tin. v r ( f lis c!.iy5 ; J.i.t he new1. r,c,.;v, , f,,r J,i.s I Vie . , jp ;j.)H. , ; . ,,, ,..-,ur mini -tei s live. ? ' j y. liv I.iV r f t'." iMii linti.N, T:!;e tl.e f, r.-t ,V po-' !. s. '."' f li.-nop ctcry I Ki er. nuty ,pxi! v seen i,t v.i.ik in the I'.el l j ,,. ,t.H .1.,,,, y-,,. .i,f. .! V : iverv mi I ,U11 .,,,., , t f . !iu hp! t'l" rivn'iir , vers of t h. Clin i rli ) :i : c p:nl notlii n tr lor ti,,,;r -v-i vices ; 1 ntn the ot.l v person in the .t,mv, wj!0 not a rcenhif eiillit"-' ftpi.rt. j - - ... , . Iron, tie' Cioireh n Sfrviee, ana I never re- , c. it...-1 one fnrihin..! from Imr tre-iirv; il' I Hnvihin2 (mm the t ilnef Inn'". I nm I ;,.ir,.. w;,, ,,, ,,,. for it, just ho nny one ,,,,1, . t!, ,.,.rk in tn tithiff store M1.,( k e no V ol her -iTK. but no one i ..,;, fr .., v service to the nun' -trv. W" think a t:rm who c tt'f.-.t m:ie los !', i i:? ii side f om th" Mini. -I ry of Cii r. -t : nii.jiii'e 1 to t!ie ollice I inn ivi'l'd r!. h, and C 'II SCO T III V self .v., rih i-ihVMcn : it r: ()ir ,,f j, WlM j ,;x i. 1 me by ibo (..'!,;,', i, or ( for nny .-rv!.-" u-' i n.ini-t.T f t!-- K-.ei !..! j ., Cu-pv! I lost nearly li ! im I "h-n . ( wer" l.Token no ;n ..I ..mi 1 1 an I .;. .veil Iroin tl. it Stale : I nearly ,'n; j v:ii.. i. n , .y Small was murdered i.nd e wuru ill iven fi om I .!! no: -' ; hut lio'.l.itl j; 'A'it- i I'er fl , ,0 pv '. (.'barcii, n..r by any ' one I believe 1 knovt l.ow to aeouiio pro- p. r!y ami how totiirt.' euro ! it. i 11 (', Can you ;rive me nnv iition:.; cv- plcni.'iof. . f li. - av. i -io'i ..ud red i ; 1, .' t. ' ,. a.;,' ,Mi) t?;i." ,i:li J,"4,.,t'"1..i Ai, t. ion; tb. . i. :.'. men oi..:o..'ii ii. !o ... o- , ' : p y ..r, Otb n'o.i; than i- I.! , .- ('. ..;., i ti,. tor-!" llvlndrei I . i ai nn n'. of tiois u. i n i sic I s, pro - ! n'.ets. in, I sa. ols ;n all !;.",... J II " - I l.nii"' that a ne.v sect is ahvavK i, s : ,!eeiie, an,! tradiieid; tlmt il is l.itrlly e.'"r ,ie j deeini .1 re Jte( I abie to bchiioj to one, that I I ':. !bi pi i ;l t) irak its. M.o 1,,,. !--, 1'n it er a! o j i-is, ,Ve , Imve en eh in 'li"'r l;:rri i p - : i rd i i ,1, in the 'nla-i, ' ci' I -ir .-eel. n th- olf f ' ' i . 1 ( . 1 1 ! 1 1 , v i I i e a ' 1 1 1 . . ' , o , o ' of i loon .v.- e. ff "oi o O v ,- Vnl, (I and r.v ll h i lo t! . r e I ..m'.s.'i- I v. s, r . ' '' ill. Y If ton i!" . ..n n't th- i I ,n ,l.ovi-!i !( eon i;M t If tci.J ails ol u s t hi i -t. t .ni mil lini he ani his dir. -.t.irs a-crc 8c.-:..-i .1 ol ct .iv aliomintibb; .' I and p I jo..e --pi V i y nnd ider in i 'i- ol .''neb ,i .tor!, is ntiil e.lant, and may h- c on i hv tho-" v.i o e. k it. H (i --V, hat do you .,;'.;,' of tie no r tiic,J Dn'V , or Item lot in-; An.-ls, l.ul.Oiin, ,t '' r ' urcli ' Whal do you fr.t ? 1 k: iw of no I - , . . .... ....... , 'o '1 I in. I, no sin li peri m.s or ors-.iun niioiu. i 1 i.'d r ...... ...U ,,, .1... sl,.,,,l,.. l I ' 1 ' " " l" "-i j It. fi Vi;!i Tp. rd tn the pva-e qtirntion ! on 't'l it vieir ii'" tin "S and p-notieei nre I pa n li o;. war with I iio-. o! i be ( 'h pi si inn ' Wil t.l "i-- n t;i n '" " j I,tV ol willi.1 I. th, j y n oi v. n r Chun', ii';." pht'de to the ma i , 1 . ff ii io. , ,te e n ' ' i ... ... . . . I liiri omi i lint in' rnore nt "r-e t. , i . ,i ,.. :. ., ., (;, ....',,,1 ... . . I l, . 1 1 O ', I,.-".,-,,,-. -. th I'iv .e will I think th. y -j, u '"; i'. . I do. the '.till of C .1. I : 11. 1-1 ... 'hmv amor- ' , e li i-.r T '.t . -es. l. O.-d - , : -I- ( loo , 1, I has cut h but. l' ' e ; t . .i h ih icr have m ii n- I.nt i I,,., iieb v oi-iil da'y H t is lie; lar.'.t 1, Ol. her of ( ,i t ,f :f. , ... .,., I i, .:. ha : I. 1 k now no oui; w ho i ha mnt. , hut s.,n.c f tho-e s ai-d to p,.. nre o' ! I.. ! i- bom I re on d i a hi r k - im.: h- ''is than n i, ,,jt vthoii) I ,,lV(. taken home picheti-h od t . ..oa rt. II (',-. . .it ten A po tle Ihnil say : ht.t a b hp si ,l, , ,. .., , J, u , rj j OI;(. w 7 IIY--J- w . A ) 'c dot.ot rVai.J any but a lua.ri ! tT.t Hi fiH,.. f,,r ,(, , ,,f , lii-l. 1. 11 ilo ,,,.,;,, ,... f(iri,:,i . . hi p tiavi t. a,,,,. wivp, ((,Hii oiip 11 (. --! i:. (,it p ' puts a ' lo o n., wl, ,ai an- I i;'.;r l.u ,1.1. 1.1; .'(.mm. , ,,,,, , -s 1 il. Y. --1 . 1 Ih-.'i tl..-, .,,,;,' sh,,:. t . . 1 -put away il e. . : r f , ui:.,.rx. r,.t alw.-.ya v 1 forv.t. .y i(1(Jai. a 1 - ' cf .S nu ,r I io r ,-. '. ;i, w.v. - l.:i' l- T i ,.'..; , ,, . Chin h. li t ti . ' o urn, viiof I" iv. M uivVft ciod-.M) vox ti:' :.t r i iuc mm. kiikkdom." PAKOTA CITY, Xl-liKASKA, SATt'Kli.W MoKMN.;, SKl'T. 10, prince. 11 (J li r do von r.-T-ir l what com- tnciitiv tern:e I the Christian SV'.'.nh ? B Y.--A divinely appointed ilifofiT'1 Wo all tn rest from .-ooub,r la', t en tWt Any. We tuiv tin I'l.m o'i-:.,M' I .i t'.o SitM.atl', I'tit w eiij.iin u'A t. r.-pi-tt an I ovnv it. S i.'ti iv :A Ti.Mriv in I c:-i n, .,!'.-, il, s i .. tiinrn of ni'Hrly tw, I'.'urs r .11 v.. 1 .vii :.m . '.:! in :ihu!i w sni.l in.'i ! mI.Tv I lm t ....,! lf!h li" . 1 1 1 1 'I '. H" I !l rein others lor' n trt . In::. p Pi'--i'1-nt .viijj i.s th" lirt nun, -tit v! Mornion t Uhk .1. mi i" '. .. ti.e pri n. .! p..: ) m t in t'..e c ii er;i ,t on. 1 luivo : fpi,.-iej li , nn -.v,t.u i ir.y . it-st i ! m..I v'y'n; tjOions. 'l't.e otli-M appe.vo-l i,n;r,,nn!y to .I f r to liij res,un.-e.( kiiJ t-m Ii nnt i o,-s. I?c sp lend.!', lit.', a I i l!un sniiiiiiet t n inuo,', me d ttith tn) nir of sum li :nony or fan ati.-isui. , In npjKurniiee he is portly, linnk', pooJ iiMun-d, m in i thick set tumi ol t'.f'y live, scornino tn cni. v ! , it . .... . ........ i . iiie. aid oe in uu ;nu i.-u.xi nun. . p- o henveii. 1 1 in mshimmiUoh sre plnin nion, vi- .lently horn and cnrc'l ! ,i life ,.f lain.', nnd lo.diitin aa liuh- ike cr.'iftv hviioeri'.es or Mv'tvllcri m t-V le.Jy of men I pit lii't - ; s ' Th( a',s. io " of cunt or ni.titll' from 1 . ii 1 uinnner tvus msnd,i .1 nnd ? "er.'ih ;,''' I I'd, k I nmv fnirlv tit I'o't their Mormon: ni .,,,t i ;i: po : eri .1 ed the m - thnt the v . era! if poor no n w hen they em'. : , . are now i n vo v ,,.,, nv. ihivc or four wive.- aph t. i-ertaii-lr n.-e.l '.f. ' . T I I li c 1 ri 1 1 1 i i ih. 'i.sms on M .i-n ini-.m , I ,,..,.re I ,n in for a nun ale ,. J., .',- I 1. to make i'o.s u f..,raml i u;l r p,,-e of the doc' i in.; a ud poliiy. in the erv ti ,n is of tin I'i oihct. so lar ns 1 car re cn i i !,,., 1 do ik t in-Iieve I resident Youne hims-'f u.iui.i wwiil them in terms ciiicuhit- ed to innb r th. m less ohnoxionn to the Cen i i le wo, i.l .'nan I no nhove. lint 1 iift'- n riabt t. mi i hen'. ' "can-" I -aid to the as s,.. ''....; ..,;..t". l .1:.. el, w.. ,,' fh.. I,i ,,v c,,l loony, that the dnrra iauoil I or, if voit pbe. - o t : : re --rii t ion ) u! wo ma a t o t ti i i n : le ti ; e ,' ,.,i,!.u,'.arinif nnd .til aeces.oties, is an I'll vita of consetrieiiee ( f the b'Tc j.;. -i.mciint. I l.a'. e lo-t ol oi n'ol a 's.i'tl in I ' -the -i ees. an advert':', tr. in the j ..irt!?.!s. ' n. of ih's Mormon met rot rd : s, t-in 1 1 oy a wit I'm, tllali I :po.-"S Idill unvlhiu r'-vi t' .So co Moi nn ni bus f-viT fit'.! t" iae his wit- s i r ! all any Woinii n s ('i'i nion t. , v .- r -: no;!,. .noiiiioii woman i,u. nreti i niio : m. u i t na- (.poltcl: to me; ...n.i, tb ,i..i. I lav i i.d, e.l to visit Moitio. i in l' , ir 1 has hp il.eii o!' v i e ( ,r tv i Roe nie. or Ids do-',dn.; m- 'o their) a e p ; a ; c T c ,'c. or :i t .. i , ! , . i . . ; . i t 'l( ex i -' . i. e- of en li ;i b. I ii , n- be'.'ys. I Will Hot ll!' t 'epol t oi.l I'lllt "ll ft - jiilb jeer, h nn.", Mihke what I have a .;'" ?d von it ii - s i m ! .on tt i ai th - chui'.u ter ot i a d ; - out a ' ii u, and I cod b.irdiv five it on partial. iv ; but one r. i o i m ide i y l'r- -o .'oi t Y'OHi,; I 1 1 1 1 1 1 h I call i. it,- M eiirn! dt , ; n . ! i I may m i t e as a - a :.) pb of id i thet tun ! ( !V- ' - I oil li, l s,,e. ji was in ti e e Wop! . j I 'li'.! , exactly: ' III ll 1 lot con uoer mv ' re i ." e' 00 pelelit lo ! ,.. 1 Ceita.U i'I..II.C-S I Hl'boot I1IV ttlif's 10' Hi,,' -.; ' ,u,l, s C-'ll'-, 1 v. i-h i i janl lo il.. 1 think I on I.t lo let that , , ., .. ,:, , c ..,....,,:,. ri . .. .. r r. """" " " "'" " p. It k'iiniic ft stem, is taiidv (.:-:. la-. .-! ; th-s ll'. a..!. I.i", ai.V .such n.n m he, a lie- I ' id li.-hi d nnd prevalent, am ua .cin v dl f .roi h- co.l : ,;e ! to : !'. bar. . i, i I . r i,i.p.ji ft II 1. 1! It. ''"' fire' I wn ; I, VI ' !e, . .1:1 le ; ii"i:i,u:ii. d imi', te-1 jetfi'!v Ira t tha:' j thO fl till,- I f te No,,', ei.tb fe, ,.. I ; ' to a K..!: i 1 : pr-ir !"i;l , ,, .Ionian- pliere and de-'iry , . !i: c.l'o , f, . ; i.h's. M ii. r.-v" 'To I, who as the i.rst iniiii .' :. -i." I one ureniii oi' another Wiiv ,rj nn, to be , ruie, tt us the aiiKWi r, Well who was ton j llr t woman tle-n V ' ' W hv , J:il,. i.ol,,.i t. t I iiiiitrg aro dull ju t n-.w in S-. f. mi A b i' T from that pi. ice says ''th-cily irt ilea ! " ' ''" ' " i.' i. asu ) our Hiieives cmvii lean, ft to' '' " ""'-i' '"' " "n them quit., thud.. hi' i h t it remain on for a. time, inn! the r." 1 an! . iii disapp.-ar. , . ' ' 1 "s .ll,,r, nil .''il.-.. I I j .1. n , .... "" ' . ' ', . ' " I l i.t; 1 ai I , res' auriiio h. 1 1 is ic- , . i to. -nu -a -, -a i h ', nd ! h. :: - na ! d . , fc In onn i-t the clack hotel, i.i' "-' htl'dy, the 1 1 !-Cy eon w ,1 e rd :i (.'.., 1 olio :e or bur room .iaii:: the yi y I Ur,i.kiio' ni l t-.-l ii . ' .-' oh -. !. 1 b istalely holy 5i p1 are 1, r.-.. 1 I er !,:.-', and h tht imii nn) walk, u Lini .'.)' to b. !. TI ''' p' " 1 ', "'-' a 1 dedy ellc! ... .. 111.! Oil I s. tl'J" ' I.U ) that i -. is '-id lie Idol.,' w- .' ll a tin: ii .! --i.po.tdcr , i,..; il y-a want ' ; lo; io-A ll t, j- lo U dU 1 I. .;. Pi 1 11 1 V. j a. si llul oti a i I . s tr... a Ho trl 1 , in i k . . ; ivi,. ' A ..r..t. l.:,':ri . u..t '-a 1 a ..!, rri'shli; t ;lu llil.Hi s. 'I-!) a new work by 1) V ltvlVtt, - ' " " "I'p ddoiitia! Omit Inles," and col t mi- inr p,.: , i .-- !. :', 11I - k ..' lirs ul tin' j roiiiiiirnl iii'-n t: A m-ri. an f take th. f i. wm n srn u:ti i ' w r ,. Y i -un II S , ; . x '. : !!,. M i.. v.r t.i !. .rcv..kf ! '.v I'm ml or f my. H, 1 , , .11;, r of nil 1 i.i'i', or . r, H.'ir I. .s n - , : .1 cnn triiiini h 1 ! !' ate .. e mi iivm le In 'n i : We Pin-.. ,T". M a ui ...ii". Kn j i .a , I- i , i Hf.l mist intiV, t, ii his duty r I. .j tot,, vin i!.e Au.iy . ,t. in ,, . .i:er lS'.T-S.) niul to eti. ( h.i!, (:hn ,t in !;i.-!i ct .t:ei u.i (,.. v ! very .-t .onP .Mr. .ctv:n-. ki.t i-oiii.-., . !v in I.m rent .liiri-u tli p:,inl;il revi...v i ! ' is b:o::.i i.alor, hp tiiMJ t i i. n- pi" m, t,',!v an l a.; ho ct rr del in l,i, l ie. )n n n. .1 !ier . .'I'. i Ion, n ..oi the iot,-1 .ii the liiiVII on tl.e I'lioiui j'.iml.y i. .4 in.;.. -it lull hist in -Mr. 'I', .nibs ninje a I, ill il -t sn V die.n etui attack t.pun Mr Si ..r.l, Oltl o in; I,' m, li in n ol lo r n. limn, 1 n t nppfli n V det-ia""!!..." I'nrine lim titlle liar ,ltl,r,,t,v thil t.roi-i.iti S- I, i, lor, Mr. .Sewiu.l ittiil..,! I.U .pecliioles tii.,ons,;,iii.!y. 1 i l,i( n ply whs slow fiucinly co'. l, m.d in ter for a ni,.,n. nt nddi ersod or I nt Mr l'ooni !'!;. s- facts sho.t that Mr . Sewnrd "iipiM-'y r 'f n.'s in puhiic to ai iow hi in sei f to he an :" i ,(! ' y soioi'ili, s !' .or ;i: MM i ;,!.,!' I.' ' ,'.:,; .ls"c',l ' ll to i !'.' :l, i i '1 t' Is t lie , i s nu I h i.s o!o. ii h1' of ho hi:,.' c ! v !! I ':. I: I ii 1 1, i si, I.! CO u' : , ( thai he ,!,, nut i-j It t I Suntli-rn -mi.-ii tvit!i mi' j a im-Ki!..' n iisctihi- tin- . I. ' in. nt -pii It is nelio t of Mr. Se les I i : ! .i, I. .e'l 1 10 I .i i .1 r vui it i ll -.lit in i,,;u nnd ,! it is in-'aion p.h'y, I i ci . I C.n i i! :s to 1 .i-T, i. ! a the. l ,i i.t o i. a I 'un- '. ioiiMr Sev. ard so- ii,-, ! s.'ain di-ep-i' t foil.'- the 'riti(r-r life i, no tmcm r, 1 n"i ..! liie art ot 'in- ' '' ' '" '''i i Hf l-..n. .-.ins the top I t- -..". nnlmi ; an easy, i on erat i. o e I u m 1 !:'. s to ..: i See, '1 1". 111! I he t Of" s .V ! J ; ,: - Hie.-. ., ! .,'..1 o i' '' ' ,.r SenaroHi ! ' r ; , - I ,!i i.v lienor- I. o 1 HI I ,,( i CO , J I ' tn ,' i. n i 1 I,-.,,- . ' i, .' i ' i 1 1 ' i '. I I col t lot'..' 1 . no .oal.o . it . loc I . ' . . ' I i -, .- ii :. a "i a :u ; u.t w j I . s i: t-. lio- l'. .v l...idr. -U A I In I , ..I 'I e I '..p: ... : i, in , !. ".s , ; i . 1 I r a l t -11 I - lie in to . .'. lor-, thnt .-"imp nion in t do ll.-' in i .Iv ''I and i : v h - ' i ' . ,d '. , t .; ; o j ..i.-ne - t , a n d I '( i ' ' ' 'e 'n i o t . ; 1 1 e V 1 : '. I -o wn'i t'e i. ::ri.; llt-iuo i u ( !r r i:i-lo" ios p Wa- i, : pew i '. (.: ,' n be ; 'III', t.l- C.i.iollS lit I ad. ,, , aid I. s I.OI- r-oiiaili', w. ,1 encmie: Vd!,,o, !,.. to-I 1 1 ; nM ") ni . 1 1 was n 1 1 h do'. '.' .. (.( I d" fit ihioioi'de . I i : i,;-. .... do'oii, i.t 1 : ; ,, ' ' ! : - V 10 to! ol,'., the p o-ta of the 1. ", I Ion o f '' ih, 1 ,., ., -' .-. ' j "a " '' tbatofl. ' ! ,- .-, a ma a oi in y ! ' r' t.t,-:i , ,. ', .',.'. I, , 1 I. f O- l.-i I " ," d of . . a I ' i d 1 Pin i e I I 1, I ns i o I, I. ail' ll " ;..:-., v.l.eie l-e I ... a " .'If e. an I lb" .'I'I I. l'!' 10 ;'Vr'' - - -' W.M- be I '- 111 .1 1. s, O.I . 'll.- II, ' i . 1' o! '.I'' i:i Win, ) I :,:''.. ' . I i . I. oil and as lo-ler ( ' a - ' 1 p. i ,'.'"' h r,d P t ( r- ''''.. ' ' -' hi! "' ''' I ' a -' ".. . I i v. - ! ' a s V. .' ! - . ,--i Ii i n - " i 1 cat-it.' t i..a... 1 ,: to t..e t.;- -.'i.r. It l - K I '.;.t ii..; o or, Pu h- , : , ..f b,re o'.oi,-, wodi 1. h.1.0. he,,' ,i,d f.,o,ii ; ri, m .,;::,.-! bear.',- ml an -.1 inteid-eio . T.M-'.j'i h - tit 1. cif 'I p.t-i, 1 th. r nt the i,.,r, in I'.., ,-r... s, ,r in t ,k . a er nat or.:. I ' lair Mr ( d a .e I a s nevi r t an in 'ant. coinprotn: -,e, tlo in'. -1 ir rr ll." di-nity ,,! Ids eh I.T Owe .,! ti.e .nn. 1 ol I,;.. M-ti..' 00 .! ;" was mild- 1 eh ll ! -'.', I, in po ' I 1 a 1 a 1 .0 ii .0 air I" i-,a. '. 11 I. nn t ifiltvo r I;, r -c other i.,.,,.:. .,.., tt lo, l.u 1 i- - o I an nidr-M t the pi .,,!- i,.o the li m, a, Nc Lniskii a ... I' ' I 1 I,. , ler-on r la.- i n v. noil a i 1, ..r ep., ul I a I nr'y rasj .,: I in; h an I ot I i, P . isrli Ife i, I ii .j ', . I mi e Iiu ui .r .' tiia', t " ' '' "I ";" ' "" 1 '' ' 'y k"";!' ' '"''!'' "'"'V 1 ' 11 i .,-i;s will, (; f ,-. of bo w ,1 ol -io t lit ' 1. lo I v,). NO. 0. In !y rnin'ii nri i hi c nit mi 1 lit en! s cf 'ili I, I"iiii').. 11!' i ,iiinn',.'r, iin.l pcrKmiMi rli:iv:i'H.) I;" lm ( trr f.iiiiiil lim liii'liiMi linpi'iiiix in li h nivti (l.iin."'iii' rirr'i", 'tliii h now frni'r 1 t'T two iiee..nipli!.lie, (inn litet. jn t l u l In ji inl.l Wonintlhnn.l. Mr Ille ll'H Intij lieen tl fnvo-',li ill t'ie Setrile Willi m. iH.f n'! pnrtic Whet, over il ii kiii.ttn 1,. T : V.rin ! t(,.it !. i-Ana to ppenk. he i-i mir.t to enllier i cr"f,l. 1 nn ihrnre He is oie of te n.. to lull or lilell 4 f poor lllin.ill ill t'.e r.ei-;'i ;, f,r ,, v., lire ,H1 never l S. ' iu.1 ml two Bjiit-e nf ,:u, in , I !' .i j ,1 it- 'iiini'T, ev.. ttli. n Me., isliliL' re d loi!', re. i.n l i love, of jVr, nnk.-s li'm (r.i n.N )..t.. it In' i, lu nmt'er if le l,e nir-ti,; l.ii liil-ejeM Sonthi-m rifir.ies. ir 1 !' i.vs lien Mr Ptrr. liens ti-et to ni.cnk, there in 1 a soit of ,'(!. if coin lim o n ivinot tlic' m, ( , us if unmet '.i iy tins ulmM to hf utter, d t'.ii't momIi Ii.-'o iiiii..' to The lon'i.'ers t.ike their Mn'f, nn 1 ll... tinker iicrolno Mlel t, tliin I ntii.i.. nn iiivo'.iint.irv met to Mr. Slepl,. ilcnuandhieh ( i.iitns ns a ;;eiii letnan. A t imm Iiik vnieo H o:ir..ev dl.oiiijpii.hnb!,., but in a f. iv ino- tnents yo are Hii-pMs-,1 t i's voh-nir, ntul Von file o.,i, colivit I thnt his luneH are in p'-rf-et order , and lis hi , idnn (low, yon nrc lo.t surprised at the r-ipl ntlention lir. com- :'i"l His s'v.c .,t ..oiealunrj H Miioi.lnrlv ii ... i i . . i ii. . ... ... i "h.he I, hut In- conceals his art, nnd nppeiir. to the toipcrlicinl obm-ver, t. U ido-p-i. lit by ri p i'hIoju. I". iv men in the coiintir loive, in ti ''' I. r - o; poet,, o. : ;t v,i vin e, s -I'll, even '. ' -oi ci i ce in' i n . - ar 1 til.' e.var 1 "' r" '"'v - p' oj-ie (is ll I . . i, '. ll.- ii I. no n I, y i lnrl. y Inilll. lie Mo eel! t ill t tolteviT . li a . HitKes. lie p is usen trntii an io-oii,. ' I1!!-' Ml ... 1 I HI' .-.! r ''I I I'" , if the lb t Slates in th ' I'nbu, V.'hil i.ov i"i! sa. 'i Ii lniiii npol if he 1 .i:.'i 1 I! ,nl. 'li in Wiilhi:"., i v 'M, 11". v. ' , . re '"i vi d a ll, oi -.ho. I el ilea I ' on. At ll l.Tf 'ni he h is tdieed tn -.r.irk in ,'i . ,,!!,. ti i f r iio, .. t,,f p. : it ..ii. e I HI I I..S ,. -,-rr -.s n ot-r e-r ,u r,' s,.,: e u . rum b...:t.el the trade o! machi u I t. Wh.h- th. - :oi'o 1, a ST"! c j lieeitnea; loinp.ti.y j ,is-e ) t! '"Midi V.':.lth..iu. nud )' .'.!;: li.inl.s w a v., ;:: . 1, t ;.',.oi I ,, n oh tie ir io" ;i. tl -l b" b all ! to f" i :'.,; .' -ar', l.m.s, if 1 ' fie so, , . I. '. --- 'v.-ii ii:a! a ;-:i:p:i.a;' oiler v. :, ni-.d.. t !.-iti '. i follow I hi ,', i i mm . ,f t !:e . ( I J tvu s .;..;,:, no. ' p. ,!,, r, la-.' t' ;:!'. r. I '': :" can bo ...'.t thai t i t ' o - (! i a iii a ' . . o : s Mr i . a o d , . i . , m n,!i ol 1 ' 1 ,f . ,' f I le v taau' I ) 1 -: I ll 'O il . ' that pr o . 'a ' io - :, v !di h !) lid. dnv ibsd'l ;" i - in , bio. ns li n . , 1 1 : ! 1 r a: 1 a i .'.-,. i i i.y of I.-, r. It "to- toliv j die I a vii'll'e !. ililil Mil in- loin o il" a I' adv sp"ii!,. r -- lio n d. lif er, -! I ' lip-raece ipi i , lo -, .;i lit !.. t dlil'te I into ; -,li.: t " a li.-moctnt. ll- i,,!;i, H ii.,.i,;i' pip rin W a 1 1 liain, n It. no-: ,1 o' pa pt r, and M- ' o'k - r-e Ijim an ollh e in the li... i. in C, no el in . r 1 1 T e.M.oi iior I . ii ncli dm j -. ' re -ol. n ... r. ni-: i ' v. as a,. , a na r. thai I '-1 I" ' -' t a Ponar.ia'i:.- t .:. lit I r h Ii In ! I'I Mr it inks V...1 ' 1. ; J ,j ,1,,. M ,- ;o I, Ms II ,:...- of I! ., ,,...,; pot !e , d down ll: t'e- ii-t i ," rr., .' i : s i. a j,,.,, I,',,, 'I I..- very n.-M -iriie tor 1 to th.. law; in t-.M was i ho ,4-..- cf the S'ate l.e-isbiiiiie, n n i v. a s a 1. 1 1 ,m ii,t-!i t ndioeate of the i . ! i ! i o a beltvc: r, the !;, noi- ,r.,t- an 1 ll,.- J ', . - I h s ni !.i fn -' -1 - : lb , do:,:, ''!i I '' pa i 1 1 to'.v in ils oloo 10. ilie Iie.vl tear lie v. i s te-,,1 c 1 .' j e.i l.i r, nloj ill the ii 'It 'I :n II i. j. . i-lei li d . , i '.o,. I . -s. V- :::- in Con-f. -.-,-! .ion- hi.s fi-l Prill, he vol eil noiiist i!,e K n ii ; l 'e 1 la 1. a hill, t doll - i. be Was one of I i Ih ni- (,, ruis who co'. 7 in tr:r llr. hill if', a move .cut which insured its liiml roi-e. 1 1-dlMr. l!.,!,; tk,- ,.0 by the Am-,;,.,,,. ,.: It ,',i;d!a.;o, an ! 00 1 ,.-ai 1'"""' ''"'"l. A d mi iii:i'ration sup.p.-.rttnjr Wo : , (..., .,, vl.t r - ttf'. r a -,. ... ruble , "'"' ' ' H'7 '-rcr-it of tl.e old r 1 . 1 " ": coot.-' t"t fp-h in ',.. r. -br's I... inory, be was.!, a I.d , eak. -ortbe Hot, e i 1 f 1 1 1 o r ' - .s , t . 1 r, t i v . .' . '.'I '' s to,,- 1 ' 1' p.-."I, if in- I. .y--r . pi.,1,1 I on n s a .-i-"-al:- 1 f a '"!'' " '.' " d .. p., an 1 he I, ft ti, i.-t-1 w i 1 h 1 1." I 1 1 1 I. .tots. lb- w-.s 1 , 1 icied t Con-..- but, ., f . r 1 1, k i n h d-, , eat hinl io;,i no u 11111,1,1 i . n, ..n;,t .;:, I.e. es n - I it to :,s nil" the ( ot . r 11 oi ,1 , o of, -I it t- ' h ' o. h 0 ... 1. the (-. ol '' ': -i h.ui ly a ii "ivi.j.iii i th in ' i-' ted in the ..i ol i !,sl . 11 lie vs., 4 r. ...n-i...j . Mioi nt t ,i i, 1.1- i.iit.i,...v. erio.rds , e.iii. 'i hin, io a t'.-w wm i. w tiov. H n.k'i. nl one. r As a f ob to i., n, h.l Ins .-!... ttn hiinsi-lf kbi-.-wd. in a pr-si.!'nj o!ll' i r i ro tti , I'la.-eful in.d coin nut f 1 1 1, . H t , I . a ii a , ! i n i ti i 1 1 a i .. r a ; . n i n i , r , lie .1 i i ia . f to ! n man of l a r . t'i 1 1 j i j S I h.-, ia .. t. is ; .v. n . r l:,..k it H s ha, a ."''" ;' '."'oo t' at lent ' I .''' H"'-i" the.-alto I.i',. '"' I" ' ' "' ! ' hi Ids !,''. , ,o. id:'.,; "! ' r '' ' '' '-'' 1"" i ni ii.-ii. ' '-t-'ui riM a, ... , j'u'Cft Mr I fti i.' !i 'nlo .l r. i.d ii nllluuelilia. lie in lilnfoim Iv i;ood trntiired, niul hin Intirnnto fiiendi ni"4i'it tloit in hu jmVaifnt t.f men knj '0. ii 1 in 'iei lm is Trry f.iir. II it lull, with n I n I'orrlienJ, K rcvi.sli Imir, nrl florid cuinploiM n Ah a ijnlii'r, we BT ro iv aikii.i, . rot (liHiinjrun'hoi!, thonph be ia p'-rl ei'y M while delivering speech in (..' .11 pi ens int. onn In his pi'isotuil nppi.ptait,e Col. Orr ill not perlinpa, )Teposse.isii,. ; titm yli Mil uri'ftt l.lnek rye nnd hue (.p,.n f.ico nhnw till fijrotj mid power of hir. ititlleet lip is lnrgn in perron, nnd not pni tu iiliitlr pnteeM in hil iietioiii rr iippearaiu rt. ll hut a certnin dignity, however, which mforrri kttptitiun if he ii ir., omior of thl oceas'on, nd obeJU Q.M'C if he in ill pnvi('.iti(" officer. II r. Iiotiilax hli II;(krri. 'l'h Cl nrlef'on S oi. tli C'lrolinn Ke pnh ! the filivining hiaei! cf lettf r from Mil wtiukce: , Mii .t At Kin, (Wis ) July 3J, J8i9, Ti e ("hiii lesion Xen ii durlnrrR that if the CI ;,i 'est.iti t'onvc ntie n , lfiiittl nhout ft Si iv Code, and pKpirially if Do iiIhh i in ('n"i.'.T of ii on; in ft" i on, theiviuthfrn rlrlc.gttf t v.iil i.ecrd ond lioitiinnlft for tteiimclvej. Von don't :if mil Yon don't tncrtn i, do vrii'.' Why it would mnko tha Northrn 1 '( inoerats feel l.r.d I.) hnve. tlmir Suuthtrn bn thren wii! .h aw (rum tha Convoiili.m if t, i .i i ..... i m ik. ins h noun ioitn,i g Hon t tiflievn j .,,, f it U lU iril plr,,;,, , knO-till the News ((( nut nnd r.innoj control tha Somhern d. leeAt., A ftrent mnny ol thi j y,!.rn r,drntoi will ritnt their vntr-A for j Stepl,,,,, A. Ilmit-his. toiiethiT with lh Kntlra ,?..,.tfi;on from the North. Wo linri? the I j.leasur to inform you, Mr. NW( that tho ".liihi (liaiil." from Illinois, Hon. SlefKori ... . ... 1 ' Honshu, will receive tho rotninntion for I , ,.si, !,-(, ,,t ho n,rle..n CotiTentinn I 'm Noiil) will he there, ri tn-li?fi. Winenn ! Jui will Rend n ihd-.-ntion of five hundred of .' h, r Iieinoeratie nous to n.'rntntmnr thn delo- uU,4 ((f th(, f!,.lt Cnvetilion, to hn ch(,. en iiet. month live, tiundrixj nrn nil . J I, at . it I ),.n. oel fit 1 Mi lilie-olii aemU (tel. I atioii of ilii','0 1. lit; lire. lluil'lft.1 Pirn . . . ' i , i I i i c . i , .ti c.n an iii.l hitmlred, I ntn live hundred, Ohio nt'i. thousaiul, Illinois lifieen hiinili-crl, retoi-vlviiiiiu ono thomund, New York nnn I th ci-mml and nenrlv nil the NVvr linirlsnil . , . , , ,, . , -o ilos (,,e ie.,iis:in,l eneli. Hun ih a secret i t i m, 1 it ii understood that Ihinjf'ni will i,t least tReuM' tliniiaand friends in Charles'. hi u'iiiii'.' ibe Coin el.tinn, and they l .u t j, repose to bnck onr inch frnra tho pint oiie. o! "I'opular Sovereignty," Ac, Ac s .....-,, V . I l.r.ll... oj. .i,, " . ,, .;.,. ,. vo wi!, 'm-A out" during L, ,,.,.,.. W nr eoinir to 1)0 ftrotiff "i !: d i it, nn.1, we innt nlihid lo tell you so .,!,. un.-i II. J.J. SAiN I '1, lt3. 'I' S 1 will l.fer yon to Alexander Y' lo 1, l're.-idi i.t of the 'Wiiieiittsin Mnrinn :.u I I ... In-cr.iio e Ih.lik' of (hil city, ft 1)4 i,.-i T'. :!,n Km;-, 11 ,'ilr of '.!' "iSuuken -h I.t'.!'.- 1, f the tuna of ibis i' Iter. J. J. S." M wci, 1 1. July 27th If?.' 9. ."idd' r .o ney .Yiwj Then, you do p'adt t' '.r.h that if In.!iK'!as is in dmpcr of li.di -- nominate 1 at Charleston, the ' Snutl ia a" ii :, -iil( i will e.-i di' .'.ml e in : .die ..r ,, in o In f I am sorry rou mi, hut mill we c-r-'f l-a'p it. ftephen A I.i'.la in hieiiel t,, '..if tioiiiiroiled ' imur efforts to tl.H .-out i in no '.t irh tundli r' YuiiHira , in I . t c' oi l nni'.in t to n row of pint. We l.l.e to ioc iint 5ii. ;! jouiuaia nn tim Newi op o-e 1 loo-bis. Nol bin jj hidpg him moro. 'I Ids' Mi,!.. (Wisconsin) I nm proud to tell v. i will ii ml i.t I,-a .1. 2(H)", nnd if iiccernary .'mil Poii-las mi n- i rovi lciice pernnttin(, I had be one of thn number. And all I nslc ' ' Nls'11 ''' vot;. :ri I will aiake "o ! j""'" of your h--:i. in two mi tut ten. !tiateai J of "1 ".OlKI," the North il! n nd iO,0UO. j i ours i.-spci-l'iilly, i A I;o; ;i..V. IiMMOCitAT. C .,' 'I he New Y'.tU Herald published in : peech 1 1 : :i 1 1 ; hv (b n flam Hounliii, ftt a' ha doc .f , on the lith lilt. 'J he Herald :" it "a -rand -trd( fur the I'rtnidency," -and ceo tl.e L iteral ''deelnrea hiinstdf at ""t'"'l!'!i com. rvi.ti-.e, Lnioii 1 ountr. uiBcord- lnil"lf,'-ispieinjf , AlUI-SlaVB t-ad", An'., Abolition, AntiKnow N'jthing, i'tt'-ili.t Ibuiroiil, Cuhil-AcquiMtiort, Mellco- "" '"" . J ;.,,. 1; , j,',, J , r,.V,.xt week, according 1 , 1 1,,. I Pol a 1, 1 I on 111 ere iii I A d vei ' iser. Illon. 0, ,. r, ,.,,,, ,. ,,V1.; at Niu-ara, carrying , pIM a,..,k stovn ai.l utctisila, and will, ,,.,, c, ntie of the rojei, make f,,r ,1 ,,.,,-erB of the Maid uf the Mint. n- War increase tha rrice of ra.' gj reut a quautity of ragi has been bought up ; t maU lint for tho wounded aoldiery in 1 I.oinhtir iy. as to causu a rise of about a farth- . 11 ' a pound in homo kindi of paper. War, t.-,.v,.r i-iu.nt.r.t,. !...i.,ur, lir Sr..i 1 1: o n op t eby an t s u i te of roonu in I t1,r, w,,rpi ,tt ,1,,, p,tcl de Yille, in Pari. They form ft circuit of about half ft mile, and r,-.iM.ue for thtir complete illumination S7H ' , . I o : ..,. .rn. man .;.;. j 1 rft . , ,., 'date I at once, without dia- I i on l o t, in ti..--e cnjiacioua roouu. ' H wii 1 i.o i'liuccton Clariou taya that s f, ', , . traveled fci ty milea to 0 wensrilU, Kf , ;a.t w.-i 1, to hlp another fellow hft Lftda, S(!t. at, at:l jot hally wbijped himifllf. fi-xr There are fitly t.ina church ia th , c tv of N. w Orltuiiii k rty i'rut-itnt ftc4 .. i ... ., .j .V rtiu Ca'hv.'i- I I t 1 : r i i t I , ' . I , .- !( I , I