Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, September 03, 1859, Image 2

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    - lHWMfiW laUraa.!
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t"i mt!!i : I .1 i i' 1 1
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Js i at mir Vii , A i.-o 't
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My Dear S-r : V
Ice In your kin I
I b. t k. t.t null I 'i
. i . v. A ;i'i"t .', 1 0'.).
i,.v 'i I J :
I . ne ii 1 in ! Hi it' j in
, I '! "I'i 'It CCt t t
..i I .l.i tu.t cone r witn
the A liiiiin iin i ii in i'l' ir it tepcoti?
theiight- rt itur-tl'l-.l cii.i"n. as i!( ti:i 1 ii.
I hp I - i"-ta letter," which It in proper
t .Wi ve, hate teen since mteriai!y nli
I r. Ii-r our cor.Mitu.'.on there ran he n j tat
.I -I. iu t .in between the f h native horn
no I h.itui iliacd r'.tiirn t.; cl'iim the protpction
f our g ivrruiite it, at horn n. !,ro l. Lii
; tin,ut'..ll;.i:tiin if'nnin ;U .-ruin mum
i.l ic I from all "H,-vi ns which he our I to hie
native cmintey, by virtue of hi allegiance, it
leave him in llie a I i 'cdicamen' of owing
i",.-i.mco to iwj rouutiii'H, w it li iicc'mt,;
i recti n from till.cr -a dilemma m which
i. . American i-ini'Ti should ever he placd
Niitlicr Lave you misuppreliendt'd t.iy optn
i nit in rr't ct ti tlic African slave tru!iv
Ttmt qtie.ni n srriou -ljf Uisturbe J ( ho harmony
f the convention which fi anted the Federal
constitution 1'i'onlt the delegate divided
lot o t wo parties, umier circumstance which
( r u time rt micro .1 hsrmoniou act mil iinposai
I It. The o Hi" demanding the in-luiu and uu-
' n litiutiai piohit.ilioti ul the Africa slave
tn le, ou morni and rclifinua ground while
l'io oil, or iu"iMcJ tiiitt it a liigiliuiitta
finitiurrf. itiTol in(r n.i clhtr ciiM.iruti'.,ii
V. un a a )tin I pniV. I'olicj, which i'-U t'
oiicht t . i. a I'ri iiiit.v l to tlt torimuti fur itnelf
t a I iii n il w.iMt inotioncl liy it- onu Utti.
I :u Ii party etouj firmi an.) rvfuhittil hy
it i own position until tntlt tmcnina voimut'aJ
that thii txr I nticitt on w.iuKl l.icuU un (he
cnnyention, .leairoy ttie Feileral I'nioti, blot
out the gliiric of llr)lu:ioii, nnJ throw
nway all lt titraioiigi, unleia auiuo fair atij
j ist ooiiiproml-e cuuM In foi mtvl on the com
limn group I of audi iniilun'. conccMnona aa
were in.l.pensihlo as the pitacryatiou cf their
liLcrlici, loi jo and lii'lpptu lciice.
Such a c jmproniliie aaa tllrolej ami ir.dnr
purated into the comhiuL.iii, liy wh:ch it wa.a
understood that the African -lave trade might
continue as a legitimate cummercr, In ihuae
rttatH.t who e lame enu tiou d it, uutil the Juar
1 HH, from audafter which timeConkjrcaa might
and would pmhihit It fcrtyer, throiiphuut the
ilounnion and lio-ite ul the United Mtaltn, nnd
I'.tis nil lawa which might become nreea.iaijr to
make Mich prohibition rllectual. The uarmo
i y ef the rouyennon wai reitored and the
t i iou euvt'd l y thia eonipromire, without
which tho cutiHtUutioii euuld myr hut bucu
inn e
I htiind fii in'y by this coinproni'iHe, ari l by all
t!,o cthrr coiiiprominca of the ooiiflnutioii, and
null ii'e my bi ul etloita to entry each mi l all
i I lliftn into tn it It fit I execution, in the mimihc
i.nl with tho uti'lct it;unduig in which the
were uninn'Iy ailopleil In accoid iu' e with
tl.kp c.iinpi oiiiipm. 1 am irrec.niivilitbly oppnt-e"
to tho ret i vnl i f (he Alricnn :lutu ti 1c, m ttuy
lortn and un Icr nvy cirouimtitiiceii.
I run, wiih great ivpect, yt tn-H tro!v,
. A. 1 Ul'tiLAjJ.
Iiollaa I'toutilea In AwitlSiarn ICa
Mi a llatila.
We h ire thenewn nf eerums Indian trouhlea
in Southern Knn-na. A X''uili'inu hit ari-iy
rd in Uitiaaa city and report nl that ilia KiWH,
(ling", and ( umanc.lioa had eorected In Hut
lcr uii'i (Jrevnwood uouullea tn the number of
fito thoiii tn;l, tin e ttcniiiK (lit: truotioii lo thr
w hiteaof thrit region. Huhstqiient ropnrta aay
t ii o town of hmporia ha I I ten iuveated b)
about fir hundred of the ayngos A hattla
li reported to haye Ink in place near Ehlrrndo
on Lower hitewntor. in which a limulred
Indi ins and fiya whitea are eald t" hnye beeo
killed. The gre itent eonateri'atioa pr.itai'.a
Thi.a hostility ia aupo.aed to hate origiiiiitad
from the liang'n; nf ome k iwi, at tonacil
groye ao:ne time hince, by the aettle ra. Thepe
are the reports they ate doubtless grratlj
riaget ated. St. Jt .up () utttc.
Koyitiau to The New York Fiyr
publlahea a statement of tho buainean done, at
at that port in foreign dry gnodnfor the putt
month. The totals compared with the two
pretiouH aea,Mon. et'ind thnt :
1HT Ji'.tl.tl'l.'.-.'l
l.sa in. ii ii.
i..u ;i,;ii,.''S
Thcpe figures f how now how himn Flora
M -Flitniey hti forgotten all about the pitnio
her eitrtync incea helped much to brinj? on
two yenra ago, and bow ready "hit i with her
rilka, eat tna, and yelveta, ta po It blind, and to
go it ' with a ru.th" again. rVrenty one mil
ion worth cf dry guode iu eevaui mculLs!
"Nohiugto weikr," in lee I.
Mobh jji ForrnTi im The at itiatica of the
Mormon prpulailon ia thua giti n In the"'.i.'.Vy
I .
The numbr of Mormon in the t'uite.l
Statea and Hrifteh doininiona, in IT, wa not
Icei than 6S.70O. of which 88,000 were re,
enta wi 1'iah, 6,000 in the rtta.e nf New York
4,000 in California. 6 OtKI in Nnya pcmlt and
the Canadaa. and it.OOO In .S.iulh Aincri.'it.
In Kurope there wore Sii.DOO, ofwhich Mi. 000
were in Ureal Kritain and Ireland, 6.000 in
eandintiyia, 2,000 in tlerutauy and witier
land, and in France an I the rent of F-uropi
1,0 fJ; in Au-tralia. m I folyneala J.lOO ; iu
Africa KX, and on travel ".'O t.
To tlicee, if we a. Id the different braaichee
Deluding Strangeite. Kig louitea, an I Whita
itea, the whole eect ia not leas than liti tMiO
L-JT The tihcat edifleca In the world aie
The ramiJ of filth. Vypt, - M.1 feci,
Cathedral at Color.ne, - - fiill
Minster at I'lm, - - 41
Cathedral at A utwerp, - 470 "
M uator at 8iraboiir - - 4'it "
l"; raiuid of Clieope, Fgvpt, 4"'. 1 "
it. Stephen's t'huioh, Vicuna, 44 J
Ft. Feler'a at II ime, - - 4 '0 "
i'yiamid of Cfphranea, Fgypt - 4-ti '
hi. Martin" at Lundahut, - 4-'0
fy-The Re Dr. Uenrick. ArchHishop of
Rlnmcre, is staying with I is brother, the
Archbishop of St. Lnuia Tutee geutietueti,
own brother, and Lo'h Arebbi-,i:or., bav
een esch other but twice In eighteen year.
wing to the heavy labor impost i upon thera
by their archbishopric.
cS"TL Ronian ar represented as taring
that th Pope is too upright, too fenerou- nnd
too fatherly I'T a temporal run-i. i nry . a y
the waul a wicked worldling, be l e iitu
much a Nera They shoull hav their
pleasure for a suurl time 'i.7Au.-y
WisCuKsm Bash Aeoriin? to the It mk.
Con ptrnller report ulih eu of tl.o V n onaiu
Jtiijk.are now wiudmg up their buvues.
l or the re lemption of Hie outstati lu g Boles
f these bank'a securities have bien a-.r-iifj
to the SUM Tieaeure in tru-t utu.'Miln g u
th rgrgte M i7Q,i.
Onr lniil'(i
' V I . - f o r r oil u l t
ii i pPTmit, tn npfak of the (i-i?crai
tfida'r put la nomination at lafi-m""
t . II rrrj trifflv aKu le t.. thorn n..
I " n litti'.n to whnt h' tnef '
i lrf(Ti P-tahrook, w ni n w utily d
rect tha t I. v'n atlfiitlrn t. an arti.-!t m th i
pipr t ikf n frmn tha (' omril I'.lniT- Hult
He ia knnwn In Ida wlo.la tarrttory. an I
pln'fortn on which ht ftan J- i to fnre the pao
pla. I'.i f arm t." an i 'he 11 h of Dciohor
)' It, it l pr il 'thin that iant v every yi.tT
ill hi t an " port unity to hri In oi tnin thr
Im I ti(!, l.vtu Itia ft.litical rn'ttii t pom l
hi" ip miocnt ft t o - a for tbu ftHlion f ,r
ahich ha i imniitrntp l
Jl.iVn i I (' J .r Inn, V. . th" p un Ii Into . r
Iprrit 'ti'il A i liter, hni 'li-t-1 arj," I Mi" .lo'-ni
nf that rffipr for the I it yeir w '.. ij. yp a t!,
ti li'lity an I honpaty A I ei tr in n f r t'i .t
.lic l:yra m t in NehraHk a II. .- m i ,
rp-pi'.-t, a ihrniigh loi-in - i i ,. i ,
whoip eaphlnlity an I mti-i i f lo.r.- . . o
cal'ml in q'iption
W. . Wjiiird, itir can I.l at for T'"init
i prrhp mora e itPti-ivelv Viiown :n t'i
ti iritory than Mr. Jur Ian Hp hat ic n th.
1 rca-iifpr ot the tvrnt ry lor m-yci ul ypnri an I
hatinn iliachaj'irfil it" not yrv in luini- dulic
to tliPpitti-faction nf th people it u! l I p on
nat, he heinjc an elderly pentlrinn with a
rz fninilj toaupport, lo thr w hurt uyi-rhoan!
how. I rninliia eiperit'iira with h - l'oi ()f
tii;? in thia ri'y, aaare nnt!ifi. thut tio ff .rl
c in ( fcfit him, ami our only mrpriae ia that
the oppnitimi ehntilil have hul tha temerity to
tiominito t man ngainat him It it hii imhIi
llt ict'iity lo lt tlr-rtnl
AloM i D Luce, the eandi'lnte for I.ihrarian
ie a younjf man, etery way w irihy the conft
il 'lice ami anpp. rt of the pp. j Id ir.ir tniiio
riul Lihihry Laa teen Hn lcr hia rharpp f r the
I it eight niontha, Kil l it ia tn him t! it we nr
iinli htpj for itapra-ent onlcrly m i angement,
although Mr kellom who hita ncnrccly luo a
nenr the Library, lia ttijiyeil the aimill er-
q"i'1' that attach lo that ofil ;e
W. II. Haryey, th nominee for Super'ni-
tenilpnt vf l'uplio Inntruction. ia a well niu
ratt'ii gentleman, of goi character an. I high
moral worth. Ha la Juat the man to look af
ter diet iiiprflRtaof our ooniuion achooU. Oimi
i.l .Vi&rtiin.
Matlliif af the lltmnrrmii Central
Committee, i
At a meeting nl Hie I'uintorial central com
luittfe, called by the chulriiinn II I. Kmki-i '
John W. I'attiaon wna appointed Srori'titr pr I
lent, or the committee.
The rea'gnation of llcoigc K. Hcott, of Waah-'
ington, waa receired and aouepted, and on
motion. A, II. Allen was appointed to fill the
TUo raaignatinn nf Jiunea Tut't, of I. Van qui
(Nmrt Bounty, was receiyed and aeoeptod aud
J H Gregory waa appointed in hie plnce.
M,i. J W. rltii n, of Pi ls oo'inty, moy
e l that II. '. blarkiii'in, cf ();oe county
be dechtrad the uiiauiinoiia eelection of tlni
committee aa Secretary far tho Territorial
Dmuncrntic cummittee f ir the cuirent year
On motion, S. A, 8trickbind, of Sirpy
e i'in'y, wai d"i'litred the uuaiiiiiiiuia ttrlrctiou
fr Treuaurer of the Democratic central com
mittee. After tome reramks from tho chairman on
the neccaaity of prompt and eRicent actum
or the euiTk.n of the ever living priuuiploa of
the Democrittie party;
On motion, the committee adjourned o meet
at the plituo and crtll of the chairman aud unc
n. T. RANKIN. Chr'tu
J. W. rTTtin, 5ec'y.
Itranlillran Uerr jrmaiKterlng.
The republican majority in the Kmi-an oon
utitutional convention have before it a moat
tniquitioUK gerrymanderiiig nf the Plate Leg
talature Fearing that the majority iu the
State againat the republican orgauiiatinn, it
deeignn lo hold ou to its power by a scheme
that shall put it in tb power of the minoii'y
to chooi' the Stii'e Lpgislnture, hii I elect the
United Stat 8eu ii .r. A a ppeciiueu nf the
thing, we will give one or two iiiaiiiiice'. The
democratic comity nf Leavenworth ta itirigufld
u'ne Hepreiont !tiv, aud lite repiiblioan
Oount i ol I'otiglaa ha the -auie nuniher. Leave
enwrtU enmy baa double Hie populiitii'ii if
Uotiglas. At the Ian election it g ive thru
tlmueand votes, whale Untight-gave one ihnu
and on hundred yofea. It N viimled to d.iiiu
le as many Repreaeulalivea at 1 'Ulas ; yet,
becvi-e the lattor is republican, it im allowed
the "iime tiuiul er.
At tlio lat election Bhawnee, a republican
comity, polled live huudre I votos lly thi
liifainou sohouioh8 IS given four Ituj reunt
IVrnndotlA. democratic county, that nave
larger tote tban Shawnee is modestly as
signed one UepreseutitiTe.
1'ottewatomie, tnat gave at the mat election
just one hundred and forty six vote, all told
is given two Ilepreaeutativca.
Jackson, a democratic c anty, that gave
tbree hundred and thirty two vote more
than double that ef l'oltowatoraie is let d wu
with one Uepreuentative.
And sn it ruua through the entire acheme.
The Senatorial apportionment ia equally mi
(air, destroying ivery principle of jutice and
equity. It this achedule is made apart ol the
eoiiKtitution, that iualrumeiit should be ilel'eat
ed by the people. Lc.tnjf.
Fa. M L't'aot-a Hur a lvioea from Kurope.
by the Btea.nahip t''.y of Ualtunoie, which
paaned Cape llace ou Thursday tveuing Aog
li although five tJaya later, embrace no ncwn
of importauee. The intcliigence from tho
continent is of a pacific chaiai tor. France
wss makirg preparation to oary out her
prom sed naval disarmament, and had dinao've 1
the army of observation o" the Khine. The
Aiuericau Minister at Korfiv had obtained from
the 'apal Ciovei nment four hundred eoudi by
wiy of compensation to Mr. l'erkina of Ilj
tnn, for hi lues at 7'orujia. The new loan
ta the llrili.ih Government, on acoouut of
ludia-fne millions sterling bad been n
nouueo t.
Jr4'3Sn let TV. Johnson has been nominttt
rd ly the Di'iuooratio convention of Kansas,
a tn.ir caudiJ.it for Congress agaiust M. J.
FroM Tu Misa. A newspaper issued at
Mouuu.u city, atatas thai t'ae couveution
which bad be it a mug at Aur-tria adjourned,
having framed a btat constitution, the ft at
ure vl which bav uol yet tieeu givea Ihe
boundaries arc lauluje 37 deg b.l minutes;
lougiluj ivi aeg iu uuuuies. l here was a
Uivi.iuu of seuuuieiil as to the propriety of a
Male urgauiiatlou The cuuvantion voted to
ubiuil lue quetiou as lo Tenitorial or ttte
u, g:4Uuatiou at llie eaui time
"sajT i he estiutatea uiop ol -ieai lui iho
present yeir, lu the Lulled otatvs, is lo
huuuieaaud cue millions ut bushels aua iu
viaiv ouu 'uou-aud utilliuus of Jollars ! The
tui t lus crop, it is estimated, will reacn iib,
InjU.uuu bui-ue ia. j
JJ"lt is c alcuiuud thai upwards ot $600, I
OOu wui iu it totn u Uat Oceu iO t oy brea ai i
o i.hm t i piisi yeai, too.-1 ) occa-ion a '
t iLousiifoitiutheeut up e .vs ui New'
I'l.eaus or ill tt.'J liesi-l
ILiliulii UMi' i)fi.Ui).
Ki U tirtAFF. K.lit .r A I'roprietor.
ainrlay Mornlm, Netemlor .1, 1HJ0.
Dfini.rnllt t onnlf nnrenllnn
The l''tii"-rt "f lik''t e. ii nt r meet In the
ereritl ir-' lii'-t - of Ih- o ,nty on Hat iir.lny , the 3.1 of
p. .e,n'.-t Ht the fc I .win K .i.e.. i,i,.l ele.t the 1,11 in
' r of 1'rl. (fMe f. , , .rtlifte't l. Itiem. t.' meet III lU,,ta
I f on 'Hi. In,. in II ill. .. i. t. H'l.r, t.1 li.nl.
I. e l, el n, I . iairle.1 .v ll.e Purtv f. r ('., in.lv
The lm"rrit of In: , ! preeln.-t to niet Ht lin..'.
t . e.l.'l i-le.-t "H i..l. t,le.. nr "Ul.lia . reek freriiipt
pi '-"0..1.. mi i p,.-.! rt ll'-lu al i-: or t..l"linii rreef
i t Pt .l-.hna .'IU . ariri eieet iu.Tn lleh'tf ul.", of Vnr lt
I t.,ii ITe'lnC at (i.,i'Vl"ii, ami eleet thre leeBat, ,.
K H KrV.a'rl k)
K t L.in.Li tVntriil C'lii
l M I'm-, )
ttf. 7i) It A TIC XtJMiaj A TlO.V-t.
:a Oiamtwa,
;i:x. v, i;ta brook.
F.t T. rt-iiui i.il
Tre .-tn -i-r,
For Terrltor'al And. tor,
For Trrntorinl Oommii-ioiicr,
W. i: F.ARVia.
For Territoii il Librarian,
The County Coureutlou
Furnaut to a call of the County Cen.ral
Coiiimiitee, the Democrats will meet to diiy
in the peyeial preciuctn iu the oounty, and
elect delegatus to meet in County Convention
in this City, en Monday next, at two o'clock
r. m , to make nominations for County offi
cers. It will be the duty of the Convention lo
nominate I wo candid ilea for (lie LegmUlure,
a I'BiiOniaie I i Uegi-ier and K.c nler, Pro
battt Judge, 8hei B, Trea.urer, and ('. ui.y
Clerk .iic I to up point a Ceniriil Committee.
This will be th first County Convention
that hns cvei met iu this cuuaty to notbiuate
can iiila'es f ir county tftcers. There can be
no possible doubt of the eleotion of its miuii
uees. It is therefme, of viol importance th ,t
good nnd tiuu men, aud sound and icliable
dctiiocrata should hi chosen; men against
whom there cau be no personal objection;
men of the strictest integrity, and fully ca
pable to discharge the duties of their various
ollices. If aiich men are placed ou the ticket
and doubtless they will be we will not only
be able to elect it, but give it a triumphant
This will bo the Crtt battle on strictly par
ty ground, tlmt has ever been fuught iu the
county It therefore behoove every demo
crat to throw aside allleeliiigai.d prejudice,
all obj-ctioss or dislikes to the ditfererSt mem
ber of the party, aud as good and true dem
ocrats democrats from priuoiple, democrat
because the party is the great uatiounl, cnu
servatito party of tho Uuiou to labor, aud
labor assiduously, for the good aud succe.-a
of our ticket, down from the Delegate to Con
gref, to the lowest olliccr that is to be elected.
Let no cue stand bsok from the work, and
claim a- an eicnse that he is a Douglass or
Buchanan democrat We kuow uo distinct
ion and know no Jen ocrtt with a qualifica
tion It is uot now time to divide and with
hold our support from the party, on abstract
or oosolot ideas. We are all members of
the same great party, together Wa have
heretofore fought under its great National
Uaiiner fur its time-honored principles. Lei
u till rally naiu under this same banner, for
another struggle, aud we will triumph and
cstublUh the party iu Nebraska, firm .ud un
Tha Itfinullean Convention and It
Man Dale-.
The Republican Convention met at Belle
vue. ou the 2ttli of last month, its annouoe
d iu th bills. Delegates wcro thore from
dirtcreut parts of the territory, of every polit
ical hur. and representing every hhade of
pinion, every lam and schism known to Artir
icau politics. They met, as they might be
supposed to meet, distrustful and suppioioua
of each other A temporary organitation was
effected by electing Mr Taffe, of this county,
a very worthy geutlemau, indeed chair
man. Ou taking the chair Mr. Taffe indulged la
the U'nal remarks, appropriate ou such 0-
Casiuus, and hoped the Convention Would be i
harmonious. He had scarce ceased ni'sakiim
!... - t ii. ! .j; ; ...
su"" m I'll, iji.iuna, u is I eatiai il lujj III!) aa- '
vice, commenced maligning the motives of ,
other gentlcmaa present, an 1 intimated thai
... .
if they Ji.l not do il.lnc. after hi faabiuu
' ii.. .u
there would be fraud. Next the 'People ,
narlii' deleiratea fruui N.t.ra.v. Pit hn
their stuikeaman Mr. lrih .lee.Ue..,t l,,.,l
Dolilioal identificution for vears-bad to be
amused in order to keep the itatherinit 'hur-
tuouiou.' Thy were opposed to making the Democracy are famous for iaiug uide nil
that Convention a Republican concern, and if ! personal differences in view of the rpoila It
i will reaiuire all our united efljpt. to beat tticui.
a design of that kind wa premeditated they ! hffTJ lUlIlg which looks like local or section
determined it should be frustrated at once, as nl feeling should be laid laid, aud it should
Republica-iisai in Nebraska, wa ujl liklr at once be felt the duty of esch iuiivi l,,,;
(0 member of the Kcpublican party to . v.. 1 1
',, ... . . himself to the utmost, to secure itie .'icce
Th Convention here, organixed p.nna- of ttl8 Rerublicn ticket. "
nently, by eleotiug W. D. McCorJ of Cass, TilU i gpeilling t.j)eD:y an 1 houc.-tly, an I
President. After this on Byer. inv.igsed j fM B0 juubt of th. opniou of that j..u. n
against th. -Peopl.'. delegate.' in a elyl thtt . fo the resuIt We aJilire ... . ,. :e , ,
made things wear an ajpearauoe th rever
of 'haruiuuioua.' Th charge of bad faith wa
mad and reiterated with such volubility
and vehemence, that th. wall cf the school
bouse ia which they were awteml.lcJ rever
berated, 'bad faith.' Irish In defnc, stated
h 'wouldu't and ah on, In' t favor the dcp
tion of the Philadelphia Fiatform,' an I this
I -'.la g declaration was received witUrounl
of vociferaliou. After testing the 'sense cf
the meeting' by an informal ballet, they
gv way to receive the report of tl.e Coin
inittie on UoaL'.utious
M ha n '. loom this waeit, for this ii.ter
est.i.g u euine I mint, but Will g' arya.
cf".S el l' U.:..U icfctj'.t's.
The pieamio disapproves of lb policy of
the National Government for the last six
ysara, anj especially of Buchanan's adminis
tration; deplores the repeal cf tl.e Miouri
Compromise, aud the Kansas outrages; holds
the Dred Soott decision to be firoptoua; that
slavery oannot exist except by positive, looal
law; Is alarmed at the prodigal waste of treas
ure lavished upon unworthy favorite"; gives
the loieign policy nf the gnvenment a thrust;
and after a iew iimn r giowla at ti.e neglect
ot Inland Navigation, t-abrerviency, etc., J s
e on to declare,
1-t That thi terri'ory (.hall l e ftee.
Und That citiieua of the United State em
igrating lure have the 'light to legislate, '
suhjert t i the Con-titntion and the regulations
of Congress, and tbat it is the duty of th
Territorial Legislature to prohibit s.avery.
31 That every f ti'.er tl.ould have 100
acits of land.
4 ih. That there should be a I.ailroad up
the I'latle to the Pacific.
ill. I ii nt diver- ftienns in Nebraska
ought to bo bridgud.
btli. Tliat tin le siiouli be no distinction be
tw o u naturalizod nnd foreign born cititeus.
Tib. That Nebrsski sho'ild be urganied as
a Mate and adraittt'i, ppeeuety.
Hii. That they held the Administration re
spuitsible for the African slave trade
'J. That they will jti go the Lemocrstio
party by its acts, lither than by its profess
ion. Af cr speeciies fruni Thayer. La'ey, Bennett
and oilier, in whieli they rxpres-ed their mu
tual graliflcalioii, at what Ihey construe to be
derelictions in the Democracy, th'y bniiuited i So far as he is concerned we can see no oausc
nine time lor a cantlidaie lo be politically for the Opposition to rejoice, no reason why
killed, next month, but without making a I we should regret the result,
choice. They took a recess of tea tumule j In Congressional matters there has been a
and when they r asscmblej determined to decided change. The states of North Caroli
make Mr. Daley, of Nemaha, the vidua na, Kentucky and Tennessee have given an
Wa lympathiip w;tli hi"i silicon ly, that he is 'p position gr.in of 8 member. In -67 the
to be the sciipt-gnat, ibis fall, a we Lvc-the Democrats elected 20 member from these
authority of the Xthrmkiun for believing him three states, and the Opposition 8. Iu the
to be a young man of good addro-, fair 11- last election they chose but 1 2 while the Op
uti, and a social gentleman, j.rniniilly. position elect 10. Those, with a gain cf one
His t ip up to Iteilevtie place I hitu iu a similar frmu Yiig uiit, make the iiuinb. r i.l t- n tli
piedicauient to the man who took a trip down j Americans quite respectribte if not i',.r:i.ma
lo Jericho. Ve would take more pleasure iu j tile. Thit turn in political uflairs is ti- a v
seeing some old, barJeued demagogue, iinino- ' couulnblt, uiiles. h is Hltiii.iitcd to th want
lated than one bu promising, one so young. of iilarcc in th part'n erntinc'.p, as t' P
He will, no doubt, appreciate the mnr.l i,f the j I'cuiocitlio majority to u-o their own pro
story of Poor Dog Tray, a soon as the people vinciulin'.i ' is tliar.' We hate not too full
takes thi, matter iu hand Plioul l Lo gel i returns to give, but the oflicial figures from
badly used, he must cousider that he wa ' five opl i.-itinu districts iu Tennassce, foot up
found in very bad company.
After th nomination wa det Ian d unati
h;ous, ISounett of Otoe, fired at the !l k, and
came near breaking the thing up in a row
He marred lb 'harmony' so much urged, tu 1
so sadly wauling previously, by talking of
'repaying treachery with interest,' an! iles
canting learnedly and freely, but bitterly, on ; uuo- of power It is coi.Cdeutly argued ami
'false Lopes.' He ought to thank his stars j believed In son e democratic journals, that
that he escaped, narrowly as ho did. tbry will vote for the Democratic candic ite
This is a fair aud we believe, a correct ac- 1 for Speaker in preference to the Republican,
count of their doings. Ii shows conclusively, ; 01 conservative grounds. We do not enttr
ihat Republicanism in '6'J is sift prisingly dif j tu any such laudable oplniea ef them. They
ferent from what it was iu 'CO. Congressional i n differ in -ome things with their 'oppns:
intiTVentiou is ignored altogether, ou the sla- inn' brethreu from the North, but t icy have
very question, and the Territoi in 1 Lcgi.ilatui ouo grand, comrolling principle in common,
claimed to have power to prohibit the im-titu- T12: ' f-ttrnal huitility lo Me Drmnrratic par-tion-
We think this is crowding toward Pop- 'y. ' aud with this they can mix a readily as
ular Boycroignity pretty fast, for men who the fundamental ingredients nf iheir favorite
fought it so valiantly and deuouueed it bc beverage, brandy and water. If the contest
lavishly a short time since. They have copi uo' not assume a triangular shap?, we may
ed rxtcnxivly, the essential ia the Dciuoctaiu upect to see thcui unite, aud elect a .Speaker,
Platform, as is ovideut to any one who com- a soi t of an lf an' 'alf. They united before
pares the two. If stripped of what it stealti- "n'l made Republican Dank Speaker, ami
ily borrowed in this manner, Uepuhlicanisin, ! wh not unite now ! That time tho Ameri
iu Nebraska, would uot have a rug of priuci- i oftns were ,0'Ji "windled, hut it will ouly
pie left to oover its nudity, lis chief adto- I make them more wary now, and thoy will
cates iu this territory, are reckless aspiraus ! watch the muueuvcrj of the ' cute ' wing with
meu ol untamed ambition, who have been
utagut'tically, drawn into this political vortex, I "iug in tue nouors, will make tho stupe,
where they will be whirled round for a time, I Abolition, kick against the pricks At their
but soouer or later, be dashed to piece. l""1 union, Ihe Republicans were to divide the
The following gentlemen were nominated at 1 houor with them, promised to divide, and
the same time, and same place, and by the pledged themselves to carry out their usulu
uue convention, and nre a sure of lo us al ariangtimtBts. The Republican got their
vulgar parlance "goiug up llie r-pnut" as
that they are nominated, John H. Kellom,
School Commieioncr, II. W. Dupuy Terri
torial Audiior, Sweet, Territoi ial Treasur
er, O. T Davis Tentorial Librarian.
P. W. Hitchceck was uomiiwtad for District
Attorney of the first Judicial D'.stiicL
iJati. Utlabrook.
Th prospect of ths Kepublicam in this
territory, this fall, must be bad, decided'y
bad, and Cioir hope decidedly snail, wheu
their organ, the Nrbraika Il'jiuUicati, dis
coarse as fcl'ows, o'ucut the ucainee of the
rUltsinouth Jonvenliou :
"he .f tha Tetld- IIon-
perience Eatabrook, 1 a gentletistn and the
. . i- .--. ,i. ... r
most Vaual'ie, aa cn ma trA atTuiiktcst tiiau
they could have put on the coarse So f'ar
aa he Is couceraed. we may expect to hee I
i . . i i . t..r . i. i
tne canvass ouuuue.eii ou ..r ami uonorauie
prinojpl. , I
f .trenirth outside of hi. ra,ty limit, aul
its readers, that " section u feeling slioull l e
laid aside," but preJUt that the thing can
uol be doue. Republic tu mu is sectioual by
nalut, aud Ihe iff. rt i t Oat , aper to make it
0 her wise, will be fouud atiup hill busiues. V
hope to se. the Hyuli'ir i practice as well as
preach this doctriue, sereafter; if it doe '
not, w will t,e forced to, the e nclusion that
that paragriai.il foubd lis way iuto it col
umn ly uiisulaii.
KT llcWAa't. T:.. favorito Missouri
river Steamboat wj sJiik ,u tl.e 11. li ul ,
by stria.njj a to ig in uj O-an t.iclv'. i.La
wan y'u I a; ? IJ i
) tsl :.ur J If r -.,
The LeU EUetlons, fiontli.
Tbei'i-ieut eleciii ns s.'iitu, prove c nclit
sivi!. ihat politic" are somewhat Viable to
change, and are n-t nwe-isari y " fl I ' I fac's "
because they bee n n- o mlant iuapi.i 'i 'i
locality for a time I his i true of Di iit'.-:-i-cy
this fall, in th. south, and was true . f
Amiicanim iu '65 and '67, in the snme sec
tion There i no such thing a calculating
poli'ical result with precision beforehand, ou
aec'iitr of the eagerness with which the pub
lic a li pt iif vnsries and take up new nten
Tl.e only rule lhat work well in politics I
the miij T't rule for by it one can tell ho
the -i.cce-irfiil can u ie in, a res ti'y aa ho
can te I tn w h
is i :
ting this rule iuio i J era
1 j
r. .
Ihe Dt'tnucrat weie vn i r. n j
in Kentucky aud Tenne s i.
ri:y 'miieJ'in Tua-. M ',
hi competitor nearly '.
nor, in the former st ti' , vlrle
Harris leave hi l nil ttt. n
7.''l 'j Mid H.
Ctlito is ti l)
.Should such
(K)l behind. Tile ho". ..I J
nbly electsd goycrrcr of 1 .'i .-.
be the case Ihc Oppnu!tinii can pquene but
little con, f rt f'om th .-i. ;aci lioiuti n took
the field as uo lil b .enl int Democrat, a lvo
cated and defeu b i Buchatmn's B lmHiittrH-
tion, opposed the revival of the African Slave
THde, disavowed Know Nothingism and at
tacked the local administration of the state,
of Texas. Hi opponent, Runnels the pres
eal incumbent, was altogether too ultra and
too radical Houston' ' stork in trado, 'hi
cervices to Texas in days past, and bis prom
ises for tho fuiure, done the work for him.
.".,1"J.', urij rity while two democratic dis
tricts, the sixth and seventh, give their candi
datea the respect.'th'e m.ij irity of 7,600.
In th election of Speaker of the Houp of
Representatives, noxt winter, tho South A
niericans can make themselves very mischiey
ou if tbey rhooi-c, as Ihey will hold the bul
; a eunpiciou eye, aud, uuless they have a -me
man elected, and divided th honors a Mrs,
O'Toole divided Ihe Louse with Ten t one,
wheu she gave him th outaid and k- ptibe
lneide. The American got the outside at the
hut division and raxnember it wU. Then
may bo honor among thieves but they f uud
very little among Republican.
Ilerttila.i IIou
This new Hotel of Ooiah. ia i.i
to be the bt Hotel in any city
the Miasouri the l:i"t, li:
w coiiCj. fi
or ' a n I'D
e I a t
kept It ie now utder rne conn ol of Messrs.
Richardson & Ju lson, two young men of good
business qualifications, popular and pleasant
manners, and accorn nodating to a lault. Iu
fact, there is but one thing wanting iu thi
establishment to niak it perfect and complete
,u every particular, an.t tin one tumg is a
i ... i ..... . ...
u.i.ajj::.,', net jmpiisnej, luteiligeat aud
pl-.U landlady; 4 we ar. informed I
,be l'r,,l,r;,(tor want will be supplied
tefore lucg if uot by th renior, by the jun
ior partner. We are ctrflJeut that their gMo l
taste, and the quality aud quantiiy they hate
to (elect from, that they evill be able to te
lct a la ly if the selection is not already
milt that will b in perfect keeping with
t:ie elegance and excellence of llie Hern !on.
We w uil I earnestly recotumeud to all the
il.jeiis of N rth'TU Nebia-ka, and the real
f mtnkiud," when they visit Oimha to ato
at this hotel. They will hav all tb com
fort they can desire, v. hi e their bill will be
no in. re than if they sl ipped at a second or
third rate house.
Vi.iccrioa is Mus juui Lwing is .
Su I" e:ne Judge in Missouii. Tue lntrst
t. 1
turn otliciaily give
F-wiog, S!,;1"
Hall, J...V.I
Adam, - - , ' '.'
There are ten counties )et to he-ar f: :.
wh;cli w.ll incrvase I'wirga ma; . iiy.
. J tw ii l 1' inocrat, n elects I to C.ntes
fi oi Oregon by topy --i lua.iui'j. Tuii is
i t;j ..I Pno r tutus ail.' tie fcin 1 in toiisy'i
J. .;ei.-i'f I .ie c ti.gr aUlai.tin of tb Ke
fU' ti j I't.l Si.l1 .'a.lt .IV - '''1. X'l-
Ma -George Lipparl in h,
'he.Nai.nne, tLasVeak,0f,;,0
' Cll"l I II
Jekon :
" lie vi' a man '. Well
r-rPt,,l r lb.
rlay 1 ward ui i n lnrn I,
i Sat ther in ).;.
rini- ur l Sop ll'lo I U'.
m I - ' 1 I
cl the , .: o -i.treai-the manuf.rt '.,' ". f
, , . "" i.
' ireu-.e 1 in fr'.tf .:..!.
tr.eiat tl.e hsd of 2O.H0W men into
Independence Pouare
us hrat4 u nil.
u-H, u,u, l0 leave th. teposite. w,,.,
were, to uphold the great Bank at I hlUd.i
ph.a. trull bo did not My morl M ,
one of one nieinbera more fioev .i.. .
ititint.d if the l:.tr.k wss crUl.d a reh, '
n ight follow. Theu lh old uiun r s,-l'e,,
see him yet.
"Corae on." he aheuMrl, in a voice of f .
Jr, as hi clenched hand was eni-ed h",.,
above Li white hair C.-mn wh h,T,.r.,.s
in yonr hand inatcd of vour rcttt.oiis' ' r-'ur
round the White House with y0r ,x;.. r
atnres.dy for you.' W-t:, (Le pr.j utuy
l'ac, wncm your K ,ld c.u neiiL, r ae r
bup, I will aa-higyou un nroiiud the Cap-.t,,
each one of you, on C:!,Vtj u aic'i oi l!
l.ircno.vs. riomt n is eheted bey.it J
doubt in Tex, and Morre, Dcm. i elected in
Alabama for Governor on r Sanford Opp by
from twenty to thirty thousand majority.
Moor wa a Popular Sovereignty ih.s and
opposed lo the Slavo Trutla. Fitzpatriek ri.l
be retiwned to Senate eu the aanas iaiu
o the nut; a.d i-lack ur uolvisq iur
THE .Indyaa of the Supr. nm iVurt of the T.rrlli ri . f
Nebraska being anpemtle,! at the seat nf g.., in
tnent vreof, do herehj fit the time ami .liwe of l,..lrt
Inu the cotirt In tha several ju lh lal din, c.,, f.,r ,....
Ing and dutermlning all pauses In Iii. h Ilia Lull.-1
blaten are a pa 17, a follows :
In the first Judicial li-lrpt, at (trnaba City In n.11
rlaiipniinty, on the thir l Tueolay In ii,r,-h au j tl.
third Tuesday In October, In each yr.
In the s-e"ri4 Ju!ai M-tri-t. Nnhrankacli; !,i
Otoe eiainty, on the rt Tueislay la June ud tLa ii',M
Tii"'ty In IVwoils-r, In ea tear.
In th third Juillrlal blatrleC at Pakcta, In th 6 ,,.
tyof liakota. nn the aeoond Tueadsy In May aodCD li,.
second Tuesday lo September. In earn year.
And Klirk terms shall Dot respectively ered In
linn, four week in ihe Mnt )iistri.-t, three ireei ,t,
tha Hecoud Biftrht, aud two weeks in the ThluTlt
Vt imrss our Liinls ttjs twolfth dty of Aujust K L
i". ArtLTl'8 II Ai.1,' ' '
MM W. rt.aCK.
I, CHt. I.. Rinsm-tT, Cl.rk rf the lii.rania C ur
of lit Territory ct Neh-a. Tn, do to rehv eeflty that ss
fnr.v.lnir I a true and oorrect copy of Ihe orl.-inai ordo
lien on Hie In my nffd'e
In witness aherpof I hare hareunto set my band " 1
a'V'Ts.'"' Cr'UUt' '''' ,UUrU'"lb ii iujp
cuaiil:;3 i,. fausticr?,
fh rk nf tho Suprema CW.
Paper throinhout thn 'lyrrttory cite th ta th lu
fsrti'ins anil sei.il their Mil to Olerk of hupr-tne C..i,,',
at Omaha city, without) copy of the paper conicim, 4
the saliiei ,
f S WtT gleu tl.al Ih. articles onoc.rjiration i.f
X tha J. D. M.Crnckwell ll.Jraull.- and Ma '. Ufai'trhi
roini'M.y r ,d In the utfn e of the hi-.-'ar . f l'M
for Dakota I'ounlT oriranlrlnir a rami nr for ha (nr
pnret In iieneriil of reiahil-.li. mi.l manufeCuraiM,
till rnrryiiii; o tha tiie ' who p,i: et :l niepevh n
In tha Territory nf Nebraska, prim ip:e u.Ii.t at Dakota
rity. capital stock $'U.noo. to ha Iu. reas-d at wi.l, ral.l
in. Tl.a hi,:hi.at intlehtailneaa of .l e cou.pany liaar
lo tuceaJ two-lbiida ef the capital iti ck and th. I s
Ineas of the coiuptiy will eominen.-a hy an oitmi.
thin on Satnrdnv AnK'at nth. at oV'uck I'. M , i a
J N. II, I'a'rick. as l'reitent; llinnllu" late, t
Chstruian, Thin T. Colli, r secretary, O'"1. I' . 101.IT
a Tre naurer. and J ll M t'rockwail ' C-"'i ' "' " .
and tho i're.-idiint, 1 reastirer ami ttouiptn T fJ I'i
rectors. J. H. M. OIlUCK It ELL, la'-ory r .r.
Baknla City, Au. K. IHW.
Tba Pliar Ilfttlsrt i pwr.ra cf tota In 1'ic 'i
fity, ?f. T., ara her.-ht 10 tl ;s.1 that th.-yrsn t.'-a-in
I..".la lu fea e.pU tlooafor, 110 a n. .il atin o,
t .e in1eraii;nail; the alt" of afti I cliy bating 1-..U eu
ierd at tha t'. 8. I.an I oJI , a'ud tlt.v ohisic.'l
from Oi'vernniei't.
TLa e;tenaa af tits-iu ia! 1 Tcn, ait mktr,f
dead, to tto Iota therlu, ll. 1.:. i.u di.lt.-.r pir ..t.
1 hoi. 'J tehlrr, Trua'.aa.
bapu'.a r'HT, iu,it 13, '64.
F. j r.x.nx.
IIoii-o ,S un. and Onia-t.ent il p iihlcr.
Oraiuiug, (jl,i?.;rip, mid papc" li'intting
Likenesses 1'rawn on paper.
DikotaCily N T
oil Air a
n. rE imAi i d. c.
Prin j.-nt.
CHAR1KHr!! AND fc T kl.U kU D IN Ia..
Tha Irltiui.te ItatiViiu t'uati af Iran-ai-ttd lu at
It. I.ranri - - . i,t. t ii. 1 1 1 . l f.. v rat ie t. t m
Hre. i; ': i.'.un K'tvn to i..llt-,tius, suil thr'.ii.li
rorrt.ap i' '.:,! a, wl'l c '! t all points in NtOraaka
SFKCiE, i,Aiai ivAHKiTa, am
P. u(!.t ui: i a.'M at IcM uia;k.t nua.
-ln;ut 9 ,i9 ly
I.'is jest received, si d will receive prr
P'ettrer Omabs, the reB.s u Jer of kis
Con-istinj; of
tiVei II I'I,
Jioolt ln-i t '. . t,
Hiii d t l Cij'i,
Au 1 a (Ire at Ysiiety . f
V'UIcU shall be tj'A for t-it-h, or its equito
iu tr Ie, at
Teisout will do wi'l to exaniine inv aluo
?.- ' lr(l,annj l:!:tu lrrt.
jfjiVo Trouble to rimy fi.'u J..
Pearl .ltrtt, feioux City, Kwa.
josr.iMi (.utvti.