Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, September 03, 1859, Image 1

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Jvs from my Lift.
Bi- M.t.I.IF I 1ST iV.
( At l.l'Ul i-
t.M l i
lt distress
i r
,- h i
.;,y -
6 ;t '
t.iftk. .'.
0 di.
!ie ,
A l -mini
int !
f IU
uiiii o
Oh !
,tof :!;
ours I '
inh, I
ilit' :-
VJJfB ".
iu ht
I h- . !
I ft ,
jilt '
men " r
He .
sup r...
'( : n
ei, ' '
a Br v
mill ,.'
: bttt ' .
jurri- :
on it 1 - i
vijr(. 1
He, ,. :,,
rmi and tl
P M 'i!-..r-i'
pse !
. til
, ,., st happy,
- r-l I-'-
, ( ,.l Will til. II 111 iVfali, ll)t
inu-vly f i.oivoiis as 1 have
' ' i li.it Vn'.i'-v what i-ov.'.d have
, ,. j rHiiu-iiri'T we lui 1 been
. , ,.; terms, and very liv. lv ;
. ,,.:m.ts for a reception !'
: t , j In. iil-i but when I at
I hi I'c'.t ash-op. I mcmed t
, ; ,,..t irt ik -"'"",1 pbioe ; 1
. ' ,i, j,., ., :::..' .. s brilliantly li-rht-
, ' U V.ch were t.'stoom il W till
, ,. 1; seemed lik.l a festival
i.j-.i-n Hi' by soi:'.' 1 tjitio
A; l.i-l 1 urii.'-i "t S'nto
,',,er wj :.j ir and 1 entered.
, .:...J of the canopied '"'J In V
,,.. tin; tii' t' 41 bit-'li wiix i-lnub'il
,i ;fi l.L-lit. by l! '''cy Uoe cur-
.;i!i.ve !';iiii'f.l wii'! frijjbl. fur
., (. , Mv horrilidl ltni
',v tln.-i' r.f intctwc
: , 'ii ".( b. i'.iitif'ul
. ;, i tii'- p-hi.-i'ly ilri'iti K-wii
, . ; .. f.,ti., i ii'br .Mrrc'l in
r r;,:;;nr: in i 1 A.Mh nrounJ
I; - t 3 iU P tin' 't:mbi:f cf
',, , v. irv with tlic fiirf ? cf st.".!',
f.iblcd his rob. nvmiP'l him
i i . ...t rt.. I
ll 'Uil! t(l l.iu.1. i I' " ' I "
D A K 0 T A
Y H B 11 A L 1) .
VOL .2
" m KiMi in T (.en yo coi n: itr r nu rn, m- vnK nmi.'
IVO. 8.
nn.l Fiuiwt'i.ir t I'tu-ii tht sliiniiiK wnvc t'umi
thu while iitow, sni.l, ' l'ri-l'.Mii: I Ton hv
Kj"ikiri finnkly I will be ,,pnllv .. i .In love
votl. inure t'laii iif.', or Ukiii I ran ever tell
yon, in Weiikue or in stretu'tli vmi n if nl
vrivs 1b( Hrtme, ami may I Le forgiven my
nifij, iiJolutrous worship."
li' a.Ki ! lie dij not Bssail ti!0 with, nil
imi i'-miii;.' ipii!irt!. tuij nearly lev.t.r ui
with l.i--;rs; nt'ter ''( matiticr of ?:'!. oh,
no! he only rose t.i hi f.-ft, ;il e-e-tily lift
ing toe up pla.-e.l one strone r:i) nrotind nn,
iinil ill ( ' tne? firmly to hi" sble; w hile the
other he i.'ii-. il in l.Ies-vi.i nl)l thiml-.f;!
tifsn. Ant 1, oh, t'uit I oor.bl have been
! siiliicicutly ecutft'ul th:tt otie.
Ill f:V fXlftt
f.'leJ to over
a-un, in the
MM.) lh.it (ilteil
thi.t I m
Hire the rlnilie." i.f no !"!" v-
llowin with tin'. '.lin- j ii-o
''S' i uto.'e I ' he rum Mi.-a-i' 1
lOillie lioie be h:ul lln! Ht !'r-t.
I1U3 with fori'l.ielin ii.ev 1 km
rwtby ilenr' r ! hiir. th in '-', "Ttm! )cut
rfciiiil Hlioubi iii.v- iiroi.i... mo h truiti of
tiioiiot, but it is b'-tti r piiimp-i tint, yuti
Miitieipnte.l tn", ami inonMi-.i my itiib.iiiiite
f'.r, M:olr'p, SJUiehoW
I. . , re ur'..v..i;;.'..I. nti'l tin; bloc
a t'.e vast dome ubovc; ntul oh! i
: , fi v (.ciliiisrn wore rent asunder, a I
Tplit ft II like n. hiilo on the
n-.dMi'.ny '.' r. Then teps wore
. u..w l.Ke 11 second Jut'ob's hiddiT,
! t'lin iiih li.'fited up. Amid
P.;iit, ntul the hum of irim:!ii(-r-I
r nil I Mill distinguish it, ns it
-t(p, u n : il iilinost an l in -
.. 'tween me
, . , . , ,.p : initirpssions ititutnrm
. J,..,,i..,t n li ; ei:l ' f',1 wit li Iile : I 1
1 " 1 - ' . . i t r - . i i i
j ,,,, j H'O nisi, lew iniiin-io h iv inive uct n Hero,
I rcalw, vh;it 1 Inive tnt'd to jm t HM.le ti it
f.mev, so slight is it, but 1 ku.iw, what no
one '!.- would uienni of; every d;iv ii por
;l..n of in v stivneih in leiiviiiy me, stinill it is
true, ut.i 'no lv:r,a et'r", I onn no loiii.'f r call it
tati.:ue or languor, oil ilnrliril 1 feiir it in
d-cih. Don't feel .-I badly tn y "liitle one,"
he .vii 1, n.s bo 8 iw me. (jioverins nnd s.ibbini;
with i motion, nnd voothed me trnderly, a-a
kind mother w.'uld n MitTi-rin fluid, "re
liieinher von have promise.) to be mv neennd
!;:".', mv all, be.-i.'es I tuny be wroii. utn! this
on! v n cn.-inui e of imiipinalii.n ; hut b" that
lis it ui:iv. fvcti um in your vision we will meet
iio iti. You are drnr to me in Iif", ntul in
et.-rnity we will hot he Hepuruted," n ml I a 1,1
ed a silent Amen.
Then followed nevrr.il dny of o.i'm ron
tiriitnient, nun e eheerl'il; but the lb)'V of-our
love nnd happiness was so deep and i'-.i.-.t-h'Ks,
that it iidi'Mtti-d of M"!"ef. ttppie or
u.in niur to di.-t ii rb the 1 1 :i n 'I in .'it v of its xur
lio'i:; nn.i uiif!!"' i'.'i:::e T .'. 0,;v, ine la.-;
. ' . 4
winch I wns Coti.-i'.uUi -i uoiiiig Ht.vti.in,;
for many monihs.
"('. uM T l.ut vi'i .u f.-r .in l.f.i; , fr-in ufT tti.it star; v
tv-i o
T he li" '-' -jf my m.ii! w.-r,-.jM .t '
:i v.i in, in vntn yi.iivlll never c.-nii. -icnin.
j i Ut-.-jn Die Ui'i'aiy nii u n.v -ii nlul lrui.s
.i:i.. e win i
Vni.;. Tin ti when the linal
th bice w.i-i turned to-
thetirnn extended with nn im
re ; a vo.ee. clear a- tie1 (inkle
!'. e one i eh in' i i " ii to Hie,
n ,. ' mini., not in imo but in
wail for you ;
that I". a-
A not her whi
een-'iiif . t in
' fu;e; h.-lile
;ii i.i';, l
i - i I . f it '..
i. e.iTiu
surely yof.rR,
p robed li .."li e
the inell iiili!
m il !h .n-!' it
t! .. h uiri"
s e I me on
.So.ne.i lur 1. my ;
!v sl.,,,1.
n look of pleading, iliii); nnuii-h, nnd loor-
ibi piitn. pe.cllll'l"s w.lli ttil'.ir, 1 j" "UK 'Hen li tn ins tavoiue eat.
i!un from iii v hor.e, nnd I if. inn fcbj hen 1, I Were t.irned I'v ml l,v ,)nf. H;j irspiit
rested him on my bosom, nnd km.sed his cold , fully ithdu Vni le Ithike r atiin jhiwly up
I p many, luivny tirno. "tmrn, und mitr-rb., stopj ed down and ki -sed
. "lliMade! my iwri't wi.'.s," lin raid, as me. 'Mai'ife, mv po..r ibi lighter," ln siiid,
o pri.. hhs haniin tiehlly on his henit ; i mid faliei i d as he , f , 11S lnlll f,,,,,, ,j
"Tl'.atik (omI, v.e.i have e.one to nie in my dy- i kind fnv, ' lnu,. ;,, ,,y reuiiiMln to nniki
I lo'V laid linn bj the iinlo'-f
'1 lie Ian ;
m '
f .r if urel v no. sw. -red toy pa "dun
It is vmi
I h-iv lain here sinee lun.n, i '".-r- now.
r;' mere than words ran r!l T'on't e'r so, j "Only that joe ! u t,v mv in
arlin!" he said ealailv; for the d in ' en n not po d a t i i ;,.i.t d-ar I'md
And jov fully sweet iU thu ineetiti, he,
Vhfii over the river ihe i.enreful nv.r,
Tint nuyel iif death huli i'arry inrt."
A Kcrtiui KuIMp imiI inctHfiR
llM !l'tlt.
It is seld oi we hear of sm h il remaikahbi
Mil ,." -ta: ion ol ti 1 1 ul devetion or lui o'hiii on
A fhtck ! I'rlilr. ,
A writer nj, could we nee what trafinpirfil
i n our conlinrtit thousands of yean Rgo, cur
piiiU and vanity would l checki'il ; and that
I we nhould feel our inaignilu'Aiii:. Bui for
this, nerd wi po in fur hnek ?
, I.n..k bink ono year; take tnil.'ilh'i re
I trr eel; r"V ii the last day, fVfti;.niJ i
J a retb etioti on it prentii nuflicioiif to con
vim' t of the . :V - , f our pursuits?
j need worthy lil'u obj. to cnlur: th
Bom ami urenBuieii ui liamls; that we may
ho in fully oi l uiie 1 a:i not tu hear thfi yoice
of folly, and ho induced to Wanta
out puwvti
on fitful and qiKationahle interi-.tti.
Homo irrenistihly onward a we ara hy the
tiii;hty I'liirent of life, and forming hera a
iiloiueiit una of VRt.i.shinj niyiiuds, what have
we to foster iride? Nothing. What are w
bir ,.ih-, wh . .H'.nubl b- um, "It, d the part of a eh, Id us i. evineed in the nlTeet- i f'f m'r-', N'"'b!T Then l,y proud?
in,' UH-ideiit w are ahoui t,, ri late. Th
'ther. I of thi child on two Mars, whiih poin
1 N:lli ti.11,1, ., f , .1., ...I .,,,, ..t. i 1
i . .. . .-. - ,,,,,. -,. I i,. il. I ' II I l.lll'R UR
. . . ill-.- ii ... .... . p . 'ii.:, : . n.
never ween; am! I ti.e.l html 'o crusti tiaeK i nrieny ; a uu nn ' , i i in ,. ,,.ir. 1 hev t!i,.ii-lit the ininut. s i hi.h be took ,1,,,, f ,-.,, it.- 1
t fhook tnv finine
Cent si'!ir(
''This is ten
to see him dvin.', dvin
;nvc r.r lessen liis iineni-;!
j me sleeping ne,l soon nil ipiietlv withdrew.-
ly as t i :, i( no hh eji. Alter n
power to lone time tool a'l I.e. ov was stil", I ciireful-
And it 'm ly arose, and takimr olT n;v bbmd stained
How enn onn bo vain? Vain! Of mhnti
Of havinj. iieeit created, and placed here?
0 human weiikncHs! l'or what nra wa here ?
uestion fur life, Only an wj
' I -roaned at last, "f .re- 1 J T slept
with no
r In iv.n.i n il ...... ' I '. I olvi it coitci tly ill deeda, do wp livo. Elite,
o is o us pireiii as tt.ev alou I over its re. i ' ' '
mains soon afier the ,, m . ..,.., 'I'l, ,.ll.l ' ,," o( " ,nr,,,,r '"'"")r, lik"tl.
i avi d i.u a limi to hi
v itoml s.v(..t arour.
:: ' i! '.. ,.liil, ihc 1' Htl'S I
, 'o I h '
- ami ii
It.. :m,!
k it
fio-n 1 eriHo,
' so ;n I. It imo,
ilv a r nr ;
out ; but s'lil
b i vm' -i'e
ba t lied m y tm'.'
IjUII-t ; p! CM'M
an, and 111,'
.I.e. 1 dress,-
: :t tin I ill;;
.la-o's iii to
- -VI, !;(. l--i!i
suti sh.'ine
.-ml loii'ti.-l
a there, you
vour r. loin,
kn )-v n'
' In I'M i n .
Iln-l,. ilr
A i .on ;
'fill' t'i.sinilii
ri- -,
. cart:
', "IV
'ukii .
net '
"a ;
- s I i i , ' 1, I ' 1 1 I
.1, a:; 1 I
i ' I 1 , oet ii'; . st'o imr bis ':
i'i' i :i'oi I,!' wo I, s,i id, "vni arg
i.f, ami I inu.it not en-s-iiMtivcuess
; cme to
i , i in,.' now and your
So think no more about
I'ain If 1 could have
t now 1 woo'.d tense j on, for ,-xa-
r for vmi than sadness; but
we'd bettei -qnit that." I
, lare chair r:( fore th r.ita
n -liU'ely er.scinii.'d hims-lf
i i,'. mv feet. A half ho ir '
hi.'! lieif.i conveisi n .' on itidill'i-r-
i it lech, in r-..l.! y nciilu r
,.,t we were n'lciit no'.v, I, riilin ; t
:'.:ily iti'.o the f.re. I felt his
:a':e on irn- and kimw he i'-.u.Ii.
d t l I,..-
in ir'ind
a arc sh
; ccld.
It itn.,1 ii . a h ,
wind -I .-k-h ;
1 tl -.0 ir :.' If-'t Hj
tie .,- !':- I. ri.-."
Ai.i: ei'in Smith's tiw ny T'uMfl.
A noiher ('olden 1 ndian sum nier sun had
shown his bright face over the forest, reiiehed
hi mci'i.iian ; and n.s hi? sank behind th
' : , left a p.irtinjr tn'iu of a shower of
r, .,-'. Ii;.-.! p, ncils, ere lie quite disiippcured.
I. 1 must 1 i : vou the events of that dav,
:o early in- I ..".n recollect ; but thenprh ail
,1- i; t that t i me J'ceois oblivious, t le y w-c-ro
, ;,! on my ln-iin. '.. ok a fiery brand.
A! me I, n: ;r, sunny forenoon, I sat by the
mil ow oi ei look i r- in'i valiet, aeivine and
loo' ; jr f,r a silit of t!ie dear face that was
libera ;y standin-r bet vcen nie and heriven ; nil
tliP time striviu,' to roi.oiicr the nnnulsn to
tiT-iblc; hut hat could T, or any one do,
(for be was far beyond human help,) but
press that noble heart closer in my frantic
clasp, call him n thousand nannM of last fund
loss; while I saw the uiheii hand ol d'sth.
i!) in; the love liht out of the fading blue
eyes, chilling the mi ilos on the lips, lb.it.
thank heaven, were never parted em nearly.
but to cxprers smiio term ol tender concern
or endearment to me, watching the Jrr,
protccv'vo nn, ,-1, paUym'jj and powerless, un
til thev could never mot e in this life told un
to his heart, when every pnlsatii.n, nnd (mo
tion, werp true to mo, ns the stars to heaven.
I could mil v pray, firay for that atrcnulh,
which Ood h'oiii. can givg to his hopeless
dospuiring children.
"Mercvl ' 1 pleaded, "if it were only nn
other hour of that ft aii life err. it died out for
ever: nml vainlv I tried to ( heck th" blindiio'
ruin that fell on th" pallid face resting on
mv hoiom, and from which I was wip.ru;
aw.iy the clnliii' uctith damp.
' .Mii'l-m, tn- to calm !" he sai l s-ilemnly.
' I can live but a v ' v few tiioments at farlh, st ;
listdi' diii'lii-p. toy. ,u ny alnio t wil',, I ive
a!) my earthly posn'ssion; y.m will find wi itteii
to that I'd.'ct a pupa r in my portfolio, I wrote
it since I f-11 lu i -. You must not uiuurn for
int', for Made--", 1 um H to a b'-ittr home.
II is hard to h ave thin bri iht world, made so
liiiii.h fviehter by fay new found treasuro,
hut, oh inv lovu ' in; contohd; for vou i'S
vou prophecied, fi oin your htind-l iny 60iil
j (roes forth to nu et its destiny, and 1 w.,1
wait your tntniu?. Let tne f ray !
And rne.'l.lv he asked for atrenirth for mv
wi! .wed h"1,!! and that in cternitr wptni-jht
J he permi t' ,'. ; riteei, and humbly committins
him. , If I., ;h' h'M!:. t ti Iv car i, .mmk back ex-
j ,
i hauslud. Tivn with a bm! ( Tort to speak my
, .,.,1,.,. r, nt i.i.Ji ,.f ciiitwoil lih.id l-il-lifi.l
-. i i m ii h duaid un.t ' out of his lips on which the "pur; le stain''
1 , i .i ii -i. c -. .e ....
iiiieaoy I'cit. o, nil ever tne liieniu'a oi my
dress, dyinjr thtm with his lifu l.loo !. t wip
ed it away from his mouth, hoping ho aoiilj
spciik o'ain, l it with nnothrr c uivtilsivi;
throb the heart was forever still, the y.iiite
li Is closed, and I vas alone wi h iny beloved
d ad. Jt was nil o'er now, tho rcul iK'subi
dress, drew onih;.'e ineniiO wriipper and
slippel out of the r mm. 1 felt mv way eure-
tu.iy ilown nan's ami nlonu tint toul, (lor I i On tho nftcrnoon of the 4ih Inst Mr Nash
v) and Ptoppin- only th,. ko.-t.er of (Srinnel IViini l .i-iLi. Ish hor,,'
i .lescrilied as l.ein? v. ry intelligent, atd a i
posse. iinKr a hich ami hi, ad fonhca l, smjh
as would indicate a mlmj of no ordinary j
mould H it to iiroco-ii woi the iiarrntlt-o !
was weak and d
moment in Torn tho parlor door to pain eotir
ajre, pifv d in. I turned the !o.it brightly,
and fa the only orttnun nt on the centr
tahle, an cxipiisite vase tilled wilh white
ciiiui iias, and preen apraye The eool nij-ht
air drilled the curtains luirtlv bark from Iho
"nrted with a pkilT for the purnosn of moor
im a Virnt a few rods froie, shoio, While in
the art of nnstlilr; over the ked;e anchor the
nkilT capsized, overlurniiiK him with il. lie.
cause of his bimenejs he was nnuhln to s-vini,
and nion riKinn- to tho surface, eeir.ed hold
window re ..ids, ami 1 saw my 1 i. cleric lyinK f ,),,. fcninwhalo of the skiff and at oncrt hl
there, hiuki.or tho snm- as when I had h ft l,,ed ti his little ley Mh-ha, who was looki ni;
him hours no in thu forest, except that Ihe nt r the open window, (the house hciiijr hut
lines were drawn deoper, and the "purpl- a k,ol t diotance from the ihore.) to (rive his
Main" darker, on the pro.. I, sweet month I ,,,,,. ,,m inrm Mrs. N'a.sh.who had bee,,
Ihe e'hl drove me wi'd, 1 lulled him by nil co,;(;e, to the houso by illness for n fortnight,
etidearie? names, kissed and embraced him, l,,ird l)(,r l,and voice, nnd at once started
"out it et.!t, d no responsive temlernes-i --, f,,r ,,e rmr,,,-,. Icavine the hou... ,h
Then only ihe full scnieijf iny desolation
came over me, nil ii'"W dark nnd confused,
nnd when limy ciiun- duwu in the moiiiin- 1
w as pravitiif by ho; si li'.
I was ravine-, ihoch hariub ssly mad.
or ntotot,. I whs iii.-.r'n-Ui!,. ot everytliinx j ,U,ot no loner, nnd o ran down to the shore,
iironiid me. lu the inean itno ul! my w if. In; 4 ,!, nt hc-:ni ,, wade into the water t
wei e carri, ,1 into cll'i i'.t tbuii: was lyi nn; h, ,,ipt. to h-Ip I.i 111. His father badu him
hr-side fi;, mother; i,ed I'iicIc had found his keep out of the wale, . ml sit on the shoie
will as l.e .ieecribcl it. writrou in a feeble, until his umtlier ca'ne. S-atitic himsi lf umm
r I
chnreed Klisha to 1,1111011 on the door step
until lu r return. S: i in;' no hopes of savinjr
her husband herself, she rv to the hou ie of
n neiehhor for assistance. Elishu beholJinir
his f.iiher'a perilous sitnntifin, could remain
iVefl I
1 en 1
cident .
id .lu'iii I, tc ..tv.'iii.u uu- in th.-
,'ps f. rcvcr -jieaiu., tli.i luirt nml
u l ; hut all ; t 11 r en n;;e, ns
11. hi In' , "iiuv il, -1 bt'lieie.
their u in - uiittt; d i;Ai .-
in have passed since tho above in
, i.rred.nnd I am a preiiiati.i-, !v old
Shortly nfif-r I neeamo well, llen.io
Aih. rton o.iiiio. homo frotti Italy, and ono
In.autiful i.ior'iin when the air w :. s 1 h'h with
t !ie fragrance of June ms'i, Aliie fi'iike ho
came A lieu A thovtoti ; and fir the in vl three
years I liavihd with them over the o'd world
1 do not rcir' 'iiher much !h,at ae raw, for I
was coiitiiiui.i'v tr;. in;' f-i j ri.. ive ,;n 1 ij . 1 1
libriiini of mial. v. 1-t 11 I a-, i.bi , s haiint.-d
by the uipovil "f tb'-t w'nlo I -ion tiirncl to
nie in such n" ny in lb.- sylvan twili ,;ht. It
was dreadful, '.at lam , h..r1(.md now; but no
wonder mnnv a time lis I ualked so sad ami
ttbnorhi'.'l on il.c hinad deck. of ll.u ocean
I mourner, many would !. h tlmii' futidicada
1 Mnificnntly ns '.Lu "daik Li.ir-jd, wild
i Ittdy," parsed !,-'
d I fn i
evi rv way Kiiin
.1 1 '. .
ay lnr.se, e.ml ride and meet him, or
.1 only to hear the Kound of his gun,
hud taken that, as w-ll us hit! port
1 hen !,e went cut that morning for hit)
y s rumble ntiioti ' tin; hills, before he
.1 to ihe city for the winter,) or carry
: his p., e hair home oil '.he tit In r ;ide, of nit
Mlddls lor I knew he woi.h! be tiled I
thour;!. ,f !iie .l' inn,' il would bo, of the
hivin:; ! i: s ! ""u!d receive,
trouble, and the quiet talk
lust 1
re tar
fond w
as rewr
1. o 1 r, .
1 e
'I !
pv 1
V ami
; b,m'(-,ii, n'iiii,ilij;ly i ftli.l 1
solemn, I was not surpr
up into my face, to see
ot "rai-s; "Slranel why you whou hi
sm h a is'on, ntul yet it may all
'"s Oh! to po out of life now ; a
"'' since I would not have cared ; but
'! Vi this I'lnscn f ,-o !;.,!. il.-a-iihi,,
?. ' I had learned half its Wnrth I 110! r.o'
r' will be woru merciful : but." he
'lib 1:0 I more cheerfully, "I am glad you
4-" a!!, for I no can tell you wbut I
"li...-,Ui for we. ks- I lii.ii v Love
" ' - J
t word ; tm w-r 1 can ever express the
"th which I have dun to otir very
When 1 tir.it saw you, I re,ai'tiis. d
Thy whicli 1 knew I was tlooine 1 to
', through all time, I cannot tell )ou
-'r,:gh'd to crush down the influence
'uicd enfolding niu in a inam tio
f.r by the deadly pain in my heart,
1 I could not bo with you Ion-, am) I
1 'o d. s'roy your peace with my
I I could. So it was when I teas-
it only to bett. r conceal a f.-clir.-;,
km w would betiay itself, did I remain
but under your maitorly hand I am
k Rtid oh, darling! do not reproach
'' "a',ll.SSt Kivn l with my nianhs
' down hefora yuii, an J plead fur
' 7 and love "
ki toll mu of his hopes, aspirations,
"I h'S simple, manly way, that ha J
t..r tir
we y.'oii. have, co ninj back. 'J hen I re
i;in ub(:r..tl that when '.hut morniiijr, we and
Alice trete walking on the pin, he had
turned ft' lie with pain in his heart, um!
tlitiit.-; t i no, sick and faint I supported him
io a seal. VII thiii I thought of until ic
struiiit le i, ,,e positive torture, and a few
1 not.
b-jj'il.t house
il v.
-1 I '
i m
n ..w 11 , but tin y v i it w.ih
it 1 .". r,s r.l'ten as Ic ailli lermils, tor lln v, (I
n'j are crown) ' o' l and itilir n
Alherlon is .-t.1! p"'siiiiitf bis art, ullhouk'h
11101 e for recri.thiii than ill rhii.' else, for
Uncle's j("i, credit;, te'i lhcr with 11 sluirw of
Frederic's ;reat y-allh. with whith I tndowird
ihcui as amariiue portion, l.u pli.ci.J them
heyoml the 110. il (.' any real c.tei tion. They
mine horn to visit for a few weeks; coming
in while I win talon" iny nv.i. t oountry tea
o t
' :
,t ....
1 1 -
4 ,
't 1 .
at I
V .1
" t,
'1- He
miriuics i, 1
ing MW,iy
iir.pi. b:e I
resist. I
at a!! thai
to reclait.
tir 1, stop
Mil smces
1.-0 on to
dinner I wan rlrra.u-,
el tra
1 in it than ail fiowery protegtaiiorii
t c tharp gallop, uryej cn by an
m' l no more deline, than I could
ii protested ucair.st his leaving
ay; nnd now 1 was deteriuined
um. 1 role unlil I was quits
iii; to look or lisien fur him with
in, d linally coliclu led I would
. t, I had first met him, and ufu-r
r,."".nt; awe ti r-iurn.
I vas ifoin ; H 'on' slowly, thinkinr; a little
r.adl of thai -Jay, and wishing most heartily,
it co. li all! i.mlone, when I hud tiiiH.tciJ
hi in v itn ind once; now that I knew he was
only lying di n restinKi overcome by ex
treme ejliHUs m. of his nat'.ira'ly rather deli
( ale fiame, Rt r a long walk I was in this
p, i.i te- it uioo 1, whi n suddenly I heard my
name tailed n :'ttini thoueh disiinct tones
Oh whtit n.ea .t tu horri'l chill that swept
over no t lb.) enunciation of that weak
voice? Unre 1 :i tho rcn ;ran at the foot
of the pme tree lujrr. I ,al lii0t 6,;0i, him,
luv my l're loiic helpless as t,iid. Oh,
reader, il aim it a buici 11 a n t0 recall
that bitjht ih'iu.. fur many years ho lltts besn
lyiii;,' und, r lie e I. ihe or:c'tit hair lay in
aadly on wl.iit might havf .een ; but I am
not hue Ii-:-, f '-r how coiiM that he wh, n
1. - 1...... UJ llioirs enrtfctcs me r u is
due f..-f -it is
c -lalej I ru: -ed. hi. dear head damp, u.a ted nr O'er his brow, and th.
F1 "T hv!
if.', tn wh p
h be bad rested it,
mournfil ?) ( t-raeJ t.jrd me, wah
I am once 111 ire col
11,11 of my ul.' was oomph !" I, no mot e , al i,rl.lt,J, v ;, j, ;
hope lor, or o at. ,l :u blessi-u tioocs '.liar j . 1 i 1 ; il
I 11 own homo. I !uiu u II
had made mv late b ; so rich ami sh, el,
wore all crushed out, nml from the impeno.
trabln darkne.iS I i.ircd not to i rneree. A I I
length I prow calm, nml after kissing that
faeo, Rplendubv heautit'ul, even in death, I
arose and reverently la d the he a, Ion the soft.
pra';s; after strai'ht.cniuj; tho fauitb-ss limbs,
nnd foldinu the thin hatuls over the broad
breast, I covered him wiih his shawl, he had
worn when he had lef ,na in the mori.i'.f so
jtlatl and hnppv; fobled my handkerehtof
over his face, bit him alone in the I, in; shad
ows of the pine forest, nnd walked wearily
away down the mountain to were H-jou stood
waiting for his heart l.r. k. 11 mistress.
I mounted him and rode awuy, nr t darino
to look hack, lest J mi;:h'. he tempted to jro
hack and die with my lvej one, Ivin so
still, ami the peaceful hiiiI'h still linirerinr; on
hi.s face, 'j'his thtio, wh ny prr-NeitliiiiHnl, I
revrentlv bowed my head 01 r.'.ut.? acknow
ledgment of 0. da merey, e'en in his terrible
It was early twilight y-'nen mv norf e stopped
before the gate at homo, fir I was hardly
conscious of hnvthinir as I rrde a'onpr with
bowed head and folded nrws, Alice had
been watchiiiff for us, and ran dr.wn to open
the yate. I rode up the enrriap way, and no
one noticed the stains on tny dress, until 1
Mopped in the lamp lil.t.
Why Mad;e, whore have yotiher n soloti',
nml oh what hat happened, aid y.here is
Fred V ' said Alice, nit she notion! tho blood.
"First assist me down," I answered, "I um
very tired ;" and Uncle lifted mo down and
carried me up to my room. I wr.svpryoalm
no', told them all where they would find
h.m, and what I had done.
Alice and Auntie acted with woman'i
thought and tenderness, while Unc'e immed
iately pot asiislauce, an 1 w nt to lui n. home
my dead d.irlir.-; At midnight the , came
I had been very quiet all evening ; ut whnn
I heard their heavy. Solemn train pi- up the
walk, I knew they were briiii'in my F'ederic
to me, bat oh how different from llm n oming.
I could not help it, hut. kcre.amed alou I ;
every ot.-p wns like a burning; brand in my
heart. Alice had carefully prepared tie front
parlor, wh,le her mother remained w.lli me.
The piano which he had no often played w
ihiit aod covrre !, and tiaa rich g.lt ra.rr w
the shore ho impatiently wailed liu mother' a
n 'ir.roac'i.
j y.r. NTash, by !rutf'iiig J.irJ to maiuti.in
lii po-ition, had wt 11-niixh PJihanstOfl hiuuolf,
nnd while clin'inr; to the f,i,'o ..f the skiff, it
a.rain turned over, niol be thereby tost his
ho! I ?iddii' his child fun well, ho sunk
beneath the waves with tho belief that he
should nuvcr arise alive Itut to his joy, as
he sunk lie cauolit hold of Jim rope with which
Ihe boat whs moored, and by this moans drew
himself up end orot oi, hoard. Upon lool'.i tij;
tor lus child ho I uiti.l hoi had disappeared
'Ihe lilllu fellow, thii.kii f 1,1 render hi father
the ussciitial aid, betook biui.i, If to the water
ns he saw him sink, and waded out 11 far 11.
he could, and then reached f rih bin lianrl.i
toward his father. The strong tide bore tho
liltlohoro fievoml his depth, und ill ihe quiet
nf death lie reliiinui'.hed his hold nti.wi life
i'cJ I When t!ii iir-i.r'.h :n arrive ), the,- f.i.in.1 Mr
Xa'di in the boat toiitu eI.HU.-tid, and ihe
' - ! of l is devoted l-'l sha mcitinc near the
; and il 'lii -if, 1 tul at my , " ,
' liencli.
in-iily lel.lte, Inst - 1 . , .... r
, (lur clone., nf u ,t .-cV, tne roiroe of II10
child soon after it was recovered, Bin s lliat its
i.,h. 1,
my si in j 1
.1 nt"
1. i,i,. 1
I iny hinds were st ill 011 1 stretched, Rtnf its eyes
I-1 1 1 . .. : r . . : 1 1 .. .. : 1
Ojnoieii .vol.-, 11.1 11 Mill II I. 1 1 , 11 v j loouin III
! Ihe direction of its father. As thu fond ami
car 1 , , ... . - 1 ... 1 , . 1 .
I neii r l m 1 o in 11 i,we,j!s ni'iii. ovt r i.iin eiinruu-
J leurio
like form of the dnillu;; otic, as il w.-.n f.r
ranoed for burial, uiany cyis, like theirs, were
siid'asod with tears because of the pathetic
tale riinir'i I 'd wilh ill d-ath Bctfutt
( Miii'iit ) A'je,
Wnttern ( ourl dlqiielte.
The judere of a western com t recently dec!-
l.il a oiinl a'lvAlfle In 14 pert .1 1 n Ihw vor 'Iho
tnicht- th,v hr-ueft with them tl'.eir only
-tniclil , tievt i 1 luivver was stubborn, nnd insisted that the
lihl a fair eirl nf f;ve tei'.rs, mhI ''Mar- ,
11111,111.0. p" court was wron.
,ri t Pen ival ; what my n.nnu wouid have
' I li-ll vou that I nm riyht!" yelled the
, ! hre.lcnebve l, , - '
... . 1 ... loi.elv nmrtimp nn i lini.k tJ ' " '
i'l : " ..'
retorted the
' I toll you you are not !
"Crier," yelled the j'ldjo, "I adjourn the
...i.,.. f,. fr.iniilf,. " ni.,1 i.ilcl r, 1 in.rt tho
torn of the earden
hot. cor. ..f-el, nnd afier little a f'n;ht. placed iii in hurt
but ' 'nbui.dorstundii.j,' arose.
s. icli a
winter now, rod Hi" "n' "" " 1,4 1
:.. (.' Ilio mountains at the h
111 uiii-!, - 1 , ..i,-.L 1 , ,..J
1 .,,k d earilv tbroii"h au '"""""1 "'-r w,,,,.., i. "n-. nt.....
' ' , .1 1. ... :. - . 1 u. .
. , 1 . t .... 1 .1 . .. 1 r, R .,-1 . i 111 ,, w., nn u il- u' 1 10 ft 1 1 li 1 1 1
.1 c .... t .ron, - t no w.riii w o les w 1
1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 " 1
wailic.e-ly fi""'" the mountain
.11 n;il.;.. ii nleasati': eliertlul !aees, warm
111 1 i 1 .,.".-' 1
end li.'lit, i-ontributt: to our t ommrl this fie
solute nicl, I, an 1 th" d-ur one . lyin' under
the snow, sleeping calmly in th-ir iian-w
beds, an; rot li.iturhed in lln ir l.,iiihur by
t ,
.1,,. t',..fi-n ntullll 8WCI1.1IIL' over Ho til, ami I
"Crier," said ihn court, "wa will adjourn
ibis time f,r twenty minutes," and he was
about taliiu 0!!' his coat, v.hcii the t'.unsel
said '
"Never mind iudi'e. keen f,n your coat
the p int is yi-hlcd my thuti'.'i's out o' joint
I a.n waitin2 paliently until thco-.d lather and I vo i-praineil my t.'.ouejcr.
time 0 ,:!-'-, whn I may rejoin my bclovud -
ones iu th Lideu laud above:
Over the river thoy beckon me
Sun "Fi.u iui Tkack I" A Misbishippi
county court clerk, hav inr issued it luiirriuL'e
Loved ones who va crosocu 10 lue lunuur , jCBnH f,,r a youn man, shortly alter re-
(,!;!'''' , . , , ceived tiie following note from hi:n:
'I he plea, n of their ftio'.vv robes I see,
1 Hutthe.r voices are drown, J by ihe ri.bl.ing; M''-'S July .he 5 lJ.
tl, I .".fr. M )t)'Iy pies let 1 ,ie i.'iinii-r klaml over j
Ther" ""- wl,n rinv'lfis of sur.uy (?o! I, u,,t, t'-irther ord. ri the ;irl ha , I'm the lee k butter your bread until you are unable to eat
Aml.oei.'tmrenec. 10.10. ,,....vi- . , w r,.,..,0,i H11J ruisu4U uiy ,ttmu oil , It.
1 : ... i. ....... 1 ... .. ,i 1 1 -
aio ini..t li d loin iroin in -n - " , '
disappoililed traveler nl the head of the N ie,
we shell I, el '1 this all ?'' Ah I Ihe ajrony
nf lh.it conscious failure I It i:iay ho tvoidej
by learning the object oT life, and living for
that ohjoi t. Ibu h Dliist study the queitioit
for himself, and for himself he must ulv it.
lift lllmlriUtA
fi.nlnl Life lint tt or Man.
A popular lecture at Cl.icajo lately advo
cated villi Home pin 11 si Iii lit v, drinkinir yrol
daueing customs of other Countrioa as a
means of promoting social intercourse, and
adding to the aiiitnation and rneenf ponerat
society. To ibis the Coiigreratiuiial Herald
remarks '
"The value of noeial life has been unduly
111 nnitbal. It is nf far less moment than do
mestic life. That a man should pluasn ami
cnteitain hia iieihbors or iicquaiiiliincc for
a few moment or hours, it. may he while he
is with them, dwindle into insiniflenncn by
the side of the question, whether lie nml, ,s
happy ihe companion of his life and the child
ren whoso weal or woe for time nnd 1 ternity
depends much on a father's influence. Thet
a vouian should he fascinated at a sociul
party, what is it compared with shedding the
rndinneo of love and kimlm ss oil husband
and chihlien iu her family ? Any irnciul life
tlmt would iulerfero wilh those inii't sacred
hotna dutins, will prove a curso, not only to
the family immediately afTcc'led but to aocietv
at laii-e We shall owe no riitilndu to hint
nhu shall 1 solic the social problem as to
disturb lb" happiness of thu fireside."
Thy Mother.
Young .nun ! Thy mother is thy host earth'
ly friend. The world inny furet you thy
mother never ; tho world may fully do you
niiiiiy nniiip thy mother never ; the world
may persecute you while living, and when
dead, plant tho ivy and the itiL'htslirulo of
bimb r '.i oti your f rii.lesi p-rave -bnl thy
moiher w'iil lovi; und c'u .'ish yu.i v. hibi living,
nml If rhe hit vivo you, will weep for you when
dead, such toar as nono bill a mother know
bow to v.e. p. l.ove thy mother!
- -
U'hal is home without a wife? She
it Ihe lamp that destroys darkness the angel
pulling lour lines,; to fliyht ; ami is, or may
bo, the dispenser of every blessing the mind
of man can conceive, or the soul stoh for.
If.me without wifo is a "strut-jen livml" a
head w iihout brains a heart without con.
science a ship without sails nn ocean with
out imivt world without rcli 'ion a hear-
0.1 without Ood.
. . ,
A Tut'E l'nn:.vii Thou mayent Le sure
ihnt he I lint will in private tell thee of thy
fn tills, is thy friend, fur he adventure thy die
like, and doth hazard thy hatred; for there
art; few men that can emiura itevery man
for the most part, delighting in eelf praise,
which i one of the most universal fulliei
that btwitcht'th mankind. Sir Walter Ral
8:r Nothing makes a man lets hopeful is
adversity, noth.ng a(.'ravutes his trouble
more, than the thing which, when everything
is well with him, encourngo h.m, and make
hi in cheeiful
flf-s How er.'y it is for one benevolent be
ing to diffusa pleasure around him; and how
tiuly is a kind heart a fountain of glsdntis,
making 6vriythiii in its vicinity to freshen
into smile.
t2 If we were candidly to exprea oor
opinion of the character of each person with
whom we are acquainted, our friend would
be comparatively few.
Ileal difbculties arc the best cure of
imaginary ones, because Ood helps us in real
r ues, biij make us n ihnineii of theolhtrs.
US" There is nothing like a fixed steady
aim, with an honorub e purpose. Itdtjjnifie
your nnture, and insure your success.
j3 V.'e waste our time in moments, cut
money in nhlllinc, und our happiness in tri
fles. Ikf 1" content with enough. You may
Ami the i"
CQ" Good men are the stars of the tgef
herein they live, -and il'u.trute tho time.
And I .it anl think when the sun set's gold, census uker once Called upon tie
, ,1. r.vfr i.iil hill, and m ,re ; ..... ,. .... . , ,
' " 7 . i 1 u 11 . w- 1. r cold mottier ot t.imily 111 Ca11lur.ua, ai.U asKe.i
A 'I 11 -It. f ,r sound ot ' iae bo ii man f,:'r. her how many children she had The mother melancholy instance of intoxication, a man
I snail w it, h for a gleam ol the !1 ipp ' i replied that she really couldn t tell ; but there trying to cross the street like a bull frog;
I .hall hear the boat as uiii tie sir-iml, thing ot which she was ceitain, "Thi, says.'VVe left him rumination npon the
I shall pass from sight with ue '''''' I"1 e' ,,. ,.s t ttiuoo the thildn-u ouco, but principbs of horizontal propuUioo, with core'
To the better shore of the p nt laii'l, 1 h , .
I bVI know the loved who hvi gooo before, tjere wari t eBoub of ojeanUs to go round! j nice at motor
KiT A Western paptr, afier noticing
whm ! we w