Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, August 27, 1859, Image 4
i i 1 r, I I ; i ' i. ' t 1 ; , 2 i 1 ' 1 tv-i f ' i I ! V.tnlel ii it r U unli it llf. "A pontltMn.iii; n ii'!iv' "! Maine .:t I d- tV.oi NVI.n'.: t . . i , IX' Yi-.he t. i-i iM'v -i f' J-p.-rt.-il,!.. Wilou- L.!y . i e ,. - Clnl.ii- h e. vith"Ut them She :it pr.'.Mint he ku.;.i;.c l.'"ewT v,,'.v r ;,,,, I.ii ml'io she may ho She !!.!- '" a ""l ;vti1 rare fill y'!i!ih!rr,-s I'.'li'l of Voli,uri"iH i : 1 1 1 ( 1 1 jtth a lady and t" mii! such a lady will liixl a pun! kind alVeetioiiato husband and ..o ill ejuaranlce her a happy li.'o nn ameriean lady i to le preferred add re"- l-aiiid Trice Canada- Wist St.itrnjr Whear nn interview Can be had and 3i.it street the number hi re,i mii for not t 1 1 1 i i ir sooner lie v a- taken suddenly ill will not i some reader inform fmio Pour i widow ol this jiotiee. nr. can or:r n ;:. Mi-ter eiliicrs t.f the dahnk : 1 jft-en the nhov in the J u tlal. Pamir vi'h my unkel cent nie thl'll the i O Iliarkt 1MIU11 Vltll ii ink mare, tioin I was one iiv the lone widder the enlnian is nloiikin it rt or. I am an-diu.s to onter the State uv (.'oiinuliyel lV-li'-hio'.isne.-.o ;igin iny late )nrd iier havinu; stole a s.-t and j-'oi tuk up and et:iit to (hburn l'ui Ten yers wich my unkel fed at tl, ..;..!, n-,... .,j ..-i...! ..j,, f.i.,....l l.'l liilltv . - L,"ll'l (l.iftllillltl.1 in our l.unily lur my pardnor want nothin more to me nrter the mai;ile uv the lor was up held and I am anphus to io.-e no time in entorin into the 1-on.s tf Wedhifk a;;i:) afore frost soU 11). I kll.l llieat Hie Wallt.l UV mister ltriet; m the line uv the children, as mv late pardner left :fii. m ho dopartc'tl into public life 1 hev had - more uv em somehow. So now I ken kount fore, as fur lvligus amu--e-nipnf I kin t;il.' iiii mII ilnim in .,.1. ,'ii '.'.i that line portieklor it .Ih.t is anv . ' tl.mg like a luldel to keep time j .Vith, as fur the ali'ecsliuns I can I get the atlitlavy uv JIMer Uowly ' Mid other deacon en that hetl. I no I ken sute mr price, ami if I he will M-iid me a letur with the J :.. :. 4 . a-: 1 1.. iiiuiiit m it. to i;o 10 t leiuiii lit pack lip HIV dud alld leVC With 1 11 V lore ltlCifeS to tlomestlC I il lrS 1'Y the fu-st rale rode wen ho scs the word so no more at pre,ent. MlK.VN'IlY W'(iilNii 1 1 metu to MOV toltl All price to s'end th.e letter to Mae- rillviiie, iu;o i "i K caiy Arw York stale, no 1"7 forth avnti park back reer runic U stares ware it will meat the widder Wiguins. IS' 15 My pen is bad my ink is pail. TaHip I I.AYlNii IN V (iKAVi: Y.u;i. The Wheo'ing Intelli gencer of July JiM ;iys : "The grave anl in M.iHi' s--ville, ir i'lia, is now the daily resort of y.mng men for the purpose tf playing euchre. In smie instances, young men I havo been obserxetl engaged in i animateil '.eimes ol 'sen . . F across tin- moniuls ot their hroth- vr.s. si.-ters and parents. When sons get to pniying oltl s!e;ie, f.-r a ouarter jnte. m.on the ttmit f-toiH'S of thve sons of the sire: we think it about time j? i ..... loi uie apjiearaii.-e ot a mission-, arv or a no!:et t'liici r, ; A IFTTFK from Niagara Fail says that where the suspeusiun Vjiitlgo originally sagged, onlv tWi el three iuehox under the weight of a Ir an, it now sa-rs ii.ii-lv twenty inches. The general impre.-.-ion in the neigh-bi-rhood i thai this gr?at work of art will o in ,.t' these days gie w ay and fall into the river. Vi.-itors now walk over the bridge instead of cr.-iiig in the tVains a formerly. ----- i-i'-' (..'. lieeilU'lill, of (h'o, li;S atUlresseii to the St-eretarv ei' the J5oail of Agriculture an e snv in wliieh he takes the n.--tion that the t liinatr of a conn trv changes atul heei'iiie more iiiilil in the c ur-e of centuritv-i hv Lt. in lt veil cultivate.! .-mil thick I V jo'ejile-l A l7llrtlo. i ..i.e 1. '.. and f u ' 1 1 ;h 11. I ii.' l'irn h rt.Rt v tr I' ... b ' n 1 1 1 fil.T int.)!!;. ir I- I rrn',;;i'ii''. i ' I into the i: : pw.h ''i" '; mat ; . f. ii r per I, l'.e ( , il .1 I' ! r , i ' ',,' : ii ii w ;ia J b.'r, I. Iter I. .-I, Ht.'i I". I., h'l'l win. ' i r in K, spl mMlii l) ..- r- lAiT' ''!' i!l r t r s vii.f ii rune-i ! ii. "lot k, tin' prc-i f-t p-t ap" .:' --tb , the ft j-, when t pr. -.-..! lit. 1 1 i ::, ma'st'th the Fwccter win... line ' L'ii!. i ill., in Her rhcii it is cast into the )'i ro ; ! r.!!i'' 1 1 ri c- . with lipwinf , or njiar. d and 1 1 1 : . 1 ft f.-r biib!irii: ; cbih i r,.'it v. ! cut, that It mnv lie liiHilo ii;t'i fnrmi I. II , l.i. t) i'li'"l. wrutijr Mi-J 1 ;t i'ti , but it tv fmrr. Tin'!"? nr" familinr e.i!itn.lia4, t -1; rv t!m I., ni f.t mo I rouinioilit wliii Ii tl.o Lliili'ri n rcct-iT V.T jii riffiiti'iti. liy it !inl wmtii ;V IIU riinri'iftitinit. "We rfj'vicc," n.it!. '. l'nul, 1 i'i tri'j'iliitiniiK , J:iuwiiij!r tli:it r:. i Ir'ioii lirirrlh f.utli .ilii-n '! tint! j-n" 't."f rxpfri.'iH'p, anil ri;..-ri.'iiri' I. . ; net rth not HKhftm."! " I" r of (o in nili- ri tVrt in wi-nldii'M, itrn nil thit luro iiotu (;oo l to tin in that fenr tliM I or I So inucli of our enrly (ilu lri.- iuti--it 1 tittrrly from our iiK-tuury Wi inn hrvi-r r . nil thn yr with which i lnol our lu iols on ..nr tin.' her n hosom, or ro.li' oti our fn'.hi'r H tuck in cln'i.iiioo.l ; (tnul.tlcM tluit jnv i wroiicht upon into our ii Hi ire, m tin' kuio licht of lurij,' joi't tiwiriunMia wrmiTht up into ! tiio MoTt iwiiowrn--.!- of the upri.t. 1. tit 1H jonc fiitcvr fiotii our ittirtginntioi', hi; 'in only hrliri in th'- joy ot i hil.li .1. (hi first plu.l inciii.'i.t in our lir.it love liion wl.i. li r"t'.:rr..'! !.. u. to t'ni! in r, r-rin ji w ith it a tin ill of feeling int. !. 1 wc Hit M Jl nn 1 r..o! yt i iiil ns the re put rent mooniiion of .. n. et c.lor iirr.ithi'il in h lur olT hour of li-.pl I''. ,l is ''"cry tht .v, n mon tourh to tcinlirni'Si', thiit f.'i'l ?h x (in.ote nocli,.'-' i of jenlousy, Rlnl killl.l tl:e Irot tee . to -he tifTfitiy of ilopiiir. 4( ur lliiim rr 8 m 1 1 bb it I n i . I ' 1. 1 1 .1 1 n. Who j-imr. leil ymi wh-n in hiiillh, nn.! romlorii .1 you win n ill ,' Who hun otr your little he.l when fr. t ! Mini joit t he l ol- lit to Jl pitri hcl Ii tmiht yon how to my, i.m cciitly h. lp.,1 3'"" l" 1,, '"'" faults, ami hienkio.l nu.l imd.oil in i.ll r - childish w..h? U bo h.vu you till, and who. contrives and f. r von e ei y lin r (hat ton live'' It in yo.11 in, H',r your on n dear mother. Nn ht me a.,k tmi ( ,.. Li t ! In tnu' nit. tin', ' I I Th i in o-e truth ! ,, , , 1 tl.e lollov, 1 io' line- IN an A .SnMmth well spent Jtiiiij?-! H week of content, streio'th for the IniU of the moriu.i . An 1 lt'it n Saiilnith pi oiHtie.1, "''iiiit.nn v. f !,c :n i 1.- h iiic forernnucr of 1,01 row, c, 1 ha 1 1' a 1 '1 tbe mor ii i it praver i-i the I'lUl I K 1 ! lb. key that open to ns the ti.u-ur.s of ti, 1 mcnuo. and hlesnincs, in the evenin It Is k''-T u,al "h"t' l,l' l""lir ''" protection i B'"1 j UiT Never be faint hearted Have plenty 1,1 pluck, my aon. SuppoPin'' the v-hoh Wi'r"1 " n:'"" you never :iind! ;. m r'i cni ir e eoi're wor. jyorl.l is so formed that you are gure to In at it low !" il 1: tiY A Weilerii pi. per cni 'he tcl.vrni-h Wires in us Mciuity w-ro "red with heat" dnrniK" a inf.. hot p..!i ! We can w-.'ll helieve it, for all th" t...leei aius liooi (bat localm were rea l wh -u thev arrived here. Sr.p' ' l wih ymi would embrace my hus band s principles," said a dashing hi Iv in Wahineton, to a member i f the opposition "I could never do that, but I gladly em' i h. m bin wife," r:n ilm reply an ; :l,nt ."eeir.s to be the idi a all nrn.unl in that la'ltu 1 .'. t-)J'.V schoolboy of about ;K vcars of a.-.-, Hl proio'h.d the master with a bold look ai.d scil n.'iiti.lcnt air. an.l ihe to. 1. .u. i .,, I.,...,,, m d "Mav 1 be di.iiiisMi d sir .' ' "U , I -i ..... ' reason have von l. r ,...,1.;., , t le rei;lii- j ihu.naxr i ,lt to tak, ifijiunlr. ir." I tV-Sci xv. -o iiocery f'.ore, j lli Co ili-li, ayo'.injj liio., of the Hear 1 ,. K . I . . I I .. . i.ly ; ur. ba a1 .a::Jin dhsb l,h!l,i -"I r.'a'.ly llvct S'.t.U,',- ; Mr. Jl." Mr. h -!..-;,, don t know, mudum -in cr r. ir. i"ie." I-i?"" An urchin, otK' f the "fa. '," whom i.;s mother is chastifiiij.', bnwlej out, "Two or three if ure licks, mother, I J, u'l think 1 can behave vet." -- . - - rJ" Cci 1 ney sfeitig s . Mc of ;.ck(liirci j iuu by, c , Yankee) "My iut, Cu t.' toes a lot ol a!ik,-,s." Jonathan "Yi S''; l.e'.i't.d to. teach school." they r f .-.r We oitli..' 1 "An Important Improvement u, Che in,. Tobacco," docH it mean that that kin 1 of mastication ii to be done by i,i irhi.-ni, hereafter .' Wo to pe to tv.f I be m. .t ali ,fuctorv a ol t .-x pi -. s- m f .iiini; b'Jy f C" ii according t,) the present .ot! ef skir-s, b,- s)ing tht -f-l.t ti- ti n rins had pa.se J over her head " - - - il.ij jm vs that the stitue r.f the ('.ek slave reminds hun of the attilu.' of a v ', l.i.ly, in the net i f J uli.ng t!t.: string . i a t'. .', r bath. ! tv'".V ! tun .1 1' he i I't aker mo , ht ht, J ten d'lvs on the tb h of b.s do ! err di- - ; , r- eai le .!' in 'l.v ii ti.t hate Itma . Wifltnllsift. it t vf ntr v-kr Bi.'., rmiiitiM of our A ii.. ri'.nii . i. cri- n 'Um Iri.mtr.i Ml. t',.' ! riM-i j i.n of Wtlflt C'I'IiHmI It ll'W .-r.sl- in. I i nn 1' r i'u tliat Tiiit ln',(irii!(.ry I m Ii. mc fur tl.o r-:- !. I Kill" .. -t "i.r iiiniRl: i;i , ' "t i:-:it' t, i (irfr.t :i r. HI.".';, "ll "II .,f I !. VI .i ' t ! . ! ir;t.. t'i i".i! I ",' J ' ' " .1 ' I ' I " tu '. I i' .'Ol f ! i:. I'-'l in; t) M i.f "h'trnrtivi iii'linlry,' nr, rrniu'i-ini'iil iiii.I.t uii mi n ri. tu v.. ) n ,". , ( 'it n. ttuni v;i i i fmtl it nee i-..!ir f i'rk M.tt ! wrrc to 'h- (iivi'l.l inl'i 'Vr'Hi (li.stn'o'it.-il ir.to "sfrii"," or((iii.i. .1 into "jlmln i.tn rii..'' All tin' wiiKUt jinl tr'inljlr aria'aiL' fn in pi tunny "im.liiti :! h i s li.ildj" to t.n ut ri'l of liy nwrjcind a thoiisnn.l fntiiilic in rn tit community ne mumfioctit roof whc I ) cover f ivmtl' I'en.l-- - one ei ..j ntie t.'h in k i i"r.inp. v. :i i .'i i . hi It t ! "ir ill nn en- one eiionnoii.. -lentil hum iry v :n to keep thcitl r!"iiii, nn nfie pr .'liiom liin.i-ry to i tr.tii :t tli.'ir t.h! ie in th war thev clioulo j co Ml j.ropcrty w:n t i b" In'I'l in coiiiuioii sIik Ii. p..l'tineH. niut i'i.""l null iIikr i j "nr. iiii'l w:iiil wonhl ho iit. hi ii'in I inler th'! tuhlit::! :;u-j.h"rs of this ip"w ' iic..'l, i.ot only ro.'ii'ty, hut the earth iticlf Wll- to 1 rei'et.orHt-'l, nil t1;.- - -vn tji jo hik fltcrile portions of the c,.' . v., to yiehl luu.'ious fruits, ni'.l "attrnctivo .rulustry" wng to oii.iliie nil pcntilf-titittl tru t'., driiin b!I the. innri hen, nn.l irrigate the v tt I'csei tg of Suh nw. I h" Iro.en polur iircn s were 10 o'i. v the h.oie'ii et't law whiib wero to re or piini,. .Ii ;n it I , :ir I '.he torr"l 7.0 nu to l.e nhohhi"! by ''lvirinom.:-. tl'H P'i.ntor tmil tin-poles. tuoi teiiipert"re was rijau!- , i.'il, hi'uhh wouH he eiven to "he i(luhe ; it ".ihl til longer j'enernte "v'.i i "1 iiiipoiuler- I ii ;ir hiiiili," hut WimiM riolirvle to the o:ir ' tv'Mt.'h) awholioiuine r ."i'thIi .1 utir!oph.,i e. Nent in Offer, the no' 1 " I ' .!rt.i.tiv nnimali Wiitihl 1c e'.iinii'.!.' i'. i l.o hv the jv bul, the crei'oilii" :,mI tin r; i ';":to would fee the r'lpri. ty of tukiv t!:' tn.'i i v-s j r.v.i.y fri 111 11 yi'oii of lirnjs win re their tin- 1 tvro "..ul ofh.'iiiu iti," nu I tikt'TJ and sr.:irkl wotihl become extinct 1 11 every poi lion of the i.lanet. 1 1 11 11111 n ttutnri.' u..ihl l.c still uioie uuiclioriileil , nil the fiercer pai-uum, . who:: ton! 1 ; "iu overlive ,l,vi nuse of all 011 r il I-. inert" it the pii- '. 1 1 T 1 he fst-.Tt .1 to I . ! liarmoi.y, and t.vcrv bunian ( d ! ''"" """I '"!" incipi. nt a' e. i without , w 11 ei ty you!.: h a hi i-t.e. nor- i'ne ante 'a o .lisappi nr. ami iee an, w Mild b" no mure. Science, poetrv, bcautv nouM hold hi''h carnival i :ld I', alt and in every "model phalanx, and It was not to he don that, in reiifti of ' a'nai i!m' it dm try,' men sV'u'd speni, in 1 lank vrr-e 'I his :!i atid aoci.t! ysteii., out of n hi. h .11 111 in u s'lictl unpi.ritl.t I at I'. -n::-, snran;; from lie. inventive 1 rain of a .single Frem h uwin In the mind of l'tiuri. r 1 In ; e appi u rs Innate .nu a ptrane mn,;:o!ij; an-poetic and the eaicttiiitii'if. Tln se t l :i...l pictur surpsi.'iiii.' ail th dreams of oiieiitial sots, ar.'l oiitriitirii: e even the limbic of the Aribiiin Tales, w,ro to be wronbt out by strict mathei.n.tii'nl lawt. Fourier distributed mate kind into classes, cr,;!'.tii 'fd all the diverse tendencies of human cite i, aimlved the passions, and attempted to i .instruct a new -Ociul oi.Jer, with all the exact precision of a jeometrical iheori'in lli professed to have discovered that it takes just lotiO men to ileld a cer'aintv of every t.-b-nt in its be-t dereiopiiient, that is, in ev. rv colle, tioii ot ln.-() pi-r.-ons im shall find, without possibili ty of lail.ire, men with eeoins f.r art, for cookery, for music, f.r uoi-oerv, for leetur in', for r.i a bile, tare, !.. fariuin, f u physic, l. r sweeping, for babi teti.li'K, and for h'rti ciilture. Allow for Bi e'd -nts, and each com munity must consist of '.luiu persons, every sepnri.ti- proup to take up jut 0,000 acres of land. All the minor details of phalanstery life were .irrnni-u with e.p.ia! precision. This part ol ro cou-tnu ted humnr.ity worked vith liAoire of nri ihmetie ip.iite mtich as with liure cf the imiijf inatioti. Indeed, thu .rime defect of his svstem ap pears to us to Iw, an tin da u reliance upon I hiet,,od and iirraiiL'.'UiPiit. !t allows nothin fr b to bi iii-iii ri.vf.iri-, but treats man nn ft tiiiti'' I moulded and oriraiii;.-,). mar.it. lib.t. d ' 1 I and iliti;buted Hceerdir.-; t" ulcroty ped rub s, one uniform method of life is to be impose.! I v force of preacbil'i; and vote s, en all men. ". 'alii i-.i. as developed by 1 I ;',. line ,,f mechanii al i:bibso 'oiirier is the ' . o. i pny. Hi1 con sti ucti In .;ar.i:;.i,i.ius ci;i.iee of societv, cvciv stone car. fuil , c..iut-'d ami r.,, site. I vTinr i i - ayr," f.r.. ... .lai.'.-d fiom the beclc.niii.'. and u.l the cr.i.sliiuenl parts nrranej and fixed imnnniibly, from dome to f nintiiu stone. lie forgets the tempting-, heaving, uricontrol-nbh- force that dwells in h i materials, the living sj irit that npurns Hystenii and iifstem. mc (;crs, the uncuniiiifi vide xi;;ht i f man. In bis e,.:;;tn,tly exhaustive ineth nl, in his nltiuoite anal.ais. he has left out Oi. ,.,' .f fm tor, w.ii nit which no result can be ! ml.'.-l't I. He hi.S skit.p.'J IIO fact ill life but ' !.i itself. His svstem ii-cnrel the rower of ' 1 . . iinlividiiabsm, which ia swallowed up in .so I cialisn. in tl.e I'eure of his inexorable aritbnn tic, men .inly ap ear as counters, ai.J th" lo t product and sum total of his sv-trn ii the a' Sorption, if riiH the dt etruction i f the il. J. vid-a! soul. . In)" What'4 the ditfert nee between a ur i r!av'e wheel and a carriafe horse ? One goes 1 i Kit ulini it t .'f.i the other don't. k?if Wi at proof have we there was seirin ; in the tieio uf I'avid? UecaUse he aj A(i.d in on every side. - t') -V I, nl. .io i f prapes is anticipated, c:i a", oent of the bv '.i i v u'tin all she vi- - . f r be p c lHli.iir ii I t'atlllc 1 I 'i'ti. :u v. r ! pl..Ol' l. . lar..J. .1 1 I Suiiiau tii i ' .in of t tn )r" r i ' I en- v.ili-n -ti. ; th .in i the linij'i f i-J V rncihe r.n.irou.I c.t.Tj r:". ufnl..r I'm ro:iii:iniit of tl, to It..-.' I ..f Mr." t .:. nJ th" new lVi l.-i,t Aft. r l.ii' .-it ? V-i'n ' nJ b'.isf.- nr.. i ! ;' until tin' j-rsve ;wiii"! li-f..rt t.i !; VKt.ni. the -- -it it tt j. -t of crl'm l. T ' li . ion for t!i fjiiai hh.1 nov i cut in h (-. I bi.-l- tin? ri.u-rj rli r t ii i: :i . ! v j". i!, h.n till-. :i iv stn.j'nl t !. ruuifMi of ilr. nv. ai.-l ;.li.o.t i.i j '.Mii:,' on too hue ill lii u'.t'i. ('..1. Tliomj.M.n. tl f.'-w I'r.-f i'Vt t, t r j t tl-.n iM.siti.-.n, an. in cimii.hny with tin; 1'irer tory, h:is been f .miniiij the roud for ft cou ple of i!:iy. 11" well ns the ii'Vuir.s (if the coin I any. A ' a rvnttcr of coiiri-", the j:roHsly bnd iiiiifneuieM of the ' ipou ks" becanio nppiv rent, but at th anine time the jTiit almost tin. .ii:ill.-.l ...-.pabilitiei of ti.e ff.l. rpri.se wer seen .,, , ,e rc.u,, , tmu a r, , ill he :ioi 11,-d f.T the pur; . of rxteiiuin ,,.c r,m.j' ' A the firs! step ir. the programme, Col. K. It Ma -on, tin: first Iliilroml engineer of the Coiit try, n Hppt.int.- l Vice l'r;-Milent of the fo!i.;.uny, ct..l.;: ir- in l.i, oilice the duties ( f Si;.er;i.teii lclit and O icf lin.'inefT. He will, III the iih-eiu e of Cel. Thompson, be noting 1'residei.t of the company. This s'ep relieved Mr. J. P. I i.riey from all oificial duties in connection iih the road, and is in licitis 1; of the line of policy in thin direction marked on' by th'' ;,ew 1 li rectory, vi. : not to retain km:,!. I'.ipertmiii. rarv, or atir man nlic-HV ' j, Hi e Call le.' 1 1 OV pri.Ct.cl.l t.ljct.l ftO'l CTpero-n ... 'I his policy can iel .jut -a ill -c-uomph-1. ry 'Voich for (he scu of tl.'J project. I."!. Mr. m Will return "e-ide in tliii titv :A ta'ie an active pir-n:r.l mij.cr vision of ill" .c!:.i!.ii:'!ia!;nn uf the iiflairs of the com; :.cy, and will f.t once coin iiaml a respect and coi, fob in. e for it that bus not hen eiijojed P r th pa.'t three veins. Tin fad is to ) put through to Imlepen enl', '. ii: lull, and for thiii nirpose a eon-tia.-t I. a been S!r'tie;l by Mr. Knot, who is Hot Ol'.'v a til... II of pif.nerfy Und flierey, bl.t id cm! ,i. lby Mr Tallinim ,.f I'lica, lioft; name nb.ne i.-i the narati'y of purrcm. At 1 .. ik'emeiit.i have aUo been made :, Col. d bom j -am, t be l'i idenl, for ibe f I a n - por ta li, oi of i h iroti o . i r the l'eiinsi Ivania Centra :t I'iit.'-n: 1 i Wai no Ko.-oi, and the li.;nois . (.t, I v.l. :1 nse r-.ads r.eeiniL' pavment in Is of the I 'u'.uriue A i'jciiic. The- (laleea .' '.'liiciio I nion will j.i oliabiv make tbe Mime arrangement, nn 1 if not, it will be inadc itli the Ilai ine road, which will I. en-'! p'r'te.l to Frei port by S j (ember 1st. Ti.i a iin.'ii'.n mrntj, with the tin per cent j alien. ly paid in upon bonds, and other ti es' s at the di.-po'ial of ihc company, insures the proseeuULMi ol l!. 'oi k. The entire man.-.ei'un lit of the road will be j brought down to the strictest ctuiidi.rd of economy, und e 'nay thcrefote liope that, I'.Ke the stroi'jr man whose s'reneth has been undermined by the poisonous ib coctiotm of "ijuacks'' ami "chcais," who recover.-as . soon as nature is allowed to have h"r own wuv, the enterprise will ac.piire the vior which the magnificent ba.-is of l,2.ilV00 ti-jres of lam) oiilht to'(.'ive any Ibailroad enterprise. Da iuqiie !rbl. . pfY" The .Tflelcmn Conntv I iiio'i ti lib a t."tj$h s'ory of a ni iu wh was w.i'.Viw ovi r lis larm .he otle r lav, nud le-eo nin fired -at it.iwt o" a i'e of bi'rk. us he thoubt at the root of atn c. lie rested there almost three, hours, and then, perfectly refreshed, arose to find that the pi',, of Lark wa.s u uijj rattle snake, fast :.! i p. The likelihood of a snake lyitijj asleep, mob r sm h ei r..u i.i stan ces, id so reat that we bu'ii.-v. that .-lory viihout another word. A Toco it llvnr 'there is a iiin bv th name of IImIu in Cincinnati who i3 tlO tears of aje, and has been mat ri.al seven times. TIT li.fxilra of 'War. lV.-.-'. il ' I.- j 'ii n ii i; 1 1 1 1. ciinipaiLin oi me f?ritish army in India auain.-t !the Sikhs a Aw vears ;i ir , Ti tiisjiatch to tl.i1 home ui ornien! ' ilescriheil the slanghter of the! J natives, who were in retrea ' j erossi:) a rirrr, ia the inn.-t 1 ! ;lovincr terms, ami eonchnlotl i j with these words "Too miieh ' I'lbllse CaHHot o awarded Lieu" , CU'lV tenant (..ol. L'UH li-' ii Mhose batteries tohl witti l no most iieantilul elleet on the dense masses of the ene my." A parallel of this senti ment may he found in a letter irom a private soldier in the French regiment.5, vhicli has in.t lnum i ill 1 ,1 il. . ,. 1 ir. 1 Jl' 'VV I piieil.-lllll i ;i IUI15 I-ni-en Alter deerihing the hat tic of Solforino, t!ie .elilicr thrs expresses liii.iself "A'ever since 1 enter,"'! the army, have I, in a single day, tlnnoso much killing a I tlitl on the 21th inst. .o!ue of these unoilieial rejtorts on war are well caleulate.l to five us a new i b:n i.f the capac itics uf our ceiiiinon nature. Ir- Never travel without a IVk t Cum paion. A we, f,;, , , ,,t , ,. ;((,rffi lteiT The man thai U'l.t ufmij 0f thutid' r is poin0' to tke y S.p, ;..!,. m,t ridlio. "ti I'll RciirtjJ hi " l.; Fxsrf.sT Timi: on ltrcoi:i. The foliiwing is a dispatch to the Ciiieinnati Gazette of Wed nesday: Niav Vokk. August The trut tliis aftorno'.Mi on the Kt lije Course, ln'tween Kl v: Temple and Prineess, was for Ux.H) n sitlc l-'lora won three straight l,..ntr litif -'J.'H,. 2:"JJ, -J.n. In the la.-t heat .-he' "'at Princess ahuut forty yaril.s." t-jr Hiram Powers' celebra ted statue of the Greek Slave, has ticeti sold at public auction in London, alter a spirited com petition, to the Duke of Clevland for !, KM ). 1 1 5l0!lll ill's last pClMor Ml .1 11 CO I . at .Ni:igar'i, it was seriously an- llOUlU'ed bV SOIUC Wag prePCllt that plondlTl WOllld CroS3 agaill on 1 7 1 1 1 illSt.; that lie Wu,l Walk UCTOSS the 1'OpC, 1 it,,, ,,.:!, ,,.1, ,.,11 .... illio ua u ii 1111. 1 i uc 1 1 .1,1 1 1 c" , coil up the rope on which he walks, and wheel it to the other side of the ri er. .'(MIlMifl l.i (M'TlltlMttrin.' t,All'A)VlA4 Wl' 1 hli.llUf.UOi AGRiCULTUn At F ,A I Fl , 01 I1U. .Vocdbury Couuty Agricultural Society to m: HK'.i' at siorx city, On the I'Jth day of October, A. . l"-5l. CLASS NO. 1. iJcst sta'ilior over I years oh!, , fl-') " " over " years old, " " " venrlinj.'. ' :0 " Mare Hreciler. i CO " 'J veer Filly, - on j voarliti Fillv, 1 W i Sa, kill).' Colt'. 1 H pair Praft Horses, (."I " pair Cairiaec lbii.:M, II (JU Judi.'e M. F. Moore, ) Flijeh Adams T. Clark. : Awar-iii, Cjii.. J CI.AS.S M). -. lucks nail .Mules. over I year old. I an wi : rk Mul. :i tu; 1 on Mule ( 'ok under ti rnos, V. X. li.H'ha.ian, I The W. 'loins nreuvier, Dolman, ) Aard. Com. CLASS X0. 3. '(!)'. f I l hi r r 1 ' t"irj " A years old,' " " j enr eld, " f'l.'f un. I'M ti n.or'lis, Cow over I! year- old, Doifer ycariin, " Calf under ii months., Yoke Oxva over I year- cl b Thomas lloberts, ) lienj. Yiomaiis, - Awardinj Corridoii Halt, ) f", oil on 111 - 0'! t no' . ' i 0'' OH (K) j (''I t Com (LASS SO il -uir oier n iieoul. obi, .;.jiv over s months old, N. W. l'ia!t, John DajfV, D. C Ash! i 1. o t'O . war-tin o; Com ( LASS NO. I i'l(l I OIN. acres of Sprin;; Wlier.t, (HI lies! 0 at n ol ( orn, r 1 acr? of I'otaloea, o p,! a. re of iiuck 'he;.t, (in 1! acres of Oats, 'j on I a. res of Su;;ar Cane, J n I'r S C Yeoman. , ) illiaui Tnrrnan, ' Ai'a.dii. 'Ci V:":i. Can O linda, ) ('LASS AO. ;. (.ill ill il M lnl!( i. Ih st I b':-bcl of bee;s, "I " of on i..:,s, " I " ri,., " 1 " of carrot, 1 'io;-.. .! heads of cabbage Si (ii) 1 CO l tm 1 uo 1 O'l I ("I 1 Oil 1 00 IKZL'tl pUU, I dozen sijiiashes, 1 pe -li of temah e:, ft' James Allen Abel smith .tt t I AwarJir-' Coic. CLASS NO. 7. Prod iu Ah uf Iari j . t ,'i lbs of butter, ' JO His., or over of checs 00 I ;ti 1' M. .lebah, I Mrs Fr Yemunns, A Mr; 1 '. Woodford warding Cum CLaSS no. s. He.-t oil I uintir.j", " J astal painting, " crayon painting, " i. ilored crayon painting, " water tolor, do ' lVneiiiing, " iiioiiochromatic, rr pulvthromatic 51 oo : oo 1 tlO 1 i.ll , ,,,, I I on j 1 Oil I I Cainting, 1 ( . i " Knpravinj;, 1 0U " l'icture I iaiiie, made in tl.i. r the counties in.iud to compute, 1 in1 " Hair Work, 1 n) Horace C. Iiaeon, ) Mrs.N. C Hudson, Mrs. Hull, Smiihl d J CLASS NO. ;, Bed gilil', 1 t U made pair of 1'a nti'.l. 'on s, 1 Ml Worsted l.'iiihrnnlerr, 1 (!.) llu.btoidei'ej f.t, iit, 1 I'D t-et i f Li;,br.ii ierid collar and iind.'ri,b ves, 1 fiO 1 -n 1 roi.b -e,! band',; --u hv-f, 1 00 p.o- ln.i i ! '.io 1 a Kuc Mir (irrit f!n L:rt I', .hcrt M urn. ') Mrs I, F ("la, k. ..r Mr,. M A. U,r..,w, J "ru'r - CLASS .o. p, .11 il II !(;( 4.S, ! I srin W..i.,ii nunuf;np.,tf,) ;r U omibiiry Com iv, 1'lciiMire Wii.,,11 manufui tiirnl ii, Weoilhui-y Ci'iiiity, pair llnoln, '. pair S!iu-., puir (iaiirrs, ; f. li.M Su-nr lnanufaeturrj f,.,ln ' the Suar Cane, , 6 callous Syrup manufactured f:oai" Si, ear Cane, , A A r f 1 ' t : -i :at s r it A Janic A. Saw yer,, Mr' ll.iker, S mil hl"d. lr. A. M. IIiiM, Awar.bte. k ' rt I 1 S ( I : I r I ) N A ' Y C( ) M MITTr.F John I,. Cfimjibcll, .1. 1'. Allison, C. It. McDou-all, Mrs. II. C ll.icon, Mrs. (ho. Wearf, Mrs. Sam'. H. Capadv, i itt It ; It The Counll. s of I'lymouth, (hcrnk r, Ma are invited to take part in the Fun , coni.eie i',,- l'rt uii'tm?. Any person, in the Counties repn-v... . can tiecome a 1111 inhi r by jayiii), one, and will iheu be entitb;il to tin; prii,;,. otupi.'tine tor I'lcm'iims. All stock and urlicles of every V,' tetiucd for c.xhihiiion must be descrii...-ii-the description, with the oivnci 3 iiaui(.. p. lo the Seintiiry of the Socieiv !.,.. ., f' ;i' h'V .'.rt Tt 1 .lis! o . on ... -. .M, ol tlie day ol l.M;i., t i pci.'on.-i comi.etiii.' for tVi. rnn-' Oileleo on Ul lo urnps, Ci.is.s ,1 .i i ... . ii w:l. :, ip.iie.l satisfiu torv proof of tl. rui.-ed per acre, a sample of the ipialitv, ; .' 11 hi ill ib si -option of the mode ...f inli,.r- 't he 1 liscn ti.iiinry Committee will Sn , ' to the o ii"r. of stock or oilier urli, I... c merit, not included in any of the, tins'! c. premiuiiia riot cvCtcJing ap u'i . jjaie. J.'v order of the Fx ('..mmiffre W. I!. Vl'ILt OW, &crtr: A.: -.11 --l let 1 f v nlieit stiiiiKlen f.-r snli- a (,.,.,. ' ."t.v Itf.M.V 1 t'.Hl'i:n i. in lViitr.il Si.ti. li'-, lur si,l,. l.v I1KNRY A t'AMHTM 12 lo" iiiiii.rriiit.'iit Ii. rfi.v ert of V..t.T" I.-, IlliiV l ow i il MlHipv JVTnmonic Wot i tsts. s.tHte. im- tlli nl Sloill l llf l.odst No. t (U--S iwU.csil.') ol vt pris-.llnt rh.. n.fi f ine.m. A. M. ML NT. M . 9 i.i:..k.;i vi. iit, SVir'tr. AT TH I TY W. Si 1B JiOOK SI OKI.. StHti'b.rd, fii i llnno' :md ehfftp tuM'.dt!oiift ;i pi ii iic ;ii au " iut in th x t. statiom;hv. l'rlnfii t'fti i.r. Ni. v., l.il, i'. i in; . .. St . i . c V v, lrH..;.mi. lio'uriu atn i.i.u !' i, 1 oi .-ii. i: ' ' . ' ei,.'.'.., I'. !,. ll. ivmi' lil.iMi SJOOiiN. .t.'. i.'., Ml.el.'ci:,-i-iuiix f'o V Amo :i e.l r- ii.it. I v .It Mi.- I'nv I'm M in : ,lel II" ' jCITY T-I()rLMvL. I MII'M.K WHIMIiW'Al i I IIUCK H lllll.1l. liitft-.l. l frl'K u'.'is...nl. ImriDK tikiMU Hi.- l...w t Sii- 1 ll-e. t jl.-O..! n liilKf ui.l '. u '.l-IU.n. ; lit.: fii r-.i.i mi. I vollirii; I., .or. ".I ltli iini.thi.l ''.. ! r;iJ:...'. eiT" init) itriil the :'il.!tr in ;.i.-oil. '1 " : j Tiiil.l. v ill a; nil I on. I. bi: mil with l!.- Is-1 "' J fliMlr ftl..i.:P. .oul i vaiitti ulv.o- .. I. ii.l I., .r. IIK wiiiii.iii lira p.iiriajn. .Sli.i.:ill vil. '' 'ii"iw M.-ke it pi. ."i.-in (ei ,-t; who m. lai.r iii hhIi tlu a lr.mH..'. 1.. Ci rir.'i. nt nil times :u... out" II i o;ti, Mn.v l-tf t. r. sii v l.i liri I,. i ''omiltlnstti.'.rr Ok' lipids for IllllieUi udiuiiti.lutlir !-lnrtif lot-it. .-lul X I TI'V, IiiU A. lid .lOll.N 1,. CAMl'JUT.I, ACiFNT. t"l !- . tuniiii'llcul Miitnnl I.ll,- litanriinri o H I H-Hl. ,"S S . .,..11 tjik C' liten ;o I'M v InMirHwc Coiniinnv. 1 Oil slot l i i, I.iM A. .lul. t l',:. i :; JO KN Ii. WAPNER, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING r" i t'lO 1 M, 'ill, i,-,.i jinn I . i tile I II tl.ii 'IHii aMis,Kj ial . r.il A.h.0,,1.1,,,.1,1, ni.i.l. I '"II 'llll:..Ui. Kl I I'Hl A. 1 .- : 'ei. C'.iehfv ,t C. , II. Ii. IVlt .( t',... Hnl.1. u l'" l.. l..l!e ,t .l,,,l,f.r,, ll.,l.! i;i. IV,1. A. II '"I'a" II William.., ll.i,., .1 i',,.. ('. .1. l'.,x, 1 1 -'.' il lii.il "- : 'L nn.-M Miai,.i, St. J.-. .I., il : J.vi "I. Ii.ln., M. .,tj, ,,. ,,,, ;, . I. KM. I, . Tiles. ,v-,J - i'iiI'.Vi 1 1. nt i ri s, o A io 1' i'.i-ii'rlin'. J... II. ,-li, i i.l j. Sw'ps, Sheridan & Co. COMMISSION .MKJJC11AMS .::i r. I; .1, I-ultTs in Hides, Leather, "Tool and Fin's, f 73 Aunu I,vrc unit 1 10 Cum i-inclal Si-,' ST. LOI IS, MO. J uii."- I. ! 0 HI -1 v Itum, L.afiil, .-'ui't p, or .IIuUoii. NEW MEAT MARKET, r. '',7'ri ,h"r r iwt fully announce to thociii i t m "i that h is nt uu.ij to bt-rvc tl.mt Willi the t . qilull uf mt-iil, lKKF, .HI TTO.V, POItK, Ac, Ui.. 1 .1.1 in TI -. . .... n. n t-'salMi ly Mve.i eju-li moiiimir. elsptim liuui.eh.uib of ll, l',,l..fiic .in Il.mi.'l.i "u"' JuiiN i. frKriiAN. 'i'l't 2S.ts.SS. if. yjnt and Shoe Slio', l.i' SlfllX CITV, IOW.li fjl." "li.lt r.ijjia-d, Inle et Ibe (in ' J. Krtniiiimnu A i,'l,i;e, iwir.iiiia I h.1 l.HKni.SM iU, ,,wtl ,R,,-Mlt, in ili. tflii.llluF ufl 1'iMkrl air,... I, I...I. . tl.n .Si.i. Cuy ileum, when, he pro'.iw,. to wtrr. u tin . ,, . Hoot and feline HuiIiiim in m ii. hrnu.-i,,,. Work wnrniin.il In t. .l..i,f ,n ' VU'' ""' "H lwn.sml.lf ten.M. l 1-A.T ell.. ' l.. A mil to-oi 1J c,.,u.r, j, r....itial h -Sfcit.-.l. .1l.iv : in: im-miiv ,i,,av, Jvtln (k.llAltU.1-. Hi. I" i.m k '" r ii;ans " j n. s toud MEANS & TODD. t.l's mul iiiiiisrlloi w uf l,aiv, UTII I. lire in tile t'uuit. of low 4, N..I, a at 1 Jl H.ri...u. I'uwof liif firm will In at an i-Hrly .laT m V.lilnpt-.u ''il, wli, 1.' tl.ejr ill takn plmrure in nil -i. .In g u "' lnlerili. . nm b lulruulnO mj tlieir utro. )o. I Till, Ii- 17-11 il c. cnwFvni), .North li.nil, )liii cmiut)', lirkm. -!l.itli...i'l.iry r. I n-ur.-e lurnyL.d if .Lunoji. oNAV.'AJiorsi:. tf", imn nimi, a. t .... I'fi'l'r.'i "'I :e w.s fro to' M ' ' l IM .,.St 1 rlbl,: llsll.1 ', ' 1 " i r ; t :nei . i : 1 1 ol f lie Ii v i 1 f ,ea ' fi '. an,' ,dD - . hk. '' cdi. , Hint i ..--a: . ..lit" : '!i :DI ' iiMi' It' ITJR I oim Oh! tof '. :ied ' -1)v ours i mil, 1 ii;it CJgb .u hi r.ii I i i.f ' "I Miv ' ..'. jisit ' ' 1 L-lh' . I 1 1 fl ','. "-illl ' ' ' I Olllf ' ' ' 1 He . a np : ' ' -.V .:i-' on k :i -' r A. ' -. . n ro. '. ,' -. ji? tir .: !l ....' : ,. but - .- ' ' '-rn it ' i' lvlgl i 'Il He.... I irmi ,i i i n ai -!' - i i :.psr i . '. Ill V ' lice-'. .1 . '..kii . . net a' ..Q. . . . I.;:;:. fl n- fiv at t. i -.;,:, !mi' ,( .'I 'Oil' ue i 1 ' e H t ..;! i0 1 r t 4 . .. . - ' 1 4 , .. t i . , ... U 1 . l-'iy -. '11- -:, 4. ( f