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About Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1859)
11 i'.f J 4 ' i I t A -4 i . t, I U I V i n v ! 4 ; r j! : . !,..mU'0 4hS 44tt ','-!. t .!. 'u ... th nV flit it W il 1 t V -.'. ..'y I C. 1 tl 1 : . . - n -.rr-aaiaa it 1 1 A t Mil,, .oil. . k. IT I tit ' . - rM,;, itl.t Wiltl hM kt if P .J- ' Li- uP:ldUn,-T; for ui. U.ealv.i-c -f n o rT' cf ' rrtioh Mi 4llv. be iefje.l ike LVtst-ralup wat cufered li'.ro in th rvtolfel eret.e, s if ', r'tatee ; hat it U painful te tat t!i4 thinr:' l,r turutl cot ery d.fTer;Q", and fcti otcur tttry diy tin Jer the eye of tiie l!e!y See ni il!" lioeemmeet, wlacb. leinw r.n re mi'! more how lnex'Mable It the c niuct ir i;r..mi f ..Vr.-l tuwir 1 hp l..t .- ... i ..u i . -t tr i.-'i ' ( i -'V.v; ti.'it i' I- it It, If I tt:l. f.f l!oi v( 'rt f lit jinrti a.!U!iifti N.nt'"""' 1:- !.rri. h'.i'tIi 1Ii I! Iit.rr , ir I. t A..j -i '. 'a .,! Jtift SOlti u.y n,.iu i :... u t -4. iter.! & mn'.tlta.U .f rie.lwouU'ir i ' r, C'B..t. j (rem ToL8T tid Midu f rt! p-.irj-r of j friu( qartori f.r t )!! " 1 ;"ici Unnafsrs'iftOf t liof tt tut b bronit'. t f urg'nU oJ Tolntf r , I bt t.fO intpufttU tn f;- t.i i it n.'.r.'i. n . o flip tr-ali la tbe retolt I rrwtiti a l0!i7 6f t di-t ,t: .r. rf r i A'.thr fuel ht.'b refc-lem :b nfu-.l th JtOUkt irjll'.p C11B3 jilt t: lli'lrvi, i ii h to flrnt tuiUUori f t r.tuti a c rftrtioa iu t'n mint4ii:fcBc tf !'.i ft ' r churrh. ! tli 4 D .in'.aiit.oB of to Msr- qatj IJV .io a ioi-.t't t jiubhj- inBr la UoiBjr., tJ dutct ti i.n.w.t I tf th lffft;pn Jtnntt tUa nr. Ikia ;t. tmdtr tbt tptoi'.ri j- -tit ot ,-rtttut.a.; t nl Bjotftmeyt inb l4.i dr i : . rt tu: T-hiioci cif rx. i r. 1. , tScU tL right cf tt ItrrUr.f 1 h-.teftign cf tb? ftfcttr. LtftiU Lt otl go i-a j ttpi'i'7 tbt th rte4monM IMJI b' ! rt.Jt ttittrei tb I'otuncM mu t; u, jii.j i on VrbiL Rod Cirtl 1.'ivj, in ',;.! r'.tieee l'ltlaiotiUtt U-riK.'erri 'J- I "rl " ' SU1 Nsj.;s trif -! bito ut.'ti ie 1 1 et f tbU tiioteoient tf j'-ia rcV. j,',, aa.'r.g na ft.:? jnio 7C-;i' Kt tu t.'. l l oiiti'ticil ircot a, nbt'.b ftti l-een r-' t to iirtture tbe ItgitiaMt fOfJttr in tu ii .e.iimn jrotinte. Finally ttfl tn corot '.ett th u .n i'oo . tbt lejitiatutt ettijrelnt'ty -f tii l'.'j o, t i i.tXctre t,f nffi-eii, out i f whjio it a I'.e.l inotitect, Imte hron ret.t tJ l'tr.u a t i. .-i1 uu l Jefttnjr that fortress. .Suou o.1lotri.cte,i:ttp- l-t ! !!; "''tiiii f trtilch 4 Cajtaut ilolntt 'tt t th? I t of ua t;Lii U uiMiifvttt In iLere lli.iti I'"1'1 or iuiiot but fi.ltbe s,... of tin-!!-: I ibrr mi'ti biltiiuit-a. in.l j in .u ia it" liti.rti.n-l J't't imlU'iti'vUi, "hi. ,i ti I'tilnol im-ra .otua.nt 'till by lU- mui ri't wii'ti niiio.i i c ire Hint '"b ciuiriaa.ia iooou I fu m tun i.)iinuirit of lint t'.Btlii'lm K'.i'. l;n Y 1 aotvpled the tdtutt of bit 4iijii-i i-ll,to rr' i the diclatorslilp i.tli-iad to bltit. All tin1 luiaure t4ken ttitn ll.o titw of i.ti itJt hi; or uitctiiin this trt ,fg of i iN, linvtt .j Urn In vain, tbo Holy 1-tbtr. not r.,rgttftti of tin (!'.!? irtoumbsui ni"'n bin t,r ft otcction i f h tflMtn, or for the 'f' rvriiort ia ilio .'v;ty of the toitiporal di'liia.'J i f the l!u!y .e, ttLlob it e-feutially cninn'Ctel itlt tbu free etui lndorienai'ot M&rci.t of Supri nio l'ont.nC4t. .roti'tt imV tbtvio nili iia uud asurpaticnf aoawlttaJ ia t j tt of tbo aaot i t auce oi' neutrality, uu.t. ilrMre that ull I mt.t rt;T be eoinraunlcated to all the t: n j .m power. Coutlitebi In the ju.tlcj a tick ili-liu-gaittbtt ibose f rtrort, be t 'lt amnrrd tti".t liey er:"-l toppoU bicn. 'lley ittll uol tntt.t tbt ttttcee uf niHuifvft eiiiiatiiiii of Itio Uu of C4tione, end the riMe of tit Holy Fatbtr. He trut that tbey til net betiiele to to oreraU 14 tbe tiudioution of tbotie rifbti. and to that eJ, be Uteaue thar ti; sit t.i i.t u uo.J v.veteclion. The unJerlfi'i C 'V'mil oTt .ry of'tte conformably l ruulillial cuhIoiu, m-iiub the lVf atnt note te OMr lViIii'in-y. I 'Vn'1" J )u to tiaviinit it J '! ,u vbi.-ti y at t aocrf lited. n '"' o'.T'tnuitt. t (t;gotil 1 0. AMOMJI-Ll The Stoat ltoua of Jt iim at a 1 1 ia Although Kenturky mil Ti-iid -a tu bti tout latgfly Uenii'prttc, at the Into el. i tinn u tbuir tittle tiekt. lb ('rjntiili.'ii li ivo gained itttt al amtul eis ot 1 '.'H(,rt 'H iu urn otiitiC to tbO Peiao.-ratiu ii'. iii'tn in nmm oi the diKtrtcts. The "Hoetb Anieriuam," if thry" are C4lled. will bate it ne 4 btiid.-eino foii-o in the melt Hau? of Uaprwtentatiti'i, an I will trield tbe b tlunoe of power in that bni. Tii. ir treiiib may be cinnjmteil tbtit ; lli.rUnJ Mr,itnta I North Car-'ltua 4 Un.'riila AioialMna 7iumiip Rantuikt T t.t Tbe lU'ttteprat will bate !xty -tit rtu'. ir niembere from the riouth end laent.t an from the Nurlb, niubiiig ninty-to in u'.l. Turre tire i Independent lVuiocratt electa I. The liotte wu viit'uioi t a.ilr Uoiaoerati ri-.',: u'r IWnourala lv. 11 lit A ii,i i an ItpOO.t.AU ! (W-tnan A'iywi,-. Tta Attetta tVl. Tble "Oret Bote" ha pot to tbt rfep'h i f 2 015 flat, 4BJ propri'f tit g attitO rat of four f Jet in tw-nty foar boutf Oa ttator'iay, Vrcfaaeor T O. YTotmly it-tde M.Tera.1 experimeuti, w -lb tue f ji'.rwiui 1 esuiit tibieb be k;nl'y furn'.ob ! u. lie f .-tji i;.t tha preeoro par tin1" 'ncb at the tct'.j.u itt-61 ptoadi,cr 125,ttOO, per etif.tre j 11 I lit Kiperiuitnt Tbrea but lien, two of thorn Lermetieally ataltJ, wen plueej iu the nmj. and fibk U the o(tm rf tue l,u V. uu ituudt twa they were crpotiod U j;wJer The other, whichwe closeJ tiitb attrong cork bad it forced in 4ml the battle pu'.tcr:! 1. SJ biperioicnt Twa eery etn 113 fut ji 1- I. otin-e ere Hod, cue cf t'. eni wait crudhej II. 0 t ibtr. sry'il 41: i t'.i.rk rne, wai f : i b4if f 1 1 tl water Lot r.i l I riAiU, au 1 th cotk i.aiwitti fuaily fial u tae Levk '1 he tmter forced lulo the bott.e tt the pr- it lirftb df 2,0'.'3 fwrt, er oter J of a u. , tr TIT tudlitop-! 4f the pitied l r.. (uttoat atoues arilirought, iu Iiumk J .jiun it i... the botU'tu, wuiet, "k-n fii-l t i k..i.w u-Uiut4el4J. new ioou, ball 111 au t til 1 And tutu, ntotl rrgu!ir!y at. I 0 cm v t,intd ' I''''''"""'' fci iTltti Urtaitt- lo 1 atMJf. IV, ii.-., the r r4Cl it the coort UngBte of .ir,.: - 1 vritrr etaieii. t'nit whea LoU.t i' .. Si atte wel Tr&tk Jo , tf Aas.r. i, U J L.u, ii. Oernits. u.u-ietfvi.y r 1 T C l!llfc.-0- 1 'o'--- j 'l,",'t- tb-e.7 . i- . 1 . N'. i. Wie f cret uc.j 1; tti. " i.J. Auf ti be.o t ti-i-i 1 i ia The r-' Cretury tf e I -l 10 v.aLOgt-Hi-irtrU.-l t e b e t'a. ;tc vtiL . 1 r . dut.ea tf ' . i -r it . -1 o. .''Mi : 1 1 t m il llorira from th Wir. "ti wh'it way in lre!tn i intation crno i:-.-ii, ii we r.nnot wvnt f ir a kiuf to ocen y lf. throne. The u!trMnr.tintii haB rut rrdy. to we iey qt'.pt'v mil the tint' : nr t f the future One t f tf t iiiu -I'- ' ' t i I'baeoilitt ftitt bat I'.-' ( '"w .' : DatOAl - T- tv f t . If l!r frnphe. - ,.' tUc M i ii. :? A I'f.tUtt Trot iruc, r nny I I t t !! i- i V ' f n ptir.po rn of ; c' t i u ' If. . vi I Ktng l.'.j iU c'r .. : tie Congrt-i f t urf p ' in i n - r -1. 1 t mj J n i . th r'" of l'.eijfiutn) ! imi io tbc rrivrir i-ii u' cf 1815 inft..r i'f the Jiit J ure of nno'tjcr l.ttli" nut; , r..-.i-.;j )( t In In' iDv e. 'Mate uq liie'.j l!. -rt lidtt enmf to ; ;' tLt all e B't 1 "' J Hft D'i fit th Bu'j'Cf. IS it O'lr rsrvpi'u lent f furtliPT, n ) f m; tlmt if 'irh n ct'o I lii t .icu'. tC'.mo t j 'Mp, il 1 .'t j i iy iii f...i.' , ii i. ! I ite kt Jill I Ufh, ll I ) ' I i . i ... 'Jilt cto I iib th lifs ii f in1 let.i j-n'iti. .i lr !ti'l m ri m"' t when Kr' '. r 'i" c : ti-tttfra ! i"ijj liMf,iii I.Nf.l 11.J M u IV. It i :jtrt fsr eateiai-'.at ,lv- S, nu 1 owt !- tn' in r.m.i-'..-i i fith the nice til c fstitutK'U of KriM ti'c.f, a - t .r-J'.nj to wK;c.'i t'.i- tg!it t.t the i t.i it i f t i r I K ,.' !i. ott"!.'"'f K'ng, n't-rnnt" I I. t e-s t -t.'f." ill t'll l-l-fliio bill) ! t!.' or!'. rn IIt-'ihI, ti!i i thiii SjU'lirrti fi.l fm,' j L ) . ri rrori-Haiitr I u,t tL luul H'ut . j .11 riu 1 . f our I. iWi.l.M lii f ry J X fft '-f the iJa!l.llfl1 tht '- r f Yi .1. 1 itri .vii;i';!!i t,lit;!i. Jtlnnhut .Nii-lii l'.-i'-t'iolmt 01 a. fai. t, till U .Nn .e, t...i a nm.oiJiu nt. ut cenuty hfi. TL: M.rsbal bukt of M.nti-nt i it cue of ib 1 r rnmrit of a :l.:.i.((j;..lie l I rni-t of tha I L)ic..oB fmi!t of t Lit) canty of Cire, bit Ml '. f tor btll-U bv-t), we ! -l ; t , i f llie ' Vi 1 Ittcia" liu f-iloirel tuo luriu.j if jtmra f'.oart 4lter ttie treat; of Liuiu.o.. 11. f l4.iil'. y bcxe euLut ir 1 in i rn(. ( iu.te a p.t iiri i i ii ar .' ciiititr v aeror 1 , g:jr tlje MvuSei u t.lielit to iu' i 0( taB grtnt. -.t l.utric of tht in. 1...1 letter if..', 4 Jj-ttn.i ttiu rithrr 0 Swl ,rMcMi!.on. tUa Owlio i.k-o Cvu:J ft fiui io Ljr. e - Fir. 1: 1 11 ii 1 1 I k 0 JUI 1 r 11 K 1 .t 9 t i) -Till tilt , Mr. ii. . IVi 11 ,' 11 t I Mi .t..r 1' re If 1 c t j .nn I 1 ! " f. .i v i . 1 I:. 01 ih h'l nil' .1 lit- '. I '-.i'l-li fit t!.,t i.iltl i..h il, titi fr'tuitii c.,; i ciin. a I n jr. 11:. g tlliei. tl t.y ilut ut it to ruiov 1 1. i O' jCCtC I to A I till 11! K Kll. .11. J .1 4..' ii.itine '.i.i!. mii Io by .'ir. Ii 1 . 1:0 II. I tn Mr. 1'fil.M', I. ot t., a il.ii 1 .t in. In.''; t.iM M-.:i .'!.. lt If i k 11 i 'i ; 0 tlf .hi ii 11 Mr. .' H. I'i o 'l.s 11 id ni'l -i ifunlit Mr. Ii. J. 0. Kt wm Mr. liro li-i n ii .t-..:ini. ! thf clKtl'eitr,: i.'f 1 en "1111 ettt'.i d ia a lotv K :'t n ti to I'oii'.". . Irota wuicli' I (uilntiiii;; i . t : ii t . loiirunn i iiii- ..f r i;u ii-ty elio.ii.l buvc t .-..j'..t 5 0. i th'ii tl..' (..if.'iciri we le'iitttvy.f I tti; -v at t1 1 i .iitt'-i . i.t hi to t'.tiiiil i.i ti't.ti pt.11.. 0 of vo'ir ti..ilii-1'ii '. 1 1 '.t I ot a if il i.i J uu.. i J ll't U Ii' 1 ... I LI ti 'it '1 wnu U t-.iloeot l'ut.iiii. The ttvii);.' or ttt.t-tiim ..I iliilletij't cnii'. I ti' t, liinti-liire, titlcitt jmir t'lilitlttai rttt'iil. Jutt in it t:t 1 oiliit'u i f tue oiiiii-U ttlitie '. 1'or ' y,,;i a, ami up to the time of my 1 K-villi. -n t . tii-' I ." ii :oi' I 0 ''tipy, il it well I, do nil I bal 1 ti "Ol'l not Inn 0 ntni leil imy iieiiu if tie ' i -t nt tot j i'npkS'.'il If ooinpelli'il to 11 ctj t a tliu.ieno, it could only UMilia guu i;t u.,i'j bohi.ut; a j i.eitii.n i'.ttai!y elevuli'.i uud ri" Tiiri' te, itttd there are no rircum.iiauurp li!. It ootild iudttre lue vi n to tin tin, dm mg tbe pi-mlunoy of llto pi tient ouat. Villi1 it 1 auiboi.ii'. 1 tlto Htiiioiiuitiiii'iit thai I ....!. I u 1 Ji i-Mi the pent !i ol (.'ultloriii i dm ini the I'luupniii. it m ni(.'i;i't'ti'd tlmt i llorts would be inadit to fnrt-e ino into ililhoultii M, m. I 1 am di ti riiunt' l to tuUo uo noticu of at tatkt from uny ttouree dm iiie Uu. cnntaie. If 1 lore to 40Tpt j 0 iri'h'ilUtip', thtre itri'prnpu hi y Iiiuny other i"tit't'iieti who wntil I seci ttiini- li.r oi'porniinlii'a fur Inutile mri'tingi, fur ibe purpoee nf in .tun plifhiiiii u .oUli.'iil nt.ji'c 1. 1 i.l.Utn p'li l.o InilofU'i y.' i iitlor.l tn ! .-end in it ' l ttinti of Iht' r"'!-tii'it!jM uu 1 '.he tr'tcie luti. to nuli-i i ve citlt; r Ihotr m youi p,;r, . ii-. i mn ril.n ii t" give pu.'ii. tty t the I'ttt 1I1 it it win v.'iir iiiii'i.tii ii to .' n I inn :i 1 i. ljiie, woiil I jniii'v tf.e m (' 1 v 1 1 c ; , iIiih to ttie piihli.t, i-iittiit'.-i t' , i : till mini1 iny f.iiiiae iutlm 11 p-it-1 Vii.i 1, ,vo , i. f. ti in i i; u it - k. tiiinllHla a oir ( ouilll ula. I. 1 he inpei Dciei of I.oinliardy, ce le I to Sue Jiuia by the recent troity of pe io. 1- fe.n.t.i pqiittre milei. lt populnti m i '.'.tni.'t 'b'.icuii Lombtir ly hua hithirlo been tlivi.le I, ml iiiim trativt'ly, itite too pnitineet or ili'l.ijitio:i, t : M ibtti, l'.ivi4, S 1 1., Cuimi, Cremona, Coma. MantU'i. S.ui ltii, Uteticliia aui lioi "iniime. Tho f"rt:lieJ ti'wne of M ntu au-.l re'. hiet a fot a part ol tup province of M intuit 1 ha frtiet uf l'Wii,;lielt. n ia ooinpiiied iu ihe prot ioct of 1'i luelu.liii,( bouibard y, the kiii,:tl.-m of Sidin't i:l o-nt-tia a en pcrtlrtei f -7.rK) tquart uiitei, who a p.ipu Ut. ou i f 7, Si. J (H i). At regtidt terntortul ex tent, 11 will occ t a Unm rank iu Europe, tn 1 w ill e 'tie i n nt liately aftar the kiord im of Ihe Two S:.ei!iiM, and before !iirtu;tl aa.l iiirl Wall r.. U'ct to poptilttliou, 8ir dittttl vi'l it..i.( ti, ll. i i.u.k nu 11 '. v..l .1:1 N p:i'. and .11 n'...'ve 45 c 1 1 it ,.u I Noriiay, I'.i li mi an 1 Ibtvaiia. The follow r r iHtie I'oiiii'iettf tbe asmiiiai iiou an regard! in v . Spiv Kill,'.) -ia I'H l'.. l .... 1 11. Ill' r .11. a M..I.H i .;1 .. .. l.-'H .. K.Til .. : : 1 , . '.A . I- v"J '.' v. ..1 I.T..V 1 l lll . Kauluik) LaUla'.ai, The followtag will prohahlv be the coin, li-iuu of tiie Kentucky l.ejttcUt' chiiM'D : tt arc am t lui'-h! f. i.i-.i f 'eiti.e 1 ..t a "ti -; -;' Til. -.1 15 ;.n.iy a 1 - K ',::.!, mat- f LI 10 . 1 k j.t. -.n li.'in-i.: ..lie ' -j t i c Tot lU'ni'Ofi' 1- m-i '.' .. . i 1 1 , it tatu'y eiiit l.,i, C Htitf I'ti.ti-1 Ma'i a it .: r .n , J ibn J Ci itttiucii, aiio-e t- .tu Ihe lib of M jrch. iw'l. Ki.ui !lM two 1'i'illOCIMl ,C I'lllt- d S 1 I C, ;.'. " t a 1 eat Of 1 i vl u 'ha I t . . 1 . 1 ' if ' I -nt.-Ml in. nt I .1-1 ii - ' in- : -' Mir h .11 n . "I. ointi d lluu.p I. I gtel , V Ml pi ll ot it, be would t jn: 1. r i:ie 1 'cm, il at'o r I'.p next J !ale f ,r t"' i' il. l'. 1. n I : h nt ol r . . I '. ill.t w :e 1I.1 oati ouiUt Ml the I w ore a e lor b i.ear i tmiiiti i, tx-iv nir.1 r ft l ' o i ii f " I. . .i i t r ii 4 1 il it, . , .t f at I'm ,i ; .. ..,: . 1 J. ! it I t"i,- ' nl .1 o-n t i I) k. "'ilt K A i i A t t i i O H . ;r.. !.. i: r. ! ) I . nit' lr.MiriT, ... MAN. t.i. .i-:.!.,r, .1 :'..b.vN. .it I' itllN I w . ' 1 .- II.SilVLV. ti :1 I.. ' ri r.nn, D. LUX. Ttit Con ve nl lull. v. pu'-r -t. .ii i.ri j too idiot o! tl." I ! '1 1. n'. h ('..titi'ii ion. It iil le en i..t f.nj 1 ..nv win fully tepre- .ut'.'d, 9-. 1 tf '.: ' i.iv t p .Oil feeiirg 4 lot Ii j rtmiy pre" tuie l. Tt'.'i i.otui'iktion of 11 .'.nOi m W wi the reeu'.t of 4 t:i't) roiiitee bcttrceti the fi ii nda of the uVJ.'i eut cnii il 1iite, mi l ten utiiiou n t-d. ttiit ieci'ivi'1 tiitb cbeer ly the w !;'.. C "tivi'titi. n. Nn other ein li Into c .11" 1 Lt" Li.eti hit. Ii entire .itin! it ti'.n. ,N. itiy a.l nit pi out! in-nt uu :n t rn of ihe p'tiij 4' ie pn.:-itii , either u mli 4l or ae lot ki-r -fti, nu I nli ncnt awiiy their j;i ;.i:i.'.iii. 11 ut t L itf.ilt tf the di'hh ritlioni i fihe t', and itrieru in- 1 to 1 11 or a 1 i ik u.t . tm ibe eat-ioie ol I tie .Sotu'uev. 1 tie I'liitf ji in rpciiks for tl.iclf ; it it tl. or numbly deiDncr.itic and trill met witli tho np pull t-f ail. e e.iil cj.naa of il btrtefi'T. IBI, 'I lip 'imintfc;H. The cntii;ui'y,!i IriM i''..uinenri .1. nt. I tve te t.t iho im iie ol ti. 1. t.. l.-t'i'i"iil, .19 1' n il r of our T i.ttn in Ni'bi'iili.i. In lining this, we buto tho I'lrtioii of ktmwiii our t-liunl,ir .1 lifnrtr to be tt thonm.'li guinj; dtuiocrut, ulite tt the intrrp'ti of Nebraekn, and in ill re p-port.1 ti io I titid true, lie ii mi old pettier, known tbe country in all purtieuliiri, kuoetit iti want, an I i juit the mnu who w .il try te retiic !y tht tit He it no liielioiii-t, at ii et idi'iiced I ) tin' 11:1 with whii'h be whm i.otninft!i'd lul l Imt no 1. eil c'lijue tn e ttii'y or he joettied I-. ". tieii. Li'.n'ti'ook la a uiiui of t 'o I'lii'btot ! tieivn 10 be controlled ky nut rott 1 tiiicip! '. lie i, i u pinttically, tbe riplit 111HU iu tlio liht p'.ni.e. No d'.ul t be will be t'leitte I I y li imiijiliiint finun p, Jet it bohootte iif to in-st ourevlvc, and keep Ne braska ti.i, vth.'te 1U0 hita po Imii; held place, ri : on the rifbt iu the hue t f dtaio crttlio tti 1 it"ri"i. T' ere tire n number of rem-ons why we pboiibl, uti'l wby we will elect our nutu. We hi e the h .liooite- olid Hopporiert of the Jjo tr'no of p. I'll'.! i' povciv iinity in t : . i H territory. Mi pui'lioitUd !.... uilUHl tn udt'OCttte It, it i:t true, bi.t e.ho fur otit to onent wi.l b- . . c v e til "il, tv '.i II nil L : tl- it t it'll' ktl'.iud. nu 1 '..'1 ifltM 1 1. il .;.o u', ii 1, to tho r-fhi t tei-i :.ivcn, .1.. 1 of pt 'iiiotplt f, the mni.'i, ity 'iaii-aHi tuo to. 1 llni'tcl, the tl "f '(-! " -ill if- i , 1 , 0 -5 1 :: . in .lie i.ei in. pie cl r ti'e His il i ini I-. j Ji i-;ii 'i..n iu ll.o if .'.icr, nu I iln n only J. f.u' aj to prohibil it. .'rooli Ihuii 1 . llnit piirty 's view of the ti,.lit i.l the 1 eup'.o of it terntoiy to !ci.-!:i'e f v r tbi'iitfi ivoa. A r.hi, tlmt trunini'!'.'.!, hiooitiO" im I'.ht at nil. If u not even Kilcoii.t pi.vil.e 1: dtuiiis to uoo, w hem tlii'V eouu iini-'v "t .' .Ii .loai c ' 1 iti'il, the ripht which I '.;i l y :. .t u a.i I ackuow! t lint ot Hociety t l; I 1 v the fun W e hivt p ' 1 n t 1 much ll.i" ti.- 1 it.,.-1 . ; 11 . I in v. 01 kin ci of .' . ..1 i.ui' eipii 1 ti rrito wny aiuii,)ji to l.tte it n t"u iird distracted ry, K nt . to t" at. y in thu She his t i f.i.n, . i... t.t. .1 t j i other, by Una ihcor; . .'i J 1 -r n'titi d in 1 .it.ii A; ! i":::' 0 pou a 1! "' i.hcrty Iv.::,.; tan .;..!. ut r. the Hi'ilttt.iri of it l'liiiiilolphin, ii wi-re mu te to North, to ttpp ovir 10 tvaiiMti, ititiv imt ah aire id the ten ito ry iu'o their lands, and d.ctute to tho peo ple. M tny 1 -puiMi'd in 1 ho cnii ; iimny left tbi'irpiwu-. iu. n. on in Now linglani to coui iiictiie 11 cui'tfr 1.1 ci.uie iu Kan. m. All tue 10 it i.:li..w.i ..hut letntory, oiig- iiutti .1 i: ttio 1'iM; Itie c ileuiial iy the Uepuolicius, thai io i,.j .Lf!c if fcjieuiiog itciu- Kiir.. Iu t. i Iv 1 1. 1.. d ail lei 1 .1, i y , 1,1 1 on 1 i ..... , einl 1 uira a 1 it. at ari- f.-u e hi e a 111 .at n 1' .: 1 K..1.I, .... a u .1 1 .- 1. rt .1.1 . .1 1 bit. ''nil, wi'l ji.oo:)lei iitoi.-Miy f, r this I ae 1 00. 'U.itieu. I etery toil r lo .. . I I ! C. '.'.. 1 0 ill U il 0, Ilk t I 1 I. ,11 Its 1C-. l-lil U.I 1 1 IlliCl J 1 1 ,i ..j j . i to the .lu.'.i r ti'ua u 1 11 a it ip, on 11. o- n nl .-I tt J it t 0 Ii.'ly cub tin i ciety trulb aud ... iiti atiy lu U. i.ii:r..'-a i f 11 l.ui. it uigOi . . ..rn.-j 1.1 eminence ii i;oit iiil' Iihujh if tha l.!a, k ', Mil Ik, 1 1. .1,1 it pi.i' t. rui lj.uo- 1 n ' r. lui-al iwi. i'l f . 1 v . 1 .. t: . t. , p . . . j 0 I: --r , h. -11 ...1. t ti4ii 11.. u i it I..C .k. o , a .11. i. ..1 i.,.i.iir.'iiiUi.u., . Lit. cic .oitfi ; aoj the usual 1:1. in- i.U'U ll ...II' HuTTi.e H- ti. a. n wit Wilaauit uui Nit a I-. u..ii 1.: .-, l.r , t iuij d u,.--' a 1 . 1 . ' i ..' t,t',ri.v i: ru'.e Lo.aatu i.'i !. ia. .It. Al'. lt it.ui-. in ... i'l , ,1 .it' I.Oi J ll I'tm oilii of lh Irrl(oilal Dtmo rtatk' CnitTf iitlnii I l.'i:irt ! i !'.!! rt!'. cf tli W-umt r t o (.' i ! trt! t. ui.iunlt.' I'.-iCuri Hi r NelTii, 1 T tl.f b-! 1: rf t!, :..!.. I kt Hi (' 'irt i'. -'ii li'l M, nU 1 tl ur r I i L l.-)tt. .nirii'i ii-!. i. -i.t. i 1 U.C L- ttt.jorjir 1 gn:r-.- i-.i.i -, tint : '. i. .tc' u:i nu. endttip nt I t 6. I I. t I I f r. CJltlli I '.. t Of if .? W . I' fcK.l'.h '( il t ti on I ti hi tit 01 Kn;J " 'on 15 t. i !1 i.t.Tjtiticr 1 tt.t tima ( f til f ,aiW- it h'' u -'..:i Li i. i.i u. i ' : i i U . m' i.'..i : .tlP-rll rt in ( 5 1'i.ti.t '. i a v i . i I ija; -, II L. Bi4K A. I. Kit k i f U., A. A. I I'.Svii, miJ A v i.nnit.rrii if Nt- iiiu'it. Alio. t..e tiati'ki f ti.o foil if!i. cptitl-m tn c. in. n i'. e on pi inauent "tfM.n uu : Mpr Vr. Hoi kin of r-at ", 11. A. Kn-il.-eu if t --. II. N..ct.nli of i.ichat j.-uu, 1. L. tl.! 1 1 of 'r.oe, hi. 1 C. A. Ileo.y of Monro-. (t 1 1 Kiwi. .ill of tt. A. .'. '. , 'i imt the 'H i fttti.thUit.l f Sarpy, iu '4i-h iiiutity no. .re t. can. .e.i 0. .. or, ou aiioae-t to nil lie mine whtie the eealu me not contested Cm ne t. MuteJ by Mr Strickiiiiiil thit the contui tii 11 tHe 4 rttitt fur b't.f nu hour. Lua' Wti.iht aaaitii k i 1.0 n ocrtof the. couinnt- tcin, Hie eh imu.ui una culled npoli who Hioae and bi ielly e l, h e sed the convention, urging ii utu tin minus at. I cocutitory action, at) upta tu it livpi'U'itil, m a rtut dt g, te, the ciitcvia 1 cf tbo i-etuotrui-v in ibe ooutvot. iiidriu.aiki Wore comp; t In 11-i ?u 11" 1 to the pfliuf, mid wire leucitt'd wan enihus. utile cLette. (la uiutioii tut' nt .Uu uiljourntd Oulil htiif putt 01.ii o cluik Ai tLPdotm fc'a'ticiM. Contenlion met pnit-uaui to 4' latLnnnt. 1 he eumiuillet on pernitui ut oiganualion tl.r .Uhh tbt-ir chaiiruaa Mr. lloykin of barpy, piefented tbe lollowing leport, which waa ao copied uud adt jitt d : t"r J'rr. hi nt. rj. A. Pti ickland of iStirpy, .r l'.' 1 V..-..A 'i.'j. . It, lpi f.ia rl Joatn mui, ri. A. Chiiii.heri of Kiohard-on, H. C lliaikmitn of lin e, H. W Mulluru ot I i..f, 11,1 1'luoii ot TluUkU-j, Ueo. V.'. iia .ii of Hurt, Mi l J11I111 l.icKiy o! I'lltlo. I'lT SffTi !:ll t. . A 1. K'lkOt Ittl 1. til, l-Mi, M. H Clmk of KotiRiut, ;itd J. 1'n t ; 1 .-.i.ii . ot l'f.tme. lot coinm.ttce ca cre-lpctti'e n..i le tru.r 1 e jMi t , leoouiuii iijinn the lubowit' prtle- 11.. ,1 Hi tfilliliil to o;itn iu trio coin 1 ..t:, 11, wi.i a report m en tn. tiou 1.00 pttd and ui.'pled. A.i.'i 7. n. H N ujko'ii, F. T,. ti 1 j '.mil, A. I). Kirk. piti(iVi J. Colo, f. A. l.ui.uibt 1 , litch arl llruwtt. J. M Lolemtin. U:ut 1. 1.. tlihl't, .M.lm S. lleevei, J. Ii. ilnniieil, ti. 1'. Nuckolls, Jt. M. AiiderNnu, H. V. lili'tkmaii, tj. 11. II 11 gut-a, Jobu U. Crox ton. ('j. $ Miiklewait, I". A. I'liiie.tiu, 11. II. l owltr, 11 V. Meilord, 11. ll t tiiony. !, lil'010 Cilil.M'.-, II. John. Ui, Jai. Mel.'aiiiltt, J it. II. lord, Jonpu ,Mn,i l. A. ti. Monro, J jhu McCouitie, ii. U. Cnu ii, A. I'-. M liootli. II j. ,...! Oootge L f'jjti. Jifii. V. 0 ; p per, . V . 1 homiin. Jju l v t'omtiiny tjei Tije Vi. si u ll tl j iiu. J.dhiUUrr V. H. linnotun. j ilecige lb Oiall, J riek, M. M Trticy. M. Jul N. 11. lVt- J'uvn A. A. t i late. L'rjll It' l.llt OKI l'o, (J r. Tii 1 uctun. '-J. Kiji:- J'o.l 3. W. 1'ailifun yV.t'p, O'rftiif, ('jjiio.i'1 ,S Uu! iey, i.onu Miller. 'jloitr...p Jii U .1.' C- A. Henry. j, ,. , Gee. K. IV o-t. J. 1, t'..'it Sl ii 1, . - - Wiu. U. fpi ar, lhi'iii'ia Uiahtita. Mr. I',, uvea of Otoe, muted tho appoint raeut . f a coL-imu'.''i: ot tie to Uiaft Koh .Ij lion:' rAptiP-iive of the stiise ui ihiicjoieu- tlou, ti her 0 u p, 01 l iie chilli-nt ju'iceii me fol- -1 iiKcveii ot ol ll.,,i, Dou- lowun: tianu'd p. mn iu in : ... ... (.):-., t'lar'.i I t; 1. : i .M 0, v. ;i" '. t il 1 1 1 ' ... 1.1. i.i..okui..n t f t '. t l... . 1 of u c. to 111 1 ; l i 0 1. 1 in o to itp,... gotem nt'tit ot the o.,.., t .i.,i.. minted por-tm title c.itiftiitLito I toe t y ibo cbiiir. M. ear-. Ula-i t'hauiterd, ot Nointiua, Jlc'.n.l. tli't .1 nf . :.,l Lie 11. 1 I . c. I nt IJtu . r D.ej a fSio iol vo ot i;'..i-y, .Mi ,oi b' ua uiotuiti ii. c coatentn u t.,u a iBoo'ad ! 1 hull an hour. l)u tLe re unfeuibliii' of the cnnicntion the couiinittie on liuloa topuiud Ihe fjlioMiUti ae guvcri.ins the actmn if :he ot EPCti"'."u i--rin ll.i aei.51. u. at I I Fl. Mulct of tho lu-l llou-e of l.el 'euutivet - - - .- - - . .. u ... 1 I.,. ou .... 11 rr-i'ti; tl it! it': l.'-. 1. b'cp'.irt of Ooliiuutlto ou lie- !ul:..::3 tn..i I'latfoiU'. unit tbiouMi.era luu und adopTiou of the i-au.e. 2. li.iiii tinj -it 0.1 in l;. a 'j'.iorr it g older ; I. liolegiite tj coofci.-i ireii.-uier. a. Audiiui. 4. tiuperintcud. nt of l' obllo lutroo'.o:i. 6 I.t to tit in 11. All tutu. j; lur eoiididatea tun!! I. a hy builot iu Ihe tVlloaiog manner, The feoreliiiy cha.l muke a roll of the unmet of delt g.ittl, and o il! tKe 11,1 toe of ach delegate, beg iu in it ith the first C'unty E'lti.e.l iu tho cull ot the i'err-.iui m! ccnlial Co 11 uu kt 1 na anil ab etc h u .' .. toi ward ami '.!e 101 Bitie,. ua to. A uij"ii'.- "i ;' ! 1 t it y b i. .i uu 1 1: j.o miuo.i. to 3 11 j -ahtal . to j;o ICI..I- 11 the l iiv'il-o I 1.0 ... P., htill bo 0, l.ailtt .1 o ...1 iJ ,1 11 '. i'i. u wr, . A. I'll AMi.l't.S. 1. Mll.l.i.;;. 'i n. vrnm.-Mv Jt'llN Vil'n.MI ll. IMiiih report w i ace, p el mi nj .pt 1. Aa ttuuuntt'd .l:aour.-iou 111 i ..e uptiu ai.jling Hid two tint I lu e. .Vep-rs oiirLk.aud, li.aok timu, l int t p, McC uol . t.ioi 1 j i,r- l.o..ate i .1.1 tticjii'V u.r a -a 1'. jhiy euh r,..iilod. 11. e C. ti'.L'iitiea on 11 e-.Iuii..p- bating re tr.icd itilo he tu rtei.i., u, u.rot.fb u.e r chairamn, M . KietrP. report. 1 ihe l.lijw i!: pteauih.o 4L. I ie: 'i'.i;. -.3 . WHiRi..i, T..e ti.em 0: -Lave un t i 0 I a -.i' . . a t.i e I'litttti.: too ,.f Lie lim, tt '- f... I'll! '1 ..f I'. li iiO J ai'iy t f t .0 1 1 1 i iiuty ot ..ioi'i-lia, a 1 tic a .1- p'le I 1 . lie ii . ia ..u..i.t.v . f Iu 1.1 1. pi ai. ii , ... 1 Co.taliiUlloU ' L'O I ... ' 0 't' 1 : e tt 1 - .''c -.1 - ' o '. f . au.ii.attd l o I i lei.e . . ti t 1 ' .. f our 1 ' ii a .'. i uu i...-tnk!.l i to !!. I V j.ioi ;.cr of tn a Trntur; 1 1 n i.t il.. ii-il tij ti ii .. i a 1 1 t iu l.arraniii. ul kti. .tr i. ' i . i uiiMi.'ii-i !' tho ! trie- i. Tit ioii it !k -it; it Tin i i-iai c, t.v on in: u:i'it cf i'f rtinrii '' 1 bn tt r h-.'m i:i our tbil.n? !'u!i mi I .t ti l.'u. c in ti.t j liii'-q !"J rf tlt iMi.o (tit.,: 1'nr'jr us Mi':uit'2tta I'f lt-. ( .um ). i i ( i..ur i utetti-ri '.t. mi I ! rtt.-tuinr I '! M - ! .t t.v i . a i-uf liicuiis of t'.e tin. i, : . n. fit. I Juckton, u I i.uu- : !.';: 11 jt.'.i ;:i ol'I'-.'.O. ,iit ( I; ' I t 1 tl.b .;... '(' ,i ! : (ilttt f nil ritiitt' of -p.-ird to tbttr d-.n'tic imtitu .i i t 1 1 mf 'it jl ihty or f'rv , . i i xi.t li.ii tin. niuu'l)- i.t t! . ,M- IH tf till' lVJt'I'll . Mi:', M t 1 i:i ti;- ( ,' . Ti i" ii' v f - ! I' I. unm i'l i . ::.1.t t'uf I ..v .. .' I i,: r I - J . I. 1 . 1, 'tti y tte it tn t.t i . a t.c;i :i i tv irut i.itmt iiud ' III'- .1 ,,.' i.t till- tl ' rl I .itX-- l'1-gl.tilf..llg tilt:' I t r 1 1 1 i y ii "i 1 1 1 i-1' ' . i ti j lio.Uoii tu kii i T r i t"i .i t. 1. 1 tl... j j''-' tiiateof bkte tbe otily ' : l i .,'i.i;e T'tr'it tn the ctg4tiifiti u of 4 ! Mat (i .vi tini.uii, mii tuJ irjiu'.iif.e their i i. in". ! i; '; i.p i ; ; 1. 1 . ,- la tint ir uftn wi? fu! ; -j 'l ' mi1 , i i tha I'jt - : iui.n of the T nite.J Sintei ! i. ill i imt h'h ti I Li y linte fiit.'ind li.(irllin- mv1 t: f mm liitu-.ut l the uu .:.:... . I i it f .i- J 'o !.d Bt c in 1 toil. I -v ii .k'nl r .1 t to ml uu n't nn ! " I Pi tr ; ui.d il 1 1 Couiea ti e Out; of Cuti- , V, to admit i i-tu ii a toti i:pu t tate, u ! tier ttie mn." t u'.f 'i t.t. t!it 4t vtie . the oiiit tta! thine, m -italn. I'.ut itinHn.uch us the le tih'.il ie I . '"r of the Territory i- tirnv.3 uuim .' '. . 1. 1 1.,'tiiiai tui....-oip o. ..... ... . : . 1. . i'..l ...11.. . 1 "I Ul.l'.., I." I' . T- v, vnu 1 , i; ...v , . v ,M p:i :-iaz 'in h !?' 'ijioti tbe subject of Miateiy, tit lo 1 in tu may t c 14 pi oper, un.l hi ther rue 11 Ikw .., Hi. 1 ii 1 ii"-ed, he coti.-t.tuiiontl or not, ctn in' liu .by t!t "1 aittini, not by Cootifefi, but by thu Mi, taiue t i i.rl, 011 h peul Iiou the ut ttati in ot the Tcnilotial Conn. T.i.'o.'tc .', 1 1 1; .Via inurveiitian by Curare?! tr.'.t; ihf -11! jT.t of f 'itciy either iik Slatea, Ttintwricti, 01 the l'tsiiii 1 of Culurnbia it a d.siaiuvi pi mo'! 1' ot the lb moerutio creed ; n&it lot biicip ol Uie ('' mpioniipt meataret cf 1 iu!) ,o 1 ft: men i,y l.uiu iioniocratic itud Whig I'm tit iu Nitioti, I t.'.nvcii.ioii? ; will ratified I y tbe 1 eople in (. ; i thtnl'y npplied in the I I c'u,l 4.1. n ot hi.. ..a mi I Nelu .tekik iu IS)!; le ul'iiiiut.i Rl the Nu.n.iiiit Couvt'iilmn nt Ciu 111 Irh'iO, in. 1 n.iiu lut.ti'.'d by the peo ple iu tiiu tnuiu; t.iinl tleotiuu of Juinoji Hu tlninau in ihe l'r. 1 lency. ;Y . 'i i .', 1 hai 11 if thf frttiniraia of tlt-'rtiiyol . . .. I 1. r lie inxilitipe uf bi'ui-iauu, 00a t ilie I inn. j. Le ol the Ted ital I I ii. in ,:, ti e iot.i.utunt. " f Ikit Tt-i..i"iy In. e 1 ti e 1 iplit to demand adi..ii.ii.n : .0 I n in 11, up ol light, woaie ia tHVor ot in li 11 in 1 .i.e, op u ."-uvtti t iru State, wi'h noon Im tt in ihe people may a "auu at pi t-, h.e," eud ae ttl.'.'te lUtil l:ii; Ui 11111111 ivo.I y.Vi.uti.', lint e ait oiici.tidi iiXv a pm'.J to the le nj t-uiug of ti e Aftican siiive I 11 lue l"i ii 1 tv.viii wouui not only reui-w j laopo etui-lit. 0 which once ptovokal the in- 1 u.gnutiuu 01 too ciiili.'.'i HorlJ, lui woiiij 1 1 1 lami u lotil tu : u.i our country's f ilr iiout oiieol.. lir.'o.'i 1 I: tt v. e aio in f.tvor of ettetiJiut; tho miuio eipini i,j,hLi end protection to ua American ciiiou.-, whether naturalized or r, 1 lue born i.nd whi-thei at hoine or abroad. Httoi-'tii, 1 but ho ui e in Uvor ul' an eouoor.i ttal liiluiiijiDtiiiitoii if lae Ueiu-rnl mid Tool Uovei uLot'Llti ; of a liberal Scbuo! i'undiiud ol a bccoutitnriliiy iu nil disourpemeiirt i. iu.'t.a', we aro ia iuvor of h Niiti..B'i! Ilnlioud 10 tue 1'tc.lia. oud afhueritl grant) ul uu i:. f -r lUilrnal titid lulvrnal iu.pi ova.o;it l'L.1 j U:i.1. A'Mo'i't , Tuat the (i.ntial O-'ternu m ibe ut '4 iu' 0: iiilely HiHke nppi op. 1 nioos n. biiJeli.o Tla'te, ttud other Hivcre of the Ti 1 1 11 1 y luu! tuat 4uy hpprepi utinna u.u 'e In me I13.r11.1ry, ahould bt applied, al tttii ns intiy bo to 11 ptiiti of it, or tor the bom hi Ot kll ultliu .'pfoi i That the rublio biuda ahnu'.il no I longer be cniisiderod a lonree of fedei ui reveati, I but bb. u'.l be dinpo'ti'd i f, wiih u ti eolrly . todot lop Uu leaouroen ol Iho c-nuntrc, auci I einioui nee iuiiuigi rtliou to the at-Kieiiii i.t 0' ihe ; new 1 1. 1 itit .c.i, ml that w nre in tutor 01 ; ptrtutiiit; a lmuie(oad ot i '".il uol a ol lund ly I C oiitrri 03 to itctual eettleie, aj'ject 00 y lo I fucu I'C.-ti i ol ioiitt a.1 will akoou.atorp l.titu the I en. 'tha of t-uoh uoih. j Ji,.i: Im I, 7'uat we ill a ii raconoi'ulily eppos I ed tu the uicoipotaliou of liauke or of l.,mk I ilii; Hipiitutiuus, or to the oreuiiou tf an ua but. tod rcrritoiiul or iSiiite debt. Uliiitu lepuit w ua acoepiel and sioptoi, I Kitbout a d'-f.utiiig tote, j tJu luotiuu of Mr McConibe, of I'oajlitt, the , u,t lift n f-rooee lej to uu ioleroial baliiii l a "r. ( no iu Coiigieii, w.tli the lollowing 1 rtrf U.I 1 1 .1 1 "111. 1 L 2ALI.IIT. Oeo't;.' I. Mill- r 1 4 )' 1; V. li.iuk'a 0 J tti f. K-.niny : Vl . 0. Kii louiitij; ii e tern'jjon b Hi. Imt i lirown .'1 W. V Itenuit.ii d K -I . In svii 1 L r.sttt'.i ojk 1 iil 1 ii r.t t 01 i f Oeotge Clave of 'iitiu'aa, t 'j .. Caiiveii: ..u ' roer b;.i (,: a bauol nan l ti e fui. owing letiuit : 1 .'itti.i, bt 1 i.ort. l.-t 2 1 firP I!. 1' ri-"'-;,, 11 h 17 tl.-o. 1.. Mtll: r !!J 21 20 J ."nil i Kiatiey 4 l o W. W.'a - 2 1. l-itbtOU-i - Vi . (' Kletiinnng 3 1 J. S. Mnrt'.a 1 H. W. l',:,uk 2 01 r r.t O- O- t') On mot' ui, the (.'1 ateauon then f r ca de l eo He fjurth luraiol buliols. la Tub M.'ler, 20 21 liiukii, 14 Vi Kinney. II 7 I - r 1 1 1 . . U l $ S W. liln k 1 l) I) 'Bt.i.-.u 1C Maj Deniiiion 4ddiefeJ the Convention, Ihiinkiug hio ti leiidt for their mpreesi n of fuvor 111 nid bttha.t, but in cuiituhing hit own iuti rett, and that of the Democratic Tatty ber:ged leave lo eithdraw hit name fiom thj bAiioling, aud oiiiiva!. Tn CUi, Ttb and Mb LaKottitig resiitid nt I'oKuWa : Ch 7th r'th M.'.'er, 20 1 11 lnukai, 17 IS li K , n 0 ey, 11 7 N K-lHtoek, '! 7 24 tt W. ll'ink I 1 1 A 11 ij.ii'iiute, 2 J S Morten, 1 It lack. J Au iQ.-tfectua'i tn'.tion tt I ere ruu.le to nd- u 1 ii unlil to Bim row I'l. i-iiini;. The '.V uveu .. -. t, r tou a 1 eeo-1 f. r 15 uiiuuttaa aaid 1, 1 .:' 0 a 1 0 01 .er k 1 : r the n ; .r ii.o u 1 ! . totm; ll 1'. .".a.l tiu.-'utjii tea c',iu I - . iMginaiifii ! n 11 end h'-ir t' -: k i tj i-. warut tarua - I t pu-t 1 1 ; 4 ! iu . wllbdrew LU Btru- the Ci.nv. i.'.; :i 11. t rerre-im, snin-i.,.,. to .r- I h . I 'ml 1 1 11 1 . n ' ' r iin;tt of etilinu ...i t. m tii-iii f. ed ire; e uthu 15 I f .. 4,f The Cunti nt'n.'j, then tin rrn ('.-n pr e-. lei with ihe '.i.a talwt, resulting a fol'owii tnti K-ital.r.i. 1;, i K.niiPt. ," s. w.'riick, r, M.lier, j Liuane, J TLe chuir ntinounr r,g lint IT rj'aLr uit hud recc'tti J the h'jhept ntnnbrr of to'trtrti-t and wai decided the ui -.ininiation of the cual vtutiou at the liainnriut-c caridiJute ti oa i;n? from Nibrttk 1, w-u rrc.-ived w.ih eti tbu.iinatio 4) p'.uude ; v J 1:1 it 0 1 ! 0 u of C V. Kaukio, tbe uoaiiaat.ou r. 1? .'i olsrt I unnui moot. Cn motinn the chyir uppoiute I the felloe ing gptitletnrn a cummin, a to wait upuo, an 1 inform Ooti. K l.S TA '.' U 10K, of hit i:ca. u atlon M- H- C'ark. 1.:'.M ; I,. Mnior, of I'lattc, and S. 1'. Nuoltoiis, of Otne cr uo tie. 0n. I'-tabrotk u ado bi-i npf eari tioe .-.11 the Sttind amid ihe enluu-iattic ehetrs of tho contention nn l ad ireaM-.i toe ho ly mi'iM aiii. ally an l'.dloff : Mr. Vrtt Int- m,J (it , 1, 1,' t'.t Co'n 1 ii on : Veur coroa.itt.e hntp rnlte I upon mo will, the informal'"-!! il.'tt v.i.j Late ininic 11. e thn tinxinee nr tin roi.i-i,ri, n. I (oe! ll at I itlnd ,,eUlIt. you UUii r Uie. 1 it cui'ir t.iii ;s I.t ( I....I. 1 fln.1 ,t l i I ur f iu.n.'ii. un.l iitie- my Heir pcrtpsitiu. 1 n ,.n.. k lye t . h.amr with a pratefu! hri.i 1 ; 1,1, a if 1 t-lU;e the value of ihi Li tu r l y tho cl.,iiia itr rf tboje who have ri t .1 it cp vu ir.e. by tho icvntcd t-Unu. ok at ; !:w 0 it 1,.l I, -aia-s hve bt u l.iture the cur teiaiun. f. .111 the I.i of whioh wine h'.s (.- an m- vie I, or fuan t vry ilit'.craig ftiltt imii to tstys.-lf ty :ho e!s queul gentlemen wl.u l.tivc iiJoiibt :u li e c.i. touliuu, I feci tout 11 if too ot wt.tou 1 Lava a right lo bo proud. As I intend to vi.-it you 4'.1 iu the couian; Otilivat-s Rud dicuat tiis tmiout itt-r.ea pie Biuted, 1 nbtil nut weary you with a t tech Dew. 1 wi.l t onjn 1 1 Ht j 111. 1 If however, aud this conteniitu and the Democracy el "u'd be perlio pants that tin- tncu:i.: tuaete ualer which 1 bate been lan.. : tint il, hio nu. uu to abolve me from all ppeiiul ob,i ;'.ioii to aay pertici'lar locality. It itriropi-r to eay thut in a cnntt'Pt whim ' '.ine , :l 10 u.jr own ocnnt-, between niyiTif end u uc hi c, lir Miliar, that my coin tn t'uor tut luiJo t :i e choice 01' Di.L'glag ceutity, nr I m.v nitre i.ivac b.ea prctented by gent. en. eu t. 01:1 ninn other Iucaii t ', I urn proud to hc-iiow ie.lj e luy ell iudt bto.l f .r tbis Lonnr, tot 0 I'i 1 :,i py at i . : ;,e, 1 ill. or ifit-a to nny patti.-uiut . '. :,. Tlipre 1111V be e tiie !.e -Ut; i u t'ie prf cf m t trieudn fi om I ' to it! ii and i :t7 tt'H'iitdccuot in the reau.t ut tbie oi.iivotili ai. I hiite toe mtuh cnJl Icntc io tlioio to bclimt) tbai ibis wi.l bo e ii ned lo tb-.-.. In me-or in' i ihe Citiiai". II i. :i liowtvi'p, to a-i io riault in ilin.ioiibit'Z t '0 vi. le of foiiiity mid a I 4tn, ut'voittie'e.'i elected, 1 wiii heup cola o: fne uj en tho.r ft-i-!a I y mttaii r 1 tit t them l T'liii ni.d o.M.i i.i-i:in in lim ii.-;. ion at of clh tiiil fai or u. J ptit ui.uo." 1 lie c a. . t ' ' .1: tl, en pi i e le 1 to rn 1 1". u-u: . 1 l!-.t:'C u (it didtiio i r '1 of! Join Tii'cha, el' 1' .i.i,. - . aowiiutticv: us ti a .. W V tj,.o y. a ' " a i ,1 hi . ; . r et'il tt ! :i In - : V. Vi . ..-in, .1 dai I'..: .'"0. Mi . W'jtti iti, ui i ....-i o .. f W.k ilti '. 11 1 d l-C .'..1 ii.tu 1 ., CO! It I'.IU'Il. Mr. llubei t I . .i . f . wt phjcej in ti m 1. .1 . u ; 1 i or, and tlieie I 1.11. t. iu . ; POtf.tU'jlou ol t '. : . L . . i.-iomly eb-ct f !. Mr. A. 1. 1. " -f if . , .( Mi la 1:.: 'ftll t.i .I'l 1 '-.ticiii t.r.ilec i.,o l 'i'? IK ll Utl4l.l- uu'; , T 11 p '-t :u fivitiiuaiio-u lot 1..; rut tit. i. no o, t'utif.on, hi W111 di I.t--.. nd tl.'.-r-rj a utiat'cu. i 'I a-.y, I t). i : ;. Il, i' .' I'U''': e'l-Cieil, ft.i whs a'lto Mr. V.' i county, for the tihioc oil. 0 m Ititiru-ti"n. Un mot.u'i, t'n conrca'i ai j.rn. d I to t.. eh ctioii of a Teir.t. ryjl oiiurnl e, retulteJ oi I'.. I'm -: ll. l I'.anl i 1 l.'h . tn, .n t A. 1) Hi; It, H'ttU ardtun ; K. W. Kurnm, No.iuaai ; il C. U acl. 111 a u, Dtoe; K. A. D.-nlnii, l .1 ; tj. A. Mtrtck- I tml, Siu pv ; T. 11 ll iboti-. u, D ji i,; A. Alio., r..a;:::itt: a ; itj. . t., Ea5t A t ' ;W 8 1 utvun, Ltioct-jtu-r ; M. M. I'la.-y, liiikotu ; A. A. IV cru'ge, lbxuu; ii V. Thni-i. n, Cedur ; J. il.iiv (, repnry, I.' Ksu .)ni ( nuit; J. W I'lttti.-on, Ii iile; Juljit ltuk Ity, I'll. tie .V.C ; C A. Ht-m y, M ..nron A Iini: ; Ueu. K. boost, la., see; ' . j; f'rc-.r.-i, Jjhn SO'J. Tbe fo.b.'Alng 1 o-i'i ti'.'ioa tu.i iir.f! a I H'liti d iVji.,'1 Th 1 -i-.o o'th.' em ti iu mil tee lb . 1 : a : 11 t ' c .1- a .0 .-; ; . II in lot ti j t .' i.i - . ai .j; m ',i-.i:. i. Mr Cr.-xt u, ut "teo. . (! -'-.- I ,- .1.-.. :; rev 1 ttini . w i u it ;.''..' , Tu ut 10 for.h in reat-'tiiiou '. ui i.i' l 1. 1 10 t 1' ij tt.o. f .tl'.j'tcd I y this 0 t al u spiivial ii'pm of N ubiu.'ka Ten ' . pose of an. u.u '...: ;' ui of 1 n . b.tip-i in . . br , .!'..,. ' r i... , .', :.- ; , : r lU .'. 'i,r ...u.. i I' a ! -C I' jt'ln'ien .I. 1011 t a M i e, a:. , we tn .1,;.-.-l!.loe!lotn'y tiot. iS.iini..'l V. . il. .;'., prepilHeBioii ol Ihe O-ta iul A. t ' 1 ; ii 01 that ruipi'tc ttt PU'.li tin. a tu !o n. , piorJr. M-. lUukiii, fintti h T.-t . : ' i 1 Vi t-.l t 0 1 mil lot, b I e 1 i :i . : o ... 10.1t, ; ol the Cuitiuii"ee V. - ..u l.o ... ..1 1.' i : t ,11 I o i-e iu C 1 iuut:lj cn l,i-;"ii uiiiLiij; at ri o'clee.k Mr 1 i;'tley, of V 1 it'e eruuiy, t fitted C.o foiluwii g retolut:on, wliiih aoopted. L':;!rtJ, That tbe thiti.M o. 'tl.if cia.vt ittinu I be tendered to the c.t .7.1 n.-. ni 7'itt:-tn.i,'h f r, ! the kin I and but-pitabie eutcrtuinii.i'iii t x ei d 1 el to ' -h by luauy ul them, and that wo wi,l : remember eur short aud plmuit -1 iy iu tun I place with pltou-nre nnd eeticfiicti'-n. I Mr. Ciaj ot ot Djuilas, offered tin, fi l'eat iiij; r.'owlution vjhkh a.n e -Irtntid : .''Milvtti. That ihe u.MtAt tt tl.'g my via tivii be ten let e I to tl e 'resident nnd .-.- c- tarifl for their il runt aonntib liuut.jS the BHliog of Ibe fi'i.viiitiun. Mr. t loppei', of Uai.J-.''nct!. "ei c 1 tho fo'.lowiut! ri.-nluii' u wiiioh n te nJ-pted. i nit. Tlmt the iioeec.lit'L'i tf thiscia- tool, on be ui.Uh'iJ tal ihe iletiioct at 10 'Ua a.M airuei ti,.t ip'i of t!a ten l y. Ha liiotion. IK. O V t I A. I) Kit t;, jo. n. iai.i :.i. n. ci 1.. iiirr- 7',.'o A nt pen; 1 man of tbia tn'y 1 1 ' ' Jacte uville on Moaduy .:... icat. on tbe back of wu.ia ui,;., it i. u.i A Hie: ... p -1. 0 1 ioi . la C 'a-1. near .-' ', t ua. 1 ..In -t p.. l-i., "1 4- 1 r o t t