Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, August 27, 1859, Image 1
V III Leaves from my Lift. D A K 0 T C I T Y H E R A L I) . V 3 1 tt4 1 1 1 1' e,-m I ! 1 t JIG- is Cos 1 I Of I oo 1 : on Coo I sr'artged. r few urlides in the house and ,. .i.irtcd f.,r home it win u long ride i I., lilako'.. I roilu op vii the ridge view of tli'1 splendid was visible for mile. .... .( enerv that ., i" every direction; wK-n suddenly my vi rested on the figure of a gentleman r' J..- (,,. the tvirt only a few feet in mivanceuf i,., ati-1 directly in tuj path. He bad up- rrcV.!y been sketching and was now lying na thi-cool grass leanm,? u ngamai s pine tree. He was tall, elegantly rop TUotii-d, with a profusion of wary, gold- j c:, brown hair, falling tnre'essly over a broad , f.r .i...,,, of marble whiteness. Tie month was :,( of rare sweetness of expression; though i v f jM, evpiisiteby chiseled lip and swelling ,,,,'nls ol the somewhat prominent nose, ,..;, ,! all idea of that Hh-tninaey I eo dis- M. I. His eyes! "h could any one over look i .: . i l , ihem and forget: lluy w'ire largo, lust- , 1 violet ercs, with a very slight rogneish ' predominating over a habitual .-...ari.fi v-,th- S lit CXpri'SiOll ; Callll, UIIIIOCJ ,le. vou Lev, even .vhile you wor- : f ... 1- . 'i 1 H.,,i,..m on,', India scarf of varigat- ,!,., wis tied under a I"W, sfjnaru cut, eoliar. His portfolio lay by his bide, .I i' of those v:;.foTtaMi no ft hats cosily , ,.,fed l,v the side of a neat, p-nt-M b-ntbcr , As Hooked at him, at those reat n ihull of unutteniiile iov. vihrafd ' rv i" re and fibre of mv nature, and Kick ii,. d o. lb and intensity of toe emotion, . .n r ! i'!i h-a l for a mom et on lijou's t'. . v nei li It Fi rmed that, oteppiiij; for wM. ;i .. r s upon ages, I with mv mortal hand f.il ci. t H.side the iinpenetra'de veil of . t : , -; v . n, I p'cojr ni.4 in liiin. as I stood . .,'1 'o s. , I with him in the heavenly fields, ' i,v acknowledged ami God-weddcJ spirit ' iTn.irn For a moment I could have fallen I .low , h.l I and in my passional" llnlian nature si ) hiin in the brauliful Scriptural - ..!. -!.-i-', ' 'Whither tliou yo.'st, there will I I-",' Hut it was only for n moment, for !m ii I rui-ed mv head I met only a careless, . a'liiii-t triumphant smile; f.r he knew in that ithorl lime, in mv inmost, soul I paid him the f tri'iute so juttlv due Mrh glorious heauty. 'I hat one glance aroused all the bickering ni,trioi,i,i..n of my nature; myself possession :is c-niplcte, aul angry at my weukne-s I ' w.eiM have striven to regain mv lost luiireLs ,.Vv huiie.'liiig past him without farther cere l' hi:: v.-iee arrested toe motion. V t!i'!srmd pardons. Miss, if I have been 1 I n c:u-e of voiir fl ight and ' It 1! Ir..i "..itincr belied bis words id mo change hi.- position and kept "1. liuj "i hope I answered, "t am t'i ighlened ct such a not so Sll je i hi t ; t ' nine.; . w . re.iliV v .. '..ii-si-1 v. hen ('i ' . lie I11u.it j in- v suhlerfu feme i 1 1 1 111 I. a fr ) "!'b';i-e; lj jou ,-!arti-d s-i suddenly." ban.- been amused ut the e, (.0 it was very evideu'. I ' k mi his haunches tin: first on ,nd uje m e 01 t).o,e table'. a. id t jen..:j iii:d 1 will prrliaps be a '.-de to malic J"'i .'.:n;irch..iid Prey do not do yiurself trie ti oiibe- to ri-e," I continued, as I ' up n ! r I Ti 1 hi. 1 Ir.s.., ;i ,e , "wiii ! -vit', c'-ixe.) 1 he.ii from his otilstr. tched hand, h" ii'iicily an.-" and ai:er sramping t to arrarign his d:---, deliberalelv 'b d to gather u;i the coiitei.tiof bi bo and I'i .ce llo-m in it; ul! the tiiii ! " !"' l.ii- air' My lend worked ..Me, 1 ' . . .o, 1 'r 1 xxiis Uioi-oiiglilv ve 1 io 1:11 In :. 1-0, j ..;, i '.it: l;i ;i i-.li " "! 1 sice e ,. tin , ti v the car l it 1:10 of .1 hep.d to teet It a bei. e,c ,1,, 'ug ni list. I e pi-ct. d 1. 11 mill very an 't'v "i :( h'ust to rut'l ' i 1 Ul hot oi.e ..- J.-i j lur. r dv picked it I j Ul 1 d'nio v mil:: ,-u:.'r e 'th t'uat it i'.dv egarl provoi. 1 n-., i. : I, e 1 Muilr I' OVi his ex lu'isii.. w. you bae to keep it he ..ii', "the so very ajiparent, or shell I .-it to ' and he looked haiid.,oiii''r tban e. S 1 igiiin l o indeed. lit: f.ir 'hn wor hi u-oiibl h r:c t i i.i ,..--.,011,1. i even y.o.r shallow ; hop-vu . .ejinire it , and laughing a ban ''it l ira! laugh, gave e my impatient steed the f. ami 'he niagiulicent rrealure : I i . joundedby, - m-v numt hi adieu. I ' r. In'.ly d: ne, by dove I heard nor. tv.;t wh..thbr the picture or the act v 11 After a tvI.'U r-i, j.. artily d o: ny cn.ady like cotiduc',, but could plea ! as an cxeu-e, that hi) was very ' ' ''"' v " '"i red to mewhr.t ' d s,,,d to me !,, tl,.. m., r.ina. about ' i . i ii it it li r cowing to vi.it with us; and and my artist ki.i.ht wr ilm r, - " e;l ll won inly he riebt to anu. winch thing would not b., u-bollv i- especially, if those great eyes 1 w i a'ain, J could on v hn,..! ,.. ... .-.-.'""imu- " m.v,':lf on my escape heart whole ; angry 1 ''Ttainly was, fur that he Idering face ,?e'd lookilli ul iroi f.oin .1.:... . ft ... ..... ,j ,j..j'-ei mv " t''d on, And what of him I thought ? would never cast a second thought on " -rv gipsy wiih bur dark face and flash- J" and somehow I wanterl just then 'tuy band hard on my heart to euU ;r-' r,"."." thought occasioned. I - ' '-"jou on, and it waa ucaly sunset " 1 - ".'" u i scui uim s-iava lorum-nt wu h f . ..;,..i .., . , ... . 1 . .- the .,- , . ' c' - . j,ave iea.-.'.eii ner gi;i s:s uioi c nospnaniv than1 rouch -'Viv' "P fU,r " ""'""'.r'J'"g, walking ..xer. he grourid,. I I did e,lr l.ule home c.K 1 that c veni'i. - ! fri-The way a Taunton ( Ma-, i bu.hand k ' . j a. - v "..a. i ihiiA l'T'im n.s ir.. ,. . .. .. I :....: i ... .1 , . 1 " 1 ..... . ..-. 1 v.... 1,... . 1 . ...... lit .... ... ...o , , P, nriing , inn as inn w.-atfur !,ecam- -fi,.. (V.. .,,,,1 S. .,. ,, nn.i , ,.. ... .. t, . a'e a 1 oor r ha c l;n loi-il in i.u wnua ..-r.. nl m . .no,...,; ... o. , dolU', IH ,r ,"'1,' e.t Lud tiotarriv cjolcr, and Alice was calb d aiw.,- to the titv L, ,,, 4 "nii r.hf"f,., lo,.re,t ",". ,! 'J" ehambi r after the li'ht '. as blown out, was Boston the choice of positions for teuts Were I a. iltsll.d'r' U''tl1 1U"r''i,'' to see a friend, we were throw,, , ..tirelv on rT,.:iMr, nf masiive ilv-;r. Tie gold. t hut- -vere He broke hii i:V.e. bruised Li. .old at ''''VM ' p '.a 7.tJ '.' "0,e.tllB M'S;'"n ""r ovn pleasure, finding resources. For ter, c.dd' mea's, ( akr f, uits, t.iekle.. trans- cheek,, tore out bis b..ir, and ki. k,d hi.a Jt A cotemporary Uiinks W ia tome when "d U;.r a-, I i'. M'""" f niyoeif, I was content to f e b.m, e.i, I knew Wo t jul lies an i u; nrniaU d, s were set in a downfalls. The cr:nv,.- f true ! .v) never it t,.,.,-s us Woman, Wine, U i,i..,. Wif and I""! V ' " " "Ju 1,4 ttC- w- e,o,,.eb b"! i,,y ,-... .,,-.,:, ,.:.. ,..,, :,,,;. . r j n , .,, .. tc . -e r'-a" V :. ' , H',.., I,,., ,.l tn;,U, " I . " ..... - ... .. . , . , VOL .j quaintance in advance e-f hi, es peel.' ! arriv- !. ! threw oiT my riding lnl.it, and donned ". .imtde dress of black si'k, (1 bad alw.-ty l.t.. ..t. -:.. ... l j i.i my roomers ;eam, i p.ain white collar and cuffs, and no ornaments, ex- cept the diamond cross and drops, whirl w-re mother's bridal jewels. Tea over, I wentintothe parlor to p'ay on the new piano, that had been sent that day from the city; w,'ile Alice and Auntie adjourned, one. to the library to read to Uncle, and the latter to superintend gotno household affairs. Soon 8 the lamp wers lighted I turned over my u.-a nU i-o.M.ueuceu piaxing some gra..u, 'd nu lotlies from lirethovcn and Mozart, W,lile absorVd in one of these, atid singing nn snndiir'iiMr.innt t a .1.... .........., -"" ururu nun hid RrrvBn announced "Frederic lVtcival!" 1 lie nninn 1 was not nnpiaintrd with, and consequently kl annoyed at the interruption, nu,i 1 l!iJ ln"k "P f"r nioment, but carcl-ir nrruiri.!, my hand Atiil reeling on tlie iv nry I.. s. At. the sound of f'MJtsteps, 1 f.-'lt the sawo strun.. thrill in my h,,ar'' C""fi'.b'"tly expicled to meet, my tormentor. Weil ! to be sure the lorui was the same; but even ns 1 eazed, the mocking sun Ic d isn pea red fi 0111 t he mouth, ntni 1 s! ood trembling ni.d cinharras.ed before those mournful, b'ue eyes. Ho said ho "presumed I was MUs Alice lilakc's foster sidter, Miss So:::erfoi d, of whom she hail told him jo much ," and peutlv took niV hand and led trie to the sola 1 excused rnyseifiir.il arose to rin the hell, nod have dames inf'oi in bis mistresB of tho nrriv al , but ho said, "after our. introduction of to day I'tiink any further one, under the circumstanc es, unnecessary; and no doubt the ladies ill be down soon. Then he soon addud, pleasantly; "an apo logy is due you ; but with your leave we'll say nothing more about it, and will mutually compromise the snney affair, by adjourning to the piano, and T will listen while you con elude that splen lid music you wore singing when I inlcrruf tnl you." 1 told him I should only be too hi.ppy. He evidently possesses a will I thought ; for had no power to resist bis half apology, half command ; nr. J both luughed gaily, 1 as I took his arm, mil salt"! 'Cyself to p!nx , We had only finished the i.-ce in which ho joined, when Alice came in. Ph? laugliBil heartily at the story of our meeting and com promise, jjivcu in bis illimitable e'.yle. "Oh! you naughty Madge," she said, "how co'.:ld you treat Fred, so? but it t.i cnly like tin' saiiev creiiture ; and, b red. you must learn lo indulge her as I do," she udded, ''.iili a droll attempt at severity 'T under.-t ind." he said; "but another lime ft wiil punish her bard, only think he'w she phot. pr:ip..e. invphi. ! Too bad! young lady, too bad ! ' and be regarded me. tnischiex onsly." ' I ("ijl.t be verv nnndi fiighteued at such 11 ' oiis;. ii.ii. y ; but now really I :i :n not," I ic totted. After (hi-, (eir a...ii.i:n'aneo prn?r"sied linely. al;!i.,iiIi ;,t times during 'be evening, 1 could not iln'L.o. mxself'of u ba-iing of em ban asmeni I tn-l hi.- ..- fill upon me in t'e- r..terx,il.s o! w.thdrtx-. to a win, to be and A lice coo er 1' 1' : :.l'n r a while I .ts and listi i.ed anil as they ,':at before the warm m. lbov fire light, I think I ainiu.-t lou d him even tii.-o, as I contrasted tin- incident of the day, with the -i cue before me, so Miiu-t and In.: i:k", be holding Alice's hand in both o; i.i-, and talking to her io his i'-iv, mjI'i Inncs (.1 'lie absent 1 feririe, her lover. Tf".oi I understood why she wish ed me to know' hiin, for they xvere like brotb- er.x. And I, in my uu.-ky seat, sh-ided by tho l .: i l. ...:,.. i ..:... ... to I, r.i I'liiiiu, .iii'i mil i.Lnuiiii.- i i.in-11 ii, call reason anl m an.l i'tolosopny, com monitors, to my aid. ! s;.id, "hecouli net, i." he would try, cars, anything for the brow ti ficrd orphan rir!. dependent on friends; what! hr. so rich and 'alen'e I. wo'.hlbe n-cn'-: t it nil j'h;l-is( ii .' Viliipbeil, as be looked around uneasily w here i was sitting, occasionally, riot wilting to call me '.r'vHrd ft was late 'heu 've retire:", and I noticed ho looked pale and fatigued ; but be pressed ny hand gently, after bidding Alice "good nCu " li. .l'"v,,M.i,,ii!1:'Jh-,l,.i , - f m.., Miss Somerford, I was very rude ......- i ... i .. r ,..t... a. t i. bij.i iiiiKiiiu in ii jy, i i in r,. i. i , u . ii ui. . in . is n r - bet '. r..r '" . i -i i.....:i.. .,i i 'u noi meniion i suni e'l-iny, i only was rude. In all sincerity, 1 said for-g.-t it ! nnd in future I will not be so childish." ' Then," he answered, "I wii! say thanks! and good night," and l owed his face for a moment on my band, xihile the shining curls swept over my sleeves. The servant came to show him up to his room, nnd I ran lo mine, tlot darini' til ,Cir. with -hr fir l.-fii- llo.f she ft'juhi s'e my agitation. 'I be Uext day, in compliance with Fncle Flake's earnest invitation, he bad hia trunks brought from the village, and prepared " NO KI.C HIT HOD-MI Ol NTHV IM'T HIK OIL OT t!lKI ,;no. DAKOTA CITY, XK UK ASK A, SA'I i'IIDAY MOKMNO, AIT,. J7, h .rt Wrt, hi,, n' the 1 wn,.. or cared lut v Lis dmr lce. ha not aiiisure m-, it mtt have been my fate ; do not acetic, dear reader, ol iiiitnnidei.ly de nionst rW. nm j, ,,r premature fondness, for what ever else my faults were, that certainly was n it one of them, How inconsistent is real nature. I (aid wo enjoyi j ourselx es: well wedid, very much, i x- cept when hectoring each other, or quaricl );,, yes! you see txright, actually .yonrriny. His disposition was a strange combination of mirth and sadness, and our first and second meetings were only a fair samplo of many i others that followed m their wake. Tho re sults was, strength pitted ts. strength, a mortal contest, d brains and tongues; stetdy ire, biting asperity, on one side, and laughing sarcasm, and u natural capacity to tease, on the oiler, due lour, taxing my patience to the utmost, the nxl, gravely and 6wcetly forgetful of all els, doing bis utmost to enter tain me, so I never knew when I was safe to unloose my fiery temper. Of my wild lova he knew nothing, nor could he judjje, for generally I wascaliuly oblivious to his friend ly overtures or else meting out, point for point, item for item, biillauciiig accounts as near as I an ii.ierc-.ted parly, was able to do Hut there cdine a change in affairs. A few days after A'ii e left, the house keeper vent for a weeks holiday among h"r friends before returning to city, and I oluiitecrcd to ussint Auntie, am! save l'ncle the trouble of hunt iujr anoth.-r help in In r absence; and so he bold nu iriitia!i.d in domestic mysteries. We hod been having a beautiful day, but I bad not seen Frederic since morning, for iriiui- dia tt'y 11 ft e 1 breakfast t.'ncle role to the il Ino on busiuc.-s, and l'r d ncc onpanitd ima on Il'jou. (I nh.ill no;.- inci'b-nn, lor from this day I can date the time w hen all uuimoci lies were thrown u:-,ide, the gauu;ict thrown down never to be taken op ngain; when his nature and mine were .shown, free from all distortion, naturally.) All forenoon I was in the store-room with Auntie, helping pot Coll rii'sits, preserve fruits, ile., Ac , and ut we had a hi ticheou, after that I com menced the self imputed task of chamber work. I put all thd other rooms in order, and concluded I would arrange Fred s room before I dressed. 1 knew he would be tired and dusty when In; returned, so I placed a basin of pure, soft water on bis stand, towels, ..Ve.., put a fresh damask cloth on the ralne, placed his books in order, filled the vasert wiih fresh flowers, and finally sfter looping he c-utiaius from the bed and windows, open ed llie blinds and drew bis chair near the nrih.n u-ifiiloiv which sent 1 Knew he liked I i" '. il. After leaving exerything itntnacu- lab', f thought I would go into the library, and trtaslaio a few pages of Spanish, a language I was Irving to master with the aid of u lexii on f.ince 1 left school ; hut just then Iho clock s'l'ick six, and I went down t or range I he tea ii'.blo i':. (l.'ii:g room While there I heard l'ncle Wake and I"r':d returning, heard thi ir steps en the a!k, in tile hall, and tiieir chverful voices as they m'I 'uratL-d, fie former going into Auntie's room, and the latter into bis own, from which I knew he could emerge, ri freshed and re freshing, and I knew also that every nook ol the old house would be h' a'cht.'d until he found to". So not eating to he seen in my morning dr.-sv, I hurried through, so as lo make niy-.elfne.it i.i din i ten A few moments lut'-r, I stoo 1 before i.i v iniiror giving the finishing touches to the cmpo'tUsh ria:.'s I bad curled over u.v low brow, and daik, oval checks. lo t'e sore 1 v-., Utirii. mil l SI 1.1 I I .. ,1 . r. ,. .. .. I . .. . . ! t I . . M l... 1.1.1. 1 l""u""k 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' I mat.-d eve, r." I flushed cheeks evincing anl ' : - i ... r li .. . i : i.. i ..'.,..: UMier oe.i.iiy i co.iiu no, inoe, 1 s """'o'" the snowy cmhroidnrice O'er my plain silk dress, and laughing quiet! i"d on my whin apron, and slept out into the hall just as the lea be!! rang. As I was running down to br io reiofi'i",- s to pre 'hie at table, (a duly Alice or ' tih-r.: ... relieved Auntie of w hen she was il! or tired.) I met Fred. lie smiled 'vb-n be saw lb., while apron, !-? dining room badge, and cor" pli ii'Miti d me on ivy matronly ap pearance, he would have piv--n lea bis r.fin, as be said he was coming to find me, hut I told him that lo persons of n y cln-, such on jvr: I attentions were ionbarr.i-sing, and walkel on, wickedly dei.-.i.i. . 1 y his sid". ' Little tormenting Mudgf!" he said, in a tone of remorseful t'-udertie.-.s, that went to mv heart; bill I could not give up now, al though I had been gloomy ami rellectivc nil diy; now I resolved on an entire reforma tion both in hiin and myself I felt that it was only the ocean spre.y (hat had dashed and "parkb d around me, not i!,,. white -ai ts, which 1 was sure were buried bencaih its waxes, but which a masterly baud might draw thence nnd enrich Its'.lf forever and I was right. I fo :i. i lb'', g'-'i'., but the go, d master did not fc!'i.w i-a to retain Li M rrtrc beauty. 10 No matron of tue famous F. F. V. could whose triumph is to tormcr.i." from her mother, ami which hud l-, ,, , ,. fmily i:,.ttrl- a hundred years ' She ui.J she ha! r urici'ted it fu.ui the plai'e closet tui-t ta her jtuc.l, dikI l ied with all bis patrician ease and clecaece of manner nr know Ip.jt,, the coippiiiuelit 14J t,..vl it. ! its tiratness a;d L'ol priiiiervalion. An r.our s pi. u'.aiU conversation pass, d before caMe 8ti etched between the dill's. The croud we wcra aware of it, hIu ii i-iI IiI 111, gathered was almost if not quite, c jual t I' red arid I nrut into the parior, and I felt that on any former occasion , an 1 the gatk a Hush of happiness such as 1 had not known ering win mummied, for the sij'hl which was all day, when he took my hand to lead me ncssed bui asai'd uli the previous ihibi In, n,', iaid . . tiom of the same charm trr. 'M,!c I'' (I,. J.ad loni done away wiih' From tlm city, we should judge that the I bni done away wiih the fo iriiiai Mis.si l on have civen me a very great pleasure, 1 have seen you really at borne, exercising the privilegea of a mis. tresa. How much sweeter it is tc receive a favor from the bunds of one" ; ho looked at me and smiled sadly but did not continue the sentence. A silence ensued that became ulinost embarrassing, when ho opened the piano and asked mo to play. 1 told hiin I would ruthcr be would, us I was tint in a right Uloud, I think there must have, been a sympathy between our minds even then, for bo hail commenced a prelude to a lively air; but l .is.i'y sweeping it aside, took up an old plaintive ballad, which he sang, throwing in to it all the energy of his powerful, mellow voice, giving it an indescribable melancholy, causing n bitter tide to surge tip from my heart and before I could prevent it, a large, bright tear fell on the sheets of masio I was turniiu'. He looked up at me regretfully. "Come, thi- will not do, I will reud for you ," and In: drew chairs to the centre table, "Not that, pray ;" f aid as hetookup anele gant Vol. of "Varieties," done in the richest London binding; a collection of best pieces, in poetry and irose, by Mnglish and American authors "See I hnvi it all marked '' "So much the better,'' he riliiriied, 'T can now tell what vou f.inry most." I have no voice myself, bill am extremely fond of hear ing any one else rem) I felt soothed and relieved us he proceeded, and was complrtly absorbed, w hen he began uu extract from Festus, caking of the. impossibility of young people thinking tbnt w hich tin y once love, can fade or die; and pointing out the emir. 1 felt the entire truth of it, b it as be read line alter line, it seemed such an exact mir ror of w'nit my thoughts had been all day, '.hat I whispered hoarsely, "Oh Frederic don'l I" He turned quickly and my fare must have been very pale; for h came to my side Buy ing, ''Mndfie are you ill ?" I caught his hand ns lie reached for the bell rope ; ' r, hot ill, but cone and walk xviih ni"i" and taking his ir;n we walked up ami do the long parloi in the soft light A t last I said "I ought to explain my con duct; will you listen while I tell yon what u rt range J .-am or vision I had !rr.'. 'light ?" ( om i t'prti N k T W KI K Mil a Ilnnj-an Tree. There i-'. tree on the islands of the river (iange.-., a single shoot of which if set out 400! O'.e'.Ul down l i i he n r...., with brafches drooping g on ml. Fai h In n.'i on touc'i- ing the c.u tli lakes root ami becomes a new tree; this also sends forth branches, which inti r th" giound and give birth to olher trees, until in length that little banyan shoot first planted In comes a thick shaded forei-t So it i : with e. i v sinful practice, and with every ..iuful Labi t The first sin is the btlte shoot ust planted and spring.-, ui. Ull W.I .1 Lie l.at h r :l:t ,ri,(,M,V( U new branch taking , 1 Would it not have been an lo la,..-: lo l.ave ., . , . lr,,,. ... thrown iL on n d no that lirsl lj . an I r i. lino inrowo n ' . . . , . v 'iut ,.. it an CSV tl.slf wlii-U into to in thi ir-. nfji iii s that tree is a lore.st If a a. an tal c- a road liiat due:. r":l lead to Ileauri, if the i.i.'ii' Cl.n Jits of si., are allowed lo have their ailnring eharms, if tin: oncer-t-iin ii i es of thii xvrld are pref.rn-d to tin; Jul all" iicl.es of righteousness, if t'aougnls of th .' h ''v find enter the mind only to be tl.r'i'it e .t wi.'n derision, if the requirements of that holy Ood are hourly r)is..m yed or lies- regarded, if the only weleome nnd habitual thoughts are not thoughts of holiness, hut of s n an 1 xvorldiness in ten tbousand forms, it the ciinraeter is Bs-umiiiL' a darker hue. fi om famibar'ty with deeds of dm k nes.s, Bi.J lbs outlite t'f an imr.ge begin to appear as each aiici ' " ding sin adds Biioiln r str ike, and the jiorlrail grows plainer and J lainer, and every .lav d i pens and bri-tg i oi.t another feature, Mi.d tl.e last earthly t"-i-h ii given, and men i j'.y at "O evr ii wlo .'i Hone l.y otl.ers, ssy, vvl-,... i nig" is thai meets your gaze? It is die image of that being w ho (as the infidel 1( ,'oii,' r .ke says) "iu s0 fHr from promoting the I.'.; piness of others that he makes his own hupp-'11 to consist ill th" mim.'iy i-f others w I: i a l. anir to rorriit t the innocent sr. I to m.ilave the free, whosii business is to seduce or bet; y, whose pleasure is to damn and NO. tiio rtiUs..iou. iiioiniiir I'tMll tll libK. Niagara b'aila mm a naarmiiijr lnv af'ain yralcrdaj; tilled and overflowing wiih an iininense throng of proph , collected to wit ni'(.s the fuurlli rcpitition of lons lilotidiu's .1 e . . , ""oi'K o ai ci crowing the , iiasiu upon H attendance wa reaier iiian at any tin.i bs- furo; and from Hot better and ct her places in the vicinity, 0:1 both sides of (he line, it could not have been much, if any leu. All the seal and stand places within view along the bank in the pleasure grounds upon this sido of the river wero crowded, and the enclosure upon the Canada side ws Letter filled than Upon any other occasion. Mons. Itlondin redo into the jdeauru gi-o'ind ea this tiJa about b!f pant four o'clock, arid started on his aerial journey af ter a few moment of ib lay in preparation, His trip across to tho v'unad'.an (bora v as accomplished quickly, ns hii proceeded at a tripping pace mo.st of the distance, and only paused a few seconds occasionally to corict his balance and obtain blight rest. A II of his feats he reserved for the return journey. Arrived at the Canadian hank, he refreshed himself a little, and took a rest of perhaps ; fifteen minutes, when he again stepped upon j the ropo and tripped down the slant, airy j plane, toward "the land of tho free and the home of tho brave ." When about half wav to the center, he stopped and sat down, then ' stretched himself at full lenjlh upon tho rope, then performed a number of daring antics, and finally stood upright upon bis head, re maining in that reversed position for a length ol lime which seemed a moment at least, swinging and kicking hig feet in the most rec kless, though ludicrous manner that can bo conceived of. Kesiitnii.g his journey, he proceeded but a little way when again ho haired ami repealed bis performance, with the addition of a back ward somersault, and one or two sudden swings ground the rope, which caused a gen t-rul flutter among the hearts of the specta tors, and brought screams from many of iho ladies. Starling forward again, be proceeded to the open space in Ilia center, between the extreme guy ropes that branch ofT to either bank, whero the cable spans tho gulf without "tr.y nr nccumpaiiiinctit Here ho paused again, and laying bis pole upon one of the guy ropes, be swung himself under the cable and ran across this central space of single cord, in the s-txle of a monkey; hanging beneath, and swinging himself by Ins hands and feet, with great rapidity, doing back again iu the same gymnastic manner, wlo n be had returned to h ; point here his polo rested, he began a .ries of perf 'rmarices which outdid in thrilling am slaiU.'.,g ilfcd upon tho nerves of the spectators, all that he j,a,) don,, before. Clutching the 'ope will, his hands, he swung j,;g v,0,p. c..-ar froru j,, m lu for n tf rije; tli y period, of more than temnds, suspended by the arms, and by ono arm, oxer Ihu fearful ,1,. f t,0 ,dinsm. Then he, repeatedly turned such a somersault as is familiar to boys, throwing his feet over bis bead and nu- tvi.en his arms, and hanging w'.tb tbn should- ,jer jei'it in a most nnnn'ural por itifjn. he straighten :d bis body into a hor. Tl.cc , ontul ,,,,, ti,,, fl, Hnsp..iided by (lie urn s, thrown i i i i -i i backward as described an cxrr him renuir- i ing immense strength, and r.xb ulate.) to ex- r:aii';l tt.e iiiovous sxsiem liouieoilousl ,y After Ibis be suspended himself bv tho le;", an', by one bg, load donnwan! whiried i.round the rope turned more son ersanlta stood upon his head Hgnn, arid in fact performed ail th most reckless fe-.ts stfeu.1,1 y,y tI vjlit rpe performers under ordinary , ,.irruiiislances. Twice iigain I Tore leaching j t, ),,, . halted and repeated these antics, ,njj deteruilne-i to fatigue himself to the Ht ,,ui nf cndunirice, and thoroughly satis. fy ,),,. sj.eelstors with his exhibition of daring a,,,) skill. A nd I hey wire sal i -.lied, 1" yond question. The pt rformanee was wonderful, exciting etio-igb for 'lo- most greedy seeker alter setisal ion ; and was by fur the greatest yet given by Moris. Hirudin. lin'a- io Efprrjs, Uh ij( The Hiflalo Advocate says. 'A new form of worship, as we have beeu informed has just been inaugurated among the sect I ciiled Na.aiites At the late I! rgen f'ump- J meeting, (lancing, as a separate exercise, ' whs oir;.j.'ed err praotiiid 'ii i.l.-s were formed, within which a f pace wuj kept clear, and then outside that circle quick step music was aij i g, and from ore to lour danced to regular time, as regular as in a hs,!! room, bating the fact that tht floor was rather 1S50. j UK (iiIld a it thi: anokl. lit ciur.t en rwa:. Thn Sabbath snn wal letting slow, Amidst iho cloud of even; "Out Father," breathed a voice bslow 'T ni her who art in heaven I" Hex ond '.be caitb beyond tha rlogd Those infant words were given ; "Our Father," angfU sing aloud "Father who art in heaven I" "Thy kingdom ron-.o," still from the ground That childlike voire did pray 'Thy kingdom come," God's hunts reioand Far up the starry way I "Thy will be done" with little tnngut That lisping love implores; "by will bo dona" the ang.lio throng i 111 , from the f.crapbic shores. "Forever" still those lips repeat Tlmir cbisicg vening prayer ; "Forever" lloals in music tweet High amidst the angali there I Thine bo tlio glory evermore .. From thee may man ne'er sevsr; Dut every Christian luod adoro Jehovah Clod forever I Homaitrc lirirt Itcnlit). , A most extraordinary caae ia about to ect cupy the attention of Judge Culver, intolvioj circ'iteNlnnccs nearer akin to romance thaa plain liulicd truth, as developvd by affidavit, which, aa we are informed, are ftow io pro gress of being cubinitted for legal adjudica tion. The following are the principal fict. an set for the document alluded to: About five years ago there emtio to rcsiJu in Brook lyn a lady of remarkably genteel and prepos sessing appearance, who represented iieraelf to bo a widow from the vicinity of Mobile, Ala., and who cviduntly had nieani aufTicient- j ly nmplo to enable her to occupy a respecta ble, social position. She was accompanied by 11 I:i:!u boy of setming! mulatto or urgro ; parentage, then about three year, old, which j she invariably spoko of as being the only , surviving child of a favorito servant of Ler decL-usud husband. Iu tho course of time she I (boiiig yet young and attractive) was "wooed J and won" by a gentleman who formerly was 1 engaged mercantile pursuits in New York, but who (becoming unfortunate itJ buainesi) is at prr.'icnt in the employ, as a book kcopor, of an eminent firm across the river. The fruits of this marriage are two fair haired children, and up to within a receut period th. parents have lived harmoniously and aflTcc tioiinlely together. , ., A sad blight bus, however, ovortakes tbcir dream of happiness! On the morning of lie 1 4 1 ii t n fat. , a man of stalwart proportions, aad somewhat handsome presence tut1 0 marked ebony hut called at the house of the party alluded to accompanied by two New York lawyers, ami demanded iho possession oftbs apparently negro boy, alleging himself to be iho father of the pretended slave child, and declaring that it. female custodian waa il mother, and bis divorced vijt. So startling a disclosure has, nf course, created th? ut most consternation Bnd alarm among frieud. of those who are most deeply interested i unraveling the truth of this "strange erentful history" the lady stating in the most em phatic manner that the statement, of bir accuser are infamously false, and originated 111 a plot to di Mlrny her peace. Oo the other hand, the alleged husband and father of the boy has sworn to the truth nf lis averment, and .says I Lit witnesses will bo produced from St. Louis, Mo., ulu re he is well known aa a trad, r and prop' rly holder, to sustain hitu in the proceedings which he has (only partially ) instituted. The ludy is of Herman attraction, and the person win", claims to have once been her "liege lord ' is either of Creole or aeiui Indian breed. He states that the separation between them was caused by detecting infi delity on her part, and that until within a short period past, be was b -d to beliefs that sh-i wan in Liu rope. - J-iT'Old Mrs. StulhbcBii taya flu- has isami her ilarl'T away from the ptitticary doctor to tlm en;. 1 no doctor, who reckons be can cum her cine.'. ,.il!y. Shu says she ha no Bj.'ii Iko, H.l Mrs Partington has, but will adapt atmo poor little orfu! bpy tucn. tvr h-tv vitua Finn bit IIat Th. following coticw i inscribed 00 the docket at the Hammond Street Station Houie last night, vi, : "Boy Lost About three year, old ; Las a brick bat hat, and calico ahors, ami marked with the .coal! pox on Lit teeth." How 00 earth did luah a young 'ua get lost T ity A theatrical company waa playing, in one of the interior town, out Wcat, Khakea ptaie'a Othello, and Othello demanded of Fesdemoua "tho handkerchief I iLebaudktf chief!" A jftny called out impatiently! "Never rnind thu Laudkcrchief , blow your note with your finger3, and go ahead 1" Iso." Tilt Lost Dsuun'. Thi. forenoon a man in search of a child waa hailed by a pon derous Iliberniau, who thrust hi half-naked frame through the window of a dilapidated three story wooden building. "J. id ab.il J ye want''' ''Yea." "About three yean owld?" "Yen" "l!ns he fair hair, blua eyes, red stockings, an' .moke colored gai ters V " Ye." "Had be plaio dkreaa and white etraw bat on 'mi?' "Ys! yssl I. he up there wiLh you 7" "Ah, no, .ir, but I taw his mother awhile at'0 lookiu' f.r lb. darlio'." T The editor of tie Sankuskv Pioosrr bat been (a-osentod with a Co. shirt-collar II is waiting for aome oca to give aim ahlrt, so be can pot the collar ta aoma ma lt present it il a perfect loparSuity t3 kin V ! I I . - - 1 n..i.i... - .. f -; " "" t I nimiim ' ... . -t . , ' - . ,;" ' , , 1 A-