Dakota City herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1857-1860, August 13, 1859, Image 4

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(frwa ta H trXh rr Fara-r
lktr roar .
Do not tuffer yoor garden products t seal
tka Uttjbmg Plrrh- J jI 1
RmiMl aT.vaaaiaery wr.Ba
Travcllag vim m Clrewa
-- . - . v . . . .1 - v . . .... : . k . iVal
reek two m!iTiJu; ; 'r' ' -- - '' J"" --
ide I f '"J t'1,D "hra f,ir com, drpn'J
. ... . . j 1 on aome ihnttt trl.-o'or for eeej. cr eiee to
.v v.v.im.n ihe l.i-er -a. I to tbe store nd l-y
sauntering 'hrour.' ,b' ,o B' i"" ,
r.rtel moth attention-trperence. " I Particularly will this apply lo tip .o
f nmoi to indict tail A ; bv rrt "nd f 001 121 11: ihji tn-.u'i
On Fridn? of
r.J m..nr
Ml Ilii ccoipBion, Jck. ll irok tj j ppf U, nd tbe Bmt wri:tti 00 ; or tf
frM! nd b.'tti oprovioci ia ft loon, j joa 6e oot timt lo fak t!it,(ri, tie tt.ra
)rfBr:t tbe ditpWtTt of tbt bf kpr, cp in pck, tol lure to KM
mVa eoia:i:td Lia to lee Cbwli iieait- ! tbo, n tbftt if job r looUcg ; r
ticu?r pr f r, yea te 1 not ua'j? Tr? pp.yr
in our ifJ lo to tcj it it ii reri pr1;
Ttiiirf to dis'.r:lbte t'.'.'i a-.oiy fner.it
tf b:cr f;s ;bt j-a ht.t bn t r;H!
pftiDt tnj e.jfrn to procu't- r J 'bn bvf
tbeni cvtue to To-i pnr.jr f 1 0 f tpnrg it f
ouH b tb cortr jencp. od :i.fct b oj'J i e tlem . bfin o b"dM o-rr-r to 'nc
dm: fol!ofd. kicf v.th 1ri!"i It
icar oo tkftt "S:'t" I J lf.:cr lftt to-.
r.J fti fc retrentfd, dc!-Ar-l tbnt Le r.o
Sit " Sbcrt'y ftf'ff rrd Jck " rr-.cd
pn il I'.rMlf'f fifnitjt Cler'.ie Iftut
lnd f?iBtt tbli. -ItlftrH i.ock do
"y" w.tb Jtk utJr ftt.T circuifl'ncr-i
Bel'- Jock rd Cbftrl.e ftt ftrri.3. nd
tomf '.ftit't bTiPf ba oift-le V; a cor'.;!',
h t&ftgot'ft'.o ttoai t commit tba to
prUon. Ctrl btcic W.terout. ibrfftt-
r.ed ft"'. on c: io'.foc Tfiib d:!IrT,t wcp
tt, r.d ? CnV.T f reb'-d. '0'.b!t(t dn-trc-ci
wi found en V. proii, ot i:b bicb
he cocld if ce'. til tlrn. Jck ftnd C'bar
lie ot o prison, ftnd iber beif g omf
doabt of tbe ex of Chr!ie, lb jailor con
idefd il hil d itj to 3iVo n iof itigRlifii
Tb tfgftl ft ff tb I'ftUjbW-M of Mftiift
fi-i.nd in her ponfuion, fct d tie iact d.l
t'.oird ibut kt vftn ft w. man
p,b j ft kittory of brr"if II oul l ftp
pef tl&tibf. tn born nd rii 'io the town
.f KoromfMt, in ihia State. Her Dm! i
MatiiJ Ituhenb'r4'cr, ftiij rht ibeutiuu
ty four yert of kg. About (even yeftri go
Isn Ilice'ft Circui in Somrrtet Ilr
ftlbi-r, "bo it blftcktnii!i, did coniidcrftbU
bone tbof ing for tbe circoi, ftod from the
vuiti cf llice lo tbe hop, h bcftm fto
qoftintf J with bim Kice endrftvorrd to gel
bfr brother to ttel with him, but be refuted
lift thn. sbe ftllrgri, periuftdcd her to c
rompftny biin, biiJ up to ft ihort porioj ibe
hftft been in Lit employ. She donned mtc
ftltire front the tinie be trted, ftnd h beon
weftritifr il everi'iice. Her orrupaiion iu the
circui earitriniim ftnd iltinj;, nd
110 doubt lb figured ftniot.; Itice'i "itnti"
'lbe celebrated E(juetrin, SiRtior Somrtn-ly,
from Frinc.'iit'i in 1'nris, and Attlry'i in
London." Rbe nayi ibe it iiot the only fe
tnftle in mle ftltire Uveliti with circut' 111
tbii country. Of touro bo ii rough in
pcech, and from her degrading nd brutal.
isuciktioni, seemi to hve loat ft'.i mprcl
tr tbe proprirtii'i of her ii'X.
Highly Inparonl frm Kuropb
rruTniR Toi!T, July 23d The North Dri
Uiu bai ftrrirtd with Liverpool dftte to tbe
A treaty of peftce between Auntrift ftnd Sur
4;nifthft4brea concluded. Tbe proviiioni
r at followt :
Ad Italian confederation ii to be formed
ender the honorary 1'renidcnfy of tbe Pope
of Rome. Auntria eoncedei Lorabardy to
France. Napoleon, in turn, frranlf these pe
i'lliona to Sardinia Auttria rtlaiui her
right of rule orr r Venice.
Napoleon talrgrapbn ir. tbe Kmpreil ai
followi :
Vai.i.kcjio, July 11.
A treaty of peace b been i(rr.ed between
tbe Emperor of Austria and Biyelf, on tbo
following bali: Tbe Italian confederation
it to be under the honorary presidency of the
Pope. Tbe Emperor of Auntria concedet his
right in Lombardy to tbe Emperor of France,
who trentfert them to tbe King of Sardinia.
The Expcror of Austria preserret Venice,
but sbe will form an integral part of tbe
Italian cocfedtration.
8igned. Napoi.kok.
Tbe Faris Moniteur es plaint tbe circum
Itancet attending tbe ftruiistice It s.vi that
tbe great ntutral powers exchanged commu
nicslion with the brlligrranli, urTcring ibeir
medifttion, but their efforts were unsuccess
ful until the French 6ert wat about to com
mence hosiiliiiet against Venice, and ron
fiict before Verona wat imminent. When
Napoleon amioui to prevent bloodshed, as
certained the dispctition ofibe Emperor of
Austria, and fitsdtsj him willing, auarmistioa I nn?r r
IqT The Hon. Israel Washburn of Mnino
pave tbe following felicitous sentiment at the
lata Dangor clnbralion on tbe Fourth:
"Our Country Our cotn-.'ry, right 01
wrong; when right, to b kit right, when
wrong, to be put right."
Ilorae VfrXf mi the )ctr
Horace Greuly't fifteenth letter to tbe Tri
hune, gives hit reason for leariug the hon;'. at
wat conuluded. Tbe two Emperors had an
interview on the 11th inti, at V:1U Franca
A dispitch from Turin sayt Nupoleon hat
::;ud bulletin from Vallejio ftonouncing
(he armintica, vongratulatti'g the troops on
their glorious achievements and annonneing
hit immediate departure for Tent, leaving
tbe provisional command of the prmy to Mar
thai ValUr.1
Tbe London Timet claimt that England
bronght about the armistice, while other u
thoritiet give the credit to Frottift.
It was reported that Kossuth wat to propose
monarchical government for Hungary.
The London Newt says the first hopes and
eipecutiont of Italy tre deceived.
The ftnnouncement of ptace between the
belligerent powera wat read in tbt House of
Lords ftnd Commont ca the l?th, nd was re
ceived with load ftnd prolonged cheers.
toy- "Oh, dear," eiclaimd Henrietta,
throwing herself into ft rocking chair, "I
ever will go to that pott-office again to be
looked out of countenance by all those men
on tbe corner. It'a to provoking. What
can I do, Sarah Jane, to those awful men
ttaring me to in tbe face T" "Do as I do,"
replied Sarah Jane, with a sly look, "thvic
jcur ak!e f
The "Denver nonse,'" which it the Astor
House of Gold Region, hat walls of logs, a
floor of t arih, with windows and roof of rath
er t3im7 eoUor theetiog, while every gueat is
allowed at good bed as hit blanket will
make. The charget are no higher than at
tbe Astor ftnd other first class hotels, except
for liquor 25 cenlt at drink for dubious
whisky, colored and nicknamed to suit the
taste of cruisrawrt, baing the regular ratt
throughout thit region. I bad the honor to
ha shaved there by nephew (to he assured
tne) of Marat, Booapart't king of Naples
tbe honor and the sbave together cottiag but
a paltry dollar Still a few dayt of tucb lui
nry turfeited me, mainly because tke drink
icg room wat alto occupied by teveral black
legs at m gambling ball, and their incessant
clatner of "Who'll go ma XX? The ace of
beartt it tbe winning card. Whoever turot
the ace of hearU win (be f 20," etc , etc ,
persisted in at all hours till midnight, became
at length ft nuisance, from which I craved
deliverance at any price. Then the vUitort
of that drinkiof and gambling room had ft
cftreltst way, when drunk, of firing revolvers,
lomenmst at each other, at other timet quite
miscellaneously, which struck me as inccn
veL'.ent for a quiet guest with only oue le
and a half, hence in ft poor condition for
dodging boHott So I left
seed fjr tbemselv. This sed, ar. 1 bu-r.'W
inr. rs thiiJ: en of the sate famii. V.'t.cn
or home wat a new ere. in lh wiij tf W,
coniit), w bad lo Homers, save tbe "i!J l r
est flower, and tbey were all Strang? (a .c,
though oone tbe lf beautiful fur the', U.l
our keart longed for the dear tM C.i'.I.ar
blouoini that adorr.ed the froct ;ar i at tbe
old home So one day cam a paiitage from
a cout.n in Boston, cotitaiuing thirty varieties
of tie flowers. No babe vti ever watibd
more carefully tbaa our flo"era djririg that
summer; and what a blare of bloim and
beauty tbey trade; and fflai.y tre lie appli- 1
cations for seeds from neighbors, l.o bad
not teen the like since leaving '.heir Lotn-
We freely ditri'wuted 4ro;li; but year
after year it wat the tauie 1J ttory, until
"charity erased to be a virtue." In after
yeart when the country became more settled,
and the beautiful shrubbery from the nursery
had fourd ft place in yard, the demand for our
$lipt was the same. People v. ere ton yrvr to
buy these things, would say to me; "Now,
Mrs. S , give me a llip of that rote in tbe
tpring." It would be freely giv.-n ; bat alas,
for tbe lendnr plant, transplanted to an uo
congenial home, and scorched and dried by
the drouth of summer. Il died, and so it wat
for the want of little rare tbal things failed
One half hour in the evening after supprr
dishes are washed, and the milk strained and
put away, tiiight be devi(ed to gathering yuur
seeds, and tending your slips from your neigh
bor't yard, that sbe vat to kit:d at to give
. .
llemarbabla Fwlflllment f a Jtj7
I'rophac jr,
There wai developed, In the recent trial of
Champ, in I.esingtun, for committing rape
on bit sister in law, Mrs. Champ, tome cu
rious and remarkable facts, which partake
tomewbnl of the tupernatural.
Il seemi that a short lime preceding the
communion cf the crime, ft strolling Oipsy
had stopped at the residence of Mrt. Champ,
and had told her fortune The Oipsy warned
her of immiueut peril, and pointed out her
brother in law at the one by whom tbe would
be mol deeply injured. Tbe facts subse
quently disclosed in the trial fully corrobor
ated the Oipsy prophesy. Mrs. Champ, also,
only ft few hours before the occurrence, had
most tingnlar dream. Sbe dreamed that
the was arrayed in moat beautiful rode of
spotless white, that a man appron.-hed and
stabbed her, and that tihe distinctly saw the
blood trickling down and despoiling In r drent.
She looked up, and saw it was her brother in
law, Champ, who bad committed tbe unnatu
ral deed. I bis dream wa but too typical of
the horrid crimo which Champ subsequently
The counsel for the defense gtiem to have
relied on the circunintancrs above detailed to
prove the insanity of Mrs. Cbamp. The coun
sel for thu ludy, however, contended tht they
were premonitions from Heaven of impend
ing dagger l.oaitci'Je Vonritr
BKstTirt t KirKDtnvr.
A youth and maid one winter ftigbl
Were sitiicg it) the corner.
Hit name, we're told, wat Joshua White,
And hers wat Fatieucr Wkricr
Not much th pretly mat h said,
Pid tbe yoar.g s.lling,
Htr ibeeai werr i nhed a rosy red,
II ?r ryes ient oa htr ku'tiir.jr.
N.vr could be guess what tboughti of Lin.
Were to her bosom 3 xliing,
As hr fair rjrs, sw,ft and siim.
Fiew round and round the tlocking.
WLe, a- for J.-L'-a, baibful yc;.tb,
ll-i word gr-w 'ew aui fewer .
Ttj :gb ali the tine, to the tr'.u,
II. chlif cd,"e-I V.:-t t'J 'nor.
j!.-: tifn ber ba'.i .:" rar-. gve ont,
knit j fa-t tn 1 s'ea It ;
A i: 1 he mi!l giv hi aid, r.jdru'.t,
To g'-t ar.fither ready
II" he'ii tbe kfrio , of jury the tbr'&l
0 it telb-d, sr.arl?d m.d twisted ,
'Have pawnee," cried tbe artiei-i n.M 1,
To lim wlo hrr ani.t-?!.
J ..od chance wti this for toi.git l:d c'-url
To shorter, ail pa'aver,
"Have patience!" cried bn, "daret girl !
And may I really bare her?'
Thn deed wat dot.e, r.o mnr, :Sat eight,
Cii' ked nedla in the orii-r;
And ah" is Mrs. J nbua Wh-.te,
That ouce tl Patit.-i.ce Warner.
g. A lady ftnd geutb-ican in this viuinity
chancing to be bathing nu n'tturul, but mi
teen by each other, buin separated by ft ledge
of rocks, a, mischievous boy exchanged one
pile of clothing for the other. Tht-ir perplexi
ty and embarassmeul on emerging from the
water may be better imagined ibsn described.
Dot seeiag no other alternative, the lady
doned tbe male and the fentleman the female
apparel, buopt and "everything," and made
their way to their homes in that guise .Ac to
Jlavm Xrics
. .... .. ...
p& The clergyman's profession il net at
tended with undue comfort not positively
luxurious. No rolling wealth or that sort of
thing. Witness the following endorsement
of a bank bill in the possession of a newspa
per man of Cincinnati a one dollar bill :
"This one dollar bill is all I received for per
firioing the marriage cerenmny b( twf!cn John
(iibbt and Mary Wallace, of tbe lown of Sa
lem, Kenosha county, Wis., after having
traveled five miles i:i the cold, and paid 12 50
fur livery. Jims L. SnikLi."
From tha Mlaxs.
We 'earn from a couple of gentlemen who
reached our cite yesterday that the eold
mines are a reality and that tho new disenrer
tas are richer than any in California. The
great drawback it a want of water and the
shortnsil of the teason. Every uui in the
mines were doing well, bat little sickness pro
railed. Orefjory, the discoverer of tbe dig.
gingH, it is Kaid has made 1150,000 out of
them and jnst ft few days before our infor'
marilt left Gregory told a claim for f 10,000,
one fourth cash, the balance to come out of
the claim. They brought seven! valuable
tpecim-ns which they intend taking eht
St. Jotrjih Journal.
Ummim I'mfurm ros 1 1tr At
Iowa Point, Kan.-fts, tbey have ft military
company called the "Shirt Tail Rangers" a
came derived from the breezy and nicttir-
eqiie character of their uniform. Theejitor
of tho Iowa Point l'isputeb it the leader of
tbo band, ami in fact tbe only performer in
it. Hit iiiftrumcnt, be tclln ut, it ft broken
winded accordeon.
IblT" Some learned newspaper editor out
West sayt, "that the simplest way of calcu
lating the distances of heavenly bodies, is
the rule luid down in John Phu'nix't cele
brated lucture on astronomy, viz: guest at
one half of tbu distance and multiply il by
Aw Editor Dead.
In ocr Sunday paper we announced tbe
draih, hj drowning, of Clinton Edwards, Esq,
cJitor of the Marengo (Iowa) Visitor. The
following are the particulars which we clip
from the Visitor: Pueenjutrt Democrat.
'It appears that the deceased, accompanied
by bis ton, went tn tbe river to bathe; the
father had finished bathing and wat ttanding
upon th bank, wbtn hit little ton, who wat
t'.iii in the water, wat washed by the current
iato the deep water; the father being alarmed
by tbe peril of bit ton, plunged iuto the water
to rescue him from the untimely fata that
wat awaiting him ; he reached bim in safety
and succeeded in getting bim on hit back, tbe
little teiiow being greatly frightened clasped hit
armt about hit father's neck; the father braved
the current for tome time is trying to reach
the thore, but bxcame ethautted and drowned
before assistance could be rendered bim; bit
ton wat tared through tke aid of two imall
boys who were bathing at tke tame place.
Mr. E'l. body wat brought lo thore by gent
leman (a itraoger) who witnttted tbt whole
acene, bnt whose inexperiea' j ia swimming
rendered him unable to l.nd any assistance.
All exertion were astd to bring bim to life,
but proved unavailing, tbe spirit bad taken
itt flight.
Ear Mrt. Croley, of the Rockland Newt,
tayt that pretty girlt never cry when kitted.
gtyf" A man in thit place tayt he hat not
exactly embraced spiritualism, but he bat
embraced teveral of the mediums.
a? "Sonny dear," tail fond mother,
' you have ft dirty fece." "Can't help it,
tutor itit ft blftth repuWirtn."
Ittklai 4tiar lot rive MlalUt With.
wt Cfcwra I
The Scientific American pub
lishes the following method of
mafcinis butter in live rninutea
v,ith"ut a churn. We have lit
tle faith in the operation, be
lieving the oM fashioned churn
altogether preferable. Still the
who are fund of experiments
can try it and if it i-i worth any
thing we should like to know it.
The recommendations are that
butter made '.n this manner is
tirmer and le.s oily in hot
weather than when made in the
ordinary way, whil.1 the sl;im
milk if sweeter and palatable.
1 "After .--Training the milk,
set it away for about twelve
j hour-, fur the cream to "rie."
' Aftr standing as above, sot the
I milk, without disturbing it on
the stove; let it remain there
until you observe the coating of
cream on the surface assume a
wrinkled appearance, but be
careful it doer; not boll, as should
thia be the ca.se, the cream will
mix with the milk and cannot
again be collected. Xow set it
away till quite cold and then
skim ntf the cream, mixed with
as little rv.ilkas possible. When
suflieii-nt cream is collected pro
ceed to make it into butter as
follows: Take a wooden bowl
or any suitable vessel, and
having tlrxt scalded and then
rinsed it with cold spring water,
place the cream in it. iow let
the operator hold his hand in
water as hot as can be borne
for a few seconds then pltlnge
it in cold water for a minute,
and at once eoinmeneo to agit
ate the cream by a gentle cir
cular motion. In five minutes
or less the butter will have come,
when, of course, it must be wash
ed and settled according to taste;
and our correspondent guaran
tees that no better butter can bo
made by the best churn ever
Aat Eicilltnl Llalraeat.
Take the whites of two eggs,
beaten to a froth,- a wineglass of
vinegar, a wineglass spirits of
turpentine, and a wineglass of
alcohol, beating all the time.
This liniment must be put to
gether in the order mentioned
above, or it will not be thorough
ly incorporated. We lind this
very superior in all cases of
sprains, bruises, &e., on man or
o'clock, A. M., of the day of Exhibition.
Of persons competing for tbe Premiums
offered on H eropt, clast No. 5, will be re
quired satisfactory proof of the quantity
raised per ftcr?. It tample of the qoality, and
a brief description of the mode of culture.
The I hscretivnary Committee will award
to tbe owners of stock or other articles of
merit, not included in aiv of th aVove
. classes, premiums not exceeding 25 00 in
! agregsoe.
I I)y ordr vt the Ft r,.-nmittfe
W H. IlKiEI.OW. S-rrffary
e; b. wixson,
Itovrn foot cf Pearl xtrt' t, in the h'iMinj
1 f'-rmerht occupied ly CutnJy ! Cliirk,
HOlI MTV. ........ IOWA,
rrrrrf-t t" tk Nnutlfut Ltl'-n-.- In r.o kl-rlt yf
"-nlbi-r, In tbr LitieM anj m T sprn-J aty i.f
; I I- S-t
lo suit cuitoinera.
t'-'ff --t Trumf.r. ta-n en pri-purM CI -h. Tarpr, Ta
, t ul llh-r, c . -:IIM f r s-n.l-i f h Ml.
mux I'I.its, vn:Hs. &i
I Ti'-n with th- trr-at.-tt nicety, and put up In cas, or
f-t.ruary , lev.). J7 3m.
Crur: fou Horn-Ail, on Hol
I low Horn. Ii the hair of the
end of the tail is in rolls or
curls, cutoff one inch of the
tail. Then turn the animal's
held on one side, and pour boil
ins water upon the lower horn
till he dodges, and then take the
other horn. I5y this time the
animal will sweat, ami 3 or 4
ounces of mustard seed ground,
should be given in somo kind of
l'ut the cucumbers into salt and
water for three or four days, then
scald them with weak vinegar,
and let them remain three days
longer. Scald some pickling
vinegar with a few onions,
black pepper, allspice, cloves,
ginger-rot. t, and horse radish;
pour the whole over the cucum
bers for use. Gerkins, which
j are small cucumbers, are pick
led in the same wav.
To Cora a Iioll.
The skin of a boiled ecrg
the most efficacious remedy that
can be applied to a boil. Peel
it carefully, wet and apply it.
It will relieve the soreness in a
few hours.
To IlEMove Films from the
Eyes of Cattle I have not
found a surer remedy than finely
Eulverized earth, occasionally
lown into the eyes through a
Wash for Wounds, Corks
on Collar Galls. 1 oz. white
vitriol, 1 oz. copperas, 1 table
spoonfull gunpowder, 1 quart of
soft water. After washing the
parts with hot soft water, and
wiping dry, apply the above
wash with a sponge or cloth.
A Kansas City paper con
tains a long article, blowing
about the extensive fresh oyster
tiadiofthat city. It is said
that a large number of Llamas
have recently been imp rted, to
manufacture the oysters !
Cream Nectar. We are in
debted to a lady for the follow
ing recipe for making the de
lightful summerbererage known
as "cream nectar:"
Three pounds of white cr
brown sugar; three ounces of
tartaric acid; white of two eggs;
one quart water. Stir gently
and scald till clear. It must be
close and kept in a cool place.
To two table spoonafall of this
syrup add rather less than an
even teaspoonful of soda half
a tumbler of water :ce if you
have it, and enjoy at your leisure.
A Chance to Guess. The
Worcester Transcript tells of a
jolly, plump female witness, w ho
on Wednesday was asked by
Gen. Devens, the counsel, what
time the cars passed her house
on a certain day. Sho replied
that she began knitting on that
day at 3 o clock, and had knit
twice around the leg of a stock
ing before the train passed. Of
coarse the General next asked
how long it would take to knit
twice around. The Judge re
marked that the time would dj
pend on the sizo of the stocking
leg. The lady naively replied
that the stocking was for herself,
and the judge and counsel could
exerciso their judgment, and
Cruess as to the timo nnA rr.
quired. This answer brought
down the bench, bar, iurv and
"citizens generally," w'ho'were
Peeotah Canuly, .T. t.
There will bo a Mass Meeting of tbo De
mocracy of Ducotah County, Nebraska, held
at St. Johns, on Wednesday, Uth of Augimt
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. to nominate three
Delegates to attend tbo PlatUmouth Convcn
gta?" "Mother, I heard sister twear."
"What did she aay?" ,-She taid tho was go
ing to wear her darned ttockingt to church."
Itt?" One of otor exchanta-s advertises for
two compositora "who don't get drunk," and
ftdds the editor doct all the "getting drunk"
necessary to support the dignity of the estab
lishment id?' "Landlord you do me too much honor,
for you let me sleep with the big begt last
night" ''Oh, don't he too modest, my dear
lodger, I doubt not they have your own blood
ia their veins."
tt3 A letter from Pike's Peak tftyt that
gambling and whlsxey drinking flourish there
extensively. Tanglefoot whiskey sells for
twenty five cents drink, and "ii Will almost
make man thed hit toe nails."
IkT Mrt. Hubbt always hat ft full house.
Two yeart ago the used to collect lobiter
backs, oyster shells, and steak boast, ftnd
throw them ia front of Ler door, and adver
tise for daily boardert. The bait always
took, ftod the old lady now indulges in three
ttory domicil, doer-plale and ease,
Tbe Last Discovibt. It hat recently been
discovered that no man who hat paid the
printer it liable to tun-ttroke. A pricter't
receipt in tbe pocket it it said to be alto an
infallible core for hydrophobic It would be
well to recollect this doring the wtrra weftther.
We fttr that few carry thit remedy about
them. Tbete receipti re to be found in
abundance at the office of the Eagle.
ty The Kansas Cl branch of the Union
Bank cf Si Louis it now tcder way
rca rut wiit
r rn
Wocdbnry County Artcuhur,
U a the 14th dar .,f Ortabtr, A. , ,
IIois-a. I
U t illioti ;r-r t years 1,, ;
over 2 yetrt oli'
" Mare Itr'-edcr,
" - jr-ar Fiiiy,
-!irl,ri I s 1 1 r,
"' Sucking Ci.lt,
rr.ir Draft Ilursrs,
-ir '. RrriKyc Hottes.
Jii",-e M F. Moure, )
Elij.'ih Adnma, v Awa
T. Clark,
Jocks and Mules
Best Jack ovtr 1 year old,
" Span wcrii Mules.
" Mule Colt under 6 rnos.
V- N BuchanAti,
Theophilxs Ureuy
. f. tlolinan
nan, J
Ureuyier, V Awyt' f
Cut lie.
Uest Bull over 4 years old,
3 years old,
" " " 1 year old,
" " Calf under 6 months,
" Cow over 3 years old,
" Ilcifcr yri.rlinir.
" " CHlf under S months.,
" Yoke O.xi'M r-ver 4 years old,
Thoiims RobertJ, 1
Denj. Yeomiins, V Award
Corridon Hall, )
Sit inc.
Ce.rt H iar ever H months old,
" Suiv overM months old,
N. W. Pratt,
4, t
John HafY,
II C. Ash,
V AwardiiC:;1
Field Crops.
Best 5 ocres of Spring Wheat,
" S t.cres of Corn,
" j acre of Potufoee,
" lit re of I'.u k Whcut,
'' 3 acres of Oftn,
" 4 acres ol'SiU'or Cnne,
Dr. S. P. Yeomans. )
William Turmiin, v
Wui. Vun O'linda, j
,., 1
i. :t
t ve i
ii. '',
oo l
en l
on !
V. 'I
s Si :
J I-
Hrurdiij Cc
(.arden VcsctP-b'.cs.
Best I bunbel of beett,
" 1. " of onions,
ot turnips,
i ;
1 " of carrot,
1 dozen beads of cabbage,
dozen pumpkins,
dozen siiuabbes,
1 peck of tfmatoes,
S. W. Sirf2dt 1
James Allen V
Abel Smith )
1 -
1 i
1 '
1 1 .
-"'ft ' ;
r'rodiM ls of (lie DaTry.
Best 5 lim of butter, J f
" 20 lbs., or over of cheese,
F M. Zi.lml), ) '
Mr Dr. Yeomans, A war Ji'ng Tea.
MrL Lulh Woodford t
CLaSS NO. 8.
Best oil painting,
" postiil paituii.g,
" crayon r.i n t i n r,
" colured crayon jair.ting,
" water color, rio
" Pencillirj,
" monochromatic, or polychromatic S
Puinting, -f
" Ei:gravii!(j, It
" Picture Frame, mudo in this or tor f
i ;
counties invited to compete,
Hair Work,
Horace C. Bacon, )
Mrs N C. Hudson, I Av
Mrs. Hall, Smithi'd. j
din;; Cti.
Best Bed Quilt, !
" made pair of Pantaloons,
" Worsted Embroidery,
" Embroidered skirt, .
' .o r tr.i :. a u. ..a
"jderslseves, 1 -
" Embroidered handkerchief, 1 fy '
" pair knit Stockings, 1 l J ,
" feCpett
" KuK' fv r
" pair Gents fine thirtt, ' f 1
Robert Meant, ) iJ '
Mrs. L. E. Clark-. I A'wardin- Cos" Xi
Mrt. M A. Bigelow, j
?1 unit lac (it rm.
n-at. Firrt Wairnn rrt w n it fun tn red 111
" Pleasure Waeon manufactured in
.. '.::Kt."' im
" Sale fl-ailM.. 1
s I Va Kiinnv vNanRlai'nrAi4 flAttl
the Knirar Cana v
" 5 galror.s Syrop manufccttired from
Sugar Cane,
Jamet A. Sawyert, 1
Mr- Baker, Smithi'd. Awarding Coo
Dr. A. M. Hunt, j
John L- Campbell,
J. P. Allison,
O. R. McDougall,
Mrt. II C. Bacon,
Mrt. Geo. Weare,
Mr. Sam' H. Ceiadf.
Thionntiet of Plymouth, Cberok. L
Ida are invited to take part in the !'
compete for Premiums.
A - - rw. . . .. : . U . Pnnnli.l .SOTf lD
can become member by paying one aoi
and will then he entitled to the privilege
competing for Premiums , , .
All ttock and aniclet of every kind 10
tended for exhibition must be described
the ditcriptien, with the ownert name. !"" j.
to tbe ?e:.rttsrv cf the 'c::Hr ''f3,,