ihrni -., - feMMMaCTraag'''""'l't''"ggg ia-jjjjmijtiJUfjmwa.ta-wmiJtjjiigJiiiMxaiii!lauliiilu.u I.WUH'IJH'MJJ li ) Jt'-L'. 1 gg.".iji!j.i Lt.t'.j.jLjj.iri'ip "'ttj .mi v$ 1 w WE HOWL FOR JOY!! i I 1 h 1 i i ; k 1 V POST OPriOB IIOUR3. " Frqm 7:00 a. rn.ton p. in. Sundays, from la hi. to 1 p.m. I'-unier! and other please take notice. 0. V. FAIRKROTHRR, Jr..I. M. ' ""THUKSDAV, NOV. 1), 1H2. Notice to Delinquents ! 1 are sii Jim no financially for hit is due us on subscription, ' and realizing how futile a mere request is with those who owe us, we, will about December First leacc all accounts of two dollars and uflwurd with justices for collec tion. II "c hope that all such will a raid this cost t thcmselvps and "4. trouble to us by sett tiny tip their 'hkoun.td$uon. ' "l1i fi,irbrothcLr !Co:l Ntrltell, nellahUDtu'uuM- Machine Oils at Nidkell & SliurU'. , , r : 1 - - Niokoll, n thorough druggist. HlDaub remember .Job Work Is Cash 011 delivery. il. Iliitohins is buying lofs of com 'these days. . . i, 1 . i. ' i, , .George Fablinger hM got liln "nntur alijation )apora." . .Come to the ADVisuTfsiiit office for llnst-GlnHH JobVork. , ! 1 1 u. Tim "gay and festive drumniors"ijtill lldyor around South Auburn. Mr. pion. F. Siuldcro has again be coufoHii'tizon of South Auburn. ' '. ftVh'o was it that did tho shooting of 'tlroso juivlla-Wotlncaday night? ; uH, i : 'OcorgoFalrbrothor lias moved into iliu-Kroricli building wcstsido.Of town. 1 . 1 i 1 Machine oils of all kinds at groaty reduced prices at Nickell's in Brown villi. . Mr. Fisher, of tho State, Journal, was interviewing our business men Thurs Uuy -Nic'koll, the" Brownvlllo Druggist, ia furnishing tho' schools of tho county wlth'books. ' , . h '(. --! 4 :5Thb AiviimsKit t(irns out ,no";itor and bettor job work than any" office in tho county. ' Dr. Collins, tho well-known tooth osjtW'lctor, is rushing frantically around South Auburn. ' "Mr. T. W. II. Mljlur, of Tocumsoh, 'ns' perambulating arotuid our streets hist "Wednesday. ' Johnnlo (Smith, tho lltrhtuinir shaver Ai -'.i,, .,!.... iu. ...... ....... ,.ti 1.... i.t i u i;uMJig niiiui, mm tinning fniniy (ids week. us ' llanlc .1. F. Wert, accompanied by S. A. Oflborn, mado a Hying trip in tho country Thursduv. rw I ''Ed. "Waltz, South Auburn's tonsorial avtist, has moved his shop to tho room second tlppr south of Iloldrego. Somalia City gavo CO majority for .tho Hopublloan ticket, and is the ban ner precinct. Dully for old Nemaha. ' 1'th'p homo dramatic troupe havo so lo'ctod tho drama, "Knlisted for tho .War," wjitolj thoy will place-' on tho boards iti a short time. Theo. Davis and wife wont ,'to No- brilska City last Wcilnesday iilornimr. inoo.-now wears u imt that takes tho staijch out of anything wo havo aeon. Ted Iluddart, proprietor and man ager 'of tho "homo taller company," will soon visit tho Pacille coast wi'th hi;H troupe, whoroho plays at tho "Great Hodm-nnd-llaug" theatro. Mr. Hosoy "Freeman was ro-olqqted assessor for Douglas precinct. Tlujro woVo some slanderous reports started re garding Hosoy's ofllclal career, but thoy wor easily proven to bo lies, and only served to augment his triumphant election. Jdr. P. Jias been a good, faithful and impartial assessor, and tho tax- payers of ills precinct know It. Wo woro so lato this week In vecclv ing returns from tho vari6us precincts that wo can only give- tho totals, In tho county. Tho following figures aro furnished as correct : aOVKUKOH. D.nves MiflO Morton : o7. lngersoll j 7-5 .,. ' . . . .r c.0Naiti:s.j. AVeavcr Hedlck. lam 1)!15 PUNATOH, insnor ; ...uisi Qhuroh ... ... .,.,; oil) ; Itr.I'UIWKKTATIVKS. " Fishor fJrny.OT ,.lsir rioott . . . . Pabllpgr fjhodlc .". . . t ! '. :'..'.. I. V.'.'.'.. '.'.'. 880 OOMMISSIOXKH.. Heed...'. .fa jf;..-j, w.Z.ttfr. i- ans.") Hudferi .&m.;.? . ii .'.'.-. .' -.". . : 008 1 POSEY FEE EM AN GETS THERE AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT! Wo hear that th vote on county scat removal in Atchison county, Missouii, residted in favor of Tarkio, and disas trouslv to Hock Port. Tho way tho Tarkioans did was to build a nice court house free of any expense to the peo ple and present it to the county, if they wouid'tiso it as a court house, and the nico gift was accepted. When tho bosses of Auburn do this, there will bo little trouble in bringing tho county seat out here, but otherwise and fail ure frill bo tho leault. Heating Stoves at Cost! I am closing out my piesent atock of Heating stoves tit cost, to make room for a large invoice 1Ii:kiu;iit Wi i.i.sox. Wagons! Wagons!! David Campbell, North Auburn, will sell you a Newton, Schutler,. Scude bakoi, Mitchell, or any other kind of a wagon just as cheap as you can get, it anywhere. 1, TAXESl TAXES! TAXES! To All Who Owo Delinquent Personal Tax. Tho Tax Hooks for lhS are now In my hands for collection, and all who owo delinquent personal tax fur 1R81 and previous years. You aio horeby untitled that after tho First of Novem ber next, 1 shall proceed to collect all delinquent personal tax by putting tho Hiunoin.tho hands of tho Sheriff for collection. Delinquents will please take notk'o and go'veru themselves ac cordingly. J. C. HorM'itu.i), County Treasurer. Brown'a Eobt. Burns. Now, win this uleo' truth shall read, Uki mun and niithcr's son talc heed, When aud Nick, wad gi ye cough orcauld, Utown's Cough lhlsan, cunt. My tale is tauli. Tain o' Shunter, ' Wall Paper. (ilNickoll&yhurts. ioh Tho Chicago Lumber Oompanv are solo agents for this Coal both at North and South Auburn. Call on them fol low prices. Dr. G. H. Collins, Dentist, Visits the following places in tho fol lowing order, eacli mouth: Hrownvlllo, 1st to 7th; Nemaha City, 8th to nth; South Auburn, lOth.North Auburn nth Hrock, 12th, lath and 14th. If you wish to savo money, and vour teeth, hold your dental work for Dr. U. II. Collins. When horses and cattlo aro spiritless, soraggy and fcoblo thoy need treatment with Undo Sam's Condition Powder. It purities tho blood. Improves tho ap potlto, cures colds, and distempor, in vigorates the system and will keep tho animal in a healthy, haiuksomo condi tion. . ' . With long years of oxporionoo and close application to business, (know I am-hotter prepared to turnish you with pure, fresh drugs and medicines, and at lower prices than at any drug house in thn county. 1 guaranteooverythlng that, goes frojn my hou&o to bo of full strength and of tho bust quality. A. W. NlCKKl J HrowiiYillo. Linn fe Cooper. Culvert, Nob., aro now ready to re ceive grain of all kinds, for which thoy will pay tho highest iharkot price Call at the elevator. J. . ASEULn,, Malinger. W GREAT DRY Cloaks, In order to make Quick Sales of a large stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, and such other goods as ewe too numerous to mention here. We will Regard less of Cost until all of our goods are sold. Standard Prints 6 cents, formerly 7 and 8. cents. Muslin 7A cents, formerly 9 cents. A 11-Wool fcassimeres 81.00, formerly $1.25. All-Wool Cashmeres 80 cents formerly $1.00. Dress Goods i6rj cents, formcily 20 cents. 0:B0!! Iiv order to avoid a rush call early In the day, and the slock is broken. Remember the place. Y'' SOUTH" -A-TJBTJBIsr. gT:iigyjrj.T?ei.;rmgfBVJ!iT???miJJii.ilji!lf.i:.':.!f,iuv;ir?.Tr.'..x.i'i -'-''; '1''-V','i:rm SELLING OUT AT COST! -5"L. Ji.1! H3 S3- S ELU REEOY'S I would inform tho citizens of Auburn and vicinity that 1 will sell out my enliro stock of MILLINERY, KIADIES' FANCY GOODS $ ,lR .c-N -flDTIOHS, ETC., At Cost.- I also havo a largo stock of GERBIAtffOWH WOOLS Call and coin'lnco yourselves that 1 mcuii what I say. ELLA KEEDY. :; iiivaiiarjrgsaTrriWHfflK.'agjrasHa R -FOR- MEN AND BOYS -'AT McGEE& MOORE'S .All tho latest novels and miscella neous books ut Nickell's drug store. V I 2x:o OVERCOATS h g5g UKjiKit ros.i;i;'3 i-vtis., .h-mi iS-nr UCO. Tho above put of Laco Glovo will bo found at all times, Jn all sizes and colors. lively pair of them warranted. Don't forytt the place, Gi:onai3 liiKCHKits, South Auburn, We are Selling Out Largo quantities goods dally and also buying now goods dally, In order that all mankind .may havothoir wants supplied.-. Prices lowor than tho lowest. Call and sco and bo convinced. McO ku & Mookk. Jows from California saj's, "On ac count of tho Sunday laws tho state bus gono Democratic." Tho assuming to reform moii in their social and relig ious habits1" and customs is what is ruining thu "Republican party. t Tho dirty old fight is over and wo aro all lad it Is. Thonoxt one will bo R new one. Who can toll how the next cac will jump? Polities truly make strange bed follows. i. Wo sell all ofuilrown's Classic-Hem- Cdios, jt Jip"jULI. &S1IUHTZ.. . s 12? Doimans, Domestics, Motions, Etc. csoxsQrass C5BcanrT?jare!srjHMftag'jwgTKrqyff7i fi -PM M 3 K? V .ly k r. - p- m lu ma ri a w. H vfi.. m irv Mi 'JsaSsr, es .Hi-i' t'A. u ti i . o w Tva n l'dwj1 as v a ,XjX3 JXIH&J VyjLnXJClL B S10.0GO- OBIS Matsaxnd Claps, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, O'TJST OPZHsTBD jT THE l rSTAR C OTHIHG HOUSE, L TBOUMSBH, NV1BEA8KA. FOR SALE ! One 3-Sp)'in( Waron. 2 Lumber Wnyons. J Set Ij iijh t Ha rn ess. One S-fear old Colt. One or all can bo bought cheap for Cash as I havo no use for thorn. Tj:d. Huddaut, South Auburn, Neb. , -NickeU, at Hrownvlllo, will furnish you your periodicals at less prlco than you will get them elsewhere. Brown's Shakespoaro. OiurLLo (suspecting) "Methinks I scent a mouse! Or isn't a humor in my blood?" Iaoo (aside).. Brown's Liver Pills, if in the house, would nip this 'humor in the bud." Oh! they yell, O, Act 4th-with, wagonsTbuggies. Tho "Regulator" is now in tho mar ket with a full lino of tho very best implements that aro mado. . Tom Hioii.uiDS. 4 rp McGceSf Moore's. Guns and Ammunition. If you want a good gun or ammuni tion for one, call on Herbert Willson, North Aubiirn. Tho H. & M. H. H., known as the "Hurllngtlon Routo" offers special ad vantages to travolers. Seo their ad vcrtisomont In this paper. tl-2!) A nico stock of jewelry and silvor waro at Nickell's drug storo;1 at low prices. Higgest stock of books and drugs in Nemaha county is at Nickell's. Extra copies of Tin; r salo at the postolllco. Auvkhtisku Hard waro and Furnituro at Willing Bros. & Jordan's. 1.4 ..I Por. Lumber Lime and Goal go to OOD Cotton Flannel I2& cents, formerly 15 cents. Mens' Kip Boots $3-00 formerly $3 50. Women's Calf Shoes $1.50, formerly 82.25. All-Wool Yarn $i.co $1.20. OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION. ft examine for yourselve before gtr::ivl(u:'ttti.'jiaJ.u3jaju,iKiu'iiauAuu' zsztowaixxziesiaiZirsi ? 1 ?jz2asri;wa3Bsra2zs3Kss23ffircjisain meats Boots and Slioe GIVEN AWAY. One Thousand Bottles of Matali's Golden Blood and Livor Tonio to bo Given i - Aw?'. Everybody, who is suffering from scrofula, chronic rheumatism, jaundice, biliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion, con stipation or costiveuess, headache, loss of appetite, chills or fever, ' malaria, backache, female weakness, nervous derangement, general debility, or any blood, livor. kidney, Stomach or bowel disorder can obtain a trial bottle of Marsh's fJoideu Blood and Liver Tonic, freo of charge, by calling at Niokell fc Short 7.' drug store, South Auburn. Persons who havo tried this famous medlcino can procure the largo bottles at 50 cents and s$l. It pp rifles the blood, invigorates tho liyor, stomach and bowels, regulates tho kidneys, and strengthens the system. Por all diseases of tho Throat and Lungs uso Marsh's Golden Halsam. FURNITURE At Willing Bros. & Jordan's. - . . - - MARKET REPORTS. SOf Til AUJIUKX ai.VltKKT. SiiRiir C'oUeo I) ll)-( SI 00 SUKiir ,'C" II to 10 His I 00 Flour, Glen Hoot:, por 100 lbs a 73 " Alton's , 50 " Nemulia Mill " " .'I 50 " IIoinowoodH " " " ,'t 50 rotntooH pur 1m a Apnlua, (ircon 50 Briod li: lbs 1 CO Onions por uunIigI 607fl Suit perburu'l 2 00 CabUiit;o per bead-. h ;!,", ICkks ior iloon i 'y. Mutter !m STOCK MAKKKT. Cattlo S'-' li'5.r) 50 HogH, 5 00&5 50 (1KAIX MAKKET. WllPfit No. 2 , UOuiTO Corn old '.'5 Outs 'im'X linrloy , , 10si5. ltyo.... :. , .", -M PIMPLES! I will rnnll (froo) tbn rroolpo for n slmplo VoBOtnUlo Uftlm that will romovo tnn, frei'k les, pnnplosand blotcliUH, IouvIiik tbo Hltln soft, flour nnd bPBUtlful; nlso instructions for pioduolnu n ln.vurlnnt rowtb of Imlr on a bnld bead or B'aootli fact). Addiens Inolon liiKilohintiip, Hun. VaudulfACo., 12 ilarclay street, N.Y, I w . SfjVJhlMikJMI 1 i .MMM , , J