I' It I tbxiwhx tlnxttsw POST OFFICE HOURS. Ktnm 7:00 a. m. to 9 p, m Sunda)i, from tt m, tm p. in, Kiirmen nt Others flette take notice. G. W. rAIRDHOTHRR, Jn.,P. M, '"tMJRSDA Y, OCT. art, ISS'2. Nlekell, 11 thorough druggist. Has any ono heard tho school bell ring? Come to tin; AnVKumrtR office fur tlrst-clnss job work. Win. Mntthffsufi. South .Auburn's popular blacksmith, Is very busy tires l! Niokull, tho Hrownvillo lrngglst, Ih ftirulsliiiifc tho schools of tho county with books. Vote for vim-vis S. Church, tlio man who wIU work lor tho beet interests of Xomaha county. lying tlio takes "tho I'or gentiiuo downright Xoiuaha County Journal miQ.--N?inuha Time. When in Hrownvillo cull nlXlekcsTit drugstore, opposite Carson's Juk, he will bo glad to eo you. fio to tlio polls next Tuesday, Nov. 1th, With thu determination to elect every man on tho Hcpuhlioan ticket. - . . -i , On of nicest millinery stoeku in tho city, Ih that of Miss Kllu ICeqily. Shu h "clling out at cost. See her "ud' in another column. Tho railroad jtrtlcln, on another page, will servo to brace up tins pcojilo of' Urownville, and roaliy reads if thoro wjw something in it. ThtTonhltthtBwtti "Tho surrey 01s are completing tile survey between Teuumsoh and Huairice, and work will "coinmeiico about November int. ' 1 1 1. Mr. (I. A. Waring, who has been Mlorkingfor MeGuo & Mooro for the pint two months, returned to his homo in Petersburg. Ind., Jiwt Saturday. Tho mongrol'oandidutes, not having tho ability 10 publicly discuss the claims, beauties and advantages of mongrelism, ar ongaging in a "still hunt." ONTHEBEOOED. Tho Primary at Brownvillo Bun by Democrats. Hwtok Ajjvkhtihkk: Just ftr the Republican primary which elected delegates to tho county convention you charged in your paper that .Democrats controlled the primary and to them were attributed the ten majority for tho untl-IIowo ticket. You weio cor rect, tw everybody conveisanl with the facts and the Democrats who voted knows; but Is thought, In addition to tho baro statement, that such , Demo crats as voted at that Republican prl mary should go upon tho record that their names should b printed in a now s pnper not with tlio view of injuring thum at all, but for the pnvposo of compelling them to face the record they have made. Wo looked over the poll books wild rind the following: nnMOfitATic nami:?. "Gcorgo UiecheiR, wo itgrot to sav, is 'selling out his large stoelf of general tnorehandlso, to go out of tho business. fTeiB selling all sorts or goods low down. ' Most of the Itopublicap tickets rend "for" the constitutional suffrage amendment. Tf this is not tho way you want to voto, scratch oft "for" and write on "against." Dikd At Hrutton, Nov. 1st,, of tllphthorin, Ofa, daughter of A. J.' Ting ley, aged six years. Ho carerul or your little Ones; that mdst dreadful disease is prevalent. - , Mr. It. A. .Stewart, of Hratton, piled into our otllce basket last Wednesday, a half bltshcl of tho beat and biggest apples we havoseon in tho county. Vo have forgotten tho name. Tom Majors' indorsement of J. S. Church is a good, strong one, and If Tom's friends believe Tom a good judge of senatorial timbor they will voto foi1 J udgo Church. Wo aoo old temperance Republicans going outside bf their party to support principles they have,; Hiodrn to oppose So, men often undo, by a single un reasonable Uot, the cod work of years. 1 .. Dr. "II. Hell Andrews, of Nemaha City, accompanied by wife ilnd sister, ft.. ri.... o 1-... .. ... .... i.i i .OA.nu jiun OUUIWV, OI lUlCKSOnVUIV, 111., woro viewing Auburn Thursdav this week, and pleasantly called on the Au. vr.uriSHit. W. T. Moorr, bon Junci, S. Swan, Milt. Jones, I). Algood, H. Algood, ltd. Campbell. Thomas Woods, O. H. L nnon, L, Marohn, R A Robiton, H Stevens, Jeff, Hawkey, Hqrdy Cutrell, Joseph Cutrell, Ned Mason, .Jacob Raultltaulb. I), II, McLaughlin, II. H, Dolen, Henry Rojee, A)!". Crane, T I. Swan, T. S. Robiton, John Hand, Claries Andnwi, Tom Kinr. James Cochran, John Cranmer, D. D Adami, W. H Alderman, Harry Crane, Mat. Alderman. William Kaull'inan or, Mr. Editor, every Democrat above named pledged his word and honor, to tho judges and clerks ot that primary election, before his ticket was received, that ho wouul voto for the Republican nominees of tho county convention. Some of the Democrat's above named voted through honest motives, accepting tho invitation of the Republican central committee to vote at the primaries in tho candor and honesty In which it was given, and will voto as thoy promised for Die .Republican candidates. Hut many of those who jdedged their honor as gen tloiiicn to abide by tlio decision of the convention and vote for tho nominees, also voted in the fusion primary, some were in the fusion convention, and arc now working for tho sut-cess of the fusion ticket. Is this fair, is it holiest? WE Al'l'EAI. TO EVERY HONEST DEMOCRAT in Nemaha countv, every one who believes in maintaining at least a degree of honor and manhood oven In politics if the action yf those Hrownvillo Democrats is not perlidv, rascality, boiled down, and a proper cause for the administration or prompt and decisive rebuke? Wo .isk them, in all candor, if Democrats, or Repub licans, who step aside from their lenit Imato business, from the party thev belong to, to make solemn promises merely to break them, could be believed on oath ? Wo aro very sure they could not. Such men would chcorfull'v com mit perjury to Ruin a political end. It will lie noticed by the above list that, the names of the leaders, Who sold the Democratic party out for oillcial places for themselves next Vear, and aro now amilatliig in brotherly atTcctioii with saloon-keepers and sorehead Hepubli cans, do not nppoar. They dared not no upon the record art voters ui a Re publican primary, yet they traversed the streets all day proctiriui: others to voto and loading them to tlio polls. Every yours for honesty and Faim'I.ay. SELLING J5TJ GREAT ARGAINS!! - . rja DRY GOODS. 1 -mmt- wm Cl SHOES, Mr. J. H. Haird, contractor and builder of North Auburn, Is ongagud in building and Odd Fellows' hull at Table Rock, Nob. Mr. H. Is an ox perie'ieed mechanic and his work al ways, glv.- satisfaction. Letter Prom Johnson Station, F.nrrou Advi:utisi:ii: Can vou in form the citl-zgna of Nemaha Countv wliothor .lohn II. Miller or Tom MnJ ortf is chairman of the Democratic central committuo of Nemaha county. They are mixed up so you can hardiy tell which is which. Would Anclv skeen make a llrst-class telephone? l"f I he.Ti-d correctlv that was what Tom Majors and Hill used him for to trans mit Instruction from the First Na tional Hank to Mm nnnrf. Iimiun In tl. chairman of the Democratic central committee to decide not to hold a Dom- uci-iiuc convenuon nut adjourn and lmvo a people's convention called. Things have come down to a tlno point when the, Democratic party aro to bo made a cats-paw of to rake tho ches nuts out of tho Hro for Hill Duilv and Tom Majors. How mjinv tjiousnnd head of ciuilodld Frank Johnson bnv when ho came out to llr up delegates for tho Peoples' convention? Huving wutm wiia shiii 10 1)0 Ills liusilioss nt that time. , OTHINO. GROCERIES. BOOTS . Cloaks, Dolmans, Domestics, Notions, Etc. In order to make Quick Sales of a large stock of Dry GoocU 7r77Z jT Shoes, and such other goods as are loo numerous to mention here W?V,SnTz!L ! 7 ' less of Cost until all of our goods are sold. mton nei e. lie will Xegqrd- Standard Prints 6 cents, forpierly 7 and 8 cents. Muslin 7.J. Cfnfi;. fnrmnrlv n rnnt AlI-VVool' ffassimcres Si. 00, formerly $1.25. A II-Wool Cashmeres 80 cents formerly $1.00. Dress Goods it)jj cents, formcily 20 cents. Cotton Flannel 12 cents, formcrlyi5 cents. Mens kip Boots $3-00 formerly 3 50. rf.wn'8i idalr si,oes -50' formcrly 2-25- All-Wool Yarn $1. co 81.20. OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION cjoim:ss cj:roiggy C330QC3 'jajLjl thcttoctZ ih , and S5T?SlSSSi GEORGE EIEOHERS, SOTTTT-T A TTT3TTT3.-KT -.a.j SELLING OUT hi COST! A.T- HISS EliA KEEOfS I would inform tho cili7ens, of Auburn and vicinity that I will sell out lin en tiro stock of MILLINERY, pro8ESK3siawrs rr mmljliijlIiu I il'AJLJL AND WINTRY a b .!?; FJV LADIES' FANCY G00DS, NOTIONS, ETC.,?. At Cost. J also bavo a largo stock of ?GERMANTQWN WOOL: Call and convince mean what I sav. yourselves that J ELLA KEEDY. AToto the straight Rvpublicnn ticket and settle all your gnevaii"i' and cor rect VOlU' oust mistakes in u li'L-itlnuitn wav. It lmrdlv iiiiva to lim-n ii.iu-n L. lJI .V'V !,,t.!.M VKt Col. Tom your barn for tho sake of destroying a ;! "J, J ,! 'u,ffi V,1"."5" tht,,0flt ,n,ln in few rats which burrow under tho .,u.C(M,,,iy. for,st'1 .HOI,iltr. and ho On the .i.,t 01 (liiuhi Col. Tom ijraln bins. Hiter Octan. A mojigrcl f Hrownvllle tho other Uay was a little previous in saying thev bad secured tho tloat voto of that city. Wo presume thoy havo bought all who havobocn for sale, but some of tho boys cannot be hired to rote against the Itopublican ticket. It has always bean concoded that a man may be poor in pocket but honest lit principle, ! v'1" A real gentlemanly, nice Democratic bulldozer of Hrownville, said tho Re- publictna had better not hold their titniirtPi1 m null ni In ItrnttMivlll uiiim. day nightlha. nobody would attend if they lld. Tho meeting will take lil.nco all tho smifl aiid will bo a rouser if we mistake not. Let there bo a Re publican rally at Hrownvillo on that evening from all aroitnd and especially of Hrownvillo city ami precinct. ' h .''.v'i I wem 11 rar ami riskRii n ntm.ii . place his opinion on tho nmttor upon record in au abto letter to a friend. 1 hen, Judge Church was an able inde pendent man, one who could not bo handled by monopolists, etc., according to Mr. Majors, and he .was eminently correct. Juduo Church i t.hn .. man yet, and if the Col. would act con sistent with his utterances ho will sun port ldm. Tho Democrats, imri.mmimia .....1 -, .,.. , .... tiw,d linn soreheads, of tho J8th senatorial dis U let Johnson and Pawnee counties have put up ex-Oov. Hutler against Hon. Jacob Dow. tho regular Hopubli can candidate. Gov. Dave will doubt ess make thinks quite lively for Jake but the Ton-hltaht thinks that Jake will easily got away with tho cake. All thu latest novels and miscolla noons books at Nickell's drug store. , ) . 1 irrii"i-rffi'TTP"iiiiiiim iii nw iitim ui wiiwiiiini.Hm A Bonaible Lottor. Al'iintN, Nov. 1st, iS3i. TClHTOIt AlirERTISHH! 1 !im ., .. Church llowo man, but a Republican, and intend therefore to yuto thy Re publican ticket, so far at least as the legislative part of it is concerned. My friends who proposa to bolt, say thoy will do so because it is u "Howe ticket." Thu Democrats or some of thum, pro-' I'wau iu uiKo auvaniugu 01 tlie tieusu less quarrol In tho Uepublican party, to run in a man or l.un (!hnrM. ir,,'.. is not running. Tho gentlumun com posing tlio itupublicun ticket havo no superiors in Nomalia countv as indus triotis, temperate, moral, u)iright citi izoiis, and their being nominated in a now convention tioos not make tliom less so; and there is not a grain ot heuse in tlio effort to defeat them upon thai ground, for it could not be con siderod n rebuke to Uowo to defeat the iicaet, nor a proof or test of his stand ing in tho Republican party in the county. No sensible man who looks at thu matter a moment believes that a union or disaffected Republicans and Democrats, can possibly test Howe's Ul'imuth in the TttMiulillnnn lmvtv a'.. n-U'pe'tdnt Hepublican ticket, which they wo.ild not dare put out, would have come nearer mill iugsiwii a tvsf. Hulling Republicans slnmld as le.ist place as good a ticket In tho Hold as the one thoy bolt from, otherwise thoy lay themselves open to tho charge buinj; more vindictive than honest. No. gon tlemon bolters, I for one do not pro pose to "bito off my nose to spite my face" this year, and can't near ro nion- grelism. Fisher, Whisky & Co. When Howe runs wo attend to llowo, but to oppose such men as Judge Church, Jacob Good and George Shook, for no better reason than that thoy were nom inated by a llowo convention is ridicu lous in the oxtromo. Look;. iiflTH OF CLOTHING! - Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, TTTcSi? UISHING GOODS, CTTJST ODPETE3D AT THE STAR C OTHING HOPT rJ,Y TJA u wxHrn&wia Jk MMmUmmmm -i ' toxide of Iran, 1'rruvUm. Bark and rioiphcmti it a palatable ortt Itie that mill tin! I.tnrl ... it.. ttrth,o cJtaracteristicof '""- ' y "" rrrT'ara'i' flKNTLEMENi I hiv.,,..H n-.i... ! ... .1 I ' , ' J "wrtran jtrrn rnfif.SJJclnikvp'n Ci88 that liatc bafflca romf oiiViSLv mSfS,. SS-3r.t . M lt.my bVt ml eoino worn erful cures. ablB remedy. I proscrlbo It in wot c?lncnt PlylcUn0. have yleldoU to tUU rret anil lueoinnarl II gives color tnthhKt -z- ". ww-viratu ATCnue. ??" iKxdthfltl tone to the dlfjetttve organ anil J tMn?oM iwitem making ( n5SBi,il General) ft?"? Xw of Appe. tittm-roMtratlonof Vital I Power and. TnUt....- I I.ANUFACTUREDBVTHE DRtTHARTlS'SSSS? v:vwjj SOBGHXJM lr ATzz Mat .Cannon a.mr"paI0;Connell, DOtll ll(((I-((ilirloiv lir A ..!,.... nr... ' ha ng a ilisliku for each other began a nght on a wall CO above tho ground In a deadly hug thoy tumbled off and when thev Htruilf ti.n 1 .. lf!?HJ-&aut tan to their assistance. lf Guns and Ammunition. Jf you want a ood riiii or ainmuni tl.ni 1.11 o .,c.dlu,i llrlnM-t Willson, Aorth Auburn. . A nromlnoiit T.nmldii n. .,..,. 1.,.., .1: . coered two American women in that olty who aro inoro beautiful than Mrs J-angtry. in tlio opinion of connois soura. Tim ptobabllities are that we bavo hundred of Huh,, ,...t .... n... prairies. 1 We are Selling Out MARKET REPORTS, SOUTH AUIJUHX MAltJvKT. HilKiir Cotri'O 11 llw $1 00 A Chicairo ward nolitieian. ynl. off the following: "And fellow citizens, there is not a man, woman, or child in thu house of no years of ago who has not had this truth thundering inrougii tneir mi mis for centuries." Wo sell all of Brown's Classic Rem edies. NlCKKLL & SllUUTZ. Hiiir n 11 . in n!L" Hour, nitm Hook, per 10U lb.. Allon'h .... " Noiniilui Mill " ' .... " HoinowooiU ' Potiflrot'M vit'r tm Apple, Ureeu...... , Dneil ISIItiK...... ' Onions per tituluil , Suit HIT Ii irn.l Ciihlinue per head ...,;. jiKKH per uozeti . UiHtjr....,. 1 (id .... ;t 70 .... X !,l .... 3 i!) .... 8 tt) .... i. .. 60 ,... 1 I'O . C07.'i .... 'J ni ... Mi .. ia, ... u STOCK. MAKKKT. Cattlo. Uo,.., jj zsotr, .mi 5 0U$5 OH oitAix MAiucrr. Vlieot No. i! wTU Cornold ; vri JVt? iWH 'Ht-loy 4f)aW ".. , -10 uauxKtminxai Large quantities goods duilv and also buying now goods dally, In order that u mankind may have their wants sup ',," Prices lowor than tho lowest. -all and see and bo convinced. McGkk A Mookk. Brown's Shakespeare, Othilio (lujpecting) "MethinL I scent a mouse! Or isn't a humor in my blood?" lAno (aside). Br.wn'i Luer Pills, if in the house, would nip this humor in the bud." Ohttliejeil, O, Act Adi-wali. PIMPLES! I will ninll (Ufv) ilio n-celpo for n Hlmplo VcKutahld Hnliii lln.1 wll remove Inn, Ireek Io, pimples rind hloidio'. IoavIdr the sltln oft, clour nml leolliiil: nlnn initriictlnn for pjndncliit: i luxiulniil mtiu'tli of imlroti n uulil liend nrB'iiootli fnee. A Jilrem Inelo. liiRScHtHinp, Hen. Vuiuielf ACo., 1.' IVircluy ht?eet.N.T. LA Si 0 ST Jt "n " ""' l "in Iwrt. 5 US i KT. 3 fi.iIL..rUI,.l-.i .Ikv.. 1 lur i- .1.,. .my-jr, . (, Jl,flfemjrt fill i.ti te4 Or rllUl)l.lu J(( KiiuaII I. K.li.fjr, .i,t( ,,, ,up. p)Kit3n, 'l,4 nm.iiki I. .ilutu l . J In dIi. i.acj':; a tf. rt: r.c. v it;cts. Vo. WlM'.Tri ' f.ltlJMMUIIIHI,h vv,fv b iCiWitoi 1 m i. t. u hii ... iiiim .1 u ,, .(i v.-.j:1 i .wiirj..'. lb thill II..4 II l-Jl,.,,, MllM,.!, tl M.l iJ ,. 1J flit t.fh.1 (& hi, ,.r. , , l,,r 0,,t (,,Hl lth'l i ii t. .! il'-,id.. ,... 1 jsu,. Inl i n 'if . i:.:.'i ) r ' rHIiv oa