aanannnw BY -T" G. W. FAIRBROTHER & CO. REPUBLICAN MEETINGS Tliu cuiiillilntcs upon tlio ItepiiHuiu tlckut, oi Xctnalin county, Imvo jio.stuirt out, announcing moetinpn at tlio fol lowing times and pliices: Eitinv, Nov. slid London Mmi nltiK'rt School Hdui. J Satlmuuy, Nov. -l tli Brownvllle. MondXv, Nov. (Itli Pom. Monday, Nov. (Jtli- North Aulmrn. All tlio nlmvo muetiiitfs will bo held inltlic ovunln at 7U10 bolookj -fc SL'lig Jcputilicmifi uiul all wlio sup pot Uhu ticket ol Asplmvul), St. J) p. toln and Nemaha .lVcoinctH, will hold a muss nioctliiK at Nemaha City, Thiiiadny cvoiiiiik, Novmnhcr I'd, at 7 m b'ilok. The host Hpcakcrs possible to bo hud will attend tho meetings. Tliu people of all parties Hhould turn out to those. ineetlngH and hoar what our cUndldatos hilvo to way. JVct, Iff liable DntijyM. piadhUiriOllatNlQltell Sliiirf. VUKNJTUHK At Willing Uros. & Jordan' For J.umber Inline aud Coal go io , .1. W. lvKUN.s. irai'dwareaud Kunilturc at Willing Uros. & Jordan's. Kxtra' copies of Tin; AuvisitTisnu r sale at tho postollleo. Biggest stock of books aud drugs In Nemaha county Ih at Nickell'a. ilJUcglcs and Spring-Wagons for sale by J). Campbell, North Aulmrn. A nice stock of jewelry 'and silver ware at Nlokcll's drug store, at low prices. . Tho H. & M. It. ll known as the "Murlingtlon Houto" olTers special an vantages to travelers. See their ad vertisement in this paper. 0-ti!l Tor Balo or Trade, I iiave a .'1-yeur old short horn bull "which I will sell cheap or trade An other Btock. M. W. Wam.ack. I8W2 North Auburn, Nel. RicTHiiF Coal. 1 The Chicago Lumber Company nro sole agents for this Coal both iit North aid South Auburn. Call on them for ldw piicos. 500 OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND BOYS AT McGEE&MOORE;S AVith long years of oxporioifco and close application to business, I know I am better prepared to furnish you with pure, fresh drugs aud medicines, and at lower prices than at any drug house in the county. 1 guaranteoovorything that, goes from my house to bo 6f full strength and of tho best quality. A. W. NlOIClM.!,, ' J . UiAwnville. . WAGONS, BUGGIES. rlioltegulator' Is now in tho mar ket ivitli a full ,1ifiu..df the yery best implements that nro made. O.U.U IVIUUAKUM. t - ---i i 'APP SALE ! One iirSprlnu Wayon. iflgiUMbep Wagon. 1 Sat Li (it Harness. Oncii-ijeai' old Colt. One or all can bo bought cheap for Cash as I have no Use for thorn. t Tkd. Huddaut, South Auburn, Neb. Nickell, at Hrownville, will furnish you your periodicals at less price than you will got thorn elsewhere. TAXE81 TAXES! TAXES! To All Who Owe Djjlinquint Personal Tax, The Tax Books for 1882 aio now in my hands for collection, and ull who owo delinquent poronal tax for 1881 and previous years. You are hereby notified that after the J'lrstof Novem ber next, I shall proceed to collect all delinquent pomonal tax by putting tho same in the hands of the Shcrlll for 'ollection. J)ollnquent8 will please tako notlceand govern themselves ac cordingly. J . (;, Uou.sriKU), County Tioilsuter. Linn & Cooper. Calveit, Neb., am now ready to ro reivo grain of all kinds, for which they will pay tho highest market price Call at the elevator. J. . ASKILL, tt tumpcr. Koclucfid Prices in Moat. The Calveit Meat Market will furn ish meat from this date at tho follow ing reduced rates: Surlohi Steak i2 eta. Hound " ,..io Hoast , . . s " Chuck io " oiling peices Irom (Ic to 7c. . 1Ij;nhy Hmi.m, IMop., FRESH TIMOTHY SEED!! for sale by Nickell & Shurts. Dr. Jacques' Gorman Worm Cakes stand umlvaled as a wonn medicine. Uivu them a trial. Sold by all drug gists. a Brown'B Shakespeare. CAhsii'5 (hoarsely). "Vo Gods, inv throat is sore!" Hmni-8 (Mulling). "Brown's Tar Trocjies, and whoeze no mole!" .lulus' Seize her! , Children have" healttt il'iid mothers lest when Dr. Wincjielrs Teething Syrup Is used. It produces natural sleep, ruuhttos tho bowels, cures dys entery and dlarrhojiarisingfrom teeth ing or other causes. tSold by all" drug gists at i: cents a bottle. 7 Do not neglect a cough or cold until It is too late, try Eilert's Extract of Tar aud Wild Cherry, wo are sure ynll will bo convinced of its muiils, chron ic coughs, and oven consumptives a)-e cured by following the diiections, every bottle is warianted to L'ivn satis- faction. l Dr. G. H. Collins, Dentist, " Visits tho following places in tliu fol lowing order, each month: Hrownville. 1st to 7th; Nemaha City, sth to !)th; South Auburn.lOth.North Aubirrn 1 lth Hrock, mth, lJJthand Hth. If vmi wish to save money, and your teeth," hold your dental work for Dr. (!. II, Collins1 Brown's Moore. 's hour I e seen cjcIi stomache-achc deca), And when 1 felt dyspepsia's power, Brown'k I'epiin Tonic droie't away." Lai Lai Rookli. ft .iui . ...... i i W4i ever tnui. since cniidliood's GIVEN AWAY. Ono ThonBand Bottles of Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver Touio to bt Givou Awa-, JOvorybody, who is suffering from scrofula, chronic rhoqnmtfsm, jaundice, biliou&iJoiH, dyapoprtia, indigestion, con- ntiiitviuu ui v;nii vciiij.13, IIUHUIlUlie, JOSS oralpotito. chills "or fovor, malaria, backache, fonmlu weakness, nervous derangement, general' debility, or any blood, liver, kidney, stomach or bowel disorder cm obtain .a trial bottle 'of Marsh's Golden Jiloodnnd Liver Tonic, free of charge, by calling at Nickell & Slmrtz' drug store, South Auburn. Persons who have tried this famous niedtoluo caii procure tho largo bottles at no cents aud 91. It purines tho blood, invigorates the liver, stomach iiiju iiuwuin, u-gmaies mo Kidneys, and httengthens the systom. . . a, Vor allJljseaHes d" the Throat anil 'Lungs use Marsh's Golden Halsaiu. ' When horses and cattle are spiritless, scraggv and feeble they need treatment with Uncle Sam's Condition. Powder. It purifies tin) blood, iinpiovcs tho' dp. potito, cures colds, and distonipur,' in vigorates t.'lesvstein anil will knmi tin. uiimal in a healthv. hanilsoioitVitiwii. on. 4 , Any person with a cough cold, or my bronchial complaint or een in the list stage of comsumption will bo re lieved and viucd by Eilert's Extract of '1 ar and Wild G berry. It is especially prepared for Jironchial complaints. '1 honsands weo have tried it now live to testiy of its merits-give it an im mediate trial yuti will be surprised at the result. ) Li vor, Kidney and Brlcht's Disaoa'o. A mediclno that destroys the genu or causo of Hrlght's J)ise.se, diabetes, imiiiwj aim nver complaints, and has iu n ui rout uiom out ot tlio system, Is nbovo all price. Such a medic"ine is Hop Hitters, and positive proof of this nui bo found by ono trial, or bvasking your neighbors, who have been eiired by it. l A Valuable Addition. Uecauso it is beneficial to the scalp and adds to personal beauty bV restor ing color and lustre to grAy or taded hair, is why Parker's Hair Jlnlsanf is such a popular dressing. Takeraio of your LI Vor." AgreUf iiund)erof tho diseases t which man- kiihi are liable arise from a disordered condition of this organ. Keep it In a somm ami iieaitiiy condition and cyou can dofy disease. Prickly Ash Hitters am especially adapted for tjils. purpose, being composed of drugs which act on, the Liver, giving it tone and strength' to withstand, mahvrja. ' Brown's Shakespeare, Othello (iuiecting) "Mcthlnlu I icent a mnuiel Or lin't ahumor In my blood?" I ago (tilde). Brcwu'i Liver I'illi, if In the house, would nip thli humor in the bud.'r Old tdcy )eil, O, Act 4th-witli. " Plnest lino of pocket books memo randums, perfumeiy and toilet articles in the (Jounty at Nlokoll's in Hrown vllle. ' - Undo Sam's Condition Powtfer "pre vents disease, purifies tho blood, im proves the appetite, gives a smooth glossy chat, and keeps the animal fn good condition. All druggist sell it. 8 Machine oils of all kinds at greatly reduced prices at Nickell's in Hrown ville... ..', Uncle NajhM Nervq and Horio Jini mentis must uiliciunt i rheumatism, ornlses, burns, scratches aud many oth er ills incident to man arid, beast. Sold by all druggists. .1 A WISE DECISION. " J will tuktt my reciiies and jirescrip- tions to Nlckoll, where J will gef, them filled correctly with tho best of dings and without any substituting. Stoves, Stoves, The largest variety of Coal and Healing Stoves to lound in Nemalia county. Wilu.no Hjios. & .Iokdax. n2T THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. "a Peterson's Magazine Unoqualed Promiuma Fop 1883 I J Tho prlnclpiil premium fur getllng up I'liilm for IK.' will b'n hupcrh Hlnl'eiJKiuv iiiK(Nl7n'J7lnuliatlir M) f.,r frumlnn, ufiur tiiiienlcy's world rliiiviifxl phuurc, ' UIuImI llcfore t'lJittu," for which iiinFiunrli (ovtfi nuifliit tiiltt Junt pnlil 100lK)0lriicM. Xo Mioli pi fill lu 111 witntiveruileitKl hefoie. ciiok'i: or l'ltEMir.M.s ron (jkttino vv cluiis. lHKCIIK!STIlKKOUKl'ir,UK" I'llOTOUUAI'll Oil (lUllTO amioi. l..TUA t'OI'V OK ilA(UZINK I'Olt lsa. FULL-SIZE PAPER PATTERNS! 1 lT.TKHSON'H MAUAJNIJ Ik tint UchI uiul 'ohciiptHl ol llio liuly'H hiiiilcH. It (jlvci more lor iho imtiicy, mid cuinhlni grottoi incrliM, limn any ollior, 1 linmcnxo circulation uiul lotig.CNtiibllKlird rcputiilli.il ciiahlih Its pioprlctur to dUluiico ull comnutlilun. In Hhori, It Iiiim tho Ilpfct Sti'il KiifrrnTlnci. Ilext Colored Fnhlonn, Jlrxt llrcmi 1'uttrrnii, llcst Original Morion. licit Work.Tlkbln I'lltfprnn. , Ill-It UlUHtrHlluMH, Klc. Tlio Ktorli. novrlcU, oic. In "I'oicrHon" .lllfl llllllllttvil In 111. Him li.ul r.11 I.I l.l.,l All tliu tuoHt populttr fiuiml wrlMtrit contilbuti kii. in iiwi, niinui jiiu nriKinul hioiIoh will 'V. f '-i ' V l,u""i"n isia i,opyrik!in VIIVHIHIB IIV JK 'MliMietllrl, Jlno Wife." Illr. yV I miiy-H dook, in UN Hpipiiiiiiiiy illustrated ur iicifN,nii(it'5jiioiullj lis Colored Steel Fashion-Plates I liiurnvMonnlril,r'M'WAr tlte of all othrtt, uiul Hiiporlily crtlfiuil. AIko, hniiHPholit. COOKITV. Ullr. Illllnl nuiiilnlm iirll.li.u ... .... 'inhrolilery, (lower culture, iwiixn rtocora- thill In klinrt AuMrviliiti.. ii,..AUi.... ... lnillCN, TKItMSfUttnvM In Ailuiiir! fi-'.OO A iir. UNPARALLELED OFrEltSTO 0LUBS. With itiipiiriilleleil Hlpcl i)KiavliiK,"ChrlRi'Ieforu l'llule," or a liiimWumo I'liomcrai h, iMcmrinl, or Qimrio Albiiin, lor got- flllK UpOlllbH. 1 With an extra ropy of 4 ojitoM for $(l..'0 tho Mnipixlnw lr InS.1, as a 0 I'oplt-k fur 0.00 1 pieiuluiu, to the pcr.son I it tlliiR upthecluh. , T m CfQ erg O CD CD O 2 2 S P9 CLi CD w b f V B 4 CO caZZ H3C3 woo tdO r-3 1 1' nuoui too nrimnal hIoiIch will nl )n iliMlllon BIx Oopyrluhl AMi H..HH'phoiiH. Krmik I.t-e 0 O. AllHfln, 'JohIhIi AllcnV . Hpiirlnlly of "PoMrsnn." as n O I 1 o . Q. o: iCojilo fiirSil.oU :i('nies 4.r0 el Cuiilim Tor ftS.OO C1hn for 10.00 KOIt Willi hotli an extra enpv of tho M lunyliiH tor Iti, ami t helm ('Ii'pI diikuiv Inn, or ellluir'or toe Al Iiuiiim, to the prrKou j-ot- 1 miir up Mieeitihx, lAll(lKKl'I.l,llSKTIMi(ilti:ATKUIMM'('K .nt;.l. AddrMN, jinstpnlil, CHAUU-SJ. PKTKHSOX. 3lMIOIiui.tiiiit.St., I'hlla'lelphla. Pa. Sj-eclmeni lent gratis, it written tor, to get Ui clubs w'tli. THE CHICAGO rr . Hi- M Si . a ? ki cS s T S 2a -H o w rn an Cy & M S S 8 ty GO c kjd s s- g q hj Ell p & HO SZti cd pre 2 Hw o p3 &S- S2 CD 3 Z 1 W gl I 5- H -H o? hM ZE c Eg' to L umberGo I South Auburn, Neb. TRAVEL ONLY VIA Gurl & Mo. Riv. Railroad KNOWN as Tin: Burlington Route ron AM. POINTS tiv. H. IJoll Andrews, of uiimliu City, liiia1 hia olllco at lih YdSUloHwi.' v iioio no in preparetl to trvancuto nml chronic disqapea. JMqnsant walflnl' rooms for putlonts. Surgical illsoasrs ii womon u specialty. His succtwHiiH stirpiou Is won kilobit from casein tiiln vlviijitv operated upon 'with npr mancnt rullof.. ., , t v. A 'Wall Paper. atXIHcell.Shurt8i' - --" Brown's Robt, Burna. Now tthi tl tilrt)' trth itwtl reJ, Ilka mun and mitlier't mn rnL- I....I When auld NJck wii s ye ccjugl, or'cauM ' . DrOMn'l Cuupll llallam rnr. . M.. ..l '..'. .. , .,,., ,. lJlc J,u, "Taiiii)'Shanter.w, 'M -BH. i fit rsBKthjM HI f " EiH' EAST AND WEST. Daily Express Traius aro now Enn to Obicago, Omaha and Denver L I jST c o 2ST 3 and iu:tvki:n Kansas City, Atcliison and Denver. O IxroMH fi'iiiiiH Dully BETWEEN Qmaha and Lincoln. ' All Through'Tralni are equipped with new and elegant Pullman Palace Cars, Da) Coaches and Baggage ami Lxprejs Cm of uie utest designs. TUTT'S PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. S,MJf ?? pln under the Shoulder blsde, fullneoi atter eating, with dltin- TH?.KiR5?ertion foody or mind, Jin-ii5Si?mper' ,Low Pints, with afoelincof hTlnc nogleeted iomeduty, WrineM, DlBBinoM, IlutUriuB at the Beart, Dpt. before the ey ee, YVuow Bkh Headaohe Kenorally over tho right eye BeitleMnewi, with flWui dreamii. highE colored Urine, aad "", CONSTIPATION. TUTrS PII.L8are eapeeiaUyadapted to uoh cjjaet, one dote elfenta aoh a okango , 'eeUng as to aatonlth tae auffnrer. TUn'S HAIR DYE. 1 w.. j .ftn ui rwMtf ocea. OmCB. M MCBMATarr., CmM EWlfU tHk MlMAK mnrisui ) nmTTur fleW lalb&tf 2 REUABLE SELF-CORE A filVnelta amaAdntUH -. ... . 4,1. h,r... :j. ..h :u v:.-,",-"u..,. .""" i:vr.v,".'LvT".u,j',r'0"'" . V . ii .' '"l2"""n'olMvrvnli Jf'll !i l WILL HELL YOU LUMSEti; XATH, ,.SHiNGlES-fEtc., Cheaper than any - jbtMhon JbJartfi. Are an sale at all principal Italians, uhm. n sengers can obtain information as to Routes, Rates and conn.-ctions, and can seiure Sleeuing carauott:m6dJtions. QuickTime, Sure Coanoctiona, No Delays, As trains run to and from Union Depots at all priiuipal points. P. S. E I'S 1'IS, Geii'lTlc-kfi Act.. ' 'Omama, MMn, sLADHt,!', l''N'l H Lii-rerrhM jjr2aJ.U.J niu.i j.ivNw ntHar 77ltut?7l?u?7Z'. . . ,,"rr,'l'""lileltnittitriW a-r.i,I,1,l,?LiL".i'r..;ri''-itaiu. Cji'-jjlN..,,,'., ;.-.,. : ,L.r.,VA,,,.; n'.L; I i .- , - ""WHii-viAcnroiiff iMWiikr; I Attr Mmnar.ii vcr.i ...... . .,r Throught Tiokets at Lowest Bates ' ln',lalnBoalwlenveIo'0'OnicBiiwcirnflu.. . 1 v are to uh. uAnn jl rn 1 ..t t .. Bll ERRORS OF'YOUnT Iifllir i.,l,ltr' Prftmainre Ucy, ana s.11 the effect, of .ronthfal ln.llior.tlorf. will rr our.. Vnff.r,'.P-.rf,,n,7 br wh,Qi' h"wN vnJlL'erN Jl!Il wJt,InC " PoHt y III Ml. In iiarfret oonHil.no Johk ft Oonil !. I lit.''- "U.U ll. a& . .- . 1 ' .. : : "-- rt "n -.' ii..i;v.'.,li,.,,Vli",V.,L . .w i..u..- , 1... S lruis. MP. "ljtlv.!.U C 1w -.l,,i 1, 1. ' l ..ln.ullk.l..,L .... .'..liVuw'i'pJSJ I T M 1 ; Imwm. j TO CONSUMPTIVPC; Tho ml vertlner having tn-en iinrmuiiHniiv : ... hi iwiosv Miirer R;'V hVn Tn ,it"?nVl lio.-Mreo.ifor- 1 nn.l'uS',1 r."!!.w'' h they' will lirllf 1. "urS oSeVnr o .A r,;..r?"' W?. A'thm. bro,. sttSSsss