X' CIJUUJlJ.llMjUWaiUMj'JM Itatos of Advertising! Local Notices, first week, 10 cents per line j Inch subsequent week, 5 cent! per line. Display locals, IS cents per line. Advertisement un locsl page, 50 cenU per weeper week Miscellaneous ads 50 cents perinch per month. Legal adtat legal rates. mhium imiii iim 11 ; Machine, Oils at Xickull & .Slmrt. FUHNITtlltJi At Willing ros. & Jottlaii'H. For Lumber Limo mid C , .I.W. :)ll1 ,'0 to KlCKXri. Hani ware ami Furnituio at Willing llroa. fc .Jonlun'.s. Extra copies ol Tun Aivi'.iiTw.it or sale, at tins noaloilU'c. UiKKost stock of boohs anil drugs in Xuitmliu county is at XlcUrll'.s. A nice .stock of jewelry and silver wntoiit Nicki'll's drug store, at low prices. "Wo learn that Charley Kclswottcr, at Tecumseh, last week in .some way got his leg undei the wheels of a rail road car, and lost a foot thereby. Jdr. Smith, the surveyor for the- Lin coln Laud Company, is engaged in lay ing out into town lots the fortj acres of laud which lays between North ami South Auburn. .liin MeXaughton- -of the First Na tional Hank -in his speech at the mon grel convention said. "Wo huvo been laboring with Mr. Jhoady all day to pruvail upon him to accept thenomlnu tion for senator. Mr. Hwmtlv is this until the people want. Hut his busi ness, ho thinks, will not permit him to . accept. We are truly sorry, thorefoio I namo J. H. I'lsher, of AHpinwall, for senator." That speech was not so complimentary of Mr. Fisher. An Iowu psiiwr hits the nail on tbo head when It says that 11 paper may Inbor for years for the best interests of a Jown, in every conceivablo mannor, and it Is never spoken of by the citi zens. It is not oven mentioned to the editor all of his efforts being treated as 11 matter of no consequences, or us u matter of course; but let the same edi tor insert a four-line paragraph Unit in the leasts rellects discredit on the tojvn or its prosperity, then ho hears from some one at once. The Lincoln jVcmw gives sovoral gen tlomen a gratuitous airing. It seems, that cltv has been recently Infested by a number of "cloth men," who palfn oft a very Inferior article of goods up on the "Innocent" by taking tlmlr noUs .' for tho same. Thoy also tried the "carpefdo'dge" Hnd sucked in a groat many in that way. Tho Nelvs says "buy of your holno dealers, and not of traveling frauds." There have been aoveral such gentlemen in this com munity of late, and wo unhesitatingly nay, buy of tho merchants who own property hero and pay a tax, and givo all such travelling outfits the "go-by" and a wide track. Thoy are frauds of tho first water. The Manufacturer's Exchange says: The overland train to Denver by tho (ire.lt Hurllugton route has leaped into popularity. Its speed and comfort mo unexcelled, and the eight or ten dozen curs of which it is daily composed aro always comfortably filled. Tho H. & M... as it is familiarly called, Is making ample efforts to provide facilities for moving speedily the great crops of Ne braska. Of course, every man will not be eu.ibled to send his grain to market at tho sumo time, but moro grain and other produce will bo It opt moving than by any other road or system, it would bo better to say In the west. Its track and rolling stock are all in superb shape and the man agement will cause them them to bo employed to tho best posslblo advant age. Tticao will be busy tlmos for tho next eight tuontlu. For twenty years the -1 mertcan Ay rieulturlst, now in its 43d year, has been recognized as tho leading agricul tural journal of tho world. Notwith standing its past wonderful career, it now enter.') upon a nev era, and pro poses to excel Its past accomplishments moving forward to fresh conquests. The October number appears in a new cover, now dress, now typo, uew engravings, with now 'Utlsts, and ad ditional edltoilal writers, malting al together tho most superb periodical of the kind evor issued. From this time forward tho American Auriculurht is determined to avail itself of tho beat brain power, and the first artistic tal ent in the country. Tho proprietors havo but to point to its past record as a guarantee of our promises for tho future. Never before in Us career was the journal so prosperous as now, and at no time since the first year immedi ately following the war havo subscrip tions come in so numerously as thoy are now coming. Wo confidently be lieve that tho Amn-hvn AyriniUiirist is tho lest paper in the United States for other journals to club with, being exclusively agricultural In its charac ter, us it is, and thus competing Avltli no local journal. Price 81.50 a year. Single copies, 10 cents. Ohanok Judo Company. David V. .Jnn, Vice President. Samoix Hi'H.N'iiAM.See'y. ' I'itmiisonVj Maoazini: for Novem ber is on our table, ahead, as usual, of all others. I low the publisher can af ford, not only to maintain its merit, but to keep improving it as he doc, is a standing wonder. The present num ber, for example, has a beautiful steel plate, "Little lied Hiding Hood;" 11 double-sized rolorcd steel fashion plate; another exquisite engraving, "The Falling Leaves;" a spirited illustration of a poem, "N'enrlng Homo," 11 ship in a storm on Thanksgiving Eve; and about fifty wood-cuts, in addition, of now dresses, bonnets, embroidery pat terns, etc., etc. Then there is 11 beauti ful colored pattern, "Cherries nnd Leaves," for a aide-board cloth onu of those costly and reelwivhc affairs only to bo found in "Petersen." The stories are even better than usual, which is saying a great deal; for thirty years (hey have been the best in any lady's liook. With this number appears the piospcetus for next -year, when six copyright novelets will be given, and mote than a hundred shelter tales, many of them illustrated. For' 1881), lite reading matter is to bo greatly in ci eased. Undoubtedly, "Peterson" is not only tbo best, but tho cheapest magazine of it.s kind, being but two doi.laii.hu year to single .subscribers. To clubs, it is cheaper still, viz: four copies for six dollars and a half, with an extra copy to tho person getting up the club. Or five copies for eigiit dol lars, with both an extra copv and the copyright engraving ('JO inches by 27), I "Christ Heroic Pilate," after Muncuk sy's world-ienowned picture, perhaps the greatest premium over offered. For larger clubs the prh'o is still lower, while even more premiums are given. everybody should take this magazine. J Now is the time to subscribe. Address; Cu.nu:s .1. P.jTi.nboN. MO Chestnut .Street, Philadelphia, P.t. .Specimens aro sent, gratis, to get up clubs with. lor Sale or Trade. T h.ivo a ".-year old short horn bull which I will sell cheap or trade lor other stock. M. W. Wallaci:. 18W2 North Auburn, Neb. Stoves, Stoves. Tho largest variety of Coal and Heating .Stoves to found In Nemaha countj. Willinu I5uoa. & Jordan. Vocal anil Instrumental Mubio. Mrs: Landls Ileilman, Tecumseh, will bo at the Iloldrege, South Auburn, Tuesdays and Fridays of each week, for tho purpose of teaching vocal and instrumental music. All who havo an ear for music should patronize Mrs. Ileilman, for sho Is an excellent musi cian and an able teacher of much ex perience. Sho will also visit North Auburn. 18wJ Rich Hill Goal. The Chicago Lumber Company are nolo agents for this Coal both at North and South Auburn.' Call on them for low prices. With long years of experience and close application to business, 1 know I am hotter prepared to furnish youwith pun; fresh drugs and medicines, and at lowor prices than at any drug house in the county. 1 guarantee everything that goes from my house to bo of full strength nnd of the best quality. A. W. NlOKKLL, Drownville. GIVEN AWAY. One Thousand Bottles of Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver Tonio to ba Given Awa. Everybody, who is suffetlug from scrofula, chronic rheumatism, jaundice, biliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion, con stipation or costivenoss, headache, loss of appetite, chills or fever, malaria, backache, fomalo weakness, nervous derangement, general debility, or any blood, liver, kidney, stomach or bowel disorder can obtain a trial bottle of Marsh's (loiden Hloodand Liver Tonic, free of charge, by calling at Nickell & Short-' drug store, South Auburn. Torsous who havo tried this famous mt'dicino can procure the largo bottles at r0 cents and SI. It purifies the blood, invigorates tho Uvea1, stomach and bowels, regulates tho kidneys, and strengthens tho system. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs uso Marsh's Golden Halsain. FOR SALE ! One 3-Spriny Waton, Lumber IVayons. J Set Li yht Harness. One 3-year old Colt. One or all can bo bought cheap for Cash as 1 have no use for them. Tr.i). HrnnAKT, South Auburn, Neb. WAGONS. BUGGIES. Tho "Regulator" Is now in tho mar ket with it full lino of tho very best implements that aro made. Tom Him a una. Tho 11. & M. It. R.. known as the "Hurllngtlon Houto" otters special ao vautages to travelers. 8eo their ad vertisement in this paper. W2il Hucgles and Spring Wagons for sale by D. Campbell, North Auburn. I MiaJlWIEJlJIIWIWIIIIJIHIIIIIIIWI i.niin inlljlijliumil I HOLLADAV & EBERIg,T 1 DRTJQGISTS, 1 SUCCESSORS TO S. H. MADDY. Have Just Kcceived .In A nvartttMnfi that vertains any firm' in the Count u. Call and see us, and be convinced. Physician's Prescriptions and family Receipts carefully prepared. HOLLADAY & EBERLY, North Auburn, Nebr. STOP AND BEAD EVERYBODY IS HAPPY BECAUSE THE HARVEST IS OVER With his Sfamoth Stock of CLOTHING, GiOOERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Oaps, Gloves, Queensware, C3-Hj-A.SS"V7"j.E.E A.IST32) IsTOTIOHSTS. It is an undisputed fact that CASH buys the RIECHERS cheaper Agfc see that mammoth stock at "" SO UTH "AUBURN, NEBRASKA. PIANOS ---AND ORGANS! TUNED and REPAIRED by a Competent WORKMAN AND MUSICIAN. Call on or Address G. M. BARNES. AURCHN iiii'l TECUMSEH, NEIJH HOW l-ONt, IIOV lUUNtOTtMl I Just published, a new edition of DR. CUL VER. WELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the Hiliial cure of Spermatorrhira or Seminal Weak iims, Involuntary Seminal Losses. Impotency, Mental and Pleural Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, inductd hy self indulgence or sexual extrava gance, &c. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty year's successful practice thatthr alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically curedj pointing out mode of cure as one simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically, CSf This Lecture should be in the hands of cfcry youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents ot two postape stamps. Address The Oulvorwoll Med ical Oo., 41 Ann St., New York, N. Y. ; post Qilice Box, 450. 41 Sword to RE nPNr THE SCOUT, on Twelve Yeara Among Uis Wild Indians. MY Gn. Im,S, Brlsbln, V. 8.A. Tho mrwt txcitlnc anil Intennely In teresting book ev er published. Not a Novel, but Uic history of the most ull'MMtltmsifl Bnti Hunter, Trapper h fSIV.u!d ,bl lived, known u th AVHITK CIHKF. rrlntl on tinted paper, 8tl VWtt, Profusely IUuttrniU. Ww In cloth ri.w.ppert.5o wewiiUmula copy In cloth to any tddrss, postpaid, for 1.00 or papor 80 cts. Address, The Peoples Publishing House, 48 CUrk sM., Cfcloscs, IU, Mi. i, xo amd AUanU. da. v 9 aaHy$r$lnL3&l Capes' f an Immense Stock of Drugs, Stationery, TOILET ARTICLES, to the Drug Business. Wo than of any other merchant west of Chicago. oysriffi COMEI TOWN GEO LOTS, TOWN I'VWri'.IIIlWrlMlltlMl.lwillHm Kavutg MScrcHtiy been Surveyed nnd Platted 0:T SECTION 21 and 28, T. 5, B. 14, NIMAEA COUNTY, NEBRASKA, OFEERS RARE CHANCES TOR Ciimercial BUSINESS. " The Town is from 10 to 25 miles from any other place of importance, IS IN THE CENTER OF THE COUNTY, FARMING LAND LOTS AT LOW AoolytoS.AOSBORN, WHOLESALE LIST mu Til A III P MERCHANTS ! I II II IV I I iiiB SEND US YOUR BUSI " " P NESS CARD FOR SEEDS 1 r MDRETH k SONS, VkkllV VFV PHILADELPHIA. 9- propose to compete with THIS ! ! I Olf DECK! DRY GOODS. goods of GEORGE RIECHERS. LOTS. Mechanical AND SURROUNDED BY THE KKf IN THE STATE. AUBURN. P KICKS FOIt CASH OH ON TIME LOTS UROWXVILE or CALVERT, NEH. mmtm