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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1882)
5Jj iMn " WW flMKKIlfT ANTi STHHSF.STIviB ... , ' : ,ffc .. S Aiuor loaves siuupcmm .notincr, and applied wnrm will spcotlllv roduco or provent swolling occasioned by "cuts, bruises or wounds o( any kind . , V A sure euro for chapped hands is somothing grcatlyto bo desirod. Try this: Wot yourhandsj in Wtinu 'water, thon rub thorn till 'ovor' with Indian meal; do this twice, then in the wjitor used to wasli oft' the meal put a tM- atwinnfiil nf ntirn rrlvnnrinn. If tt lliflihr. "1"""'"" ...l , . J . . . 'HiHil 5 uro ii vi... iiiimw niu oiviu. j.. a, ot. Tf , i & & ? A wealthy oldfpJnElish farmer saVa that ho has sal waja -selected, liis ftirm- UIIUUO UUU1 Mlfclilllg blli;ill UI1UUJI iv whistling qvorelso. Ho novcr knew a whistling ItWdrof to find faiflt jyiththod or board, complain ot extra work, or bo unkind to children or cattle. Ho is thoughtful, liglit-hoartcd, economical and good-natured, t - . A horso's hoad ought to bo as froo as his foot, oxcopt that tho head must bo used as tho guiding part. It would bo just as sensible to tio and brace up Ids tail when ho is to bo backed as to fasten his head when ho is going for ward. A horse of any spirit always holds his head whero it ought to bo when ho is in motion. Indianapods Journal. . ,, , , . Pickled Poaches: Takov six'rioimds of sugar to orid quart of good ciuor) vin egar, boil tlio poaches in this(aftdr rub bmg oil' tho fur, or pooling them, as you, prefer) until a broom splint will easily piorco tho skin; stick somo cloves into tho peaches- boforo putting.thom into, tho vinegar, and. scatter a handful of stick cimiamtiit1 ovor. thom.? Qhicarjo Journal. ' Thorc Is no more healthful method of keeping tho stablus, sheds and pons clean than to give them a good coat of limn-wiish. Tlio wash is easilv and quickly made, iis follows: Slake n "bushel of frosh limo in a pork, or other bar rel, with water enough to mako a thick. paste, after which (ill up tho barrel with not water.-amLlet it stand for a fow hours. TlTisTvnSir rnn'b-oappHcdin various ways. ' It may bo spreadt upon tho walls with a largo whitewash brush", and no pains need bo taken to do a uoat job. Whatever wash falls dfodn 'tho floor in itho-(operation ,is not lost, but holps to. iswcetcn .tho stablo 6r stall. Tho quickest 'nud mo'sV .satisfactory method is to usd a fbreo 'ptimp. by which tlio lhuo-wasli can bo-' thrown into every crafelvahii corner. Cleveland Herald. ', ' '" l To Provent Pinkeye. During tlio past fow years owners, ,of horses havd been lai'go losors of horses' labor and horses' lives by a dj&easo I pnninumlv lint, nrronnnnslv I'llllml niuk-i eye. Local librso doctors havo ignoranl ly treated it as such, tuid tho owners havo continued to uso horses alllicted with symptoms, thereby losing many valuable animals that if properly u&od and treated would now bo as valuable as over. ly opinion is thnt by careful investigation, ovory horso that has boon alllicted and succumbed 'to if, if tho truth were known, will be found to have had a disease nearly allied to it, if not identical witu, pneumonia. Manyhorsos havo boon takon suddenly, while driv ing fast, on a sharp, frosty day, while others havo got a eOl'd,- seemingly slight at first, and only showing tho usual symptoms of a simplo cold? and their owners havo kept them at work, and in a short timo tho horso developed what was called pihkoye. Hy carefully follow ing tho disease through its ontiro coursu, 1 think tliat tiny intelligent porson will find it almost identical with plouro- inimtmonia nil its genoral wcalciiess, lnssithdo. swolling of limbs, want of appetite, and finally water thrown out bv tho overcharged and -imperfectly working vessels of tlio system moro especially tlio lungs. Why horses should bo troubled in this way, as never very generally before, is a mystery for tho wise oncs"lo attempt to solve. Tlio atmosphere may predisposo tho horso to it, as it lias socmod to cause a largo increase of lato years of pneumonia n genus homo. Tho tiling for horso owners to do is to provent and arrest tho disease if possiblo in its early stages. First I bolicvo that fast driving on a very cold day is extremely dangerous to a horso, as several horses in tlio very act "of going at a high rate of speed on our" principal street during tho past winter havo actually givon out there and then, and these horses havo not boon .driven far enough to distress tliom in tlio least in warm weather. A horso in tlio stablo where 1 had a good ono wintering was takon, and they just savod him. On iu-quirin"- of the owner if he hall been driven0 fast, hq said: "Not to my i..r,r.iirifirrft." hut on further inaulrv L found thai his hired boy had boon try-in"- his speed jn tlio farmOr's milk team. 1 b'oliovo that in almost every instance similar circumstances will bo found to bo tho prime cause, and tlio horso ha1? been kept to his work instead of being kopt in a stable away from draughts of air, dosed with good tonio and fed pn li'ht food, till ho shows strong symp toms of returning appetite .For a tonic 1 shall namo something that will sur priso moit, if not all, of your render. It is a strong tincturo of quinine, mado from alcohol, Water, aud quinine powders. Give tlio horso heavy doses throo or four times during tho day and oyoning, andkeopin a warm placo . with light food, as I said boloro. , . , Tlio action of tlio quinine is similar to that in tlio human being a preventive of fovor, a gontlo tonio and stimulant, thus assisting nature to throw oft tho cold in a natural way. Jy taken these precautions I believe many valuablo horses would bo saved, and tho so-called pinkeye" would bo raroly known. Cor. Wallace' 8. Monthly. Somo yjpars ago in a Carolwii town a crazy man was b rough t before thoEx-", amining Hoard to aottlolho question as to whether orj, not ho should bg sgntto Iho'asylum ii Colombia. Af ter thq doc tor got through with his examination, one of jth'o oommittoc, Tari' 61dj farmer, aaid: 'A My f riond, did you over borrow any bags or jugsP" ."Yes, lots' of thom.' Wyjjd you ovor, borrow, your 'Neighbor ajmowsfeapcrPjy ' Xcs many n'timo.' Mi.WoliflnowU'What becamb of tuoa,juff3,ba23 and. nowspaporsP" 1 Why. I carrfod'thom all back ' ' Tho oldsf armor gave, a blow almost as loud asa tugboat's whistlo, and said: "Geii-'. in?s- i;s i.,nn.i T.,nf ot,lw 4' common liar", and all tho asylums in tho "world wb&t culro a!man fof lyiDg."! t f m m "i'LltJt'k Uir b' i i i t-i i- i InUe N6w york'JK-ntfa.wo lately bbsttvca . mention in o specuy euro oi xnauueus Tnn Colorado bcotlo has traveled to Europo, but tho mosquito stays to hum. lioston Com mercial liulktiiu We liko Bt. Jasobs Oil, and obscrvo too that tho Ht. Rev. Bishop Gllmour indorsosthe remedy. Baltimdii (Md.) Catholic Jfirror. Rouon on Sam. Sam Ridoout Is an Ansyn clerk.l fllk is personally not very nttractivo, aiidlhls"nioralB are of a vcry inferior quality. Ono of Sam's nccullarltlcs is to USO mcrcan- tllntensn nnil nTnrcRalons. no matter what ' thabjectjls beiugidisoussed. r Hoiaudra,fow ' ifr(endftlwcrotalkIiitr. about clcnrvmon hud uoctors tlic oilier any, anu ono oi mem bskcu Sam' who his family doctor was. "Dr. Dncflom fiunnllcs us with all wo need In tho - w 1 -c' . - r m'l - '-t . phy fun sicai uepartment, anu rarson oooiuom inmlslies us a full lino of ploty goods," said Sam. "Look hero, 8am," remarked Gil hooly, "If Dr. Docsem is rosponslblo for your looks, and Parson Soothcm furnishes you with your morals, all I've got to say Is, that they havo shoved a lot of second-hand goods off on you, and they badly damaged besides. You ought' to deal, from now on, with first class houses'. ' Y6u havo boon swindled out- ragdbusly. To look at you ono would sunposo 4 your good JpoKs and maimers wero oi noino manufacture." Texas 5(';ijj. KMva Two Women. A'Truo Story. A poor, Invalid, wlddwod tnothor lay suiter- down tenement houtu in one of our largo J cities. Two Christian ladlca called: one gavd hor a missionary testament and mado a long prayor, tho other ordered proper food alid fuel J to uo given, out nisicau oi soiuunp a iiujbi 4clan, she purchased a bqttlo of Dr. Guysott's i enow .lock anu carsanariim ior ucr, ah 1 fow' weeks time tho Invalid was again out I washing and Ironing. To whom shall wo glya tuanksi Wnr should Arabl'Bcy bo the favorite of the children? -Becauso ho lsiono of the Ara ,bian Knights., ir r. . i . na.A..M T.l I writes: 'I havo kept Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparllla in ray family for, years. My. wife thinks thrro is no such medicine as It Is. I tujuK it excellent ior wcaKness anu Indigestion. Wo also uso it for coughs and colds and it does not fall us." Somkdodt has dlbcovcred that tho cat Is not mentioned in tho Bible. Yet there is tho cat-c-chlsm. St. Louis J'oit'Disjiatch. ,lIIolp yourself and others will help you." But don't fail to uso Klduoy-Wort for all liver, kidney and bowel complaints, plies, costlveness, etc Tho demand of the peoplo for an easier method of preparing Kldnoy AVort has Induced the proprietors, tho well known wholesale druggists, Wells, Richardson & Co., of Burlington, Yt., to prcparo It for ealo in liquid form us well as In dry form. A wiutkr In tho Popular Science Monthly i. There is nothing like tells how flics climb, science. Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound ranks tlrst as a curative Agent in all com plaints peculiar to women. Cures Kidney troubles of cither sex. BriMii mrni. ntlmrwlso Htcadv-hcaddd. can 4 never keep their balance In a bank. EjpExpllclt directions for qvery uso are givon with the Diamond Dyes, lor dyeing Mosses, Grasses, Eggs, Iyory, Hair, &c. The lisp has broken out In Saratoga, whero thweet thlmplctons utter thoft uonthenth. New Haven Ji'cylstcr. . "Wise's Axlo Grca30 makes a wagon run aa? lu mud. ' 0 'Boots blacked lnsldo" Is posted at a door-way on Washington street. But who Wants his boots blacked Inside I floston Tntn script. Blon'mk, the tight- ropo performer, Is not dead not by any means. There aro no less, than four ot him 6eattcicd through India, Australia and Europe, and each one Is the genuine Bloudin. Detroit Free I'm. ii. Axdni.iXA says she likes a candid man, fol of courso a candid man must be sweet. Spare our blushes, Angelina, but wo never could stand tally. San Franchco Chronicle. GnuAT Indignation Is expressed at tho Vir ginia ditollsts who mot and fought without notifying tho peoplo of tho surrounding coun try to keep under cover. t m ' PEorr.K who wonder why men's hair turji 'gray before their whiskers should reflect that .tlierp Is about twenty years difference In thoir respective ages. Tjik Vlattshurg (N. Y.) Teleamm says: The postmaster hero delivers .mail addressed to and called for by Constant Agony. Ho Is a, Freuchjiiau well Known about town. ' Wnr might one suppose that Webster, the lexicographer, wus nn esthetic? i Because htf enthusiastically says In his dictionary that tho verb "speak" la to utter. Chicago Trib une. An Ohio cow devoured a pocket-book con. talnlug ((WO, and yet the owner can't sell the animal for one-llfth of that sum. " lfe'll novel get tho green back. aV. Y. "Commercial Ad vertiser. Tin: Ycatllcr Department of the National Government? has mado arrangements, to give early warnings of tho approncu of frost Tin man on the lookout does not feol chilly jet. JlurUuijton Hawkeye. Heat the broad-knlfo very hot when cutting now bread. This will prevent crumbling und probably suggest soinothlng to say U tho next person who plcka up tho knlf. tiomervllle Journal. oi Davids, Esq, of tho great Ink Arm, 137 Wll- wore propaaiou in mo uiooo, out uioy aro St. Jacobs Oll.flt.J'axil.Vinn.)r(ucrrrtt3. ,arB ,.n.0 .ourco ot ,,.,' state of tho uir is ' ) X. How It Works ItS.Wny Into tho llody Aad .hoxvtOCouHioracilt. J One of the'grcftt'BCOHrRO ot tbo prosont year In all parts of America has been malaria. This i8.Atrouble8o trcifclitrovta in Its rmturo amlso'daURcrous In its results ns to justly causp apprehension wherever It has appeared. But there aro so many 'crfonoons Ideas ujlon tho slibject that w few Words' uto In order at a timo when peoplo aro subject to malarial In fluences, u , y ' i Malaria, which means simply bad air, Is tho common namo 'of "ft class ot diseases which I'arlso from spores oft decHylntcvegotablo maU tor, thrown off from star :ct'0A',md?ol,,,,?f PPrc whdii Inhaled wltt iiani poois or pues oi ecomposlttou. These spores When Inhaled wltu tlio Drcam.or lakon into tho system with-Water soon enter the u tho breath Mtcrsoon e blood and germinating thero find a foothold, VvhcrobyfthQ wholo system Is rwlaocd,nntljq IVI1UUO luuuviuus uieiliuuivu. nuun -.uu cerm theory of disease was first advanced It k ehuposed thatUhcso spores weroof anl- mai nature, anu UKOtno oaciorianiaiiiuiiieria generally swamps or stanniuit pools, which, partially dried by tho hot sun, send forth va pors loaded with this malarial poison. Thcso vapors descend to tho earth in thq night, cooled by tho loss of temperature, and breathed by sleepers aro readily inhaled, llcnco per sons llvlnfr near stagnant pools or marshes aro liable to bo atllletcd with chills and fever, and such localities aro novor healthy, thoughthcy aro moro so when tho streams flowing into them aro pure, anu also.wuon tnowutoriii hlcli: tf Awnln thQdraidaEQofJhouics, elauihi I tor-bouses, barns, ctct arOacctllo sourcoof tnnlArt.i naldrla. Uno wllroften notice in twining Into flinnnlirhlinrlinmlnf nnnof tliORii BltlL'plnh atrdamB that puss through almost every village a most villainous Btncu causcu uy mo oiicu bIvo refuse which communicates Its bad odor to thor&tmosphero, especially on hot days. This nbsorbod into tho systom by the lungs or takon In through .wutor.'whlch alsoiubsorbs It. from tho air, poisons tho blpcjd and deranges tho whole system'. This poison Is also dovel oned In force in wells and snritics when they I become low, and tho result ot drinking thcso is liiu suiiiu us uruuiiuiiK uiu yuiauuiiua uu . In a timo ot drouth tho great quantity ot vegetation that dries up In tho moudows. stubblo Holds and pastures, tho corn Holds and forest leaves produces tho samo ellltivlo. On tho prairies when largo tracts of pralilogiouud aro turned over, tho decaying vegotatlon la a widespread causo of malaria. Tho ovllo which follow malarial poisoning aro dlmo4t Inilnlto. Disease of a malignant and dantrorouB nature, accompanied by symp toms tho most distressing arc certain to maul- fest thmnsclvos and Ufa Is a burden so loiw as blllD JfUifiUU IUIUU1II3 iU kllU OJFD1.UIII. 1HU lllur cations of malarial poisoning are loss of appu tlte. shortness of breatht pains about tho heart, wasflDg of flesh and strength, despond ency, noryousnefls, chilly sciisatlons, unac countable lassitude, dull pains In various parts of tho body, hendachos, dizziness, n CQaieu. longuo aim ury iiiuuin, mum, awuuia, muscular debility, pulling under tho eyes, an unusual color, ordor or sediment about tho fluids passed from tho system, otc. Any ono of-tho above symptoms may bo an indication of malarial poison lu tho body which necessi tates Immediate and careful attoutlOn. lint (nlbnn n11 111 Hnt llllil ft lnil triy. ment hi tho Human body, It would bo just as harmless as tho oxygon of the air. Tho great difficulty Is that, after being absorbed into mu ojbiuhi, u, inuuui; umum.. ... t..u stomach and lungs, clogs the circulation of tho blood, affects tlio kldnoys, llvor and othor organs, and brings on diseases of a most dan gerous character. Thero Is only ono known way by which theso diseases may bo avoided or curcu aitor tuoy nave onco mauo moir ap pearance, and that is by keeping tho great purifying organs ot tho body in perfect health. Theso organs aro tho kldnoys and liver. No ono whoso kidneys or liver aro in n perfect condition was over alllicted by malarial poi son. And when these organs aro disordered, they not only penult, but invito, theso dis eases to mako their Inroads Into the body. It Is now admitted by physicians, scientists and tho mdjorlty of tlio general public that ono medicine, and pnly ono whose power has been tested and proven, has absoluto control of, und keeps (ho kidneys and liver In constant health and lienco provonts malarial sickness. This remedy Is Warner's Safo Kldiioy and Llvor Cure, tho most popular medicine beforo tho American people, and sold by ovcry druggist I In tho land. It fully counteracts tho ovll CIICCC -l iimminu puiaun in tuu ojon:wr-iiiu not only banishes it, but restores the pieyiDgis which that poison has weakened. lUr well It docs this cm bo learned from tho following: Kansas Cm-, Mo., Juno 20, 18S3. Moving from tho Stato ot Now York to the Western country, I wub attacked with malaria and gen eral doblllty. I had lost all appetlto and was hardly ablo to move about. I had tried a great many remedies, but nothing bettered my condition until 1 began using Warner's Safo Kidney and Liver Cure, which SQemcd to help mo right Hway, and I feel as well as lover havo Jn my life. It Is a blessing to peoplo In this malarious country. 0. F. Wm.mam, 1412 Grand Ave., of William ite Co., Hardware. This great remedy has proven Its power In innumerable cases, and la to-day moro axtcii. slvely used In malarial Tllstrlets, whether lu cities or in tho country, than any or all othor remedies for tho euro of the samo class of d I fl ense. No one can afford to trillo with tho first symptoms of. malaria, but instant caro should be taken to check It on tho start before Its cyll Influences Overshadow tho life. "Ann you not alarmed at your children playing on that cistern with tho trap dpor opeui Aro you not afraid they will drop In somo day and got drowned whon you aro not looking on," said ono Austin lady to ntidthor whom sjio was visiting. ".No," was the complacent reply; "wo got our drinking 'water from another cistern that the children can't tumble Into." Texas Slftiugs. A Grout Kntorprlso. Tlio Hop Bitters Muriufactdrlng Company U ono of Rochester's greatest business enter prises, iliclc nop lilttors imvercachcu a sale beyond all precedent, having from their in trinsic value found their way into alrribst ev ery household In the land. (7ra)jf?. A rmiiAnnuviiA paper publishes a poem entitled "Confession of an Idiot." Tho editor should keep ils private affulrs t6 himself. lioston J'oit.' i i . Sju.vv M k.v, " "Wells' Health J?enower" re stores hcblth and vigor, cures Dyspopsla. f 1. PiTTBnonan has a plo factpry. The pics made are of a dark color, so as not to show dirt. A. 0. Picayune. Triumphant Mrs. Solgfrlcd, Marlon, O., says Thomas' Kcu:cTiuu On, was triumphant in her case; en u uscu ii ion a sevoro com anu pain lnsiuc, and was relieved In u few minutes. Wht aro wicked old men like fixed stars? Because thoy 6clntlllate Chieayo Tribune. i " Rovon on Rats." Clears out rats, mlco, roaches, bed-bugs, gophers, chipmunks. 15c. i i At tho Iowa Stato fulr, forty-four women exhibited quilts for premiums a comfortable showing. Detroit J'ost. BTitAionTKN old boota and shoes wlthLyon's Patent Heel fitlilcners, aud wear them again. J INVISIBLE POISON. Does Your llnnd Achof 1?0 matter irfiat th cam, Met:, Mrvou A'ewalgtc, Jytc, YhI6h is It? A rov olutlou In the treatment of nervous diseases In taow taking place Dr. 0. W. Uenson has discovered a suro" remedy In his Celery and Chainomlle'PIUs they permanently euro sick and nervotis hoadacho, nciiralgl.1, dyspopsth, sleeplessness and all ncrvoits diseases. Bold by druggists. (K) cents a bo?. Address, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1, or six boxes for $2.50. SOMMnn is nearly over, but the girls aro just as liable to bo sou struck in winter as thoy aro in July or AugusCAtoitfo Jferaht, j 1 A Itenovntltig Itomndjr Is fbttnd, In BunnoCK Btoort BiTTBns. As' au antldoto for sick headache, fomulo weakness, biliousness, Indigestion, constlpa itloB. and other diseases ot ft kindred nature. .thcso'blttors aro Invaluable. Frlce, $1. - "Au. that Witters Is not gold," Tho, diamond must havo a show souiowhorc. Rnnnio's RusstaSatvo Is ilriciiualed for chtlblalnsuivpncdhandstfrost bltcs,ctc.Try It. Ji ,, k Tnr. corsot camo to Btay, and that Is. why It docs not go out of, fashlou. I'orsonutl TiinVoLTXid Bri.t Co., Marshall; Mlch. will send Dr. Dyo's Celebrated KlactroV Voltaic Boll ,nnd hlectrlc Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) -who ttro af flicted with nervotis doblllty, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteelmr BjHwdy and completo restoration of health and manly vigor. Atiuress us uoove. n. if. o riSK is incurrcu, as thirty day's trial is itlldwcd. , A TJtiiiFTY man buys tiocauso tt wears longer. Wlso'fi Axle Grcaso Use National Yeast and havo light bread. Mnitrr speaks loudest. That's why Wise's Axlo Grcaso sells so freely. - Tax the now brand. "Spring Tobacco." GLEES AND CHORUSES.teriu K fllIOItVNllOOK,(81.M,rRUKINI'AMKItI CAN VI. KH HOOK. (Hl.AO), Conu'g FKNTI VAI. CHOltUN HOOK. iHt.ltr.), T'KIIKINV OI.KB AM) OHO It UN 1IOOK, (1). (JUIt MAN IMJUH-I'AICT NOA'UW, tWl.OO;, uiul ZtlllutlN'sJNlUlX.tSl). ' EASY GLEES AND PART SONGS urn found In iuc7nrinti(u In PcnKlkV nrwCllOKAI, HOIK. (l), imil hi now IMiKICI.KSN, m t).M lu KMxnsoN'i iii:ila.i.u ur i-jiaini., uu. JUKAI., (73 CM). ana 100O or more icpnrnta Octavo CUpruict Ojcci sad Antliemi, cach.O to 10 cgnti', FIRST-RATE ANTHEMS ff?3Mffia 1IAU1, (81.25). KMKH'ilN'd HOOK. OF Al HOOK. tH.S). nudOK.U oi.uaSku, I), bjr ciuumcK. SCENIC CANTATAS, oVra.v riitl.D, uuiltliu cliuilo DON MllMO. (fl.SO), CO .UAILa. (80ct.), and CHKIttTAlAN, tSOctsOtUJ Ol"TTK!lSO.f. Bend for lists and dpicrlptlons. Any book mulled for retail prlco, M'OS As 1IEAL.Y, Chicago. OLIVER D1THON As CO., Itviton. . ., IADIES of the WHITE U of the kind! I OUSE. Tho ONLY Book ever pub'd. NEW EDITION. A illSTniiVnf vrr Ailmlnls ration fruiii Wiuhlnuton to tlio minTiiivTiTiiivi'r la) HIM!l Portraltn of Iidk' of tho WliltnlloinOjWltlivlBwiof innyof tliallonics of tlio rnwIdoiiU. This la tho mot nnlahlo hook ptili llfhcd. Alfonts Wwitod-Bund Tor Clrtular, with lull particular, to BRADLEY ft CO. PS.&? It will pay ov?ry Umiit Ounviiaiet WXr rr0 Books ni B i bles of oory description nrat.rliii anil nuit ullliiu nnil wo oro now oirorlnic lr.n.r.ll,,iiri' inltiM,ii,.iv to tho rlKht partlua. Full imrtlculjirn KMit frr. Write u hi . HUBBARD BROS., Ohlciu;o, III. ran jsima'iaw FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTBPATBON. Ko other dJseaao Is oo pro valoat in Uila coun try aa Constipation, und no rcmody liaa ovor equalled tho eclobratod Xldnoy-Wort aa a euro. WliAtovcrlhocauo,Uowovcr obstinate tlio caao, this romody will overcome it. Dll PQ Tint) dUtrosslnir oom r llaKiWa ulalnt la vor.v ant to bo complicntcdwithoorutlpaUon. Kldnoy-Wort atroncrthena tho wcakonod narti and ouloklv cures ollldndjof Plloa ovon when phyelolana anu mcoicincs oavo ucioro laiioa. C- tVTIt you havo etUier or tlieao troulilea PRICBtl.l USE DruKRlats Sol WANTED BOOK P.AMUAQCFRQ! To suit a Sr'Jft W itnd moVt Iiimortiintworlc of raru nt tractloni, Now icIIIiik lmmvnaclr. JllirU'i-inn. To mi'n of experlenre perl hy I wh mnkn mkrrlitl nrTi'r-nevi.t. cinnlK'il jy any nuwimcr. 'rni will run ubtlaluT. Thin will remiy In- veatluiillon. Addr'i().ll.i:AC,lKbCO,blilcPK0 WANTED for the beat and Vantctt ctorlal Hooks and Itlbles. I'rUvi reduced National 1'uhlibhinuOo., CIiIcuku.IU. auierccut. For Musical Societies DUUIV ah:i. TfWHVHV-H.W SoDcrli in Make, Dye & Finish Fluo Trxturi", Itlrii. Full-toned Color, Orvnt Jleplli of L Tho only Roal Substitute for Lyons Silk Volvot, Can bo worn as Cqrnpletc Contume, or made up from impntuum, uu ucnuinc u iiumjicu chiuti d of all flrnt-clam retailers. NOT FAIL aii , to icnd for oar fall prlc I Hit for l(a rrtt to laojaddreM npon applU ' OAtlon, ConUInt deicrlp- tlont rf ntrything rvqalr- A.1 for I'urKfinalfir lfa,nl! DM, wlthoTorC,3Ullluiitrtloni. W tell all goodiat vhulritiln price la qunntltle Xa lull the pnrohr. Ths onlr Institution wlu mskri this their spAclal tiuit, cms. JllONTfiU.MUHY IVAKII ACO.,X7 at m'tO IVultuikt Avenue, ;UIio, Illinois. EDUCATIONAL. I 1W NCIKMUs of Clmddock Collecc. IUH 11 Omns October 8th. Dlplonia ndmltsto tho llarof Illlnoli. Jlnanl ami Tuition only SI lOaycar. Address Johm T. Lono, LU I)., l'wt., Qulnoy, III. YRIINR MPM If. you want to learn Telegraphy In I uunu rnuri a few month, and ho certain of a situation, address Valkntink IIhos,, Janesvllle, Wis. jr-fsti . Forlluslncsi at tho Oldest & nest f s'ssysvAfjComme":il College. Circularfree. yCtCCOCCirty Address C. 11 a vliks, Dubuque, la. WLBHi.J - " TT. SMilH W&M MBUCHANT8 GAltOTiTNO OXh Is tho nliloHt iiutl tho ntaiidtiril liniment of the uimuu Dunes, ljirffnnirpj si.nv, incuiumuu cenU; pmall, cenia; piuiill slrofor family uso, 25 cents; Merchant's Worm Tablets, 2fl cents. For saloliy ovry dmirglstatid deitlor In genoral mcrchandbo. For Family Use. Tlio Garnllng Oil Liniment with wittTK WitAi'i', pieparod for human tlesh, Is put up in small bottles mill, and does not fitaln the Skin. 1'rieo U5 cents. Tlio Onrgliii(r Oil Aliuanno for 1883 Is nmr In thn lmnili nf mil iirltilcr. And will boroiulw fordlstrlbutloniliirliig thotnnrttlM of November and December, 1WC. ThuAl- innmin fnp tlm (iinilnir vinr will lit! tlloii) lino ful and iustriiullvi than ever, and will bo sent froo to any address, wilto Mr ono. Ask the Nonrcst l)nigglst. -v If tho dealers In your plneodo not keep Merchant's Gargling oil for wile, insist upon their sending to lis, or whero they net their medicines, mid irotlt. Keep tho bottlo well corxtMi, nna snaKo n neioro uimir. lniow wrapper for unltiial aud white tor human J1C81I. Special Notice. Tlin MnrrhnntV flnrirlltiir Oil linn been 111 uso u rt liniment for liaTf n century. All wo nsk Is n fair trial, but bo suro and follow di rections. , The Oonrllug Oil and Merchant's Worm Tablets imi for palo by all drinwHta ami deni er tn general merchandlso throughout tluj world. Manufactured nt Lookport, N. Y,, by Mer chant'sdanrllng Oil Company. ' ' Ithtflt't Fimlit on othtbttLchuipnt nil it MO(rj(laW4 fmUitlhtVorlt,tindlhnitiinif'nrl,i nil. or ritmttrrn nr.Hirninn. vmt ritf.r. .. iv '. ji .i.e.... .....:.- :." .;-.-t---".; ...,. ,: I N V A Mil's J) 1 1. ' muni', n uuuirncoiTriMiiuo"iiiiHiii", inj". OliniiofnlUolitM)!tli(Mirl(lnver. IncnnnofSSofnt McoutJl 2Snti(ti?l. 7(1, bi'rln tlio ilunnturoof VOOI.IUCII Aj CO. on every lubet PARSONS' PURGATIVE PILLS ,M 111(10(1. nnd Will (nnitlhlllv rlinmrttf hn hlnrtil In tlu.,n. tiro HRtcin In llirc-L inonlln. Any h rnon who will tnko X'pllf (.-itclt ntKlit friiiii 1 tn lUwivkn in4y Itori-ilortd tOFoimdh'uUli,l(Niiilin thlnidiu poitlhK Hold ov frywlii're, or nviit hy ninll fur M li-ttir Miimtm, 1. H. Jjmtos ACo., Ilovion. Mnts, t fonniTlyJliWHor.Mo. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. ltotl III thn World. Jrt tlio iriiiilliii Kv cry iiiirkiiift, liu our 'l'l-Hiln-iiuirk ilnil l in ii rut' ti-il Kinzei'i. HlHsU IIVIIK VWIIKHK EXPOSITION! VNIthrs to 'IIIUAUO ICxiHiiltlim LEHMAHH.lhi FAIR 99 Ho cll cvuryllilns? yiiti wmit lo carry home. Don't pcndyouriiiiiiiuy iinywhvru '1'', . Von can auva your Car Fart anil Ilnti'I Hill, ciiky, tJrHi'iid for CnlnloKtll'UIld Olllili'nf (JIiIi:hhoi 1'ltK. "Till: J-AIIt.ttc.u-. Ntiito.UAiliuiiNNU. "THE HEN Pecked Ilimlinnd. urTojr nen cjuritlon." Ctirtln. llccnlHfnc nititiiurN, ' UI1U A liu, tjui" Our iii'w. Awfully Finmy-Coirilo &...,...... ,, ..., nf.,, i..r Cards. 11 cenlsi'ftch. .Hciidlioconti jHtnuipi) for tho tliruoscts. BAMMIBil.AUIAM.lUKaMnHt. .,n.x. Tin: CLIMAX o IMPROVEMENTS ti Vr.I.VFI'EF.N'S. ' 'edrotury, A l.tTTiliaH iifTOJ I WEE K 8 8CA UE. W O fMOil 8 8 BJBBh DUrPALoTr7y?Pl3MMr 1 i. HlBJ fcjhf i r, i. .,r, ' i iWHWM H o 3 2 BHB1 q.i- ' .iTrTyj u q j i i ii. in I....) tO RICH m wlifPHFWMIIMW -rtv''i If. "P With any kind of Drctw Mntcrlal. To save the ;u6Ha Aoiipurett" on th uar,k of teem fecoiul yard. To bo pur- A MONTH-AGENTSWANTED-noi't-it. llliiKfirtlelcH in iimi v-iiril mmiv Trie , , dib-ess J.A. JlriiiisoiiDctrofcMlclk' i i ' i ii .ii i ;,! FUt AUiri $47 HAIR S5toS2 ABUIlr H pot A. N VMIKS in thl A3I0NTII and .hosrd In your county. Men. or I.ndles. 1'leasaut miilnc? i Address" " "r H.'H fiilpauo.iiUl ( IMM '" ijiic4- -.' , - "' ' 1 i lit-. Mi -i , '"? M'' . ' IlltJf 1 i ' ' " I l ' """ b ttti M I M .- ) ' Hf J .1 n .. 1 It V Ml. .