Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 12, 1882, Image 5
JrSWi-' ft ttoMfax fkllmtim BY G. W. FAIRBROTHER & CO. Stationery of ull kinds at tho post office. For Lumber Limo and Coal go to J. Y. Kkuns. Strictly puro Sugar Syiup at Dovin & Fishor's. FUllXmrilE At Willing Hroa. & Jordan V. . Try tho Non-Explosive Safety Oil at Dovln & Fisher's. Hardware and Furniture at Willing Bros. & Jordan's. Extra copies of Tin: Advkutiskh or Balo at tho postofllco. Co to tho Now Storo for bargains North of tho postofllco. The oolnago of tho mints during September was 88,000,202, of which 82,300,100 was standard dollars. Every good, enterprising citizen pat ronizes his local paper. Thoso who do not aro of little account anywhere. Delaware has gono Democratic by only 450 majority. It will become a Republican statu ono of those days. Woman! in tho namo of liberty, do not forget to rally at Auburn on the 17th inst. tho same being Tuesday next. Mahrijjd At the residonco of tho bride's parents In this city, by J. II. Dundas, J. 1, Mr. Albort Fowler end Miss Lizzlo Swift. A newspaper is an institution thai a new town cannot do without and pros por, yet there aro always some who are ' to stingy to patronize it. After a recent "championship" boat race at Manchester, N. II., Mr. Conrt noy, just for fun, wont to work and beat tho timo that bad been made. Nelson Hoag, of Warsaw, Ind., has bcou sentenced to tho penitentiary for four years for bastardy, the prosecut ing witness being his stop-daughter. W. A. Townsond and w7f. Eaton, two of Tccumsoh's lively gentlemen, darkened tho door of our den with their gonial countenances last Monday. Tho Presbyterian church of Phila delphia, recently voted 11 to 0 that tho use of instrumental music in church is destructive to the harmony of wor ship. Mr. James K. Curzon, familiarly known as "Tug. Wilson," tho light weight pugilist.of South Auburn, was rusticating in tho"rooral deestricts" of Urownville last week. The largo tank of the R. & M. rail road is finished, and now tho "iron horse" will quench his thirst with puro wator bore, instead of out of tho "Big Muddy" at Brownviile. Mr. R E. Itiehwinc, of Anderson, Ind., was in the city last Saturday vis iting friends, and gavo us a pleasant call. lie is favorably impressed with tho outlook of Auburn. It is comforting to say the loast, to view tho immense com Holds and the thousands of hay stacks in the yicinity of Auburn. All that como may find plenty for man and beast. Tho grado of tho Missouri Pacific from House to Papllliou, about one milo, is completed, and M. P. trains are running over its own track into tho litter placo whore it joins tho U. P. This will give Papillion a boom. B. Gratz Brown, of Missouri, and ex-Democratic candidato for president, is working for prohibition in Indiana. Brown had hotter come to Nebraska and learn that a man cannot be a good Domocrat and atemporance man at the samo time. Ed. Elliott, of tho firm of ilutchins & Elliott, departed for Itushvllle, Mo., last Thursday, whore ho will visit tho family of his father a short timo, and then go to Canton, Mo., and enter tho tho college at that placo during tho winter term of school. Mr, Josoph Loveless last spring pur chased from Mr. Darr, of Des Moines, ono and one-third pounds of Parson's Prolific potatoes, a lato and now varie ty, a little oarlior than tho Peach Blow. He planted the seed and gavo them on ly moderate attention; and has just dug 80 pounds or i bushels as tho product. Mr. L. says thoy aro a fine largo potato, beautiful and delicious. An official of tho s First National Bank of Brownvillo, informs us that tho bank during tho weok ending Sep tember 80th ult., did a larger business than any previous weoks of its cloven yoars of existence. And that tho bank bad shipped in, for homo uses, within a fow weeks $45,000. This shows great confidence in tho bank, and that tho banking business, at least, is 'yet good in Brownvillo. The largo amorint of cattlo being bandied, and brought to the county as feeders, is tho principal causo, wo believe, of tho large buslne bb during tho week mentioned. Linn & Cooper. Calvert, Neb., aro now ready to ru ceivo grain of nil kinds, for which thoy will pay tho highest market price Call at tho clovator. J. . U.i.SltIL.1., Meninges. Tin eo car loads of wagons juslro celvod by David Campbell. Reduced Prices in Moat. Tho Calveit Meat Maiket will furn ish meat from this date at tho follow ing reduced rates: Surloiu Steak 12 ' cts. Hound " 10 " Roast 8 " Chuck 10 piling peices from Oc to 7c. Hkn'uy Haum, Prop. Go to tho New Storo and get the highest market price for your produce. Children have health and mothers rest when Dr. Wlncholl's Teething Syrup Is used. It produces natural sleep, reulates tho bowels, cures dys entery and diurrlKC'iarislng.from teeth ing or other causes. Sold by all drug gists at 2" conts a bottle. 7 Aro You BillonR ? Brown's Llvor Pills will euro you. For salo by Nickell & Shurtz. lltf Do not neglect a cough or cold until it is too late, try Ellort'a Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry, wo aro suro you will bo convinced of its merits, chron ic coughs, and oven consumptives aro cured by following tho ditoctlons, every bottle Is warranted to glvo satis faction. 1 Dr. G. H. Collins, Dentist, Visits tho following places in tho fol lowing order, each month: Brownvillo, 1st to 7th; Nemaha City, 8th to 0th; South Auburn, lOth.North Auburn 11th Urook, 12th, UUli and 14th. If you wish to save monej, and your teeth, hold your dental work for Dr. G. H.Collins. Tho Uxtivorsnl Vordlot is that Bnowx's Pi:isin Tonic, cures Dysposia. For salo by Nickell & Shurlz. lltf Whon horses and cattle aro spiritless, scraggy and feeble thoy need treatment with Tiu'lo Sam's Condition Powder. It purities tho blood, improves tho ap peal to, cures colds, and distemper, In vigorates tho system and will keep tho animal in a healthy, handsome condi tion. 4 Buown's Piu'MN Tonio cures Dys pepsia. Don't sutler longer. Try It. Sold by all druggists. lltf Any person with a cough cold, 'or any bronchial complaint or even in tho first stage of consumption will bo ro lioved and cured by Ellert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry. It is especially prepared for Bronchial complaints. Thousands weo have tried it now livo to U-stiy of its merits give it an im mediate trial you will be surprised at tho result. 0 Livor, Kidney aud Bright's Disaeso. A medicine that destroys the germ or causo of Hright's Disease, diabetes, kidney ami liver complaints, and has power to root them outof tho system, is above all price. Such a medicino is Hop Bitters, and positive proof of this can bo found by ono trial, or by asking your neighbors, who have been cured licfi l Goal." Thn niiipufn'nHr Pnmnimv aro sole agents for this Coal both at North ami soutn AUtjurn. uui on mem 101 low prices. A Valuable Addition. Because it is beneficial to the scalp and adds to personal beauty by restor ing color and lustre to gray or faded hair, is why Parker's 'Hair Balsam is such a popular dressing. Take care of your Liver. A great number of tho diseases to which man kind are liable arise from a disordered condition of this organ. Keep it in a sound and healthy condition and you can defy disease. Prickly Ash Hitters aro especially adapted for this purpose, being composed of drugs which act on the Liver, giving it tone and strength to withstand malaria. Buown's Vkoktahm: Livkh Pills, euro biliousness, sick hoadacho, and constipation. Try thorn. For salo by Nickell & Shurtz. lltf Dr. B. Boll Andrews, of Nemaha City, has his olllco at his residence, where he is prepared to treat acuto ami chronic diseases. Pleasant waiting rooms for patients. Surgical diseases a womon a specialty. His success as a surgeon Is well known from cases In this vicinity operated upon with per manent reliof. Wall Paper. at Nickell &Shurts. FRESH TJMOTHY SEED!! For salo by Nickell & Shurts. Dr. Jacques' Gorman Worm Cakes stand unrivaled as a worm medicine. Give them a trial. Sold by all drug gists. 52 David Campbell has moved his im plement housa to North Auburn. Ho has a full stock of everything In his line. All western farmers and mechanics bear witness to tho healing power of Buown's AiiNit'A Salvk. Sold by all druggists. lltf Undo Sam's Condition Powder pre vents disease, purifies tho blood, im proves tho appetite, gives a smooth glossy coat, and keeps tho animal in good condition. All druggist sell It. 8 Machine oils of all kinds at greatly reduced prices at Nickell's in Brown viile. Undo Sam's Norvo and Hono Lini ment is most elllciont in rheumatism, imiisus, burns, scratches and many oth er ills incident to man and beast. Sold by all druggists 3 Tho Bout Remedy in tho "World for tho Hlood and Liver, is Sausapa- IMLLA, DANDKLION JUld lODIDU Po- tasium, For salo by Nickell & Shurtz. lltf Employmout For Ladies. ' The Queen CltySujpender Company, of Cin cinnati, are now nunuuetunng and introducing their new Stocking Supporters for Ladies and Children, and their unequalled Skirt Suspenders tor Ladiei. None should be without themj our leading physicians recomniend them, and are loud in their praise. These goods are manufac tured by ladies who have made the wants of ladies and chldren a study, and they ask us to re fer them to some reliable and energetic lady to introduce them in this county, and we certainly think that an earnest solicitation in every house hold would meet with a ready response, and that a determined woman could make a handsome silary and have the exclusive agency for this county. We advise some lady who is in need of employment to send to the Company her name and address, and mention this paper. Address Queen City Suspender Company, No. 179 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 7WI1 THE CHICAGO South Auburn, Neb. MILL. SKIiK, YO0J LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Etc., Cheaper than any Firm on Earth, ! m V ".. - "W- JOHHSO Nemaha Co., Neb., Moving been recently Surveyed and Platted on SEC. 7, T. s. R. 13, In the Western pari of Nemcha County, Ne braska offers rare chances for Commercial Mechanics! Business. JSt Ijoiv jsZ? s"fl IT' ''l"-l''. -CT ... . FOU CASH OH ON TI.VE. Apply to S. A. 0SB0RN, Brownvillo, .lolniHor., or Calvert AGENTS l For Gon. Dodgo'u now book, (THIRTY-THREE YEARS AMONG OUR WILD INDIANS fc Introduction by Gen. W. T. Sherman. Contains a truthful and graphic record of tho author's obscrva tlons, thrilling adventures and exciting experiences during vt years among tho wildest tribes of tho Great West. Splendidly Illustrated with Steel I'lates, Fine Engravings and Superb Chromo-J.Ith ograph Plates In fifteen colors. Has received the unqualified endorsement of the most eminent men of our country. Gen. Grant writes: "The best book on Indian and Frontier Life ever written." nishon Wiley, of Cincinnati, says: "A much needed book andoneof Immense value." Chicago Interior! "A book at standard and substantial value." Chicago Advance! "No other book contains as full and accurate account of tlie Indians." Chicago Tribunt: " It reads like a romance, and Is far superior to any book ever published on the subject." The Chicago Inter Ocean ! , " It vividly portrays the Indian just at he is." ' 999 AGENTS WS'iS waiting thousands I It is the opportunity of a life time for rapid money making! Remember, new book, superbly illustrated: immense demand; eiclu. slvo territory and Special Terms. Send for lllus- ttiart olrAiJ-tf ikfttll full tMttlllt va tn s I ;a,-0. NETTLETON & OO.f Chicago, III. LumberGo. ' 3 I f fl'i M. Town Lots HP dirETtiCJ. Iffl Ji iv , fcU l . LTi Ki Ml ?M Tfftntedi I FALL AND WINTRII tUinr1nHHHHmnmrawniiiii ibiii i khiih vnnaMHililHk sxo,ooo- -WORTH OF CLOTHING! - Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, J"TTST OIFIElsriEID .A.T TZEaHEI STAR CLOTHING HOUSE,- TEOUM8BH, A. H. GILMORE & SON'S, North. Auburn, Where you will find one of the finest stocks of General Merchandise in Nemaha County. You will find the nicest SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING foe all ages. You will find DRESS GOODS of the latest styles and patterns. YouViP. find a nice line of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S Shoes. You will find an excellent line of HOOTS and PLOW SHOES for Men. You will find a full stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, etc. You will find one of the nicest store rooms and the most gentlemanly clerks in Nemaha County. We extend a cordial invitation to come and sec us bcfqrc buying, and we will guarantee that in quality and price we wil suit you. Remember the place, A. H. GILMORE & SON, NORTH AUBTJKN, NEB. r - - r - m . w UKNTLUMKNl 1 hau umhI lt.'H Ikon In my jrcUco, nniriu an cxnTHcnceof twrnty.tlvo yean In medicine, liavn never round anything to (,-lvo tlio results that Da. JUuTim'a Ino.V TONIO toci. In many cases of Nervous Prostration. Feuinla JMictucJ, PjipcpM.i, anil mi tiu iovcrihcd condition nftlio blood, this peerless remedy, lias In my hands, uiadu itoiuuvromicrrulcurr. ('Aiics that ha e banicil vomo of our most eminent physicians, hava ) luldoU to thti ;rcat and lucoiupsu atiln remedy. I prescribe? it in preference to any Iron preparation WMle. In fact, such a emnpouud as Un. lUiiTSii'ti Iiion TONIC ft a ncocsslty lu my practice. Vn. llOUltT HAMUKLH, O Bt. Tmiir, Mo.. Nov. SAtb. 1RS1. Slot Wash Avcnni. Itftlvca color to the blood,' natural tiraithflil tone to tho dlffcstlra organs ami ncrrouK xifntetn, mafrtnff it applicable to General DelMlty, Zosa of Appe tUePl'rotratloti of Vital l'owera anil Jtnvottnee.f MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE OO..fl3 N.MAIN STMST.L9VIS, CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, HEADACHE & BILIOUSNESS. - PBtPAREOOHLY DY BROWN MEDICINE & MF'C CO. LEAVfHWOHTH, KAH. s Try It Now! jSOU) DT AU. "WBOFC 1ST YOU TRAVEL ALWAYS TAKK Till: B.4M.R.RR Examine mip snd time tables carefully. It will be seen tluc-thls line connects with C, H, U (i R. R.; in fact they are under one management, nd taken to gether form whatis called the BURLINGTON ROUTE!! SHOUTHM' AND QUIOKKbT LINK TO Chicago, St. Louis.Peoria, Dos Moines, Rook Island, AND lai'KOIAMV TO A hi. l'OINTI -IK- Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Miohifijan, Ohio. I'RINCII'Ah 'DVANTAOES ARE Through Coaches from Nebraska to de.unation on C, H. & Q. R R. No transfers', changes from C., II. U QR, R. to connecting lines all made in Union Depots. THROUGH TICKETS AT LOWEST HATE.? .CAN HE HAD Upon application 11 1 tiny Ktiitlnnon tint roar., AkciiIk mmi hUo iirnpiired to olieelc bKKKi thronuli; lvo nl lororiuutlon hm to mips, rouU't, lliii,coiiii'ctl(tiiK, nlc, iuiU toHeouro hluuplDi; cur nucoiniuoilntlons. THE NEW LINE TO .DENVER Anil nil polnlM In Colornito, This xxIoiihIoii Ih ooinplnliHl 11 ml ready fur biiHlnrn, uml Hip public outi enjoy ull Win ariTatiUtfss of a uiroiigli line ti Denver and Clilossro nil un dr one niauagrrnent. I. II. BUnTIH, 1 Oen'l Ticket Ast., Dmasia, Nil, NEBEASKA. ' A combination of Pr? tnxiitmif Jrm,l'vruvifM Hark And l'lwhoruiH a l(ilW(i form 9 Ttt" only preparation uj Jran ttml will not blacken th tcrth,KO charttetrlllof iothcrtron nrrimratton. mw mmm .i MUOMOTO N e Ve V F B 1 8 1 p TUTTS PILLS 8YMPTOM8 OF A TORPID LIVR. Lobi of Appotlto, BowolsT oostlye, Vain In tho Uoad, with a dull aonmitlon In tho baclc part, Pain undor tlio Hhouldor blade, fUUnoss aftor oaUnf.with a clUIn olinatlon to oxortlon of body or mind. Irritability of tompor, Low spiritii, with a fooling of having noglootod noma duty, Waarlnosa, Ulwdnoja, yiuttarlnR at tho Heart, DoUbBforo tho oyea, Yollow Skin, Soaduoho aenornlly over tho right oyo, oBtloBsneia, with fitful droauas, highl oolored Urlno, and ONST.PATtON. TUTTS TlVlJi are especially adapted to audi crises, 0110 doso effects such n uharigo of fuvllng lis to nstoulsh tuo sutTcror. Tiii-v Iiiprenao tlin Appetite, and cause tbsv i,i tn t'.L. nn l'l.ili. tbus the systxm is ryJ . . . l..a ll,..Uta,Hlil l4l(n f oHrUhiMl. and by thl AWtMSdV w., 1 mi th Dlvesllve Orgmnt, "olor HSooU ar prc. duovd. Ice 25 canu. TUTT'S HAIR ML 2nY IUia oa WwiSKxna chantred to a awisr lack by a single application of Oils Dt u. 1 1 ttn. tmru a natural color, acts Instantaneouslr.iflBold by UrutgUU, or sunt by axpresa on rocolpt of . orriCX, M MDRRAT T., NEW TOH1L. UmSU IU4U UU SMSU4 naai u mJ ! REUABLE SELF-CURE . J, A.l- kM.Mlntlnn nf hn. nf ttlA. raostnoXl and .ncorwirul ihhIUw I. Ui Yi (now rvtlrd ftwUnieumof eres fMtf Jtf JWi;oM.T'Jk.'l"l etiiU. wil lajilolBsealuUtnvt.lDpt'Vee. Djugilsis.mifill... Klarooi On. VVAHD &. CO., Louislsoa, Mo, ERRORS OF YOUTH. , A KPnllorsun who aurrprl for nrs from norvmia ilrblllt)', preinntiiro ileey, hiiiI ull tin nirpota of youthful Inallsiirpllnii. will for the miktiof sutrorlmt hiimantly, snnd frp lo all who npeil It, the rpolpeniirt illrpitlon for iTiakliiK tin simple, remedy Uv vhtcli In- was cured. riun"ers wluhliiK profit hy Hip ! vnrtlsor's nxpprlPiic ran do nn y addressing In prrfuct confltlrnn Joii.h II. Ooijkv 61y a.'CedarstrePt,ew nrk. . -- - n O!rero wakteb 1" ,k r-w. JTiWL7LLvn Wlr 4