Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 12, 1882, Image 1
lTt 7 ,. . fcjf xwwnonnmnB bnwlm urnn(,'tr , AvtrtimZ m MiaaUHadHBPi"'' W H fef. II (l FftTABLISHED I85Q. OLDEST PAPER IN THE 8TATE . mvaumasaaaarmiKKCmaa SOUTH AUBURN BUSINESS CARDS. A RKWRIGHT k CURZON, &. JEWELERS, KLOIN, SPRINGFIELD and W'ALTIIAM WATCHES. South Auburn, - - Nebraska. BF, WEST, M D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SOUTH AUHURN, NEB. OFFICE. Up Stairs, over Advmtuer office. CORNELL, G. W , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olltco ono door nortli of RIechors Storo. SOUTH AUItUHN, NEH. Will practice In all tho Courts nnd attend to collections, CHICAGO LUMBER CO., Dealers In Luinbor, Paint, Limo and Coal, SOUTH AUUUKN, NEHKASKA. DULON k CROAN, Doaler In Drugs, Books, Stationery, Paintst Olid, Glass, CiEars, Etc. South Auburn - ; Nebraska. DEVIN & FISHER Gouoral Merchandising. DRY GOODS, GROCKKIES, HATS, CAPS. HOOTS, SHOES, Etu. South Auburn, - - Nebraska. D.J- WOOD. mat A TJ"V TJTTTtr.Tf!. And LlKhtuing, Flroand Wind INSURANCE AGENT. South Auburn, Nob. "ID. WALTZ, -BARBER All klndi. of Tonitorltil work dnno with neatness and In tho latost styles of tho art. Shop second door north of tlio Holdrege. G EO. RIECHERS, Dealer In Clothing, Hnts, Oapi, Boots, Shoos, and Quoonswaro, Ilnttor, Ebrs a 'id Produce tukou In exchange for goods. South Auburn, - - Nebraska. G. W. FAIRBROTHER, SR. NOTARY PUBLIC, Will pay nttentlon to Conveyancing, Land Agoncy biiKlncHS and talcing Depositions. Ulanlc Deeds Mortgages, and all sorts of blanks on baud, H OLDREGEHOUSE. Rest Hotol In tho City. TED HUDDART, Proprietor. Financials Sainplo Rooms, Oood Jjtvery Stublo and good Accommodations. South Ayjrn; - -.MJJSSLPig"''- UTCHINS & ELLIOTT. Dealers In Agricultural Implements, Wagons, ' Carriages Etc South Auburn, - - Nebraska. HENRY HARM, Proprietor CALVERT MEAT MARKET, Nlco, Sweet, Kresh Meat always on hand, at Roasoiiablo Rates. South Auburn, .... Nebraska. H.Ji F. WERT & CO. Insurance & Collection Agents. Hpoclnl attention Klvon to routing nnd buying and soiling Farms andclty property. IN O. Ilulldlng. South Auburn, Neb. LINN & COOPER, Dealers In GRAIN & STOCK, Highest Markul prlco paid for all kinds of Grain and Live Stock. Oflloo at tho elevator. South Auburn, Neb. McGEE & MOORE. Dealers In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. SOUTH AUHURN, NEB. Highest Market Price paid for Huttor and Egggs and Pioduco. MRS. A. H. RICHARDS, Milliner and Dressmaker, Full Stock of Ladles Furnishing Goods nnd Fancy Notions. Second door South of Dill on A Croan'sdrugfitoro.South Auburn, Neb. "MICKELL & SHURTZ, Dealers In Drugs, Glass, Paints, Oils, Stationery and Wall Papor. SOUTH AUHURN, - - NEHR. CLANCY, JLl. Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, A largo and Select Stock of everything kept lu a first-class Imrrdwaro storo. A good repair shop in connection wjlh tho store. Two doors south 0 Ulechcru stone, South Auburn, Neb. T HOS RICHARDS. "REGULATOR," Dealer in nUGGIEH. WAGONS, and AG HICULTO HAL IMPLEMENTS. South Auburn, Neb. WILLIAM ROBETTS, proprietor Rostanrnnt and Bakery., A flno stock of iConfectlons and ClRars. Warm meals at nil hours 2So. FlrBt door south of Holdrego Hous6 WILLING BROS. & JORDAN, Dealers lu Hardwaro, Stoves, Tinwaro Fnrni tnro, Wooilonwaro, Etc. HpcrIM nttentlon paid ,ti Tin Iiooflnc nnd Spouttnu, Fouth Auburn, eb. W M. MATTHIESEN, BlacksuiUhinir. WAGON AND OARRIAGK WORK NraUy and promptly dono. No 21 Contre Avenue, South Auburn, Neb, W 7ILLIAM SHANKS. Proprlotor Livery, Food and Salo Stables. On Nemaha Street, South of tho Hold'rogo , Houiiq, South Auburn, Nob AUBURN, T W. KERNS' O LUMBER YARD, North and South Auburn, Neb. P. W. SAMUKLSON, Hanker, J). J. Wood, Cashier. Nemaha Countv Bank Auburn, yebrasJca Does a General .Banking; Business. Particular JSttention Giv en Collect ions. Monov Loaned on Approv ed Security. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. This is tho Oldest Bank and hag tho only Timo Lock in tho Oity. Fnrm Urn us iifgotliitcil at Loir Unto of Interest. Exchange on all parts ot U. S. and Sin rope. T 1-1 1Z & 1 ttliXMY) o),a(Yi9 SOUTH AUBURN, NEBR., now open and prepared to do a General Banking Business. Is . AMPH.T3 CAPITAL- I. - ssi. v.-- MONEY LOANED On. approved security, at a Reasonable Rate of Interest. EXCHANGE Bought and sold on the principal Cities of the United States and Europe. JNO. L. CARSON ,fc CO. Si A. Osborn, Notary Public. 0. W. Tajloi Osboen & Taylor, ATTOENEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert and Brownvillo. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED . ERAL COURTS. Special attention given to collections and sale of HEAL ESTATE. ice lo Farmers Tho undersigned has for snlo tho NORWEGIAN PLOWS! Hmrows CULTIVATORS, Well known to bo tho best, which ho will sell cheaper than the cheapest. Farmers, Call and See. 5J B. OTTENS, MONEY SAVED! I will soil you a BETTER ORGAN! ! in every respect for $ 8 5.0 0,d Than aro being sold in this vicinity for 8100 anil upwards. JAS. H. DTE, flinO Xoinaha City. 3C J. Gxrotixw? (. BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Mndo and repaired ns woll as enn bo dono anywhere, on short notice, and VERY REASONABLE TIJILVS. . JVcnmlm Clf 3 Ncbr. tC t A M NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, mcmnwM NORTH AUBURN BUSINESS CARD. GlOSS' PICTURE GALLERY, I" North Auburn, Nob. COl'YLNO OLD l'lCTl'llKS A Sl'F.ClAl.Y. Ollloo- First door South of tholiifciim JHnl. POSEY FREEMAN, Plain and Ornamental Fainter. Contracts taken with all material furnished. tO-Work guarnnteod.Ti NORTH AUHURN, - - NEH. I E. BOTH EL, 0 , proprietor North Aulmrn Billiard Parlors. keeps a nice stock of CIGARS, CON'FF.CTIONH ETC., ETC. T M. GLASGOW, prrswrAN and suiwuoy, NORTH AUUURN, - - NEBR jgTilesideneo Gilmpro's Mock. nil, A. OPI'ERMAN, 1'irysroiAN anj) sunoKoir, Has been located In Nemalu County since 1868. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES. Aillictioni of the Ear and Eye skinroiiy Tre.ted, JjQr Artificial eye$ always on hand to-TU Suit any size or color. Calls at- ( tended to day or night OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and ad Streets, SHERIDAN, NEB. aoyi TAKE NOTICE! , Mrs. E. Monahnn, of Maryvlllo, Mo., will bo at North Auburn on tho 17th and lath Days of Ootohor. when slio will bo nropured to treat all forms of nyo diseases. Her treattiiont Is a porum. nont euro for granulated o..llds and nil rorms of Inllainnmtlon '"of tho oyes. Come atidsno her. Sho will also bo at Hrownvlllr on tho 10th of each mouth. Surgical operations will bo performed by Dr. D. C. Wilson. of Maryvlllo. BROWNVILLE BUSINESS CARDS. T II. DROAliY, J Attorney aiiit'OouiiMitlor lit luv, urownviiiJ'.Bii T S. S T U L L , 3 U. AT'l'OllNKVH AT I. AAV. Oltlcoof County Juitgo, Jlrowavllle, Nebnxskiv. J ROSS WITCHERLY, proprietor TONSORIAIi RESORT? Four clialrs, acwyWplliTw.l worknion..bost dyo, bestsliaves, inshloiuiblo haircuts, sea foam. Work dono promptly and guaian teud to satisfy. Klrsldoor westol postollloo, Ilrownvllli', Nidi. QAM RICH, IIouso, Sign, Carrlafio and Ornamental Paintor. HROWNVILLE, ... - .NEH. Private Diseases. Persons desiring the poplar prescription of the late Dr. Jonas Crane, for Venereal Diseases, can have the same filled by calling upon Dr. Alfred Crancr, at his residence, Brownville, Nebr. 0-15 lllTIIOUIZlin UY TIIK f. S. (lOVKIINMl'VI irsf Eatsona OF BRO XV 1ST VII.L W Paid-up Capital, $00,000 Authorised a ff 00,000 is puiH'AHh'rro TitANHAirr ai General Banking Busines. HUY AND HKM. COIN & CURRENCY DRAFTS wnalltlinurlnclimlcltloi oftlis United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approver! security only. Time Drolls discount ed.iiM'l special ucciiiuniuilutlnusKrnntcdtoilupovll rs. Uenlersln UOVBKNMKNT UONDH, . STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Reculveil pnyableniidemsnit mill tNTKHKSTrt owed on ttiuecbrtlllcatwi ol depoilt. OIllECTOIts.-Wm.TTnon, It. M. nslloy, t.A Ilandley. Frank K, JoIidnoii, I.ntlier Jlondluy Win. I'ralslier. JOIIX L. CARSOX, A. It. DA VIHOK. t'Hihler. President. J, C MlNAIlfiHTON, ASHt'Cashlwr.. JOHN S. MTNICK, II11 Noznaha Cit, Nob. PIMPLES! I will mall (froo) tho recelpo for a Hltuplo Vogelablo linliii that will remove tan, fit'ih les, pnnples and blotches, lnavlni? tho Hkln soft, clear and beautiful; alin liiHtriictlous for pjoducliiK a liuurlnnt urowtli of hair on a bald head ors'iiooth face. Address Inelos. Inn Ho stamp, lion. Vaudolf&Co., Vi Barclay street, N. Y, ank SR t OCTOBER 12, 1882. OHAS. D.NIXON, Frosidont. P.P.STARIN, Ooahior. F AUBURN, AUHUKX, NiniUASKA, IS And oirors lt Services to tho Citizens of Auburn -.a$?i-NEMAHA COUNTY, For tho transaction of nny tho lino of Hustness In 13 a n k i ii a SKcbvaisilui a.tlwvtiscv l&.jjl Caiy" Entered at the postoflicc at Suutli Au burn, Nebraska, as Second Class matter. REPUBLICAN TICKET. 8XATE. For Governor - JAMES W.DAWES, of Satlno county. For Lleutounnt Governor. A. W AGEE, of Hamilton county. For Secretary of State. E. P. ROGGENS. of Lancaster county. For Treasurer. LORAN CLARK, ol lloitno county. For Auditor. JOHN WALLICHS, of Hall county. For Attorney-General. ISAAC POWERS, of Dakota count. ForSupt. of Public Instruction. W. W.W.JON EH, For Com. of Public Lands and Hulldlnits. A G. K'ENDaLL, of Howard county. For Rodent of the University. C. II. GERE, of Lnnciister County. ' CONGRESSIONAL. r. . ...... i-or.t,;.i1,,u x . A. J. WK. v Kit, of Richardson County. JUDICIAL. For District Attorney l!d Judicial dlstrlot .1. II. STltOlli:, Of diss County. aoTTDN-T-sr. For State Senator JARVI8S.OHUR0H, of Red ford. For Represntatlves OKO. R.8H00IC, . ol Asplnuall, JACOII (100 D, of Layfayetto. For County CoiiiinlsNloiH'r, 2d District FRANICRi:i)KURN, of London. """ miMF.I. Mill I. HI. I. .1 I.I Mil .1.1. I I. l'IM FEANE JAMES. Tho Notorious Outlaw Surrenders at Jefier son Oity to Governor Orittendon. JiciTKitsoN, Crrv, Oot. r. I'"rauk James, the notorious outlaw, brother to the eiiually notorious Jesse, surrcnil ered to tho governor at ." o'clock this eveniiiL' unconditionally, and was im mediately tukou to Independence, in Jackson county, to answer tho indict ments. Frank James arrived in tho capital this morning about I o'clock, in com pany witli Colonel John M. .Edwards, and this forenoon they were about this city and in and out of tho hotel until the hour arrived thai, hud ap pointed for tho meeting between the outlaw and the governor. About -1 :in o'clock they walked over to the Capitol grounds, flimbed tho hill, and entered the window leading to the private of fice of Governor Crittenden. Tho lat ter having a few hours' notice of their coining naturally felt jubilant over this culmination of bis. long light against tho outlaw baud, and bo had, without indicating what tho occasion was, summoned a number of tho state ollicials to be present at tho appointed time and witness this HISTORICAL KVKNT. As they arrived one by one, lift jok ingly told thorn that there was a Christmas-box to bo opened pretty soon, and lie wanted Ids friends to en joy it. Whilo waiting lie entertained thorn, just as a sort of side issue, by exhibiting Prank James' letter, which was perused by all with intense, inter est, and tho good penmanship and easy stylo ol winch wns generally com mented upon. "Whilo tho company were so engaged, Major Edwards and his companion walked in and right over to whttro the governor sat in tho midst of tho row. Tho light shone in front the wost, and as tho outlaw walked in that diroetion witli bis bat BANKO VOL, 27, NO. 17, in bin hand, tho most conspicuous feat ure about him Was his eyes, which seemed unuaimlly dark and shono llko brilliants, and his faco, boing clean Bhaven, was unusually pale, but lib walk and manner word as KASY AND NATURAL, as though this occasion, which was ono of llfo or death, was nothing unusual for him. Tho assembled company halted in their laughing and joking, merely out of respect to tho stranger, and when Major Kdwards eald: "Gov ernor Crittenden. 1 want to inhoduco you to my friend, Frank James," a deatli-llke stillness took possession of the room, and the men sat llko statues. Governor Crittenden arose, and step ping forward shook hands with tho visitors. Moanwhllo tho spell "which had eome over tho spectators held Its sway. After shaking hands tho outlaw stepped back two stops, and, unbut toning his coat, took oft his bolt of cartridges and rovolvers and handed them to tho governor. Then followed an intervlow, or, rather, general conversation between all prosent, after which the outlaw Wiw, sent to Independence In charge of tho governor a private secretary. AN INTKUVIRW. Tn tho oourao of a long interview wlthth'o prisoner lie said ho had como to Missouri on Sept. 2.1, with tho pur pose of surrendering. Previous to that timo ho said he hud not been lu tho state fur a year. lie said: "1 como to Missouri to try to regain a homo ami standing among her people. 1 have boon outsido of her laws for twenty one years. I luoo been hunted llko a .wild animal from one slato to another. I have known no homo. I liavo slept in all sorts -of places hero to-day, there to-morrow. I have been charged with nearly every great crime com mitted in olther Wisconsin or her neighboring states. I bavo been taught to suspect my DRARI-HT AND NRAUUST FIIIKKD of treachery, and whore is tho end to bo? I am tired of this life of taut nerves, of nlght-rldtng and day-hiding, of constant listening for footfalls, crackling twigs, rustling 'leaves, and creaking doors tired of seeing Judas on tho faco of every friend I own, and goodness knows I have none to spaiv. Tired of tho saddle, tho revolver, aiid ilio-caitvidgo-belt; tlredKofthboojfSwuT and horns witli which popular uellet has equipped mo, and I want to boo if there is not swjno way out of it. I think I can give the state a substantial return for what Tank, and I think tho dignity of law will not suiter. I shall prove myself worthy of mercy." Previous to Ids surrender vPrauk James wroto tho governor a long letter from St. TiOiiis, netting forth bin deslro to surrender. The opening of tho Turtle Mountain country for settlement, says the Intor Ocean, will add between nine and ton million acres to the arable public laud of tho Putted States, and Its immedi ate cultivation will ineioaso tho wheat product, and thereby tho wealth of tho country, This legion, which lies be tween the lied lllver of tho Nortiiand . tho Missouri, along the lino of tho ltritish possessions, Is as rich in its ag ricultural resources as any section of the northwest. In tho Turtle Moun tain range there is plenty of coal anil iron ore, and perhaps other kinds of minerals. There is also a vast quanti ty of valuable timber for manufactur ing purposes both thoro and at Devil's lake. The settlers are going in very rapidly, and tho railroad companies are pushing their lines along as fast as they can get tho right of way. Tho action of Secretary teller redeems a whole ompiro to civilization. Judge Piold, of tho P. S. Supremo Court, recently recoivod a package, of which be was suspicious ; and after soaking it in a basin of water lie care fully onened it and found it to lie. sure enough, an iufornaV machine, which, but for ids caution would bavo killed or seriously hurt him. It wan from California, and by a slip of paper It contained, ho learned that the attempt upon his llfo was for a court decision in (i land case. Near CaiiliiHville, 111., Willis Mc Vicker, n railroad laborer and a board ing bows named James Pields, fought witli pistols. Tho latter began and forced tho light, and fired sovoral shots, shooting Mc Vicker through tho arm, when the latter opened lire and shot tho tyrant dead. Xear Palmer, 111., last week, John Leigh, jr., went into tho field where John lliirby was at work and deliber ately murdered him without warning, putting several shots through his body. Tlioy wero neighbor farmers. A. "W. Nickoll, of tho firm of Nick ell & Shprtz, was in tho cltv Tuesday. lleiuUhls local adds. Xickell has two of tho host drug stores in Nemaha county. a - ,.M v; s J A VM4 ( VJ r! fc r