Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 05, 1882, Image 7

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If surprised by nn unuxpoctud guest,
don't apologize for real or fancied tlo-tiaioncio-i.
jUnko tlio most of what you
Ikivo in the house, and sot it before him
with a hearty welcome.
Grease may bo easily removed from
wall-paper by laying several folds of
blotting paper on tho spot and holding
a hot iron near it, until tho grenso has
beep absorbed. St. Louis Qiobc.
Tho article of common food having
tho least nutriment is cucumbers, widen
contain twenty-livo parts of nutriment
in 1,000. Next in poverty are melons,
and tho next are turnips and cabbage.
Tho great sourco of fertility is tho
atmosphere, and, if wo would avail our
selves of it, wo must have our soils in
a condition favorablo to tho deposit by
tho atmosphere of ils fertilizing proper
ties. Chicago Journal.
Tho village of Brofkport, Monroe
Countv, N. Y., is probably the largest
market for beans lrom first hands in
tho country. As many as 1.0,000
bushels li ivo been sold tliorc in a single
season, all tho product of neighboring
farms. Tho price of beans at Hroek
port is generally from ton to twenty
cents por bushel higher than in tho
city of Rochester, somo seventeen miles
Sometimes tho mackerel intended
for breakfast is not fresli enough in tho
morning to be eatable; it is then a good
time to servo boiled mackerel. wrap
tho fish in a olotli securely, so that you
can lift it from the kettle when it is
tender without breaking it. If you
change tho water two or threo tim:s, it
will freshen in a very few minutes; do
not change from boiling water to cold,
but pour from the teakettlo each time.
N. Y. Post.
Tho British Journal of Agriculture
says: "Tho horses of Normandy aro a
capital race for hard work and 'scanty
fare. Have never olsowlioro seen sucn
horses at the collar. Under tho dili
gence, post-carriage, or cumbrous cab
riolet, or on tho farm, they aro endur
ing and energetic beyond description.
Wicli their no 'lis cut to tho bono they
ilinch not. Thoy keep their condition
when other horses would die of neglect
and hard treatment."
Thore is a proverb in England that
"a white willow-tree will buy the
owner a horso before other trees will
pay for the saddle" Tho wood of this
tree is highly regarded there, no other
being in greater demand. It is light,
very tough, soft, takes a good finish,
and will bear more pounding and knocks
than any other English wood. It is
used oxtensivoly for cricket-bats, lloats
for paddle-wheels, brake-blocks on cars,
planking coasting-vessels, ox-yokes,
wooden legs, shoe-lasts, etc. It will
often grow to a height of sixty or sev
enty feot in twenty yours. . Y. Ex
aminer. Tho Probable Wheat Yield.
Tho only statistics which have yet
been given for tho yield per acre of the
present crop nro thbsu of Illinois, where
tho olllchil roport places tho yioldat 18J
bushels per acre, against 17-7' in 1880".
It is, of course, not assumed that the
yield per aero in Illinois is to bo ac
cepted as tho nverjtjjo for tho United
States. But thore aro somo reasons
why tho yield per aero in Illinois may
bo-accepted as au index to the average
yield of tho United States, in preference
to accepting tho yield of almost any
other one Stato as such an index: First
Illinois is tha largest wheat-raising
State in tho Union, and in tho three
yoars from 187!) to 1881 inciusivo pro
duced about twolve per cent, of all the
wheat raised in the United States.
Second Illinois lies nearly in the center
of tho jrdup of ten States comprising
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, 'Michigan, Wis
consin, Minnesota, Iowa," Nebraska,
.Kansas nnd Missouri, which produced
in 1880 about three-fourths of tho wheat
crop of tho United States. Illinois may
thorofore bo presumed to represent tho
average of the .meteorological experience
and crop conditions ot this group ol
States. In 1880 the average yield per
noro in Illinois was 10-7 bushels, while
,that of tho United States was 18-1
ibuslicls por acre. Illinois was thorofore
2 por cent, above tho general average.
It is an established fact that the average
yield of wheat por aero in diiferent sec
tions of tho United 'States con
tinues at about tho same rola
tivo difl'eronco, as, for instance,
tho average in tho Southern States is
always only about half as much nor acre
as in tho group of States above men
tioned while in tho far Northwest the
yiold is always greater por aero than in
tho ten States mentioned. Thero scorns
no objection, thereforo, to assuming that
cortnin States aro always above and oth
ers always below tho general averago ol
tho United States. Now, if wo may as
sume that tho present yield of 18A
bushels in Illinois is also about 22 poi
cent, above the average, it would make
tho avorago for tho United States say
14 411-101) bushels por acre, or just about
10 por cent, over 188D, which, upon an
area of 37,000,000 acres, would bo r,3il,.
910,000 bushels, a result which differs
loss than tho half of ono por cent, from
our previous ostimnto, which was made
without any such calculation asproduens
tho present figures.
Somo argumontwillof course bo made
against assuming nn increased average
yield per aero of ton por cent, over th
crop of 1880. But it will bo remember
ed that thoro lias been no year before
.this when tho crops of spring wheat and
winter wheat were both good except
possibly 1877, when tho average crop oi
wheat throughout tho United States was
,13 8G-100 bushols por aero, or only about
four por cent, less than wo havo as
sumed as tho avorago yiold por aero foi
tho present crop to produco an aggre
gate of r38,910,000 bushels on 37,000,
UOQ acres. V. Y. Evening Post.
The Wilmington (Del.) 2femi nays: J. E.
Shaw, Eq., proprietor Grand Union Hotel,
New York, indorses St. Jacobs Oil for rliou
mntlsin nnd neuralgia.
A ctmoai. old bachelor says that "lovers
are like armies; they get along well enough
till tho engagement begins."
Fnoit the Delivers (Mass.) .Mirror: Mr.
Geo. II. Day, of thin town, was cured ot rheu
matism by St. Jacobs Oil. Is to bo a wedding tjoon, tho way to
which was paved with so imicli delicate Inge
nuity by tho lady in the case that it is worth
recording. Tho irontleman had been an ac
cepted suitor for months, but hid never even
remotely alluded to tho wedding day, and tho
lady, tired with so much waiting, madouphor
mind to prompt htm iv llttlo on the first
favorable occasion. It hoppened inthls way:
Thoy were sitting In the garden, and as was
his custom he was maklhg himself agreeable
by gallaut speeches, in one ot which ho al
luded to hor as "darling." Ho emphasized
tho name by a tender iiredsttrc of the hand,
and remarked that "darling" was tho swect
:st word In tho English languagn for him.
"Do you think sol" eho asked In a tremulous
voice; "there is another namo that to me Is
far sweeter." "What is it. darllnirl" aikcd
tho lover, rapturously. "Just a llttlo word of
four letterswife" she answered, with a
gentle confusion, and there was nothing left
for him but to ask her todecldo tho day when
he ml Tht call her by hor favorite name. De
troit Post.
A'N old ladv. hcarlnir that John llrlcht con
templated visiting this country, hoped that
ho wouldn't bring his "disease" with him.
Xorrlstoicn Jferabl.
Willing liiiniW mid Willing Hearts.
How gratifying to the Invalid husband to
know that willing hands smooth his pillow;
willing hands prepare his food and give him
medicine, and that willing hearts aro praying
for hit recovery. God bless tho women 1 Sad
it is when tho wife is ill; sad it is when her
health breaks down. Husbands who love their
wives will provide them with Dr. Guysott'a
Yellow Dock and Ssrsaparllla. It Is tho best
medicine In t ho world for curing all fomalo com
plaints, and strengthening tho fomalo system.
Whim; boring an artesian well in Boston
rccontly, tho workmen struck a bakca bean
six hundred feet under tho ground. It' Is
supposed to have been placed there before tho
flood. tforrhlown Herald.
A iaiit physician writes : "I have mot with
great success In femalo diseases. My chief
prescription for lauguor, debility, Irregulari
ties, painful periods, dyspepsia and other com
pile, tons of general weakness, ill-health, Im
pure blood, etc., Is Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock
and Sarttuparilla. I thlnk'lt should bo called
tho Queen of Female Medicines I"
Miss Ln.i.iriiAcn soys she uses powder
merely to take tho shfuh oil her face, but
Fogg thinks she uses it to tnko the shine oil
he other women's faces. Boston Transcript.
Advlco to CouMiimptlvct).
On tho appearance of the llrst symptoms, as
general debility, loss of appetite, pallor, chilly
sensations, followed by nig. it-sweats and
cough, prompt measures ot relief should be
taken. Consumption is a scrofulous disease of
the lungs; therefore use the great anti-scrofulous
or blood-purlllcr and strength-restorer,
Dr. Tierce's "Golden Medical Discovery."
Superior to cod liver oil as a nutritive, and un
surpassed as a pectoral. For weak lungs,
spitting of blood, and kindred affections, it
has no Sold by druggists. For Dr.
i'lercc's treatlso on Consumption send two
stamps. Woian's Disim'NS.vky Medical As
sociation, Buffalo, N. Y.
It Is said that during tho moonlight fight
In Egypt the English bands played "Tho man
In the moon Is looking."
"Wlntcrflnds out what Summerlaysby."
Kluitey-Wort cures In Winter and In Summer.
Thore Is scarcely a person to bo found who
will not be greatly benefited by a thorough
course of Kidney-Wort every spring. If you
cannot proparo the dry buy tho liquid. It has
tho same effect.
"Tunnu," sho said, waving her marriage
cortlflcato In tho air, "thero Is tho flag of our
union V'J'hUaiMptiln Chronicle.
&T Tho Diamond Dyes for family use havo
no equals. All popular colors easily dyed, fast
aud beautiful. 10 cents a package.
Tun mosquito is llttlo but his bravo exam
pin Is contagious. Ho makes tho most cow
ardly como to tho scratch.
DruKKlNt'M Testimony.
II. F. McCnrlhyj druggist. Ottawa, Out.,
states that ho was aflllcted with chronic bron
chitis for somo years, and was completely
cured by tho uso of Thomas' Eolecthio Oil.
Tim artist who painted " the pcrfcotplcturo
of despair," was the first man to draw a long
face. American Queen.
Why Will Von Sufror
Slck headache, nervous headache, neuralgia,
nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleepless
ness and brain diseases, positively cured by
Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile
Pills. They contain no opium, quinine, or
other harmful drug. Sold by druggists. Price
CO cts. per box, SI for two, 82.50 for six, post
age free. Dr. C. W. Benson, Baltimore, Md
A man in Iowa ha invented a new fasten
ing for horse-collars. It is lucky that tho
horso's collar does not fasten to n button in
the back of his shirt, because if It did, judz
in.'f roin human experience, when It flow off
after ho had broken his thumb-nail trying to
crowd It Into a now button-hole, ho would just
kick the stuffing out of anything ho was
hitched to, oven If It was a freight-car.
Boston Commercial Bulletin.
No Hospital Needed.
No palatial hospital needed for Hop Bitters
patients, nor larne-salarled talented puffers to
tell what Hop Bitters will do or cure, as they
toll their own story by their certain and abso
lute cures ut Home. A . x. inuepenaem.
Tub crows of schooners And It i ossiblo "for
man to servo two-masters." PUUburg Tele
graph. "Houoii on Hvts." Clears out rats, mice,
roaches, bed-bugs, vermin, chipmunks. 15c
Wukn Is a woman not a woman? When n
.Ittlc cross.
Woman nnd Her DUonttoa
Is tho title of n largo Illustrated treatise, by
Dr. H. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., sent to any
address for three stamps. It teaches success
ful self-treatment.
Mns. Hown says women do not fall In lovo
any more. Placo a woman In front of tho mil
liner's window, aud see It sho doesu't.
' SIrIi no Afore, r.iullcsl"
For Dr. Plorco's " Favorite Prescription" Is a
prompt and certain remedy for tho painful dis
orders peculiar to your sox. By all druggists.
OscATt Wilde's short breeches and long
stockings nro very aesthetic, but Chicago will
drc6s 8,000,003 hozs this yoar In tho old way.
Chlcayo Inter Ocean.
" I, havo used BtmuocK Blood Bitters with
great benefit for Indigestion and constipation
of tho bonds." C. L. Easton, Hamilton, Out.
Price, $1.
Tin: iiLUB iiiimox l'on Kansas.
Tho lllue ltlhlion Won liy the Kxhihlt of
KniiNiiH l'roduol at tlm Minnesota Stuto
rnlr at Minneapolis, Minn.
Okfick of Minnesota AoiticutrtmAi, )
anh Mkciianicai. association. Y
Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 8, lb.3. J
We, tho undersigned committee, appointed
to award tho special premiums offered by this
association for tho best and most tastefully
arranged display madoby any corporation, do
Biro to make tho following roport:
For this premium thero were four entries,
viz. : Tho Northern Pacific Railroad, tho SU
Paul, Minneapolis fc Manitoba Hallway, tho
Minneapolis fc St. Lou s Hallway, and tho
Kansas Division of tho Union Pacific Hallway.
Attorn careful examination ot tho displays
mado by theso roads, It Is tho unanimous opin
ion ot this committee that the premium bo
awarded to tho Kansas Division of tho Union
Pacific Hallway on tho following grouuds;
The display shows tho greatest variety of
grains, both shelled and in tho stalk, fruit,
vcgotables, wood and stono,
It Is also tho best, most artistically arranged
nnd unique of any shown.
Wo also deslro to commend especially tho
excellent quality of tho fifteen samples of
wheat shown, both shelled and In tho stalk,
particularly a sample of Husslan wheat which
yielded slxty-ono bushels por aero.
The exhibit ot corn is also especially fine,
samples bclilg shown In tho stalk measuring
sixteen foot In height, with largo, woll-dovol-oped
cars from twelve to fourteen Inches In
Tho display also embraces samples of broom
corn twenty foot high, sorghum eighteen feet
high, rlco corn, ryo, barloy, oats, and slxty
llvo varieties ot grassos.
Tho fruit and vcgotublo department ot this
exhibit shows thirty varieties of apples, ton
of peaches, thirteen of crapes, threo of poars,
Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, on
ions, string-beans, squash, watermelon, pump
kins, rhubarb, cantelopes, carrots, white beans,
etc., nil ot unusual size and good quality.
A feature ot tho display is tho twolvo varie
ties of wood and uino of stone, marblo nnd
In making this award wo feel that it is rich
ly deserved, and that tho display reflects groat
credit on tho Land Durartmcntnf tho Kansas
Division of tho Union Paulllo Hallway and the
gentlemen who arranged and have charge of it.
W. C. Kkssinotox,
Gko. F. Tayloii,
D. K. Mol'nr.itsoN,
tST"Largc quantities of Kansas wheat aro
being shipped to Minneapolis, Minn., whero It
Is made Into Hour for export to Europe.
Contracts for ten million bushels havo Keen
made with tho Minnesota millers.
NonpnreU Velveteen.
"Another velvet season Is one of the cer
tainties announced thus early by the incr
chiiuts. The best service is given by tho close,
short pllo velvets, such as tho Nonpareil Velvet
een, which Is not oaslly marred or crushed.
Tho Nonpareil Vclvctcon Is fotind in nil tho
stylish now shades, and when made up, with
the pllo turned upward, it cannot bo distin
guished from silk velvet Tho dlffercnco In
tho price makes n garment cost about ono
third as much as it mado of Lyon's silk
velvet." From Harper's Bazar, September 2.
To bo purchased from all first-class dry goods
Hay fever comes high, bitt somo folks will
havo It.
, Tho celobrated Vegetable Compound for
females, which, within a fow years, has mado
tho namo of Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkham known in
every part of the civilized world, rolloves suf
ering by tho safe and suro method of equaliz
ing tho vital forces aud thus regulating tho
organic functions. It is only by such a method
that disease Is ever arrested aud removed.
i ... i
Plumheus ought to mako good soldiers;
they aro accustomed to cold lead and arc tre
mendous fellows to charge.
"Buchutaiiia." Quick, complete cure, all
annoying Kldnoy Diseases. $1, ut Druggists.
HnnucEn faiic Inmates of the Old Ladles
Home. Boiton Bulletin.
Tun man with the broadest smile is ho who
uses Frazer Axlo Greaso. This Is honest.
Ltons Heel Stlffcnors kcop now boots and
shoes straight. By shoo and hard ware dealers.
Houses laugh at tho load when Wiso's Axlo
Greabo Is on tho wagon.
Tub Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will
send Dr. Dyo's Celebrated .Electro-Voltaic
Belts aud Electric Appliances on trial for
thirty days to men (young or old) who nro af
flicted with nervous debility, loBt vitality and
kindred troubled, guaranteeing speedy and
complete restoration of heal th and manly yigor.
Address as above. N. I!. No risk Is incurred,
ns thirty day's trial Is allowed.
' '
Use Wiso's Axlo Grease, you need greaso
only once n week.
If nllllcted with Sore Eyes, uso Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell It. 25c.
I I I I ! . .1 I
A unitciFUL man is kind to his horses and
uses Wise's Axlo Grease.
Tnr tho new brand, "Spring Tobacco."
Jmt l'ubllslu'il-tlio nnrt l'lano mul Qtkm Cata
lOKuraovvrUiucd. t'ontnla valuable Information for
tliue Intending to buy. Special prlcci and ttrnia Riven
when drain (1. old liutrmntnu taken In exchange
Catalogues mailed freu. Send your name,
XCKCU'U TEHI'Ml of muhio,
1UU Mtute Ntre.t, Chlcneo.
xsrs vxtw an.
lUlHl'IIMird, 1S72; Incorporated.
tRu). For Hi" Cure of I'liiir.Tn,
Tumor., Ulcer., Nrrolliln
and Kkin Dihkaabh. without tlm
uso ot kiiliu uri.ui or blood, nnd llttln pain For
INFORMATION, Cllicrt.!! anii nintnuNfwi. odd IT M
1IJC F. I.. 1UNJ, Aurora, Hunt Co., III.
)H ai
KB Q r . " "nJ ot mr '" prtc
PB fL JHanyaddruM upon applU
PHf r s.tlon. ConUInt deiorlp-
lBH HHr tloruoffyfAi,j7mqalr.
Bi dforP.rtonalorKmlly
"i witb or.r S.-OO llioitrtlon. W. .ell ull good.U
tybolr.Hlo price. In qunntitlei to .alt tha purobMrr.
Th. onlr Institution woo mak. tbU o.obU l)uU
- ioiya'H0.M-IX' UK1I tJO., ttT
m. zv A.vcua, I'kl.i
PJ fc' i LJT i'i 1 BBPi M,
rt yd J? &0
V, :
Is ft 1'osltlvn Cure
forftll ttinae rnttiftil domptntnt nnd WeViiM
aoroiumaii tonurbet fiiiiBl. pupul.llon.
It will cure ntlreljr tli wont f orm of I'.maU Com.
plaint, all ovarlfntroiillM,liirUiMiatton and Ulcera
Hon, ralllntr and Dliplnc.tiient., and (bo tonitiju.nt
Spinal -WeaVnttt, and U particularly adapUd to th
Cbang ot Ufa.
It wilt dliaolv and .irel tumors from th uUrni In
an early stagoot development, lb. tendency to can
eeroua humors (bei Is cbeckrd very speedily by Us tit.
It removes faliitneii, llatuloiiry, di troy sail eravlnf
tor stimulants, and rellavcs vtealmrsa of tbs stomach.
It cures Moating, Headaches, Nervous I'rostraUon,
General DebUlty, SLtpl.isnots, Deptesslon and Indl
That feeling of bearing down, canting pain, weight
and backache, Is alnara permanently cured by Its uie.
It will at all times and tinder all clrcumttancas act In
harmony with tbs laws that govet n tho female system.
Tor tho curoof Kidney Complaint ot either sex tl
Compound Is unr.trpaMtd.
i.ydia it. riNKUAirn com-
roUMUs prepared at Ul and 133 Weitorn Avenue,
Lynn,Maju. Price $1. Btx bottles for 15. Bentbymall
In the form of pill", alto In the form of loiengrs, on
receipt ot price, $1 per box for either, lire, rinkham
freely answers all letter, of Inquiry. Band forpamph
lot. Address ai above, lfmficm (Ms Jijxr.
Ito family should b without I.YDIA E. riKEHAU'S
LIVER TILLS. They euro constipation, biliousness,
and torpidity of tha llv.r. U cents per bos.
3- Sold by nil llru.glat. -
It is na article that la ImvlnR a Rrcatcr incccti than
any other preparation of n like nnttiro for the Unto It
has been beforo tho people. It has currd, and Is still
curing to-day, more obttlnnta cntcs of IndlRcatlon nnd
Dyspepsia thin nny other preparation known. It Is
Ritnrunteed to uivc satisfaction, or money will bo re
funded, for tho following nllincnta: Liver nnd Kidney
Cotii4tiltita, Impurity of niood, Including IMinples nnd
lllotcbcs, or other skltt eruptions, Indlgcttlon, !))
pepsla, etc. It la not a bcvcrnRO nor a violent purgft
tlve. Is pleasant to take, safe and suro In Its effects,
quick In Its action, nnd lasting and permanent In Its
cures, the component Ingredients being hlhly sooth
ing to tho system. They dcrlvo their virtues chiefly
from tho rare merits ot tho old Burdock plant, com
bined and chemically prepared with other great euro
tlvo medicines. Our grandmothers and grandfathers
used tho Burdock root alone, with tho greatest success.
Ilurdock Blood Bitters Is n compound Hint Is giving
such universal satisfaction that tlio proprietors In
struct all druggists to refund money when relief Is not
given by Us use.
Bold by nil Druggtsts.
That terrlblo scourge
fever nnd ague, and
lis congenrr, bilious
remittent, besides nf
fectlonsnf thostont
acli, liver ond bowels,
produced by mlnsiun
tic nr nnd water, arc
bath eradicated nnd
prevented by tho use
of Hosteller's Htotn
ach Hitters, a purely
vegctnblo elixir, In
dorsed by physlclnns,
and iiioru extensive
ly iihuI ns a remedy
disorders, an well as
for ninny othcrs.tlian
any tnedlclnn of the
age. For sala by nil
Druggists and Deal
ers generally.
The ONLY Book 1 of the kind 1 1 ever pub'd.
irt-w -ui "me .,-,, ,-.,. Wiuhlngtontotbe
IpniKuni timo, witli over 20 Htccl Portraits of Ijulloa
of the WhllolIouKf.wlthvlewsof mutiy of the Homos
J(jf tlwi 1'ienlilontH. This Is the moit nalablo look pub
umioil. Agents tvaniou Dvnu lor circulars, wiwi
I full particulars, to
$25 Every Day
Can be eaally mado with our
Woll Augers & Drills
SBBaa ar On. man iinrl nn. tinrai, reautred. Wo
. T aro tho only maker, of tho TimnWcll
V Jlorlngand Rook-nrllllng Maobluo.
B Warranted tlio Heat nn Piirtbl
Many of our ouatomer. moko from BO to 10 day.
Sook and Clroular. I'ltEK. Addro.s,
Don't Forget
IIu sell, ecrytlllng you want to carry home. Don't
sniMiil voiiriiiiinnv anvwheri! else. loll cull tuvc
your Car I'urn iiml Hotel 1 1 111. t-nay.
tir8i-nd for Catalogue nnd (luldo of I'hlcago, Fner.
"IIIK 1'A I H,n cor. 8lut.ti Adam. Hta.
Employmont for ladies.
The Queen City Sutpender Company of Cln.
clnnatl are now manufacturing and Intrcxludng
their new 8tu klar HutjuorUra fur l.dln anil
i'ktlitrr., and their unequaled Hlirt Bmptadtn
lor ijuues ami wanireuaoieuay sgenu loieu
i them In etry households Our scents everr
wbere meet with ready aucce&a and make hand.
'tome talariei. Write at once for ternit and se
cure eicluilve territory. AddreK
Dumb I1tv hu.uruilpr IV... flB.laBftfl nfil..
C" Leading Phyalclaat lecbimnend these Supporters. i)
ToaellaJVJ.W aud most Important woriof rare at
tractions, Now Bulling Immensely. ;t:,rterni.. To
men of experience wo make .peclul offer never
ciiuiieu oy any mitilisiier. Till, will reimy In
c.uiiiiuuin iiuur.u.aa. ..,. i;ss vJty,t,Iil
:cal All
c Urutfrt?
2. .& s
s- &&av
Cr W ;w?ViJ' JrJvl
lilllty. lllKliat I ir.t.CU.a Slriu
lllun.l.alat,lll,rd ICVmn.
Whitney & nolrasOrgsnCo,,Qulucy,IU.
oltlost und tlio nlaiuliiril llnltnunt of tlio
United Slittcs. liriru slirtNSI.OO; motlluin CO
rents; funull, W conta; ninull slzofor r-tmllr
uso, 'ij rontx; Mtuohiuit't Worm Taltlolfl. SO
oontei. Vor Kilolty ovory tlruilstniiil Uctilor
In gunorul ini'icliiiii(llte.
For Fninlly Uso.
Tho OnrKlltur Oil T.tnltncnt with wiiitb
WHAri'tnt, iiromrol for hunmu tk'.-li, lit put
up In wnitll tmttloM only, und Uova not sUiti.
tno skim, met) o coins.
Tho Unrgllii? Oil Alumnae for 1888
Is now In tlio hnntli of out printer, nnd will
lio ready for distribution (Iiu-Ihk tliutnontlw
of Novomliorand Deeemher, 18S.'. ThoAl
miiiinii for tlm coinltiu viutr will tin tuoro iiro
fill nnd liMtructlvn tlinn over, nnd will ho
sent irco to any udiiivws. writo lor one.
Ask (ho Nearest DniglsU
If tlio 'U-nlora In your plarotlo not keep
Merchant's (larllin? Oil forcalo, liiKlrttuimn
their nendlnur ton?, or whero thovirct their
inoiiicinot), anil trtait. ivoep mo ooiiio wen
corked, and tdutko It hofoiit nnlnif. Yellow
writtiiier tor anltunl and white lor human
Bupcinl Notice.
Tlio Merelmnt's Onnrllnp; Oil liaa heon in
uso as a llnlnietit for half a century. All wo
iwkisii iairtriui, nut uomiro aim ioiiow ui
t ootlons.
Tlm (lorirlliiu- Oil mid Merchunt'fl Worm
Tnhlots aro tor mtlo hy all drturHlots and deal
era In general liierulmndlso throtiKhouttho
worm. . . .,
Miuuifncturptl at Iickort, N. Y., hy Mer
chaut's Unrirlln-r Oil Company.
v VW V
year. Hpcelmcns of lVninatulilp and Circulars. I'ree.
I Vf NCllOOli of Chmltlock Collcpo.
IjHIi Opens October Utti Diploma ndtnlts to tha
liar of Illinois. Hoard nnd Tuition only WMOnyt'ar.
Address John T. I.onq. 1.1,. II. , I'ur.H., tjiilney, 111.
AGE n t"s
(I.ndlca or tieiitleinon)
Make Monoy Fast Handlinrj
Mrs. Owens' Cook Book.
Iuvuluable to Ifonackeepcr..
rrnctlcril ami 1'opnlisr.
Outfit f 1.25.
P. E. OWKW8,
fi.10 Pulton Htrot, C'lilnnfo.
Choice Lands S to . OratlncSU
to WU. Klch soil In Uoru Uelt, tuai
It It. I.arK" truela to l.easo. I)c
change out. J. A Dicnt, Whcatou.lU.
.tr.OUTIO.IN'l''N .lOUlt.VAI., full of fresb
I J und b'ooil pieces, only ten cents of all newsdealers.
for nil dlsoaaoa of the Kidneys ant)
IthasspoalflonoUonou thin most Important
orcan, enablliur It to throw off torpidity and
inflation, aUmulatlnc tholiealtliy secretion of
tlio Dllo, and hy kocpinff tho bowold In frco
condition, offbatlnc ita regular dlsoliargo.
aM-i'rraira If you nroiuirerinc from
nTJ dldlltli malaria, havo tho chills,
aro blUous, dyspopUo, or oonaUpatcd, Kldnoy
Wort will suroly roUo vo and quloltly euro.
In tlio Bpriutf to uloauso tlio GyoLctn, every
ono should taka a Uioroush course of It,
Iltood. and will enmnletelir clinnifd tlm lilnml In the en.
tiro svstem In three months Any person who will take
1 plllcncli nlKht from 1 to lis weeks imv bo restored
tosouniineniiii.irsuciin tiiinKiM! potsinie. ho
i-rywhcre, or scut hy mall for H letter stamps.
Hold ev
IS. I. H.
Johnson i Co., JlostoidMuas., formerly llautior, Mo.
"PTJ'RP't A muu KAZOK.
S MtMJMM i Hon to IKe It! llotr loClionteltt
And Hon Many Jloii Aim mi Itt Our pamphlet Bonti
Ireo U any addrcBS. Alno 40 iiairullMtof Kill von,
Knyora nnd HclUBorH, with dfreetlons for tiHlnjr.
Hutnplo liiind-forKed, ra.or iteel, " hludo Jack
Knllo Hcnt poHt-piild forMk). Good I hhnlo, "i'lO.
Addiees MAIIER & OH08U.334 Monroe Bt . Toledo, 0.
-that r-t AND NOT
OAT Ta y wfttebmakem. llymall, VScts. Circular
OUJLiU ifRUi. .T. H. 1I1KC1I k CO.. IIHlJcv Ht N.
IR nnfi (lAUlr..Vn:itN now nan out- Niiw
lUUUUKIIci- to till' all kinds of saws, withy will cut
hotter than evir I,ri,,H'.ftt. t'lreulurs and prices to
Aitunts. Address IJ, lt(-I'll to (,, .NiwuxonU l'a.
A MONTH and board in your county. Men
or Ladles. Pleasant business. Address
I W y.lEULKit&Co.. 110x91, Clilraieo, 111.
Helliii;nn Ich-s In iliowiirlilit samnlt' fret
Address. I. A. Hrimaoii, l)elroltMlcU.
U'lriMit ll'riresaeiitn.o.I). anywhere. Whole.
salu ic I Int. ill. l'rlco list free, floods iruaran
u-oi ii.u.hTaKiiL.107 waLasii,av.,giiicaKO.
ffni) A WEEK. $12 a day at homo easily made.
D I Coetly outfit free. Add rtHiTnto & Co. Auitujtn, Mo.
R I lin Orchestra Mutlo CalalnmicHfree.Tiinnipson
OWfsU& Oilell. 7HTrenintMI.. Unatoii.Miias.
A WEEK In your own town. Terms nnd
niinOirO Bet workln theU.S.forthemoney.
K 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h Enterprise Oarria;e Co., Cln'tl, 6.
U U U U I l-O Territory Given. OaUloirue IKEE.
AK.'1S -WANTKIs for the beat end Fastest
sellluK I'lc-torlnl Hooks ond lllbles. I'r e reduced
per cent. Natiokai.1'uhi.isiiinoOo., HUcagu.III.
A. N. JC.-A'. -
?C 1. f-Ofl uurdayathoine. Saiiipleit worth .
0 10 ,U ueo. Addrwi UiiNiO.w -Co., Vortlattd.M.
TWV' fllrrV7 T II
I ffv , j"'Vl Wif kw
Lin .DKiMil.i'JH vfH
VHB- -T-s1 1 ilfrtai tl VftsM f A a HW
a--fce---lL-----WMr--MK-I j'SmfLjStKKk. l----l
ar & lkaaaLl.t- alJi
WT- ' ' "" .t--------l
tr. i
Js &.- '