vuumimfWMM'jimiii-iuiJH nx.u.'iiJJTnmnlgragBgsnywvl"v re i i' a i J.1. .i.i.ii l .LiJiaAutLTirjuiiB5auujjuJLaagriTjr''t rvB3QM'tpHprii'MTntrg;CT, REPUBLICAN TICKET. CONGRESSIONAL. For OnuitMinufi, Jut district. -A..!. WKAVBK, of Ktclmrdou Comity. jxjiDiaiyvii. . For Dlntrlet Attorney iM judicial illstrlrt- J. II. HTUODF, ik i. Of Cnna County, .,.1'Gr Htuto Hcnntor JAIIVIHS.OIIUHCII, of Jlodford. For HciircHiilntlvcM (IF.O. Il.HIlOOK, ol ANpltlWIkll, JACOH 0001), of Lnyinyutlo. For County ConinilNHlnntT, !M t)lntrlol FltANlC UKDFKH.V, of London. i-tjrvmxtmnvKtnmrjMOK?rr-BnTi LOCAL XsTUWS- Muclilno Oils iitXIckell Slmrt.'. , ,ScrOQii wheat Willing JJiob. & .Jor- '(lllll'H. Sco canl in JMrectory "Tonsoriul lltfeort. Stationery of all kinds at the iohI ;oil)ce. iti&iliarok 1h niiin laid up for ro jrmirri. im n ii - - - l'or Luinbur Linio and Coal go to .!. V. K'KIINS. Strictly puroj Sugar Syiup at Dovin ..& Fiiihur'H. FURNITURE At Willing Bros, & .Ionian's. UrowiiviUc, Tlttiw, still suffers with yellow fovur. i Try the Nmi-Bxploslvo Safety Oil at J)evln & .''labor's. . .Hardware and Furniture at Willing Bros. & Jordan's. lixtra copies of Tin: Auvkutiskk or sale t the postollluu. (!o to the Now Store for bargains North of the postolHee. -- Hlank deeds, notun, mortgages ete., for sale at this'otllee. Soth. Moore, a fainer near heroy, 111., suicided by blowing out ins brains with a shot gun. "Wo are ready to receive produce in m innrnmiim-i-i T-im oveli.mgo for goods at the New Store llrst door north of the postotllcu. . .!... I Ml. IM.M. MM 111 .Mil .MM I'M win Codwin, of Wapello, Iowa, suicided at Toledo, Ohio, by jumping from the doek into the lake. At Anna, 111., Sam. Hazel, for'mur ilerlng his live-year old ehlld, has been sentenced to li years in the peniten tiary. Tho Gruonliuekors of Colorado liavo nominated (I. W. Way for governor, L. (). Sauiulers for lieut.-govornor, and 1 S. Ilerzlnger for secretary of state. At 1'lttsbiirg, when one hundred and twenty-live blacksmiths and hammer men were ordered to quit work and go on a strike by the striking amalgat ed 'association, they promptly refused to do so. Good sense in that. A Las Vegas, X. M., special says: Geo. Nesbitt, a ranchman living in Tuelero canon, Started for Las Cruise in a wagon, accompanied by his wife, Miss Woods and a stranger. It is thought Nesbitt, who had been drink ing, murdered them and thou drove off, as he and the team have not been seen since. Tho crusade against railroads is to bo commenced again. Every state convention that has assembled west of the Allcghunies this fall, no matter by what name tho party is called, has been vehement in its denunciation "of mo nopolies." And yet tho railroads were never giving bettor rates or showing more fairness than at tho present time. Oinuha HtpiibUvun. It is reported that John Hlacklaw. of Pawnee county, once a resident of this county, wassliot and killed recent ly by accident, by .Mr. Decker who was looking for horse thieves. JJlaeklaw was approaching Decker's house- when he wan mistaken for a horse thief and shot dead. Ulaeklaw was a county commissioner at tho time. A rumor readied us that thuro was a woman at tho bottom of it. A Topeka telegram says: "A now movement is alloat in Kansas to defeat St. John for governor. Some leading ltopuhllcans are said to he at the head of it. Tho plan coutoinplates tho with drawal of tho Democratic and Green back nominees and tho nomination of a man upon whom all can unito. Dem ocrats and Greenbackers hold a joint convention, at Topeka Thursday, and tho disaffected Itupuhlieuus are expect ed to bo thore to effect a grand opposi tion. It is estimated there are 20,00f) Republicans dissatisfied with St. John, and with their aid tho now nominee vwlll be easily'elccied." Coal. Preparo to uso COAL and bjivo money, for sale by tho Chicago Lum ber Company, at Auburn and Johnson. Dr. Jacques' German Worm Cakes stand unrivaled as a worm medicine, (jive tiiem a trial. Sold by all drug gists, a 1'oar Not. All kidney and urinary complaints, oapcoiullv Wright's disease, diabetes and liver troubles, Hop .Hitters will surely and lastingly cure. Cases exactly liko your own have been cured in your own neighborhood, and you can find reliable proof at homo of what Hop JJitters lies and can do. verybody will use COAL this winter as it will be sold bo cheap by tho Chicago Lum ber Company, at Auburn and Johnson. Children have health and mothers rest when Dr. Winchell's Teething Syrup is used. It produces natural sltfep, reulates tho bowels, cures dys entery and diarrhunarislugfroiu teeth ing or other causes. Sold by all drug gists at 'J.r cents a bottle. 7 Do not neiilcct u coii"h or cold until it Is too late, try Kilert's Kx tract of J iir and Wild Cherry, wo are sure you will be convinced of its merits, chron ic coughs, and even consumptives are ourtil by following tho diiectious, every bottle is warranted to give satis faction. 1 Dr. G. H. Collins, Dentist, Visits the following places in tho fol lowing order, each month: llrowuvillo, 1st to 7th; Nemaha City, atli to Otli; South Auburn, 10th, North Auburn 11th Hrock, 12th, Kith mid Mth. If you wisli to save money, and your teeth, hold your dental work for Dr. G. II. Collins. Take Your old iron, rags, cupper and brass to II. G. Whittemuro's, in Urownvillc. He'll buy Vic. Tho Universal Voviliot is that Uuown's PucsiN Tonic, cures Dyspcsiu. Por sale bv Niekell & Shorty.. lltf Whon horses and cattle are spiritless, scraggy and feeble they need treatment with Undo Sam's Condition Powder. It purifies tho blood, improves Hie ap petite, euros colds, and distemper, in vigorates tho system and will keep the animal in a hcalthy,'haudsomc condi tion. 4 Any person with n cough cold, or any bronchial complaint or even in tho fh'ttl. HtiiL'it of f'omHtimnHmi will w re lieved mid cured by Ellert's Extract of -V. rar ami wild onerry. it is especially prepared for Bronchial complaints. Thousands woo have tried it now livo to testly of its merits give it an im mediate trial you will bo surprised at the result. d Cheap CoaS! At tho Chicago Lumber Company's yards at Auburn and Johnson. Livor, Kidnoy find Bright's Disaeso.. A medicine that destroys the germ or cause of llright's Disease, diabetes, kidney and liver complaints, and has power to' root them out of the systom, isiibovo all price, bucn a modlolno is Hop Hitters, and positive proof of this can bo found by ono trial, or by asking your neighbors, who have been cured by it. What Everybody "Wants, Is a roliablo medicine that never does any burin and that pi events and cures diseaso by keeping the stomach m or der, tho bowels regular, and tho kid neys and liver active. Such a modioine is Parker's (linger Tonic. It relieves evory ease, and lias cured thousands. See another column. Tribune. A Valuable Addition. Dccuuse it is beneficial to tho scalp and adds to personal beauty by restor ing color and lustre to gray or faded hair, is why Parker's Hair Dalsatn is such a popular dressing. Take caro of your Liver. A great number of the diseases to which man kind are liable aiiso from a disordered condition of this organ. Keep it in a sound and healthy condition and you can defy diseaso. "Prickly Ash Hitters are especially adapted for this purpose, being composed of drugs which act on the Livor, giving it tone and strength to withstand malaria. Machine- oils of all kinds at greatly reduced prices at Niekoll's in Drown ville. Dr. 11. Hell Andrews, of Nemaha City, has his olllcu at his rosidonce, whore he is prepared to treat acute and chronic diseases. Pleasant waiting roofns for patients. Surgical diseases a women a specialty. His successes a surgeon Is well known from eases in this vicinity operated upon wich per manent relief. Wall Paper. at Nickell & Shurts. . ; CARPETS zzATzz McGee Moore's, TOE SALE CHEAP. Lv Ni'.maha Orrv. -Two lots and a new house with five rooms; a base ment, kitchen, dining room and cellar. Good barn and stables with many oth er conveniences. For particulars in quire of M. I'. I Tana, Agt. rRESH TIMOTHY SEED!! .For sale by Xickcll & aborts. Aro You Ulllouf, ? Brown's Liver I'llls will cure you. Tor sale by Nickell ttabnrtz. lltf All western farmers and mechanics bear witness to tho healing power of Dhown's Aknica SAiiVi:. Sold by all druggists. lltf Uncle Sam's Condition Powder pre vents disease, purifies the blood, im proves the appetite, gives a smooth glossy coat, and keeps the aiiimal in good contntion. All druggist sell it. 8 Uuown's Piu-mn Tonio cores Dys- prpsia. Don't sulfer longer. Try it. Sold by all druggists. lltf Uuown's VkouijahmjLivku Pills, uuiu, hick iiuiiniiuiie, ami constipation. Trv tliem. Por sale by , Nickell it Sliurtz! lltf ' Uncle Sam's Nerve and Hone Linl- .,...! :,. i ,.m..i,...t s ,.i ...I :,,.., I ... ... ... ......... W...V.. .... . . . . ..-.w .., bruises, burns, scratches and many oth er ills incident to man and beast. Sold ii'iii. i?. 1 1 1 1 1. I- . liiTif.i . . I ii'i i ii ; i.i?.' ii . by all druggists. :i Tito Bost Ronifdy in tho World for the Blood and Liver, is Saihapa uii,i.a, Dandkuon and Jodidi: Po tassii'm, For sale by Nickell & Sburtz. . lltf Employmoat I'or Ladies, The Qiicen CitySuiperukr Company, of Cin cinnati, are now manufacturing ami introducing their new Stocking Supporters fur Ladies and Children, and their uncjiulled Skirt Suspenders fur Ladles. None should he without them; our leading physicians recommend them, and are loud in their praise. Theie goods arc manufac tured by ladies who have made the wants of ladies and ihidrcn a study, and they ask us to re fer them to some reliable and energetic lady to introduce them in this county, and we certainly think that m carnent solicitati in in every house hold would meet with a ready rcsponte, and that a determined woman could make a handsome salary and have the culmive agency for this county. We advise some lady who is in need of employment to send to the Company her name and address, and mention tins paper. Address pucen City Suspender Company, No. 179 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 7wia mmBceaoacw t-iumrm .uniamwiagBPsmrqmBa THE CHICAGO South Auburn, Neb. .&.? iTwi S3 f1' kWllrvi'ifiZ fr: vm 1 yMr J WIX.I. SEB.ffi YOU LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Etc., Oilpaper than any Firm on Mar Hi. Nemaha Co., Neb., Having been recently Surveyed and Platted on SUC. 7, T. j, R. ,3, In the Western part of Nemcha County, Ne braska oilers rare chanres for Commercial Mechanical Business, arifcs"1arir .'St Ijow MffurcH, t'Hl ii i m mj rn y' m, $g. POlt CASH 011 on yum. Apply 10 s. A. OSBOHN, ' . Jlrownvlllo, Johnson, or Calvert if ii U itSv& I I 5A " ! r- Sf 1 1 c I s I m ft 11 B I n I M ( lown IN R R4 JOHNSON EJSKKGECTa FALL AND WINTR! cau5S32BXn31anX2nDCajnfl m n a aencvscaatwwraHHB -'K&O, uinnTHR up ni ftTiii WJBBk$Rf iir i n i ii vsia s uu ? vh riiiimi Hats and Oaps, Boots and Shoes, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, J"TTST OIPIEilfcTIEID AT TIKIS :STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, l t ii '"!" iiiiMreCTiiiiwrwTMmTimBraiiMBaMa TKOXJMSTCl-I, famigpmigtmL &z: I- fJWSOTr WtoTTCi f? SOT iJfrl$&!0 Si! -i:IOA.LlSIt IN- Ki 3 A-g-ricultural mu W i BIlRUlEDt Ua AMMUNITION, ETC. A aOf)T TTT .QF-TAP H XX AJJXJ gIn connootion with tho House, with a No. 1 Workman in oharge, P L CUSTOM WORKASPEOIALTY. ml If OENX-ihTTjE. mWszmiMsnmMismMsn&ss&sMsml iXMSMl ('l NTLICMI.N: u twpntv-flve 1 ll:lo lutvl 1)11. llAIITLlI'ti i twonty-flvo year In ineiUclno. liayo never povurlMa-il coudl tlon of l!iu lilooil, this peerless remedy, Uas In my hands, mac.o eoiuo w oni ,i : ml curci. I'anes tint have haSJod somoof our most eminent iihytlcisas, ua yluUInl tiithU irrcatcml lncoiups '- III if tomc cue?. aa 1JII. llAUTEU' riip rcmrny. i prrsenno n 1 1 preference to sny :it-3 ikon xo.niu u a nocossin' jn mv St. Lorn. Mo.. Jt nlvrs color to tho Ohmit, k CMKiw3Jcjrjjm'XTriCTiiiriaTnii!!yug. p. J. ,mmt' wnfurwaMi'mijtuinai natural healthful tone, to tha rflflcstlvn organs anil nervous .iiitcm,mal;hi(j it armlicabln to Grnvrtil JJrMIify, Tsysii of Ajwc tlttfl'rostratlon of I'ltal J'oivrrs and Jmpotrncc, MANUFACTURED DY THE PR. HARTER f JfW iMWflMJiiiiHiii i HwniWil HMHWHH.M1III. mwMt i ii.minfr.irn iTrniirrnrr -n 1 1 Ti" i-irifJ Zl CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, HEADACHE & BILIOUSNESS. - PniPAREDONLY BY BROWN MEDICINE & MF'G CO. LCAYUWOdTII. KAII. i Try it Wow! cowby all "WTrlTDlSr YOU TRAEL ALWAYS TAKi: 1'UK B. t MJ8-. R, R. Uxamine mip and time tables carefully. It will be seen that this line connects with C, 11. U Qi R. R.j in fact they are under one management, and taken to- gether form whatis called the BURLINGTON ROUTE!! SnOKTKST AND QVICKKST LINU TO Chicago, St. Louis.Peoria, Dos Moinos, Rook Island, AND KsPKOIALLY TO ALL VOIXTS Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio. l'ltlNrilWL ADV-ANTAOKS AKK Through Coaches from Nebraska to destination on C, II. ii Q. R R, No transfers; changes fr.m C., n. (t iR. R. to connecting lines all nude in Union Depots. THROUGH TICKETS AT LOWEST PoATEP CAN HE HAD Upon application nt ntiy HtfUlonontho roa AkoiiIh uro prupiiroU tn clH'ok Uukkiiko ttironijtli; (jlvo ull Infornintlon us to rntoH, routi'H, tlmo, t'niiiiPQtlnnM, ilc, and tosoouro hIcojiUik our liccuminodnlloiiH. THE NEW LISTtO DENVER And nil points In Colorado.' iThls oxIcdkIoh m i'iiuiiiriiti m nil ii-iiiiy mr iiutiiii-KM, linn mi, puhllo can enjoy nil tho nilvimtiiKcs of n IliroilL-h lino to Ih'tivor iiiul Clilcnuo nil nn. Uer ono muniiKrmcnt. V. H. BUSTW, - Uen'l Tlolvi-t Aut Ojiaua, Nkh. wxEszxssBsxnaexnumjuaKist e ann m!sx:'mEmarsiiEminTsuvrmmitiii 2sTKBI?A.8B:a. K2S TTITWV V tff P Wilz!2U Implements, llil KJLXXJX NORTH AUBURN, NEB. A. romJtlnnUon nf I'm- tnxliifvf iniHfl'trtteian j:avl(iiulJ'i(.jilf"-'tiitl it paltittiblo f'ovti Tho iiMiiitt't immtttiH . . tltc.t tclll nut tlir ti "(A, vhttriielr-rttitlttif ,(ith r iriinptjxt rat louts. l.tos 1uM,' In luV nrarlKC. mi 1 In tin r-ci.irli urn i.f found ajt:.lni to irtvp t!io rciulu that l'u. IIauti.iiU iron prcpamiiou icaic. j-i i-er. suen a romi)'-" ua pnetlcc. vu. i.uutuT f .y UL.I.S, O Nov. acth. 1S31 .-iii wasn Avt e. i4Viiui.Eum:M.'fwii i MEDICINE CO.. 213 N. MAIN ST.. ST. LOIIS. dbuqijistsii Soever Fails! TUJT ffiK2S3iGP : 5 BS3BBg3Sigr3iW7SVl 8YNIPTOMS OF A LIVEK Loss of Appotlto, Bowoh coativo, Pain In tho Hond, with a dull aonsntlon In tho b?ok part, i?aln undor the Shoulder blado. Tullnosa after oatinp, with n disin S"!??!?10 2oftlou of body qr mind, Irritability of tompor, Low spirits, with aleolinBof hnvins noglooted some duty, Wearinosa, UizulnoHO, Fluttering at tho Heart, Dota boforo the eyes. Yellow Skin, Iioadacho Ronorally ovor tho liaht eye, ltostleBBnoBB, with lltful dreamt, highly oolored Urino, and . CONSTEPATOW- TUTTS TILLS nr.i enpecliillyndnpfpato aurli cnHon, ono tloo rlTctB huch u chuntro of fmlliiK ns to iiHtonlnh tint mitTurpr. Tlicy Inoroiuio tUr. Appvtlti.aml ciuitp tho body ti'hilm on JU-mIi. tlms tho Hjstem i nntirUlinl. nml Iiy their Ton to Action on the Ell!?! IVi HlH'tlllB Am. -. .k. rl 5 ,i rwW.?..'"Aujr.' """!" ""J.I'L"- MWI MVO MLI I cents, ia Murray N N. V. OrtAY Haiii on XVitliKKns chnncpil to a Okxiiv JH.AC1C by i8lriBloupiiiotinnof UiIh Dvi:. Itim. jmru n natural color, urts Instantaneously a Staid hy Urugh-lnts, or Htmt by express on receipt or ci. orrKTB, S5 MlfltttAY S.T., NEW VOIIK. (,,I,.T.,."IT'.S "l'Al. rfTilHlIt IarorrHUnn unci V C.WM1 UlpU wllllj, u.,i faEK oo .Jpllli.) saspa FREE I "" UL-Ii Ct.f PBEUftBlESELF-BBRE . - .,ui.i jin'wripiion or nno or xntl .Uxw unu -" rmuCTWiii Hli,IHII.ilV 111 II1U U. a. (now n-tlriHl) for tlincurnof Xvrvmtn SieOUttv, f.OMt 3Ianhood, i;nA'tip'i mid I) ran. Suul lu pluluboaloa cnvalOH-ree. Drinrfl ua can (1.1 . AJtlrew DR. WARD & CO., Loui.'.cns, t ""ERRORS of youth. A gonlloirun who Miiifieil tor vonrH from norvnus debility, prermituru iloeuy, mid ull tlioolliiotHofyniitiilnl Indlwcri'tlon, will lor tliuMikoofsiiirtTlnu hunmnlty.Rond frro to nil vli(niHl li, tho reelpo iind illrcctlnn for nmlvliiK tho Rlniplo roiuctly by which ho wns l-llII'U, !un-d. huirrrH wKhlnu lo profit by the nil. .ertb-.r h oxpHi'lcno can do ro bv nddrcssliin n perfect conlldono John n. Ocidkn. 51yl u 1.1-onrjurt'et, yow York. ' QM 1 i.M-T rniTV. -ih i Term jcwrrr.Tirr' ! - iTTiTn-UAinn rrJiw ! JLil.LJ I JH tVmi , I s wmzzyMrscrzzriAVZ wrfjwwMfiMm j fS SISZEI2S23 r 3 fiKntira) TOTT'S HAIR DVE. R rtPMIT WANTED f-r Hit Put Md rmen jfaUSllfl t Ci sn ,r i Kin4 Mock. ti.J HtlUi. Into. una rsto a f tt. numi iMum-j i.0., st. lpuu. ua.