tglcbnuihn tjjldvcriuicr. 0, W, FAIIlrinOTHEU & CO,, Proprietor!. AUBURN. : : NEBRASKA, j n WHEN THE FRONT IS ON THE PUNKIN. Whon tho frost In on (ho punk In and tho fod der's In tho nhook, IVnd yon hour tho kyonck and gobblo of tho Btruttln' turkoy-oook, . . And tho elaokln' of tho gulnoyg, nnd tho cluokln' of tho herio, . , And tho ros or's hnllylooycr as Jio tiptoes on tho fence; Dlfs Hum tho tlmon fuller Is u fcolln at his bcBt, With tho rlHiu Rim toff root lilin from n night of gracious rent, As ho loaves tho house baro-hoadod and goes out to feed tlnstork, Whon tho frost H on tho puiiklii and tho fod der's In tho shook. Thoy's somopln kind o' lionrty-llko about tho atmosphere, Whon tho hont of Hummer's over and tho coolln Full Is horo Of oourso wo miss tho (lowers, nnd tho blos- HOIIIH Oil thO t 110. And tho inuinblu of tho hummln'-blrds and bu..ln' of tho l)C(M! Hut the air's ho nppotlzln'; and tho landsenpo through tho ha.o Of a orlsp and Bunny morning of tho early un til inn days Is a picture that no painter has tho oolorln' to mock Whon tho frost Is on tho pntikln nnd tho fod der's In tho nhook. . Tho husky, rusty nistlo of tho tossols of tho corn, And tho rfispln' of tho tangled loaves, as golden us tho morn; Thostubbloln thu f urrles kind o' loncsomo- llk.butstll A-preaehln' sermons to us of tho barns thoy H rowed to nil; Tho Btrawstnok In tho moddor, and tho roapor In tho shod: Tho hoR0B In their stalls below Iho clovur ovcrhendl O It not my heart a-olloklti' llko tho tlekln' of aoloek, When thofrost Jsonthoptinkln and tho fod der's In tho chock I llcnj. 1. Johnson, in ImlUinuwUi Journal m m WHICH WILL SHU CHOOSE 1 "Grout hows, girls!" cried pretty Hollo Winters, as alio came dancing into tho parlor, wlioro a iroup of yoimy girls woro assembled. All belonged to what thoy proudly doitoinluatcd "Tho Cranston Honcvolcnt Sowing Society," and thoy mot punctually ovory Wodnos- day afternoon, at tho liouso of hoiiio ono of tho members; but, if truth iiuiHt bo told, tho amount of talking dono ex ceeded tho amount of sowing, as a thou sand exceeds a Hinglo unit. As Hollo's oxclnriintlon reached their ours, ovory needle was stispchdod in mid-air, u.s its owner eagerly demanded: What is it? Toll us quick, Hollo." Well," said that young lady, as she subsided Into a chair, "I mot, loo Rioh ards this morning, driving with such a splendid-looking man. O, 1 can loll you ho was just perfect! And I won dorcd who ho could bo, and niado up my mind to find out. So I was think ing and thinking about it, as I walked hero this afternoon, and just as I turned tho.comor of this street who should I moot but Joe and this samo gentleman walking. Joo stoppod nnd begged to Introduce his friend, Mr. Kingsloy, and then said that Mr. Kingsloy was an old school-friond of his, who had just re moved to Frankfort, and ho had prom ised to bring him horo to Cranston for all tho parties this winter, so ho should depend on us to invito him. Of couiyo 1 said WO should bo luttmv to iln an " " 0, of coursol" echoed all iter listen ers, sympnthlzlngly. There is tho sootablo for next week, Hello; did you invito thorn to that?" asked Lizzie Cutler. "You were on tho inviting committee." "Certainly, I did!" responded Hullo. ' "And what did thoy say?" oxolaimud a dozen voices. "Why, what would thoy say?" laughed Hollo, with a little triumph in lior tones. "Promised thoy would como, nnd oach begged for tho lirst dance, of course." "And which did you choose?" was tho next question. "Mr. Kingsloy, to bo sure. 1 can danco with Joo any time, bosides I promised him thosoeond!" Hor auditors looked slightly disap pointed, but all woro accustomed to yielding tho iirst place to Hollo, and sho was such a general favorite that thero was novor any hard fooling on tho subject, "Joo Bald something," continued Belle, "about Mr. KIngslov's brother. Thoy had turned half awav," and 1 did not hoar distinctly. It will bo fun if there aro two additions of that kind to our stock of boaux." "Well, I am sure such additions aro needed," cried Addio Palmer, "for there aro scarcely u dozen young mon in CnniBton, and Joo is tho only ono who over drives over from Frankfort to at tend any of our parties!" "Mr. Kingsloy nmv as woll stay away for all wo shall gain," laughed Lizzio Cutlor, "for Hollo will mo nopolizo him, as sho does every ono." Thoro was, however, no unkinclnoss or jealousy in tho remark; Lizzio thought Hello porfoction, and would have quarreled on tho spot with any ono who dared to disagree with hor. " All I want is a fair Hold and no favor," said Hello, merrily. "If Mr. Kingsloy prefers any of you girls to mo, I am perfectly willing. Hut, now, to comploto tho arrangemont for noxt wook," and thoroupon followed a long and earnest discussion of order or dances, tlio music, supper and toilettes, during which sowing was a tiling for gotten, and if tho poor of Cranston woro waiting for tho Honovolent Society to olotho them, it is much to bo fearod that thoy would havo Utile to protect them from tho winter's cold. Tho night for tlio sociable arrivod in duo soason, and with it Mr. Richards and his friend, whom ho impartially in troduced to ovory young lady of his ac quaintance, but though gay and polito With all, Mr. Kingsloy was at Hollo Winters' Bide whenever it was possible, and, Lizzio Cutler' i?tredictIon that Hollo would monopolizo him, scorned likely to prove true. vl meant to havo told you more about Harry's brother tho other day, Hello," said Mr. Richards, coming to Miss Win tors, who was in tho same cotillion with Joo and Lizzio Cutler. " Your brother, Mr. Kingsloy?" asked Hello of hor partner. "Yes," continued Joo, as Mr. Kings ley bowed assent, "his twin-brother, and so like him that you could hardly distinguish ono from tho other. His name is Ashton. 1 want you to ask him over to your sociables too." 'Wo shall all bo very happy to do so, I am suro," answered Hollo. You must bo sure to bring your brother with you, at our noxt dance, Mr. Kingsloy." "Thank you," ho said, with a little hesitation, "not with mo, I fear; but I will send him in my stead. Our father Isold and infirm, and wo never leave him alone." Hollo bowed in acquiescence. "Very well, then," sho said, "wo shall bo glad to seo either of you." At the noxt sociable, Mr. Ashton Kingsloy was presented to tho fair la dles of Cranston, by Mr. Richards. Their opinions in regard to tho brothers were freely expressed when the sowing society mot on tho following Wednes day. Some pronounced thorn so much alike that It would be impossible ever to know them apart. Others thought Ash ton somowhat tailor than hlsTjrothor, and believed his hair and eyes woro darker. Most considered him more quiet and reserved than Henry, and all agreed that Hello waa likely to appro priate both. It certainly seemed so as tho season woro on, and ono or tho other of tho twins was Hello's dovoted cavalier at every dance and sleighing party, and many were tlio discussions as to which she would choose. If such discussions camo to Hello's cars, she would laugh ingly suggest that she might never havo the chance to ehooso either. "O, but that is all nonsense," Lizzio Cutler would cry. "Any one can seo that you will havo the chance soon enough." "Well, then," said Hello on one of these occlusions, with a suddon gravity of demeanor that made all her compan ions believe tiiat sho had really decided the matter, "then 1 will toll you what 1 think I will do!" "What?" exclaimed ovory one, eagerly crowding about her, in their anxiety to know Hello's preference. " I'y choose both!" and Hello laughed gavly at the disappointed group. Hut in her own mind Holle was debat ing the samo question. Sliooouhjsourec ly bo blind to tho fact that sho was like ly to bo called on to decide between the two brothers. With Henry she was gay, ready for any frolio or mischief, and found him such a willing participa tor; though upon occasion ho would re veal plenty of good sterling sense, as much, perhaps, as Ashton, who, while equally pleasant, was more reserved in his manners. Hello, according to her varying mood, sometimes preferred one, and sometimes tho other, till sho was half-inclined to think sho could never choose. One day winks thinking over tho mat tor a suddon Idea struck her. At lirst she rejeotod it as utterly impossible, but tho moro alio pondered the more con vinced site was that sho had now found a way to make hor decision, and sho re solved to watch carefully for any proof of her own t hcory. This sho did. and grow, more and more continued in her belief; her intimate knowledge of Joo Richards, who was a distant cousin and a lifo-long confederate in every bit of mischief or practical joko, much aiding in hor doolsfon. Therefore, whon, toward spring, Hollo received a letter from each of tho brothers, each containing an avowal of their lovo for hor, sho was not unpre pared. Roth woro earnest, manly let ters, though differing in style as tho brothers dill'orod incharactor. Honry's was moro lively and playful than Ash ton's, but in one respect they woro alike. Each stated that ho know of his brother's feelings toward hor, and that tltoy had agreed to write at tlio same tiuio, asking hor to ehooso between them, and pledging themselves that the rejected one, whichever ho might be, would henceforth rogard her as a dear sister, and harbor no ill fueLiig to her, or his moro fortunate brother! "This," added Ashton, "is perhaps taking it too much for granted that ono of us may find favor in your eyes. If not, wo will, at least endeavor to con solo each other." A quizzical smile hovered round Hollo's mouth as she wrote her answer- answer, for sho wrote but one, and addressed it to tho two brothers. Listen, as she rends it ovor, half-aloud: To Messrs, Hour)' and Ashtnu Ktngtdoy; I'Ioiihh aeeopt my sincere thanks for your kind mid tlattorliig notes. Having duly con sidered tho contents, 1 have ileelded that 1 wilt aeeopt both of you. I Hindi be happy to see you to-morrow ovoulutr. Yours, llw.i.u Wintuus. Was there over before such an an- swor written by a girl to two oilers of marriage! Yet its oddity did not seem to trouble Hollo, who sprung lightly up from hor desk, and donning her outside wraps quickly convoyed hor loiter to the post. It must bo confessed, howover, that on tho uvoulng' of tho following day, Hollo grow doeidudly nervous. " SmilUKIl I mil itliutiil.'mi nflm. nil 11 sho thought, "how shall I ovor get out of tho scrape? I half wish I had novor written that letter, but 1 novor can do anything like other girls." She paced hor room excitedly for a fow moments, then said aloud: " I may as well make mysolf prosontablo; perhaps some ono may come; though 1 may havo otlonded past all forgiveness; at any rate, I will bo ready, and if worst conies to worst, "IT"" .. ..... ...,,,u, ,iu ii,i, I must put ajiravo face on it, and turn It all into a jest:" Very "prosentnblo" sho certainly looked, though unusually pale, when a half-hour later, as sho sat alono in tho parlor, the servant announced Mr. Kingsloy. Wnoro was tho other brother? Only ono entorcd, and if Hello were nalo, ho was deathly white. No look of an ac cepted lovor, but moro that of a man who hud lost all ho holds dear on earth, was on his face, as with a sort of desperato courage ho walked up to Hollo, who had risen silently to receive him. For a moment ho stood before her without speaking, without looking at her, then cried outlmpetuously: " Hollo, Hello, can you over forgivo such decep tion? It seemed but a jest till your note came, and tfi.-n I realized in a mo mont what I had risked, and how by my folly 1 had lost you." Hollo could not speak; the ready re partee or saucy jest which sho usually had at command failed her now, but sho shyly extended her hand, while sho smiled ro-assiiringly upon her lover. " Hello! Do you mean it! Can you pardon moP" ho oxclaimed, as ho cov ered the little hand with kisses. Apparently Hello did mean it, and some minutes passed in a blissful si lence, before Mr. Kingsloy kindly In quired: "And how Iongmivoyou known of tho deception, Hello? All tho time, or did Joe turn traitor?" "Ho was traitorous enough." said .Boclo, in her usual merry tones, "if, as j imagine, jic was mo originator oi tins lino plot against ati unsuspecting maid en's poaeo of mind. No, I did not know all tho time, and hardly know when I began to suspect that Henry and Ash ton Kingsloy woro ono and tho samo person. Ry-tho-by, which nro you?" sho added, archly. "I am both. My name is Henry Ash ton Kingsloy," vas tho reply. " So 1 imagined, for after I onco had a suspicion of tho truth many things con firmed it. For instance, one day you dropped a card on tho table, and it had 11. A. Kingsloy' wr.ttenon it. Anoth er day. when you camo as Ashton, you attended to something which had hap pened when you wore hero tlio previous week; though it was 113 Henry that you had then been here. Hut tell mo," sho continued, "what made you over think of thus personating two brothers?" " I used often to do it at school," re plied Mr. Kingsloy. "It was com menced by my schoolfellows doclaring that in my dlflerent moods of gravo or gay, I was as unlike as if distinct boys, after which thoy called mo Henry when lively, and Ashton when quiet, and I used to take much doligjit in making tlio two characters as unlike as possible. When 1 camo to Frankfort, .Joe rovivod tlio old joko, and finally proposed that 1 should appear at Cranston in my two characters, and thinking it would only lio for onco or twice, and never dream ing how far wo should carry it, I con sented! 1 assure you, I have" been woll punished, since 1 found how much 1 imd risked by my foil'." Great was tho excitement when Hello told of hor engagement. Not a stitch of sowing was dono at tho Henevolent Society meeting that afternoon, oxcopt which Hollo did liersolf, as she sat with protended calmness, listening to their comments, for sho had explained that there was but ono Mr. Kingsloy. Weary at last of their endless exclamations, sho sprang up to leave, saying as she did so: "At least, you must acknowledge that I havo kept my word, for 1 always told you I would take both, whenever you wondered 'which will sho choose?' " Halloit's Muyazina And Now Toronto Has a Sea-Serpcnl. Yesterday morning was cool, and perhaps this was tlio reason why some of the woikmon engaged at tho targets on the Garrison ranges sav the surpent thoy saw was not more tlian fifty feet long and tho sizo of a man's body. Tho story, as told by one of them, is in sub stance as follows: Hetwcon eight and nino o'clock, while placing tlio targets in position on No. 1 range, a boy rushed up saying that there was a queer thing floating near tlio shore Some of the mon wore curious enough to leave then work and hasten down to tlio shore. Thero, suro enough, was a largo bluish gray mass flouting lazily near lite shore. It had every appoarancoof icing asleep, as its body yielded to every ripple. Part was submorged, but the upper portion of tho head tloated just above the water. That part whiclrwas visiblowas covered with short, still bristles in front, which increased in length toward tho sides, and extended for a distance of about ton foot on each side. T io back, or at loast that portion of it which nppoarod above the water, was lighter colored than the head. A good view was had of the moustcV for upward of tluco min utotf, whon. suddenly raising its head out of the water, it gave a swish with Its tail and started directly south, in the direction of one of the steamers. Its head, as it raised itabovu the water, was very much like that of an col, with tho exception of tlio long, trailing hair or whiskers. Its oyos were small, and as it divdiod oil' ono of tho mon said ho thought ho heard it glvo a short, sharp bark. A lino of foam marked its prog ress out into tlio lako for about half a mile, whon, turning sharp around, it dashed toward tlio Exhibition wharf, and again out into the lako, wlioro thoy soon lost sight of it. Tlio men did not appear at all anxious to spoak of the matter, as thoy feared their voracity would bu questioned. As it is. their story is given for what it is worth, but surely the word of thrco mon who saw it is worth that of thirty who did not seo iU Toronto Mail. Now York has averaged much hot tor weather this smnmor than Now Or leans, nnd Mninuhi.q thinks nf iintttiirrln I her claims as a summer rosort. Mouths' l)epar,tiiicut. THE DEAD KITTEN. j ,w Don't talk to mo of parties, Nan, I really can not iro: , When folks aro In allllotlon they don't o out, you know. I have it now brown sash, too, It seems a pity ch? Thutsueli n dreadful trial should havo como Justycsterdayl The play-houso blinds aro all pulled down us dark as It cull bo; It looks so very solemn, and bo proper, don t you seo? And I havoa pVcoof crnpo pinned on every dolly's hat; a , Tom oays It Is ridiculous for only Just a cat Hut boys aro allso horrid HThoy always, every one, DellKht In teaslnir little. Klrlniiiirt kittles, "Just for fun.". Tho way he mod to pull her tall It makes mo itimry now y And Heat her up tho ohorry treo, to make tlio darllnff "meowl" l'vo had her all tho summon Ono day, away .mm npnntf, ,r, - I heard a frljfhtf til barking, nud I saw the lit- tluthliiK ' v . In tho corner of a fence: 'twould havo made you laut?h outright To ado how overy hulr stood out, and how flic tried to Hunt. I shoood tho dog away, and ho Jumped upon my arm; The pretty creature know I wouldn't do her any harm; I hiiKwed her eloo, and carried her to mamma, and sho Bald She should bo my own woo kitty If I'd see that sbo was fed. A cunning llttlo dot sho was, with silky, soft jrray fun Bho'd lie for hours on my lap, and I could hear her purr; And then the'd frolio after when T pulled a string about, Ur try to catch her tall, or roll a marble In and out. Suoh comfort sho has been to mo I'm suro no ono could toll, Unless some other llttlo gv. who loves hor pusy well. I've hoard about it Maltose cross, but my dear little kit Was always sweet and amlablo, and novor onus a bit I Hut oh, last week I mlssod hor! I hunted all around; My darling llttlo pussy-eat was nowhere to bo found. I knelt and whispered softly, when nobody could soo: "Takoearo or llttlo kitty, pkane, and bring her back to mel" I found hor lying, yesterday, behind tho lower shed; I thought my heart was broken when I found that she was dead. Tom promised mo another one, but oven he can seo No other kitty ovor will bo Just tho samo to mel I can't go to your party, Nannie Maccaroons you sav? And loi-uream? I know I ought to try and not glvo way: And 1 l'eol It would bo doing wrong to disap point you sol Well If I'm equal to It by to-morrow I mow vol Swlncu Dayre, tn Wide Aivaltc. THE WOODPECKER. Of all tho birds that earn their living by toil, perhaps nono work as hard as tho family of woodpeckers. From morning to night thoy aro busy as busy can be, boring into trees in pursuit of insects for food, or chiseling out holes for tho purpose of making their nests, and often during tlio night, whon not at work, thoy sleep in tlio same painful posture thoy take during tho labors of the day. Have you over heard this wonderful bird work? You havo seen a man drill ing a hole in a rock I am suro, and you havo also heard tlio sound of his tbol, with its click, click, click. Now tho woodpecker has a drill that he works with in tlio samo way, and what do you think it is? Nothing but his liltlo bill, so made that lie can drill holes in tlio trees, and you can hear tho sound of his tool just as you do that of tho blaster of rocks. If you were hero among tlio beautiful hills and valleys, you would find plenty of woodpeckers, and thoy arc all carrying on these mysterious knockingsniany times repeated, and very quickly, too. You would bo surprised, too, that any birds so small could mako tliemselves heard so distinctly, often at a distance of soveral hundred yards, working for two hours together upon the samo treo. Thoy seok trees that aro decayed in tho trunk and brandies, because wise littlo birds know woll that insects aro seldom found in live wood. Hut how about tho queer instrument that porforms this arduous work? It is a curious contrivance enough, moro like a chisel than anything else, it is hard and solid, too, and is worked by powerful muscles, which act upon the nock and diroct its incessant blows, sometimes penetrating oven to tlio pith of tho wood. Hut wonderful as this instrument is, thoro is yet another inside of it more curious, on purposo for pulling out tlio worm or insect it finds in drilliii"- a very long, straight tongue, which ends in a hard, bony point like a nocdlo or thorn. This is arranged with sharp teeth, pointing baekwjird, very much liko the barbs of a fish-hook. Is this not a curious arrangement? two instru ments in ono. Hut how can tlio bird manage to use them both at tho samo tlmo? Lot us see. While tho woodpeckor is busy at his drilling, tho two parts of his bill aro closed tightly together, making a good wedgo-pointod drill, and at tho sumo time a snug cage for tho Insect catohor. As soon as ho comes to an insect, ho opens this drill and pushos this long tongue with its barbed end into tlio in sect and quickly draws it into its mouth. Now, because ho has to strike so hard in drilling, the bones of his head or skull arc mado much stronger and thicker than most birds, for you know that such heavy blows would jar them too mifch if thoy were weak heads. And God know nil this whon Ho mado tho woodpecker, and provided for it. Not only Jhat, but in doing tills hard drilling ho must hold on tightly and firmly, or ho would slip, as soon as ho began to work, and hero is a provision, too ho has given him a most singular claw, consisting of four thick toos, two turned forward iTmrwo backward, tho ono .resembling a spcar.xboing longest unddtoutcst, and joined to a very short and muscular foot, wiiich enables tho bird to cling very firmly; and creep in all directions around the trunks of trees. Ills tail, too, with its -ten stifl (mills bent inwards and ending in stiff, hard points, is used as a sort of rest, when lie is employed in an uncomfortable po sition. About the last of May the woodpeck ers prepare to build their nests. Thoy have a good deal of hard word to do bo'orchaud. Tho malo bird takos the lirst steps by cutting a hole out of the solid wood as round as if dono by a pair of compasses. Ho is occasionally ro liovod ly tho female, both working with great diligence, and although thoy lioro six or eight inches down into the trunk of the tree, making their nests very rbomy, and as smooth as if polished by an experienced hand, they are sel dom more than a week in their con struction. Though the nest is so large, the entrance is just fitted to the sizo of the owner. Often while they are work ing they carry out the chips, strewing them at a distance, to prevent sus picion. When all is completed, the bird thoroughly examines every part, outside and in, with great care, as every one should do who is abotit to occupy a now dwelling. S'ho then takes full pos session, and lays her six beautiful white eggs upon tlio smooth bottom of tho cavity, or on a bedding made of the chips that have been dug out. If the woodpeckers have had harder work in tlio construction of their snug littlo chambers than some of tho other birds, thoy have tlio advantage of them in this, that they aro lodged "high and dry," when others nro exposed to the peltiugs of the midnight storm. When the young are hatched they arc. of course, furnished with wings, but thoy go very littlo from the enntines' of their own homo liko some rotiring fam ilies, that wo havo known, wllo do not care for outside soe'ety. They seldom share in the sports of other birds or in their vocul concerts, and yet thoy have their own weird songs, which have rather a melancholy strain. Some of the woodpeckers are very elegant. Among them aro the gold winged and reil-hcadcd, both of which aro to bo found here. At the very earliest and sweetest hours of the morn ing you can hear them calling to their mates, apparently talking up tho work of the day boforo them. The ivory-billed woodpecker is the princo among them all. This powerful instrument is as white as ivory and ele gantly fluted, and can dig into tlio hardest trees. Tho head and bill of this strango bird used to be in great repute among certain Indian tribes, not only for ornament, but as a sort of am ulet or charm, and brought fabulous prices by way of trade. -7-Jrs. C?. Hull, in N. 11 Observer. Willie's Spelling Lesson. " C-r-a-b. lobster," lisped tho little follow at my knee. "No, no, Willio! C-r-a-b spells crab, a littlo fisli whoso bones are on the out side." "O. how funny!" laughed Willie. Then, taking a long breath, ho bent his curly head over tlio primer, so full of words and pictures. "H-a-t, mouse trap!" Surely ho knew that word, for ho had a littlo trap like the 0110 in tlio pict ure. "O, "Willie,' I said, "your oyes aro sharper than your cars. R-a-t spoils rat." "Isn't that a mouse-trap?" he asked, poiuting a fat littlo finger at tlio picture. "Yes, dear! R-a-t spoils the littlo follow you soo inside." "What a silly spoil!" oriodWillio, throwing down his book in disgust. "You arc not very wise yet, my dar ling. 'Try, try, try agan,' you must think all tho time. Now 'hero is an easy word. Will my littlo boy look?" Willio did look, and his blue eyes grow briirhtor. "That's easy," papa." ho cried. "M-n-n, think m-a-u snolls "Why do you papa?" "Hocauso " "Because why, dear?" "Iho hat is like liana's. n "Whose hat, Wiliic?" "Tho man's!" he answered. "Ah. that is it! M-n-n spoils, not papa, out " "Man!" The littlo follow was sure this time. "Yes dear! And o-r-a-b spells" "The funny fish with the bones out side his skin' "Crab, "Willio. Now liston to tho sounds of tho letters." Very soon ho had learned his spoiling lesson thrco words easy for big folks, but hard for liltlo boys and girls. Our Lit lie Ones. Tn Morohantvillo, N. ,T., a mao-is-trato lined a boy $1 for swearing. This furnishes a basis for calculation to a brother of Colonel Sollors, who lives in Canulon. Ho reckons that in Camden County thoro aro 70,000 people, half of whom swear. That would bo 35,000' for an oath npioco. Each follow swears fifty times a day. That makes $1,750, 000 daily income, $12,250,000 per week, and, counting twenty-six good working days to the month, '$318,500,000 oacfi month. A man has boon nrresfod in Now York for counterfeiting theater tickets. His villainy has put him iir "11 box," bub ho sighs for tlio family circle. Steuben- ville Herald. Now Yvirk City consumes 1,000,000, watcrmolons a.yeur.