Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 14, 1882, Image 7

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Ihhnuihn MdvertiRcr.
0. W. FAIRDROTIIER & CO., Pioprltton.
-All tlio loiif? ilny I Hootn to llont nwny
TliroiiKli tho jrrny Jiilsta thnt lililo both son
iiml H'Hi:
1 hour tlio plush of waves; 1 feel thHr spray,
Anil mill my lout Is ilrlftlnjr further on.
Love cannot reach mo- tU-uth nail iilmlit aloito
Am with mi', an 1 with ovIir-Uecpoulnt Shinto
Curtain tuo round, till darkness thick has
helpless Inindi nro strctuhed In vain for
Cod has forKOtton; only pnlil has lire,
And weakness .stealing sohfimd sense nwny.
God has forKOtton, and ntrild ln strife
I huur tho unknown sua and foul Hi spray.
Faint throiiKh tho unrkneys 9hhio3 n tender
Soft lulls a volco LoiuiuoUioIp.but henr: ,
"Through waters deep thou passest, yet thy
Hltfllt -.-(
Fullsoim shnll know thy Lord WnVnlwnya
Drift ns thou wilt, my boat. If. as tho tldo
Moio swiftly ebbs and bears theu out to sen,
That love unoliniijrliiir may with mo abide,
That volco st. 11 sound, that Hunt still load to
Helen CtimplitU, in Our Continent.
Thrice Lost in a Struggle for a Name.
riY mus. it. n. r.nsox.
Where Massachusetts llav sweeps to
wards the Cape, intrenched in green
bills and golden sands, sleeps the good'
old town of Plymouth, memorable, as
all tho world knows, for boingithe land
ing place of the English Puritans moro
than two centuries ago.
All this, being a matter of history, we
pass by, and introduce, without further
preamble, the Anderson family. 1 have
never seen the ceneiilogical records of
the Andersons, and am not sure of their
legitimate descent from the Puritan
stock. Uu that as it may, they inherit
ed their stern virtue and uprightness of
life, whether it came by blood, or' by
the more subtle inllucnco which per
meated tho atmosphere where they
lived and died so nobly and purely.
Penjainiu Anderson owned a farm of
some si.vty acres -very- prolific in -this
tles, sweet-fern and pitch-pines. " Hy I
the sweat of tbv Jimw sbiilt thou earn I
thy bread," adm.a'ed of tho broadest j
and most literal, interpretation in bis
case. Ho wrought pationtly. early and!
late, and thereby succeeded in wrenob-!
ing ti comfortable living from tlio un
willing soil. The sea befriended him in
many ways. It drove away tho frosts '
that looked enviously on bis unripened
lields; it washed lavish quantities of i
kelp from its gray rocks to enrich tho I
sou, and lurnislicd his tablo with an
abundance of daint,y fishes. It was, be
side, a continual inspiration. Itolling
in from far away misty skies, inlinito
and illimitable as the thought of Heav
en, it sung forever of action, and prog
ress, mid victory.
The farm house, facing toward tho
sea, was backed by a long, low, uiidti-.
biting bill, and this again by another, I
more abrupt and pronounced, densely
set with great spreading pines, looking I
like a vast emerald bowlder thrown up I
against the pale sapphire of tho skies. I
Jiclow were little rifts of green valleys; i
roads gloaming like- pale. gold in Che
sun; a shallow rii&li-hgrderod brook,
brightened by scarlet, cardinals and '
perfumed with meadowod mint; ami be- ,
yond all, the glare and (lash dud sparkle
of the sea. I
It was a lovely place this pleasant ,
littlo farm in the south of Plymouth;
bad it not been, the Andersons would
have long since listened to tho advice of '
Tom Arnold, Mrs. Anderson's brother,
anil sold it. Tom bad been in the West
a dozen years or more. He bail grow"
rich there, and so was enthusiastic about
the country. Jt, is often tlioioaso that
Eastern people whO'do:o4'"grow"riOh'in
the West, are not particularly enthusi
astic about it!
Hen Anderson bad long since given
up tlio thought of being a rich man, if
bo bad ever cherished it, as lie probably
bad at some timo in bis life, as nearly
every one docs. Ho had grown to bo
content with what bo had, and only now
and then a loiter from brother Tom"
broke up tho calm of bis spirit. As long
as Myra was content bo did not care.
ut"Myra" was not exactly content,
though ho did not know it. Tom's
glowing descriptions had fallen into bor
heart liko a spark of liro, which, as yet,
had only smouldered in darkness and
silence. She bad a woman's love for
pretty surroundings. Tho baro white
Hour, which she scoured thrice a week,
was not quite satisfactory, notwithstand
ing its spotless whiteness. She bad a
vory feminine weakness for soft carpets
and "stiitleil" fiirnituro, and as Tom
wroto her about bis, how elegant tboy
wore, and how much ho cave for them,
und so forth, bor own, 'half dozen
'cano seats," and her carpet manu
factured by bor own hands from strips
of cloth sewn togothor and woven into j
a heterogeneous melange of all concoiv- J
able colors, grew moro and moro unsat-1
Lsfactory to her. Sbo had a vague idea ;
that "tho West" was a sort of Alad
din's Lamp, that transmuted poor poo-vi
plo into rich ones wiinoui uio suguicsi
There "was anotbor thing that influ
enced bor. Ralph was most fifteen, and
:m only child so much hope centers in
tbeso only children. Ralph reminded
bor of her brother Tom a dozen times a
day liorv, daring, ambitious, dialing
against the narrowness and poverty that
hedged him in, aa Tom bad done. Tom
had gone West Ralph declared his in
tention of gouig to pan. 77 $vds what
tilled Mv m Anderson's honrt with four
mm (Ireml.
littlo more
Yours ntro, whon shu was I
tlnn a child, hur father's
vessel was driven asboro o .Mduouigt,
iih'iyS aim i aptam, tn.ite aim crow, six
teen in all. wore, hvallowod ui in tho
. woro swallowo
rf. long yoaijs
boiling .surf. l,o)ig yuai-s of calm ami
imei nail .siippoujootwoyn, mil uirougii
them all she saw; forovor mu- face, tlio
soa-weed langlei in tlio dipping hair, , soo!" And as ho spoke it grew stublon
and about the neck whore her arms bad lv dark, and tlio wind "whirled tint rain
iwiuiMi so onon mm so' londiv. JiTOtiivranil spray, and great linn
uiu nrm 0SI, luipil WOUIU.lOl'gOl 1113 i IQ11VUS WIUUI1 11 11UII Sll'ipil
passion for tlio sea, sbo said, sitting trees, against tho glass, til
with Joins las. hitter in her hand, out, wluit litlln wils loft
mourning some very origin ureams lor waning iigut.
her boy. j . Kalph .sat, down by tho Window in si-
1 1 'Mother!" raitgout Sharp and clear, leuco, Wliilo bis molliartjt, vbo table for
startling bor froin ha,r pleasant reverie.'! supper. Outside tho storm ami dark
She put the letter h sillily into her j ncss increased till tho long line otbeaeh
dress and came out mfo'the little porOlu i grow gbaslly and indistinct, and lit f til
.1 !.... . . . ,. , ;
v uoor came to with a snarp
barn ulanir. and t
for tho iirst timeislie noticed that it was
vorv dark, and tho Wind was blowing in '
nttio sudden "lists that threatened to
beeoinu ti "ale. I
"I'm coins: un to Mho hill, mother-
isn't itsplondidPr Halpli as'od. excited- (
ly, his blue eyes Uarkoning and dilating,
"To the hill! Why it rains now, tmd I
seo how black it i9, and 0, mercy!" :
us exclamation was caused by tho,
wind lifting a barrel thnt stodd at the
corner of the bouse, and dashing it
against the door' with insane fury.
" Nonsense! Who is afrliid of a little
rain and a pull' of wind? J only wish I
was outside wouldn't it bo jolly!"
making a telescope of bis hands, and
looking off;- -
"Ralph!" '
Well, mother!" turning sharply
round; "Hccauso my grandfather was
uMMwivu, musk i iju u uowiuu ami mm
away my eyes every tune a wave comes
in?' he asked, petulantly. "I saw in
a newspaper tho other dav an account
of a man choked to deatli" by eating 'a
piece ot meat do vou suppose his de
scendants will all forswear meat?
Pshaw! I am going up to tho hill; 1
want to seo if tlioro tiro any sails in
sight. 1 shall not get shipwrecked up
there," he added, dryly, as bo drew on
rn old oil jaoket of his father's. .
"You are just liko Tom " ' .
"Yes, so I have heard," ho inter
rupted. " 1 suppose you wish I was
liko Rob Thatcher. lie is a nice speci
men lie is."
"Ralph, Robert wan't to blame if
Lulu was drowned. You do wrongly to
speak so," sbo replied gravely, but with
a little secret thrill of pride at her boy's
fearless spirit
" Wasn't to blame! Well, if had a
sister, and the boat upset that wo were
in, do you think I'd run home and wrap
my face up in my mother's gown and
cry, whihfcsho drowned? That's what
ho did, everybody knows, and J gay ho
is a miserable coward!" ho cried, with
Hashing eyes. "1 only wish I bad
been there such a pretty littlo thing
as she was! It's a pity it wasn't him
the great baby!" and bo Hung himself
out of the room too indignant to m.iko
more talk about the mutter
Tho wind increased momently, and
the spray from tho incoming waves
hung like a veil along the long reach of
dripping sands. A hollow, hungry roar
came up and crept away behind tho
hills in shuddering echoes. A limb
from the great poplar in the yard fell
against the windows with; a cnisli just
as Ren Anderson drove- up'' to' the barn
" It's tho hardest- .florin we've '111111
thpso tan your.s.-r!l2 regular old-fa-b-ioneil
line gale," be said, coming into
tlie kitchen where his wife was trying
to coat the fire upifhhnuoy instead of
its coming into tho room, as it , hud for
the last half hour.
"I am so glad you have got home,
Hen!" she said, coming and laying her
hand on his arm. .
He saw bow whho she was, and no
ticed the band on bis arm trembled.
" What, nerv6iis, 'littlo. wom:iu?"" ho
asked, smiling.'" ' " "'" v
" I was so afraid the trees would blow
over and frighten the boro when you
came through tho woods," she replied,
with a little hysterical sob. " And tho
sea -just bear it!"
"7c is iu tlio storm as well as in the
calm, Myra," ho said, gravel. Hut
peeing how nervous she was lie did not
tell bor how near bur fears, had iioniu,
to tho truth. A groat plno, stunding
close to thi jroad, lmd gone j oyer as ho"
camo by,' just eleai'irig his' head, and'
grazing the back of tlio wagon. One
instant, later and it would have crushed
h'm to death, and Mra would have
waited in vain for his coming!
" Where is Ralph?" be asked, look
ing round, a sudden fear that be had
gone down the harbor overtaking him.
" 1 never saw such a boy tuiloss it
was brother Tom. Why, he is rigged
up in your old jacket, up on the hill;
he would go. tie thinks this is 'splen
did this terrible storm and wishos
ho was outside!" she added, with a
" Heaven help those who w outside,"
Mr. Andersotl replied, Miborly.
" Do you think there aro any vessels
on tho coast?" sbo asked, anxiously.
"They bad been looking-oil' with
their glasses fron; Colo's Hill for an
hour or two when I left town. There
was a largo ship just discernible in tho
distance. Tho spray was so thick
'twas ne.M, 10 uupo.ssioie to nitiKo her
out 1 hope sbo managed to keep out
to sea; with this wind driving bor, if sho
became unmanageable from any cause,
it would bo a hard look."
"Father! there's a sail outside, and
it's driving in toward the point." Ralph
cried, excitedly, opening tlio door,
which sent a sudden sheet of Hume and
smoke half way across tho room.
"Come in, Ralph," Mr. Anderson
" Hut 1 want to go down to the boaoh,
father. L"
"Come in, T say,!' ho repealed, Btornly.
. Ralph hut tho door nibl C:iini sTbvviy
tnrotigii tlio porcn iiiio-tuo kitchen, it
would nut. do to disnurunl Ida com-
mand. he lmd learned tlint thni-ntnrhU.
llkmoilior'hnWthl blulVoir," ,ns In
called it, but ho novoV tried it with his
' 'Vou could not stand on tho leach
an instant In thi-T gale, llalpb.'itnd the
soruv drives clear un to the windows
amis ot green
en, i mm mo
molt shuUlmr
of tlio r.'tiiiillv
v. " "i j
shadows crcnt shiverimr throiurh the
rank March grasses, like, lost spirits
wjarchlng for vest. - Suddenly tho dull
boom ot a trim broko witliaslow. snl on
crash through tho pauses of tluislorm. ,
hi. father to tlio door. The windfcauglit
it from them, and lifted it from its I
hingeb in all insUmt. Mr. Anderson
th-ow to the inside door us ipiickly as
iwnpuspiuiij; hi insiooi, nuu loiioweo
p.ossibie, but not beiore the light had
ilared mid gone out. leaving them in a !
Bhadowy sort of darkness, that was full
oi a dim, urooiung gioom. iMrs.i Aimer
.son crept to the window, and listened
". f
with her ear against tho pauo. (Jut
side, oh tlio bVoad stone stop, Hen
Anderson, with Ralph by his side,
listened to tho crash, crash of the min
Sutu guns that came up through tho tor-'
riblo rumblo and roar, sometimes with
startling distinctness, and anon caught
uji uy uiu uuicu wiiui, aim lusseu
"to ami iro tin u ion ouck into tno son,
and was lost in its hoarse diapason,
The gung suddenly , ceased, and! tho
i sky loVeretl'darkly over the moaning
and though they waited and
listened, no sound save the shock of
waves and shriek of winds came up
again from tlio stormy east.
Tho Iain) was re-lighted, and tlio fati
ily sat down to supper with while, grave
faces. The simple "grace" which Hen
Anderson ,novgr omitted, nail in it a,
word of earnest supplication that " He '
who holdoth (lie waves in tlio hollow of
His hand would keep those of His
children through this hour of terrible
peril who wore oast upon their mercy,
and if it Was His will, bring them all
safely to land."
There was a little pretense of oating,
but none of them ato moro than three
or four mouthfuls, .and with common
consent they rose from tlio tabic.
"Have the toa-kottlo full of hot wa
ter, Myra, and porjiaps you had hotter
bring out the blankets, too," said Mr.
Anderson, taking down bis lantern. " I
am going down lo tho beach, and though
1 think tho ship has gone south of us, it
won't do any harm to have things
" l on don t thmk she is ashore hero,
1 you, father?" Ralph asked, hastily.
" I hope sho is not asboro anywhere,
bull didn't liko the sudden way those
minute guns stopped. If they can only
keep her off an hour longer, till the tide
turns. These fierce gales don' I gen
erally last long, fortunately."
"Can go.
lather f"
Anderson hesitated, and glanced
at his wife. She was while as death.
and once or twice the plates she wils re
moving from tho tablo slipped from her
ndrvous baud.
"No, my boy: you could do no good
if (sou went, and it is not likely there is t
am thing lo do. ."stay wan your mother
till 1 come back; I shall only take a look J
along the shore;" and be shut the door
and went out, Ralph and his mother
watching the fitful gleam of the bin-'
lorn till a turn in tho path hid it from i
siS1!t- , , ,..,,,. .1
Mrs. Anderson finished clearing the '
the fb'e, and then going to a largo blue
chest in tile bedroom, took out a pile of
blankets and a roll of flannel, and
brought them out and laid them on the
(able. Then sho went to the window
and looked out; but the rain, which bad
in leased since nightfall, beat against
tlio glass witli blinding fury, and the
sashes creaked and rattled as if some
invisible band were seeking to wrench
them from their fastenings.
i'l'lie moments slipped slowly away;
jUie kettle scut ul a little cloud of white
mist, and the blankets Jyiug over the
chair-hacks were so warm that Mrs.
Andwson drew them back once or
twice, but Hon Andei'aon euiuo not; and
now it was nearly an hour and now a
lull hour, and still, though tboy hi rained
their eyes to get a glimpse of tho lan
tern's pule glimmer, everything was
dense, pitchy darkness.
"I can stand this thing no longer,
.... . .. . ... . ...
mother,'' Ralph said, catching up his
l'!ll'' " There's trouble, or father would
not .stay so long, and l tun going to
know what it is, oven if bo punishes mo
for it."
Mrs. Anderson know it would bo uso
loss for her to object, and besides tho
suspense was getting too painful to boar
much longer.
" Ho careful, dear; the waves aro
strong and high, and if anything should
hapiion to my boy!'' ,
"O nonsense!" he interrupted, as sho
stoojMid and kissed him, " what a coward
you would make of mo!" but bo put hie
arms about hur neck, nevertheless, and
returned the kiss very fondly and ten
derly. Willful and impetuous as ho
was, the mother know bis heart wits
very tender, and genllo, and so she re
membered only that, and forgot his
Again Myra Anderson waited and
listened as the moments went bv with
lagging feet
Tlio tldo had turned, but i
the .storm did not abate, as usual: in
deed, to bur excited fancy, it grew wild
er every moment. By and by she came
back from her post at the window, mid
proeeodod to wrap herself for going out
Sbo could ondiiru it r.o longer, she
thought, as sbo opened tho door and
stepped out into the thiuk darknesH and
drenching rain. Kven that, (Joroo ii it
was. was a relief from tlio dead incubus
of suspense and dread which bad boun
settling down upon bor for tho last
Tho wind caught away her bi oath, it
twisted bor skirts about bur limbs. it
urovo tuo salt snrav into nor ovos. but
still she struggled on staggering, fall
,i!ii ....., .-i... i .... . ' r... n
mg two or lliree tunes, but resolute as
only a weak, timid woman can bo, when
those she loves are in peril. It had
been growing steadily upon bor for tlio
las-t hour that lieu had boon caught i
tho surf, and when sbo saw; far down
toward the Point, tho ghostly glimmer
of lanterns moving through !ho mist as
if carried bv Invisible hands, she was
sum Hint- bml found liimtlmv m.n
bringing him homo! She gave a little,
sharp cry, and init hi'r bantl to bor heart.
"Hnlol Well. well, if this ilmi't
beat all natur-1 dpchirol" cried u sm.
iiriseu voice, and a lantern was
so close to her face that its sudden illft
blinded bor. "What upon earth nent
you tlown hereP It's no place for n
woman such a night as this," and Ned
llradlco looked, as ho felt, astonished.
She could not speak, but catching his
arm she nointcd towards the shilre. tiiul
tne moving ngnts.
"Yes, yes," lie said hastily, "but go
home, Mrs. Anderson, you can't do any
good, it's too Intel"
She dropped his ami ami sped nAvay
liko a deer through the blinding slonii
of rain and spray.
uoodnoss 8aUoI what does all the
woman?" lluoxolalmod, gazing after hot
uu liiHiaiii ami iiiou Hurrying on. "nil's
Anderson! Mrs. Anderson, stop," ho
called, making a trumpet of bis hands,
and hallooing witli all his might Hut
she did not nor turn, but, weak,
slender woman as'sbo was, kept far in
advance of him.
The dozen men on tho shore were too
busy to notice her approach, but one of
them hoard Nod Hradlco's shout, and
looked up. Ho look a stop or two for
ward, and between the dull glare of tin
Hirhts on the shore and the one Hrniller
carried, lie caught the outline of u wom
an s lonn. bomelliing laminar about it
made him pause an instant, then with u
bound he sprang up the dripping, setlgj
sands and cauglit iter in his arms.
"Myra! are you crazy?" ho cried,
holding her white, stony face toward the
light Hradlee brought up.
"0, Hen! and you aro not deadP"
she gasped, with a long, shivering sob.
"Dead! What nut that into yolu
brain?" ho asked, with surprise.
"You woro gone so long! mid then all
those lnen-rwliat are they hero for?"
sbo said slowly, as if just waking from ti
llo drow her a littlo closer in his arms
and turned her face toward tho sea.
About half a mile from tho shore a shir,
lay on her sido, the waves washing ovci
her, and tossing their foaming spraj
high abovo tlio broken masts and hiC
tcrcd sails.
" We hnvo been trying to savo them,
but it was too late; they woro probably
exhausted and sank without a struggle
poor fellows!" ho said, gravely.
" O. thnt wreck why, L had forgot
ten!" she said, shivering and turning
away from tlio gloomy picture, which
was, however, photographed on bet
brain indelibly.
" Hurra! hurra!" camo up from a point
a dozen rods orso to tho south. Some-
body was swinging a lantern wildly ovet
ami over his head,
It's Nod Hradlee," said one of the
nien. " I saw him boadiii' that wa a
minute or two ago. Can't bo bo's found
anybody alive now."
Wait hero, Myra; till come back,"
Anderson said, hastily. A sudden
tlioucht, had m-nt tin. blood bunk, with
---j-. .,--. .... ... .- ......
an icy chill to his heart. Ralph had gone
down that way nearly a half hour ago,
and iu tho excitement lie bad quite for
gotten him.
Hut be bad full timo lo remember now
as ho ran on after his neighbors full
timo, because the thoughts of a lifetime
sometimes crowd themselves into one
little moment's space. Ho remem
bered that he luidspokei) .sharply to bim
for coming, and bade him get out of the
way, tolling him it wjis "a, bpy's, place
tit home until tboy were large enough to
be of service, instead of being iu the
way of men who mirhl do something."
O, who in all theiworld could ever fill
tho place the little .place --again, tlmt
one .slight form had filled.
Hut he was getting nearer and near
or, but with the feeling one experiences
iu nightmare, it seemed as if his feet
were lead and ho could not lift them.
He hardly dared -turn bis eves toward
the Utile circle of friends and neigh
bors lest be .should seo tho pity in their
".fust look o1 tlioro, ' T say, neigh
bors!" cried Rradlee, "and tell mo if
your ever see tlio beat o' that Ye.s,
teller citizens, if you want to see a
hero, just you look 'at Master Ralph, I
Hen Andorsou stopped short mid
gazed at the picture, and bis eyes grow
suddenly blind; but it was not tlio rain
nor-tho spray of tho dashing surf which
made them so. And this was tho
picture he saw:
Hoing called to save tho lifo of a
woman who had swallowed poison, a
Philadelphia physician refused to write
a proscription until bis fee of two dollars
bad boon paid. As the money was not
forthcoming ho left tho bouse, and she
died soon after. A simnlo antidote
would have boon enough at that time.
but an hour or two afterward, when she
was taken to a hospital, it was too lulu.
N. V. Sun,
i'acts And ifaurti. .," j
The cost of the bridge between New
York ami Mrooklyn litw already uxcucil
cd i?N,W0,O00.-Ay. J. Timtt. ' "'
There aro at present fiD.OOO Penh
sylvanlaiifl living in Kansas, 107,000
Suckers, 77,000 Hooslers and 011.000
FiWllirpJIrlPs dttTrv 'great power' hr".
tho United States., J-orty-niuo jiiuvv
ones woroopuuodH,ln la7il. .containing. J1JM
SU.773 volumes, making a total of .1,8 12 ,
ptibllu libraries of all classes. Cliittttjd ''
In the year 1810 wheat sold for
twenty-live cents per bushel, while
woolen blankets were worth from 10
to $i per pair. Now wheat is worth. i
if I. HO, and blankets from 'l lo $10.
Drtroit I'ost.
In 1802 Kansas planted 2.!)!H1 acres
of corn, and sent !Kl,3:rJ bushels to mar
ket. In 18fl2 tho acreage of tho Statd
in corn is o'J'J, 7!)i acres, and estimates
of tho best judgos place tho crop at'JO,
011.810 bushels. A. 1". Sun.
in Cicnnany. where there nro no
restrictions upon the sale of intoxicating
beverages on tho Sabbath day, .12 per
cent, of murders and crimes ot violence
aro conimltlud on Sunday, and 0:jport
cent, on Mituruav aim hiiuuay, tno mio
days of the workingintvu. '
All tho lauds in tho State of Texas,,
owned and controlled by the Interna
tional Railroad Company have been sold
to an I'higlisb sviulleulo,' and (beholden, ,,
of International lands have been, notiliuil,
that their lea-ies will bo annulled at Ibo' '
cud of tho contracts, The hinds amount
to 2,000,000 aoros in all. Uriouyo ,,
Tho roglntraUoii or lmidlciamctl- .,
Honors iu Pennsylvania shows thaC IU
round numbers 'there are (!,f00 rugls-
tared physicians and HOD who have not
registered. Of those registered fi00 aro
graduates of colleges of the bogus kind,
and 8!l8 are not graduates of iny insti
tution, but, are permitted to register bc
cause they have been in practice since' 't
187 1. l'iiilmkl)lu(t Vv.w.
.John W. Shackelford, of North
Carolina, iu n recent speech in Con- i ,
gross, gave the lollowing items Ironi
gleanings of the Census Hiireau, otc.
Total working force of the country, esti
mated at lo.OOO.QOO, divided thus: En
gaged iu agriculture, 7,050,000 (-17 per
cent); iu profe-sional and personal ser
vice, H.l'OO.OM) (22 per cent): in niau
ufacting. mining and mechanical work,
SI.HOO.ono (22 percent.); in Irndo and
traiispwi.ation, l.UOO.OOO (U per cent).'
American Ayriwlinrisl.
The cOnsus roporls show that tlioro
aro in the United States 1,9-13 establish-'
incuts for tho production of agricult
ural implements. Of these 221 am in
Illinois, 2(io in Now York, 220 In Penn
sylvania, irf) in Ohio, 1-UJ iu Michigan.,
The total capital employed is S02,!lir),
9Q8; amount paid in wages, $ir,-l'.)!), 11-1;
Value of timber used, 5,7111, 01(5; value
of iron and steel, S18,I21,052; value of
other materials. $7,878,202; total, r?SJ2,
091,107. Tho largest number of per-'
frons employed during the your was !!),
180. The total value of all product.')
was S(iS,'17.',08(;. In 1850 the total
product was .(, 12, (ill. Jn 1800 it was'
$17,'!87.!l('0. In 1870 So2,0GG,87C
(Jln'cuyo Times,
m m , , ,
Dpan Stanley said: "The best rem
edy for all evils is lo,look forward." , , ,
It is more common to make a virtue.
of necessity than a
'Motion Trmmrriif.
noioasit.y of virtue. ,
The truo'way to make 'children bo-
have is to bohaVo yourself, but many ,
parents never think of this. j
'1 bo general opinion Is that u lady
js always a lady; but under a roooiitnil-'
ing of tlio Post-olllce Department sho
may become a mail-routo messenger or
carrier. Lowell Conner. ' '
A gent Ionian -who lives near a cer
tain "springs" was asked Whether tlioro
woro woodcock in that vfciiiijy. "Tlioro
ought to bo plenty," said he, "for I nev
er hoard of any body killing any." ' '
The Duke of Kdiiiburg tried lo in-"
trodueo tho custom of men' wearing;
bracelet", on the loft ami. The custom in
followed to some extent in' this country;
but the Jewelry js mado of Iron. Jiur
liwjlon Jlmiikofii.
People needn't wonder ill tho' scar
city of good servant girls. The good
always die young, any way, if tjiey Tiavo,
totaf'o lo lighting the lire Willi 7jrosono
to make the proverb Oomo true lioiucli
Citizen. ' ' I
Recipe for Angels: " Mamma, what
makes angels?'" asked a littlo boy, who '
bad been reading of the Heavenly in-'
habitants. The niotherglancod out into
tlio orchard, and, with a warning look,
solemnly replied: " Unripe fruit, my,
dear." A'. Y. Com"irrcinl AtivrrUsiiy
"That," said Bigglin to his wifo,
wbou sbo told him that u new silk drcsH
Was necessary for bor health and haji, " is too diaphanous." "Now,
Bigglin," sho answered, tartly, "I
want you to understand that I am not to
bo put down by musical terms. You
may cull it a fortissimo or a trombolo,
but I'm going to have that dress."
A good Connecticut deacon, Josiali
Smitli. liaving heard all about tho Now
York conlliloneo men who address
strangers in tho streets and pretend to
know their names and all about thorn,
knocked one of thorn down with Ida
heavy carpet-bag containing bis Hiblo
and heavy boots iu tho Orand Central'
depot the other day for saying "Hullo,,
Cousin .fosiab." "You can't fool inol",
saldtho old man as ho lloored tboyoung;
one in skin-tight pants and toothpick
shoes. But whon it turned out that tho
young man really was his cousin, who
had boon sunt to tho depot lo mo-it hinv
the old farmer was not so sure that you
"can't fool him." JMroit Free I'rtsn.
r i